01/01/1948 - Regular - MinutesSTREET FUND Slocum Hardware Switch and plates 2.0 1 Cowman -Campbell Faint Co. 20 gals traffic paint, etc. 71.95 Howard Cooper Corp* 2 sets tire chains, grader 79,31 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets 108,00 John N. Vaughn Lebor on streets 108000 Councilman Sutton brought up the matter of extended service for telephone service between theccity hall and Bremerton,,and moved that Clerk be directed to take care of details of procuring extended service for a telephone from the city hall. Motion seconded by iinebrenner and carried. Council ourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded Sutton and carried. 0�--- - -Clerk May 4r 04- Port Orchard, Washington January 12, 1948 Council of Port Orchw d, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor M. H. Thompson. Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner, William h. Sp?agues W. S. Stevenson and Marion Sutton; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of December 22, 1948 read and approved,. Superintendent Givens reported that heating plant in the pump house is improved but is nit yet entirely satisfactory, but that there are some chages to be made, which miy correct conditions, Engineer Breitenstein stated that he had investigated the complaint of Tony Rodio, con- cerning sewer connections; that it is possible for Mr. Rodio to connect with the sewer, and that apparently he had been induced, by a mistaken apprehension, to repair an ex- isting disposal system, dater and Sewer committee, to which matter had been referred, is to contact Mr. A. H. Freidag rel.atiUe to violation of the plumbing code in connec- tion with this work., Councilman Winebrenner, chairman of a special committee to investogate acquisition of a police car, recommended that bids be called for a Light 4-door sedan. After a dis- cussion, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried, that bids be called for a light 4-door sedan for a police car, specifications to be stated in the bids. Clerk reported that so far no bids had been received for cross walks on Bay Street at Sidney and Orchard streets. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sprague and car- ried that Street and Alley committee, Engineer and Superintendent be authorized to negotiate for the installation of these improvements, ` Mayor Thompson stated that he had contacted a machinery salesman relative to street flusher; that the salesman had stated that he might .-ind a locality which would be in- terested in purchasing the Model AA fire truck, and that if this is done that it might be possible to secure a flusher. Superintendent reported that Ery Miller had some ewip- ment that might be available, consisting of a heavy truck and large tank. After a dis- cussion the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee for further investi- gation and report. Mayor reported on negotiations for Housing Authority fire truck, purchase of which has been authorized by the council. On motion -w,y 'Vinebrenner, seconded by hall and carried, bla,Vor was authorized to enter into an approved lease with the Housing Authority for use of the truck, and was also authorized to secure certified or chahiert s dheck in the amount of $2,520.10 in payment for fire truck. Mayor also reported that town had acquired a stop light for use in front o.c the fire station, from the Housing Authority, and that switches to operate light would be se- cured this week. Superintendent Givens reported that he had secured a pipe locator, and that since the purchase had been authorized that the prive had been reduced and the eqi ipment im- proved. Chairman Stevenson brought up the matter of street signs at Black Jack creek, and it was decided to install pedestrian crossing signs at the intersections during the rush hours, and to use Scotchlite on existing stop signs. Matter of bumper railing on Prospect street was again discussed, and Uouncilman Stev- enson recommended the installation of curbs and gutters on the north side of the street to secure a permanent job. The matter was discussed, and it was decided that the street and Al&y committee should contact the property owners relative to the proposed work, and that the Engineer make an estimate of the cost of curbs and gutters. At Us time a bid was received from E. B. Pugh on cross walks. No action was taken as bid was received after the time of filing had expired. Mayor brought up the matter of securing; light globes for the city hall on ao ntract. The matter was discussed but no action taken. Councilman Dusty C. .inebrenner presented a letter to llayor,Thompson, resigning his position on the council. The letter was read to the council and action was deferred. Clerk presented letter from State Bureau of Conservation and Developme4t, stating that a $5.00 fee was due the state for extension of time to start development of water right on Black Jack creek, It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Sprague and carried that Clerk be authorized to draw warrant for ti�5.00 for extension of ti*e, A communication was received from Association of Washington Cities, regarding federal construction of public buildings. This was re erred to the Mayor for con- ferences with post office officials and others. It was reported that the sidewalk fronting the Arnold Building on Bay Street, owned by Mrs. C. A. Hanks, is in need of repair and should be replaced. Clerk was directed to counma.nicate with Mrs. Hanks directing that walk be replaced in satisfactory con- dition. Clerk stated that the South Kitsap Chamber of Commerce had requested use of council chamber for meeting on January 20, 1948. Premission was granted on motion by Sprague, seconded by Sutton and carried. It was reported that some people tre interested in the purchase of certain lots owned by the city on Garrison Street, and also on Kendall street, and Clerk Was directed to call for bids for sale`of this property= -the Garrison street property to be sold in units as previously designated, and the property on Kendall Street to be sold in one parcel. Clerk stated that due to i.nadvertance and oversight that no appropriation had been made in the 1948 budget for street lights and telephones, and asked th t emergency ordinance be passed providing for these expenditures. Emergency ordinance was pre- sented by Clerk providing for appropriation of $2,500.00 for street lights for 1948 and 0500,00 for telephone service for 1948. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by H Hall and carfied unanimously that ordinance as presented be passed on First reading, I'lle following bills, checked by heads od departments and audited by Chairman Sutton aidd Councilman Stevenson of the License and Auditing committee, were presented and on motion by Hall, seconded by Sp: -ague and carried, were ordered paid:, Howe' s Hardware Don's Service Port Orchard Independent Wilkins Distributing Co, Howe Motor Co. J. B. Starr Slocum Hardware Arthur A. Williams Kitsap County Auditor Thomsponts Rice Ele ctric Rice Electric Rice Electric Howard Cooper Corp. Gey lord Bros. Puget Sound News Co. The H. R. Huntting Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Light gl.oiaes 1.11 Battery charge for fire truck 1.44 Carbon paper and typwwriter ribbon 2,06 Deisel oil for city hall 101.27 Repair Model AA fire truck 1.80 Painting signs in city hall 65.20 Step ladeer for city hall 16.43 Patrolling streets with private car 5.00 Licenses for fire trucks 2,50 Merchandise for Clerk 5,05 200--watt light globes 3,90 Stop light job 35,37 :`lash light batteries for Police 4,64 Pyrene for Fire Dept. 9,27 LIBRARY FUND Books, records, etc, 21 10 Books for Library 36,60 Books for Library 1.73 WATER FUND Marckmann & Williams Slocum Hardware Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe t s Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. W, F, Bruhahn Kitsap County Auditor Donts Service Rice Electric Rice Electric Pressure gusge 7.40 Pipe connections, etc. 9,48 1.1otor and stove oil 8.13 Wrenches 2,5M Power and light at pump plants 216,06 Labor for 1Vater Dept, 5,40 Licenses for pick-up trucks 2.50 Various merchandise 6,69 Labor and material at pump house 12,22 Repair switch at water tabk 12,36 STREET FUND Sheets Automotive Service Repair magneto Washington State Penitentiary Road signs Kitsap County Auditor Licenses for Dump Trucks Howard Cooper Corp. Convert Grader Chains and. .freight Port Orchard Independent Calls for bids Donis Service Battery charge ---Spark Plugs 4.49 9.49 2,50 47.35 11,24 2, 27 K STREET FUND* -,"Continue d Wilkins Distributing Stove oil $ 10.35 Howe's Hardware Lag screws .70 r-11 Siemen' s Machine Shop Labor and material 17.63 P.O.Machi.ne,Marine & Iron Clks. Sharpen picks 2.06 Siemen's Machine Shop Brazing and welding 2.58 Lumber Supply Lumber 6.73 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets 104.40 John N. Vaughn Labor on streets 104.40 Communication from South Kitsap Improvement Council relative to proposed location of anticipated state highway, was read and discussed. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Sutton and carried that council go on record as favoring the route suggested by the South Kitsap Improvement Council, and that communication to that effect be trans- mitted to the State Department of Hi.ghways,. Letter from Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau, stating that following an inspec- tion, the finding has been made that the installation of Standard Oil tanks in Port Orchard will not effect the fire insurance rates on existing nearby properties, but advising against further construction of this nature in congested areas, was read and ordered filed,. This being the date upon whiah which were to be opened for supplying gasoline an.s oil for the city for the year 1948, Clerk reported that four bids had been received. Bids were directed opened, and offers of Howe Oil Company, Wilkins Distributing Co., Port Orchard Fuel Oil Delivery and R. L. Lursen Co. were read to the council. Members of the council considered the bids, and following examination ,Md consideration, it was moved by linebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried, that contract for Deisel and stove oil be awarded to Howe mil Co, on its bid of .125 cents per gallon for stove oil, and 11 cents per gallon for furnace oil; that contract for gasoline be awarded to Wilkins Oil Distributing Co. on its bid of 185 per gallon, based on posted tank truck prices in ef- fect at time and place of delivery; and also contract for gear grease be awarded to Wilkins Distributing Co.; that contrast for cylinder oil be awarded to R. L. Lursen Co. on its bid of 73 cents per gallon. Mayor 'Thompson expressed regret that the tem. of Councilman Sutton has expired and tednered the thanks of the council and the city for the good services rendered by Itir. Sutton. 1,ir. Sutton stated that he regretted his severance from the council, as he had found his duties interesting, and stated that is he had been able during his term of office to accomplish something constructive and beneficial for the twon, than he felt he was comJensated for the time which the p -_s ition had entailed, and that if at my time he could be of service to the city that he stood ready and wIlling to assist. i:layor Thompson again extended the .,- ood wishes of the council, and thanked the retiring councilman for his faithful and valuable service. Mayor Thompson called attention to a meeting to be held in Bremerton on January 27, 1948 by the Joint Fact Finding Committee on Highways, Streets and Bridges, at which meeting matters regarding traffic within the cities and the surrounding areas will be taken up and discussed. Matter of arranging attendance Et this meeting was deferred. Council adjourned to January 13, 1948 at 4 o'clock p. m. on motion by Sprague, seconded by Sutton anti. furled. G ClerkY)14 Manor 0_0_ _ _ __ _ _ .. _ Port Orchard, Washington Jamary 13, 1948 Adjourned meeting; of the council of Port Orchard, Washington held in pursuance of R.R.S. Sec. 9171, called to order by I,,iayor i�i. H. Thompson. Present Councilmen W. S. Stevenson, i illiom H. SpraLuue, Dusty C. "dinebrenner; Councilman -elect Virgil 14. Parks and City Attorney John M. Boyle. Oath of office administered by Clerk to Councilmen -elect VV. S. Ste%.enson, Ll.11iam H. Sprague and Virgil Parks. These Councilmen signed their oaths of office and assumed their duties as councilmen. P.iayor Thompson requested that members of the council. at tend the meeting of the South Kitsep Chamber of Commeree and al'sn .th.e meeting of the Joint Fact Finding Committee ova Highways, Streets and Bridges in Bremerton on January 2G, a2Ld 427th, 1948, respectively, as at booth of these meetings matters of special interest to the Town of Port Orchard will probably come up. Letter from City Attorney John I:I. Boyle relative to eligibility to membership on the council and to appointive offices was read and ordered filed. Mayor again brought up theletter of resignation of Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner, and expressed his regret at Mr. Winebrenner's decision to resign from the council, and expres- sed the appreciation of the city for the fine services rendered by him as councilman duringithe past two years. Councilman Winebrenner thanked theother members of the coun- cil for their co-operation during his term of office and for the courtesies received. i Councilman Sprague moved tc.at the resignation of Dusty C. 'Winebrenner be ac cepted with regret, and this moltihn was aeconded by Councilman. Stevenson and carried. Dlaeting adjourned on motion by Sprague, seconded by Stevenson and carried. Clerk Major 0 Port Orchard, LVashington January 26, 1948 Regular meeting; of the council of Port Orchard, Washir t­: ton called to order by Mayor M. H. T jompson with Councilmen ;J. S. Stevenson, Iffillian 11. Sprague, Ray B. Hall and Virgil M. Parks; City Attorney John N. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of regular meeting of January 12, 1948 , d adjourned meeting of January 13, 1948, read and approved. Superintendent Givens reported that: heating system installed in pump house is working satisfactorily, and that with the addition of more radiator units he believed it would be entirely satisfactory. Chairman Stevenson of the ,Street and Alley committee reported that his committee had made a deal with R. B. Ryan for the construction of cross -walks, drainage, etc. at the intersections of Bey and Sidney and Bay and Orchard streets and that work is about completed. on Clerk and Attorney reported k$ funds available to the Town of Port Orchard from port rentals, and Attorney stated that money could be used for improvemient of Sid- ney, Frederick and Orchard streets north of Eay Street. Matter was discussed by the council, and it was decided that when it is ascertained the amount pf money Gvailable that Engineer should make estimate of cost of surfac ing these, streets, and that application should then be made for the funds. Mayor reported that bill o.f sale had been received for the fire truck purchased From FWA, and that it had. been :Left temporabily, under signed agreement, at the Orchard Heights Housing project, as was ex,)1ained and discussed at the last meeting of the council, Chief of Police Heath reported that he .ktreet bigiiakfor :the Black Jack ',intersection area had been ordered and would be placed as soon as they arrived, and ithat caution signs and speed limit signs would be placed on the Gig Harbor highway Born Black Jack Creek to the city limits. Chairman Stevenson reported that he had contacted some of the property owners on the north side of Prospect Street, but had been unable to see others, and further time was granted the committee in the matter of a definite report on install4tion. oP safe- guards for parked cars on the north side of Prospect street. _ 7or reported that he had contacted Post Master R. J. Caretti with refl!erence to Federal Building in Port Orchard, and that he would communicate with Congressman hones concerning the possibility of securing a Federal building. Council conferred concerning recommendations for street betterments in Port Orch- ard to be presented to the Joint Fact minding Committee on Streets, Higways and Bridges, adopted recommendations to be submitted and requested Engineerlto make esti- mates of various projects, Mayor Thompson stated that he and Superintendent Givens would attend the hearing in Bremerton on January 27, 1948. Mayor reported that he, in company with County Commissioner Hodge, County Engineer Pattison, Councilman Frank of Forest City, and others, had viewed the proposed im- provement of South Street from Sh.errrian Street east, and had also looked over other possible connections between Pottery Hill and Kidney Hill. He stated t at estimates of cost would be prepared by the County Engineer and that when this is one, fur- ther report would be made -to the council. He stated that under the proposed arrange- ment suggested that Port Orch€yrd would be asked to bear about one-third,of the cost of the improvement, it is :is approved. Appointment of count i loran to fill the unexpired term of Dusty C . Winebrenner, re- signed, was presented for action. Councilman Sprague stated that George A. Broughton Is thenext man in line ac cording to votes cast at therecent municipal e� ection, and moved that he be elected to the position of councilman. The motion was (seconded by Councilman Hall and carried, and George A. Broughton was declared elect d Council- man. and Clerk was directed to issue certificate of election to T,ir. BrouPton. Chief of Police Heath brought up the matter of pet licenses and thehand�ling of dogs and cats within thetown. A discussion followed, and the matter was deferred to the next meeting of the council. Ordinance declaring an emergency in the Current Expense Fund for street lighting and telephone service for 1948, was presented on second reading, and on motion by Hall, seconded by S �rqgue and carried, unm imously ordin€ace was passed as read and adopted as Ordinance No. 544. '� H. B. Menses appeared before the council regarding disputed water bill, which he had offered to compromise, but which the Clerk had refused`to negotiate. 'The matter was discussed by the council and statements were made bVncerning the bill by Mr. Menees, (� the Superintendent of Public �Iorks and the Clerk, and the decision of the council as expressed by its members, was that no compromise could be made on the bill and that it should be paid as shown by the meter readings, A discussion of the method of hiring street sweeper and janitor was brought before the meeting by Councilman Hall, who stated that while one man was employed for the combined jobs, that the street sweeping is being done by a man hired by the city em- ployee. He stated that the matter of industrial insurancecoverage and other state and federal requirements of records might enter into thepicture, and that a liability might be created against the town. Attorney Boyle stated that the subOomployee would be protected by industrial insurance, but that a liability would be incurred should a claim bemade by the city employee, and that it might also reach to the town, and the Clerk was directed to vmite to the Department of Labor and Industries, placing.the matter fully before that body and asking an opinion as to how the town is effected. 71,IeQror stated that Venetian blinds w6uld be required in the I.unicipal Building before too long, and suggested that bids be called for blinds. After a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Stevenson and carried that Clerk be directed to call for bids for Venetian blinds for all windows on the second floor of the Municipal Build- ing, and for all windows on the south and west walls on the ground floor. The following claims, previously checked by heads of departments, and audited by Councilman Stevenson of the L cense and Auditing committee, were presented, and on mo- tion by Hall, seconded by Sprague and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EYPEi: SE FUND Lentfs Cover pipes in city hall 9.91 Kitsap County junk Safe ty Deposit box for Treasurer 4.00 Pacific Telephone & Telgraph Co. Various telephones 39.30 Wilkins Distributing Company Deisel oil for city hall 132.70 Port Orchard Independent Envelopes for Qlerk 13.32 Lorraine Helder Postage for` Police 3„00 Kitsap County Bank Premium Treasurer's bond 75,00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Various light services 166.11 Howard Cooper Corp. Prepaid freight on hose gaskets 5.25 Bank & Office Eqz ipme3nt Co. Desk for Mayor's office 71,59 The Steck Co. Tax Exemption Certificates for Clerk 4.38 Associatiori of 'Jashington Cities 1948 Ttilembershi.p 75,00 H. J. Kilpatrick "Labor on city streets 110.70 John N. Vaughn Labor on city streets 110,70 S. K. MdIlIullen Labor on city streets 13.50 Blatt's Auto Glass Window for Dodge truck 8.91 Puget Sound Power& Light Co. Light at street sheds, 2 months 2.00 Pacific Telephone&Telephone Co. Telephones and tolls 22,,75 Worthington Gamon Meter Co. Parts for water meters 34.47 Marckmann & Williams Pipe finder 200.34 Marckmann & 1-17illiams Couplings and pipe fittings 9.33 W. F. Bruhahn Labor installing water lines 10.30 SEWER FUEID W. H. Johnson Labor 31.50 Council adjourned on motion by Stevenson, seconded by Sprague and carried. Clerk Mayor - - - - - 0 - - - - - - Port Orchard, Washington February 9, 1948 Regular meeting` of the council of Port Orchard, 01ashington called to order by Tvlayor M. H. 'Thompson. Present Councilmen R. B. Hall, William H. Sprague, Virgil M. Parks, and George A. Broughton; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works n George F. Givens and.Engi.neer T. C. Bretienstein. Absent Councilman ..df. S. Stevenson, Minutes of meeting of Januvzy 26, 1945, read and approved. Councilman -elect George A. Broughton, following his taking and subscribing to the oath of office, took his seat with the council. He was welcomed by the, Mayor, and Mayor Thompson announced his committee appointments as follows: Street and Alley: W. S. Stevenson, chairman; Virgil I4. Parks and Raft' B. Hall. Water and Sewer committee: 'Xill.ia.- H. SprEgue, chairman; George A. Broughtons and Rey B. Hall. Fire and Light committee: ' irgil H. Parks, chairman; Ray B. Hall and i"dillia.:. H. Sprague; Finance and Planning: '.'dill.ia;E, 1. Sprague, chairman; '4a'. S. Stevenson and George A. Broughton. Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee: Ray B. Hall, chair- man; 'dilliam H. Sprague and ,17, S. Stevenson.. License and A. -editing: George A. Brou gh- ton, chairman; Virgil it . Parks and V1. S. Stevenson. Matter of Port funds to accrue to the town was discussed, and i:Aayor stated that the State 'Treasurer would be contacted to amrtain the exact amount of available funds on hand to the credit of Fort Orchard. Chief of Police Charles A. Meath stated that signs for Flack Jack intersection had been received and would be placed this week. Councilman Parks stated that signs should be placed at Division and Cline Street intersections, and Et Division nd Austin street intersections, and Chief of Police stated that signs are avails le for these intersections. Due to the absence of Councilman Stevenson, chairman of the Street and iAlley Com- mittee, further time was granted on the project of constructing cures 4nd gutters on the north side of Prospect street. Mayor stated that he had contacted Post FJaster R, J. Caretti relative to Federal Building in Port Orchard, and had also contacted the Chamber of Commerce relative to propsed building; that this body is to contact the Post Pdiaster, learnithe probable needs of the community with relation to Federal Building, and viould th n prepare necessary d&t& in connection with the project, if and when same is dented. (Mayor also stated that he, in company with Superintendent of Public ilorks George F. 