01/01/1947 - Regular - MinutesThe H. R. Huntting Co. LIBRARY FUND Book for Library $ 2.41 Letter from Velar Assets Administration relative to OCD fire equipment rad and ordered filed. Council adjourned subject toe all of the IdVor, or until the next regu 'ar meeting of May or O Port Orchard,, 'dashington January 13, 1947 Regular meeting of the council of P r t Orchard, 4iashington called to order by Mayor F. J. vVoell,, Present Councilmen Dusty G. 4nebrenner, Marion Sutton, M. h. Thomp- son, George Cline, retiring member, and Ray B. Hall, incoming member of the council; City Attorney John I Boyle, and Superintendent of Public 4orks George F. Givens. Absent, Councilman 4. S. Stevenson. Mey or Idoell addressed the council, expressing his appreciation and t Emn s to retiring Councilman Gaorge Cline for his long and faithful service to t:ye town as a council- man, and lauded the character of the personnel of the council, stating; that if Port Orchard is always successful in securing this caliber of citizens for city officials that the continuing success of the city government is assured. Retiring Council- man Cline responded, stating that he had enjoyed his service and hoped that through his efforts that something had resulted .for the good of the town. The vlayore xtended a welcome and good wishes to Councilman Ray 3. Hall, and expressed fait in the ac- tivities and accomplishments for the town for the coming year. ,Minutes of meeting of December 23, 1946, read and approved. The matter of the grade on Maple Street was taken up, and a profile furnished by T. C. Breit6nstein, Engineer, was exhibited for inspection by members of the council and interested property owners. Arthur :W . Carter, John A. Mills and G. W. Shope, property owners, were present and protested against the proposed grade and against any grade which would make gavel more difficult or the road harder to maintain. R. E. Ross, owner of property along the street, was also present and stlated his posiyion in the matter. After a discussion, it wa-.s moved by Thompson, 4ley econded by 4inebrenner and carried that metter be referred back to the Street and com- mittee and the engineer for further investigation and report. Mayor Woell announced his committee appoint_,�ents for the coming year as follows: Street and Alley Committee: end. S. Stevenson, chairman; Marion Sutton and Ray B. Hall; Water and Sewer; i.. H. Thomp :o n, chairman; Dusty-d-Inebrenner and Ray B. Hall; Fire and Light: Ray B. Hall, chairman; Dusty iinebrenner arad T;Zarion Sutton; Finance and Planing: M. H. Thompson, chairman; W. S. Stevenson and Dusty ILYinebrenn r; Health, Sanitation, Parks and Buildings: Dusty Winebrenner, chairman; ivi. H. Thompson and Marion Sutton; License and Auditing: Marion Sutton, chairman; Ray D. Hall and W. S. Stevenson„ E. 0. Johnson and Ernie Johns of the Standard Oil Company were present and addressed the council in relation to installation of additional storage tanks at the Port Orchard plant of the compa:L y. i This being the date upon which bids for construction of drains, etc., under speci- fications as prepared by the Engineer for the Bay street drainage system, between Orchard street and Sidney street, four bids were submitted for the work The bid of E. B. Ough offered to do the work as outlined for 4�?'894.68; the bid of Lawrence L. :=erry -aas for $1025.00; and that of the Standard Plumbing Co. was for a total of 61644.00. The bids were considered by the council and referred to the uperinten-- dent of Public Works who checked them with the engineer, and reported that it was the recommendation of the engineer that the bids be rejected, and that he work be done ,by the Department of 'Public Yuorks. After a discussion, it was rraov d by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried that bids be rejected and t at the work advertised for be done under the direction of the Superintendent of Pub is Works by day labor. Eddi® Higgins appeared before the council relative to the erection of a building near Black Jack Bridge and the Gig Harbor highway for a car laundry. I�l tter re- ferred to the Building committee with power to act. Mayor stated that money had been received from State Development Board md that approval of the project had been received for the proposed city hall, and that bids'had been called for the construction of the building, the bids to e ppened January 29th, 1'47. Thiel action was taken, explained the Mayor, to hur the project along, and to escape as much delay as possible. The ;purchase of a service car, as provided for in the 1947 budget, was discussed, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried that bids be called for a car suitable for a service car, under specifications which would provide for equip- ment similar to that used by the Washington State Patrol, and under specifications to be secured from that body. On mot -!on by U'inebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried, Clerk was directed to call for bids for sale of the "paddy wagon" now owned by the .toyan, in "as -is" condition, exclu- sive of police equipment attached thereto. This being the date upon which bids were.to be opened for the purchase of gasoline and oil for the yew 1947, Clerk reported that four bids had been received. Bids were opened and read to the council. ]lids were received from the Wilkins Distributing Co. for all of the products named in the call for bids, and from R. L. Lursen Company for gasoline and oil; Howe Oil Company and Port Orchw d Fuel Oil Delivery bid on stove oil. After considering the bids, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Hall and carried that award be made to the Wilkins Distributing Company for the products advertised for in the call for bids. Superintendent of Public '0iorks George F. Givens brought up the matter of increased rate of pay for the men in the Street Department. The matter was discussed and re- ferred to the Finance and Planning Committee for investigation and report. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that engineer be directed to make plans and specifications for the construction of curbs, sidewalks, gutters and paving of Bank Street. The following bills, previously audited by Chairman Sutton of the License and Audit- ing committee, were presented, read to the council, and on motion by "U tton, seconded by--dinebrenner and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT =ENSE FUND Puget Sound bower & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Trick & Myrray Howe's Hardware Howe Oil Company South.Kitsap Motors Howe Motor Company Thompson's Slocum Hardware Street lights for December, 1946 Fire hall light Calendar pad for Treasurer Hasp, locks and rest room supplies Stove oil, various departments Paddy wagon repair Tie -rod end for paddy wagon Su -plies for Clerk Tools for Parking Motor Department WATER DEPARTMENT Howe's Hardware Howe Oil Company Slocum Hardware Port Orchard Lumber Yard R. L. Lursen Company F. E. Langer, Agent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. George C. Copper Tools and merchandise Stove Oil Caliper rule 12 Bbls. cement Mobil Oil Premium Clerk's band Power and light, pump plants Maintenance water lines STREET FU1,TD Howe's Hardware Hogue Oil Company Slocum hardware Siemen's Machine Shop R. L. Lursen Co. Olympic Iron & !Machine Works Olsen's Sheet Metal Shop B. 0. Machine I urine & Iron Works L. J. Birbeck Puget Sound Power & Light Co.. Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Mell Chevrolet Co, H. J. Kilpatrick M. L. Bonneville John N. Vaughn Harold Zernich Bolts and washers Stove oil for Street Department Tools Cutting and welding frame 500 gals gasoline (contract) Sharpen cement chisels Repair radiator Sharpen chisels Grader rental. July, 1946 Light at street sheds, 2 months Drain tile and culvert pipe 4 prs truck flaps Lab or on streets Labor on st?eets Labor on streets Labor on streets LIBRARY FUND 135.85 3,44 .74 5.46 37,66 17,87 1.13 10.82 1.47 5.41 10,46 1,33 5.80 2.42 20,00 143.71 54,00 3,27 18,63 5,49 5,76 80.00 ,52 6.70 3.09 460,00 2.00 110,03 22,66 122„52 122,52 122,52 122,52 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 9,59 Mayor painted out some matters in connection id th the proposed building code and asked that proposed ordinance be referred back to the Planning Co=ittee, whichin ction was agreed to by the counci l The matter of the disposition of the old buildings at the site of the proposed city hall was left for further discussion at a later date. Council adjourned subject to call of the Ivigror, or to the next regular meeting date, on motion by Win renne econded by Sutton and carried. � . Clerk -- '- a. , =c. ry �.: May or Port Orchard, dashington January 21, 1947 Ad,�ourned meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called toi order by 1+7ayor F. J. `.Voell. Present Councilmen 1r1arion Sutton, Dusty ►,Tinebrenneri, Ray B. Hall, W, S. Stevenson and M. H. Thompson; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, and Siuperintendent of Public corks George F. Givens. rrayor stated that the memioers T the council had been called together to consider the establishment of grades on '::zple Street. C, M. Oros, A. M. Carter, John :Bills, R. E. Ross and 11. Cha .berlain, interested property owners, held conferences with the Engineer and the members of the council relative to the proposed grade, and folloviing the conferences and discussions, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that grade as r commended by the Engineer and shown on small profile map, be accepted; that R. E. Ross be permitted to grade the st:^eet down to the grade as fixed, on condition) that the roadway be kept open to travel at all times during the process of the ork, and that the surface of the road be in good passable condition after the grade s made; and that Kr. Ross file with the council a letter agreeing to the terms as aid down by the council. The Engineer was instructed to set grade stakes and line stakes on thenstreet for the information of the workmen in making the grade. Meeting adjourned on motion by Stevenson, seconded by Sutton and carr:�i�d. Clerk - - - - -- 0 - - - - - - Port Orchard, Washington January 27, 1947 Regular ineeting of the council of Port Orchard, VTashington, called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen Marion Sutton, Ray B. Hall, 'm" a Thomp- son and `,:i. S. Stevenson; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent o Flub- lic Works Reorge F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of regular meeting of January 13, 1947 and adjourned meeting o�' January 21, 1947 read and approved. Superintendent of Public ':forks made a statement of the progress of the work on the Bay Street drain, and stated that another shift should complete the job. He said that due to the stage of the tide that it would not be possible to worK on the job until next week. C"ouneil:man Thompson and Attorney Boyle stated that e5Lsements Would be executed for right-of-way as soon as descriptions of property over which drain traverses is ascertained. better from R. E. Ross relative to grading on I.-laple Street was read and ordered filed. Letter from South Kitsap School District ���o. 402 relative to condition of walks from Rockwell Avenue to Black Jack bridge, was read to the council. MI or directed Chief of Police to contact property owners and tebnatbs on the property, complained of and to order vv alks cleaned and kept clean. Letter from Edgar D. Smith., County Auditor, relative to establishment f additional votinC precincts in Porj, Orchard, was read and referred to the Finance and Planning Committee. Fetter from Charles A. Heath, Chief of Police, relative to salaries of!,patrolmen., was read and referred to :Finance and Planning Committee., Chairman Thompson of the Finance and Planning Committee reported on re ested in- crease in pay for workmen in Street Department, and recommended that Maximum pay be fixed at $1.35 per hour, and that the regular force employed be reduced to two men besides the foreman, and that additional help be employed when nec ssary. The committee also recommended that sai ..mof the Superintendent of Public Works be fixed at $270.00 per month; that of the Street Foreman at �250.00;permonth; that of the .'dater Foreman at 4225.00 per month; That of the Clerk at $260,0 per month and that of the Clerks Assiatant at 5pMO.00 per month. The matter wag discussed and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried that salaries be fixed as recommended by the Committee, and that ordinance fixing, salaries be passed. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 533. 1 This being the date upon which bids were to be opened for pickup truck' for the Water Department, clerk reported the receipt of two bids. bids were op ned and read as follows: Settle Chevrolet Company offered a 1940 Chevrolet pickup Q--ton} stand- ard equipment, for Howe Motor Company offered 6-cylinder Forft pickup, with 4-speed transmission, fully eqa ipped::at ,�1136,54. Bids were considered and referred to ;ater Department and Water and Sewer committee for conside anon and recommendation. To finance ourchase of pick-up truck for Dater Department, Clerk stated that it would be necessary to pass an emergency appropriation, as no provision had been made in the budget for this purchase. On motion by Thompson, seconded by Hall and car ried council unanimously adopted an emergency appropriation of 4ip1,500.00 for pick-up truck and other needed materials for the Water Depcvtment, and Attorney was re- quested to prepare ordinance providing for emergency under terms of the ao unc iff s action. Discussion of existing equipment owned by the city was entered into, and following thendiscussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk advertise for sale the 1940 Chevrolet pick-up; 133 Model B Ford dump truck; and 1940 Ford sedan d elivery, formerly used as a paddy wagon; all egAip:ment to be sold in 'ras is" condition. Clerk stated that he had contacted the Bremerton office of the Washington State Tax Commission as directed by the Finance andPlanning Committee, relative to gross sales o� local business houses, and had been unable to secure the desired information from this source. Letter from Bureau of Public Administration relative to planned discussions of municipal problems to be held this year, was read and action deferred to a leter date. Harry E. Dingle and G. L. McDonald of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co., presented new contracts for street lighting in Port Orchard, and for electric energy at the main pumping plant, the present contracts covering these services exl1ring Fenru- ary 8= 1947. The contracts were explained by I -Jr. Dingle and Mr. , cDonald, and were referred to the Attorney and the Fire and Light Committee and Finance and Planning - Committee, At this time in the meeting Councilman Iffinebrermer entered the meeting and took his seat with the council. This being the date upon which bids for concrete pipe and again tile were to be re- ceived, Clerk reported two bids had been received, one from the Bremerton Concrete Products Company, and one from the Seattle Concrete Pipe Company. The bids -were read to the council and referred to the Engineer and the Superintendent of Public Works for checking. Following the check and report to the council, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Sutton and carried that award for concrete pipe and drain tile be made to the Seattle Noncrete Pipe Company. The matter of final disposal of the buildings on the site of'the ;proposed city hall came up for discussion and was deferred to January 29, 1947 when bids for the now city hall are to be opened. Superintendent givens brought up the matter of desirable equipment for the Street Department, listing tools and machines which would be valuable to the Department. Following a discussion, the matter was deferred to a later date. George Kress of the South. Kitsap Motors addressed the council relative to patrolling the town by the Police Department, stressing the need of a patrol car for the security of the business houses and residents. The following bills, which had previously been checked and a.;proved by Chairman Sut- ton of the Auditing Committee, were presented to the council, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried tho following claims were allowed and ordered paid: CURRENT ElPEhSE FU10 Howard Cooper Corp. Error on voucher No. 12,100 4.00 Kitsap County Bank Safe Deposit box rent, Treasurer 4,00 Brmerton Sun Classified ad., Police Department 4,,64 Pioneer, Inc, Post binder for Clerk 5.49 Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Postage for Treasurer's office 10.00 Sheriff Kitsap County Board of prisoners: Nov. 4.00;Dec. 14.00 18.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co.Traffic light, 2 months 7.42 Puget Sound Power & Light Co.City hall light, 2 months 35,00 Puget Sound Power &. Light Co,Caution light, 2 months 2.10 Puget Sound Power & Light Co.Tennis court lights, 2 months 15.10 S. V. McMullen Special police officer duty 6.16 V. B. Caldwell 12 pair gloves, Fire Department 16.07 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Clerk and Treasurer telephone and tolls 5,25 " it " Ftre Department telephones 7.50 " if " Police telephone and tolls 5,88 V"IATEEi :F'U.iyD n Federal Pipe &. Tank Co. rood pipe and fittings 52„06 V. B. Caldwell Merchandise for ►Dater Department 3191 Pacific Tel. & Tel Co. SuperintendenTBs telephone and tolls 4.00 It Plant telephone and tolls 6.50 Clyde W. Rice Electrical work thawing pipes 14.00 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Iluntting Co. Books for Library 26,26 Harold '%,ernjch John N. Vaughn H, J. Kilpatrick Raymond Stevens 4% F, Bruhahn M. L. Bonneville Howard Cooper Corporation Bremerton Concrete Products Solastic Products Co. V. B. Caldwell Parker & Hill STREET FUND 96.18 96.18 91,60 40,50 40.50 96,18 12.77 Co. Tile for Sidney Street drain 166,84 Traffic paint 60,26 Lime, nails, maul handle 10.08 Inspection fee, Frederick Street paving 225.00 Counciladjourned to Wednesday., January 29, 1947 on motion By -dinebrenne�, seconded by Sutton and carried. — er Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor ins tal lcrzg Bay Street drain Labor on Bay Street drain Labor on city streets Parts for Adams grader Port Orchard, I'Liashington January 29, 1947 Mayor Adjourned meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by lilayor F, J. -.7oell. Present Councilmen Dusty C. '.'Jinbbrenner, Ray 3. Hall, T.I. Thompson, Marion Sutton and d. S. Stevenson; Superintendent of Public 'Jorks Georg F. Givens, and several interested bidders and citizens, interested ih the porposed city hall, Mayor stated that this adjourned meeting was primarily called to open bids for the construction of the proposed city hall, and directed that bids," -,which h d been filed with the Clerk, be opened. Following bids were read to the Counci : Bid Of R. B. Ryan offered to do the job according to the plans and specifications for the sum of and including Alternate No. 1, for $43,193,07. ill taxes included. Cashier" s check for ',P2,178.84 accompanied the bid. Bid of 1. N. Sherman, accompanied by a bid bond of 02,500.00, offered to construct the 1roposed city hall under the plans and :specifications, for $47,361. 4, plus sales taxes; and Alternate No. 1, add �P600.00 plus sales tax to the above figure, Bid of Keith Branch, accompanied by bid bond of five er cent of the ar" nt of the bid, offered to construct the proposed city hall for 949,631,23, and $6 3,00 for Alternate. Sales taxes not included. Bid of Commercial Builders, accompanied by bid bond of five percent of the amount of the bid, offered to build the proposed city- hall, according to plans and specifi- cations, for $55,945.00, and for Alternate No. 11 add 0570,00. State Sles tax not included in the bid. Council considered the bids; and on motion by `Lh.ompson, seconded by Hall''and carried, voted to defer action p.ndi.ng checking of bids by the Architects, and conferences concerning financial details. The matter of definite action on purchase of pickup truck for the 'Water Department way brought up, and after a discussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried that bid of lIa,ve Motor Company for pick. -up truck be ccepted. Superintendent of Public 4Iorks George F. Givens asked the opinion of the council relative to purchase of a chain block for the Street Department, on an Offer made to him by a representative of the Superior Concrete Company. After a d scussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that Superint ndent be authorized to purchase chain block for p75.00, if article offered meets j approval of S-gperintendent, Chief of Police Heath reported that he had contacted the occupants of premises between Black Jack bridge and Rockwell Street, concerning condition of sidewalk abutting the property, and that he had been assured that necessary repairs and al ter;tions would be made to remedy the conditions objected to. Meeting adjourned, subject to call of the Mayor. on motion by Thompson, II seconded by Hall and carried. r, Clerk May or Port Orchard, Washington February 5, 1947 Adjourned meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by mayor F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen W. S. Stevenson, Ray B. Hall, M. H. Thompson and Dusty C. 14inebrenner, Mayor stated that this meeting had been called to take action on bids for proposed city hall, which had been opened January 29, 1947, and explained many -of the angles which might enter into the fulfillment of the proposed contract. The bids were again considered by the council. Following discussions, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Winebrenner and carriec that bid of R. B. Ryan for construc- tion of the building, and Alternate No. 1, for the sum of $41, 935*02 together with State Salee Tax of p1,258.05.. be accepted subject to T,Zr. Ryan's entering into a contract with the city, and filing with the Clerk a bond for the amount of the contract, under the terms of the call for bids, Ion by Viinebrenner, seconded by Tha s and carried. Clerk Mayor _0- Port Orchard, Washington February 10, 1947 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, with Coun, cilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Marion Sutton, R. B. Hall, M. H. Thompson and V1, S. Stevenson; City Attorney John Y. Boyle and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, present. minutes of meeting of January 27, 19474 and adjourned = etings of January 29, 1947 and February &, 1947, read and approved, Chairman Thompson of the Finance and Planning Committeereported that his committee had considered the request for raises of pay for patrolmen on the Police Department, and stated that a sliding scale of pay for patrolmen had been adopted, which provides l for increases in pay with length of service, and that his ao mmittee did not feel justified in granting an increase except as provided by the adopted scale. Report accepted and letter req esting raise in pay~ ordered filed. Contracts for pumping and for street lighting, which had been referred to the Attorney at the January 27, 1947 meeting, were again taken up, the report of the attorney received, and on motion by `Thompson, seconded by Hall and carried, contracts were accepted, and Mayor and Clerk authorized th sign same. This being the date upon which bids were to be received for sale of equipment, Clerk reported that four bids had been received. The bids were opened and read to the Council as follows: Maurice P. Storey submitted a bid of 15403.00 for Model B. Dump thruck; the bid being; accompanied by a Cashier's check for tMl.00. Bid of Carl A. Bjorling for $715*00 for 1940 Chevrolet pick -.up, accompanied by check for $150.00. y .Bid of Oscar P, Roach for Ford Sedan delivery (paddy wagon) for $501.000 accompanied by "check for $101.66; and bid of Leonard J. Schmitz for ��11?'525.00, accompanied by a check for S105.00, did not state upon which piece of equip_i:ent bid was placed. The bids were considered and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Stevenson and carried that bids of 1-ilaurice P. Storey, Carl A. Bjorling, and Oscar P. Roach be accepted. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens made a report on the purchase of a chain fall authorized by the Council at a previous meeting, stating that the chain fall offered did not meet the needs, and that another one had been secured for $85.00, which is highly satisfactory. It was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Hall and carried that purchase reported "by Superintendent bf a chain fall be approved. Letter from Mrs. Effie Land relative to parking facilities on Prospect Street neat the Masonic Temple, was read and referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the Superintendent of llublic '.4orks -with power to act. Letter from Port Orchard Planning Commission relative to installing fire hydrants on the waterfront fill now being made, was read and referred to the Fire and Light committee for investigation and report. i Letter from Bethel Community Club regarding rest room facilities in the new city hall was read. It was pointed out that the suggestion regarding rest rooms would be ful- filled when the new building is ready for use, anci Clerk was directed to write to the Bethel Community Club stating this fact. Letter from Port Orchard Progressive Club, asking that town maintain patrol car for patrolling the residence areas, and the entire business district of the town was read. This matter was discussed, and it was stated that bids had been called for a. new service car. Chief of Police Heath stated that he is patrolling the town with his` own car, since the totnrn has no service wagon, and that it could be arranged with patrolmen, on duty to use their personal cars for patrol duty until such time as new. patrol car is received, 1,15yor stated that he would contact patrolmen and ascerta% n what arrangement can be made for use of private autoinobilcs of patrolmen in city work. Chief of Police stated that T. R. Hubbard had very Eenerously loaned a dust proof show case for storage of meter clocks. Clerk was directed '.:o unite a letter to Mr. Hubbard thanking him for his generosity. Superintendent Gicens brought up the matter of membership of the Town of Port Orch- ard in the A: erivan t7ater Works Association, and stated that much benefit was avai lab le f rom the membership. On motlon by Sutton, seconded by Wiiaebrenner and carried, member- ship was authorized for the year 1947, and Clerk ivas authorized to exec to warrant for y�7.50, the amount of the membership. Clerk submitted ordinance providing emergency in rater Fund for purchase of pick-up truck, etc., which had been unanimously passed at the meeting of the co n.cil pre. viously. Ordinance was read, and it was moved by .inebrenner, seconded by Stevenson and carried that ordinance be passed as read. I7otion carried, all members voting in favor of the Ordinance. