01/01/1950 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard Signet Service Orville Brose y,itsap County Road Dist. No. 3 MO RE STREET FLINT) Filters for truck Labor on streets Oil distributor rental WATER. FUND Fairbakns, Mcrse & Co. Worthington Gamon Meter Co. H. D. Fowler & Co., Inc. American Water Works Association Kite County Auditor Hannah & Powell Guy, L. Wetzel, Clerk Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound News Company The H. R. Huntting Company' Current Expense Fund T. Breitenstein Counci journed �on, i Bronze impeller, maAn pimp Water motor parts Service clamps 1950 due s 2 truck licenses 1 pt. glycerine Index cards and postage Telephones and tolls LIBRARY FUND Books for fbrary Books for Library L.I.D. No. 52 (Tacoma Street) Re- 1mburse for advance payments Egtineering .3.00 lM2.60 90.00 76.30 10.38 8*71 10,00 3.00 1.60 .71 13.80 8.65 29,58, 124.51 62.50 ion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and arried. Clerk M� or -0 Port Orchard, Washington January 9, 1950 Regular session of the council of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Reps, ich, Rag B. Hall, Vera W. Nichols and Virgil M. Parks* Attorney Dudley N. Perrin and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of December 270 1949 read and approved. Matter of purchase of bookkeeping and accounting machine agdn taken up; sc d it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried that firm acceptance of bid of Burroughs Adding Machine Company be accepted, and that Clerk be directed to issue raw purchase order for the machine at the price of 1,436.85, and that former qualified order be surrendered to the Town. At this time Councilman. Ray B. Hall was excused from the meeting. a Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee stated that he had exatined the proposed ordinance relative to parking meter advertising, and that it contained the provisions set forth by the Council, and that his committee considered the ordi- nance submitted satisfactory. Mayor Sprague brought up the matter of the balance of 15 due to R. B. Ryan on his con- tract for the TacomaStreet job (L.I.D.No. 52) and the matter was discussed by the council. it was moved by Rep azich, seconded by Parks and oarried that Clerk draw war- rduts against L.I.D.No.52 for the remainder due to R. B. Ryan on his contract, end that Mr. Ryan be asked to file clearance from Department of Labor and Industries and from the State Tax Commission. Chairman Parks of the Street and Al ey committee made a report on the application of South Kitsap Transit Lines for separate bus depotrand parking space, and further time was granted in this matter. Additional time granted to secure right-of-way deeds on Pottery Hill-Bidney Hill road connection. ' Communications from the Department of Health and Department of Engineer of the Univer- sity, announcing Water Works instruction to be held at the University Februar y 2 and 3 read. Following a discussion, the Superintendent was authorized to ebtend all or any part of this school of instruction, the Town to pay the expenses incident thereto. Clerk stated that contracts for oil and gasoline expire February 1, 1950 and on motion by Pa^ ks, seconded by R.epanich and carried.. Clerk was directed to advertise for bids (� for estimated quantities of oil, gasoline, etc., for the year beginning Feb. 11 1950. Councilman Parks brought up the matter of purchasing at wholesale where it is possible to effect savings, and officers authorized to make purchases were instructed to buy where best prices may be secured, local establishments to be favored if prices and discounts Are comparable. The Following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the License and Audit- ing Committee, were presented, and ordered paid on motion by Parks, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPEN SE FUND Washington State Penitentiary Puget S,�und Poorer & Light Co. Lumber Supply Psi nt David Boehme Lumber Supply Thomp son' s Union Oil Co. of Cal. Howe's Hardware Slocum Ha.rdwar e Pioneer, Inc. V. B. Caldwell Wilkins Distributing Co.;., L. N. Curtis & Sons Traffic signs Street and cross -walk lights and base shoe Special Patrolman Engineer's stakes Supplies, Treasurer and Clerk Motor oil and greases for Fire Dept. Paper towels and dry cells Flashlight batteries and graphite guns Traf fie tag books, Police Jack for Fire Dept. Anti -freeze Refill resuseltator iNATII� FUND W. F. Bruhdi n Orville Brose Howe Motor Company Rice Electric V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Slocum Hardware, Wilkins Distributing Co, Cookson Bros. Howe' s Hardware Puget Sourd Power & Light; Co. John N. Vaughn Jesse W. Sutton Orville Brose Port Orchard Marine Port Orchard Lumber P.O.Machine, Marine Lumber Supply Labor thawing pipes Labor thawing pipes Lub oil Materi.alsand labor, water teaks Pd nt, tools, etc. Tools Anti -freeze Lub oil, gas and grease Flashlight batteries Power and light, all plants STREET FUND j.ailway Yard & Iron Wks. Wilkins Dist, Co. V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Howe Motor Co, Orville Brose Lumber Supply Howe a Hardware V. BT Caldwell Trading Post The H. R. Huntting Co. Low & Hanford Overtime labor on icy streets Overtir,� labor on icy streets Labor on streets Machine work on eggipment Lumber Repair shovel bucket Cement and lumber Gasoline and anti. -freeze Cable, enamel, etc. Parts for grader and truck PARK FUND Labor, Central Playfield Cement Wheel barrow 6 axe handles LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library $ 22.80 181.37 9.07 23.07 1.80 9,22 22,99 9.73 5,46 3.78 15.19 7.24 2..58 22.95 24.30 2,91 48.85 2.83 4.96 4,82 4.04 4,97 305.49 44,55 37.13 101,25 13.91 5,27 12.24 13.78 202,46 16,25 5,53 27,00 2.47 28,74 4.64 12.92 32.31 Matter of truck motor owned by the Town was discussed, and Superintendent was asked to investigate if it can be used in existing town equipment and report back to council. Ordinance fixing date of caucus was read and passed on motion by Broughton, seconded by Parks and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 567. Ordinance providing that office of Treasurer bf the Town of Pobt Orchar d shall be com- bined with the office of the Clerk of the Town of Port Orchard, was introduced and laid over to January 23, 1950 for final action, as provided by, statute. CounciladJourn9-d_ou motion by Broughton, ail Clerk seconded by Parks carried. Mqr Cr f Port Orchard, Washington January 23, 1950 Council called to order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel in the absence of Mayor William H. Sprague. It was moved by Repanich, seconded tly Broughton and carried that Councilman Virgil M. Parks be named Acting Mayor, Acting Mayor called the meeting to carder for transaction of business. Present were Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton.; Acting Mayor Virgil M. Parks; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein.; Sup- erintendent of ;"ublic Works George F. Givens and Attorney Dudley N. Perrino, Absent MW or William H. Sprague and Councilman Verd W. Nichols. Minutes of meeting of January 9, 1950 read and approved. Action on parking meter advertising ordinance deferred. Further time granted to secure remainder of right-of-way for Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill road connection. R. B. Ryan, contractor on Tams ma Street job (L.I.DNo.52) was present and asked €b out tax regulations on city street work. Matter was explained by Attorney Perrino. This being the date upon which bids were to be. -received for supplying various oil products to PortrsOrchw d for the coming year., Clerk stated that -six bids had -been re- ceived. The bids cf Howe Oil Company; Standw d Oil Company, Union Oil Company, Wilkins Distributing Company, R. L. Lursen Comper,.y and Shell Oil Company were opened at direction of the-'ayor. The bids were studied and discussed,by members of the Council, m d on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried, the bid of Wilkins Distributing Co. was accepted for supplying gasoline and stove oil. Bid of Shell Oil Company was accepted for supplying deisel oil on motion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried. On mo- tion by Repanich, seconded by Hall and carried, bid of Union Oil Company for lubricat- ing oil and greases was accepted. Bid of R. L. Lyrsen Company for kerosene was accepted on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Superintendent Givens reported that he had investigated motor which the town owns, and has found that it will be suitable foruse in some of thetown equipment, and that when it is necessary to replace motor that this extra motor will be utilized. Ordinance providing for the combining of the Office of the Treasurer of the Town of port Ore#ard with that of the Clerk of the Town of Port Orchard, introduced at the meeting of January 9, 1950, was agaL n presented and read and passed unanimously on mo- tion by Broughton, sec anded by Repanich and carried. Letter from Kitsap County' Kouncil of Girl Scouts, thanking the Council fbr use of the Council Chamber for meeting, and asking permission to hold future meetings in the Council Chamber,read. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that request be granted. Letter from State Department of Highways regarding proposed improvement in the vicinity of Black Jack bridge and asking cost estimates on proposed improvement referred to the Eng; ine a r. Councilman Repanich reported that considerable damage had been done to Kendall Street west of 'Tacoma Street which made traffic very difficult. This was referred to the Superintendent. Superintendent reported that drainage in the vicinity of Second Street on Mitchell Hill was receiving attention by the County Engineer, but that weather conditions had delgred contemplated improvement, but that t#is would probably receive attention soon. Clerk was directed to ascertain date of next meeting of the board of Directors of School District No. 402, and to bill. the School District for three street lights in the vicin- ity of the high school Clerk presented notice of assessment against Givens Field in L.I.D.No. 52, and stated that .$500.00 had been included in the bidget for assessments against town property for the year 1950. It was moved by Broughton seconded by Repanich and carried that Clerk draw warrant ror $400.00 in Favor of the town Treasurer to apply on assessment. The following claims were presented, after having been checked by heads of departments and by the Auditing committee, Fa4d were ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carriec?e.a-ewe-.e..�s�a88ia+�1 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Treasurer Town of Port Orchard County Treasurer P.S.P.& L. Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Standard Oil Company Howe Oil Company F. E. Langer, Agent .Trick & Murray Lorraine Hilder Rev. E. A. Straub Payment L.I.,D. #52 Assessment 400.00 Forest Fire Protection tax 3.20 City hall lights, 2 months 35.24 Printing and publishing 89.38 Telephones and tolls 45.75 Gasoline for Police 2.45 Furnane Oil 151.09 Cle & Treasurer bond premiums 95,00 Columnar pad for Treasurer 1.19 Postage for Police 1.00 Repair damage to car (snow removal) 5.40 John N. Vaughn. Jesse 4. Sutton Orville Brose Puget SoundPower & Light Co. Cookson Bros. Service Howe Oil Company W. F. Bruhahn Orville Brose Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Western Utilities Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Orville Brose The H. R. Huntting Co. STREET FUND Overtime labor (weather work) Overtime labor (weather work Labor on streets Light at street sheds Kreosene for flares Stove oil WATER FUND Pump watches and thawing pipes Pump watches and thawing pipes Telephones and tolls Cast iron pipe couplings PARK FUND Tennis coirt lights Labor on basket ball goals OVA' W a WW0 Books for Library 28.35 35.10 94.50 2.00 2.59 54,63 97.20 70.20 3,65 38.55 2.00 13.50 41.26 Councilman Hall complimented the street crew on the manner in which they had handled snow removal., and suggested that whenever possible, in case of future snow, that the snow be piled in the center of the streets so that gutters may be kept open. Council adjourned on motion. by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. /.� Clerk 0 Port Orchard, Washington February 14, 1950 MW or Council of Port Orchard, VlashinSton called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, V'erd W. Nichols and Virgil :M. Parks; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin; Engineer T. 1. Breit- enstein, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Minutes of meeting of January 25, 1950 read and approved. Matter of parking meter advertising was taken up and terms of ordinance were discussed by members of the counci.l,and Mr. Holt, representing the Parking Meter :advertising Company was present and discussed with the members of the Council the provisions of the ordinance. Following agreement on the terms of the ordinance covering parking meter advertising,, the ordinance was read in open council, and It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repatnich and carried that ordinance be passed as read. Councilman Repanich stated that he expected to secure the final signature for right- of-way for Pottery Hi11*Sidney Hill connection within a few days and more time was granted. Engineer Breitenstein stated that more detaildd plane -for the proposed improvement d& the vicinity of Black Jack bridge would be ready within a few days, when they could be transmitted to the State Department of Higkways for examination, Superintendent stated that as soon as weather will permit that Kendall Street, west of Tacoma Street, would be rep at. red. Clerk submitted names of Volunteer Firemen, carried on the rolls of the local depart- ment for the year 1950, and on motion by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried, Clerk was authorized to issue warrant in favor of State Treasurer in the -mount of $60,00 for insurance premium for members of the Department for the current year. Parking facilities and safety features on the north side of Prospect Street between Frederick and Sidney Streets were discussed by members of the council and action was deferred to the next meeting of the council. It was pointed out that it might be advisable to install a barricade of some kind on the north marginsof Sidney and Frederick Streets where they stop at the bay, and this matter was referred to the Superintendent. Renewal of the insurance policy on the Street Department sheds was submitted to the council anal was approved. Matter of insurance on rolling stock owned by thetown, was taken up, and after a dis- cussion, the matter waw referred to the F.,-nm ce and Auditing committee and the Clerk to ascertain nature of policies to be carried on this equipment. r The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented,: examined by council members, and were ordered paid on motion by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port,Orchard Independent Various printing and publishing Howe Qil Company Furnace oil for City Hall Hannah & Powell Scotch tape for Police Puget Sound Navigation Compa4yFreight on signs Howe Motor Company Tire chat ns for Fire Department American Lafrance Foamite Co. 4 service cannisters, Fire Dept, Howe Motor Company Repair Police can Standard Oil Co., of Cal. Gasoline for Police Howe's Hardware Caulking compound, City Hall Miller Teeters, Inc. Parking meter parts Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street and cross -walk lights Trick & Murray Postal card notices for Treasurer Puget Sound Stmap Works Animal license tags and rubber stamp South Kitsap Motors Tire chd. ns, Police car Orville Brose W. F. Bruhahn Howe ail Company Donis Service Howe Motor Company V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Worthington Gamon Meter Co. Sheets Automotive Electric Howe t s Hardww e Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Transport Clearings Cookson Bros, Service Walter Cunningham WATER FUND Labor thawing frozen pipes Pump watches and labor Stove oil White gasoline Truck repair and chat ns Var Sous merchan dice Meters and water meter parts Heater for Ford pickup 2 chest handles 5j,900 water receipts Light and power at all plants Freight on pump parts Gasoline Labor thawing pipes STREET FUND 23.37 184.65 1.22 2, 66 12,45 25,56 10,15 2.43 1,34 183.90 180.29 17,78 44.62 10.30 79,80 166,05 12.48 1.75 • 1Sr09 5.96 102.00 28.16 ® .93 30.90 421.02 6.41 4.54 1.35 Jesse W. Sutton John Overtime labor on streets 50.03 N. Vaughn Overtime labor on streets 40*60 Orville Brose Labor on streets 116.20 Donald D. Miles Labor on streets 12.15 R. L. Kemp Labor on streets 12.15 Irvin B. Moen Loading machine operator (snow removal) 31.23 A. M. Bjerken Heavy truck driver (Snow removal) 27.54 Siler Auto jDarts Piston rings 9066 Howe Oil Company Stove nil , 40,92 V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Various merchandise 7,62 Matson Bras., Inc. Traffic paint 18,43 Hove Motor Company Repair Ford truck 26,65 South Kitsap Motors Clearance light for truck .77 Port Orchard SignalService Grader chains 66.63 Howets Hardware Stove bolts 1.02 Pacific Hoist & Derrick Co, Grader blade, flares, etc„ 91.67 Nelson Equipment Compaiay Cylinder assembly, etc,. 15.72 Donis Service BEttery charge and light bulbs 5,,05 Union Oil Co. of Cal. Kerosene 22.49 Slocum Hardww a Va' ious merchandise 9*19 P.O.Machine, Mtn irae & IronWks Welding 5.41 Bremerton Gravel & Asphalt 71 y1trds sand 43,88 Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Kerosene 11.58 F. E. Langer, Agent Insuraa ce premium on street sheds 107.40 LIBRARY FUND Howets Hardww a Shellac and denatured alehhol 1.11 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 7,71 SEWER FUND Port Orchard Independent 3500 sewer receipts 20.60 W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral 30.23 Improvements in the water department to provide adequate standby service in case of polder failure, was presented by Superintendent Givens. The matter w-as discussed, and the Mayer and members of the Water and Sewer committee examined existing facilities gad (` studied costs and other factors at the main water plant, and are to report their find- ings at the next meeting of the council, Meeting adjourned on motion by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried_ Port Orchard, Washington February 27, 1950 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor Willimn H. Sprague, with Councilmen Nick J. -L'epanich, George A. Broughton, Virgil M. Parks, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, and Superintendent of Public 'Yorks George F. Givens present. minutes of meeting of February 14, 1950 read and approved. Attorney reported that h$ had heard nothing further from the firm to which was granted franchise for parking meter advertising. Councilman Rep arzich stated that he is still negotiating with owners of property re- quired for right-of-way for Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill connection and more time was granted. Engineer submitted plans for proposed improvement of Bay Street from Bla&k Jack bridge west to Harrison Street, which were stAdied by the council, and which are to be trans- m�tted to the State Department of Highways. Further discussion was held on the matter of curbs and gutters on north side of Pros- pect Street from Frederick to Sidney Street, and this was continued. Superintendent reported that it is planned to set posts on the brink of the fills at the water edge of Sidney and Frederick Streets, and this was continued. Bepl:z�Pnterdi--Trvgprebidett_.e&dU"property owner at Vest and Guthrie Streets, appeared before the council relative to drainage problems at his property. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent for investigation and wi th power to act, in relieving the situation, on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich acid carried. S. V. McMullen appeared before the council requesting a pivkup truck for the Street Department. This was discussed and was referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report, Councilman Nichols reported on status of proposed street lighting on Bqr Street, and suggested that he believed it would be possible to have a demonstration light installed at a point to be salected. This was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried that if demonstration light is installed that Town of Port Orchard will pay for the current consumed during demonstration period. Insurance on motor equipment of the Town was considered, and Clerk was directed to contact insurance representatives regarding fire and theft insurance to cover value of equipment, and also insurance for damage under a $250.00 deductible policy. Superintendent Givens and Chairman Repanich of the Water and Sewer committee made re- por�s on suggested auxiliary pumping equipment. Findings of the committee and state- menbs by Superintendent Givens were considered and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repsa ich and carried that Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for auxiliary pum ing equipment, bids to be submitted according to specifications to be furnished by Superintendent. It was stet ed that all -day parking on Sidney Street opposite Givens School has caused complaint to be made. This was referred to the Police Department. A general discussion of improtements to the parks was entered into, and it was decided to hold conferences among members of the Park comi.ttee and representatives of the Active Club, Kiwan is Club, Progressive Club, the B.P.W., Sorpptomist Club„ American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and my other groups which are interested in park im- provement; date of the conference to be fixed later. Chief of Police stated that a new police car should be secured for the Police Depart. ment, as the present equipment is beginning to be expensive to maintain. This was re- ferred to the Finance and Auditing committee for investigation and report. Projected changes in parkin; spaces for busses was discussed and referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Police Dep ar tment. The following claims, checked by heads of departments, by the members of the council and the Chairman of the Auditing committee, were presented, and or der ed paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich ,nd carried: Pacififi Tel & Tel Co. Lorraine Helder CURRENT EXPENSE; FUND Various telephones and tolls 48.20 Postage for Police Nepartment 5.85 Orville Brose Labor on streets 100.80 Wilkins Dist. Co. Andi-freeze--gasoline 86.34 Firestone Stores Truck tire retreads 93.53 Port Orchard Marine Railway Material and 'Welding 7.91 GNAT Eft FUND Rockwell Manufacturing Co. 6 water meters 104.52 Crawford Motors Door handle for truck .30 Worthington Gannon deter Co. Cap gaskets 3.14 Western Utilities Co. Drills and taps 18.62 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 17,40 Port Orchard Marine Railway Material and melding 1.17 Meeting y Nichols, seconded by Broughton Clerk -- - - - - U - - - - - - ..(A - Port Orchard, Washington March 13, 1950 carried. Council cal led to order in regular session by Mayor dilliam H. Sprague with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Virtil M. Parks, Verd 'V. Nichols €aid Ray B. Hall; Superintendent ofPublic .forks George F. Givens; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Attorney Dudley N. Perrine present. Minutes of meeting of February 27, 1950 read and approved. The Clerk, having been instructedto contact indur m ce representatives regarding in- surance on motorized equipment owned by the Town., Clerk stated that several proposals had been received. Proposals were opened and read to the Council, and receibved were proposals from L. R. Haimann, B. A. Getschmann Co.; C. A. Hamks, and the Truck Insurance Exchange, represented by Homer Z. Stone. The proposals were considered by the Council, and the various representatives presented their cases before the Council. Following d discussions and consideration of the proposals, it eras moved by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried that proposal of B. A. Gettschmann Co., through A. R. Elliott, local representative, be accepted on their offer of coverage for $359.79. R. A. Rylander, representing Myhre & Rylander, asked permission to conduct dm c .I� in the .banquet room of their restaurant. It was explained that alicense fee of �$5 0 for each dunce at which admission is charged is required under the ordinance, a a that admission tax shall be collected. After a discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried that license be granted under conditions as set forth in Town. ordinances. It was suggested that an ordinance providing for an annual fee to provide for licensing continuing anusements in Port Orchard, might be advisable, and this was referred,to-the License, Finance and Auditing committee for investigation and report.- H. G. Baker, owner of property on Sweany Street, appeared before the Council regarding sewer connection on his property. Procedure was explained and the matter was referred to the Engineer for further Information. Ralph Peterson appeared before the Council relative torecreation program for the area, and this matter was thoroughly discussed. Mr. Peterson asked that a consistent program of recreation be provided by the `'own, and that program be as extensive and inclusive as the law permits. This being the date on wh:`.ch bids for auxiliary pumping equipment are to be received, bids were opened from Stevens Marine Supply; Atlas Imperial Deisel Engine Co.; A. H. Cox:& Co.; DeLaval Steam Turbine Co.; Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp.; H. D. Fowler Co., Inc.; Star Machinery Company; Howe's Hardware; Rice Electric; Northwest Motor Parts; Buda Engine and Equipment Co.; and Fairbanks Morse Company; The bids were taken under consideration by the Council and were referred to the Superintendent and the Water and Sewer committee for study. Further time was granted in the matter of right-of-way Jfor Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill street connection. Farther time was also granted on curbs and gutters proposed for Prospect Street, Chairman Pa�ks of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee had inves- tigated the conditions reported byPaul Powers Jr., at Guthrie and West Streets, and that the matter had been settled. ?bequest for pickup truck by Street Department was reportedon by Street and Alley com- mittee, and purchase of a truck at this time was not approved by the committee, The committee recommended that a telephone be installed in the Street garage in order that use of existing equipment may be more easily available for Street Departmont in cases of emergency. On motion by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried, a telephone was authorized to be installed in the Street garage. Clerk reported that letter had been transmitted to Fred C. Hannah, chairman of com- mittee on improved street lighting for Bay Street, advising the committee that the Council had voted to pay the cost of electric energy consumed in utilizing demonstra- tion light in connection with the proposed lighting program.. Chief of "olice reported that parking roblem existing on Sidney Street across from Givens School, had been settled satisfactm ily. A general discussion of park improvements was entered into, -and Chairman Hall gave an account of what it is hoped to accomplish. Care of the lawn around the Municipal Building was also discussed, and this ib to be handled at once. Clerk was directed to write letter to the Port Orchard Garden. Club, expressing the appreciation of the City administration for the decorative arra-igements and bouquets which are kept in the I,,luticipal Building by the Fort Orchard Garden Club. Chairman :Broughton of the License, Auditing and Finance committee reported that his committee believed the cost of maintaining the present police car is too great to be economical, and recommended. that bids be called for a new car. It was moved by T"roughton, seconded by iL11 and carried that bids be called for a standard 4-door sedan equipped with heater; that bidders enter two bids, one for car at fixed cash price exclusive of federal ex.bise' tax, and one for car at cash price, exclusive of excise tax and less allowance for present police car; also that Clerk advertise for bids for sale of present police car. More time was granted in the matter of changing parking space for busseso Letter was received from Alfred F. Jasmer, stating that he desired to construct sidwwalk in front of his property at 921 Hull Street, and asking that Engineer set grades, alignments, etc. Referred to Engineer to consult with I.r. Jasmer. Following dlaims, checked by heads of departments, by members of the council, and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, presented and ordered paid on motion by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried; CUER.NT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street, city hall and cross walk 225.66 Port Orchard Independent Publishing 11.81 Shell Oil Company DVrnace Oil 114.02 Trick & I;lurray Replate Police badges 6.85 Standard Oil Company Tire chains, anti -freeze 14.04 Howe Motor Company Repair police car 48.65 Donald R. Ward Assist Engineer 16.20 Trick &, 1.1urray Election sets 11.07 Howe's Hardware Sweeping compound and vise 6.49 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, pump pls#ts 238.56 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 28.00 Cookson Bros Tire repair 1.03 Howe' s Hardware Hand soap .56 Pioneer Bindery Irleter book covers 16.34 STREET FUND Orville Brose Lab or on sweets 79.80 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street hhed lights 2.00 Slocum Hardware Tools 4.96 Howe Motor Company Car parts 16.53 Wilkins Dist. Company Gasoline and stove oil 131.12 Olsen's Sheet Metal Works Radiator repair 10,30 Bremerton Concrete Produce Co. Drain the 17,65 Howe's Hardware Bolts .50 R. L. Lursen, Distributor Kerosene 22.07 Standard Oil Company Kerosene 11.58 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber and Nails 7.36 Jesse 119. Sutton Overtime labor on streets 1.45 John N. Vaughn Overtime labor on streets 1.45 PARK FUTM Orville Brose Labor on Central Playfield 22.40 Puget`Sound Power & Light Co. Tennis Court lights 2.00 Slocum Hardware Basket ball goals 7.82 SM M FUND Port Orchard Lumber Yard Sewer tile 9.06 Water and Sewer committee and Superintendent reported on their check of the bids for auxiliary pumping equipment ,.nd recommended that bid of Rice Electric to furnish Fairbanks Morse pump, according to specifications at price of S455.20 delivered in � Port Orchard, be accepted. Bid of Rice Electric accepted on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried, Committee asked further time in m& in award for to 6:15 p.m.$Mlarch 14, 1950 on motion by Parks, Meeting con lnued to w�arch 14, 1950 at 6:15 p.m. Repanic carried.. Clerk engine, and this matter was deferred seconded by Hall and carried. on motion by Hall seconded by _._�,y or fort Orchard, Washington March 14, 1950 Continued meeting of the Council called to order by Mayor H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Verd V1. Nichols, George A. Broughton, Ray B, Hall and Nick J. Repm ich; Superintendent of Public Norks George F. Givens, Absent Councilman Virgil M. Parks. Superintendent and members of Water and Sewer committee reported on their further investigation and study of the bids for auxiliary engine, and it was moved by Repainich, seconded by Nichols and carried that the bid of Fairbanks Morse Company for_"hrysler motor at their bid price of (49.75, delivered in Port Orchard, be accepted. Meeting ad` d on motion.. -bye Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried. -Clerk or - - - - - - - -- 0 - - - - - - - - --- Port Orchard. Washington ;,larch 27, 1950 Council called to order in regular session by Klayor :lillian H. Spr% ue. Present Councilmen Virgil 14. 'arks, Verd V1. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repm ich and George A. Broughton; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin and Superinten- dent of Public dorks George F. Givens. Winutes of meeting of March 13, 1950 and adjourned meeting of March 14, 19500 read and approved. This being the date on which bids for 4-door sedan for Police Department were to be received, bids of Settle Chevrolet, Ho e Motor Company, and Benbennick Motors were opened and read to the Council. Bidd were considered by the Council and the Finance and Auditing committee held a conference on the bids. The committee recommended that the bids be rejected. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried that bids for 4-door sedan be rejected and that Clerk be directed to re -advertise for bids. Further time was granted for recommendation from License and Finance committee on the matter of amended ordinance to cover license fees for regular and continuous amusement events which come under license provisions. Engineer reported that installation of sewer to H. G. Baker property on Sweany Street is well under way,. Councilman Repanich stated that negotiations for property regd.ired for right-of-way for Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill road connection are progressing and should be completed soon, 1itatter of curbs and gutters on Pr<,sp ect Street between Frederick and Sidney Streets continued. It was reported that telephone has been installed in Street Department sheds. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee reported on investigations of street light requested on Sroufe Street west of Tacoma Street. The committee recommended thaj; light be installed as detailed on diagram submitted, and that existing light on Tacoma Street and Sroufe Street be.inereased to 2,500 lumens. On motion by Repanich, seconded by Parks and carried, recommendations of co=ittee were approved, and Clerk was directed to notify Puget Sound Power & Light Compm y to make alterations and instal- lations as adopted by the committee, Mayor Sprague submitted copy of letter from State Department of Forestry stating that conveyance of Forestry Buildings in Port Orchard to the Town of Port Orchard, had been transmitted to the Kitsap County Bank, escrow agent, and that Town now has possession of the buildings. Bill of sale referred to the Attorney. Engineer reported that he hadcontacted A. F. Jasmer regarding construction of side- walk in front of his property and that the project had been delayed with a view to in- augurating an improvement district which would provide for walks, curbs and gutters in the entire area. The following claims were submitted, after check by heads of departments, council mem- hers and Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and were ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Parks and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls ; 48.70 Lorraine Helder P.O.Box rent, Police 1.00 Emma Harmon Inspector Election, Precinct # 2 9175 Leila Nordby Judge Election, Precinct #2 9.75 Edith Kunzelman Judge Election, Precinct #2 9,75 Jennie Alderman Inspector Election, Precinct #1 9,75 Mary B, Cline Judge Election, Precinct #1 9,75 Maxine Peeler Judge Election, Precinct #1 9,75 Chloe Suttoaf, Yr9Afurez% Postage 5.00 Port Orchard Independent Publishing and supplies 12.31 James A. Morgan "� Work on grounds at City Hall 16.88 'DATER i,UND Pacific Tel & Tel C6. Telephones and tolls 26.75 Pacific later Works Supply Cast iron pipe and fittings 60,10 Worthington Gamon 1•ileter Co. 6 water meters 106,30 Tacoma Screw Products Bolts and nuts 13,71 Orville Prose Labor at pumping plant 50,40 ST RELT FUND Orville Brose Labor on streets 33,60 Jesse W. Sutton Overtime labor on streets 4.35 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 42.66 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 17.51 Gaylord Bros., Inc. Library supplies 15.91 Yary B. Peterson Merril_ ership Bibliographic Center 2,00 PARK FUTdD P.lbert -1. Price Labor at city parks 75.60 Donald R. Ward Engineerts helper 5.40 Orville Brose Labor at Central Playfield 39.20 John N. Vaughn Labor at Central Playfield 6.53 American Plbg & St. Supply Pipe for backstop 123,00 Letter from Treasurer regarding penalty on assessment on property owned by Theodore Ellingboe, addressed to the `gown Attorney, was read. Council discussed the matter, and It was the opinion as expressed that the penalty could not be legally waived. Council a4,ourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Par4 and carried. _ Clerk r - - 0 -- - - -(A - j/_ - Port Orchard, Washington March 30, 1950 MqT or Special meeting of the Council of Port Orchw d, Vdashing�b n called at the direction of Mayor W_` lliam H. SprEgue, was called to order by Yq, or Sprague, Present Councilmen Virgil M. Parks,, Nick J. Repm ich, and Ray B. Hall; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine rn d Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Absent Councilmen George A Brough- ton and Verd !J. Nichols. The meeting was called f'or the purpose of further consideration of the award of bid for auxiliary engine for the 'Jater Department, and this matter was discussed by the Council, following stttements by Superintendent and Attorney. Following the dis- cussion, it was moved by Parks, seconded by Ball and carried that aletter be dis- patched to Fairbanks Morse & Company, setting forth that the Chrysler engine for which the bid of Fairbanks Morse & Company was previously accepted, shall be delivered to the Town of Port Or,.h.ard on or before the loth day of April, 1950, and in the event that said engine and equipment as spedified are not delivered on or before said date, that the extens on of delivery date sha:-1 be null and void, and the acceptance of the bid of Fairbanks Morse & Company by the Town of Port Orchm d will be revokd.d and re- jected without further notice. Meetin adjourned on motion by Parks, seconded by Hill and carried. Clerk i TgJor - 0 Port Orchard, Washington April 10, 1950 Council of Port 0�c rd, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor William H.pgue, with ouncilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J,Repanich,, Ray B. Hall., Verd-W. Nichols and �Irgil M. Parks; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. present. Minutes of regular meeting of march 27, 1950 and special meeting of March 30, 1950 read and approved. This being the date upon which bids were to be received for a sedan for the Policed Departments Mayer directed that bids be opened. Bids of settle Chevrolet Company, Howe.Motor Cowl#py, Crawford Motors and Couase Motors were opened and read to the council. noil members studied the bids and con- sidered the various offers. It was moved by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried that bid of Hoge Mo#or Company which offered a 6--cylinder Ford 4-door sedan for ol,752.520 less $965,00 for the present police cars be accepted. Matter of heavy duty battery and generator was discussed for the new car, amid this was referred to the Superintendent of Public Works to investigate and report. Cha man Broughton of the License and Auditing committees stated that his committee was not ready to make definite recommendation regarding annual licenses for asmusem®nt places which are required by ordinance to procure a license. Further time granted. Chairman Repanich stated that the last right-of-way deed for Pottery Hill - Sidney mill road connection has not yet beaen received. Construction of curbs and 'gutters on Prospect Street again discussed, and was continued for further consideration on motion by Nichols, seconded by Parkas And earrAed.' Councilman Broughtonrsftted that he believed that a real hazzard exists on they north side of Prospect Street and insisted, that temporary safeguards be placed to keep cars from rolling over the bank. This was ordered done on motion by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried. Councilmen Nichols stated that progress is being made in the matter of more adequate -street lighting on Bey Street, and that it is expected that a demonstration light will be plaoed at some point on the street within as few days by the Westinghouse Eleetrio iupply Compopy, after which business men and property owners will be contacted: regarding construction of the proposed lighting system. H. E. Dingle, local manager of the Puget Sound PowLr & Light Uompany, presented a cheek from his Company in the amount of V30u.00 as the annual franchise payment due from the Compa py. Mr, Dingle stated that the light at the corner of Tacoma and Sroufe had been increased from 1,000 lumen to 20.500 lumen lamp, as authorized by the council, and that new light authorized .west of Tacoma Street on Sroufe Street would be installed in the regular course of construction. Attorney Perrine stated that he had submitted a corrected bill of sale to the Department of Forestry but had not yet received it back. Councilman Repanich stated that Kendall Street west of Tacoma -5treet needed some attention to make it more passable, and this was referred to the Superintendent. H. B. Mahees, owner of Lots 1-2and 3, Block 10, Oidney, Appeared before the Council regarding the filling of the lots and the ripraapping and filling of Water Street w ith .2jV s tq.,,Jh& south of lot 1. He stated that he would fill the street,- use. that the Town take care of. riprappi.ng the south and. west margins of the street fug ..also of the drainage which crosses the property. A general discussion fecld, and the matter was referred to councilmen Hall, Repaanieh, Nichols and Broughton, And the Engineer and Superintendent of Public Works to meet with Ar. Menees Tuesdays April 110 1950 at 5 o'clock p.m, on the property and look over the situations stake findings and report to the. Council.` On motion by Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried, it was directed that the old auxiliary gasoline engine and a 25-h.p. electric motor formerly in service at the pumping plant, be advertised for sale. Councilmen Nicholas brought up the matter of construction of tennis courts which are being built at the High Schools and asked that the town assist in the effort by furnishing some equipment, operators to be paid for their services by (?� the Active Club. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that equipment be made available for the work can non- working days, Chairman Hall of the Parkas and Building ce=i.ttee reported on a aueeatins which his committee had held with representatives of various groups regarding furthering of recreational program, and park "improvement. A general discussion was had regarding various problems, and definite action was deferred pending further conferences and recommendations by the Parks committee and other interested groups. It was stated that a proposal had been made to open a custom cannery in Port Orchard, if there is no objection to its operation within the limits of the Town. No objection was raised to the project. Chairman "roughton of the Finance and Auditing committee stated that County Auditor Edgar D. 6mith had stated that the court house can be used as a:00ting place for one precinct in Port orchard, when town is re -districted for voting, and this will be considered in creating new precinct. Clerk was authorized to sign service agreement with Burroughs Adding 1dachine Company for service on adding machines. Clerk was also authorized to purchase a stenographer's chair for the Clerk's office. This was done on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. A letter from the City of Tacoma, inviting representatives of the Town of Port Orchard to attend a meeting of the Pacific Water Works Association and the Pacific Sewage Works Association on May lO--lb, and Superintendent of Public Works and Engineer were authorized to attend these sessions, or as often as they believed beneficial. The followIn checked by heads of departments and by Chairman. Broughton ha Finance and Auditing cormnittee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Parks, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power cue Light Trick & Murray V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Howe t s Hardware Donald R. Ward James A. Morgan Howard Cooper Corp. Thompsonts Gale W. ''ow A. R. Elliott Orville Brose V. B. CaldwellTrading Post Puget Sound Power & Light Lentts Howets Hardware Rensselaer Valve Co. Port Orchard, Lumber Yard H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. A. R. BIIJott Street and Cross walk Lights Warrant Reg.,Binder etc. Globe valve Paper Towels Assist 'ngineer Labor at City hall grounds Firements Badges Card Tray Salary for vacation Insurance premium on motor Equip. WATER FUND Labor 2 enamelled pails Power and light Cast iron pipe and fittings Tools Fitt check valve Lumber Pipefittings Insurance premium on motor equip. STREET FUND V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Tools, eta, Union Oil Co. of Cal. 53 gals Triton motor oil Howets hardware 2 qts. enamel Albert. W. Price Labor on streets A. R. Elliott Insurance premium on motor equip. PARK FUND Albert W. Price Labor at parks and playgrounds Howets Hardware Chain, etc. Hftets Hardware Netting, Paints, etc. P. 0, Marine Railway Yield backstop Port Orchard Lumber Yard Cement, Etc, V. B. Caldwell Trading Post 4 shovels The H. R. Huntting Co. Library Service LIBRARY FUND 18b.96 47. 6b 1.13 6.95 10.80 lU . so 29.6 2.22 117.60 2.13 331.15 21.67 8.61 115,10 10.25 82.11 26.'76 15.69 43.95 3.89 21.60 221,09 b2.4€3 10.42 65.72 128.96 19.81 8134 Books 53.63. Book covers, tape, d.els, eta. 38.45 Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried. clerk Jlayor 11� r -- Port Orchard, Washington April 24, 1950 Council of Port Orchard called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Virgil M. Parks,. Ray B. Hall, O+s;�Lrge A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Publioi-Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of April 10, 1950 read and approved. Matter of request by H. B. Menees for riprapping and extending drain over Lots l,2 and 3. Block 10, Sidney was again taken up, Mr. Menees being present. Mayor explained the attitude of the Council in the matter, stating that it is against the policy of the Town to extend streets and make permanent im- provements on unopened streets ffom,town funds. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried that request of H. B. Menees to riprap exposed fill of street and to extend large drain be rejected, but that town will bear the expense of extending 12-inch street drain if same is necessary. Mr. Uenees asked that he be given a letter setting forth the action of the council in the matter. Mayor Sprague stated that Howe Motor Company had cancelled its offer to furnish a sedan for the Police Department, and it was moved by Parks, seconded by Repanich and carried, that eancellation be accepted. Matter of securing a sedan for Police was again taken up., and offer of Al Buchmannto purchase present Police car, together with offer of Settle Chevrolet Company to take in police car in connection with their bid., was read to the Council. Offer of Kerr Motors to furnish car and to take in present -police car was also read to the council. The various proposals were considered by the Council, and it was moved by Parks, seconded by Repanich and carried, that offer of Kerr Motors to furnish Ford 60cylinder Fordor sedan, equipped with heater, less trade-in allogance for present police oar, for the sum of $918,85, be accepted. At this -time Councilman Nichols took his seat with the Council Proposal to equip new car with heavy duty generator was discussed, and it was the opinion of the members of the Council as expressed, that if radio is placed in new police car that heavy duty generator should be installed. Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee stated that his committee recommended that Section 3 of Ordinance No. 341 be amended to provide license fee for dances and other amusements at $5.00 a day or $25.00 a quarter. This was discussed. and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Parks that eecommendations of c cmmittee be accepted, and that ordinance. No. 341 be amended to provide for fees as recommended by the committee,, Councilmen Repanich stated progress is being made in securing needed right-of- way for.Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill road connection. Superintendent Givens stated that temporary barricade had been placed on Prospect Street between Sidney 6treet and Frederick Street. Chairmani. Nichols of the Fire and .Fight committee stated that ftx:k* equip- ment for the demonstration light kM been receiiwed, and that Westinghouse Electric Supply Company will take care of installation. It was agreed that the demonstration light should be placed at the Bay -Sidney Street intersection. Chairman Hall of the Parks and Building committee reported on a meeting which his committee had held with representatives of various interested groups at which park and playground improvements were d.idcussed,and stated that it was the expressed opinion that rest rooms should be provided at Givens Field. A discussion followed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Parks and carried, that engineer prepare list of materials needed for the proposed -building and that bids for the materials be requested. Clerk was directed to notify representatives of various interested clubs that another meeting to discuss park improvements will be held May 1 at the City Hall. Chief of Police was directed to investigate acquisition of suitable seat covers for new police car. On motion of Parks. seconded by Hall and carried, it was directed that the Town of Port Orchard follow the 'schedule of the Aavy Yard is operating under daylight saving; time, and that city offices operate on the schedule as adopted. It was brought out that this would place the Town of Port 'orchard on daylight saving time stabting May 1, 195U. L. W. Partin .appgare. b-efeie the Council relative to new location for bus depot, wd�a6rklhg4 spacds for busses. He stated that it is the intention to move the bus depot from its present location to a room in the Central Hotel Building. Following a discussion of the matter, it was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Chief of Police, the committee to have power to act. This action was taken on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried* Attention was brought to the temporary post under a corner of the marquee in front of the Druscilla Lress Shop, which was described as a traffic hazzard and a nuisance. On motion by Parks, seconded by Repanich and carried a resolution was passed declaring this temporary post a nuisance, and a,letter was directed to be written to Ploy G. Applegate and to M. H. jhompson, reputed owners of .the property, and copies sent to the .Lessees. advising them of the action of the council, and notifying them to abate the Nuisance. A letter from the Department of health notifying the Mayor and Council of a meeting of the kiealth ')apartment was read. No action taken. Letter from Mayor Kean of Bremerton, regarding "Armed Services Day" cele- bration in Bremerton was read. An effort will be made to have official representative present at the festivities, and letter was directed to be written to Mayor Kean notifying him of this intention. The following claims, checked uyheads of departments, and by Chairman Brougnton. and CouncilmanRepanich of the Auditing committees were read to the council, and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried; Shell Oil Company Wilkins Distributing `'o. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Go. Trich & Murray Port Orchard Independent tames A. Morgan CURRENT EXPENSE FUYD Furnace Oil Oil Filters Various telephones and tolls Carbon --ink irradleator, Treas. Call for bids Police car Labor on City- Hall grounds WATER FUND Wilkns Distributing Co. Oil filters Rice Electric Co. Puppfor auxiliary unit Palmer Supply Co. Pipe fittings Port Orchard Marine Ry. Base for engine, labor and material Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Taleptiones and tolls Orville Brose Labor .with stater Dept;: W„ F. Bruhahn Labor with Water Dept., Slocum Hardware Toold and merchandise STREET FUND � 119.34 3.25 50.55 1.41 7.63 9.45 4.47 455.20 92.70 141.32 22.10 107,08 19.60 35.44 Albert W. rrice Labor on streets 97.20 Olympic Iron and Math. Wks. Cable connection and welding 16.48 Wilkins Distributing Co. Gasoline, battery, etc. 148.93 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Installation charge, telephone rent 16.18 Slocum Hardware Merchandise 3.19 PARK FUND A. &. L. Auto Service Weld backstop 15.45 Fames A. Morgan Labor on Central Playfield 16.20 Slocum hardware Padlocks --Aluminum paint 18.76 Council ourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried. Clerk _�. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 82 1950 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. SprAgue, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Virgil M. Parks; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breistein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givenspresent. Minutes of meeting of April 24, 1950 read and corrected to change the word "western" to "Westinghouse" in referring to installation of demonstration light. Ordinance amending certain paragraphs in Ordinance N , 641 was submitted and its terms discussed and considered by the council and definite action was passed until later in the meeting. Final right-of-way deedefor Potter Hill -Sidney Hill road connection have not yet been received and more time was granted. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee stated that a new light bulb will be installed in demonstration light at the corner of Sidney and Bay,Streets and it was expected that light will be burning shortly. Discussion of installation of rest room facilities at Givens Field was entered into, and estimate of material and costs as submitted by the Engineer were studied by the Council. Some changes were suggested and Engineer stated that he Would submit amended list of material, upon approval of which bids are to be Oalled. The question of the bus depot and parking space for busses was taken up, and Mr. Swanson, representing the Tacoma -Bremerton Stages; Richard Rylander, of the Ideal and Blue & Gold Taxi; M. H° Thompson, owner of the bus depot, and L, W. Partin, operat-or,of the depot, -were present and entered into the dis» cussions, After lengthy discussion, it appeared that a deal could be consum- mated whereby the bus depot would remain in its present location, and matter of different parking space for busses was passed without action. Matter of marquee in front of Druscilla Dress Shop on Bay Street was again• taken up, and letter was directed to be sent by registered mail to Mrs. Floy G. Applegate, owner of real estate involved, containing the information that marquee with temporary post has been declared a nuisance by the council and that it should be removed. This being the date upon which bids were to be received for sale of gasoline engine and electric motor by Water Department, Clerk stated that two Vids had been received, and Mayor directed that they be opened. J. W. Huth of the Port Orchard MachAft Shop offered $32.80 for gasoline engine and $38.80 for electric motor. Kitsap County Road District No.2 offered $100,00 for electric motor. It was moved. by Parks, seconded by Repanich and carried that bid of Port Orchard giachine Shop by J. ii. Huth, for 32.80 for gasoline engine be accepted, and _that bid of Kitsap County Road District Wo.2 by A. W. Hodge, County Commissioner, be accepted for electric motor. Matter of securing addressing machine for Clerk's office was taken up and tender and description from Elliott Addressing Akachine Co. was considered. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that Clerk be authorized to purchase machine from Elliott Addressing Machine Co., if same Is satisfactory and will meet the needs of the office; and at the price contained in the offer submitted. At this time --#one .4 .tte�d ordinance amending Ordinance No, 341 re- lating to dances and 'o:ther',.amuse:ments. Proposed ordinance was read and it was moved by Nichols, secciiided by Hall and carried that ordinance be passed as read. Mr. Swanson of the Tacoma -Bremerton Stages brought up the matter of the condition of the bAghway between Port Urchard and Gig Harbor, and asked that the Town of Port Orchard write letter to State Department of Highways urging early calling of bids for repairs. On motion by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried it was directed that letter be written to State Department of Highways requesting early action in this matter. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman "roughton of the Auditing committee, were presented, and ordered paid on motion by Parks, seconded by Repanich and carried: Puget Sound Power & Light Kerr Motors parr Motors Howets Hardware Burroughs Adding 'achine Co. Wilkins Dist. Co. Port Orchard Independent CURRE' 3T EXPE14SE FUND Street lights for April Car purchase for Police Gas and oil on 300 miles service Mop Service on machines Battery for Fire Truck Ballots, and printing 178.91 908.55 4.98 1,52 27,81 15.97 25.61 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND (COhT'D) H. B. Menees Wire and globes, Police car 3.76 Kitsap County Auditor License and title Police car 2,00 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline, tire repair, Police car 8005 James A. Morgan Labor on city hall grounds 4,05 STREET FUND Eddiers Auto Glass Repair and recover cushion 21.12 Transport Clearings Freight 1.25 Matson Bros., Inc. Traffic paint 52.00 Bremerton Con. Prod. Co. 18" culvert pipe 113,26 Howe's Hardware Black enamel 1,06 Wilkins Dist. Co. Stove oil and gasoline 124,51 E. H. Edwards Co. Cable 12.10 Albert W. Price Labor on streets 91.80 aYATr' FUND Orville Brose Labor for water Sept. 92.40 Crane Company Asphalt paint 17,76 P. 0. Marine Railway Labor and materials 33.58 Western Utilities Supply Co. Packing material 3,53 6" Ells and flanges 45,38 6 Corp, stops 18.04 Daily Journal of Conwierce Callfor :.-ids,motor and engine 17,05 Howets hardware Valves, paint, wrenches 14,19 P. 0. Lumber Yard Cement, sand and gravel, lumber 12.8U P, 0, Independent Water bill postal cards 50.56 Bremerton Con. Prod. Co. deter box lids 22,25 Lent s Pipe threads 4.73 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. Cathodic Equipment installed 4098,87 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Uo. Books 7*'76 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 54,42 PARK FUND Howers Hardware Padlock and paint 5115 Albert d,. Price Labor on park grounds 16.20 Jas. Morgan Cutting grass 16.88 American Plbg. & St. Supply Galvanized Pipe 123,00 Oouncil adjourned on motion by Parks, seconded by "ichols and carried. Clerk Mayor - , .. -0- - - - - _ - - - Port Orchard, Washington May 22, 1950 Council of Port Urchard, vdashingtc n called to order Wregular session by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Uouncilmen Virgil lei. Parks, Verd ►, luichols, Hay B. Hall, Nick J. Repanich and George A. Broughton; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer T. U. Breitnestein. Minutes of meeting of May 8, 195U read and approved. 01111am E. Cooper of Bremerton appeared before the Uouncil and made oral application for license to ope,,ate Social Club in Port Orchard, in the second floor of the Totten Building. Mr, Cooper told the method by which he proposed to operate the Club, and after a discussion by members of the Council, it w as moved oy Hall, seconded by Repani.ah and carried that the application be referred to the License and Auditing committee to investigate application in granting or refusing the license. Further time was granted for securing right-of-way deeds for the Pottery Hill-Oidney Hill road connection. ChairmanNichols of the "ire and Light committee stated that progress is being made on the improved Bay Street lighting program; that the demonstration Tight is in service, and that the committee of business men is contacting property owners interested in the matter, It was suggested that a meeting of the property owners. at which all details of the proposed program will be explained, should be arragged for the near future. Tenders for material for construction of rest rooms at Givens Field were received and read to the Council. The tenders were examined and considered by the.Council, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried that offer of Lumber Supply be accepted, including the alternate tender.. Councilman.Hall also reported on his visit to Bremerton as representative of the Town of Port Orchard at the Armed Services Day observances. He stated that every courtesy was extended to him and his family; that the celebration was a big success and highly enjoyable., and demonstrated the patriotic attitude of the coum=ity. Mayor Sprague stated that he would extend the appreciation of the administration to 01a7or peen of Bremerton for the opportunity to participate In this observance. It was reported that work of constructing the tennis courts at the high school is expected to be under way within a few days, and that it might be that some equipment from the Town could be used, and that the Superintendent would be advised if such is the case. Superintendent Givens brought up the matter of an equipmant pool among the Cities of Bremerton and Pcrt Orchard and Kitsap County Road District. 40. stated that it had been suggested that a rate be established for 9ach piece of equipment, and that equipment be made available among these goverental agencies on a trade -work basis or under the rates as agreed upon. He stated that in many instances considerable savings can be made by having additional and different equipment available on certain jobs; this equipment to be availbbble when not seeded by the owning agency. The matter was discussed, and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanicii and carried, was referred to the Street and Alley committed for further investigation and report. On motion by Parks, seconded by Repanich and carried, the maxims gallonage of water to be allowed during the months of June, July and August, 1950 for the minimum charge of $1.50 be fixed at 5,500 gallons per month. Proposal to improve Grant Street near the Smith Street intersection was referred to the Superintendent. Councilman Hall reported that apparently no progress has been made on the proposal to improve Bay Street from Black Jack bridge to tiarrison Street under plans submitted to the State Department of Highways, at the request of the Department. A letter was directed to be written to the District Engineer in an effort to ascertain what if anything is being done regarding this inprovement, and setting forth the traffic conditions and other factors which make this work most desirable. The following claims were presented, after having been checked by headsof departments and by the Auditing ccommittee, and were ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by hall and carried: Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound.. Power-& Light James A. Morgan Bank & Offic4l Supply,Co. Akell Oil Company Hannah & Powell Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Pacific Tel:.._&1:T6l Co. Crane Company W. F. Bruhahn Orville Brose South Kitsap Motors Slocum Hardware Rensselaer Valve Company CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Telephones and tolls City hall and cross walk lights Labor cutting grass city hall Chair for Clerkt a offlod Furnace Oil First Aid supplies, Police Various expenses advanced WATER FUND Plant and Supt. Tqlephone and tolls Asphalt paint Labor, standing pWp watch Labor at plant and on lines Repair international TruV Valves screw,, washers, ate, 6"cheek valve, STREET FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Street Dept. tel and tolls South Kitsap Gravel Co. Rock, sand and gravel Slocum Hardware Street brooms Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light at street sheds Puget Sound Navigation Co. Freight Albert W. Price} Labor on streets PARK FUND South Kitsap Gravel Co. Rock and sand Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Tennis court lights Jae. A. Morgan Labor at Central Playfield Council adjourned on motion by Parks, seeonded by Nichols Clerk carried. 