01/01/1949 - Regular - MinutesCouncilman Hall again brouf,ht up the matter of curbs and gutters on north side of Prospect Street between Frederick and Sidney Streets. Di cession follo rcd and the i,Latter eras de"erred for further consideration, The following claims, cheeped and doable checked by heads of departments and the Auditingcor�niittee, presented and allowed on motion by Sprague, seconded by Hall and carried. CU tIZETTT MC2EI SE F U D Port Orchard Independent Printing, 32.40 L_ -n,ber Su ply Li)xaber and material 22.17 Pacifid Tel. _: Biel. Co. Various telephones and tolls 4 1.i30 Puget So=. IPower E. Li "I,t Co. I,Iaintai n traffic light 3.53 Lorraine Helder Postage and P. O. Bo.L rent 5.75 South I=itsT Motors Battery for Police car 19.42 American Plui.abing es St.Sup.Co, l" pipe for parrs 36,48 Guy L. ,`retzel, Clerk Postage and various expenses 7.37 James I•rlorgan -Labor at parks 86.40 Charm les 1t.-,"latts Co. Traffic signal lenses 14.83 Hitsap Fanners Lavin raorier for par'-s 211,15 .-oweIs '_ar&1.rare Grass seed and fertilizer for Park 78.02 -itsa.n -ounty Auditor Licenses, Police car and Fire Trucks 5.00 CATER DUITID Pacific Tel cov Tel Co. ':.rater department telephones and tolls 19.40 �II. D. 2owler Company 6 cutter wheels for pine cutters 5,36 7.itsap County Auditor Licenses for pickup trucks 2. 50 American :Water `lorks Association 1949 membership fee 10.00 STIE "11T IAJ1 D Jesse '.t. Sutton Labor on city streets 108.00 John I . lim ghn., Labor on city streets 100,00 P.O.I.Iachine, I arine w Iron Wks Cutting and welding 5.92 Lumber Supply - < Ce_ tent and lu�ilber 26,12 Kitsap Co. Oil Storage Sus. Acet Road Oil 1950.50 KitsgD '=ounty Auditor Licenses for dump trucks 2.50 Howard Cooper Corporation Repair Adams Grader 577.04 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound Te;rs Company Books for Library 1.55 Ioleetingourned on motion by Hal 1, seconded by S )rague and carried. .. _ .. .. .. - - 0 Port Orchard., Idashington L- January 10, 1949 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, 6°dashin, ton called to order by P,2ayor 1,1. H. Thompson, with Council,.ien George A. roughton, Hick J. ILepanich, Ray 13. Hall, dilliam II. Spra�-_;ue and Virgil II. Parks; City Attorney John :I. ! oyle; Superintendent of Public..'orks Ceorge I<. Givens and Engineer T. C. TDreitenstein, present. T.Iinutes of meetin of December 2'7, 1948 read and approved. Clerk addressed the Council settine-: forht the eleven years of service by I:Iayor Thompson as an official. of Part Orchard and recited some of the advancements wade in the town during; the ti-,e twat he has Toeen in office. I,4yor T�iompsoxi responded, thankingthe merbers of the council and other officials for their co-operation, and pledging his interest and support in the future as a citizen of the curLmunity. rhairrlan !'all of the Parks committee reported on progress at the Central Playfield and Givens Field, and stated that practically all wobk had been, suspended due to cold weat ter. Te stated that Charles Russell of the Planning Commission is viorl�:ing on a detailed plan Tor permanent improvement of tho parks and that further details would be given later. Chairman Repanich of the mire and Light eoi=ittee reported on progress in installing cross -walk lights and further ti_-e vaas granted. An invitation hev in_-, been issued to property owners on Division Street, between Cline and '.Vest Streets, to confer with the council relative to installation of curbs and gutters on the street, I+�Ir. and �.rs. George Coppersmith, H. J. Hruger, Ralph E. Pearson, C. C. '--Vi.lson, Arthur _Ikelson, C. H. Frost, IIrs. Erma Harmon and I.Irs. R. E. Weaver, property otvin.ers, vrere present. T_..ye matter was discussed by the property owners and the Y„embers of the counc.I_l, and It ras the opinion of the property owners present that concrete curbs and gutters should be installed. Following the discussions, the Attorney was directed to prepare a petition for the icrprovement, and the same is to be left at tl-ic lerk' s off ice where it may be si Z ned by the property otviners, and presented to the council at itsnext meetin- on January 24, 194.9, vi ien, if sufficment property is repre- G sorted i n the petition, a Local I_:prot�ement Dis -Irict -v.rill be foried and bids called for the i:.provemont. C] :airr.:an Spra .ue of the Ja per n ,_ .Se,aer corrtittee reported on his rove s tiL;s.tion of char"es glade by of -or cities for sevrer connection, and of cer ten ;thy discussion, it vras i:;.oved by .'arI_s, :-econded by and car.-°riod, that an ordinance bo prepared, ;?ro- vi ing t at ._ char e of ('115.00 be mi-,,de for a permit for a se,.ver hook-up, t1ii.s char r-e to cover onCineering, inspection anc establishing �,rade fog.' lateral; the proY_.x;rt.7 ovrner to stand all costs of installation of t-':e lateral, including re-su-rfaciizu of the street to t1i.e satisfaction of the LnGineer t nd Superintendent of Iublic .forks; an application to be filed -,.rit i the C.lerh for per�;xit, .-nd the fee Y>aid, and the per.:it trill be field by the Cleric until the tirorh is co .pletcd ari accepted; a penalty of �`75.00 to be invoked if connection is made i'ritlaout L-ippli.cation for a permit. ',hairiran Hall :reported on investigation of i:,iLO'°oved traffic lig l:it �:t the -),:y and Sidney Street intersection, :,, Furl,: er ���'Tr:�-e was granted. Ulcrk read a copy of letter which had been forwarded to tiao De ,ar tment of Public Utili- ties relative to proposed increase in telephone rates. Superintendent stated teat he had received four bids a:or sfioacr stall and fixtures to be placed in the basement of the :."unicipal :. wilding, and after considerin "hebids it was roved by h,cl I.,seconded b7.r Brou ;hton nd carried tnat the bid of FoweI s l "ard- :rare for cor.plete ecp. ipment F'or 4.9.50A plus sales ta.>, be accepted. atter of Prospect Street curbs and nutters deferred fox° furt -er consideration. Clerl�c read a latter from Dr. li. E. 'dilson, tenderin;- 'Lis resignation as I:calth Officer. Resi ,nation �,,ras accepted t,ith regret, :end tli:-, Cle-ok was Lirected to :-write a letter to Dr. 'lilson ex: ressin the ap-reciation of the council for his fait'-.ful service and el;- tending the food rel-shes of the city al-aiziistration. A pet:+Lion requesting; a street li;ht o _ :';est street between I.elci er and South Streets vias presented, nd was ref erred to thc, ., ire and Light comi.iittee for investigation and report 'at the next moctinC, of the council. Attorney presented ordinance confir>>in; the Assess:lent 1 011 for L.I.D. No. 50 (Garri- son Street iailprovanent). 0rd.inence +.r_.s read and passed on motion by L'rou hton, seconded by Parks .-.nd carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance ? o, 552, Superintendent Uvens reported that on '11c property of Younlrpls Sheet Yetal on DeKalb Street, a »roject h s been started ,o lay tile and fill the p��operty, and tl'ia.t the the bein;; used is not of standard specific= Lions. he matter was. discussed, and 1 on motion by Repanich, seconded by Sprague and carried, Clerk -:as directed to vrrite a letter to i,7r. Young infor3:iinr: him that the bein;,' used is not up to standards, and c_oes not rleet the approval of the council, aa,c. that any aial? e resulting from fm lty con- struction or installation by reason of p,,rfonnir_g the work is the responsibility of the property owner. .yor Tho_-:pson reported that ire h held az otl!er onfcrence with representatives of the 'Federal :fog-si.n Authority, a�.d that an offer ojf =.1, 500.00 had been made "or the entire ".ousi_n,' Authority grater system, irjcludin,; d 1 ivells, pipe lines, transformers, ease- ments, ri,ht-of-tray deeds, and any and all equip,,-- ont apl�ertainin� to the system of as y kind or nature -ahatsoever, .'rhich existed and was part of the system on January 6, 1949; that so far no asnwer had been received to the offer. On notion by Sprague, seconded by ':3rou_Lt—on and carried, Clerk was directed to },rrite a letter to 11.rs. `::ary Allen, Secretary of the fort orchard Progressive Club for the ten smoking atdnss, ;rhich .the Flub --resented to the Council ""harrber, e,,-pressin ; the appreciation of the council for this cou_�tesy, I..ayor "•'hoi;pson extended to the me,:,'oers of the city goverm-i,ent his thanks and r3 ) _=eciation for their cooperation and assistance he h,: s received d;.ari_nL 'zi.s ter -an s on the coun- cil and as ay or and a, .ain pl .:d`;ed his suta-Oort in future activities of the city, when- ever pos: ible. Follorrin;J the remarks of the retirinC� a. ayor, It teas moved by Tall, seconded by Parks and carried unanir.iously that a vote of thanks and appreciation be extended to A.Ir. Thompson for :.1is unselfish and untirin[, service, and 'L,'-at the Clerk be directed to write a letter ex_:-)ressing th_: appreciation of the council to I. r. Thoripson. Clerk r�.dr?inistered the oath of office to Mayor-elect'lilliara lI. Soratsue, and I:iayor- elect Sprague then _�d::iinistercd the oath of office to Cour_ci listen -elect C�eor e A. Brou ,ILton, :gay hall, !Tick J. Repanich and Verd y ichols. T ,yor-elect Spra<r,ue announced his cor,nittee m pointments as follows: Street -_,,nd Alley Co.,mittee--Vir[;i_l I,l. Pal ks, chairman; Greorbe A. Lrounhton and Ray :. :'all; -..,ater, Setrer, Health and Sanitation committee --flick J. IIepanich, Chair.: -tan; George A. Broughton and Verd cV. Ilichols; Tire and Light Committee--Verd Kichols, - air;;nan; Virgil I . Parks and 11ay I3. Hall; ,Finance, Auditing and License Committee --George A. Brou, hton, Chairmari; 1:ick J.-Repanich and Virgil Parks; Parks, Pu_i lding and Planning Committee --Ray B, !� Hall, 'hairman; Verd I'ichol<s and I;ick J. `epcn ich. .ayor--elect Sprague m nounced appointive officers as follows: Attorney. John IrI. Boyle; Superinten. ent of ublic -.forks, George Cicens; Ln,ineer, L', C. Breitenstein; Clxief of Police, Charles A. 77eath; Police, Judge, Dudley '. Pcrrine; Chief of Dire j)e- partment, Man '-otten; fIeal 1h Offi,,-er, Dr. T. 11. Tiddleton; Clerk Guy L. '.7etsel. k The following claims checked by heads of departments and by ,;hairnia-. Broughton of the Auditin ; committee, vrere presented, and on motion by Parks, seconded by Sprague and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT E .PETSE FU111D Thorapson I s Triplicate receipts and order blanks y� F. E. Lamer, Agent Pre-.:,iLuii on Treasurer and Police Clerk 'odd Hove Motor Company Repair Police car --set of chsl ns Hoene Oil Company F _rnace oil, City Mall Hod T s 11ardwar e Yleather strip, battery clamps Puget SounI Power L Light Co. Street lights, December, 1948 Part Orchard Independeny Publishing ordinance and Assessment Transport lea:,_-ings Freight- on traf fic sisns Cookson Bros. Put chains on Police car STREET FUND Berlin 7. T.Iiles Jesse '.7. Sutton Howe T.lotor Compayy Tovve t s 11ardtrare Howe Oil Company J. '�,% `,7e1sh R. L. Lursen P.O.TIacl.ine, -,r:arine ` Iron Works Labor sanding streets Overtime labor, sanding streets 94.eve-et-► Car ?)arts Various merchandise Stove oil Grading on Guthrie Street 52 ,gallons kerosene 'del:-.ina, etc. WATE i IV D Bowe it Corapm y Stove oil Cookson Bros. Gasoline Port Orchard Independent 10,000 rater Receipts a Ste:JER 7U1, D Fors:. Orchard Independent 6,000 Receipts LIBRARY F'UI"D The 7_. R. Huntting Company Book for Library The Q,uarrie Corporation Set orls Book Encyclopedia PART- Fir= 11.02 80,00 26,63 152,95 1.91_ 162.70 7.06 2.73 1.03 2.70 14.09 29.62 75.00 9.69 5,41 11.47 2.54 55.93 29,46 1.82 127,41 James . organ Clearing; and grubbing; at Parks 43.20 "ouncil adjo ned are motion by Parks, seconded by Tull a carried. _.__..__.Clerk --- Tvlayor - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Port Orchard, Washington January 24, 1949. z Rev.ar meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by MW or William H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd Nichols, Virgil M. Parks, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanieh; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, Absent City Attorney John M. Boyle and Engineer T, C. Breitenstein, both excused. Minutes of meeting of January 10, 1949 read and approved.. C. W,. Agy, representing Dixie Tank and Bridge Company, was present regarding painting and cleaning :rater tanks. No action taken, Chairman. Hall of the Parks committee reported that due to weather conditions no Irogress had been made on park improvements, Superintendent Givens made a report on progress being made regarding installation of blinker lights, giving tentative i.nformati.on, as to costs, etc. A discussion folkowed, and it was moved by Repanich., seconded by Broughton and carried that bids be received by the Fire and Light committee for installation, the Superintendent to furnish specifi- cations, and that the committee be given power to act in, the matter of instal ling these lights at the east end of Black Jack bridge across East Bay Street, and et the west,end of Black Jack bridge across Bay Street. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee and Councilman Repanich made a report on the application of residents for street light on West Street and recommended that light be placed at 1308 Vest Street, as requested in the petition, and also light be placed at intersection of nest and South Streets. So ordered. Action on proposed improvement of Division Street was continued, as the petition does not yet contain names sufficient to create improvement district] Ordinance regarding sewer connections was discussed, and following the discussions, it was moved by Parks, seconded by Repanich th4t proposed provision to charge penalty of $75.00 for failure to connect or for improper connection, be changed to include a provision that if connection is not made to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of P blic dorks and the Engineer within thirty days, that grater will be shut off until work is satisfactorily completed. Motion da.rried. Councilman Hall made a report on the cost of reconstructing existing traffic Might at Bay and Sidney S-�raets to make it satisfactory, and also stated that an adjustable light which embodies features necessary for satisfactory service can be pytrchased for �$225,00, and that an allowance of $111.00 will be made for the existing light on a.trade-in. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that new light be purchased for $225,00, and that existing light be returned for a credit of $111,00, Another discussion relative to the Housirg Authority water system purchase was en- tered into and various details concerning the system were discussed. No action was taken and it was the opinion of the Council members as expressed that no offer would be made tob'th.e system until some definite information is received from the Housing Authority. Mayor stated that the appointment of Dudley H. Perrin as Police Judge has been with- drawn, and that Ross IV. Matt has been appointed as Police Judge. Clerk reported that six bids had been received for supplying oil and gasoline for the current year, and these bids were opened. Bids were received from Union Oil Company, Howe Oil Company, Standard Oil Company, H. B. Menees, Wilkins Distributing Company and R. L..Lursen, Distributor. The bids were considered by the Council, and it was moved by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried that bid of Howe Oil Company for stove and deisel fuel oil 'be accepted; that the bid of Union Oil Company for lub- r1cating oil be accepted, and that awarding of contract for gasoline be deferred un- til the next meeting of the council, Matter of Prospect Street curbs and gutters was again deferred, Condition of thetrail from Pottery Hill to Sidney Hill was called to the attention of tie council, and was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superin- tendent. Joint statement from Federal Security Agency and Federal Works Agency relative to National Water Pollution Control program., was referred to the Engineer. The following claims, which had been checked and audited by the Auditing committee were presented and on motion by Hall, seconded by Parks and carried were ordered paid: Pacific Tel. &.Tel. Co, Pioneer Lindery TA -County Typewriter Co. Lorraine Helder Dean Jones, Sheriff T&4.be;6-F;6-bmU&xgSlocum Hardwar e Talbot Plumbing Company Puget Sound Power & Light Co. V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Independent A. H. Cox Company Port Orchard Marine Railway Puget Sound Power & Light Co.,. Slocum Hardware V. B. Caldwell Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. South Kitsap Gravel Company South Kitsap Motors Wilkins Distributing Co. Wash, State Penitentiary H. B. Menees Puget Sound Power & Light Co, Howe Motor Company Machinery Service & Supply Co, John N. Vaughn Vern Raymond. Fay Dennis Kenneth Batch Jesse Sutton Glenn E. Patterson CURRENT- ERFENSE"TM Varioustelephore s and tolls Calendar filler, Treasurer Repair adding machines Clerk Postage on parking meter parts Board of Prisonee8 12 2" couplings for parking meters Fittings for shower stall Ci Hall and traffic 11ght Plumbers Friend, city hall Stationery and publish Ordinance WATER FUND Part for water pump 2 shut-off wrenches Power and light at pump plants Paint and enamel 1 set stencils Te .i.ophone s and tolls STREET FUND 70 yards sand Parts .for wiper motor Gasoline and Oil Street signs Truck light globes --filter cartridge Street shed lights, 2 months Tools 3 steel brooms Overtime labor sanding streets Hauling sand Hauling sand Labor sanding streets Overtime labor sanding streets Labor sanding streets 45.10 .84 6.18 1.60 8.00 9.15 3.84 101.62 ,41 60,11 61.05 5,41 244,36 14.64 4,12 15.25 61.05 ,93 95.76 22,81 6.07 2,00 1.40 10.82 35.10 22.50 22.50 5.40 31.05 5.40 PARK FUND Slocum hardware Axe and stone. 3.78 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Tennis coitt lights, 2 months 2.00 Council UUourned on motion by Parks, Clerk seaondbd by Hall and carried. -6 6 MW or 0 Port Orcherd, Washington February 14, 1949 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor Wm. H. Sprague. Present Councilmen Nick J. Repan ich, Goo. A. Broughton, Virgil M. Parks, Verd W, Nichols and Ray B. Hall; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of January 24, 1949 read and approved. Chairman. Hall of the Parks. -.committee reported that preliminary plans for improvement of Givens Field have been prepared and these werereferred to Councilman Nichols to present to the Planning Commission. Chairpan Nichols of the Fire and Light committee reported that his committee had re-. ceived two bids for the installation of cross -walk lighto, one from Beacon Appliance and op.e from Rice Electric. The bid of Beacon Appliance offered to install the two lights at Black Mack intersections, according to specifications, for $266.00; ea.d. the bid or Rice Electric Company offered to install t1ae lights for $233#81, Chairmen Nichols stated that job had been awarded to Rice Electric Company. Chairman. Nichols also reported that follod ng a further inspection of locations for . authorized lights on West Street, that locations had been changed to some extent to give better service to the.area. Matter of improvement of Division Street by installing curbs and gutters was brought up, and petition was examined, and Engineer stated that the petition represents suffiw cient;property to warrant the improvement under a Local. Irprovement District. It wes moved' by Broughton, seconded by Nichols and carried, that Resolution for improvement of Division Street as described in the petition and other documents be passed and published according to law. Ordinance providng for the regulation of connections of buildings to dower system was presented and read. Ordinance passed as read can motion by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinan ce No. 554. Councilman Hall reported that new traffic light as authorized for the B%r and Sidney Street intersections had been ordered and is expected within a short time. Bids for gasoline, action on which was deferred from last meeting, were again taken up ancl considered, and on motion by Parks, seconded by Nichols and carried the bid of Wilkins Distributing Company was accepted. Matter' of crossing from. Pottery Hill to Sidney Hill, looking to traffic improvement between the two areas, was discussed and varioussuggestions made as to possible solu- tion. No action was taken and matter was passed. Installation of Prospect Street curbs and gutters was deferred for further consideration. Councilman. Repanich suggested that an additional fire siren be placed on the water . towers for better fire alarm service,. Fire Chief Alan Totten qDproved the plan if it can be carried out,, and the Clerk was directed to communicate with the Puget Sound Pow & Light Company relative to stringing wires and making installation of a siren on the" water towers. Application was received from R. A. Rylander and W. A. EaLton for liceus6s-..-for two taxicabs, and for tarsi stands at, the northwest corner of Bay and Sidney Streets. The. matter was discussed by the council and the qDplication was granted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried, following answering of questions by Mr.' Rylander and Mr. gal.ton. Chairman Hall of the Parks committee stated that a committee from the Port Orchadd Gar- den Club will mold aconference with the Park committee shortly, regarding landscaping of the City Hall grounds. Mrs. Helen Snyder, manager of the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce, appear ed before the council relative to having A gns at the different entrances to Port Orchw d ohm god to ` show the present population. The matter was discussed and was referred to the Street and Alley committee to confer with State Highway officials relative to changing existing signs or to install new signs. Council considered several bills relating to mities and towns, now pending before the Legislature, and which effect Port Orcher d. After consideration, it was moved by Parks, seconded by Nichols and carried that council of the Town of Port Orchard go on record in favor of House Bills No. 179 and 217, and against House Bill 2472 aid that Mayor be au thorized to communicate the information to Kits; County's represen- tatives in both houses of the Legislature. Contract for furnishing power to Brewery pumping by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company was presented, and referred to Mayor Spry ue to confer with the officids of the Power Company and to sogn after conference, on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repan- ich and carried. House Bill No. 119, now pending before the Legislature, relative to state loans for financing water systems and sewer disposal plants, was read and considered by the council, but definite action, was withheld. Letter from Association of ldashington Cities -relative to Sbnate Bill No. 108 Baas read and ordered filed. Bill of Howe Motor Company for repair to police -car was referred to Finance, Auditing and License committee for investigation and report at next meeting of council. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by the Auditing committee, were presented and on motion by Parks, seconded by Repan ich, were ordered paid: F. E. Lm ger, Agent Puget Sound Poorer & Light Howe Motor Company J. B. Starr . Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent Thompsonts T. R. Hubbard Howe Oil Company Slocum Hardware Howe' s Hardware Howe's Hardware C. P, Ainsworth Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Miller Meters CURRENT E«PE=:SE FUND Premium on Clerk's bond Co. Street lights for Uanuary, 1949 Fire Truck repair Two signs for city hall Supplies for Police P.O. Machine, Marine & Iron Wks Sheets Automotive Electric C. P. Ainsworth Union Oil Co. of California Howe Motor Company Howard Cooper Corp., Peninsula Feed Company Port Orchard Signal Service Wilkins Distributing Company Howe Dil Company Slocum Hardware Chas. T. Geyer Erniets Union Station Glenn R. Patterson John Vaughn Jesse W, Sutton Berlin F. Miles W. F. Bruhahn Orville Brose Howe OilCompaa y Puget Sound Power & Light Co. T. R. Hubbard Slocum Hardware Donts Service Worthington Gamon Meter Co. Puget Sound News Company V. B. Caldwell Council Publish call for bids; Ordinance No. 553 Box fasteners for Clerk Tire chat ns, Police car Furnace oil, city hall Flashlight batteries, etc. Shower stall Cage paper towels Rock salt for ice removal Office assistance Parking Meter parts STREET FUND Rebuild grates Swipe gears Rock salt for ice removal Bbl Kerosene Truck chains Fuses Rock salt for ice removal Grader lights and brake fluid 500 gals gasoline Stove oil Tools Grader operator Grease gun Labor sanding streets Overtime labor, snow removal, etc, Overtime labor, snow removal, etc. Labor sanding icy streets Labor sanding icy streets Labor sanding ioy streets WATER FUND Stove oil Power for pumping plants Wire, plyers, pedal pads Tools and merchandise 5 gallons white gasoline Various merchandise and parts LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library by Parks, seconded by Nichols and Clerk rried. 