01/01/1951 - Regular - MinutesVATER Fb ND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls $ 15.75 Western Utilities Supply Co. Capper tubing 74.58 Guy L. Wetzel Clerk 5 M postal cards 50.00 Orville Brose Labor on water lines 29.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Closing bill, brewery well .S2 American Wet erworks Ass n 1951 Membership dues 10,00 STREJ�T FUND W. F Bruhahn Lbbor on streets 22.40 Pacific Tel - Tel Co. Street dept. telephone and tolls 5.85 LIBRARY FUND Trick & Murray Merchandise and supplies 16.22 Puget Sound News Company Books for Library 25.25 The H. X. Huntting Co. Books for Library 7.80 Matter of permit and location of buildings being moved by Talbot Plumbing Company rev (erred to Inspector. Mee tin djourned.ontion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Moor r r r r r r r r r 0 Port Orchard, Washington January 8, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William. H. Sprague. Present Councilman Verd W. Nichols, Ray b. hall, John C. Gil- christ and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley V. Perrin; Engineer T. 0. Breiten- stein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of December 26, 1951 read and approved. Superintendent stated that Memorial flagpole will be raised on City Hall grounds as soon as cable for halyard is received, Parke and Buildings eommi*tees was granted further time for definite report on improve- ment to recreation room to basement of Municipal Building. Mayor stated that he had named George draith, Jdhn Lofstedt and Charles nussel as mem- bers of a Citizens committee to aid in administration of the Forestry Building as a recreation center. These men Were all present at the meeting of the Council, and tentative plans *ere discussed and proposals submitted for consideration. Matter of construction of curbs"and gutters on Prospect btreet was discussed, and Engineer stated that he had consulted with E. S. Howe, and that Mr. Howe is in ac- cord with the plans as proposed. Engineer stated that he w uld have detailed plena prepared shortly when same will be submitted to theproperty owners for action. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee stated that his committee recom- mends the installation of a street light at a -point approximately 375 feet south of Taylor Street on.Harrison Street„ Recommendation approved by Council and Clerk direct - ad to write letter to Power Company authorizing installation of this light. Superintendent Givens gave a report &n his investigations relative, to treating water supply with Fluorine, c jting benefits el4 med to have resulted from this treat- ment, estimates of cost and other information. He stated that he had m nsulted with County Health Department rggarding the matter, and that Engineer from the Hesih De- partment would attend meeting of the Council and give further information. Clerk was direcatO to ask Mr. Reed, Health Engineer, to attend meeting of Council on Jan. 22, 1951, Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that it had been called to his � attention that braces to support concrete wall had been placed on street fronting the Stixbud property on Kitsap Street. The matter was discussed, and Attorney gave in. formation concerning the legal phases of the matter. Matter deferred for further report by Attorney. Mayor brought up the matter of an appropriation by the down of Fort Orchard for Civilian Defense operation, and read letter from the County Auditor regarding the appropriation. Matter was discussed, and it wass moved by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that an appropriation of $500.00 be made for this purpose. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriation of this anwunt was introduced and passed on first read ins on motion by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried, al_1 members voting aye. Final passage of ordinance continued to next meeting of ' am uh- ell under provisions of statute. Clerk asked that salary of Assistant Clerk be placed at $225.00 per month. Matter was discussed, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried that Section 3, of Ordinance No. 549 be amended to provide for salary of Clerk's Assis- tant of $225.00 per month. C", C The following claims, checked by heads of Departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried: W. F. George Kitsap County Auditor Howe Motor Company T. C. Breitenstein Peninsula Stationers Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Cecil Bader Howe's Hardware Transport Clearings Kits County Auditor Howe a Hardware Rensselaer Valve Company V. B. Caldwell Palmer Supply Company Wilkins Dist. Company n tiw. Wilkins Dist. Company Kitsap County Auditor B. F. Goodrich Co. Howe Motor Company Port Orchard Machine mop Cleveland Chevrolet Howard Cooper 'Corp. Lumber Supply Orville Bross W. F. Bruhahn The-H. R. Huntting Company Mary B. Peterson W. F. Bruhahn CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Special Police officer 1951 licenses for Fire and Police Dept. Fire truck repair Expenses trip to Olympia Pencils Street lights, December, 1950 Labor and material for flagpole base Janitor Is supplies Freight iNATER FUND 1951 car licensers for eater Dept. Battery clips -Fire hydrant part Tools Running rope and flange union Gasoline a• STREET FUND Spark Plugs Street equipment licenses Tire repair Repay Ford truck Selding and repairing Tail lamp --Clearance light Parts for grader Lumber Overtire labor Labor on streets LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Bbbks and supplies SKWER FUND Labor on sewer lateral Nichols, seconded by Gilchr Clerk _.. ,.0_ .. �__.. and carried. Port Orchard., Washington January 22, 1951 58.24 4.50 19.37 2.90 1.65 191.55 97,50 ,44 4.71 3.00 .42 70.19 2.01 3.16 97.50 3.09 9.00 5.15 46.30 -` 10.56 2.40 24.29 6,30 4.35 35.00 16.36 6.39 7.20 Regular. meeting of the Council of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor W'lliam H. Sprague, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Geo. A. Broughton, John C. Gil- christ, Verd Yd. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin ; an d Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, present, Minutes of meeting of January 8, 1951 read and approved. It was stated that the flagpole will be raised within a short time, and further time was granted in this matter. Attorney submitted letter to Street and Alley committee relative to braces for gall placed on Kitsap Street in front of Stixrud property. The letter set forth the rights of the `'own and the property owner as prescribed by statute. Ordinance providing for emergency approrpiation 13r Civilian Defense was submitted on second reading and action was deferred to the ne A regular meeting of the Council. This being the date upon vih ich bids for m pplying the Town of Port Orchw d with gasoline, stove and deisel oil, Mayor directed that bids be opened and read. Bids were received from Standard Oil Company, R. L. Lursen, Wilkins Distributing Company, Shell Oil Com- pany and Howe Oil Company. Bids were exan.ined and considered by the Council, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that bid of ►Nilkins Distributing Company for gasoline be accepted; that bid of Standard Oil Company for deisel engine fuel be accepted; and that bid of Howe Oil Company for stone oil be accepted. Dr. Shirley Benham, County Health Officer; Robert L. Stockman, District Engineer of the State Health Department, and Sam Reed, Chief Sanitarian of Kitstp County Health De- partment, were present at the request of the Mayor and Council to give information on Fluoride treatment of the water system in Port Orchard. All of these officials gave C", C The following claims, checked by heads of Departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried: W. F. George Kitsap County Auditor Howe Motor Company T. C. Breitenstein Peninsula Stationers Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Cecil Bader Howe's Hardware Transport Clearings Kits County Auditor Howe a Hardware Rensselaer Valve Company V. B. Caldwell Palmer Supply Company Wilkins Dist. Company n tiw. Wilkins Dist. Company Kitsap County Auditor B. F. Goodrich Co. Howe Motor Company Port Orchard Machine mop Cleveland Chevrolet Howard Cooper 'Corp. Lumber Supply Orville Bross W. F. Bruhahn The-H. R. Huntting Company Mary B. Peterson W. F. Bruhahn CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Special Police officer 1951 licenses for Fire and Police Dept. Fire truck repair Expenses trip to Olympia Pencils Street lights, December, 1950 Labor and material for flagpole base Janitor Is supplies Freight iNATER FUND 1951 car licensers for eater Dept. Battery clips -Fire hydrant part Tools Running rope and flange union Gasoline a• STREET FUND Spark Plugs Street equipment licenses Tire repair Repay Ford truck Selding and repairing Tail lamp --Clearance light Parts for grader Lumber Overtire labor Labor on streets LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Bbbks and supplies SKWER FUND Labor on sewer lateral Nichols, seconded by Gilchr Clerk _.. ,.0_ .. �__.. and carried. Port Orchard., Washington January 22, 1951 58.24 4.50 19.37 2.90 1.65 191.55 97,50 ,44 4.71 3.00 .42 70.19 2.01 3.16 97.50 3.09 9.00 5.15 46.30 -` 10.56 2.40 24.29 6,30 4.35 35.00 16.36 6.39 7.20 Regular. meeting of the Council of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor W'lliam H. Sprague, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, Geo. A. Broughton, John C. Gil- christ, Verd Yd. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin ; an d Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, present, Minutes of meeting of January 8, 1951 read and approved. It was stated that the flagpole will be raised within a short time, and further time was granted in this matter. Attorney submitted letter to Street and Alley committee relative to braces for gall placed on Kitsap Street in front of Stixrud property. The letter set forth the rights of the `'own and the property owner as prescribed by statute. Ordinance providing for emergency approrpiation 13r Civilian Defense was submitted on second reading and action was deferred to the ne A regular meeting of the Council. This being the date upon vih ich bids for m pplying the Town of Port Orchw d with gasoline, stove and deisel oil, Mayor directed that bids be opened and read. Bids were received from Standard Oil Company, R. L. Lursen, Wilkins Distributing Company, Shell Oil Com- pany and Howe Oil Company. Bids were exan.ined and considered by the Council, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that bid of ►Nilkins Distributing Company for gasoline be accepted; that bid of Standard Oil Company for deisel engine fuel be accepted; and that bid of Howe Oil Company for stone oil be accepted. Dr. Shirley Benham, County Health Officer; Robert L. Stockman, District Engineer of the State Health Department, and Sam Reed, Chief Sanitarian of Kitstp County Health De- partment, were present at the request of the Mayor and Council to give information on Fluoride treatment of the water system in Port Orchard. All of these officials gave instructive talks on the designated treatment, giving results obtained in various cities of the United Mates; per capita costs; possible benefits, and other infor- mation. Following these statements by the official..s, the matter was taken under consideration by the Council for further study. Chairmen Hall of the Stret and Alley committee reported that complaint had been made d' water coursing over the sidewalk on the south side of Bay Street east of Rockwell Avenue; that he had called the attention of the Superintendent to the con- dition, that repairs had been wade and that conditions are now satisfactory. Msy or Sprague stated that; he had cohferred with Senst or -lack Rogers relative to ae - quiaition by the 'Town of certain state property for municipal purposes; that the sanator had promised to look into the matter, and that when further information is received from Mr. Rogers that the Uouncil will be notified. Mayor also stated that he had received the resignation of Charles A. Heath as �1 Chief of Police; that he had accepted the same with regret, and that Albert L. Wymore had been named to fill the vacancy. He said that he had given Mr. Heath a letter complimenting him for his service in the Port Orchard Police Department. The following claims, properly checked, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Ha7.l and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND W. F. George Special Officer 58.24 Standard Oil Company Lub job; tire repair --Police car 2,79 Dean Jones, Sheriff Board of prisoners 22.00 Puget Sound Power., &,,.Light-u�o, City hall end cross walklights -51.70 Howe Motor Company Repair police car 16.83 Lorraine Helder Supplies for Police Department 1.12 Port Orchard Independeny Publishing 14.42 i Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various tellephones and tolls 45.75 Rice Electric Light globes --hanging fire siren 21,47 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light at pump plats 154.61 Slocum Hardware Flashlight batteries 2. 78 Edward C. Sundt Corrected pre,fu, on insurance policies 33.30 Wilkins Distributing Co. Stove oil 6.32 Rice Electric Work at brewery and at main plant 46.85 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 19.60 American Plumbing & St. Supply Co. Pipe fittings 97,06 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 14.50 Orville Brose Labor reading meters 11,60 STREET FUND Orville Brose Overtime labor sanding streets 7.28 Jesse 0. Sut.tob A a Overtime labor sanding streets 7.25 Kress & More Grader tires 421.36 Verd & Dale's Service Oil for truck 1.23 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street shed lights 2.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 6.05 Wilkins Distributing 9o. Stove oil 28,60 PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Tennis Court and b'orestry Bldg. lights 4.00 I LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 4,91 SEWER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Labor on sewer lateral 3.80 9 ur otion by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and..carried. instructive talks on the designated treatment, giving results obtained in various cities of the United Mates; per capita costs; possible benefits, and other infor- mation. Following these statements by the official..s, the matter was taken under consideration by the Council for further study. Chairmen Hall of the Stret and Alley committee reported that complaint had been made d' water coursing over the sidewalk on the south side of Bay Street east of Rockwell Avenue; that he had called the attention of the Superintendent to the con- dition, that repairs had been wade and that conditions are now satisfactory. Msy or Sprague stated that; he had cohferred with Senst or -lack Rogers relative to ae - quiaition by the 'Town of certain state property for municipal purposes; that the sanator had promised to look into the matter, and that when further information is received from Mr. Rogers that the Uouncil will be notified. Mayor also stated that he had received the resignation of Charles A. Heath as �1 Chief of Police; that he had accepted the same with regret, and that Albert L. Wymore had been named to fill the vacancy. He said that he had given Mr. Heath a letter complimenting him for his service in the Port Orchard Police Department. The following claims, properly checked, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Ha7.l and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND W. F. George Special Officer 58.24 Standard Oil Company Lub job; tire repair --Police car 2,79 Dean Jones, Sheriff Board of prisoners 22.00 Puget Sound Power., &,,.Light-u�o, City hall end cross walklights -51.70 Howe Motor Company Repair police car 16.83 Lorraine Helder Supplies for Police Department 1.12 Port Orchard Independeny Publishing 14.42 i Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various tellephones and tolls 45.75 Rice Electric Light globes --hanging fire siren 21,47 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light at pump plats 154.61 Slocum Hardware Flashlight batteries 2. 78 Edward C. Sundt Corrected pre,fu, on insurance policies 33.30 Wilkins Distributing Co. Stove oil 6.32 Rice Electric Work at brewery and at main plant 46.85 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 19.60 American Plumbing & St. Supply Co. Pipe fittings 97,06 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 14.50 Orville Brose Labor reading meters 11,60 STREET FUND Orville Brose Overtime labor sanding streets 7.28 Jesse 0. Sut.tob A a Overtime labor sanding streets 7.25 Kress & More Grader tires 421.36 Verd & Dale's Service Oil for truck 1.23 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street shed lights 2.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 6.05 Wilkins Distributing 9o. Stove oil 28,60 PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Tennis Court and b'orestry Bldg. lights 4.00 I LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 4,91 SEWER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Labor on sewer lateral 3.80 9 ur otion by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and..carried. Port Orchard, Washington February 9, 1951 Special meeting of the Council of Fort Orchard, Washington, called by Mayor William, H. Sprague, to consider and discuss the refinancing of 1941 Sewer Revenue_Bonds, was called to order by the Mayor. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall and John C. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley h. Perrine and -6uperintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Mayor stated the reason for the special meeting, and set forth various points with reference to the 1941 Sewer Revenue -Bonds, and a generalmdiscussion followed.. Mr. Atkinson, representing H. D. Pratt & Co., of Seattle, was present, and presented a plan for refinancing the existing bond issue, and stated that he:was ready to make a formal. offer for refinancing. A general and arduous discussion followed, and during the course of the discussion, Mayor Sprague stated that, if through any act or.statement of his, the Town of Port Orchard lost $357.00.(which it had been stated could be saved by the suggested plan) by not accepting the Pratt & Co. offer, that he would personally p,Ly that amount into the Sewer FuncL. The meeting was recessed for ten minutes, and further consideration of. matters before the Councill followed. The opinion prevailed among the Mayor and Councilmen present that it was not *dviseb le to woep?A the tentative offer of Pratt & Co, Following further discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried that mee ng be continued to 2 otclock p. m. on Februw y 10, 1951. Clerk MW or Port Orchard, Washington February 10, 1951 Continued session of Special Meeting called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Ray B. Hall and George A. Broughton; and Attor- ney Dudley N. Perrino. Farther discussion of 1940 -Sewer Bonds was held and Attorney.interpreted the ordinance under which the bonds were issued. After further consideration, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried, that Clerk be directed to call,.under the terms of the controlling Ordinance, 1941 Sewer Revenue Bonds Nos. 54, 55, 56 and 57, in addition to redeeming the three which are due on March 15, 1951. M®eting a our motion by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. Clerk May or -- - 0 - - - - - - - - - - LY Port Orchard, Washington February 13, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William h. Sprague. Present Councilmen Fay B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, Goo. A. Broughton and Nick J. hepanich; Superintendent of eublic 'Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of January 22, 1951 and Special Meeting of February 9, 1951 and, adjourned Special Meeting or February 10, 1951, read and approved. M. H. Thompson requested that provision be made for loading and unloading in front of the Methodist Church during the hours of service on SundW mornings, as there are some members who have difficulty in walking, and that easier access to the church is desired. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that space for two cars be reserved from parking during Sunday morning service hours, in front of the Methodist Church from. Sidney Street west, the spaces to be used for loading and unloading, and that the parking be under the supervision of the Polies, Action on.emergency appropriation ordinance, providing funds for Civilian Defense, wss deferred for further consideration. Suggested plans for improvement of Forestry Building were si bmitted by special commit- tee, and these .plans were studied, the suggestions considered, and referred to the Parks and Buildings committee. Matter of heating plant in Municipal Building was -'iscussed, it being pointed out that under the existing hookup, it is necessary to heat the main floor of the building in order to heat the Police offices. Clerk was instructed to contact Lentfs, Tel bot Plumbing Company m d other firms to secure estimates of cost of change -over to correct the sit. uat ion. Mrs. Mary Lieseke, of Horluck Transportation Company, appeared before the Council rela- Port Orchard, Washington February 9, 1951 Special meeting of the Council of Fort Orchard, Washington, called by Mayor William, H. Sprague, to consider and discuss the refinancing of 1941 Sewer Revenue_Bonds, was called to order by the Mayor. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall and John C. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley h. Perrine and -6uperintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Mayor stated the reason for the special meeting, and set forth various points with reference to the 1941 Sewer Revenue -Bonds, and a generalmdiscussion followed.. Mr. Atkinson, representing H. D. Pratt & Co., of Seattle, was present, and presented a plan for refinancing the existing bond issue, and stated that he:was ready to make a formal. offer for refinancing. A general and arduous discussion followed, and during the course of the discussion, Mayor Sprague stated that, if through any act or.statement of his, the Town of Port Orchard lost $357.00.(which it had been stated could be saved by the suggested plan) by not accepting the Pratt & Co. offer, that he would personally p,Ly that amount into the Sewer FuncL. The meeting was recessed for ten minutes, and further consideration of. matters before the Councill followed. The opinion prevailed among the Mayor and Councilmen present that it was not *dviseb le to woep?A the tentative offer of Pratt & Co, Following further discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried that mee ng be continued to 2 otclock p. m. on Februw y 10, 1951. Clerk MW or Port Orchard, Washington February 10, 1951 Continued session of Special Meeting called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Ray B. Hall and George A. Broughton; and Attor- ney Dudley N. Perrino. Farther discussion of 1940 -Sewer Bonds was held and Attorney.interpreted the ordinance under which the bonds were issued. After further consideration, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried, that Clerk be directed to call,.under the terms of the controlling Ordinance, 1941 Sewer Revenue Bonds Nos. 54, 55, 56 and 57, in addition to redeeming the three which are due on March 15, 1951. M®eting a our motion by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. Clerk May or -- - 0 - - - - - - - - - - LY Port Orchard, Washington February 13, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William h. Sprague. Present Councilmen Fay B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, Goo. A. Broughton and Nick J. hepanich; Superintendent of eublic 'Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of January 22, 1951 and Special Meeting of February 9, 1951 and, adjourned Special Meeting or February 10, 1951, read and approved. M. H. Thompson requested that provision be made for loading and unloading in front of the Methodist Church during the hours of service on SundW mornings, as there are some members who have difficulty in walking, and that easier access to the church is desired. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that space for two cars be reserved from parking during Sunday morning service hours, in front of the Methodist Church from. Sidney Street west, the spaces to be used for loading and unloading, and that the parking be under the supervision of the Polies, Action on.emergency appropriation ordinance, providing funds for Civilian Defense, wss deferred for further consideration. Suggested plans for improvement of Forestry Building were si bmitted by special commit- tee, and these .plans were studied, the suggestions considered, and referred to the Parks and Buildings committee. Matter of heating plant in Municipal Building was -'iscussed, it being pointed out that under the existing hookup, it is necessary to heat the main floor of the building in order to heat the Police offices. Clerk was instructed to contact Lentfs, Tel bot Plumbing Company m d other firms to secure estimates of cost of change -over to correct the sit. uat ion. Mrs. Mary Lieseke, of Horluck Transportation Company, appeared before the Council rela- tive to broken pipe in water line leading to the ferry dock. This was discussed by members of the Council and was referred to the Water and Sewer committee for conference with Mrs. Lieseke. She also brought up the matter of trtf fie problems which it is ex- pected will arise when parking lots in rear of buildings north cf Bair Street are put in service. These matters were referred to the Street and Alley committee to confer and report back to the Council. A. R. Elliott addressed the Council relative to insurance policy on rolling stock owned by the Totim, and suggested that a reduction in premium could be secured by excluding collission provisions in the policy. Members of the Council discussed the matter, and it was referred to the Finance and Auditfing(bmmittee for study and report. Councilman Hilchrist brought up the matter of drainage through the alley in Block 7, First Addition to Sidney, stating that the water drains from DeKalb Street to the alley and then over private property, causing inconvenience and threatening damage. Referred to Street and Alley committee. Clerk was directed to send notices to property owners on north side of Prospect St., between Frederick and Sidney Streets, to meet with the Engineer at Council Chenber Monday evening, Febrhary 19, 19519 at 7:30 o'clock. Chief of Police Albert L. Wymore stated that repel rs should be made to the tolice car to put it in safe condition, and asked that thi& be done. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that work as outlined be authorized. Councilman Repanich stated that an application for caretaker at Forestry building had been received. No action taken. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried: f'u.get Sound Stamp dorks Shell Oil Company Peninsula Stationers Lumber Supply Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Thompson's Howe Motor Company Washington State Penitentiary Arthur A. Williams Howe's Hardware Port Orchard Independent W. F. George Town of Port Orchard T. R. Hubbard 19. N. Hal lgren Co. Port Orchard Machine Ahop Rice Electric Palmer Supply Stevens Marine Supply Wilkins Distributing Co. Blanchard Department btore Howe Motor Company Howe's Hardware Western Utilities Supply Co. T. R. Hubba" d W. F. Bruhahn Orville Bross W. F. Bruhahn Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber Supply Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Howe Motor Company Jesse W. Sutton Orville Brose Howe's Hardware T. R. i:ubbard Puget Sound News Company CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Bands for dater FArnace oil for City Hall Profile paper for Engineer Material for Fire Department Lub Jon for Police car Street lights Paper, clips and rubber bands Repair Police car Traffic signs Police Officer Various merchandise Publishing Special Police Officer Tacoma Street assessment Tire for police car Broughton of motion by $� 2.17 167.63 5.15 26.29 1.90 191.55 5.72 15.60 3,38 14.56 62.45 10.50 6,24 328.85 18.49 Pipe and sealing compoflnd (Parking Mtrs) 29.05 Street signs; welding 16.51 WATER FUND Batteries for pipe jocater 7.51 Valve boxes 79.00 Oil tamperature guage 12.21 Oil filters; regular gasoline 8,48 Rubber b6ots 13.34 Repair Ford pickup 5.33 Lag screws; escape shields 2.00 Clamp coupling; copper fittings 47.40 Wire.terminals 1.28 Labor on water lines 11.60 Labor reading water meters 11.60 STREbT FUND Labor on streets 10.15 Stove oil; gasoline 107.82 Drain tile; cement 6.49 Paint and lumber 20,75 12" drain tile 20.02 Zerk fittings .65 Overtime labor 13.05 Overtime labor 10.15 Wrenches 5.01 Alemite fittings .95 LIBRARY FUND Books for Library 18,60 PARK FUND Frank Pierce Labor and material, Forestry Bldg. 17,72 011 tive to broken pipe in water line leading to the ferry dock. This was discussed by members of the Council and was referred to the Water and Sewer committee for conference with Mrs. Lieseke. She also brought up the matter of trtf fie problems which it is ex- pected will arise when parking lots in rear of buildings north cf Bair Street are put in service. These matters were referred to the Street and Alley committee to confer and report back to the Council. A. R. Elliott addressed the Council relative to insurance policy on rolling stock owned by the Totim, and suggested that a reduction in premium could be secured by excluding collission provisions in the policy. Members of the Council discussed the matter, and it was referred to the Finance and Auditfing(bmmittee for study and report. Councilman Hilchrist brought up the matter of drainage through the alley in Block 7, First Addition to Sidney, stating that the water drains from DeKalb Street to the alley and then over private property, causing inconvenience and threatening damage. Referred to Street and Alley committee. Clerk was directed to send notices to property owners on north side of Prospect St., between Frederick and Sidney Streets, to meet with the Engineer at Council Chenber Monday evening, Febrhary 19, 19519 at 7:30 o'clock. Chief of Police Albert L. Wymore stated that repel rs should be made to the tolice car to put it in safe condition, and asked that thi& be done. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that work as outlined be authorized. Councilman Repanich stated that an application for caretaker at Forestry building had been received. No action taken. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried: f'u.get Sound Stamp dorks Shell Oil Company Peninsula Stationers Lumber Supply Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Thompson's Howe Motor Company Washington State Penitentiary Arthur A. Williams Howe's Hardware Port Orchard Independent W. F. George Town of Port Orchard T. R. Hubbard 19. N. Hal lgren Co. Port Orchard Machine Ahop Rice Electric Palmer Supply Stevens Marine Supply Wilkins Distributing Co. Blanchard Department btore Howe Motor Company Howe's Hardware Western Utilities Supply Co. T. R. Hubba" d W. F. Bruhahn Orville Bross W. F. Bruhahn Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber Supply Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Howe Motor Company Jesse W. Sutton Orville Brose Howe's Hardware T. R. i:ubbard Puget Sound News Company CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Bands for dater FArnace oil for City Hall Profile paper for Engineer Material for Fire Department Lub Jon for Police car Street lights Paper, clips and rubber bands Repair Police car Traffic signs Police Officer Various merchandise Publishing Special Police Officer Tacoma Street assessment Tire for police car Broughton of motion by $� 2.17 167.63 5.15 26.29 1.90 191.55 5.72 15.60 3,38 14.56 62.45 10.50 6,24 328.85 18.49 Pipe and sealing compoflnd (Parking Mtrs) 29.05 Street signs; welding 16.51 WATER FUND Batteries for pipe jocater 7.51 Valve boxes 79.00 Oil tamperature guage 12.21 Oil filters; regular gasoline 8,48 Rubber b6ots 13.34 Repair Ford pickup 5.33 Lag screws; escape shields 2.00 Clamp coupling; copper fittings 47.40 Wire.terminals 1.28 Labor on water lines 11.60 Labor reading water meters 11.60 STREbT FUND Labor on streets 10.15 Stove oil; gasoline 107.82 Drain tile; cement 6.49 Paint and lumber 20,75 12" drain tile 20.02 Zerk fittings .65 Overtime labor 13.05 Overtime labor 10.15 Wrenches 5.01 Alemite fittings .95 LIBRARY FUND Books for Library 18,60 PARK FUND Frank Pierce Labor and material, Forestry Bldg. 17,72 011 SEWER FUND Port Orchard Lumber Yard Sewer the Council adjournedon motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried. l lerk . Ma® or 0 Port Orchard, Washington February 26, 1951 $ 16.22 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Guy L. Wetzel, Clark, in absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, Geo. A. Broughton and bock J. "epanich; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin and -6uperintendent of Pub.' lic Works Gauge F. Givems. Councilman Ray B. Hall was elected Acting Mayor and assumed charge of the meeting, Minutes of meeting; of February 13, 1951 read and approved. Final action on ordinance deedUring emergency appr6priation for Cicilian Defense was continued. Chairman Gilchrist of the 'Hater and hewer committee reported that his committee had met with Mrs. Mary Lieseke of the Horluck Transportation Company relative to water prob'lgms, and that,mstters under consideration had been thoroughly discussed; that the water bill is to remain as charged, and that it was agreed that any break in the copper. feeder line leading to her dock is to be the responsibility of the Town. Other matters concerning possible installation of fire hydrgnts and larger water mains on the water front were discussed. In this connection Superintendent submitted an estimate of $3,375.00 for construction of 4-inch main on water front from Sidney St. to Frederick Street, to connect with mains on these streets and to include fire hy- drants. AdvisAbility of installing suction pine to bay and to be utilized through standpipes was also discussed. These matters were continued for further discussion and investigation.47 Chairman Hall of the 6treat and Alley committee reported that his committer had also met regarding anticipated traffic probe, over her dock with:tka placing U service of parking areas now being constructedstut that w y definit6 fiction . was delayed until work is completed and it is ascertained the best method of handling problems. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee recommended that no change be made in existing insurance on rolling stock owned and operated by the Town, as it is believed that the existing protection is justified and advisable. Reports of committees accepted by Council, Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had investAgated drainage situation complained of in al leyrin Block 7, first Addition to Sidney, and recommended that Engineer and Superintendent make further investigation and report remedy, if same is justified. Chief of Police Wymore stated that the police car is in good mechanical condition, following repairs authorized by Council, and that two tires shouldbe secured for the ear. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that two tires be purchased for police car; replaced tires to be kept for re -capping. Engineer Breitenstein reported that Dr. Ralph E. Smith and T. A. Ross were the only property owners on north side of Prospect Street who appeared to consider installa- tion of curbs and gutters. This matter was referred to Councilman Gilchrist and At- torney Perrine to confer with property owners and to submit agreement forminstalla- tion of improvement, Dusty Winebrenner, representing property owners and business men on Bay Street, ap- peared before the Council and explained a project now under construction to provider areas for parking, and asked that the Town of Fort Orchar d bear part of the expense of filling and riprapping the north extremity of Sidney Street, which bisects this. project. This matter was discussed, and Acting Mayor Hall commended the business men and property owners for their foresight and progress in providing this much -needed improvement. Followingthe discussions, and advice on legal phases of the matters -It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Clerk be instructed to call for bids for filling Bay Street from its present northerly margin approximately 50 feet further into the bay, and for riprapping exposed .41res; this work to be done under plans and specifications to be furnished by the Engineer. In response to requests for estimates for isolating basement radiat ors in Munieipal Building from those on main floor, two tenders were received. Tender of Lent's affer*4 to' connect two existing radiators in police offices to existing; heating in basement for $115.00. G. E. Deal, representing 'Talbot Plumbing Company, appea- ed be- fore the Council in person and offered to connect two radiators in police office end SEWER FUND Port Orchard Lumber Yard Sewer the Council adjournedon motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried. l lerk . Ma® or 0 Port Orchard, Washington February 26, 1951 $ 16.22 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Guy L. Wetzel, Clark, in absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, Geo. A. Broughton and bock J. "epanich; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin and -6uperintendent of Pub.' lic Works Gauge F. Givems. Councilman Ray B. Hall was elected Acting Mayor and assumed charge of the meeting, Minutes of meeting; of February 13, 1951 read and approved. Final action on ordinance deedUring emergency appr6priation for Cicilian Defense was continued. Chairman Gilchrist of the 'Hater and hewer committee reported that his committee had met with Mrs. Mary Lieseke of the Horluck Transportation Company relative to water prob'lgms, and that,mstters under consideration had been thoroughly discussed; that the water bill is to remain as charged, and that it was agreed that any break in the copper. feeder line leading to her dock is to be the responsibility of the Town. Other matters concerning possible installation of fire hydrgnts and larger water mains on the water front were discussed. In this connection Superintendent submitted an estimate of $3,375.00 for construction of 4-inch main on water front from Sidney St. to Frederick Street, to connect with mains on these streets and to include fire hy- drants. AdvisAbility of installing suction pine to bay and to be utilized through standpipes was also discussed. These matters were continued for further discussion and investigation.47 Chairman Hall of the 6treat and Alley committee reported that his committer had also met regarding anticipated traffic probe, over her dock with:tka placing U service of parking areas now being constructedstut that w y definit6 fiction . was delayed until work is completed and it is ascertained the best method of handling problems. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee recommended that no change be made in existing insurance on rolling stock owned and operated by the Town, as it is believed that the existing protection is justified and advisable. Reports of committees accepted by Council, Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that he had investAgated drainage situation complained of in al leyrin Block 7, first Addition to Sidney, and recommended that Engineer and Superintendent make further investigation and report remedy, if same is justified. Chief of Police Wymore stated that the police car is in good mechanical condition, following repairs authorized by Council, and that two tires shouldbe secured for the ear. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that two tires be purchased for police car; replaced tires to be kept for re -capping. Engineer Breitenstein reported that Dr. Ralph E. Smith and T. A. Ross were the only property owners on north side of Prospect Street who appeared to consider installa- tion of curbs and gutters. This matter was referred to Councilman Gilchrist and At- torney Perrine to confer with property owners and to submit agreement forminstalla- tion of improvement, Dusty Winebrenner, representing property owners and business men on Bay Street, ap- peared before the Council and explained a project now under construction to provider areas for parking, and asked that the Town of Fort Orchar d bear part of the expense of filling and riprapping the north extremity of Sidney Street, which bisects this. project. This matter was discussed, and Acting Mayor Hall commended the business men and property owners for their foresight and progress in providing this much -needed improvement. Followingthe discussions, and advice on legal phases of the matters -It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Clerk be instructed to call for bids for filling Bay Street from its present northerly margin approximately 50 feet further into the bay, and for riprapping exposed .41res; this work to be done under plans and specifications to be furnished by the Engineer. In response to requests for estimates for isolating basement radiat ors in Munieipal Building from those on main floor, two tenders were received. Tender of Lent's affer*4 to' connect two existing radiators in police offices to existing; heating in basement for $115.00. G. E. Deal, representing 'Talbot Plumbing Company, appea- ed be- fore the Council in person and offered to connect two radiators in police office end one in rest room, and install radiator in Firemen's recreation ro&m, to basement heat- ing circuit, for 0230.00, plus sales tax. Council considered tenders, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that tender of Talbot Plumbing Company made by Mr. Deal be accepted; Kork to be done to satisfaction of Inspector. Clerk submitted names of persons recommended for officers of election for the (,,om- ing Municipal Election on Marhe 13, 1951, -nd same were approved. Officers named were for Precinct No. 1--Mrs. W. W. Alderman, Inspector; Mrs. Mary Cline and Mrs. Mackenzie, Judges. Precinct No. 2--Mrs. Olga Baker, Inspector; Mrs. Thede Peterson and Mrs. Agnes Pearson, Judges. Precinct No. 3--Mrs. Emma Harmon, In- spector; Mrs. Edith Kunzelman and Miss Leila Nordby Judges. Superintendent stated that he had been unable to locate source of seepage on R6ckk well Avenue, but that amount of seepage seems to be diminishing, and that he would continue to seek the source of the trouble. � Clerk submitted copies of letters which Mayor '>prague had transmitted to members of the 11titsap County delegation in the estate Legislature, opposing passage of Senate Bill No. 342, which would out city .and -town levies from 15 mills to 13 .mills, and county levies from 10 mills to 6 mills. Council approved action of Mayor. Double parking on Bay Street; truck parking on Sidney Street and various parking regulations were discussed and referred to Chief of Police and Attorney. The following claims, chectked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried! CURRENT E Xe Eh SE 1,-UhD Pioneer, Inc. Election Supplies 16.39 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 48.95 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Cross walk lights 2.00 Port .Orchard Independent Publish bond call 1.44 Bremerton Sun Publish bond call 1.48 WATER D-Uh-D I. W. Johnson Engineering Co. Labor on pump shaft 24.72 Slocum Hardwares Merchandise 4.23 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 13.70 American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Cutting oil 1.53 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light for pumping plan is 139.19 H. B. Menees Tubing, nuts and ferrels 1.01 STREET FUND Slocum Hardware Paint brush 1.21 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 5.95 Jesse X. Sutton Overtime labor 4.35 Orville Brose Overtime labor 4.35 LIBRARY FUNp The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 4.91 Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that plans for fur- ther improvement of Forestry Building; and for arranging. far a caretaker were re- ceiving attention, and definite report will be made later. Council )�_A?oourned on Mot_�n by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. '- Clerk _ eg or - - - - - - - - -0 - - - ---- - - - Port Orchard, Washington March 12, 1951 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order In regular session by Mayor William H. Spreg ue, with Councilmen i�ick J. nepanich, Geo. A. Broughton, John C. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols and Ray b. Hall; attorney Dudley N. Ferrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public woorks George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of February 26, 1951 read and corrected to delete the statement that Street and Alley committee had met with INlrs. Mary Lieseke, and were approved as corrected. Superintendent of Public Yorks stated that he had contacted Paul Brawn of the Wash- ington Surveying and Ratirg Bureau relative to how installation of standpipes to draw salt water for fire protection might effect insurance rates, and also if in- stallation of 4-inch fresh water mains and fire hydrants on water front fill would tend to lower insurance rates. He stated that definite answer was not given, but that a representative of.-4the 'Bureau rn uld visit Port Orchard in the new future and give definite information. Superintendent also reported that he had investigated drainage problem in d ley one in rest room, and install radiator in Firemen's recreation ro&m, to basement heat- ing circuit, for 0230.00, plus sales tax. Council considered tenders, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that tender of Talbot Plumbing Company made by Mr. Deal be accepted; Kork to be done to satisfaction of Inspector. Clerk submitted names of persons recommended for officers of election for the (,,om- ing Municipal Election on Marhe 13, 1951, -nd same were approved. Officers named were for Precinct No. 1--Mrs. W. W. Alderman, Inspector; Mrs. Mary Cline and Mrs. Mackenzie, Judges. Precinct No. 2--Mrs. Olga Baker, Inspector; Mrs. Thede Peterson and Mrs. Agnes Pearson, Judges. Precinct No. 3--Mrs. Emma Harmon, In- spector; Mrs. Edith Kunzelman and Miss Leila Nordby Judges. Superintendent stated that he had been unable to locate source of seepage on R6ckk well Avenue, but that amount of seepage seems to be diminishing, and that he would continue to seek the source of the trouble. � Clerk submitted copies of letters which Mayor '>prague had transmitted to members of the 11titsap County delegation in the estate Legislature, opposing passage of Senate Bill No. 342, which would out city .and -town levies from 15 mills to 13 .mills, and county levies from 10 mills to 6 mills. Council approved action of Mayor. Double parking on Bay Street; truck parking on Sidney Street and various parking regulations were discussed and referred to Chief of Police and Attorney. The following claims, chectked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried! CURRENT E Xe Eh SE 1,-UhD Pioneer, Inc. Election Supplies 16.39 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 48.95 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Cross walk lights 2.00 Port .Orchard Independent Publish bond call 1.44 Bremerton Sun Publish bond call 1.48 WATER D-Uh-D I. W. Johnson Engineering Co. Labor on pump shaft 24.72 Slocum Hardwares Merchandise 4.23 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 13.70 American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Cutting oil 1.53 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light for pumping plan is 139.19 H. B. Menees Tubing, nuts and ferrels 1.01 STREET FUND Slocum Hardware Paint brush 1.21 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 5.95 Jesse X. Sutton Overtime labor 4.35 Orville Brose Overtime labor 4.35 LIBRARY FUNp The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 4.91 Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee stated that plans for fur- ther improvement of Forestry Building; and for arranging. far a caretaker were re- ceiving attention, and definite report will be made later. Council )�_A?oourned on Mot_�n by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. '- Clerk _ eg or - - - - - - - - -0 - - - ---- - - - Port Orchard, Washington March 12, 1951 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order In regular session by Mayor William H. Spreg ue, with Councilmen i�ick J. nepanich, Geo. A. Broughton, John C. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols and Ray b. Hall; attorney Dudley N. Ferrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public woorks George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of February 26, 1951 read and corrected to delete the statement that Street and Alley committee had met with INlrs. Mary Lieseke, and were approved as corrected. Superintendent of Public Yorks stated that he had contacted Paul Brawn of the Wash- ington Surveying and Ratirg Bureau relative to how installation of standpipes to draw salt water for fire protection might effect insurance rates, and also if in- stallation of 4-inch fresh water mains and fire hydrants on water front fill would tend to lower insurance rates. He stated that definite answer was not given, but that a representative of.