'livens, had attended the meeting of the Fact -Finding Committee of the Legislature in Bremerton on January 270 1948, and had presented the pro. -:-ram for Street improve- ment adopted by the council of Fort Orchard. Discussion of dog licenses again came up, and this was referred to the License and Auditing committee -to endeavor to arrange for handling this feature, Clerk read letter from Department of Labor and Industries relative to employment by janitor of street sweeper. The matter of the janitor and street cleaner was discussed, and was referred to the Street and Alley committee to delve into the :matter and report & the next meeting of the m uncil. Clerk reported that four bids had been received for furnishing and installing Venetian blinds in the city hall, and the bids were ordered opened. The offerings were as fol- lows: Bremerton Venetia. Blind iianufacturers offered to furnish and install blinds accordin to the call for bids for348.14, including tax; Kitsap Blind Company offered to furnish and install blinds according to call for bids for $308.16; plus sales tax; Annp.polis Feed Hardware Co. offered to furnish and install blinds ac- cording to call for bids for �333.10; including sales tax; Olympic Shade Company offered to furnish and install blinds according to call for bids and under speci- fications furnished furnished in their bid for 40260,00. The bids wrere (considered by -the council, and it was moved by Spregue, seconded by Broughton and icarried that bid of Olympic Shade Company to furnish and install Venetian blinds fort $260.00 be accepted. Gordon Howe addressed the council, stating that he spoke zas a representative of South Yitsap Chamber of Commerce, and requested the{t matters of purely local !nature, effectinE Port Orchard only, be taken up with the Retail Trade bureau of the Chamber, rather than with the Chamber of Commerce as an organization. In this connection the matter of the proposed Federal Building was again brought into the discproper ssion, and this was referred to the Finance and Elanning committee to confer with com- mittees of the Chamber of Commerce, Dusty C. +Winebrenner, chairman, and Ed Howe and T. R. Hubbard, committee members from the Port Orchard Kiwa,ais Club, addressed the council with referencle to the acquisition of a suitable building for a civic center in Port Orcherd, ;looking to- ward its construction on Givens Field, and requested that the ,.Iayor write a letter to John Strangeways, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the Town of Pore Orchard, seeking a buildini; suitable for the purposes desired` ;Jr. , i�aebrenner stated that an effort would be made to erect the proposed building on al site to be designated without cost to the city, and than. after the acquisition and erection, the building would be turned over to the city for maintenance and manageme t. The pro- posal. was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Parks and ca�ried that Mayor write the letter as suggested. R6bert G. Rider and associates appeared before the council and made ota� application for taxi license for two cabs to be operated in Port Orchard, The T plication was discussed, and it was moved by Sprague, seconded by Parks and carried that applica- tion be referred to the License and Auditing committee to confer with the Transpor- tation committee of the Cha,,.ber of Commerce regarding the ipplication. � IV. F. Bruhahn stated that a fill on the Central: Play Field had rotted a''temporary bulkhead, and that the dirt from the fill was being carried to his property, causing damage, and asked that conditions be -remedied. Superintendent Givens stated that he had investigated the condition and that repairs should be made. Streeet Department was directed to take care of the situations Charles Fussell submitted a list of names which had been suggested as desirable members of the Fort Orchard Flanning Commi,s'sion, He stated that six of the present members of the commission are fictive and asked that five names be appointed from the list submitted to fill themem er'ship to a total of twelve members, including an ex-offieio member from the council. Mayor appointed W. E. Ainsworth, Verne Corliss, James Hussey, C. H. Largis, and Dick Rylander, and stated that the Mayor would attempt to attend the meetings, and named R. B. Hall as the council member on the committee. Appointments were confirmed on motion by Sprague, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk reported that three bids had been received for purchase of property in Block 14, �) Sidney Villa's Addition, as advertised for sale. Bids were 6pened and considered by the cotAnc31, and Charles Ballier, one of the bidders explained his bid. After a dis- cussion, it was moved by Parks, seconded by Sprague and carried that bid of Edward C. Sundt, offering $200.00 cash for Lots 18 and 19, Sidney Villars Addition to Sidney; and the bid of Charles Bal tier offering $400.00 for Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 14, Sidney Villa's Addition to Sidney, be accepted; that ordinance providing for the sale of the property and au]hhorizing the Mayor to silgn the deeds on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard, be passed. �) Clerk reported the-t-receipt of four bids for light 4-door sedan as advertised, and these bids were ordered opened. Bids were received from H. B. Menees, Alas Body Shop, American Motors and Hoae's Motor Company. The bids were considered by. the council,, - and following scrutiny of the bide and consideration of the matter, it was moved by Parks, seconded by Broughton and curried, that bid of Howe Motor Co. for Ford Fordor sedan, according to specifications as submitted for $1611.24, including state sales tax, be accepted. Gordon Howe, repprsenti ng Howe Motor Co., was present and was asked approx imate date of delivery, and stated that the car would be delivered at the earliest pos- sible date, but that he was unable to give definite date of delivery. Letter was received from the Building Committee of the First Church of Christ, Scientist regarding regulations covering the proximity of their proposed new church edifice to the street. The matter was referred to the Finance and Planning committee and the Build- ing Inspector, who recommended that building be no nearer than fourteen feet east of eits east curb on Prospect street, which would pre,it a 2-foot parkway between building and property line. Mayor brought up the matter of vacation for regular per-hpur employees of the Street Department, after a discussion it was moved by Sprague, seconded by Hall and carried that one week's vacation be granted to employees after one year of service, and after two years of service that two weeks vacation be granted, employees to be paid during these aracations at the established rate of pay for their employment. Councilman Parks stated that in order to properly serve as a councilman that he be- lieved that a financial statement should be submitted to the members of the council by the Cle k the first meeting of each month, and following a discussion, it was moved by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried that Clerk prepare and submit financial statement of the various funds, according to the budget, to each m®inber of the council the first meeting of each month. The following claims, previously checked by heads of departments., and checked by Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee, were presented and on motion by Sprague, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE I7 UND Port Orchm-d Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. Washington State Penitentiary Howe Oil Co. Howe ' s Hardware Port Orchard Independent Peninsula Stationers Arthur A. lWilliams Howard Cooper Corp. Port Orchard Thriftway Tacoma rubber Stamp Co. Sheriff Kitsap County Various calls for bids Street lights, Dec., 1947 Police downtown telephone 500 gals Deisel oil 6 traffic signs Furnace Oil Various supplies Printing and publishing Pencils and List Binder for Clerk Patrolling streets with provate car 1 Siamese for Fire Dept Old Dutch and Soap Stapler for Clerk Board of Prisoners, January, 1948 STATER FUIZ r Bremerton Concrete Pro, Co. Rater 'A,eter Box lids Howe' s Har dwar a Hose nipple Port Orchard Independent 15 M Triplicate Receipts Pittsburgh Egli itable Ideter Co. 2" water meter Slocum Hardware Vw ious merchandise Howe I11otor Co. Repair to Pickup John N. Vaughn H. J. Kilpatrick S . K. Mci:Iul.len lliilkins Distributing Co. Howe Oil Co. Ne l s 1,11arku s s en R . B. Ryan Slocum Hardware Don's Service STREET FUND Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Gasoline, oil, stove oil Store oil iyIake and sharpen chisels Cross walks, Bay Street Bolts, nuts, washers, etc. Battery charges and merchandise � 19.13 140.97 7.75 56.65 12.83 65.82 17,34 24.87 2.17 7,50 37,54 .77 1.76 3.00 36.77 .41- 75.64 104,44 16.80 23.70 114.75 105.40 21.60 137.32 11.2;L 7.54 779,74 .88 7.88 L T BRAINY !TUYD The H. R. Fluntting Co. Books Puget Sound Wevrs Co. Books Council adjourned on motion by Sprague, Clerk for Library; 49.10 for Library 25,61 seconded by B out7hton and. carriied. �I or - - - - - - - - - - p Port Orchard, 'Sashington February 24, 1948 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, I'dashington called to order by !Jay or H. Thompson. Present Councilmen V. X. Parks, George A. Broughton ai jd Ray B. Hall; City Attorney John ;,I. Boyle; Superintendent of Public 'Nokks George F. Givens; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilmen S. Stevenson and vil ism H. Sprague. .Minutes of meeting of February 9, 1948 read and approved. With reference to Port money, i,iayor stated that he iv uld attempt to go Ito Olympia before the next meeting of the council and ascertain the exact amount c�f cash avail- able to the Town of Port Orchard. I Chief of Police stated that pedestriai signs have been located at Blac Jack inter- section during rush hours and that signs on Division street era uld be placed within a f ery days. j Councilmen. Hall and Parks reported on proposed Prospect street curbs &rid gutters aid further time was granted in thisT:z.iatter. Matter of brush and rubbish on property north of Prospect street was discussed, and it was moved by F%11, seconded by Parks and carried tha'c Clerk notify roperty owners to clean up property within thirty days„ Mayor reported on investigations so far conducted regarding proposed Federal Build- ing, and stated that matter would be referred to Planning Commission for conferences and further investigations. i Chief of Police reported that he is to contact a roan on February 25, 1948 with reference to taking care of pet licenses and impounding strays. i vIatter of janitor and street sweeping jobs, referred to the Street and :alley commit- tee et the meeting of Febrraary 9, 1948, was continued. Council accepted the job of installing the Venetian blinds in the i,,unic�ipal Build- ing, as according to contract, and after a discussion, it was moved by 'iBroughton, seconded by Hall and carried that Venetian blinds be installed in the pump house at a cost of .„21.00 plus state sales tax, and Clerk eras directed to notify th Olympic A.hade Company of acceptance of this offer. I Maypr Thompson made a report of investigations relative to proposed recreation cen- ter building, reporting progress and encouragement for the project. ! - Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditingcwn-ittee, reported with �eference to application of Robert G. Rider for taxi license. Fie reported that a meeting had been held with the Transportation committee of the South KitsT Chamber;of Commerce and read a letter from that committee relative to granting the license,; m d on the basis of the latter, recommended that no new licenses be granted at thi's time. Mr., and _Mrs. Robert G. Rider both addressed the council in support -of their' pplication. A discussion followed, and it was moved by Ball, secended by Parks and carried that matter be referred back to the License and Auditing committee for further confer- ences and with pourer to act. Superintendent Givens reported that repairs to bulkhe& at -Central Playfield were about completed. ' Tony Rodio, property owner on Hull street, appeared before the council regarding sewer connection at his home. After a discussion, Superintendent was directed to uncover connecting lateral, and Engineer was directed t6 run levels to!=ascertain exact monditions. Clerk was directed, on motion. by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried, to notify A. H. Friedag to attend the meeting of the council o�i March 9, 1948, when the entire matter will be taken up and an effort made to settle the controversy. 11Ir. Sipe, representing the lioy Scouts, addressed the council regarding the recent Boy Scout program, in which they represented city officials, and stated,that the boys had found some conditions on city streets which should be remedied, and also some locations where street lights should be installed for better s ervipe to the public. A letter as road from County Commissioner G..arles L. Klinefelter regar 4igg a street marker and truck which his road district has for sale. This was referred to the Superintendent to investigate and report at the next meeting of theicouncil, I P, P do Councilman Hall reported that heavy equipment in use on the court house construction job, is being moved at various times without proper protection to street surfaces. Chief of Police was directed to contact thec.,ntrec tors and see that proper precau- tions to protect street surfaces be used in the future when heavy equipment is Moved, and if damage has alre:.dy been done, to notify those responsible to make repairs. The matter of landscaping grounda around the court house, with relation to the new building, was referred to the Street and Alley committee to confer with the county commissioners in an effort to have grounds landscaped. The following claims, which had previously been checked by department heads, and also by Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee, were presented, and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid: CURRE11T EXPENSE FUND Pacific Telephone 8,- Telegraph Co. Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power. & Light Co. Trick & 1�,Iurray H.-J. Kilpatrick John N. Vm ghn Hm nah & Powell Olympic Shade Co. Port Orchard Cabinet Shop Treasurer Kitsap County Various telephones and tolls Printing anrd publishing Street lights, and maintenm ee Registration supplies and desk blotters Labor on Central Playfield Labor on Central Playfield Various merchandise for Police Venetian Blinds for City Hall Conference Table f or Council Forest Fire Patrol Tax WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power for pumps Siemen's Machine Shop Veld Nipple inside well H. D. Fowler Compaaxy Copper Pipe and Fittings Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Telephone and Tolls STREET FUND John N. Vaughn Labor on s the et s H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets Siemen' s Machine Shop Repairs to equipment Port Orchard Independent 2,500 warrants for Street F'un.d Lent 's Siement s IYSachine Shop SETTER FUND 1" sewer tape Drill sewer tape LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library The H. R. Huntting Co„ Books for Library Council ad ned on motion by Parks, seconded by Hall and e Clerk 0 d. 46.55,L 22.95 145.98 21.51 32.40 32.40 9.09 267.80 97•. 8& 3,20 222.22 10.30 59.54 11.20 86.40 86,40 5.15 22.95 32,45 1.55 17,14 28.07 May or Port Orchard, Washington 14arch 8, 1948 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor I91. H, Thompson. Present Co-ancilmen George A. Broughton, William H. Sprague, Virgil M. Parks, Ray- B. Hall; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public 7orks (Aeorge F. Givens; Engineer T. Breitenstein.. Absent Councilman R. S. Stevenson. inutes of meeting of February 24, 1943 read and a. -)proved. There was no definite report on the Port money, and this was continued until the next �"�`• meeting of the council. More time was granted to the otreet and Alley committee to report definitely on the proposed Prospect street curbs and gutters, and Engtmeer was directed to make survey and estimate of cost of proposed impr6vement on Prospect street between Frederick and Sidr_ey streets. It was moved by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried that Fire %hief make an inspec- tion of property north of Prospect street$ between Frederick and Sidney streets for fire hazzards and report at the next meeting of the,council. Chief of Police Heath reported that so far he had been unable to secure apoundmaster and further time was granted. Street and Alley committee was granted further time in which to make report and' recommendations concerning the jobs of janitor and street cleaner. ' I '-?ayor Thumpson made a report on the proposal to secure suitable building from the housin; Authority for recreation center in Port Orchard, stating that while nothing definite has been ascertained, that he believed there is a good possibility of secur- ing such a building, and that efforts will be continued. i Councilman Broughton, chair::nan of the License and Auditing committee, re orte'd 4-1- th reference to the ap lication of Robert G. Rider for a taxi license, and ecoamnended that the license be granted, under condition that a fee of 010.00 per nth for taxi stand in the twon be paid the first of every month, following. the ossu ce of the license. A discussion followed, and it was moved by hall, seconded by prague and carried that report of the committee be accepted, and that license as r-commended be issued. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Broughton and carried that wad ver f that certain provision of Ordinance No. 507, which r,rovided for installation of taxi meters, be rescinded, and that taxi operators be notified to install taxi -meters i# taxi cabs of a type to be recommended, by the License and Auditing committee, and v�i.thin thirty days of date of notification so to do. Engineer Breitenstein reported on conditions relative to sewer connects n at Tony lodiots place, stating that it is possible to connect the sewer to the Ouse. IJr. R.odio appeared personally before the council, and following discussion, it was agreed that ;;later and Sevier committee and Engineer will meet withT,Ir. Rodi.o at his place and go into the details of the connection; the IVater and Sewer committee al o to contact A. 11, Friedag of the Ftieda.g Plumbing Co. in reference to the matter. Superintendent Givens reported that he had inspected the street marker :' ffered for sale to the town by C. L. Klinefelter, County Commissioner. He stated hat he did not believe the machine would be practical for use by Port Orchard and reco ended against its purchase. It, vias moved by hall, seconded by SprarTue and carried th t the report of the Superintendent be approved and that Clerk notify i�Ir. Klinefelter that the town cannot avail itsself of his offer to sell the machine to the town. Councilman Hall of the Street and Alley committee reported that so far *s he is aware there has been no more heavy e quipment moved over the streets at the co rt house con- struction job. Chief of Police reported that he had contacted the opertor of the equipment who had stated that hereafter if aay heavy equipment is moved) over the stre'ets that it will be moved on planks. Chief also stated that he hadiinspected the road" and that he could not see where any damage had been done by moving, the egii.p- ment over the surface. Mayor Thompson and Councilmm Hal 1 reported with reference to efforts t have court house grounds landscaped when building is completed, and stated that th matter would be kept alive and the efforts continued. Report was made that rubbish and dirt had been dumped from the bus depot on the street, and this was referred to the Police Department for action* Chief of Policereported that telephone poles in the vicinity of Bay andISidney streets should be placed in different locations in the interests of traffic saf ty. Matter was 'referred to Chief of Police and Clerk to mark proper locations and o notify the Pacific Telephone w Telegraph Company to so place the poles. Superintendent Givens submitted plans and specifications for larndscapin g grounds sur- rounding the Municipal Building. The plane were examined by the council, and M%ror stated that he would investigate approximate cost of securing suitable soil for making necessary fills for lawns. A letter from the Port Orchard Kiwanis Club and the South Kitsap Active Club regard- ing maintenance of tennis courts at Givens Field, was read to the c :until. Clerk was directed to answer the letter, detailipg'bonditlons regarding the use f the tennis coilrts, and assuring the Clubs that the city will undertake what is necessary to place the courts in condition for use at an early date, I An oral application was received from the 017ripsc Rod cl4 Gun Club for p Irmis lion to hold its regular meetings the second Thursday evenirg-- of each: month in the council chamber. I)ermission was granted on motion bySprague, seconded by Brou.hton and carried. 'Yayor stated that S. V. A�ci:Tullen had asked that city purchase a pickup truck for use by the Street Department. The matter was discussed, and it was the op.nion of the council as expressed, that thepurchase of a truck at this time would b ill-advised, and that no need exists to justify the purchase. Councilman Hall brought up the matter of the buildi-n4, node and the plurlbing code, stating that these codes had been in ::peration, for nearly a year and t).at mazy chi,. ges and alterations had been suggested. This was discussed, and the Engi eer was in- structed to submit suggested changes and a.nendments to the existing codes, to the Planning Commission, and the confer with thu Planning ComimE,ssion in regard to advisable changes and alterations. Mayor Thompson and Councilman SpraLae gave an outline of -;,hat transpir d at a meeting which they had Ettended frith authorities of ;he Housing; Authority, re ative to dis- posal of wells and other property. They stated that definite action h d not been taken, but that they expected to have a definite report before the nextImeeting of the council.. � i e The following bills, ivhi, h had previously been checked by heads of departments, and also by Chairman Bro�xghton of the Auditing committee,, were presented, and on motion by Parks, seconded by Sprague and carried, all bills were ordered paid, except the claim of Trick &. Murray for freight on desk from Seattle to Port Orchw d and back to Seattle, which was r6 ected: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Donis Service Seal Beam 4nit., Fire Dept: 1.55 Auditor Kitsap County License and Title, fire truck 1,75 Trick ?:. Murray Record Book, Police 11.62 Arthur A. Williams Car Mileage pittrolling 10.50 Howard Cooper Corp. Suction gasket and couplings 7,30 F'reidag Plumbing Co. Clem s ewer, city hall 8.42 V. B. Caldwell Frix tape, oil can for Fire Dept., 1.03 Sheriff Yitsap County Board of prisoners, February, 1948 13.00 Howes Hardware Sweepi#g compound 5.02 Puget Sound Power C; Lighf Co. Street bights, Feb., 1948 142.97 T .ompson's Type stand, carbon, etc., Clerk 16,74 Wilkins Distributing Co. Flushing oil, Fire Dept, 3,09 WATER Ft7 M Don' s Service White gas and anti -freeze 7.37 Friedag Plumbing Co. Heating system, pipe fittings 366.07 Olympic Shade Company Venetian blinds, pump house 21,63 Palmer Supply Co. Die Heads 7,77 Thompsont s Autodex and pencils 3.81 Rice Electric Extension cord, etc. 1.0.14 V. B. Caldwell Pipe fittings, etc. 12.62 STREET FUND H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on city streets 97,20 John N. Vaughn Labor on city streets 97,20 Union Electric & Hardware 4 concrete gads 17,51 Donis Service Gear Oil ,93 Howard Cooper Corp. Filters 22,14 Howe's Hardviw a 'carious merchandise 2,56 Saindonts, Inc. Vulcanizing tire 10.66 V. B. Caldwell Various merchandise 1.90 Wilkins Distributing Company 500 gals gasoline 92.50 Seattle Concrete Pipe Co. Drain tile 141.89 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 4.49 Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 10.15 C. S. Osburn Popular Mechanics Subscription 6,00 Matter of painting pr per signs on Fire Truck No. 4 was brought up bi the mayor and discussed. On motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried matter was referred to the Fire & Light Committee with power to act. Lee Caldwell of the Volunteer Fire Department stated that Standard Oil. Company will show pictures of fire fighting methods on March 16, 1948, and extended an invitation to Mayor and me.nbers of tlye council to attand. Council ourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Sprague and carried. S Clerk .