20.00 162,70 18.08 5.00 8.14 9.52 1.34 13.34 200000 5110 50.99�1' 6.95 4.99 15.00 372,16 3.09 3,79 2.94 9.89 30.70 .80 1.96 7,63 9 2.40 34.00 5.29 10.65 6.50 5.40 58,05 58,05 3,38 37.80 10.80 11,98 220.36 2.41 9,41 1.50 426.61 24.16 13.90 Mrs►' or ri Port Orchard, Washington February 28, 1949 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen RW B. Hall., Verd W. Nichols, Virgil M. Parks, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of -Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of meeting of February 14, 1949, read and approved. Chairman Hall of the Parks committee reported on plans for planting grass at Central Playfield, and stated that it was contemplated to place top soil before planting, and ddvice form County Agent is being awaited before planting. Plans for proposed improvement of Givens Field were submitted by the Parks committee and Charles Russell of the Planning Commibsion. These plans were examined by the Council and afbbr consideration, it was moved by Mall, sedonded by Nichols and carried, that backstops for baseball diamond and fast ball diamond be constructed at Givens Field, and that mork be done under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works and the Engineer, and that material for these improvements be purchased for the best possible prices. Action on proposed curbs and gutters on Prospect Street was again deferred. A discussion of the feasability of extending Kendall Street across the Pottery guleli to connect Sidney and Pottery Hills was held, Coucilman Nichols stating that this proposal had been considered by the Planning Commission. Councilman Repanich was named as the representative of the Council to attend the meeting of the Planning Commission, March 1, 1949. Contracts for electric power at Brewery pump, which had been before the Council on February 140 1949, when signatures were authorized, were again called to the attenbion of the Council, as rates were different from what had been reported at the last meeting. After a discussion. izar 9*21� I , - 1 KZUXtZt+"yXW±XjdUM xmgm. the contracts were approved as submitted, and Clerk was directed to deliver sameto representatives of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. Matter of another fire alarm siren was agian discussed, and H. E. Diggle, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, stated that the matter had been submitted to erfteers of the Company and that a definite report would be submitted within a few days. Plans for landscaping grounds around the Municipal Building, which had been pre- pared by the Port Orchard Garden Club, were examined by the Council, and a report made on the matter by Chairman Hall of the Parks Committee, and by Councilman. Repahich, who had attended the meeting of the Garden Club and had participated in preparing plans. Definite action in ordering shrubs, ate. was continued. Supertntendent Givens reported that he had contacted George Farquarson, State Highway Supervisor, relative to signs at entrances to Part Orchard, designating population; stating that if present signs are brought in that State will repaint and shop present pppulation. It was directed.that signs be turned over to State Highway Department for repainting. Senate Bill No. 172 and House Bill No. 432, effecting disposition of certain Justice Court fines, were considered, and on motion by Parks, seconded by Repanich and warried, Council went on record as opposing passage of these bills, and Clerk was directed to write to Senator Jack H. Rogers, and Representatives R. M. Ford Bad Henry A. Brown, asking them to vote against passage `of these bills. . Representative of Seventh Day Adventist Church asked about draining them property on Sidney Street near Taylor Street. Matter was discussed and Counnil would not san6tion drains gg property into sanitary sewer, and suggetions were made for drain - in property in other manners. Dlerk was directed to contact Hvwe Motors regarding $100.00 due &n exchange motor from fire truck. �Councilman Broughton suggested that stop si gns be placed at tap of Sidney hill at the DeKalb Street intersection. This was discussed and Chief of Police stated that he would patrol the area and crack down on speeders. A "No Parking" sign was directed to be placed in front of Givens School, and it was also directed that curb be painted to indicate a no -parking area. Notices from Washington State Liquor Control Board of applications for Class H license for Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Port Orchard Tavern were submitted, r,..` together with a letter from the Board stating that further notice would be sent following investigation of applications. Action was deferred pending receipt of furtheA notices, and letters and applications were ordered filed. It was called to the attention of the Council that the west 20 feet of Lots 25 and 26, Block 18, Sidney, lying in gulch near Division Street culvert, can be secured by the Town without cost. This matter was discussed byt no action takers, and matter was passed for further consideration. A petition as'.Ang the vacation of aportion of Harrison Street between Bry and Kitsap Streets, the petition being signed by d1 owners of abutting property. After consid- eration is was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried, that prayer of peti- tion be granted, and that Resolution be passed approving the petition. Superintendent Givens reported that during the recent severe storms that damage had been done by slides on Division Street fill; at tbLe Rockwell and Kits4D Street inter- section, and to the highway near the Peninsula Cold Storage plant; also that other damage had occured, but the total damage was less than had been few ed would vesult. Superintendent stated that repairs would be made as rap idly as possible. Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee stated that he had conferred with Howe Motor Company relative to repair bill on Police car and that bill is in order; that the work had been necessary and that the claim should be allowed. Following claims checked by heads of departments and by Chairmen Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented, and on motion by Parks., seconded by Nichols and carried, were ordered paid: Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. American LaFrance Corp. E. A. Breitenstein Howe Motor Company Miller Meters, Inc. Port Orchard Independent Standard Oil Company Wilkins Distributing Company American Plumbing & St.Sup.Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Crawford Motors Transport Clearings Saindonts, Inc. South Kits4o Gravel Company Richards Brush Company Jease W. Sutton John N. Vaughn Council ad CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Various telephones and tolls $ 45.00 Md ntain traffic light, December 2.72 Test -pump for Fire Dept. 115.31 Assisttng Engineer 21,60 Repair Police car 70,.40 Parking Meter parts 6.92 Numbering machine and rubber stamp 29.56 10 gals. gasoline 2.61 500 gals. gasoline 93,50 1VdA'1'ER FUND Bdl 3/4-inch pipe 21.26 Water Dept. telephones and tolls 14.15 Repair horn on International truck 2.01 STRl;ET FUND Freight on traffic paint 4,58 Re -cap tires for trucks 95.74 39 yards sand 30.50 -doz garage brooms 17.03 Overtime labor on city streets 2.70 Overtime labor on city streets 16.20 I on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried, Clerk _ Mayor 0 - - .. - .. _ _ .. Port Orchard, Washington Mar ch 14, 1949 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, called to order by Mayor .itilliam H. Sprague, Present Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Virgil Pi. Parks, Verd Nichols and Ray B. Hall; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Engineer T. C. Breiten- stein, and Superintendent of Public 'lorks George F. Givens. �iin�ztes of meeting of Fe, ruary 2B, 1949 read and approved. Kenneth Recknagle ap:je ared before the council regarding occupancy of street, Matter was discussed and referred to Street anal Alley committee for investigation and action. Chairman Hall of the Parks committee reported can:: plans m d activities for improvement of Central. Playfield and Givens Field. There was ageneral discussion of these mat- ters, and the advisability of planting Central Playfield at this time was consider- ed. After conference with representatives of Port Orchard Progressive Club, it was tentatively decided to delay planting of grass seed until fall, and to accomplish ot_rer necessary work at an early date so that sod will not have to be disturbed after planting. Superintendent Givens reported that part of the haterial for back- stops at Givens Field has been received, and the proposed improvement at this place was discussed. Arthur Mikelsen, representative of the VFw baseball tears, entered the discussions regarding improvements. Plans were fully discussed M d maps examined and plans for improvement were approved. Request by VF d for practice time on the baseball field was made by Mr. Mikelsen and this was referred to the parks committee. Fire Chief Alan 'gotten reported that an engineer for the 2uget Sound Power « Light Company conferred with him regarding installation of additional fire siren at water towers, and that a latter would be received by the council regarding the matter with- in a feet days. Further time was granted rega.rdinG Prospect Street curbs and gutters. Report on Kendall Street fill was continued until further conferences with the Planning Commission, and Councilman Repan ich was named as the membar of the council to attend the, meeting; of the Planning Commission. Chairman Hall of the Parks committee reported that a tentative price of 1$ 5.00 had been quoted as the cost of shrubs m d plants designated for landscaping city hal]. grounds under plans submitted by the Fort Orchard Garden Club. This matter was dise}zssed, and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Parks and carried, Par ks corrmiitbee was,given power to act in the purchase of shrubs and plants. Clerk reported that he had eontacbed Howe Motor Company regarding motor which was re- moved from the fire truck, and that the motor has not been sold but is being held for sale, and when sale is son -a mmUdd that money will be turned over to the town. Matter of notices from the State Liquor Control Board of q)plications for various li- censes was discussed, and it was decided that when notices are received that they shall be referred to the License and Auditing committee, and action on the applications shall b�j governed by recommendations of this committee. City Attorney stated that he is working on proceedings to foreclose for delinquent assessments, and that definite report will be fcbrthcoming. Councilman Repm ich asked that a sign designating "Dead-end Street" be placed on Kendall Street west of Cline Street. So ordered. Councilman Parks stated that reports have been received that minors have been visiting taverns, and this statement precipitated a general discussion. Police Department was directed to be particularly vigilant in this regard.and to see that the law is strict- ly enforced, Councilman Broughton stated that a tree in the alley in Block 1, First Addition to Sidney, is dangerous and should be removed. It was directed that Superintendent of Public Works have tree removed. Councilman Broughton also reported that he had received word from the office of the Com- missioner of Public Lands that he would have a complete detailed report of Harbor Im- provement money due to the Town of -'ort Or::hw d within a few days. Clerk reported that a list of seventeen firemen had been certified by Fire Chief Alan Totten as entitled to protection under Firemen's Insurance act.. and on motion,by Nichols, seconded by Repan ich and carried, Clerk was authorized to draw warrao.t in the sum of $51.00 for this purpose. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee stated that a survey has been made of the town by his committee looking to more adequate lighting and he recommended instal- lations and alterations to achieve better results. A general discussion followed, and the matter was deferred pending conference among the Fire and Light committee of the Council, the South Kitsap Chamber of Colanerce, and the Planning Commission, after which the matter will again be taken up by the council.. Among property owners in the proposed Division Street Improvement District present for the hearing on the resolution to improve the street by installing curbs and.gutters, were Mrs. Emma Harmon, Ralph E. Pearson, Arthur Mikelson and C. H. Frosts These property owners examined the plans, conferred with the Engineer and examined the preliminary assessment roll. No objection was entered against the improvement, and Ordinance pro- viding for creating of Improvement District and providing for method of payment and other features required by statute, was read. It was moved byParks, seconded by Nichols and carried that ordinance be adopted as read, and that Clerk be directed to publish call for bids to be opened at the meeting of the council on March 28, 1949, Councilman Parks brought up the matter of fees charged .for peddlers s licenses, stating that he believes the fee should be higher. No action taken. A letter from Engineer T. C. Breitenstein regarding the building and plumbing codes of the town, was read, discussed and referred to the Finance. License and Auditing Com- mittee for study and report. Matter of purchases at wholesale was discussed, and it was the -opinion of the council was expressed that wholesale buying should prevail whenever practical. The following claims, previously checked by heads of departments and sadited by the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented, read and ordered paid, on motion by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Various, street, c1ty hall and traffic Z 2.34 Howard Cooper Corporation Pyrene extinguishers 55.11 Port Orchard Independeny Printing; and publishing 34.90 T. M. Baker Company 5 M coin wrappers 5.81 Cookson Bros. Service Gasoline for fire truck 2.55 Howe Oil Company Furnace Oil for city hall 162.49 Thompsonss Typewriter ribbon for Clerk 1.80 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware Cowman -Campbell Company - Union oil Company of Cal. Beacon Appliance Howe Oil Company Sheets Automotive Service Howe t s Hardwars e Port Orchard Lumber Yard Puget Sound Power & Light Co. IV, F. Bruhahn Cookson Bros. Service Howe ail Compmiy Sheets Automotive Electric The H. R. Huntting Compm y Puget Sound Power Light Co. Council adjourned on motion f STREET FUND Street shed lights, 2 months Tools Traffic paint Kerosene, solvent and lub. grease Flange foroil heater Stove oil Relay switch Vice jaw Lu-Tiber WATER FUND Power and light for pumping Labor repairing water lines Grease job Stove oil Repair swipe LIBRARY FUND Books for Library PARK PTIv'D Tennis court lights, 2 months by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Clerk 0 Port Orchard, Washington March 28, 1949 2,00 55,98 72.50 46,28 1.72 46.58 9,27 17.34 9,23 172.36 5.40 1.55 7,54 1.03 13.69 2,00 or Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Verd Nichols, Virgil M. Parks, George A. Broughton and -Hick J. Repanich; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Minutes of meeting of March 14, 1949 read and approved. K. J. Leahy and M. Kearney, residents and pro_�erty owners on DeKalb Street, west of Sidney Street, appeared before the council regarding drainage of DeRalbiStreet in front of their property. The matter was discussed thoroughly, and it was stated by the Superintendent that a grade which would permit drainage to Sidney Street could be secured by a few hours work with a bulldozer. The matter was referred back to property owners to confer among themselves relative to paying the cost of the bulldozer work, and to agdin take the matter up with the council after the conf erance. Chris Schuh, owner of the Blue and Gold Taxi Company, appeared before the council, together with L. 17. Partin, seeking parking space for cab in front of the bus depot. The council opposed granting parking space 6n-Bay Street, but it was agreed that parking space nearer Bay Street on Sidney,Street might be available, the space to be agreed upon by Mr. Schuh, the Police and the Council. Mr. Schuh stated that he now.has but two cabs working out of Port Orchard, the third cab being stationed at Gorst. Cotincil agreed that he was liable for parking space only for the number of cabs which operate from stations in Port Orchard, L. R. Hai.man addressed the Council regarding Liability insurance and other insurance carried on town property. Following a discussion, it was moved by Nichols, second- ed by Repanich and carried that all insurance in future be secured after advertising for bids for same. Clerk stated that liability insurance policy now in force expired April 26, 1949, and it was directed that bads be called for 17ability insurm ce of $50,000.00 and $p100,000.00, bids to be opendd April 25, 1949. Don Pebble, representing the Columbia Equipment Company, addressed the council con- cerning a street sweeper and gave information as to its servicability, costs, etc. A discussion followed and the matter was passed for further consideration. Chairman. Parks of the Street and Alley committee, reported on his committee's in- vestigation of a fence on a street on Pottery Hill. The committee recomm.edded against any occupancy of public streets or alleys in the town for private use. Report of the comtilittee was adopted. A letter ffrom thePuget Sound Power & Light Company regarding additional fire siren on,water towers was read and con"idered by the council, and referred to Alan Totten, Chief of the Fire Dppartment, for consdid.eration and report. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee submitted preliminary plan for lightIngonn Sidney Street and adjacent streets, showing additional and larger lights on streets effected. Mr. Nichols stated that the cost per year of the present lights in the area is $81.60, and under the submitted plan the cost will be $259.40. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall that the plan as submitted be adopted, and that the Clerk be directed to notify the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to make additional installations and alterations as tentatively shown on the submitted plan. Motion carried. Minuted of the meeting of the Port Orchard Planning Commission, which had been attended by Councilmen Repanich, Hall and Nichols, were read and passed for furhher consideration. Considerktion of the suggested Kendall Street fill was had, and the ma tted was continued for further study. iandscaping of city hall grounds was discussed, and Clerk was directed to writeid to Tobert Barber, informing him that his offer to furnish and plant the shrubs,, specified in the p]a ns and according to the plans for $125.00 had been tentatively accepted, and that a letter from Mr. Barber was requested setting forth size and age of the shrubs which he proposed to furnish, and at what date the council could expect the work to be completed if his offer is finally accepted City ,attorney Boyle stated that he had sent letters to pnnperty owners who had,been reported as being Ulinquent on L.I.D. assessments, sad that following a reasonable time to permit payment, further steps would be takeh to collect these assessments, 1t was stated that the two cross walk lights installed at Black,Jack bridge are pot operating, and Mayor stated that he would contact Rice Electric Company, the contractors, in an effort to have lights placed in operating order. More time for removal of tree from alley in Block 1, First Addition , was gran ted. r.hairman Broughton of the Finance committee reported that.be bad received detkiled deport from the office of the State Land Commissioner, and that w cording to this report Port Orchard is entitled to 1, 476.00 for Harbor Improvement Fund, and that transfer of, the amount due has been made to the credit of the Town of Port Orchard. This being the date uy.,-)on which bids were to be received for constructing curbs and gutters on Division Street, Clerk stated that two bids had been received, M d the bids were ordered opened. Bid of R. B. Ryan offered to complete the job according to plans and specifications for the sum of 02,146.80y plus sales tax* Bid of Lawrence L. Perry offered to do the work and complete the job according to plans and specifications for $1, 926.00. Bids were considered by the members of the council and the Engineer, an d it was moved by Parks, seconded by Nichols and carried that bid of Lawrence L. Perry for $1, 926.00 be accepted, Mr. Perry to file bond and in the amount of the contract price and sign a contract with the Town for performance of the work. The plumbing code was again discussed, and Clerk was directed to notify Lends, Inc. and Talbot Plumbing Co. to secure 1949 licenses, Communication from State Department of Highways regarding ma.intensce of Primary and Secondary highways through towns and cities of 15,000 population or less, was read and ordered filed. Letter from Hon. T. S. Goodyear, Stte Supervisor of Forestry, relative to possible sale of Forestry property in Fort Orchard, was read. Mayor Sprague made a statement to council of contact which he had made with State in an effort to secure this property for youth recreational purposes. Letter was ordered filed and consider- ation continued. Letter from County Engineer to the effect that the Town of Port Orchard can no longer secure road oil under arrangements prevailing previously, was reads Mayor stated that he would contact Board of County Commissioners regarding matter at the next meeting of the Board. Superintendent Givens reported on work necessary to be done on Division Street fill to make the job permanent, and looking toward improvement of the fill to the fall street width. He stated that he had contacted owners of property regarding ease- ment or deed for right-of-way for drain tile and had received an offer to secure a piece of property 30x12O feet for 0500.00. Council expressed opinion th& ease- ment fpr the and fill would be satisfactory, instead of deed to property, aid Sup- erintendent was directed to agt n contact the property owners in an effort to secure easement. Street and Alley committee -was given power to acts Following clai.rms, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing conmi.ttee, were read and on motion by Parks, seconded. by Broughton and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPMTSE FUND Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Adding machine, Clerk Howe Motor Company Repair police car Lorraine Hkilder Post office box rent, police Howard Cooper Corp. Pyrene fluid, Fire Dept. Trick & Myrray 500 Minute book sheets Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Maintain traffic light, Jan., 1949 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls Port Orchard Independent Publishing I 130.74 1.29 1.50 19.1E 26.09 .60 43,45 1'7.56 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Saindont s, Inc. James Morgan Hannah & Powell Drub; Co. Howe Motor Company Blanchardts Department Store Olympic Iron & liachine �lorks W. F. Bruhahn Orville Brose Sexton Auto Freight J. W. Welsh Pacific Tel Tel Co. W. F. Bruhahn Puget Sound News Co. Gaylord .Bros. Inc. The H. R. Hunttixig Co. American Plbg & Stean Sup. Co. Birchfield Boiler, Inc. MORE'' CURRENT EXPEi: SE Adding machine for Treasurer Re -cap tires for Police car, etc. Labor, clearing grounds and cut grass STREET FUND First aid supplies Truck repair Red flag material Tow chains and welding Labor on streets Labor on streets Freight cha ges on traffic paint Truck and shovel renk l V,IAT ER FUND Telephones and tolls Labor on water lines LIB1ARY FUND Books for Library Mending tape Books for Library 93IM020110 r Galvmized pipe Galvanized pipe Council a rned on motion by Broughton, Clerk i seconded by Parks and carried. - - -- -----0 __.. Port Orchard, 4ashington April 112 1949 268.06 56,04 5.40 11.82 35.57 6.08 8.55 13,50 10.80 1.20 1B5,79 14,65 10.80 27.41 5,50 34,60 180.68 193,28 T or Council called to order in regular session by I°: 2y or '�illian h. Sprague, with Coun- cilmen Nick J. Repan ich, George A. 3roughton, Virgil I's`i. Parks, Verd �J. -Nichols and Ray B. Hall; City Attorney John Id. Doyle; Engineer T . C. 1 reitenstein and Superin- tendent of Public ':forks George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of :;March 28, 1949 read and corrected by eliminating the word "future" with reference to street occupancy; changing the words "and ordered filed" to "passed for further considerations' with reference to the minutes of the Planning Commission; and changing the mount of the koney reported to be due to -Harbor Im- provement Fund from �,'?1, 821.00 to ';,�1, 476.00. Minutes approved as corrected. This being the date upon which petition for vacation of a portion of Harrison Street was adTk rtised to be heard, this matter came up for hearing. There was no objection entered to L-he proposed vacation, and o-r. dinaace providing for vacation was read. Ordinance was discussed and was passed as read on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 556. Communica.