01/01/1946 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 14, 1946 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. 'doe 1 . Present Councilmen Id. H. Thompson and George Cline, holdover members; and Marion Sutton, Dusty Winebrenner and W. S. Stevenson, newly elected and qualified m6nbers appearing for the first time in their official capacities; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superinten- dent of Public Works George F. Givens and Street Boreman S. V. McMullen Mayor Woell welcomed the new members of the council,and outlined the p gram which it was hoped to accomplish during the coming year, enumerating the proj cts as better- ments to the water system; street improvements; park and playground fac lities; a new city hall and other projects. Minutes of the meeting of December 10, 1945 and the adjourned meeting off' December 22, 1946, were read and approved. Mayor Woell gave each member a list of the council committees, and anno4need his com- mittee apppintments as follows: Water and Sewer --ICI. H. Thompson, chairman; Dusty Winebrenner and George Cline. Street and Alley---W. S. Stevenson, Chairman; Marion Nutt In and George Cline. Fire and Light --George Oline, Jhairman; Dusty Winebrenner and Marion Sutton. Finance and Planning--M. H. Thompson, Chairman; W. S. Stevenson, Dusty Winebrenner. Health, Sanitation, Parks and Buildings --Dusty Kinebrenn r, Chairman; M. H. Thompson and Iuarion Sutton. License and Auditing ---Marion Sutton, Chairman; George Chine and W. S. Stevenson. Superintendent of rublie viorks George F, Givens reported that the drain at the Brewery is completed, but thatbthe exact cost c.*nnot be stated until the receipt of bills for materials. Superintendent also reported that street signs are being repaired and replaced. Councilman 'Thompson reported for the Street Committee on investigation Of conditions on Sidney Btreet near Melcher Btreet, which matter had been referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent on December 22, 1945, He stated that be had looked over the situation in comper y with superintendent Givens, and that it is his recommendation that the existing bulkhead, which is in good condition, be strength- ened by installation of alternating posts long enough to build a guard rail on tpp. He also recommended that street lines be established, and where possible and advisable that the street be graded to the full 40-foot width. The matter was discussed, and an motion by Cline, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, the recommendations con- tained in the report were adopted. Clerk read letters from uonbressman Hugh DeLacy and Senator Warren G. llalgnuson and the Federal Public Dousing authority relative to acquisition of certain property un(er the Federal disposal program. Letters were ordered filed for future reference. Application. from P. J. Hussey for building permit to erecttemporary shop) on Lot 3, Block 7, Wheeler's Addition, referred to the Building committee. I Request for a street light at or near Sroufe and Spokane otreets, filed Eby Ted Lindall and others, was referred to the Fire and Light committee for investigation and report. Clerk submitted new garbage contract, tendered on behalf of L. W. Partin, and the same was referred to the -attorney. Data on building code was submitted, ,and the matter was referred to the Puilding Com- mittee. Clerk reported that the result of the ballotting on the proposal to sell the Central School real estate, as reported by the Committeefrom the Progress've Glub who can- vassed the vote, showed that a total of 115 ballots had been returned out of a total of approximately 700 mailed to water consumers ithin the town. Of the number re- turned 46 were in favor of the sale of the real estate and fig were opposed. Clerk presented the notice from the Town Treasurer as to the amount of the assessment due from the city for the Sidney Street pavement, as furnished �y the `l'reasurer, sh ow ing a, total of $2,113.67. This was referred to the Finance and Planning Oommittee. Mayor and :superintendent of Public Works made statements relative to ref a se cans for the b lsiness streets, and this matter was discussed by members of the council. The Mayor stated that if cans were provided that the Garbage contractor M uld empty them each day without charge. The Superintendent stated that he had investigated the cost Of suitable cans, nd that the cheapest prdoe which he had been quoted vfas by Young's Sheet metal Shop, of Port Orchard, who offered to build the cans at 4'18. 00 per can. Mat- ter of design and construction of the cans was discussed by the council, and tentatively decided on by the members. it was moved by Sutton, seconded by aline and carried that Superintendent be authorized to secure four cans to be built urt er specifications adopted n by the Haalth nd Sanitation committee and the Superintendent, and if satisfactory, that four additional cane may be procured under same design and conditions. �i Councilman `2hompson, chairman of the Water committee, reported on the flow of water secured at the new well, and stated that in all probability pumping and distribution equipment would have to be larger than anticipated due to much larger supply of water secured. He recommended that no action looking toward acquisition of larger equipment be, undertaken until the full capacity of the well has been determined by developing. Mayor Voell brought up the matter of more adequate street lighting, under a plen sub- mitted by the Puget Sound Power & Light Co„and this matter was referred to the Fire and Light committee for inve stigationnand report. Mr. Perrine of the firm of Watt &. Perrine, appeared before the council on behalf of Andrew Bogastad in presenting an application for a taxi license for a 1940 Chevrolet. The matter was discussed and referred to the License and 1iuditing Committee for investi- gation and report. Superintendent Givens stated that water pressure at the Ainsworth store locality was not sufficient for desired use, due to a dead end in the main, and recommended that the existing main be continued to connect with the Bank street main. This would provide greater volume and continuous pressure, and would solve the existing problem, according to the superintendent. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried that Clerk be directed to call for bids for required pipe and fittings, under specifications to be furnished by -..he Superintendent, and as agreed upon by the council. Bids to be received until January 19, 1946 and then opened by the Water and Sewer committee, which under the motion is given power to act and make an award. Councilman Stevenson brought up the matter of dividing the public service departments of the city, maintaining that better efficiency would result if various departments were under separate heads. This was discussed by the I•rlayor and members of the council and deferred until January 28, 1946. Clarence: Cheplak, operator of the Diamond Taxi, asked that he be given a stand in front of liyhre's cafe for one cab. This was discussed, and on motion by jtevenson, seconded by Thompson and carried, was referred to the License and Auditing committee for investi- gation and report. The following claims were presented, examined by the council and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carriedl were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Peninsula Otationers Howe's Hardware Kitsap County Bank Howe Motor Co. Slocum Hardware Thompson's hitsa p County Auditor Puget Sound rower & Light Co. ft n tt rf tt Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Trick 6c Murray V. B. Caldwell Thompson's Miller Meters Association of Washington Cities Washington Typewriter Co. Emily LaDuke Port Orchard Independent tt tt f, ff tt n Fling Cabinet for Police Stone 81le Bond for Meter collector (Williams) Repairs to paddy wagon 11 gr. machine screws for parking meters Post Binder for Clerk License for paddy wagon Fire hall light Maintain traffic lights (Nov.) Street lights December, 1945 Postage, filing; deed, and various L.I.D Register sheets for Treasurer Stove pipe and elbows for Fire Dept. Merchandise for Clerk Parking Meters parts 1946 Service charge Typewriter rental 10-1945 to 3-31-46. Counting meter receipts; Jan. 11, 1946 Postal Cards for Trees. Letter heads, warrants, ballots, etc. Publishing various ordinances etc. Index cards for Police WATER FU1M Hodge a; Davis Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Do. ff it n V. B. Caldwell Howe Is Hardware Worthington Gamon Pieter Co. Puget Uound rower & Light Go. tf ff ff tt If n ti n n ff n n Fort Orchard Independent Charge batteries Supt. telephone and tolls Plant telephone and tolls Stoic pipe and paint brush Stove oil and door hasp 96 main case gaskets West Bay Street pump house light West Bay Street pump Power at Brewery pump Light and power main plant 5 Ili Postal Cards (bills) 62.32 12.40 5.00 54.99 7.70 4.84 1.25 3.07 1.99 127.85 25.07 15.70 .62 5.72 74.80 75.00 15.45 2.50 4.10 54.74 34.58 8.60 1.55 4.80 5.05 1.80 9.27 8.89 1.00 7.97 78.88 87.76 72.99 STREET FUND W. L. -Johnson Richard -Luckerinan Joe Fah John N. Vaughn M. L. Bonneville H. J. Kilpatrick Lumber oupply V. B. Caldwell Slocum Hardware L. J. dirbeok Howe Motor Go. Bens Trucking -ea its Pert Orchard signal Service The H. R. Huntt ing Co. Gaylord :Bros. Emily LaDuke Port Orchard Lumber Yard Labor installing culvert on Bay St.i Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Lumber and cement Lag screws, bolts and screws Post hole digger, c h,ei n Gravel for various streets --equip rent Repair starter and parts � Ford Housing Tire repair LIBRARY FUND Books for-ibrary Supplies for Library Relief Librarian SEWER FUND newer tile and cement MORE STREET FUND 106.50 E38.17 128.24 128.24 131.68 123.66 14.52 3.91 10.02 1533.00 7.73 15.45 5.10 20.44 21.05 2.50 3.50 Howe's Hardware Merchandise 7.39 C. LaGrange Padlock and keys j 5.56 Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Tile, Denalb and Bay 26.32 Tile, DelSalb Street fill 387.28 Tile Melcher and Gravel kit 23.89 Bay Street -Black Jack dat6h bpc sin Gig Harbor-10anchester junction; Tacoma Melcher drain; city garage chimney 84.31 Tacoma-Lielcher culvert; Cline and Smith Street catch b�isln 185.17 Ulty Hall job 11.12 DIORE WATER FUND Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Rese rvio r drain 32.47 TAORL+'+' CURRENT EXPE19SE FbZW Howe Is Hardware Stote oilfor Fire Department 3.74 Matter of salary of Assistant Clerk.was brought up by the Clerk and discussed by the Council members. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by yiinebrenner and carried that salary of -assistant Clerk be fixed at 40162.50 per month, the pay to be retro- active to January 1, 1946 0. B. Erdman appeared before the council and asked for $1,000.00 on his contract for drilling and developing well. After a discussion it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that Clerk be directed to draw warrant in favor of Erdman grilling Go., Inc., for $1,000.00 to apply on contract charges for drilling well. Blue Cros mem.bersh ip was brought up by Charles A. Heath, Police Chie moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that Clerk be authoriz fees for Blue, Cross from pay warrants, according to memberEh ip cards It was moved by dine, seconded by Thompson and carri _ _ .. .. -0 - - - - - - , and it was d to withhold n file. Port'.:Orchard, Washingftnn January 28, 1946 n Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk Guy L. Y9etzel, in the absence of .ayor F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen Marion Sutton, George Cline, N. S. Stevenson and -LA. H. Thompson; City .Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, and Street Foreman S. V. McMullen. Clerk calls for nominations for Acting Mayor, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried, Councilman Thompson was elected Acting Ilayor in the absence of Mayor Vloell. Minutes of meeting of January 14, 1946 were read and approved. Superintendent Givens reported that the drain at the brewery is completed, but that the exact cost cannot be stated as all material bills have not yet been received, but that the cost would be very close to the estimate. Matter of condition of Sidney Street south of Eelcher was discussed, in connectcion •with a report made January 14, 1946 by Councilman Thompson, and after further talks on the matter it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that repairs be made according to suggestions outlined in the report, and that untreated piles be used in the work. Oz motion by Cline, seconded by Stevenson and carried, permit eras granted to P. J. Hussey to erect temporary shop on Lot 3, Block 7, dheeler's Addition. Chairman Cline of the Light committee reported that he had investigated request for street light at Sroufe and Spokane streets, but asked further time in order that the entire committee could look over the situation. Further time granted to February 11, 1946. Attorney Boyle stated that he had looked over the proposed contract for garbage service; that it is the same as the existing contract,,aexcept that it provides for option of renewal at expiration of f ive years, instead of three years as is provided in the exist irg con- tract. It was moored by Cline, seconded by Sutton and carried that contract be approved, and signatures of proper town officers be authorized. Chairman Thompson of the Yinanec: and Planning Committee recommended the payment of the city -assessments for the paving of oidney Street under LID No. 49. Moved by ,Sutton, (17+ seconded by Cline and carried that Clerk be instructed to draw warrants on proper funds for paving assessments against town property, in the total amount of2,113.67. Superintendent Givens reported that the new well is practically completed, that an excellent flow 8f water ,pparently exists, and that test pumping will be done this week. Clerk read a letter from Thorwis, Grainger u: -�hor s, architects, concerning the new city hall, and it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Sutton and carried that Clerk write to architects and ascertain ltihat fee will be asked by the firm if the buicldg is erected. iviatter of application of S. Bogastad was brought up on report of the License committee, and it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that application be denied. :Superintendent Givens made a report on water extension on north side of Bay Street from Orchard -street to Bak street, and advised mfathe,iWt6ria11-4 1ch would be rec;uired to complete the improve1ent. On motion by Cline, seconded by Stevenson and carried, Clerk was directed to call for bids, if necessary, for copper pipe and other material needed, under specifications to be furnished by Superintendent of Public Rorks. Matter of drain at Bay and Bank Streets was referred to tke:.,tteett and Alley committee for investigation and report. Chairman Sutton of the License committee reported fmr his committee on the application cr the Liamond Cab Co. for stand in front of rlyhre's Cafe. Chairman Sutton recommended that the Diamond Cab Co. be allotted one meter space in front of Myhre's Cafe, and one at Blanchard's corner on Sidney street, and that the second stand on Sidney Street be eliminated. The matter wa:° discussed by the council, and Kenneth Sevier, operator of the Blue & Gold Taxi Company, entered the objection of his company to permitting the stand on n Bay Street and remarks were also made by Councilmen Stevenson and Cline. Councilman Thompson objected to the elimination of any more metere on 3ay Street. Following the discussions, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that Diamond Taxi be granted one meter s�.ace in front of Myhre's vafe on 3ay street, and one space at the southeast corner of Bay and Sidney "treets, under terms prescribed in the Taxi ordinA,q.q. Vaun Allen appeared on behalf of the Port Orchard Progressive Club and requested that 1116 town permit the Club to use one or more oil heaters which the town owns, for the wlib roome. Councilman Cline offred the Olub a heater free of charge, and fater checking the stoves owned by the town, it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Cline and carried that one oil heater be loaned to the rrorressive J'lub for use in the Club rooms. Mr. Gillen also asked information relative to developing palygrounds at the Central School property. This matter was referred to the Parks committee. Attorney Boyce asked that he be permitted to investigate the matter�of protection to the city as to liability, etc. before any definite action is taken. chief of Police ;has. A. Heath asked that parking be banned on the east i side of Prospect Street from :3ank 6treet to riitsap street, as by parking on both sides a jhazzard is created to moving traffic. It was moved by ;:�utton, :seconded by ,Stevens n and carried that parking be banned in the section requested by the chief of Police, and that prop- er signs be placed and curbs painted to inform the pudic of the no-puz ing rule. N. J. Repanich, representing the South Kitsap Active �%lub, addressed th6 council, stat- ing that his club plans to sponsor a carnival in Port Orchard, and askir� that the Club be listed as interested in sponsoring carnivals. John Lofstadt of the Port Orchard Progressive Club stdted that his Club is also plan- ning on sponsoring a carnival, and that a contract was being preparedvering the show- ing 3y a carnival in Port Orchard during the Month of J-1pril, 1946. 30t�of these rz tters were referred to the License committee. C. H. McLain of the Veterans ct Foreign Wars ,7ddressed the council, asking that in considering the :construction of a new city hall, that plans be made to d another story and include in the building a Veterans Milemorial Hall. This matter was referred to the building committee.. -, letter from the Tort Orchard Planning Council outlining; the program of activities for the coming; year, was read and referred to the Finance and Manning committee. Request of John Lofstadt for a permit to construct a garage 12x2O feet at 130 Mitchell Road at an approximate cost; of 4500.00; and of Charles Bowers to construct a dwell ing on Lots 1 and 2, Elock 14, Sidney Villa's Add to Sidney at an approximate cost of 43,000.00, were referred to the Building committeee. Superintendent Givens brought up the matter of the necessary material tol connect the new well into the water system, and gave an outline of the material reI,uired. On motion by Sutton, seconded by Clin.e rind carried the matter wa: referred to the :dater -end .ewer ilommittee with power to act, the Clerk to call for bids for material if ecessary, on specifications to be furnished by the Superintendent of rublic %`forks. Councilman Stevenson brought up the matter of financial reports of the various funds, and this matter was discussed but no action was taken. Letter from Department of r ,blic Lands to the City �ittorney, re vacat.ionj of Tvlaple ,street Waterway, was read and ordered filed. Letters from Senator �darren Go 1,1agnuson and xiepresentative Hugh De�acy regarding mail delivery in Port Orchard were read and ordered filed. Following claims, which had previously beeh examined by yhairman mutton of the Auditing committee, were presented, read to '.he council .,nd on motion by :;line, seconded by ,jtevenson find cnrriedl were =dered paid: Peninsula -tat ioners repairs to adding ma chine Pacific 'leleph-Ale a Telegraph (jo. Fire wept. telephone tT if it Clerk's telephone to " To Police telephone and tolls Chloe outton nitsap Jounty Sank hitsap County Sank Or. H. . :dilson 'elsh Fuel vo. The jteek Co. Young's oheet i+2e tal )hop Puget mound rower c, Light Jo. Puget ,-oun;, ro• er (4 Light Co. it n n to Port Orchard Transfer & ,uel Puget mound rower a Light Co. to rt I n it to I I 11 11 n II Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. To it tt Joe Fah H. J. 'L ilpa trick J. "J. Welsh People's Second Band ;Dtore Joe Fah John N. Vaughn 14. L. Bonneville H. J. iiilpatrick Treasuher Is telephone ::remium, Treasurer's bond Premium, bond of Lorraine Helder Night call for prisoner 2 tons coal _4ithholdin T Tax .Tanks 4 street garbage cans Caution light Traffic light Eire Mall light Move oil for Police West .3a y . t pump hour e light Power and light, main pump Power service, ':Jest 3ay St i-'ower at 3rewery well Plant telephone and tolls superintendent telephone and tolls La bo r Labor STREET FUNS 7 1 yard ;ravel (haul ine; and loading) Hatc 'let j Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets w 13.75 7.50 3. 75 9.55 2.02 75.00 5.00 4.00 39.14 4.38 74.16 2.75 8.20 3.07 4.41 1.00 111.70 7.97 79.82 5.40 4.70 3.44 3.44 32.14 1.29 91.60 91.60 91.60 91.60 -1 Feenaughty Madinery Co. Weed burner 85.55 The H. R. Huntt ing Co. W. L. Johnson L 13RA iff FUItiTD Books for Library SE VIER F1010 Labor on sewer lateral Council adjourned of_ motion byline, seconded by Sutton andcarrf,d. May o r 0 _ _ __ _ .. v Port Orchard, Washington February 11, 1946 68.17 43.50 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, wvashington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, with Councilmen Marion Sutton, Dusty Ninebrenner, George Cline, W. S. Stevenson and 14i. H. Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens; City Attorney John i�. Boyle and Street Foreman S. V. McMullen, present. Minutes of meeting of January 28, 1946 read and approved. Chairmazi Cline of the Light and Fire committee reported that his committee had Investi- gated request for street light at Spokane and Sroufe Streets and recommended the in- stallation of this light, on motion by Cline, seconded by Sutton and carried. ;:street and Alley committee was granted further time to report or, drain at Bay and Bank streets. A letter from N J. Repanich, president of the oouth Kitsap active Club, stating that the Club wishes to withdraw its application for carnival license, in the interests of harmony and co --operation with other clubs and groups, was read to the council. It was i suggested that the letter should be answered, and the appreciation cc the city govern- ment be expr 3ssed for the unselfish attitude of the South Kit sap Active Club. mayor Woell stated that he would take care of this detail. A letter from the 'irst Assistant Post Ildaster General regarding mail delivery service in Port Orchard, and disapproving the application, was read. On motion by Thompso' n, seconded by Stevenson, the letter was ordered filed, and copies of theletter were directed to be sent to the Fort Orchard Progressive Club an.,. the South Kit sap Chamber of Commerce by the Clerk. Letter from Thomas, Grainger & Thomas, architects, regard in fees for proposed city hall construction, read and ordered filed. Under the terms of the letter, the ar- chitects' fees for plans, specifications, necessary conferences, etc., will be 5, and inspection fees to be at a rate to be mutually agreed upon between the parties. Letter from Mrs. Ella Brauer regarding payment of Sidney Street assessment and condi- tion of sidewalk Fronting Lots 5 and 6, Block 18, Original Plat of Sidney, read and referred to the Street and .alley committee. Ross W. Watt appeared before the council on behalf of property owners in Wheeler's Addition and Tom Cline's Addition, presenting a petition for vacation of certain streets and alleys for cemetery purposes. Matter was discussed, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Stevenson and carried, resolution was passed setting date of hearing on March 11, 1946, and proper notice of hearing- was directed to be given. Street and Alley committee members and persons seeking •vacation of streets and alleys., agreed to a conference prior to the date of hearing. Mrs. 0. A. Moore and ;rs. Reim Siegner appeared before the council asking that Third Street on Mitchell Bill be graded. Matter was referred to the Street and Alley com- miteee to investigate and report. Ralph Limbooker and Ke nneth Nickerson appeared before the council on behalf of prop- erty owners on Harrison Street, south of ltda Street, relative to street work and water mains. Street problem was referred to the Street and _,lley committee and the water mains to: -,the 4ater and Sewer committee, these committees to make investigation and report. Water and Sewer committee reported on their action in opening bids and awarding contract for pipe and fittings to connect Well No. 5, to the Pacific Water Works Supply Co. for 4681.10. Loved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that action of committee be ratified by the council. Application of Ray Hall for building permit to reconstruct business building on Lot Block 1, Wheeler's Second Addition, referred to the Building Committee. i The definite location of city limits on the north margin of Port Orchard came up for discussion, and it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by :7utton and carried that Mayorbe authorized to emplpy engineer to establish north line of city limits north of the inter- section of Bay and jidney streets. Matter of calling for bids for construction of pump house at Well No. 5, a d also for construction of derrick, was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seco ded by Cline d and carried, that Clerk be be instructed to call for bids for construction of the pump house, and for alternate bids for construction of the pump house and derri k, and for derrick, under specifications to be furnished by the superintendent of Fu:.lie Works. Street Foreman McMullen reported that drain on Frederick Street north of b y Street is inadequate, rand Chairman Stevenson of the ►streets and -111ey committee reco ended thm installation of a new drain north of Bay Street 95 feet more or less as m be required. It was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that Superi tendent be directed to secure necessary tile and maternal and have the work done unde the direc- tion of the Street and Alley committee. It was reported that in atAempting to open drain on :Frederick Street that window was broken in the Kitsap County Bank. It was moved by otevenson, seconded by line and carried that city pay cost of replacing the window. Report was made of the work of replacing street signs, and it was agreed t at signs should be replaced in on -inal condition, rind that installation of reflect r signs be discontinued. It was reported that material had been stolen from city street building on Kendall Street and it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that sh nglers be employed to roof the building and that work be continued to a point where material can be kept under lock and key. Superintendent of Public ylorks reported that two bids had been ifentstitely submitted for digging ditch for laying of supply pipe from Well No. 5, and stated that other bids were expected to be submitted later. The matter was referred to the dater and Sewer committee with poorer to negotiate a contract for the work. Matter of better lighting on Horluck dock and north of city hall was disco sed and Mayor stated that he would investigate ane ascertain what can be accomplished alng this line. Ordinance creating a rlanning Commission, describing its powers, duties, etc., was read to the council. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Iinebrenner and carri d that Ordi- nance be passed as read. Ordinance duly adopted as Ordinance No. 521. Mayor Woell announced his appointments to the Planning Commission as follo s: One-year term: Harold Ans�ow and C. G. Hanson; two-ywar term: Charles Russell and G orge Wraith; three-year term: Nate Sherman and John Lafstadt; four-year term: Ed Howe aid W. E. Cosbey; five --year term: Joe Gillette and John Gilchrist; Mayor announced t at aPpro.tnt- ments of other two members would be announced later. Moved by Winebrenner seconded by Thompson and carried that appointments as announced by the Mayor be cnn irmed. Ralph Davisson from the State Digision of municipal Corporations, who rece tly completed a check of the town's finances, addressed the council relative to some of he findingp from his examination. He stated, among other things, that there was a con iderable sum due the city from the county for fines erroneously distributed, and recorom nded that efforts be put forth to collect this sum, together with other refunds whit he found to be due the city. Matter of parking on Bank street was discussed, and referred to the Police Department for action. Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee reported that mud cgv rs the sidewalk on Bay ;street between the Standard Oil Co. plant and Standard Sta ions. Matter referred to the Street and alley committee for action. Mayor Woell brought up the matter of future legal services in connection sir th L.I.D. No. 49 (Sidney Street paving). The: matter was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried ttrat future matters in connection with L.I.D.No.49 he handled by the City Attorney, but that any matters pertaining to pest actions in connec- tion with the said L.I.D. which may arise, are the r-sponsibi lity of Ross IV. Watt, special attorney on tie project. Following claims which had previously been examined -=nd passed on by Chairman ,Sutton of the Auditing committee, were presented, considerednby the council, and ordered paid, with the exception of the bill of the Erdman Bribing Co. Inc., which was laid over fbr eonf erenoe with Mr. O. E. Erdman, and the bill cC Dr. H. A. Wilson for professional ser- vices for prisoner, which is to be sent to the County Welfare Department, under in- structions from fair. Davisson of the Division of tiunicipal Jorporations of he State of Washington: n CFJRREN'?' EXI-ENSE FUND Puget pound Power & Light Co. ff it S@attle Rubber"stamp Co. H. W. Lyons Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Maxine Morgan Trick & kurray Puget round Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware Standard :stations Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Trick & 14urray Slocum Hardware Lorraine Helder, Police Clerk Young's Sheet lie tal Shop Howe's Hardware Thompson's Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff WATER FUND Howe's Hardware American elumbin;>; & Steam :jupply R. L. Lursen Lumber Supply H. D. Fowler Co. Slocum Hardware Puget Sound lower & Light Co. n n n n American Plumbing & Steam :supply T. R. Hubbard Don's .service City hall light (Nov.-Dec.,1945) Street Lights, Jan., 1946 Rubber stamp and pad Reft.ndfor duplicate traffic tags Postage Assisting City Treasurer Admission tax blanks Fire hall light Jack chain and cotter key (garbage cans) Lubrication paddy wagon Maintain traffic lights Binders, ledger sheets for Treasurer Paint, brush and mop (Police) P.O.Box rent, postage, etc. 4 Garbage cans for streets Stove oil for Police Scratch pads,.trip.receipts, etc. Board of prisoners, 1T®+ b! ; s 71a b5 Move oil, water plant Tees, Ells, etc 500 gels. gasoline (contract) Cement Capper pipe, couplings, etc. 2 gals. Asphalt Emulsion Pump station light Power, nest Bay Street Soldering compound Tire chains Tire repair, Lubrication STREET FUND H. J. Kilpatrick M. L. Bonneville Rohn N. Vaughn Joe Fa h Howe's Hardware Howe Motor Co. R. L. Lursen Don's Service Bremerton Concrete Pr6ducts T. R. Hubber d Slocum Hardware Lumber Supply Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Nails Generateft, etc. Model B. Ford Kerosene and oil Tire repair, battery charge Co. Sewer tile, brewery. job Tire chains Bolts, paint, brushes Lumber, cement, etc. SE`9ER FUND Atlas Foundry & Machine Works Manhole cover and ring Council adjourned to 11 a. m. February 16, 1946, on motion by Cline, seeo Stevenson and carried. May or - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - Q--- - H d by 24.10 12'7.85 3.81 2.00 10.00 4,00 u.75 2.94 .76 3.36 2.82 39.09 1.78 6.86 74.16 11.58 8.08 49.00 0.92 81.94 80.00 1.86 72.26 1.96 1.00 "7.97 5.47 7.01 2.06 91.60 91.60 91.60 91.60 1.03 9.94 44.33 3.61 123,55 14,05 3.76 21.46 18.35 Port Orchard, Washington February 16, 1946 Adjourned meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order at 11 a.m. pursuant to adjournment, and at the request of the Water and Sewer Committee, and on the order of the Mayor, By Mayor F. J. Woell. Present M. H. Thompson, W. S. Stevenson, George Cline and Dusty Winebrenner, Councilmen; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens. Absent Councilman Marion Sutton. Mayor stated that rmeting had been adjourned to this time to take up the muter of payment of final bill for drilling and developing Well No. 5, due to the Erdman Drilling Co., Inc. n contractors on the job. Councilman Thompson, chairman of the Water and Sewer committee, stated that his committee had held a conference with 0. E. Erdman of the Erdman Drilling Co., Inc., that the claim had been adjusted, and that the claim as adjusted and submitted this date is correct and just. Mr. Erdman also made a statement, clarifying some points that were brought up, �.nd it was gloved by . tevenson, seconded by Cline and carried that claim of Erdman Drilling Co., Inc., in the amount of : 2,849.77 as final payment due the Company for drilling; and developing Well ho. 5, be paid. Application of Joseph F. Fabel for permit to construct dwelling pn part of Lots' 9:10-11-122 Block 101, Sweany's Addition, referred to tge Building committee. Sidney Lodge ivo. 85, Lnights of xythias, requested permidsion to place a 1 banner across Hay Street for a celebration corrnemorating the burning of the mortgage o�hat the building and their Golden Anniversary. This permission was granted on condition banner be placed high enough to clear traffic, and that it be removed within a reasonable time after the event, and Clerk was authorized to issue permit. Coune il,//1 journed `d .. c tion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and car C 1* rk Mayor ---------0- ----_ __ Port Orchard, Washington February 25, 1946 Regular meeting of council of "ort Orchard, "Nashington called to order b Mayor F. J. Woell, with Councilmen !�. H. Thompson, W. S. Stevenson, George Cline, lZa ion Sutton a and Dusty Winebrenner; City Attorney John IVI. Boyle; Superintendent of Pu lic v+orks George Givens and Street Foreman S. V. McMullen present. Minutes of regular meeting of February 11, 1946 and adjourned meeting of February 16, 1946, read and approved. Mayor Woell stated that he written a letter to the youth Yitsap 'ictive Club, acknow- ledging its communication. Street and illey committee stated that no action had been taken relative to the Bay and Bank Street drain, as it was hoped to install the drain if and when Nater pipe is extended across the intersection. Matter of petition for vacation of certain streets and alleys in Tom Cline's Addition and Wheeler's Addition for cemetery purposes, was discussed, but action as deferred to a leter date. Street and Alley committee stated that it had no report as yet concerni;tchell street work requested by Tubs. 0. A. Moore and Iars. Reina Siegneron Third Street on Hill. Report was made that investigation had been made of Mork requested on Ha rison Street south of Ada street, and that menlaers of the Dtreet and Alley committee nd W ter and Sewer committee had contacted property otivners. action was deferred pend ng further adUnoes by property owners. Matter of north boundary of Port Orchard city limits was brought up and ity Attorney Boyle stated that the State law provides that boundary extends to the ce ter of the bay, and that it would be unnecessary to employ an engineer tomestablish line. Chairman Thompson of the Water and sewer committee reported that his com ittee had considered offers of different firms and individuals to dig trench for water main from Well info. 5, and that an agreement had been made with J. W. Welsh to dig the di*ch, make bao# fill, etc., under conditions as set ou. by Superintende t of Public, Works, for 495.00, under authority granted to the committee on February 11, 1946. Matter of lyghting on Horluck ferry dock was discussed and referred to t e Fire and light committee with power to act. Request for vacation of alley in 6'heeler's Third iddition came up for consideration on petition signed and filed by interested property owners. Discussion followed and the matter was "ferred to the •-treet and :,lley committee and the City Attorney for further investigation and report. This being the date on -7bich bids for -the construction of a pump house a d derrick at Well No. 5 were to be received and opened, 'l rk reported that four bids had been received. Mayor directed that bids be opened and the following tenders vere received and read to the council. aid of William Peterson for construction of pump house, 41, 395.38; Bid of W. N. Sherman for construction of pump house and derri k,$l, 238.90 ; bid of Taylor & McMillan for construction of pump house and derrick, $2„ 30.40; Bid of L. L. Perry for construction of pump house, 4789.25. Bids were considered by the council, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried that con- tract for construction of pump house, under plans and specifications provided, be award- ed to L. L. Peary on his bid of $789.25, the successful bidder to furnish bond and enter into proper contract with the city for satisfactory completion of the work. J. G. Parrott, representing the Port Orchard Yost N6. 30, American Legion, appeared before the count'Llwith an application for a license to present a carnival in Port Orchard some time during the month of Lay, 1946, the proceeds from which'', he stated, to go into a building fund for the new Legion building contemplated for the Legion lot at corner of Bay and Bank streets. This application was referred to, the License committee for investigation and report. City Attorney presented an ordinance amending Section 5 of Ordinance io. 505, Sidney Street paving ordinance) and same was read to the council. Moved by J:iixie, seconded b I I by ',Vinebrenner and carried, that ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 522. Superintendent of Public Forks George F. Givens trade a report on a drain being installed on the Ray Hall property on Bay street, which drain will serve to some extent in drain- ing Bay street, and stated. that Idr. Hall had asked if the city would bear part cf the expense of the improvement. The matter was discussed and referred back to the Super- intendent for further investigation as to costs and value to the city, and to report at next meeting of the council. Chairman wtevenson of the Street and alley committee recommended that sidewalks, par- ticularly on Say street from Cline street to Black Jack bridge be cleaned by Street department where necessary, and that property owners be notified that they shall keep sidewalks clear of dirt and mud in 'he ruture, under penalty of having the work done by the city and charged against the property. The following bills, which had previously been examined by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing committee, were presented and read, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Sutton and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT WENSE FU1M Fred G. letters, Sheriff 'pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 4f t! f1 # ►� �� Friedag Plumbing :auditor iiitsap County John 1 . 3oyle J. W. We sh _ H. J. Kilpatrick M. L. Bonneville Hohn N. Vaughn Joe Fah Erwin A. Ellis V. H. Lancaster J. 1). iris th i s 3oard of prisoners, January, 1946 Police telephone and tolls Fire department telephone Clerk and treasurer telephone and tolls Plumbing parts License 19371 fire truck Filing fee, Kelleher vs. Heath STREET FUND 84 yards gravel (hauling) Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on strets .Labor on streets Carpenter work, street garage Carpenter work on street garage Painting street signs �°:'ATER FUND R. M. Wade & Co . Marckmann & 4illiams American Plumbing & Steam supply Pacif id Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mar c ktma nn & Williams Puget pound Power & Light 0o. tt Tf /t 11 Stewart W. Ya tern Pump and raotor, Well No. 5 (contract) Tees and reducers Rubber packing; and caulking iron Supt. telephone and tolls 'dater plant telephone and tolls Flanges Power at main plant Power at Brewery La bo r on water system LIBRARY FUND 35.00 11.20 7,50 5.40 .61 1.25 5.00 21.00 91.60 91.60 91.60 91.60 111.24 92.70 54.96 1,420.99 4.50 7.58 4.75 8.45 21.96 123. 66 78.92 116.10 The H. R. Huntt ing Oo. Books for Library 52.35 C. S. Osburn 2-year subscri; tion to Popular Mechanics 5.00 street Foreman MaMullen reported that street sheds are roofed, and that the building is now advanced to a point where material and tools can be locked up. Letter from Conbresdman Hugh De-acy enclosing letter from First Assistant Post Master General, relative to mail delivery in Port Orchard, read and ordered filed. Council adjourned on motion by Stevenson, seconded by Sutton and carried. May or 0 - - - - - - - Port Orchard, Vlashington March 11, 1946 Regular meeting of the council of Fort Orchard, dashington, called to order by 1"Jayor F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen ;dusty 4inebrenner, 14arion Sutton, George Cline, W. S. Stevenson and 16. H. Thompson; City Attorney John I,i. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George 2. Givens, and Street Foreman ;3. V. Mali ul.len. Minutes of meeting of February 25, 1946 read and approved. Mayor Woell reported on his investigations relatite to lights on the Hv luck dock, and Stated that there was a question as to whether or not the town could pay for light on the dock. lie recommended that a flood light be placed on :Sidney Street north of Bay Street and of the city hall and so regulated that illuminate both the area back of the city hall and also the dock. Definitebaotion deferred to a later date. Chaorman Cline of the Fire and -Light committee reported that he had contacted repre- sentatives of the Puget pound rower & Light Oo. and that street lights ordered in- stalled some time ago, would be installed shortly, as material is becoming available. Superintendent of rubl is Works George 2. Givens reported 0n_ the­Bii x atreet drain at the Hay Hall place, and stated that there is a drain and catch basin on the south , ide of i3ay street that can be utilized. The matter of the city part icipatir]F_; in construction of the drain was discussed, and referred to the Street and Alley commit- tee for investigation and report. Chairman autton of the License and luditing, committee stated that his c considered tie applications for licenses for .carnivals, and that it wa4 mendation of the co.,imittee that the application of the Port Orchard Fro be granted. The committee recommended that the application of Port Orc American Legion be denied, for the reason that it is deemed necessary number of carnivals during; the year, rand that the funds realized by the Club would be used for community betterment, while those of the America to be used for the benefit of that organization only. 14oved by dinebre by Cline that the report be accepted. l:iot ion carried. Ross W. Ilatt, attorney for Pendleton L Gilchrist, ap yared before the c relation to vacation of certain streets and alleys in Tom Cline's riddit Wheeler's Addition, for cemetery purposes. _4 general discussion of the had by the council, and definite action deferred to a later date. :ir. present an agreement for right-of-way for utilities across the cemetery ready for examnination by City A-:torney Boyle by 3 o'clock Tuesday after 1946. rimi.ttee had the rec om- ressive lilub and Post #370, limit the Progressive Legion were ner, seconded cuncil with bon and matter was !a tt agreed to and have it Zoon, ,,;.arch 1 f, Letter from Jahn H. tattison, asking that city realease from reservation cf sale, the north half of Lot 4, Block 10, Sidney tidelands, noun owned by the Mate, as he is 'the owner of the south half of this lot, Ind desires to acquire the north half, was read, and referred to the Planning Commission for investigation and report. Application of Ted Lindall for buildiAri permit to construct a residence on 6pokane Street was referred to the 3uilding committee.. Chief of :police Chas. A. Heath, A. H. Freidag and i�enneth aevier of the Blue and Gold Garage, .ppeared beefore the council -ith reference to parking on the north side of Bay Street from Harrison Street to the 1warkussen shop, stating that parking in that area is such that it is not possible to get to the business houses. The matter was discussed and referred to the street and alley committee for investigation and report. ',lilliara Ylers, representing; property owners west of the city limits on :day street, appeared before the council �:nd asked if the town would furnish water service in an area if the property owners will lay water line from the city limits to their prop- erties. The matter was discussed and referred to the Water and Sewer mmittee and the Superintendent of Public Works for investigation jnd report. Ed Sandberg appeared before the council and asked for a permit to construct a 'M n- crete garage on his property, Lot 6, .Slock 8, First Addition to Sidney. Fie also asked about old sheds on the Central school grounds, left by the .army. The matter of the buil ;irk; permit was referred to the i3uilding committee, and the matter of+* the old buildings was passed for investigation. Matter of concert by amateurs over a public address system ovaS brought up by the proprietor of the reople'._z :second Band Store. The matter was discussed but no action was taken. Harry dingle, treasurer of the sort Orchard Chamber of Commerce, asked permission to string flags across Bay -Street in Front of the Chamber of Commerce headquarters to publicize the formal opening of the headquarters. Permission was granted, the:. flags to be removed within a reasonable time following. the 6pening cermonies. The following bills which had been exarlined by Chairman mutton of the 1wditing Committee, were presented and read to the council, and on motion by Su ton, seconded by Cline and serried, were ordered paid: C J' ,RyNT E kTEIdSE FUND i (See next page) C'JRREaT E.PEIZE FUTM Art Burnside �%o. Repairing Police badges R. R. Yates 3 14 coin wrappers for 'Treasurer Lumber Supply Lumber for Fire Department Howe Co. Repairs to paddy wagon tlaotor Howe's Hardware Stove oil for Police Howe's Hardware otove oil for Fire Department Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Street lights for February, 1946 Morrison fuel Jo. 1 ton coal, city hall County Auditor First truck license T. R. Hubbard Flouerescent tubes Royal Typewriter Co. Typewriter for Police n i d-`ATER FUND County auditor 2 licenses for water trucks 0. E. Erdman Drilling Co. Pump changes at Wells #4 and #5 Slocum hardware 14erchandise for water plant Howe's Hardware :Move oi_ for water plant Renssaeller Valve Co. 8" flanged valve Motor Parts Servife Wrenches R. L. Lursen Co. 320 gals gasoline (contract) 4ek Geo. C. Cooper Work on pipe lines American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Pipe, fittings and material STREET FUND County Auditor 3 truck licenses Slocum Hardware Hardware, etc for itreet Department Howe's Hardware Har.warefor street garage Howe's Hardware Repair window in Kitsap County Bank ( broken by Street workmen) Lumber Supply Lumber, cement, shingles, etc. Bremerton Concrete Products Concrete tile for streets Erwin A. Ellis Ga rpente r, street ga rag e V. H. Lancaster Carpenter, street garage J. D. Mathis 6treet work and sign painting Joe Fah .street labor John h. ' Vaughn Labor on streets i� M. L. Bonneville Labor on streets ' H. J. Xilpatrick Labor on streets Siemen's Machine Shop Cutting, welding and material 6.50 2,47 6.42 2.83 6.72 4.1.1 127.85 20.09 1.25 2.10 107.07 2.50 378.80 5.69 8.49 55.05 9.74 51.20 112.05 54.82 3.75 27.94 70.37 4.86 110.90 50.86 127.40 120.82 91.60 91.60 91.60 91.60 82.44 145.66 Application by Progressive Club for carnival license for April 29 to May 4, 1946, granted on m,oti�,n by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried. Council adjourned to I1areh 13, 1946 at 5 o'clock p. m. on motion by Cline, ecr�r ded by Sutton and carried. J/ r - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - Port Orchard, Washington March 13, 1946 Adjourned meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, with Councilmen George Cline, Dusty Winebrenmr, W. S. Stevenson,axt Marion Sutton sad 114. H. Thompi ; City Attorney John M. Boyle and Superintendent of i'ublic Yorks George F. Givens Present. The matter of vacation of certain streets and alleys described in the petition on file, in Tom Cline's Addition and in Wheeler's Addition, was taken up. Doss W. Watt appeared for the petitioners, Pendleton & Gilchrist et al. and tendered a right-of-way d eed, which bad been requested by the council. The deed was read to the council, and City Attorney Boyle called attention to the fact that the deed provided only for 2" water mains, and that it might be necessary to lay larger mains. Mr. Watt agreed, and inter- lined the words "or larger" after the words "2, and no other objection was made to the wording of -the deed. Ordinance vacating the streets and alleys way then read to the council, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried, the Ordinance was passed as read, and adopted as Ordinance No. 523. Mayor brought up the matter of licenses for pawn shops in Port Orchard. This was dis- cussed and, Uity Attorney was requested to investigate and prepare an ordinance covering the operation of pavan shops in Port Orchard. Meeting adjourned on motion by Sutton►, seconded by Thompson and carried. ` Clerk VMayor Port Orchard, Washington Larch 25, 1946 Regular meeting; of the council of Port Orchard, 7ashington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, with Councilmen Dusty Winebrenner, Farion Sutton, George Cline and W. 8, Stevenson; City Attorney John Id. Boyle and _Superintendent of Public v+orks George F. Givens present. Absent, Councilman 14. H. Thompson. Minutes of regular meeting of March 11, 1946 and adjourned meeting of 11�reh lo, 19460 read and approved. Further time as granted to Street and Gilley committee for investigation regarding the drain on say street at the jiay Hall property. Chairman Stevenson of the Street and ­lley committee reported on his investigation of the parking situation on the north side of Bar street from Harrison street to a point at or near the: Olympic Iron and Machine �Iorks, and Kenneth Sevier of the Blue & Gold Garage and Clyde Vaughan of the Peninsula Zeed Co. were present as interested citi- zens. A isdewalk and curbs and the installation of parking meters was recommended as a means of Alleviating to some extent t#e existing parking problem, nd it was de- cided to contact property owners with these improvements in view. Superintendent of ru-c-lic '�rorks George Givens made a report on investigation which he and Chairman Thompson of the rater and Sewer committee had made relative to water service to residents west of the city limits. He gave estimates of the cost of laying mains from the corner of iiitsap and O1ine streets, and also od running a line down from Taylor street, contemplating an 8" main on Bay street and a 4'-line from Taylor street. After a discussion, the matter was referred back to the 4ater and Sewer committee for further investigation. A letter from the firm of MeMicken, Rupp & Schweppe, regarding installation of radio- telephone service in the 6eattle area, and asking if there are any ordiriances in Port Orchard which might effect this service, was read to the council. Attorney Boyle stated that he had been unable to find any ordinance which would effect this service and it was directed that a letter he written to this effect. Letter from Charles 1�linefelter of the tort Orchard dousing Authority, enclosing a letter frora Harvey r'. Doane, Project Engineer, asking easement for water line and drain across and along Mitchell road and .-hore road (Bay Street) was read, and re- ferred to the '.Dater and fewer committee and the City Attorney. Chief of 1oltoe ;has. A. Heath asked permission to have certain repairs made to the paddy wagon and after a discussion, the matter was referred to the Health and sanita- tion committee with power to act, on motion by Cline, seconded by Steve son and carried. Mayor Woell stated that he had been approached regarding acquisition of concrete walls and blocks on the old Central school grounds, and after a discussion it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that Clerk be directed to adveirtise for bids for sale of this material, and also for the sale of unwanted build ngsand old lumber on the grounds. aids to be received by the Park committee with ower to act. Several matters of street work and improvement were discussed, and were referred to the Street and Alley committee. Mayor stated that the-heriff had approached him relative to a bond regarding the keeping of city prisoners in the county jail. The matter was deferred o the next meeting of the council. On motion by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried, a membership in thel American t'iater Works Association wa , authorized for George F. Givens, Superintendent o Public Works, and Clerk was directed to issue warrant on ?dater Fund in the sum of $10.00 as and for membership fee for one year. The matter of better means of communication for the fire -Jepartment was discussed, and was referred to Fire Ohief Alan Totten to work out such system as w 11 be satis- factory. The following claims were presented, after having been examined by Chai T man Sutton of the -auditing committee, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Sutton a d carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT E, PF2TSE FUND Puget Sound Power Light Co. Fire hall light 2.69 it 't '' City hall light--2 Months ! 22.30 It " " it Traffic light 8.80 " " " Blinker light 2. 30 Pacific Telephone Telegraph Oo. Fire wept. Telephone j 7.50 " Police telephone and tolls 1 1 5.10 Clerk and Treasurer's telephoned 5.25 tort Orchard Transfer Fuel Co. Stove oil 'or Police 2.84 WATER MND Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Power at Brewery pump 78.44 " Power and Light 17est Bay at. 8.98 Pv n " Power at main pump plant 125.00 i'ac if is Water Works supply Co. Pipe and fittings Well #5 (contract) 747.37 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Go. Water plant telephone and tolls 8.00 " " " Supt. telephone and tells 4.70 Port Orchard idac pine °t Mar. Iron Making fi tti ngd 2.87 (Yorks Welding and cutting Well #4 15.97 14illiam Gebhardt Tee connection and installation Well #5 12.v7 Fre idag Plumbing Pipe and fittings 5.43 Geo. J. Jooper Labor on pipe lines 108.00 South iiitsap Motors Repairs to Chevrolet truck 17.60 gotth Kitsa p Motors Repait to International truck 15.81 STREET FUND L. S., Pendleton Gasoline pump for street shed 25.00 H. J. tiilpatrick Labe on streets 73.28 iV1. L. Bonneville Labor on streets 91.60 John N. Vaughn Labor on streets 91.60 Joe Fah Labor on streets 91.60 J. D. Ida this Labor on streets 91.60 L. J. Birbeck Grader rental 220.28 William Gebhardt Cutting, assembling and welding 2.B5 S. V. Mclolullen Re-irnburse, round trip to Seattle 2.56 Howard Cooper Corporation Clutch lining for grader 24.61 LIBRARY FUND The H.'R. huntting Co. Books for library 4.00 Mary 8 Peterson Book for library 2.50 Council adjourned subject to call of the •diayar on motion by Stevenson, seconded by Ninebrenner, and carried. u erk W - - - -- - - - 0 - - - - - - - - Pcrt Orchard, Vashington March 27, 1946 Adjourned meetinf; of the council of fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Key ar F. J. Woell, V; ith Councilmen Marion Sutton, George .line and lu. H. Thompson; and superinten- dent of public -�"iorks George F. Givens present. _'absent Councilmen Dusty 0tinebrenner and W., o. atevenson. Mayor 4oell stated that council ha.., been called together to give the council inf'ormatiam relative to negotiations which had been in progress between the Housing Authority and and the City, stating that the Mayor and Councilmen Thompson, chairman of the Water and Sewer committee, had held a conference with Jack -trangeways and H. F. Doane of the Housing ;authority relative to right-of-wey easements for water pipe from Housing Author— ity 14ell #7, located on the Aisnworth property on viitchell road and East Bay atreet. He stated that a tentative agreement had been reached whereby the Housing authority will be granted an easement for ipe lines on Dlutchell road and the Shore road (East Bay St.) the easement to run only as long as the Federal Public Housin-) tiuthority operates public War housing at East Port Orchard and Orchard Heights, and when this public 'gar housing is discontinued, then, and that time, the easement shall automatically terminate with- out notice, and without any affirmative action by the Housing Authority. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Cline, seconded by Sutton and carried that council accepts the agreement as set forth by the Mayor, and grants to the .Mayor authori� ty to sign, on behalf of the Town of Port Orchard, an easement according to the terms as stated by the Mayor. All members present voted for the motion. Superintendent of Public y'rks George Givens stated that he believed that the present drain maintained by the city across East Bay -treet (:.pore road) should be utilized by the Housing; Authority to carry off the overflow water from Well Tv. as it is suffi- ciently large t, handle the overflow, and this would obviate the necessity of disturb- ing the surfacing on Bay Street (Shore Road.) This matter was discussed, and it was moved by Sut�on, seconded by Cline and carried unanimously that this arrangement be made with the Housing Authority. Superintendent Givens also brought up the matter of needed gravel at the site of tort Orchard's Well #5, and Councilman `Thompson made a report of his investigations as to what is needed at this site. After a discussion, it was moved by ,Sutton, second- ad by Cline and carried that Superintendent of-lublic •{orks be to have this work done. Council adjourned subject to call son and carried. authorize4 to negotiate by the ',�ayor on Motion by Cline, seco-n ed d, b � - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - by Thomp- r ,, Ii. Port Orchard, Washington April 80 1946 Regular meeting of the eouneil of kort Oreherd, Washington called to ord F. J. 40e11, with Gouncilmen M. H. Thompson, W. S. Stevenson, George Cli Sutton and Dusty Winebrenner; City Attorney John M. Boyle and Street For McMullen, present. Minutes of regular meeting of March 25, 1946, and adjourned meeting of read and approved. yo r by Mayor Marion in so V. h 27, 1946 Street and Alley committee and Superintendent of Public Works granted more time to make definite report on drain on Bay Street at Ray Hall property. Water and Sewer committee granted further time to contact property owners residing west of city limits, who desire to secure water service from port Orchard. I Mayor Woell reported that easement heretofore granted to the Federal Public Housing Authority for right-of-way over Mitchell hill road and Bay Street (Shore oad) had been returned, containing several changes which were not acceptable, and the tter was re- ferred to the water and Sewer committee tochendle the matter. Chairman Winebrenner of the Parks committee reported that his committee h d received bids for unwanted buildings and lumber at old Central School grounds, and under auth- ority had accepted the bid of &d Sandberg for J2.50, conditioned that the grounds be cleaned up under the direction of the committee and within time limits to be set by the committee. He also reported that one bid had been received for removing ionarete blocks and basement from the same tract and that this bid had been rejected., Following g the report it wa:.: moved by Stevenson, seconded by Cline and carried that ?eport of the committee be accepted and action of the committee ratified by the council. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that Clerk be di cted to call for bids for breaking up and removing the old concrete on the Central So o1 grounds, part of the materkl to be dumped at the foot of Sidney Street; part at th foot of Fredei%k Street, and part on the 'Jivis dolt Street fill; and for bulldozing the grounds to satisfactory contour,, filling the old basement and oil pit and otbar d , essions on the grounds. Bids to be called under specifications to be furnished b the Parrs and ilaygroubds committee, the Street and Alley committee, and the Superi tendent of Public works, and that separate tenders be made for breaking and moving t 'a concrete, and for bulldozing and garding the lots. A written application by property owners and residents in the vioinity of Austin and Dwight streets for permission to cut trees on Austin street was read to t e council. Matter was discussed and on motion by Stevenson, seconded by Cline and ca ied, it was referred to the Parks committee with power to ast. Application of Floyd Olson for building permit to construct a concrete ba ement and build an additional room on his residence on Harrison street, was referre to the Building committee.. The Clerk reported that the liability insurance will expire April 26, 194 , and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried, Clerk eras directed to contact the General Insurance Companu, and have policy renewed for a term of thre years. A letter from Port Orchard Post No. 30, American Legion, relative to license for car- nival in Fort Orchard, was read. Byron Thumms and James Bowers from the Legion Post were present and addressed the council on the matter. It was suggested that perhaps arrangements might be made among several organizations whereby a carnival could be held. Following discussions,, 11te Mayor stated that not ftrthsr licenses would granted for a carnival during the year 1946, without notification to the Legion, and o permit that organization to negotiate with other groups looking toward presenti a car- nival. The matter of repairing the paddy wagon to place the body in good shape w I a discussed, and it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Cline and carried, that Clerk a directed to cull for bids for repairs, according to specifications to be prepared by he Police Department. A letter relative to radio equipment for police cars was read, and no action was taken, as no such expenditure was contemplated in the current budget. City: Attorney Boyle presented an ordinance providing for the licensing of pawn brokers and pawn; shops in Port Orchard, which was read to the council. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Stevenson -and carried that ordinance be passed with minor changes as - gested. Ordinance was passed as. amended, and adopted as Ordinance No. 524. Matter of gravel 'screening plant and loading equipment for the town gravel pit was discussed, out no action taken,. Bills were presented and read to the Council. Chairman Sutton of the Auditing com- mittee recommended that the bill of Kerr Motor Company for exehango motor for street truck be held up for .investigation. The following claims were ordered paid, as on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Thompson and carried: Puget mound Power & Light Peninsula Stationers Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Donts Service Sloaum Hardware Miller Me to rs Home's Hardware Thompson's Co. street lights for March, 1946 Carbon paper, Pollee Safety deposit box rent, 1946 .Battery charge, etc. , Fire Dept. tubing, fittings, etc., City Hall Parking meter parts Stove oil for Police and city hall Mdae for Clerk, Library and Police WATER FUND Peninsula Stationers Slosum Hardware Caldwell's Trading &oat Pacific.:,later forks Supply Co. Hoare kotor Co. Home's Hardware Worthington Gamon Meter Co. American Plumbing & Steam Sup. Co. R. L.' Lursen Co. G C. Cooper 1&;; as C. Hyatt W. L. Johnson Don'si Service Howe Motor Co. Reliable hardware Kerr Motors Peninsula stationers Don's -Servios Den r s Se ry i c e How* 'a - Hardware Bremerton Conorete Products Go. Caaldwell's Trading Post J. W. Welsk Howard Cooper Corp. Olympic Iron & Machine Works H. J. Kilpatrick John N. Vaaugkz Joe Fah M. L. Bonaeville J. D. Ma thi S Engineer's figuring pads Machine bolts, nuts, eto. 