� . -- -- - MW or o Port Orchard, Washington March 22, 1948 Regular meeting of the council of Fort Orcherd, Washington called to order by Mayor M. H. Thompson, with Councilmen Vitgil M. ParksoWillism H. Spragaa, Racy- B. Hell and George A, Broughton; City Attorney John N. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works Goo. F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, present. Absent Councilman, W. S. Stevenson Minutes of meeting of Mardi 8, 1942 read and approved. More time was granted on definite report on availaboe Port funds. Engineer Breitenstein reported that he had made a survey and estimate of proposed Prospect Street curbs and gutters, on that part of Prospect Street betwreen,Sidney and Frederick Streets. He stated that it would be necessary to make a fill of bout a foot for a distance of 400 feet on the north side of Prospect Street, and that there is sugficient space to construct a sidewalk between gutters and existing bank on the property. The matter was discussed, and was referred to the Street and Alley committee to confer with the property owners. Matter of street cleaning was deferred for further considerations, Matter of installing taxi -meters in taxicabs within the Town of Part Orchw d, which a were ordered by action of the council on March 8, 1948, was again taken p and dis- cussed. Following the discussion, it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Parks and carried, that action of March 8, 1948 relative to installation of taxi -meters be rescinded, and that waiver provided by ordinance remain in force. Chairman Sprague of the Water and Sewer committee stated that he hda not yet had a meeting of his committee with Mr. Radio, relative to sewer connection at the Tony Rodio property, but that conference would be held soon. Further time wa granted. Discussion of landscaping of mmurt house grounds gas again held, and it as moved by Broughton, seconded by Parks and carried that the Town of Port Orchard go on record as,favoring the landscaping of the grounds west of the court house to Cline street, and as opposed to construction on this portion of the grounds of any car parking fac il- ities; that the Street and Alley committee confer with the County Commis Toners re- gaming the matters -and that; the Port Orchard Progressive Club and the rley Creek Garden Club be contacted in an effort to enlist the efforts of these org izations in favor of landscaping this portion of the court house grounds„ MUt~ter of utility pole on Sidney street fill was discussed, and Chief of Police and Clerk were directed to ascertain to which utility the pole belongs, and to wave same moved as far north and east on the Sidney Street fill as practical. A general discussion regarding sidewalks from Kitsap Street to Frederick Street on the crest and north side of Prospect Street, was held, and was referred to Street and Alley committee for investigation, conferences with property owners and sport. Tentative agreement to supply water to Annapolis Water District was subm tted and dis- cussed. City Attorney Boyle stated that there were many angles in the p oposed agree- ment which should be carefully analyzed, and that some time would be re fired to ana- lyze and make recommendations to the council regarding the matter, and that he did not desire to make any report or recommendations from a legal standpoint until proper study had been completed. After a. discussion, it was decided to call a xieeting of the council and the commissioners of the Annapolis Water District for 2 olel ck p. m. on March 23, 1948 at the council chambers, the Attorney and the Superintend nt of Public Works to be present at the meeting, if possible. A discussion of improvements and betterments at the tennis courts was he d, and the matter of materials required came up for discussion. Lee Caldwell, representing. the Active Club, was present and took part in the discussions. Following; discussions., the entire matter was referred to the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee to confer with interested organizations in an effort to work out the most satisfactory solutions to the various problems in connection with operation: of the to is courts. Engineer Breitenstein reported that pro§ress is being made in connection with suggested changes in the building code and the plumbing code, and that a meeting is to be held with the Planning Commission at its meeting on March 23, 1948, and a report might be ready for the next meeting of the council. It was reported that progress is being made in connection with proper lettering on Fire Truck No. 4. It was moved by Parks, seconded by S';-rague and carried that the Town of ort Orchard go on reco*d was favoring and endorsing the action of the South Kitsap chamber of Commerce with relation to the establishment by the State of Washington of fast and economical transportation facilities by suitable ferries from a point in South Kitsap County to a point on the mainland at or near Seattle, and the Clerk was directed to write a letter endorsing this action,- to His Excellency Mon C. ldalgre , Governor of Washington, and to transmit a copy of letter to Clarence Shain, Direc or of High- ways of the State- of Washington, Mayor stated that the Police car for which contract was previously award d, had arrived, and after being conditioned would be ready for deliv. Required equipment was dis- cussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Broughton and carried that spot light, red light, heater, seat covers and proper signs be rpocured and installed on the car. Radio sys"em for the Police dar was discussed, and call for bids was aut4orized. Chief of Police Heath, and Councilman Broughton were delegated to secure specifications for a suitable radio system prior to calling for bids. Letter from Frank Givens School P.T.A. regarding tennis courts was read �o the council and ordered filed. Letter from Port Orchard Planning Commission relative to appointment of two members to the commission to replace two members appointed w1go are unable to serves was read, and -ayor appointed Verd Nichols and Earl H, Thompson as memberd of the Commission , as req.;ested in the letter, and appointments were confirmed on motion by Hai 1, seconded by Sprague an d carried. Rest-gnation of W. S. Stevenson as a member of the council, due to illness, was read. On motion by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried, the resignation of Mr. Stevenson was accepted with deep regret, and Nick J. Repanich was elected to fill the vacancy. Clerk was directed to write a letter to Mr. Stevenson expressing the regrets of the council at the necessity for his resignation, extending the appreciation of the council and the community for the unselfish and faithful service rendered, and exten ing the best wishes of the administration for his recovery. �1 r - - It was again brought to the attention of the council that the shovel belonging to Holmberg &; Norm is still parked on the south side of Bank street and should be moved. Definite action was deferred to thenext meeting of the council.. The following claims, previously checked by heads of departments, and by Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committees, were presented, and on motion by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid. CURRENT EXPEI•'SE 17UND Maus Battery Shop Battery for Fire Truck 7,50 Lorraine Helder P.O.Box rent, Police P 1.50 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Various telephones and tells 43.90 South Kitsap Motors Battery, etc. for Model AA Fire Truck 18.18 Slocum. Hardware 2" gate valve for city hall 9.22 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. City hall, traffic, tennis count lights 99,38 Trick & Murray Clock, pencils, etc., for.Treasurer 9,75 Port Orchard Independent Scratch pads for Police 1.03 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. South Kitsap Motors Talbot Plumbing Co, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware P.O. Machine, Marine & Iron Wks. South Kitsap Motors Washington State Penitentiary E. A. Breitenstein John N. Vaughn H. J. Kilpatrick Puget Sound Power & Light Co, WATER FUND Telephones and tells Various parts and repairs Battery work on pipe machine Various pumping and lights STREET FUND Tools Black Coal r Various parts, repairs, etc. 2 Stop Signs Labor Labor on streets Labor on streets Light at street sheds, 2 months 16.98 38.81 1.55 229.92 5.01 2.58 35,37 10.54 27,00 108,00 108,00 2.00 Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 7.18 Councilman Parks brought up the matter of thetraffic light at the Bay dnd Sidney street intersection, stating that existing light is unsatisfactory, and has worn out its usefula ness, and recommending the acquisition of a three -unit traffic light, After a discussion, the matter was referred to the Fire and.Light Committee with power to act, on motion by Sprague, seconded by Broughton and carried. Mayor reported that it ha.dbecome necessary to purchase new motor for Fire Truck No. 3, due to apparent flaw in old motor. It was pointed out that the speedometer miles on the motor registered 2,200 miles, eight hours only of which had been utilized for pumping; that local ,dealers were unable to make any adjustment on the motor, as it was past the guw - antee dye. Clerk was directed to write to the Ford Motor Company, setting forth the facts in connection with the old motor, and asking for adjustment from the Company, referrAng the CoMany to the Titus Motor Company of Tacoma, which firm X-rayed the old motor and dis- covered the flaw. Council a ,ourned on motion by Halls, seconded by Parks and carried* Clerk Ap wl MW or i 0 Port Orchard, Washington April 120 1948 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor Ivi. H. Thompson, with Councilmen Virgil M. Parks, William H. Sprague, Ray B. Hall, George A. Broughton, and Vick J. Repanich; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present, 14inutes of meeting of` March 220 1948 read and approved. Proposed contract between the Town of Port Orchsr►d and the Annapolis Water District for water service by the ; Town of Port Orchard to Annapolis Water District, was read-. Following discussions of the terms of the contracti it was moved by Parrs, seconded By Bratirghton and :carried that contract as presented be accepted, and that Mayor t4 authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard,* and to communicate with the Federal Public Housing Authority through its Regional Director Jesse Epstein, setting fo7oht that agreement had been reached between the Town and the bistrict, under the terms of the c ontrac,t, and to enclose copy of contract. Following the'signing of the contract and the copies of said contract by the Mayor and representatives of the Annapolis Water District, Mayor Thompson stated that he was t i tire athy with the terms of the contra t b 4-that €P t `r_ no n en symp c , u er numerous cor.� -- ferences between the interested parties that the contract had been agreed upon in the �. interests of co-operation between the Tom and the Dis-ricts. He also stated, that at the expiration of the contract, when the time comes to negotiate or arbitrate new agree- ment, that conditions at that time should be carefully considered, and the terms of the present contract should not influence negotiations or arbitrati.on.l A group of people including representatives of PTA organizations, the State Li- brary Association, the County Library Association and the Port Orchard Library Board were present and addressed the council relative to affiliation by the Town of Port Orchard and the Port Orchard Library Board with the County Library Association, Mrs. S. 0. Stokes, of the P.T.A. group, Mrs. Duncan, County Librarian, Mrs. Zimmer- man., State Librarian, and Mary B. Peterson, local Librarian, and ?Miss Leila Nordby, chairman of the Port Orchard Li1r ary Board, addressed the meeting with reference to the subject. Following the discussions, the matter was referred to the Library Board for further consideration, and Mayor Thompson stated that he wou d,name a mem- ber of the council to the Library Board to take part in future discussions and de- liberations in this and other matters. Application was made by J. Yd. Key for use of Givens Field for girls' soft ball games during the summer months, asking for use of the field from 5:50 p. m.. on Monday and Wednesday evenings of each week. Chairman. Hall of the Health.. Sanitation, Parks and Building committee stated that application for use of the field had also been re- ceived from representatives of the VFW. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by.Sprague, seconded by Parks and carried that the ep plicatioV.s be re rred to the Health, Say. itation, Parks and Building committee to grant use of the ield, and to work out schedules which will provide for the greatest use of the -field for recrea- tion. Application for use of the field on May 22, 1948.was also referred to the committee. A petition from Edward C. Sundt et al. asking that Garrison Street be improvedi,by grading and widening and the installation of sewer system was receive and considered by the council. The petition was referred to the Engineer to check o rships, prepare estimates of cost and to make preliminary plans. Improvement of the tennis courts for summer use was discussed, and Lee I Caldwell, representing the Active Club stated that labor for making improvements would be do- nated by citizens of the Town if the council would furnish materials d the use of equipment for doing the work.. Proposed improvements were discussed, the Health, Sanitation., Parks and Building committee was granted kuthority to repair courts, blacktop ends, secure adequate coin meters and purchase nets and othO necessary equipment, on motion by Pa? ks, seconded by Sprague and carried. Councilman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee reported on information so far received regarding available Port funds, and stated that it is impossible, with the meager information at hand to ascertain the exact amount availeb le. Fur- ther time was granted to secure necessary information. Chairman Sprague of the Water and. Sewer cgmmittee stated that he in company with the Engineer, had conferred with Tony Rodio at his property relative to sewer connec- tion, and that he believed that Mr. Rodio understood conditions and would agree to regulations without further controversy. Discussion of landscaping of court house grounds was passed until a le er date. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Hall and carried that street liqaA be author- ized at north end of Sidney Street, and Clerk was directed to so not! the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. Further time was granted in the matter of the proposed sidewalks and curbs and gutters on Prospect Street. Engineer Breitenstein reported that he had conferred with the Planning on regarding proposes changes in the Building; and Plumbing codes, and that Planning commission had taken the suggested changes under consideration and wou d report later. Calling for bids for radio for Police prowler car was continued. A stop sign was directed placed at the intersection of Rickwell and Morton streets. On motle by Hall, seconded by Spraf;�ae and carried, Clerk was directed to communicate with Holmberg & Norman, notifying that firm to remove the shovel which, is now parked on Bank Street. Ltter from His Excellency .Ion 0, 1algren, Governor of Washington, acknowledging letter from Town of Port Orchard regarding ferry service from South Kitsap Co�nty, was read and ordered filed. H. E. Dingle, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, endered check for 0300,00 for franchise p.Tment under the terms of the franchi e. r Councilman Parks reported that he had contacted all but one property Oner in Block 14, Sidney regarding installation of curbs and gutters abutting the pr perty on Prospect Street, and that all of the owners contacted were in favor of the improve- ment. Fur#Ler time was granted to contact the remaining property owns?,, Mr. Parks also stated that V. B. Caldwell had agreed to installation of curbs ani gutters and sidewalks fronting the property on Prospect Streetp located in Block 8 Sidney. 0 Superintendent Givens reported that DeKalb Street, where it intersects gulch between Cline and Sidney Streets, is sliding, and threatens to do damage to abutting property. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Broughton and carried that this be referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent with power to act in making necessary improbements. Superintendent Givens also stated that City of Bremerton had requested use of Port Orchard's grader on a reciprocal basis at.. times when the machine is not in use.by Port Orchard, and this request was granted on motion by Hall, seconded by Sprague and carried, the Superintendent being; empowered to arrange for its use, and for egLipment ,exchange between Bremerton and Rrt Orchard. Councilman. Ha13. stated, that as a representativ4 of the council on the Planning Com- mission, that he had been named to some active committees, which appointments he had declined,, as he dial not feel that it wes proper that he serve vn active committees of the Planning Commission. After a discussion, it was moved by Parks,, seconded by Sprague and carried.. that Clerk be directed to write the Planning Commission to the effect that the council representative on the Commission is a liason man between the two organizations, and that his capacity on the Planning Commission is in the nature of an observer andd consultant for the council.. The following claims, previously checked by heads od departments and also by Chair. man Broughton of the License and Auditing committee, were presented and on motion by Sprague, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT E& MI SE FUND Howard Cooper Corp. Thompson's .lashington State Penitentiary Kits €gyp County Auditor Puget Sound Power & Light _Co. Pete Stovseth F. E.-Langer Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Port Orchard Independent V. B., Caldwell Sheriff Kitsap County Arthur A. Williams Lent's Howe 4-il Company Howe Idotor Co,, Howe Motor Co. Howe' s Hardware a Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Thompson's American Plumbing & St. Sup Co. 19, B, Caldwell Hodge & Davis Howe' s Hardware Soemen's Machine Shop H. J. Kilpatrick John N. Vaughn Port Orchard number Yard Port Orchard Fuel Oil Delivery Young's Sheet Metal Shop V. B. Caldwell Siemen's Machine Shop Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe Oil. Co. Howe f s Hardware Egg ipment for Fire Dept. Various merchandise Street signs License and title for Police car Street lights, March, 1948 Varnishing doors, city hall Premium, Clerk's bond Postane and registered mail Supplies for Police Tarpaulin and line for Fire Dept. Board of prisoners, March, 1948 Patrolling with private car a 1" gale crosses Furnace 0il Police prowler car Accessories and installing, Police car Pop-up valves � 101 .c Power and light, 50-yd roll areas Various fittings Paints etc. all pump ply. is section paper Grease job and grease l" gate valve Cut off well casing Labor on streets Labor on streets Lumber 80 gals stove oil Cold roll steel for street signs Brush, scraper and blades Make bracket 500, gals gasoline Stove oil Paint, nails, etc„ 143,30 6.43 5.28 1.75 142.97 7.00 20.00 10.00 3.03 12.72 10.00 10,00 2.87 156.34 1, 611.21 150.72 2.23 238.82 9.27 46.00 7.80 2.26 64,05 1.030 151,20 162.00 8.70 11.12 14.83 1.03 4.04 92,E 50 22,50 3,48 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 60,72 Bini'ords & Mort Books for Library 16.70 Councilman R(p gnich asked -chat his committee assignments would be and Mayor Thompson stated that he would make assignments at an ew ly date, and that Clark would notify Councilmen of appointments. Council adjourned on motion by Sprague, seconded by Hall a d carried. Clerk-Pn ME` or - - - - - - -- - 0 -s -- - - -- - - Port Orchard, Washington April 26, 1948 Council of Port Orchard, 11ashington called to order by Mayor M. H. Thompson with Councilmen George A. Droughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Halls William H. SprEgue as d Vdrgil M. Parks; City Attorney John L1. Boyle; Superintendent of Public works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present, Minutes of meeting of April 120 1948 read and approved. Mayor announced committee appointments as follows: Street and Albay ommittee: Virgil M. Parks, chairman, Ray B. Hall and George A. Broughton; Water and Sewer committee: William H. Sprague, chairman, Nick J. Repanich and Rai^ B. Hall; Fire Md Light comr mittee: Nick J. Repanich, chairman., Ray B. Hall and William H. Spragu ; Finance and Planning committee: William H. Sprague, chairman, Virgil 14. Pw ks and George A. Broughton; Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee: Ray B. Hills chRi.rman, William H. Sprague and. Nick J. Repgnich.; License and Auditing committ e: George A. Broughton, chairman., Virgil 14. Parks and RqT B. Hal. 1; Member of Counc 1 to serve on Library Board, George A. Broughton, Chairman Hall of the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee l reported on applications for use of Givens Field, stating that regular schedules ould be pre- pared for use of the fi.el.d, so that no conil ict of dates and hours wo ld occur. Engineer Breitenstein stated that he had checked the petition for imp: Garrison street and made preliminary estimate of costs. He stated tha are not sufficient, but that he had secured list of record owners of the proposed district, and that this list will be turned over to inte. owners to secure signattres. He further stated that the proposed imp cost more than the property could reasonable stand at this time,but r grading be undertaken, at least, and that it might be possible to secs for sewer and other improvements which would be within an amount whit: a hardship. Edward C. Sundt andlvr. J. O'Dwyer, property owners in the be improved, were present, took part in the discussions, and conferre Engineer. Chairman Mall reported that some work had been done on thetenni.s cozr- much of the work has been delayed by unfavorable weather. Councilman stated that he had received quotations from one firm on metal nets bu word from another firm from whom he believed that a more favor able de secured. Chairman Hall also reported that result of investigations o. poxes. Further time was granted the committee to complete the improv ovement of petitions he property in ested property. ovements might commended that re a figure ,would not work area sought to with the s but that Prague was waiting 1 might -be - suitable coin ments authorized. Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing Committee reported tha he had spent a day in Olympia trying to ascertain definite information relative to P&rt funds, atin.d stated that he is expecting a deatiled report within a few days. Qn motion by Sprague, seconded by Repanich and carried, Street and was given power to act in removing canopy over sidewalk, and other war -time bus stop at the com er of Bey and Harrison Streets, Black -topping of Sidney Street and Frederick Street, north of Bay Str and it was agreed that this work should be done as soon as weather pe F.i.re Chief Alan Totten reported that he had investigated unoccupied p T.aao ma, about which complaint had been made, and that old lumber, tra scattered about the premises constitute a fire hazzard; also that lot Jewelry store should be cleaned up in the interests of fire safety, rested to write to Joseph Haas, owner of both of these properties, to properties satisfactory to the Fire Chief. Clerk reported that Mrs. Elmer C. Gross, representing the Curley Cree had stated that her club is interested in having the court house grou and would communicate with the County Commissioners, urging that this Councilman Parks also reported that at a re ent meeting of the South o.f Commerce, at which all three County Commissioners were present, th stated that while it would not be possible to landscape all the area court house, that borders of shrubbery and ornamental plants and oche features would be undertaken, i,e; ter from Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. replying to letter f Orchard regarding removal of pole on Sidney street, was read and o Letter from Port Orchard Post No. 30, American Legion, regarding i Prospect Street and Bank Street, read and ordered filed. Action on Prospect and Bakk Streets was againdeferred. committee is of the t was discussed its, operty at 1108 h and debris back of Boltan lerk wis di -- clean up the : Garden Club., .ds landscaped, be done. Itssp Chamber t it had been 'est of the landscaping Town of Port ed filed. vement of rovement of Engineer Breitenstein agd n reported that he had received no ford from the Planning Commission relative to proposed changes in the Building and Plumbing Podes. Chief of Police reported that street sign ordered placed at Morton street and Rockwell Avenue had been placed. Superintendent -Givens reported with reference to work on DeKalb Spree fill, that he had taken the matter up with the interested property owners, and that he believed that a deal could be worked out whereby the property owner will purch se the neces- sary the and pay- the cost of leading --shovel and the town will furnis trucks for hauling material and do the grdding entailed in the iaziprovement. Fur her time was granted to work out plans and details. Councilman Hall' representative of the Port Orchard council on the Pl nning Cap. mission, reported that the Planning Commission desires small maps of he town. Sup- erintendent Givens stated that it might be possible to secure maps ofjthe town from the Washington Surveying & Rating Bureau. Mr. Hall also stated that Commission recom- mended installation of one or two drinking; fountains in the town. This matter was discussed, and the opinion was expressed that one fountain might be installed, on Sidney Street north of Bag Street, `next to Myhre's Cafe. In his report, Mr. Hall had stated that it might be possible that some organization or group might purchase the fountain. The opinion of thecouncil as expressed was that if a fountain is secured that the Town will install same and furnish water and take care of maintenance, Mr. Hall also stated that complaint had been made of mixing black -.top on Spokane Street and Superintendent stated that it is planned to mix black -top material at another location this summer. A letter from service manager of the Ford Motor Company, in reply to letter from Port Orchard regarding new motor regiired in Fire Truck No. 3, was read and ordered riled. Petition of M. W. Hammond et al., asking for installation of water main and fire hydrant on West Street, was referred to the Engineer for checking and cost estimate, Mayor brought up the matter of unfavorable publicity which the town has received recently in the Bremerton Sun, and Clerk was requested to write a letter to the edi- tor of the Sun protesting the articles and asking that confirmation be received in the future before stories concerning the town are published. The following claims, checked by heads odr departments and also by Chairman Borughton of the License and Auditing committee, were read, and on motion by Hall, seconded by Broughton, were ordered paid: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Howe Motor Company Howe Oil Company South Kitsap Parcel Delivery N. B. Starr Slocum Hardware Lumber Supply Talbot Plumbing Co. American Plumbing & St Sup Co, Pacific Telephone & Telogrp ah Co. H. J. Kilpatrick John N. Vaughn Howard Cooper Corp, Howe Oil Company Lumber Supply Slocum Hardware George F. Givens Puget Sound News Co. Lee Caldwell CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Various telephones and tolls Repairs to Fire Truck Furnace oil Transfer freight Lettering Fire Truck No. 4 Sprinkler valve heads Lumber, nails. cement WATER FUND Repair pipe locator Pipe Water Dept. telephones and tolls WIMN01-1E Lab or on city streets Labor on city streets Rings, gaskets, etc. Stove oil Cement# paint, lumber Bolts, nuts, etc. Re-imb zrsement cost trip to Seattle LIBRARY FUND Books for Library SEWER 11,W Labor on sewer lateral TOWN HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND R. B. Ryan Bal due on City Hall contract 46.25 340.99 142.19 .95 15.00 3,67 14,40 1.15 18065 17,25 108,00 108,00 9.93 11.72 25,82 5.71 5.99 22,34 7.50 Mayor announced the naming of Councilman Virgil M. Parks as council representative to work in co-operation with those groups and organizations which are sponsoring "Clean-up Week," Council journed on motion by Hall, seconded by Brough `pn and carried. Clerk MW or �'--_-..-------0-- -_--- �_.. Regular meeting of the =ncil o M. HThompson, with Councilmen William H. Sprague and Virgil M. Breitenstein and Superintendent Minutes of meeting of April 26, l, Port Orch , Washington May 10, 1948 f Port Orchard, Washington called to ord r by Mayor George A. Broughton, Nick J. Hepanich, ay B. Hall, Parks; City Attorney John ICI, Bogle; E ineer T. C. of Public Works George F. Givens presen 1948 read and q:) proved. Engineer reported that ..,etition for improvement of Garrison Street is Still being circulated, and that more time should be granted in the matter. Further time granted. Councilmen. Sprqgu.e reported. that nets for the two tennis coiris have be0n ordered and should be here within a few days. Councilman Broughton: stated that he had not yet received detailed report concerning Port funds, but anticipated that such would be received before the nextimeeting of the council. i Council*a.n Parks reported that the Veterans of Foreign 'odars had agreed to remove the bus stop shed at the corner of Bay and Harrison Streets, that some of the material had already been regioved and that it was expected that the entire strut re would be removed by May 15, 1948. Matter of proper ordinance for enforcing clean-up program was discussed, and Clerk was directed to write to Association of Washington Cities relative to 01°dinjances in other towns and cities. City Attorney Boyle stated that the existing or dinanco is applica- ble to many instances as it; eeefcts fire and health menaces, and can be enforced by court action. It kas moved by Prr ks, seconded by Sprague and carried that bids be called for con- struction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks fronting the east side of Block 7, Sidney, bidss to be opened at the meeting of the council on May 24, 1948, and th t Clerk notify V. B. Caldwell and officers of Port Orchard Post; No. 30, American Legio , that bids for this work will be opened on that date. Superintendent reported that details for financing constrztion of proper drain and other improvements on DeK&b Street were not yet completed and .further time was granted. Pet1tion,preliminary assessment roll and other documents in connection ith proposed improvement of 'rdest Street by installation of water mains were filed by� the Engineer. These documents were considered by the council and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Sprague and carried that Attorney proceed to prepare necessary papers i connection with this improvement, which will be known as Local Improvement Distric No. 50. H. t. Dingle, local mana�,pr for the Puget sound Power & Light Co., press nted appli- cations for electric service for traffic light, caution light and lightleat pump sta- tioh, and Clerk was authorized to sign a ;plicati._ns on motion by Spr%ue, seconded by parks and carried. I I Dudley Perrin and Frank Kunzelman, property owners on Morton Street, aPpea? ed before the council and rega.ested that Morton Street be graded and that grades land lignments be established for the construction of sidewalks fronting their properties, The matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee, the Engineer and the Superintendent of Public Works to investigate and make a detailed report to the council at the next meeting. Dick Rylander, representative of thePlanning Commission, appeared before the council, and recommended the installation of caution lights at various points or4' Sidney Street with the end in view of slowing up traffic. This was discus sed�y the council and it was directed that stop signs be placed on all streets leading i to Sidney. Street, Street d other prin- cipal or arterial streets and enfcrce traCf1c regulations. Matter of curve & Melcher and Sidney Streets was discussed, it being reported that this curve is more or less dangerous, as visibility is none too good, and Street and Alley committee was delegated to contact owners of property on the con er with the end in view of'having shrubbery removed to improve visitrility. Letter from Holmberg & Norman rggarding removal of shovel p-rked on Bail .k Street was read, and Superintendent stated that he had talked to Mr. Holmberg persdonaLly on the matter, and that it is expected that shovel would be removed within a ort time. More time was granted in this matter. ! f Clerk was directed to write a let'er of appreciation to the Gorst Fire ',Depattnient for their courtesy in bringing men and ec}z ipment to a fire in Pcr t Orcher d May 7, 1948, Chairman Hall of the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building Committee stated that re- quest had been received from the Yx for use of Givens Field on certain days and hours. This vias referred to the committee for action Chief of Police reported that new refelectors had been ordered for the ;traffic light at Bay and Sidney Streets, and that the light i;rill be lined up with Sidney S*reet, Instead of in its present alignment. MR Chairman Hall of the Parks committee stated that baseball games are being played regu- larly at Givens Field, and that more adequate backstop is needed. He stated that sponso-ring agencies of playing teams would do the work to construct backstop if mater- ial is furnished. It was stated that city- has considerable materiel which would be suitable for backstop, and the matter was referred to the Planning Commission regard. ing details of construction, etc., and it was agreed that material available from the town would be forthcoming for this improvement, if proper plans are adopted and4work is donated. The following claims, previously checked by the heads of departments, and by Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee, were read and on motion by Sprague, scconded by Hall, were ordered paid; Howe Oil Company Sheriff of Kitsap County Pen.ineula Stationers Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Cookson Bros. Trick & Murrty Howe Motor Company Port orchard Lumber Yard .owe' s Hardware V. B. Caldwell Thompson's Howe ' s Hardware Lorraine Helder Howe Oil Company IV. S. Darley Co. Olsen's Sheet Metal Shop H. J. ;°'ilpa.trick John N. Vaughn. Howard Cooper Corp. Howe Motor Co. V. B. Caldwell Howe OiI. Comp' V. B. Caldwell Port Orchard Lumber Yard The H. R. Huntting Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Furnace oil for city hall Board of prisoners . Registration supplies, etc. Street lights for April, 1948 karious expenses advanced Battery for fire truck Supplies for Treasurer and Police Fire truck repair r 2 sax cement for Park Asphalt paint for Park Rake for city hall Merchandise for Clerk Mdse., city hall and Fire Dept. PodtAge for Police Lhb and oil Police car --set siren Traffic signal light STREET FUND Repair radiator Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Gaskets and fuel pipe Merchandise Street Dept. Nails,, padlock, sythe stone Stove oil WATER FUND Railroad pick 2 sax sand LIBRARY FUND Boo�k�s for Library , 99.59 11.00 6.91 146,34 13,32 20.55 7.18 5,49 2.58 4.86 1.80 8,20 5.99 3,0P 16.46 136.83 3.61 102*60 108,00 4.50 .78 5.25 10,69 1.65 .52 . w . W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral 16,04 Councila ,'ourned on motion by Sprague, seconded by Hall d carried. Clerk �MW or --------..- 0_..__..- --- Fort Orchard, Washington May 24, 1948 Regular meeting of council of Port orchard, Washington called to order by Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk, in absence of Mayor M. H. Thompson. Councilman Virgil M. Parks named Acting Mayor on motion dgly made, seconded and carried. Present were`Councilmen George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Virgil M. Parks, William H. SprEgue and REV B. Hall* Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of May lot 1948 were read and approved. At this time Mayob Thompson entered the meeting and took his seat withnthe ADuntil. Engineer reported that so far nothing had been received further relative to the petition for the improvement of Garrison Street. Councilman Sprague reported that tennis nets have been received and would be delivered at €.ny time the Park committee recta, ested. DeKalb Street drain was continued for further negotiations. i Clerk submitted Resolution providing for improvom.ent of Vlest Street by instolling water main and hydrants, and same was read to the count '..1. Resolution vas adopted as read, and ordered published according to law, on motion by Parks, seconded by SprEgue and carried. i Engineer submitted plan _'or improvement of Morton Street on lines reque�ted by property owners. Plans were examined by members of the council, and the matter w s referred to the Street and Alley committee to confer with property owners. Superintendent Givens reported that s top signs cIL rected to be placed on streets inter- secting Sidney Street had been ordered and would be placed as soon as they arrive. Matter of clearing visibility at Idelcher and Sidney streets was continu d. Chairman. Ball of the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Eaailding Committee reported that a recreation program is being ineugu.rated for South Kitssp County and tha Givens Field would probably be the scene of considerable activity and asked that allimembers of his committee attend a meeting June 7, 1948 whendetails of the proposed pro ram will be ex- plained. Clerk reported that one bid had been received for construction of e b, gutter and side- walk on west side of Prospect street, between Kitsap and Bank strem , d bid was ordered opened. By the bid R. B. Ryan offered to dd the work accords S ro plans and specifications for $564.80, Bid was discussed by members of the c ci , V. B. Caldwell and representatives of American Legion Post No, 30, American Legio in erested property owners. Following the discussion, it was moved by 1161l, seconded. b pr ue and car- ried that bid of R. B. Ryan be accepted on behalf of the Town of Por 0 chard, and that Mayor be empowered to sign contract in conjunction with V. B. Caldwe 10 officers of the American Legion and the contractor. American Legion Post No. 30 was,re resented by R. J. Caretti, Robert Rylander and C. H. McClain, Robert Rylander brought up the matter of the caterpillar pest and as ed if something. can be done to alleviate the nuisance. A clscussi ,n followed and the ma ter was re- ferred to the Finance and Planning co iwittee to secure newspaper pub is ty concern- ing the matter. Post Master Caretti asked what action, if any, the Town of Port Orch rd intends to take regarding adoption of ddylight saving time. A discussion follo e , and it was moved by Parks, seconded by Sprague and carried that a resolution be adopted providing for saylight saving time, condUned on the action of the Na,,-y Yard i the matter, the term to be governed by action of the Uavy Yard. A letter from Ho, e Motor Company relative to defective motor in Fire t ck was read , and considered by the council. Following a discussion, it was moved y Parks, seconded by Hall and carried that council accept $100.00 net for motor remove rom fire truck. Clerk stated that following; an agreement ttttebhoTown offi d. al s and h County Auditor that town had been divided into two vdting precincts. The boundaries f the precincts as suggested were explained and an ordinance providing for establis e t of precincts as divided was read. It was moved by Broughton, seconded by Sprague a d carried that ordinal ce be adopted as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No.- 54 „ Clerk stated that communication had been received from State Tax CoI i sion demanding sales tax on purchase price of fire truck acquired from Federal Wor s Agency,, and that matter had been referred to the City Attorney for an opinion. Lette from Attorney stating; that town is liable under the law for the sales tax claime wa read.. Clerk was authorized to make payment of tax. 1,Tayor stated that request had been made by property owners outside or Orchard for hirin town equipment to do private work; that previously the co une 1 ad gone on record as opposed to townequipment being made available for work outside a own. The matter was discussed and it was t%e 41h1ah of `.the G6UM,13. ali- _. 64"do -t town e cp ipment is not available for private work outside the city limits. Councilman Hall bnrtaght up the matter of installing ornamental lights c n Prospect Street fronting the city hall property, stating that if such action is con enitlated, that it might be advisable to install necessary conduit before sidewalk is ai . Matter was dis- cussed and referred to Fire and Light committee for consideration d onferences with lighting experts. Councilman Hall also stated that installation of drinking fountain is till under con- sideration and that investigations are being made relative to style,jan type of foun- tain to instal.. It was stated that Planning Commission had recommended purchase of m wer for use on city property. A discussion followed but no definite action was tak:n. In the course of th discussion, the matter of special levy for Park purposes was'.di cussed, and this was referred to the Attorney to report on steps necessary in connec io with the special election to provide a special levy. Mayor stated that parking meters would have to be removed from. Fred�ri k Street north of BW street to pe rmit grading-; and surfacing. This action was agreed to by members of the council. II She .following claims, previously checked by heads of departments, a4d by Chairman ,:.roughton of the License and Auditing committee, wwre presented and on motion by Sprague, seconded by Broughton and carried, were ordered paid: pl�* %r hMaff%dependent Slocum Hardware T. R. Hubbard Puget Sound Power & Light Co. American Fire Equipment Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. CURREET EXPENSE FUND Gash book for Treasurer Scratch pads for Police Sprinkler heads for Park Hydrometer Lights, various Hose Dryer Telephones and tolls, various WATER .FUND Pacific Tel. &. Tel. Co. Telephones and tolls, Plant and Supt. Pacific WatervIYorks Supply Co. Copper tubing and fittings T. R. Hubbad Light globes Pacific Water Works Supply Co. Pipe fittings Puget Sound Power & Light Co, Power and light, pumping plants STREET FUND Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Slocum Hardware 'Kitsep Co. Road Oil Susp. Acct.- T. R. Hubbard Howard Cooper Corp. H. J. Kilpatrick John N. Vaughn The H. R. Huntting Co. Gay loidd Bros. Puget Sound News Co, Call forbids --Prospect St. walks, etc. Street shed lights, 2 months Paint Road Oil Hack saw blades, etc. Blades and bolts for grader Labor on city streets Labor on city streets LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Supplies for Library Books for Library Councilad,,ourned on motion by Sprague, seconded by Hat l and carried. 38.76 1.55 38.34 1.33 105.05 578.04 45.55 13.32 183, 62 4.37 17,26 246.40 7.06 2. 00 Ales 768.54 14.54 40.86 108,00 108,00 63.16 5,40 11.54 Clerk ME' or Port Orchard, Washf ngton June 14, 1948 Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Virgil M. Parks, George Broughton and Nick J. Repanieh; Sup- erintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein were present when the regular meeting of the council was cal led to order by MW or M. H. Thompson. Absent Councilman William H. Sprague and Attirney John H, Boyle, Minutes of meeting of May 24, 1948 read and approved. F No further information was available regarding proposed Garrison Street improvement and further time was granted, Chairman Hall of the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building Committee reported progress on work at tennis courts. ' Clerk was directed to confer with Attorney relative to.liability of town in the matter of the DeKalb Street slide. This being the date for hearing on proposed West Street watermain installation, hear- ing was called. Interested property owners present were M. W. Hammond and C. Val, Long. Mr,. Long objected to installation of improvement as proposed and stated that he believed that'the proposed improvement should extend to the south city limits, and that if this is done that he might favor the improvement. Mr. Hammond favored the improvement, and following a discussion, the matter was referred back to the Engineer and the property owners, and further time was granted to attemot to secure adequate approval of property owners to install the watermain to the south city limits. Proposed improvement of Morton Street was again discussed, and Dudley Perrine, a prop- erty owner, was present and addressed the council. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Parks, seconded. b7 Broughton and carried that roadway be established to 36 feet wide between curbs.; tiat Engineer establish, grades for street, gutters and sideWa,lks and that property owners be permitted to proceed with betterments, aiy word to be done under the sypervision of the Superintendent of Public Works and the Engineer. Chairman Parks of the Street and Alley committee statedthat so far he had been unable i� to contact property owner with relation to clearing shrubbery at Sidney and Melcher street intersection to provide better visibility. Further time granted. Councilmen H,91 1 and Repanich reported on meeting which they had attended relative to recreation program in this area, and stated that it is believed that any improvements which Port Orchard is able to make in the way of recreation facilities would be consid- ered by the State as Port Orchardts share of expense of the program. The matter was discussed, and was referred to the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee, the Engineer and the Planning commission, to lay out plan for irnprov!emnt of the Park and to designate improvements to be made. 1Tatter of water facilities was discussed, and Superintendent stated that it would be possible to install faciiit�es for connect- ing hose to wet down field's. Uounci3man Hall stated that progress is being made on installation off "inking fountain at the ai !ney and iity street intersection. Matter of parking on Sidney street and Frederick street north of Behr' s reet, was dis- cussed, and Mayor stated that it was desired to keep parking out of Nth se areas until such time as more permanent surface can be constructed on these street ands, This was agreed by the council, and the matter of taxi stands on Sidney street orth of Bay street also entered into the d iscussions. This matter teas continued til suer the adjournment of themeeting 'when the cofincil acting as a committee of ilth whole would view the situation and make a decision regarding taxi stands. Resolution submitted by Paul Sheeley, Superintendent of the v'Jashingt nlVeterans Home, providing for the Town of Port Orchard to answer fire calls at the jet rans iIome, in consideration for which the State of WashingtDn will pay the Town of P rt Orchw d $100.00 for the service between April 1, 1948 and March 31, 1949, the vailEb ility of the equipment to be entirely up to the Chief of the Fire Department of Port Orchard, read and considered by the council. The resolution was discussed, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Parks and carried that Resolution�as presented De adopted, and that Ir.ayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same on behalf of the `1'o�qn 3f Port Orchard. Clerk presented a Resolution on behalf of City Attorney, providing for cancelling of designated assessments against Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Replat of Central Addition, in consideration of deed from recorded owners, was read to tho council) Following dis- euasion of the matter and explanation of conditions, it was moved Ipted Parks, seconded by Hall and carried that Resolution be passed as read. Resolution by unanimous vote of the council. Mayor Thompson presented a letter from a woman in Germany asking fob donations of any articles of clothing, etc., and same was ordered filed. Mayor stated that he had attended tho Annual Strawberry Festival on Bainbridge Island last Saturday. and that Port Orchard, through the Chamber of Commerde,; made a fine showing and that the event was a success. Capt. C. G. Hanson as a representative of Forest City, addressed th council relative to improved water service to Forest City, suggesting that improved �ervice would probably result by installing a master meter and by Forest City handling the distribu- tion within its limits. The matter was discussed and referred to the ffater and Sewer committee, the ,;ayor and the Superintendent to confer and work out 4 p oposal to submit to Forest City. Clerk was directed to confer .1ith Attorney relative to propriety of�c arging fee for disposing of animals by Police Department at request of owners of a� in als. Clerk was directed to write letter to Victor Ohman, directing that cleaning of Sidney street of rocks and debris left on street following his logging operations, be done at once, in consideration of the permission which he had received from the city for tempor- ary right-of-way over city property. It was moved by Hall., seconded by Parks and carried that water consumers be allowed 5,500 gallons of heater per month for the minimum charge of �1.50 for the months of June, July and August, 1948, The following claims, previously checked by heads of departments and also by Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee, were presented to the council and on motion by Broughton, se onded by Repanich and carried, were ordered paid: Greer & E(buiston Puget Sound Power & Light Don's Service Howe Oil Com.)any HovYe Motor Co. Thompson's W. S. Darley Co. Port Orchard Independent Sheriff Kitsap County Slocum Hardware Murtough Supply Co, CURRENT EXPEKSE FUND Premium Liability insurance Co. Street lights for May, 1948 Gas and oil, Fire Truck No. 3 Furnace oil, City Hall Fire Truck repair Bond paper for Clerk Siren for Police car Vouchers --Ordinance No. 545 Board of prisoners, May, 1948 Sprinkler heads Janitor's supplies LIBRARY FU,'7D CD 508.37 145.97 4.26 90,98 27.36 2,88 24,59 34.74 4.00 5.05 10.56 Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 15.14 College Bindery Repairing Books 38,01 The H. R. Huntting Co. Kooks for Library 11.34 le ' WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light at pumping plants 226.72 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 16,20 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. Gaskets for Meter 3,46 V. B. Caldwell Tools and paint 26,38 Howe's Hardware Tools 3.29 Howe Motor Co, Adjust brakes on pickup .77 STREET FUND V. B. Caldwell Padlock and paint 2.44 Bremerton Oil Delivery MC2 Road Oil 159,93 Donis Service Gear 'Tease 2,96 Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Culvert pipe 25,03 Howe Oil Co. Stove oil 11,72 Wilkins Distributing Co. 500 gallons Gasoline 92.50 Siemens s L2achine Shop Welding and barzing 1.55 Olympic Iron & Machine Works Sharpen scarfire 3,09 Thompsonts Purxhase-order books 6.18 Slocum Hardware Tools 9.35 Piston Service Bearing 4,28 H.� J. Kilpatrick Ld or on streets 151.20 John N. Vaughn Labor on streets 151.20 Jesse W. Sutton Labor on streets 97.20 Mel Rowley Labor on streets 64,80 Council ad`ourned on motion by Broughton, seconded by Half. and carried. Clerk _ _ _ Moor Port Orchard, Washington June 28, 1948 Regular meeting of the council of Port.Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel,in absence of Mayor M. H. Thompson. Clerk called for election of Acting Mayor and on motion by Repanich, seconded by Sprague and carried, Councilman Virgil M. Parks was elected Acting Mayor. Present at the meeting were Councilmen Virgil M. Parks (Acting Mayor), William H. Spregue, Ray B. Hall, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repan- ich; Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engin- eer T. C. Breitenstein; Absent Mayor M. H. Thompson, Minutes of meeting of June 14, 1948 read and approved. Matter of necessary drainage system on DeKalb street east of Cline street, was conttnued to meeting of July 12, 1948 for definite action. Petition for improvement of Garrison Street by grading and installation of sewer, was presented, together with letter from Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, and these documents were read, considered by the council and referred to the Attorney for further action. Councilman Hall re orted that work at Givens Field tennis co urts had progressed con- siderably; that nets would be installed soon; that coin boxes have been ordered. He also stated that he had met with a committee from the Planning Commission with refer- ence to adapting an over-all plan for improvements at the Givens Field, and that this feature Is being worked out. He stated that it would be necessary to have some en- gineering done at the park in order to properly- present the plan. The matter was re- ferred to the Engineer to do necessary engineering. Acting Mayor stated that he would have a definite report at thenext meeting of the coun- cil, relative to removal of shrubs at the Sidney-T=Telcher street intersection. Councilman Hall and Superintendent Givens reported that forms have been built for cast- ing th; drinking fountd n to be placed at the Bay. and Sidney street intersection, and that other material is also at hand; that work would be done as soon as possible, r­N and fountain installed as previously approved by council. Clerk stated that he had taken up with Division of TAunicipal corporations the question of from which fund to pay taxes on Lots 7-8, Block 1, Rep lat of Central Addition, and that he had been informed that taxes should be paid from Current Expense Fund. Matter of requested agreement .for supplying water to Forest City was discussed, and was referred to the Water and Sevier committee to confer with proper representatives of Forest City. Mutter of disposal of dogs and cats was discussed, and it was moved by Sprague, seconded byRe_.)anich and carried that until further order of the council that a fee of $1.00 be charged for disposing of cats and dogs, and that animals be taken to the Kitsap County Humane Society or to the City of Bremerton pound for disposal. Letter from Attorney John M. Boyle relative to procedure necessary to provide special levy for park purposes was read to the council, The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Sprague and carried that the:-oroposition of a 4-mill special levy for park purposes for the year 1949, be submitted to the voters of fort Orchard at a special election to be held at the time and place of the Primary election, on September 14, 1948, Councilman Broughton stated that he is still working on tht I3arbor Improvement funds due to port Orchard, but that there are still some matters,to be settled, and further time will be recu iced, Clerk reported that he had. taken up with the Division of Municipal Corporations the matter of money due the Town of Port Orehad from Kitsap County, as shown by Examinerst reports, and that action would be forthcoming soon. The following claims, previously checked by he-_ds of departments and also by Chairman Broughton, chairman of the License and Auditing committee, were presented, and on motion by Hall, seconded by Spraue and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND R. B. Ryan Sidewalk and entrance to city hall 373.44 Port Orchard Independent Publish Resolution No. 105 19,46 Lorraine Helder Postage and bmc rnt 6,50 Trick & 14urray Bond register for Treasurer 14.66 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Maintain traffic lights 26.85 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Vw ious te-ephones and tolls 47,05 WATER t'UI�TD Lents Galbanized pipe, etc. 13.62 Port Orchard Independent 5M postal card water bills 71.78 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Telephones andctolls 15.74 SIREE''T FUND John N. Vaughn Lsbor on city streets 10.,80 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on city streets 108,00 Mel Rowley Labor on city streets 108,00 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on city streets 32,40 Garland Company Traffic paint 15.00 Lumber Supply Lumber, etc. 49.40 LIBRARY I-UN�iD The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 51.22 Americanna Corp. Americanjn.a Annual 2,95 Council adjourned on motion by Sprague, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk MW or �I Port Orchard, Washington July 12, 1948 �-� Regular meeting of the Council of port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor M. H. Thompson. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, NigkK J. Repanich, Ray B. Halll, and William H. Sprague; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and City Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, Absent Councilman Virgil M. Parks,. Mibutes of meeting of June 28, 1948 read and approved,. Dr. -Shirley Benham., County Health Officer, addressed the eouncilrelative to participa- tion by the Town of Port Orchard in the Public Health program, and extended an invi- tation to the town to participate. Following Dr. Benhamts remarks, the matter was taken under advisement and continued for further consideration. On motion by Hall, seconded by Repani.ch and carried, Superintendent was instructed to proceed with installation of adequate drainage facilities new the ravine on DeKel b Street east of Clue Street. Matter of proposed Garrison Street improvements to include grading and installation of sewer was considered. Engineerts reports and preliminary assessment roll were a xamined and resolution declaring the intention of the Town to proceed with the improvements, to create Local Improvement District, and setting date of hearing was read. It was moved by hall, seconded by Broughton and carried that resolution be passed as read, pub- lished according to law andproper notice of hew ing be given. There being no report on clearing for greater visibility st the corner of Sidney and Melcher Streets, further time was granted. Chairman Sprague of the Water and Sewer committee reported on, conference which his committee had held with C. G. Hansom, representing Forest City, regw ding water supffi6.1y to Forest City, and what had been agreed upon by the committee. On motion by Spr.Egue, seconded by Repanich and carried, Clerk was directed to write a letter to representa- tives of orest City, setting forth the proposition which the Town of Port Orchard offers. Chairman Broughton of the License and Auditing committee stated that he is still work- ing on the matter of available Harbor Improvement funds, and said that a further report on .the matter, which he believes will clear the question, is expected from the state this week. Firp Chief Alan Totten requested the purchase of a hose tester, and submitted, sketch of what the Fire Department desires. On motion by Sp rague, seconded by Broughton and carried, purchase of a hose tester was authorized. Chief of Police stated that a fee of $2.00 is being charged for disposing of anirrmsl s by Bremerton City pound and the Humane Society, and on motion by Sprague, seconded by Repanich and carried, Chief of Police was authorized to collect a fee of $2.00 for disposing of pets at the request of the owners. It was pointed out that the man who has been cleaning Bay Street has quit the job, and after a discussion, Superintendent was directed to secure a man for the job on a tem- orary basis and until the next meeting of the council, t*e workman to receive ft 50,00 for cleaning the street from this date until July 26, 1948. Letter from Association of Washington Cities relative to regional meetings was read, and action was delayed to a later date. Letter from State Tax Commission relative to payments of tax on sewer revenue payments, was referred to the Attorney. A reap. est was received through the Clerk on behalf of the VFW for use of council ehEm ber twice a month for meetings was discussed, and granting the request was withheld pend- ing receipt of further information, Chairman Hall of the Health, Sanitation, Par ks and Bui.l j ng committee made a report that grass at Central playfield has been cut and removed; that new tennis cort nets have been installed and are in use, and that money boxes for meters will be placed as soon as received. Councilmen E. E. Kinney and Jemes Millard of Forest City were present at the meet- ing, and Mr. Kinney expressed the appreciation of Forest City for the spirit of co-operation shown by Port Orchard in deal Ing with Forest City. Council again took up the matter`of participating in the County Health Department pro- gram, and after discussion action for deferred for further consideration.. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairinm Broughton of the License and Auditing , were presented and on motion by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid: 4 CURRENT EXPE11SE FUND Pete Henderson, Sheriff E. A. Brei6enstein Trick &Murry Lorrat ne yielder Lawrence Hendersbft Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware Howegs Hardww e Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Howe Motor Company Howe Is Hardware Howe Oil Company . Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Thompsonts Port Orchard Lumber Yard Slocum Hardware Fairbanks Morse & Co. V. B. Caldwell W. F. Bruhahn Board of priosners En_ineer's assistant, various jobs_ File and indexes for Police Postage on return P.M. clocks Repair and install police car red io Emulsion, etc, for tennis courts Ammo for Police Various merchandise Police street phone, installation, etc. Service police car, two months Tennis Court nets Furnace Oil for city hall Street lights for June, 1948 'various merchandise Sand and cement for park WATER FUND Scythe stones, etc. Motor grease Tools and merchen dice Labor on water system STREET FUND H. J. Kilpatrick John N. Vaughn Mel Rowley W. F. Bruhahn S. K. McMullen Eugene Ochs Puget Sound Navigation Company Wilkins Distributing Company South Kitsip Gravel Company V. H. Raymond Nels Mtn kussen Howe's Hardware Kitsep Farmers Howe Oil Com,)any SiBmen' s Machine Shop The H. R. Huntting Company Labor on city st�7eets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city stmets Freight on pain Gasoline Patching,_; material Hauling gravel, city streets Sharpening chisels Scythe blades, etc. Zone marking paint Stove and furnace oil Bearing for transmission shaft LIERARY FUND Books for Library 2.00 32.40 1.3.06 2000 29.04 33,02 2.70 7,87 17.65 7.22 122.57 51,67 145,97 6.54 5.15 2,14 8.93 5.20 5.40 97.20 97.20 97.20 83.70 10.80 10.80 1.68 92.50 160,68 36,69 ,78 6.11 22,56 30.10 2.58 10,49 Council jour"d--on- ion by Hall, seconded by Sprague and arried. lfw 4-1� Clerk _ MW or _ 0_ Port Orchard, Washington July 26, 1948 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular meeting by Mayor M. H, Thompson, with Councilmen George A, Broughton, Nick J. Repanich, Ray B. Hal 1, and Virgil M. Parks; City Attorney- John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public `:forks George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Absent Co-,incilman. William H. Sprague, Minutes of meeting of July 12, 1948, read and approved. No conference havixg been held concerning particl pation of Port Orchar d in county health program, the matter was contir�ued�£6'r��f ,-rther :-consideration. Councilman ,Parks reported that he had contacted H. IV. IAelloh with reference to tri.mnning shrubbery at corner of Sidney and I01elcher Streets; that Mr. Melloh had been very co- operative, and that mach better visibility has been secured by cutting the shrubbery, the work being done by the Street Department. Letter from Forest City accepting the offer of Town of Port Orchard to furnish water to the mown of Forest City, was read and ordered filed. Couxicilmm Broughton stat ed that so far the matter of Harbor Improvement funds has not been settled. Mayor Thompson pointed out that the Volunteer Fire Dep w�tment has expended its own funds in the purchase of boots and coats for use at fires, and recommended that the Department be re-imbursed by the Town of Port Orchard. Matter was deferred for con- ference with the State Examiner. '11 Operator of Olalla bus appeared before the council with reference to stopping places in Port Orchard to piek up passengers. This was discussed by the members of the council, who agreed that bus should have permission to stop at arq suitib le stopping plane, which would not i3aterfere with traffic, and that Chief of Police arraage with oper. ator for proper stops in Port Orchard, Representatives of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Rifle and Revolver Club' sppeared be- fore the Council asking permission to hold meetings in the council room. The matter was referred to the Rea. th, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee to confer with VFW and report at next meeting of the council. A discussion of positions of janitor in the I' nicipal Building, and Street cleaner was entered into, and it was moved by Broughton, seconded by Hall and carried that the two Jobs be separated, and that Superintendent be authorized to hire James A. Morgan as street sweeper at $100.00 per month, and that ja►itor position remain as it present at 675.00 per month. It was stated that cars are parked for long periods of time on Bay Street east of Harrison. street, and that these parked cars cause atraffic nuisance. Chief of Police was directed to see that these improperly parked cars are removed. It was the opinion of the council as expressed that street sweeping be extended on Bq7 Street to a point further east. Mayor stated that Liquor Control Board desires a letter from the Mayor and Council relative to granting 23 T Club License to the American Legion at 743 Bay Streets The matter was discussed, and it was moved by ReAanich, seconded by Broughton and carried that council rig on record as having no objection to granting this license, and that Mayor be authorized to so advise the Washington State Liquor Control Board by letter. It was stated that Clancy Foote, garbage contractor, had recg ested that he be per- mitted to park his truck in the garage at the Street Department site. Members of the council took the position that as thega.rbage collection is a private business and the trucks privately owned that the regzest cannot be granted. The following claims, checked and audited, were presented and on motion by Parks, seconded by Ball, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXFETdSE FUND W. F. Bruhahn Labor at City Hall 32.40 Chas. R. Watts Co. 12 Thru-street signs 48,82 Puget Sound Power & Light Co.Var ions lights 78,73 Port Orchard Independent 1,500 postal card notices (registration) 24,27 T. R. Hubbard Flashlights and batteries (Police) 8,07 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Various telephones and tolls 48,25 Peninsula stationers Pencils for Clerk .62 P. S. Poorer & Light Co. Traffic light maintenance 4,28 Trick & Murray Registration supplies 13.69 V. B. Caldwell Coin boxes for tennis courts 84,18 Teel Bros. Top soil for city hall grounds 195.99 STREET FUND Fred's Sserviec 4 lbs. grease 1.44 P. S. Polver & Light Co. Light at street sheds, 2 months 2.00 Co. Sweeping Bay Street 50,00 H, J. Kilpatrick Labor on city streets 108,r00 John N. Vaughn Labor on city streets 108.00 Mel_ Rowley Labor on city streets 108.00- Eugene Ochs Labor on city streets 51.30 S. K. McMullen Labor on city streets 51.30 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on city streets 54.00 WATER. FUND W. F, Bruhahn Labor on water lines 21,60 P. S. Power & Light Co. Power and bight for pump plants 325.42 Pacific Te. & Tel. Co. Telephone and tolls 15.45 American Plbg. & Steam Sup. Soldering Paste .64 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound. News Co, Books for Library 7.98 The oH. R Huntting Co. Books for Library 34,71 Counciladj reed on motion by Hall, seconded by Forks nd carried. Clerk MEr or - - - - - - - - - - - 0- Y Port Orchard, Washington August 9, 1948 Regular meeting of the council ofPort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor M.H. Thompson with Councilmen Virgil M. Parks, Nilliam H. Sprague, Ray B. HLl, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C, Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of July 26, 1948 read and approved. Matter of participation by the Town of Port Orehar d in County Health program was dropped from agenda by consent of the council. Chief of Police reported that arrangements for bus stops by Olalla busses had been completed to the satisfaction of thre operator and the Police Department. Chairman Hall of the Health.. Sanitation, Parks and-iilding cormittee reported bn-:.the application of the VFW Rifle and Revolver Club for use of council chamber for meeting place and recommended against granting the free use of council chamber except for or- ganizations of strictly community nature, and that committee does not approve this ap- plication. Report was accepted and approved on motion By Rep anich, seconded by Hall and carried. Letter from Charles Pendleton regarding compensation as janitor was read and ordered filed. Petition for improvement of Garrison Street by grading and installation of sewercame up for hearing on due notice and publication of Resolution. Present were Edward C. Sundt, R. B. Hurley, M. P. OtDwyer, Mrs. M. Collette, George Payne, M. J. Ordway and other interested property owners. Matters pertaining to theimprovement were dis- cussed by property owners, councilmen, the engineer and a� torney, and no protests were filed or submitted aged.nst the proposed improvement. Following the discussions ordi- nance providing for the improvement and creating the Improvement District, providing method of payment, etc., was read to the council. It was regularly moved by Parks, seconded by Sprague and-earried that ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No, 547, It was moved by Parks, seconded by Sprague and carried that bids for the improvement of Garrison Street, according to plans and specifications to be furnished by the Engin-_ eer and under the terms of Ordinance kio. 50, be called to be opened at thomeeting of the council on August 23, 1948. Councilman Broughton brought up the matter of dangerous corner at intersection of Kitsarp and Rockwell Streets. This was referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and recommendation, Chief, of Police asked about parking space for Police car in downtown area, Matter was left to discretion of the Police. Following claims, checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, were submitted to the council and ordered paid, on motion by Parks, seconded by Sprague and carried: Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Howe Oil Company Howe Motor Company Siemenss Machine Shop Howe ta Hardware Puget . Sound Power & Light Co. Thompzonts Thompsont s Siemenss Machine Shop Eugene Oaks S. K. McMullen W. F..Bruhahn Mel Rowley John Vaughn H. J. Kilpatrick Siemens machine Shop R. L._Lursen Distributing Co. Nels Markussen Hodge & Davis Slocum Hardware V. B. Caldwell Howe Motor Company Howe t s Hardware Port Orchard Lumber Yard Wilkins Distributing Company CURRENT EXPENSE FU1,M Publish Resolution No. IOC 1B.34 IVId ntain traffic lights 6.07 Furnace Oil 46.10 Service Police car 9.07 Eye -bolts for tennis court nets 4.00 1 box 550 ammo. 2.55 Street lights, July, 1948 147.05 File box, staples, etc. 9,25 Typewriter ribbon for Clerk 1.29 STREET FUND Make grate cover farme 2.78 Labor on city streets. 