� on regarding annual clean-up week was received from the State Fire Tfarshall. This matter was 'discussed, aid the Klayor was renuested to issue a "Clean-up" procla- mation. The matter was referred to I:Iayor Sprague to confer vritBa Chamber of Commerce officials so that dates of city :lean -up week would conform with the Chamber of Commerce clear -up program. Superintendent Givens reported that he had conferred with property owners on DeKalb street, crest of Sidney street, rega-ding proposed bulldozing of ReKalb street; that the property owners were agreeable to having work done and paying expenses of bull- dozing; that he had contacted the county road supervisor regarding use of egiipment and labor and that it was expected that riork would be undertaken at an ew ly date. Chief of Police reported that stands of Blue and Gold Taxi Company are to remain as previously designated. Superintendent reported that arrangements can be made to secure the use of a. street sweeper on a demonstration basis, and it was the opinion of the councilmen that this should be done, so that offi isl s may see first-hand what can be accomplished by this method of cleaning streets. Matter of installation of additional fire siren on water towers was continued. Choi uan Nitihols stated that there is nothing new to report regarding additions an a era ons to street lighting and this matter was , continued. '�1 Mayor Sprague stated that the nm e of Lee Caldwell had been suggested as a member of the Port Orchard Planning Commission, tht Mr. Caldwell had agreed to accept the ep pointment, and he thereupon appointed Lee F. Cal dwell as a member of the rlanning.Comtrnission. Appointment was confirmed on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. Matter of Kendall Street fill continued. Robert Barber appeared before the council regarding furnishing and planting of shrubbery around the city hall grounds, in response to a letter directed to be written to the March 28, 1949 meeting of the council. Mir Barber explained the type and size of shrubs which he proposed to install, and verified the price of $125,00, previously quoted. He stated that work of planting the plants and shrubs would be done at an early date. Offer accepted as presented to the council. City Attorney Boyle stated that he had received responses to several betters vh.ich he had sent regarding delinquent assessments and that some of the property owners had paid. It was deemed advisable to delay further action looking toward foreclosure to give property owners ample time to take care of the assessments without the expense of foreclosure. counci�mzan Nichols reported that cross -walk signs are now workXng satisfactorily. Mayor poirmiended the street crew for the efficient manner in which they removed the tree iii the alley in Block 1s First Addition to Sidney. i Mayor Sprague reported on conferences which he had held with re resentatives of the State Department of Highways, regarding maintenance of Highway 14 through Port Orchard. He stated that the State would take care of center -line marking of the highway, but that there is some question as to pedestrian lane marking for cross -walks. He stated that further information would be available when the method of maintenance under the new law is,finally worked out. Mayor Sprague also reported on..00nference which he held with County Commissioners regard- ing securing road oil from the county facilities. He stated that the Town will be able to secure oil through the local road district at a saving of Eb out 01.01 per barrel. Mayor Sprague presented an easement from T.1r. and Mrs. C. A. Hanks for drainage permis- sion over their property for the Division Street drain.,City Attorney Boyle stated that Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Brauer had asked for additional time to consider the terms of the: easement for the same purpose. When all easements are obtained it was directed that they be recorded in the office of the County Auditor. Counci�nan Repanich reported that garbage is being dumped in the Division Street gulch, and ChXef of Police reported that property on the corner of Dwight and Cline streets has garbage littered in the yard. Matter referred to the Police Department to check and take care of the situation. A. M. 14ikelsen representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars.. appeared before the council and ohjected to the lay -out of the baseball .field at Givens Field. The matter was discussed and it was decided that the council would meet with the committee from the VFW and endeavorl to wore out any differences regarding the lay -out of the baseball diamond, H. E. Dingle, representing thePuget Sound Power &- Light Company tendered to the Mayor m d Council the Companyts check for $300,00 as the 1948 franchise payment for the Company. The minutes of the recent meeting of the Planning Commission were again taken up and considered. Clerk was directed to write letter to Planning Commission thanking them for transmitting the minutes to the council, and stating that lighting system as recom- mended has been adopted in part; that the matter -of turning off the traffic light at Sidney and Bay streets at midnight, and other matters pertaining to Bay Street traffic be deferred until definite information is received from State Department of Highways; and that matter of the suggestion boxes be deferred pending further conference with the Planning Commission. These matters were ordered on motion by Nichols, seconded by Broughton and carried, and Clerk was also directed to communicate future action of the council on suggestions from the Planning Commission as such action is taken., j Superintendent Givens stated that the street em loyees request that wages be raised from the present scale of $240,00 per month to 4255.00, that being the rate now being paid by the county. This was referred to the Finance committee to check with State High- way Department as to wages paid by this Department. Definite action deferred pending report. Matter of installing adequate water facilities at Givens Field was discussed and Sup- erintendent was directed to install a 1-inch line to the field, following a conference with the Parks committee and the council on April 12, 1949, R. S. Jones, president of Port Orchard Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles, and. Les Moores appeared before the council regarding securing of license for Clib in Port Orchard. Matter was discussed and referred to the License committee to meet with the committee from the Eagles. Mayor stated that Liqupg Inspector had contacted him relative to combining Myhre's Cafe with the Pastime Tavern. Mayor stated that he had entered objections pn behalf of the Mayor and council; that there was no objection to serving food in the Tavern but that the Mayor and council are opposed to serving beer and wine or my spirituous liquor in bhe Cafe, Councilman Hal 1 ingi.ired whether or not the Howard S. '�1ri;ht Company, contrw tors on the new Telephone 6uildin;. extension, had secured a contractors license under the terms of the building code. No license had been secured, and Clerk was directed to write to Howard S. Wright Company, to secure a contractor's license within five days. The following claims were presented, after-.aving been checked by the heads of de- partments and the Auditing committee, and on motion by Parks, seconded by 1),roughton and carried, were ordered paid: Puget Sound Power & Light,Co, Howe Oil Compamy Howe Motor Company Bowe Motor �yC,ompany W. F. Bruhahn James Morgan Slocum. Hardt•Tare H. D. Fowler & Co., Inc. V1. H. Stevenson H. B. Menees V. B. Caldwell Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Arnold Bender Company IN. F. Bruhahn Stewart Motors Slocum hardware Howe Oil Company Union Oil Company of California Hodge & Davis Nels Mar#ussen HoweIsHardware Bremerton Concrete Products Co.: V. B, Caldwell Fort Orchard Lumber Yard Howe Motor Company '01ilkins Distributing Co. Orville Brose Sheets Automotive Electric Slocum Hardwar e later fund Street Fund Transport Clearings W. F. Bruhahn CURRE1%1T EXPENSE FUI3D Street lights, etc. 168.49 Firnace oil 139,12 Repair, fire truck 3.61 Repair Police car 26.75 Labor installing drinking fountain 10,80 Catting grass at city hall 5.40 WATER FUND Flashlight, etc, 2.42 Pipe fittings 7.90 Bharlmn lawn mower 1,50 Oil filter cartridge 2.66 Merchandise 8.17 Power and light, pump stations 149.40 Valises and gaskets 5.41 Labor on grater lines 56.70 STREET FUND Pan gaskets .51 Grease gun; fibre brooms 10.58 Stove oil 13.76 Kerosene 9.88 Tire repair 5.16 Male shovel 1.55 Merchandise 16.22 Drat n the 10.61 Nails an,' files 2.12 Lumber 5.19 Parts for Ford truck 20,32 Gasoline ind gas hose 99,84 Labor on streets 108,00 Zenith carburetor 13.70 Pipe fittings 19,69 Pipe fittings and connection 69,76 Grader rental and operator 8.47 Freight on pipe 7.21 Labor laying pipe line Central Pla7field18.90 Council � ourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Parks and carried. - /L Z__ _/,"_ - J `Clerk Mar or 7767___�� -------_---0-_ __.. _ Port Orchard, Washington April 250 1949 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, called to order by 14ayor ','dillian H. S;?rague. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hall, Verd ,;F. Nichols and Virgil M. Parks; City Attorney John 1.1, Boyle; Superintendent of Public Jorks George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, .Minutes of meeting of April 11, 1949 read and aj),)roved. This being the date upon which bids were to be received on comprehensive insurance, Clerk stated that five bids had been received. Bids were opened m d tenders were received from Edward C. Sundt, L. R. Haimain, C. A. Hanks Agency, A. R. Elliott, and 14. Stokes. Bids were read, and i,,iayor appointed Councilmen George A. Broughton and Virgil M. Parks and City Attorney John 14. Boyle to s:cu.dy the bids and report back to the council. Mayor Sprague stated that he had conferred with Chamber of Commerce representatives relative to Clean-up week and that he would issue a proclamation designating Clean-up uJeek, and that the program in Port Orchard would comply as to dates, and would co-op- erate with the program of the Chamber of Commerce. Chief of Police stated that Blue w- Gold Taxi is utilizing three stands and should be charged for such. Superintendent Givens reported that trial use of street sweeper was being delayed pending favorable weather for the trials, and this would be undertaken as soon as weather promises to be favorable. Chairman Nichols of the Fire andbight committee stated that he had contacted the power Company regarding additional street lights, and H. E. Dingle of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company stated that sketch had been made and submitted to construction de- partment, and that work would be done in the regular course. a Chairman Hall of the Parks and Building committee stated that there are still some plants and shrubs to be planted on the city hall grounds, and that if there is too much delay in their planting that Clerk should contact Robert Barber in connection with the job. It was stated that the corss-walk lights at Black Jack bridge are turned off too early on occasions whene there are activities at the High School, and Chief of Police stated that arrangements will be made to havethm operate later on these occasions. Letter front State Department of Highways re. Black Jack bridge was read , together w ith reply thereto. Councilman Hall stated that he had conferred with Les Plymale, District State Aid engineer regarding Bay street traffic light and other traffic matters; and that before any changes are made that officials of the Town of Port Orchard would be contacted and agreements reached regarding proposed chariges. City Attorney Boyle stated that so far Mt. and Mrs F. '0% Brauer haft- not signed aase- went for drain over their property on Division street; that he had contacted them re- garding the matter and viould probably hear from them within a short time. 0 Chief of Police stated that complaints of illegal dumpin of garbage had been checked and that these had been cleared up. Chairman Hall of the Parks committee stated that the council and the representatives of the VFW were in agreement on the baseball field and equipment at Givens Field; that progress is being made on the construction of the backstop. Chairman Hall also recommended that an additional area north of the tennis courts at Givens Field be cleared and bulldozed for additional playground for small youngsters. He•stated that the Progressive Club has some playground equipment which they desire to install, and that the Club would also assist in clew ing underbrush from the grove of trees for picnic grounds. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried that the report of the Parks committee be adopted; that a bulldozer be secured to grade Kendall street and on the proposed pl T Sround area north of the tennis counts, the Engineer to set grades. Superintendent Givens stated that he believed that thetrees would be removed without cost by people who desired the timber for fuel, and Superintendent was authorized to dispose of trees. May or Sprague stated that as inspector from the Washington State Liao. or Control Board had contacted him; that so far no licenses have been granted in Port Orchard under regulations covering Class H licenses. A letter from the Board o'f County Commissioners of Kitsep County stating that the county bans the sale of fireworks in the county outside incorporated towns, was read. No action taken. Mayor stated that annual meeting of the Association of Washington Cities is to be held. in Hoquiam on June 10-11, 1949; that he would be unable to at tend but recommended that the Clerk be directed to attend the session. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk be.directed to attend the meeting of the Association of t'Jashington Cities on June 10-11, 1049 and actual expenses be paid by the Town. Councilman. Hall suggested that when the landslaping on the city hall grounds is completed that Clerk write to the Port Orchard Garden Club that work As done and asking that they inspect the work and pprove same or make suggestions for changes. So ordered. TIs committee which made the study and investigation of bids for liability insurance reported back to the council, Vvith t#e recommendation that the bid of A. R. Elliott offering insurance in the Northwest Casualty Company be accepted. A discussion followed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded Repanich and carried, that the report of the com- mittee be accepted and that the bid of A. R. Elliott be ac cepted. Idayor thm ked the bidders for their interest and co-operation n the matter. A discussion as to the ai ount of property damage insurance followed, , and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried that Mayor confer with A. R. Elliott with a view to increasing the amount of property damage insurance to a maximum of �p25,000.00. Mayor given power to act by the motion. Chairman Nichols stated that conferences were to be held by the Fire and Light Co41- mittee of the council, a committee from the Cha3.ber of Commerce and a committee from the Planning Commission relative to more efficient and &ttractive lighting on Bar Street. Clerk stated that $oward S. Wright & Co., Inc., had secured ontrac tor's license, ac- cording to terms of the Building mode. Mayor Sprague stated that he had attended the hearing before the meeting of the King County Commissioners, re,,--arding suspension of ferry service between Manchester and Seattle by the Puget Sound Navigation Company; that he had entered a protest against suspension of this service on behalf of the 'Town of Port Orchard. He also stated that the operating company is endeavoring to secure a lease by King County for twenty years on the ferry system. A discussion of transportation problems followed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried that a letter be written to the Board of County Commissioners of King County, protesting the removal of the ferry service between I,lsn-- ahester and Seattle, and ,also opposing any lease of the ferry system by King County for a greater period than one yew, and that this lease should be revokable at any time under ti-e terms of the Lease, should conditions T ise which would justify revocation. Councilman Parks stated that a forum on consolidation of territory for mutual benefit is to be held by the Chamber of Commerce at noon on April 28, and asked that those members of the council who can attend_. be present. Chairman Broughton of the Finance committee formation desired regarding pay for street quest granted. stated that he had been ab :e to get the in - crew members, and asked for more tirm . Re - IQ The following claims were presented and checked by members of the council and on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols, were ordered paid; Talbot Plumbing Co. Pacific Tel &, Tel Co. Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent E. A. Breitenstein James Morgan Trick & Murray Pacific Tel c4 Tel Co. Kerr Motors Orville Brose Jesse Sutton CURREITT EXPEE SE YIJiTD 'ipe fittings for drinking fountsin 2.49 Various telephones andtolls 43.48 ::;all for bids for insurance 7,23 Postal cards and dater 9,30 Assitting Engineer 27.00 Work on city hall grounds 5.40 Supplies for Treasurer 7.16 :`IATI;R FUND Telephones and tolls 16.55 STREET FUND Gasket for truck .93 Labor on streets 108.00 ARE FUND Labor for Parks Department 1,35 Meeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Parks and carried. ,Clerk May or - r _ - Porgy h. Orcar d, Ws nga Til ay 9, 1949 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in reg-afar session by Mayor Wil- liam H. Sprague, Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Vera Nichols, Virgil M. Parks, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; City Attorney John a. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Wohks George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Itilinutes of meetin. of April 25, 1949 read and Ep..)roved. I,•Iayor stated that Clem. -up ':leek has been set for May 16 to I,iay 28, 1949, and that he will issue a proclamation designating the period, and that the ci#cy will co-operate in every way possible. Superintendent Givens stated that the street sweeper is here and in use, and that it will be used to its full capacity during the trial period. Councilman Nichols brought up the matter of a small power shovel or truck loader, and this was discussed but no action taken. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee reported do the proposed street light- ing program, and stated that definite data regarding the proposal should be forthcom- ing in a short time. Chief of Police reported that cross -walk lights at Black Jack bridge intersection have been set to burn until midnight. Clerk reported that he had contacte-d Robert Barber, contractor on city hall landscap- ing, and that Mr. Barber stated that he hoped to have the job completed this week. There was a general discussion of planting and care of the grounds. Ci.V Attorney Boyle reported that he is still waiting to hear "rom ,?r. and Mrs. F.v'J. Brauer regarding easement over their property for Division Street drain, and stated that he had informed them that if -asement is not Forthcoming that it r..ight be neces- sary to start condemnation proceedings to secure the right-of-way. Superintendent Givens reported that it is erected that bulldoz6r will be secured et an early date to do grading on small playfield at Givens Field and on Kendall Street. Mayor stated that he had been informed that Class H license had been granted to Triyhre & Rylander by the Vlashington State Liquor Control Board. i Mqyor also stated that he had held conference with A. R. Elliott, who was awarded the liability insurance on April 25, 1949, and th& the amount of property damage insur- ance had been increased to %25,,000.00, and that the public liability insurm ce had been �• increased to w 100,000.00 and '�$300,000.00, under authority c•raa ted by the Council at the meeting of April 25, 1949, Clerk read a letter which was sent to the Board of King County Commissioners regw d- ing ferry lease, and also the reply received from . the King County Commissioners. Councilman Parks reported on pay scales by the State Department of Highways for road workers, and stated that the an punt is comT)arable to that being paid to Past Orchard street workers. Matter of increase in pay for street workers was deferred to be taken care of in the 1950 bAdget. , Councilman Broughton stated that he been informed that new regulations have been adopted by the Commissioners of Kitsap County regw ding sale of firewrosk, and that he believed that a copy of the new order would be received by th,Town in ashort time. TrTr. and •:Irs. George A. Tyh.ornton appeared before the Council regarding right-of-way which was provided for in the dded to their property. This being a matter which does not effect streets or alleys, the council is powerless to take any action and the matter was passed. Councilman Parks brought up the matter of the sewer from the former government trailer camp, and stated that he had heard that the lines were to be sold, and that he=believed that the town should investigate the matter. This was referred to the Water and Sewer committee for investigation and report. Councilman Parks also brought up the matter -of territories Included in a water or fire district, asking in what manner this property could be separated from the districts. Discussion followed and Clerk was directed to write to Association of Washington Cities and ascertain what procedure would be necessary for such territory to be removed from the districts. Matter of payment for certain street lights in the vicinity of the high school by the local school board was discussed, and was referred to Mayor Sprague and Councilman Parks and Repanich, who stated that they would attend the next meeting of the Board of School Directors. Councilman Parks brought up the matter of the drainage problem on Mitchell hill, and after a discussion Clerk was directed to write a letter to Commissioner Hodge asking that the matter be discussed by the County Engineer and the Superintendent -and the Engineer of Port Orchard, as it is a dual problem of the county and city. Councilman. Parks also brought up the matter of co-operation by the Town in the coming production of the "Days of t49". Mayor stated that he believed that everyone is inter- ested in the successsof the show, and that the town would do everything within its power to make the event a success. He named Councilman Nichols as a member to serve as liason between the city government and the committee in charge of the event, and to keep,the gfficials posted as to what they might do to help in putting the program over. Dusty C. Winebrenner and M. H., Thompson, representing the Retail Trade Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce were present and took up the matter of parking in the business dis- trict. The matter was discussed, but was referred back to the committee of the Chambet of Commerce for fukthvr conference and information. The matter of fee charged for peddlerst licenses was discussed, and Clerk was directed to write to the Clerk of Kirkland for a copy of that city+s ordinance covering pe ddlers. Clerk presented claim of State Department of Highways for placing yellow line on State Highway No. 14 through Part Orchard, in the amount of $102.35•. Resolution allowing payment of claim was massed on motion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and carried. Councilman Broughton stated that Rockwell Avenue is badly in need of repair to take care of drainage problems. This was discussed and was referred to Mayor Sprague and Council- man Broughton to contact property owners on the street as to what was desired in the manner of betterment. A communication from the State Department of Forestry regarding sale of the State For- estry property in Port Orchard, was read. Purr. Winebrenner addressed the council and stater that he represented a group which was interested in securing a building for a recreation center for youth of the comity, and asked if the town would accept the buildings to be moved from the present site to Givens Field, if the buildings were presented without cost. It was moved by Broughton, seconded b;; Repanich and carried that town would accept buildings under conditions as stated. Matter of securing a desk for Clerk's office was discussed and purchase of desk offered at a Price of $67.00 delivered to the city hall was authorized on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. i Chakrman Hall of the Pares co--mlittee reported on progress being,°made at Givens Field. He stated he believed that a half days work with a shovel and truck would grade field down to the desired level. Clerk was directed to write to W. L. Boatwright, represent- ing the Fraternal Order of Lagies, and to Arthur lilikelsen, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, expressing the appreciation of the Town. of Port Orchard for the excellent work done by their groups in improving Givens Field. Councilman ReDm ich stated that he would attend the meeting of the Planning Commission at its next session. Engineer 3reitenstein reported on conditions on DeIialb Street west of Sidney Stree4 stating that the work as planned was not practical. This matter was discussed and it was finally decided that superintendent would contact property owners, informing there of the findings of the Engineer. Superintendent brought up the matter of a proposal to install a rust arrester in the i,.rater tanks. This matter was discussed, and it °ray decided that the -,later and Sewer committee members and the Superintendent would meet with a representative of the manu- facturer on Saturday afbebnoon to discuss the matter and become fa iliar with the in- stallation. Clerk was directed to write a letter to th-o.;unandant of the Puget Sound navy Yard regarding re_noval of radar screen on th. _: water tanks, wsl-ink; that same be removed if it is no lon er in use, ngineer reported that work on Division Street curbs and gutters is progressing, and that it should be completed this week. Chief of Police reported that new traffic li; fit has a- rited M d would be installed by the State Department of highways �o replace the one now in use on Si6n.ey and Bay Streets. A E;e;..eral discussion was entered into regarding rails and curbs sad ;utters on Prospect Str.;et. it was decided that guard rail should be placed on curve on Prospect Street between Frederick and Bare Streets. The following claims, checked by heads of departriients and by Chairman. Broughton of the Auditing committee, tare presented, exa.ined by the council members and were ordered paid on motion by P-,r ks, seoonded by Re.panich and carried: Puget Sound Power 8: Light ti fr it of it It tt tt Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power L Light Pice Electric Co. Slocum Hard:are Port Orchard Independent V . 