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 534. 11r. Barr, consulting architect with Thomas, Grainger Thomas., architec s on the new city hall, was present and consulted with the Mlaj or and Council concerning radiant heat, and other matters in connectioniv ith the new city hall. G. L. 1,IcDonald and Harry Dangle of the Puget Sound Power 8� 'Light Co., wore presents and in reply to questions rggardi.ng securing of materials for street light exten- sitons, stated that so far no material is available. The ordinances embodying the building code and the plumbing code, havi been perused by members of the council, and the members being familiar therewith, were presented, discussed and considered. Amendments were read and consider d, and follow- ing consideration, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner and arri.ed, that ordinance embodying the building code and ordinance embodying the plumb ng code be passed as submitted and emended. The following bills, audited and approved by Chairman Sutton of the Audting committee were read.,and on motion by Stevenson, seconded by dinebrenner and carr Led., were ordered paid: Don's Service Wilkins Distributing Co. Puget Sound Stamp Works Art Burnside & Co. Association of Washington Cities Thompson's Slocum Hardware Parks Jewelry Howe 1viotor Co. Howets Hardware Pug:;t Sound Power & Light Trick Murray Trick 1,Iurray Howe Oil Co. C. A. Hanks Siemens s Ivlachine Shop CURREIy T EXPENSE EMM Lub oil for Fire Dep w tment .72 Stove oil, Police, :sire and city half. 12.17 Hog and Cat License tags 11.64 Finger print outfit 9.56 1947 membership 75.00 Supplies for Treasurer 3.86 Brush for I.Ieter Delbt, 1.03 Repair Police stove 9.79 Parts for Police car 12.98 Cleaner pot for 1,1eter Dept. 2.01 Street lights for January, 1947 135.85 Y'�erchandise for Treasurer 7.24 Envelopes for Treasurer 6.90 Stove oil, various 35.65 Insurance premium, city hall 92.86 Turn down brakes on patrol car. 4.12 '. JAPER FU 4D lJ. Ft . Bruhahn Labor digging out gas tank 10.80 M. L. Bonneville Labor on water system 10.80 Kitsap County Auditor Certificate of ovmership, etc. 1.75 Jack Eing Steam clean pack -up 4.50 Howe Coil Co. Stove oil, pump plant 3.75 Wilkins DistributinS Co. Stove oil for 'Vdater Dept. 7.85 Slocum Hardware P,ierchandise 17.45 Rive Electric airing Pump No. 5 40.19 Rice Electric Wiring at No. 5 58.70 American. Plumbing & Steam Supply Pi, and fittings 25.21 Howets Hardware Enamel, etc. 3.45 Howe 1Totor Co. 2 quarts Bardahl 3.09 Donis Service Lubrication 2.83 American '4ater I"Jorks Association 1947 membership 7.50 LIBRA'tY i D PuFe t Sounl�. Thews Co. Books for Library 4.25 I � ' STREET IDUND George F. Civens Expenses trip to Seattle 3.16 John M. Vaughn Labor on city streets 139.05 H. J. 'Kilpatrick Labot on city streets 137.70 D1. L. Bonneville Labor on city streets 70.20 Harold Zernich Labor on city- streets 10.80 S. K. McIdullen Labor on city streets 10.80 MORE STELET FUIM Raymond Stevens Labor on culvert job 13.50 W. L. Johnson Labor on culvert job 13,50 I. Webster Labor on city streets 33,75 Dons Service Tire re;f)air, battery charge 24,36 Siemen's Machine Shop Wleding and material 42,80 Siemens Machine Shop Install brackets for flaps 11.31 Siemen's Machine Shop ItTud guards for V-8 truck 13.14 T. R. Hubbard Spot light 15.40 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Sand, cement and lumber 20.38 Hose Oil Company Stove oil for street sheds 8.69 F. E. Langer Insurance premium, Street sheds 140.61 Panama Machinery & Equip.Co. Chain block 8 .55 Howe Motor Co, Pulley 1.57 Slocum Hardware Hammer handles, cotterDkeys 1.37 Bremerton Concrete Products Drain the 98.18 Wilkins Distributing Co. Stove oil 5.63 Council adjourned subject to call of the-fayor, or until the next r��gular meeting date on otion by ,Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried. ri Clerk -t�layor 0 Port Orchard, �Jashington February 24, 1947 Council of Port Orchard, '`dashington called to order i p regular session by llayor F. J. 'uoell. Present Councilmen W, S. Stevenson, R. B. Hall and Dusty C. ainebrenner; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public :Yorks George P. Givens, and Engineer Thomas C. Breitenstein. 1-Jinute s of meeting of Fe l.ruary 10, 1947 read and approved, I-elat ter of parking safety on Prospect street was reported on by Councilman Hall of the Street and Alley committee, and by Superintendent Givens. After a discussion the mat- ter was referred back to the committee and the Superintendent for further investiga- tion and report on new angles suggested. On notion by '4inebrenner, seconded by Stevenson 'and--icAri4iod, Councilman M. H. Thomp- son was grant:_d leave of absence from council meetings during his absence from the city„ Le'cter from L. S. Christofero, Executive of the lioy Scouts of America, expressing the appreciation of the Area Council for co-operation of the city officials in the Scout ',leek activities, was read and ordered filed, Superintendent Givens reported on the proposed Smith Street water extension, s tat ing that cast iron pipe -may ne mr ailable, and presenting a detailed estimate of the cost of the project. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Stevenson and carried, that Clerk be instructed to call for bids for 4" cast iron water main, together with all connections and fittings, including fire hydrant, under specifications to be furnished by the Superintendent. Mlatter of contacting property owners regarding improvement was referred to Mayor Woell. This being the date upon which bids were to be received for aervice car, a letter was received fro -ni Howe I.lotor Company stating that immediate delivery of a car as specified is impossible, and that due to price changes and other conditions, it is impossible to quote definite price. Letter was ordered filed. Elmer ?dose, Charles Ballier and other residents of the vicinity of Ilelcher and Tacoma streets and llelcher and Portland streets were present in regard to drainage problems in that area.. After a discussion, the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent of Public :forks for investigation and report. A. W. Hodge representing property owners in the DeKalb and Seattle street areas addressed the council relative to a1-leged dangerous trees on vacant lots in the lo- cality. Clerk was directed to write to the owner of the property setting forth the alleged dangerous conditions and stating that the trees would be removed without cost to the ovmer, by private individuals. At this time in the meeting Councilman Marion Sutton took his seat with the council. Joe 1. Brown, owner of property between Taylor and Sweany streets on Pottery Hill, ap- peared before the council relative to opening alley between these streets. The matter was discussed, and it was finally agreed that the alley might be tpmp.ao:,viiy repaired by I,Tr. Broan, the work to be done under the supervision of the Superintendent. T. C. Breitenstein, engineer, made a report of progress in connection vr1th sidewalks, curbs and gutters on Prospect street; improvement of Bank street and improving side- walks on Bay street. He also stated that the preliminary work on proposed a€ paving and draining of Bank street showed that the cost would be approximately 1,'?4,000.00. for pavi.rig, walks and curbs. Clerk was directed to write to the Fort Orchard Post American Legion, relative to these proposed improvements. Alan Totten, chief of the Port Orchard Fire De �artment, stated that he I's increasing the membership of the De. artment from sixteen to twenty men, and the council auth- orized the drawing of a warrant as payi-Eient for insurance for members of the Depart- ment. I�,Tatter oaf sidewalk improvements on Bey street in front of the Haas property and from Harrison street to Black Jacj bridge, was discussed. Chief of Police Heath stated that walk in front of Texaco Station is to be rebuilt when weather permits, and im- provement of other sections of walk was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent of Public Works for investigation and report. The following bills, audited and examined by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing com- mittee, were presented to the council, and on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried, were ordered paid: CURRE'-�T EXPEi�SE FUND Port Orchard Independent 1, F. Bruhahn M. L. Bonneville Lorraine Helder Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Bay Platirk,�. Works, Inc. Guy L. ,detzel, Clerk Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. E. A. Breitenstein Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Blue & Gold Garage Publis ing ordinances, etc, Labor clearing and burning Labor burning old lumber Postage, Police Department Fire hall light Plt.ting Police badges Various expenses and supplies Police and i"ire Dept telephones. Labor with engineer Clerk and Treasurer's telephone Police car repair °lA 12--1 FJ_--.D W. F. Bruhahn id. L. Bonneville Mlarckmann & Williams Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Howe adotor Co, Crawford Motors Puget Sound Power & Light Co, Port Orchard Independent W. L. Johnson H. J. Kilpatrick John N, Vaughn Sexton Auto Freight �I. L. Johnson F. Bruhahn STREET 1,ol',ls and 'tolls Lahor on water lines Labor moving and storing supplies Tools and equipment Supt. and plant telephones and tolls) 1 1947 pick-up truck (bid) Parts for International truck Power at Brewery and other plants ,dater receipts, warrants, bids, ete,ii FUND Labor laying culvert .pipe Labor on streets Labor on streets Freight on paint SE.dER FUND Labor coneretin joints CJ Labor on sewer lines 27,24 32.40 70,20 3.00 4,46 4,64 17.95 15,54 21,80 6,50 5.09 10,80 5,40 30,72 13.60 1136,34 39.93 153.59 100.18 6,75 108,00 114,75 1,00 6,75 6,75 LI f ARY 1,TJND Puget Sound Plews Co. Books for Library 9.01 adjourned subject to call of the Mayor, or until the next regulap meting Winner, seconded by Sat ton and carried. w lerk � J mai or Port Orchard, dashington ?',arch 10, 1947 Council of kort Orchard, ;,lashing -ton, called to order by ,ia_ or F. J. `4Toe1 Present Councilman Dusty C. '. inebrenner, i `ar on Sutton and :J. S. ��tevenson; Su; e �intendent of Public Forks George P. Gwens and Em,-inner T, C. Breitenstein. Absent !Councilmen Y. H. Thompson, and Ray B. Hall, and City Attorney John MI. Boyle, Counc-i.7man mall and Attorney Boyle being excused. on account of illness. Council 1dinutes of meeting of February 24, l�'4'7 read and approved. Chairman tevenson of the Street and ,alley cormmittee reported on the Prospect Street parkinE problem, and recommended a higher bumper rail on the north side of the street. A eneral discussion was indulged in by members of the council, land the ma-.tter was turned over to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent',of Public �7or3 s with power to act, + This bein{; the date upon which bids were called to.:.be opened for water mein and fittings, Clervk reported that one bid, that of x''owle r Company, had been received. T.e bid was opened and read to the council, rind following a discussion, It was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Sutton and carried that the bid be rejected. r:ielcher street and Portland and Tacoma street drainage was discussed and any action was deferred until such time as members of the council can investigate the existing conditions.. Letter from Curtis H. Coons, attorney for A. L. Rockwell, relative to sub -contract on new city hall, was read and ordered filed. At _this time a bid from Pacific 'Water Jorks Supply Co. for water main and fittings was. handed to the Clerk, read to the council, and this bid, being received too late was rejected. Chairman Stevenson of the Street and A}lIffly committee brought up the matter of mud on cross -walks on .Frederick street north of Bay street, and Superintendent of Public works stated that area will be graded and effort made to divert vrater from street. The. Planning Committee recommended to tine council that backs of lots between Bey and Prospect streets and Sidney and Frederick streets be cleaned in the interests of san- itation, fire protection and general appearances of the city, and Clerk was directed to communicate with property owners in the block, asking that lots be cleaned of debris. A request for a street light at Sidney and Taylor street intersection, signed by res- idents and property owners in the area, was presented to the council and referred to the Fire and Light committee with power to act, Superintendent Givens brought up the need of a new dump truck for the Street Depart- ment, and described what nature of equipment he believed would be best to serve the department. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried that Clerk be directed to call for bids for 1947 dump truck under specifications to be furnished by the Superintendent. It was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that Clerk advertise for the sale of 1933 V-8 dump truck owned by the city in "as -is" ao ndition. Matter of installing more adequate system of street lighting was discussed, and re- ferred to the Fire and Light committee to study the proposed plan and to make report and recommendations to the council. George Wraith of the - Planning Commission recommended that the council authorize the Puget Sound Power & Light Co, to change the street light onBay street near Short street from a bracket type to a suspension type light, as the existing bracket light is completely hidden by trees. Following discussion, it was -moved by Stevenson, seconded by Ninebrenner and carried, that Clerk write letter to Puget Sound Power & Light Co., authorizing that company to change the light from a bracket type light to a suspension type light. James Bowers and Joe Sacco, representing the Port Orchard Post Wo, 30, American Legion,, a peared before the council in connection with the proposed improvement of Bank street, rrospect street and .Bay street, abutting the American Legion property. The proposed improvements were explained by the :tiIayor, Councilmen and the Engineer, and the Legion representatives stated that they would take the matter up at t#e next meeting of the Legion Post and report back to the meeting of the -council on Ii.arch 24, 1947. Condition of sidewalks fronting the Haas property, between Harrison and Seattle streets on Bay street, and other walks .from Seattle street to Black Jack bridge on .Bay street, were discussed. Clerk was directed to write to Joseph Haas relative to condition of walk in front of his property. George Wraith made a report on the improvements which have been made by the Progressive Club and other organizations and individuals on the Central playfield, and dekkiled plans for further irk,provement of the property. Clerk submitted architect's estimate of amount which may be claimed by R. B. Ryan, under his contract for construction of the new Municipal Building, stating that 14,105.17 had been earned to 114arch 1, 1947 in labor and material. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by-dinebrenner and carried that Clerk be authorized to draw a warrant on the"Port Orchard Town Hall --State Development Fund"for �3,489.39, ,,rhich is the amount stated earned, to i,:arch 1, 1947, less 15 a retained, subject to approval by the State Development Board,. and proper certification by architects or inspector. The following bills, which had been exaiined by airman Sutton of the Auditing com- mittee, were presented, and on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Stevenson and carried, were ordered paid: r-11 Port 6rchard Independent Howe Motor Company Port Orchard Cabinet Shop J. F. Bruhahn Bay Plating ':'forks, Inc. Slocum Hardware Albert L. 'edymo-re Arthur L. Williams Hannah t - Powell - CTHREI-dT EXPEI SE FUND Publishing ordinances, etc. 157.96 Radiator hose 1.08 Plyboard for Parking I;Ieter Shop 2.35 Labor locat-Ing storm drain 2.70 Plating police badges 6.18 Dry- cells for Fire Department 2.27 Use of car for patrol duty 10.80 Use of car for patrol duty 5.55 First aid supplies for Police 11.24 V. B. Caldwell Thompson's Uelson Eqa ipment Co. South Kitsap i='otors Howe Motor Co, John Ni. Vaughn H. J.K ilpa.trick`. Olympic Paint Co, Port Orchard Lumber Yard South Kitsap rotors Howe i."otor Co, Port Orchard Independent Sheets Automotive Service Port Or hard Signal Service The H. R. Iiuntting Co. C:l� rk was authorized Clerk's office, Chimney extension Rl 12.24 String binders for clerk 1,55 Fog nozzle for Aire Department 38,83 Tire and tube for .fire truck 51,40 STREET I'UM 2 belts 3.40 Labor on city streets 108.00 Tabor on city streets 108.,00 Traffic lacquer 13.13 Sand and cement 2,63 Truck parts 16.65 farts and labor 31,57 Call for bids 10.17 Carburetor 11.58 Tian belt 1.80 LIBRAiI:Y DM' D nooks for Library 1 98.45 to advertise for bids for an electric adding machine) for ti.e C ouJ ourxled or)--Mtion by linebrenner, seconded by -Clerk Sutton ana c rye . T,Iay or 0 - - -- - - - - - Port Orchard, Washinf;ton gar ch 24, 1947 Re, ulcer meeting of the council of Port Orchard, '.lashington called to orde by IIayor F. J. i'bell, Present Councilmen ::Tarion Sutton, W. S. Stevenson, I; . H. Thbmpson, Ray B. Hall and Dusty C. '.Jinebrenyner; City- Attorney Jahn 11. Boyle, Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, and Street Forerun S. V. 1,Ici,lullen, I;iinutes of meeting of I„arch 10, 1947, read and approved. Councilmembers discussed the Tacoma and ::,elcher street drainage problems, � and on motion by Stevenson, seconded by Sutton nd carried, matter was deferred to a later date. l '�, atter of sidewalk in front of Haas p.,,operty between Harrison and Seattlel streets, on Bay street, was deferred to later date. This being the date upon which bids were called for a dump truck for Streit Department, Clerk reported the receipt o:f one bid. Clerk stated that in addition to dvertise- ment for bids in newspapers, tha'.. copies for call for bids had been sent �o various dealers in this area. Bid was ordered opened and disclosed that Howe idotpr Co. offered truck and dump body, according to specifications set fdrth -in, the bid, fo�,�'3..003.80 for truck with 6-cylinder,90-hp motor, and �p3,063.67 for truck with 100-p motors other specifications the same on both trucks. Bid was considered and referred to the Superintendent of Public I.Vorks to report at the next meeting of the council, Clerk reported that, no bid had been received for sale of the 1933 dump truck, Which Toi,m had offered for sale. Bids for electric adding machine for Clorkt s of Tice, for which bids had hen c alled to be opened this date, i;rere opened, and the bid of Thompsont s, offered 4 9E Allen - Wales 8-column electric adding machine for �P235.00, plus sales tax, with !delivery in approximately thirty days, Bid of 'eninsula Stationers offered a 9-bank :ode) 915 R. C. Allen electric adding machine for '}255.00, plus sales tax, with del very at once. Bids were considered, and on moti n by Sutton, seconded by Hall a n carried, bid of Peninsula Stationers for machine as specified in their offer, was ece-)ted. Letter from County Corr iissioners of KitsqD County relative to hospital U4 for Alvin Goode, was read and considered by council. it was 'the opinion of the council that this bill is in no wise the responsibilityo of the Torn of Fort Orchard, and Cl rk was directed to notify the Commissioners to this effect. Letter quoting price for road oil, in answer to inga iry from city, received from Bremerton Oil Delivery -and o:-dered filed. Clerk brought up the matter of increase in amount of liat:ility insurance', as suggested by representat.L.ve of General Casualty Company. This matter was discussed, by the Council and action deferred to next meeting of the council. Fred Cohen appeared before th : Council representing the Port Orchard 11I creation Club, Inc., and asked for Club license under the terms of Ordinance N 5 5. On ..lotion by Sutton, seconded b,� Stevenson and carried, license was granted, Application of John H. Jarvis for permit to erect additional bedroom to his house on Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, First Addition to Sidney, was presented, and on motion by �-. Sutton, seconded by 'Winebrenner and carried, permit was authorized, Application of :Slue & Gold Taxi Company for parking space on south side of Bay Street between, Sidney and Frederick Streets, was presented, and on motion by 'Vinebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried, application was denied,, and taxi stands ire to remain as located at present. Robert Rylander, appearing on behalf of Iiyhre & Rylander, propei.etors of the Pastime, asked permission to conduct dancing in the Pastime. Permission was granted, subject to proper regulation. Following claims, properly audited by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing Committee, were read to the council, comsidered, and on motion. by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EYPEIISE FUI�D Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 11 it tf tt IT tf Kitsap Farmers Wilkins Distributing Company Parks Jewelry Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 1t tt tt if 1f tt 11 tf It tr fI 1f it it It it It it tt 1i V. B. "C aldAll Clerk and Treas, telephones and tolls Fire Department telephone Police telephone and tolls Lawn seed for Central Playground Stove oil for city hall an.dpoliee Repair plumbing Police office Tennis court lights, 2 months Street lights for February, 1947 Fire hall Lights City hall lights, 2 months Caution light, 2 months Traffic light, 2 months Merchandise for Fire Department WATER FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. if 11 If V1ilkins Distributing Co. Siemen'S Machine Shop t! If 1f It Crane Comcpany Siemen' s Ielachine Shop ,Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Supt. telephone and tolls }rant telephone and tolls Stove oil Shutoff wrench Tpol boxes for truck Paint Drill and tap carder Pourer for all pump plants STREET FUND H. J. Kilpatrick John N. Vaughn V. B. Caldwell W L, Johnson Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Wilkins Distributing Co. it 1t it Siements :Machine Shop Labor on streets Labor on streets Merchandiee for Street Department Calcium, Bay Street drain Light at Street sheds, 2 months 485 gals gasoline Stove oil Ring gear, and weld brace LIBRARY ICU ND Puget 4pund News Co. Books for Library 5.70 7.50 6,60 66.02 41,25 6*95 15.76 135,85 1,41 33,40 2.70 7.72 2.87 4.45 8.29 11.01 2,34 79.05 11.06 2,06 150,56 108,00 108,00 6.15 1129 2000 77,11 18.41 6,70 6.13 Clerk brought up the matter of the claim of Rice Electric Company for wiring at main pumping plant and at wells No. 4 and 5, which have been hanging fire I -or several months. He stated that the Clerk, in company with Superintendent of Public >iorks George F. Givens and Ronald Rice, had personally taken the matter of the payment of these claims up with the Division of 14unicipal 03orporations at Olympia on March 13, 1947, at which time Mr, Dimon of the Division, had given oral atthori ty ,� the Clerk to draw warrants for the claims, but had stated that he would not give the Clerk a letter containing the suth.ority. City Attorney Doyle stated that under the circumstances, that IIr. Rice should file a bond -indemnifying the Town of Port Orchard and its officers, should any question of legality of payment be raised at a later date. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Nall and carried, that the claims of Rice Electric be allowed and warrants ordered drawn in,payment, provided proper bond iq,filed by Mr. Rise. Port Orchard, Washington April 14, 1947 Council met in regular session, called to order by 1.1ayor F. J. Woell, with Council- men Dusty C. Winebrenner$ blarion Sutton, i,1. H. `i"' iompson, and W. S. Stevenson; Super- intendent of Public Works George 1'. Givens, City Attorney John ;,°I. Boyle',and Lngin- eer T. C, Breitenstein, present. :Minutes of meeting of March 24, 1947 read and approved. The matter of the sidewalk fronting the Jospeh Maas property on Bay Street between Harrison and Seattle Streets, ca-_.-e up for discussion. After the discussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried that Clerk be directed to VMite letter to Mr. Haas, stating; that the sidewalk must be replaced within t irry days, or that city will ta':e such steps as may be necessary to have it repla_ced and the cost charged to the property. Councilman Thompson brought up the matter of -the wrecked truck which hajs been pared on Bay street for several d. ays, and Chief of-L'olice-stated that he would notify the custodian to have the truck re -:roved, i�ids for a dump truck for -the treet Department having been opened at the meetinf, of 1.,7arch 24, 1947, the bids were considered at this time. Superintendent,of Public adorks' stated that the bid of the Howe IVIotor Co. co -:-plied with specifications re- quired., and that he would recommend the purchase of the truck equipped With the 100- horsepower motor. After a discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by :inebren- ner aztd carried that bid of Bowe ._otor Company be accepted, at the net price of $3,063.67 for the truck equipped according to specifications, and with the 100- horsepower motor. The matter of liability insurance, continued from the last meeting, was, again dis- cussed, and it was the opinion of the council members that the policy should be in- creased from 10,000 and '20, 000 to �50, 000 and �,?'100, 000. 1,1r. L. R. Hain, local agent for the General Insurance Company, tiaras present, and asked that the business be transferred to a local agent. The matter was discussed, .nd it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Stevenson and carried, that the amount of the public liab il' ty insurance be indreased from y910,000 and �20,000 liability carried at present, to p50,000 and �?100,000, and that the Clerk notify the General Insurance Company to tr nsfer the business to a local representative of the Company, and provided that rates remain as ix -present contract. Letter from Chief of Police relative to inspection of taxicabs read ands ordered filed. Clerk presented proposed plan by Star.:dard Oil Company of California for: installation of tanks on their property, for which permit had previously been granted, showing that it was proposed to install the tanks under whAt:=:.is known as the )FCity off` Los Angeles Code.'