'Fools, eta. 8" transite pipe, eta. set of flares Nails, oil, etca. Water Deters, parts, eto. Chain tongs, pipe, etc. 500 gale. gasoline, oil eta. Work on pipe lines Work oar .drain, W6L-1. No. 5 'fork on drain, Well No. 5 2 tires, grease job, etc. Repairs to street truck Hatchet Pump kit Letter Aino i lac %-ton Jack, oil and -o1l can Battery charge and eaable Nails, door hangers, lag screws, etc. Drain tile Tools and merehaandise Loading and hauling gravel Parts for Adams grader Door stops, angle iron, oto. La bo r Labor Labor Lab or Labor $ 121, 85 2.73 4.00 S.45 14.90 94.00 21.11 11.08 5.10 31.39 11.34 38.24 4.58 14.44 311.96 58.68 87.69 108.00 16. 50 16.50 59.03 7.4E 3.35 1.86 9.27 .20 3.61 22.05 47.84 31.83 22.40 8.21 43.34 91.60 91.60 91.60 91.80 192 * 44 The matter of water lines to outlying districts was brought up and discussed, and was referred to the rater and Sewer committee for investigation. Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor, on motion by Sutton, sec nA d by carried. Stevenson and carried. In r - - � rw w - a 0 + r M r - W rr W Port Orchard, Washington April 22, 1946 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor 7, J. Woell, with C unoilmen Dusty Winebrenner, Marion Sutton, George Cliche, W. S. Stevenson;, and M. H. T ompson; City Attorney John M. Boyle; superintendent of public Works George F. Givens; and Street Foremen S. V. McMullen, present. Minutes of meeting of April 8, 1946, read -and approved. Street and Alley committee reported on the drain at Bay Street at the R stating that the drain is a distinct asset to the drainage of the area, ing that the City of Port Orchard secure an easement from Mr. Hall to p drain afross his property. After a discussion, it was moved by Stevens by Sutton and earried that Mr. Hall be offered $90.00 from the Street F of -way fordrain across his property, the warrant to be delivered upon t an approved easement. Planning Commission filed a report on the request of John H. Pattison, from -sale restriction by the city of the North -J of Lot 4, Block 10, Si( recommending that this tract be released by the town for sale by the stt partment. H. B. Menees also appeared before the council and renewed his Lots .1-2 and 3, Block 10, Sidney Tidelands also be included in the relet and stated that he proposed to construct in the way of improvements, she successful in securing the property. Councilman Winebrenner also states of plans for improving the property if it comes into private ownership. discussed by members of the council, and was referred to the Planning Cc ommendat ion relative to all lots now restricted from sale. Mr. Menees 'blon to attend the meeting of the Planning Commission, and also asked tt property is released from restriction from sale that he be given a lette Land ,Department, that he might deliver it to the Department personally. Four bids were received for repair to the paddy wagon under specificatic the police Department, as follows: Howe Motor Co., total cost, $378.57; Garage, $235.70; Standard Auto Service, $240.86; Al's Body Shop, $200.74 was discussed, and the Mayor stated that he believed that the cast of tb not justified, due to the general condition of the police car, and region such repairs as are necessary to keep the car servicable, be made. Afte it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Winebrenner that bids be rejected. carried. Moved by Stevenson, seconded by Cline and carried that matter referred to the Health, Sanitation and Park committee with power to act. y Hall property and r ea omme nd - rpetuate the n, seconded nd for right- s delivery of or release nay Tidelands, to Land Do - request that se by the city, uld he be that he knew The matter was mmission for ree- asked permis- at if the r to the State � prepared by .ue & Gold The matter, repairs were nded only a discussion Motion repairs be Fred Clement, owner of property on Cline Street, appeared before the c ou�ci 1, and stated that a bulkhead fronting his property, -hich had been placed to h ld the street grade, had broken and needed repair or replacement. Matter referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Councilman Winebrenner of the Parks committee reported on the request by property owners to out trees in Austin street near Dwight street, and recommended that permis- sion be granted to remove trees, but that three trees to, be designated b left stand ing, but that these trees might be topped. Wm.. R. Baller stated that he ould remove the trees and pile and burn the brush, stating thatbamall growth would n t be dis- turbed, but would be left to prevent erosion. It was agreed that work y be done under the supervision of the Superintendent of Public dorks. Dick Aaland appeared before the council and asked permission to construe an approach from present west try. rgin of Bay Street grade to property line of S� ofLot 4, Block 10, Sidney Tidelands, and also to construct dock, office and other appurtena oes on the property to provide seaplane dervioe. The matter was referred to the B ilding commit- tee with power to act. Chairman Winebrenner of the Building committee stated that a proposed zoning,aa4 plumb- ing er4*a&aoo and building ordinance was ready for consideration, and that his committee would meet with contractors on Thursday evening to consider the provisions of the pro- posed ordinance. Clerk was directed to notify contractors that the mee ing will be held and to request their presence at the meeting. superintendent Givens reported on street work under way and eontenplate that gravel is being placed on Garrison, South and other streets where a good foundation, with a view to placing surfaces as soon as weather p al discussion was hed.d regarding street work in various parts of town, of catch basin and gutters on Bank Street adjoining the Standard Oil pr f erred to the Street and Alley committee to confer with Standard Oil Co It was stated that the Cuality Laundry owners are ready to construct co front of their property on Bay Street and that the remainder of the pro ::uality Laundry west to High Street is city property. Superintendent G that he believed that the fill placed last year is sufficiently settled construction of concrete walks in this area. Tine matter was discussed b action was taken. , and s tat ed squired to font rmits. A geeerr- nd the matter perty was re- pany officials. orete walk in erty from the yens stated to permit the t no definite r Superintendent Givens stated that Bell No. 5 has been connected with the city system., and all work possible to be done pending oonstruction of the pump house has been completed. It was suggested that' with the capacity of Well No. S available for use, that it might be possible to dispense with the use of the Brewery well. various mat- ters relative to the water system were discussed, and these were referred to the Water and Sewer committee for investigation and report. Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee `brought up the matter of traffie and traffic signs° and signals at the east end of 'Black Jack bridge and also atbthe junction of the Manahester and Gig Harbor highways, recommending better silgnalsat a,. t these points. These matters were discussed, and -it was suggested that before action is taken that State Department of Highways be contacted relative to si.,-gns and signals. " x The following claims, whooh had been examined by the Auditing oommittee, were present. ed, considered by the council, and on motion by Sutton, seo onded by Winebrenner and parried, were ordered paid: Clarence Cheplak Blue & Gold Garage T. R. Hubbadd South Kitsa p 14o tors$ Knutson Mobile Servies Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Trick & I[urray C , A. Hanks M. H. Thompson Minnesota Mining & Mfg. M. H. Thompson Lent's E. Harper J. 'W. Walsh J. w, Welsh d. D. Mathis aqo Fah M, L, Bonneville. H, T. Kilpaatridk Xas ©. Hyatt W. L, Tohnson Gene rat o r for paddy wagon. Paddy wagon repair Parts for paddy wagon Paddy wagon repair Repair to paddy wagon Fire hall light Desk blotters and coin wrappers Insurance premium, City gall 2 oil drums, City gall wo;*44 N 11 Co, Street signs Oil drum for street sbed Drain tile Hauling gravel Truck and driver, haling gravel Shovel and operator loading gravel Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets SEWER Fm a GR4RGS 0, Cooper Paolfia Water Works Supply Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Bound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Bound ,Power & Light Go. Marskmann & Williams .:" Tie H« R. Huntting G . Labor on sewer lateral Labor on sewer la to raal Laing pipe lines Carp for 8" pipe Power at mail, plant Power at Well Ho, 4 Light at Well No. 4 Power at Brewery well 8" pipe, eto. ;Books for Library 13.g6 23.18 7.97 ,27.69 20.81 2082 7.71 92.86 3.00 34.95 1,50 27.81 59.36 81.62 133..44 84.44 8R,44 91.60 91-o 60 108.00 9 •07 , 12546 55085 1.100 84.92 17.68 17.40 Meeting adjourned subjeat to call by the Mayor, on motion by aline, eoonded by - Stevenson _and carried. _ 1 Cle mayor Port Orchard, Washington May 130 1946 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchards Washington, called to der by Mayor F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen Dusty Winebrenner, Marion Sutton George Cline, M. H. Thompson and W. S. Stevenson; City Attorney Jahn, M. B41e Super. intendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Street Voreman S. V. Mc llen. Minutes of meeting of April 22, 1946 read and approved, Councilman Thompson stated that Rag B. Hall had accepted the offer of e city for easement for drain across his property, and would execute the easement if presented. City Attorney was requested to draw the easement. Matter of repairs to wall abutting Fred Clement property on Cline Stre t was dis- cussed, and Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee recommended the construction of a concrete wall of sufficient strength and heighth to 14old the fill. Furthertime was granted to the Street and Alley committee to contact officials of the Standard Oil Company concerning catch basin at Bag and Bank Street Matter of sidewalk on Bay Street from Cline Street to Hull Street was iscussed and -on recommendation of Superintendent of Public Works, the Street an Alley com- mittee was directed to make investigation of the matter and report at he next meeting of the council. R. L. Bruhahn, owner of property on Seattle Street, made applim tion o suspension of sewer charges on Account No. 429, as the building is being torn down. Suspension of sewer charge on this property granted on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried. This being the date upon which bids for breaking and moving concrete o School grounds, and the levelling the grounds, were to be received, C1 that three bidshad been filed. Bids were opened, and the following to received: Bid of Wesley M. Johnson, for removing concrete, smoothing g for a lump sum of $1s590.00, and hand placing of concrete on fill on c, basis, 7overhead and 10% profitj bid of Hensle and Yonkers, removal $894,00, levelling and filling of holes in yard 4481.00, or a total of and -hand placing of concrete for bulkhead, an additional charge of $32 Holmberg 8c Norman, for removing concrete and levelling grounds, $1150., lading of concrete for bulkhead, $220.00. The bids were examined and e council members and it was moved by Ninebrenner, seconded by Sutt c ried that bid of Holmberg & Norman be accepted, and that Attorney d covering the job, under the terms of thr bid, the work to be done undo: vislah of the Superintendent of Public Works and according to specific set out by authorized officials. ,Central rk reported' ders were ounds, etc. s t plus of concrete, $1,375.00, .00; bid of 0; hand discussed by� n and aw contract the super- tions to be Ordinance providing for licensing of social clubs in the Town of Port Orchard, was presented and read. After discussion, it was referred to the Attorney for amend- ments as suggested by the council. Superintendent of Public 'Rorkss stated that two tires were required for the V-8 dump. truck for the Street Department, The matter was discussed, and o Superin- tenclent was authorized to purchase tires, on motion by Sutton, s000ndel by Steven- son and carried. Clark brought up the matter of shortage of funds in the 'dater Fvnd to ake care of necessary expenditures, and asked that 5,500.Od be borrowed from the urrent Ex- pense Fund to be repaid at the rate of 4100,00 or more per months with r interest. Resolution providing for loan read and passed on motion by Winebrenner seconded by Stevenson and carried. Chairman Thompson of the ';rdater and Sewer committee, made report on inve tigation of new water main on Sriufe Street, stating thatexiou wooden main is past repair, and that permanent main is needed. He also reatwim. en40 that provision be made for fire hydrants at the street intersections. After a discus>sion.aud a statement by Superintendent Givens concerning onnditions, it was moved by Stevenson seconded Cline and carried that Clerk be directed to call for bids for necessssr water pipe and fittings to lay water 'main from Sidney street to Tacoma street on roufe street, under specifications to be furnished by the Superintendent of Public Works. On motion by Thompson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried Clerk was d rooted to call for bids for ditching, 1kaying msaiiw and back -filling on Sroufe at e{et from Sidney to Tacoma streets, the successful bidder to ash sufficient and for faithful performance, and the work to be done under specifications to a furnished by the Superintendent of Public Works, and the work to be done under h s supervision. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Stevenson and carried that Towne 1 -an engineer for the Sroufe street water extension, at a fee not to exceed 8%of the contract. On motion by Thompson, second4d by Cline and carried, water consumers a allowed 5, 5OO gallons of wa .er per month for the minimurn fee of $1.50 per mont , during the months of June, July and August, 1946, 1 r) I n H, B. Menees appeared before the council relative to removal from sales restrictions Lots 1-2 and 3. Block 10, Sidney Tidelands,.stating that no results were obtained. from the Planning Commission conferences as there was not a quorum present„ Mayor Wooll stated that definite action would be taken by the Planning Coi=ission at its meeting, Friday,, May 17, 1946* , H, i. Dingle of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. tendered check for 30000-as franchise tax.,for the current year under the terms of the franchise, • s C, 0., Hansen, representing the Port Orchard Traction Co., asked for curtailment of schedules of busses on Sidney street and Pottery Hill runs, asking for a minim n.of. seven trips daily, After a discussion, it who moved by Cline, seconded by Stevenson and.carried that tentative schedule as presented by Mr. Hansen be approved, subjeet.to further hearing. Report on surer connections on Bay Street was presented by Superintendent of Public Wore and was referred to City Attorney for approrpiate action, looking toward connection of all property. Councilman Sutton brought up the matter of salary ordinance as suggested by State Ex.. amiZer, and the matter was referred to the City Attorney to prepare appropriate oddtnaneo. . Matter of attaining new raodway from Gig Harbor highway to Mitchell road in exchange for.platted street was brought up by Councilman Stevenson, and referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and rep crt. Matter of traffic signals at intersection of Gig Harbor and Harper highways was brought up for discussion, and it was stated that.a representative of the State Highway Depart- ment; would contact the Mayor in connection with the matter, Bilis were presented,, after having been examined and approved by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing committees and on.motion by Thompson, seconded by,Stevenson, and carried, were ordered paid, with the exc3epti.on of the bill of Osaer Ramsey,, which was held -.for Investigation: Pacific Telephone & Tellegraph. Co. Police telephone and tolls Fire Department telephone e e n Clerk and Treasurer telephone Port Orchard Transfer & Fuel Stove oil for Police Thompson's Scotch tape Howes Hardirarre Stove oil for Police Howe's Hardware Stove oil for city hall Pioneer Inc. Rubber bands,, Clerk Blue & &old Garage 16 and 12 guage wire PugetSoundPower & Light Co, Maintain traffic lights, Jan.,, 1946 Maintain traffic lights, Fab., 1946 n " Maintain eau#on light, Mar.&Apr. , 1946 " e ' Maintain traffic lights, Mar,.& Apr,,1946 City .hall lights Fire hall light " e Street lights, April, 1946 Mary B. Peterson Assistant Treasurerls office Port Orchard Feed & Seed 2 sacks coal Fred G. Votters, Sheriff Board of Prisoners, Feb. & March, 1946 Ethel Z, Reed Cleaning drapes,, City Hall 3l+oeum Hardware . Batteries, brooms,, rake Haah Drug 2 pairs gloves Radio Joe Radio antenna., Police ear South Kitsap Motors Repair paddy wagon Washington Typewriter Co, Typewriter rental, Clerk Lorraine Helder P.O.Box rent and postage, Police City of Bremerton. Board of prisoners, April, 1946 Ss V. McMullen Special Police officer DATER FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Slocum Hardware . American Plbg, & Steam Sup, Co, Howets Hardware Lumber Supply Wm.. Gebhardt Bremerton Concrete Pro, Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. South Kitsap Motors Pacific Water Works Supply Co: Mare & Williams Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. George C, Cooper Water plant telephone and tolls Superintendent telephone and tolls paint Various pipe and fittings Stove oil Lumber Welding and cutting Drain tile, meter boa covers Power at main pump Power at Brewery Power and light„ West Bair St. Repair Chevrolet pickup Trans ite pipe Machine and pie gaskets Perchloron 15 Labor 500 7.50 5.25 4,87 .77 11..57 a.63 1.4 .72 1.76 6129 3,26 9,34 23* 74 4.10 127,85 35 `00 2* 1.6 101„00 3,07 12*08 1..05 5,10 33* 85 7.73 4,50 7,00 18.48 7,35 5,30 18,49 115,34 10.61 7,84 15.58 18,54 119,00 81080 35„-89 9,94 19.a2 . 