-4the 'Bureau rn uld visit Port Orchard in the new future and give definite information. Superintendent also reported that he had investigated drainage problem in d ley In Block 7 First Addition to Sidney, and could find no serious difficulty, but would check at First heavy rainfall and see what is occuring. Proposers improvement of rrospect Street by installation of curbs and gutters was dis- euased, and it was. stated that proposed contract and agreement would be submitted to property owners during the next few days and ar;serious effort will be made to secure definite action. At this time `bids which had been called for fill north margin of Sidney Street were, ordered to be opened, and bids of Holmberg & Norman and J. W. Welsh were received. Bid of Holmberg &Norman offered to do the work according to specifications, for the suns of 41,260.00. Bid of J. W. welsh offered to do the work according to sped.fleations for $1,200.00. Action on awarding of contract was continued to March 1901951. Ben Smith, I. G. Sloan and Arthur Bruner appeared before the Council and stated that Oscar Ramsey is contemplating and has started work of installing a log dump across the street from their homes on West Bag Street, and the property owners entered a pro- test t) the construction and use of a log dump in that locality. A discussion followed, Knd Mayor Sprague stated that he would write a letter to Mr. Ramsey, setting forth the protest of the property owners, in an effort to reach an amicable settlement. Chairman"Repanich reported that his committeg together with members of the Citizens Advisory committee, had visited the Forestry Building location and -had agreed that a caretaker should be placed on the property, and asked that a survey bernmade of the small office building preparatory to making it habitable for a caretaker. Matter of sewer on West Street was again discussed, and Councilman Repanich stated that he would confer with property owners in an effort to solve the difficulties. Clerk presented list of members of Fort Orchard Volunteer Fire Department, and on motion by P:irh.ols. seconded by Repanich and carried, Clerk was authorized to draw war- rant -to State Treasurer for insurance premium under firemen's.state. insurance plan, In the amount of �F60.00. Claims, the k.ed by head of departmentis apd-by Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried„ Claim of A. R. Elliott for insurance premium on rolling stock owned by town, and of Fort Orchard Machine Shop for payment in lieu of lost warrant, were held up} t1e in. suran ce claim for checking, and the claim of Port Orchfr d Machine Zihop for indemnity instrument: CURRENT bXPBIVbE FUND Carey & Kramer, Engineers W16stengh-S"etidiectrio Supply Slocum Hardware Port'Orchard Machine Shop Chas. A. Watts Co. Howe'Motor Company Thompson's Standard Oil Company of Cal. Port Orchard Independent State Treasurer Verd & Dale's Serves and Save Professional services, Menses case 233.38 Street light fixture, complete 131.28 Bolts and washers .98 Repair pedestrian signs 1.55 lw reflector signals 12.01. Repair Police car 88.79 Pencil sharpener blades, staples for rolice 3.48 Furnace oil, gasoline 74,86 Bond paper and index cards 3.25 Insurance premium, Fire Department 60.00 2-Tires for Police car 41.40 WATER FUND Port Orchard Machine Shop Labor and material, main pump 2.83 George F. Givens Re-imburse for bridge toll 1.30 Moreland, Inc. Shop towel service 2.41 Slocum Hardware Zinc sulphate 1.71 STREET FUND ... - ter, �d -s a � Slocum -Hardware V '•��Y"�.7 � � '� , Paint Panther Oil & Grease MfgCo. Wood preserver Bremerton Concrete Produe loorCulltP rt pipe Matson Bros. Traffic paint and thinner Howe Motor Comte Spring shackle Port Orchard Lumber` Yard 'Cement Orville Lrose Overtime labor sanding streets Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor sanding streets W. F. Bruhahn Labor sending icy streets Rog Ecklund Labor sanding icy streets LIBRARY FUND 4.05 21:12 147.48 81.05 .78 5.26 23.20 23.20 24.65 15,95 Puget Sound News Company Books for library 22.71 C. Stewart Osburn 3--year subscription to Popular Mechanics 8.00 Council meeting continued to March, 19, 1951 on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried. ,f In Block 7 First Addition to Sidney, and could find no serious difficulty, but would check at First heavy rainfall and see what is occuring. Proposers improvement of rrospect Street by installation of curbs and gutters was dis- euased, and it was. stated that proposed contract and agreement would be submitted to property owners during the next few days and ar;serious effort will be made to secure definite action. At this time `bids which had been called for fill north margin of Sidney Street were, ordered to be opened, and bids of Holmberg & Norman and J. W. Welsh were received. Bid of Holmberg &Norman offered to do the work according to specifications, for the suns of 41,260.00. Bid of J. W. welsh offered to do the work according to sped.fleations for $1,200.00. Action on awarding of contract was continued to March 1901951. Ben Smith, I. G. Sloan and Arthur Bruner appeared before the Council and stated that Oscar Ramsey is contemplating and has started work of installing a log dump across the street from their homes on West Bag Street, and the property owners entered a pro- test t) the construction and use of a log dump in that locality. A discussion followed, Knd Mayor Sprague stated that he would write a letter to Mr. Ramsey, setting forth the protest of the property owners, in an effort to reach an amicable settlement. Chairman"Repanich reported that his committeg together with members of the Citizens Advisory committee, had visited the Forestry Building location and -had agreed that a caretaker should be placed on the property, and asked that a survey bernmade of the small office building preparatory to making it habitable for a caretaker. Matter of sewer on West Street was again discussed, and Councilman Repanich stated that he would confer with property owners in an effort to solve the difficulties. Clerk presented list of members of Fort Orchard Volunteer Fire Department, and on motion by P:irh.ols. seconded by Repanich and carried, Clerk was authorized to draw war- rant -to State Treasurer for insurance premium under firemen's.state. insurance plan, In the amount of �F60.00. Claims, the k.ed by head of departmentis apd-by Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried„ Claim of A. R. Elliott for insurance premium on rolling stock owned by town, and of Fort Orchard Machine Shop for payment in lieu of lost warrant, were held up} t1e in. suran ce claim for checking, and the claim of Port Orchfr d Machine Zihop for indemnity instrument: CURRENT bXPBIVbE FUND Carey & Kramer, Engineers W16stengh-S"etidiectrio Supply Slocum Hardware Port'Orchard Machine Shop Chas. A. Watts Co. Howe'Motor Company Thompson's Standard Oil Company of Cal. Port Orchard Independent State Treasurer Verd & Dale's Serves and Save Professional services, Menses case 233.38 Street light fixture, complete 131.28 Bolts and washers .98 Repair pedestrian signs 1.55 lw reflector signals 12.01. Repair Police car 88.79 Pencil sharpener blades, staples for rolice 3.48 Furnace oil, gasoline 74,86 Bond paper and index cards 3.25 Insurance premium, Fire Department 60.00 2-Tires for Police car 41.40 WATER FUND Port Orchard Machine Shop Labor and material, main pump 2.83 George F. Givens Re-imburse for bridge toll 1.30 Moreland, Inc. Shop towel service 2.41 Slocum Hardware Zinc sulphate 1.71 STREET FUND ... - ter, �d -s a � Slocum -Hardware V '•��Y"�.7 � � '� , Paint Panther Oil & Grease MfgCo. Wood preserver Bremerton Concrete Produe loorCulltP rt pipe Matson Bros. Traffic paint and thinner Howe Motor Comte Spring shackle Port Orchard Lumber` Yard 'Cement Orville Lrose Overtime labor sanding streets Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor sanding streets W. F. Bruhahn Labor sending icy streets Rog Ecklund Labor sanding icy streets LIBRARY FUND 4.05 21:12 147.48 81.05 .78 5.26 23.20 23.20 24.65 15,95 Puget Sound News Company Books for library 22.71 C. Stewart Osburn 3--year subscription to Popular Mechanics 8.00 Council meeting continued to March, 19, 1951 on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried. ,f Port Orchard, Washington March 19, 1951 Continued meeting of the Council of the 'Town of -"ort Orchard, Washington regularly continued from March 12, 1951, called to order by Wayor William H. Sp" ague, with Aouncilmen Ray B. Hall, George A. Broughton and hick J. Repanich; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Attorney Ludley V. Perrine present. Various problems in connection with extension of Sidney Street north to a distance of fifty feet were discussed, and Dusty C. "inebrenner informed the Council of the ac- tivities and proposed work to be done by property owners and business men. It was stated that the drain on the west side of 6idney Street and in the middle of the Block 13, Sidney, would be done as a joint project by the Town of Port Orchard and J. W, Welsh, contractor, and the &'�u.perintendent and 'LLr. welsh stated that the sg ree- meat had been made whereby Mr. welsh would buy the drain the and the '-'own would furnish the labor of laying the tile. Bids received and opened on March 120 1951 for filling the north end of Sidney btreet were ages n considered, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton, that bid of J. W, Welsh to complete the job according to specifications for $1,200.00 be accepted, the contractor to enter into a contract and file bond, the contract to be prepared by the Town Attorney, Chairman Repanich of the Parks and buildings committee stated that a stotm and sink should be placed in the office building at the rorestry property to make it more hab- itable, and Superintendent was directed to investigate purchase of used stove suitdD le for purpose, the sink having already been secured. Attorney Dudley N. Perrine stated that an arrangement had been made whereby he is to hear justice court cases as Justice of the Peace proton, during the incapacity of Ross a'. Watt, and Mayor appointed Mr. Perrine as Police Judge pro tem during the same period. Meeting,,ili�fjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughto and carried. Clerk May or 0 Port Orchard, Washington March 26, i951 Council of the 'Town of Port Orchard, W alihington called to order by Town Clerk Guy L.. uuetzel, in absence of Mayor William u. 6pragu.e. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick. J. nepanich, John C. Gilchrist, Verd ". Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and superintendent of_rublic Works George F. Givens. Councilman Nick J. nepanich was elected Acting Mayor and assumed cher ge of the meeting. Minutes of meeting of 14arch 12, 1951, and continued session of 14ar ch 19, 1951 react and approved. Superintendent satadted .that htpkt� . received no further information concerning fire Insurance rates on property on north side of Bay Street. Clerk reported that there are no new developments in matter of Prospect "treet curbs and gutters, and that this was being delayed until property owners are a) le to get together for final. action. Attorney Perrine stated that he and Mayor Sprague had contacted Oscar Ramsey, reA warding installation of log dump on West Bay Street, but that there is nothignthat the town can do to stop the installation, and that Mr. Ramsey had Indicated h1vt Intention or constructing the dump. Acting Mayor Repanich, chairman of the 'arks and buildings committee, stated that a_sink, stove and congoleum rug have been secured for earetakerts house on Forestry property, and that James A. Morgan has been secured as caretaker of the property; the Town to pay water, sewer and electric bills for the location. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that action of thenconmrnittee be V provd and that appointment of James A. Morgan as caretaker be confirmed. Dean Rapleye re -submitted petition for the grading of Nest Street and the Installa- tion of sewer and water mains on said street. Petition referred to Engineer for investigation and report. Councilman Nichols brought up the matter of illegal mufflers and other noisy devices on cars which are proving a source of an noyan ce to many residents, and asked that police action be taken to stop the nuisance. It was agreed that war ning ticket be Issued and reasonable time be granted to put offending cars in legal condition on first apprehension, and that for future offenses that more drastic action be taken. Bulletin announcing Fluoridation conference at University was received. Bulletin aimnouncing Water Works convention to be held in Vancouver, B.C. May 15 to 199 1951, also received, nd it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and car- ried that Superintendent be authorized to attend this onvention eyp enses to be paid bu the Down of Fort Orchard. Port Orchard, Washington March 19, 1951 Continued meeting of the Council of the 'Town of -"ort Orchard, Washington regularly continued from March 12, 1951, called to order by Wayor William H. Sp" ague, with Aouncilmen Ray B. Hall, George A. Broughton and hick J. Repanich; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Attorney Ludley V. Perrine present. Various problems in connection with extension of Sidney Street north to a distance of fifty feet were discussed, and Dusty C. "inebrenner informed the Council of the ac- tivities and proposed work to be done by property owners and business men. It was stated that the drain on the west side of 6idney Street and in the middle of the Block 13, Sidney, would be done as a joint project by the Town of Port Orchard and J. W, Welsh, contractor, and the &'�u.perintendent and 'LLr. welsh stated that the sg ree- meat had been made whereby Mr. welsh would buy the drain the and the '-'own would furnish the labor of laying the tile. Bids received and opened on March 120 1951 for filling the north end of Sidney btreet were ages n considered, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton, that bid of J. W, Welsh to complete the job according to specifications for $1,200.00 be accepted, the contractor to enter into a contract and file bond, the contract to be prepared by the Town Attorney, Chairman Repanich of the Parks and buildings committee stated that a stotm and sink should be placed in the office building at the rorestry property to make it more hab- itable, and Superintendent was directed to investigate purchase of used stove suitdD le for purpose, the sink having already been secured. Attorney Dudley N. Perrine stated that an arrangement had been made whereby he is to hear justice court cases as Justice of the Peace proton, during the incapacity of Ross a'. Watt, and Mayor appointed Mr. Perrine as Police Judge pro tem during the same period. Meeting,,ili�fjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughto and carried. Clerk May or 0 Port Orchard, Washington March 26, i951 Council of the 'Town of Port Orchard, W alihington called to order by Town Clerk Guy L.. uuetzel, in absence of Mayor William u. 6pragu.e. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick. J. nepanich, John C. Gilchrist, Verd ". Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and superintendent of_rublic Works George F. Givens. Councilman Nick J. nepanich was elected Acting Mayor and assumed cher ge of the meeting. Minutes of meeting of 14arch 12, 1951, and continued session of 14ar ch 19, 1951 react and approved. Superintendent satadted .that htpkt� . received no further information concerning fire Insurance rates on property on north side of Bay Street. Clerk reported that there are no new developments in matter of Prospect "treet curbs and gutters, and that this was being delayed until property owners are a) le to get together for final. action. Attorney Perrine stated that he and Mayor Sprague had contacted Oscar Ramsey, reA warding installation of log dump on West Bay Street, but that there is nothignthat the town can do to stop the installation, and that Mr. Ramsey had Indicated h1vt Intention or constructing the dump. Acting Mayor Repanich, chairman of the 'arks and buildings committee, stated that a_sink, stove and congoleum rug have been secured for earetakerts house on Forestry property, and that James A. Morgan has been secured as caretaker of the property; the Town to pay water, sewer and electric bills for the location. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that action of thenconmrnittee be V provd and that appointment of James A. Morgan as caretaker be confirmed. Dean Rapleye re -submitted petition for the grading of Nest Street and the Installa- tion of sewer and water mains on said street. Petition referred to Engineer for investigation and report. Councilman Nichols brought up the matter of illegal mufflers and other noisy devices on cars which are proving a source of an noyan ce to many residents, and asked that police action be taken to stop the nuisance. It was agreed that war ning ticket be Issued and reasonable time be granted to put offending cars in legal condition on first apprehension, and that for future offenses that more drastic action be taken. Bulletin announcing Fluoridation conference at University was received. Bulletin aimnouncing Water Works convention to be held in Vancouver, B.C. May 15 to 199 1951, also received, nd it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and car- ried that Superintendent be authorized to attend this onvention eyp enses to be paid bu the Down of Fort Orchard. Assistant Fire Chief Frosty Adkins asked what regulations govern installation and use of Butane and Propane Igas within the limits of the 'Town. A discussion followed, and It was suggested that the Chief of the Fire Department contact the Washington Survey- ing and Rating Bureau to ascertain what is regiired for fire insruance sanction.and report to Council. Dean M. Corliss asked permission for the Tort Orchard Kiwanis Club to hold an auction on Sidney Street on the north side of Bay Street during the evening of April 6, 1951, proceeds to be used for child welfare work. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist an d carried that permit be granted. A c©mplad nt was made of the dumping of garbage on vacant lot on west side of tiidney Street„ Referred to Police for action. Chairman Repanich stated that request had been made for authority to construct a marquee on the matt Building on Bay Street. It was agreed that there is no objection, ifi work is completed to satisfaction of Inspector. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Auditing Committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seao nded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Piwer w Light Street lights, city hall and cross walk lights Tf 298.55 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Vw ious telephones and tolls 41.55 Members of Election Board Compensation, Town Election ($9.75 Each) 87.75 Port Orchard Independent Publish Notice of Election and call for bids 8.59 Trick & Murray Penny counter 3.26 F. E. Langer Agency Premium, Bonds Chief of Police end Asst Clerk 15.00 A. R. Elliott Agency Premium on rolling stock 344.78 (to be divided sn ong departments) WATER FUND Puget Bound ?ower & Light Co. Power and light at all plants 142.73 CooksonBros. Lub job; repair tire 2.84 Pacific Tel & Tel. '�e "Telephone and toils 20.35 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe lines 7.25 STREET FUND Bechtel -Motors Water pump, Dodge truck 11.33 Puget Sam Power & Light Co. Lights at gar eg a 3,52 Pacific Tel &- lel Co. Street Dept telephone and tolls 5.75 PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light at tennis court and Forestry Building 4.00 Council as ourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hilchrist and carried. Clerk Mayor v- - - _ _ _ _ - - -© Fort Orchard, Washington April 9, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orcharr d, called to order by Mayor William H. Spw ue. Present Councilmen Rsr B. hall., Verd W. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, Goo. A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attcr ney Dudley N. Perrino; Engixa or T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of PublieWorks George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of March 260 1951 read and approved. Councilman Repanich madea report on method to be used in installation of gas equipment at Self Service Laundry, and Clerk made report on conversation with Washington Survey. ing ,and Rating Bureau regarding installation of said equipment. Engineer and Mayor reported on progresm of proposed curbs and gutters on Prov act Street. Petition for improvement of best Street by sewer, water mains and grading was again referred to Engineer. Retruns of Municipal election held on March 13, 1951 were catvassed by Mayor and Council and" certificate of findings was signed by Meyor and Councilmen. Councilman Repanich suggested that in the interest of traffic safet#, that a yellow -line designating center of Frederick Street on north side of Bay Street, be painted around curve from Frederick Street to driveway on waterfront. Referred to Superintendent aid Polite. Mst tar of cross -walk on Bay Street between Cline and Hull Streets, and also on Bay St. in vicinity of Rockwell Street referred to Street and Alley committee, Assistant Fire Chief Frosty Adkins asked what regulations govern installation and use of Butane and Propane Igas within the limits of the 'Town. A discussion followed, and It was suggested that the Chief of the Fire Department contact the Washington Survey- ing and Rating Bureau to ascertain what is regiired for fire insruance sanction.and report to Council. Dean M. Corliss asked permission for the Tort Orchard Kiwanis Club to hold an auction on Sidney Street on the north side of Bay Street during the evening of April 6, 1951, proceeds to be used for child welfare work. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist an d carried that permit be granted. A c©mplad nt was made of the dumping of garbage on vacant lot on west side of tiidney Street„ Referred to Police for action. Chairman Repanich stated that request had been made for authority to construct a marquee on the matt Building on Bay Street. It was agreed that there is no objection, ifi work is completed to satisfaction of Inspector. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Auditing Committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seao nded by Broughton and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Piwer w Light Street lights, city hall and cross walk lights Tf 298.55 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Vw ious telephones and tolls 41.55 Members of Election Board Compensation, Town Election ($9.75 Each) 87.75 Port Orchard Independent Publish Notice of Election and call for bids 8.59 Trick & Murray Penny counter 3.26 F. E. Langer Agency Premium, Bonds Chief of Police end Asst Clerk 15.00 A. R. Elliott Agency Premium on rolling stock 344.78 (to be divided sn ong departments) WATER FUND Puget Bound ?ower & Light Co. Power and light at all plants 142.73 CooksonBros. Lub job; repair tire 2.84 Pacific Tel & Tel. '�e "Telephone and toils 20.35 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe lines 7.25 STREET FUND Bechtel -Motors Water pump, Dodge truck 11.33 Puget Sam Power & Light Co. Lights at gar eg a 3,52 Pacific Tel &- lel Co. Street Dept telephone and tolls 5.75 PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light at tennis court and Forestry Building 4.00 Council as ourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hilchrist and carried. Clerk Mayor v- - - _ _ _ _ - - -© Fort Orchard, Washington April 9, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orcharr d, called to order by Mayor William H. Spw ue. Present Councilmen Rsr B. hall., Verd W. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, Goo. A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attcr ney Dudley N. Perrino; Engixa or T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of PublieWorks George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of March 260 1951 read and approved. Councilman Repanich madea report on method to be used in installation of gas equipment at Self Service Laundry, and Clerk made report on conversation with Washington Survey. ing ,and Rating Bureau regarding installation of said equipment. Engineer and Mayor reported on progresm of proposed curbs and gutters on Prov act Street. Petition for improvement of best Street by sewer, water mains and grading was again referred to Engineer. Retruns of Municipal election held on March 13, 1951 were catvassed by Mayor and Council and" certificate of findings was signed by Meyor and Councilmen. Councilman Repanich suggested that in the interest of traffic safet#, that a yellow -line designating center of Frederick Street on north side of Bay Street, be painted around curve from Frederick Street to driveway on waterfront. Referred to Superintendent aid Polite. Mst tar of cross -walk on Bay Street between Cline and Hull Streets, and also on Bay St. in vicinity of Rockwell Street referred to Street and Alley committee, Improvement of alley in Block''15, Sidney, was discussed, and Engineer stated that he would make preliminary check.on improvement, and Clerk was directed to communicate With Board of Christian Science -Church, mh ose property abut& the alley, regarding the improve- ment. Mrs. Paul Powers, Jr., Mrs, Dean Rappleye and Mrs. Douglas Hoult, property owners on West Street, were present and asjed regarding proposed improvement of West Street, This was discussed, and Engineer stated that he would check petition and make d: terriate estimates on costs m d report to property owners, Letter recp eating special parking place for Manchetter-Port Orchard bus was received, and George Dodeward, operator of the bus, explained what is desired. A discussion fol- lowed, and matter was referred to Street and Alley committee and police bwith power to act, on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich and carried. On motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried, it visa directed thtt Port Orch- ard follow hours established by Puget Sound Naval Ship Yard In regard to day -light saving time. Question of licensing and control of dogs was discussed, and it waffl'directed that +otice and Finance and Planning committee confer with Dr. Bloomquist regarding care and dis- posal of dogs, and report back to the next meeting of the Council. Th1s action was taken on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Traffic safety for youngsters during matinee and other theatre performances was dis- cussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that two park- ing ap besd be kept open in front of D. &. R. Theatre during the time that a show is in progress. "Little League Baseball" as part of the recreation program of the community was brought before the Council, and was referred to Parks and Playgrounds committee. Councilman Nichols stated that he would endeavor to attend meeting of the sponsoring group on April 10, 1951, It was suggested and agreed that Superintendent should make an inspection of play- ground equipment to make certain that it is in safe condition, .The following claims were presented, having been checked by heads of departments, and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and were ordered pd d on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried. Claim for premium on Clerk's bond and fb r premium on liability insurance were laid over, the lid)1lity insurance clef m for .checking, and the claim for premium. on Clerk's bond, to ascertain what refund is due .the Town on bons of former Treasurer: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street 'lights 6 243.48 Trick & Murray Rubber bands, envelopes, etc, 6.38 Port Orchard Independent Bal lots 15.97 Howe's Hardware Various merchandise 7.90 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Serbice agreements 33.78 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Furnace oil 144.06 V. B. Caldwell Various merchandise for Fire Dept. 19.98 WATER FUND V. B. Caldwell Merchandise Thompson's Purchase order books Howe Motor Company Paint and cement Wilkins Dist. Company Spank plugs --oil filters W. F. Bruhah n Labor on water lines Worthington Gamon Meter Div, lift water meter V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. of cal. Howe's Hardware Cle#eland Chevrolet Wilkins Dist. Co. Bremerton Con. Products Co. H. D. Fowler Co. V. B. Caldwell Howe 'a Hardware Thompson'a Fruniture Co. Mrs. Hazel Brose Geo. A. Broughton Mrs. Mary B. Peterson Counci"djo motion b STREET FUND Tools and paint Cutting and welding Pearl oil Paint, tape, etc, Certificate golder Gasoline, tire and tube Drain tile for Harrison Sewer cleaning eai ipment street extension PARK FUND Various merchandise Soap powder, soilax, point, brash Linoleum rug for caretaker house Wall brackets, oil tanks, tubing Sink and faucets LIBRARY FUND Magazine sub.; dues Biblo. Society y Hall, seconded by Nichojeand carried. Clerk 5.12 4.94 3.19 10.99 11.60 86; 52 26-. 