! The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Sutton, secondedIy Winebrenner and edrried that plans as submitted be approved, and Clerk was authorizied to so in- form the representatives of the Standard Oil Company of California. Letter from Edgar Smith, County Auditor, rely"ive to meeting to be held on April 299 1947, "to consider problems of I:itsap Countyand the various cities and dorm unities, was rdad. Final decision was deferred to the next meeting; of the council, when it was indicated plans would be ina.de to have proper representation by officials of Port Orchard. Letter from Bremerton Bvoadcasting Company read and referred to Councilman ,utton to contact the office of the Company. Clerk stated that Myhre & Rylander, to whom was granted a permit for dancing at their place of business, had tendered ','25.00 as permit fee to the Clerk,. and that money had been turned over to the Treasurer, but that there is no ordinance providing for dance permits under these conditions. The mayter-mas referred to the City Attorney to draft ordinance to cover the situation. Mayor Woell brought up the matter of lawn mower for use at the parrs. ,The matter was discussed, and was referred to the Superintendent of Public lorks flor investi- gation and report. Letter from J. Irwin Miller of the I,l.-B. Contracting Company relative to vacation of of an unnamed street in Fob Hill Addition, was read. The matter was discussed by members of the council and previous records of the council regarding the vacation of this street, was read. Attorney Boyle stated that in order to bring thel matter reg- ularly before the council ' that a proper petition should be filed, ogeer with a map or drawing showing the street and the abutting property, the petition to be signed by the owners of the abutting property. Action deferred pending; receipt of proper petition and map. At this point in the meeting Councilman R. B. Hall entered and took his ,seat with',:he Council. Flatter of acquisition of patrol car -'or Police Department deferred to Oril 28, 1947. George `draith, representing the Port Orchard Progressive Club, appeared; before the Council and requested license for a carnival to be put on by the Douglas Shows for benefit of the Progressive Club. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Hall and car- ried, that license be approved„ H, E, Dingle, local representative of the Puget Sound Power &. Light Company, presented to the Council check for ��300.00 as annual franchise payment for the Company. Insurance on the new municipal building was taken up and the amount to be placed on the building uas discussed. The matter was referred to the Finance and Planning Committee for consideration and report. Sills were I -)resented to the Council, after having been checked by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing Committee, The bill for F.F.P. assessment against the garbage track was referred to the City Attorney, and the bill of the Peninsula Stationers for adding machine for Clerk's office was allowed and warrant authorized when credit memo for $35,00 for old machine is received; the $35.00 to be deducted from the original bill of $262.65, or anet warrant of $227.65. Following bills were allowed and ordered paid on motion by Thompson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 11 St t4 Slocum Hardware Art:iur A. Williams F. L. Folwell heriff Kitsap County Peninsula Stationers Port Orchard Independent Don's Service Peninsula Stationers M. L. Bonneville Atlas Foundry Horne I s Hardware Crawford ,�otors Fu-et Sound-eoiver & Light Co. Don's Service INorthington Gamon Irieter Co, Slocum Hardware Atlas Foundry Street lights for March 1947 maintain traffic lights Screw driver for Parking Meter Dept Patrol, streets with private car Batrol streets with rivate car Board of prisoners. Feb, 1947 Adding machine (Less p35.00) Publishing ordinances etc. Battery, etc, for fire truck Repair adding; machine and typewriter Labor on tenniscourts Caulking sleeves Pipe compuund and augur bit Parts for Interm ti onal truck Power and light, pump plants Spark pugs, oil, etc. Caps and gaskets Paint, bolts and brush C. I. Valve boxes STREET FUND Port Orchard Independent Don's Service Minnesota iiiining & Mach Co. P.O.I.iachine Marine & Iron 'elks. Slocum Hardware Siemen' s t achine Shop R . B. Ryan H. J. I:_.ilpatrick John 11. Vaughn Jesse ,,J. Sutton Calls for bids Fan belt, grease Scotchlite products Make and sharpen bales Various merchandise and tools Labor and material 6 rock .nd co ncrete drills Labor on streets Laboi- on streets Labor on streets L,IBRA -.Y FUI•,TD The H. 11. Wilson Co. Book for Library The 'H. R. Huntting Co, Books for Library Trick & -+urray Merchandise for Library Council eeting continued to April 189, 1947 at 5 o'clock P. tl.,, brenne ,g's on ripson and carried, Clerk _ � 0 n 9 135,85 8,47 .30 12.05 15,30 4,00 227,65 95,65 23'. 67 35.38 10,60 8.24 1,50 16.33 146,05 6.15 3.01 5.90 54.20 6.45 4.02 60,35 4,95 18.21 28,51 5100 162. 00 97,20 59.40 4,00 23.32 .81 motion by Wine- I4EY or Port Orchard, �Jashington April 18, 1947 Council met in continued session from April 14, 1047. at 5 p. m. this date, called to order. by Mayor F. J. Ioell. Present Councilmen ` `. S. Stevenson, 1% H. Thompson and Dusty C. '�Iinebrenner. ArchitectT s estimate and claim of ii. 3. Ryan for progress payment on T;Iu lcipal Build- ing contract, was examined by the members of the Council, and on motion by 'ou ine- brenner, seconded by Stevenson and carried, claim of 11. B. Ryan, as sub fitted through Thomas, Grainger &: 1,homas, architects, was approved and Clerk was autho ized to draw warrant on Town 11a11 Construction --State Development Fund in thZof ice; 7,767.86. Meeting a journed on motion By `�'hoiapson, seconded by Stevenson andClerk T,T�r or Port Orchard, Washington April 26, 1947 Council of fort Orchard, lashington called to order by I;iayor F. J. 'yapell.. -a ith Councilmen Dusty C. 7inebrenner, R. F. Hall, '.T. S. Stevenson and Tj. -d Thompson; City Attorney John _, Boyle; Superintendent of Public '.forks George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C; Breitenstein presacit. Also present at the meeting was 11'r. G. P. Lockwood, State -Examiner from the Division of Iiunicipal 'orporations, who is exa 'ning the records of fort Orchard. I,Iayor Woell stated that Councilman Sutton ha- asked to be excused, as he had another engagement which prevented his attendance. i Minutes of meeting of April 14, 1947 read and approved. Deport on letter from Bremerton. Boradcastin, Company, which was referred to Goun- cilman Sutton on A_�ril 14, was continued. Chief'of Police Charles A. Heath stated that the matter of Police Car acquisition, as suggested by the State lli .hway Pa'.rol h� been taken up and teat effor s to secure cap were proceeding on suggosti.ons made by the State Higi ay Patrol office Councilman Thompson made a. report on insuvance in connect'Lon with the ew I:iuni cipal Building. and definite action was deferred to Iiay 12, 1947. Notice from Department of Public Utilities of the State of Washington relative to hea-inr; to be held on ,-.ay 5, 1 147 in connection rri th telephone rates, as read, and was referred to the South ,:itsap Chamber of Commerce. Action on ordinance amending Ordinance No. 341 (Amusement Ordinance) wv s continued to !�,iay 12, 1947, T;:atter o�L' bills claimed by various physicians for city prisoners was deferred pending recei,-)t of opinion by Attorney General. Propose'.; copy of building per: -,,,its to be issued and used in connecti,_n..4th existing plumbin_ and building; ordinances, :,,as sub ,Iitted and Cl! rk was authorized to secure supply of blanks for Port Orchard. T,iatter of increasing liability insurnee coverage for the city was a T taken up, and I,?r. L. R. Haiman, local representative of the General Casualty Company stated that the increased coverage would not increase the premiura more than 20 per cent. It was moved by Viinebrenner, seconded by Ball and carried that covorage be in reased from „10, 000 andp2a, ono to ;;SCa, 000 �+r� d :;100, 000, provided the premium on i creased c over- age amounts to not more than 20 per cent additional for additional cov rage. Approximately a dozen residents froi;l Lund A-tenue, a district south of Fort Orchard on the Gig Harbor hi hway, appeared before the council and asked that water mains be extended and that service be given by the city to thCjr district. It :as e:gmlained that the city cannot build a grater system outside the city limits, but that if residents of the district desired to construct their own system, that the tovrn h s an =TDle supply of "rater which they would be -,lad to sell through a master mete , Llayor ' Ioell and tT.e members of the council , together with the Super _ntendent and he Engineer, promised full co-operation in any effort that might be put forth to es ablish a district and secure water service. Chairman Hall of the Fire and Light comittec reported on request for treet light at the corner of Sidney and `.'aylor streets, and recon�niended that one of t�;treets; e li tilts tit present at the water tanks be Toved to the corner of Smith and Sidney that light now located between Taylor €.md S.uith streets on Sidney street be moved to the corner of Sidney and Taylor streets; the lir_;hts to be bracket type and 1000 lumen intensity. The report was adopted on motion by Hall, seconded by VIineb enner and carried. r Superintendent Givens stated that he had contacted various dealers in the locality in a : effort to secure a power llovier for the city, but so far had been unable to get a direct line on where one might be secured, i.Iatter referred back to the '3u.perinten- dent for fu.r%ther investigation and report at meeting of Inlay 12, 1947, The folllwin_ claims, which had been checked by heads of departments, and by Coun- cilman Stevenson of the License and Auditing committee, were read and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Ninebrenner, were ordered paid: CURR'EI T E1�PEXSE FU14D Rice Electric Lamps for Fire Department 3.44 Thornpson's Carbon paper for Clerk 1.55 IT. L. Bonneville Labor at Givens Field 97.88 Siemenr s Mia.chine Shop Make nozzle for Fire Department 1,55 `.7ilkins Distributing Co, Stove oil for Police and city hall 28,86 Rice ice Electric T. F. Blhayn 7ilkins Distributing Co, Gc;o rge Giv:; ns Siemen's Machine Shop P.O.I,Iaciiine,Earine & .iron VIks Richards Brush Co, Seattle Concrete Pipe Co. 'VilkinW Distributin Co. . Langer, Agent Transport Clearings Rice Electric li. J. '-ilpatrick .'1. Cosbey John T . Vau^}in Jesse Vv. Sutton The R. 1_,znttin,,; Co, Puget Sound Trews Co. ,'JATIE FUND Labor and material 17.44 Labor on grater lines 10.80 Stove oil 7.38 Re-imburse trip to Seattle 3,46 STREET FUND Labor and material t varioui) 70.44 Shar-pen bars 5.67 a doz. garage brooms 16,98 Drain tile (contract) 109.86 Stove oil. 11.07 Premium, insurance on Street lcig, 149.61 Frei Iat on paint 1.02 Yarious labor and material 77,37 Labor on streets 75.60 Culvert pipe 21.60 Lac o._- on streets 64,80 Lf-b or on streets 108.90 1,1211 ARY __'UT D Books for Library 11.19 Books for Library 7.94 Claims o_ ='6ice ;lectric or `';;3^3.69 and "1514.43 for zlirin , as d material at :cater plants were a, :a Lr_• taken up, after having been. conditionally ordered paid at the meet- ing, of ";;arch 24, 1947. r. P. Locl,,;rood, State Ema finer, stated that the matter o!''these claims had been tred-con up with hi:q, and that he had contacted the office of the :'hief State ijsa,�ite r, who hadinWorraed him that the clai t:s were just and should be paid, lle stated that OKI d the payment of the claims and that there would be no question raised as to the validityox: the �.ayments. These claims were ordered p<?s id, ollowinE; _,fir. Loct-wood's statement, on :notion bJ Thompson, seconded by VV'inebrenner, and carried. Council a.djournod to ne.tit r e;_ ular meetin on -Mot! ar by `: ho p. on, second by :line-- brenner. .and carried,, Clerk -- ! ' aV or .._ _0______.._ Port -irchar d, '.1ashir_gton May 12, 1947 Council of Port Orchard, Jas'nino ton called to o_-:Ier by Tayor F. J. ', oell,• present Cou.Icily+-:n �.usty C, =zinc.-renner, I arion Sutton, R. - . 'all, '�V. S. _Stevenson; City Attorney John _',1. Boyle; Superintendent of Public '.,rorks George F. Givens; Engineer ` . C. Breietnstein, and s. G. P. Lockwood, State Rma irp r. Minutes of continued i� eting o" April 16, 1947 and regular meeting of April 23, 1947 read and. Approved. Council :n :-.'u'.ton reported on his contacts with Radio Station KBRO of Bremerton, and stated that to date no definite plan had been outlined, but that he would keep in touch. Frith the operators, and report at later dates to the ccunc;il on any suggestions received. Action on proposed vmerdr,ient to Ordinance ;;o, 341 deferred to later date. Ccut�E.?ml' inebrenner and Su:-;erintendent of .;?ulic ':Forks livens reported on investiga- tions ro-Cardin proposed purchase of anol,,Ter for city ;purposes. A c e_-oral discussion oa the needs of the city and the type of machine best suited, eras entered into by the ccu-ilmen, and the suggestion that perhaps a cucle type 7iower mi;;ht be preferable, was made. i. B. Menees of -the. a_I.gnal Station presented literature shawin- certain type of mower available. Definite action deferred. The matter of installing sprznklirV, syste,111 at Central i'lay Grounds eras also discussed, but no action_ tale n. L-.-ter fro-i County Auditor re 'Iclfare cases -iTas rem_, 1.nd AttorneI o� e made a rep-r t on on t1ic liability of the city ice. cases of :n-d .cal care and .t�ospit;dAiza on, under the directive of the Attorney General's opinion. In `,his connection the C erk was direct- ed to notify physicians and their representatives, who have claims forImedical ser- vices to resubmit the claims to the Kitsap County ':"delfare Department. Letter from i{etail Trade Bureau of the South "Eitsap Cal mber of Commerce relative t6 parking referred to the Planning Commission for consideration in connection with all parking problems which may confront the town. Letter from County Auditor callong attention to previous letter regarding additional voting prec-_nsts in port Orchard, again referred to Pinance and 21anning committee. H. h. Dingle, representin" the Puget Sound rower L:,_Uht Co., submitte� a letter which he asked to be signed, regarding; installation of underground electric service to the new •unicipal Building. Letter referred to City Attorney. Chief of Police asked permission to re -arrange signs near intersections of Bay and Harrison streets in an effort to create more parking space. Chief als� stated that meters on Frederick street, removed while filling leas been in progress* will be replaced as soon as possible. Charles Russel, president ofthe tort Orchard Plannin Commission, madel!a report and suggestions relative to proposed backstop and grandtsnad at Givens Fie d. Ie stated that the Commission is st9.11 wor--ing on the matter and vdll report further at a later date, l.ir. Russel also asked permission to re:}_ove old barracks buildings at Central Playfield, in order that other improvements i:ray be made at the groundst On motion by Dutton, seconded by :iinebrenner and carried, permission was grantedlas requested. I�ayor brought up the matter of plastering; the nain floor of the new r:urici 1 Build- ing, and submitted specifications as furnished by Ihe fir-:� o,t' Thomas, grainger is Thomas, architects, The specifications were examined by the council, Ind it was :noved by Hall, seconded by 'Jinebrenr_er and carried that Clerk b. instructed to call for bids for lathing; and plastering the upper floor of the new T.iunici'R1 ::uilding, according to submitted specification.,, the bids to be opened ,'ay 26, l 47. Jahn Ii. Jarvis and Jaries J. Ci1.�;an addressed he council concernin4; :-ta[ry and un- controlled dogs which are wander"ng al. -I. over to,,rn and doing., damage to yards and gardens. The matter was discussed by mr bers of the council, and it ;. s moved by "linebrer_ner, seconded -y Hall and carried that Police issue a state pen through the fort Orcha»d Independent and the i2re_:rerton Sun, c allinr; attention to the ordi- nance recp irin- the licensing of all dogs, cad vrarr:in,- the public that all dogs not licensed by June 1, 1947, under the terms of Lhe ordinance will be picked u ). 1'ollow:l.ng the discussion of securinU and paying a poundmasterto take care of the dogs, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by ,dinobrenner and carried that jiloundmaster bo al lovied 851/1of license fees collected as and for compensation for this services, l,'':atter of better street lighting on gh :street referred to tine lire and L': ht corm-- mittee for investigation and report. l'ho follovrinr' claims, previously checl--ed by :;hairman Sutton o.� the LicOnsinr, and Auditing col"U'iittee, were )reserted and read to 1,.e council, and on motilcn by Sutton, seconded by Mall and carried, viere ordered paid: Pacific Telephone CO- Tele:raph Rex t!aines, Sheriff Howe' s liar dware Ftiedag Company Slocum Hardware M. L. Bonneville Slocum Hardware Trick jz:'Turray Rice Electric Lucille Kuney HowardcCooper Corp. '�'Jashin€;ton State . enitentiary Puget Sound Power �� Light 'Co. Ltuaber Supply Port Orchard Lumber Yard Pacific elephone Telg.Co. Howe t s HardwEre Pacific Idater Works Supply Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power x Light (,'o. Lumber Supply Cascade ;Kachinery Co. V. B. Caldwell Corey Johnson CURR '�`T YLTiq Co. Various telephones and tolls Board of )risoners, "arch ; oots for firemen Fountain valve for park Paper towels, batteties, etc. Labor at playgrounds Valve for Park Dept. L.I.D. Receipts for Treasurer Electrical material 1.1imeograph V.1 mbing Code 2 ,'ire Extinguishers Playground sign Street lights, April, 1947 l�u mber "or !,'ire Department Sand and cement for mark -Telephone servoce Gas can, twine, etc„ Copper tubing and connections Tools and paint Power and light at plants Lumber and plywood Re )air motor Various merchandise Rapairs to motor 16.75 23.00 6.18 4/33 7.40 55,35 1.70 19.81 11.18 7.88 18.84 5.20 135.85 9.23 7,73 9,65 5,26 77.60 16.13 221,13 16,33 25.24 5.77 7.00 S'E E ET MID Slocum Hardwar e 1�ose, nozzle and tools 22.34 Holmberg `-: Norman Rear axle and pinion gear 30.00 Sheets Automotive Service Delco switch for grader 7.90 Olympic Iron 8-. !kIachine 1,7orks Cement drills 5.15 Lumber Supply Lumber 28,88 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets 108,00 John N. Vaughn Labor on streets 108.00 Jesse N. Sutton Labor on streets 108,00 SEVLal FUND Howe Is Hardware 2 lbs coloring ,52 LIBRARY rU 14D The H. R. Huntting Co, Books for Library 43.35 Meeting 3djourned on motion by "Winebrenner, seconded by Stevenson a c ie d, Clerk 4w or - - -- - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - Port Orchard, Vlashington 3,:fay 26, 1947 Re-ular meeting of council of Fort Orchard, 'dashington called to order by I,layor F. J, .Joell. Present Councilmen T�1. H. Thompson, 'J. S. Stevenson, R, B. Hal 1, Harlon Sutton and lusty C. . inebrenner; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Putrlic •:y'orks George F. Givens; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of -May 12, 1847 read and approved, 1,1atter of creating additional voting precincts, as requested by KitsT County Election Board, was discussed. Chairman Thompson, of the Finance and Planning Committee, to Whose committee the ipatter was referred, reported that he had discussed the matter with two of the members of the county Commissioners, and that he would confer with. the County Auditor on the matter.. The !natter was discussed,by members of the council, and it was the opinion as eV ressed that if asy change is made that probably the division of the town into two precincts would be most practical, if it.would meet the approval of the election board. The matter of the letter relative to underground service to the new 1unicipal Build- ing, re p ested by the Puget Sound Power c: Light Company, was again taken up and dis- cussed. The principals involved were explained by George Wraith, and Clty Attorney Boyle reported that there was nothing improper from a legal standpoint, vji. th the letter requested. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that letter as requested by the Puget Sound Power & Light Co, be furnished, and that Mayor be em- powered to sign both the letter and the application for electric service to the new 11unicipal Building. Chairman Hall of the ''ire and Light co mnittee-eported,that that he had investigated street lighting on High street, and that there appeared to be a dark spot in the street from the manner in which the lights are placed, George "Nraith suggested that a bracket type light instead of the existing suspension type would probably be more ser- vicable, and following a discussi6n, the matter was referred to the Fire and Light committee with power to act. A letter from 1rIrs. Ella Brauer, relative to use of D-+-L ght street by ."rs. Padella, for private uses, was read to Kie council. Ivlr. and TIrs Brauer were present and addressed the council relative to the matter., and Superintendent Givens reported that he had investigated conditions at t__,e request of 1,Irs. Brauer and found that the street was beiz L, used. it vias moved by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk be directed to i{,rrite to ": rs. `adella, stating that the use of the street for anything but street purposes is illegal, and sh,uld be discontinued. .A. circular from Earl Harkins relative to endorsement for member of State Park commit- tee was read, and Clerk was directed to answer same to the effect that the Town of Port Orchard as a :municipality has a policy of not endorsing any person for public appointment. A letter from Sanator J. T. D1eCutcheon relative to recent session of the State Legis- lature was read and ordered filed. Leger from Attorney John :1. 'oyle setting forth the procedure necessary in connec- tion with replacing sidewalk fronting Jospeh Haas property on Bay street between Har- rison and Seattle streets, was read, and Engineer was directed to make specifications for,proper sidewalk to replace the one damaged in trading operations. Letter from County health officer relative to permit required by County for mainte- nance of garbage dump, was read. It was moved b T Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried that 1"ayor sign application for permit under terms of the county garbage ordinance. It was reported that street signs at S_i_dney and T:Telcher streets and he sign marking the dead end of llivision street have been re-iuoved. Superintendent r ported that new signs are being made and will be placed shortly. On motion by T--..ompson, seconded by Sutton and carried, 5,500 gallons lof water per month for the months of Jure , July and August, is allowed consumers f i or tho mini- mun char,.-e of "l.50. T,-wyor "doell brou ,ht up the matter of furniture or tF�e new I;iunycipal Zild3ng, and this matter was discussed by members of the council. Def'_nite action deferred to a later date. Clerk reported that two bids had been received for plastering the neyvr T,=unicipal Euilding, under call for bids ret ularly published. Rids were opened and L. V. Cronkhite offered to perform the work as set forth in the call for bids and the specifications for ;3_.l'78.00; and as an alternate to plaster walls of hall for y?"167.00, or a total of 5rZ345.00. T_ e bid was accompanied by Cashier's check for $158.00. Bid of R. B. Ryan offered to do the work according to the call for bids and the specifications for };�3,069,00; and as an alternate to lath andj plaster all additional walls and ceilings of' stair 117, hall 118 anti closets adjacent to rooms 112 and 114 for a total of Q3,218.00. After considering the bids, it aa• moved by Thompson, seconded by Hall and carried that bid of R. B. Ryan be accepted. Matter of employment of poundmaster was discussed, and it was moved b Thompson., deconded by and carried that contract be entered into -1th James Clark as poundmaster, contract to be approved by Attorney, and under the terms of the council's action of .;ay 12, 1947. L. R. Haiman appeared bofore the council and discussed insurance in connection with the new ;,units. pal. Building. T;:ayor 'loell brought up the matter of conte-,gplated street improvements for the summer months, and detailed some of the betterments which he hoped �,o see accom- plished. Councilman inebrenner questioned the advisability of renting town eq ipment to private contractors, and this matter was thoroughly discussed by memb rs of t1ne council. It -,-,,as the sense of the meeting tlAat equipment be rented to no one but Xitsap County road districts, and the State Highway Department, The followin;'; bills, previously checked by Chairman Sutton of the Lie nse and Auditing committee, were read to the council and on motion by 'iinebre er, seconded by Sutton and carried, were ordered paid: Clj.tRlad'1 ;:`1'laE; FUND Rex "aines, Sheriff Board of prisoners, A_,ril, 1947 sa 17.00 Treasurer, ELitsp -runty Forest fire patrol assessment 7.47 T,,.ompsonI s Stencils, typewriter paper, etc. 15.24 Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Postage and merchandise 5.46 Will -ins Distributing Co. Stove oil, city hall andpolice 21.94 R. 1. Yates 1.1erchandise for Treasurer 6.10 Pacific 'telephone Tel. Co. Various telephones 18.90 Pu et Sound I'otirer Light Co. City hall light, 2 months 25.00 Puget Sound k'ower L, Light Co. Traffic light, 2 months 8.68 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Tennis court lights, 2 months 46.80 Puget Sound Power cc Light Co. Caution light for 2 months 2.69 Puget Sound L--press Freight on signs 2.13 James D. CUrk 8511- pet license collections 162.35 (This claim is allowed on condition that James D. Clark -enter into a �ontract with Town of fort Orchard as outlined by Council.) Sal 1j', '.i T w UiJD Sie.,ien's 1;1achine Shop Brace for street broom 1.03 Uilkins Distributing Co. Gas, deisel oil, stove F. motor oil 106.21 Puget Sound Power L- Light; Co. Light at street sheds, 2 months I 2.00 1J. �-i. Thompson 2 oil barrels 3.00 Shorn Paint Co,. Traffic in int 77.92 John N. Vaughn Labor on streets 108,00 Jesse 'ail. Sutton Labor on streets 108,00 ll. J. 1,,ilpatrick Lab or on streets 8.10 '11A'-0 ? i U ID Pacific Tel 6, Tel Co. Telephone service 11.35 American Plb &- Steam SupplyCo. Expandr6a 1.49 ldarckmann & Williams Tools and materials 41.26 T. R. Hubbard i,lerchandise 1,02 Transport Clearings Freight charges 6,72 Wilkins Distributing Co. Stove oil 2.59 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on water system 99.90 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library PORT ORCHARD TO0T HAL L--,STATE DEV. FUIM R. B. Ryan, Contractor Architect's estimate on contract Council a;� ourned on motion by ".Vinebrenner, seconded by Sutton, Clerk -0 34.90 5582.04. arried. V Port Orchard, Washington June 9, 1947 Regular ins eting of council of