5, 55 9, 27 17200 Mallon Motors Slocum Hardwam e Howe a Hardware Howe Motor Co. Flood Canal Auto Freight Howard Cooper Corp Lumber Supply R. L. Lursen Co. South Kitsep Motors J, W. Welsh Port Orchard Lumber Yard L. J, Birbeck E, Harper J. W. Welsh J. W. Welsh 0, J. Johnson J. D. Mathis Joe Fah John N. 7auglm M. L. Bonneville H. J. Kilpatrick S. V. McMullen Bents Track Parts Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Howe' s Hardware The H. R. Huntting Co* C, S, Osburn STREET FUND Gear and rims Nails, Bolts, axes, etc. Furnace oil Fuel pump and gaskets Freight on paint Fan belt Cement and lumber 500 gals. gasoline (contract) 3 light relays 24 Yards gravel 3 bbls. cement Grader rental Labor Rental of shovel, and operator Truck rental and driver Labor on streets Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Re-imburse trip to Tacoma Parts for truck Drain tile MO. i.: W0��lE Replace glass and widaow stops Books for Library 3-year subscription to Good Ha On motion by Stevenson,, seconded by Sutton and carried, Treasurer was drag check to Clerk.for $100,00 for change in Clerk's office, Paul Morland appeared before the council and asked for restricted p Prospect Street in front of his restaurant. Application denied; C-ungil adjourned subject to call of the Mayor on motion by Sutton., Stevenson and carried. Port Orchards Washington May 270 1946 2.85 30.18 6.02 4.22 1,03 2.53 16.29 80000 2.07 9.89 10,81 361,00 178,08 250,00 178,08 29,77 91,60 137,40 137.49 157*46 128924 1.02 10.30 115 .31 4 .75 26,79 7,50 cted to area on by Caung11 of port Orhard, Washington celled to order in regular session Mayor F. Woell, Present Councilmen M. H, Thompson„ ITT. S. Stevenson, George Cl e, Marion Suttgn and Dusty Winebrenner, City Attorney John M. Boyle, and Superin endent of Publlo Works George F. Givers. Minutes of meeting of Mqp 13, 1946, read and approved. J. Follqwing a discussion of the wall on Cline Street to protect the grad at the Fred Clemqnt property, it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Sutton and ca ried that Clem be directed to call for bids for the wall under specifications t be furnished by tl4e Superintendent of Public Works, Chaigman Stevenson of the Street and Alkley committee, stated that he h d looked over the site of the proposed sidewalk from Cline street to High street, on Bay street, but was notready to make definite report.:Committee granted further ti e, City Attorney Boyle presented ordinance licensing social clubs, wh ice. d1na=e had been ,referred to him for ament at the last meeting of the council. Ordinance was read to the council, duly considered, a nd on motion by Thompson, s conded by Winebrenner, was passed as read. Ordinguat adopted as Ordinance No, 5 5. Letter from Port Orchard Planning Board, recoing that Lots 1-2, 3 and N* of Lot 4, Block 10, Sidney Tidelands, which have been reserved from sale by a State Depart- ment .of Public Lands, at the request of the City of Port OroharA, be $ legsed from � restriction from sale, was read. It was moved by Cline, .seconded by S evenson and harried that recommendation of Planning Board by adeopted, and that pr party be re- lease_d from restriction from sale by the City of Port Orchard, H, B,. Menees, who had asked for release from restriction of this grope ty, addressed the council and thanked them for their action, and renewed his reques to deliver the letter to the State Department of Public Landes personally, Mayor stated that there,would be no objection to this action, Letter from Print Orchard Planning Board, recommending that steps be taken to secure sufficient right -of -wag on Melcher street extending to Hull street to insure uniform �--� width of the etreet from Sidney to Hull streets read to the council. Letter ordered filed. City.Attorney Boyle r tad that he JA d written letters to various property owners relative to sewer coetions of all unconnected property on Bay street, informing the property owners , action wanted- foal&ow if connections were not made at once. After a discussion it was moved by Clue, seconded by Sutton and carried that Attorney take -appropriate action to force sewer connections, Attorney Boyle asked for further time to which to prepare proposed salary ordinal ee, ` This. request was granted. Mayor Woell stated that he had written to the State Deper tment of Highways relative to traffic signals on Gig Harbor and Manchester highways, but so far had received no reply. Matter deferred. This being the date upon which bids were to be - d for supplying material and labor for. Sroufe Street water main, Clerk reported that two bids had been received, Bids were.opened and the bid of H. D. Fowler Company offering to furnish material as set forth in the specifications for the total sum of $951,010 was read. Bid was chocked by T. C. Breitenstein, engineer, and George F. Givens, Superintendent of Publ.les ,Works, and discussed by the council. It was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Cline and carried that bid of H. D. Fowler Company for material be aoeapted. B9„ A,X J. W. Welsh for labor of ditching, laying main, backfilling etc. at a unit price of 5c. per foot, or a total of $940.50g was read to the council, this bid was checked by the Engineer and the Superintendent, who reported that in their opinions the bid was too high, and suggested that ditching -and backfi.11ing be done by negotiated contract and that main be laid by day labor. The matter was discussed by the council, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that the bid be rejected. Petition of Port Orchard Post No, 30, American Legion, for license to present carnival in Pprt Orchard from August 12 to 17th, 1946s was read, arnd Fames Bowers, Comumdert. made,a statement. It was moved by Clime, seconded by Stevenson and carried that license be granted, conditioned that if other service organizations desire to parti- cipate in the carnival, that they be permitted to do so, under agreement made ata previous conference. Two tenders for typewriter were received, one from Underwood Elliott Fisher Co,, and one from Peninsula Stationers for Royal typewriter, After a discussions It was moved by Cline, seconded by Sutton and carried , Clerk be authorized to order typewriter from, Peninsula Stationers, the machine to be standard majchine with 12-inch carriages for $125.15. Matter of inproved street lighting was brought ups and was referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and reports according to plans submitted by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, Dudley Perrine of the firm of Matt & Perrino appeared before the eouncil on behalf of Pendleton & Gilchrist, owners of Sunset Lame Cemetery. He presented a plat of the proposed cemetery, and also a resolution approving the plat by the City of Port Orchard, The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline • and carried that resolution as presented by passed and adopted. Ross iW. Watt appeared before the council, and asked for permission to move a frame building, 2ax22 feet on to Lot 6, Block 120 First Addition to Sidney, for use until such time as materials are available,, when he hopes to erect permanentbuilding,. He also asked that grades be established on Harrison Street south to the alley in Block 12, First Addition to Sidney# and that the grade of the alley be established. The matter was discussed by members of the- council, and it was the opinion of the members of the council as expressed that permit to move building on to the lot, and to remove the retaining wall be denied. Action on establishing grades as requested, was deffered, Carl Holmberg appeared before the council regarding the removal of concrete from the Central School grounds, and levelling off the grounds, bids on which were opened on. May 139 1946, Some changes had been suggested by the council and the members of the Progressive Club and Ur. Holmberg gave figures detailing the cost of the new proposal, The matter was discussed and definite action w as deferred to a later date, Paul Moreland appeared before the councils and stated that he had purchased the Dia- mond Cab Conpanyy operations in Port Orchard, and asked that he be allowed another parking space on Bay Street. Mayor Woell detailed the history of the parking fidtuat.* ion as it effects the Diamond Cab Company since that company entered the taxi field in Port Orchards and recommeddesd that no additional parking space be allotted on Bay Street, and that the areas at present designated .for use by that company rein - changed. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Sutton and carried that request for add. itional space be denied, and that existing areas remain unchanged. Mayor Woell announced the appointment of R. J. Carettie and R. L. Bruhahk as members of the Port Orchard Planning Board. The appointments were confirmed on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried. The bills were resented, followksufton examination and approval b Chairman. Sutton of ,e Auditing committee. Conneilman recommended that the bill of -the Puget Bound Power & Light Co. for street lighting service for the month of May be laid over until the net meeting of the council. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by V ine and carried that bills as approved by ordered paid, and the following elaima were allowed.: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Blue & Gold Garage Pacific Telephone & Telegraph 00,,. r Al+s Body shop Trick & Murray fl fl fl 1! `n e Porgy Orchard .Maehi3ae Marine & Iron works Rensselaer Valve Co, Pacific, Telnhone & Telegraph Co. American Plumbing Steam Supply Layman & Hanford Company J. W. Welsh Goo. C. Cooper H, B. Menees Puget Bound Power & Light Go, Western,Asphalt Paving Co. Crane Company Oma.r's Auto Wrecking H, J. Kilpatrick Jahn N. Vaughn Joe Fah M. L. Bonneville J, D. Mathis J. W. Welsh The H. R. Huntting Co. Trick & Murry W. L. Johnson Paddy wagon repair Telephone, Clerk and Treasurer Police telephone and tolls Fire Department telephone Repair doors to paddy wagon 1Rtbber st amp.: f or Tre seer Registration supplies Binder for council miiw to s LO trip.recei s for Poll** Work on fire hydrant 2 huh end valves Water plant telephone and tolls Superintendent telephone and tolls Pipe packing Motor boxes and covers 6 field books Ditching, gravel, bulldozing, Well Labor STREET FUND 2 tires, i tube Light at street shed 10 tons MC2 mix Street paint Truck whe##1 Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor 24 yards Gravel Books for Library Rubber Stamp Labor � 19.52 5,25 4,85 7,50 33.99 1,16 10.03 25.25 65,00 3.09 45.32 1.1, 88 7,85 1.75 36,29 9,27 146,06 108,00 95,73 .73 56.65 13.42 5.00 91,60 91,60 82.44 91.60 18,32 9.89 91,24 1.03 3.00 It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that Police notify property owners to keep sidewalks and parking strips clean, or that worL will be done and cost charged to property. Mayor Woell stated that he expected to be absent from Port Orchard of June, and asked for leave of absence, which was granted by the Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor on motion by Winebrenner Steve34son and carried. ** ****0** * * * * * the month . seconded by n Port Orchsr d, Washington June 100 1946 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel, in the absence of Mayor F, J, Woell. Present Councilmen George Cline, Marion. Suttons No H. Thoupaon and Dusty Winebrenner; City Attorney Jahn M. Boyle and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens,. Absent Mayor F. J. Woell and Councilman W. S,r Stevenson„ Clerk called for nominations for Acting Mayor during the absence of Mayor Woell't and Councilman Thompson placed in nomination Councilman Dusty Winebre=9r; the nomination was seconded by Councilman Cline, and Councilman Winebrenner was elected Acting Mayor by voice vote, all members voting for his election., and he assumed his duties as Acting Mayor. Rimtes of meeting of May 27, 1946 read and approved. City Attorney Boyle stated that action on matter of unconnected sewers on Bay Street awaited another check on property, and further time was granted. Street and Alley committee was granted further time to report on proposed sidewalk on Bay street between Cline and High Streets. Superintendent Givens stated that he had made an investigation of retaining wall on Cline Street at Fred Clement property and believed that the wall can be put in more economically by day labor and recommended that this method of construction be adapted. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that the wall be constructed by day labor 'under plans and specifications to be pre- pared by the Superintendent of Public Works and under his supervision. Further time was branted for preparation of salary ordinance, and Clerk was directed to contact representative of Division of Municipal Corporations of the State of Wash.. ington relative to officers and ernpl.oyees who are to be covered by the ordinezic'e... No word has been received from State Higbway Department relative to traffic signals at Manchester -Gig Harbor highway intersection, and this matter was passed for further information. Discussion of constuction of Sroufe Street water main job was had, and Superinten- dent stated that material, with the exception of some of the fittings had been re- ceived. Following the discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that work be dome under the supervision of the Superintendent of -P blic Works' and Engineer Breitensteiii; that a ditcher be rented and that the work be drone` by daT labor._ Action qu additional street' lighting was deferred., Fo b a discussion oft3M improvement of Central'School property, it was moved'by Sutton, seconded by Thompson and carried that bids be called for the irork, and that the matter be referred to the Health, Sanitation,. Parks ind Building Cow mittee to work out Mane and specifications for the work, the committee to receive bids tud make award, and with general power to act. Mayor Winebranner stated that there are some vacancies on the Planning Boardand asked that members of the Council give the matter some thought with•a view to suggestions for appointments,, Chief`of Police HealztL reported that moat of the walks and parking strips have been cleared of weeds and grass and that others are under process of being cleaned. City Attorney Boyle gave a report on the proposed building code and plumbing code, and advised the council of changes and additions which should be embodied in the proposed ordinimces* The matter was referred back to the Health, Sanitation and Building com. mittei for further conferences, and the Clerk was directed to request the presence of eonitractors at the conferences, Letter from M.*B. Contracting Company relative to vacation of ' DeKalb street waterway so that it might be offered for sale, was read to the council. After a discussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that resolution be passed regxesting the State Commissioner of Public Lands to vacate the waterway. Several members of theePort Orchard VeteransR appeared before the Council and presented petition for license to open and operate a Social Club at 819 Bay Street, under the termz`of Ordinance No. 525. On motion by Sutton* seconded by Clime and.carried, applies catiori was granted, conditioned on favoreb le so tion by Washington State Liquor Control Board, and flllftgof Art es of Incorporation as set forth in the application,, Representatives of several taverns in Port Orchard appeared before the Council,,, and. Robert Rylander, one of the operate -rat entered a protest against granting by they city of licenses for social clubs, other than to veterans organiwarions, speaking on be. half of the tavern operators. Application for social club license, under the terms of Ordinance No. 525, aoacciand by oh6ok for $600,00 for license for one year, was read from D, C, McReynolds.. The application was referred to the License and AuditV3 g tsommittee with power to exet, motion by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and +carried, Application for Building Permit to make alterations to Totten Building for Club Rooms and restuarant by D. C. McRe7nolds, was read, Referred to the Bu lding com- mittee and Chief of the Fire Department with power to act. Clerk made report on visit by Mayor Woell and Clerk to the Washington S ate Revel» opment Board relative to proposed city hall, and stated that suggestion had been made that plans and specifications,be drawn., eliminating all t.eeessary fin shings and Installations possible, and also -for a completed building, and that bids be called under both proposals, After a discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seco dedt by Cline and carried that Architect be directed to prepare plans and specs ications under these conditions, and that bids be called at the Earliest possibl date. A letter was received from the Port Orchard Planning Board regarding parking on heavy street grades, and recommending that Police start a campaign for safe parking, After a discussion, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Sutton and carried that Police Department inaugurate an educational campaign for safe parking on hills, and take necessary steps to enforce strict parking Pules. Chief Totten of the Fire Department stated that city is in need of 500 eat of additional fire hose, -and asked that Clerk be dir acted to call for bids for same. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline 4l�,4ftrried that Clerk be directed to call for bids for 500 feet of fire hose under aspecifications to be sdbm.tted by the Chief of the Fire Department, Matter of grader rental came up for discussion, and it sasras s tatdd that wring the summer months, graders are in serious demand, and that it would brat be possible to secure another one if the one at present in use is relinquished, After a discus.» sion, it was moved by Thompson,* seconded by Sutton and carried that eity retain present grader on a daily rental at the monthly rental basis, Superintendent Givens stated that the pump house at Well No. 5 is pract Bally com- pleted; that most of the pipe fittings and connections have been installed and that the well is about ready to be placed in service. He stated, that the new pump house construction is a highly satisfactory job, and that the entire setup will providea, most satisfactory unit of the water system, Bills, which had previously been examined and checked by Chairman Sutto of the Auditing Committee, were read to the council, and on motion by Cline, s conded by Thompson and carried, were ordered paid: Re R. Yates Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Puget Sound Power & Light Guy L, Wetzel, Clerk Puget Sound Power & Light Puget Sound Power & Light Fred G. Vattern, Sheriff Rensselaer Valve Co. Slocum Hardware locum. Hardware awe Motor Co. Thompson's Kenneth Sevier Howe's Hardware Howe I s Hardware Howe's Hardware CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Pencils, tape, etc. for Treasurer Expenses to Ass'n Wash. Cities cony, Co, Maintain traffic lights, April 1946 Stamps, bog rent, etc, Co, Maintain traffic lights, Jan.1946 Co. street lights for May, 1946 Board of prisoners, April, 1946 Fire hydrant Solder for Parking Meter Dept. Light globes etc, for Fire Dept, Repair Fire Truck Paper, carbon and stples for Clerk Gasoline for Police cw Tools for Parking Meter Dept„ 103 gals stove oil for city half Tissue towels and stove oil for Poll WATER FUND David Hendrix Labor Goo, Co Cooper Labor Don's Service 2 oil drams with connections American Plumbing & Steam Supply Pipe packing Crane. Coupany Paint and Enamel, Howe's Harden a Fertilizer and sprinkler L. J. Birbeek L. J. Birbeck Slocum Hardware Slocum Hardware Howe Moto* Co, Don's Service Station Howe's hardware Won Johnson J. W. Welsh Racy C. Durham Holmberg & Normsm J. W. Welsh Holmberg & Norman Bob Heath , John N.:Vaughn M. L. Bonneville H, J.- Kilpatrick STREET FUND Grader rental, May, 1946 96 yards gravel Lacquer thinner Tools and paint Fuel pump, etc. for truck Oil, grease and lubrication Various merchandise Hauling gravel and truck rental Truck rental with driver Truck rental and operator Truck rental, 3,71 per hoar Power shovel rental Power shovel rental Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets ,Labor on streets $ 4.20 16.50 3,16 13.78 1.76 127*85 34.00 86.11 .25 4.65 19,67 8,24 4,75 3,04 8,81 e 6.68 13,74 108,00 5,15 10,98 16.84 3,35 460,00 97,85 8.50 38.54 5,16 15,98 11.31 11.13 26,83 51.94 148.40 110.00 148,20 27.48 84,73 84,75 89,31 LIBRARY FIND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 3.68 Mary B. Peterson Postage and expenses of library 10.00 Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor, on motion by Cline, seeded by or Port Orchard, Washington June 24, 1946 Council of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Acting Mayor Dusty,Wine- brenner, with Councilmen M. H. Thompson, George Cline and Marion Sutton; City Attorney John M, Boylo, and Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, Absent, Mayor F. J. Woell and Councilman W, S.-Stevenson. Minutes of meeting of June 10, 1946 read and approved. Report was made on property owners who were notified to connect with sewer system, and further time was granted for directed action to compel property owners to con- nect under the terms of the ordinances. Street and Alley committee were granted further time for report on Bay Street side- wall� from Cline street to High street. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens reported that plans had been completed for.retaining wail on Cline street at the Fred Clement property, and that arrangements have been made to do the work by day labor as directed by the council, at an early date. The matter of traffic signs.qLt intersection of Gig Harbor and Manchester highways was deferred. s Superintendent Givens reported that work has started on water a xtension. on Sroufs street; that about 300 feet of ditching has been done; some main laid and that work. is progressing satisfactorily. Clerk reported that two bids had been received for work of removing concrete and grad- ing old Central School grounds, and Mayor directed that bids be opened. Bid of Holmi- berg & Dorman, Inc, offered to do the work according to specifications enumerated for 1, 650.00, an4 if concrete blocks are hand placed a charge of $660.00 shall be made for thiq work or a. total of $Bp310,00 for the work, if concrete is hand placed, Bid. of J, ITT, Welsh offered to do the work under specifications for $750.00, and if ooncrate blacks are hand placed, an additional charge of $300,00 is to be made, or a total of $lp950,OO* Bids were discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carded that bid of J. lid. Welsh be accepted. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by, . Clime and carried that J. W. Welsh enter into a contract with the Torn of Fort Orchard to do the work under the terms of his bid, and that bond for faithful .performanoo, in the .amount of the bid be entered into with the tower.. Clerk reported that in order to finance the work at the Central School grounds that an emergency appropriation will have to be made, as there is no provision in the budget for this expenditure. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson.0 second- ed by Cline and carried that emergency be decalred in the amount of 850*00 for this work and that Attorney prepare ordinance providing for the expenditure for considers,.. tion of the council at the next meeting. Acting Mayor Winebrenner stated that it had developed at a conference in which he had participated that it is possible to work out some means by which the county plumbing inspector can also be employed by Port Orchard as its plumbing inspector, if and .when the,building and plumbing codes are adopted. He also stated that he believed that a competent building inspector will also be available.- He asked that the Health, Sani- tation. and Building ecumittee meet with Dr. Spielholz, the county health officer, and Mr. +Greene., the plumbing inspector at 7:30 p. m. July 26, 1946. Clerk was directed to request Dr. Spielholz, Mr.. Greene and R. B. Ryan to be present. Application of D. C. McReynolds for Club license was brought up for report by the License committee, This matter was discussed by members of the council, and Ray R. Greenwood, attorney representing the applicant, addressed the council. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that application for Club license under the terms of Ordinance No. 525, made by D, C. McReynolds, be granted, as recommended by the sLicense committee. . one bid for 500 feet of Clerk reported that/fire hose for the Fire Department had been received,, and the bid of Howard Cooper Corporation was opened, and offered to supply 500 feet more or less of 2 " "I.D.Deluge Brand", 400-pound test pressure at $1,20 per foot; "I.D.Torrent" braid, 400-1b. test, at $1.26 per foot; and "I.D.Flexseal" brand at $1.,50 per foot..The bid provided for immediate delivery, and the prices include couplings. The bid was eonsid. Bred by the council, and Fire Chief Alan. Totten. recommended the purchge of 500 feet of "I.D.Deluge" brand hose at $1.20 per foot. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by 4 Sutton and carried that hid of Howard., .!Pnoopper Corporation kor 5©E3 feet of� 2i inch Deluge brand hose, under theterms of '� bid, _ accepted. Clerk reported that William. Craft, safety inspector of the Department of Labor and Industries, had reported that the condition of the approach and.the doe"south of the Port Orchard Feed & Sued store is in bad repair and should be repai ad in the in» terest of safety, Mr, Craft stated that he had contacted the operators of the Port Orchard Feed & Seed store, and that he had been informed that at least art of the responsibility is that of Port Orchard, The matter was discussed and referred to the Street and Ally committee to confer with the operators of the Port chard Feed and Seed store. Councilman Thompson of the Water and Sewer committee reported that the had informed him that the main sewer outlet is broken about half way be wall and the outfall, and should be repaired. Mr, Givens also made a s the matter, and it was referred to the Water and Sewer committee to mak gation at extreme low water on Saturday, June 29, 1946. The matter of repairs was taken up, and it was reported that there is the sum. of $918 Sewer Construction Fund which might be used for making, these repairs, u conditions. Following bills, which had been previously examined by Chairman Sutton Auditing Committees were read to the council, and on motion by Sutton, Cline and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent Puget Sound Power & Light Co, Miller Meters Pacific Telephone & Telepaph Co, if M fi Kitsap County Dank Rice Electric Rice Electric T, H. Porter Trick & Murray A; M. Stigen Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent a a Statements and Letterheads for Tre Printing and stationery for Police Publishing ordinances etc. 1M Letterheads (General) Fire Igall light Parking Meter Parts Clerk and Treasurer's Telephone an Fire Department telephones Police telephone and tolls Premium on Clerk's bond Lamps for Fire Dept., Treas. and c Lamps for Police Cleaning Fluid for meter clocks Memo covers and fillers, Police Special Police work Recepit books for Treasurer Notice of collecting Assessment Ro WATER FUND Pacific Telnhone & Telegraph Co. L. L. Perry L, L. Perry L. L. Perry H. D, Fowler Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. q er ri George C. Cooper David Hendrix Ivan Lamb Rollie Blowers J. W, Welsh Hunts Fuel Jack Yonkers J. W. Welsh Was Johnson Ray C, Durham J, W, Welsh S. K, McMullen Eugene Stewart Harold Zerich John N. Vaughn M. L. Bonneville H. J. Kilpatrick Rice Electric The H. R. Runtting Co. Water receipts, call for bids, etc, Call for bids for water pipe, etc. Water Supto telephone and tolls Plant telephone and tolls Contract for p house, Well 5 Extras on Well pump house Sales tax on above Pipe and fittings, Sroufe street Poorer at brewery Power at main plant West Bay street poorer West Bay street light Work on water system Labor on water lines Labor on water lines Labor on -water mains STREET FUND Shovel rental Track rental and driver Truck rental add 2 drivers Truck rental arm4-dv&v&;Pa Truck rental and drivers Truck rental Shovel rental Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Wiring and material, street sheds Books for Library (3 vouchers) Council adjourned s t to call of the Mayor.. on motion by Cline, sec Sutton or , Clerk uperintendent ween the sea. - ate ment on an invests- financing the 32 in the der reported the d by s � 16.89 37,02 46.82 10*60 3,44 192,80 tolls 5.85 7,50 5,40 20,00 ty hall 5.59 4,03 3.34 2, 31 3,08 2 0.23 1 4,42 63.67 We115 2,66 4,55 8.05 789,25 65,94 25,66 987,97 92.42 150.60 53,61 1.00 108.00 87,602 9,16 9.16 180,00 59.36 148.40 103,88 89,04 18.55 115,00 9,16 27.48 73,28 91,60 91,60 91.60 32.70 76,91 d by n Port Orchard, Washington July 89 1946 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Acting Mayor Dusty C. Wine- brenner; present Councilmen Marion Sutton, George C1inat Wo S. Stevenson and M. H„ Thompson; City Attorney John 4a. Boyle; Superintendent of Public . Works George Givens, Absent Mayor F..J. Woell• Minutes of meeting of June 24, 1946 read and approved. Street and Alley committee was granted farther time to report on Bay Street side-. walk from Cline to High street. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens reported that work on wall.on Clime street at Fred Clement property will start this week* Matter of bulkhead in'alley in Block 6, Sidney, referred to Street and Alley coma• mittee for investigation and reports z ketion on Gig Harbor -Manchester highway traffic lights deferred tomlater date. SUSuperintendent Givens reported that the water main on Sroufe Street has been comp- ted and is in service, and gave detailed report on cost of project, showing that a saving of $479.98 had been made by installing the main by day labor, and that the totA. posts, Including engineering was $1,610r53 , Grading of Central School grounds, for which bids were opened on June 24, 1946, was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried, that if passible a time limit ofr30 days be inserted in the contracts City Attorney Boyle preathted. an ordinance an emergency and making an. , appropriation of $850.00-tor Park purposes# Ordinance was read to the council, and, on motion by Stevenson,o seconded by Cline was unanimously passed as read. Ordinance adopted as ordinance No. 526„ Msyor Winebrenner reported on a meeting with the County Commissioners, attended by - himself and Councilman Thorson, relative to employment of a plumbing inspector. He stated that the commissioners would concoct examinations for Journeyman plumbers said master plinbers, and that the county inspector can be secured to inspect plums frig within the limits of Port Orchard, under condition that Port orchard pay to.the Cdumty of Kitsap $ fla per month. Action was deferred pending adoption of .build. 1s$g and plumbing opffinences. Street and A*)Ley committee was granted further time to report on approach to small dock at Port Orchard Feed Seed stare. Councilman Thompson reported on investigation made of outfall of amain sewer, stating that a break had ocoured at a connection between the vitrified and cast iron pipes. The matter was discussed and referred to the Superintendent of Public Works to ai`certain if repairs can be made by day labor. Matter of sewer connection at Howe Building at the corner of Bay and Frederick sV.reets was discussed. Gordon Howe explained that it wasthe intention to make con- nebtion as soon as possible, but that it is contemplated to remodel the buildings and asked further time to make the connection. It was moved by Thompson, seconded br Sutton and carried that E. S. Howe be granted an extension of time of six months in! which to make the connection, W. E. Cosbey appeared before the council relative to compensation as inspector on Frederick street paving job. batter deferred on agreement between Mr. Cosbey and meibbers of the council.. Matter of sewer connection on DeKalb streets, west of Cline street was discussed, and it'was shown that on JantAary 10, 19440 property owners had been notified by order of` the council, that by payment of a fee of $25,,00 for each property owner involved, thAt existing sewer will be connected to the main lines Clerk was directed to write property owners that payment is due under conditions agreed upon on Jan- uat-y 10, 1944• The proposition of special levy fb r park purposes was discusse4 and it was suggested by`Councilman Sutton that proposition be submitted to the voters at the general election in November, 1946. The matter was referred to the City Attorney„ Clerk reported on conference with Mr. Ralph Davi.sson relative to salary ordinance, ana City Attorney made statement relative to ordinance. Matter deferred to later meeting. Mayor Winebrenner reported that sixteen floodlights to illuminate the new tennis courts at Givens .Field have been received on loan from the Housing Authority, and that they may be installed for evening play at the courts, Clerk reported that architects on proposed city hall had been in Port orchwd, taken el®vations,.and had stated that detailed plans and specifications will be submitted* at an early date. It was stated that complaint had been made about mixing road mix for street Patching, on Spokane street. Referred to the Superintendent of Public Works. Councilman Stevenson recommended that at the turns on the pavement at Cline and Dwight streets and at Dwight and Austin streets be unproved by installing concrete to the gutters at the intersections. Matter referred to Street and Alley committee for farther investigation and report, The following claims, which had previously been exmnined by Auditing committee, were presented, and on motion by Sutton, and curried, were ordered paid: Slocum Hardware Town Treasurer Pioneer, Inc. Puget Sound Power a a & Light Cos Miller Meters Florence Louise Wetzel Pioneer, Inc. Howe Ie.Hardware South Kitsap Motors Howard Cooper Corporation Lorraine Helder Greer & Edmiston Thompson's Slocum Hardware Howe' s Hardware R. L. Lursen Co, Peninsula Stationers American Plumbing & Steam a a a Donis Service H. D., Fowler Coo H. D. Fowler Cos J._ W. Welsh J. W. Welsh Crane Co, Chas. R. Watts Fletcher & Co. Wm. Gebhardt W. F. Bruhabn Earl B. Wilson Chester Townsend Dqv id Hendrix Rollie Blowers Goo, C. Cooper Ge6rge Givens T, C, Breitenstein Atlas Foundry & Machine V. B, Caldwell V. B, Caldwell Supply Co. P.O.Machine Marine & Iron Works P.O.Machine Marine & Iron Works V, B, Caldwell V, B. Caldwell Eugene Ochs Olympic Iron & Machine Woeks J. A. McBride S. K. McMullen Harold Zernich John N. Vaughn M. L. Bonneville H. J. Kilpatrick Slocum Hardware R, L. Lursen Go. Port Orchard Lumber South Kits ap Garage Don's Service Feenaughty Machinery Chas, R, Watts & Co. Wk. Gobhardt Wm.. Gebhardt Yard Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Chairman Sutton of the seconded lyi Stevenson Merchandise Postage Memo ring binder, Police Maintain traffic lights, May, Street lights for Jun®, 1946 Parking Meter parts Work in Clerk's office Extension posts, memo sheets Stove oil, Police Repair police car 500 feet fire hose (bid) Postage and P.O.box rent, Pol Premium liability insurance. Repair adding machine, Clerk WATER FUND Pipe, fittings, etc. Various fittings and merchandi& Gasoline and oil (contract) Purchase order books Meter box covers, etc. 6 tops for me$ev boxes Meter lids Tire pump, spark plugs, etc. 100 feet copper tubing Tubing, couplings, etc. Bulldozer rental Shovel -rental, 37 hrs at $6.50 ] Asphalt pa ant 12 torches 5 M postals (water bills) Welding, Well No.S Labor,- Sroufe street water mains Labor, Sroufe street water mains Labor on Sroufe. street main Labor on water system. Labor on water mains Work on water system. Re-imburse ferry fare Engineering Sroufe Street mains 12 Meter Boxes Tools and paint Tools and march andlsd Labor and material STREET FUND Turn buckle Tools, nails, etc. Cable, hooks, turn buckle Labor on streets Sharpening Saerfire teeth Tending flares on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets 3 quarts enamel 500 gals gasoline (contrast) 10 sax cement Repair Dodge truck Grease Truck carrier for weed barrier 12 torches Repair drain gate. Work on grader $ 5.26 10,00 1*40 46 8„15 127,85 306,27 15,00 ,86 3693 4,59 618000 6,50 403.32 15,,45 17,86 13,29 83,19 2, 68 19.39 11,62 12,65 6.03 71,07 94,01 18.00 240.50 12,67 14,94 79s26 14,75 43,20 27s48 35.50 83,59 73,28 98.55 2,56 119,30 $6, 59 32,13 207a 3,61 3.35 8.55 9.10 19,47 3.61 50.38 28, 63 83.59 83,59 83.59 83.59 5.13 80.00 9,01 1,34 052 69,01 14,94 2. 53 3,70 SEWER FUND R. E. Tidriek Labor on sewer lateral, Tacoma.St. 10,50 W. L. Johnson Labcr on sewer lateral, Tacoma S 10.50 Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor on motion by Sutton, seconded by Cline Mayor Port Orchard, Washington July 22, 1946 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen. Dusty C, Winebrenner, Marion Sutton, George Cline and W. S. Stevenson; City Attorney John M, Bogle and Superintendent of Public Wbrks George F. Givens. Absent Councilman M, H, Thompson* Minutes of meeting of July 8, 1946 read and approved.. Matter of presentation of salary ordinance was again deferred to a later date* Councilman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee reported that his committee desired further time to report on matter of paving with concrete to the curbs on Dwight -Cline and Dwight -Austin intersections. Mayor.Woell reported that Clyde Grainger of the firm of Thomas, Grainger & Thomas, arehiVects on proposed city hall, had submitted tentative plans, held conference4 vtftAtity officials and would have detailed plans and specifications for early exami.;. natttans and -spaeldivation. That he believed the proposed building would be a credit to the city, and that it is expected that ways and means can be devised to stunt eon. struction at an ew ly date. Clerk read letter from W. H. Fitch, regaesting franchise for,operation of city basses, stati4g that he had acquired. -assets of the Port Orchard Traction Company from the Receiver, and desired to continue the operation of the busses and business under a new franchise., The matter was discussed, and on motion by Stevenson, seconded by Cline and carried, was referred to the License and Auditing, committee for investi- gation and report. Clerk,brought up the matter of the financial status of the Street Fund, and asked, for an emergency appropriation to carry the Street Fund until the end of the year, It was pointed out that there remained.$4,301,50 in the Street Fund budget, and it is estimated that due to unforseen conditions at the time the budget was adopted, that an additional $12033.74 would be needed to operate the Street Department to December 310 1946. This scam would take care of an overdraft of 1, 246,.39 for labor; J14q}.00 for foreman salary; 3, 300 man hours at 1,14 per hoar, or' ` `4914.50; track expense of 150.00; truck and shovel rental of $400#00; grader, rollerb ' sad other a gi pment rental and repair, 1, 220.00; supplies and matbrial in the mount of $l, 500.00; and purchase of gradei+ 5,360*37..- T,e. matter was discussed -by -members of the council, and it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that emergency be declared and that orlina ee, providing. for additional appropriation as set forth, be prepared and sub- mitted under existing regulations, `All members present voted in favor of the motio3U Superintendent of Public Works stated that J. W. Welsh, whose bid for work at Central School gr6unds had previously been accepted, had informed him Vmt work will start on the contract the first of this week, Mrs. Vaun Allen urged early completion o:r t#e work sip that benefit of improvement can be enjo-red. Superi.ntende�nt stated that would get in touch with Mr. Welsh at ones and see that pwork is started as soon as possible. � Chairman.Stevenson, of the Street and Alley committee stated that he had contacted the proprietors of the Port Orchard Feed & Seed relative to condition of small dock ad. joining their property, and that he had been informed repairs would be made by the Port Orchard Feed & Seed, otherwise the dock would be fenced off, in the interests of safety* The following bills, which had previously been examined and approved by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing committee, were presented, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Steven- son, and carried, were ordered pars . CMUMT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Traffic lights f or May & June 9,616 " Caution light, Iftr and June 2*00 a e City hall light for May and June 24.22 Fire hall light 2.56 Frick & Murray Merchandise for Clerk 1*87 FITIVO—Dralwill1� J. W. Welsh W. F. Bruhahn David Hendrix Geo. C. Cooper Hr, D. Fowler Co. H. D. Fowler Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. n n n n » !t L. J. Birbeck Bulldozer rental Labor on pumps Labor on water lines Work on water lines Pipe and fittings 261 4" Century water pipe Light at Well #4 Power at Well #4 Power at Brewery well Power at main plant STREET FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. J. A. McBride Eugene Ochs S. K. McMullen Harald Zernich John No Vaughn M. L. Bohneville H. J. Kilpatrick Frank Perry L. L, Perry Grader rental 22 days at $20.9 per day Electric service at street she Lab or Labor Lab or Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Cline Street wall Labor Cline Street wall 4 12*00 5.40 91*60 108.00 40.13 15.08 1.00 70.83 84.44 136.24 460,00 2000 35„50 54.12 73.28 91.60 100*76 100.76 91.60 43.40 44.00 Mrs, Emily LaDyke Assistant at Library j8.25 The College"Bindery Binding books 19.06 The H. Ry.. {.Hunt{tiing�Ciyoo Books for Library 60*888 r�'�IeC6�v""r---------wrr--x0lephene-461.1rrrw------------------W70 SEWER FUND Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Telephone toll .70 John M. Boyle, City Attorney Filing fee Pt.Orchard vs.Banne man 9.60 W. L. Johnson Repairs to Bay street sewer lines 12.00 Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor, on motion by Winebran seconded by Cline Carrie _,!!: Port Orchard,* Washington August 12, 1946 Council of Port Orchard# Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. We Councilmen Dusty Winebrenner, Marion Sutton, and George Cline; City Ai M. Boyle, and Superintendent of Public °:corks George Givens.. present. Councilmen W. S. Stevenson and M4 H. Thompson. Minutes of meeting of July 22, 1946 read and approved. Salary ordinance came up for discussion, and Attorney Boyle stated were being worked out, and asked that further time be granted in a of permanent ordinance might be settled. Mayor stated that word from the architects on the proposed city hall detailed plans and specifications should be here within the next fern it might be pseekigizytbo call an adjourned meeting to approve plans for bids. Matter of franchise for local busses, for which W. H. F.tch made oral on July 28, 1946, was referred to Mayor Woell for conference and repo :Attorney Bogle presented emergency ordinance for street funds, which � ized and approved July 22, 1946, by unanimous vote of the council memi :Same was read to the council and it was moved by Cline, seconded by Si carried unanimously that the ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance Ordinance No, 527, Mayor Woell reported that contractor has completed his job on the Con grounds, and that the work is ready for final inspection. He asked t; of the council and others interested inspect the work and report they,: George Wraith, president of the Fort Orchard Progressive Club, stated seen t ,. prb and was gratified at the improvements made, and that moo: beenippshed than he had expected FWT 3 with ney John ent, t details that details icated that s and that Issue call lication t, as author- ers presento tton and dotted as ral School at members $pinions* that he had more had Clerk repibrted that he had received a questionnaire from the Association of Washington Cities, asking that ideas relative to matters to be discussed at the coming regional meeting at Port Townsend on October 25,# 1946, be submitted, Matter deferred to later ma eting, Mawr Woell stated that Mr, and Mrs. D. G. A. Bamnermans. oyn era of the Slocum Hardware building, had contacted him relative to sewer connections at the building, and had stated that connec*ions would be made as soon as possible* A letter stating that an engineer had been employed to recommend a way by which the building can be connected, and,that the owners would proceed as rapidly as possibly, toward making the connection,, signed by Jame T. Bannerman and D: G. A. Bannermania was read to the council. Attorney Boyle stated that the twit had been filed, and that everything is ready to proceed, if and vhen it became necessary. It was the opinion of the council members present, that if 6onnections are made at once that nothing was to be gained by pressing the suit„ It was suggested by Mayor Wooll, that as the area known as Forest Park had voted to incorporate as a fourth class town, that if the towndesired to continue to get water from, Pcr t Orchard, that it would probably be more satisfactory to sell water through a master meter, instead of to the individual customers as at present, Forest Park to pay for°the water served through the ataster meter, and to take care of collections and otherr details in Forest Park. The matter was discussed, and was referred to then Mayor for -investigation and conference with the officers of"Forest City." Superintendent of Public Works lgas authorized to install water tap at the tennis courts at Givens Field, built through the efforts of the Active Club, without char ging a tappl.ng fee. Clerk made a report on conference which he and Councilman Cline had held with Mr• Lawrence Hubbell, chief of the Division of Municipal. Corporations', in Olympia, arA Mr. Ralph Davtsson, State Examiner for the Department, relative to purchase of Adams grader from Howard Caooper Corporation. Clerk stated that he had informed these offi- elalw of the increase in price demanded for the delivery of the grader over the bid price, and of the compromise which the Howard Cooper Corporation had offered, to -wit: an increase of $460*00 over the bid price,, which amount is about one-half the increase which had been allowed by the OPA. At this conference it was verbally agreed by Mr. Hubbell and Mr. Davisson, that under existing conditions, which make price fixing most difficult, that the compromise offered is reasonable. Mr. Uw tsson had asked that the Howard Cooper Corporation present the facts of the increase asked in a letter to the council. This letter has been received and presented to Mr. Davisson who has endorsed it, and he has also endorsed the claim for payment for the grader, the Clerk stated.