3. Caldwell Wilkins Distributing Co. Guy L. 17etzel, Clerk Rice Electric 1:Iowe ; i l C crlp any Port Orchard Independent 'Howe t s Ilardware Rice a�leetric Co, T. A. .Breitenstein Vice Lltictric Donis Service Howe t s Ilard-aare Notre ;:iotor Cor:ipany Rick: -.ell I,ranufacturing Co. "'Jil' ins Distributing; Company Puget Sound Po+rer L- Light Co. Hodge L Davis Slocum Hard -.,fare ar• 1' . lr'n ,T-io:;c Oil Company Port Orchard Lumber Yard P.O. Ma chino,i.arine Iron 7orks i o,, e t s I{ardwar e Young's Sheet Metal ':7orks Bremerton Con rete Producst Co. ITo�re I,'?otor "ompany P.O.Machine,:=arine L Iron Works Jeuse 'J. Sutton Orville rose Ric-- Electric Co. 7ilkins Dictributinl; Co. C;uy L. 17etzel, Clerk V. B. Caldwell Slocum Hardwx e CJ RE"1T L'l rE SE _=J'_;D Set poles for corss-walk signs eN 45.40 Street lights for April 162.70 Cross -walk lights 3.45 Paint for drinking, ;Mountain 5.72 Traffic light to Aoril 1, 1949 3.36 Install c ,os s-gall_ lights 233.81 Ax-: handle for i"ire Dept 2.66 Blank cards for Police .62 Roofing material 1.36 Anti -freeze for ,Fire Dept. 3.09 Adven ced expenses 5.52 Hose drier installation and fittings 23.76 `'urnace oil 58.86 Paper and pencils, Clerk; Evps, Treas. 10.18 Sweep'..ng compound 7.74 Light globes, etc. 27.36 Assistin_: Engineer 27.00 WAT= I'fT 0 Material and labor, mei n pump 41.97 Gasoline 2170 Roof patchin.:_, material 15.98 Lub job 3.29 1" via ter meter 76.14 Anti freeze 2.06 Porter and light, all plants 142.13 Battery and sprrk plugs 28.06 Various merchandise 2.01 Labor on water lines 21.60 dTREET 17,U D Stove oil 37.77 Lumber 1.24 Re -enforcing steel 1.24 Jack rental and tools 2.87 Sh:;et aluminum 8.81 ,rain tale 4.45 Grease retainers 3.95 Cutting pine and grates 6.95 Ovea�tiine labor 1.35 Labor on streets 108.00 Light lobes and linseed oil 12.40 500 gals gasoline c,9.20 Re-e:.burse fare on sweeper 10.26 Tools 24.98 Saw and saw handles 5.11 PARK FU10 R'..ce Electric Co. ruses, globes, labor t tennis courts 56.04 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Sand and gravel and cement 19.98 i R. S. Jones Re-e,burse for supplies 2 57 Young; s Sheet F,Ietal Shop 24r steel 3.98 Nelendar T.iill 71orks Resaw covers 1.55 V. B. Caldwell Stucco netting 53.39 Slocum Hardwar e Hog wire staples 2.69 Counci dj ourneon motion by Broughton, seconded by W ichols and carrie . ..__Clerk IT or 0 - - - - - - - - - - -- opt Orchard, 'Nashington May 23, 1949 Council of Port Orchard, Nashington. called to order by TyTayor -Gilliam H. Sprague, with Councilmen Nick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Virgil 141. Parks, Verd Nichols and Ray B. Hall; City Attorney John i,i. Boyle; Su e rintendent of Public 'Jokks George F. Givens and Engineer T. Breitenstein present. i.iinutes of meeting of _ay 9, 1949 read and approved. Results obtained by trial operation of street sweeper was discussed, and no definite action aas taken) the matter being passed. Chairman Nichols of the =Fire and Light committee stated that, so far nothing definite has been heard regarding additional street lights authorized, and that it would probably be later in the season before the lights are installed. City Attorney Boyle reported that easement for Division Street drain had been secured from 11r. and ld'rs. F. J. Brauer; also deed from Ploy G. Applegate for strip of land needed for Division Street fill. :later and Sewer committee reported through Chairman Repan ich that the committee had investigated reported sale of old Trailer Caap sewer, but thet there appeared no foundation for the report: Clerk read letter from Association of dashington Cities regarding removal of terri- tory from fire districts, stating; that the Association had asked for an opinion by the Atto-l_�ey General on the matter, but so far no opinion has been received; also that when opinion is received it will be transmitted to the `sown of fort Orcha? d. Matter of report on street lights --t High School was continued. Co>y of Kirkland ordinance covering peddlers was submitted by the Clerk and was re- ferred to the License and Auditing committee for study and report at a later meeting. Arthur Mikelsen, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, addressed the council, ex- pressing the appreciation of his organization for the co-operation of town officials on the opening day of baseball. He recommended that posts be placed so that cars can not park on baseball field at Givens Field, and that thought be given to early construc- tion of seats for spectators t Givens Field. T'.,.e matter was discussed, but no definite action was taken by the council. Messrs. U, A. %reed, H. G. Leahy and TI. Kearney, residing on DeKalb Street, w est of Sidney Street, were present t the council meeting regarding proposed grading on DeKalb street, to take care of drainage. The matter was discassed, and was referi+ed to the Street and Alley committee and the Engineer to meet with the property owners at the site of the proposed improvement at 5;30 p. m. i;ay 24, 1949, D. E. Fowler of the H. D. Fowler Company, addressed the council relative to installa- tion of rust-arresring equipment in the water towers. He explai4ed what the eT ipment is designed to accomplish, and went into detailed explanation of its functions m d construction. Following his explanation the matter was considered by the council., and taken under advisement for further consideration. Further time was granted to cont«ct property owners on Rockwell Avenue regarding solu- tion of drainage problems on that street. Harry James, President of the Student Body of the high School, addressed the Council, and apologized on behalf of the school for the activities of certain members of the school in painting walls, crater tanks and other surfaces in town, and asked what action the city ;overnm"ent contemplated in the matter. He stated that the matter had been taken up in the Student Body, and that the group would do anything within its power to make amends for the action. 1,1ayor Spra�.ue stated that there is no disposition on the part of the city government to be severe with those responsible for the vandalism, is assurance is given that it will not occur again, but should any further depredations be committed that action by the town will be taken. He stet ed that the people of the town value the good -will of the school, and asked that the Student Body do everything possible to establish good will anion the students and the coim-imnity. The IsTajor's ideas were concurred in by the council, and it was moved by Repanich, seconded by Nlichols and carried that the Student Body President convey ti2is message to the school and that a letter conveyin, the tame messa--e be sent to the Clerk and the Superin- tendent of the School ,istlrict. i,iqr or Sprague reported on the activities al ready undertalr-en to s ecure the old - orestry Building on Taylor btreet for recreational purposes, stat ink; that so far the efforts had been unsuccessful, but that further efforts are bein made, and that there niay �be some definite report in the ne.,r future. A petition containing several signatures and praying _"or the vacation of Cedar Street (not occupied by PSH#14) was read, City Attorney Boyle stated that the petition is not in »roper form and suggested that it be retul-ned to .he petitioners to be submitted in the fon:,, provided by statute before any action 1)y the council. So of dered. Quit claim deed from Ploy G. Applegate for strip of land needed .for Division Street fill, was received,, and it was moved by H::11, seconded by Parks and carried that Clerk be directed to draw warrants to pay assessments against the property, the cut- standin" taxes, and any other legal claims against t meal estate, Matter of "fast time" for the su aer months was discussed, and it was r:?oved by Broughton, seconded by ReA>aZ ich and carried teat Town of �ort Orchard adopt -he hours as designated by the Puget Sound. i'aval Ship Yard. Improvements at Givens Field were discussed, and it -.ias moved by Repanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that conference be held by thc� Parks co ._-ilittee of the Council, the Planninf.; Commission, the <Icti ve Club and the Progressive Club to dis- cuss work to be done and to agree on )lans to be pu forward, and thd= the Parks co-,=aittee be given power o act in the improvements. Amend:,ient to fireworks ordinance was ciscussed, but no action taken. Councilman Repanich reported that he had attended the last rye eting of the Planning Conu-aission, and that argon" other matters discussed concerning the town, was the ad- ditional 25c per month charged by thy: garbage collector in insta- ces where garbage cans are not placed on the street or alley on collectio-n day; t'ae report that the city had dumped excess dirt on private property; speed of sheriff's cars through tom, and a stop sign at Sidney -.nd DeKalb Streets. These matters were discussed, and it was agreed that the c;titra charge for L. rryin ;. garbage cans to the streets or alleys i not irregular or out of line; that there has been n& dirt dumped by the taan on private property, the dirt in question havin-; been dumped by a private con- tractor; that the speed of the sheriff's cars through town has been investigated and appropriate action taken; that the stop s _, n or "-idney Street at DeKalb Street F:as been previously discussed„ and that a ca•ation sign' ,:11ready exists at this point. � Police stated that Sidney And Cline Streets would be patrolled as adequately as oc,ssible and speed (f traffic ,_,lowed to a safe pace. M,,ayor :3praC ue stated that the 110inarlee '.-tor-hittee had -net .nd considered investing town funds in L.I.D. ITO. 51 warrants, and had c-Crood to invest money of the L.I.D. Guaranty i.'und in these warrants, and asked that the council take actiibn on the rela-t. It tras moved by Broughton, seconded by Paks and M rried that the report of the 2inance Committee be adopted and that the Treasurer be empowered and directed to invest money from the L.I.D Guaranty Fund in L.I.D. 1jo. 51 warrm is to the amount of the assessment roll. Engineer Breitenstein stated ghat the ,,ork on Divisiot Street curbs ._n? -utters un- der �.he contract ;pith Lawrence L. Perry had been compj_cted and ac ce ,ted,vand pre- sented estia.i^tes of amount due the contractor under Iiis contract. It gas moved by rou -ton, seconded by Parks and carried that the esti7-:t^.te of the Engineer be ap- proved in -'--.he suia of �31, J'26. UU ' the contract price of the job) , and that w arfants be drawn in favor of Lawrence L. Perry in 'che amount of ��1, 63'7.10, 151" being re- tained for 35 days, under the statute. It was moved by Parks, seconded by Nichols and carried that during the months of June, July -:nd August, 1949, that 5,500 gallons of water be allowed to con=rers each month for the minir:min charge of •; 1.50. Uotico _From the State Department of -Pudic Service t'rat a further h earing on the ap _%lication of the pacific: Telephone U. lele�raph Company for an increase in rates will be held in Seattle on June 2, 1049, and it was directed that this be referred to 'the Chamber of Commerce. Robert--)ar',,er ap::,earod before 'lye council re ,. -,aiding the landscaping at the city hall, � and sublaitted letter covering the job. a:j:e agreed t,..at the job rho,-ld be completed before June 10, 1949. Letter from Cornnander L. CIT. 1y s ard, stating that radar screen on water towers :,rculd be renoved in the n::ar aT zture, and _: q)re ssing the ap ,reciation of the I:avy for permittinC the screen to be placed, was received cnd ordered filed. A communication from :Vaslif" cton State Pollution Commission regarding oil pollution � was received. The following claims, checked by h :ads of depa--tments and by Chairman. �3roughton of the Finance Corzrittee, were presented to the council, examined by the i;iembers, and ordered paid on motion by PGr ks, seconded by Ball and carried: CUr-,RET T BXPMISE 1 JUD A. R. Elliott Premium on comprehensive irsu---era ce Pacific Tel L Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls Puget Sound Power & Light Torn hall lights, 2 months Howard Cooper Corp Rings and valves, Fire Dept. James Morgan Cutting grass at city hall 7A`. Y-FI FT`rillD H.D.Fowler Co., Inc. Copper pipe and fittings T. R. Hubbard Storage battery Pacific Tel ' Tel Co. :Dater department telephones and tolls Port Orchw d independent Printing 5,000 postal cards STREET IMD Orville Brose Labor on city streets uget Sound Poorer 6: Light Street shed lights, 2 months ease Bros. Tlotor overhaul (roller) rotor Parts Service Parts and oilcan Arnold Bender Co. _shift rod, gaskets, plugs LIBI-U Y FTiND Steuart Osburn Subscription to magazines Puget Sound 17 eras Company Books PARKL FUND Puget Sound Power L Light Lights at tennis courts Water Fund Water tap at Givens Field James Morgan Labor at tennis courts tip. F. Bruhahn Labor on viater line at Givens Field 845.34 50.13 75.30 19.02 6.08 123.40 13.46 12.85 24.93 108.00 2.00 91,46 9.95 5.49 7.50 31.87 4.10 86.13 10.60 10,80 Y Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk 1:7w or 0 Port Orchard, 'Nashington June 13, 1949 Council called to order in regula_, session by mayor lilliam Sprague, with "'ouncil- man Ray 3. Mall, Verd 'v. Nichols, George A. Broughton, Virgil Parks, and Nick J. Repanich; City Attorney John ','. ')oyle; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of public lorks George F. Givens present. 711inutes of meeting of Tvlay 23, 1949 read and approved. Clerk gave report on convention of Association of 'dashington Cities which he attended in Hoquiam on June 9, 10 and 11, 1949. ,.ir. Shyvers, representing the i�:ultiphone Company, appeared before the council relative to fees charged for licenses for juke boxes and asked that the rate be reduced. This matter was rep"erred to the License and Auditing committee to investigate rates cha-ged by other communities and to report at; the next meeting of the council. Chairman 171chols Mated that nothing further has been heard concerning additional ttreet lights on Sidney Street. TZatter of street lights at high school was continued for further investigation, and Mayor and Ccuncilman Parks stating that they would attend the meeting of the school board June 21, 1949. Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditin6cormnittee stated that his cumaittee has met and considered suggestecxchanges in the ordinance relating, to peddlers, and recommended that no ohm ge be made in the existing, ordinance. The report of the com- mittee was adopted. Su.-Jerintendent livens reported that so far he had not received the infor--mation rela- tive to al7ailable timber for posts to be set to control traffic at Givens Field. Engineer Breitenstein and Superintendent Givens reported that they, in company with the Street and Alley committee, had met with the property owners on-DeKal b Street, �. Brest of Sidney Street, and that an agreement had been reached regarding drainage 1without changing the grade of the street. Definite action on rust-arrestin- ecp ipment for water tanks was delayed for further inforination. Coanci7._-nan Nichols reported on conference rhi.,: had beer. held anion representatives of the Park coi:u _ittee, the lannini Corrnuission, the Progressive Club and the Active Club regarding improvements at Gives Field. It was recommended that a strip be black -topped for badminton court and outdoor basket ball court; that a bulkhead be constructed to protect the area; and that the area for Toyn,:,..sters playf field be seeded this fall. The conference also suggested that a a horse --shoe court be constructed near- the baseball diamond, and that a work party undertake the work of cleaning out urd er the trees for picnic grounds. lie stated that drawings of the proposed im- provements would be available soon, and that it is hoped to begin work on the pm jects within a short time. Itiayor Spra;-Iue stalled that since the retainin vrall had been constructed on the north side of the ,)ark -in lot -on -the ^-lley betweenI1=its and ��;ay Streets that a strip about two feet wide exists 'oetween .-,he wall and the alley pavin ;, and suggested that this strip be Mack --topped.- The matter was discussed and was referred to the Street and Alley cormlittee to investigate and report at the next meetinL of the council. l,iaJ or Sprague also reported that lie had been unable to attend the hew in in Seattle regarding Seattle-' chester ferry service, but that lie had Islced Dudley I<. Perrino to represent the town at the hearing. -fie stated that information he had received fro:: ;r. Perrine was that the l:lanchester-Seattle service is to be discontinued July,1, 1940, but that it had been agreed that a ferry would be diverted from the 13remerton-Seattle run to handle commuters on the mornin; and evening trips. The ferry situati-n was throoughly ddscussed, and i err s moved by iarks, seconde - by ITichols and carried that letters be written ',o the Governor, the State highway De- partment ar.d the btate Toll.ridge Author-_ty, and that copies be sent to the Board 817 County "'ommissioners of Kin.-, County, the South Ilitsap Chamber of Cor erce, The Ilitsap County "o=�,.issi.oners and the Bremerton Sun protesting against the milve to sus-- p :nd service from Seattle to l,:anchester, pointin; out that this action leaves 22,000 residents of South Hitsap County ;•rithout transportation service to do-..,nto:m- Seattle; teat property values will decline t',.ereby, a. d that the area is entitled to i:miediat e relief in the transportation crisis. ..-'alph T:icKernan, representing the Howard Cooper Corporation, :dressed the council re- garding an available power shovel. This aas doscussed, eMd it was .geed that the i.=ayor and members of the council, ar-id the Superintendent could inspect the equipment Tuesday evening, June 14, 1949. Letter from Senator Iarren G'. I;'aLnuson, and also a letter from the Federal liorest Z, ery ice to Senator TNar nuson,y reg,= ding; the State Forestry DuildinG in Port Orchw d, was road and action was deferred pending Iarther infor-_:ation. A petition for the L.-,provement of a portion of Kendall Street -nd 'lacoma Street from Kendall Street to 1,1elcher Street by the construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks, signed by numerous property ovmers in the area, was received and read to the council and referred to the ',nineer for checl�ing, investigation and report. Chairman Hall stated that he had been informed that the county contemplates disposing of the sewer line running down i.iitchell -_!ill frori the county hospital and the High school. It ..,as :.loved by Hall, seconded by l"ichols a :d carried that a letter be written to t«c =oar:l of County 1"•onl ,JiSsioners stating that 2 ort Orchard is interested in ac- quiring this sewer line, and if fort Oa?chard does secure it that its services will be :-_ade available to property owners. on both sides of 1-itcliell road to the capacity of the line. T"ayor Sprague stated that he will attend the noeting of the CoMrissioners and present the cityts proposal persona ly. Councilrian I'arks brow lit up the matter of the re :,,oval of rural mail boxes from the present locatio, on the southvresl� corner of Stith 2nd Sidney Streets to the nortliwest corner of the sa:i.e intersection, the request for ch�ige Navin" been made by Joseph Naas, who, it was stated, would bear all e;,penses entailled by the removal and would erect more appropriate stands for -the mail boxes. The matter uas discussed, �.nd it was the opinion of the council as e p ressed ti,-at this is amatter 1;ettireen i.r. E aas and the ovmers of the ..pail -:;oxen, and probably the post, office officials. '_nEineer T. C. .reitenstein stated that I e and County :::nginecr J. H. Pattison had investiGated the drainage problem on .", itchell road, .and had agreed on a p� an to take care of t#e drainage. Tluis was iscussed land action was delayed, rrhen it was sug- "ested by Councilman Parks that he eight be interested in constructing; curbs and g;.ttters on hip+ Bide of Second Street. Proposed reconst.-action of l>lach Jach bridge to eli..lii:a.te existing bottle-necl: was discussed <�nd referred to the Street and_ Alley corznittee for investigation and report, Bill for repair of olive car was '_rought into the discussion by Chairr:ian :rouglh.ton of the -Finance an,l Audit Lng corz ittee. The cost of m=- ntena.-ice on this equipment was discussed, fnd it -.,Jas moved by ichols, seconded by 1HJ21 sand carried tht matter o' trade-in o" police car on new car, or for sale of 1Dolice car and pur3laase of a new vehicle be referred to the Finar_ce and Audi tinr-, con ;zittee or investigation and report. Pollow-In cl,-i ms, checked by hcaCs of depart...,ients and by (;hairrnar. -roug'iton of the Auditin; com..:iittee., acre presented and exa::,:,ned by me.;,bers of the council, .and ordered ,aid on motion by i'all, seccnded r he nicll. ­.ncl carri d: CUPi- E _ T SL. iUI:D Robert Barber Slocum Tard! Tar e Luiube r Supply Moro t4`_otor Company V. 13. Caldwell Puget Soun;.1 Pov,er Light Co,. iloLre I s7 ard.-; are Howard Cooper Corp. Dowling's Service Station Trick & !,Iurray Puget Sound Poorer Light Co. Guy L. '.aetzel Slocum Hardware Town Clerk Shrubbery at city hall Holster for olice Engineer.'s Stakes ]Tire truth repair Grass sickle and pluribinZ parts Cross walk lights Swecping compound and drain pipe Heater e,.change -for f' re truck Gas for Police car Registration forms Street lights yor Tiay Expenses AWC convention nuts, bolts, etc. Postac-e, cheese cloth STR= T F71TD Slocum Hardware Lur.