Part Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayer F. J, Woell. Present Councilmen W. S. Stevenson, M. H. Thompson, Dusty C. Winebrenner, Marion Sutton and R. B. Hall; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of May 26, 1947 read and approved. Councilman Thompson reported that he had contacted two of the County Commissioners relative to establishment of additional voting precincts in Port Orchard, but so far had been unable to contact the County Auditor. He stated that if it is necessay to create additional precincts that he would favor two precincts .for the town as he believed that this would be enough to efficiently handle elections. Matter deferred for further consultation with election officials. Mayor Woell reported that he had held a conference with Jospph Haas relative -to sidewalk on Bay street, and had been informed that new walk would be constructed immediately. Engineer stated that plans for the walk had been prepared. The matter was discussed by members of the council, and proceedings relating to L.I.D. were delayed pending early action to construct the walk. Chairman Hall of the Fire and Light committee reported that following council meeting on May 26, 1947, that he, in company with George Wraith of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, had investigated conditions on High and Hall Streets„ He recommended that the lights at and near Bay and High streets be re -arranged to give better effi- ciency, and that additional light be installed at Sweany and Hull streets, and one at Smith and Hull streets. Moved by Sutton, seconded by Halland carried that recom- mendations of the Fire & Light committee be approved, and that Clerk be authorized and directed to notify Power Company of the changed and additions ordered. a Ch A rman Thompson of the Finance and Planning Committee reported on conference with relation to chairs for the new Municipal Building, and stated that 75 to 100 chairs, which he considered very suitable were available at $3.00 each. The matter was dis- cussed by the council, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Stevenson and car- ried that city purchase75 to 100 chairs from the present owner at $3.00 each, and Mr. Thompson stated that he would store chairs until such time as new building is completed and ready for occupancy. Matter of procuring furniture and eqa ipment for new Municipal Building was discussed, ar_d it was. the opinion of members of the council as expressed, that all furniture and fixtures should be purchased only after approval by the Council. Mayor brought up the matter of street improvements contemplated for the season, and Councilman ftftbitsebated that he had inspected the proposed improvements, and was in favor of the improvements as outlined, and suggested that both. Second and Third Streets on Mitchell Hill be improved by grading and oiling, in addition to the other improvements outlined. Letter from the U. S. Department of Interior= (Geologival Survey) asking permit to construct- a stilling well according to details set forth, was read to the council. Moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Stevenson and carried that permit as re T ested be granted. { Matter of Change Order No. 2 on Municipal Building contract, was referred to the finance and Planning committee. Mayor Woell stated that a vacancy will occur on the Housing; Authority of the Town of Port Orchard on June 15. He pAid a high tribute to the work done by Mr. Henry Nuys -- ken.. the retiring member, who has served for the past five years, -and announced the appointment of Roy C. Howe as a member of the �;uthorlty to succeed Mr. Muyskens. On motion by Thompson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, appointment was confirmed. George Wraith asked about the disposal of the present Municipal Building when the new structure is occupied, and was informed that if disposed of that the building would have to be sold under bids. Superintendent Givens reported that fill is being made by R. B. Ross on property near the Black Jack bridge, and that the Bay street drain, which has dumped at the beginning of the fill for years, will have to be extended as the fill islmade. The matter was discussed, and it was mo ed by Stevehoon, seconded by Sutton nd carried that if agreement is not reached between the Superintendent and the prop rty, owner whereby the present owner will continue the €I-11 drain to take care of thedrainage as at present, that the Clerk be dir ected to write letter to Mr. R. E. Rosi notifying him to install the drain as approved by the Superintendent of PublicWork'. The followinE bills, properly audited by Chairman Sutton of the Auditingicommlttee, were presented, read to the council, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid. CURRENT E` PENSE FUND 1 Hannah & Powell Caldwell Trading Post F. L. Folwell Arthur A. Williams Lorraine Helder Wil ,ins Distributing Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co, Puget Sound Stamp Works Howe ' s Hardware Slocum Hardwar e Caldwell Tred ing Post WiliAns Distributing Co. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Siemen's Machine Shop Nels Markussen Howard Cooper Corporation Howe Motor Co. John N. Vaughn Jesse W. Sutton H. H. Kilpatrick John N. Vaughn Jesse W. Sutton Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware Howe Is Hardware The H. R. Huntting Co. Am.ericanna Corporation Merchandise for Police Push broom, Fire Dept. Patrol streets with pvtvate car Patrol streets with private car Stamps and P.4.Box rent Stove oil Streets lights for May, 1947 Dog tags and rubber stamp, Treas.i Tissue Towels STREET FUND Tools, etc. Snath, scythe, blade, etc. Deisel Oil Scotchlite products Repairs and labor Sharpen scarfire teeth Bendix drive Fuel pump Labor on streets Labor on streets WATER FUND Labor on water system Labor on water system Labor on water system Power and light, pump plants Hose, washers, drills Merchandise LIBRARY FUND Books for Library 1947 American. Annual PORT ORCHARD TOWN HALL --STATE DEVELOPT+iENT FUND R. B. Ryan Architect's estimate, Municipal Meeting a4journed onion by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and cad Clerk 4.41 2.06 6.25 15,00 3,00 16,88 135.85 10,57 3,09 9,35 11,69 14.09 12.96 14.63 3.06 13.21 4.15 89.10 89.10 121.50 12,15 12.15 324,11 8121 14.07 36,15 2,95 ti r. 81193.07 May or - - - - - - - - - -0 - - - - - - -- - -V Port Orchard, Washington June 23, 1947 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard., Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. 'Noell. Present Councilmen Dusty C. 'linebrenner, R. B. Hall, W. S. Stevenson, and M. H. Thompson; City Attorney John M, Boyle; Superintendent of Public 'N"dorks George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman Marion Sut on. Minutes of meeting of June 9, 1947 read and approved. Letter from L. R. Haiman enclosing letter from General Insurance Companyl�regarding liability insurance contract, read, and it was decided to investigate matter further before taking definite action. Letter from D. C. Arthr, insurance executive, relative to insurance on new Municipal Building, was read. Mayor made statement regarding the amount of insurance to be se- cured, and after a discussion, the matter was referred to the Finance and Planning Committee, on motion by dinebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried. Councilman Thompson stated that he had taken up the matter of additionalllvoting precincts in Port Orchard, and that he had suggested that the town be divided into two precincts, and that County Auditor Edgar D. Smith had suggested three precincts, and that further 1 scussion would probably be necessary to settle the matter, More time given to the °'inance and Planning Committee to act on the matter. Letter from Mrs. Mary Allen, secretary of the Port Orchard Progressive Club, regarding disposition of old barrcks buildings on Central Playfield, was read to council and referred by the Mayor to Parks and Plaggnounds comrn.ittee. ,. Miss Leila Nordby, president of the Port Orchard Library Board, addressed the council, and asked that two additional members h appointed to the Library Board, stating that there are at present but three members on the board. Mayor Woell stated that he would consider the matter and announce his appointments at the next meeting. Alfred Jasmer addressed the council, stating that a resident is keeping pigs thin the city limits, and asked that something be done to prohibit It. Mayor requested the ,Attorney to ascertain what other towns are doing with relation to keeping livest&ek within their limits and report at next meeting of the council. Mr. Jasmer was informed that if a health and sanitation problem is involved that it could be taken up with the Health Department. Superintendent Givens made a report of prospects . obtaining gravel for road work, stating that gravel is available and may be securer promptly. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk be instructed to call for bids for up to 600 yards of gravel to be delivered and stacked under specifications to be furnished by the Superintendent of Public Works, the=work to be done under his direction. Bids to be opened -at 5 o'clock p. m, on Tuesday evening, July 1, 1947. Matter of change order on new city hall was discussed, and Councilman Thompson made a statement regarding it. R. B. Ryan, contractor, was present and also made a statement, Mr. Ryan also brought up the matter of hardware to be used in the building and Coun- ts loran Winebrenner and Stevenson were named to confer with Mr. Ryan and select hard- ware as required. Mayor stated that representative of United Amusement Company had contacted himwith regard to amendment to existing pinball ordinance The matter was discussed and referred to the Finance and Planning committee. The following bills were presented, examined by members of the council, and previously audited, were allowed and ordered paid on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Thompson and carried: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Orchard Independent Various printing 64631 Rex naines, Sheriff -Board of prisoners, May, 1947 17,00 Howard Cooper Corporation 12 spanner wrenches 7,15 E.,A. Breitenstein Labor on Cline and Maple street Gr. 10.80 J. D, Clark 85% of pet licenses 70.12 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. = Maintain traffic lights 2,52 Bremerton Printing Coipany Dog and Cat License blares 26,73 Guy L. 1,Vetzel;l Clerk Advanced expenses 14,56 Pacific Telephone & Tel,. Co. Police, Fire Clerk--Treas. Telephones 21,60 Peninsula Stationers Columnar pads 2,16 WATER FUND Port Orchard Independent 5M Postal Card bills 78,17 Pacific Tel phone & Tel Co. Plant and Supt. telephones and tolls 13.65 STREET FUND John N. Vaughn Labor on streets 108,00 Jesse :,. Sutton Labor on streets 108,00 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets 108,00 SEWER FUND Mack E. Brown Labor installing lateral 29,70 LIBRARY FUND The H, R. Huntting Co. Boobs for Library 12,20 PORW ORCHARD TOWN HALL --STATE DEVELOPMENT FUND Port Orchard Independent Call for bids for plastering 3123 � Meeting continued to Tuesday evening, July 1, 1947 at 5 ofeloek on motio y Wine- brenner, s nded by Stevenson and carried. Clerk Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 1, 1947 Meeting of council of Port Orchard, Washington, regularly continued fromlJune 23, 1947 to this date called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen Marion Sutton, W. S. Stevenson and M. H. Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens. Clerk reported that three bids had been received for gravel under the call for bids advertised to be opened this date, and Mayor directed that bids be opene Bid of J. W. Welsh offered to supply gravel as advertised in call for bids at $ .75 per yard. Bid of Jack Yonkers offered gravel at $1.57 per yard, gravel to be scree ed and any large rocks to be removed from street surface. Bid of Movvison Fuel Com any offered, gravel at $1.75 per yard. Bids checked by Superintendent, and discussed by members of the councilo and it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Sutton and carried that bids be rejected. On motion by Sutton, seconded by Thompson and carried is was ordered that gravel be secured d Wiled by the Department of Public Wo kx, and that Superintendent be empowered to rent necessary e T ipment to carry on the work, Bill of G. H. Gross for 100110ccasional Chairs" purchased by Port Orchardlifor the new Municipal Building, in the amount of $300.00 was presented, and on motion. by Sutton,, seconded by Stevenson and carried, Clerk was authorized and directed to draw warrant on CurrentExpense Fund in payment, upon filing by Mr Gross a proper bill'of sale, for chairs. Councilman 1i.ompson made a report on conference which he and Superintendent had held with District engineer Claypool of the State Department of Highways regarding surface on Bay Street between Harrison and Seattle Streets, stating that while promises of co-operation had been received from the State Department, that there s no chace of receiving any financia& aid from the state. The matter of work to be j done at this p6int was discussed, but no definite action was taken. Harry Schniedeman, representing the United Amusement Company, operators of pinball machines in Port Orchard, was present and discussed with the council the terms of the licenses concerning pinball machine operation in Port Orchard. The matter was re- ferred to the License and Auditing committee to suggest amendments to existing ordinances. Matter of building; hardware for new Municipal Buildingwas brought up by Mayor, who submitted list of hardware suggested by the committee for the building. It was pointed out that the contract called for expenditure of $500.00 for hardware `or the build- ing, but that the items suggested would cost $651.10, including tax. The matter was discussed, and it was the opin on of the council members as expressed, that it wcould be inadvisable to place inferior hardware in the building, and following the discus- sion, it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Sutton and carried that con rm for be empowered to spend $151.10 in addition to the $500.00 allowed in the on rsct, for hardware in the Municipal Building, this amount to include sales tax, Meeting journed on mp tion by Thompson, seconded by Stevenson c�rriod. Clerk Mey or - -- - - - - --0 -- - - - - -it -- Port Orchard, Washington July 14, 1947 Regular meeting of the council o Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J.' Vioell, with Councilmen Dusty C. VineDrenner, 114arion Sutton, R. B.. all, W. S. Stevenson and M. H. 'Thompson; City Attorney John M. Boyle;-:uperintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minute s of meeting of June 23, 1947 and July 1, 1947 read and approved. Matter of amount of insurance to be placed on new Municipal Building was discussed, and Chairman Thompson of the Finance and Planning committee stated that he desired to contact the architect before making a definite report, and asked for further time. Matter deferred to July 28, 1947. Finance and Planning committee also stated that more time is desired to work out the voting precinct problem in town, which was granted. City .Attorney Boyle repo, -' ed. on the matter of an ordinance to cover the ]beeping of poultry and livestock within the town limits, and after a discussion, the matter was referred to the Health and Sanitation committee for investigation and report, Superintendent Givens reported on the matter of cost of gravel assembled for street work, and stated that the supply of ravel had been laid down at a cost of 9 ac per yard, as against the low bid of 91,57 per yard. Miss Leila Nordby, chairman of the Library Board, appeared before the council and suggested the names of Mrs. M. H. Fingerson and Tirs Laura Menees and Mrs. Sidney Stokes as possible selections as members of the Library Board. Miss Nordby asked that one member of the council and one other person be named as members of the Board to.work with the three members at present serving. Mayor stated that he would make the appointments later. Miss Nordby also asked Ahneti&n of the council to close the library for three weeks pending moving operations. On motion by Winerrenner, seconded by Thompson and carried, council approved request to close the Library for three weeks during moving operations. Letter from Herman V. Mc Broom, Mayor of Forest City, relative to making South street arterial street, and providing for policing of some, was read,. Discussion followed* and matter was referred to Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Mayor brought up the matter of color of signs for new Municipal Building, and suggested that metal signs be treated with luminous paint, and that the recessed letters on th,e entrance sign be painted a contrasting color, and the remainder of the entrance sign varnished and finished in natural color. Cound 1 agreement to suggestion of Mayor was voiced. Consideration of the sidewalk from Kitsap street to Bank street on Bay street was taken up, and it was stated that V. B. Caldwell has arranged to have the walk built in front of:his property, but that the American Legion Post so far has given no indication that it -would build walk. After discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Thompson and carried, that 81arM-.be�-direated.e e.wbite letter to America. Legion Post No. 30, stating that sidewalk should be constructed, and unless assurance is given by the meeting of the council on July 28, 1947, that walk will be constructed, that steps toward doing the woek under Local Improvement District will be started by the Town of Port Orchard for construction of the walk. Charles Russell, chairman of the Port Orchard Planning Council, suggested that fire siren now located on tower at rear of pumping plant be moved to roof of new City Hail* and that tower be removed. Mr. Russell also stated that the Planning Council is still working on a fire alarm system, and that a definite report might be forthcoming soon,. Councilman Thompson introduced a resolution of aD ndolence to the family of the late G6Drge Cline, former councilman, and paid tribute to his faithfulness as a member of the council, and to his value as a citizen. Mayor Woell also paid tribute to Mr, Cline and expressed his regret at his passing. Other members of the Council joined -in the resolution of sympathy for the family, and the Clerk was directed to write a letter of,condolence to Mrs. Cline. Councilman Sutton again brought up the matter of unused meter space rented by the Blue & Gold TaxL Company, and suggested that one meter be replaced for the benefit of the motoring public. Action deferred to later date. . R Chief of Police Heath brought up the matter of a new traffic light at the intersection of Bay and Oidney Streets, and suggested a light with three beams on a side and one that works at a slower sequence. The matter was discussed, and referred to the Chief of Police for investigation and report, and also to ascertain if the present light has any trade-in value. Charles Russell presented an inventory of the plumbing amd electrical fixtures in the old barracks buildings at the Central Playfield, and suggested that city advertise buildings and equipment for sale, as the Progressive Club no longer desires their use on the grounds. It was moved by Wonebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried that Clerk advertise the buildings and equipment for sale, the k&ectrical equipment to go w&th the buildings, and that bidders be permitted to bid on the buildings and all equipment contained therein, or on the buildings and electrical equipment in one bid, and the plumbing fixtures in a separate bid. Mr. Russell also brought up the matter of proposed improvement program planned by the Planning Council, and suggested that questionnaire be prepared and that residents be permitted to vote on proposed improvements, or suggest others for the benefit of the town. Following a discussion, it was arranged that a committee from the Planning Council will meet with the Town Council at its meeting on July 28* 1947, and consider ways and means. Parking problems in the down -town area were discussed, and many suggestions were advanced to better existing conditions, with, no definite action r esulting. Mr. Mahan was present•at the meeting and asked if any objections had been presented to the council relative to the tanks being installed by the Standard Oil Company. Mayor stated that the State Fire Marshal had visited Pcr t Orchard this date, and had inspected the installations, but that so far no report had been referred to the council. Councilman Thompson stated that from information which he had received that all precautions were being taken to safe -guard all property, and that the installa- tions appeared to be satisfactory. The following bills were presented and read, following their checking and approval by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing Committee, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Steven- son and carried, were ordered paid, CURRENT EXPENSE FUND J. W. Welsh Hauling and loading gravel, city hall 22.15 R. B. Ryan Sidewalk' fronting city hall property 450,00 M. L, Bonne ville Al L. Wortman F. L. Folwell Arthur A. Williams Rex. Haines, Sheriff Howe' s Hardwere Thompson's Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Peninsula Stationers Wilkins Distributing Co. Chloe Sutton Port Orchard Fuel Oil Delivery Otto Voll Sign Shop Puget Sound Po er & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Kings Electric Siemen' s Machine Shop, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Port Orchard Lumber Yard Siemen's Machine Shop Howe Motor Co, Wilkins Distributing Co. County Auditor ,Howe Motor Company Puget Sound Power & Light Co, J. W. Welsh A. L. Wortman. D. W, Shultz John N. Vaughn H. J K 1patrick Jesse Wf Sutton S. K. McMullen MORE, CURRENT EXPENSE Wark at Givens Field tennis co tr is Hauling gravel, c i ty- hall f ill i Patrolling streets with private car Patrolling streets with private car Board of prisoners, June, 1947 Graphite grease for Fire Depattment Scratch pads and erasers Street lights for June, 1947 Typewriter ribbon for Clerk Stove oil for Police Postage and merchandise Stove oil for Police City Limits sign Traffic light 2 months Light at Tennis Courts Caution light 2 months City- hall lid ht 2 months WATER FUND Repair Motor, etc. Turn spigot on water main Power and light at pumping piha�ts STREET FUND 12 sacksz cement Grate, frame, burning, etc. Repair D&dge truck Diesel oil, gasoline (contract) License for new dump truck Dump truck Light at street sheds, 2 months Shovel and truck rental Hauling gravel andtruck rental Truck rental Lab or. on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets PORT ORCHARD TOWN HALL --STATE DEVELOPMENT 17UND R. B. Ryan Architect's estimate, city hale Y.TM ARV MUT) The H. R. Huntting Co, Books Meeting adjourned on motion by Winebrenner.. Clerk 33.75 4.28 3.25 6,75 32,00 .77 3,30 135,85 1.91 5.18 5.50 6.00 4,64 8.56 59,50 2,75 24,34 9,23 3,09 307.97 12.98 34,08 26,50 93,68 2.75 3p063.67 2100 2C 7,25 64.20 78,24 151,88 141,08 141,08 65,48 5, 242.28 for Library 23,55 seconded by Sutton a 1cPried, Mw or .. .... _- 0 --- - - -- - -i Port Orchard, Washington July 28, 1947 Council of Port Orchards Washington called to order in regular session) by Mayor F, J. Woell, Present Councilmen Dusty C . Winebrenner, Ray B. Hall, W.' S. Steven- son and Marion Sutton; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and City Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman M. H. Thompson and City,Attorney_ John M. Boyle. Minutes of meeting of July 14, 1947 read and approved. The amount of insurance to be carriedon the new Municipal Building wasllbrought up by Mayor Woell, who'stated that in conversations with disinterested in urm ce men, it had been suggested that $35,000.00 would be about the proper amount of insurance to carry on the building. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Sutton and carried that insurance policy in the amount of $350000,00 be secured for the new building. Letter from Mayor McBroom of Forest City was again taken up, and MayorWoell stated that he would answer the letter in accordance with. the ezpressedopinions of the council members. Consideration of an ordinance relative to animals running at large in town was continued to a later date. Clerk submitted Amusement Machine Ordinance, which anended Ordinance 110. 5023, the on#anal amusement machine ordinance. Ordinance was read, and Councilinan Sutton stated that his committee had investigated the matter and recommended that the ordinance be passed as submitted. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 537. This being the date upon which bids for plumbing fixtures and barracks buildings on Central Playgrounds were to be opened, Clerk stated that one bid had been receivedo Mayor directed that bid be opened.. and bid of D. J. Talbot, offering $55.00 for certain plumbing fixtures in the building, was read. The bid was discussed, and it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Hall and carried that bid be rejected, It was stated that complaint had been made of burning rubbish back of the Vetera.nst Club on Prospect Street, and Clerk was directed to write letter to the Club stating that it is unlawful to burn rubbish without a permit, and asking that practice be discontinued. ° Mayor 'reported that at infrequent intervals certain deposits appear in the town water supply, and asked that the Superintendent make a definite report on findings relat-ive to the deposits. Superintendent Givens reported that he had secured an analysis from the Ccunty Health Department, which showed that deposits are of sulphur and iron base; that the deposit is absolutely harmless, and that it could bd remedied by Chlorini:za- tion. - The matter von as discussed, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton. and carried that Superintendent proceed to secure necessary-egAthpment and chlorinate the system, and that statement of exact conditions be published for the information of tho public„ . Mayor`stated that at present that section of Fort Orchard around Sherman street is quite -a distance away from a fire hydrant, and suggested that a hydratt be installed at the corner of Melcher and Hull Streets. A discussion followed, and it was moved. by Stevenson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that a fire hydrant be installed at the intersection of Melcher and Hull streets„ Mayor Woell stated that he had contacted Mr. N„ C. Nelander of the Port Orchard Cabi- net Shop regarding a table for the new council chambers, and that a solid fir -table 5 by 10 feet would cost $84.009 and that a table of maple base and walnut veneer top would cost approximately $100.00, This was referred to the council for consider- ation Matter of proper signs on Bay street side of new stated that a sign painted on the building would metal sign with 9-inch extended letters could be additi-onal for painting the setters a designated stated that he would guarantee that the metal si building for $59,009 It was moved by Sutton, se, metal sign as suggested be purchsed to be placed gested at a total cost of not to exceed $59,00. city hall was discussed, and it was cost approximately $25,00, vhile a secured for $54.00 with about $5.00 color. R. B. Ryan was present and �n painted could be placed on the ^onded by Winebrenner and carried that on the building and painted as sug- Mayor Woell brought up the matter of street lights on the Gig Harbor highway between Hodge & Davis Service Station and the Harper cut-off. Councilman Stevenson stated that a light should also. be placed on the light pale just south. of Melcher Street. A petition signed by residents of Seattle Street south of Bay Street regz esting a light on the pole just south of Bay street was also read, These matters were discussed, and referred to the Fire & Light ao mmittee for investigation and report at the next meeting of the council. James Bowers and Capt. C. Christensen, representing Port Orchard Post of the A3peri6sn Legion, were present and discussed with the council the sidewalk fronting the Legion property on Bay Street. These men°stated that the walk would be built under plans and specifications to be furnished by the City Engineer.. A letter of appreciation from Mrs. George Cline and Mrs Theda Peterson for eoubtesies extended by the council and police department at the funeral of the late George Cline was read and ordered filed. Messrs. Mahan and Tellevick and Caldwell were present and spoke regarding the instal- lation of additional tanks by the Standard Oil Company, and suggestions were made re- garding additional safety precautions, A discussion followed, and the Mayor atat... that a letter would be dispatched to the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau., . that an early survey be made to determine what if any chat ge would occur in incu rates by reason of the additional tanks, and also that a conference should be arr among members of the Fire and Light committee, the Planning Commission, the Fire Chief and representatives of the Standard Oil Company regarding installation precautions,. Mr. Shuh of the Blue & Gold Taxi was present regarding elimination of one meter now rented to his firm for taxi stand. The matter was discussed, and action was deferred, pending working ou t details by the Company and the Chief of Police„ A lost of extras submitted by R. B. Ryan, contractor on the new Municipal Building, was read, and referred to the architects„ Mayor Woell announced the appointment of Tars. M. H. Fingerson to the Port Orchard Library Board, and asked that some member of the council volunteer to act on the Boards The appointment of Mrs. Fingerson was confirmed on motion by Sutton, seconded by Wih6b7renner and carried. The folloAng a 'previously OKed by heads of departments, and checked by Chairman Sutton of the .Auditing Committee, were presented and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Hall, and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND M. L. Bonneville Painting stripes at Tennis Courts 5.40 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Various telephones and tolls 23,30 Don's Service Gasoline for Fire Department 2.35 Port Orchard Independent Building Permit blanks 24,06 H. J. Kilpatrick John N . Vaughn Jesse W. Sutton S. K. McMullen W, F, Bruhahn Wilbur V1. Ochs C. H. Pierson Eugene Ochs Earl W. Earhar t Walden Smith James Rogers Jr. Charles A. Wilson Siemens Machine Shop Bremerton Auto Wrecking Slocum Hardware Siemen+s Machine Shop Port Orchard Independent Don's Service Station STREET FUND Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets L n streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Lab or on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Welding and cutting Auto glass Paint and tools Labor and material Call for bids for gravel Brake fluid, gear grease, tire boot WATER FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Slocum Hardware Olson's Sheet Metal Shop W. F. Bruhahn Siemenrs Machine Shop Wilkins Distributing Co. V. B. Caldwell Don's Service Station Supt. and plant telephones and tolls Axe Repair rddiator, Inters ti anal Tr. Labor on water system Welding Oil and gasoline Tools and merchandise Lubrication, etc, 112.73 112,75 112,75 101,93 13.50 19,58 6,75 6.75 10.80 4,05 6,75 6,75 14*88 15,46 8.93 3,61 4.34 3.45 12.85 2,58 1Or30 31,05 7.21 5.30 4.64 5,82 Councilad ourned on motion by Sutton, seconded by Mall and carried Clerk! Mar or Port Orchard, Washington. August 11, 1947 Council of Port Orchard, Washington met in regular session, called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, Present Councilmen W. S. Stevenson, Ray B. Hall, Marion S1u.tton and Dusty C. Winebrenner; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George �'. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, Minutes of mee':ing of July 28, 1947 read and approved. Mayor stated that he had held a conference regarding the insurance on a new Munici- pal Building, and that it :had been suggested that the total of .135,000. 0 insurance be divided into five policies of $7,000.00 each, written for terms of f om one to five years, with one policy being renewed each year. The matter was considered by members of the council and referred to the l.1ayor for action. i Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens made a report on findings with refer- ence to analysis of grater .from the various wells, stating that he had visited the State Department of Health in Seattle, and had conferred with two different firms of e4emists regarding the matter. He said that the State Health Department had suggested that separate analysis be made of each well, so that proper treatment for overcoming the deposits which sometimes occur, could be determined, Mr. Givens ftr- then stated that he had contacted two different chemists and had received estimates of $50.00 per well and $25.00 per well for analysis as suggested by State Health De- partment. Following the statement, Superintendent recommended that proper analysis be made. Mayor also recommended thatanalysis be made, and stated that in the event that any more wells are put in service that analysis be made before water is turned into the mains. Following a discussion, it was m&ved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and ae rried that the matter be referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Superintendent with power to act. Chairman Hall of the Fire and Light committee recommended that street Bight be authorized on Seattle Street as requested by property owners and residents in the locality, a bracket type light to be placed on the pole south of Bay street on Seattle street. He also recommended a bracket type light on the first }pole south of Melcher street on Sidney street. In regard to proposed lights on Gi= Harbor highway, he recommended that advice be secured from a lighting ex,)ert before defi- nite recommendation is made. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Sutton land carried that the recommendations of the hire and Light committee be accepted, and lights authorized, the Clerk to notify the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. ri It was st ated that it is expected that the new sidewalks frontint' the V. B. Caldwell property and the American Legion property on Bay Street would be constructed during the current week. A letter from the Department of Health, following a check of conditions in Blockl2,, Sidney, was reed., and was referred, to be taken up with property owners concerned. Mayor stated that he had been informed that safety engineers from the Standard Oil Company would visit Port Orcx.ard within a few days and that conferences would be held with them by officials of Port Orchard, Engineer Breitenstein stated that there is a difference in authority granted by the Plumbing ordinance and the various sewer ordinances regarding the disposal of Sur- face water, and stated that it is not practical to permit drainage or surface water to enter the sanitary sewer. After a discussion it was moved. by Winebrenner, second- ed by Stevenson and carried that no surface water be permitted to be turned into the sanitary sewer. _'-ttorney was directed to prepare necessary ordinances covering the matter, either by amending existing ordinances or preparing new ordinances. Finance and planning committee wav8direet6ddto investigate acquisition of directorsf table for council rooms. Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alle-k committee brought up the matter of the fill adjacent to Frederick street north of Bay street, and suggested that by establishing the lines of the street that parking meters could be placed more advantageously. Engineer stated that he would run lines at once, and of ter discussing the matter, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that light pole be moved as far u9pth as pra.eti6al to provide as much space as possible for traffic, and that parking meters be placed to utilise to the best advEn tage the space avEl Table. Mr. Shuh of the Blue & Gold Taxi Company asked that he be a-l..lowed the taxi stand at the northwest corner of Bay and Sidney streets. The request was denied for the present, Treasurer Chloe Sutton appeared beforethe council regarding a desk which had been shipped and she asked the advice of the council relative to acceptance. The matter was discussed, and it was agreed that desk should be returned to shipper. The following bills, previously approved by heads od departments, and audited by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing committee, were presented, and`on motion by Wine- brenner, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights for July 135.85 Port'Orchar d Independent Various printing and advertising 19,27 J. D. Clark 85% pet license collections 45,48 Rex Haines, Sheriff Board od prisoners for July, 1947 15,00 Wilkins Distributing Co. Stove oil, Police station 6,52 Lorraine Helder Postage and box rent for Police 2.50 F. L. Folwell Patrol mileage, July, 1947 3,70 Arthur -A. Williams Patrol mileage, July, 1947 10.00 WATE R FUND V. B. Caldwell Trading Posh Merchandise 3,56 Port Orchard Cabinet Shop Screen doors for pump houses 45.65 r Slocum Hardww a Shovel and flashlight 3.28 Lumber Supply Lumber 3.90 Puget Sound. Power & Light Co, Power and light at pump plants 363,29 STREET FUND John N. Vaughn Labor on streets 110,70 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets 110,70 S. K. McMullen Labor on streets 66.15 W, F. Bruhahn Labor on streets 44,55 Wilbur W. Ochs Labor on streets 21.60 Eugene Ochs Labor on streets 16.20 Weldon Smith Labor on streets 10,80 J. R. Brinkerhoff Labor driving track, oiling 20.00 Irvin B. Moen Labor driving truck, oiling 11,60 Port Orchard Lumber Yard PlAnks 4,02 Slocum Hardware Lat ch set 2,97 Lumber Supply Lumber 36,89 Wilkins Distributing Co. Kerosene and diesel oil 29,33 Howe Motor Company Repair Dodge truck 11,86 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Hun.tting Co. Books for Library ll,47 Puget Sound News Company Books for Library 10,46 PORT ORCHARD TOWN HALL ---STATE DEVELOPMENT FUND R. B. Ryan Plastering oo n#ract $ 2,735.30 R. B. Rye Architect's estimate on bu-ldi4 2,834.46 Council ad urned on motion by Hall, seconded by Stevenson and carried. Clerk May or ------ ------ 0- - - - - -- _- �� Port Orchard, Washington August 25, 1947 Council of Port Orchard, Washington met in regular session, called to order by Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk, in the absence of the Mayor. Clerk called for nominations for Acting Mayor, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Stevenson and carried that Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner be alected as Acting Mayor. M Winebrenner assumed his position as Acting Mayor and called the meeting to orde Present Councilmen Marion Sutton, Ray B. Hall, W. S. Stevenson, M. H. Thomp on and Dusty C. Winebrenner; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Engineer T. C. Breiten tein, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of August 11, 1947 read and approved. Clerk reported that Mayor Woell had pla ed insurance on new Munioi p 1 Building through several local agancies, and that four policies for $7,000.0 each had been filed with the Clerk, and that one policy had. not ,yet been received It was reported that lighting engineer from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company had called relative to conference with the Fire and Light committee regarding street lights in the carryon on the Gig Harbor highway wouth of Bay treet; and would make a definite appointment for a later date with Chairman Ha l of the Fire and Light committee. Superintendent Givens reported dh the analysis which he had receive from the chemists of the water from the various wells, and a copy- of the ana ysis was submitted. Mr. Givens stated that he had sent copies of the an lysis, to- gether with the comments received from the laboratories, to the Sta e Health Engineer, and to the Ki.tsap County Health Department, and had asked them to suggest proper treatment to eliminate any deposits which might occur. The matter was discussed, and & th permission of the council members, was referred to the Water and Sewer committee and the Superintendent of Public Works wilh power to take whatever action is required following reports from the Health ngineers. It was reported that so far the sidewalks in front of the Caldwell �roperty and the American Legion property had not been constructed, but that reports had been received that same would be built at an early date. i Clerk was directed to contact Manager E. 0. Johnson of the Standardi0il Co. rels.- tive to conference by city officials with safety engineers of the Standard Oil Company. i Engineer Breitenstein reported on investigations relative to aligrmo nt of Fred- eric k street, and stated that various surveys and data are conflict ng from the records, and that no work had been done pending advice from the co cil as to the extent which it desired. to go in establishing lines. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried that Stree and Alley committee, Engineer and. Superintendent make an "on -the -ground' insp ction of the area and report back to the next meeting of the council. Letter from J. I. Elliott making application for a job as janitor al the new Municipal Building was read and referred to the Parks and Buildings committee. Letter from Washington Surveying & Rating- Bureau stating that repre entative would be in Port Orchard at a future date to make survey relative to rates with regard to Standard Oil Comp ay installations, was read and ordered f led. Notice of application for renewal of license by Port Orchard Mixer �h.op was re- ceived from the Washington State Liquor Control Board, and no objection was offered to the granting of the application. Letter from the Curley Creek Gabden Club offering assistance and material for grounds at the new Municipal Building, was read to the council. ble hers of the Council expressed their appreciation of the offer, and the Clerk wase directed to acknowledge the offer with thanks, conveying to the Club the acceptance of the offer and referring them to George F. Givens, Superintendent of Public Works, who will co-operate in the landscaping. Letter from Tri,_�k & Murray rglati.ve to feright charges on desk whit was shipped to the Town Treasurer nndnreturrted on orders of the council, was read, and action deferred, pending conference with representative of the Company. George Wraith asked that grass ar Central Playfield be out and burned, as tle re is danger from a fire starting in the grass in its present condition. Matter was referred to the Superintendent of Public Works for action„ City Attorney Boyle announced that he examined the ordinances of the town regarding drainage waters and the sewer system, and had been.unable to find any authority for turning drainage water into the sanitary sewer system, and therefore had not drawn any amedding ardinances. The matter was discussed and passed for definite action. Bids having been called for a patching roller, Clerk reported that two bids had been received, and Mayor dir6oted that bids be opened„ Bid of Acme Eqi ipment Com- pany offered a used machine as specified in their offer for $1,313.25, f.o.b., Seattle. Bid of Howard Cooper Corporation offered a new Essimodel roller, aceDrding to specifications included in the bid, at $2,2295.00. f.o.b., Seattle, plus sales tax, and also offered to rent the machine and sp ply 95% of rental on purchase price, if town desired to purchase same at later date. Matter of accepting bids was discussed and action was deferred to next session of the council. a Calvin S. Schmid from the State Census Board addressed the council relative to taking a census in Port Orchard in order to arrive at a definite figure for allocation of state funds. He explained the matter of the proposed census and following a discus- sion, the matter was deferred to the next session,of.the council. Acting Mayor Winebrenner brought up the matter of the coming dedication of the new Municipal Building, and stated that the Kiwanis Club and other service organizations had been asked to participate in proper ceremonies, and the Mayor asked for suggestions as to various phases of the proppsed event. The matter was discussed and deferred for definite action. The Mayor also brought up the matter of public drinking fountains in the: business dis- trict, and the matter was referred to the Superintendent of Public Works for inves- thgation and report. Latter from Mayor Francis J. Woell, tendering his resignation as Mayor of Port Orch" and, and expressing his regret at leaving Port Orchard and his appreciation for cour- tesies extended and co-operation of the councilmen, was read to the Council. Council- man Thompson paid tribute to the services rendered by Mr. Woell as Mayor of Port Orch. ard, and also as a citizen, and moved that the resignation be accepted by the Council, with regret at its necessity, and that the Clerk be directed to write an appropriate letter to Mr. Woell expressing the regrets of the council at his resignation and its appreciation for his services. The motion was earmnded by Councilman Hall and carried. The following claims, previously approved by heads od departments and audited by Chair- man Sutton of the Auditing committee, were read, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Kitsap Realty Company J. V. Stixrud Kitsap County Bank Thompson I s Trick & Murray J Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Kingts Eelctrio George F. Givens W. F. Bruhahn Northwest LdDoratories Various telephones and tolls Insurance premium, new City Hall Insurance premium, new City Hall Insurance premium, new City Hall Merchandise for Clerk Steel push cart for Treasurer WATER FUND Plan and Supt telephones and tolls Motor bvushes Expenses trips to Seattle Labor on water system Chemical analysis of wells 17.30 180,18 2M2i1U 108,10 5.25 53.25 10.90 1.35 13.25 1.6.20 125.00 Howgrd ,Cooper Corporation Bearings and filters 16.02 Siements Machine Shop Labor and Material, grates 21.37 Port Orchard Independent Call for bids for roller 2.12 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on city streets 108.00 John N. Vaughn Labor on city streets 113.4o S. V. Mcl4ullen. Expenses trip to Seattle 2,06 Council meeting continued to Friday, August 29, 1947 at 7 o'clock p.m. on motion by Sutton, sewnded by Thompson and carried. Jerk _ Acting Mayor Port Orchard} Washington August 29, 1947 Continued session of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to�order by Acting Mayor Dusty C. Winebrenner, Present Councilmen M. H. Thompson, , S. Steven- son, R. B. Hall and Marion Sutton; Superintendent of Public Works Geor a F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein.. Superintendent Givens made a report on his examination and trial of pa for which bids were opened on August 25, 1947, stating that the roller the Acme Equipment Company is in good condition; that he had operated he could find no flags in its mechanical condition; that it would be p couple of minor repairs made, which he believed, would place it in pra condition. The matter was discussed by members of the council and it - Stevenson, seconded by Sutton and carried that bid of Acme Equipment C patching roller as specified in its bid, be accepted at the price of$ (ir luding state sales tax) f.o.b. Seattle. Clerk stated than an urgency appropriation would have to be authoriz to purchase the patching roller, as the equipment appropriation for 19 overdrawn in the amount of $151,22, This matter was discussed, and it Thompson, seconded by Stevenson and carried that an emergency appropri $10500.00 be authorized for equipment in the Street Fund, All members oil voted in favor of the motion, and it was declared carried, and Att instructed to draw proper ordinance authorizing the emergency to be su the meeting of the council September G. 1947. Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 491 was submitted and read. It was Stevenson, seconded by Hall and carried that ordinance be passed as re declared carried, and ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 538. ching roller, offered by t and that inted. and a tically new as moved by mp any for ,313.25 d in order 7 is now was moved by tion of f the coup-- rney was mitted at d by Motion Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee and Engineer Breitenstein reported on investigations made relative to alignment of.Frederick Ste et north of Bay street. Conditions as reported were discussed, and it was decided that the entire membership of the council would go over the ground prior to the next meeting of the council, and that definite action would follow this investigation, Matter of parking space for busses on Bay Street in front of the new d pot came up for discussion, and it was moved by Thompson, aeoonded by Stevenson an .carried that meters be removed temporarily to provide for bus stops at new depot, Proposed census for Port Orchard was discussed, having been ouhtinadd from August 25th, 1947 meeting, and after a discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried that census be taken as suggested by the State Census Board. Acting Mayor Winebrenner brought up the matter of the election of a Mayor to fill the unexpired term of F. J. Woell, resigned. An informal discussion was held by members of the council, and the matter vwas passed for further action. A leave of absence for three weeks was granted to Acting Mayor-CounciLnan Wine- brenner. Meetin,; adjourned on motion by Stevenson, seconded by Hill and Carrie Clerk May or - - -- - - - 0- - - - - - - - - - -�- Port Orchard, Washington September S. 1947 Regular session of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk in absence of Mayor and Acting Mayor. Present Councilmen I,42arion Suttor and R. B. Hall; City Attorney Bohn M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens an4 Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. There being no qa orum present, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Hall that meeting be continue to September 9, 1947 at 7 o'clock p.m. Motion declared ca ried. Clerk Port Orchard, Washington September 9, 1947 Cohtiraued meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Guy L.` 'detzel, Clerk, in the absence of the Mayor and Acting IVLayor. Present Councilmen ldaI rion Sutton, R. B. Hall, V"1. S. Stevenson and .;. 11. Thompson; City Attorney John. 1%1. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer T, C. Breitenstein; Absent Councilman 17usty C. Winebrenner. Clerk called for nominations for Acting ?;Tayor. Councilman Stevenson nominated. Coun- cilman Thompson as Acting Mayor; nomination was seconded by Councilman Hall, and on being put to vo- Ce, Councilman Thompson was named Acting ?,Iay or. Acting Mayor assumed charge of the meeting and called for reading of minutes of previous meetings. TMU utes of meeting of August 25, 1947 read, and name of Curley Creek Garden Club was entered in place of Curley Creek Grange with reference to offer of aid in landscaping city hall grounds. Approved as amended. Minutes of continued meeting of August 29, 1947 approved; and -tinutes of regylar meeting of September B, 1947 were approved. It -was reported that so far no'conference had been held between the Filre & Light committee and a lighting engineer for t#e Puget Sound Poorer & Light Company with reference to street lights on Gig Harbor highway south of Bay Street, and this was continued. Superintendent Givens reported-bnr.replies received from State Health Engineer concern- ing water analysis, and this was referred to the 'dilater and Sewer committee and the Superintendent for action, on motion bu Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried. Engineer Breitenstein reported that contractors had been looking over alignment for new sidewalk on Bay street fronting the Caldwell and Aaerican Legion and Standard Oil properties, and it is expeeted that work will be done soon. Councilman Sutton agreed to contact Standard Oil Company representatives relative to appointment with safety engineers to consider local inatallatibns by the Company„ Frederick Street alignment was discussed by members of the council and the engineer, and it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk notify the Puget Sound Power & Light Company to move pole on Frederick Street, north of Bay Street, tb a point as far north on Frederick Street near the center of the atr45set as practical, and as agreed on by the Superintendent. Clerk reported that Urs. John Lofstedt had been named census enumerator for the east part of town; Harold Baker for central district, and Marlin Mangels for west district, and that the enumerators had started working, listing inhabitants. He also reported that he had informed the enumerators that they would be paid Sc per name for each inhabitant listed. Letter from County Auditor relative to additional voting precincts in Port Orchard was read. Cl,_-rk was directed to answer the letter, stating that census is being taken, and that following completion that conference would be :attempted with Auditor to settle number of precincts required in P,,rt Orchard, Selection of conference table for new council room was deferred to later date. Engineer submitted application for building permit by F. F. Brockhoff, as existing co`d itions do not agree in al 1 reppects to the building code. Following a discussion it was moved, by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried to grant permit. Ordirim ce providing for emergency appropriation ror equipment for the Street Depart- ment, submitted and adopted at theregular montirmed session of August 29, 1947, was submitted to the council. 