43.20 Labor on city streets 54,00 Lab or on city streets 102,60 Labor on city streets 103,95 Labor on city streets 122.85 Labor on city streets 122.85 Repair tank 15,45 Kerosene, Oil, etc. 103.24 Sharpen scarfire teeth 2.58 Tire repair 5.16 Roofing material for street sheds 91.41 Paint, hedge sears, etc. 7.57 Repair parts 1.91 Lag screws, paint 9,06 Lumber 8.05 Gasoline 92,50 LIBRARY FUND Thompson's Typewriter ribbon 1.13 WATER FUND W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 10,80 R. L. Lursen 6 cans Mobiloil 5,78 Marckmann & Williams Pipe connections 33.94 V. B. Caldwell Merchandise 1.81 Councilman Broughton stated that drainage on Rockwell street, since installation of blacktop driveway, is faulty, and this was referred to the Superintendent for Investi- gation, Council mourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Brohton and carried. -- -- - --_- -- 0--_ - -.. 1--__ l/ Port Orchard, Washington August 23, 1948 Council met in regular session, called to order by Mayor M. H. Thompson. present Coun- cilm n Ray B. Hal,1, William H. Sprague, Virgil M. Parke, George A. Broughton, and Nick J. Repan ich; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens -and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, Minutes of meeting of August 9, 1948 read and approved. Bus -stops were considered, and Mayor asked that operator of Olalla bus contact him in connection with bus station. This being the date on which bids for Garrison Street grading and installation of sewer were tobe opened, Clerk reported that three bids had been received, and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Following bids received and considered: Bid of J. W, Welsh, accompanied by bid bond as required in call for bids, offered to do the work for $6,690.55 according to plans and specifications. Alternate bid offered to excavate traneheas for sewer laterals and water laterals for $16.00 each for sewer laterals and $9,60 each for water laterals. Bid of Standard Plumbing Company accompanied by proper bid bond, offered to do the work for $72989.90, according to plans and specifications, Alternate bid for sewer and water laterals: $31.50 for sewer laterals and $23.50 for water laterals. ` Bid of Joe Avery, accompanied by bid bonds offered to do the work according plane and specifications for lump sum of 116,007.50. Alternate bid 60c per foot for excavation for sewer laterals and water laterals, Council considered the bids, discussed the terms, and it was moved by Parks, seconded by Sprague and carried that bid of Joe Avery as submitted be accepted, and that Town of Port Orchard enter into a contract with Joe Avery for completion of the work accord- ing to the terms of the bid as submitted, and according to the plans and specifioation.s. Superintendent Givens made a report of proposed improvement of the street ab intersec- tion of Kitsap and Rockwell streets, which had been approved by the Street and Alley committee, and stated that work would be completed as soon as possible, Superintendent also stated thattdrainage problem. on Rockwell street has been taken care of at slight expense, j Letter from Port Orchard Planning Commission relative to lighting on East Bay Street and Mitchell Hill street, was read and considered by the council,. Matter was referred back to the Fire andLight committee with power to act in the matter, on motion. by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried. Clerk brought up the matter of Special Election which council had ordered to b e held on September 14, 1948, to -vote on proposition of 4-mill levy for Park purposos, and on motion by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried, Clerk was directed to secure ballots and other necessary supplies for the election. Clerk also brought up the matter of additional election booths to equip polling places in the two precincts, and Superintendent was directed to secure booths similar to those now provided for precinct No. 1. Chairman Hall of the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee reported tkak on investigations made of necessary park improvements, and recommended that Central Play. field be re -graded and re -seeded to put the field in attbactive condition. He also stated that plans call for planting of trees. After a discussion, it was moved by Sprague, seconded by Parks and a.arried that grounds at Central Playfield be regraded by the city crew. Tentative budget figures, previously se t to members of the council and the I;Iayor, were condidered by the council. Suggested cl:angeg were discussed, and suggested re- visions stated, and Clerk was directed to prepare Preliminary budget according to suggestions made, and submit sari,e to the meetin[; of the council on Selbtember 13, 1948 for consideration and action. Certain matters in connection with the Fire Department were brought up by Councilman Repanich, and meter a discussion these matters were referred to Fire and Light committee for conference with Fire Chief Alan Totten and members of the department, Councilman Repanich asked that trail from Hull str eet east over Pottery gulch be con- ditioned for use by school children, and this matter was referred to the Superinten- dent for action. Superintendent Givens reported t#at work is progressing on drainage condition on De - Kalb street, east of Cline street, previously ordered remedied by the council. The following claims, previously checked by heads of departments and by Chairman. Broughton of the License and Auditing committee, were read to the council and on motion by Sprague, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid: Iyiiller Meters, Inc. T. A. Burkett Port Orchard Independent Trick & iuiurray Howard Cooper Corp. Kitsap County Auditor Carol 1�1. Forsmark Florence L. Wetzel Paeifid Tel. & Tel. Co. Kitsap County Bank Port Orchard Independent Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Home Builders W. F. Bruha�n H. J. Kilpatrick John N. Vaughn Idel Rowley W. F. Bruhahn S. K. McMullen S. V. McMullen R. A. Phillips Pacific Hoist & Derrick Co. Tacoma -Bremerton Auto Freight The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound Dews Co. CURRE IT EXPEI•i SE FUND Parking meter pa3btsp Roto--tilling at city hall Vall for bids, Garrison street job Registration supplies ?uinp parts for Fire ^rukk Salary and -expenses, Examiner for Town Addressing Cards, Registration Addressing cards, Registration Various telephones and tolls Safe Deposit Box Rent, Treasurer ',LATER FUND I M sets turn -on -off I,Iotices Water Dept. telephones and tolls Power and light st pumping plants I"ffieelbarrow Labor on water lines a REST _M D Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Re-imburse for ferry fare Roofing Material Counter sj;aft and output Freight charges LIBRARY FMI'D Books for Library Books for Library Counci 'ourned otion 'by Sprague, seconded by Broughton Clerk Q Port Orchard, 11Jashingto, Septe,ber 13, 1948 to Tacoma shaf t carried. 462.78 15.00 5.85 13.67 2.47 398.95 12.00 11.00 42.40 4.00 16.27 18. Z 363.37 2B.33 8.10 112.05 12Z;85 114.75 105.30 59,40 10.40 7.75 69.01 2.85 6.51 29.21 ivigi or Re-,-u.lar meeting of the council of Port Orcharc'l, viiashington called to order by iulayor 11. H. Thompson. Present Councilmen hick J. Repanich, George A. Broughton, Ray 3. Ball, william H. Sprague and Virgil M. Parks; City Attorney John, M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting; of August 23, 1948 read and approved. Mayor Thompson made a report on conference which he had held with operator of Olalla bus, relative to bus stops in Pori; Orchard. Engineer stated that material had been delivered to the Garrison Street ,job, and he expected that actual work would start soon. Chairman Repanich of the Fire and Light committee reported that his committee had conferred with the school directors of School Dist. No. 402 relative to additional lights on East Bay Street and 'Mitchell Hill Street and that the directors had agreed to pay the cost of four additional lightsto be installed on Mitchell Hill street, and that Puget Sound Power & Light Company had been author ized to install additional -i lights and make changes as authorized and according to plan adopted. Superintendent Givens made a rep cr t on proposed improvements to Central Playfield, and stated that arrangements had been made to secure a bulldozer from the county to do the heavy grading. Council took up consideration of the Preliminary budget, and after discussion End minor changes, it was moved by Parks, seconded by Sprague and carried that Preliminary budget as amended be adopted and published according to law. Superintendent stated that trail from Pottery Hill to Sidney Hill had been repaLred anti: that with installation of railing over small stream that work would be completed. Corrma=ication from Stsb e Fire Marshall relative to Fire Prevention Week was read, and referred to Fire Chief Alan. Totten to arrange approrpiate program, and Clerk was directed to Write to State Fire Marshall stating that proper Observance would be held in Fort Orchard. Application of Sunset Lane Cemetery, Inc., to file re -plat of cemetw y, and submitting resolution adopting plat was received and considered by Council. Following discussion, and report by Attorney, it was moved by Sprague, seconded by Parks and carried that resolution be adopted and Mayor authorized to sign same, on epprovalby Attorney, Reso- lution adopted as Resolution No. 108. Communication from Rev. Knapp relative to solicitation of funds for religious purposes was referred to Chamber of Commerce. Chairman Repanich of Fire 7_nd Light committee stated that requests had been made for installation of street lights in Myhre & Rylanderrs Addition on Sherman Street, and submitted proposed plan of installation. Following a discussion, two lights were aithor- ized for Sherman Street on motion 4 Hall seconded by Broughton and carried. Chairman Hall of Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee reportedct3.- vities at Central Playfield. Plans were discussed and general plan of improvement was authorized by sentiment expressed by council members. Chairman H. E. Wilson and Commissioners Roy Howe, T. R, Hubbard and Harry Radey, and Secretary Jack Strangeways of the Port Orchard Housing Authority appe w ed before the council relative to plan for disposal. of Housing Authority property, the suggested plan having previously been submitted and considered by the council. Mr. Strangeways addressed the council, and after consideration, it was moved by Sprague, seconded by Broughton and carried that plan of disposal as submitted be approved. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Hall and carried that Mayor write letter to Adjutant General Llewellyn asking for information as to status of negotiations between the Fed- eral Housing Authority and the liar Department and National Guard relative to securing for the local unit of the National Guard the Cafeteria Building, and of fering resistance of city administration of Port Orchard in any negotiations regarding; the matter, and thatrcopies of the letter be sent to Governor 17allgren; Taylor Eagab, Commissioner of Public Housing.. and to the entire State delegation in Congress. The follow ng claims, previously checked by heads of departments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee, were read, and on motion by Sprague, seconded by Parks and carried„ were ordered paid. CURRENT EXPENSE FUTM tVinebrennerts Food Store Soap and Cleaner 1.94 Port Orchard Independent Ballots and Notice of .;lection 35.11 Trick & Murray Election Supplies and Cabinet 131.68 Siemen's Machine Shop Meter Bo- x for Coin meter at Park 77.25 Howe Oil Company Furnace Oil for City Mall 23,45 Howe 1,1otor Uompany Repair Police car 21.56 Mel Rowley Labor on city hall lawns 54.00 Thompson(s Various merchandise for Police 3,71 Slocum Hardware Merchandise for Park .49 Sheriff Kitsap County Board of Prisoners, July, 1948 4.00 ^uget Sound Power & Light Co. `:3'treet lights, August, 1948 148.12 MaBt t e Lumber Company Donts Service Howe r s Hardw ' e Am. Plbg & Sam Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & Light C&. Slocum Hardware Howe's 19zinkrz= Motor Co. Saindonts WATER FUND 3 sacks Aquella Var sous merchandise Merchandise Pipe and fittings Power and 41-1 ght at pumping p�.-)ants Tools and Paint Repair to pickup truck Tire repair 12.69 2,42 2.83 60.13 316,88 4.55 1.55 2.63 117oodworth & Company Donts Service Hesse 7, Sutton John N. Vaughn W. F. Bruhahn Mel Rowley S. K. McMullen The Monroe Company Carl's Service Don's Service Port Orchard Lumber Yard Siemen' s Machine Shop Howe Motor Company Howe t s Hardware Mill & Mine Supply Company Bremerton Con, Products,Co, Slocum Hardware Wilkins,Distributing Co, Council adiourned on motion by Hall, Clerk STREET FUI,ID Road mix Oil, kerosene and polish, etc. Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Floor compound Battery charge Grease and Lub Oil Drain Tile Labo:�rar.d Material for grate Repair Ford Truck Paint and Ivle terial Chocker hook andlabor 30" culvert pipe Lantern wicks Gasoline 2 124,58 8.42 59.40 157.95 108.00 97.20 41.85 9,00 1.03 4.41 19,41 16„69 5,15 7.01 27.93 227,12 2.35 185.00 seconded by Broughton and carried. May or 0 Port Orchard, Washington September 27, 1948 Council of Port Orchard, -dashington called to order by Mayor hi. H. Thompson. Present Councilmen George A. Broughton, trick J. Repanich, Ray B. Ha1 1, William h. Sprague, and Virgil M. Parks; City- Attorney,John M. Boyle- Superintendent of Public ;forks George 1". Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of September 13, 1948 read and approved. Engineer reported tnat�'work on Garrison Street contract _'or grading and installation of server is progressing satisfactorily. Chairman Hall of the Parks cormniitee stated that some delay has been occasioned in grading Central Playfield, due to inability to secure bulldozer from county, but that work will be done soon. Superintendent reported that trail fxo m Pottery hill to Sidney Hill is completed. Mayor submitted applications forlicense transfers due to chrn ge in partnership in Pcrt Orchard Tavern, as received from lfashington State Liquor Board, and same were ordered filed. Letter from Port Orchard Business and Pr�_:fessional ,`omen's Club req;Lesting T.Nlayor to pro- claim week of October 10-16, 1948 as Business 'u°domen's ''deek in Port Orchard, was read, and :r=ayor Thompson designated the week of October 10-16, 1948 as "Business 0 oment s sleek." Chris Shuh, operator of Blue r-' Gold Taxicabs, appeared before the council and asked that taxi stands be removed from west side of Sidney Street to the east side, north of ;may Street. A discussion followed and the matter was referred to the Street and Alley com- mittee and Chief of Police to establish stands in co-operation with Ivir. Shuh, the ap- proach to the dock to be wilt under the supervision of the Engineer and to his speci- fications, and h1r. Shuh to pay costs of moving; signs amd signs posts. C. G. Hanson, representing r'orest City, appeared before the council and asked for a letter stating definite time during which Port Orchard would supply water to Forest City under terms already agreed upon. A discussion followed and it was moved by Sprague, seconded by Rep anich and carried that Clerk be directed to write a letter to Forest City stating that Port Orchard stands ready to supply water to }'orest City for a term of twelve years or more, at rates and terms previously set forth in Port Orchard's letter of July 13, 1948, with the understanding that well failures, st&tins, riots, wars, earthquakes, any act of God or any condition beyond control of the Town of Port Orchard, which might impair the water supply of 1eort Orchard and make surplus water unavailable --then and in such event Forest City shall be eligible for water service from Port Orch- ard only after the nedds of tort Orchard have been supplied; and further that any con- tract, expressed or implied for supplying water to Forest City by Port Orchard ap plies only to the present town limits of Forest City, Letter was received from.,Maxine Constantine asking for information regarding Port Orch- ard, and eras referred to he Cha aoer of Commerce. I,latter of constructing sewer on south end of Grant Street was discussed informally, but no action taken, as was also matter of sewer on Mitchell Hill. Claim for damages by Donald R. Howley .for alleged sale of truck was read. Cl& m was denied on motion by H-61 1, seconded by Parks and carried, and Chief of 2olice was directed to immediately remove truck in question to Street sheds. Mayor presented Examiner's report to council, and this document was perused by members of the council, and the eomittents contained therein discussed. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Parks and carried, that Dudley Perrino, Acting Police Judge, secure bond of office. Chw les Russell asked that letter be sent to Power Company asking that tall trees an d limbs on Harrison Street bettaeen DeKalb and KitsEp Streets, which are growing into the service wires, be trimmed in the interest of safety. Letter directed to be written on motion by Spr egue, seconded by Parks and carried. The following claims, checked by heads of departments and by ChUdINA Broughton of the Auditing committee, were presented and on motion by Spoughton, seconded by Sprague and carried, were ordered paid: Port Orchard Independent Lumber Supply Peter Henderson, Sheriff Lumber Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Guy L. ffetzel, Clerk Trick & iriurray Howe Motor Company F. E._ Langer Lorraine fielder Howard Cooper Corp. Puget Sound Express Mel Rowley Pacific Tel & Tel Co. E. A. Breitenstein Pacific Tel & Tel Co. W. F. Bruhahn Lumber Supply Al. Wortman John N. Vaughn Jesse W. Sutton S. K. Mc'lullen Lumber Supply Cowman-Canbbell Paint Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lumber Supply The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. CURRENT EX —A SE FUND Publish Budget and notice of hearing 25.97 Nails and lumber for Engineer 1.32 Board of prisoners, Aug., 1948 18.00 Grade stakes for park 1.29 Various lights and maintenance 90.11 Postage 5.00 Various expenses 20,22 Merchandise for Police 1.51 Repair Police car 12.15 5--year insurance premium, City Hall 180.18 P.0.Box rent, Police 1,50 Fog nozzle and Siamese 112.98 Freight on Filing Cabinet, Treas. 2.38 Labor on city hall lawn. 10,80 Various telephones and tolls 34.35 Labor � th Engineer 54.00 WATER FUND Telephones and tolls, Water Dept. 14,85 Labor on water lines 64. BO Paint and lumber 27,19 STREET FUND Hauling fill dirt 72,00 Labor on city streets 108,68 Labor on city streets 108,68 Labor on city streets 4.05 Lumber 15,23 Traffic paint 35,05 Street shed lights, 2 months 2,00 ZTails, lumber and cement 13.27 IC Books for Library 22,14 Books for Library 12.38 Council then canvassed the returns of Special Election held September 14, 1948 to vote on proposition of Sped Levy of 4 Mulls for Park purposes, and found and certified the result of said election as follows: Council Votes Votes Precinct 1 o. 1 For 220 Against 176 Precinct No. 2 For 245 Against 76 Total number of votes 4, For 465 Agai ns t 252 1948 on motion by Brought n, seconded by Hat 1 and carried. Clerk lt�Ms,� or 0 - - - - - - 1 -7-- - Port Orchard, Washington October 4, 1948 Meeting of council of Port Orchard, 'm'lashington, recessed from SepteniL)er 27, 1948, called to order by Mayors M. H. TiIompson. Present ouncilmen William 1-1. Sprague, Ray B. Hel 1, N. J. Aepanich and George A. Broughton. Absent Couneilrr�an Virgil M. Parks. Budget for 1§49 was again taken up and considered, and after ,onsideration was adopted t as published. Clerk presented ordinance adopting budget and fixing tax levies for the year 1949, and on motion. by Broughton, seconded by Sprague and carried, ordinance was passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 548. Salary ordinance directed to be prepared by the council; was read, and was passed as read on motion by HE1.1, seconded by Sprague and carried. Ordinance adopted as Ordinm ce S;o. 549. A letter from l,�ayor L. (Hum) Keen of Bremerton, relative to distribution of ;jar Liquor Tax money by the State was read. Clerk reported that Port Orchard had received its full mount of money urf er the existing law, and alter a discussion.. Clcrk was directed to write letter to '.'ayor Keen setting; forth the matter as it effects Pcr t Orchard. L-:tter from State College of Washington requesting reports on municipal activities was read by i,:ayor THompson, and Clerk was directed to answer the same. Meetinm qourned. on motion by nrou hton, seconded by Ilal. 1 and carried. 0 _ _ _ _ - - _ - - Port Orciaard, Jasriington October 11, 1948 P,,egular .aeeting of the council of the 'Town of Port Oreha:rld called to order by NI.T or i;i. - Thompson,with Councilmen Nick J. 1tepanich , George A. 3roughton, Ray B. Alall, and Virgil F. Parks; City Attorney John 14. Boyle and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman .;illiarci Il. Sprague and Superintendent of Public ":forks George F. Givens. i;Iinutes of mee'-ing; of September 27, 1948 and adjourned meeting of October 4, 1948 read and T proved. Present at the meetinFwere County Commissioners A. 