26 5.92 11.74 3.91 .52 182.25 27.81 159.41 5.84 5.43 8.51 12.00 15.00 5.00 Mayor _Z LA W Improvement of alley in Block''15, Sidney, was discussed, and Engineer stated that he would make preliminary check.on improvement, and Clerk was directed to communicate With Board of Christian Science -Church, mh ose property abut& the alley, regarding the improve- ment. Mrs. Paul Powers, Jr., Mrs, Dean Rappleye and Mrs. Douglas Hoult, property owners on West Street, were present and asjed regarding proposed improvement of West Street, This was discussed, and Engineer stated that he would check petition and make d: terriate estimates on costs m d report to property owners, Letter recp eating special parking place for Manchetter-Port Orchard bus was received, and George Dodeward, operator of the bus, explained what is desired. A discussion fol- lowed, and matter was referred to Street and Alley committee and police bwith power to act, on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich and carried. On motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried, it visa directed thtt Port Orch- ard follow hours established by Puget Sound Naval Ship Yard In regard to day -light saving time. Question of licensing and control of dogs was discussed, and it waffl'directed that +otice and Finance and Planning committee confer with Dr. Bloomquist regarding care and dis- posal of dogs, and report back to the next meeting of the Council. Th1s action was taken on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Traffic safety for youngsters during matinee and other theatre performances was dis- cussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that two park- ing ap besd be kept open in front of D. &. R. Theatre during the time that a show is in progress. "Little League Baseball" as part of the recreation program of the community was brought before the Council, and was referred to Parks and Playgrounds committee. Councilman Nichols stated that he would endeavor to attend meeting of the sponsoring group on April 10, 1951, It was suggested and agreed that Superintendent should make an inspection of play- ground equipment to make certain that it is in safe condition, .The following claims were presented, having been checked by heads of departments, and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and were ordered pd d on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried. Claim for premium on Clerk's bond and fb r premium on liability insurance were laid over, the lid)1lity insurance clef m for .checking, and the claim for premium. on Clerk's bond, to ascertain what refund is due .the Town on bons of former Treasurer: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street 'lights 6 243.48 Trick & Murray Rubber bands, envelopes, etc, 6.38 Port Orchard Independent Bal lots 15.97 Howe's Hardware Various merchandise 7.90 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Serbice agreements 33.78 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Furnace oil 144.06 V. B. Caldwell Various merchandise for Fire Dept. 19.98 WATER FUND V. B. Caldwell Merchandise Thompson's Purchase order books Howe Motor Company Paint and cement Wilkins Dist. Company Spank plugs --oil filters W. F. Bruhah n Labor on water lines Worthington Gamon Meter Div, lift water meter V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. of cal. Howe's Hardware Cle#eland Chevrolet Wilkins Dist. Co. Bremerton Con. Products Co. H. D. Fowler Co. V. B. Caldwell Howe 'a Hardware Thompson'a Fruniture Co. Mrs. Hazel Brose Geo. A. Broughton Mrs. Mary B. Peterson Counci"djo motion b STREET FUND Tools and paint Cutting and welding Pearl oil Paint, tape, etc, Certificate golder Gasoline, tire and tube Drain tile for Harrison Sewer cleaning eai ipment street extension PARK FUND Various merchandise Soap powder, soilax, point, brash Linoleum rug for caretaker house Wall brackets, oil tanks, tubing Sink and faucets LIBRARY FUND Magazine sub.; dues Biblo. Society y Hall, seconded by Nichojeand carried. Clerk 5.12 4.94 3.19 10.99 11.60 86; 52 26-. 26 5.92 11.74 3.91 .52 182.25 27.81 159.41 5.84 5.43 8.51 12.00 15.00 5.00 Mayor _Z LA W Port Orchard, Washington April 23. 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of fort Orchard called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, John C. Gilchrist, Goo. A. Broughton add Nick X. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino.; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of April 9, 1951 read and corrected to show that it was "recommended by the Council that gas tanks at Self Service Laundry be, located 25 feet from any building. Minutes approved as corrected. Engineer and Attorney stated that contract for installation of curbs and gdtters on Prospect Street by property owners, under the supervision of the Engineer, would be submitted to property owners in the near future, Petition for the improvement of West Street by grading and installing water mains and serer lines, was returned to the Council by the Engineer who stated that the petition coiAlnted sufficient names of property owners for creation of improvement district. A Discussion followed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall, that a Resolution be passed and adopted that it is necessary for the public health that sewers be. con- structed on West Street within the boundaries included in the petition. On roll call for passage of the Resolution all Members of the Council voted "aye," Attorney stated that th m uld draw dorm&. Resolution covering the matters set forth in the motion., Engineer was directed to proceed with preliminary work necessary. to passage of Reso.. lutiion of Intention to make improvements as set forth in the petition. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that his committee had inves- tigated needs for cro w.-oral as :smquested, and recommended that cores -.walk be a stab- lisbwd, acras a Day Stra4:t fro* , point at or near Odd Fellows ha)11; across Kitsap Street to the American Legioih islands across 'Cline Street east from Meinorik Island;, across Bay Street near Talbot Plummbl g Store; and. sc orss Bay Street west of Seattle Street at a Point to be dg nated. Raw rmmendations of the committee adopted on mo- tion by Gilchrist, see.44 by Repanichrsand carried. Superintendent stated that he had contacted Dino Sivo, the new owner of property. abutting alley in Block 159 Siftey, and that he is agreeable to having large shrub re. - moved to permit grading of alley, and that there is no objection from Christian Science Church ( the other property abutting the alle, to having work done. It was directed that this be placed on agenda of projected street work. Chairman Hall of the Street and Ailey committee .opted that his committee had met with operator of the Manchester bus, and that it had b66n 8gread;>that the bus stop be es- tablished at the parking meter furthest north on west side of Sidney Street, they bus operator to pay $10.00 per month as and for parking meter rent. Chairman Broughton of the Finance, Auditing and Planning committee, stated that his committee, wogether with Chief of Police, had contacted Dr. Bloomquist relative to .care and disposal of dogs, and that he had agreed to board dogs apt 75c per day, and to dispose of unclaimed dogs as directed by Police. Chief of Police stated that he has a man to take over collection of licenses and to pick up astray dogs. It was stattod that after publicity had been given, that an active drive will be made to -license all dogs in the, Town and to dispose of strays. Mayor Sprague stated that he had received many complaints of speeding in town, and particularly in the vicinity of the play grounds; that he had taken the matter up with the Police and that the situation seems to be improved, but that continued vigilance would be employed to stop reckle driv4 g in the Town. a - Councilman Nichols stated that he had aat'tended a meeting of Interested promoters of "Little League Baseball," and and while it is not likely that a very extensive program would be put In effect this season, that plans were being made for the future. Use of bhe facilities at Central Field wad` -&anted for the program. Clancy Foote, contractor for garbage disposal, asked that he be granted use of the town' s power shovel and operator at necessary intervals to keep the ga° bage dump properly covered. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that use off[ the shovel be granted, Mr. Foote to pay theoperator and for the gas and oil used. Mayor Sprague stated that he had received an invitation to particdpate -in the Loyalty Dag observance in Bremerton on Ray 1, 1951, and that he expected to attend. He also stated that he had received an Invitati&on to participate in the Masson County Forest Festival in Shelton on Ray. 12, but stated that %t is doubtful if he could at _tend and asked if say member of the Council might be interested in representing Port Orchard at this festival. Emergency Ordinance providing for the expenditure of 500, `for Civilian De **hieh was passes on first reading at the regular meeting on January S. 1951, and has been ecritinued for final action since that time, was presented on final reading and was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on motion by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. Port Orchard, Washington April 23. 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of fort Orchard called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, John C. Gilchrist, Goo. A. Broughton add Nick X. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino.; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of April 9, 1951 read and corrected to show that it was "recommended by the Council that gas tanks at Self Service Laundry be, located 25 feet from any building. Minutes approved as corrected. Engineer and Attorney stated that contract for installation of curbs and gdtters on Prospect Street by property owners, under the supervision of the Engineer, would be submitted to property owners in the near future, Petition for the improvement of West Street by grading and installing water mains and serer lines, was returned to the Council by the Engineer who stated that the petition coiAlnted sufficient names of property owners for creation of improvement district. A Discussion followed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall, that a Resolution be passed and adopted that it is necessary for the public health that sewers be. con- structed on West Street within the boundaries included in the petition. On roll call for passage of the Resolution all Members of the Council voted "aye," Attorney stated that th m uld draw dorm&. Resolution covering the matters set forth in the motion., Engineer was directed to proceed with preliminary work necessary. to passage of Reso.. lutiion of Intention to make improvements as set forth in the petition. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that his committee had inves- tigated needs for cro w.-oral as :smquested, and recommended that cores -.walk be a stab- lisbwd, acras a Day Stra4:t fro* , point at or near Odd Fellows ha)11; across Kitsap Street to the American Legioih islands across 'Cline Street east from Meinorik Island;, across Bay Street near Talbot Plummbl g Store; and. sc orss Bay Street west of Seattle Street at a Point to be dg nated. Raw rmmendations of the committee adopted on mo- tion by Gilchrist, see.44 by Repanichrsand carried. Superintendent stated that he had contacted Dino Sivo, the new owner of property. abutting alley in Block 159 Siftey, and that he is agreeable to having large shrub re. - moved to permit grading of alley, and that there is no objection from Christian Science Church ( the other property abutting the alle, to having work done. It was directed that this be placed on agenda of projected street work. Chairman Hall of the Street and Ailey committee .opted that his committee had met with operator of the Manchester bus, and that it had b66n 8gread;>that the bus stop be es- tablished at the parking meter furthest north on west side of Sidney Street, they bus operator to pay $10.00 per month as and for parking meter rent. Chairman Broughton of the Finance, Auditing and Planning committee, stated that his committee, wogether with Chief of Police, had contacted Dr. Bloomquist relative to .care and disposal of dogs, and that he had agreed to board dogs apt 75c per day, and to dispose of unclaimed dogs as directed by Police. Chief of Police stated that he has a man to take over collection of licenses and to pick up astray dogs. It was stattod that after publicity had been given, that an active drive will be made to -license all dogs in the, Town and to dispose of strays. Mayor Sprague stated that he had received many complaints of speeding in town, and particularly in the vicinity of the play grounds; that he had taken the matter up with the Police and that the situation seems to be improved, but that continued vigilance would be employed to stop reckle driv4 g in the Town. a - Councilman Nichols stated that he had aat'tended a meeting of Interested promoters of "Little League Baseball," and and while it is not likely that a very extensive program would be put In effect this season, that plans were being made for the future. Use of bhe facilities at Central Field wad` -&anted for the program. Clancy Foote, contractor for garbage disposal, asked that he be granted use of the town' s power shovel and operator at necessary intervals to keep the ga° bage dump properly covered. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that use off[ the shovel be granted, Mr. Foote to pay theoperator and for the gas and oil used. Mayor Sprague stated that he had received an invitation to particdpate -in the Loyalty Dag observance in Bremerton on Ray 1, 1951, and that he expected to attend. He also stated that he had received an Invitati&on to participate in the Masson County Forest Festival in Shelton on Ray. 12, but stated that %t is doubtful if he could at _tend and asked if say member of the Council might be interested in representing Port Orchard at this festival. Emergency Ordinance providing for the expenditure of 500, `for Civilian De **hieh was passes on first reading at the regular meeting on January S. 1951, and has been ecritinued for final action since that time, was presented on final reading and was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on motion by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried: Talbot Plumbing Co. A. R. Elliott, Agent Rice Electric Trick & Murray Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. James A..Morgan Nelson Equipment Co. CURRENT EXPER SE FUhl) Revise heating system, City Hall Premium liability insurance Merchandise and labor Ring binder sheets Cross walk lights Various telephones and tolls Labor at city hall grounds Coats and boots, Fire Dept. WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light at all plants Western Utilities Supply Co. Pipe fittings m! American Plung and Steam SupplyCo. Pipe and fittings Wm. F. Bruhahn Labor for Water Dept. Pacific 9#1 & Tel C5. Puget Sound News Company The H. R. Huntting Co, R. B. Ryan W. H. Stevenson W. F. Bruhahn James A. Morgan Coun01,ad j ourned. on motkprL bg STREET FUND Telephone and tolls LIBRARY FUND Books Books Books shelves in Library PARK FUND Sharpen lwwnmowerr Labor at Forestry Building Labor at Central Field Nichols, Clerk 23 6.90 1052.96 21.79 3.77 2.00 42.03 23.63 65.73 seconded by Gilchrost and carried. Mayor r r 0 Port Orchard, Washington Myy 140 1951 22.43 146.81 48.82 45.02 .39.15 5.98 48.34 31.28 115.36 4.00 23.20 2.70 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Spr Egue with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Rag B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton, Attorney Dudley H. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Sup- erintendent of Public dorks Geirge F.. Givens 'resent. Absent Councilman John C. Gllchrfet, Minutes of meeting of April 23, 1951 Bead and approved. John A. Boyle appelired before the Council representing Earl. Bell and Paula Banton, on their applies tiorr-for V4xib° license. Matter was discussed by the Council, and license was directed to be issued on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Arthur Mickelsen appear e baseball, and asked that baseball diamond safer. Repanich and carried tha have been a stab fished by mitted. i before] the Council on behalf of tars of Little League cerrain work be done at the Central Playfield to make the After a doscussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by t infield on baseball field be graded and cleared, after lines Engineer, and that other necessary work on the field be per - Attorney Dudley N. Perrine submitted proposed contract which will be presented to property owners on north side of Prospect Street betwean Frederick and Sidney Streets, for construction of curbs and gutters. Attorney also submitted Resolution re. West Street improvement, setting forth matters included in oral resolution unanimously ae ptod by the Council at the meeting of April 23, 1951, and same was read and unanimously passed by the Council, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried, Council Broughton suggested that cross walk on Bay Street between Sidney and Harri. son Streets be established at or near the point where entrance is made to merchant's parking lot. Following a discussion, the matter was referred to Street and Alley committee, It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that water consumers be allowed 5,500 gallons of water for minimu7r_ charge of $1.50 during the months of Jure , July and August, 1951. It was agreAd that after further publicity that colleablon of dog licenses and picking The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried: Talbot Plumbing Co. A. R. Elliott, Agent Rice Electric Trick & Murray Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. James A..Morgan Nelson Equipment Co. CURRENT EXPER SE FUhl) Revise heating system, City Hall Premium liability insurance Merchandise and labor Ring binder sheets Cross walk lights Various telephones and tolls Labor at city hall grounds Coats and boots, Fire Dept. WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light at all plants Western Utilities Supply Co. Pipe fittings m! American Plung and Steam SupplyCo. Pipe and fittings Wm. F. Bruhahn Labor for Water Dept. Pacific 9#1 & Tel C5. Puget Sound News Company The H. R. Huntting Co, R. B. Ryan W. H. Stevenson W. F. Bruhahn James A. Morgan Coun01,ad j ourned. on motkprL bg STREET FUND Telephone and tolls LIBRARY FUND Books Books Books shelves in Library PARK FUND Sharpen lwwnmowerr Labor at Forestry Building Labor at Central Field Nichols, Clerk 23 6.90 1052.96 21.79 3.77 2.00 42.03 23.63 65.73 seconded by Gilchrost and carried. Mayor r r 0 Port Orchard, Washington Myy 140 1951 22.43 146.81 48.82 45.02 .39.15 5.98 48.34 31.28 115.36 4.00 23.20 2.70 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Spr Egue with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Rag B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton, Attorney Dudley H. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Sup- erintendent of Public dorks Geirge F.. Givens 'resent. Absent Councilman John C. Gllchrfet, Minutes of meeting of April 23, 1951 Bead and approved. John A. Boyle appelired before the Council representing Earl. Bell and Paula Banton, on their applies tiorr-for V4xib° license. Matter was discussed by the Council, and license was directed to be issued on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Arthur Mickelsen appear e baseball, and asked that baseball diamond safer. Repanich and carried tha have been a stab fished by mitted. i before] the Council on behalf of tars of Little League cerrain work be done at the Central Playfield to make the After a doscussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by t infield on baseball field be graded and cleared, after lines Engineer, and that other necessary work on the field be per - Attorney Dudley N. Perrine submitted proposed contract which will be presented to property owners on north side of Prospect Street betwean Frederick and Sidney Streets, for construction of curbs and gutters. Attorney also submitted Resolution re. West Street improvement, setting forth matters included in oral resolution unanimously ae ptod by the Council at the meeting of April 23, 1951, and same was read and unanimously passed by the Council, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried, Council Broughton suggested that cross walk on Bay Street between Sidney and Harri. son Streets be established at or near the point where entrance is made to merchant's parking lot. Following a discussion, the matter was referred to Street and Alley committee, It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried that water consumers be allowed 5,500 gallons of water for minimu7r_ charge of $1.50 during the months of Jure , July and August, 1951. It was agreAd that after further publicity that colleablon of dog licenses and picking up stray dogs be undertaken, starting Kay 210 1951. Library Board submitted a request through the Clerk for increase of salary of Librar- ian from $50.00 per month to $75.00 per month. This was discussed,,and budget pro- visions ascertained, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that salary of Librarian be fixed at $60.00 per month, starting May, 1951, for the re- mainder of the calendar gear, and that starting January 1, 1952 that the salary be fixed at $75,00 per mouth. Letter from C. L. Klinefelter, Chairman Kitsap County Defense Council, setting forth facts concerning Port Orchard's financial responsibility in Civiliaaii Defense program, read. $6oved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Clerk be authorised to Hraaw warrant for $300.00 as and for Civilian Defense programs, as set forth in setter. Following claims, decked by heads of departments and by Chairman of Auditing committee, presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUNb Puget SoundPower & Light Co. Shell Cif Company Trick & Murray Howe Motor Company Haws' s Hardware Port Orchard Machines Shop Standard Oil Co. of Cal. F. E. Laaior, Agent E. A. Breitenstein Cross walk and street lights Furnace oil Dog tags Labor and materials, Police car Flashlight bulbs. and batteries Weld coat rack; repair street signs Furnace Oil Pre,ium Clerk's band Engineer's assistant WATER FUND Worthington Gamon Motor Div. Water meters Swindon's, Inc. 5 recaps W. F. Bruhahn Labor for water dept. Cleveland Chevrolet Replace pump on pickup Howe' s Hardware Roll cellophane Slocum Hardware High speed drill Howe Motor Company Howl's Hardwaar e Staa�d.aard Oil Co. of- Calif. Regalia Auto PaVts Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Slocum Haardwvaar e W. P. Bruhahn Slocum Hardware Port Orchard Machine Shop James A. Morgan STREET FUND Ports for brakes, dump truck 10pe; lag screws %.- `°Deisel fuel Orscheln lever Welding, etc. Paint and brush Labor laying culvert pipe PA RK FUND Oil, range Thwreagd bolts for mowing machine Labor at Central Field COUNCIL ADJOURNED ON MOTION BY Nichols, Clerk 245.28 158.48 20.81 7.16 6.72 11.48 82.77 50.00 27,00 106.30 47.17 58.00 6.90 .10 .41 20.25 1.95 19.12 igloo 6.44 9.46 4.:55 56.65 .77 22.95 seconded by Broughton and carried. Mai or 0 _ .. .. .. .. ., _ .. Port Orchard, Washington May 28, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchawr d, Washington called to order by Mayor William. H. Sprague, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick.J. Repanichs Ray B. Hall and Vend W. Nichols; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent Councilman John C, Gilchrist. Minutes of meeting of May 140 1951 read and approved, Chairman Repaanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported on mmew of playgrounds, and annlunced requests for use of fields. Use of fields as requested by Little League Baseball and other groups was granted, subject to further requests which may be received. Matter of improvement of West Street by grading and installing sewers and water lim at as petitioned for by property owners was again considered, and Resolution deelar ing intention of the Council to order the ixnprdvercent and setting date of hearing was passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. R. J. Caretti appared before the Council representing property owners on Dwight Street between Harrison and Seaytle Streets, and requested a street light at some point &n the block. Referred to Fire and Light committee for investigation and report. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that an investigation had been made of proposed cross walk om Bay Street between Sidney and Harrison Streets, and recommended that cross walk be designated at a point immediately west of entrance to new parking lot. This was ordered on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Report of progress being made in collecting dog licenses was made by Chief of Police and receipts from dog licenses were reported by Clerk. Petition for improvement of Rockwell Street by installing curbs and gutters was again considered. Resolution declaring intention of Council to Order the improvement and setting date of hearing was passed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Fall and carried. been Mayor stated that he had/approached regarding sale of water meters now in use in Forest City district. This was discussed and Superintendent was requested to inves- tigate regarding values placed on used water meters. No action taken. Clerk submitted list of parts which Police Department stated were needed for park- ing meters. Authority to order necessary parts granted. Superintendent and Chief of Police stated that they had been requested to ask for pay increases for workmen in their departments. This was -referred to Finance and Auditing committee for investigation and report. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and allowed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power be Light Co. City hall lights 34.50 Port Orchard Inde endent Publish Ordinance No. 579 5.80 Nelson Equipmient Uompany 2 pairs boots, Fire Dept. 22.09 Pacific Tel 41 Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 47.00 James A. Morgan Labor on city hall grounds 13.50 IITI:#�s7i.�V�■i� Puget Sound Power & Light Cl. Power and light at all oumping punts 227.22 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 16.87 Rice Flectric Labor end material, various jobs 168.21 Moreland, Inc. Laundry service (rags and washing) 6.13 Worthington Gamon Meter Division Water meter parts 6.40 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 24.65 W f F. Bruhahn Poet Sound Power & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. STREET FUND Labor on streets Power and light at garage Telephone and tolls PARK FUND 11.60 2.18 7.96 Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Lights at Forestry Bldg and tennis courts 4.82 James A. Morgan Labor at Central Field 18.90 Council journed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. v-� J Clerk May or ... __ ..-0 ----_- _- -- Port Orchard, Washington June ll, 1951 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Wm. H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Nerd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. S. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Absent Councilman John C. Gilchrist. Minutes of meeting of May 28, 1951 read and Ep proved. Chairman Nichols of Fire and Light committee reported that he had investigated re(P est for street light on Dwight Street and also on DeKalb Street, and asked further time to make recommendation. It was reported that to date $167.00 has been collected for dog licenses and that Pound Master is continuing to contact owners. Concerning suggested sale of water meters in Forest City Area, Superintendent stated that he had investigated sale price of used meters, and that from information avail- able $15.00 per meter is resale value. He stated that new meters cost upwards of $20.00 each. Virgil T. Williver, Commander of Fred Needham Post No. 2669, Veterans of Foreign Wars, appeared before the Council and presented to the Port Orched Public Library, through the Mayor, two handaome volumes of dorld War II history, and also a check for �i recommended that cross walk be designated at a point immediately west of entrance to new parking lot. This was ordered on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Report of progress being made in collecting dog licenses was made by Chief of Police and receipts from dog licenses were reported by Clerk. Petition for improvement of Rockwell Street by installing curbs and gutters was again considered. Resolution declaring intention of Council to Order the improvement and setting date of hearing was passed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Fall and carried. been Mayor stated that he had/approached regarding sale of water meters now in use in Forest City district. This was discussed and Superintendent was requested to inves- tigate regarding values placed on used water meters. No action taken. Clerk submitted list of parts which Police Department stated were needed for park- ing meters. Authority to order necessary parts granted. Superintendent and Chief of Police stated that they had been requested to ask for pay increases for workmen in their departments. This was -referred to Finance and Auditing committee for investigation and report. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and allowed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power be Light Co. City hall lights 34.50 Port Orchard Inde endent Publish Ordinance No. 579 5.80 Nelson Equipmient Uompany 2 pairs boots, Fire Dept. 22.09 Pacific Tel 41 Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 47.00 James A. Morgan Labor on city hall grounds 13.50 IITI:#�s7i.�V�■i� Puget Sound Power & Light Cl. Power and light at all oumping punts 227.22 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 16.87 Rice Flectric Labor end material, various jobs 168.21 Moreland, Inc. Laundry service (rags and washing) 6.13 Worthington Gamon Meter Division Water meter parts 6.40 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 24.65 W f F. Bruhahn Poet Sound Power & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. STREET FUND Labor on streets Power and light at garage Telephone and tolls PARK FUND 11.60 2.18 7.96 Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Lights at Forestry Bldg and tennis courts 4.82 James A. Morgan Labor at Central Field 18.90 Council journed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. v-� J Clerk May or ... __ ..-0 ----_- _- -- Port Orchard, Washington June ll, 1951 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Wm. H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Nerd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. S. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Absent Councilman John C. Gilchrist. Minutes of meeting of May 28, 1951 read and Ep proved. Chairman Nichols of Fire and Light committee reported that he had investigated re(P est for street light on Dwight Street and also on DeKalb Street, and asked further time to make recommendation. It was reported that to date $167.00 has been collected for dog licenses and that Pound Master is continuing to contact owners. Concerning suggested sale of water meters in Forest City Area, Superintendent stated that he had investigated sale price of used meters, and that from information avail- able $15.00 per meter is resale value. He stated that new meters cost upwards of $20.00 each. Virgil T. Williver, Commander of Fred Needham Post No. 2669, Veterans of Foreign Wars, appeared before the Council and presented to the Port Orched Public Library, through the Mayor, two handaome volumes of dorld War II history, and also a check for �i $100.00 from the Fred Needham Post, for the Port Orchard Fire Department, Mayor Sprague accepted the gifts on behald of the Town and,expressed the appreciation of the Town Government for the handsome gifts. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton end carried, that Clerk write letter of thanks to Fred i�eedham Post for the gifts. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee asked for further time to make definite report on request for increase in pay by members of the street crew an d police force. At this time Councilman Repanich was excused from.the meting due to another engage- ment. Mayor stated that he haal attended the convention of the Association of Washington Cities in Seattle last Friday, and made a report of the proceedings. He stated that he had attended a conference rglaating to participation ,by cities and towns in the Federal Social Security progrs*o and. that Port Orchar d is definitely eligibles to participate. He also displayed a plagx a received by him,awaadrding to the Town of Part Orchard a first place award in the State 'Traffic contest. The plaque now adorns the wall of the Council Chamber. Councilman Nichols suggested that due to heavy traffic on Bay Street that cross -walk light in the middle of the block between Frederick and Sidney Streets might be advis- able. -This was discussed, but no action taken. Mayor stated that he had held conferences ,with the Sheriff regarding direct telephoner connections between Part Orchard `Police department and t?.je Sheriff's office, which wouN ,,dive more opportunity for patrolling by police officers. He stated that details hawea •mot yet been worked* ohtt but that he is hopeful that mutual benefit vo ulf result to the Town and County. Attorney Perrino was excused from further attendance on the session. Prospects #b r improvement of Bay Street from Black Jack bridges west, was discussed, end Clerk was directed to write letter to District Engineer, asking the status of the pro- posed improvement. . Wetter of authorizing meat inspection under certain conditions by Health officer, was discussed, and referred to Attorney for opinion. The following claims, chocked by heads of departments aand.;by Chairman Broughton of the Finance committee, were presented, after examination by members of the Council, M d were ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street and cross -walk lights 248,62 V. B. Cd dwell Floor paint 1.65 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Furnace oil,; gasoline 71.70 Sidney Stickmne Pound Master --Dog Catcher 141.78 Guy L. Wetzil, Clerk Postage, box rent, etc. 18,33 Thompson's Expanding envelopes 13,39 Howes Motor Company RepaaI r police car 12.24 H. B. Menaees Spank plugs; light switch 1.67 James A. Morgan Labor, City Hall grounds 6.08 Howe's Hardware Jaanitorl s supplies; Vigoro 17.31 WATIR FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light 205.44 Bremerton Con. Productb Co. 30' the for khillips Creek 133.49 Port Orchard Machine Shop Steel Meter box 30.90 V. B. Caldwell Paint, tools, etc. 8.53 Orville Brose Labor 23.20 George Givens Re-imburse expenses to WVY convention 21.36 STREET FUND Moreland Inc. Reg and laundry service Bremerton Con. Products Co. 18' the Port Orchard M.<chine Shop melding V. B. Caldwell Scythe stones; lettering brush Machinery Service and Supply Co.Grader biaades J. W. Welsh Contract --Engineer's estimate, Sidney St. Howe Motor Company Labor and parts, Street trucks Horne Dil Company Stove oil Howe's Hardware Tools I ' PARK FUND Howe's Haardww e Cruikshaank's Variety Store V. B. Caldwell James A. Morgan Garden tools Kegs Plumbing Labor at LSE ARY FUND supplies Central Field 1.75 13.35 9.27 3.79 40.48 800.00 8.61 41.63 4.46 1.95 .35 8.06 14.18 Gaylord Bros., Inc. Librer y supplies 37.33 Letter from Supervisor of Forestry re.deed to Forestry Building pm perty read and ordered filed. Coun d adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk MIV or 0 - - - - - - .. Port Orchard, Washington June 25, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Fort Orchard, Washington called to � order by Mayor William H. Spra7ue, with Councilmen Nick J.-epanich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hall, Ve.rd W. Nichols and John C. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N, Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public works Geoege F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of Jum 11, 1951 read and approved. A. Thesan appeared before the Council relative to building permit on Lot on Kendall Street, stating that width of lot made it impossible to keep structure full five.feeet from property line. He presented memo from owner of adjoining property consenting to issuance of building permit as requested. Council considered the matter and Clerk was directed to issue permit. This action was on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. Ray B. Neese, representing Fred Needham Post, Veterans of "oreign wars, appeared before the Council with a regiest for a license for a carnival to be presented in Port Orchard from July 9 to 14, 1951. A discussion followed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that license as requested be granted, con- ditioned that the carnival shall be properly policed by regular police officers Had deputies to be named by the Chief of rolice, the V.F.W. or carnival compaly to pay all expenses for policing. Carl Blieffert and hick Babnick, representing retail beer abd Yd.ne sellers in Port Orchw d, appeared before the Council and regzested thAt no further licenses for sale of beer and wine for off -premises consumption be granted. This was discussed and referred to License and Revenue committee for investigation and recommendation, Dr. Shirley Benham, County Health Officer, appeared before the Council and renewed a former invitation to the Town of Fort Orchard to participate in the County Health program, and asked that as many representatives of the Council as possible attend a meeting of the committee to be held in theoffice of the Mayor of Bremerton at 2:15 p.m. on July 11, 1951. Dr Benham stated that a different hour might be arranged for the meeting to make it more convenient for those interested, and if such is done that notice of the change of time will be given. James W. Bryan, Jr., representing the Forest City Development Corpo-ation, appeared before the Counellregardin,g water service to the Forest City area, through existing pipes, which he stated were the property of the 1"orest City Development Corporation. He presented an agreement t arovide for sale of water meters and for service of water by Port Orch.*Yd #�hrou i master metersip and for other matters entering into the proposed deal, Grid this was studied by the Mayor, members of the Council and lown Attorney. A lengthy discussion followed, and Dusty Winebrenner, as a citizen of the community, also entered into the discussion. Matter of selling price of meters was discussed, H. V. McBroom of "orest City Development Corporation, making an offer of t10.00 per meter. Members of the Council stated that 415.-00 per meter was a fair price 9,nd this amount was finally agreed upon by Moth parties. Further discussions were entered into, and differences developed between the Town and the Development Corp., and the proposed agreement previously submitted was withdrawn by Mr, Bryan. Recu est for street lights on Dwight and DeKalb Streets ve$ween Harrison and Seatt&e Streets, was referred to Fire and Light ro mmittee with power to act on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Hall and carried. Question of raise in gay for employees of the Town was reported on by Chairman Brough- ton of the Finance, Auditing and Planning committee, and his committee recommended an increase in pay of 010.00 per months ach for Superintendent of rublic 4orks, Chief of Police, Clerk, WaterForeman, Street Foreman, two regulab street employees, a ff four patrolmen in theeolice Department. Ordinance.providi ng that salary of Sup- erintendent of Public 0orks, Chief of rolice and Clerk be fixed at $310.00 per month; That salaries of Street Foreman and Water !''oreman be fixed at $285.00 per month; salt aries of two regular street employees be fixed at $265.00 pwr month; and that salary of four Police patrolmen be fixed at �'260.00 p er month, was passed and adopted on motion by Repanich, seconded by flail and carried. Clerk presented latter from District Highway Engineer stating that plans for widening Black Jack bridge and other work on Highway #14 within the Town of Pirt Orchard, are being made and that it is expected that work will be done in thc�late su er. Information relative to participation by Town in Social Security program was re- ferred to Finance, Auditing and Planning committee for study and recommenddtion. H. E. Dingle, for many years local:` maniger for the Puget Sound ?over & Light COMPMYP aldressed the Councils stating that he is retiring from his position and expressing his personal appreciation for friendly relations and fine co-operation which have ex- isted between the �1own and himself during his many years representing the Company here; and he eipressed the certainty that the same fine relations would prevail between the Toen and his successor. Mayor Sprague congratulated Mr. Dingle .for the fine ser- vice which he had rendered and extended best wishes of the Town government for his suc- cessful future. ,. , The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, were presented, examined by the members of the Council, and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried: Art Burnside & Co. Port Orchard Independent Pioneer, Inc. Sidney St&ekmon Burroughs Adding Machire Co. Howard Cooper Corp. James A . Moran Pacific Tel Tel Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police badges Publishing; Resolutions Loyalty oaths for employees Wages as dog catcher and pound master 6 typewriter ribbons Light bulbs for Fire Department Labor on city hall grunds Various telephones and tolls 'HATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. lister Dept. telephones and tolls Wilkins Distributing Co. 4 qts Wynoil Puget Sound Power & Light Co. `Power at Vest Day .St station Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor on water lines H. J. Kilpatrick Overtime lab&r on water lines W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines J. W.. Welsh Wilkins Distributing l°o, Kress & More South Kitsap Gtavel Company Pacific Tel cx 'gel Co. Western Utilitbes Supply Co. Union Oil Co. of Cal. .Derley Nesseth IT. F. Bruhahn James A. Morgan Thompson Furniture Go, STREET FUND 13.36 27.08 2.95 91.74 4.85 4.84 16.87 45.05 18.63 3.09 17.05 8.70 5.80 28.00 Balance on Sidhe* Street contract 400.00 Gasoline 294.50 Mount grader tire 3.09 50* yds sand 25.25 Street Dept telephone and tolls -8.11 18 shovels 42.57 Motor Oil 40.94 Driving truck 11.60 Labor on streets 53.65 PARK FUND Labor at Central Field 40.50 Linoleum tile, etc. for caretaker house 8.39 Meeting adjourned to July 2, 1951 at 7rolelock p. m. on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried. - Clerk Isar or Port Orchard, Washington July 2, 1951 Continued meeting of the Council pfPort Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor William it. Sprague, w1th Councilmen John C. Gilchrist,•Verd 4. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, 'J Nick . Repanich and eorge A. Broughton; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Superintendent of Public Works '4eorge .0. Givens present. The meeting having been continued to this date for hearings under Resolutions No. 1-54 and 2-51, for the improvement of Rockwell Street and West Street respectively, MW or called -for protests of objections against the Rockwell Street improvement. R. L. Kemp entered a protest against the improvement on account of the estimated cost. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grieveasked for information regarding grades and slopes. Following the hearing and explanations of various phases of the proposed improvement, it was moved by Repecn. ich, seconded by Nichols and carried, that ordinance be passed cresting local improve- ment district, providing method of payment for improvement, and providing for all mat- ters in connection with the improvement. Ordinance adopted. Clerk directed to call for bids for the work,bids to be opened July 23, 1951 at7:30 p. m. West Street improvement was then taken under consideration, and several property owners were present regarding this proposed improvement. written protests were filed by Sybil Howard, Otto W. Swanson and Marvel W. Hammond, and these protests were read and con- sidered by the Cc­,incil. G. W.. Marker, owner of considerable property in the proposed district, conferred with the Engineer and the Council relativeto methods of assessments and other matters in connection with this improvement. J. F. Honeyford also asked in- formation regarding the improvement. Mrs. J. L. Adams inquired about street grades as they will effect driveways. Following the conferences and questions, and other' matters in connection with the hearing, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that Ordinance creating improvement district., providing method of pa yment' m d ppoyiding for other matters in connects n with the improvement be passed. Ordinance adopted as presented. It wa:; moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried that regular meetings of the Council of the sown of Fort Orchard be held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:30 p. m. Meeting a journed on motion, by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. -,Clerk Port Orchard, '49shington July 9, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William L. Sprague with Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Verd yV. Nichols, Hay B. hall, Nick J. 1iepanich and Geor,�-e A. Lroughton; Attorney Dudley.N. Perrine; and Superinten- dent of Public forks George F'. Givens, and 4mXar±mkemdamkzaz Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein present. y Minutes of regular meeting of ,June 25, 1951 and continued meeting of July 2, 1951 mad and approved. Mayor stated that meeting of the hitsa County Health Board will be held at Puget Sound Memorial Hospital on July 11, 1951 at 8 p. m. -,nd suggested that any member of the Council who can attend, be present. Clerk directed to remind members of the meeting on July 11. Matter of granting by the State Liquor Control Board of future licenses for sale of beer and wine within the limits of Port Orchard was discussed. It was agreed that any applications for new licenses should come before the Council for consideration, and applications for renewals would be handled as in thepast. Joe Brisky, local tavern operator, appeared before the Council and asked that no more,licenses be granted. Chairmal Broughton of the License and Auditing committee stated that appearance of carnival in Port Orchard, for which license was authorized at the meeting of June 25, 1951, had been delayed and recommended that license be authorized for future date. Committee given power to act in matter of issuing future licelse to VFW on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee reported that his committee had investigat`d request for street lights on Dwight and DeKalb Streets and recommended that 4IF '000(;lumen bracket lanps be installed near the center of the block between Her- risun and Seattle Streets on both Dwight and DeKalb Streets, at points agreed upon by the committee and representative of rower Company. Recommendations of committee ap- proved and installations ordered. The Finance, Auditing and Licensing committee, through its chairman, Councilman .1oughton, recn­ended that Town adopt the Social Security program for town employees, and that further information be secured regarding the program. At this time further hearing on the proposal of the Forest City Development Corp., re- garding acquisition by the a*,elopment Corp. of water meters owned by the Town in the area, was called for discussion by Mayor Sprague. Many residents of the area were present, the Development Corp. being represented by James Va. Bryan, Jr., attorney, and those opposed by Ray R. Greenwood, attorney. Mayor stated thetproposition as formerly presented, and called on Mr. Bryan to state the case of the Development Corporation. Mr. Bryan presented his case and was followed by Mr. Greenwood who presented the case of those opposed to the deal. Others from the k'orest City area who were heard were Troy Humphries, Wm. L. 5mdth, J. C. Angier and furs. Frank Pierce. Following -the hear- ing it was moved by hall, seconded by Nivhols and carried that so far as the Town of Port Orchard is concerned, that there be no change in present manner of handling water customers in Forest City area. The following claims, checked by -vie ads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seco'nded,by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power a Light Co. Street lights 244.28 Elliott Adding Machine Co. Postal card stencils 1.56 Ass'n of Jashington Cities 1951 dues 135.00 Thompson's Stencils .72 Standard oil Co. of Cal. Furnace oil; gasoline 69.89 E. A. Breitenstein Assisting Bngineer 34.40 Trick & Murray Police court blanks 26.04 James A. Morgan Labor at city hall 13.50 PATER FUND V. B. Caldwell Pipe fittings 4.41. H. B. Menees Speed pedal; ignition wrenches 3.56 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 129.05 ppoyiding for other matters in connects n with the improvement be passed. Ordinance adopted as presented. It wa:; moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried that regular meetings of the Council of the sown of Fort Orchard be held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:30 p. m. Meeting a journed on motion, by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. -,Clerk Port Orchard, '49shington July 9, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William L. Sprague with Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Verd yV. Nichols, Hay B. hall, Nick J. 1iepanich and Geor,�-e A. Lroughton; Attorney Dudley.N. Perrine; and Superinten- dent of Public forks George F'. Givens, and 4mXar±mkemdamkzaz Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein present. y Minutes of regular meeting of ,June 25, 1951 and continued meeting of July 2, 1951 mad and approved. Mayor stated that meeting of the hitsa County Health Board will be held at Puget Sound Memorial Hospital on July 11, 1951 at 8 p. m. -,nd suggested that any member of the Council who can attend, be present. Clerk directed to remind members of the meeting on July 11. Matter of granting by the State Liquor Control Board of future licenses for sale of beer and wine within the limits of Port Orchard was discussed. It was agreed that any applications for new licenses should come before the Council for consideration, and applications for renewals would be handled as in thepast. Joe Brisky, local tavern operator, appeared before the Council and asked that no more,licenses be granted. Chairmal Broughton of the License and Auditing committee stated that appearance of carnival in Port Orchard, for which license was authorized at the meeting of June 25, 1951, had been delayed and recommended that license be authorized for future date. Committee given power to act in matter of issuing future licelse to VFW on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee reported that his committee had investigat`d request for street lights on Dwight and DeKalb Streets and recommended that 4IF '000(;lumen bracket lanps be installed near the center of the block between Her- risun and Seattle Streets on both Dwight and DeKalb Streets, at points agreed upon by the committee and representative of rower Company. Recommendations of committee ap- proved and installations ordered. The Finance, Auditing and Licensing committee, through its chairman, Councilman .1oughton, recn­ended that Town adopt the Social Security program for town employees, and that further information be secured regarding the program. At this time further hearing on the proposal of the Forest City Development Corp., re- garding acquisition by the a*,elopment Corp. of water meters owned by the Town in the area, was called for discussion by Mayor Sprague. Many residents of the area were present, the Development Corp. being represented by James Va. Bryan, Jr., attorney, and those opposed by Ray R. Greenwood, attorney. Mayor stated thetproposition as formerly presented, and called on Mr. Bryan to state the case of the Development Corporation. Mr. Bryan presented his case and was followed by Mr. Greenwood who presented the case of those opposed to the deal. Others from the k'orest City area who were heard were Troy Humphries, Wm. L. 5mdth, J. C. Angier and furs. Frank Pierce. Following -the hear- ing it was moved by hall, seconded by Nivhols and carried that so far as the Town of Port Orchard is concerned, that there be no change in present manner of handling water customers in Forest City area. The following claims, checked by -vie ads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seco'nded,by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power a Light Co. Street lights 244.28 Elliott Adding Machine Co. Postal card stencils 1.56 Ass'n of Jashington Cities 1951 dues 135.00 Thompson's Stencils .72 Standard oil Co. of Cal. Furnace oil; gasoline 69.89 E. A. Breitenstein Assisting Bngineer 34.40 Trick & Murray Police court blanks 26.04 James A. Morgan Labor at city hall 13.50 PATER FUND V. B. Caldwell Pipe fittings 4.41. H. B. Menees Speed pedal; ignition wrenches 3.56 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 129.05 STREET FCTND Union Oil Co. of Cal. Kitsap County !airport V. B. Caldwell Kitsap Farmers Howard Cooper Corp. 17owets Hardware Matson Bros., Inc. Jesse X. Sutton Nathan Nesseth Orville Brow �*. Perley Nesseth H. J. Kilpatrick James A. Morgan Howe's Hardware -Motor'Cil Bank run gravel Cable, wire rope Paint Scarfier shanks Wire brush Paint and thinner Overtime labor on streets Labor for street department Labor for street department Labor for street department Overtime labor for street department PARK FUND Council ad,jourp9d on motion by Nichols, Clerk _i_ - _ _ - _ - _ - 0 Labor at Givens and Central fields Paint, pipe fittings and padlock seconded by Hall and carried. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 23, 1951 42.86 30,45 34.07 10.22 45.77 5.05 9.99 8.70 69.60 46.40 11.60 1.45 33.55 13.25 Regular meeting of the Council -of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William 1i. Sprague with Councilmen Nick J. Hepanich, George A. Broughton, John 0. Gil- christ and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. terrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Super- intendent of Public Works George r. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of July 9, 1951 read and approved. Mayor Sprague reported that con-ference of Kitsap 'County Board of Health held on Jdty 119 1951 considered garbage disposal and from reports received the tort Orchard garbage dump received a clean bill of health. At this time Councilman Nichols took his seat with the Council. R. P. Joslin appeared before the Council regarding insurance on the Viunicipal Building. A discussion followed, and it was agreed by the Uouncil that amount of insurance remain as at present. This being the date upon which bids for the improvement of West Street by grading Ind Installation of water mains and sewers were to be opened, Clerk stated that one bid had been received. Mayor directed that bid be opened and Clerk opened and read the bid of J. W. Welsh. Written protests against the improvement were received from Her -old R. Fries, Mr. and Mrs. Max Hill, and Mr. and ors A. E. Bard. firs. Bard was present and Engineer ex- plained preliminary assessment roll and other details relating to the proposed improvement.'; Bid of Welsh offered to do the work as specified in the plans and specifications for the sum of $8,860.00 plus sales tax of 097.35. The bid was discussed by the Council, a x- amined by the Engineer, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Repm ich and carried t that bid of J. W. Welsh be accepted, and that contract be entered into for the improvement the contractor to file sufficient bond. Bids also being due this date for the improvement of Rockwell Avenue by the installation of curbs and gutters, one bid was received and Mayor directed that bid be opened. Bid of R. B. Ryan offered to do the work according to plans and'specif ications for 01,244.00, plus any taxes that may be due in connection with thework.- The bid was examined by the Council and the Engineer, and the bid of R. B. Ryan was accepted on motion. by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried, the successful bidder to enter into a contract and file suf- ficient bond for the work. Chairman Hall of the Otreet and Alley committee recommended that speed and other traffic signs be placed: A sign warning of intersection of Bay and High Street west of inter- section on Bay Street; a 25-mile limit sign on Sidney Street south of kelcher Street; a 35-mile sign on Gig Harbor highway at town limits, and a 25-mile sign at intersection of Bay and Maple Streets on Gig Harbor highway. Cgief of iolice wa s directed to confer with State Highway Maintenance Supervisor regarding the signs on the State Righways, Council Rep anich asked that sign W rning of children playing ire placed on Grant Street. Referred to Councilman Repan ich and Superintendent for action. Robert Gadberry appeared before thw Douncil regar ding dacgerous violations of speed regulations on Hull Street, and 11. W. Bryant also voiced concern because of the same con- dition. Referred to Police Dep Artment for action. Chairman Gilchrist of the rater and Sewer committee brought up the matter of the disagree- ment concerning water bill of Horluek Transportation Company. Matter referred to Attorney to write letter to operators. The matter of a stop sign from the parking lot in Block 13, First Addition, where traffic enters Sidney Street, was referral to the 6treet and Alley committee with power to act on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Reptuich and carried. Superintendent of Public Works brought up the matter of the renewal of water main from Sidney otreet, through.-allely in Block 12, First Addition, to Harrison Street; thence on Harrison Street to Bay Street; thence on Bay Street to Rockwell Avenue, recommend- ing the installation of 8-inch cast iron pipe. He stated that existing wooden main had sprung three leaks recently, and that with the proposed improvement of Bay Street that new main should be installed before this work is done. An estimate of cost pre- pared by the Superintendent and Ergineer, was submitted. The matter was considered by the Council, and it war directed that bids be called for this work under plans and specifications to be furnished, bids to be opened at the meeting of the Council on August 13, 1951, This action was talken on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Chas. Russell and other members of the tort Orchard � ire Department, appeared. before the Council, stating that on some occasions there is no one in the Police btation to answer fire calls, and asked for a remedy. A discussion followed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that duty officer of Fire Department be employed to assume duty in Police Station and to answer both Police and Fire telephones at such times as there is no officer on duty at Police Station, the duty officer to be paid at reg Mar police patrolman scale. The matter of fire telephone in the apparatus room was discussed, and was referred to Chairman Nichols and the members of the `ire and Light committee to look into the advisability of installing this instrument, together with a signal switch, innthe residence of Chas. Russell. Parks and buildings committee was requested to secure estimates of cost of painting walls and ceilings on first floor of i4unicipal Building. Letter from Harper & Company regarding refinancing , of 1941 Sewer Bonds was read and referred to the Finance and Planning committee. Letter from Mr. and Mrs G. d. +Iarker regarding revision of property lines for assess- ment purr)oses againsttheir property on "rest Street, was read, and request approved on motion by Broughton, seconded by Re anich and carried. (This paragraph is as c-rrected by order of August 14, 1951.--Clerk Clerk was directed to secure new flag for Municipal Building flagpole. On motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Hall and carried, pay of street sweeper was fixed at $110.00 per month. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by vinance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Iichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Pacific Tel ac Tel 1%0. Telephones and tolls 15.83 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. City hall and cross walk lights 38.84 Puget Sound Stamp Works Dater and stamp pad 8.19 James A. Morgan Labor on City Hall grounds 10.13 Federal Pipe and Tank Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Go. Transport Clearings Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. Stevens Motors W. F. Bruhahn WATER FUND 6" collars for water main Telephones and tolls Freight Power and light for pumping 2" adapters Radimeter Labor STREET FUND Jesse W. Sutton H. J. Kilpatrick Nathan Nesseth Nelson Equipment Company Eitsap County Equipment & Rev Fund Puget Sound ower & Light Co. Mcreland's, Inc. Puget Sound Power a Nelander mill Work James A. Morgan Overtime labor Overtime labor Labor on streets BRJll Lining Road Oil LAgh.t at street shed Laundry service and rags PARK FUND 19.28 17.87 1.93 286.96 2.69 7,10 60.40 3.02 1.51 122.31 17.78 308.75 2.00 1.96 Light Co. Light at tennis court and Recreation bldg 4.11 Cabinet work, caretaker's house 26.23 Labor at Central Field 6.75 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound Dews Co. Books 24.72 The H. R. Huntting Co. books 19.37 matter of closing city offices on Saturday was discussed informal ly and it was suggested that publicity be given proposal before definite action is taken. i[eeting adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried. q��_ 0 1 4L Clerk 00 May or - --__-0 Port Orchard, Washington August 1, 1951 Meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Town Clerk in the absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Geo. A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Meeting continued to August 14, 1951 at 7:30 p. m., because of lack of quorum, on motion By Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk Mayor 0 Port Orchard, Washington August 14, 1951 Continued meeting of Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich and John G. Gilchrist; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, and Superintendent of Public uprks George F. Givens present. Absent Councilmen Ray B. Hall and Verd W. Nichols, and Attorn6y Dudley N. Perrino. Minutes of meeting of July 23, 19-51 read and corrected to state that "Letter from, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Marker regarding revision of property lines for assessment purposes against their property on West Street was read, and request approved on motion y Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried." Minutes approved as corrected. Minutes of meeting; of August 13, 1951 approved as read. This being the date for opening bids for laying water train in alley in }Block 12, First Addition; on Harrison Street to Bay Street and on Bay atreet to Rockwell Avenue (opening of bids .having: been continued from. August 13, 1951 when meeting was continued for lack of quorum) Mayor directed that bids be o ened and read. Bid of J. W. Welsh offered to do the work as specified for a total of 17,979.00. Bid of Argenterei #c Colroassi offered -to do the work as specified for 12,570.00. Bids were studied and considered by the Council, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and car ried'that bids be rejected, and that Clerk be directed to call for bids for this improvement, bids to be opened at the meeting of the Council on August 27, 1951 at 8 o'clock p. m., call for bids to be published in the Port Orchard Independent and the Seattle Journal of Com- merce, and that rejected bids be returned to the bidders. Matter of Prospect Street curbs and gutters, which are to be installed by property owners under a private contract with builder, and according to plans and specifications to be furnished by Town Engineer, was discussed, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich and carried that copy o." the contract for the improvement, entered into by E. S. Howe, et ux., Ralph L.. Smith, et ux., Robert P. Joslin et ux., W. G. Voris et ux., T. A. Rass et ux., and Robert Rice et ux., as property owners and R. B. Ryan as contractor be filed in the office of the Town Clerk. Chief of Police reported that he had contacted State Highway SupervfA)r regarding signs requested by Town on Highway No. 14, and that signs had been installed as requested. Chief of. Police reported that he had received no further complaints of speeding on Hull Street. Street and Alley committee given further time regarding stop sign at point where drive- way enters Sidney Street from merchant's parking lot on waterfront. It was stated that a man has been secured to work three shifts a week in Police office to maintain continuous man -on -duty in police office. Report was made that extra fire telephone which had been located in apparatus room of Fire Department has been moved to residence of C. A. Russell. Matter of alarm signal at Russell residence was discussed and referred to Fire and Light committee. Parks and Buildings committee granted more time for estimates on paintong interior of first floor of Municipal Building. Finance and Planning committee, through Councilman Broughton, recommended after an in- vestigation that four 1941 sewer revenue bonds be called for payment on September 15, 1951. After a discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repa7ichnand carried that four bonds of this issue be called, under terms prescribed in controlling ordinance. j Followinr consideration, it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that, beginning September 1, 1951, that office hours of Clerk -Treasurer be from 9: 00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Monday through Friday, and that office be closed on Saturdays. A general discussion of the problems created b- appearance cf carnivals in Port Orch- ard was held but r_o definite action as taken. Ma-ror brought up the matter of a request for Civil Defense organization for addi- tional _`_lands to stockpile-,mergency supplies, and this was discussed and passed for further consideration. Chairman Repanich made a report on request for repairs at tennis co)rts at Givens Field, stating that repairs wouldbe handled as rapidly as possible. Parkin« of cars on walkway in front of Knutson Garage on Day Street referred to Police for action. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by members of the Audit- ing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Gilchrist and carried: Howe Motor Company Sunde & De'Evers Miller Meters, Inc. Standard Oil Company Thompson's Puget Sound Po�:rer & Light Co. Trick & Murray Lumber Supply Towr. Clerk James A. Morgan Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound. Power u Ligh.t Co. Port Orchard Independent Daily Journal or Commerce Bowe Motor Company Moreland Industrial Lcu rd ry Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Howe's Hardware Slocum Hardware Lumber Supply To.m Clerk W. F. Bruhahn CURRENT EXPEt'.SE FUND Repair police car and fire truck Flag for City hall Parkirg meter parts Lub job on police car Typewriter paper and carton Street and cross -walk lights Treasurer's cash book and binder Lumber Postage, box rent, etc. Labor at city hall grounds 'carious vablications I,VAT ER FUND Power and light at all ppants Call for bids, laying, water main Call for bids, laying water main Adjust truck engine speed Rag and laundry service Meter box lids Pipe fittings Pipe fittings, etc. Cement 5 m Postal cards Bal:,,or on pipe lines STREET P,"UIM Wilkins Distributing Co. Port Orchard Machine Shop Kitsap County Eqip. Renta7L &Rev.Pd. Howe Motor Company Howe's Hardware Slocum Hardware Lumber Supply Nathan Nesseth Hodge &Davis Howe's hardware Lumber Supply Slocum Hardware James A. Morgan Puget Sound News Company Americanna Corp. Gasoline .'Veldino, and ing sign standards Road Oil Repair Ford dump truck Na ils Tools Lumber. pd. nt, etc. Laboron streets Tire repair P `K 7JND 3 garbage cans Lumber, nails, etc. Garden hose Labor at Central Field LIBRARY I{UITD Books Arnericanna Annual Council adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconhd by Repanich and ce.rried. 81.73 9.40 88.06 1.55 7.78 247.20 66.60 3.87 6.91 14.18 33,62 278,13 6.51 15.60 1.55 1.66 33.37 2.35 3.39 6.53 50.00 62.35 194.00 26.22 313.50 348.54 1.55 3.85 85.60 174.00 4.07 17.00 11.55 19.16 7.10 49.22 2.95 Clerk M a _ yor i Port Orchard, Washington August 27, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilman John C. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols, R. B. Hall, and Nick J. epanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman Geo. A. Broughton. Miputes of meeting of August 14, 1951 read and approved. Mrs. Diary Leiseke, representing Horluck Transportation Company, appeared before the I Council rel Et ive to water bill at ferry dock, about wh;.ch there has been controversy. The matter was discussed, various angles of the m ntroversy were aired, but nothing definite wGs decided about adjustment or change of bill. Bill remains as originally charged. This being therdate upon which bids for laying water main on Harrison and Flay Street were to be opened, mayor directed that bids be opened and read. Following bids were received: Whibe Construction Company; A. Jakoboni; Thorburn & Logozo; and J. W. Welsh. Bid of white Clr.struction.Company offered to do the work under planet and specifica- tions for a'total of $11,946.00; bid of A. Jakoboni offered to do the job according to plans and specifications for a total of 19,976.00. Bid of Thorburn & Logozi offered to do the job for a total of 10,155.00; and bid of J. W. Welsh offered to do the work for s.total of 010,534.00. The bids were examined and considered by the Council ao d Engineer, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that bid of A. Jakoboni be accepted. Matter of stop sign at point where driveway from parking lot in Block 13, First Addi- tion to Sidney, enters Sidney Street, was discussed and referred to Street and Alley committee with power to act, on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich and carried. Fire and Light committee given power to act in matter of installing fore alarm signal device in Chas. A. Russell residence, on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich abd carried.` Mr. Morton, a consulting engineer, addressed the Council regarding sewer extensions and sewer disposal plant. On motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Hall and carried, Parks and Buildings committee was given power to act in having lower floor of city hall painted. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee recommended that parking meter immed- iately east of entrance to parking lot in Mock 13, First Addition, be removed in the interest of traffic safety. This was discussed and given over to Street end Alley committee to investigate and with power to act, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Chairman Repanich of Parks and Buildings committee reported that repsd rs to tennis courts are being made as repidly as possible. Clerk read letter from Forest City Development Corporation, stating that the Corpor- ation has legal claims against the Town of Port Orchard and asking that vouchers be sent in order that claims may be filed. Notice of regional meeting of Association of Washington Cities, to be held in Brem- ert6n on October 24, 1951, was read. Letter from County Auditor stating that Winifred Ratt had been named Justice of the Peace for Port Orchard, was read, and Mayor stated that he had appointed Winifred Watt as Police Judge. Appointment was confirmed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. Attorney "errine submitted meat inspection ordinance,, which was rend and considered by the Uouncil. On motion by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried, ordinance was passed, And adopted as Ordinance �4o. 583. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing committee, and by members of the Council, were read and Ordered pAidon motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried: 1. L. Boatwright Pacific Tel & Tel Co. C. A. Hanks Agency , James A:or-gars. Hannah & Powell CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Special Police officer Various telephones and tolls Premium Municipal Building.insuran ce Labor on city hell grounds Plaster of Paris for Police WATER FUND American Plumbing & St Sup Co. Galvanized pipe Daily Journal of Commerce Publish call for bids, water main job Pacific lel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls Worthington -Garcon Meter Div. 111 water meter L. H. Butcher Company 1 case Perchloron W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 86. 60 42.85 172.48 10.80 1.00 441.09 14.80 20 .58 45.32 23.69 80.18 TREET FUND Xacific Tel &: Tel Co. Telephone 7.96 J. '.N. Sutton Overtime labor on streets 7.55 H. J. Kikpatrick Overtime labor on streets 7.55 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on streets 11.60 Nathan Nesseth Labor on streets 108.75 LIBRARY FU14D The H. R. HBnttin€; Co. Books 58.17 SEWER FUND Bremerton Sun Publishing Co. Bond redemption call 1.50 PARK FUND James A. Morgan Labor at tennis courts 10.80 Tentative budget for 1952 was presented by Clerk and copy given to Mayor and members of the Council for study. Council g4 jourhed on_flic�tion by Gilchrist, / Clerk seconded by Hall and carried. Mrs or Port Orchard, Viashington September 10, 1951 Cour_cil called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Ray E. Hall, •Verd d. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, and Nick J. Repay. ich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public ''Jorks George F. Givens. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of August 27, 1951 read and approved. Attorney Perrine stated that A. Jakoboni, contractor on bay Street water mFA n job, Had called at his office, end that contract had been prepared; that contractor had stated that work would be started at an early date. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, stated that he and Chief of Police had investigated proposed stop sign on Sidney Street where outlet from parking lot In Block 13, First Addition, enters Sidney Street, and that intersection would be properly posted. Chairman Nichols of Fire rind Light committee reporting in regard to installing fire signal in Chas. A. Russell residence, stated that job m uld be completed after a conference with Fire Chie,. ,Alan Totten. Mayor Sprague stated that, S. A. Norton had given a rice for painting walls of first floor in Municipal building of approximately p300.00 for material and labor. That he had painted a small area in recreation room as a sample. Referred to Parks and wilding committee to act. Chief of Police and Chairman Hall of Street and Alley committee stated that they had contacted occupants of business houses in vicinity of entrance to Lay Street parkin, lot relative to removal of parking meter immediately east of entrap ce, and they favored moving meter. It was reported that meter had been covered and M uld be removed. Other perkinI; problems in the vicinity were referred to Police. Chairman Repanich of Parks and Buildings committee reported that improvements to tennis courts are being; :made. At this time Council took up consideration. of Preliminary Budget for 1952, and examined various items set forth. Some minor changes were made in previous figures and on motion byr.Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried, Preliminary budget includ- ing directed changes, was adopted and ordered published. Dearing on budget set for October 1, 1951. E. Bell, representing the Port Orchard Athletic Club, appeared before the Council and requested a reflector on street light at intersection of Frederick and Bay drive. On motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Hall and carried, this was referred to the Fire and Light committee with power to act. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: TREET FUND Xacific Tel &: Tel Co. Telephone 7.96 J. '.N. Sutton Overtime labor on streets 7.55 H. J. Kikpatrick Overtime labor on streets 7.55 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on streets 11.60 Nathan Nesseth Labor on streets 108.75 LIBRARY FU14D The H. R. HBnttin€; Co. Books 58.17 SEWER FUND Bremerton Sun Publishing Co. Bond redemption call 1.50 PARK FUND James A. Morgan Labor at tennis courts 10.80 Tentative budget for 1952 was presented by Clerk and copy given to Mayor and members of the Council for study. Council g4 jourhed on_flic�tion by Gilchrist, / Clerk seconded by Hall and carried. Mrs or Port Orchard, Viashington September 10, 1951 Cour_cil called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Ray E. Hall, •Verd d. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, and Nick J. Repay. ich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public ''Jorks George F. Givens. Absent Councilman George A. Broughton. Minutes of meeting of August 27, 1951 read and approved. Attorney Perrine stated that A. Jakoboni, contractor on bay Street water mFA n job, Had called at his office, end that contract had been prepared; that contractor had stated that work would be started at an early date. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, stated that he and Chief of Police had investigated proposed stop sign on Sidney Street where outlet from parking lot In Block 13, First Addition, enters Sidney Street, and that intersection would be properly posted. Chairman Nichols of Fire rind Light committee reporting in regard to installing fire signal in Chas. A. Russell residence, stated that job m uld be completed after a conference with Fire Chie,. ,Alan Totten. Mayor Sprague stated that, S. A. Norton had given a rice for painting walls of first floor in Municipal building of approximately p300.00 for material and labor. That he had painted a small area in recreation room as a sample. Referred to Parks and wilding committee to act. Chief of Police and Chairman Hall of Street and Alley committee stated that they had contacted occupants of business houses in vicinity of entrance to Lay Street parkin, lot relative to removal of parking meter immediately east of entrap ce, and they favored moving meter. It was reported that meter had been covered and M uld be removed. Other perkinI; problems in the vicinity were referred to Police. Chairman Repanich of Parks and Buildings committee reported that improvements to tennis courts are being; :made. At this time Council took up consideration. of Preliminary Budget for 1952, and examined various items set forth. Some minor changes were made in previous figures and on motion byr.Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried, Preliminary budget includ- ing directed changes, was adopted and ordered published. Dearing on budget set for October 1, 1951. E. Bell, representing the Port Orchard Athletic Club, appeared before the Council and requested a reflector on street light at intersection of Frederick and Bay drive. On motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Hall and carried, this was referred to the Fire and Light committee with power to act. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Councilman Repanich of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Port Orchard independent Ruth E. Ga the Howe Motor Company V. B. Caldwell Wm. A. Chess James A Morgan T. C. Breitenstein E. A. Breitenstein Sidney Stockmore Port Orchard Independent Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Trick & Murray Puget Sound Power C Light Co. American Plbg & Steam Sup. Co. Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent V. B. Caldwell.,, .:,.., •a' Dowling Telco Service Moreland Ind. W. F. Bruhahn CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Publish Ordinance No. 583 Assist in Clerk's office Repair police car Broom holder, Police Police service Babov on city hall grounds Engineer services, various streets Engineer's assistant Closing pay, dog catcher Supplies for police Deisel oil Warrant register sheets Street lights WATER FUND Pipe fittings Water meter sheets Call for bids for water main Tools and paint White gasoline Rags and laundry service Labor on pipe lines STREET FUND Cleveland Chevrolet Parts and labor on dump truck Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Drain Tile H. B. Menees Brake fluid Kress & More 2 truck tires South Kitsap Gravel Co. San d Nathan Nesseth Labor on streets LIBRARY FUND 6.68 30.00 7.