50.50 31.25 9,45 40.69 96.63 1.32 9.94 20.30 13,58 8.40 112.00 5.46 9.90 115.10 5.?5 23.46 5.54 2.00 3„58 '_1o84 oo 4.64 2.1B 16. 2U or Port Orchard, rashington June 12, 1950 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague. Oath of office as Councilmen was administered to George A. Broughton and Verd W. Aichols, ft re-elected to the office of Couhcilmen, and to John C. Gilchrist, Councilman -elect. Present Councilmen Nick J. ltepanieh, George A. Broughton, John C. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of May 22, 1950 read and approved. Messrs Paul Powers, Jr. and E. M. Mebritt, residing on best Street between Guthrie and -wlelcher Streets, addressed the Council regarding a public improve- ment on West Street to include grading and sewer installation. Engineer sub- mitted description of area which would be included in improvement district, and Mayor informed the men that Attorney would prepare petitions for instituting Local Improvement District for the improvement sought. Application of dilliam E. Cooper for club license in Port Orchard,. which had been referred to License and Auditing committee, again taken up and discussed. Messrs. Myhre & Rylander were present and enterd into the discussions. Following the discussions, Clerk was directed to contact Association of Wash*, ington Cities to aseertain,what other cities of the State have adopted as regulation controlling bottle clubs. Councilman Repanich reported that some progress has been made in efforts to secure right-of-way for Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill road connection, and further time was granted. Chief of Police reported that he had been informed that a clean-up would be made at the brewery property in a short time. Matter of agreement with Kitsap County Road District and City of Bremerton with reference to rental and exchange of equipment was again discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that a uniform schedule for equipment rental be adopted, and that Townof Port Orchard co-operate with. Kitsap County and City of Bremerton in renting and exchanging equipment where such action would be advantageous to either of the effected units, and would not interfere with regular working schedules. Superintendent Givens stated that he and the Engineer had investigated request for improvement at a point near Grant and Smith Streets, and that it is believed that the situation can be bettered by dumping surplus dirt whenever same is available. Report accepted by Council. Councilman Nichols reported on what had been undertaken regarding improved street lighting on Bay Street and this matter was discussed. It was decided to resubmit the matter to the committee of business men, and ask for a meeting of property owners to fully discuss the proposition. Councilman Hall stated that some delay had been encountered in starting work on the proposed rest rooms at Givens Field, but that within a few days it was expbeted that work will be stared on a voluntary basis, with the Port Orchard Post of Veterans of Foreign Wars spearheading the work program. Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee brought up the matter of license for amusement machines. He suggested that the existing ordinance be amended to provide for master license of $750.00, which would permit eighteen mab*ines; a. $20,00 license fee for each mabhina; with 10% of receipts of machines licensed. Report of the committev was accepted and ordinance ordered amended on motion by Broughton, seconded by "all and carried, Mayor stated that he had been contacted by representative of Kitsap County with reference to dog licenses and the possibility of co-operative action by the Town and County. Matter was referred to the Attorney. Chief of Police submitted drawing of proposed signs for the police car and after a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that Chief of Police be authorized to have signs painted on doors of police car, and a gold leaf sign on the west entrance to Police Station, at a cost of %¢15.00 for the job. Sample of roofing material suitable for Municipal, Building, was examined by members of the council, and matter of repairing roof of the Municipal Building was referred to the Parks and Building committee with power to act, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. Letter from Bureau of Governmental Research, regarding Port Orchard's traffic ordinance, and making suggestions for amendments, was read and referred to the Attorney. �1 Chairman Hull of the narks and Building committee stated that he had held conversations with menbers of the Port Orchard garden Club regarding planting trees and shrubs at Central Playfield, and asked that a letter be V14itten to the club indicating that the Council is In accord wither plan to plant trees and asking for suggestions for beautifying this area. Mayor stated that property owners on Rockwell Street are interested in securing information relative to construo tion of concrete curbs and gutters from Marton Street to Bay Street. Property owners are to be contacted concerning the proposal, and Engineer is to do preliminary work to ascertain cost, grades, etc. Mayor stated that he would announce committees assignments.for the year, in the near future. Clerk stated that emergency appropriations were required to take care of anticipated expenses for the remainder of the year, as follows: Current Expense, Liability Insurance, 175.00; industrial Insurance and medical aid,$ $75,00; I`Water Fund: Office expense ;equipm nt- $1,500,00 labor $2,500*00; mainte- nance, construction and eme ivies, U.00• industrial insurance and med- ical aid, $150.00; Street fund: Shop se, 300.00; Park Fund: Material $1,000.00.Ordinance introduced and passed for final passage on motion by Broughton., seconded by Repanich and carried, The following claims were presented, after having been checked b y heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton and Councilman Repanich of the Auditing committee, and were ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE'FUND Shell Oil Company Furnace Oil 103.30 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Cross Walk lights 3.14 Port Orchard Independent Publish Ordinance No, 570 9,84 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gas and oil for Police 15.04 T, R. Hubbard Seat Covers, Soap, Wax, etc. 26„98 Howe Motor Co. Repair ald Police oar 11.28 Trick & Murray Posting trays, blanks, ate. 61.36 Kerr Motors Oil and grease (1,000 mile ser) 3.14 V. B. Caldwell Garden hose 1.21 Thompson's Filler pads .88 James A. Morgan Labor at cit7 hall 14.18 Standard Oil. Co. elf Cal. Gasoline 1.69 A. R. Elliott Premium Liability Insurance 1,015.22 WATER FUI D Transport Clearings Freight 3.73 Pacific Metal Company Aluminum pipe 23.33 Bremerton Water Department Labor and equipment rental 13.95 Siler Auto Parts Reamers 11.38 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, all plants 299.77 Howets hardware Paint, brushes, ate. 22,85 T. R. Hubbard Merchandise 1.11 V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Paint, Pipe, Fittings 14.69 rr 't Paint and tools 8.62 P.-O. Marine Railway Remount shaft, etc. 20.23 South Kitsap Motors Repair International Truck 27.96 P. 0, Rachine Shop Welding and cutting 46.92 H. B. Menges Supplies 1.36 Howe Motor Co. Repair Ford pickup 17„4U Thompson's 1 doz. Engineerts pads 6.28 Slocum hardware Tools and merchandise 9.77 Fletcher & Company 2 M Ledger sheets, 2 sides 54.08 Western Utilities Supply Co. 6" Flange 10.89 Orville Bross Labor 70.70 W. Fr Bruhahn Labor 191.80 STREET HUND E. H. Edwards Co. Wire rope 11,.64 John N. Vaughn Overtimes labor 2.10 Orville Brose Labor on streets 81.90 Albert W. Price Labor on streets 109.35 Jes a W. Sutton. Overtime labor 4.90 Por Orchard Machine Shop 9 i lff@ .ding, various 87.92 South Kitsap Graved Co. 327* yds bankrun gravel 32.75 Woodworth & Company 6 tons asphalt 37.0S Howes Hardware Cap screws .25 Firestone Stores Tire repair 56.66 T. R. Hubbard .Mdse, various 11.03 V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Tools, etc. 14.95 Bremerton Con. Products Co. Culvert pipe 41.17 Howe Motor Company Auto parts and repair 3U.64 Slocum Hardware Co. Files Knives and hasps %nsasphalt 'i71w09 Bremerton Gravel& Asphalt 10.8 61.03 Sheets Automotive Electric Auto Late Starter 28.84 PARK FUN1J James A. Morgan Labor, Central Field 33.08 Howets hardware Rings and wire 9.09 T. R. Hubbard Grease gun 1.29 Slocum Hardware Tools 8150 Donald R. Ward Labor with engineer 5,40 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library Council adjourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by i,4ichols and carried. 16.47 Clerk mayor _0- _ rehard, Washington Junes 26, 1950 Regular session of that Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, hick J. Repanich, John G. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, Attorney Dudley N. Perrine and Superintendent of Public Works George F, Givens present. Minutes of meeting of June 12, 1950 read and approved. Ross W. Watt, Clerk of the .Annapolis Water District was present with refer- ence to an easement for water mains over property of the Town of Port Orchard and letter asking such easement was read. The matter was discussed and was referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Attorney explained the legal procedure, and a hearing on the petition was set for July 10, 1950 on motion by Repanich, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. It was stated that petition for improvement of West Street is being circu- lated but that to da#e it has not been filed with the Council. Further time for final action on application for social club license was granted. Acquisition by theTown of the brewery well, when the brewery plant is moved, was discussed, and it was directed that a :letter be written to representatives of brewery relative to securing the well. Chairman .Nichols of the Fire and Lipt Committee reported that a represantative of the Westinghouse�Eleetiv Supply ompany is expected to visit here shortly and submit revised suggestions for Bay Street lighting, He also stated that a meeting will be arranged to explain in detail to property owners the plans and costestimates. An ordinance amending 'ordinance Vo# 502 and b67 tAmusement machine Ordinance) was read. It was moved b Repanich, seconded by Broughton that ordinanCebe passed as read. Motion carried, and ordinance adopted as Urdimance No* 571, Mayor stated that he had taken up with the County Commissioners the suggestion for county -wide control of dogs, and that it is expected that a definite plan will be submitted within a short time. [utter of repairs to roof of the Municipal Building was discussed and it was 1)ointed out that the roof is under a five -;dear guarantee and that the contractor had been contacted with reference to repairs. More time granted in the matter. Attorney stated that he had not yet completed draft on traffic ordinance and more time was granted for this ordinance. Letter fromEngineer with reference to Rockwell Street improvement was read and the proposition was discussed. An estimate of cost of the project'was given aftd it was agreed that property owners 'Kill be contacted. The Fatter was referred:tothe Street & Alley committee and the Engineer for further study and report. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriations as introduced at meeting of council of June 12, 1950 and passed for final action, was again read to the Council. It was passed unanimously on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Communication from Bureau of the Census giving the population of Port Orchard in preliminary figures as 2,308 was read and ordered Sled. N '11 Co==ication from South Ki.tsap Improvement Council ask;pS that Torn of Port Orchard become a member of the Council was read and discuased. It was moved �- by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich and carried that Town of port Urchard secure gyp► membership in the South Kitsap Improvement Council at a membership fee of $5.00 per annum. Letter from Governor Aruthur B. Langley re safetjc awards for various govern- mental agencies in the State was reed and ordered filed. Letter from J. C. Claypool, District Engineer, regarding Bay Street im.- provement, was read, considered by the Council and ordered filed. �\ Councilman Verd W.-michols tendered his resignation as Councilman in a letter submitted to the Council., due to the fact that he expects to move to Seattle. Action on resignation was deferred to July 10, 1950. Mayor Spbague annoUnced his commit1be assignments as follows: Street and All --Ray B. Hell, chairmank, Geroge A, Broughton and 'Verd W. Nichols; Water! Sewer, "ealth and Sanitation.- John C. Gilchrist, chairman, Geroge A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Fires and Light--Verd W. michols, chairman,E John C. Gilchrist an4 Ray B. Hall; Finance, Auditing and License--GerogeA. Broughton, Chairman, nick J. Repanich and John C. Gilchrist; Parks, Buildings and Planning --Nick J. Repanich, chairman, Verd W. Nichols and Ray B. Hall. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Auditing com- mittee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND James A. Morgan Elliott Addressing Machine Co. Lorraine Helder Association of Wash. Cities Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Trier & Murray H. B, Menees Pioneer, Inc. Joan. E. Brown Rice Llectric Puget Sound Power & Light Co. ,;"Fairbanks, Morse & 11o. Beacon Appliance., Rice Electric W. F. Bruhahn Pacific To. & Tel Co. Lents Donis Service Orville Brose John N. Vaughn Jesse W. "utton B. F. Miles Bethel Motors Regalia Auto Parts Co. Pacific Te. & Tel Co. A. & L. Auto Service Vern s'aymond Donis Service Kenneth Boatright Robert Willey Puget Sound News Co. Americanna Corporation James A. Morgan Donis Service Labor at City Hall grounds Addressing machine and appliances P. 0, Box rent, police 1950 dues Various telephones and tolls Registration forms Brake fluid for firs truck Registration binder Ferry fare to Seattle Merchandise and labor Street arts, May, 1950 WATER FUND Auxiliary gas engine Pipe fittings Labor and merchandise (various) Labor on pipe lines Telephones and tolls Pipe fittings Appliancd gas STREET FUND Labor on streets Overtime labor on streets Overtime labor on streets Labor on streets Oil Seals Orschel.n lever Telephone and tolls Welding on shovel Hauling gravel, and truck rent Valve cores, etc. Labor on streets Labor on streets LIBRARY FUND Books Americanna Annual PARK FUND Labor at Central Playfield Gasoline Counoll adjourrad on motion by Nichols, seconded by k 8.1U 424.24 1.00 135.00 9,55 10.71 3. 5U 39_.58 .1.80 12.28 181,01 914.45 ,78 98.66 58.80 19,90 20.27 1.40 135.80 .78 9.43 59.40 3.55 13.98 6.Ob 12.85 144.00 1.29 21.60 21.60 29.54 2.95 29.7V .55 on and carried, Port Orchard, Washington July 10, 1950 Council of Port Orchard, 'iWashington called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, John C. Gilchrist, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineet T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, prey nt. Absent Councilman Verd W. hichols. Minutes of meeting of June 96, 1950 read and approved. Councilman Gilchrist reported that the Water and Seger committee had met with the Attorney in connection withthe ap-lication of the Annapolis Water District for easement over town property from its well. His committee recommended that easement be granted for five years, without any restrictions. Fur'th.er time -was granted to prepare easement and submit to Council. Application of William E. Cooper for Club license which had been received by the Council of May 22, 1950, wa. denied on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Matter of acquisition of the brewery well was again discussed, and Mayor stated that he had written to president of Company but had received no reply, and stated furthsr that he would attempt to contact him by telephone. Attorney was asked to draw agreement concerning equipment now in use aV-the well, Which is the property of Port Orchard. Mayor Sprauue also reported on a meeting which had been held among the property owners on Bay Street to consider the proposed improved Bay Street lighting. Attorney was asked todraw petition to form L. I. Distr=ct for installation of this improvement for use by proponents of the proposal. George Lee, representing L. R. Haiman, agent for the General Insurance Company, appeared before the council regarding renewal of D611cies on Municipal Building, and also regarding insurance on furniture and fixtures in the building. Matter referred to the Finance, Auditing; and License committee for consideration and report. ' Further time granted to contact contractor regarding roof on Municipal Building, and Superintendent stated that he would attemibt to get in touch with contractor. Installation of traffic signs on Tacoma Street to control traffic at Givens Field was"discussed, and other traffic matters were also taken up. Attorney stated that authority of officers in controlling traffic would be embodied in traffic ordinance which is in process of being drafted. A letter from the Forest City Development Corporation, suggesting a meeting with the Mayor and Councilmen was read, and a reply was directed to be written setting forth the dates of meetings of the Council and stating that representatives of the .Forest City Development Corporation are welcome to attend. Hearing, on petition to annex Block 4, Annapolis, as a part of the Town of Port Orchard, regularly set for hearing on this date was called up by Mayor Sprague. There were no protests and no one appeared in regard to the matter. Ordinance providing for annexation of Block 4, Annapolis, was read and passed unanimously on motion by hall, seconded by Gilchrist. Action on resignation of Verd 4. Nichols as councilman w-s deferred on. motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Hall and carried. Mayor stated that at a recent conference which he attended that it had been agreed that due to unsettled conditions that It w=-s deemed inadvisable to dispose of the real estate comprising the Ea,,St-Port Orchard, and Orchard Heights Housing Brojects, and that telegrams had been sent to the State Congressional delegation asking that advertised sale be suspended. This was discussed, and It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that lviayor be authorizes to send telegrams`to the two U. S. Senators and to Representative Hugh B. Mitchell stating that Port Orchard joins in the recommendation that property not be sold at this time. Mayor Sprague was requ4sted to write letter to Governor Larvlie requesting his presence at the -forthcoming celebration of the "Days of 149 to be held in Port Orchard September 15th and 16t-, 1950. Alterations and improvements to the former Forestry Building to make it suitable for youth activities were discussed, and it was stated that it is hoped to change two large garage doors for other material and that the Active Club has expressed a willingness to spearhead a volunteer labor campaign to ref!*. the building. Clerk was directed to write letter to Russell Sweany, president of the Active club, stating that early prosecution of a work program is in order. The following claims checked by heads of departments, by the Auditing committee and by members of the Council, were presented, discussed by the Council, and ordered paid on motion by "all, seconded by Repanich and Carried: CURRENT EXPENSE. FUND Puget Sound Power & Light James A. Morgan J. B. Starr Standard Oil Co. Port Orchard Independent Trick & Murray R. M. Blowers Elliott Addressing ' achine Co. Howeks Hardware W. F. Bruhahn Grinnell Co. of the i'acif. is Hows3-s Hardware Howe Motor ompany R. B. Ryan Rockwell Mfg. Co. Slocum Hardware Port Orchard Independent Ski Wortman W. D. Boatrwight S. K. Mc Mullen Robert Willey Kenneth Boatwright Berlin F. Miles Orville Brose Jesse W. Sutton S . V. McMullen hove Motor Company Port Orchard Machino.Shnp Howard Cooper Corp. Slocum hardware Street lights Work on city hall grounds Signs on p6lice car and door Gasoline and oil, Police car. File cards and.rubber bands Cowhide traffice book holder Cut and frame door in vault Special stencils Janitor's supplies WATER FU ND Tending; pumps at water plant Corporation stops Dry cells and hack saw blades Door handle for truck Hang doors at pump house Water meters Various merchandise 2,000 duplicate receipts STREET FUND 0 Truck rental and driver Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets .Labor on streets Overtime labor on streets Reimburse for ferry fare Repair street equipment. Labor and material Shanks and points Shovel handles,rivets and water bags PARK FU ND 190.55 11.47 15.00 26.75 3.50 9.28 25.48 5.18 7.20 22.40 44.37 2.78 1.39 15.45 106.03 6.43 12.98 30.A9 32.40 43.20 95.18 95.18 87.08 112.70 5.08 2.68 48.34 21..37 333.99 4.01 Slocum Hardware Hoev connections and sprinkler 27.52 'games A. Morgan Labor at playfields 21.60 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books 7.44 Installation of concrete curbs and gutters on Rockwell Street was discussed and Attorney was asked to prepare petition for Local Improvement district to provide for this improvement. Mayor stated that a conference featuring civilian defense and disaster and relief measures is to be held at the University of Washington under State sponsbr.sh6p on July 12 and 13,, 1950. He stated that Chief of Police Chas. A. Heath would attend and asked that any member of the council who would do So, also attend. Meeting adjourned on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk ayo -0 - - - - - - - - V rt Orchard, d ashington July 24,1950 Council called to order in regular session this date byy May William H. Sprague, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Dick J. Repanich, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall and John C. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of public works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Minutes of meeting of July 10, 1950 read and approved. Joseph Haas appeared before the Council and requested that parking meters be placed further east along Bay Street to a point past his property. He stated that he and otl4er property owners would be willing to pay the cost of widening the £riving surface on bay Street if same is necessary to permit curb parking at this point; that he would take the matter un with the State Department of Highways and make a report of his findings later. James Parmely, resideet on Tacoma Street, stated that since the street has been graded and improved that his driveway is very unsatisfactory, and asked about arraltging for grading of the driveway and placing some sort of surface thereon. He was informed that it is against the policy of the city to do work on private property and some suggestions were made which might provide a means of his difficulty. No definite action taken. H. M. Rockaffllow, owner and resident of the southeast corner of Dwight and Harrison streets, stated that the alley in Block 2, First Addit&on is in such condition that the cross walk is covered with gravel, and that the approach to the alley is in bad condition. He asked that grade be established and stated that the property owners would take care of surfacing the alley after it Is down to grade. This was discussed, and grades was diredtad to be established and approach brought down to grade, on motion by Nichols, seconded by RepanIch and carried. Proposed easement granting to the Annapolis Water District right to go over certain streets with pipe line, was submitted by the Attorney, and action was delayed pending securing of correct description of property involved. Mayor Sprague stated that he had contacted -the President of the Silver Sprigs Brewing Company regarding securing the well at the brewery plant for the Port Orchard water system, he stated that no definite commitments were made but that the President would probab*y call on him in the near future when the ?ratter will be discussed further. Chairman Nichols and Msyor Sprague reported on activities so far in connection with proposed Baby Street lighting. This was discussed by the council and was passed for further consideration. Chafrrnan Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee made a report on various insurance matters. he stated that his committee had held a conference on these matters and recommended that $5,000.00 insurance be placed on furniture and fixtures in the city hall. His ncmmittee also recommended that with the renewal of the policy on the city hall, which is due to be renewed in August, that $5,000.00 be placed on furniture and fixtures, and that $2,000.CO' of the $7,000.CO policy be retained on the building. It was explained that the amount of insurance would .remain as at present, but instead 'of the entire amount of $56,#000;@0 being carried on the building that the amount be divided with $30,000.00 on the building and 9?5,000.00 on furniture and Fixtures. George Lee representing the Haiman Insurance Agency was present, and was awarded Insurance in the amount of 15,000.00 on the buildings in the former Forestry group, the policy to provide for $3,000.00 on the large building and $2,000.00 on the small building as of July 24, 1950, noon, any changes to be made after an appraisal of the value of the buildings. Report of the committee adopted on motion by Nichols, seconded bar Hall and carried. Motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried, authorized investigation of insurance on pumping houses and equipment by the Finance and Auditing committee with power to the committee to act in making award for insurance. Matter of repairs to roof to City Hall was discussed and referred to the Attorney to contact the contractor on the terms of the guarantee or the roof. Resignation of Verd W. Nichols as coun,:ilman, action on which had been deferred by the Council, was withdrawn by Mr. "Ichols, who stated that he expects to remain here indefinitely. Mayor Sprague made a report on a meeting which he had attended relative to organizing a Civilian Defense setup, and stated that another meeting will be held in .Bremerton on July25, at rt ich he will be present. Mayor Sprague tendered a check for $230.00 from Mrs. Edith Howe, widow of the late Harry B. Howe, to secure some article of lasting value for the benefit Of the community in memory of her late husband. It was stated that Mr. Howe, although havir_g moved away a few years ago, always considered Port Orchard as his homes, and that he had a deep-seated affection for the community in Vh ich he had spent so many ,years of his life, and that the alft was intended as a memorial to Mr. Howe, and was tendered in that spirit. The Mayor and members of the Council expressed their sincere gratitude for the Itift and their appreciation of the many acts by Mr. jlowe for the benefit of the town, during the years that he was resident here. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Building committee, stated that the V.f.w. is unable to spearhead a work program for the construction of the rest rooms at Givens Field at this time, due to the fact that most of its available manpower is working six days a week in the Navy Yard due to the emergency. A discussion followed, and plans for construction of rest rooms were delayed, and tentative award for purchase of material was withdrawn. A letter was received from Kitsap County Sewer District No.5 (Annapolis.) regarding co-opekat�c_4p,petwee n Annapolis district and Port Orchard in the construction of a sewer,disposal plant. The matter was discussed, and a letter was directed to be written to the Sewer District explaining the pcsiti.on of the Town in the matter. Notice was received from the State Department of Conservation and Development that extension of time to start development work o Back Jack waterright held by the Town of Port Orchard, had expired and that f urther extension is desired that a fee of p5.00 Is due the State of Washington. This was ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk presented ordinance establishing three voting precincts in the Town of Port Orchard, as demanded b,r the Secretary of State. Ordinance was read and passed as read on motion by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 574. Ch.altman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that the sidewalk on Bay Street, east of Harrison St., is in bad repair in many places and recommended that repairs be made in the interest of pedestrian safety. This was referred tO the Street and Alley committee for definite recommendation. Matter of presence in town of fortune tellers, palmists, etc., was discussed, and it ws moved bxr Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried that ordinance be prepared for consideration btr the council, prohibiting the practice of these and similar occupations. Following bills were presented, after proper check by heads of departments and the Finance committee, and were ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded b-, Repanich and carried: CURRENT E'XPLNSL FUND James A. Morgan Labor at city hall grounds 9.45 Puget Sound Power & Light Cross walk lights --town hall 32.10 Jensen's Mobil Service Seal beam light, Police car 1.25 Pacific Tel& Tel. "o. Various telephones and tolls 47.68 R. J. Caretti 4assigned) 1,500 postal cards 15.00 Ruth E. Gathe Assist in Clerk's office 42.00 Chas A. Heath Expenses to conference in Seattle 5.46 Port Orchard Independent Publish ordinances, etc. 29.96 Shell Oil Company Furnace Oil 48.04 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Power and light, all pumps Puget Sound Power & Light Energy for cathodic equipment American Plbg. & Steam Supply Copper pipe --asbestos covering Wilkins Dist. Co. 40 gallons gasoline Pacific Tel&Tel Co. Telephones and tolls Supervisor of Hydraulics Extension --Permit 1278 Puget Sound power & Light South Kitsap Gravel Go. Road Dist. No.2 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Howard Cooper Corp. Richards Brush Co. John Vaughn Orville Brose B. F. Miles Kenneth Boatwright Robert Willey S. K. McMullen W. D. Boatwright Puget Sound News Do. STREET FUND Street shekl lights 64 yards gravel 230 bbls road oil Telpphone and tolls Parts for grader dox street brooms Overtime labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets LIBRARY FUND Books for Library PARK FUND 355.67 55.26 60.03 7.80 19.30 5.00 2.00 49.44 7_191009.70 6.70 28.83 16.22 21.75 133.00 128.25 85.05 85.05 37.80 37.80 35.85 James A. Morgan Labor on Parks 53.33 Chief of Police stated that it is possible to secure a radio for the Police car from Kitsap County, under stated conditions. This was referred to the Mayor wilth 3' power to act. r Replies to telegrams sent, to Se2mtors Magnuson and Gain and Congressman Mitchell, regarding withholding stlOft ar ffim;w:ng Authority property in this area, were read, as was also letter from Governor Arthur B. Langlie, regretting his inability to take part in the 'Days of 149" celebration. Council adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. Clerk ayor I ' Port Orchard, Washington August 8, 195E Special meeting of the Council of Port ©rchard,Washington, called by Councilmen Verd W. Ilichols, Nick J. Repanich and R. B. Hall, called to order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel in absence of ftlayor. Clerk read the call for the meeting and asked for nomination for Acting 14ayor. Councilman Ray B. Hall olaced the name of Nick J. Repanich in nomination, and this was seconded by Councilman aerd W. Nichols. There were no further nominations for Acting Wayor and touncilmnn Repanich was unanimously elected as Acting idayor. Present were Councilmen Verrd. W. 1Jichols, R. B. Hall, Jahn C. Gilchrist, and Nick J. Repanich; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; zngineer T. C. Breitenstein; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; County Health Officer ''r. Shitley Benham. Under the call for the meeting the matter to be considered was the drainage problem across Lots 1,2,and 3, Block 10, `'idney, as it effects L6ts 1 and 2, Block 8, Sidney and nossible contamination of the city wnt:er supply. Statements concerning the matter were made by Superintendent Givens, Engineer Breitenstein, Attorney Perrine and Dr. Benham. After henrinF- the statements of these officers, add duly considering the matter, It was moved by `1chols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that Attorney be directed to take appropriate legal action to safeguard the town of Port Orchard, and that he be empowered incur necessary expense and to employ expert testimony. Resolution passed on motion by "ichola, seconded by Gilchrist and carried unanimously. Meetin journed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Gilchrist and carried. r- Clerk May or 0- _ - - - _ - - - Port Orchard, Washington 1Yugus t 14, 1a50 Regular session of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Ve-rd IN. Nichols, Ray D. Hall, John C. Gilchrist and George A. Broughton; Engineer T. C. "reitenstein; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Attorney Dudley N. Perrine. Absent Councilman Nick J. Repanich. Minutes of regular meeting of July 24, 1950 and special meeting of August 8, 1950 read and approved. George Lee, representing; naiman Insurance Agency, was present and gave the appraised value of Forestry buildings, rate of insurance premium, and other information. He stated that a binder had been placed on the two buildings, insuring the main building for $4,OOO.00 and the smaller building; at A'1,000.00. Matter of increasing insurance on these buildings was discussed, but definite action was deferred for further consid- eration. A Petition bearing the names of several property owners on widest Street, and petitioning for the improvement of certain section of this street by the installation of sewer and water mains, was presented to the "ouncil by Paul Powers Jr., and was referred to the Engineer for checking ownerships and sufficiency of the petition. Superintendent stated that proposed improvement of alley in Dlock 2, First kidditi.on to Sidney, has been delaied indefinitely. Statement of values of pumping plants and buildings was submitted, together with rates of insurance. These .figures were studied by the council and later in the meeting;, J-d Sundt, insurance representative, appeared and explained the figures to the council. Matter of placing insurance on these properties was discussed, and was referred back to the comiwlotte .wi-**,power toact in placing insurance, on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Mayor reported on meetings which he had attended pertaining to Civillin Defense. He stated that Mrs. Helen Snyder had been named chairman for Port Orchard and was proceeding with organisation activities. Superintendent Givens and Chief of Police Heath stated t}at they have made good progress in lining up their crews and ha-, made plans to meet emergencies if such should occur. Matter of improvement of "'ay 6treet sidewalk .from Harrison Street east was discussed and reported on by the Street and Alley committee. Superintendent stated that a patch repair job as outlined by the committee would cost anoroximately IA380.00. Mayor brought up the matter of charFinf; ^ost of sidewalk repair to atutting property, as is done in m,,n y cities anti towns in the state, and this came in for discussion. The matter of repairs to Bays street walk was referred to the Street and Alley commit- tee for definite recommendation. Chief of Police stated that radio which had been loaned to the Town by the Sheriff during the emergency, would be installled in the near future. Repairs to roof on Municipal Building came in for discussion, and thi was referred to the Parks and Buildings committee with power to act on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried. Attorney stated that orlinance pertaining to fortune tellers, etc. is in process of preparation and will to submitted at an early meeting of the council. Letter from South Kitsap Im-orovement Co�.ncil, acknowledItng receipt of dues and asking for names of representatives from the Town of Port Orchar-', was read and referred to Mayor. Attorney submitted complaint in the case of Town of Port Urch and ve. H. B. Menees, et u$. This was studied by members of the Council. Following claims properly checked were presented and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried: J. V. Stixrud Thompson's Donald N. Ward Standard Oil Co. of "alif. James A. Morgan Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Howefs Hardware Howe Motor `'o. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Insurance premium, hall and Turn. 199.54 Bond paper 2.88 12 hrs helping engineer 16.20 Gas and lub service, Police car 48.40 Labor on lawn at city hall 16.20 printing 31.31 Street Lights 192.15 Mdse for city hall 2.50 Repair fire truck 3.52 WATER FUND Slocum Hardware Tools 2.06 Dons Service Battery terminals 1.55 Cookson Bros. Service Repair tire 1.03 Rice Electric Labor and material., power plants 37.35 Standard Oil Co. of ''alif. Floor dressing 3.74 Trick & Murray Coupon cutter - 2.75 American Plbg. & St Sup Co. Pipe fittings 16.61 Howe's Hardware 6 lumber crayons .56 Howe Motor Company Repair trucks 7.46 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 33.60 James A. Dorgan -wabor on pipe lines 6.75 Howard Cooper Corp. Bremerton Con. Pr. Co. Goodrich Company Road Dist. No. 2 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Firestone Stores Howe's hardware S. fi. McMullen Orville Brose Howe Motor Company STREET FUND Shift lever and freight 46 pieces 12" drain tile Tire repair, grader Road Oil Lumber for signs Tire repair nay forks and scythe stones Labor on streets Labor on streets Repair roller PARK FUND 16.22 102.34 6.00 1,053.60 10.38 98.46 6.03 32.40 168.00 2.83 Slocum Hardware Various merchandise 1.47 Port Orchard Machine Shop Repair shoes on lawn mower 3.35 Puget Sound power & Light Tennis Court lights 7.76 Port Orchard Independent Printing warrants 11.59 James A. Morgan Labor Central Playfield 49.95 Meeting a urned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Magyar Port Orchard, Washington August 28, 1950 Regular session of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor 'dilliam H. Sprague, with Oounci.l.nen George A. Droughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. gall, Verd W. Nichols and John C. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Perri4p; Engineer T. C, Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of August 14, 1950 rear and approved. Chairman Broughton of the Finance committee recommended that insurance on the old Forestry buildings be secured in the amount of $4,000.00 on the main buildi.nv and $1,000.00 on the small building. George Lee, representing Haiman Insurance Agency -gave a statement of rates on the buildings. It was moved b7�1, seconded by Nichols and carried that recorrLmendation of the committee be accepted and that insurance be secured in the amounts specified. Mayor Sprague stated that firs. H. .b. Howe had been contacted with reference to the gift of cash which she had made to the Town of tort Orchard for a memorial to her late husband, and she was favorazle to erecting a flagpole and securing a Flag for the City Hall. it was moved by Nichols, Seconded by Gilchrist and carried that the gift of money be ex -fended to -secure 6MV erect a flagpole and secure a flag, and that with any surplus first aid'kits be secured for the .Fire Department. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee recommended, on behalf of his committee, that repair of sidewalk on Bay utreet from Harrison Street east to Black Jack bridge be delayed, pending contact with the State Department of Highways, relative to widening roadway in that area. Recommendatirn of committee approved. Engineer Breitenstein returned the petition for improvement of 'Nest Street, following a check of ownerships, and reported same as Irsuf.fieient. Petition ordered returned to petitioners for furhter signatures. Chief of Police stated that radio for Police car would be installed at an early date. Repairs to roof of Municipal building were discussed, and Parks and Buildings committee stated that work will be undertaken soon. Ordinance defining vagrancy, etc., and providing penalties therefor, read and passed on motion by Broughton, seconded bzT Nichols and carried. Ordtr,ance adoited as Ordinance No. 575. Fire and Light committee reoorted that Business Men's committee had secured sufficient Funds to install Mercury Vapor street lights on Bay Street, according to plans presented. It was moved by Gi.lehrist, seconded by Reparich and carried that plan of installation of street lights on Bay Street be approved, and that Mayor be authorized to enter into a contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for electric, service; and that letter he transmitted to Fred C`. liannah, commending hi=n for his accomplishment of this improvement. Following claims, checked bir'r.eads of departments and by Chairman Broughton and members of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented -and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPEIi�SE FUND Trick & Murray Registration blanks Lorraine Helder Postane for Police Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Various telep_ones and tolls Terry Ward Assist Engineer Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Various expenses advanced James A. Morgan Labor at City Hall Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light W. F. Bruhahn Kitsap Farmers Palmer Supply Co. Piston Service Orville Brose Kitsap County Air )ort racific Tel & Tel Co. The H. R. Huntti r,r Co. WATER FU ND Telpehones and tolls Power and light, all plants Labor on water lines Paint and enamel Bitumastic and thinner 2 bearings, Brewery pump STR F. T FUrD Labor on city streets Gravel, truck hire and sweeper rent Telephone and tolls LIBRARY FUND Books for Library PAT.JK FUND James A. Morgan Labor at Central Playfield 13.51 5.00 43.70 5.40 16.82 8.'78 20.20 318.33 44.80 10.50 20.00 1115.93 112.00 208.39 6.25 EBB. 95 19.58 Ross W. Watt, Secretary of Sewer District No. 13; Henry Muyskens, commissioner of Sewer Dist. No. 13, and h. P. Pratt and Mr. McBurney, of eratt & Company appeared before the Council relative to unification of effort in installing a sewer disposal plant. Mr. Pratt gave an analysis of financinf* possibilities of the Town of Port Orchard, and also some figures relative to cost of construction and operation of a sewer disposal plant. Following the statement by Mr. Pratt and a discussion by members of the Council, Mayor asked that a letter s ettirg forth the figures as given by Mr. Pratt and other pertinent data be sent to the Town by --ratt & Company. Mayor stated that Town is Interested and has spent considerable time considering sewer disposal, and would favor an area basis for installation if same is more economical, but that att he oresent time it was not possible to determine which would be the most economical me thod. Costs of construction and operation of disposal plant were further discussed, and it was moved by i�ichols, seeorded by Hall and carried that Engineer be allowed 250.00 to prepare preliminary plans and estimates for construction of sewer disposal plant n W for the Townof Port Orchard. Council,,Adjourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by hall YY0I A ` � , Clerk 0- _ - _ - - - carried. yor Port Orchard, `dada ington September 11, 1950 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor William i ii. Sprague. Present Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Ray B. Hall and Geo. A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of August 28, 1950 read and approved. Matter of repairs to sidewalk between harrison Street and Black Jack bridge on south side of Bay Street continued until conference is held with representatives of State Department of Highways. Consideration of petition for improvement of West Street continued. Superintendent Givens reported that material f or repairs to roof of Kdnicipal Building has been ordered and sh-uld be received within a short time. Mayor stated that confirmation of order for lighting fixtures for improved lighting on Bay street had been received; that the property owners and business men had collected $1,250.00 to pay the cost of the installation, and that the lights would be installed within the near future. Mayor Sprague and Attorney Perrine reported on progress of law suits between the Town of Port Orchard and H. B. Menees et; ux, and stated that the cases had been set for trial for September 27, 1050. A letter was received from the County Commissioners stating that a parking lot has been constructed at the Kitsap County Administration Building and requesting that parking on Division Street in the block fronting the Court House that parallel parking on one side of the street only be permitted; and that three parkirg spaces be reserved in front of the Sheriff's office. The matter was considered by the Council and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that request of Commissioners regarding parking be approved. At this time Council Nichols entered the meeting and took his seat with the Council. Clerk brought up the matter of consideration of Preliminary budget, copies of which had been furnished to the Mayor and Councilmen on August 28, andvarious items of the budget were considered. Following consideration it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried, that $500.00 be taken from police salar proposal, and t500.00 from miscellaneous item in Current Expense, and that i1,000.00 additional be included in the grant to the Street Fund; that $400.00 be added to item of equipment repair in Street Fund and $600.00 be added to item for supplies and equipment in Street Fund. Motion carried and Preliminary Budget adopted and ordered published. V. B. Caldwell, owner of property on Spokane Street, appeared before the Council relative to vacation of certain lot in Block 7, Railroad Adlition. This matter was discussed, and it was determined that replat of the Block in cu estion would probably be the best method to bring the matter to the attention of the Council. The following claims, duly checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing; committee, were presented to the Council and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried,* CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Orchard Machine Shop it 1. 1$ it Hannah & Powell - Port "rch rd Independent n it Thompson's 4estern Electronics Supply Go. Standard Oil Company Howe's Hardware Geo. Rothenberg Puget Sound Power & light Trick & Murray Dean Jones, Sheriff James A. Morgan Make and install radio base Weld Parkin; 'Leter post Flashlight batteries, etc. Police Publish Ordinance # 575 Stationery, Mayor Telephone cords, desk blotters Radio parts Lubrication, Police car Sprinkler heads, paper towels Install Police radio Street lights for August, 160 Ink refills Board of prisoners Labor at city hall grounds 1.28 .77 1.44 3.14 10.9E 1.85 13.16 1.55 7.83 15.00 191.55 1.18 14.00 9.45 STREET FUND Port Orchard Machine Shop Weld Shift lever 3.09 Hodge & Davis Tire repair 6.50 Bremerton Con. Products Co. Culvert Pipe 28.92 Howe's Hardware Post hole digger 3.67 Kitsap Co-,inty Road Dist. Road Oil 83.41 Slocum Hardware Brooms, bolts, washer, etc. 4.43 V. B. Caldwell Cable, .rope, etc. 17.47 Union Oil Company Motor Oil 52.53 Scott Smith Labor on city streets 10.80 S. K. Mc Mullen Labor on city streets 10.80 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on city streets 50.40 Orville Brose Labor on city streets 11.20 WATER FUND Port Orchard 'Machine Shop Manhole cover, wrenches 11.95 Hodge & Davis Lub Job on truck 1.73 Port Orchard Independent Postal card bills and receipts 48.64 H. D. Fowler Co, Pipe and tubing 129.21 Howe's Hardware Tools and fottinas 4.69 Slocum Hardware Tools V 3.13 V. B. Caldwell Pipe fittings and various mdse. 63.79 Edward C. Sundt Insurance premium on pump houses 138.40 LI--:tARY FUND Puget Sound News Company Books for. Library 2.71 Park Fund James A. Morgan Labor at Central Playfield 25.65 V. B. Caldwell Hose connections 13.52 SEVVE { PUTED Port Orchard Independent Sewer receipts 11.69 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Sewer tile 1.59 Council Zarned_9onmotion by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Mayor - - - - - - - - -0- - - - - - - - - Port Orchard, 'Washington September 25, 1950 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Rashtngto n called to order by Mey or William H. Sprague, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nich J. Repanich, � Ray B. Hall, Ver-d W. Nichols and John C. ilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Perrin@; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of September 11, 1950 read and approved. A communication was received from several members of the staff of Givens Scho6l regarding a considerable number of dogs which congregate at the school grounds, and asking that measures be taken to alleviate the nuisance. Mrs. Ethel Markham stated that a great number of dogs are around the neighborhbdd before and after school hours, and that they are a nuisance to the residents. It was stated that the County Commissioners are now working out a plan to handle the licensing and control of animals throughout the county, and that Port Orchard will participate vvith the Co,inty in the program. '''ayor Sprague stated that he had already conferred vd.th the Commissioners on the matter and as soon as the program is perfected that control should clear the trouble with stray animals., Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Aarshall, owners of property at the co rne- of Rockwell and Morton Streets, appeared before the Council, submitted drawings for improvement to the house on the property and requested a building permit to add a 12-foot addition to the west side: or the house. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that permit as requested be granted. Clerk was directed to write letter to Senator Jack Rogers regarding supplemental highway budget to include proposed Bay Street improVfft6ht, and also to write a letter to Commissioner of .Public Lands regarding Lots 5 and 6, Block 4, Sidney. Attorney Perrine stated that trial of lawsuit between Town of Port Orchard and H. B. Menees et ux, has been continued for trial due to illnes of Ray R. Greenwood, Attorney for Mr. Menees, and would be reset at an early date. Parks and Building Committee stated that early action would be attempted in having flag; pole erected at Municipal Building as-nemorial to the late H. B. Howe Further time w^s granted in the matter of the petition to improve 'Nest Street. Superintendent Givens stated that repairs to roof of Municipal Building have been completed, and that it looks like a satisfactory job. Improvement to old Forestry Building to make it usable as ,youth center were discussed, and it was stated that the Active Club, which organization is spearheading the work program, is ready to undertake the work. The Parks and Building committee was given power to act in ordering necessary material and directing work, on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried. Mayor stated that invitation had been received to participate in opening of Tacoma Narrows bridge and that he would endeavor to attend the festivities. Engineer Breitenstein tendered preliminary plans and estimates for sewer ex- tensions and sewer disposal plant for the Town of Port Orchard. These plans were a xamined b,r the Council, and it was suggested that copy of estimates etc. be sent to the Annapolis Sewer Distriet,'and also the Pollution Control Commission. Superintendent Givens stated that Orville Brose is now regularly employed in the Street Department in place of Jesse W. Sutton, who has entered the Naval Service, and asked that Mr. Brose be listed as a regular monthly employee. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Orville Brose be placed on regular employee status, and that he be eligible for holiday and vacation benefits; and that on recommendation of Superintendent, any employee who has been employed on an hourly basis for one year or more, is eligible to go on a fixed monthly salary and to participate in any benefits accruing therefrom. John N. Vaughn and Orville Brose ap_)eared before the Council and asked for increase in wages in the Street Department. The matter was discussed and was referred to the Finance and Auditing Committee for study and for report at next meeting of the Council on October 9, 1950. The Following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded. bv, Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUIdl7 Panther Grease $k N - Rice Electric Port Orchard Independent Wm. F. George Lorraine Helder Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Lo. Pioneer, Inc. Puget Sound Power & Light Nelander Mill Work Elliott Addressing Mach Co. Arthur A. Williams James A. Morgan Orville Brose Orville Brose W. F. Bruhahn American Plbg. & St. Sup Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Howe Motor Co. Orville Brose S. K. McMullen Scott Smith Howe Motor Co. Matson Bros. Paint Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light W. F. Bruhahn Puget Sound Power & Lights Roofing material 100-watt: lamps Publish Hearing on Budget Special Officer P. 0.. Box rent --Police Add Machine tape and ribbons Various telephones and tolls Scotch tape and dispenser City hall and Cross walk lights Plyboard and labor --Police Freight, prepaid Special Officer Labor on City hall group.Hs Labor on roof, 'c i ty hall WATER FUND Labor on water lines Labor on water lines 2't-gate valve eater Dept. Tel and Polls Power and light, pumping plants Repair Ford Pickup STREET FUND Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Truck repair Traff ietpaint Telephone at street sheds Light at street sheds Labor on streets PARK FUND L. R. Haiman Real Est�-te and Ins. James A. Morgan Tennis Court lights Forestry Building lights Premium on insurance Labor on Central Playfield 0 210.29 13.91 24.26 50.96 1.00 6.61 41.15 3.84 35.48 3.50 1.25 6.24 10.13 22.40 14.00 5.60 29.17 20,45 283.59 27.94 138.60 18,90 18.90 16.85 49.91 5.65 2.00 21.90 LIBRARY FUND The H._ R. Hunnting Co. Puget Sound News "a. f. Meeting: adjourned to October 2, 1950, the and fixing / -es, motion by Hall, Books for Library Boo'�;s for Library Clerk 73.25 3.97 Staturoty meeting for adopting the budget seconded by Gilchrist n carridd. May or Port Orchard, Washington Oc-tober 2, 1950 Council met this date, under statutory provision calling for meeting for final hec-ring on 1951 budget. Meeting called to order by Mayor Wm. H. Sprague, and oresent were Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Jo'bn C. Gilchrist and Nick J. Repanich. Mayor called for hearing on provisions on budget, and after consideration$ there were no objection raised to preliminary budget. Ordinance providipg for adopting 1951 budget and fixing tax 16vies for 1951 was -ead. Moved by Hall, seconded b-r Gilchrist and carried that preliminary budget be approvedas final budget and that ordinance be passedas ,mead. Ordinance adopted a. Ordinance No. 576. Meeting a ourned on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Repanich and carried. Clerk Mayor -0_ Port Orchard, Washington October 9, 1950 Regular session of the Council of Port Orchard, VVashington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd VV. Nichols, John C. Gilchrist, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perring and Engineer 7'. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of regular meeting of Sept. 25, 1950 and of statutory budget hearing meeting of October 2, 1950 read and approved. 'hairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that he had investigated the cost of a metal flag pole to be erected on the City Hall groupds, as the gift of Mrs. Edith Howe, in memory o" her late husband H. B. Howe, and that the committee recommended a pule 35 feet abbve the ground and to be placed near the southeast corner of the Municipal Building. This was discussed, the plan approved, and it was stated that work would be startedat an early date. Chairman Aepanich also reported that a large heater had been purchased forthe Forestry Building;, and further time was granted to investigate and consider scouisition of a range for the kitchen in the building. Various problems in connection with the building* were discussed, and it was suggested by Councilman Gilchrist that perhaps better edministratT=,could be:•.wafttained over the -oroperty If active management is transferrred to some organized group, the Town of Port Orchard always to retain jurisliction over the prcnerty. This was discussed, and the Mayor and Chairman of the Parks committee agreed to meet with the South Kitsap Recreation Council to talk over the matter with tb.is organization. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee reported that his committee Is still considering ways and means to handle the request of the members of the street crew for increase in pay, and further time was grunted for report. Representative of Hoefert Company appeared before the Council relative to cutting Christmas trees on city garbage tract. This was discussed, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that the Town enter into a contract to permit cutting of Christman trees on the tract,by the Hoefert Company, and that Mav Cr be authorized to sign contract upon approval by Attorney. Letter from Department of Conservation & Development re Permit#1278 read and ordered filed. A Letter from Engineer T. C. Ereitenstein giving estimate of cost of operating propos�.d sewer disposal plant, according to plans submitted "or plant, was read and filed. Chief of Police reported that Division Street narking is now accomplished according to agreement between the Town. of Port Orchard and Kitsap Cointy. Matter of parking on Prospect Street was discussed, and it was moved by Fichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that par.alled parking be used on Prospect Street, that cars be narked on both sides of the street, and that narking meters be placed on south side of Prospect Street between Fr.ederjck Street and Sidney Street. C Following claims, previously checked by heeds of departments and by Chairman Broughton add other members of the Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hall,seconded by Repanich and carried. Claim of K_itsaD County for payment advanced to State Examiners for examing books of the Town of Port Orchard, was laid over for further consideration on motion by hall, Seconded by Repanich and carried: Puget Sound Power & Light Lumber Supply Standard Oil Company Slocum Hardware Howe Motor Company Wash. State Penitentiary Port Orchard Independent W. F. George Lorraine fielder E. A. Breitenstein CURREiv T FXPEN SE FUND Stre-t lights Lumber for Fire Dent.--Eng. Lubricate Police car Roof brooms, batteries and bulbs Check and regulate Police car Traffic signs Publishing and merchandise Special Police Officer Postage and supplies Assist Engineer WATER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Orville Brose Cookson Bros. Service Port Orchard Marine Railway Howe's Hardware Thompson's Ind Lumber Supply Fairbanks Morse.* Co. ^Y ft R if Slocum Hardware Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Kitsap County Saindon's Lumber Supply Howard Cooper Corp. Port Orchard Machine Shop So. hitsap Gravel Co. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. m. C. Breitenstein Port Orchard Lumber Yard` - Lumber Supply Labor on Water lines Labor on water lines Gasoline Welding Paint and tools Index cards Lumber and material Shaft sleeve Stuffing boa gland Merchandise Bookkeeping iviach' ne STREET FUND Road Oil Tire recap Lumber and cement Fuel line and r_askets Weld bracket 24 yds. sand SE'NE-R FUND Bookkeeping Machine Making estimate Disposal plant PARK FUND Lumber and shingles Lumber, cement and hardware Council adjourned on motion by Nichols, r� Clerk 191.55 75.16 3.10 6.47 1.85 5.40 21.76 67.60 1.77 5.40 22.40 14.00 1.36 1.29 2.04 1.44 25.11 9.30 4.90 11.62 836.85 419.49 15.90 13.99 11.79 1.55 18,00 600.00 250.00 84.44 61.59 seconded by Hall and carried. May or 0- Port Orchard, Washington October 23, 1950 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. hall, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N, Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of October 9, 1950 read and ap-)roved. A beautiful 5x9 foot flag was presented to the Council by Mrs. Ester E. Haeringer, through Councilman Gilchrist. The rift was received by the Council, and a letter expressing the appreciation and thanks of the Town of Port Orchard for the gift, was signed btr the Mayor and Coun&ilmen and transmitted to Mrs. Haeringer. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported thatthe flag pole to be placed on the city hall grounds, as a gift from Mrs. H. B. Howe in memory of her late husband, is being; constructed and will be raised on the designated spot as soon as complet6d. Mayor Sprague stated that the next meeting of the South Kitsap Recreation Council will be held on October 26, 1950 at henderson hall, and that he would attend, together with members of the Council, to discuss with that body the administration of the Forestry Building. A discussl6n, of improvements to the Forestry Building was held, and action deferred until the meeting with the Recreation Council. Superintendent was asked to keep a check on the cutt'ng of Christmas trees on the town garbage tract, under the contract entered into with the Heefert Company. A letter vas received from 'Nilliam P. "aroer & Company, relative to refinancing sewer bonds, and financing serer disposal plant. The letter was considered by the Council and referred to the 'Nater and Sewer committee for .further study. Chief of P(,lice stated that parallel parking had not ,yet been undertaken on Prospect Street, as the signs have not; yet been received nor the meters placed as directed by the Council. Further time was allowed to inaur-urate the charge in parking on this street. Mavor stated that some Harts for the 3-nornved lightsnP; on. Ray Street have been received, and that it is hoped to have new lighting in operation by the holiday season. Matter of compensation and employment of ?-yelp "n the public works department was discussed,and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that Superintendent of P-iblic Narks be authors zed to employ and discharge, ge, employees in any department under his control, and ' o promote and denote employees and to designate their capacities; and that all employees so ern--_oyed or promoted shall draw salary or daily wages as the cas may be, in accordance with the wage scale set forth in Urd'rance N . 566, and as the same may be hereafter changed r,r amended. Further time was granted to Finance and Auditing committee for definite recommendation regard,nr wages to town employees. Clerk presented Emergency Ordinance providing for emergency appropriation fo $375.00 for eauipment repair and $250.00 for lbbor in Street Fund, and for $500.00 for supplies and eauipment in the 'Hater Rind. Emergency appropriation passed on first readinv by ur_an'mrus vote of the Counc_ 1, or_ motion by hall, seconded by Repanich and carried. Letter from Forest City Develppment Corporation was read to the Counnil and its contents considered. It was directed that until further order that no more water taps be connected to the pipes in the Forest City water lines. Letter referred to the Attornev for .reply. A Petition for the i-norovernent of Rockwell Street from Ray Street to Morton Street, by the installation of concrete curbs and Mutters was presnted, having been checked t-y the Engineer who reported that It was sufficient to initinte the improvement. The petition was referred to the En.