7It was reularly moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried unanimously that ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 539. Ingi..ry having been made concerning, sale of buildings at the Central Playfield, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that Clerk be directed to call for bids for old barracks buildings located at the Central Playfield in "as -is" con- dition, bids to be opened September 22, 1947. i Ordinance repealing ordinance No. 494 read to council and discussed by members. It was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Hall and carried that ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance adopted bs.-Ordinance No. 540. Superintendent asked that 1933 V-g Ford dump truck be offered for sale, as the Street Department no longer needs it. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried, that Clerk advertise the V-B dum) truck for sale in "as -is" xondition. n.Following bills, previously checked by the heads of departments and also by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing committee, were read, and on motion by Hall, seconded by Sutton and carried, were ordered paid: Chas. Lichens Lorraine "-1elder Art.-,ur A. W_llisms Puget Sound Power Light Co, it it n it C. A. -anks Slocum ilardww e Blanchard's Department Store Blanchard's Department Store . F. Bruhahn Puget Sound Power L Light Co. i owes Hardware Howe I,totor Co. Howe s Hardware V. B. Caldwell H. D. Fowler Co. I,Iarckmann Williams Howard. Cooper Corp. A, Van 11Iee S. V. 1,Ic',lul l en J. l-i.lpatrick s. K. Ac sullen John N. Vaughn �lilbur 7. Ochs W. F. Bruhahn George F. Givens '4ilkins Distributing Co. Hoti-ie !Alotor Co. Bremerton Oil Delivery Siler Auto farts J. R. Brickerhoff V. B. Caldwell Slocum Hardware Iloward Cooper Oorp, Acme Equipment Co. 1.7arille7 Auto parts 1,7, l . Bruhahn, �! u RRZL T ?+ ,_G? EIA Sl`E.'-i FU 14D 11owinf grass dt Central Playfiel _'ostage for Police Department Car mileage, patrolling Street lights, August, 1947 I.1aiat ain traffic lights Insurance premiurz, i,Iunicipal Bld Yellow pa- nt for Fire Dept. Material for elections WATER FUND Rubber ; oots Lab or Power and light, 2 plants Nails and files Repair grill on pick-up Lawn grass, hose, etc. I, erchandise Valves, couplings, etc. Freight Reducer connections STR�'� 1' 'iU11D Truck hitches Tie-imhurse eap eases to Sea �'cle Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Re-Laburse trip to Seattle 500 gals gasoline (contract) 5 qts motor oil 34.28 Bbls Road oil Replace oil pipe and weather 1 7;auling oil 10-'I nails Valve and hose couplings Grease' tube Patching; roller Clutch rebuild SLCMR. r JITD Resettin7manhole covers 5.40 3.00 7.50 135.37 1.82 146.37 1.87 .52 8,76 32: 40 141.99 1.28 13.13 6,80 4.10 66.73 1.03 3.13 12.73 7, 43 105,30 32.40 105430 1602 16.20 4.36 79.50 1.98 144.33 1.86 10.00 1.03 3.66 2.83 1313. 25 109.18 10.80 I,ieeting adjourned and continued to 5 o'clock p. ra, September 11, 1947 at site of new 71unicipal L)),ilding, on motion by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried. -C le rk _ 1;Zay or -- - ---0-- -- -- -- Port Orchard, Washington September 11, 1947 Continued meeting of the council of Port Orcha-d, `Washington convened at location of Port Orchard _�,Iunicipal Building at Kitsap <_nd Cline streets,. i:eeting called to order CD by Acting ,:ayor ':•.i. H. Thompson, Present Councilmen 11arion Sutton, W. S. Stevenson, Rip' B. Hall; City Attorney John i+`I. Boyle; Edward J. Barr of the firm of Thomas, Grainger & Thomas, architects; R. B. Ryan, general contractor on the building, and A. h. Fiiedag, a sub -contractor. City official s, architect and contractors made an inspection of the building, consid- ered many problems arising, and councilmen had conferences with contractor. Following the inspection and the conferences, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried, that R. B. Ryan, contractor, be granted an extension of time to October 1, 1947, to complete: the building and turn the sane over to theowners; other- wise penalty as provided in the contract is to be effective from and dter October 13 1947, to date of completion and acceptance by council. :eetin.g adjourned on motion by Hall, Clerk seconded by Stevenson and carried. - - - - 0 - - - - - Port Orchard, September 22, ',egula.L- meeting, of council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order b- Acting -'ayor r i M. H. Thompson. Present Councilmen 1-7. S. Stevenson, R. B. Hall, and Marian Sutton; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public 't`lorks George F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Absent Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. i 1,1inutes of meeting of September 9, 1947 and continued meeting of September ll, 1947 read and approve-d as read. W Clerk again submitted the Preliminary iJudget for 1948, and after a discussion, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Stevenson and carried that preliminary budget as submitted, be accepted, and notice of hearing be )ublished according to law. Clerk reported that two bids had been received for the sale of the 1933 Ford V-8 dump truck, and upon opening of bids it was revealed that L. L. Perry offered 41'205.00 for truck; bid accompanied by check for '11.00. Bid of Cecil Bader offered $220.00 for truck, and his bid was accompanied by check for �11.00. .Bids were discussed and it was moved by Hall., seconded by Stevenson and carried that bids be rejected, and that de- posits be returned to bidders. , Matter of curbs and gutters on Prospect Street in front of new Municipal Building was discussed, and the engineer stated t3,.at gutter vo uld all be on solid ground and would not be over any new fill. Following the discussion, it was «owed by Stevenson, seconded by Hall and carried that curb and gutter be constructed on Prospect street fronting the city hall property, under plans and specifications to be prepared by City Engineer. Clerk wa-s directed to call for bids .00r the work, bids to be opened and acted upon by the Street and Alley committee, in conjunction with the Engineer and the Superintendent of ?ublic ,'forks. Mrs. Glenn Green and 1VIrs. Samuel Taylor appeared before the council relative to meet- ing place for Girl Scout Troops. The matter was referred -to the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Buildin committee for conferences with interested Girl Scout executives. Acting i;iayor Thompson brought up the matter of auxiliary electric hot water .tank at new Municipal Building, statin,-; that tank could be installed completely in operating order for �1193.90. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Stevenson and carried. that electric hot water tank be installed under written agreementand guarantee for 0195.000 Clerk stated thet census, taken aj; redxest of Census Board, had been campleted, and that returns showed a population of 11,329 people inside the corporate limits of Port Orchard. Following -claims against the Town, approved by heads of departments, and checked by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing committee, were presented, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried, were ordered paid: CURREFT EAP MT SE FUND W. F. Bruhahn John N. Vaughn H. J. Kilpatrick S. K. McMullen Lorraine Helder Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. gar lien I,iangels Rex aines, Sheriff Labor grading city hall lots Labor grading city hall lots Labor grading city hall lots Shovelling excess dirt et city hall P.O.Box rent and postage --Police Publishing Ordinances No. 539-540 Var ous light charges (6 vouchers) Census enumerator Board of prisoners (August, 1947) 'VIA TER FUI D Rockwell Manufacturing Co, Puget Sound Power L Light Co. W, F. Bruhahn 2" water meter power and light at main plant Labor installing water tap STREET FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. H. J. Kilpatrick John N. Vox ghn S. K. McMullen W. F. Bruhahn J. R. Brickerhoff B. R.odal Allen Hubbell Puget Sound News Co. Light at sti-eet sheds (2 months) Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Lab or on. city streets Grader and loader operator :"rader and loader operator Haa ling gravel LIBRARY FU11D Books for Library 8.78 8.78 8:78 8.78 3:00 8.36 129,90 13,70 19.00 104.44 233.62 22.95 2.00 114.08 114.08 48.00 71.55 27.05 ^eeting contLnued to September 29, 1947 on motion by Hall, seconded by Sutton and carried. Ulerk 0__ MW or Port Orchard, '�lashington September 29, 1947 ';ontinue d meeting o_:' council called to order by Councilmen Dusty C, `linebrenner, Ir"arion Sutton, g.incer T, C, Breitenstein. Acting M ayo:.:° I;I. H. ThoS son, Present Ida -. hal 1 and ti'l. S. evenson; En - Mayor broug�ht up the matter of conference table for the council room, Land also the counters for the various offices. These matters were discussed, and it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Hall and carried that matters be referred to Health, Sah itation, Parks and 3uildinC eornxnittee with po-wer to act. Inspector :3reitenstein stated that - roger test had not been put on plum ing in the new 1.1unicipal Building, and the inspe­for and A. Ii. Friedag engaged in an argument concerning the plumbing. Inspector stated that he could not approve the plumbing until proper tests are made:. It was stated that it ras believed that tests could be made during; the current week. ' Clerk reported that no bids had been received for constructing curbs an gutters on Prospect street. The matter .as discussed, and it was moved by Sutton, seconded by '.linebrenner and carried that the construction of eurba,PLnd gutters be referred to Street and Alley committee and to Superintendent of Public ',forks with power to act. Acting ;:iayor brought up the matter of clecting Iiayor to fill the unexpired term of F. J. :loell, resigned, and this was discussed by members of the council Councilmani 13inebrenner nominated T. i.. Hubbard for Nayor, and t°le nomination was seconded by Councilman Stevenson. It was moved by Councilman Sutton, seconded by Councilman Hall that nominations be closed. Ivioti,:;n carried. Homination of T. R. Hubbard for '.:fir or was presented for vote, and Councilmen ?Vinebrenner, Hall and Stevenson Yoted to elect H T. R. ubard as �a. ayor, Concilnan Sutton not voting. T, 19. Hubbard de lared elected as i,iayor. Securing of janitor for the; new I}Iunicipal Building and of man to sweep avement were discussed by the council, and it was aL,;t?eed that these jobs should be c l:ibin.ed. Listt, of applicants _:'or position were presented, and read to the council. is ter of salary for the position was discussed, and it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that salary be fixed at ">175.00 per month for the first sill months of satis- fadtory service; >185,00 per month for the second ' onths of satisfactory service and %200.00 per month at the end of the first year of satisfactory service. P,Iatter of nmidn�Z man for the position and arranging for his duties was referred to the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Euildin co,.nmittee with power to act. The m- tter of installin heat in pumping station was discussed, and Frie ag Plivabing Co. offered to install radlt:ators, furnish 1-inch copper tubing and all connections, and do all plumbing and connections in connection with the job, properly insulate pipes, and put system in operatin order for 5'197.00. City to furnish3/4-inch copper tubing and consuit, and dooall ditchinL; and back -filling. It was :moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that heating systeia to pump ji,ouse be nstaT_ led under conditions as outlined. Iteeting�tinued to {:ctober 6, 1947, on motion By Hall, seconded by Suton and carried. Clerk M4 - - _. - - - - -- - - 0 _- - -- - - - - - - Port Orchard, ';Fashington October 6, 1947 Council. of Fort Orchard, ilashin�;ton riet in continued session, under provisions of State Law for consideration of budget, and for the .-ransaction of other business, called to order by Acting I:"ayor a. H. '21-.oripson. Present Councilmen Dusty C, 1 nebrenner, R. B. Hall, J. S. Stevenson and Y,arion Sutton City Attorney John M. Boyle and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Bud -et for 1948 was taLen up and considered. Clerk made statement relative to discrep- ancies in valuations, shown in the Freli=riinary 3udget and the certifica e of the County Assessor, statil E that the actual valuation of the Torn is less than was indi- cated in early repor-'U from County assessor. Budget was considered and Iayor called on myone present to speak on the budget if he so desired, but no person hal anything to offer in connection with the budget. It was moved by ..'inebrenner, seco ded by Steven- son and carried that budget be adopted, and taut ordinance be passed ad ptin- budget and fixing tax levies accoi°::,ins- to its provisions. Acting I;:ayor Thompson submitted tha declination of T. R. Hubbard as ,NI considered, and on motion by Stevenson, seconded I)-y ;fall and carried, was accepted. r. This was clination Councilmah inebrenner made a statement regarding the office of `ayor a d nominated Councilman Ii. Thompson to fill t=e unexpired term of J. `Toell, re igned. T'om- :ination was seconded by Council_,.aan :-utton. Clerk placed the nomination before the Council, and called for vote, aid it was carried unani :wously, and 11. H. Thompson 'aas declared elected I,iayor to .'ill t e unexpired ter-_` of " . J. ':'bell, resig ed. The election of :. I.L. Thompson leav in ; a vaca.-,cy on the council, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner that 164illiatn. Sprague be elected councilman to fill the vacancy caused by the elevation of Councilman Thompson to the position of Mayor. The motion was carried unanimously and Vlillistm Sprague was declared elected as Councilman. Letter from. Bremerton Chamber of Commerce relative to Navy Day observance was read to Council. The letter requested that the Town participate in Davy Dap observance in connection with local schools and other organizations and individuals. Matter was con- sidered, and Mayor appointed Councilman Marion Sutton to represent the Town of Port Orchard in the observance, and to co-operate with groups and individuals in the observance. Letter from Odd Fellows Lodge relative to license gee charged Skating, Rink operabor, read to Council, and Clerk was directed �o answer theletter, explaining the ordinance ur.d.er which the fee is charged, on motion by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried. At this point Councilman. -elect "I'lilliam Sprague entered the meeting. Clerk administered the oath of office to Councilman Sprague, and he took his seat at the council table. Acceptance of the new T}Iunicipal Building caine up for discussion, and R. L'. Ryan, con- tractor for the 'i ilding, offered the building to the council for acceptance, and Lhe -ayor called u%)on T. C. Breitenstein, inspector, for his recommendation, whereupon the inspector stated that the workmanship on the building had been satisfactorily com- pleted with the exception of the plumbing, in that in the installation of the plumb- ing the Building Code of Port Orchard had been violated because no water test, or other proper test had been made of theplumbing in the presence of the inspector, and the inspector had not been notified of any test beinj, made --all in violation of the plumbing code. The Tilayor then asked the members present whether or not there were my other matters atanding in the way of final acceptance of the building, and Clyde Grainger of the firm. of Thomas, Grainger & Thomas, architects on the building, called attention to extras bhat went into the construction of the building, at the request of the Town of Port Orchard, and that the contractor, R. E. Ryan, and the inspector, T. C. Breitenstein, were not in agreement as to the proper charge for such extras in that the particular matter of difference consisted in a difference of concrete yardage as figured by the contractor and as figured by the inspector. It was suggested that the contractor, the inspector and the architect get together and check and compare their computations of concrete yardage, and settle the difference if possible; and if not possible, then an arbitrator be chosen by the contractor, the architect and the Mayor, and the costs of arbitration would be equally bourne by the Town of Port Orchard and the contractor. he matter was fully discussed and the contractor and the architect, the Mayor and the Counell all agreed to be bound by a motion, if carried, relative to acceptance of the building; whereupon it was moved by Councilman Ball, seconded by Councilman Stevenson and carried, that the he*:tM*r4cipa1 Building be accepted from the contractor by the Town of Port Orchard, in all particulars except two: First: Satisfactory water tests and proofs were to be made immediately to the Inspec- tors T. C. Breitenstein. Zecond: The amount of extra work and compensation to the contractor was to be held open for future settlement. And to arrive at future settlement, the contractor, the in:p eator and the architect would meet, convenient to them., and check over each other's figures in reference to the concrete yardage, and, if it is impossible in that manner to come to an agreement as to the amount of extra yunr e4sation for extra work, then an arbitrator would be selected by the contractor, the architect and the Mayor, and that the decision of the arbitrates would be binding upon the contractor and the Town. of Port Orchard, and the costs of arbitration would be bourne equally by the contract -- or and the Town of Port Orchard, and that with the exception of these two matters to be determined later, the new Municipal Building is presently accepted by the Town of Port Orchard as completed, and time an extension of time for the completion of the contract, retroactive and up to this date be granted to R. B. Ryan, contras tor. T#e motion was unanimously passed by the Town Council, and it was again stated in open council by the contractor and the architect that the Council's method of handling the situation is entirely agreeable and binding uphn all parties. ;Tatter of further payment to the contractor was discussed, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Stevenson and carried., that payment for the amount due on the contract for the building andplastering, exclusive of extras, be made to R. B. Ryan upon certificate from the architect. Matter of street cleaning and janitor's equipment and supplies was discussed, but no action was taken. 1:1eeting adjourned on motion by Hall, seconded by Stevenson and carried. Clerk 0 vo yor 1. Port Orchard, Washington October 14, 1947 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in reg ular session by Clerk 'uy L. `iet- zel in the absence of T.,Iayor T-4. H. Thompson. Clerk called for nominations for Acting Mayor, and Councilman 'd. S. Stevenson was nominated by Councilman Sutton Nomina- tion seron(7_ed by.Cn-ncilman Hall. ;:'oved by Sutton, seconded by Sprague that nomina- tions close. Motion carried. Nomination of Councilman Stevenson as Acting M.Tayor was then placed before the council, and the vote to name .W. S. Stevenson as Acting 1-layor was unanimous. Council called to order by Acting Mayor Stevenson. Present Councilmen TAM rion Sutton, Ray B. Hall and dilliam 11. S'prague; City Attorney John T:i. Boyle; Superintendent of Public `.+`ork:s aeorge F. Givens, and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, Absent Mayor 114. H. Thompson and Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of regular meeting of September 22, 1947 and adjourned meetings of September 29 and October 6, 1947, read, amended and approved as amended. Matter of sale of barracks buildings at Central Playfield and it-6 Ford d p truck was taken up, and on motion by Sprague, seconded by Sutton and carried, Clerk was directed to advertise old barracks buildings for sale, bids to be opened October 27, 1947, and successful bidder to remove buildings and clean up debris within thirty days from date of purchase. It was moved by Hall, seconded by Sprague and carried t'.at Clerk be dire�947. ted to call for bids for sale of V-8 Ford dump truck, bids to be opened October 27, Matter of curbs and utters in front of new TIunicipal building was again taken up, and Superintendent and Engineer conferred with reference to havinc; ,he work clone by force account, as no bids were received for the work. It was stated that t#Lis matter, which had been referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent, with power to act, would be taken care of at once. Reg,,ilation and management of heating plant in Municipal Building was turned over to Superintendent. Clerk reported that prior to the departure of Tilayor Thompson, that the M or had stated that all appointments would remain in force for•_the:._preabnt, and that commit- tee assignments formerly held by 1.% H. Thompson on the council committees would be transferred to Councilman Sprague. Thus Mr. Sprague becomes chairman of the "Eater and Sewer committee, chairman of the {'inance and Planning committee, and a member of the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Du lding committee; all other coriunittee assignments to remain in force. Lighting problems Were discussed, and some of these were referred to the ��'ire and Light committee for investigation and report. In the matter of better lighting on Pros- pect street, it .vas moved by Sutton, seconded by Sprague and carried that light on Kitsap street between Cline and Prospect streets be moved to a point near, the alley on Prospect street, north of Kitsap street, and that a 4,000 lumen light be installed. Elmer Shoemaker and others residing and owning property on Sroufe street west of Tacoma street, were present with relation to larger water main on Sroufe street which would provide greater volume of water and also provide for fire hydrant service in their district. This was discussed by members of the council, together with the Engineer and Superintendent, and it was referred to the Water -,.nd Sewer committee and the Superintendent for investigation and report. Request for telephone in the Library was referred to the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee with power to act. It was moved by Ball, seconded by Sprague and carried that Clerk be dire for bids for sale of the old Town Hall in its existing condition, bids t October 27, 1947, and building to be removed by successful bidder within from date of purchase. Clyde Grainger of the firm of Thomas, Grainger & `ihomas, architects, was stated that agreement had been reached by the architects, the building i contractor with reference to overages in concrete in the .iunieipal Build mitted change orders to cover the extras. The change orders were explai. council, and following the Examination and co�.sideration by the council was moved by Sutton, seconded by Sprague and carried, that payments unde including the change orders, as certified by th- architect, be made, wit'. 151/6 as provided in tho contract. ted to call be opened fifteen days present and spector and ng, and sub-- ed to the .embers, it the contract, holding the The following claiws, previously checked by heads od aepa^tments, and pro�erly checked "hairi:Lan utton of the Auditinu , orminittee, were presented to the council and on motion by Sutton, seconded by hall and cari-ied, were ordered paid: LI.BRA'tY 1'UWD Trick & Murray Desk set ; 5.15 The lil. R. Huntting Co, books for Library 56.42 Puget Sound News Co, )'ooks for Library 10.62 R. B. Ryan Shelving in Library 421.16 '-i r CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Miller Meters F. L. Folwell Arthur A. Vlilliams, Rex Haines, Sheriff Port Orchard Independent Trick & Murray Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Nilkins Distributing Co. Hodge & Davis Rennselaer Valv3 Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Peninsula Stationers Mrs. John C. Lofstedt Thompsonts Siements 11achine Shop Harold Baker Port Orchard Independent E. A. Breitenstein Rice Electric R. B. Ryan John Vazghn H. J. Kilpatrick Parking meter parts and repairs Patrolling; streets in private car Patrollinn, streets in private car Board of prisoners, September, 1947 Publishing budget hearing 4 desk sets Street Lights, September, 1947 Deisel oil,, city hall Battery for fire truck Fire hydrant and, fittings Various telephones and tolls Pencils and Adding 1,1achine tape Census Enumerator 2 files, guides and dater, Clerk Weld handle on valve wrench Census enumerator Printing and advertising• Assistir4g Engineer ['airing and material = Vault shelving and partition. Labor on city hall, moving, etc. Labor on city hall, moving, :t c. WATER �r+'UI1D W. F. Bruhahn Rockwell Manufacturing Co. Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 'Wilkins Distributing Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Howe Motor Co. Howe t s Hardware Marchmann & 1Villiams Rice Electric Labor on treater system. Parts for 1N-inch water meter PMk hsc. dle s Power and light at pump plants 10# grease Plant and Suptts telephones and tolls Re -wire switch on Ford pickup Bolts and brushes Tapping machine rental and oc uplings Labor and materials at water plant STREET FUND John rd . V au ghn H. J. Kilpatrick Howard Cooper Corp. Bremerton Oil Delivery Olympic Iron & Machine '`'corks Semen t s Machine Shop Minnesota MininE & 11fg Co. Port Orchard Independent Rice Electric S. V. Mcllullen Woodworth & Co. Labor on streets Labor on streets Grader blades and bolts 58-plus bbls Road Oil Sharpen picks Trailer hook and street grate Traffic compound Call for bads for dump truck Light globes Re-imburse for ferry fare Plant Mix TOWN HALL --STATE DEVELOPMENT FUND and TO11N HALL COI STRUCTION RTAID R. B. Rym Balance on contract (including extras allowed) less 15% withheld State Dev. Fund $3,960.58 Town Hall Const. Fund 3,720.28 Ijs 23.50 6.90 12.50 6.00 54,40 20,81 157.54 53,00 20.55 128.70 18.00 3.04 9.40 18.59 .77 93.25 20.46 16,60 24,46 112,00 81.40 91.80 48,60 10.82 4.64 294,57 1.85 14.55 1.96 1.52 53,34 28.03 86.40 75.60 19,07 245.14 .77 28.68 19,75 3.02 1.73 3.46 192.61 7, 680.86 Council adjourned on motion. by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried to next regular Clerk -, Mw or Port Orchard, Washington October 279 1947 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Acting Mayor W. S. S*evenson., with Councilmen Dusty C. Winebrenner, Marion Sutton and R. Be Hall; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, and. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. Absent Mayor M. H. Thompson and Councilman W. H. Sprague. Minutes (f meeting of October 14, 1947 read and approved. Clerk reported that six bids had been received for purchase of 1933 V+-8 dump truck; one for old barracks building at Central Play Field, and one for cold town hall building. Mayor directed that bids be opened, which was done with the follovd.ng results. , Bid of John W. Harris offered for truck $301.00 Vie _ nt ' Bid of Max. Ziegler offered for truck $300 Bid of L. C. Molzahn offered for truck 153 Bid of Cecil Bader offered for truck 535 Bid of Sam Stnenelli offered for truck 200 Bid of A. K. Schmidt offered for truck All bids accompanied by sufficient deposits as req$ired. Bids ed by Council, and it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried Cecil Bader be accepted for truck as advertised, and that Clerk be M th return deposits of other bidders. 00 ,00 100 .00 were consider - that bid of prized to For the Barrcks BuildkAg tt the Central Pal yfield, L. C. Molzahn bid $103.0 0, the bid accompanied by a check for 5% of the bid. On motion by Winebrenner, second- ed by Sutton and carried bid of L. C. Molzahn for Barri"ks Building at Central Play - field was accepted. H. B. Farwell made an offer of $65.00 for old town hall, and this bid w s accepted oil motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried. Acting Mayor Stevenson, as chairman of the Street and lley committee reported that a deal had been made with R. B. Ryan for constructing curbs and gutters on Prospect Street in front of Municipal Building property, and that work had been completed at. a° price of $1.50 per lineal foot. Matter of telephone in Library was again discussed, and the matter was referred tb Acting Mayor and Building committee with power to arrange for instal ation of telephone in Library.' Matter of proper heating in pump house referred to t#e Health, Sanitation.. Parks and Building committee with power *b act, on motion by Hall, seconded by Su ton and carried. , Superintendent Givens made a report on his findings with reference to a Sroufe Street water extension. This was referred to the Water and Sever cozm i tee for investigation, conference with interested property owners, and report at the next meeting of the coundil. Councilman Winebrenner reported that ha, had visited the W. A. A. in Seattle, in com- pang with John Strangeways, of the t 'orchaard Housing Authority, in q est 'of sur- plus desks, but at the present time there is little possibility of acquiring desks. he stated that the quest has not been abandoned and that further effort will be mane to secure desks if and when they become available. Councilman lnebvenner also reported on the matter of acquiring a fire ruck for the city from the FVA. This was discusse4 and it teas agreed that Acting Ma or Stevenson and Councilmen 'Jinebravmerand Hall would & tend a meeting of the Hoysirj Authority at the Chamber of Coss rm on October 28, 1947, at which time the made r of the fire truck and also the possibility of securing desired buildings from the Housing Project s would be considered. Utter from the Secretary of committee on pollution control, aaa nouncing that meeting Will be held at Union Hall in Bremerton at 8 o'clock on October 28, 194 , and re-. - gtesting attendanoe of the Mayor or representatives from the council, w read. Coun- cTlmen M. P. Sutton and William H. Sprague were designated to attend th Ts meting and represent Port Orchw d. Letters from County Auditor with reference to town elections was read. The letters were ordered filed, anal. matter of arranging and conducting the coming cipal election was referred to the Ilerk and the Attorney for proper action. Petition signed by tem property owners, asking that trail for pedestria be con- structed on Seattle street from Bay street to Kitsap street was read an referred to Superintendent of Public Works for investigation and report. On motion by Hall, seconded by Sutton and carried, Clerk was authorized to pair grater and sewer bills for the city hall and street sheds as the same become du . Acting ..a Tor reported that fire hydrant near the corner of Bay and Taboude ick streets is so situated that large outlet on hydrant extends over eht street six inches and that fenders have been damaged in getting away from the curb,, and as ed if my - thing could be done to alleviate this condition. A discussion followed ; d referred to Superintendent for investigation and report. Victor O#ma'n asked that he be granted temporary right-of-way over proper y in Block 2, Sweanyts Addition to Sidney, owned by the city, to remove al der and fir wood on the property lying below the city property. The matter was discuasased, and o motion by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried.. Mr. Ohman was granted permission f r temporary right-of-way to remove timber; road to be closed when timber is f Premoved, and Superin.- tendent oublic Works to have supervision over the entire matter. Chief of Police Chas. A. Heath asked that outside telephone be installed at some point on Bey street for use by patrolmen for communication between the businesg district and Police Headquarters. Moved by Winebrenner, :seconded by Sutton and carried., that Chief of Police secure location for telephone and that matter be taken i= with repre- sentatives of Telephone Company rel&i.ve to installation. , Superintendent Givens brought up the matter of constructing temproraary blacktop en- trance to the city hall on Prospect street, and this was discussed, it being the opinion of the councilmen as expressed, that black -stop the full wldthtof the entrance f be constructed. It was mlved by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried that Superintendent be authorized to install black -top the full width of the entrance perch of the building. Councilman 4inebrenner brought up the matter of the formal opening of the new city halls, and after a discussion the date of November 22, 1947 was deAMV964m as,a tentative date for the opening. The proposition of securing buildings suitable for public purposes to be installed (� on some site within the city was discussed informally but no action taken. Councilman Winebrenner brought up the matter of extraa, heating stoves owned by the city, and this was referred to .the Health, Sanitation IL parks and Building con nit- tae for investigation and report Councilman Sutton expressed his appreciation. to Couneilm,m Sprague for his courtesy in representing Port Orchard at Wavy Dam exercises in. Bremerton, to which Mr. Sutton had been delegated but which he was unable to attend, The Mayor e0o o xpressead the appreciation of the cot -nail to Councils Winebrenner for his trip to Seattle, and his efforts to secure desired surplus property. The following clam.mm, which had been approved by heads of departments and audited by Councilman Sutton of the Auditing connittee, were presented, and on motion by Hall, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Various telephones and tolls 28.27 John N. VauWm Labor at city hall 45.90 H. J. Xilpatrick Labor at city half. 40,50 John Harris Labor cleaning Bay street 9.16 Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Re-imnurse various expenses 13,32 Donald C. Corey Closing salary patrolman 12,24 Port Orchard Independent Various calls for bids 17,26 United Janitor Supply Co, Janitor's supplier r 52.75 Parks Jewelry Clean and adjust oil stove 3,09 Friedag Plumbing Co, install hot water heater 198,79 Port Mrchard Independent Publish ordinance No. 541 5.02 WATER FUND Howard Cooper Corp. 'Reducer eonneetions Pacific Telephone & Telegraph. Co. Telephone and tolls Crawford Motors Seals and springs STREET FUND Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Re-Imburse ferry tolls Siemen's Machine Shop Weld roller brake John Vaughn Labor on streets H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets S. V. McMullen Re-imburse ferry tolls M :i; : awe Puget Sound News Co. Books for L brary Mary B. Peterson Supplies anh postage SEWER FUND P . E. McDonald Labor ins tail ling sewer lateral TOWN H L L CONM RUCTION FUND 3,15 12.90 1,55 11,46 1.55 56,110 56770 10.26 Son 3697 14.00 Thomas, Grainger & Thomas Architect's fees, new city hall 2,200,00 Council allourned on motion by Sutton.,, seconded. by Hall and carried, . Clerk MeV or r r r r r r r r r r r r 0 Port Orchard, Washington October 31, 1947 Adjourned meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to o Acting Mayor W. S. Stevenson. Present Councilmen William H. Sprague, Du brenner and Ray B. Hall; Superintendent of Public Wokks George F. Givens Totten, Chief of the Fire Department,, Absent Councilman. Marion Sutton an Thompson. Discussion of purchase of Mercury Fire Truck (now in possession of Port ing Authority (Motor No. 99 T-483893, FWA Project No. 45255 F. from the Works Agency was presented for discussion, and it was stated by Clerk tb as fixed on the eqz ipmen.t and appurtenances, fully equipped for duty, is this information having been furnished by John Strangeways, Executive Se the•POHA in a telephone conversation, Councilman Winebrenner stated that ceived the same information. F'ol owi �iei n as moved by seconded by Hall and carried una , er to tend $2, 521.10 ( one-half of the fixed valuati;l of the egipment ) to the Feder Agency, the eT ipment to be fully equipped and in first-rate operating c Moved bar " agao, see ded by Hall and carried that meeting adjourn, Clerk Port Orchard, Washington November 10, 1947 ,der by Sty C. Wine. and Alan L Mayor M. H. rehard Hous- ederal t valuation $5042. 20--- retary of he had re- inebrenner, r a bid of 1 Works ndition, W or Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor M. $. Thompson. Councilmen present: Marion Sutton, W, S. Stevenson, William H. . Sprague, Dusty C. Winebrenner and. Ray B. Hall; also present City Attorney John M. Boyle, Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Mites of regular 3keeting of October 27, 1947 and adjourned meeting of October 31, 1947s read and approved. Matter of telephone in library was discussed, and was referred to , the Health, Sm s- tation, Parks and Building co Mnittee for further investigation and report,. Council- man Sutton agreeing to contact representatives of theTelephone Company i connection with the matter, a report to be made at the nei meeting of the council, Superintendent Givens made report on his investigation relative to he ing faelli- tiqg in the pumping plant in connection with the centralplant in the M cipal Building. This was referred to the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee, the engineer and the superintendent, a report and recommendations to be forthcoming at the next meeting. Don,Miles and Elmer Shoemaker, property owners and residents on Sroufe 6treat west of Tacoma Street, were again present in connection with proposed extonsi n ofwater mai4. A discussion of possibilities and means of installing more adequate mains, fingnoing, etc., was held, the property owners conferred with the engineer and the superintendent, and the matter was referred to the ;Hater and Sewer comma tee, the Superintendent and the Engineer to confer with property owners relative to the advis- ability of establishing a Local Improvement District to make the improve ent; a report 66 bemade of estimated costs and expenses at the neA meeting of council. Councilmen Sutton and Sir ague reported that they had attended ameeting in Bremerton anent pollution of tidewaters by sewage disposal; had 13s tethded to thepr ceedings, but that no suggestion was made that Port Orchard was an offender in pollution problems; that they had been recognized by the Chairman as representing Port Orch d, and had received much information from the meeting. Superintendent Givens reported that he had gobe over the route of the for pedestrians on Seattle street as petitioned for by interested resi lan is feasible, and that he believed that the work could be done Dor 100.00. Following a discussion, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded carried that the report of the Superintendent be accepted; and that as work can be accompl ed that the improvement be made, and that proper verbally notified of the action of the council. The matter of the unfilled portion of Sidney Street under the foundatio City Hall was discussed, and the Superintendent reported that he could fall, loaded in city trucks for 20c per yard; and delivered in contract at 40c per yard, and that approximately 355 yards would be re(Ilired to the street, The Superintendent stated that he believed that it ou,ld pr necessary to hire some trucks from the contractor in order to keep the these to Work in connection with city trucks, It was moved by Sutton, Hall and carried that t#is work be done at the earliest possible times Superintendent handle the trucks in the most economical manner, all con s idere d. Superintendent also reported that he had conferred with Fire Chief Tot fire hydrant at the Sidney -Frederick street corner which projects over posed trail ts; thEt the proximately Hall and on as owners be of the old cure dirt for 's trucks operly fill ab ly be ovel busy, conded by d that the tions con - relative to gutter, and that a different type barrel can be installed which will remedy the present dif- ficulty. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Sutton and carried that present barrel ern this hydrant be replaced by type as suggested by Superintendent. ThEr matter of surplus equipment owned by the city, and which itnis believed should be sold was referred to the Finance and Planning committee to investigate and report. Roland Sampson, residing on Hull Street, asked for additional street lights on Hull Street south of lendall street. This was referred to the Fire and. Light comn.ttee for investigation and report. elm.° Fitch of the Port Orchard Traction Company addressed the council, stated his inten- ana of bettering the service in South Kitsap County, and asked for terminal parkirig spaces on Bay Street near Sidney. This was referred to the License and Revenue comimit- tee for f.'urther investigation and report, Harry Frank, councilman from Forest City, presented a petition containing 88 naves to the, council, asking for the improvement of South street from Hull street to Third street in Forest City, the wort to be accomplished by the comLjined efforts of Kitsap County, Forest City and Fort Orchard. The matter was discussed and referred to the Street and Alley committee, George Wraith reported that the present traffic light at Bay and Sidney streets is in bad condition and recommended that spare mechanical parts be secured for the light of that a new light be installed. This matter was referred to the Street and Alley cd=_ mittee, The question of the space now occupied by bus stops on Bay street to the exclusion of private motorists was brought up, and it itas stated that the present arrangement for bus stops is temporary, and that with the improvement of Sidney street north of Bair street, that this condition would be eliminated. Mayor stated that Messrs. Myhre & Rylander propose to improve their building on the side facing Sidney street, and asked permission to make these improvements. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Sprague and carried that the matter of these improvements be referred to the Street and Alley committee with power to act. a Mayor stated that a street sweeper is available, and that an offer has been made whereby the -same might be secured if it is desired. This was discussed, and was referred to the Health, Say. station, Parks and Building committee to investigate and report. A letter from Curls Creek Garden Club requesting use of the council room for its meet- J ings, was read. A discussion of the granting of use of the council rooms for group meet- ings was had' and it was moved by Spybagaq, seconded by Sutton and carried that the Clerk write to the Curley Creek Garden Club stating -that pending finibhing and faxrhishing of the -council room that no policy has been adopted relative to its lase and av6ilibility, and,that no commitments have so far been made, but that Mien a policy is adopted, the request of the Gurley Creek Garden Club and the other organizations which have asked for use of the council room and other parts of the Municipal Building, will be duly considered. Clerk presented applications for the erection of bill boards on designated property with- in Port Orchard. Mr. Ferguson of the Bremerton Poster Advertising Compaxy was present and explained the policy- of the Company relative to bill boards. Following 4 discussion, It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Stevenson and carried that a pent be tempor- arily granted to the Bremerton Poster Advertising Company for the erection of two bill boards requested, the Company, to confer with the Finance and Planning committee, and secure the committee approvalon constructions this permit to be in force pending the passage of a suitable ordinance governing bill boards, after which the terms of they pro- posed ardiLnance ;shall apply both to futurb construction and to that undertaken under the temporary permit. Clerk brought up the matter of a proposal advanced by the Governor of Washington for the repeal of the War Liquor Tax, and asked that the council go on record as opposing this action, due to the revenue that is now received under the terms of this law. It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Sutton and carried that council go on record as opposed to tie repeal of this law, and that Clerk write letter to the Association of Washington Cities informing that organization of the council's action.. Clerk stated that it is necessary to pass an emergency ordinance for the City Mall Conn struction Fund to provide sufficient money to pap for construction of the Municipal Building, and stated that a total emergency appropriation of $8,136.84 would be reg1ired. The ordinance providing for this emergency- was introduced and passed unanimously on motion by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, the ordinance to be presented for final action at the meeting of November'24; 1347. Councilman Sutton brought out for discussion the advisibility of moving one of the Police offices to the room now occupied by the Fire Chief's office. The 1 was discussed and was referred to the Finance and Planning committee to confer with the Fire Chief, and the Chief of Police, and to fully investigate the proposal and report at the next meeting of the council. The following claims, previously checked by Department heads, and by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing committee were presented, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Wine- brenner and carried, were ordered paid: Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Rex haines, Sheriff Slocum Hardware Kitsap County Bank Puget Sound Express Trick & Murray Chas. A. Heath;: Police Chief ]hack Brown, Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe Is Hardware S. V, McMullen F. L. Folwell Thompson's H. J. Kilpatrick John Vaa.ghn Arthur A. Williams Slocum Hardware PuGET Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware E, N. Hal lgren Co. Port Orchard Lumber Yard Nels Markussen V1. F. Bruhahn H. J Kilpatrick John'Vw ghn Lumber Supply Sheets Automotive Service Friedag Company Howard Cooper Corp. Siler Auto Parts Port Orchard Lumber Yard Wilkins Distributing Co. Howe T s Hardwer e The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co, College Bindery P. E. McDonald CURRENT EXPENSE FUI-M Street Lights, Oct., 1947 Board of City Prisoners supplies Bond premium, Police Dept. Freight charges Typewriter desk and coin wrappers 4 Metal Lockers Special Officer, Hallowelen Deisel oil for city hall Material and supplies, city hall Special Police Officer Patrolling with private car Supplies and equipment for Clerk Labor at new city hall Labor at new city hall Patrolling with private car 2 Fire Axes for Fire Dept. WATER. FIRM Power and light, pump plants Tools and merchandise Cast Iron Toes and Plugs Sewer Tile, etc. Sharpen picks Labor on water system STREET FUND Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Lumber and cement Test magneto 19 ft 4" cast iron pipe Repair Scarfire Lift Plumb Tools 6 sax cement Gasoline and deisel oil Grinding stone, etc. Lt[ BRARY FUND Books for Library Books for Library Repair Books a1• Labor installing sewer laterals 144. 85 9.00 6,28 10,00 1.18 33,92 4.00 6.16 76,53 91,98 12r e 6.30 19,16 67,50 37,80 7,35 10.20 226,15 9.99 14.08 29.26 1.03 32,40 40,50 16,20 21.26 1,55 6.85 151,37 15.97 6,80 97,46 2,69 49.17 14,78 18,85 60,38 Mayor called attention to articles appearing in newspapers relative to ''Port Orchard council sponsoring a town in Italy as a relief measure, stating that tYe matter had never been presented to the council, and that when he had been approached pe sonally that he had given it no encouragement. The matter was referred to the Mayo and Clerk to write letters, which would clarify the situation so far as the torn is concerned. Claim of Roosevelt Hospital for care of bte Alvin Goode was presented to the council having been forwarded by the County Auditor. Mayor stated that he be caved that he could handle the natter, and it was referred to the Mayor to contact interested individuals. I Meeting a rned_=-motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton an car iec3 Clerk May or 7-6�7 Port Orchard, Washington November 24, 1947 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order in reg.:lar session �by May or bl. H. Thompson, with Councilmen Marion Sutton, W, S. Stevenson, William H. Sprague, Dusty C. Winebrenner and Ray B. Hall, present; also present were City Attorney John M. Boyle, Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Engineer T, C. Breitenstein, Minutes of mee tirig of Novambbr 10, 1947 read and approved. i Installation of telephone in Library was discussed, Councilman Sutton deporting on different methods of service, and the matter was laid on thetable without definite action, Proper heating system in the pumping plant was discussed, and report of investigation was made by Councilman Winebrenner and Engineer Breitenstein. Follow a discussion, the matter wa- referred to the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building Vommittee with power to act on motion by Sutton, seconded by Sprague and carried. —1 Engineer Breitenstein reported that he had made preliminary estimate of cost of pro- posed Sroufe Street water main extension; had furnished interested_property owners with data as to costs, etc., and had prepared petitions for circulation to form a L.I.D. but that so far had received no report from promoters on progress. Superintendent Givens reported on Sidney Street fill and replacing of cross walks on Sidney and Orchard Streets. The Engineer also made a report on these matters. Definite action deferred and the matter,referred to the Street and Alley committee, the Mayor, the Engineer, Superintendent. and Attorney for further investigation and report. Chairman Sprague of the Finance and Planning committee reported on certain surplus property owned by the Town, and stated that there were three oil heaters and a concrete mixer which should be declared surplus. The stoves were a Lonergan heater, in excel- lent condition upon which the committee had placed a minimum value of 65.00; aa. Duro- Therm heater with a minimum value of 25.00; and an Army heater upon whic1n a value of 010,00 had been fixed. No value was placed on the Jaeger a ncrate mixer, which was re- ported in good shape, but not n�;eeded by the town. Matter of disposing; of this equip- ment was discussed, and definite action deferred to December 8, 1947* Chairman Hall of the Fire and Light committee asked further time to make reeommenda«. tions on street lights requested on Hull Street. Chairman Sutton of the License and Auditing committee made a report on the request of W. H. Fitch of the Port Orchard Traction Company for additional meter space for bus stops, and recommended against granting any farther space for bus stops at this time, stating that he believed that the plan inaugurated by the city for bus terminals should be given a fair trial before any changes are made, H. W. Franks, member of the council of forest City, appeared before the council rela- tive to opening South Street from. Sherman Street east, as asked in a petition filed November 10, 1947, Mayor stated that he had talked with Commissioner A. W. Hodges con.. cerning the matter, and Mr. Franks stated that he had been informed that the estimated cost of the improvement would be approximately $3,000.00. The matter wea discu:aseC6 andwas deferred. to Devember S. 1947 to delve further into the proposition and to re» ceive legal advice on the matter. Matter of Myhre & Rylander Building was discussed by members of the council,, and it was `suggested that part of the building might be on Sidney Street. It was brought .out that' a building permit had been issued for alterations to the existing building, and it was moved by Hall, seconded by Sutton and carried that the Clerk be directed to write to 1dyhre & Rylander stating that it was not the intention of the council to .issue a permit for my construction on a street. Councilman Winebrenner reported that he and Councilman Sprague, wwith Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens had visited Bremerton and inspected a street sweeper and seen it in operation. The machine inspected was comparable to one, which had been of- fered for sale to the city for use on city streets. Consideration of the advisability of purchasing such a machine was voiced, and the matter was continued for further consideration. Erection of a bill board at a different location on Lot 4, Block 8, Sidney, than was requbsted previously was brought up for discussion, and Mr. Ferguson of the Brem6rton Poster Advertising Company was present and entered the discussion. -The matter was re- ferred back to the Finance and Planning Committee for consultation with representatives of the bill posting company, and with power to act, on motion by Sutton, seconded by Hall' and carried, Chairman Sprague of the Finance and Planning committee reported that he and Councilman Sutton had conferred with the Chief of police and the Chief of the Fire Department relative to changing office locations, and recommended that the offices remain as now located. He also recommended that a door be framed between the hall and the earuipment room' of the Fire Department. The report of the committee was accepted and approved, and on motion by Sprague,, seconded by Sutton and carried, door was ordered installed as recommended by the committee, and signs for building as recommended