- I. was moved b Sutton, seconded by Clithe and carried that the council approve M6 agreement,`, and tba the additional sum of 460.00 be allowed for e purchase of the gra er$ , over'the price bidg-updartthe agreement as approved by Mf. Davisson. Robert L. Bruhahn addressed the eouAail relative ba water rates outside and inside the city limits, stating that he believed that a. higher rate should be charged to property outside the city limits than is charged inside, due to the fact that property inside is subject to city taxes, assessments, etc., which property outside the city limits escapes# and that property outside the city limits also escapes replacement costs of facilities, ,chile property inside has to bow the entire cost. TAe matter was discussed by members of the council, but no action was taken. The following claims, which had been checked by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing Commit. tee, were presented, and on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Cline and carried, were ordered paid. Fred G. Vetters, David Hendrix George C. Cooper Trick & Murray S. V. McMullen. PaeMle Telephone e n a � Howes Hardware Howe ail Co. Thompsonts Puget Sound Power J M Peterson CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Sheriff & Telegraph Co. e " & Light Co. . . Washington State Penitonti r7 Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. E. N. Hallgren Co. Standard Stations The H R. Huntting Co, Americanna Corporation Board of Prisoners, May, 1946 Labor, cleaning fire hydrants Checking and painting fire hydrants Criminal complaints blanks, Police Ct, Special Police officer Fire Department telephone Clerk and treasurerts telephones Police telephones and tolls Stove oil for police, city hall, fire Stove oil for police 12 desk blotters, police Street lights, July, 1946 Preparing Annual Report 12 traffic signs Anvil, light.globes, etc. Park Meter Vi r hall light Fire hydrant packing Oil, battery~ charge for paddy wagon Books for Library 194E Annual 53,00 16*03 18,90 31.65 27,72 7.50 5.25 6.10 15.14 4.•7l 2,06 138059 189*00 7.62 11059. 2.69 1180 5,92 61.74 2*95 W, L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral 60,00 Lumber Supply Tile, cement and lumber 23*71 WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. ee n a Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber Supply Slocum Hardware Howets Hardww e Pacific Tel & Tel Co. a n rr David Hendrix George 0,► Cooper Donis Service Bremerton Oil Delivery P.O.Machine Marine & Iron Works Slocum Hardware Lumber Supply R, L, Lursen Company Howe' s Hardwee e Home Oil Company Kerr Motors M-B.-Contracting Co. M-B. Contracting Company J. A. McBride Donald Polith Eugene Ochs S. K. McMullen Kerr Yotors Harold Zernich John N. Vaughn M. L. Bonneville Frank Perry L. L. Perry H. J. � Kilpatrick Holmberg & Norman Howard Cooper Corp. Power and light, main pump Light at pump station Power ,at Brewery Power at Well #4 Cement Cement, the and lumber Bolts, nuts, etc. Tools Superintendent's telephone and toll Water plant telephone and tolls Labor on water system Maintenance water lines Gear oil and grease MC2 road oil and deliveries Cutting dram: grate Wheelbarrow for street department Lumber Gasoline (contract) Bolts and nuts Stove and furnace oil Exchange Motor Ulodel B Truck Hauling gravel on city streets Shovel rental and loading gravel Tending flares on streets Labor on strbets Labor on streets Labor on streets Block deposit, gaskets and pulley Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor installing retaining wall Labor installing retaining wall Labor on streets Hauling gravel on streets Adams grader ($8,584.17) less or. `172.72 1.00 86,84 127,71 5,41 19.27 5,45 5.51 4,20 7.90 1221,3T 143,10 7,42 302,39 6.68 6.18 10,73 80.00 .49 16,69 73,00 82.72 80,00 2.29 148.85 148,85 37.70 148.85 171.75 98.47 58*80 84,00 167.17 75.31 6, 834.17 Councilman Sutton brought up ih a matter of the Clerk employing extra help in the prepa- ration of the Annual Report, stating that it involved considerable exile se and he be- lieved it should be done by the regular office force. Matter of the condition of Kitsap Street following its recent surfacing was also brought up by Councilman Sutton. Superintendent Givens stated that it hid been neces- sary to open the street before the surface had firmly set, but that any damaged spots would be patched, rolled and put in good condition. Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor on motion by Sutton, seconded by Cline r r r r r i 0 r r s r r r r- Port Orchard, Washington August 26, 1946 Cou oil of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. Noel ; with Councilmen Marion Sutton, George C1ine,W. S. Stevenson and M. H, Thomp ; City At— toruey John M. Boyle, and Superintendent of Public ''orks George Givens prosent, Absent, Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of August 120 1946 read and approved. City Attorney John M. Bogle presented proposed salary ordinance, whichi the council. It was moved by Tzompson, seconded byy Cline and carried t be passed as read. Ordinance adop�#ed as Ordinance No. 5280 Matter of bus franchise, for which application had been made by W. H. F up for discussion. Terms of the proposed ordinance granting the franch cussed, and it was moved by Cline, seconded by Tho:,pson and carried tha P(r t Orchard Traction Company, Inc., be transferred to W. H. Fitch, and Ordinance No. 512, said transfer to be in full force and effect -when ev existence of proper insurance is filed with the Clerk of Part Orchard, as read to at ordinance tch, came se were dis- franchise of r the terms of Bence of Mrs. Jane T. Bannerman appeared before the Council relative to usage cg ge for sewer on Slocum Hardware Building, stating her position in the matter. The M yor explained that -this charge is to pay for the construction of the sewer system, th t all property within the server district pays the utility charge, and that it is thepo ition of the r� City that the charge should be paid. After a discussion, it was moved by Sutto;L, seconded by Cline and carried that back charges in the sum of $384.00, plus $9.60 as. costs of suit, which have been incurred, be charged, and that upon payment of these amounts that Attorney be directed to dismiss the court action. Mrs. Bannerman asked that Clerk send her a letter setting forth the s6ttlement, and that remibtanee covering the charges would be sent. Mayor directed the Clerk to transmit the letter requested. Clerk presented agreement between the Tom, of Port Orchard and K.i.tsap County regarding employment of plumbing inspector: and same was referred to Building Committee. 'Letter from War Assets Administration relative to purchase of OCD fire equipment now in possession of Port Orchard, was read. After a discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that all OCD fire equipment listed and inventoried by Fire Chief Alan To4ten, and now in possession of Port Orchard, be purchased by Port Orchard and that Clerk be authorized to draw warrant for payment of same in the sum of 209.56* Application of Lumber Supply for permit to erect office and lumber sheds on Lots 5 and 8, Block 12, Sidney, presented to council. On motion by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried Clerk was directed to issue permit; approximate cost of inxpronement stated at $4,500.00. Mayor Woell stated to,*the council that detailed plans and specifications.have been re- ceived for the proposed city: hall, stating that negotiations would continue with the State Development Board for State grant, with a view to early start on construction* It was moved by Stevenson., seconded by Cline and carried that negotiations be author-. ized and authority be granted to call for bids for the proposed building as noon as possible. Chairmen. Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee brought up the matter of some needed street and sidewalk improvements, which were discussed by the council. He stated that his committee, with the Superintendent of Public Works, had g)ne over the ground from Cline street to Hull street, and it was suggested that walks In the area be con- strcuted by installing road -mix mat, with street surfaces in the ihmediate area, which require improvesents to receive oil treatment. Repair of curves on Cline andbDwight and Austin and Dwight streets were discussed, and it was agreed that a permanent job can be done only by exteding concrete from the existing pavement to the curbs. The matter was referred to the Street and Alley cons`• mittee with power to act. In connection with improvement of the old Central. School grounds, Councilman Sutton asked for more grader work in order that the grounds might be put &n a more contin- uous level. Mrs. Vaun Allen stated that the work so far done is satisfactory, and that the Progressive Club has a program of further improvement, which is to be under- taken by work parties; that the grounds are to be seeded, and that new siding and roof for the Club House were contemplated. The matterof further improvement on the part of the town was referred to the Progressive Club. Roy Howe, resident on Dwight street, brought up the matter of the fire hazzard exist« ing on the praking strips on both south and north boundaries of the old Central School grounds, now occupied by the Progressive Club Park, caused by dry grans and weeds. He asked that this rubbish be dispos3ed of in the interest of public safety. The following claims, which had previously been Oged by heads of departments,, and ex- amined and approved by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing Committee, were presented, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Sutton, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Blue &Gold garage Repair %yo, Police Car 25.81 Lorraine Helder Postage and supplies 7.37 Pacific Telephone & Tel Co. Fire Department telephone 7.50 Police telephone and tolls 4,55 Clerk and Treas. Telephone and tolls 5.55 a,. W. Welsh Remove concrete Central school grounds 750.00 WATER FUNGI B.O.Machine Marine & Iron Works 2 8" water screws 6.46 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Plant telephone and tolls 6.95 Superintendent's telephone and tolls 15.24 H. D. Fowler Company Pipe fittings, etc. 16,19 Saxon Painting Co, Cleaning and painting water tatik 1431.70 David Hendrix Labor on water system 45.80 George C. Cooper Repair and rAintennaeo grater lines 108.00 STREET FUND J. W. Welsh Hand --place concrete Sidn y St. fill 300.00. Lawrence L. Parry 'J. Cement for Cline Street wall 106.55 H. Kilpatrick Labor on streets 108.78 JoI xn N. Vaughn Labor on streets 108*78 Harold Zernich Labor on streets 95.04 S. K. McMullen Eugene Ochs Domenick Polito The H. R. Huntting Co. MORE STREET FUND Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets LIBRARY FUND Books for Library Council,adjourned subject to call of the Mayor on motion by Sutton, see and carrieZ ... .. .. .. - .. 0 .. .. _ .... .. .. Port Orchard, Washington September 19 1946 Regular meeting of the councik of Port Orchard, Washington called to ordE F. J. Woell, with Councilmen Marion Sutton, George Cline and W. S. Stevei torney John M. Boyle and Superintendent of Public Norks George F. Givens, Absent Councilmen M. H. Thompson and Dusty C. Winebrenner, Minutes of meeting of August 26,, 1946 read and approved. 42,37 42.27 48.07 11.08 Od by Cline yor by Mayor on; City At - present. Clerk made report on visits which he and Councilman Thompson made to the Vashington State Development Board and to the Civilian Production Administration in connection with the proposed new city hall. It was stated that every effort had be n made to have to project processed by the two agencies, and that word might be re eived at an early date. The matter of the sidewalk on Bay street from Cline to Hull street came lip for discus- sion, and Superintendent of Public Works stated that this work would be aken up as soon as possible. Application of Standard Oil Company of Calkfornia for permit to erect tsnks on Lot 1,, Block 9, Sidney, under conditions as outlined by the Representative of the Company,, presented to the council. Following.a discussion, it was moved by Steve son, seconded by Cline and carried that permit be granted, the company to submit plans for approval. Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee again brought up th matter of the alley in Block 6, Sidney. After a discussion, it was referred to th Superinten- dent of Public Works and the Street and Alley committee. Mayor Woell stated that dirt was caving from the lot on to the alley at he postoffice, covering the drain,, and that he had written to the owner asking that the dirt be removed and a retaining wall of some kind installed so that alley would be kept lean and the drain clear, but so far no action had been taken by the owner. It was stated that if the re- quest is not complied with that the work should be done by the city and the cost charged to the property owner. Superintendent Givens reported that he and a representative of the Progr4 had visited the Central School grounds and that some additional grading portion of the tract would benefit the property, and he recommended that done. General approval was a xiressed but no definite action was taken. Clerk presented preliminary budget for 1947, and delivered a copy to the to each member of the council. The following claims were presented to the council, of ter examination a by the Chairman of the Auditing Committee, and on motion by Cline, seco Stevenson and carried were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff T. R. Hubbard T. R. Hubbard Royal Typewriter Co. South,Kitsap Motors Harry Ward Trick ,& Murray Trick* Murray Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Howe Oil Co. Howe's Hardware Thompson+s Art Burnside Standard Stations Young'. s Sheet Metal Shop Board of prisoh.ers, June, 1946 Car light bulbs, etc., Police Light globes, Treasurer Typewriter for Clerk (bid) Paddy wagon repair Pictures (City hall project, CPA) Adhesive for Police Registration supplies .street lights for August, 1946 Stove oil, Police Rubber boots, etc., Fire Departme Desk set for Clerk Meter patrolman's badge Lubrication, paddy wagon City limits sign assive Club an the north this be Mayor and approval d by 13.00 3.04 1.30 125.15 3.99 6.00 1.12 9.08 135.85 5.49 95,25 3.35 3.60 5,99 8.24 WATER FUND T, R, Hubbard Battery light globes and socket E, N. Hallgren Co, C.I.Valve boxes and top sections V. B. Caldwell Tools Don's Service Battery charges; lubrications Howe's Hardware Steel tape George C. Cooper Labor STREE' FUND T. R. Hubbard Grease gun. Solastic Products Coy, Traffic paint and thinner P.O.Machine Marine & IronWks Bracket for motor siren Harold Rernieh Labor on streets John N. Vaughn Labor on streets M. L. Bonneville Labor on streets H, J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets Don's Service Gear grease and brake fluid Seattle Concrete Pipe Co. Concrete Pipe S. V. McMullen Expenses trip to Seattle with truck Road Dist. No. 4, Kitsap Co. Laborhauling gravel Standard Oil Co. 532 gals. oil W. N, Sherman Re -enforcing steel, Cline Street wall Howe Oil Co. Furnace Cif Bremerton Oil Delivery Road oil --six deliveries Howard Cooper Corp, Filter, dash light, exhaust pipe SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral Port Orchard Lumber Yard 24 ft 4" sewer the Bremerton Con. Products Co. Sewer tile M 1.i The H.,R. Huntting Co, Books for library 11.82 97.08 3.56 5,90 1,24 97,20 3,45 14.57 15.01 73.28 82.44 45.80 82.44 6,18 27,26 5*70 20.80 34,17 20,39 7,66 390,81 15,82 15,75 6,55 25,64 49,40 Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor on motion by Cline, seconded Ay Steven. 0 Port Orchards Washington September 230 1946 Regu.lar� meeting of the council of Port Orchard,, Washington called to order bi Mayor F. J. Woell, with Councilmen W. S. Stevenson, M. H. Thompson. and George Cline; City Attorney John M, Bogle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens„ and Street Foreman S,► V. McMullen, present. Absent Councilmen Dusty Winebrenner and Marion Sutton. Minutes, of meeting of September 9, 1946, read and approved* Mayor Wbell made a statement relative to proposed city hall, stating that prospects for early veceipt of state grant were bright, and that although the Civilian. Production Admin- istration had denied the T plication for priority, that further efforts are under way to secure the priority, anal that he weld go to Seattle this week to re -open negotiations. a Superintendent Givens reported that broken sewer connection on Harrison street has been repaired, Mayor stated that he had contacted the owners of the property across the alley from the post office relative to dirt caving on to the alley, and that they had authorized the city to make whatever repairs are necdssary and send the bill to the property owners, Letter from the City Clerk of'Pcrt Townsend relative to regional meeting of the Associ- ation of Washington Cities to be held in Port Townsend on October 25, 19469 .and asking for suggestions as to whether an afternoon or an evening meeting is desirable. After a discussion, the council expressed the opinion that an afternoon meeting would be prefer- able for representatives from this section. Clerk stated that W. H, Fitch, operator of the Port Orchard busses, has filed a copy of his insurance policy with the Clerk. Preliminary budget was again taken up for consideration. Councilmen considered the var- ious items, and after a discussion, and item of $15,000.00 was added for city hall con.. struction, in case the appropriation for this purpose made in o946, lapses, Follovi ng a discussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that preliminary budget be adopted as amended, end that it be published according to law„ Letter from Board of Direetors of Port Orchard Kiwanis Club, favoring 4 special levy of 2 mills for park purposes, was read. The matter was discussed by members of the council, and the discussion was carried to the members of the audience It was the opinion of those who expressed themselves that if provision is made re larly in the future as is being made for next year that a special levy is not r gLiced. City Attorney stated that under the law it would be impossible to get he proposi- tion for a spe dal levy on the ballot for this year, and the matter was dropped with- out action, Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee stated that crack in the Cline street pavement should be treated with tar at an early date to prevent water from seeping through the cracks and causing damage in case of freezing weather. The matter of traffic safeguards in the form of lights or markers at tae Manches- ter*Gig Harbor intersection was discussed, Chief of Police Heath stated that this matter had been taken up with the safety agent of the State Patrol, and that it is believed that the present system of signals is adequate and proper. The following bills were ,)resented and examined by the Auditing Commit ee and other members of the council, and after approval, on motion by Cline, seconded by Stevenson and carried, the following; bills were allowed and, warrants ordered drawn in payment: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Earl Earhart Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co, Trick & Murray Washington Typewriter Co. Blue & Gold Garage Slocum Hardware WATER FUND Pacific 'ieleph©ne & Telegraph Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware George C. Cooper STREET FUND Puget.Sound Power & Light Co. Solastic Products Coe. Young's Sheet Metal Shop Howard Cooper Corporation John N. Vaughn. M. L. Bonneville H. J. Kilpatrick Harold Zernich Board of prisoners, July, 1946 Board of prisoners, August, 1946 Refund for unused taxi driven Lee Police telephone and tolls Fire Department telephone Clerk and Treas. telephone and to is Light at tennis courts Fire half. light City hall light, 2-months Traffic light, 2 months Caution lights 2 months Supplies for Treasurer Closing rent, Clerk's typewriter Lubricate paddy wagon Merchandise for parking meter Dept. Supt. telephone and tolls Water plant telephone and tolls Light at well #4 Power at main plant Power at Well #4 Power at Brewery well Drill Maintenance water lines Light at street sheds Traffic paint and thinner 50 street signs Blade and bolts Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets LIBRARY FUND The H. R.Huntting Co, Books for library SEIVER FUND John M. Boyle Dismissal, City vs. Bannerman. Street Foreman McMullen asked the council for raise in pay for his men himself. Mayor Woell pointed out that under the budget no raise can b time, and that any cnges in pay schedules would have to be made afte of the -year on the 1947 budget. 