-Ccer Supply Hodge & Davis Bremerton Concrete Products Co. ,711kins Distributing Co. Hoare Is Hardware South KitsT Gravel Company South I_itsep ;:iotors Town Clerk P.O,i,Iachine, Yrrine 4-�L Iron .'9,ks Lt. R. E. "Deaver Tars. George Coppersmith Saindonts, Inc. John_'. "aughn Jesse .d. Sutton Orville Brose W. F . Bruhahn S. Ii. Mcl, ullen hoelbarrow wheel, mending; cement Lumber T ire, repair Drain file Gasoline Traffic paint, etc. Sand and gravel Switch and lens Re-emburse ferry fare on sweeper Street -rate, etc. Culvert pipe Culvert pipe Repair grader tire Overtime labor, street oiling Overtime labor, street oiling Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets WATER FUT Puget Sound Power L Light Co. CDon's Service H. D. Fowler Company Bremerton Concrete Products Co. W. F. Bruhahn .7orthington Gmon Y.eter Co. Howe' s Hardwar e Olympic foundry Co. Power and light, all _,uiaps Tire repair, lub job Copper pipe and couplings I,`.e to r o:�e s and lids Labor on water lines ,dater meters a.nd parts Padlock and drill Cast Iron meter boxes PARK RTND 125.00 2.56 5.46 8.29 4.23 4.23 5.49 77.25 2 71 5.33 162.70 24.50 1.07 1.16 8.28 13.74 2.58 32.54 99,20 12.46 49.96 1.70 11.51 57.94 8.16 10.20 3.61 8110 5.40 132.30 12.83 12.98 305.57 2.88 6,22 60.56 27.00 20.06 2.58 45.35 Hoti_re's Tiardti^rare Paint thinner-- hose bib 1.71 Lumber Supply Lumber 1.03 V. B. Caldwell `,leedicide and nails 3,24 James 1, organ CleaninC and painting, Givens Field 52.98 Orville Brose Painting at tennis co Arts 13.50 Jesse `&Y. Sutton Labo-.- at Givens Field 16.20 John Tr. Vaughn Labor at Givens r'ield 16.20 LIBRARY FUI°ID The I;. R. Huntting Company Books for Library A-Iner_i canna Corporation 1949 Annual Council Oeburned on motion by Parks, lerk 46,48 2.95 sew nded by Nichols and carried. Mayor Port Orchard, ".Vashin; ton June 2'7 , 1. ) 49 Rcr-olar ,..eetin_; of the counicil of Port OrchEr d, ;°Jashin�-ton called to order by :ayor 1illian l.c'praL,ue. Present Counci,-::.en wick J. Repanich, �zeor e A. Broughton, Virgil M. Parks, Nerd :'. i:ichols ,end Lay L. hall; Ci Ly Attorney Ja'r.n i` . �Zoyle; En ,inee 2, C. Breitenstein. .1inutes of meeting; of Jane 13, 1949 read and approved. Amenc3rient to Juke -%ox ordinance was discussed, :.nd it .,as moved by Parlks, seconded by Renanich and carried that ordinance be w,.ended by fining t, e license fee for juke boxes at if 50 per machine, and that Section 3 of said ordina�_ce, fixin- fee for license for location, be repealed. urt' e ti ::e was. granted to investigate street li; hts at High School. Clerk read letter fro Tul.nvater ',O'ater De-E�)artment, = ort mownsend '.'Dater Depart_ lent and Chigago Bridge and Iron Company regardinE installation c..d use of cat -.-odic pirotection to water tanks. This matter was discussed, and it eras moved by Mall, seconded by '?ichols and carried that C:Lerk be directed to call for bids for installing cathodic equipment in the t.:o water tanks and riser pipes. More, adequate street lightinz on ~;ay Street . as discussed, and Clerk was directed to write to cities of ?,ennewiclt and Shelton re ;a ding plans of their street lighting on business streets. Fire and Light cornittee was authorized to investigate better lighting , ethods and to secure plans foi° installation of additional. lights. Clerk was directed to write to '71UGet Sound Power L Lig::.t Company regarding additional lig,,I is heretofore authorized to be placed on Sidney Street and ascertain when it may be expected that this work will be done. It was directed that a letter be written to Port Orchard Progressive Club expressing the thanks of the council "or the vrork which this Club has done at Givens Field and that article also be subi!.itted to thf• Port Orchard Independent acknowledging this service. It was rioved by Parks4A seconded by ':ichols and carrie "that strip of alley neat to post office not now blacktopped by blacktopped to the retainin,m wall. Council:an Re anic.A stated that utility poles on riig. Street are so located that they interfere with traffic, �-nd on r,iotion by Repanich, seconded by Parks and carried, Clerk vias directed to notify Utility Company to move poles. It yras reported t ,,at a tree, on garrison Street in front of Carol 1,iorrowt s property is dan Brous, and Superintendent was requested to investigate, and if tree is daz ger- ous to Lave same removed from street. Discussion of p_,.rchase of power shovel offered for. sale by T ason County wa- s held, and Ralph IIc" ernan, representing 1==oward Cooper Corporation, as -)resent and entered into the discussion. It was .loved by 11lichols, seconded by Broughton and carried that an offer of �5,500.00 be made to Llason County for the equipment. Petition asking; for the i==prove--gent of part of Kendall Street and Tacoma Street by in8 stalling curbs, ;utters and sidewalks was co ,sidered, it having been checked by the Engineer iVao reported the same suf 'icient. it was rrovad by Tarks, seconded by ""rough - ton and carried that Resolution declaring the intention of the Council to improve the streets named in the petition acco- ding to the prayer of the petition, and firing time of hearing said petition, be p.ssed. YLayor SpraLue stated that he had attended the rieeting of the County Commissioners in re Lard to :.:itchell Mill setlrer, «nd this matter was discussed. Following the discus- sion, it vras decided to ask t..at a e etin g of the Tolima officials of fort Orchard and the mem:-)er:.of the Annapolis Sewer 'lorrmissioners be held a. th.-: Council Chambers Thurs- dxj evedng, June 30, 1949 at 0 o t clock, and Clerk was directed to ask t-.e members of the Annapolis Sewer Corraission to attend. Furt ier time was allowed for consideratiaiof acquisition a' police car. Garrison Deal and D. J. Talbot, representing the Talbot Plu.,nbin[ Company appeared before the council ralative to ilumbinc Code. ,Tr. Deal glade a statement of the posi- tion of the Tal Oot Plur_.bin`�: Company regar ding the Plumbing Code and a general dis- cussion followed, It was moved by 1 ichols, seconded by '_Re,)a<i ich and carried that all j appliance dealers in Port Orchard be notified that all appliances which call for in- stallation of equipment by cutting into grater or sewer lines, require a permit for ir.sta:; lation, and must be installed by a licensed plw-aber c r -the property owners; and that a copy of the plumbinc; ordinance be sup)lied eac.i dealer. It was the opinion of the councilmen as e.,pressed that Council will crack doom in any case where plug, -,bin_: is done in conflict with the ordinance. A petition signed by numerous property owners and residents asked teat South. Street be opened fro .i the west to n lir:.its to Sidney -)treet, vies presented to the council. The petition was discussed, but action was deferred :for further consideration, as half of South Street lies outside the li-=its of Port Orchard, and whatever i7_provemErit is made t,rould probably be a. joint effort of the Town of fort Orchard and KitsEp County, Councilman=iepanich asked that Engineer make an estimate of the cost of installing -rater main and fire hydrant on Smith Street from Hull to Grant >treet, as he stated property owners in the area are interested in such an improvement. Councilman Repanich also brought up the matter of a public telephone booth avei lab le twenty-four hours a day, for the; use of the public in the business area. This was dis- cussed, and Chief of Police stated that he would contact the Central hotel and'ascer- tain if such service can be installed in the hotel lobby. This bein the date upon Lrhich hearing was advertised to be held on final assessment roll for L.I.D No. 51, (Division Street cu2bs and gutters) this matter was called up by Mayor for hearings T.,ere were no oral protests or objections to the assessment roll and no written objections had been filed. TFie natter was considered, and ordinance approvin- the assessment roll was presented and read to the council. It was moved by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried t -at ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance 11o. 557. Tngineer stated that 15cl� of contract price of the Division Street job, withheld under the terms of the contract and the state law governing irapribvement, districts, may now properly be paid to the contractor, as no process of whatsoever nature has been filed concerning the contract. It was _ ioved by �:;roughton, seconded by Parks and carried that amount of payment due to Lawrence L. Perry on the Division Street contract (L.T.D. No. 51) be paid in warrants against L. I. D. No. 51. Councili.ian Parks stated that he would represent the Torn of Port Orchard at the Straii- berry`Festival to be given by the ':itsap County Filipino Club to which invitation has been received. The followin- claims, checked by heads of dep� tments and by Chairmai Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were exeriined by the council nembers, reed to the council in open session, and on motion by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried, were ordered paid: CU 1M T E.' EYSL FUITD Port rchar'. independent Pacific Tel U, Tel Co. Lorraine Helder E.'A. Breitenstein Bank and Office Equipment Co. Pacific Tel c. Tel Co. Notice of lie a? ing on L.I.D Various telephones and tolls Post office box rent, Police LPL- or -dth engineer Desk for Clerk, etc. Fire De? t. telephone `:7AI,M, !qUITD ';T. Ff Bruhahn .American Plbg & Steam Su., -)ply Ce. Union 0,1 Company Pacific --Tel c,; Tel Co. T endin; pumps and labor Givanized pipe F1otor Oil ';later Dept. telephones and tolls ST YET FUND PO.;dachine, !-1w ine ez Iron °Jks John TT. Vaughn Jesse 71. Sutton -rville '.rose 17. F . Bruh ahn S. T% idcl:_ullen `lilbur ,l. Ochs Darwin 0. Ecklund Zay A. Ecklund The H. R. 'Tuntting Co. Orville _'rose 'Welding on roller--'Jeld truck Ove,,°time labor Ove-_-tire labor Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets La?L or on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets LIBIRATty FUT_ D Boobs for Library PARK 1-'UTTD Labor on terkis courts y 4.80 30.55 1.00 10.80 72.21 11.50 110.70 34.38 12.11 14.20 3.10 1.3� 1.35 79.65 16.20 23.75 10.80 12.15 12, 15 . ;. 3.10 'ayor S"pra"ue stated t-_at 'ie e,_pects to be a'Osent Iron Port Orchard for the first two weeres in July an' as'--ed for leave of aosence, ,'h:i. ,h 'a.-z -ranted. It was moved by I�epanich, seconded b- Ha.11 rnd cc-rried that Councilman ?arks serve as Actin- '_t'.ay or durinu tho absence of Llayor ,S-raLue. Council adjourned on riotior_ by 7,rou� aeon, seconded by hall and carried. Clork ......-..-0-- _ :,ice or Port Orchard., `Xashin, ton July 11, 1949 On t'ais c1ate present for the reg-alar raeetinL] of the Council of the Town of Port Orch- ard were Actin; i ayor Virgil IJ, Panes and Councilmen Geor ;e A. 13rouc-I{ton and Hick J. aepanich. Officials present checked labor claims presented and OYed the follo.,ring claims for payment: T ST'I �7aT �'UI•D S. 1% T;_c?,iullen Labor on streets ` 10,00 Orville -,.rose La'rjor on streets 48,60 harry :.,I. Schlabach Labor on st_-eets 10.30 PAI�iI `.:I-D 17. L. Toatrigi.-It Labor at 1 arh 5.40 Orville --_rose Labor at Parr 48.6O John Vaughn Overtin-_e labor at Parr 10.80 marry T.I. Sch labach Labor at Park 54.00 Jesse ';1. Sutton Overt.L;te labor �t Park 10.30 1. P. 3ruhahn Labor in ;,weer Depart.:zent 137.70 I:Ieeting ad' urnod fa-- lac1c of a quorum.. Clerlc Actin.: li: or r 0..__ ort Orchard, �lashington July 25, 1949 ."ouncil called to order in roCult7-r session by i.�Iafor '.Allia:,a II. Sprague, 17it7l Council- mon C.reorr-e 1. 3roughton, 17ick J. > cp anich, Ray L. hall, Verd 'J. I'ichols cm" Virgil 1,1, Parrs; I7,ngineer T. Breitenstein nd -uperintendent of Public ..orks Ceor e P. Ui.vens present. -tes of raco`in .- of June 27, ._nd rainutes of July 11, 1940, at which no quorum was present, were approved; f:md action of Actint :Mayor Virgil i,I. Parks and CounciLnen "eor; e n. 3rou-llton and ' iok J. ilepanich in Vpi:�ovin- labor claims was approved on motion by i'rou-hton, seconded by Parrs and carried. Councilman furls stated tlyat he :,oul:I attend the racetin, ; of the 'board of Directors of School ist. I:o. 402 on Ausu,st 16, 1969, in 3onnection J ith street liGlit:- --t the high s cnool. This bein +1-ho date up;_n which bi(:-s were to be opened far supplying cat'_nodic equipment in ,rater ta3 ks, Clerh si,ated that one bid had been received from 17. D. Fowler Co- rn j puny. Tb,:, bid tics opened m-id considered by 'i.h, Council and action was deferred to August 81, 1949. A letter from the City Clerk of Shelton -relat ive to cost of installing and operet ink street lights on ;Railrodd Avenue in Sh•_lton was redd. A discussion concernirE a simi- lar installation on Pay Street in Port Orchard vr.as entered into, and it was agreed that the j-,ire and Lig;Iit committee contact a li __hint_; engineer Puget Sound Power L Light Coin -,any re ;ardin„ better lig atin.= in the business district. T:iatter of utility pole on J:iil1 Street referred to ouncilrnar� =epl ich. Super' ntender_t stated that tree on hl,-=ison Strcot 1,_ad be (en removed under oi,ders of the council. urchas'_ of po.7or shove]. !7f_-s :.scllsseCi, and Clei k was c'.irected to "i ssuo a call for T:ids for purchase of shovel, specifications to be furnished by ,Superintendent. I�-:prover_ ent of '-2acoma Street by inst-lling curbs, gr;.tters and side.ralks wars discus ed, the pr.-elimii-n ry estimate of the Ln ;ineer was considered, -.nd date of h; inf pet�_tion for i .provement was filced for Au-;ust 22, 1049. Resolution ordered published. Ordinance ceclarin, an emergency in. the --treet Viand for the purchase of a poser :;hovel, >5,665.00; expense of shop, ; 250.00; gasoline and oil, 600.00; n +,ota1 of '�6,515.00; ,7md in rturront E,.pense -und, " oliur car expense, `250.00; and Lia..�ility Insurance premium "0.50.00, was presented and introduced. T,Iayor 5_p_-ague stated that he vvoulcl at tend the i,ieetiri.; of t_.e __;surd of � ounty �ortiaission- ers in relation to .'itchell Hill sewer. It was moved T y i;ichols, seconded by 1',mPhs rid carried t'aat t.ro purl ing i:a tors be placed on east side of �'idr_ey Street, no-_�Lh of ay Street; on -due 'Lest -ide of I'rederick St. rortli of ay Street, L-Mnd one et southwest corner of Cal ind Sidney Streets. The Kendall Street fill over Pottery Creek eras discussed, and the Engineer, members of the Street and Alley committee and Councilman Repanich agreed to investigate the project and report at a later date. rn ineer Breitenstein reported that he hay made a preliminary e sti gate of the cost of water main and fire hydrant on Smith Stree'Q between Dull ..nd Grant streets, and that the c....st would be between ,�800.00 and �,850.00. Councilman Parks stated that the conger of Ada. and Harrison 6treets is dangerous to traffic, and the Street and Alley corrmiittee, the Engineer and Su; .erintendent of Public :'forks are to investigate and report a suggested remedy. A letter from B. R. Orell, State Supervisor of I-,'orestry, was read, stating that the Forestry Department is willing to accept a former of-'er of �2,500.00 for the property on Taylor Street far use as a recreation center for youth of the community. Reply of Mayor aorague to this letter was also read, and matter was passed, pending further word from the State Department of Forestry,. Letter from South Kitscp Chamber of Commerce regarding highf,ray facilities on waterfront was read. This'matter was discussed and C3wk was directed to reply to the letter, set;; ing forth the attitude and wishes of the town administration and giving such in- formation as is available concerning the matter. Letter fro:. Governor Arthur S. Langlie rega-_ding ferry service to serve South Kits County was read and crdered filed, Letter from i'Jashington State Liga or Control Board telling; of change in Capital Tavern ownership -bras read and ordered filed„ Superintendent of Public '.,"orks George F. Givens asked what the council desired to do toward surf ac ing Sidney and Frederick Streets, north of Bay Street. This was dis- cussed, and the Clerk was directed 'co advertise for bids for surfacing these streets with D-grade hot asphalt. Also to call for bids for Surfacing areas at Givens Field and Central Playfield with the same material. This action was taken on motion by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried. The following claims were presented, after hav inf been exa� pined by heads of Depart- ments, by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, and by members of the council, and on motion by TSichols, seconded by Repanich and carried, were ordered paid: CUi1REi:'T E ._P E17= JTUIND Puget Sound Power L Light Dean D, Jones— Sheriff Port Orchard Independent Trick & Murray Pacific Tel L Tel Co. IIowe iJotor `moo, Lumber Supply Standard Oil .-.ompany Thompson's Ho.fe' Hardwar e Howe �)il 'ompany Donald R. '�Jard Port Orchard Signal Service Street aia.dservice lights Board of prisoners Publishing; and supplies Supplies foz Treasurer Vor ious telephones and tolls Repair police car Stake material for Engineer 15 gals gasoline Desk, ''-plotters Case paper towels Furnace Oil Assisting Engineer Battery for Police car WAT11:1 FUIM Pacific Tel cTel Co. Fort Orchard P.iarine Railway American Plbg 6� Steam Supply Slocum Hardware Lumber Supply Atlas 1''oundry t'll Machine Co. I on -re I s Hardwara Puget Sound Power & Light Co, - Water Dept telephones and tolls .gelding Pipe fittings Various merchandise Imple. -:ent Paint Valve boxes etc. i.ierchandise Power and light, all plants STREET FUND ,parry L Sully vm W. F. Bruhahn Jesse '.7. Sutton Orville -D-rose John III. Vaughn Harry ScIfIlabach S. K. 14c;,"ullen Harold Greetan Darwin D. Ec k�lund Jilkins Dist. Co. Olympic Iron Ez 111achine Works Howe Motor Company Stevenf s T,1ill Hode' s 11ardware Puget Srund Power L Light Co. South. I�itsq3 travel Company Lab or L.,b or Overtime labor Labor Overtime labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Gasoline Welding and repairing aepai r Ford truck Lumber I'ierchandise Light at sheds, 2 :months S€n d w 201,05 16,00 13.61 28.65 42.25 9,27 1.80 4.22 1.03 6.95 79.86 21.60 19.61 14.70 3,11 51.52 20.28 1.85 57.72 1.05 422,29 28,25 8.78 4.05 101.25 4.05 47.25 36.45 3.98 9.45 99,20 3.35 23.20 32.89 1.94 2.00 109.29 TAR17- 1,1U1TD Orville rose iu' et Sound ?owcr Light Co. Labor at Givens Field Tennis Court lights LILRU17Y. I uTdD �r Z0.80 7.42 Puget SOlInd ?"e.,,rs Co. nooks for Library 38.94 he LA. R. Huntting Co. Kooks for Librm-y 97.51 Councij adjourned on motion by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried. Clork or 0 - - - - - - - Port Orc=hard, 71ashin"ton August 8, 19Z19 "our c;il called_ to order In a'e Jtzl".r S eSSi (3I7 by '.:ayor i-�_' lial _. Sp 'a;tle. .Eresent Council:pen `Ierd ; ichols, Ray D''. 11,711 <n d ITicl-� J. ich; City Attorney John ;ogle; ngincer T. . Breitenstein and 3u--)orintcnde­ t of :public , orl-_s 'aeor, e 1% Givens. Ab- sent COi1riC l len =eoroe A. IirOuz= •.ton inC_ V it ;il _. 1. Parks. T."inute s o:i mee'- in -, of July 25, 104C read and approved. ., essrs. .Earl `21-io­ psor, �-.n.d Barry Lind'all re l ding; In Sidney Street, a-.Dpex ed be- fore the Cou_rac-.il rolative to cond'tions on Sidney Street nc a: the Keleher Street in- tersoction, •hero accidents have occured recently. T'iey suggested wa.rnin signs or reflector lights to .yarn motorists of the curve, or sa ie other mcai-s of slo.vinE traf- fic, in t1-le interests of safe'y. The ri.atter .,as .iscu_sed and eras ref ei-red to ':;he St_ eet and Alley cormpittee. to L-ves.,i��ate and r:ia?,e rocom;iondations. 7 L. . owle:? of the . D. 1''owler Coixi)any was -7resen'�= wit')_ relation to f irm' S bid for installing cathodic equipment in tl,.e .rater ta��l:s. He ex ;lained the bid, the Attor- ney oxrm-lined t,.e cc.ntract, and of ter a discussion and the report of the _^.tt-rney, it was -any to install cathodic equipment in the water tETAM be accepted in the siI-m of $2,329.00 for two complete sets of electrodes and one control emit, according to the bid ai-d s-oecifl.cations contained therein. tiOdge, Coi,,m issioner frOiii is ;B !hit'd District, `:ppc;ared before the Counc-1 re ard- ing tho .cork relief program. bei.nc; set up, and stated that it is -.possible for the to,�rn to iD articipate in the program b'T pa:y inS industrial insurance and fui-nishin- �a per - vision. It rra:i t .c pinion of 'clze council.,en -Is expressed that Port Orchard parti- cipate, ai,cl -:r. iiodge stated that four ren would probe.bly be av;�i lable the first of the week. Acquisl_tior_ of the .- ibche11 hill sewer line by the --lo-„n of fort Orchard was discussed with ConmissD.oner l odE;e. Chairi:lan 1•iclzols of the Fire anti Li41;t cor:uiittee stated t11at an engineer frnnz the .estinCh- use Company had visited Port Orchard, investigated the are,, in -shich it is desired to ir)rove the street li,-',tinr , and mould sub,iit a report giving the approxi- :iate cost at a latex date. Councilm,n �. o )anich stated that so far the had been ul—nc_ le to contact proper --people frith reference to utility pole on _..igi_ S troet and a:,atter .eras continued. ebert L rimstead, representirhr; the Turret i'ai''_,:ix1,'; ;'eter CoYipany, appe ed before tiIle Counc-1 �_,-_d derRok-lstrated a pnrking Teter put out by hi -,firm. This bein.. tl�e gate upon which ids for sho-lel were to be received, one bid from Mason County, .7ashingto 1 vms recoived and read to the Council. The bid offered the equip_rricnt advertised for, for ;;5,500.00. It was r:,oved by iTichols, seconded by Re )anich and carried., tiza' bid be accepted. Rerioval of p� rlcin :peters on Sidney Street irotn ,he al ley in lock 12, !. first ,V-1_dition, to itsap .3troet, .gas discussed. it yr a„ ;'_ecided t• romove these deters to paint the curb yellow at the first rzcter space south of tl.e dle; , and said space as loadin,_: and unloading zone only, mr use by patron- of the post off ice. "ouncilman Le-om:ich an l En -inner _,reiter_stein reportac! oi- pro tress aea_x ;made on I -en -,:all street Fill, and su;:,1aittcd a sketch of tine r�roposed. roa tiray to connect Pottery 1':ill m d Sidney -ill. The plm �v .s e„s,.,ined, �._. pro ?os._:l c iscu:. ed, n I Yas referred bacl, to Cou.nc=�l;.pan=tcpa..ich to contact property o.°rners with a view to securiln, right - of -.ray deed for required construction. There followed aer.eral discussion of street i,.ipro vc:,mcn , s . Pon 1 —sion .vas granted to ia�lann ';open and t11 Penins:,lla Deed Ca:apan�r to install as Dlhalt wa11-s and--_rive.vay, the aork to be clone under tlh(-, supervision of, and to the satisfaction of t'_zc Win:;inec:r nc th Su_)er:i_Y tendenr. W ETayor Spra_-ue read a letter .rhich he had received from R. B. R. Orel, State Supervisor of 'l orestry, relative to acquisition b-r the Tovrn of P rt Orchard of forr.ier Forestry juildin,J in Port Orchard. The ratter ;Pas discussed, and ::.ayor sugested chat an offer of '.'500.00 be made for the buildings, and that a lease on the land at a nominal rental be requested. !.ayor was authorized to make such an offer on motion by Hd- 1, seconded -y I;icll.ols and carried. --:o re-oort was available on Ada and = arrison street intersection reported t last meeting as needing widening. Superintendent stated that it was not possible to secure infon-iation to Drepare speci- fications for proposed laying of asphalt paving in ti.E.e to ad-ventice for yids to be opened at th`s meeting, and this ;as continued to an adjourned riieeting to be held on August 15, 1c,149 at 7:00 o'clock p..m. CounciLT.ian 'e)anich stated that he had ins-)ected the Division Street curbs and gut'cers follorrin�- co::.pl^int by props r ;y oti-jner, but had found nothin _ to i 1_dicate the job was not satisfactory. Natter of p -:r'-�ing on the curve on Prospect Street and installation of curbs and gutters on Prospect Street between Frederick and Sidney .t-reets was referred to the Street and AL ley c or-L-iittee. Co_miunication fro-- La_ or League for Political Education ret;ardixag �� 41� 0 WV read and ordered filed. Ordinance providing for e. i.ergency appropriations ir. Street Fund and Current Er,�el se und, introduced at the meetin." of July 25, 1049, was read and passed unanimously on motion. by Hall seconded by Re_ onich and carried, all members of the council present votinc aye. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by CounciLman 'Repm ich of ti-.e Auditing comriittee, mere exar.,.ined by tho Council members, read and ordered paid, on motion by ?"all, seconded by Reoanich and carried: JU7 7-` T 11rP-1�-5ay {tTi,D Peninsula Feed Co +:.pang Sprayer and spray 5.04 F. E Langer, Agent Renecral ins-a2a ce policy, cut: hall hall 172.48 Hoge Oil Company Furnace Oil 57.29 V. B. Caldwell Fertilizer and lawn sprinkler -12 72 �. Puget L)ound i-ower - Liffat Co. Street liJats for July, 1040 162,70 Pont Orcha��d Independent Various y�rintin- a d publishing 37.04 -'eninsula Stationers Flay; for city hall 8.05 Howe Motor Compmy ,repairs to '_'olice car 54.29 Pioneer -cindery Scotch tape for Treasurer 1.93 Strai. ght I,:obile 'has Station Elasoline, Police car 3.00 '_'ho_-.p son' s Various merchandise 17.30 Ij i:D ..-otor or,tp y -le°air truck: 12.42 1l�in:, Dis'`ributin�- Co. Auto polish 52 V. =. "e_l�_Iuell 50-ft. hose 3.19 L. tclier Coripa-,-y 0.70 Po-t O.rch:-:.d S!-nal Service _laA. �e1ts 3.53 --rose's--ard..are Spikes 3.35 ,_itsa� County load Dist.= o.4 7' ;ad Oil 1.27C.08 • oad Jig t. ��o. Lai o:� r.n _....t< lal o.� streets 244.40 'o.re Cil Company Deisel anal stove oil 20.48 'il' ins Jystri ut €n Co. Gasoline 198.40 Orville ,_;rose La'.;or o l :streets 13.50 : uy ".:'. Dow La:;o_�- on streets 8.10 T. I". -3�uhahn, Labor or. ,l treets 7.43 -Lo L. I=erip Labor on streets 7.43 S. i-. ,ic ,Ullon Lab or on streets 10.13 :,=arr`ussen Sharpen picks 1.30 ;SARI- Ul D Orville _:rose Labo2 u Givens .Field 97.20 V. B. Caldwell i;ipplc and -jus-laing .71 �reri.ey� to .. Asphalt avinc Co. 2O Lone Asphalt 1G4.85 load Dist. ' iio. �- Labor at Givens 'i e1d 62.60 Otto Voll �i"n S] op Sign for tenr:is court 6.70 1 ceting ontinued to AuL-ust 11) 1949 at 7o'clock pn r . or- 0Ba ll, all, seconded by Zcpanickz a.nd carried. --v allC le rk I rr 1,��,y Or l-i :, ion h `onti_�C c �_ � ^� .1 _ c-�o or � .1 �� -01 .,.i.)i'a ue -:i V__ CO3M-1 :!.1.�-...5' GrU. �:]_C,101S, ..'.c :J• ii`'.1�_, �`l.-i=:.�_ _..1.C1= �l• MliCl:'_9 �aU_) 1':'L;it C1=- 217G O i'L_' �_;i_C C_''-:h •.CC!: ,'_C) .; . vC17S )rE SE'nt. 1'hi:, C dam^ to u'-.`on 17hi3l _'s "or L13'P2.c_11More to be oUCned., _Crl O:.:C _ Q1 G-.r=Jtl:'. )i O;Jett lb .�. G 3 SCsIL .__ t_ i CCGivvd. LL"1C_ Dim ,� ? 1 , - ,� '1 i GOil. IV Li �0:,,7J 1 '.I,U a) 1C A, C;OYl _ LEC, Cd b�T _U _' -1 :�1 31Je1 I1C1 the :�lZt)_ CriYlte:_:dent. 11== 1 `' Mc lez'al dis cus ion, it tires _;lave;'. ,) -all, secondec by Isic lols h yr,t, 2 r r �lr :r_ci c� r_'icd til t bid be re jectsd, '_�r_u_ t1 �_� � �_01 c c rl�.de co �_cco _�1 i.,11 the ::0�_­ L)ynr,�e CCCCtll1' 01' al: a 3"iC oG! ai Bd ?Sic. L' J'1'il L =:_ae.7t rnS dlrcCtGci to Go, in touch fi 1'Y1 Dr i1 c tvj dL 1S t2tCi C ­i c.'A 17 chin t11ls iDr3. a 1)Ossi1ble, a':ECi t0 11aZrC �a ')3'._ ^.t COil'U11=UC 'L r, 0 0 -',- Ll to 1J . iE' O.F. t+. t'_St 17, 11_'145�, c`3..t 7 k) • re, ark:1Lin-, bo11.:-i1 :£ ':'it "or r e.,odollinc of two s3iia17 110tl000 rc .; 1:1d c = ,aa_de :.C, oil-, .cuncll. A -Ater ._1_sc` ssiol=, i, rr s _oved C0`�=-t'00 l , 'je-Y,C.ntc':i. _ y 1r? - , los o17 w� :Di'alle "Jtiri..Via V .s ,':1 -.0 o �C A 1c � ���i' conce� ��i _� �1�.. _.;�,rry ti �'_� so ,e., �T.„: �ro _ .. l �. an,, ri tier re orped_ to ,C%r_, ntondent. i;'_cetil c,- t31_u�-)d to AU_,-,,ust 1'r, 1.:�' n --.t 7 ofcloch- or. aotion byrecor_d.ed 1)-.- c , .-c' . c71ci car-_°ie d. r C- - - - - - - - -- ort C)rcl1^rd, .'as':lin- -Gon 1 1 r1r' d .1t. _, - _ , - �J :'u':CL 20SOn o Counc'-1 o ' _'ort 'CirC_2C.:'d, 'JaU_11Y1_;tOrl ca11e d O o-'C1_er by �.` O?' _�.L111`1'. _ �-• �i`)r ry "ue .lit,:. �G-'.]7C � l_:tGY' .'air -�� ...�11, .''r;il T. _ ^.rILS, TJCI'd .`• _�iCt101S, r'e01';- t 3.'OU�,�..v01`1 .1.C'.3 c,7• E .7.Z�:LC%_, �:�'_i [� l_Y:L.C;'_C�_C'xL. Or' i"Lli31iC .'O-01:S (;r'or!,C "vens, presont. :._r. -1. Leland of the i - crtor_ 2avi-. , '_;o:: )any r; O -);.'e on' a1 d too'-- a ) '::i't,'_ V.lc - Council t pa viz_.,; of t'-,-c., aroas -,'oi' LL icil Ila1- ')core c aped ^,:ld i'e jetted. Aftl.:,r di s- � c .Union, :,tt d of tale areas to bo i_ :)-°ovad, -:r. Lel: rld o 'ferod to pave Sure of _-tort". D ail F>t"reet i-lc? .'reder °Lc?- ' t:L- et nort- of -nrr ,Jtrcot ."or rile Su _ oj' `:1,750.00, LmJr ta.-_Cs v::1at _: 1.,"i'a iJL t0 iJE; 01 C'. ,) tho O1117. O. 03. : lE' O_:f er'%d to ,) ve tlic, areas in -ivCnS ' i.eld_ O.n[ Cei 'tefo-:' ..1, 313.00 �.i1.2J oor SC1LLare Ta-2d) t.''.1C cont.-actor1. �.�0 c1.:�S1�.'..E' �1.�' t?.3-3CS• -._r.11 'ilco)ti of t'1 es::o: n r�,_)i- 1, ;�o->>-•1�; 4� )e^�e - 1�:aDre tiic council ant':. Ci sc .ssDd 'G_.a _) .v'�_:--- o o jects u- .:nor ,,or:c::'Ldexat_f_on. �1. re�_.� �o be i:.::prove.{ .:ire vi�it�-1 _.d cam)rod, 11, .an O:.'_i'Cr was iiladc y" i''1 : CS!iG:" As-:-,.-,41t `moo_'.:pa, �r 'o do the wo]1'_3 Proposed 1. at the: 'r:.te o,' ," 10.00 p[ r ton, tl to`.Tn to -=_o my Jre Jaratioli wort,.- reauirOd on the two i'ic count-1 tool: t''ic two o''ei'� 141c e co_:: _Ce.L'at on, c a"tor careful con, L—Lera- tion, it . s s - -roved" by ton, s �) c, > "_-Led b;;r 7op a3.ich and carried t'lat offor of 'eS i.A1'Yl A.s4)_lal :: O!,,?aYly b. (C Jtvt , 'G''tC o . ;-ropriatc 10 f1 tract _Ill lJ C., bonJ _ o L' r)c.i for:t.�.ance Cou.nciL'1: 1� - a;,':c stated t' ut -e mac':ool - istrict is `nterested in construct-ln a Wi owal'_ on i t c cporty or. 2� -oufc 'c'eet an '«D rc;pare iJ^.rl ink; 10- _are to ac'...,1s T cars "_c.. 1 d ;,i ., scool f0cu,sed, .nc, -t'_e noes_ Coi' 1t3'Llct 3.11t- L "val'__ 1"O:- -G''_C School {i7.''Ok)CrLf line O'_:' S_i-o ',fe Street to `_,aco_, `troc'L- ontorea i.-,to -,- Iiscus _.on. :"o C':i.1_itC action ycsuIt(,d. :mo1 ii ;1 "'tit1 = _ O istrict 'e1C G_i�Cla`eC.Y-� aCI:O Q t_ Oot nb- cferred. cetin- , a6- C,urned on mol ion b-r 1_�11, t)ccosi_lcd by and ft / _- lerh __� AST or Port Orchard, 'Jashington August 22, 1949 Re,_,alar meeting of the council of fort Orchard, Vfashin�,ton called to order by I ayor 'Xi Llia Spracue. Present Councilmen Geor-e A. PDrou�;hton, I`ick J. I;ep ich, Ray B. Mall, Verd W. T"ichols and V,.-rcil i.. Parks; , Superintendent of Public '.,corks 'jeor"e F. --ivens and Eng-T— eer T. .3reitenste3n. ::inutes of meetin of August S, 1949 m-id ao ntinued ; essions of August 15, 1959 and August 17, 1040, read -nd approved. This being the date: for hem ink; on the ;rr:� esolution tl improve Tacoa Street, 7,1ey or called this clatter up for discussion. Interested property ovmers _?resent included Elm: r ?ose, ITeith ',".hittal_er, Jesse N. Sutton, Jr., James F, Parmley, E. H. Erickson and others. These property ovmers asked _'or details of the proposed improvement, which here riven by the EnE;ineer and the Councilmen. Jritten protests against the improvc-r-,ient were read from Peter oardman, A. J. Boardman, E. I'. Sanpson and George D. Petry. The propo.>ed improvement was -enerally discussed, the protests .were considered, and the healn- was continued to August 29, 1949 at 7 o'clock p. m. on r:.iotion by Perks, seconded by _,'icliols and carried. E. -T. 711'ricl.-son asked that playground, signs be placed at stratez is points in the vicin- ity of C'ivens Field as a sa ety -measure. This was discussed and the matter was, referred to the Street and Alley committee to arrmSe, signs viarninE of playground areas wherever iz.'c e,ssary. ?arry Lindall appeared before the council rc"a2dinC measures to e taken on traffic control in the �.-icinity of Sidney and I,-lelcher Streets. Councilman :Mail of the Street and Alley coimaittee reported on investigations that he '_o.ad made, and recormiended the installation of reflector lights and viarnin" signs. Councilman Nichols recormiended the bankinz; of the curve for greater safety in. driving. The matter was referred to the Superintendent and the Street and Alley cor aittee to investiE;:',.te the advisibility of ban=ing the curve and installation of reflector lights. A, number of residents fro--, Sherman Street ap_,Deared before the council. -nd reru. ested that Sher._an Street be ia,proved for printer traffic. The matter was discussed, ,;md was referred to the Street -and Gilley committee to investigate and to contact the County ';or.miissioners in an effort to co-operate and secure a wider right -of --away. This action .aas taper_ on motion by Parks, seconded by I ichols and carried. lti;ichael Eischen:s also asked t1)at a street light be placed at the intersection of er-.1ian Street and South Street and this was referred to the Fire and Light corsriittee. The petition heretofore filed by residents of Sher=,_n Street and others, concerning the opening of South Street was also discussed. Chairman i is ols reported t'_iat he had. received no word from the `WestinLhouse Engineer relative to nore adequate liglztin_, on ay Street, and clerk was directed to write a letter asl.inl t°rhen outline of proposed liCI"Iting plan may be expected. Regarding telephone poles on High Street, it v;as reported that an engineer .from the Telephone onipany would investigate the matter of change of location of the poles and make a report : ithin a short time. Councilman Repanich reported that he l'lad contacted the oviners of property regired for proposed right -of -gray fro- Smith Street a� d hull Street intersection to Kendall -nd "Jest Street, and that the o rners stated that they would sign ri ht-of- way deeds without cost. Easin.- of r;u.rve at Ada and 3 arrison Streets leas referred to the Superintendent. Prospect Street parking rres discussed, and -rraz referred to the Street and Willey com- mittee and the Chief of Police for study and recommendation. Mayo Spra-ue an -I Councilman Pay Ins .. tested that they vvculd contact owners of property- on north :.;i de of s rospect Stroet ;eto�reen Frederick .nd Sidne; '.,3trtots regarding curbs and gutters. Superintendent ; ivens stated that blackberry vines coyaplained of on Srouf e Street ztrould be removed. Batter of proposed s1_deiwalh on north side of Sroufe Street was continued. Iao following. claims were examined by the wncil, checked b.�r the A:iditin�; Corarittee as d i-dered paid on -motion by Ball, seconded by ce?arich _-,nd carried: ri..,. U 1' V D �n7' �^- rP ��, i � .L may-. i� .1 Port C-rc and Inde:oendert Pu1-)1ir,-'.tions Pacific Telephone s Tel. Co. Various telephones Puget S unc; Po':ier L Light Co. Cross-tiralk lights Orville 'roso Donald i. :",tard PA !� U};D Labor at Sivens -4,ield Labor ','ritlZ E---, ,ineer at C ivens "field �d 11.70 33,95 4.60 54.00 10.80 L I i.,11ason County Road -'is t. ;L2 Power r,hovel ,-.nd attac orients GG5.00 P . O . L:ac.ainc, ur fine Iron "IGcs ; el fin;, etc. 25.75 Orville 'rose Labor on streets 55,35 Jesse "I. Sutton Overtir:ie labor on streets Z±.05 John >:. '�Taughn. 0+Tertime labor on .,trc,ets 4.05 .7:: te,�n Utilit�.es Sup.,ly Co., air Cl'T_Lp 2.20 Pacific `_'C-l. ("� Tel. Co. Tele-o'_lonc an,'. tolls 10.90 Pucet 2oun,'- Po�'er L Li f�„ t Co. Pol,ver and light at pir',p stations 4-51.48 L. Johnson Labor on .sower lines 20. BO T'U1413 yLe aunttin , 'Co. Joo?:s :_'o Library 23.52 eetin,' com�nucd to i-'onday, Au_liwt 9, c�.rriedr� .� Clerk G 19-19 on 1-,lotion by _:icTlols, secon' ed by -.all and r.T or ort O'cj.ard, 'dashington AuLiist 20, 1940 Continued noctin— o-' council of -tort 0_?chard, 'rlas',.- n ,ton called to order by -lark ruJr L. jejr::el, i n `she a.i) senc:e of iay;: ' ,d lli ;: 1. Sprague. Counc-lean I'ich J. :T •:Da-ich :lcctcd Actin-;; armor or. _oti_on b- :L<<J sec:nJ_ecl 'ay icho:Ls and cerricd. D'resz t -nc, an 7^ay a-11, Urerd ic; ols, Ger. r"e A. ':rout _.ton .__nd Actin aJ or 'iCTL J. '.ep�,_:ici�; En; freer '. C. rc;iten .tein. CcunciL: aa, V-7_�'Ell ;,T, Park, oi�tercc le _ieo- it later. Petition for i_. ,)rovci:l nt of Taco Str et, continuc(I 'ro: Auyust 22, 1:340, ar; r. t^.hen up and considered. A lettc,,r From J. -Petercon, st ltin ' : �e is t': a reca �`i owner of Lots 5, (3, 7, and 0, an,` part o:1 Lot 9, 10<;1 5, ^:i.lcoc_.d Adc-.ition, <_:ndo_-eosin" ,T J �_roposecT_ ip, over�ent wt?,s rend :irc' -onsid"i'ed. A letter frond John 11. '-0- "_ ar., s t�tti2.t -, t _-1e is t ,e 'eco u=er of Lots 21 and 22, _. ;loc? ,, fo-ttery Addltion, and ampil o �-i)a , 'che y)ro ��osed il, ,, rovorient, ^s road •_.?�d. con- sidcrsdd. A letter from="aT__a_ri'�cl r cn n_ Lillia �oe�h, „T o assert ^� interest ire Lots 13, l4, 15 anc, 16, at 10•-)2 Taco'.:!_'St-.'ect, anpr'osJin-; t'zc., i! - )r'o v: sl£ n , Tas rc�. r nd consir Bred. `a r �- n j , e 1 :� po,� o r,.ez -_n t-°o.�o:. ._ =soc l u.l.�r)1 m.; '� ?_s UriCt rc e _Di � sent and c)o.:- -),-_rt In ,T c_isc scions. ollo-.._]__ _ _aCIIS _o1 s 'arl 1 o-YI-sic' _:Pauion o _ t c :a t �,crs-evolved, it .rac ,._ove �-� ' r i s t -G: __1 i]f �'ui_t�:d .^.'ii;�. ' '. O '...^ :.Ct f)_.SSe�. r )'O."i:iih o:_ Li C i i VC _eYl�, �.' 1_k. j'.'L", iic C !.;3.' - -'..t L'C''N r?ECCSSal ," ;O 17i'OSecl7.- Ie, 10._ of on', cl':a I7 i .`J1'ovC. o,- S-- tPi!'t, otc. _ _aci, L•''. �_'''. wa.s =. ovc: C �:r _. S, �C•', h-E,'_'. o_ 'laton -. nOl uarriod t' r.t of n a:.nco bo c, r'� ^' � _. l: �,rG - 1 ', a S --. C?Gd, . iJ�r .. CilU�C•OIi-_ o ' f, '� -_� i -1 •. V.._ .j I - ✓ 1_ �'� "l '1 - 7 '1 71 r;all .CO.Y"' L�iC,.., F'D1. �.� � i_'1�� OVCi'G'17'�,, �.:iC �1_La�� I O ire 0 �•:L Cl `1-L, �_�i �_ v`'��1�_j• '_�1.,E� �Ln�-'; O t'1C Cbu1:C .1 oil o t c, be.' 12, 10 C'E t-�n/-�jOurnC' OIL rliotir`n �iy i ,.I':_�;, On:'.v';i b _:ic.�01_,_ or Port Orchard, '.-ashir..Cton Se-:)tember 12, 1049 ; e"ul�.r .�eetin; of tho council of Port Orchard, :�ashin, .,on called d to or der by :-a;, or Jilla-a:` -Li. Sprague, w= th vo nc`,' �I an Ray 1iall, Verd .1. 'ichols, v'ix'gil ,... Parris, Geor-e A. :r0'_'�;i1"tOn i'.iid .ic' J. .-.o-,!).Mich; v1'Ly AttO:='nEy Jo,_ :. • byle; Superintendent O'' u' lie or ;J 1''. `iva,ns and Ei -1_-"_..eer T. 1. 2citenstein presen .I, -in of meetin of Auk'.-tst 22, and continued moetin oL Au ust 20, 19401 road and approved. Iis bei.;r she date for recei-ct ofbids for-provemont of part of Kendall Street and T aco is Street, under 560, 1;az'l �eportcd that three bids had b-cen re- ceived. ': ayo,.--Iirect:;d t:'at bi,�s be ope3.od and read. oi' Lawrence L. Perry offered to-oerfor: r t'_ e work unc-ey 'uhe -clans :r , specifications for a totol cost of "11,509.20. -,id o- Larson Callow offered to perfor=, t ho aorl under the plans and specifications for ``101910.88. -id of =L. >. Ilyan offered to perform the work according to plans and ;pecif_ico.tions for f 10, G30.20. :aids -sere c:�La i in ,d and considered by the council, m d it ,Ms ..oved by Parks, seconded by 3��ou izton no. carried that laid of R. 1�. Pyan be accepted. i,,atter of warning; signs at playfields was discussed and deferred for furt .er action. 'ha irmal Parks and Counc lean Z111al.l of the Street ond, Alley committee, _ported on the: curve at Sidney an:a_ _ elcher Streets, and reco:Imlended t=lat reflector signs be placed to barn of the curve; ti.at the center line of Sid.�ey Street be painted to <:ettc-�? direct traffic; that if possibl- hedge at Ralph ",:'illiams property be tr ijmaed . for better vision, zmd t_A-t ultiriately it would be desirable ale to secure property for additional ri-rit-of-»way. he. report ofthe coi-mittee was considered and the matter was re 'erred back to th.: -treet and Alle,: camnittee to contact property o,:rners re- ,,,ardin� cuttin hod e and tiridexlin curve. Street problems on Sherman Strect were also discussed, nd it yr^s stated teat street vjoiild be widened as e.;tensively as possible on the riFa.lt-of-way, and it .vas also reco,-imendcd tI.at property owners contact Clomaty Commissioners relative to sexuring additional rig Lt-of-way on the west side of the street. Council= lia1I stated t',.at he would contact County _]n"ineer relative to crest boundary of Sherman Street. at'ge r of installinC oncrete curb., and _�. gtters on Prospect Street bet•,reen Frederick and Sid:.ey Streets r -s a ;ain discussed and deferred for definito action. Jesse :.'. Shaffer appeared before tifte council relative to S_°oufe Street east of Sidney. Cilaa_ man l ichols and Councilman Repanich of the mire and Light col,,imittee reported that they had investigated a request for additional street light on. Sherman Street and recor-mended against inst�-filling additional light at this time. The coymittee recom- mended teat a 100--1maen sus ,,ension type ligh� be installed at S. ith and Grant -Streets. This 1i�1�t gas ordered installed on motion by Parrs, seconded by Repanich and carried, C. L. Ainsovrrth appeared before the co.-ncil relative tho changing the grade al ign:Ient on -.ay Strect in front of .-iinsworth's Pood is arhet. I -Jr. Ainsworth explained vhat it is des -red to acemapli sh, and th matter bras considered aial referred to the Street and Alley committee ,aid the En"ineer for investigation nd report. Eo reply i)ad '„eon received from -i estinglyouse :.gin, ineer relative to plan for L-,.proved street lighting- or_ ::'ay Street. i, ayor Upra"ue suggested t::.at when !,ho %CorL:iission ay,Uin takes up regular _.eet- ings that a joint session of the Corariission and `,�h _ Council should be 'geld to discuss various problems. Super'ntendent :livens :deported on suggestion ;-Jade by engineers of the Telephone "om- pany for resetting poles on Street, which provided for . ettiny, the poles insdie the curb. This "gas discussed, alid it was the opinion that sidewal31 is too narrow for this met_Iod, :md directed t eat Clerk .bite a letter to the Telephone Corlpany requesting that lines be carried on po ier poles on o-oposite side of tl..e street. "oun.:ilman iLepanich stated t1mt property owners had been contacted relative to richt- of-way deeds for for the proposed Sirith-to-Kendall Street fill, and L'ngineer stated that data for deeds would be turned ever to Attorney as soon as surveys are coripleted. .',dvisa-..ility of purcliasing a car for the fire Chief was discussed, i'.; be in pointed out that for ,-zany years Fire Chief .''lan Totten had used his ovrn car for all Fire calls, a!ways without cor:mensation of any ":ind. A mineral discussion of the interests of the i-'ire 1e,)a_-tment ensued, and tl­Le matter was ;gassed for furtl-zer consideration. A request Has r,Iade for gravel on the alley in Block 1, Snith? s Addition, and this was referred to the Su e rintendent of Public-,'To--ics. Cour �cilr:Ian-Ler�aniclL stated ti-at a better driveway over the curly at the Ted Sl.adek property on Sidney Street had been requested and this was referred to the Street and Alley col�mlittee for investigation --nd report. !"i Cezxeral discussion O 3'�OVe,'cntS 'i, :1Vf3I':; S'if.ld [1;1 v �t'�-tr l i'��I J_C'lU �.J<1S entered into, _-,nd it. :i s '_,_a, furl- -_Cr o .f oat t5 would ' secure s t t d t � be r:�i.de �o �ecux e labor froli, t1:e .:'elfare y::-ious projacts wero advanced and plans discussed, �.on; tiger out bas:_ey ball courts is az,d bacLninton courts at both fields, an-_ instal- lation of playfield equipment, Chair., -an Ball of the .0arl's cone-Ittee st::tod t>>at ;-!orl: worl: would be adva- ced under the yolm= a dop tea. Ordinance crea tin,; -arbor 'Punc, in the rr, aaury of the Towr, of Fort Orch-- ara, was read anc' ado tad anal p .sood on rzotion by Pai hs, seconded by 'wlall ._Ind carried. Ord .nance de larin`; an e .erg crc T inHarbor I rotie:e't-inand rovin" for ex- :p penditures froya said fund was introduced : z c'. .-final action continued to Sei)tc.aber 26, 1249. The '.:ollowin,_" clai=-_is wero=)resented, after Iax. in.`; beon C'_1ecl:ec. by Jaea(is of dop^mr t7"tents and tI1 Aiiditin s consaittee, and were o:.-d ored ,)aid on motion by seconded by i.c':ols and carried. 'ills of �`..�,out, i_itsM gravel . o;'.xl3any wero allowed subject to checl-_ by Super:i.nterident of iublic -orhs: Fucet Sound Power Light '7o. TricI :.'urray Stai�dai?d ;3tat'.ons riclL ("'. EuUrflly o,;c o t o r Uorapal y T. rJ. j)reitenstein Pu;et oun(Po. er Lift Co. ahn o•,;e .:otol� Oumpany Drenierto_ As -)halt Comyoany Al' -in _.'istributin Co. Ielson Equipment Co. I itsap Co. :.Load Oil Suspense Acc t Vern Orville _.r Iso e c alien Allan .'i. Hubbell F;uy 71. Dow 7% 1 Lruirahn J ohr. i T. . Tt a�a � �hn Jesse "-auton Charles i,. teal iIarold Dodeward ;don Joebler `­verott :ollins tob l' Iley ':Iar,_ en 717an -ee 7 romerton Cororete 'rod-rcts ,'a. Orville rose o1:: c' ,�s :-ardtaare iD Street and cross--ualh.li ilts �; 1�37.09 `riy.l'Wcate rece _.its for Treasurer �L4-.2'.4 Gasoline,-1-olica car 2,36 :,inder for Clerk 17.63 i e,)air I' olice car 34,50 StonograApher hire, Tacoria Street 6.00 'JATER 1'owoi— .and Li -it, purip plants 300.25 Labor or, ;;,ater lines 6.60 ,uc? coai.r 13.03 14.3 tons asphalt 61.01 Gasoline : n-, 20 Parts for truck 35,24 -'Load Oil 529,20 Tr-acl,_ rental ha:.lin ;ravel 49,50 Ld-j or on btreets 141.75 Lal:)or on streets 66.15 Labor on streets 66.15 Labor on streets 22.95 L^b or on streets 12.15 Overtime labor on streets 6.75 Overtia.e Labor on .streets 6,75 La: or, -'rospect Stroot job 10.60 .,L. or on streets 20.25 Lam or on ,.trcets 20.25 Lab or on streets 0.10 Lal;or on :-treets 12.15 Labor or- streets 10.30 Nerve- INenJ a,-d brick h.-, crier 6.30 hhFEl: :,�i��iD Labor at play fields 16.20 Jr--', nhin ountain, wens field 24, 49 Pu"ct Sour_:1 : e:rs Co. Books is or Library 5.76 The _-unttin-. "o. 3oohs for Library 23.£35 ' lairns of South '=itsa Gravel : orrpaay in arzaunt of e.1'78.30 tirere approved, sLi; ject to ceck and 012, Sups rintendent, aouzacil took up consideration of uiie l relirzinar;; :3ud�e'L- for tiic year ICS0, 4 rid c'iecl�ed various iter:.s of receipts _xI e:: ;. I�dit tires, �: � 'ollo.:in" e L�..iratic' ^-ric discussion, ,grc1- _,,-ins r-,r bbud� e;t aao ado:>ted on _Iotlion >.rou Liton, ^eccnded �; - e.: a.riicl:i .ruicI carr_'_ed. Cov_ncil -1; jerned on Doti o_a iy .. x°'._., _ec^I:. c: l� 1�_ :;n-- carried. l' .�Y or Port Orchard, 'lashin`ton September 26, 1949 Re ular r.?eetin- o-" the council of Port Orchard, i'asl,.in-ton called to order by ;,'Ey or •lillia-1 xl. SpraLue, ui.. th Coune lm n near e A. Taro l ton, i?iclL J. 'eparlich, Vir�;i 1 I,i. Parks Verd .1. lYichols and Ila 6. _Nall; City Attorn y John 1. Boyle; En-ineer T. C. Dreite_istein, and Superintendent of Pu'olic or'. s ;;eor_;e 1". ;•wens. ?•r i_nutes of meetin of Septe_,,ber 12, 11''4C` read and approved. Cha,iman 1lichols of the Fire and Light :oi111ittee reported or, iaeetin rhich he and Councilman T<e- .a1 ich had attended with tl;o 21annin� Coz:v-,,-ission, at vir ich plans for bette-L- street lirrhtin- on Tray Street throuL;l� the business district had been discur,sed. T;ir. ]iclzols atated that this meeting; had been attended by representat ives of the u-et Sound rower L Light Com_.2any and trie ;restin,3-.cause Electric ,Company, and that ten- tative flans had been 1u--ested -'or th -pro )osed i_�provament. Drawings and ri.T s were submitted, and it was stated that if :-lie project is carried out that assistm ce vi ll be forthcominC fro-::: these co :prnies in preparing calls for bads and other details of t ye prelir,?irZarn� w°rork. :-r. 'icHols then introducedGail �'•lanc#ard grid T:F. E. Upson of the ','lestin;l ease company and ?]. A. T,iatlacl_r of the Puget Sourf Power L Light Co.i1p,-r_y. Lr. lanchwd e.:plained and e.�hibitcd fil.t-zres which had been tiu-;estcd as most suit- able for the pr0r00sed iliiprovc:-lent s.ncl vient into detail as to the efficiency of various types of fixt Tres, and gave an estirEiate of the cost of installation, and other perti- nent info r_..ration, dates for ser~rice under the proposed project were given by T. r. at - lack. Ers. _1elen Snyder, rriana- er of the mouth i-itsa: "hal:iber of Co.lnncrce, wi,ra.s ,present representing the business interests of the street, and entered_ into the discussions. ollow -inr, the discussions, the -latter was referred to the Dire and Light comillittee, and it ;gas agreed t,..at a r1ee'cin- of the %:usincss men interested would be called in the near future a---d t_.e entive proposal set before them in detail for consideration as to tl.e advisab" lity of rnaliine; the pro; used il-iprove__�.ent and z-.ret_.ods of f inancin an;i otl:.er rrlatters )ertinent to the -proposed i__proverlent. ido f_o"? painting the outside of the ':.ul._icipal building; were ti,.e.- considered. Three bids had been received as follow -is: l'orton (:. Lee, pain3,int_ writ::_. Bcndex, f"235.00; aith Aquella, � 20-%00, and with ce-.:lent stucco oil base paint, 0321.00. Bill .Ic1 lach, :pci. nt-- in- ,fit::: sonde . `)2a0.00. 11. .11. i.'urphy � C ., pa=intin; vritit 3ordelL or Aquella, "n36.00, Question of ­_aterial to be used gas discussed, and i ras the opinion of the Councilmen a : e;; wressed '..at an oil base paint lioJald be used. The matter was referred back to V-io -,a,- kC ax`.d-u1lo.in ; C01?.ittee 'Wa BCtli'e bio.S 1:0r f� :.7 1i L, n _ with oil paint 1'C'011 COrI- traC tgrs, and '.' th po=:,'er to a ct. in mak in; tlae award. This action was taken orb notion by T rQwJ-1 toi�, sec nded by 1' l� a.nd carried. Street and Alle-r cm-frli.ttee as given r:.o?o ti .e in the matter of t,_e tiidney-iIcicher :street curve. =`zrther time was also :rar_tod for defi lAite-.