'cl. Hodge of the Second District and Charles L. Klinefelter of the Third District at the invitation of the Council of Port Orchar d, to confer relative to passing a joint resolution urging; that the Dafe- teria Building at East Port. Orchard be transferred to the vtate of Washington -for an Armory for the local unit of the National Guard. The matter was discussed by the council members and the County Commissioners, and follotirinf the discussions, it was moved by Parks, seconded by Hall and carried that the Council of the Town of Port Orchard join with the County Commissioners of KitsT County in passing a resolution urgirU theFederal Ty Authority ( or ahetever Government Agency controls) to transfer to the State of Washington, the Cafeteria Building at East Port Orchard, together with detailed real estateupon which it stands, for National Guard Armory, and tht copies of the Reso- lution be forwarded to the Governor of the State of 17ash.ington, Public -Housing offidial s and other Government officers, to the Washington State delegation in Congress, and to Adjutant General Llewellyn of the Iational Guard. Mr.. A. W. -lodge entered a complaint against gees on adjoining property, which he stated he considered dangerous, and asked that could be done to have the danger cor- rected. After a discussion.., Clerk was directed to write letter to the owner of the property in question, asking permission to have the -trees cut down, the work to be done without cost to theproperty owner. Chairman 1-fall of the Health, Sanitation, -'arks and Luilding committee reported that progress has been made on grading the Central Playfield, and that there is still more work to be done before the tract can be seeded. Chief of Police reported that aE reement had been made with the Blue L Gold Taxi as to taxi stands on Sidney Street north of may Street. Chairman Repanich reported t--:.at his cormittee had investigated acquisition of cross- walk signs and lights at danEproux school crossings, and that he, in company with Chief of Police and heed of the Traffic Division of the Bremerton Police Deoartment were work- ing In plans to have the fixtures for lights manufactured locally at agreat ly reduced cost, and that there would be a more definite report later. Councilmai Hepm ich also stated that complaint had been made of speeding cars on Hull Street near a school crossing, and asked that signs be placed warning motorists of the pedestrian crossing. It was geed that signs should be placed and Police were directed to patrol the area during hours when school children are travelling, and crack down on motorists who disobey traffic regulations. A report was made that the Curley Creek Garden Club is ready to fulfill its offer to plant shrubs on city hall grounds. This matter was referred to the -Health, Sanitation,. Parks and Building committee to confer with the Curley Creek Garden Club representatives to the end that shrubs may 'be planted. A petition was received asking that the council of the Town of "ort Orchar d call an election, under the law, submitting to the voters of the two municipalities that the Towns of Port Orchard and Forest City be consolidated into one town under the name of Port Orchard. The petition, containing the names of eighty persons, was examined by the Council and it was moved by Par ks, seconded by -fall and carried that the petition be re- ferred to the Attorney to check it frori a legal standpoint, and if found that it complies with legal regi irements, that it be referred to the Clerk to check the eligibility of the signers of the petition. Matter of sewer laterals on Garrison Street improvement c€.rae up for discussion, and it was moved by Repay ich, seconded by Parks and carried, that a call for bids b� issued for laying the laterals and backfilling the ditches, the bid to include furnishing; and laying 640 feet of 6-inch sewer pipe, and 20 1/8-bends, and backfilling the ditches, the -bids for laying and furnishing the pipe, amd for backfilling to be -presented separ- ately; all work to be done under the direction of the Engineer and to his satisfaction; and bids to be opened at a continued meeting of the council t7 be held at the council chmibers October 160 1948 at 7 o'clock D. m. Mayor Thompson stated that he would be absent from Port Orchard for dJ out three weeks, On motion by Broughton, seconded by hall and carried, leave of absence was granted to Mayor Thompson as regz ested, and Councilman Virgil M. Parks was elected Actin; Mayor to serve during his hhsenee. Councilman hall stated that I,Iorton Street, west of Rockwell Street, is a dedd-end street and asked that a sign so designating; the street be placed at the intersection. The matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee to erect proper sign desig- nating-dead•;end street. Mayor brought up the matter of two brick pillars located on Bay Street near Black Jack bridge, which are a traffic nuisance with the installation of business houses in the area. This was discussed and it was directed that the pillars be removed by the Street Jepartment. The following claims, duly checked by Chairman Broughton and members of the Auditing committee and councilmen present, were presented, and on motion by mall, seconded by Parks, and carried, were ordered paid: Peter Sedler James A. Morgan Wilkins Distributing Company Henderson Radio Repair Puget Sound, Power & L_ight Co. V. B. CaUwell Pete Henderson, Sheriff Port Orchar d Independent Howe t s Hardware Howe Oil Comp€n y W. F. Bruhahn Worthington -Damon Meter Company March nann & Vlilliams Puget Sound Power & Light Co, Jilkins Distributing Co. Alocum Hardware E. N. Hallgren Company Johns -Manville Co, Lremerton Concrete Products Co. Talbot Plumbing Co. V. B. Caldwell H. D. Fowler Company Hower s Hard rare CURRE T E)TEI� SE Refund purchase price of truck 20.00 La or tt Perk 10.80 Motor Oil for Fire Truck 1.58 Repair Police radio and Fire Dept Job 22,23 Street lights for September, 1948 148.12 Paint, padlock, etc. 2.51 Board of prisoners 9.00 Classified Adv., Police .50 Grass seed, fertilizer, etc., City Hall 68.90 Furnace Oil, City Hall 71.15 WATER Labor on water system= 120,15 Gaskets 4,64 Pine couplings 24,50 Poorer and light at pump stations 296,68 Gasoline 92,50 Paint, oil and brushes 29,32 �aat:_:I�ont mess, �.al nsFlange 55.95 Transite pipe and fittings 66.64 Meter box covers 20,39 Copper tubing and fittings 9.13 Various merchandise and tools 16.77 Pipe fittings 48,42 T obls 6.88 STREET - FUTID Jesse W, Sutton Labor on city streets 112.73 John N. Vaughn Labor on city streets 112,73 S, K . :Iclk ullen Labor on city streets 11;6,15 Erwin F, Smith Labor on city streets 5.40 Al Wortman Hauling fill dirt 56.25 Hodge & Davis '.lire repair 2,53 The Monroe Company Traffic paint- 26,65 V. B. Caldwell Tools and electric drill 85,50 Howe Oil Company Deisel and stove oil 20,85 Port Orchar d Lumber Yard :umber 28,24 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound Nears Company Books for Library 15.31 The H. R. Huntting Company Books for Library 11.44 Cpuncil recessed to 7 o'clock p. m. October 16, 1948 on motion by Hall, seconded by Parks and carried, i _erk�__ Tv"ayor Port Orchard, 4Jashington October 162 1948 Council met in adjourned session --continued from October 11, 1948) and wes called to order by Acting tiIayor Virgil 11. Parks. Present Councilman ''dillian-L I. Sprague, Ray B. iIa11, Nick J. Repanihl! and George A. Lrou{;hton,, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. meeting having, been adjourned to receive bids for laying sewer latwrala and making back -fills on Garrison Street project, Clerk reported that two bids had been re- ceived, and it was directed that bids be opened„ Bid of Joe Avery offered to furnish the material and do the work according to the call for 'bids and the specifications for the sum of 01.10 per foot for a total of 640 feet of sewer laterals; and to do the back filling for th_: sum of w'75.00 addit=onal. Bid of V1. L. Johanson offered to furnish the material and do the work ac- cording to the call for bids and the specifications of the Engineer for the oe.irer laterals and to do the back filling for a lump sure of $600.00; t.100.00 of which is :o cover the price of the back -filling. ;yids were considered by the council and the engineer, and it was m ,,ved by Hall, seccndcd by Sprague and car--ied that bid of W. L. Johnson be accepted. Meeting,.Adjourned on motion by 1-111, seonded oy Repanich and carried. Clerk -- 0 - - --- - --- - Port Orchard, Washington October 25, 194B .14 ay or Regular meeting of the council of the Town of Port Orchard, lslashington called to order by Acting :Iayor Virgil 1,14 Parks. resent C:,uncilmen Ray . Ball, William 11. Spr�2gue, George A. Broughton and Nick J. Repanich; Uity Attorney John TA. Boyle; Superintendent of Puc -lic ':°forks George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of regular meeting of October 11, 1948 and adjourned meeting of October 16, 1948, read and approved. Chairman .cull of the Beal th, Sanitation, 'arks and Da,ilding committee reported that grading at Central School Playfield is about completed, but that there remains consid- erable clean-up work to bc= clone. The committee recommended that a temporary seeding of vetch and rye should be made, later to be plowed under and grass pla rated for permanent covering. He also stated that some water lines should be run through the tract in order that plot can be irrigated. Chairman Repm ich of the Fire and Light committee -reported that his committee had con- tacted a manufacturer with a view to securing proper cross -walk lights, and that more time would be regired for this project, Further time granted. Chairman Repanich also reported that with the installation of signs m d other M asures to reduce excessive speed at school crossing on hull street, that this situation is great ly improved and is satisfactory. Chairman Hall of the Parks committee reported on landscaping at CityHAll. property" in co-operation with the Port Orchard Garden Club. lie suggested that the Club submit a plan for beautifying the grounds to be approved by 'she council, and that costs of labor and material be bourne by the town. Clerk was directed to write letter to tht effect to the officers of the Club. Engineer Breitenstein reported that grading and installation of sewer on Garrison Street is practically completed, and th,t the job tp pears to be satisfactory and ac- cording to specifications. Particl estimates vrere submitted. Further time was granted to place dead-end street sign on 1.1orton Street at west side of Rockwell street. Superintendent stated that brick pillars will be removed from Lay street as soon as time permits. Petition asking that election o pass on proposition to consolidate tovms of fort Orchard and Forest City ias discussed, the opinion of the Attorney was read, and petition was referred back to original petitioners on motion by Repanich, seconded by Sprague and carried. Hatter of hourly pay for regular laborers in the employ of the city was discussed and referred to the Finance and Planninir, committee for investigation and report. Superintendent asked converning connection with sewer system by property outside sewer district which is capa: le of being connected. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Broughton and carried that aiy property capable of bein, connected to seiner system be so connected under reg-rlations of tho department and by payment of proper fees. Tb�iatter of amending ordinance fixing feed for sewer connection was deferred to next regular meeting of the council. Consideration of purchase of power shovel was deferred to November S. 1948 meeting., Chairman Repenich of the ''ire and Light committee inquired as to progress being made on installation of new lights authorized on Sherman Street and on Mitchell Hill road, H. E. Dingle of the ?uget mound Power w Light Company stated that completion awaited only securing necessary material. The followin claims i�rere presented and on motion by Spra Ue, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid. CURRETST EXPENSE FUND Trick & Murray Filing cabinet nd election supplies 112.63 Trick & durray Pen point .56 TAine & Safety Appliance Co- Inhalator gas and tubes, Fire Dept, 18.83 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Various telephones and tolls 44.95 Crane Company Fire hydrant paint 11,06 Rice Electric Case light globes, etc., City :loll 30.70 Cookson Bros. Gasoline and wire, Fire Dept. 4.21 Lorraine Helder Postage, Police 5.20 Port Orchard Independent Pua i shing ordinan ce s 548- 549, 4tc . 23.20 Pioneer 3indery Clasp envelopes for Treasurer 2.12 STREET FUND ' Albert L. Wymore Directing braf fic for Street Dept. 2.70 Uohn N. Vaughn Labor on city streets 108,.68 Jesse lu. Sutton Labor on city staeets 108.68 Joe Avery Trucking, DeLalb street -fill 126.00 Washington State Penitentiary Street signs 37.80 FitsT Farmers Paint .for street sheds 130,15 WATER FUI•.'D Nels Markussen Sharpening picks 1.55 T1. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 66.15 Pacific Telephone & TelegrEp h Co. V�r ious telephones and tolls 14.80 H. D. Fowler Company Copper unions 4„04 Marckmann & Williams Valves, bushings, etc. 22,78 Tegstrom Building Materials 5 sax. Aquella 21.12 American Plumbing & Stean Sup.Co. Pipe fittings 2.01 LIBRARY YUND Puget Sound News Co. Nooks for Library 8.29 The H. R. Iiuntting Co. Books for Library 13.32 Peninsula Stationers Repairs to typewriter 13.96 Matter of investment by city in. Garrison Street Improvement District warrants was dis- cussed, referred to Attorney .for legal opinion, and was referred to the Finance Com- mittee to report to adjourned meeting of council bn November 1, 1948. Meeting a burned to Monday, Nov`., 1, 19480 a, 7 o'clock p.m. on kotion by Sprague, seconded] Hall_ and garried. Clerk Mey or --I" - - - - - --- - -- 0---- -- --- W -� --- Port Orchard, "lashington November 1, 1948 Adjourned meeting of the Council of Port Orchw d, '-Iiashington., called to order by Acting -1,"ayor Virgil .1,11. Pa- ks. Present CounciLaen 1 . J. Repaa ich, George A. Broughton, W illia:_ H. Sprague and Ray Ball. Councilman , Prague reported on a meeting of the Finm ce Committee, consisting of Acting ,Cayor Spra, ue, Treasurer Chloe Sutton and Councilman Sprague, stating that the Committee had considered the matter of investing surplus funds in ww rants of L.I.D. No. 50, (Garrison Street sewer and grading) and th€t it is recommended by the com- mittee that surplus funds in the Current Expense Fund be invested in warrants of L.I.D. No, 50, Lo the an ount of the outstanding warrants of the L.I.D, It was moved by Repanich, seconded by Hail E d unanimously carried that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be approved, and that the Treasurer be authorized to invest surplus funds of the Current Expense �`und in my wa^ raz is that 7nay be issued or outstanding in L.I.D. No. 50, Matter o disposition of Housing Authority ''dater Syeten-i was discussed by members of the Council and by Jack Strangeways, Executive Director of the Authority. No defi- nite action taken. Mat ter of salaries of John E. Vaug-hn and lifesse Sutton, regular employees of the Street Department, were discussed. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Itepanich and carried that salaries of these tyro employees of the Street Department be fixed at $240.00 per rionth on a basis of a five-day week, and that they also be paid for seven holidays, these holidays to include 1:ew Years Day, "dashin8ton's Birthday-, I;:emorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thaiaksgiving DT and Christmas Day. Change in pay to be efVective as of Jamary 1, 1949, -nd the employees to be paid --'or Thanksgiving M d (,hristmas, 1948. Council4journed oii_motion by Spray ue, seconded by Hall �­,nd Carried. "" 24LL C1crh i,,y or - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Port Orc'r,a? d, Vlashin,;ton i:ovember no., 1946 Regular raeetinU, of the co unc_il of Port Orch� d, 'Naslainr ton called to order by i. or H. Thompson. Present Councilmen Dick J. Repa-ticla, !'Layis all, George ,i. Broughton, and :fillies Sprague; City Attorney Jotua LI. Boyle; n,-ineer `F'. Breitenstein; Su..)eri.ntendent of Public ':'forks � eorE_-e -' . Givens. Minutes of meeting of October 25, 1940 and adjourned meetin ; of Dovember 1, 1948, read and approved,. Councilz.,an __all rn d Superintendent of "ublic forks Givens reported on pro Sress being made at Central Playfield, ­nd reported that -_Fore time was desired to complete the project. ;fat ter was referred to Park Committee, '. ate-r committee and Superintendent to },•Fork out further details. Councilman Itepm ich reported that illuminated cross -walk signs have beer_ ,resigned and that definite cost of construction should be ascertained at ai earl-y date, snd thGit if ;osts are satisfactory thrtit construction and installation vrould proceed as rapidly as possible. At '.,ilia time CounciLman Parks entered the meetin,rr and tool: I,.is seat with the Council. Councilman Hall stated that landscaping, of the City Fall g rounds, in Conjunction with the r'ort Orchar' d Garden lub, is still in the p1m ninstav-• e and that more defi- nite information will be availa:)le folloviing; meetin-~ o_" the Garden �lub later in -the month. Superintendent givens stated that so far it has been to remove the brick pillars on Bay �trcet near Black Jack bride, 'cut the this vlork is sc3ledu1ed to be dale as soon as possible. :.:titter of cost of installing• sower taps was discussed, and Superintendent was asked to ascertain avora�e cost of installinc, taps <lurin" the past two years and report at the ne;It meetinc of the council. Matter of poorer shovel was discussed, --nd it vras_. tile. opiniol of the council as elL- prc;ssed that need for this equip ,ent is not justified by the cost, and that purchase of povrer s ovel should not be considered at this tine. Questions ecneernin" the, installation of sewer tap and lateral at the lacClure place on icy for street were discussed, :nd the matter tiaras referred to 'dater and Sevier coi.-mittee and ; nE,,ineer to viork out an eqz itable agroemontwith I.Irs. 1;cClure. ..ouncil-,an 11e-anich %row. -lit up t=ac _-latter of sto,,-) si.-,Ifs and aslkeei tl,lat suns be pla(M d at Sidi ,h ::,.nd _lull titr: ets ,uid at 'Taylor r>r,d mull Streets, on tlao ,Test side of dull, which was directed to be do -Ile. Sto-) sign now at ;`line and Dvri ht Streets, ;h- icla stops traffic on Cline Street, W91s ordered roved across DwiUht Street to stop traffic on Dwight Street as it enters Cline Street. H. E. Din, ­le of the "urret SounJ_ Povier I. Licht Company stated that repairs had _,e en made to blinl:er light tivr#ich was :fonnierly located on }-ay Street between Seattle and Roclivell Streets, After a discussion it , as directed that Cl..rk write a letter re- questinr, thak suspension of service on -1�his liL;ht as of date of its removal, and that l.'r.-rlt be stored until uch tirae as need is apparent for its service. Enr;ineer l'. C. I're itens te in suu_=fitted :st_'_.,....tes of ..oi : one ancler contracts on '_rr- risen Street iit,pa-ove cent, and these estir:::_tes .Sere eVa pined WJd considered by the Council. It was movcd by ,-�rou�;hton, seconded by 'tepanich and carried that L.I.D.- rants be drawn in f<wvor of the . ontractors on the job, on L.I. ). No. 50, in an amount equal to 85/� of the milount earned, according; to estimates submitted and dated October 25, 1948, Final assessment roll for vvorlc on Local I::lprove_:!ent District T o. 50 was also sub- mitted by the Jng;ineer and on moti n by ,Sprague, seconded by i'arks and carried, hearing; on Assessment roll was set fo_­ ''ece :ber 13, 1948 and +clerk_ was directed to give prover notice of such hear ink; as �rovided by law, n I.iatter of proposed purchase of rousing Authority .rater system came up for discussion on report of the Water and Sewer committee, on investigations which have been made of the system. The matter was thoroughly discussed, and during the discussions, Messrs. T. R. _ ubbard, Roy Howe, Barry Radey and �'. E. Langer, Conmissioners of the dousing Authority, and Jack Strangeways, Executive Director, entered the meeting and joined in the discussions. Discussions continued until after 11 o+clock, and it was finally moved by Parks, seconded by Broughton and carried that proposition to purchase Housing Authority water system, including Well No. 7, 1 1 pumping eqz ipment, transfromers, pipe lines, and all op purtanances attached to the water system, be placed on the ballot at thegeneral town election to be held December 7, 1948, to be voted on by the electors of the city, and that ordinance be passed providing for this election. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance I?o. 550. The following claims, previously checked by Goo. A. Broughton of the Auditing committee, were presented, and on motion by Perks, seconded by Broughton and carried, were ordered paid: CURREI T E]P EITSE FUND Pete Ilenderson, Sheriff ilo.^ie ;rotor Co. Howe • Oil Uompa:y Howe s Herdware Thom5 son' s Alan Totten Puget Sound Stamp Works Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Board of prisoners, Oct., 1948 Repair Police car Furnane oil, City Hall Sweeping compound Supplies Expenses,, Fire Chiefts convention Tape and carbon paper, Treas. Street lights for Oct., 1948 :VATER FUI D IvIarckmann & 'JJilliams Wilkins Distributing Co. Slocum Hardivare Thomp son' s Mmette Lumber Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Sputh IUtsW Gravel Co. Jesse 'Jd. Sutton John. N. Vaughn. Bremerton Con. Products Howe :Motor Co.. Howe Oil Co. Ho,- e t s Hardware :Vilkins Distributing Co. Slocum Hardware Al ijortman Vern Raymond Fay Daniels S. V. I4icl,,Iullen W. L. Johnson W. F. Bruhahn Pipe fittings 15 gals gasoline, Water Dept. Tinners' Snips 1 doz. Trade pads 7 sax Aquella Various light and power STREET FUND Sand and gravel, Garrison Street Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Co. Drain tile Repair Dodge truck Stove oil Various merchandise Tire and gasoline Various merchandise Hauling gravel, Garrison St. Hauling gravel, Garrison Street Hauling gravel, Garrison Street Re-imburse for ferry fare SEINER FUITD. Labor on sewer lateral Laba� on sewer lateral LIMA Y FUND 10.00 14.99 78,29 4.64 5,02 37 41 7.95 148.12 10,66 2,78 P. 47 6.12 29,56 49,90 513,45 10B4O0 108.00 19,88 9,23 8.37 9.19 134,81 1.40 144.00 135,00 130.50 4,47 45,60 45.60 Puget Sound Dews Company Books for _Library 10.46 The H. R. I-1untting Co. Books for Library 8,47 C. 3, Osburn Subscription to Readers' Digest 5,00 Puget Sound :tamp 1,7orka Uerchandise for Library 2.81 Various notices fro=i Liquor Control. 3oard, of granting of license renewals, received and o-F•dered filed. Letters fro:r, Senator 'Jarren C. I'agrrason and C'overnor I;Va.11gren, relating to Resolution concerning National (".:,ard Armory, read and ordered filed. Letters from Senator Barry P. Cain and Congressman .Ho -Her R. Jones regarding disposal of viell Igo. 7 by IIousinE Authority, read and ordered filed. Counciladjourned on motion by Sprague, C lork seconded i.)y hall d carried. _.� Maj or PortCi:�cwxr cc, Was"' ;ton ;i over ibcr 22, 1`. 8 Pc-ular r,eetin of the counc:1-1 of the `!'o�.Irn of Port �'rcha? d called to order by or _: 1).,on, P_�sser�t '�ounc l::ien ' j ;. :a11, JI-Ilia-1 la. S?�_oa�ae, Vir it ,, Parks, Geor£;e I. ra <<„hton aril ;';icl� <, �aniclh; its Attol�ncy John oyle; Suy)erinten- dent of rui lic )'orks CeorT e W . :livens an Engineer " . _�reitensteirt. a. �utcs of nee in ; o-' ove,-tbcr 8, 10,:3 read, c rrected and T.-.)roved as corrected. Superintendent stated t ha'; t�:he rider is not yet r` aired for service, but should be Ln o;)cration it a short tii Leo 'I `iir.nan - al l of Parks co,,z.,ittoo reported on :lei"_'t=C'°_l k"layfield L,,,provo— ent. _e recomend ..d t:.at oar':-in� strips 111,�c .si; oi,-i 11.s on bo'-n DeI,Talb and DrJd ht Streets be Traded down to L-idc,,rall� level so that grass ,no r be planted, the earth now b inr �onoiderably above the :ic,-e;rel 1-.vol and presenting cn unfaora�, le tp pear- :-_ ce. .e also _,e �o��ted the t ,ra',er lines ]save moon laid out "or irrigating the tract but that ind}_� ility to secure pipe will delay t --ie, �^_ t of i:-,>provcrlent. Ie recoxr- monded that o-:te han,11 worn ;1 on; the fencc)s be done al -id tLat Lie finished grade can be secured -..-i hen the ; ;railer is ,K-ain in serv-lce. Chair-uan �epanich of t:he ?ire and co.=iittee ro-")orted tl,at three cross -walk signs have been secured, and. t:�at a fourtiz is on order; t]:.at it is intended to place one si`-,n over the cross--vralk at the .,rest end of - laclr ,each bridge; one; over the cross- walk t t'_nc east east end cf 'lack Jack bric'A ge; one over the cross-wel. k on i"ey street bctween ti1idaney and lrederick streets; ^nil oxre over tine cross-wa1l� between Ains�rortih' s store and t'.e Si, nal Serv'_Lco 5tatlon, �h. latter location to be ecidcd uy the i1ire and Li�_.,ht committee, the Street nn(-.