by the MsFor were also approved* On motion by Vineibrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried, W. IV. Alderman was vaned inspector of election to -be held December 2, 1947, and Emily LaDuke and Mary B. Peter- son were named as judges of the election. Mayor reported that Fire Chief Alan Totten had asked that bids be called for a hose dryer for use in the new fire station, It was moved by Sprague, seconded by Steven- son And carried that Clerk be instructed to call for bids for a hose dryer under speci- fications to be furnished by the Chief of the Fire Department, Clerk presented cost sheet from State Highway Department for painting center stripe can Bay street from the .;est city ikimits to the east and south limits of Port Orehw d, in the amount of $81.16. Resolution approving the amount as due the State Highway Depart- ment for this work was passed on motion by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried. Clerk presented ordinance providing for tray fer of #8,136.84 from Curren xpe d to Town Hall Construction Fund and declaring an emergency, dco @'Mope ntt r0 nQW Municipal Building. The ordinance was read, and on motion. by Sutton., seconded by SteV. enson and carried, the ordinance %ias passed as read by unanimous vote of the council, and ordinance was adopted as Ordinance No, 542. Final claims for construction of the Municipal Building were considers by the Council, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried, Clerk as authorized to dram warrants in an amount to be designated by Health, Sanitation., Farks and Building c a matte e, which committee is to designate amount to be withheld for final payment, due tp non-w rival of certain fixtures to complete the job ac ordin* to contract. Councilman Hall brought up the matter of the car bumper which had prey ously been, authorized on the north side of Prospect Street. A discussion follows , and it was stated that this would be taken care of at an early date. The approaches to various alleys which enter through streets was di.scuosed, and it was directed that these alleys be black -topped at as ear ly a date as p ssible. A request was received from the Chamber of Commerce for use of the Council Chambers for a meeting on December 16, 1947, Request was granted on motion by Epraguep second- ed at by Hall and carried. Councilman Winebrenner stated that a wire cable over a hundred feet to , previously used for Christmas decorations, had been loosened and had been removed from the street by the Street Department on his order. That town had used part of the cable, making it too short for further use in street decoraai ons. Superintendent Givens stated that the cable is in good shape and that it is servivable to the town and recommended that the town bug the entire length for $5.00, Mich he st ted was a very reasonable price. Fallowing claims, previously &hooked by heads of departments, and ay.di# man Sutton eddtXv S. Stevenson of the Auditing committee, were presents motion by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, were ordered paJ John Vaughn H, J. Kilpatrick Puget Sound Power & Light Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Trick & Murray Albert L. Wymore R, B. Ryan Port Orchard independent Lorraine Helder Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Crawford Motors Hugh G. Purcell Co. Sexton Auto Freight CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Labor at city hall Labor at city hall City h7h13 and traffic lights Service, tolls and charges Triplicate receipts for Treasurer Extra hours patrolling Labor and materials in offices Letter heads Postage for Police WAT Eft FUND Telephone and tolls Repairs to truck 72 ft 4" C I water main Fre3.ght . on pipe STREET FUND R. B Ryan Retail Trade Bureau, C. of Co Puget Sound Power &•Light Co. John Vaaz ghn H. J. Kilpatrick Eugene Ochs Allan Hubbell R. B. Ryan Port Orchard Independent R. B. Ryan 6 Curbs and gutters on Prospect Street 112 feet cable Light at street sheds 2 months Lab or on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Labor and material in Library Sewer receipts in triplicate TOWN HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND d by Chair - an d on 40.50 40.50 67,25 44.31 27,59 2.31 290,46 9.27 3,00 11,40 6,79 81.58 5,14 231,90 5,00 2.00 56,70 45,90 16,.20 10.80 64.79 17.92 Final payment on contract and extras, less $500,00 deducted by direction of Health, Sanitation, Parks and Buildings Com- mittee ($7,023.28) less $500.00 6,523.28 Council,�trj ou rned on motion by Hall, i Clerk seconded by Sutton and carded. i Maj or Port Orchard, Washington December 30 1947 Spaeciaal meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington, called by the Clerk on the order of Mayor M. H. Thompson., was called to order by Mayor M. H. Thompson.. Present Councilmen W. S. Stevenson, Ray B, Hall, Marion Sutton, Willian H. Sprague, and Dusty C. Winebrenner; City Attorney John M. Boyle and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; also Alan Totten, Chief of the Fare Department, and Chas. A. Heath, Chief of Police. Mayor Thompson made.a st nt relative to local and connecting bus service in Port Orchard, and a general discussion was had on this problem.. Chairman Sutton of the License and Auditing, committee, made a recommendation that due to lack of sufficient Information on the subject that definite action be deferred to a later date„ Mom' or also brought up the matter of tho acquisition of Housing Authority Well No. 7 by the Town of Port Orchard, and Frank E Langer, Roy Ham. and T. Ro Hubbard, mem- bers of the Port Orchard Housing Authority, and John Strangeways, Executive Secretary who were present at the meeting, entered into the discussions. Mr. Strangeways stated t#at if the town. of Port Orchard desired to obtain this well -and the pumping equipment that some definite offer should be made to the federal Housing Authority or to the Port Orchard Housing authority, Mr. Strangeways also stated that the pumping equipment, transformers, eto,, necessary to operate the well and now in operation, had cost t e government approximately- $2, 910.04 The entire matter was discussed at length by members of the council Y th members of the Housing Authority, and it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner and car- ried unanimously that a letter be dispatched to the Port Orchard Housing Authority offering the Authority water service of 400 galls per minute, more or less at 8c per Rhoussan.d gallonex in consideration that Well No. 7 together with- all pumping eqL ipr meat, transformers and other equipment and appurtenances necessary to the operation of the well become the property of the Town of Fort Orchard without cast, and the letter to refer to the easement under which water mains and connections appurtenen* to Well No. 7 are now permitted under and across .the streets and roads of Port Orchard, Meeting adjourned on motion by Halls, Clerk seconded by Stevenson and carried. r - May or • r r r r r r r r r r r r s r r Port Orchard, Washington December 8, -1947 Council of Fort Orchard, Washington called to order in regular sees3ion. by Mayor M. H,; Thompson, with Councilmen Marion Sutton, W, S. Stevenson, William H. Sprague, Dusty C, Winebrenner and Ray B. Hall,* City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Pub- lic Works George F. Givens and. Engineer T. C. Breitenstein present. Minutes of regular meeting of November 24, 1947 and special meeting of December 3, 1947 were read and approved. A general discussion of the heating plant in the pump house was hold, and following the discussion this matter was again referred to the Health, Sanitation, parks end Building committee with power to act in the matter of having the necessary work done, either by contract or by day labor and material basis. Engineer Breitenstein reported that so far nothing had been heard relative to the proposed. Sroufe Street water extension. Chairman. Stevenson of theStreet and Alley committee, Mayor Thompson and Engineer Breitenstein reported on their investigations of the Sidney and Orchsr d Streets cross. walks, drainage and other matters in connection with these streets. Following sa. disc cusssion,. it was moved by Hall, seconded by Sprague and carried, that Engineer pre— pare plans and specifications and call for bids for the work, a E ter approval of the plans by the Street and Alley committee, which committee is given power tD act in the matter under the Motion as carried. Chairman. Sprague of the Finance and Planning Committee made a further report on surplus property-. After discussing the matter, it was moved by Hall, seconded by Sutton and carried, that bids be called for sale of surplus stoves and also of the Jaeger concrete mixer, the delivery of the pump house stove to be contingent upon the date that satisfactory heat is installed in the pump house. Chairman Hall of the Fire and Light committee reported that he had made M investi- gation of rega.esated lights on Hull street north of M&lcher, and recommended the in— stallation of three lights on the stretch of street from the angle in the street to Melch®r street. It was regularly moved.by Winebrenner, seconded by Sprague and dried that the report of the Fire and Tdight co=2ittes be approved, and that lights be authorized as recommended. Removal of a shovel now parked on Bank street was brought up, and it was reported that information had been given, that the shovel would be moved very shortly. Coun-- cilman.Winebrenner volunteered to contact the owner of the shovel relative to its removal. Mattor of sweeping and flushing down streets was discussed., and thepropo.sal to ac- quire a street sweeper was again taken up. During the discussion Councilman :Vine- brenner suggested the advisability of converting the No. 2 fire truck into a street flushing vehicle be investigated before definite decision is made. Nattier was passed without definite action. Chairman Sprague of the Finance and Planning committee submitted a. "Billy Posting" or- dinance with a recommendation for itsnpassage. The ordinance was read and discussed, and Mr. Ferguson of tho Bremerton Poster Ad �ertising Co;Lpany was presents anal agreed to the terms of the ordinance. After a discussion, it was moved by Sutton,; seconded by Hall and carried, that ordinance be passed as read, to become effective as of January 19 1948. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 543. Sup,rintendent Givens reported that he had investigated pipe locators and leak de- tectors, and recommended that purchase of a pipe locator. He stated that this machine would be a valuable asset to the equipment, and following a discussion, Xt was moved by Sprague, seconded by Stevenson and,carried that Superintebdent be empowered to pur- chase a pipe locator. Council canvassed the returns of the municipal election held December 2, 1947, and certified the returns as follows: Councilman for two-year term: N. J(Nick) Repanich, 82 votes; Stanley Martin, 45 votes; Charles Russell, 70 votes; Virgil Parks, 88 votes; IV. S. Stevenson, 167votes; Dusty C. Winebrenner, 134 votes; George Broughton, Sr., 84 votes; and Wilson Henderson, 15 votes. Councilman for one -yew term: William Sprague, 168 votes; Ray Neesc, 63 votes„ Following the canvas of the votes, W. S. Stevenson, Dusty C. Winebrenner) and Virgil Parks were declared elected Councilmen for two-year terms, and William H;. Sprague was declared elected Councilman for a one-year term.. Mayor signed certiricate of the findings of the Council, and Clerk was directed to issue Certificate6 of Elec- tion according to the returns of the canvas and the findings of the Council. Clerk presented claim of Martin Bjerken for floor mats, which had been paced at the entrances of the Municipal Building on approval. After a discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner that claim of Martin Bjerken for $39.60 for mats be allowed. Motion carried. Resolution relative to pollution was read and ordered filed. Chief of Police brought up the matter of more and better signs at and near Black Jack creek. The matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee with power to act. Req.a.est by Progressive Club, through Charles Russell, for use of the council chamber on January 8, 1948 for meeting of the Club was granted on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Sprague and carried. Clerk brought up the matter of a bulletin board to be placed in the hall in the Municipal Building. Referred to the Health, Sanitation,, -Parks and Building com- mittee, A general discussion was held agent the Planning Committee, and some of the activities which this body has undertaken, anong which was a survey of the town from various angles. Councilman Sprague recommended that Mayor request the Planning Committee to resume its activities and meetings and to carryon in the manner previously under- taken. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that Planning Com- mittee be requested to investigate the problems of surveys of thetown and to make a report and recommendations to the council. Matter of current purchases for material and supplies req ired in the city hall was discussed, and it was suggested that material and supplies be bought only on requisi- tions issued by the Clerk, this to apply only to small articles, and that anything of major proportions be submitted to the council for approval before purchase. No definite action taken. The following bills, which had previously been OKfd by heads of departments and checked by Chairman Sutton and Councilman Stevenson of the License and Auditing committee, were read to the council,and on motion By Sprague, seconded by Stevenson and carried, were ordered :.m. id: CURRENT EXPENSE FUZZ R. B. Ryan Labor and material, meter room 106.82 Peter Storseth Finish table, counter and sign 24.00 Howe's Hardware Boots, bondex, etc. 18.05 A. L. lymore Extra duty patrolman 6,93 V. B. Caldwell Merchandise 6.02 Port Orchard Independent Publishing, various 13.74 Port Orchard Thriftway Janitor's supplies 2.17 Rice Electric Changing fire alarm system 67,89 F. L. Folwell Patrolling mileage 3.90 Arthur A. Williams Patrolling mileage 8.30 Thompson's Staples, etc. for Clerk 2.06 S. V. McMullen 4 hours patrolling, 3.08 A. R. Elliott Map of Rural Routes (Police) 3.09 Howe Motor Co. Repair AA Fire Truck 2.59 Trick & Murray Various for Police and Clerk 30.63 W. W. Alderman Inspector of Elation 10,50 Emma Harmon Judge of Election .10,50 Mary B. Cline Judge of Election 10.50 Martin Bjerken Door mats, city hall 39.60 WATER FUND Trick '& Murray Ledger sheets, ate, 45.31 Piston Service Bearings, etc. 14.57 Port Orchard Lumber Card 2 sax cement 8,639 V. B. Caldwell Pipe and tools 8.00 Siemen's Machine Shop Replace bearing on pump shaft 4.12 ' Howe Motor Co. Tire chains and lube job 17.05 Howe's hardware Hiway Flares, etc. 14.98 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Various power and light 215.00 ,STREET FUND Jahn Vaughn H. J. Kilpatrick Union Electric & Hardware Co. J. W. Welsh Port Orchard Mach. Mar* &Iron?Yks Howe's Hardware Olympic Iron & Machine Works Howe Motor Co. T. R. Hubbard Labor on city streets Labor on city streets Distributor points Fill dirt, Sidney street Sharpen picks Paint, brooms, etc. Make and sharpen chisels Auto part 2 paint brushes LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Hunttin.g Co, Books for Library Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library Gaylord Bros; Index cards, etc,. Pete Storseth Finish bulletin board Mary B. Peterson Postage and expenses Ma6ting a4journed on motion by Hall, seconded by Sprague and carried. 97.20 97.20 2.32 84.80 6.18 24*92 2.32 .09 4.64 r Clerk MW or F 0_ r r r r r r r r r 21.67 25,95 8.20 .'75 10.00 Port Orchard, I-'dashington December 22, 1941 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor M. H. Thompson, with Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Dusty C. 'Sinebrenner, and Marion Sutton; City Attorney Jahn M. Boyle, Engineer T. C. Breitenstein, and Superintendent of Public Vlorks George F. Givens, present. Minutes of meeting of December ,% 1947, read and approved,, Mayor Thompson and Councilman Winebrenner made reports on heating, which had previously been referred to the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee. Following the reports and a discussion, the matter was agdn referred to the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building committee with continued power to act. Engineer reported that so far nothing had been heard further concerning the proposed Sroufe Street water extension. At this point In the meeting Councilmen W. S . Stevenson and William H. Sprague entered the meeting and took their seats with the council. Tony.Rodio, residing on Hull Street, appeared before the council relative to serer connection on his property. The matter was discussed, and was referred to the Water & Sewer, comahittee and the Engineer to confer with Mr. Rodio and A. H. Friedgg and report back _at the next meeting of the council. Gordon Howe, of Howe Motor Company, T peared before the council and stated that he re- gretted to state that he is unable to procure a service car such as is desired by the town, and suggested that he believed that it would be better for the town to pur- chase standard e€ipment, rather than a special. vehicle. The matter was discussed, and referred to a special committee consisting of Councilmen Winebrenner, Sutton and - Stevenson, Chief,of Police Charles A. death stated that special permission was being granted In manyaections to allow tavexms to remain open until 3 o'clock a. m. on January 1, 1948, as has been the custom in the past, and asked what the attitude of the council is with reference to taverns in Port Orchard remaining open later on that date. It was moved by dinebrenner, seconded by Sprague and carded that tavenn.s in Port Orchw d be per- mitted to remain open until 3 a, m. on January 1, 1946, Engineer submitted plans and specifications for cross -walks, curbs and gutters on Sidney and Orchard Street intersections. Plans were examined and call fpr bids for the work was authorized, bids to be opened at the meeting of the council, on January 12, 1948. Matter of street flusher was discussed, and it was pointed out that the Model AA truck is not heavy enough for the purpose, and it was suggested that with acquisition of the fire truck from the 'Housing Project that it might be possible to sell the Model AA truck and equipment and secure a truck suitable for street flushing purposes. No definite action taken. Clerk,was directed to write to the Federal `.1Iorks Agency to ascertain when bill of sale for Housing Authority fire truck, for which offer has been made, might be expected. Mayor,Thompson and Councilman Sprague reported on proposed transfer of bus franchise for port Orchard and South Kitsap County by Bremerton Transit Lines to F',r W. Fitch. Clerk reported that one bid had been received for oil stoves advertised for sale, and the offer of Rev. Russell Warren for one Army stove at $12.00 was accepted on motion by Sprague, seconded by Winebrenner and carried. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk be authorized to sell remaining stoves advertised at minimum prices set by council. Superintendent Givens reported that there is a possibility of securing some standard fire hydrants from the Housing Authority from a. number which will probably be declared surplus within a short time, and recommended that a letter be dispatched, to the Ex- ecutive Director of the Housing Authority asking that the Town of Port Qrchadd be advised when these hydrants been me sat lable, and that 15 hydrants, more or less, be made available f6r purchase by the Tour of Port Orchard. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried that Clerk be directed to write letter as recommended by Superintendent. Superintendent "ivens reported that so far he had placed no or der for the pipe locater, the purchase o ' which was authorized by the council, as he had been infdrmed that an Improved machine would soon be available. Mayor stated that he had been unable to secure proper light globes for fire station and police signs, and that he had instructed Rice Electric Company to secure style of globes desired. Chairman Winebrenner of the Health, Sanitation, Parks and Building Committee stated that he had secured one estimate of cost of bullotin board requested r.0 the city hall lobby, and would attempt to secure other estimates before placing the o:der. Superintendent Givens reported that membership of the Town in the Ameridan 'Uater Works Association had expired and asked that it be renewed for the comiAg year. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Hall and carried that Clerk be authorized to draw warrant for membership fee for the year 1948, in the amount of $10.00. Further time was granted Street and Alley committee on signs at Black Jack intersections. Councilman Hall brought up eht matter of parking on Bay street between ]iarrison and Seattle streets, stating that the width of the is such that a traffic hazzard often exists when cars are parked .too far east on Bay street. The matter was discussed, and it was stated that the condition would probably be relieved somewhat whon present bus stands on Bay street are eliminated. The following bills, checked by heads of departments and examined by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing committee, were presented, and on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Stevenson and carried, were ordered paid, the bill of J. B. Starr for psLinting signs in city hall being excluded from those allowed, pending conference withMr. Starr: CURRENT::' E ti PEY SE FUND Port Orchard Independent Various printinE and advertising 61.96 P acifife Tel & Tel Co. Various telephones and tolls 51.02 Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Various expenses advmced 7.68 Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Postage and registered mail j 10.00 Sheriff Kitsap County, Board of prisoners, Nov., 1947 3.00 Lorraine Hleder Box rent,, police 1.50 Trick & Murray Desk blotters, calendar pads, Treats. 2.46 Puget Sound Stamp Works Dog and Cat license tags 74,68 WATER FUND ITV. F. Bruhahn Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Labor installing water service 5M Postal Card bills Power at Brewery pump Lantern wicks Telephones and tolls 27,00 69,68 3.03 2,32 21,40 STREET FUND Slocum Hardware Switch and plates 2.0 1 Cowman -Campbell Faint Co. 20 gals traffic paint, etc. 71.95 Howard Cooper Corp* 2 sets tire chains, grader 79,31 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets 108,00 John N. Vaughn Lebor on streets 108000 Councilman Sutton brought up the matter of extended service for telephone service between theccity hall and Bremerton,,and moved that Clerk be directed to take care of details of procuring extended service for a telephone from the city hall. Motion seconded by iinebrenner and carried. Council ourned on motion by Winebrenner, seconded Sutton and carried. 0�--- - -Clerk May 4r 04- Port Orchard, Washington January 12, 1948 Council of Port Orchw d, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor M. H. Thompson. Present Councilmen Ray B. Hall, Dusty C. Winebrenner, William h. Sp?agues W. S. Stevenson and Marion Sutton; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens; Engineer T. C. Breitenstein. Minutes of meeting of December 22, 1948 read and approved,. Superintendent Givens reported that heating plant in the pump house is improved but is nit yet entirely satisfactory, but that there are some chages to be made, which miy correct conditions, Engineer Breitenstein stated that he had investigated the complaint of Tony Rodio, con- cerning sewer connections; that it is possible for Mr. Rodio to connect with the sewer, and that apparently he had been induced, by a mistaken apprehension, to repair an ex- isting disposal system, dater and Sewer committee, to which matter had been referred, is to contact Mr. A. H. Freidag rel.atiUe to violation of the plumbing code in connec- tion with this work., Councilman Winebrenner, chairman of a special committee to investogate acquisition of a police car, recommended that bids be called for a Light 4-door sedan. After a dis- cussion, it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried, that bids be called for a light 4-door sedan for a police car, specifications to be stated in the bids. Clerk reported that so far no bids had been received for cross walks on Bay Street at Sidney and Orchard streets. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sprague and car- ried that Street and Alley committee, Engineer and Superintendent be authorized to negotiate for the installation of these improvements, ` Mayor Thompson stated that he had contacted a machinery salesman relative to street flusher; that the salesman had stated that he might .-ind a locality which would be in- terested in purchasing the Model AA fire truck, and that if this is done that it might be possible to secure a flusher. Superintendent reported that Ery Miller had some ewip- ment that might be available, consisting of a heavy truck and large tank. After a dis- cussion the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee for further investi- gation and report. Mayor reported on negotiations for Housing Authority fire truck, purchase of which has been authorized by the council. On motion -w,y 'Vinebrenner, seconded by hall and carried, bla,Vor was authorized to enter into an approved lease with the Housing Authority for use of the truck, and was also authorized to secure certified or chahiert s dheck in the amount of $2,520.10 in payment for fire truck. Mayor also reported that town had acquired a stop light for use in front o.c the fire station, from the Housing Authority, and that switches to operate light would be se- cured this week. Superintendent Givens reported that he had secured a pipe locator, and that since the purchase had been authorized that the prive had been reduced and the eqi ipment im- proved. Chairman Stevenson brought up the matter of street signs at Black Jack creek, and it was decided to install pedestrian crossing signs at the intersections during the rush hours, and to use Scotchlite on existing stop signs. Matter of bumper railing on Prospect street was again discussed, and Uouncilman Stev- enson recommended the installation of curbs and gutters on the north side of the street to secure a permanent job. The matter was discussed, and it was decided that the street and Al&y committee should contact the property owners relative to the proposed work, and that the Engineer make an estimate of the cost of curbs and gutters. At Us time a bid was received from E. B. Pugh on cross walks. No action was taken as bid was received after the time of filing had expired.