-eport o- regi_- est of C. P. Ainswvort'�,. for cha. gin- "rade alignment on _.gay St. in .;front of Ains- ort1i's i"oocj_ ::-arket. Councilman Pepanici-i stated t'ya:t he would endeavor to secure ri 3:.t-of-bray deeds for property needed for the Smith-liendall lt:oect connection ;.letw��reen tottery __ill and Sid- ney a ill. l::n: inecr otated that lie wrould prepare descri;::ti.ons of property effected and turn sa:,1e over to the .,ttc,rney to pre")are deeds. iurt_,.c-_, ti:we r-rar:ted on the rec;uest of `icd Elade?i for bettsy d rivew ev facilities on Siai_c street. e , a-� reported of telephone boles and on proposal made by �,:�lp�l �_ �..:.•.�e1_t 1VeI_,S a „�JO:t � d Oil liiu�.�. �'urC� i cleplionc Co-,>> , ny for :?e�- dying,, conditions. .�llis was r e:�erred to ;ouncil,:lan Re;� ich to contact E._.Jineer from tl�c Celephone { oriipar.y. Ordinm ce providin- -!'Or ever ency apl)ropriatiori in I __,proves°lent fund wars read for second tire, havin; been ir_troduced at t, o neeUn- of September 12, 1949. Ordinance Massed unanil:.ously on rPotion•. by P� ks, seconded by {rou£ =:aton and car-^ied. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance 1,o. 562. ire Chief l,�lan'-'Totten repor' ed to the council that he had, with the consent of the ''ire and lei-ht orsr,ittee and the _ayor, CITIterad a laid for certain eggi �.�-.ent offered for sale by :,hc 'federal was !.n- Atthority. On motion by 'lrouLjiton, seconded by lTichols and carried, 'Ilerk Yras a�atl�ori ed to dr .wr warrant wr_ _ sec.wre casl ier's thee,; fog+ the amount of ''01.00, if Vie bid of the -own of Port Orc--gar d is accepted. resolution protcstin- tl e requested incrE;ase in rates by the Pacific Telephone ele raph Cor.-i.pany wras intro and pas _ed or motion. by �rou-Zhton, seconded by - is ,ols and car-�,ied. Clerk wras directed to write letter to the 'aci f-i e Telephone L Telegraph Company stat- in- tlrat lon:4: ::.istance connections .fro::, Part Orc'1ard are often tinges delayed, and askin- tliat wr'hen a call on i nates is Port Orch,-r d that it be reported at its destination as a Port Orclia:p d call and not a.s a , re ebtor call; also that service �etween Port Orchard and _T�_e:r,iorton h_.s been much imp--oved in speed and efficiency over that v.6-i-lic1l existed previously. Council.,la.n '---all was -ranted fdrther time to contact the Count`r Enl ineer rear din- west boundary o.:' ;� ierLian Street. A letter _"ro'l ,._:C'S. Tt :.oI a:rl lc.2rCssi I is 1a---I=s to I-Ih i`s�77 03. Poit l x,,,_ �, d �'or cL anil � c..1c?�berry v ia.e , -moo_ S got rynV street, a,- rc^ d I-nd ordered filed. "hai -naar. i_ all o L the 'arks com:ii ttce x'cpo�'to ©n �;row�l- bear.,_; -." one at r" entral Playfi eld. _e Stated tlnata.rea had been scarfired and t':..at a rototiller rill be e iployed to loosen up t? e soil bcfore -top soil. is cpread and ,grass seeded. 1=e stated that so fal� no relief labor W1ad been secured and that 1l aorl,- _.as been done by e.,ployee� of to city. after o�_ . al aries of two x'e ul:z' 3troat orLployoeS aac 3 discussed, and Counc'!12:1an i-iclaols recomr2ended tl_at tl-,.e re ,uls.r eril'oloyees be paid tho county .scale. T'Inc riattc;r was discussed, �_nd it ';ias -;yoved by Parks, seconded by Drou�;hton ^and carried t?,at 1,7a,-;es of Jolin :. ti�aat;lan and Jesse J. Sutton, red izlar employees of the Street Dey t- ment be fi:xzed at ye255.00 per month, startin- January 1, 1949. Other salay'y clianges here re.;Ccrred to _{'inancc and uditin,; com-aittic e Co-!' study before action by the Council. `lihe followin,�; claims, checl:ed by hoa,,Is of imen'cs and by Ciyaiinvan '_'.ro­_-"hton o__ the ''finance .nlA�zditin­ cem_aittee, yrere presented to the �oul.cil and were ordered laid 011 ;"10�lOil by P3' =5, secoIded by ' ,—I 1 :'.nd c­.rried: Pac_f is Tel L Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 9:C.33 Lorraine ]:;Ides? P.O.3o: rent, ;police 1.00 Puget Soun =otrer Liyht Co. ity ball lights, months 35.11 American LaFrar_ce Company Equipment for Fire Dept. 31.54 Y� ?L!t i E. Gathe Assist in C:a_rl,, s o Nice �'s2.00 Dori '..yard Assict lln�;ineer, Taco2fza Street 37.30 ruer Surely Grade cta'.e 2laterial, Taca. aStreet 3.61 Ho°.re it Company -urnace oil, i'cy Tall 21.86 - ort C'rcha,r _ lLLldo�,endent Call oi' bids, Tacor:ia Street 4,.76 Pacific gel = 'J'el Co. rater D : t. tclep--zones an -I totals 14.94 ._aclxinery Service C, Supply Co. 0 Storm, Tin[ torches 18.13 :. Wruhahn Labx on pipe lines 32. 40 ST 7Z =2 Don' s Service 11 Vials , asoli.ne 3.10 Orville arose Labor on city streets 102,60 Puy et Sound Power Light 'Co. Street shed lights 2.00 .L :i L1: Orville 1�rose Labox' at :',entral Playfield 5.40 uet Souzzd Power Licht Co. Tennis court liElnts 16.76 i.ieetan,_ aMour,led to October 3, 1040 on 2aotion by Parks sec nded by I'ic':.ols and carried. Cler is TTcy or -- - -- - - - - - - - - 0 Port Ore ,ird, '.7ashini;ton October 3, Counc 1 of Port 'Urchai'd, I .clan, :,on et il­ adjourned cession, called to order by i::ayor , _lx L n i:� n y 1 �; 7 rc ;Lied ilia.. �OunC-_lY e21 'vvl l ZC1101�, ici J. �) i1C11 and .-Lay L. I I d, 1 present, dear: nG or. "rrel __,_in ry ud et, xi-..ax .Tad previously bcon coi .sidered ax-Id ordered pub- lisJxed, was called by :._^yor Sprur;ue. There ;rare r_o o,)jection,_ presented to thy: P2.'e- lilminary ud;;et as ad=rertised, and t'1e 2rciir,}anary udtie t .was adoptod an the it'_nal i:ud.,;et on 2�iotion by i ichols, seconded by .'ey)aniGla. and carried. Ordinance adoptin budi;et <-md fi .ii1 ; tar: levies fo1' t 1e year 1050, r�� reL?d and adopted on Iiotion by =itill, Ueconded by _�e �;zzicli and carried. :after of Ad. .' -`;sign. `I'a,ti was co::l.si erec}, and_ Gcor;-;c roue;iton, Jr., ana_ er of the. D. c ii. TIivat rc, ';r -s !)rL Se'i`i t and G''. t1:re',d into t'"Lc daSG �sSJ anS. 1 011o'a ir2`, consideration it :ras di.recteci V.at an o_-czanance be .re -)aced fi.-ir aa_.ission tc,_i: at 1c on each 30c ticl�eb, o­ fraction of 50c ticket. This action ra. ta'::en or., motion by _fall, seconded by .1) a- ieh and carried. E. !L. kris. -son ap-peared before the council ar..,.'- as',-ed t__-at alley in .'loc1L 2, Tottery Addition, i i. ji r ? a7 be o-nonod. l,olloain Liss-s�icr.., it .r:�_ ---ov,0d ,�y i.i ols, secorded b; 1L�. ich :_.nd ca -_-Tied, ti:-t ratter be refer -ed to t1lc Street nd Alley co 1"mittee an(-'- the /� '�il''Ge' 'r il:sT 'S •i ;ataOn and ro-ocrt. Count-,Tl adjourned c)n rLot'i cia ;;y .-AC''_Ols, seGCi"_(Ic d iiy i'all and car-:'ied. ',l irk Port Orchard, Vlashington October 1.0, 1949 Council of Port Orcha-°d, das hin ;ton called to ooder by the Clerk in the absence of m ayor l'lilliam .11. Spra,;ue. Councilman irk it 1,1. Parks vis s elected 'Acting fiiayor on mo-- tion by Rei)anich, seconded by Ball and car -tied. Present were Acting 1, ayor )P ip ks, Councilmen Verd .. I ichols, l?ay Mall, Dick J. Repaxiich and Gear�;e A. ro..L Eton; Attorney -Dudley 1 . Perrino and Engineer T. C. 2reitenstein. 1,:mutes of meeting of Se ptexiber 26, 1949 and October 3, 1949 read and a: proved. The matter of the Admission Ta> ordinance, -alit; c.h had been considered a� the nieeting of October 3, 1949, was taken up and o:?dinar_ce presented and read to council. After a dis- cussion, it was passed as read on motion by !Jichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Council�iian "Hall reported on bids for paintin„ the flunicipal Building, and stated that the jol> had been awarded to -Lorton c:!, Lee for oil base paint on their bid of tiy283.00 for all labor and material. lair. Ball _ ecorirnended that the trir-i or, the building be painted at the sal-e time, and on motion by Repa-i ich, seconded by Iaichols and car---ied. Parrs and Build'-nZ coim'Milttee were given power Io act in this matter. Actin`, ayor ?arl_s stated that he had contacted 'Ralp 1 .I,_llimns, o mr of property at th _> corn er of Sidney and :elcher Streets, relative to wider r ght-of-way on the curve, and as<.ed for pore time to snake a definite report. Engineer _ reiter_stein r eported in connection with the proposed. chai ge in grade al ign-. ment at Ains,rortlat s mood 1. arket. Tle started teat he h.-d contacted the State 1- ighvv.!y LnElnecr in ro-;ard to the natter and that an a`reement had been reached as to vIThat would be satisfactory. Engineer was directed to prepare tentative plans for the ,-cork and submit to the council and the State Highl.ray Encineers for study. This action was taken on motion 17y Repanic ,, seconded by Hall and carried. `oun.cilrian _<all of the Street and Alley corrEri.ttee i.'eported on i,lie request for charc;e in drivre vay by i0red -ladek and recoj:.rt_,nded a-ainst the cha?-.Se �.s reouested, ieport of the corim3ttee ado .,ted can motion by Bro.;: izton, seconded by Repx ich and carried. 'Engineer stated that lie had turned over to the Attorney descriptions of property needed for proposed connection bet.ieen S_,_i.th Street on Pottery 1:Iill add Kendall Street on Sid- ney :. ill, e�.nd that quit-clai_ i deeds would be ready to subii.it to submit to ,oroperty ovmers within a short time. Counci7:nLn Rcpanich stated that he would contact the prop- ert-�o-:;ners ;hen the deeds .re ready. Councilman Renanich reported bn a ;onversation which he had held aith an Engineer of t1 e, *Telephone Company re Cardin, moving poles on High Street. Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Telephone Company requesting tliat the poles be removed to east side o- 113�7) Street when projected re -installation is done by the 'Telephone CompMy. Tliis action wac taken on motion by seconded by Nichols and carried. Couiicllman mall stated that the County 'gin ineer would establish vrest boundary line of Sher.ian Street whi h lies in he county. Further consideration of the i.iiprovement of Sherman Street ,was continued. Councilman 1-al of the Par1.s .nd a3u.ildin; cow::ii:,tee reported that Central Playfield has beers prepared and planted to grass, and ho also reported ern investigation made rega,rd- ing`bachboards for outdoor basketball courts, at Givens Pield. tie recommended that wooden posts be set to carry the boards, and this reccr. ;iendation v;as concurred in by othdr rtLcrrfoers of he council. 0,,lIl c n 'O i ;'yton of the '_'finance anl. Au2iting co_'iraittee was given fUrther tii:le to report on proposed chai.;es in certain salary schedules. ication .i'roli the State De . anion of - i ;:..gays re"ardin; trai sic li ht at Sidney end .-,ay Streets tins read ^n:y. considered by the council.-olloiring study of the p-noposed installation, it' was moved by I ichol,�, seconded bar Reps ich nd. carried that Cleric write a letter to tine Department statint tl.,at the -'o.in officid s are not in accord ..itn the Zindings o_' the Dear tr,ient rcga din;; traffic count, ,.nd c_uraticn of directional liClIt, and to ash- Wlat a furt'Aer c_-ie,L: be :lade, L_nd that a representative- of the To -an assist in l.-_a'.inc the check. A letter irons �. L. Orell, St .te Supervisor o rorestry, enclosi�.Z areerfient for ac- quisition by the Town of i,'orestry p-ooporty in Port Orclaa.t-d, -.was read and this matter was referred to the P ml_s end : tzilcki n� cor:miittce and tlic ::lay or :,o � nt;.et thy:=,orestry De a`?tnent, 1,.rk <orc wcant:.d the rest CnatWon o ' John A. 1:o;yrle a: 'own At ;oi ney, and appoint r:er_t of liudle Y I:. Perrine as To;in Attorney, sifned bar th,3- 7'[y or. �' Ilotin W'er;zi_'dir? • proposed air r ai1 routes was )resente(I to c council, and on motion ,.7 I,icizole,, seconded by Hall aa� l carte led, o.:r� =:tent on weeps d as favoi'in_,. clarify_cation o_' r=^il rpLltCs to �"Oi't 'u L :i lett--r f c°o__: South l_it'sap C z _:::e n o-_ moo. _ -cr ce ;i in _ a scite<Iulc o_: .a.;etin .s to be meld -�:,as read, r_id :;ouncil:^.r ]Le_Daich st .ted v_ .at ye :ould endeavor 'a-o atteia . the meetinFof ctober 17, 1949. ,Ik , n ln.... ' tc;__t c: • �rcl�i:� :� - :3i.a -'. a_' or c: _� arl, co: ,:��.,6oa� on Taco t r o t, _n '_ a :,._ t ;"GU=; ? ., e __ L_. �1:: __ ',-U 031j of cs l,i111 i'.10 t]_O by G�� ,,. ,-� an�� aL�i- c.W � ic'., 7 - ^v'�.' r _��(., .�-, .` n r.v c �"�, _ tL ,..:. n-;� v�. �� .��. o v au'tt- 0 1 Cer to :__ _i, 1tS _���. 1__'. i .l.'1�. 0. v:: . i Ou7t O_ 1,�'N.00, L_, of 0unC tt'tc, d tliat cY?os a[` at ;.cl;, 'nL. T t't'00t-2 i_- 1i'. r(:C;'L O G >^j-r ._ aild a c"ioc t 3G 22- iy _ ?_Q it {✓ O�' y)i ( tr L .Y • 1 itCr '.i". rr L.O e f u-)a la,- 0.nt S l t C U.. G 5'_ ( L l' iJe ol- GO _ yle, U_`. iia,; d�iui . _ .1_ J G_' 7 _ _ :O':;ii ii! .;U. c , t t' as o:L Ji c, o mot C)I n , r _� r o o : tr i'_ i0110. JY;j C, j_.1 , -a or0 1.�.'': w:,..LUJ -j, E ., �IIC:U �'� V_._ ('�J..'CL1 ..= _._rCT_ :2c C). 'C U_ Y)11CL c)] .aot- 7'''1= 0- -1t .-�'ou _oll, flec Oy..i_ ClOJ .:CJ'+rC: 11 dia.)i:Yi� _ il.'i1c1cC Q.l y �l. %1 Port Cr ar df _!_Y .. a, 2, C �,i✓ �eY�d�nt lu�'l+ _1Y7 �.r_a 'c. i1ue ? .�: in].-, ,o,, rolice .72 ol:cc� ?,,.I.Ct �O-.IYl _'O'..`C'1' Jill-__1i, -O. '� 'C 2t 11"_;ts =n C,: .,C r 177. 7 tandard yl 'o ��aiay : asolinc, j'olicc I i.01 o_: incerI s _ el-)er /1-0.00 o e_a_,c7ruare :isIIl e Cool: --on: ,.('Os. ' ol ? a..1 o _ I C r )] g y olic( c1.03 ..-Q're '_:OtOr Ca;i-palsy :ovirl_; r fro . �' ^o sLL ect 't_�cet �:.12 :_11_::1) T, ,-, 3 r L :�(. Oi er LI7U : 133 . r.7 all y�eYz .,o. %r(+1:, lr.tc alvcc O.GO 2 _Our G.3"7 Chica­ o ri E e rol' Co. i= tiliiol -ets u <� I� t��-�._ 10.30 'LUti3 _'�• Y ?tile�Su 1 tlrlllu 'vlcrlL U. VC1 1,_. L. C alua:c:ell Tur-c' entire: 0r_� d l"; inn 1.05 Crv'lle 'rose .Labor o': st-cote �?O.CO �.; i� hlund La,;oy on �:t cots 2'"1.00 Allai .,iubbell on streets C.•'7 '.lestern As )halt ��o.:ipanySidney St. e - ter.sions 1 10.00 s�O'.:G oil Ol?lp 'Yly DC_Lsc'1 Oil 17.54 IOCLIL: __�z_�d!'rare i23'=C ar,J la!_; Scro:1'S 2.33 r , -3 __o;re-..ot�G-r �o�,ra�.ny-}i�_-..air liod.�e �i�acl.L . .04 Cgldrrell Fault t linz er; cLall; 1; nc Yid reel 15 :,ri7_?.i.nc )� stributin : Co. It 9.20 f.'e:lierton (,'oncrete Products Co. Dran tilo 235.01 aJ-Cl-1 1.1n JL i'la _Field 75.60 Orville ...,rose 1..0�'':'_' oY' vc-'Yi.t; al Pla-7 _y'1 c1 CL ., J,) . 40 �'uy err Labor C011tral i'la-�r- field 32.,-0 Tesley '�. �'lynr LC be CenLre.l i'la�Ti'i�:ld 5.�-0 Slocu.l iaru;rare ?.rcieYl ra'_-_es �.0�3 V_, '"' . v . u. v«ld.re •,c , s t- �, 7 til_ il0 �.� .�.:.. :L'1t-l.1Yi�,s r- r r J.Jc3 estie:!'n As h^1'c �0? : )a_ ;" l a ii �; areas, :�ent:'�.1 r � iVC nc Fields 1,15��.60 '.",Tosterr As )halt loin,Da ny W'avin: : idney an l l Pe, dericl_ St. L::t. 1, 750.00 J.- - _j G""� Orcizai°d uu;.;er :ard ;and and co: -lent 1.00 :,'. L. Jo-_Inson Llal, cn, on .:.Dwer linc2 23.00 _untlul.-_-; Co. i3oO!:s ioi LibraI r 5.13 Claim of-_Urtis for rototill in- ai1d 1 Or t -'Ci Si,_-nal Servi Grp for ropai:'ing rototiller (C l.trc:.l ;'cliool) d= la je(_':_ for action to c aec« clai rc.s. Cous:cil Yurnod or: lmot:io s econC' o OJT il--a l an'- carr =Le'_ . W Part Orchar d, Washington October 24, 1949 Council of Port Orchan d, Washington called to order by 19g7or Willian H. Sprague with Councilmen Nick J. Repp4ich, George A. Broughton, Ray B. Hal 1, Verd W. Nichols and Virgil M. Parks; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine, Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of October 10, 1949 read and approved. Clarence B. Haggard, representing the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.mpm y, was pres- ent, and explained a mobile telephone equipment, which permits conversations between the automobile and any telephone within a given radius over the system. He demon- strated the use of the equipment in his car, to the members of the council and gave cost _data, etc. A discussion of the usability of the equipment to the Police De- partment was indulged in, and it was directed that a check of incoming telephone calls to the Police Department between the hours of 5 p. m. and 9 a. m. be made Bad a report of the number given to the council for comparative purposes. Action on acquisition of the equipment was deferred for farther consideration. Matter of the Admission Tax ordinance again came up, as it effects businesses in Port Orchir d, subject to the tax, and the law governing the admission was explained by Attorney Perrino, Chairman Parks of the Street and Alley committee was granted further time in the matter of the Sidney-Melcher street curve., Engineer stated that there have been no further developments on the proposed chap go in grade alignment at the Ainsworth Food Market, Councilman Repanich and Attorney Perrino stated that some signatures have been se.. cured on the Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill right-of-way, deeds, and further time was granted to secure remainder of signatures. Counoilmm Hall stated that a survey had been made by the County Engineer's office of the west boundary line of Sherman Street. A discussion of improvements on this street was held, and the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee to make in Inspection and ascertain what is necessary to be done on this street, further consid. eratiOon to be given when report is received., Reports were received from Chairman Hall of the Parks committee, and other Councilmen and the Superintendent, on work accomplished at Givens Field and Central Playfield, and a discussion of these improvements followed. Letter from State Division of Forestry, and a proposed agreement for acquisition by the Town of port Orchard of the Forestry propertynin Port Orchard, was agd n taken up, Clerk was directed to write setter to the Division of Forestry asking that a clause be incorporated in the agreement which would permit the Town of Port Orchard to secure the land on a lease at a nominal v@ntaly_Atntil such time as the States Legislature authorizes the sale to the Town of Port Orchard under the terms of a former bid for the property. Condition of the crossing at Bay and Seattle Streets was discussed, as was also the lo. cation of the buildings in the area, some of which were reported to be partly in the streets and alloys. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee reported that no farther developments had taken place in the matter of the proposed improved lighting on B47 Street, but stated that a report may be 'L'hrthccm:Lng vii thin a short time. He also stated that the Platkning Commission had prepared a plan for improved lighting on KitsgD and Rockwell Streets, and that details of this plan would be received in the new future. Letter from Port Orchard Prohressive Club offering assistance in advan sing program of better street lighting, which the Club endorsed, read, and Clerk was directed to write to the Progressive Club thanking the Club for its offer, and extending the appre- ciation of the city government for the ever -ready assistance of the Club. Mayor Sprague stated that he would again contact the .Board of County Commissioners relative to Mitchell Hill surer. Letter from Pollution Control Commission of the State of Washington read. Clerk was directed to answer the letter, stating that the Town of Port Orchard has given the sub- ject serious consideration, And is aware that some measures should be taken; but that the financial obligations involved pr�:sent a serious problem, date to limited valuation of the Tvan and the limited resoirces available, Letter from Fire Protection District No. 7, relating to mutual assistance contract be� tween the District and the Town of Port Orchards was read and referred to Fire Cgief Alan Totten for recommendation. Letter from Association of Washington Cities relative to 1949 dues of the Association was read, and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Repanieh and carried, Clerk was authorized to dram warrant for the 1949 dues. i Claims of W. S. Curtis and Port Orchard Signal Service, laid over from last meeting were taken up and discussed, and were allowed on motion by Repan ich, seconded by Hall and carried. Following claims, checked by heads of depsrtmentsand by Chairman Broughton of the Finance and Auditing committee, were presented and were allowed on motion by Parks, .seconded by Nichols and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Orchard Independent Publish ordinances No. 562-563 11,24 Dun Ward Assisting Engineer 21,60 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 45.10 P.O.Mach.ine, Marine & Iron Wks Repair Model A. Pumper 11.07 Kitsap Radio &Appliance Vibrator --Police car 5.92 NWA.K.Cochrane & Associates Red Glo Bean light --Police 1.95 Association of Washington Cities 1949 dues 135,00 Irving P. Lee and Sterling Norton ,Painting City Hall 420,24 WATER FUND Trick & Iduuray Warrant Register and Ledger sheets 59,.31 Port Orchard Marine Railway Welding 3.09 Port Orchard Independent 5 M postal card water bills 74,93 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones and tolls 13.15 Puget Sound Power & Light Co, Power and light at al punts 384.40 Rive Electric Lab or andmaterial, main water plant 20.19 W. F. Bruhahn Lab or on water lines 62.10 STREET FUNA Mrville Brose LdDor on city streets 54.00 Union Oil Co. of Cal. Motor Oil and greases 51.68 Holmberg & Norman Gravel 18,54 South Kitsap Gravel Co. yds sand 33.60 P.O.Machine,Mar ine & Iron Wks Welding, etc. 27.30 PARK FUND Lumber Supply Basketball backstop material 20.73 Orville Brose Labor at Givens and Central Fields 37.80 Ray Ecklund Labor a Givens and Central Fields 16.20 W. S. Curtil Rototilling Central Play field 100,00 Port Orchard Signal Service Repairs to rototiller 50.73 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lights at tennis courts 2.41 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Company Books for Library 9.37 Trick & lAirray Envelopes for Librarian 14.06 Claim of Irving P. Lee and Sterling Norton for painting Municipal Building was pre- sented, Clerk stab ing that Depw tment of Leb or and Industries had telephoned that contractors had not cleared with that Department. The claim was allowed and warren t authorized, subject to cleareace by Depar tment of Labor and Industries. Clerk was directed to write to Les Plymale, State Aid Engineer, for gopointment to meet with Street and Alley committee on his next or near -future trip to Port Orchard. Meeting adjrned on motion by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried. ,ter Clerk MLy or - - -_0 - -- - - - - - - Port Orchard, Washington November 14, 1949 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Council- men Virgil M. Parks, Verd W. Nichols, Rag B. Hall, George A. Broughton, ad Nick J. Repanich; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Superintendent of Public Yorks George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Minutes of meeting of October 24, 1949 read and approved. Engineer stated that so far no definite plat has been agreed upon regarding change in grade alignment on Bay Street in front of Ainsworth Food Market, Cou"noi,lman Repanich stated that deeds had been secured from all but one owner re- quired for Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill street right-.of-w,ay, and that efforts are being made to secure the final deed. Chairman Parks of the Street and Alley committee stated that an investigation had been made by his committee of the condition of Sherman Street, and recommended that msLnte- nance be continued to beep the street in the best possible condition for printer, with- out any major improvement being undertaken. Mayor Sprague reported on negotiations so far conducted for acquisition of the Forestry property in Port Orchard, stating thEt finances have been arranged and that an agree- ment has been drawn to submit to the State Department of Forestry. The proposed agree- ment was read to the council and on motion by Parks, seconded by Nichols and carried, Mayor was authorized to sign agreement. Chairman Nichols of the Fire and Light committee stated that a meeting of the property owners and others interested in the proposed program for improved street lighting on Bay' Street, will be held at Myhre's Cafe at noon, Tuesday, November 22, 1949, and Clerk was directed to communicate with M. E. Upson ,and Gail Blanchard of the Westing- house Electric Supply Company, the Fort Orchard Progressive Club and the Port Orchard Planning Commission, notifying them of the meeting and requesting their presence. Nhairman Nichols also stated that a plan for improved lughting of Kitsap, Harrison and Rockwell Streets had been worked out, and submitted proposed plan. This matter was dis- cussed and referred to the Fire and Light committee for further study and report. It was reported that a meeting of interested governmental groups would be held in.coA- nee`t`ion with the Mitchell Hill surer, sn d Mayor Sprague and members of the council stated that they would attend the meeting. Letters from James W. Carey & Associates, and Water Refineries, concerning sewer dis- posal plants were reed and ageneral discussion of Sewer disposal