-i.neer to make prelim nary estimate of costs,and plans, on motion by Ball, seconded by ailchrist and carried. VAvor stated that representatives from the Town of fort Orchard,to the South Fitsap Improvement Council as named by the are William H. Sprague, T. R. Hubbard and V , rri 1 !V!. Parks. Attorney Perrine stated that trial of the case of Town of Port ONchard Vs. H. B. Menees, et ux., has been set for trial for dovenber 22, 1950. The following claims, checked by hea-?s of de^arl.ments and by the Auditiry Committed were oresented and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, sec-r_ded ba hall and carried. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Aay. Co. James A. Morgan Washington State Peni't'y Trick & Murray William F. George Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Puget Sound Power & LI ht Puget Sound Power & Light H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. '.N. F. Bruhahn Wilkir_s Distributing Co. Guy L. 'Netzel, Clerk Grinnell Company Rockwell %Ifs. Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel &. Tel Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. C. S. Osburn James A. Morgan CURRENT EX?EhSE FUND Various telephones and tolls Freight on signs Labor on city hall grounds Traffic signs 1 ib", T,ID receipts in triplicate Special Police Offi cer Various advanced. expenses Cross walk lights WATER FU11D Power and lit-ht, all plants Valve hoses and covers Labor on water lines vasoline, batteries, etc. 5 M .Postal cards Pipe and fittings Parts for water meters Telephone and tolls STRE' _`i FUiZ Telephones add tolls Gasoline, batteries, etc. LIBRARY VJIND Books Books Subscription to readers Digest PARK FUND Labor at Central Playfield 61 46.95 2.66 8.10 6.90 42.6'9 43.68 15.21 5.44 171.11 43.74 10.50 23.43 50.00 68.22 2.75 16.45 6.65 333.90 37.71 40.02 5.00 4.73 Council adjo nod g inn by Nichols, seconded b 8 oughta d carried. Clerk May or Port OrchEr d, Washington November 13, 1950 The Council of the Town of Fort Orchadd, Washington called to order by Mayor Willian H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Nerd W. Nichols, R. B. Hall, George A. Broughton, John C. Gilchrist; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of October 23, 1951 read and approved. Superintendent reported that flagpole for city hall is about completed and stated that design for base has not been definitely settled. A discussion followed and Mayor btated that he would contact Mrs. H. B. Howe, the donor of the flagpole, concerning the plaque to be placed thereon. Attorney Perrine reported that he had received no m rd from Forest 71ty Development Corp. in reply to the letter written to them. At this time Councilman Nick J. Repanich entered the meeting and took his seat with the Council. A discussion of parallel parking on Prospect Street was held and it was pointed out that north side of the street between Frederick and Sidney Streets is not suitab le 7't- j. s present condition for parallel parking. Matter of installation of m ncrete curbs AR-1, ' gutters was taken up and it was decided to contact property owners concerning this fin- provement. In the meantime Superintendent was directed to make temporary repairs to north side of street. It was directed that parking between Frederick and Sidney be handled as at present, and that parallel parking be installed on both sides of Prospect Street from Bank Street to KitsT Street.. Mayor reported that practically all material fro new street lighting on BaT Street has been received and every effort is being made to have installation completed before the holiday season. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriations in Street and Water funds was read for second time, having been introduced on October 23, 1950, Ordinance passed by unanimous vote of the Council on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 577. Several employees of the Town were present and State Employees Rettrement was explained. Action by Town on going into the system was deferred to neXt meeting. Superintendent Givens wAs authorized to attend school dealing with serer and sewer dis- posal problems at the University of Washington on November 16, and 17, 1950, expenses to be paid by the Town. Drainage conditions over Block 13, First Addition to Sidney were discussed. No action taken, Improvement of alley in Block 15, Sidney, was discussed and referred to Street End-R1Ley committee for investigation and report. Petition for improvement of hest Street by installation of sewer was referred to Engineer for checking. Chairman Repro itch of the Parks and Buildings committee reported on meeting which he sn d the .Mayor had attended with the bouth Kitsap Recreation Council regw ding Forestry wild- ing. Following a discussion the matter was passed for further conference with Recreation Council. The following claims chucked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee were,presented and ordered paid on motion by Repanich, seconded by Gilchrist and carried: CURRENT E)P EI�6B FUND Miller Motors Port Orchard Machine Shop W. F. George Shell ail Company Peninsula Stationers Howard Cooper Corp. Wilkins Ci.at. Company Puget sound Power & Light Co. Trick & Murray V. B. Caldwell Parking meter parts Welding Specid Policeman Furnace Oil Repair and clean typewriters Turn -out coats for Fire Dept, Gasoline Street lights Posting tray stand Roofing meterials WATk,h FUND H. D. Fowler Company Worthington Gannon Meter Co. Rockwell Manufacturing Co. Hodge & Davis W. F. Bruhahn Orville Brose Pipe fittings Water meters Water, meter parts Battery, adjusted price Lab or on water lines Labor repairing pipe lines 177.06 2.32 72.2'0 65,76 27,04 95'.89 195„00 191.55 28.90 2,87 20,87 106.30 8,00 16.87 11.2D 1.45 Port Orchr d Machine Shop Wilkins Dist. Company South Kitsap Motors V. B. Cal dwell Hodge '�c Davis Howe Motor Company W. F. Bruh-ahn Orville Brose SIRE& FUND Welding shovel Gasoline and oil Clew an ce light Nails, light fixtures Tire repair Battery cable Labor on culvert, Sidney street Overtime labor on culvert job PARK FUND 10.30 28.42 .93 2.69 3.61 .70 8.40 2.90 James. A. Morgan Labor at Central Field and Forestry Bldg 30.80 V. B. Caldwell ' Heauter,pipe and connections 28.27 Meeting djourne- on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Maur or Port Orchard, Washington November 27, 195Q Council called to order in regular session by Mayor ovillian H. Sprague, with Coun- cilmen Nick J. Repanich, Goo. A. Broughton, John C. Gilchrist, Verd e. Nichols End Rag b. Hall; Superintendent of Public Works George Y. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitensteon present. Minutes of meeting of November 13, 1950 read and sp proved. It was reported by Mayor and Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee that flag pole is being painted, and that arrangements are being made to secure ap- propriate plaque to be placed at the base. Further time grsnted to committee. Councilman Gilchrist reported that he had contacted some of the property owners on Prospect Street between Frederick,Ztreet and ,idney Street regarding installation of curbs and gutters, and that it appears favorable for the improvement. The improvement was discussed and Engineer was directed to prepare data to show what the improvement will be, in order -that property owners may have clear piatt"4 Clerk was directed to request property owners effected to attend meeting of Cours*tl on December 17, 1950. Mayor reported that progress is being made on installation of improved lighting on day Street, which is being undertaken by a group of business men. Membership in the State Retirement Syston by employees of the Town was again dis- cussed and action deferred. to December 11, 1950. Superintendent Givens reported on the school of instruction regarding sewer and sewer disposal plant problems, and stated that the school was highly instructive and that much of value was law ned during the course of the two day session, and he cited many problems which were discussed, and instructions which were received from the school. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee and the Superintendent had investigated improvement suggested for alley in Block 15, Sid- ney, stating that improvement should be made and that it would not be too costly, but suggested that any work be delayed until after the rainy season and after com- pletion of the building now being erected on the alley corner. Clerk was directed to communicate with owner of property on north side of sl leg regarding large shrub which interferes with traffic. Petition for installation of sewer and other improvements on Nest Street was reportd on by Engineer, who stated that petition is insufficient to authorize improvement. Councilman hopanich stated that he would contact property owners regarding petition, and petition was ordered returned to petitioners for further action. Chairman Repanich of the .Parks and nuildings committee stated that work on the For- estry Building is progressing under the direction of h6s committee, the Active Club spearheading the work program. Clerk was authorized to pay utility bills on this property on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carfied. Further discussion was had relative to administration of Forestry Building as reare- action center. It was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried that Maxtor be authorized to name a committee of citizens as a council to act in operation and supervision of the property. Councilman Nichols brought up the matter of imposing terms on operation of certain devices which might be instalked in business houses, and this was discussed by the Council. Action deferred for further study. Mayor presented copy of findings of State Examiners who recently audited the finm cos of the Town of Fort Orchar d, and report was studied by members of the Council. Port Orchr d Machine Shop Wilkins Dist. Company South Kitsap Motors V. B. Cal dwell Hodge '�c Davis Howe Motor Company W. F. Bruh-ahn Orville Brose SIRE& FUND Welding shovel Gasoline and oil Clew an ce light Nails, light fixtures Tire repair Battery cable Labor on culvert, Sidney street Overtime labor on culvert job PARK FUND 10.30 28.42 .93 2.69 3.61 .70 8.40 2.90 James. A. Morgan Labor at Central Field and Forestry Bldg 30.80 V. B. Caldwell ' Heauter,pipe and connections 28.27 Meeting djourne- on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Maur or Port Orchard, Washington November 27, 195Q Council called to order in regular session by Mayor ovillian H. Sprague, with Coun- cilmen Nick J. Repanich, Goo. A. Broughton, John C. Gilchrist, Verd e. Nichols End Rag b. Hall; Superintendent of Public Works George Y. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitensteon present. Minutes of meeting of November 13, 1950 read and sp proved. It was reported by Mayor and Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee that flag pole is being painted, and that arrangements are being made to secure ap- propriate plaque to be placed at the base. Further time grsnted to committee. Councilman Gilchrist reported that he had contacted some of the property owners on Prospect Street between Frederick,Ztreet and ,idney Street regarding installation of curbs and gutters, and that it appears favorable for the improvement. The improvement was discussed and Engineer was directed to prepare data to show what the improvement will be, in order -that property owners may have clear piatt"4 Clerk was directed to request property owners effected to attend meeting of Cours*tl on December 17, 1950. Mayor reported that progress is being made on installation of improved lighting on day Street, which is being undertaken by a group of business men. Membership in the State Retirement Syston by employees of the Town was again dis- cussed and action deferred. to December 11, 1950. Superintendent Givens reported on the school of instruction regarding sewer and sewer disposal plant problems, and stated that the school was highly instructive and that much of value was law ned during the course of the two day session, and he cited many problems which were discussed, and instructions which were received from the school. Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee and the Superintendent had investigated improvement suggested for alley in Block 15, Sid- ney, stating that improvement should be made and that it would not be too costly, but suggested that any work be delayed until after the rainy season and after com- pletion of the building now being erected on the alley corner. Clerk was directed to communicate with owner of property on north side of sl leg regarding large shrub which interferes with traffic. Petition for installation of sewer and other improvements on Nest Street was reportd on by Engineer, who stated that petition is insufficient to authorize improvement. Councilman hopanich stated that he would contact property owners regarding petition, and petition was ordered returned to petitioners for further action. Chairman Repanich of the .Parks and nuildings committee stated that work on the For- estry Building is progressing under the direction of h6s committee, the Active Club spearheading the work program. Clerk was authorized to pay utility bills on this property on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carfied. Further discussion was had relative to administration of Forestry Building as reare- action center. It was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried that Maxtor be authorized to name a committee of citizens as a council to act in operation and supervision of the property. Councilman Nichols brought up the matter of imposing terms on operation of certain devices which might be instalked in business houses, and this was discussed by the Council. Action deferred for further study. Mayor presented copy of findings of State Examiners who recently audited the finm cos of the Town of Fort Orchar d, and report was studied by members of the Council. The matter of renovating the recreation room in the basement of the ►eunicipal Build. ing was discussed, acid this was referred to the rarks, Bui 1dIngs and Plat ping committee,, The foll&wing claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairmw Broughton aid members of the Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Hall and carried. CURRENT EXPEiNSE FUND Johnson Fare Boo Company 40 M coin wrappers 30.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Company Various telephones and tolls 42.50 Ruth E. Gathe Asasisting .Clerk -60.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. City hall and cross walk lights 44.78 W. F. George Special Officer --Police 66,56 KitsqD County Auditor State Examiners fees, advencad 698.38 WATER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 26.60 Pacific Tel & Tel Company Telephones and tolls 17.35 Western utilities Supply Co. Copper fittings 9.66 i Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, all,plants 168.77 SC REE T FUND Peninsula Feed Company Salt for street de-icing 9.77 Pacific Tel & Tel Company Telephone and tolls 6.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light at street sheds 2.00 PARK FUND Peninsula Feed Company Fertilizer and {seed 33,47 Paget Sound. Power & Light Co. Tennis court and Forestry building lights 4,82 SEWER FUND George F. Givens Expenses to School at University 12.42 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Company Books for Library 33.85 �.. Council adjourned on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Ball and carried. Clerk Mayor 0 r-— • r r r �r .. w. .. Port Orchard, Washington December 11, 1950 Council of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nil. Ilan H. Spreg ue with Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols, Roy B. Halit Nick J. !Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. 0. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of November 27, 1950 read and approved. Chairman Repanich of the rsrkss and Buildings committee stated that arrmgements v e being made to erect the flagpole donated in memory of Harry B. Howe, and 5u.pe�rintendent Qlvens stated that he had received three bids on constructing the base ilia walks for the prole. Bids as quoted by the buperintendent were that of Lawrence L.' Peary for $200,00; for the completed job; Frank Pierce, $200.00 for completed job, and Cecil Bader $97,50 for the completed job, all bids subject to sales tax. Councilman Gilchrist stated that plaque has been ordered and should be received soon. Further time granted to complete the project. gineer submitted preliminary profile for improvement of Prospect Street by installa- tion of curbs and gutters and same were studied by Mayor and members of the Council. - Action deferred and Clerk was directed to notify property owners interested to be pr'es- ent at meeting on December 26, 1950. Report was submitted that progress is being made on installation of imprpved street Ughting on Bag Street. Matter of membership by the 'Town of Porte Orchard in State Retirement Systems was again die - cussed, and Resolution declaring the intention of the 'Town of Port Orchard to become a member of the systems was'la seed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repay ich and carried. M&rJc stated that petition for the improvement of West Sfteet by the installation of spins, vhich had been found insufficient by the Engineer, had been re. � turned to the "original petitioners for further action. Matter of administration of Forestry Building as recreation center was discussed., w d it to moved b Gilchrist seconded R e y , con by epanich and parried that Mayor make Immediate op. pointment of advisory council authorized at meeting of November 27, 1950. The matter of renovating the recreation room in the basement of the ►eunicipal Build. ing was discussed, acid this was referred to the rarks, Bui 1dIngs and Plat ping committee,, The foll&wing claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairmw Broughton aid members of the Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Hall and carried. CURRENT EXPEiNSE FUND Johnson Fare Boo Company 40 M coin wrappers 30.00 Pacific Tel & Tel Company Various telephones and tolls 42.50 Ruth E. Gathe Asasisting .Clerk -60.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. City hall and cross walk lights 44.78 W. F. George Special Officer --Police 66,56 KitsqD County Auditor State Examiners fees, advencad 698.38 WATER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 26.60 Pacific Tel & Tel Company Telephones and tolls 17.35 Western utilities Supply Co. Copper fittings 9.66 i Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light, all,plants 168.77 SC REE T FUND Peninsula Feed Company Salt for street de-icing 9.77 Pacific Tel & Tel Company Telephone and tolls 6.25 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light at street sheds 2.00 PARK FUND Peninsula Feed Company Fertilizer and {seed 33,47 Paget Sound. Power & Light Co. Tennis court and Forestry building lights 4,82 SEWER FUND George F. Givens Expenses to School at University 12.42 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Company Books for Library 33.85 �.. Council adjourned on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Ball and carried. Clerk Mayor 0 r-— • r r r �r .. w. .. Port Orchard, Washington December 11, 1950 Council of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Nil. Ilan H. Spreg ue with Councilmen John C. Gilchrist, Verd W. Nichols, Roy B. Halit Nick J. !Repanich and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. 0. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of November 27, 1950 read and approved. Chairman Repanich of the rsrkss and Buildings committee stated that arrmgements v e being made to erect the flagpole donated in memory of Harry B. Howe, and 5u.pe�rintendent Qlvens stated that he had received three bids on constructing the base ilia walks for the prole. Bids as quoted by the buperintendent were that of Lawrence L.' Peary for $200,00; for the completed job; Frank Pierce, $200.00 for completed job, and Cecil Bader $97,50 for the completed job, all bids subject to sales tax. Councilman Gilchrist stated that plaque has been ordered and should be received soon. Further time granted to complete the project. gineer submitted preliminary profile for improvement of Prospect Street by installa- tion of curbs and gutters and same were studied by Mayor and members of the Council. - Action deferred and Clerk was directed to notify property owners interested to be pr'es- ent at meeting on December 26, 1950. Report was submitted that progress is being made on installation of imprpved street Ughting on Bag Street. Matter of membership by the 'Town of Porte Orchard in State Retirement Systems was again die - cussed, and Resolution declaring the intention of the 'Town of Port Orchard to become a member of the systems was'la seed on motion by Hall, seconded by Repay ich and carried. M&rJc stated that petition for the improvement of West Sfteet by the installation of spins, vhich had been found insufficient by the Engineer, had been re. � turned to the "original petitioners for further action. Matter of administration of Forestry Building as recreation center was discussed., w d it to moved b Gilchrist seconded R e y , con by epanich and parried that Mayor make Immediate op. pointment of advisory council authorized at meeting of November 27, 1950. Toicensing of vaxious amusement devices was again discussed and continued. Clerk reported that tender had been received fro plastering recreation rooms in base- ment of Muricipal Building, the tender being For 0369.00. Referred to Par ks and Buildings committee for investigation and repubt. D. J. Talbot and G. E. Deal., of the Talbot Plumbing Company, as peered before the Uoun- cil relative to operation of brewery well, which the Town has been operating under an agreement with owners of the property. Matter was discussed, the representatives of the.Talbot Plumbing Company stating that some of the facilities are on their land. Matter referred to Water and Sewer committee, Attorney and Superintendent for investi- gation, at conference to be held at 5 p. m. December 12, 1950. Request for street light in the 800-block on Harrison Street was referred to the Piro and Light committee. Attorney Perrine reported on the result of the. lawsuit between Town of Port Orchard and a. B. Menees, and stated that final order in the case has not yet been signed. Councilman Gilchrist brought up the matter of the cross -walk across Sidney Street to the post office. It was directed that cross -walk sign be placed on the walkway, and that parking at post office receive careful attention by.Polles. The f ollow&ng eldns were presented of ter being checked, and were ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware Wm. F. George Howe' s Hardware Standard Oil 'Company Port Orchard Machine Shop Burroughs Adding Machinn Co. Thompson's Wilkins Distributing Co, E. A. Breitenstein Wilkins Dist. Co. Howe' s Hardwire T. R. Hubbard Shell Oil Company Washington State-eenitenttery Port Orchar d Machine `'hop Port Orchard Independent Puget 5ouna rower & Light 434o. Slocum Hardwar e H. D. Fowler Company, Inc. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. wilkins Distributing Company Bremerton concrete eroducts Co. T. R. Hubba6d Cleveland Chevrolet N . F. Bruhahn Slocum Hardware Wilkins Distributing Co. South Kitsap Gravel company Kits ap County Hoad Di€it. Hodge & Davis Port Orchard Lumber Yard Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Shell ei1 Company Wilkins Distributing Co. V. W. Raymond W. F. Bruha►hn The A. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company CURRENT EXPELSE FUND Street and cross -walk lights Car ton flashlight batteries Special Police officer Merchandise for city hall Lub job, brake fluid, tire repair, PD Welding traffic sign pipe Typewriter and add machine ribbons Manuscript covers Battery--anti-freeze for Fire Dept Assisting Engineer Anti -freeze Police car Shot gun shells, flashlight(Police) Tire chat ns, etc., Police car Furnace Oil Traffic signs Flag pole (Howe donation) Publish Ordinance ho. 577 WAT ER FUND Power and light, all plants Flashlight --pipe compound Copper fittings 50 rolls paper Anti -freeze Meter boxes and covers Tire chains Install points..on International truck Labor on pipe lines 6'1'hM FUvD Bolts and washers Stove oil Sand Labor,,shovej operator Tire repair Cement Culvert pipe Deiseline Gasoline and Oil 4 hre truck and driver Labor on streets LIBhAxY PUhD Books for Library Books for Library PARK FUND Howe's Hardwar►a Blass for Forestry Building Councilad-'Pourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughtop and carried. ^lerk 193,64 5.56 55.12 9.09 4.38 2.32 11,50 1.96 23,87 16.20 3.72 8.19 111119 1O8.20 9186 92.70 7.02 130.03 1.80 12.09 53.77 2.50 49.44 11.18 2.68 16.80 2 72 25.71 40.55 28.64 3.6l 8.03 W.119 120119 101.62 18.00 11.20 7.83 6.31 16.22 May or '-1 Toicensing of vaxious amusement devices was again discussed and continued. Clerk reported that tender had been received fro plastering recreation rooms in base- ment of Muricipal Building, the tender being For 0369.00. Referred to Par ks and Buildings committee for investigation and repubt. D. J. Talbot and G. E. Deal., of the Talbot Plumbing Company, as peered before the Uoun- cil relative to operation of brewery well, which the Town has been operating under an agreement with owners of the property. Matter was discussed, the representatives of the.Talbot Plumbing Company stating that some of the facilities are on their land. Matter referred to Water and Sewer committee, Attorney and Superintendent for investi- gation, at conference to be held at 5 p. m. December 12, 1950. Request for street light in the 800-block on Harrison Street was referred to the Piro and Light committee. Attorney Perrine reported on the result of the. lawsuit between Town of Port Orchard and a. B. Menees, and stated that final order in the case has not yet been signed. Councilman Gilchrist brought up the matter of the cross -walk across Sidney Street to the post office. It was directed that cross -walk sign be placed on the walkway, and that parking at post office receive careful attention by.Polles. The f ollow&ng eldns were presented of ter being checked, and were ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried: Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware Wm. F. George Howe' s Hardware Standard Oil 'Company Port Orchard Machine Shop Burroughs Adding Machinn Co. Thompson's Wilkins Distributing Co, E. A. Breitenstein Wilkins Dist. Co. Howe' s Hardwire T. R. Hubbard Shell Oil Company Washington State-eenitenttery Port Orchar d Machine `'hop Port Orchard Independent Puget 5ouna rower & Light 434o. Slocum Hardwar e H. D. Fowler Company, Inc. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. wilkins Distributing Company Bremerton concrete eroducts Co. T. R. Hubba6d Cleveland Chevrolet N . F. Bruhahn Slocum Hardware Wilkins Distributing Co. South Kitsap Gravel company Kits ap County Hoad Di€it. Hodge & Davis Port Orchard Lumber Yard Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Shell ei1 Company Wilkins Distributing Co. V. W. Raymond W. F. Bruha►hn The A. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Company CURRENT EXPELSE FUND Street and cross -walk lights Car ton flashlight batteries Special Police officer Merchandise for city hall Lub job, brake fluid, tire repair, PD Welding traffic sign pipe Typewriter and add machine ribbons Manuscript covers Battery--anti-freeze for Fire Dept Assisting Engineer Anti -freeze Police car Shot gun shells, flashlight(Police) Tire chat ns, etc., Police car Furnace Oil Traffic signs Flag pole (Howe donation) Publish Ordinance ho. 577 WAT ER FUND Power and light, all plants Flashlight --pipe compound Copper fittings 50 rolls paper Anti -freeze Meter boxes and covers Tire chains Install points..on International truck Labor on pipe lines 6'1'hM FUvD Bolts and washers Stove oil Sand Labor,,shovej operator Tire repair Cement Culvert pipe Deiseline Gasoline and Oil 4 hre truck and driver Labor on streets LIBhAxY PUhD Books for Library Books for Library PARK FUND Howe's Hardwar►a Blass for Forestry Building Councilad-'Pourned on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughtop and carried. ^lerk 193,64 5.56 55.12 9.09 4.38 2.32 11,50 1.96 23,87 16.20 3.72 8.19 111119 1O8.20 9186 92.70 7.02 130.03 1.80 12.09 53.77 2.50 49.44 11.18 2.68 16.80 2 72 25.71 40.55 28.64 3.6l 8.03 W.119 120119 101.62 18.00 11.20 7.83 6.31 16.22 May or '-1 Port Orchard, Washington December 26, 1950 Council of Port Orchard, ovashington called _to order 1p regular session by MW or William H. `Spregue. Present Councilmen Ray B, Half Vend W. Nichols, John. C. Gilchrist, Goo. A.`Broughton and Nick J. Repsn ich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein and Superintendent of Public Works George i. Givens. Minutes of meeting of December 11, 1950 read and approved. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that the base for the Memorial flagpole is completed, and that the pole will be rrafteddwhen the cement hats had sufficient time to cure. Mayor reported that progress on installation of new street lighting on Bay Street is slow, but that he believes that conditions have now been co-ordinated so that work will progress more rEp idly. Councilman Broughton and Clerk reported on information received from Washington State Retirement Board, on a recent visit to the main office in Olympia, an4 a discussion followed. Further and definite action was deferred pending farther information as to the responsibility of the sown. Improvement of recreation room in the basement of the Municipal Building was discussed and left in the hands of the Parks and Buildings committee with power to act,, on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried. A notice was received from the South Kitsap Recreation Council, stet ing that a meeting of that group will be held in the Council Chamber of the Port Orchard Municipal Build. ing on December 27, 1950. Mayor stated that he would attend the meeting and represent the Town. Chairman Gilchrist of the Water and Sewer committee reported that his committee, together with the mayor, the Attorney and the >uperintendent, had met December 12, 1950 with repre- sentatives of property owners at the b rowery site, and that a.l phases of continuing operation of the brewery well., under present- conditions, was considered. He stated that afterconsultations it had become apparent that a considerable sum of money would have to be expended to continue operation of the well, and that the expense would not be justified, in view of the fact that the property is not owned by the Town. He reported that further operation of the well had been discontinued, and that the equipment be.. longing to the Town has been removed. Report secepted by the Council. E. S. Howe and William Veris, property owners in Block 14,.5idney, interested in the proposed installation of curbs and gutters on the north side of Prospect Street, were present, and Engineer explained to these mien the plans of the proposed improvement. Mr. Veris stated that he is agreeable to,the Improvement, and Mr. Howe said that favors the improvement, but that there are two or three angles which he desires to have defintely established before he gives a definite answer. Matter was continued, as several proper- ty owners failed to appear for the hearing, and their dese "s in the,, -matter are not known. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee reported on the request for a street light in'the 800 block on Harrison Street. Following his report the matter was left in the hands of the committee with power to act, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. . Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that his commi.ttew- had investi. gated conditions in the alley just south of the post office, and recommended a "No Parking" sign be installed in an effort to stop parking in the alley,, Matter of kind and location of sign wax discussed, and the matter was left in the hands of the com- mittee and`the Superintendent to work out the most satisfactory location for sign. Letter was received from J. Hoefert & Co. stating that the company had not out say Christmas trees on Town property and giving notice of cancellation of m ntra►ct. Mayor brought up the matter of the treatment of the water supply of the Town with Flourine, stating that experiments in different places have proved that the'treAtmeant is valuable in preventing tooth decay, and aske d that the matter be investigated. Superintendent made a report on information which he had assembled on the subject and was directed to secure all available data. Clerk was directed to write to the City of Kennewick, asking results of its use of the element. Following claims, properly chocked, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Pacific Tel a Tel 'Co. Puget'Sound Power & Light Co. Guy L. Ycetzel, Clerk Edward C. Sundt Shell oil Company Trick & Murray Automatic Sealing Vault Co. W. F. George Telephones and tolls 40.15 dross wal k lights 2.00 Po s t sg a 4.00 Premium, Police Judge bond, 3 year s 10.00 Furnace Oil 87.88 Warra.nb Register sheets 13.28 Flagpole plaque 86088 Special Police officer 57,20 t Port Orchard, Washington December 26, 1950 Council of Port Orchard, ovashington called _to order 1p regular session by MW or William H. `Spregue. Present Councilmen Ray B, Half Vend W. Nichols, John. C. Gilchrist, Goo. A.`Broughton and Nick J. Repsn ich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein and Superintendent of Public Works George i. Givens. Minutes of meeting of December 11, 1950 read and approved. Chairman Repanich of the Parks and Buildings committee reported that the base for the Memorial flagpole is completed, and that the pole will be rrafteddwhen the cement hats had sufficient time to cure. Mayor reported that progress on installation of new street lighting on Bay Street is slow, but that he believes that conditions have now been co-ordinated so that work will progress more rEp idly. Councilman Broughton and Clerk reported on information received from Washington State Retirement Board, on a recent visit to the main office in Olympia, an4 a discussion followed. Further and definite action was deferred pending farther information as to the responsibility of the sown. Improvement of recreation room in the basement of the Municipal Building was discussed and left in the hands of the Parks and Buildings committee with power to act,, on motion by Gilchrist, seconded by Broughton and carried. A notice was received from the South Kitsap Recreation Council, stet ing that a meeting of that group will be held in the Council Chamber of the Port Orchard Municipal Build. ing on December 27, 1950. Mayor stated that he would attend the meeting and represent the Town. Chairman Gilchrist of the Water and Sewer committee reported that his committee, together with the mayor, the Attorney and the >uperintendent, had met December 12, 1950 with repre- sentatives of property owners at the b rowery site, and that a.l phases of continuing operation of the brewery well., under present- conditions, was considered. He stated that afterconsultations it had become apparent that a considerable sum of money would have to be expended to continue operation of the well, and that the expense would not be justified, in view of the fact that the property is not owned by the Town. He reported that further operation of the well had been discontinued, and that the equipment be.. longing to the Town has been removed. Report secepted by the Council. E. S. Howe and William Veris, property owners in Block 14,.5idney, interested in the proposed installation of curbs and gutters on the north side of Prospect Street, were present, and Engineer explained to these mien the plans of the proposed improvement. Mr. Veris stated that he is agreeable to,the Improvement, and Mr. Howe said that favors the improvement, but that there are two or three angles which he desires to have defintely established before he gives a definite answer. Matter was continued, as several proper- ty owners failed to appear for the hearing, and their dese "s in the,, -matter are not known. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee reported on the request for a street light in'the 800 block on Harrison Street. Following his report the matter was left in the hands of the committee with power to act, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. . Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that his commi.ttew- had investi. gated conditions in the alley just south of the post office, and recommended a "No Parking" sign be installed in an effort to stop parking in the alley,, Matter of kind and location of sign wax discussed, and the matter was left in the hands of the com- mittee and`the Superintendent to work out the most satisfactory location for sign. Letter was received from J. Hoefert & Co. stating that the company had not out say Christmas trees on Town property and giving notice of cancellation of m ntra►ct. Mayor brought up the matter of the treatment of the water supply of the Town with Flourine, stating that experiments in different places have proved that the'treAtmeant is valuable in preventing tooth decay, and aske d that the matter be investigated. Superintendent made a report on information which he had assembled on the subject and was directed to secure all available data. Clerk was directed to write to the City of Kennewick, asking results of its use of the element. Following claims, properly chocked, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Pacific Tel a Tel 'Co. Puget'Sound Power & Light Co. Guy L. Ycetzel, Clerk Edward C. Sundt Shell oil Company Trick & Murray Automatic Sealing Vault Co. W. F. George Telephones and tolls 40.15 dross wal k lights 2.00 Po s t sg a 4.00 Premium, Police Judge bond, 3 year s 10.00 Furnace Oil 87.88 Warra.nb Register sheets 13.28 Flagpole plaque 86088 Special Police officer 57,20 t VATER Fb ND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls $ 15.75 Western Utilities Supply Co. Capper tubing 74.58 Guy L. Wetzel Clerk 5 M postal cards 50.00 Orville Brose Labor on water lines 29.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Closing bill, brewery well .S2 American Wet erworks Ass n 1951 Membership dues 10,00 STREJ�T FUND W. F Bruhahn Lbbor on streets 22.40 Pacific Tel - Tel Co. Street dept. telephone and tolls 5.85 LIBRARY FUND Trick & Murray Merchandise and supplies 16.22 Puget Sound News Company Books for Library 25.25 The H. X. Huntting Co. Books for Library 7.80 Matter of permit and location of buildings being moved by Talbot Plumbing Company rev (erred to Inspector. Mee tin djourned.ontion by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk Moor r r r r r r r r r 0 Port Orchard, Washington January 8, 1951 Regular meeting of the Council of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William. H. Sprague. Present Councilman Verd W. Nichols, Ray b. hall, John C. Gil- christ and George A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley V. Perrin; Engineer T. 0. Breiten- stein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of December 26, 1951 read and approved. Superintendent stated that Memorial flagpole will be raised on City Hall grounds as soon as cable for halyard is received, Parke and Buildings eommi*tees was granted further time for definite report on improve- ment to recreation room to basement of Municipal Building. Mayor stated that he had named George draith, Jdhn Lofstedt and Charles nussel as mem- bers of a Citizens committee to aid in administration of the Forestry Building as a recreation center. These men Were all present at the meeting of the Council, and tentative plans *ere discussed and proposals submitted for consideration. Matter of construction of curbs"and gutters on Prospect btreet was discussed, and Engineer stated that he had consulted with E. S. Howe, and that Mr. Howe is in ac- cord with the plans as proposed. Engineer stated that he w uld have detailed plena prepared shortly when same will be submitted to theproperty owners for action. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee stated that his committee recom- mends the installation of a street light at a -point approximately 375 feet south of Taylor Street on.Harrison Street„ Recommendation approved by Council and Clerk direct - ad to write letter to Power Company authorizing installation of this light. Superintendent Givens gave a report &n his investigations relative, to treating water supply with Fluorine, c jting benefits el4 med to have resulted from this treat- ment, estimates of cost and other information. He stated that he had m nsulted with County Health Department rggarding the matter, and that Engineer from the Hesih De- partment would attend meeting of the Council and give further information. Clerk was direcatO to ask Mr. Reed, Health Engineer, to attend meeting of Council on Jan. 22, 1951, Chairman Hall of the Street and Alley committee stated that it had been called to his � attention that braces to support concrete wall had been placed on street fronting the Stixbud property on Kitsap Street. The matter was discussed, and Attorney gave in. formation concerning the legal phases of the matter. Matter deferred for further report by Attorney. Mayor brought up the matter of an appropriation by the down of Fort Orchard for Civilian Defense operation, and read letter from the County Auditor regarding the appropriation. Matter was discussed, and it wass moved by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried that an appropriation of $500.00 be made for this purpose. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriation of this anwunt was introduced and passed on first read ins on motion by Broughton, seconded by Gilchrist and carried, al_1 members voting aye. Final passage of ordinance continued to next meeting of ' am uh- ell under provisions of statute. Clerk asked that salary of Assistant Clerk be placed at $225.00 per month. Matter was discussed, and it was moved by Gilchrist, seconded by Nichols and carried that Section 3, of Ordinance No. 549 be amended to provide for salary of Clerk's Assis- tant of $225.00 per month.