&1 1.02 34.64 10.80 100.00 70.20 16.67 5.57 65.43 6.69 244.28 138.62 81.72 8.31 6.20 2.00 2,26 14.50 7.21 56.31 5.10 128.74 96.05 46.40 Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 25.42 PARK FUND V. B. Caldwell Merchandise 1.48 Meeting a 1pourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hail and carried. Clerk V AMay or Port Orchard, Washington September 24, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by MAyor William H. Sprague with Councilmen Nick J, Repanich, Goo. A. Broughton, Raj B. HAl 1, Cord W. Nichols and John G. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Terrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting; of September 10, 1951 read and approved. Attorney reported that contract and bond between A. Jakoboni and Town of Port Orchard for Bay Street water main job have been signed and filed. Chief of Police reported that stop sign at intersection of parking lot in Block 13, First Addition, and Sidney Street, has been installed. Chairman Nichols of Fire and Light committee reported that fire alarm telephone has been installed in the Charles A. Russell residence, but that alarm signal button had not been considered necessary. A discussion was held regarding painting the interior of first floor of Municipal. Building, and the opinion among the Councilmen as expressed, was not in favor of painting the walls. Referred back to Parks and Buildings comm4ttge. Chairman He oanich of parks and Huildingsreommittee stated that repat rs to tennis courts have been completed. Chairman Nichols of Fire and Light committee reported that he had investigated light st Frederick street and waterfront drive, for which a differerit reflector had been requested, but that conditions were found to be all right and no change was recommended. A request by Jack DeMaine for light on Harrison Street near Kendall was referred to Fire and Light committee for investigation and report. Port Orchard independent Ruth E. Ga the Howe Motor Company V. B. Caldwell Wm. A. Chess James A Morgan T. C. Breitenstein E. A. Breitenstein Sidney Stockmore Port Orchard Independent Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Trick & Murray Puget Sound Power C Light Co. American Plbg & Steam Sup. Co. Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent V. B. Caldwell.,, .:,.., •a' Dowling Telco Service Moreland Ind. W. F. Bruhahn CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Publish Ordinance No. 583 Assist in Clerk's office Repair police car Broom holder, Police Police service Babov on city hall grounds Engineer services, various streets Engineer's assistant Closing pay, dog catcher Supplies for police Deisel oil Warrant register sheets Street lights WATER FUND Pipe fittings Water meter sheets Call for bids for water main Tools and paint White gasoline Rags and laundry service Labor on pipe lines STREET FUND Cleveland Chevrolet Parts and labor on dump truck Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Drain Tile H. B. Menees Brake fluid Kress & More 2 truck tires South Kitsap Gravel Co. San d Nathan Nesseth Labor on streets LIBRARY FUND 6.68 30.00 7.&1 1.02 34.64 10.80 100.00 70.20 16.67 5.57 65.43 6.69 244.28 138.62 81.72 8.31 6.20 2.00 2,26 14.50 7.21 56.31 5.10 128.74 96.05 46.40 Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 25.42 PARK FUND V. B. Caldwell Merchandise 1.48 Meeting a 1pourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hail and carried. Clerk V AMay or Port Orchard, Washington September 24, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by MAyor William H. Sprague with Councilmen Nick J, Repanich, Goo. A. Broughton, Raj B. HAl 1, Cord W. Nichols and John G. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Terrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting; of September 10, 1951 read and approved. Attorney reported that contract and bond between A. Jakoboni and Town of Port Orchard for Bay Street water main job have been signed and filed. Chief of Police reported that stop sign at intersection of parking lot in Block 13, First Addition, and Sidney Street, has been installed. Chairman Nichols of Fire and Light committee reported that fire alarm telephone has been installed in the Charles A. Russell residence, but that alarm signal button had not been considered necessary. A discussion was held regarding painting the interior of first floor of Municipal. Building, and the opinion among the Councilmen as expressed, was not in favor of painting the walls. Referred back to Parks and Buildings comm4ttge. Chairman He oanich of parks and Huildingsreommittee stated that repat rs to tennis courts have been completed. Chairman Nichols of Fire and Light committee reported that he had investigated light st Frederick street and waterfront drive, for which a differerit reflector had been requested, but that conditions were found to be all right and no change was recommended. A request by Jack DeMaine for light on Harrison Street near Kendall was referred to Fire and Light committee for investigation and report. A letter was received from the members of the Library Board regw ding, the salary of L,brarian . The letter was read, discussed by the Council and filed for further consideration. It was reported that hitsap County is char gring; license on certain trade stimulstors in the Town of Port Orchard. A discussion followed on this matter, ordinances cover- ing operation of devices studied, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanioh and carried that Attorney draft an ordinance covering the operation of these devices, fixing license fees, etc., and present to Council at the next regular meeting. Engineer stated that he would set stakes for Prospect Street curbs and gutters at any time, but that it would be necessary to having; parking on north side of Pros- pect Street eliminated in order tb set stakes, and during progress of construction. Referredrto Police to clean area from parking. Clerk was directed to write: letter to State Department of Highways rel& ive to Black Jack bridge vicinity widening of highway. The followings claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, were presented, examined by the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried: CURRET T EXt'EESE FUND Puget Sound Po::er & Light Co. City hail and cross walk li hts 41.61 James A. Morgan Labor on city hall grounds 101,80 Puget Sound Stamp Works Rubber stamps, Clerk 5.56 W. L. Boatwright Police officer 104.04 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 46.51 Fort Orchard Independent Publish budget hearing 23.27 yYAT ER FU ND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephone and tolls 2;",.€30 Puget Sound Power& Light Co. Power and light, all plants 272,06 Pacific Nater Works Supply Dorporation stops, etc. 36.78 Worthington Gamon avIeter Division Parts for water meters 23.27 'N. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 9.06 STREET FUND Pacif:I c Tel � 'el Co. Telephone 7.65 � Puget Sound Power &. Light Co. Garage lights 2.00 Port Orchard Machine :shop Labor and material on ecg ipment 11.35 Richards crush Company 1 doz garage brooms 19.36 Kitsap Co.Equip.& Revolving Fund Roast Oil 194.75 Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor on streets 4.53 H. J. Kilpatrick Overtime labor on streets 4.53 PARK FU ND Port Orchard Machine Shop Handle on faucet 1.03 Puget Sound Power c- Light Co. Ter r_is coirt and Forestry Bldg lights 8.51 LIr-RARY FUND The H. K. Hd.ntting Co. Books for Library 84,28 Mary B. Peterson Re-inburse for book purchased 2.40 SEWER FIT ND Jesse W. Sutton Labor 6.04 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 6.04 Meetin� journed �bo October 1, 1951 at 7:30 p. m. on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gil t And ed. Clerk Wayor 0 Po' t Orchard, Washington, Oct. 1, 1951 Continued meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague with Councilmen Verd 4. Nichols, Ray B. lial l and Nick J. Repanich, present, the meeting having been continued from Sept. 24, 1951 for hew ing on proposed budget for 1952, Mayor Asked if there was anyone present who desired to be heard either for or a:-ainst the proposed budget. There was no one present who desired -to be heard and the budget was again considered by the Council. Following the discussion, it was moved by ;fall, seconded by Nichols and carried that proposed budget be adopted as the final, budget or the Town of Fort Orcha^ d for the year 1952, snd that ordinance adopting the budget and fixing the tar levies be pappe4 &a read. Motion carried and Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 584. Meeting a-Hjourned on motion. by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. wle rk May or Port Orchard, Washington October S. 1951 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd 1.11. Vichols, Ray B. Hall, John C. Gilchrist, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Sreltenstein and Superintendent of Public Works Geirge F. Givens, present. - Minutes of meetings of September 24, 1951 and October 1, 1951, read and annroved. Superintendent reported that work on Ray Street watermain replacement is under way and is progressing satisfactorily. Superintendent also made a report on material which is available and which is purported to,be suitable for finishing; walls on first floor of MY unicipal Building. }Further time granted committee in this matter. Further time was granted Flre'ondaLight committee .for report on request for street light on Harrison Street. Attorney Pwrrine submitted ordinance providing for licensing 'trade Stimulators." Ordinance was read, considered by the Council and passed as read on motion by Repanich, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 585. It was reported that work of installing curbs and gutters on Prospect Street under pri- vate contract with property owners is progressing satisfactorily. Councilman Hall reported that he had held a conference with Les Plymale, State highway representative, regarding widening of Black Jack bridge. He stated that plans were being made, and that work would consist of widening the bridge, installing lights, andnwiden- ing the roadway for about eighty feet west of the bridge. No definite time for calling ror bids on the job was given..Mayor also reported on conversation with he had with Mr. Plymale, which covered the same information given by Mr. Hall. Letter from Civil Defense chairman was read and discussed by the Council members, and Mayor reported on recent meeting which he had attended, at which members of the Civil Defense committee had been present. It was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols m d carried that Clerk be authorized to make payment of $500.00 to proper offiwial for Civil Defense program. Engineer submitted partial estimate f6r work done by J. `iJ; Welsh on his contract forim- proving West Street. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that Clerk sraw warrants on Local Improvement-Distriet No. 54 (West -Street) in mount of $6645.000 the amount of the Engineer's estimate. Engineer also submitted estimate of amount clue R. B. Ryan on his contract for improve- ment of Rockwell Avenue, in the amount of 61,68.58, and Clerk was directed to draw war- rants in favor of R. B. Ryan for Rockwell. Avenue L. I. D. No. 53, in the amount of the Engineer's estimate. Lee Caldwell appeared before the Council and requested that Bay Street from Kitsep Street north to Bank Street be swept at least once a week as gravel accumulating on street causes broken windows when thrown by cars. Referred to Superintendent. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing m mmittee, were read to the Council, exan.ined by the members and ordered paid oh motion by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried: CURRENT EXPEE SE FUND ..Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights $ 244.28 Thomps®nts Supplies 5.98 Howe's Hardware Roofing brush .88 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline, Police; deisel oil 44.10 H. B. Menees Generator, ammeter; Police car 180,86 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline m 266.47 Kress & More 1. Recap and mount tires, Police car 19.31 Thick & 1,1urra_.i v.,t %V '"' Ink refills; pen sections 2.26 E. A. Breitefistein Assist Engineer 91.80 T. C. Breitenstein En-ineering and inspection 100.00 James A. Morgan La r; or on city hall. grounds 8.78 WATER FUND H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Pipe and fittings 186.92 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Grease 1.50 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 21.14 Port Orchard Machine Shop Fitting; for auxiliary engine 2.58 V. B. Caldwell Pipe fittings and tools 7.39 Paramount Electric Labor on motor 48.15 American Plbg & Steam Supply can Mitee 1.54 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Service agreement, Sensimatic 43.19 Howe's Hardware Cleaner .60 5onotone of Br-merton Batteries for pipe locater 6.34 Crawford Motors Window regulater repair 6.23 Moreland, Inc. Rags and laundry 2.�7 Transport Clearings of P. S. Freight 1. 5 Port Orchard, Washington October S. 1951 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd 1.11. Vichols, Ray B. Hall, John C. Gilchrist, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Sreltenstein and Superintendent of Public Works Geirge F. Givens, present. - Minutes of meetings of September 24, 1951 and October 1, 1951, read and annroved. Superintendent reported that work on Ray Street watermain replacement is under way and is progressing satisfactorily. Superintendent also made a report on material which is available and which is purported to,be suitable for finishing; walls on first floor of MY unicipal Building. }Further time granted committee in this matter. Further time was granted Flre'ondaLight committee .for report on request for street light on Harrison Street. Attorney Pwrrine submitted ordinance providing for licensing 'trade Stimulators." Ordinance was read, considered by the Council and passed as read on motion by Repanich, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 585. It was reported that work of installing curbs and gutters on Prospect Street under pri- vate contract with property owners is progressing satisfactorily. Councilman Hall reported that he had held a conference with Les Plymale, State highway representative, regarding widening of Black Jack bridge. He stated that plans were being made, and that work would consist of widening the bridge, installing lights, andnwiden- ing the roadway for about eighty feet west of the bridge. No definite time for calling ror bids on the job was given..Mayor also reported on conversation with he had with Mr. Plymale, which covered the same information given by Mr. Hall. Letter from Civil Defense chairman was read and discussed by the Council members, and Mayor reported on recent meeting which he had attended, at which members of the Civil Defense committee had been present. It was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols m d carried that Clerk be authorized to make payment of $500.00 to proper offiwial for Civil Defense program. Engineer submitted partial estimate f6r work done by J. `iJ; Welsh on his contract forim- proving West Street. It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried that Clerk sraw warrants on Local Improvement-Distriet No. 54 (West -Street) in mount of $6645.000 the amount of the Engineer's estimate. Engineer also submitted estimate of amount clue R. B. Ryan on his contract for improve- ment of Rockwell Avenue, in the amount of 61,68.58, and Clerk was directed to draw war- rants in favor of R. B. Ryan for Rockwell. Avenue L. I. D. No. 53, in the amount of the Engineer's estimate. Lee Caldwell appeared before the Council and requested that Bay Street from Kitsep Street north to Bank Street be swept at least once a week as gravel accumulating on street causes broken windows when thrown by cars. Referred to Superintendent. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing m mmittee, were read to the Council, exan.ined by the members and ordered paid oh motion by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried: CURRENT EXPEE SE FUND ..Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights $ 244.28 Thomps®nts Supplies 5.98 Howe's Hardware Roofing brush .88 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline, Police; deisel oil 44.10 H. B. Menees Generator, ammeter; Police car 180,86 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline m 266.47 Kress & More 1. Recap and mount tires, Police car 19.31 Thick & 1,1urra_.i v.,t %V '"' Ink refills; pen sections 2.26 E. A. Breitefistein Assist Engineer 91.80 T. C. Breitenstein En-ineering and inspection 100.00 James A. Morgan La r; or on city hall. grounds 8.78 WATER FUND H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Pipe and fittings 186.92 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Grease 1.50 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 21.14 Port Orchard Machine Shop Fitting; for auxiliary engine 2.58 V. B. Caldwell Pipe fittings and tools 7.39 Paramount Electric Labor on motor 48.15 American Plbg & Steam Supply can Mitee 1.54 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Service agreement, Sensimatic 43.19 Howe's Hardware Cleaner .60 5onotone of Br-merton Batteries for pipe locater 6.34 Crawford Motors Window regulater repair 6.23 Moreland, Inc. Rags and laundry 2.�7 Transport Clearings of P. S. Freight 1. 5 STREET FUND KitsqD Co. Equipment Rental & Rev. Road Oil 142.50 Johnson Paint S Wallpaper Ce. Traffic paint and thinner 79.97 V. B. Oaldwell Paint thinner 1.67 Bremerton Con. Products Co. Drain tile 18.54 Kress & More Vulcanize truck tire 8.50 Howe's Hardware Bolts, washers, etc. 1.55 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for library 36.71 PARK FUND Howe's Hardware Paint 3.38 "ouncil a ourned on motion by Nall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk May or Port Orchard, Washinr- ton October W, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, °�ashington called to order by Mayor William H. 5prapue, with Councilmen Geo. A.=irou�7hton, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols Pnd John C. Gilchrist; Superintemdent of Public V1orks George j'. Givens; and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent: Councilman Nick J. Hepanich and Attorney Dudley N. Perrine. Minutes of meet infi of Bctobesr 8, 1951 read and approved. Superintendent stated that work on Jay street water main job is progressing as rapidly as weather will permit. Fire and Light committee was granted further time for report on request for street light on South Harrison Street. ^lerk read the following minutes of the meeting; of the Finance Committee of the Town of Port Orchard: 4'_1�2rt rch.•rdj'' Washington; October 9, 1951. Finance Committee of the Town or Port Orchai met s date to consider investing surplus .0ands of the Current Expense 'sand in warrants of i,.I.D. No. 57, (Rockwall Strdetj. ' Present ?dayor William 11. Sprague,, ^lark-TreaSa.rer Guy L. aetzel, and Chairman George A. Broughton of the Finance, Auditing and Planning coTwaittee of the i Council. Matter of investing funds was discussed, and considered, and it was moved by Sprague, seconded by Broughton and carried that funds from Current Expense Fund be invested in warrants of Local Improvem.ent.District No. 53, and that Clerk be directed to buy warrants from Conyractor R. B. Ryan, which are issued to pay cost of Rockwell Street improvement and any other warrants issued in payment of this improvement, under L. I. D. No. 53." Action of the Finance Committo a was considered by the Council and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and rartied that action of the Finance committee be approed and ratified. Petition from several residents of the Forest City area, accompen ted by a letter from Attorney Ray R. Greenwood, :seeking annexation of th- area to Port Orchard, was read to t the Council. E. 19. Kinney and Lief Erickson of the Forest City area were present, and Mr. Kinney expressed oppositionto annexations at least untll tbmelofe-the local prob. lems in the area are settled. The petition was discussed by the members of the Council and was referred to the Engineer to check boundaries of the area cited in the petition, and to the Attorney to clarify legal angles which might enter into the w nsideration. A letter from the State Department of Highways relative to Black Jack bridge improvement was read and considered by the council, in connection with information already received concerning the improvement. Permission was granted to Chief of Police to secure more police badges and a first aid kit for the Police Departments -� It was reported that cross -walk light at west end of Black Jack bridge is damaged and Chief of PeliSe stated that he had contacted an electric company about havirg it re- paired, but so far the work has not been Hone. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Borughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented, examined by members of the Council, and ordered paid on motion try Gi.lbhktot�sseconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT ECPENSE F UND Kiteap County Civil Defense Town of Port Orchard assessment 300.00 Port Orchard Independent Publish ordinance No. 585 29.10 Puget Sound Power & Light Cross walk lights 2.00 Trick & Murray Desk pen, Clerk 1.12 T. C. Breitenstein Engineering on Rockwell Street 31.00 James A. MorAmm Labor on city hall grounds 7.43 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, pump stations 241.14 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 114.55 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones and tolls 23.90 Crawford -Motors Link and p9n .53 Slocum Hardware Tool boas, etc 6,75 H. A. Fowler Co., Inc. Drilling machine 104.62 • STRCET• FUND . Pacific Tel & Tel Co. "Telephone - 7.65 Hodge & Davis Repair truck tire 3.61 Jack Sahlberg Co. 6 wire brooms 16.88 Slocum Hardware Tools 12.08 'Union Oil Co. of Cal. Gear Grease 17,47 Kitanp'County Airport Gravel 114,97 Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor 3.02 James A. Morgan Labor cleaning; gravel on street 2.70 PARK FUND ` Slocum Hardware Tennis net caps 22..56 LIBRARY FUNS Gaylord Bros., Inc. Supplies for Library 2D .07 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 58.98 Meeting ad rned on motion by Gilchrist,seconded by Broughton and carried. 01 Clerk Mir or . • r r r r + r r r r r 0 r r r r r r r r r Port Orchard, Washington • November 1.3, 1951 Council of the Town of Port Crcherd called to order`lla regu�ar session by Mmror William H. , Sprague. Present Councilmen Geo. A. Broughton, Nick. J. epgnich, Ray B. Hall, Uerd W. Nichols and John C. Gilchrist; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens end Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of October 22, 1951 read and approved. Superintendent reported that Bury Street water main is not -pet ready for use, as it is necessary to clorinatefurther, and that clorinating equipment of greater capacity Is being secured from the City of Bremerton, and this equipment will be used both on Bay_Straet and -West Street.mains. Chairman Nichols of Fire and Light commi.ttes reported that he had invest$gated request for light on Harrison Street; that the area is dark, but that there are not many families who -would benefit by the light. Referred -back to Fire and Light committee ad th power to sot -on motion by Repanich, seconded"by Broughton andcarried. • i Mayor Sprague made a statement relative to proposed annexation of Forest City area, states ing-that there are still some legal points to clarify before definite action is is ken. E. E. Kinney of the Forest City area, again raised opposition to the proposed annexation, and stated that a petition opposing annexation is being circulated in Port Orchard, and that it has a considerable number of names on the petition. Matter continued for further consideration. Mrs, E. F. Sampson, representing Girl Scouts, appeared before the Council and ingllired J about securing the use of Forestry Building for various groups. This was discussed, a report was made by Chairman Repanich of the Parks and 1iildings committee. The suggestion was -made that the Town 8 ecure necessary materials to make the building usable and- tbatt.work be done by volunteer labor. It was directed that necessary plumbing be done by town work.. mesa, and that a survey be made to ascertain the" necessary betterments. Supe►rintendont was diz+ectsd to contact the Sheriff to see if it would be possible to have tables, ben-ahes, County Jail, etc: built by inmates of the the Town to furnish all material. A. B. Adams and J. W. Hood residing on best Street, were present with regard to traffic dif.Piculties due to Ding sewer and water main on West Street. This was discussed,, and the Engineer and Superintendent made suggestions for relief, w#ich it was believed would take care of the situation until permanent surface can be placed on the street. Matter of moving city limits sign on Manchester -Gig Harbor highway was discussed and ro.• ferred to Street and Alley committee. On motion by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried, supplemental agreement between the Town and A. Jakoboni relative to bay Street water main contract was approved. A discussiin was held regarding license for "trade stimulator" stamps, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried that fee for master license may be prorated for remainder of 1951. Mayor submitted proposed recreational program in which schools, South Kitsep County and the Town of Vort Orchard could participate. Matter was discussed and Clerk was directed to secure information from Division of Municipal Corporations regarding matter. It was moved bg G41chrost,'seconded by Broughton and carried that Resolution be passed authorizing Mayor and Clerk to sign agreement -for Social Security coverage for em- ployees of the Town of Port Orchard. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriations in various funds in the following amounts was introduced, approved by unanimous vote of the Council, and passed to the meeting of November 26, 1951, for final action: Current Expense Fund --Street and Traffic lights, 600.00; Police car expense, $500.00, Water Pubd--Supplies, $800.00; Office expense, ,250.00; Excise tax, 150.00; Maintenance, extensions and better- ments, $8,00000; Street Fund --Gasoline and oil, 300.00; Equipment, supplies and emergencies, 61,000.00. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee again brought up the matter of a cross -walk -light on Bay 'EStreet between Frederick and Sidney Streets. This was discussed and referred to Fire and Light committee for further investigation and report. Final assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 53 (Rockwell Atreet) was submitted and hearing on same set for December 10, 1951 at 8 p, m. on 4iotionby Gilchrist,seconded by Broughton and carried. Chief of Police was authorized to publicize strict enforcement of double parking ban in the local newspap r. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Finance and Auditink committee, were ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: T. C. Breitenstein A. R. Elliott Puget Sound Power & Light G. &. R. Radio Supply Dress & More Standard Oil Co. of Cal. H. B. Menees W. L. Boatwright Bremerton Printing Co. Port Orchard Independent Rice Electric Howe Motor Company James A. Morgan CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Retainer, Engineer and Inspector Premium on Police Judge bond Street and cross -walk lights Parts for Police car radio Tire recap, Police car Deiael fuel, tire repair,, etc. Fan belt, Police car Police duty Tax stamps for trade stimulators Publish ordinance No. 584 1 case lamps for city hall Repair Police car Labor on city hall grounds WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light; Western Utilities Supply Co. V. B. Caldwell H. B. Menees American Plbg & St Suppler Co. Sonotone of Bremerton Nels Markussen Winebrenner's Food Store Bremerton Office Machine Co. Moreland, Inc. W. F . Bruhahn Rice Electric Power and light, all prints Service clamps; rental on tapping mchine Tools, hose and fittings License holders Galvanized pipe Batteries for pipe locator Repair digging tool 5 gallons bleeeh 1 M address stencils ' Rag and laundry service Lab or Lamps and fuses STREET FUND Puget Sound Power & Light -Co. H. B. Merl a e s Washington State Ferries Machinery Service & Supply Bents Truck Parts Union Oil Company of Cal. Cleve) -and Chevrolet Howard Cooper Corp. Hodge& Davis Port Orchard Machine Shop Thompson's Howe Motor Company Nelson Equipment Co. H. J. Kilpatrick Jesse W. Sutton James A. Morgan Garage lights Fan Belt; Clearance light Transportation costs, grader 12 storm torches Axle and nuts Grease Repair truck Repair grader Tire repair Welding Stencils Repair Ford truck Parts for roller Overtime labor Overtime labor Labor 100.00 10.00 253.30 22.33 19.80 86.61 2.47 78,03 54.69 7.70 14.42 48.68 2.70 245.28 56.91 17.62 1.64 22,95 2.16 2.58 2.42 20.80 1.55 150.80 3.90 2.00 3.35 29.70 27.22 13.44 7.21 21.94 120.24 5.15 6,19 4.89 33.91 91,75 1©.57 4.53 1.35 LIMARY TU1' r The H. R. Hunttl ng Company-' Books Puget.''Sound News Company Books PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Light at Recreation Building Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton nd carried. _2&1 _F Clerk May or -..�.--------0------ -- f; Port Orchard, Washington November 26, 1951 55.30 41.-25 2.00 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to'order By Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrin ; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent Councilmen John C. Gilchrist. Minutes of meeting of November 13, 1951 read and approved. Superintendent reported on progressof Bay Street water main. He stated that cl.orinize- tion will continue until traces of bacteria are cleared when services will be hooked up. He also stated that the now water main on West Street will be clorinated for a week when another test will be made for bacteria count. Matter of petition by several residents of Forest City area for annexation of area. tothe Town of Port Orchard was again taken up, haying been continued from November 13, 1951. Attorney Ray R. Greenwood appeared on behalf od the petitioners. The matter was discussed by the Council and consideration was g n u�i hich were presented. A Resolution approving a heink; on the t�� wa a ��� , Ad to the Council, and was adopted on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. H. B. Menees appeared before the 'Council regarding regulations for constructing above- ground storage tanks. The matter was discussed, provisions set forth by Washington Sur- veying; and Rating; Bureau wre explained by Fire Chief Alan Totten, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that permit be issued to construct tanks under specifications set forth by Standards of National Board of Fire Underwriters in Pamphlet No. 30, as submitted by Fire Chief. Mr. Menees also asked that gutters on Bag Street from Narrison Street east be cleaned. C. L Foote, contractor for garbage disposal, appear ed before the Council and asked that a new contract, containing the same provisions as the existing m ntraet, be entered into by himself,and the Town of Port Orchard. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repe4lch and carried that new contract to start January 1, 1952 and to`run for three years with rn option of five gears beyond the expiration d6te, be entered into. Superintendent reported on work completed at the Forestry Building, stating that two.toilets are now operating, that a stove has been installed on the second floor, and that an oil storage barrel has been set up in the fuel shed. He also stated bhat the sheriff has agreed to permit inmates of the jail to work on equipment for the recreation build- ing, the Torn to supply all materials. Chairman Nichols of`the `ire and'Light committee stated that his committee has investi- gated the request for street light by Jack DeMaine on Harrison Street and has ordered the same installed. Clerk was directed to write letter to Puget Sound Power & Light Co,,auth- orizing light. Superintendent or'Engineer was requested to visit the area and ascertain where utility poles ore to be moved, and Clerk to write to the utility company directing removal of poles, on information from Superintendent or Engineer. Recreation program submitted at meeting of Nov. 13, 1951, was laid over. Ordinance providing foremergen cy appropriations, submitted at the meeting of November 13, 1951, was again read to Council and passed unanimously on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Adopted as Ordinance No. 586. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated -thbit he met with Les Plymale of the State Depar tment ,of Highwa*s, and had been informed that plans for Black Jack bridge widening and other work have been completed, and that it is expected to call for bids ror the work in Febuuary. Matter of iettmate forwork done by J. W. Welsh, contractor on West Street, was referred to the Attorney to settle the account with Mr. Welsh and resubmit estimate. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the .� Finance and Auditing committee, wtse submitted and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Mall and carriedt CURRENT EKPM,'' SE FUND E. A. Breitenstein Port Orchard Independent Trick & [Murray Pacific -Tel & Tel Co. Town Clerk Wm. A. Chess Assist Engineer, West Street and Bay Street Publish hew ing, L.I.D. No. 53 (Rockwell) Desk sets Various telephones and tolls Advanced expenses Police duty 54.00 6.52 7,, g5 41.50 i9.48 8.'76 LIMARY TU1' r The H. R. Hunttl ng Company-' Books Puget.''Sound News Company Books PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Light at Recreation Building Meeting adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton nd carried. _2&1 _F Clerk May or -..�.--------0------ -- f; Port Orchard, Washington November 26, 1951 55.30 41.-25 2.00 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington called to'order By Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorneys Dudley N. Perrin ; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent Councilmen John C. Gilchrist. Minutes of meeting of November 13, 1951 read and approved. Superintendent reported on progressof Bay Street water main. He stated that cl.orinize- tion will continue until traces of bacteria are cleared when services will be hooked up. He also stated that the now water main on West Street will be clorinated for a week when another test will be made for bacteria count. Matter of petition by several residents of Forest City area for annexation of area. tothe Town of Port Orchard was again taken up, haying been continued from November 13, 1951. Attorney Ray R. Greenwood appeared on behalf od the petitioners. The matter was discussed by the Council and consideration was g n u�i hich were presented. A Resolution approving a heink; on the t�� wa a ��� , Ad to the Council, and was adopted on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. H. B. Menees appeared before the 'Council regarding regulations for constructing above- ground storage tanks. The matter was discussed, provisions set forth by Washington Sur- veying; and Rating; Bureau wre explained by Fire Chief Alan Totten, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that permit be issued to construct tanks under specifications set forth by Standards of National Board of Fire Underwriters in Pamphlet No. 30, as submitted by Fire Chief. Mr. Menees also asked that gutters on Bag Street from Narrison Street east be cleaned. C. L Foote, contractor for garbage disposal, appear ed before the Council and asked that a new contract, containing the same provisions as the existing m ntraet, be entered into by himself,and the Town of Port Orchard. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repe4lch and carried that new contract to start January 1, 1952 and to`run for three years with rn option of five gears beyond the expiration d6te, be entered into. Superintendent reported on work completed at the Forestry Building, stating that two.toilets are now operating, that a stove has been installed on the second floor, and that an oil storage barrel has been set up in the fuel shed. He also stated bhat the sheriff has agreed to permit inmates of the jail to work on equipment for the recreation build- ing, the Torn to supply all materials. Chairman Nichols of`the `ire and'Light committee stated that his committee has investi- gated the request for street light by Jack DeMaine on Harrison Street and has ordered the same installed. Clerk was directed to write letter to Puget Sound Power & Light Co,,auth- orizing light. Superintendent or'Engineer was requested to visit the area and ascertain where utility poles ore to be moved, and Clerk to write to the utility company directing removal of poles, on information from Superintendent or Engineer. Recreation program submitted at meeting of Nov. 13, 1951, was laid over. Ordinance providing foremergen cy appropriations, submitted at the meeting of November 13, 1951, was again read to Council and passed unanimously on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Adopted as Ordinance No. 586. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated -thbit he met with Les Plymale of the State Depar tment ,of Highwa*s, and had been informed that plans for Black Jack bridge widening and other work have been completed, and that it is expected to call for bids ror the work in Febuuary. Matter of iettmate forwork done by J. W. Welsh, contractor on West Street, was referred to the Attorney to settle the account with Mr. Welsh and resubmit estimate. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the .� Finance and Auditing committee, wtse submitted and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Mall and carriedt CURRENT EKPM,'' SE FUND E. A. Breitenstein Port Orchard Independent Trick & [Murray Pacific -Tel & Tel Co. Town Clerk Wm. A. Chess Assist Engineer, West Street and Bay Street Publish hew ing, L.I.D. No. 53 (Rockwell) Desk sets Various telephones and tolls Advanced expenses Police duty 54.00 6.52 7,, g5 41.50 i9.48 8.'76 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Service at grater tabks Port Orchard Lumber Yard Sewer tile Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls Town Clerk Bridge and ferry tolls advanced W. , F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe lines Ban's Auto Parts Port Orchard Lumber Yard H. B. Mends Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Town Clerk Jesse W. Sutton H. U. Kilpatrick The H. R. Huntting Co. STREET FUND Parts for truck Lumber and nails 10 gallons gasoline Street Dept. telephone Ferry tolls advanced Overtime labor Overtime labor LIBRARY FUND Books E 17.72 16.10 22.75 4.21 30.45 26,66 7.62 2.85 7.65 2.19 12.08 12.08 23.24 PARK FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Service at tennis courts 2.00 Counci journed on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carr ad. i Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington December 10, 1951 Council called to order in regular session by William H. Sorague, Mayor, with Council- menGoorge A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Rory B. Hall, VerdW. Nichols and John C. Gil- christ; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin; Superintendent of Public 4orks George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of November 26, 1951 read and approved. John M. Boyle appeared before the Council representing Walter Bryant, and presented a petition for the vacation of a portion of Sweany Street. Mr. Boyle explained the peti- tion, the matter was discussed by the Council, and a Resolution calling a hearing aid fixing a date therefor, was passed on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. White, residents at 1134 Portland Street, entered a complaint to the Council regarding drainage over their property from the street and adjoining property. Referred to Water and Sewer committee and Superintendent for investigation and report. C..L. Ainsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bartlett brought up the matter of salt water cov- 60ing Bray Street in the vic9nity of Orchard Street,. on the odcasion of high tides and storms, citing conditions as they existed during recent high tides. The matter was dis- cussed by the Council, and it was directed that request be made that a representative of :the State Department of highways be asked to -tisit Port Orchard the last three dtr s of December, and view conditions with a view to providing a remdey. Mr. Ainsworth also asked that a street light be installed on Orchard Street, Referred to Fire and Light committee for investigation and report. This being the date upon which assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 53 is due to come for final hearing, Mayor called for objections to the roll. Chas. Grieve, R. L. Kemp, and L. C. Marshall, property owners effected, appeared before the council and took up various matters in connection with the district. No objections were entered to the assessment roll,as presented, and following the hearing, it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried that the assessment roll as prepared by the Engineer be approved, and that ordinance approving assessment roll be passed as presented. Superintendent reported on -progress of placing the new Bay Street water main in service and stated that sevices have been connected, ditch covered, that a clorinating machine has been purchased, and is being used on the new line under the direction of the Hed- th Department. He also stated that a close check is being kept on the water by the Heal th Hepartment, and as soon as possible clorinating will be discontinued. Mayor stated that County Commissioners have called for a hearing on the petition of res- idents of Forest City area for annexation to Port Orchard for December 24, 1951. Superintendent reported that tables and benches for Recreation Building are being con- atructed by inmates of the County jail, and will be installed in the building when c om- pleted. Chairman Repanich of the Parke and buildings committee also made a report, and stated that an-electriciars..shbuld be secured to check wiring, do necessary electrical work, and install equ6ment to protect wiring and switches. He also recommended that Fire Chief inspect the building for fire hazzards and other safety factors. It.was moved by Repanich, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that 90% balance of $2,450.75 due J. W. Welsh, contractor on best Street improvement, be plaid to -Mr. Welsh by L. I. D. warrants, 10% to be retained for clearances from State•Tax Commission and from Lepartment of Labor andlndustries. Clerk was directed to write letter to pacific Tel & Tel Co. requesting that ytility pole on Harrison Street between Kendall and Sroufe Streets, be moved east approximately twenty feet. A request was received from R...and Mrs. M. W. Hammond for a division of their property for assessment purposes in Local Improvement District No. 54. Request granted on motion by Broughtdaiv so died by Repanich and carried. A lettet Was ree d fit A. Z. Bard regarding repairs to newer on Austin Street. Matter was reforftd to Supe•rinteridamt end Engineer for estimate of cost of work necessary to be done. A request Vas received. 'fit steps on w1ldy:=betwbehoftattI67and Rockwell Streets be ' repaired. Referred to Superintendent for investigation and -report. It:was x*eported that a fill on west end of Morton Street is washing away. Referred to Superintendent. A request was received from Merchants Committee of the Chamber of Coanta:6rce to op4r`at e a merry-go-round on December 14 and 15. Referred tQ Street and Alley.commmittee and Chief of.Police with piwer to act, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. On motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried, Cl--rk was directed to issue call for bins for. gasoline and oil for year beginning, February 1, 1952.' Matter of cross walk lights on Sidney Street in the -vicinity of Masonic Temple, was re- ferred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Repair to sidewalk on south side of Bay Street between Sidney and Frederick Streets, was referred to superintendent. Various parking proble)ns were discussed and passed for farther consideration. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried that 85% of 10,316.00, w ount of estimate of Engineer as due A. Jakoboni, conbraector on bay Street water job, be paid contractor by Water Fund warrant. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE Sttendard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline and lub Job Puget, Sound Power & Light Co. Street and cross walk lights Port Orchard Independent Pgblish Ordinance No. 586 Standard oil Co. of Cal. Deisel fuel Thompson's Paper clips Olympic Shade Company Repair Venetian blinds in Police office Wilkins Distributing Co, Anti -freeze Port Orchaord Independent Supplies for Police Pioneer, tne. Regietration blanks W. L. boatwrright Police service T. C;. Breitenstein Retalner, Engineer and Inspector Frank H. Pierce Repair wrindwo lift, Police office Puget Sound Power & Light Wilkins Distributing Co. Barrett & Yost Port'Orchard Machine Shop V. B. Caldwell W. F. Bruhahn Jesse W. Sutton UnIon Oil Co. of Cal. Wilkins Distributing Co. Port*Orchard Machine Shop ]Dort `Orchard Lumber Tard J04*6 W. Sutton V. B; Caldwell WATER FUND Light and power, all pump plants Anti-fpeeze;-flsshlight batteries Clorinating Machine Welding, Pipe fittings, etc. Labor on water lines Labor on water lines STREET FUND Motor oil ' Gasoline and anti -freeze Equipment repair Lumber Over tism labor PARK FUND Padlock and faucet 3.38 250,58 8.10- 144.02 1.49 9,63 5,17 2.21 31.65.: 112.52 100.00 3,60 258.37 7.27 348.68 7.07 15,40 76.85 10.67 ` 40.94 216..23 52.37 .. 2l.10 9.06 I E i 2.50 Council adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and car ied, Clerk Mary or .. .. .. _ .� 0 .. _ _ .. ZI Port Oroherd, mra'ington December 24, � 1 Regular meeting of Council of the Town of P t Or d adjourned to Friday, December 280 1951 at 7 o'clock p. m. for lack of quorum Clerk was directed to write letter to pacific Tel & Tel Co. requesting that ytility pole on Harrison Street between Kendall and Sroufe Streets, be moved east approximately twenty feet. A request was received from R...and Mrs. M. W. Hammond for a division of their property for assessment purposes in Local Improvement District No. 54. Request granted on motion by Broughtdaiv so died by Repanich and carried. A lettet Was ree d fit A. Z. Bard regarding repairs to newer on Austin Street. Matter was reforftd to Supe•rinteridamt end Engineer for estimate of cost of work necessary to be done. A request Vas received. 'fit steps on w1ldy:=betwbehoftattI67and Rockwell Streets be ' repaired. Referred to Superintendent for investigation and -report. It:was x*eported that a fill on west end of Morton Street is washing away. Referred to Superintendent. A request was received from Merchants Committee of the Chamber of Coanta:6rce to op4r`at e a merry-go-round on December 14 and 15. Referred tQ Street and Alley.commmittee and Chief of.Police with piwer to act, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. On motion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried, Cl--rk was directed to issue call for bins for. gasoline and oil for year beginning, February 1, 1952.' Matter of cross walk lights on Sidney Street in the -vicinity of Masonic Temple, was re- ferred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Repair to sidewalk on south side of Bay Street between Sidney and Frederick Streets, was referred to superintendent. Various parking proble)ns were discussed and passed for farther consideration. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried that 85% of 10,316.00, w ount of estimate of Engineer as due A. Jakoboni, conbraector on bay Street water job, be paid contractor by Water Fund warrant. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE Sttendard Oil Co. of Cal. Gasoline and lub Job Puget, Sound Power & Light Co. Street and cross walk lights Port Orchard Independent Pgblish Ordinance No. 586 Standard oil Co. of Cal. Deisel fuel Thompson's Paper clips Olympic Shade Company Repair Venetian blinds in Police office Wilkins Distributing Co, Anti -freeze Port Orchaord Independent Supplies for Police Pioneer, tne. Regietration blanks W. L. boatwrright Police service T. C;. Breitenstein Retalner, Engineer and Inspector Frank H. Pierce Repair wrindwo lift, Police office Puget Sound Power & Light Wilkins Distributing Co. Barrett & Yost Port'Orchard Machine Shop V. B. Caldwell W. F. Bruhahn Jesse W. Sutton UnIon Oil Co. of Cal. Wilkins Distributing Co. Port*Orchard Machine Shop ]Dort `Orchard Lumber Tard J04*6 W. Sutton V. B; Caldwell WATER FUND Light and power, all pump plants Anti-fpeeze;-flsshlight batteries Clorinating Machine Welding, Pipe fittings, etc. Labor on water lines Labor on water lines STREET FUND Motor oil ' Gasoline and anti -freeze Equipment repair Lumber Over tism labor PARK FUND Padlock and faucet 3.38 250,58 8.10- 144.02 1.49 9,63 5,17 2.21 31.65.: 112.52 100.00 3,60 258.37 7.27 348.68 7.07 15,40 76.85 10.67 ` 40.94 216..23 52.37 .. 2l.10 9.06 I E i 2.50 Council adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and car ied, Clerk Mary or .. .. .. _ .� 0 .. _ _ .. ZI Port Oroherd, mra'ington December 24, � 1 Regular meeting of Council of the Town of P t Or d adjourned to Friday, December 280 1951 at 7 o'clock p. m. for lack of quorum Port Orchard, Washington December 28, 1951 Adjourned meeting of the Council of fort Orchw d, Washington called to order by Mef or William h. Sprague. Present Councilmen Verd W. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, George A. Broughton and Rick J. Repanich; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein; Superintendent of Pubes lie Works George F. Givens. Absent Councilman Ray B. Hall. On motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich and carried, reading of -minutes of meetings of December 10, 1951 and December 24, 1951 was suspended until meeting of January 14, 1952. It was reported that Active Club contemplates installing drinking fountain at some central downtown location, and information was sought as to whether Town would main- tAin same. It was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried that Town would maintain drinking fountain on approval by Parks and Playgrounds committee, as to construction, design and location. Letter from State Department of Highways in reply to letter from Mayor Sprague, relative to sea water on Bay Street, was read. It was agreed that letter should be .answered, stating that town officials will meet with representatives of Highway De- partment at convenience of State representatives and with sufficient notice. Engineer T. Q. Breitenstein presented final assessment roll for L.I.D NO. 54 (West Street). Hearing on said roll was set for January 28, 1952 at 8 o'clock p. m. on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and'earried. Matter of work on South Harrison Street was discussed, and it was suggested that brush akong roadway be cut, and that surplus dirt, when available,, be dumped in street to widen the roadway. The following claims, were presented, examined by the Council, checked by Auditing committee and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND E. A. Breitenstein Assisting Engineer Howe Motor Company Repair Police car Miller Meters Parking meter parts Washington State Penitentiary Traffic signs C. &. G. Radio Supply Co. Radio parts, Police car Lumber Supply Material for Engineer's stakes Port Orchard Independent Call for bids, gasoline and oil Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls Howard Cooper Corp. 400 fat li-inch fire hose H. B. Menees Gasoline, battery charge, Police car WATER FUND Howe Motor Company Sonotone of Bremerton T. C. Breitenstein Rice Electric Lumber Supply Fletcher & Company Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. W/ F. Bruhahn Jesse W. Sutton American Water Works Ass n Port, Orchard Independent Repair truck Batteries for pipe locater Engineering on Bay Street main Labor, parts and material Various lumber and materials 2 M ledger sheets Telephones and tolls Clamp coupling Labor oft -pipe lines Labor on water lines 1952 dues for Supt. membership Authorization books ,STREET FUND. Howe'Motor Company Howard Cooper Corp. Overall Cleaning & Supply Lumber Supply Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Transport Clearings Black Ball Freight Service Jessi W. Sutton James A. Morgan 'replace axle, GMC truck 12 filters Shop towels Paint, lumber and various materials Garage telephone Freight ' Freight on traffic signs Overtime labor Extra labor cleaning Bay Street :LI WARY FUND Puget Sound News Company Books for Library :PARK FUND Howe Oil Company. Oil drum and oil James A. Morgan Babor cleaning Forestry Building Lumber Supply Lumber and material Meeting.4ddjourned.on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton/ Clerk 21.60 18.22 27.90 20.40 4.17 14.56 6.02 43.55 494.40 4.34 8.65 2.11 254.77 67.76- 21.10 59.23 26.85 32.33 27.20 3902 10.00 23.18 9179 20.78 3.15 58.18 7.25 1.43 3.11 4.52 2.70 3 :a 14.74 33.75 19.35 carried. �"' _May or