Followed. Mayor Sprague reported on a meeting which he, the members of the Street and Alley can. mit�ee and other officids had held with Les Plymale of the State Depw tment of Hi.ghweVs, regar ding improvement of Black Jack bridge. He stated that interest was expressed in the proposals of the Town and that it was suggested that the Town submit plans;,, art d alob to what extent the Town would participate in the Improvement, The Mayor stated that the Towrn.'s participation should consist of securing n6d6leary right-of-way and placing additional rip rep. Engineer stated that he would make preliminary axing of the proposed betterment, and clerk was directed to write letter to the State Department of Highways stating the position of the Town in the matter. Mesbrs. Cunningham and Williams from the Bremerton City Pound were present regarding establishing animal pound in Port Orchard. The matter was discussed but no action taken. Chief of Police reported on second traffic count at Bay and Sidney Streets intersec- tion.. A discussion followed, and it was directed that a letter be written to the State Department of Highways requesting that traffic light operate as a stop and go signal from 6:30 a. m. to 6:30 P. m. daily.. Engineer submitted final estimate for L.I.D.No. 52 (Tacoma Street) . This was exaaa fined by the council and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried, Clerk was authorized to draw warrants against L.I.D.No. 52 in favor of R. B. Rye►, contractor, in the mount of $70116.63, this being 85% of the amount due on the contract. (r ' Englneer also submitted final assessment roll for L.I.D.No. 52 (Tacoma Street. Council fixed the date of hear ing on said assessment roll for December 12, 1949 at 7 o'clock p. m., and directed that proper notice as proscribed by law be given of the hear ing. Clerk submitted contract for power at West Bay Street pumping.station. Contract was examined, and I hyor was authorized to sign same, on motion by Parks, seconded by Nichols and carried. Matter of permitting advertising on parking meters on plan submitted to Council, was referred to Street and Alley committee.. Mager of street light at Kendall and Grant Streets intersection was referred to the Puget Sound Power & Light Compmy to ascertain if facilities provide for street light at this point. Clerk submlttted Emergency Ordinance to provide for additional expenditure in the Street Fund for $1,200,00 for supplies and material. The ordinance was adopted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried unaaimously, and was continued to November 28, 1949 for final. action. The following claims tare presented and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repan ich and carried: Paul S. Atkind. Port Orchard Independent Pierce County Humane Society Wilkins Distributing Company Port Orchard Signal Service Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Dice Electric Rice Electric Hoge Oil Company Howe Motor Company Don Ward Standard Oil Co. of Cal. W. F. Bruhahn Orville Brose Rog Ecklund Roy Ecklund V. B. Caldwell Trading Posh; Howard Cooper Corp. Howe's Hardware Howe's Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Howe Oil Company Howe Motor Company Slocum Hardware W. F. Bruhahn Talbot Plumbing Slocum Hardware Thompson's Caldwell's Trading Post Fairbanks Morse & Co. Donis Service -Port Orchard Marine Railway Howe's Hardware Slocum Hardwar e Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Orville Brose Bert Braaten Howe's Hardware Howe's Hardware Slocum Hardware Caldwell Trading Yost The H. R. Huntting Company Puget Sound News Company Gaylord Bross, CURREUT EXPENSE FUND Special Police officer 33.25 Various publications and printing 70.00 Dispose of 20 dogs 20,00 Gasoline 99.20 Battery clamp, etc. 4.53 Various lights 220,22 Labor on cross walk light 18,04 Light globes SD .69 Furnace oil 106.16 Repair police car 7.57 Engineer's helper 16.20 Tire repair and gasoline --Police 8.21 STREET FUND Labor on streets 5.40 Labor on streets 152.55 Labor on streets 16.20 Labor on streets 33.75 Brass tubing and fittings .82 Gaskets, starter valve 20.40 Wrenches and thermometer 3,04 2 Clevisea 2,37 Street shed lights, 2 months 2.00 Stove oil 12.44 Repair V-8 Truck 3.03 Traffic paint, etc. 84,32 WATE2 FUND Laski or on water lines 41,85 Batteries for pipe locator 3.81 Pliers 2.25 1 doz red pencils 1.24 Caulking iron 1.18 Parts for pump 17.98 Tire repair 2,06 Copper cable 12.98 Flashlight batteries 1.11 File and -rope 2,55 Power and light, all Alants 303.50 PARK FUND Labor 21.60 Top s 6il 103.00 Grass seed and fertilizer 78.02 Seed spreader 9.73 Bolts, waehers, asphalt 13.27 Hose and couplings 10.61 LIERARY FUND Books 24,30 Books 19,65 Index and application cards 10,25 Raft-TIT1,01 W. L. Jnhnson Labor repairing sewer lateral 8.00 Additional police assistance until the first of the yew was authorized on motion by Nichols$ seconded by Broughton and carried. Council adjy urned on motion by 3roughton, Clerk seconded by Hall and carried. MiV or M Port Orchard, Washington November 28, 1949 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor Nil.lian H. Sprague. Present Couxn- oilmen Verd W. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, Nick J. Repan ich and George 'A. Broughton; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein m d Superintendent of Public Works Gm rge F. Givens.. Minutes of meeting of November 14, 1949 read and approved. Further time was granted to secure right-of-way deeds for Pottery Hill -Sidney Bill road. connection, Mayor reported that a portion of the money for purchase of Forestry Building in Port orchard has been deposited in the Kitstp County Baak, and that the remainder will be deposited shrotly. That agreement had been transmitted t6 the State Division of For- estry in Olympia, but that to date no response has been received. At this time Councilman Pw ks entered and took his seat at the council table, Discussion of widening the highway and bridge in the vicinity of Black Jack bridge was held, and Engineer stated that tentative playa would be ready for submission to the State Department of Highways this week. Plan for improved lighting on Kitsap Street as d Rockwell Street was agd n discussed; the plan was examined, and can motion by Nichols, seconded by Repan ich and carried, the plap was adopted and the Z,ghts authorized, as was also light at Kendall and Grant -B a Streets. . Mayor Sprague stated that a meeting would be held at the Cmznm.issioners t room in the Kitsep County Administration Building on December 5, 1949, at which time disposal, of the Mitchell Hill sewer would come up for hearing. Mayor and Councilmen and other officers of the Town are to attend the meeting. Mayor stated that new traffic light at Bray and Sidney Street intersection is being installed and will probably be in operation November 20 or 21, 1949. Acquisition of the well at the Silver Springs Brewery by the Town was discussed, and Mayor stated that he would endeavor to open negotiations for its purchase. h, Question of parking meter advertising was discussed, and the terms of the contract as submitted were studied„ The matter was continued for conference with the interstted. party. Robert Gadberryy residing on Hull Strut, presented a problem existing in an alley adjoining his property, and Superintendent Mated that improvements aura uld be mqde,as soon as possible. A letter from the Christian Science Church of Port Orchard, with vh ich was submitted a drawing of their proposed new church# was received. After a discussion, it was . moved by Hall, seconded by Nichols and carried that no part of the building shd lextend beyond the property lane. A petition signed by various property owners to vacate Lot 6, Block 7, Railroad Addition to Sidney (now Port Orchard) was received and read to the council. This wEs referred to Attorney for study and opinion. Ordinance providing for the expenditure of $1,200.00 in the Street Fund, not provided for in the budget, Ana declaring an emergency, which has been introduced November 14, 1949, was read and passed on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried, all members voting for the motion. Ordinance was adapted as Ordinance No. 563. Matter of stop sign in the vicinity of Melcher and Sherman Streets was discussed,, and it was the opinion of the council as expressed, that the sign should be on the county road in the interest of traffic safety. The matter was referred to the Superintendent to contact County Road Foreman in the muter. The following claims, checked by the Auditing Committee and by heads of Departments,. were read and ordered paid on motion by Nichols, seconded,by Hall and carried: Renssalaer Valve Co. Lumber Supply Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent David Boehme- American LaFrance Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CURRENT EXPENSE 2 Fire hydrants Engineerta stakes Calendar filler for Treasurer 2ublish assessment roll hearing Special patrolman 4 Vw ions equipment 'Or Fire Dept. Various telephones and tolls STREET FUtD Lumber Supply Lumber dixipAoment Orville Brose Ldbor on streets Donald Moore Labor on streets Kiysap Co.Rd.Oil Sus. Acct, Road Oil Bremerton Gravel 0 Asphalt Co. D*Grade Asphalt 250.91 1.80 .87 10.43 92.28 315.00 48.95 9.89 86,40 32.40 811.44 122.36 W. F . Bruhahn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. E. N. Halgren Company H. D. Fowler.Co., Inc. The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sund News Company The College Bindery Gaylord Bros. Paget Sound Power & Light Co. WATER FUND Labor on water lines Telephones and tolls Copper tubing Pipe cutter, valves LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Nooks for Libra; y Repairing books Record book PARK FUND Councilja<ourned on motion by Hall, Clerk Zf and couplings Tennis court lights, 2 months seconded by Broughton and carried. Port Orchard, Washington December 12, 1949 22.95 16.00 55.66 121.29 106.28 23.76 59.56 2.00 ,lay or 3,14 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by William H. Sprague, Mayor, with Councilmen George". Broughton, Nick J. Repan ich, Ray B. Hall, Verd W. Nichols and Virgil M. Parks; Attorney Dudley N. Perrine� Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, present. Minutes of meeting of November 2e, 1949 read and approved. Matter of proposed parking meter advertising was taken up, and two proposals were sub- mitted; one from the Par kingMeter Advertising .Company and one from H. D. Fowler Com- pany, inc. The proposals were examined and representative of Parking Meter Advertising Company explained his proposal, and several suggestions were made for inclusion in the contract. The terms of the contract were agreed upon, and it was moved by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried that Attorney be instructed to draw an ordinance In- cluding the terms set forth by the council, and that it be referred to the License and Auditing committee for study, and if satisfactory, the May or he authorized to sign same. Frank Davenport, manager of the Kitsep County Airport, addressed the council reldive to making the local airport a regulars eheduled port for commercial airlines for service to various parts of the country. He asked that the council pass a resolution addressed to the C. A. A., requesting granting such service. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Repanich and carried that Attorney prepare such resolu- tion, and that Mayor be authorized to sign same. J. C. Shafer, representing the Burroughs Adding MachineCompany, addressed the council and presented specifications for machine which mouldhandle billing and bookkeeping for rater and sewer departments at a considerable saving over the present method of handling these accounts. The matter was considered by the council, and following consideration, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Parks and carried that bids be called for a bookkeeping machine equipped to handle the accounting in the Clerk's office. At this time, it being the date for hearing on the $ nal assessment Roll for L.I.D.Ro. 52 (Tacoma Street) Mayor Spregue caused the matter up for hearing. There were no ob- jdctions from the floor and the Clerk stated that no objections had been filed, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Par ks and carried that Assessment Roll as filed be adopted, and.that ordinance be drawn confirming the Assessment Roll, A. A. Arrington, operator of the South Kitsep Transit Lines, appeared before the counc it relative to intra-city schedules, and also asking that he be permitted to establish a separate bus terminal in Port Orchard and be granted parking space. These matters were discussed, and referred to the Street and Alley committee to investigate the questions. Mr. Patterson of the H. D. Fowler Company, Inc., appeared and explained his proposal for parking meter advertising. Furthertirne granted to secure right -of --way deeds for Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill road connections. proposed widening of Blank Uack bridge was discussed, and Engineer stated that he vo uld prep are.amended plans for proposed changes. A discussion of acquisition of the Mitchell Hill sewer wag entered into, aa. d a report made of a meeting nheld previously concerning this utility. Mayor and members of the council.stated that they would attend a meeting in the near future, at which time the co jnty commissioners and directors of School Dist. No. 402 vuould consider disposal of the Mitchell Hill sewer, Msy or stated that there is nothing definite to report rAgarding acquisition by the town of thm well at the Silver Springs brewery, if and ehen this plant is moved. Petition to vacate lot in Block 80 Railroad Addition continued for further investigatioh. Crass -walk lines were ordered painted between south side of Prospect Street across Sidney Street to the Post Office. Matter of traffic control on privates road along the waterfront in Block 13, Sidney, was considered, and it was decided that police may control trot' fic on this road if prop• erty owners file written request. Curfew ordinance was discussed, and other problems in connection with youngsters came In for consideration. No definite action was taken. CouncilmanBroughton asked that letter be written. to State Department of Highways asking that traffic light at Bay and Sidney Streets be in operation longer hours during the holiday season. Councilman Nichols stated that revised plans for improved lighting on Bay Street have been received from Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. He submitted the plans for study and stated that a copy has been turned over to Fred Hannah of the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce. Following claimp checked by haads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee, were presented and ordered paid on motion by Hdll, seconded by Broughton and carried: d Howe Motor Company Repair police car 14.16 Howe's Hardware 2 #6 dry cells for Fare Department 1.39 T. R. Hubbw d Toggle switch for Fire Department 1039 South Kitsap Motors Tire the ige, switch for ,Police 1.72 Howe Oil. Company . Fnmace ail, City Hall lWom David Boehme Special patrolman 92.28 Cookson Bros Service Tire repair, Police 1.05 Standard Oil Company Gasoline .for Police 14.00 Howard Cooper Corp. 2 Electric Len terns for Fire Dept. 33,05 Port Orchard Independent Publish Ordinance No. 564 (Tacoma Street) 5.18 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street and cores walk lights 180.90 WATER FUND Hs D. Fowler Company, Inc. Bid ance 4n cutter wheels 1199 T. R. Hubbard Battery for auxiliary engine 23.24 Puget Sound Power & Light Co, Pourer and light, pumping plants 283,90 V. B. Caldwell Tools and merchandise 15.86 Howe Motor Company Repair water trucks 2D , 21 w. P. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 58.05 Slocum Hardware Var ions merchandise 3,84 Wilkins Distributing Company Gasoline 99,20 Thompson's Purchase order books 4.94 STRUT FUND Howe motor Company Reline friction on shovel 2,94 T. R. Hubber d Battery cable „77 Slocum Hardware Tools, cables, etc. 20„66 Orville Brose Labor on streets 108.00 P.O.Machia ,Mar iner .& Iran. Works Welding 14,11 Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Drain the 20,02 Donts Service Valve caps 1.24 Mild. & Mine Supply Co. 80 feet wire rope 8.72 Sd ndonts, Inc. Tire repair, grader 18033 Howe t s Hardware Bolts, washers, paint brushes 3,85 PARK FUND Howe' s Har dware Various merchandise 16.76 L. I. D. No. 52 (TacomaStreet# R. B. Ryan Extras on job approved by Engineer Councilad ned on motion by Parks, seconded by Broughton and arried, Ca Mayor Part Orchard, Washington December 27, 1949 Council pC Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor Wil- liam H. Sir ague. Present Councilmen Verd IV. Nichols, Ray B. Hall, and Nick J. Repm - icb; Attorney Dudley N. Perrino; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein and Superintendent of Public Forks George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of December 120 1949 read and approved. This being the date on which bids for bookkeeping and accounting machine were to be opened, Clerk reported ti-st oen bid had been received. Bid of Burroughs Adding Machine Company offered to furniih a machine according to specifications for $1,436.85. The bid was considered and a general discussion followed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded Nichols and carried that bid be accepted subject to right to cancel order by letter mailed at aray time prior to 10 o'clock a.m. aanuary 10, 1950. Attm ney submitted contract for parking meter advertising with Parking meter Advertis- ing Company, and it was directed that contract be referred to Councilman Broughton, Chairman of the License and Auditing Committee. Ordinance approving assessment roll for L.I.D.No. 52 (Tacoma Street) was read and passed on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 565, Mayor Sprague pointed out that under the agreement with Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, that arrangements for additional compensation is to be made if contract exceeds $10,000.00„ and that under the Tacoma street project (L.I.D.No. 52) that the contract price and cost of the improvement comes under this head.. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Nichols and carried that Clerk be directed to _ draw warrant against L.I.D.No. 52 for m y bal m ee remaining in estimate for engineer- ing and incidentals after incidental expenses are paid. A. A. Arrington of the South Kitsp Trankit'.Company again appeared before the council relative to bus station and parking space. These matters were discussed and refermd to Street and Alley ,committee with power to act, on motion by Repanich, seconded by Nichols and carried. Further time granted to secure right-of-way deeds on Pottery Hill -Sidney Hill street connection. Attorney stated that petition for vacation of certain lot in Block 8, Railroad Addition had been returned to petitioners as same did not comply with requirements. Matter of police control of private road on waterfront in Block 13, Sidney, was con.. t:Lnued, as reeu est for this service has not been received from owners of property involved. Lotter from State De?artment of Highways regarding traffic light read and filed. Suggested agreement with State Department of Forestry for acquisition of State Forestry property in Port Orchw d, was presented to the council, and its contents considered. Moved By Nichols, seconded by Repmaich and carried that contract be accepted and Mayor ea�d Clerk authorized to sign same, the am ount in the leasing agreement to be fixed at $1,00 per month, i_ and when leasing agreement becomes effective. Clerk submitted ordinance fixin„ salaries of certain employees of the 'down and same was adopted on motion by Nichols, seconded by Repanich and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 566. Councilman Nichols stated that thereis leak around the windows in the police office, =d Superintendent stated that he would care of sealing the windows. Following claims, previously checked by heads of departments and by CouAci1man::•Repiak1nh of the License and Auditing committee, were read and ordered paid on motion by Hall, seconded by Repanich and carried: Dean D. Jones, Sheriff W.r S. Dar ley Company The Stock Company Guy L. Wet-ol, Qlerk David Boehme P. E. Langer, Agent County Auditor Chas. A. Heath Haaanah & Powell Port orchard Independent Pacific Tel & Tel C6. Lorraine Helder CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Board of prisoners to Dec., 1949 Freigh in traffic light returned Payroll and withholding blanks Various advaa ced expenses Special patrolman Premium, Police Chief and Police Clk Fire truck and polio: car licenses Dispose of two dogs First aid kit and merchandise, Police Call for bids for bookkeeping machine Various telephones and tolls P.O.Box rent and postage, Police STRESIT FUND $ 19.00 45.82 10.Zl 4,67 99.97 bonds 10.00 6.00 2.00 3.99 3.70 43.60 2.50 Siler Auto Parts Timkin bearings 4.17 County Auditor A truck licenses 3100 Port Orchard Signet Service Orville Brose y,itsap County Road Dist. No. 3 MO RE STREET FLINT) Filters for truck Labor on streets Oil distributor rental WATER. FUND Fairbakns, Mcrse & Co. Worthington Gamon Meter Co. H. D. Fowler & Co., Inc. American Water Works Association Kite County Auditor Hannah & Powell Guy, L. Wetzel, Clerk Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget Sound News Company The H. R. Huntting Company' Current Expense Fund T. Breitenstein Counci journed �on, i Bronze impeller, maAn pimp Water motor parts Service clamps 1950 due s 2 truck licenses 1 pt. glycerine Index cards and postage Telephones and tolls LIBRARY FUND Books for fbrary Books for Library L.I.D. No. 52 (Tacoma Street) Re- 1mburse for advance payments Egtineering .3.00 lM2.60 90.00 76.30 10.38 8*71 10,00 3.00 1.60 .71 13.80 8.65 29,58, 124.51 62.50 ion by Nichols, seconded by Hall and arried. Clerk M� or -0 Port Orchard, Washington January 9, 1950 Regular session of the council of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor William H. Sprague, with Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Reps, ich, Rag B. Hall, Vera W. Nichols and Virgil M. Parks* Attorney Dudley N. Perrin and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Minutes of meeting of December 270 1949 read and approved. Matter of purchase of bookkeeping and accounting machine agdn taken up; sc d it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Parks and carried that firm acceptance of bid of Burroughs Adding Machine Company be accepted, and that Clerk be directed to issue raw purchase order for the machine at the price of 1,436.85, and that former qualified order be surrendered to the Town. At this time Councilman. Ray B. Hall was excused from the meeting. a Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee stated that he had exatined the proposed ordinance relative to parking meter advertising, and that it contained the provisions set forth by the Council, and that his committee considered the ordi- nance submitted satisfactory. Mayor Sprague brought up the matter of the balance of 15 due to R. B. Ryan on his con- tract for the TacomaStreet job (L.I.D.No. 52) and the matter was discussed by the council. it was moved by Rep azich, seconded by Parks and oarried that Clerk draw war- rduts against L.I.D.No.52 for the remainder due to R. B. Ryan on his contract, end that Mr. Ryan be asked to file clearance from Department of Labor and Industries and from the State Tax Commission. Chairman Parks of the Street and Al ey committee made a report on the application of South Kitsap Transit Lines for separate bus depotrand parking space, and further time was granted in this matter. Additional time granted to secure right-of-way deeds on Pottery Hill-Bidney Hill road connection. ' Communications from the Department of Health and Department of Engineer of the Univer- sity, announcing Water Works instruction to be held at the University Februar y 2 and 3 read. Following a discussion, the Superintendent was authorized to ebtend all or any part of this school of instruction, the Town to pay the expenses incident thereto. Clerk stated that contracts for oil and gasoline expire February 1, 1950 and on motion by Pa^ ks, seconded by R.epanich and carried.. Clerk was directed to advertise for bids (� for estimated quantities of oil, gasoline, etc., for the year beginning Feb. 11 1950. Councilman Parks brought up the matter of purchasing at wholesale where it is possible to effect savings, and officers authorized to make purchases were instructed to buy where best prices may be secured, local establishments to be favored if prices and discounts Are comparable.