-L .11_ ey co m,ittee nd. the C, Fief of Police. chairman :::all o_" tic: Parks coi.r.,ittee reported 'Chat so far not=:hind, definite has been decided by his comnittee and the fort Orchw d Garden Club rcUa_rdint landseg)inFr at the Ci t.r _Tall, but that he elected a reply to a letter recently tirritten to the Gar- deh :;lub shortly. Superintendent ivens staged t.at b-1-ich pillars ]iad T)ec;n =-removed frol, the bo:-ders of Bay street near :::lack Jack bridge, and that concrete bases would be re._Ioved as soon as possible. Question of proper Fees to be ch.ac _-=ed for sewer connections ca,-le up for discussion on report of ; uporintendert re_;ar din, costs, ::nil on r:_ethods of charges employed by the cities of Shelton and 3re.rerton. A discussion followed, �.nd the Clerk was directed to .,-rite co the cities of Shelton and Snohomish reel)-esting copies of their ordi- nances or schedule of fees for t--ri , service for further consideration. Chalr.nan Sprague of the ':later mrd Sewer co imitt;ee asked for more tine to contact Mrs. Nellie I.TcClure regarding chap°gas for seacr connection at her property. Further time -;ranted. Following correspondence was read, considered and ordered Filed: Letter from Kenneth F. Cra_:ler replying to Jett. r from Senator Warren G. ;;Tagnuson, relative to National Guard Arr,iory; letter from C. Russell Cravons, concerning same _subject; letter from Congressman Homer PL. Jones, concerning; same subject; and letter from Senator Harry P. Cain relative to ai4; oral of Housing Authority water system. Dean :.:. Corliss, representing t-,ze South. Kitsap Char�lber of Comriierce, addressed the council relative to plan by which the Cha,:, :er of Cor_i:�erce might tape care of parking meter fees, the plan being patterned after on in effect in Port Angeles, which is reported to be very staisfactory. He explained the �-� rkings of the plan and after a discussion, it was moved. by Broughton., seconded by Sprague and carreid that the plan be adopted for trial in Part Orchard,. It was sui;gested that parking meters be placed on Sidney and Frederick Streets ncr th of .Lay Street, and this was discussed, and was referred to the Street and Alley committ&e, the Superintendent and the Police Department to work out system for parking on th&se streets. Parking problems on Prospect street :gore referred to -the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Superintendent Givens reported that the wooden gutter on Division Street west of Cline Street is badly in need of repair or replacement, and asked by `ghat *eans this should be financed, stating that the original gutters were installed under L.I.D. regulations. Definite action was delayed, and Clerk was directed to ascertain by what means thin gutter eras originally built and report at next meeting of the council. T,Tessrs. Ross Powell, Bob -nice and Dean Ti. Corliss, representing the South Kitsap Chamber of Comaerce, conferred with -the Council regarding street liGhting exten- sions and betterments. This was referred to the Fire and Light copraittee to confer with the committee from the Cha m-er of Con neree and report Mb the'..council at a later date. r� Mr. Jack Strangeways, Executive Director cif the Port Orchard Housing Authority appeared before .the council and asked that that the council authorize the mayor to write a letter authorizing certain changes in the plan of disposition of Housing Authority property as it., -effects cettain buildings now occupied by School Distract No. 402. A discussion followed, and it was the opinion of the councilmen and the iikayor that the Town should not go on record as agreeing to changes in the original plan of disposition. Letter stating this fact and the opinion ofthe council relative thereto was dispatched to the Public Housing Administrator. The following claims, previously checked by heads of Dep ertments and by Chair- man Broughton of the Auditingcommittee, ivwe agan checked by members of the council, and on motion by Hall, seconded by Spr Egue and carried, were ordered paid: CURREsvT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Lt Co. Young t s Sheet Metal Shop Pacific Tel & Tel Co Port Orchard Independent F, E. Langer, Agent Road District No, 4 Trick & Murray Var ious lights and _d ntenm ce 3 cross -walk signs Telephones and tolls Publishing ordinances etc. Premium Police Chief bond Grading Central School Playfield Folders and L.I.D. forms 'ATER FUND P. S. Power & Light Co. Power, main, pumping plant American Plbg & Stem. Sup.Co.Howe connections Pacific Tel. aTel. Co. Telephone and tolls P. 0. :urine Railway Cut and thread nipple John I. Vax ghn Jesse Sutton S. V. IVIcMullen Puget Sound Express Feenaughty Mactainery Co. P.O.mar ine Railway P . O . Marine R ai lw W Chas. R. ffatts Company P.S.Power & Light Co. Road District No. 4 The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget ,Sound News Co. W, L. Johnson W. F. Bruhdan STREET FUND Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Re-imburse for trap to Seattle Freight on street signs Crader blades Grates for Garrison Street drains Cutting; and welding, etc. Street signs Light et st eet sheds, 2 months Mauling Oil for st-,­eets LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library SE 'VEH FUND Labor on sewer lateral Labor on sewer lateral Council ourned on motion by==ro-�ghton, seconded by Hal 1 and car ried. 98,54 77,25 42,00 13.24 5,00 92.80 43,23 187.09 3.60 15.60 4,64 108,00 106,00 4.46 3,04 92,10 33,83 23.93 7.11 2,00 76,40 11„ 49 12,98 15.20 15,20 Clerk M� or 0 ..- - .. - - - - Port Orchard, "Sasaington December 13, 1948 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orcher d, Washington called to order by J.`ayor I H. Thompson,, Present Council -men George A. Broughton, Nick J. Repenich, Ray B. Hal I.. :lilliam A. Sprague and Virgil M.I. Parks; City, Attorney John M. _�)oyle; Superintendent of Public 167orks George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. 1viinutes of meeting of November 22, 1948 read and ep prived. Superintendent Givens reported that grounds at Central Ilayfield had been cleaned up, parking strips adjoining had been graded down to sidewalk grades, and that gravel has been placed for tennis court foundations; that other work is delgred until pipe for irrigating system can be secured. Chairman Repanich of the mire k'a: Light committee reported that it is planned to install a cross -wall, light on Day Street between. Sidm y and Frederick streets as soon as possible, and that the two lights at the Black Jack intersections will be installed shortly thereafter. The committee also recommended fabaing the cross- walk which now intersects Orchar d Street to a point on the east margin of Orchw d Street, and to have it run directly- across Bay Street, instead of at an angle as at v)re sent. In connection with cross -walk lights, Superintendent reported that after a con- ference wit y the Chairman of the Fire C"Z,jLight committee he had investigated propp switcl,_es for cross -wall: lights and had placed an order for same. e st.t ed the cost of the equipment, ^.nd after a conference it vas -oved by i;ll, seconded by Parks and carried that order be cancelled, z.nd that ire and Lit ht committee be eu. tIaorized to procure required mechanism y'or these lights <t the best proce possible. Chair:;,an Sprai u.e of the :'later sad Sower coimi=ttee stated that he had been undhle to contact 1. rs. 1:ellie cClure regarding her s etrer connection, and further 'ciiae was granted. Clork reported that no replies had beer, received frorx Shelton _end Snohomish to the re- quest for copies of ordinances cove -ink; sewer connection charc;es.. I.ore time �-^ras -ranted to tho, i'ar .ti eo,-.mittee in the ,ratter o " the Port Orchard "arden Olin:, participation in 11-ndscapinZ, city Mall -,rounds. Chair-s::-rl 'epanich of the Fire m d Li ;ht coi-mittee reported that the Cl,.a . er of Com- ijerce is considerin street lig:Iltin problems of the torm with a view to recommend- ing an over-all plat, and that tllis� �roulcl be submitte ? for consideration at a later date. The Street ­.nd Alley committee and the Claief of Police ivere delegated to work :3ut the best system .'or install'_ng part -ire;, meters or). =,'rcderick c.nd Sidney streets, north of Lay street, :ind also on Orchard street. lJorc time was ;ranted to investi e.te iim talla.tion of _utters on Division street Crest of 'line The council canvassed the returns of 'GIle election held on December 7, 1948, ,.,nd re--)orted the follotrin_ results: `or a�,Tor: ;illi I�, S,?r ue, 118 votes; Virt. -il .. Parks, 63 votes; ',or .ouneilrren (tvro--T--ar tern -as) ;ick J. 1jepaz icn, .126 votes; Ray 11a11, 137 votes,; and l . T.-. Rockafellovi 65 votes; ( two to be elected) , ForCouncilmen, une,Lpirod terns: Geor -e A. 3roughton 166 votes; Verd `.i. 1-lichols 142 votes. (trio to be elected). f'or Proposition 1;o. 1 (lousing Project I,Tater "urchase) For: 116 votes; A-ainst 39 votes. llollos,rinS the clleckin ; of the retu.Ms, the --&yor and Council men signed certificate of their findinEs, .'anal estimates for mounts due the contractors on C Er l-ison street grading .and sewer job, were presented as ;ire ared by the Cn;irmeer, and the final claims were alloyed in the f.olloai_nC` sn ounts, on motion: 1�y Spra ue, seconded by l e..�anich and carried: I. L. Johnson (15 retained) due 1?85.50; Joe Avery ( amount it held on original estimate) i,alance due 1�1161.50. TlaerinC on Final Assessment iLoll on Garrison Street was taken up. Inter- ested p,�Popc:rty owners )resent were 1', . P. OtDvrrer, _-Tenry 1=ubert ��_nd Gerald EcCuire, A protest .Filed by Donald. Suer aas react . rho letter and also the objections r.--ised by '.he property owners present concerned the condition. of driveways and dranage. These latter .;:utters were referrecl to the Street and Alley con=ittee _ or invest_i_z ation. Follo:•rinr; ale hearing on the assessment roll, the roll as Wu bitted, w--,s ado,)ted on motion by Par-s, Leconded by Spra,r;ue and carried. Letter "rom Public 11ousinl Administration, t3hi-ou,�n t' e o'.'fice of Se-. -at or ':Ia" ren G. :.'agrnason, re a- dingy; the acquisition of . ateteria Building at Fast Port Orchx d for 1:ation..l ::=uarcl A ory, acts read and ordered _�i1ed. After considering; the letter, it °ras the opinion of the Cour;ailnien as expressed that the next move in this connection is up to the State of i—shington, and that further action by the Town of fort Orchard will depend on future developments. lotice of chais-e of ovrnership of Capital Tavern fro ;i Iias'r,ir_3on Sty e Liquor Control Loard .ras received; no objection vices ma le, .end sar,.e eras ordered filed. Discussion for p^yn.ent of street 1�7,bor :jas talcen u;D; E'ollowint a discussion it ,;ras de- cided that the rate of •ay estab lisped :overnbcr 1, 10,43 shall remain in effect cor the present. Ordinance providin,,� for emergency appropriation of �`2,325.00 for Street 1�,u.nd was in- tr6duced, and after consideration, was passed unanirao-asly on t:i.otion by I;ro.: �liton, seconded by Sp,.,a,_-uc; and carried. Ordinance laid over t.o meeting of Dece:irber 27, 1948 for final passage. Councilman Broughton stat ed that on January 3, 10,49, several hur_dreu_ visitors are ea.pected fro ! neighborin[ cities to participate in ceromonie s by the ,nights of A-', r thias lodge, end asked t1li t -he council consider ways and neans of prividing parking; space for the visitors, .Cx,e ,;latter 4�:-. taken under cor_siderat ion and definite action de- f erred to December 27, 1)48. Councilman =Lepanich brow ht up t-Iae matter of double prd. ing by trucks on -,ay Street riaere :provision has been mace for r_:-.lar ent-ance delivery. Chief of 2olice stated that he would take care of this matter a.nd dir. ct tliat truc'�s deliver at rear entrances where possible. Councilman Hall stated that complaint had been made through the Planning; Coznrizission regarding the traffic light at Bay and S(dWe y streets, in that it is c3if f icult to distinguish t'le colored lights. CounciLmm Ball was designated `:.o re?:_edy the present condition or to obtain a new at a cost not -to exceed Z5,00 in addition to the tf-ade-in on the eXi stint; light. 1;Iayor stated that he had authorized the Sup,-rintendent to purclhas.- a batte_,ly charger, and this purchase was concurred in by the council. �1 ills .:ere .,resented, after check -in by heads of depar tments and by Chairman Broughton of the Auditing committee. During reading of bills discussion arose as to authority for some of the purchases, and Clerk was directed to write a letter designating George P'. Givens, Superintendent of 2ublic I"dorks, as purchasing agent for Water, Street and Sewer departments; the Chief of Police to purchase for his depar tment;• the Fire Chief to purchase for his department; the Treasurer 'or the Treasurer's office; the Librarian for the Library Board, and the Clerk for the City .Mall and the Clerkts office. It was directed that purchase orders ve issued for a. l )urchases by the Town and that no bills will be honored for pay:ent for purchases on which no purchase order has been issued by the authorized purchasing officer. Following the discussions and the aforementioned order, the following bills were presented, allowed and ordered paid on motion by Parks, seconded by Sprague and carried: Jolua I; . Vaughn Jesse ', Sutton James Morgan Trick & Murray Howe' s Hardware Howe Oil Company Howard Cooper Corporation Motor Parts Service V. B. Caldwell Thompdon's Cookson Bros. Service Carl's Service l�dilkins Distributing Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Dean Jones, S:aeriff Trick 15-, ,'urray Slocum.~ s Hardware Thompson' s Chas. A. Heath Jennie A Alderman Mary Cline Olga Baker Emma Harmon Leila I%Iordby Mrs. A. P. = Kunzelman William Hazer d Port Orchard Independent Howe :-_otor Company Puget Sourxl Power & Light Port Orchard Independent Howe' s Hardwar e Howe I,otor Company V. B. Cut dwell T. R. T_aubbEr d Sloc,jm Hardware Trick L Murray T. R. Hubbard Earl P. Enyart T. R. Hubbard S, V. MCI. ullen Hesse 9, Sutton John N. Vaughn Bowe' s Hardwar e Eddie's Auto Glass P.O.Machine, Marine Howe Oil "ompm y R, L. Lur s en Company CTTRI'�Ei:T EX E SE FU17,D Dabor at park ppoperties La1Oor t park proper'It,ies Work on park system ti'Ix rant register sheets Graphite for Fire Department Furnace oil, City Hall Oscillating lights for Fire Dept. Pyrene Battery cha? ger and w cessories I,Tdse for Fire Dept. and City ~Tall Carbon paper and flag Battery for Fire Truck Battery cable, light bulbs, etc. Gasoline Street lights for November, 1946 ].3oard of prisoners., Nov., 1948 Filing; equipment for Treasurer Brilliantine for Fire Dept. 1 doz E.<p . Evps for 'Treasurer Tire repair re-imbursement Judge of Election } Judge of Election } Precinct No, 1 Inspector of Election ) Inppector of Election ) Judge of Election ) Precinct No. 2 Judge of Election ) Rent of polling place, Precinct No. 2 Ballots, Notices of Caucus and Election Lubricate and service Police car DATER FUIiD Co. Pourer and light at Pumping Plants 5 M Postal Card bills Dire Extinguisher Repair Ford pickup Pipe fittings and tools ffrenches Floor rooms Water ledger sheets STREET FUND Tools and merchas dise 6 grates and frames Drills and drill stand Re-imburse trip to Seattle Labor on city streets Labor on city streets I41erchandise GLASS FOR TRUCKS AND GRADER Iron `:1ks Grate and welding Stove oil I.Iobilgrease The H. R.-Huntting Company Trick c Murray LI1tARY l'[TLD Books for Library SEWER F€Ji• D Sevier ledger- sheets Council --djo on Motion by Parks, seconded by Clerk �' -- - - - - -- -0-- SprW-_-ue and carried. c 54,00 54.00 109,35 33.20 .46 127.58 etc.142.80 49.32 15.11 7.98 20.71 3,14 92,50 158.70 29,00 15.83 2.78 1.39 .77 9,75 9.75 9.75 10,13 10.13 10.13 15.00 51,97 10.25 201.91 74,93 18,03 22.27 13.28 2.08 3.02 33,09 5.09 136.38 14.'74 4,.46 113.40 113.40 9.32 3,,': 9 6 33,90 36.73 7,32 7,61 hl,,y or tort Orchard, y'Jashirt,;ton December 27, 1948 ReE,7ilar meeting; of the council of IFort Orchard, ',vashinF ton, called to order by Eiayor M. li. Tho.-��son. Present Councilmen. ri. i. Sprague, Pay :i. Hall, i;. J. I?e ,an ich � d CTeor,re A. l rou ghton; City Att(r ney John I;(. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works r-eorge F. CJ.vens and Engineer T. C.-3reitenstein. Absent Councilman Virgil f.1. Parks. I7.inutes of meeting, of December 13, 1940 read and approved. Letter from Association of 17ashinCton Cities, relative to l ;islation concernin7_ zities lfra6 referred to -P:ayor-e '_ect 'Im. i. Chairman ;-a1 _ of the alealt?", 0anita.tion, ''arks ,=nd ;'uildinr; committee reported on :tiorl: being done at the Central Playfield and at ivens Pield. He stated that his cone- �r mittee had investigated power laWn mowers, and that in considering proper seeds for planting; �t the Parks, that the committee had consulted with Dino Sivo, County Exten- sion Agent, and had followed his suggestions in ordering the seed. He reported that three bids had been received on lawn motirers, and that the bad of 1-.iitsap Farmers was the lovrest for the equipment rega. iced, and that power movier had been purchased from this firm. T1.?ree bids Izad also been received .1"or seed and fertilizer, and that the purchase had -eon made from :owo l s i ard-ware, `,rhich f irin iv as the low '_,idder. It was moved by 17-a_ll, seconded by Sprague and carried that action of the coymiittee in pur- chasing; power lawn mower from Kitsap P'armers for Ijr205.00 plus sales tax, and in pur- chasing grass seed -fpoNi and fertilizer froi-, _oire1 s Hardware for t 75.75 plus sales tax be ratified. Chairman Il.e.-a.nich of the .Fire and Light committee reported t1aat, sari t ,zes were avail- able for cross-wall-li{ hts and that this eT ipment viould be placed in servide as soon as ,:)ossible. In this connection, Wu ,,erintendent ";ivens stated that it vould be nec- essary to set three poles to caries' the cross-vialk signs, and asked that p:-:rmission be granted to have the Power Company set the poles, his crew to secure the poles and dig ' the holes. Permission grant-:.d. The F` re .,nd Light committee was instructed to secure bids for installing the lights from the firms in Port Crcha_,d who do this work. Chairman Sprague of the Uater and Sevier co=ittee stated that so fay he has hem° d: nothin,:; from. I.1rs. Nellie ?c�luHe relative to sewer connection. Letter from City of Shelton relative to charges for r::aking sewer connections, with which vias enclosed a copy of the Shelton ordinance, was read and considered. The r:.atter vias referred to the '�Jater and .sewer committee for investigation and report at the meeting of January 10, 1949. I{;ayor stated that parkin; moters had boon placed on Prederick Street north of Bay Street, and stated that "parallel par1-.ing" signs should be placed for the inform.a- tion of motorists. Report was made on Division Street gutters, crest of Cline street, and the Clerk was directed to n6tify property owners to be present at the meeting; of the council January 10, ' 1949 to discuss with the; council the kind of gutters to be installed and the method of financing. Entineer stated that he Mould secure list of property owners and submit it to the Clerk. Chief of Police Charles A. death stated that he hdd arranged for use of the Ains- worth parkin[; lot 'or the eveninf, of January 8, 1949 ahen several hun :red visitors are expected in connection with the "Knights of Pythias ceremonies. uayor stated that there would also be other parking ,,,pace made available, parting to be unc.er the direction of the Police Department. Councilman Ball stated that investigationtis bein,� made of more efficient traffic light at °.,Ty and Sidney street intersection, and t11at furt]'zer report would be sub- mitted at the meeting of January 10, 1949. Councilman Broughton brought up the matter of .Pay and Rochwell Street -intersection and this matter was discussed. it eras directed that a sign tirarnin� of i"liportant intersection <uad pedestrian crossing be placed at a point crest o_° Rockwell Street on J%y Street. 1;otice of hear inC or request; _:'or increased telephone rates vias read , and Clerk was directed to write to the !Jepartment of Public Utilities ob,jectin, to the proposed ` raise in rates, d asi_-ln: f �n.or dates on whic1i protestants may be heard in connection with the hearings. Ordinance providing for emergency appropriation for the Street Depertment, introduced at the meeting of December 2.3, 1948, :fias read and passed by unw i�?ous vote, on motion by =all, seconded by SpraL-ue and carried. Counc_ilr;ian , ei)m ich asked t -.at t1l: To:T3 of Fort Orehadd hire a bulldozer to do heavy I;radin,r: on 1=endall Street and Grant Street, property owners to re-illburse the To n .for e;.penses involved. Letter from Senator harry P. Cain rcr;ar dine disposal of Novi -sing 2ro,ject water system., was read, considered and referred to I,i: nor and to . ater and Sovio cormittee.. Counailraan i�,epanich suggested teat facilit.ics -for shower baths be installed in the base rent vilhere provision has been made for this service, This was re_"erred to the Fire =d Lir.;ht committee to secure bids for purchase and installation o ' these facilities. Councilman Hall again brouf,ht up the matter of curbs and gutters on north side of Prospect Street between Frederick and Sidney Streets. Di cession follo rcd and the i,Latter eras de"erred for further consideration, The following claims, cheeped and doable checked by heads of departments and the Auditingcor�niittee, presented and allowed on motion by Sprague, seconded by Hall and carried. CU tIZETTT MC2EI SE F U D Port Orchard Independent Printing, 32.40 L_ -n,ber Su ply Li)xaber and material 22.17 Pacifid Tel. _: Biel. Co. Various telephones and tolls 4 1.i30 Puget So=. IPower E. Li "I,t Co. I,Iaintai n traffic light 3.53 Lorraine Helder Postage and P. O. Bo.L rent 5.75 South I=itsT Motors Battery for Police car 19.42 American Plui.abing es St.Sup.Co, l" pipe for parrs 36,48 Guy L. ,`retzel, Clerk Postage and various expenses 7.37 James I•rlorgan -Labor at parks 86.40 Charm les 1t.-,"latts Co. Traffic signal lenses 14.83 Hitsap Fanners Lavin raorier for par'-s 211,15 .-oweIs '_ar&1.rare Grass seed and fertilizer for Park 78.02 -itsa.n -ounty Auditor Licenses, Police car and Fire Trucks 5.00 CATER DUITID Pacific Tel cov Tel Co. ':.rater department telephones and tolls 19.40 �II. D. 2owler Company 6 cutter wheels for pine cutters 5,36 7.itsap County Auditor Licenses for pickup trucks 2. 50 American :Water `lorks Association 1949 membership fee 10.00 STIE "11T IAJ1 D Jesse '.t. Sutton Labor on city streets 108.00 John I . lim ghn., Labor on city streets 100,00 P.O.I.Iachine, I arine w Iron Wks Cutting and welding 5.92 Lumber Supply - < Ce_ tent and lu�ilber 26,12 Kitsap Co. Oil Storage Sus. Acet Road Oil 1950.50 KitsgD '=ounty Auditor Licenses for dump trucks 2.50 Howard Cooper Corporation Repair Adams Grader 577.04 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound Te;rs Company Books for Library 1.55 Ioleetingourned on motion by Hal 1, seconded by S )rague and carried. .. _ .. .. .. - - 0 Port Orchard., Idashington L- January 10, 1949 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, 6°dashin, ton called to order by P,2ayor 1,1. H. Thompson, with Council,.ien George A. roughton, Hick J. ILepanich, Ray 13. Hall, dilliam II. Spra�-_;ue and Virgil II. Parks; City Attorney John :I. ! oyle; Superintendent of Public..'orks Ceorge I<. Givens and Engineer T. C. TDreitenstein, present. T.Iinutes of meetin of December 2'7, 1948 read and approved. Clerk addressed the Council settine-: forht the eleven years of service by I:Iayor Thompson as an official. of Part Orchard and recited some of the advancements wade in the town during; the ti-,e twat he has Toeen in office. I,4yor T�iompsoxi responded, thankingthe merbers of the council and other officials for their co-operation, and pledging his interest and support in the future as a citizen of the curLmunity. rhairrlan !'all of the Parks committee reported on progress at the Central Playfield and Givens Field, and stated that practically all wobk had been, suspended due to cold weat ter. Te stated that Charles Russell of the Planning Commission is viorl�:ing on a detailed plan Tor permanent improvement of tho parks and that further details would be given later. Chairman Repanich of the mire and Light eoi=ittee reported on progress in installing cross -walk lights and further ti_-e vaas granted. An invitation hev in_-, been issued to property owners on Division Street, between Cline and '.Vest Streets, to confer with the council relative to installation of curbs and gutters on the street, I+�Ir. and �.rs. George Coppersmith, H. J. Hruger, Ralph E. Pearson, C. C. '--Vi.lson, Arthur _Ikelson, C. H. Frost, IIrs. Erma Harmon and I.Irs. R. E. Weaver, property otvin.ers, vrere present. T_..ye matter was discussed by the property owners and the Y„embers of the counc.I_l, and It ras the opinion of the property owners present that concrete curbs and gutters should be installed. Following the discussions, the Attorney was directed to prepare a petition for the icrprovement, and the same is to be left at tl-ic lerk' s off ice where it may be si Z ned by the property otviners, and presented to the council at itsnext meetin- on January 24, 194.9, vi ien, if sufficment property is repre-