6.00 15,00 3.00 8.85 7,50 5.80 15,02 2,88 29,32 9.58 2.11 1.99 4,28 1108 16.17 4.55 7.95 1,00 219,39 116.19 70,76 2.01 108,00 2,00 25,17 15,00 14,46 93,89 91,60 91,60 91*60 1.00 and for made at this the first Council adjourned until October 7, 1946, or subject to call of the Mayor, on motion by Cline, seconded by Thompson and carried, I Ivv Mn or r'� Port Orchard, Washington October 7, 1946 Council called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, under the laws of the State of Washing- ton, for consideration of the annual budget. Present Councilmen Dusty C. v'jinebrenner, George Cline, M. H. Thompson and W. S. Stevenson; City Attorney John M. Boyle, Absent Councilman Marion Sutton. Mayor stated that the + meeting had ben called under the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinances god regulations of the lown of Port Orchard for consideration of the annual budget for the Town of Port Orchard for the year 1947, and he called on aa.y person present to make any objections or suggestions concerning the budget, which had previously been published, and on which notice of hearing had been given. Clerk stated that minor changes would occur from the preliminary budget, as the defi- nite assessed valuation of all the taxable property in the town had been received this date, and that the valuation was $905,569.00, whereas the preliminary budget had been estimated on a v&luation of $900#000.00, There were no objections or suggestions offered, and the changes caused by the dif. ference in valuaton were made according to direction of the council,. The budget was again considered by the council, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Cline and carried that the budget as amended be approved. Clerk then read ordinance providing for annual tax levies under the budget, and on motion by Stevenson, seconded by Thompson and carried, ordinance was passed as read and duly adopted as Ordinance No. 529. H. B. Menees appeared before the counil and thankdd the Mayor and Councilmen for their courtesy in releasing certain tideland lots for sale, which he had been success- ful in acquiring, and stated that he believed that they,would consider their action justitied by the extensive improvements which are plann9d for the property, He also brought up the matterrof the condition of the sidewalk at the Signal Service Station on Bay Street. Council meeting adjourned on motion. by Stevenson, seconded by Cline and carried./? M �sr Pont Orchard, Washington October 14, 1946 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by .Mayor F. J. Woell, with Councilmen :;.arson Sutton, George Cline and W. S. Stevenson; City At�- torne John M. Boyle, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present... Absen Counclmen Dusty Winebrenner and H. Thompson,. Minutes of regular meeting of Spetember 23, 1946 and special meeting of Qctober 7, 1946 read and approved. Mayor Woell stated that he had taken up with Sena' or Warren G. Magnuson the matter of CPA approval for construction of the proposed city hall, and that he had received two letters from the Senator's office, which he read to the council. He stated farther that he is keeping in close tough and is making every effort to secure CPA approval., Mayor Woell also reported that work had been completed on the alley next to thepost office, to stop dirt from caging over the drains. Letter from R. -". Ross relative to vacation of unnamed street between Wheeler's Addi- tion and Mankowskits Addition, asking that description bentained in vacajring ordinance be corrected, was referred to the City Attorney. Letter from City Attorney reportingr his findings on proposed building and plumbing codes; referred to the Building Committee. Communication from Parker & Hill, engineers, regarding compensation for W.E.Cosbey for inspector on Frederick street paving was read. Mayor explained that inspection fee had not been included in engineer's bill, and after a d6scussion, it was moved by Stevenson, seconded by Cline and carried that Parker & Hill be requested to file amended voucher to indlude inspector's fee, and that on reeipt of this amended bill that it be referred -Y6 MMr. Ralph Davisson, state examiner, for approval before claim is approved and warrant ordered drawn. Mayor Voell brought up the matter of the rat population, and stated that he believed that some action should be taken by the city to exterminate rats because of danger of disease which might be transmitted by them. He pointed out that ships are continually entering the harbor from foreign ports, and that the danger of disease is such that to demand the attention of the ciltF officials. The matter was discussed, and it was directed that the Police contact business houses on the waterfront, and request their co-operationin keeping garbage and food stuffs from getting into the bay, and that efforts be made by each business house to exter_r_inate rats in their places of busi- ness, and to make their places as nearly rat -proof as possible. In the meantime it was suggested that rodent exterminating firms be contacted to ascertain the cost of an intensified cam+-)aign to exterminate the rats, Chairman Stevenson brought up the matter of gravel washing from alleys an Sidney and Cline streets on to the pavements, and suggested that alley:intersectio s be treated with oil to prevent the gravel from washing on to the pavement. He als suggested that drains be opened inside walks from Harrison street to the foot of Aitchell hill to prevent water from draining over the walks during; heavy rains. Then matters were referred to the Superintendent of Public ovorks. Mrs. Vaun Allen stated that there had been some complaints about the late hours em- ployed is use of the tennis courts at Givens Field, stating that some residents of the vicinity were disturbed by the bringtr--.i#llts and noise from the courts.at late hours. This was discussed by the council, and it was decided to plane signs at the courts, advocating courtesy of the courts and limiting play to two sets, if other players are waiting to use the courts. It was also to decided to enforce 10 o'clock curfew on school nights, when the police will see that lights are off at 10 otelo k. Bills, which had -previously been examined and approved by the Chairman of theAuditing Committee were presented and read to the council. The bill of Howard Cooper Corpor- ation for parts for the Adams grader was discussed, and the opinion was expressed that this bill should be returned, as the guarantee should cover this bill for re- pairs. After further discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried, that the bill of :'Howard Cooper Corporation be not approved, an that the following bills be allowed and ordered paid: i CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Clo, Fire Hall light $ 2.82 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights, Sept., 1946 135,85 Pacific dater Works Supply 210 ft. 12-inch pine, etc. 45.32 Kitsap County Bank Premium, bond of Chief of Police 5,00 Trick & Murray Repair lamp$ Treasurer 2,50 Pcrt>Orchard Independent Publ ish various ordinances, etc. 22,72 Howe Oil Co. Stove oil, Police 5.70 Howe' s Hardware 2 pairs boots, Fire Dept. 13.40 Howe Mo*or Co. Switch for Police car ,77 Thompson's Twpr. paper and ribbon 6.75 Puget Sound Navigation Co. Freight bills, various 7,52 Rm. Gebhardt Guard rail, Bast Bay Street 19,50 STREET FUND Piston Service Seal Ring .39 Standard Oil Co. of California Chassis grease 4,33 Howard Cooper Corporation Lift link, etc. 4,52 Slocum Hardware Paint and tools 39,97 P.O.Machine Marine & Iron Yorks Wdlding, cutting etc. 12,95 Olympic Iron & Machine Works Scarfire teeth, etc. 8.21 Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Tile 20.61 Howe Oil Co. Furnace and stove oil 15.06 Donis Service Gear grease, battery cable, etc. 28.54 Young's Sheet Metal Shop 1 sheet iron 1.03 Caldwellts Trading Post Faint brush 1.40 H. J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets 137,40 Harold Zernich Labor on streets 137,40 John N. Vaughn Labor on streets 137.40 M. L. Bonneville Labor on streets 137.40 'HATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light at pump plants 296,05 Slocum Hardware Tarpaulin and vise 29,77 R. L. Lursen, Distributor Gasoline and oil, contract 92,44 Swan's Auto Wrecking Auto bumper, International Truck 2.58 Siements Machine Shop Steel plate and labor 4.22 Caldwell's Trading Post Paint$ tools, and mist. 10.40 Youngts Sheet Metal Shop Metal plate 3.61 American Plumbing & Steam Sup,Co. Pipe and fittings 52.25 Pacific 'Water Works Supply Co. Pipe and fittings 29,12 Donis Service Battery cable 1.03 George C. Cooper Labor on water maintenance 151.20 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water maintenance 150,20 I LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 25,62 Port Orchard Lumber Yard SEIWER FUND Sand and brick 18.52 Council ur ject to call of the Mayor or to next re la.r eeting on motion by Sut , s c d by Cline and carried Clerk Mey or n Port Orchard, Washington October 28, 1946 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen Dusty C. iTinebrenner,, George Cline and W. S. Steven« son; City Attorney John M. Bogle, and Superintendent of Public Works fteorge F. Givens. Absent Councilmen Marion Sutton and M. H. Thompson. Minutes of meeting of October 14, 1946 read and approved. Mayor stated that he had received another letter from Senator Magnuson's office, suggesting that Port Orchard file another application for priority for materials for proposed city hall, and that the application would be followed through in an effort to secure C.P.A. approval. Clerk stated that he had contacted CPA for more blanks and that application would be prepared and filed. Application of R. L. Ross for correction of description in ordinance vacating unnamed street between hlankowski's Addition and Wheeler's Additions was taken up, having been referred to the City Attorney at oche last meeting of the council. Attorney Bogle reported that a hearing is necessary under the law, and that he had prepared a resolu- tion calling for a hearing and directing the clerk to give notice thereof. Resolution was readamd on motion by Cline, seconded by ffinebrenner and carried, was passed as read. Hearing set for November 25, 1946. Chief of Police reported that he had contacted business firms on the north side of Bay Street relative to permitting refuse to be dumped in the bay, A and -that they,=were all co-operating in an effort to get rid of rats, and that the beaches are cleaner now than they were prior to the request. Mayor stated that he, in company with Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee, and Superintendent Givens had gone over Bay street from Harrison street east, and had mapped out the work necessary to take care of the walks and drains. Communication from Washington State Liga.or Control Board advising that Fred Need- ham Post No. 2269, Veterans of Foreign Wargp had made application for "23T" license, was read, There being no objections from azy member of the council to granting the application, communication was ordered filed. Clerk stated that Mrs. Mildred Cohen had made verbal application to the Clerk and also to the Mayor for street lights on Cline street south of Division street to Kendall street, stating that the area is poorly lighted. Matter referred to the Light com- mittee for investigation and report. H. B. 14ienees appeared before the council and asked that city consider filling in. Water street when adjoining property ownera fill in the private property. This was referred to the street and alley committee for investigation and report. The following bills which had been examined and approved by haads of departments and by Councilman Stevenson of the Auditing committees were presented, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Stevenson and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Nalikaeo Accessory Co. Camay L. Wetzel, Clerk Puget Sound Power & Light Co. T. M. Baker Co. Howard Cooper Corporation Port Orchard Machine Marine Wks Bremerton Oil Delivery Feenaughty Machinery Co,. H. J. Kilpatrick M. L. Bonneville John N. Vaughn Harold Zernich Telephones and tolls, various 26.65 Postage 1.50 20 bins for Parking meter dept. 2.00 Postage, box rent, exp. to Seattle,etc. 14.56 Street lights, October, 1946 135,85 Coin wrappers, Parking meter Dept. 9.18 STREET FUND 12 filters Taking stands, and material Roller rental Grader blades, etc. Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets WATER FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Telephones and tolls Siemen's Machine Shop material and labor P.O.AiachineMarine & Iron Works Material and La�,or V. B.Caldwell Merchandise George C. Cooper Labor on water line maintenance W, Y. Bruhehn. Labor on broken water line LIERARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for library SEWER FUNIJ Gladding McBean & Co. Sewer tile and connections 13.21 8.28 100.00 36.68 91.60 91.60 91.60 91,60 12,55 4,22 10,74 5.20 118,80 10.80 12.67 96.88 i Council djourned subject to call of the Mayor, or until the next i,egular meeting date a ion by econded by Stevenson and carried. uro-r=� Clerk May or -0 / Port Orchard, Washington Noveipber 12, 1946 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor P. J. Woel Present Councilmen M. H. Thompson, W. S. Stevenson, George Cline, 'Karion Sutton a.f It "orney W6hn.'.-Vir.Boyle, and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens. Ab ent Council- man Dusty Winebrenner. Minutes of meeting of October 28, 1946 read and approved, Chairman Cline of the Fire and Light committee reported that he had the ked on re- quested street lights, and that his committee recommends the i.nstallati n of lights at Sroufe and Portland streets; Sroufe and Spokane streets, and at Clin and Swab3* streets, Following a discussion, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Su ton and carried that lights be installed at the ppints above designated. Clerk reported that two bids had been received for fire hose for which ids had been regularly called, and at the direction of the Mayor the bids were opene and the followin offers received: The Nelson Equipment Compares of Seattle offer d Imperial brand, 22 inch hose, according tomspecifications at $1.76 per foot; Are brand at $1.64 per foot; end Major brand at $1.44 per foot; and for l21 inch hose, as specified in call, Imperial brand at :1,30 per foot; Arco brand at1,16 per foot; and Major brand at 41.03 per foot; all prices f.o.b. Fort Orchard, with delivery n two to three weeks. The B. F. Goodrich Co., through Howard Cooper Corporation, offs ed 22 inch hose as specified in call at $1,20 per foot for Tidal brand; and for Leaderline brand in 11 inch hose as specified at 84c per foot. Bids were referred to Alan otten, Chief of the Fire Departments who checked the bids and recommended the accept ce of the bid of the Howard Cooper Corporation. Following a discussion,s it was move by Cline, seconded by Thompson and carried that the bid of Howard Cooper Corpora ion for the B.H. Goodrich Company be accepted, conditioned that delivery be made: within ten days. Mayor Woell stated that property owners and residents on Smith street, west of Cline street had contacted him relative to water main in that district, and It was pointed ' out that at present water is received through small pipes. The matter was discussed and was referred to Superintendent Givens for investigation and report. Superintendent of Public gorks asked that hereafter no dirt be dumped On city streets except under the direction and supervision of the Superintendent, and his order was agreed to by members of the council. H. B. Menees again appeared before the councilrelative to the filling f Water street by the city. Mayor Woell informed him that if the street were .filled hat it would have to be done at the expense of the abutting property, and City Attorney tated that the city has no legal right to construct streets except at the expense of e abutting property. The following claims, ah ich had previously been approved by the heads Of departments, and checked by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing committee, were present d, and on motion by .Cline, ' seconded by Sutton and carried, were ordered paid: .I CURRENT E.XP12; SE FUND Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Board of prisoners, Sept --Oct, 194 12,00 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Material for sign at Park 3.40 Hoge Oil Company oil for various departments 35.41 Kitsap County Bank Premium, bond of Police Clerk 5.00 Thompson's Supplies for Clerk 2.06 Howe's Hardware Rest room Supplies 2.16 Blue & Gold Garage ftma RepAir for paddy wagon 6.04 South xitsap Motors Tire repair for paddy wagon .77 Slocum Hardware Hammer, meter department 1.53 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Fire hall light 2,62 WATER FUND George C. Cooper Labor on water lines 108,00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light at pump plants 255.62 American Plumbing & Steam Supply Various pipes and fittings 146,74 Palmer Supply Co, Set of stock and dies 9.76 !� Crane Company Asphalt Paint and fittings 7,.95 Slocum Hardware Maine hardware cloth .52 Bremerton. Concrete Products Co, Meter boxes and covers 28,27 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber and nails 36.50 V. B. Caldwell Tools 2.42 H. D. P wler Co. Copper couplings 9*55 W02�ihngton Gamon Meter Co. Resgiter box glasses I 2.79 , r STREET FUND Standard Oil Co. of California Port Orchard Signal Service Port Orchard Maeh.Marine Wks Port Orchard Lumber Yard Standard Oil,Co. of California V. B. Caldwell Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Siler Auto Parts Johnson Lumber Co. Frie dag Plumbing Co. Slocum Hardware Howe Oil Co. South Kitsap Motors Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Siements Machine Shop Blatt's Auto Glass 17w T. Swanson J. wy Welsh Howe Motor Co. 18,41-ityll C, Stewart Osburn The H. R. Huntting Co. Puget Sound News Co. Pearl Oil $ 16.10 Section for truck tire 5.10 Weld fan pulley- 3Q49 Cement 21,64 Bbl RPM Lub oil 32.56 Vice and brooms 25,08 Drain the 18.,18 Merchandises 6.97 llebbleAbphalt 43.60 Plugtbing material 2052 Paint, tools, etc. 23.89 Stove Oil 9,73 Lights, switches, etc. 7.06 Lights at street sheds, 2 months 2100 Welding 14,62 Glass and channels 33.53 Work on grader 8100 Fill dirt and gravel 124.83 Parts and repairs, street trucks 103.27 2--gear subscription to Readerst Digest 5*00 Books for Library 62.81 Books for Library 24.73 Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor, or motion by Cline, seconded. by Stevenson and carried. ,o the next regular meeting# on M or r r - r w0 ...- ... .. .. .. .. Port Orchard, Washington November 250 1946 Regular meeting of the counc it of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel in the absence of Mayor F. J. Woell, Clerk called :for nominations for Acting Mayor, and Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner was placed in nomination by Councilman George Cline; nomination was seconded by Councilman Marion Sutton. Clerk 'placed the nomination before the council and i� was carried unaihimouxly, and Councilman Winebrenner was declared elected Acting Mayor, and assumed the duties of the office, 'resent at the meeting were Councilman Dusty C. Winebrenner, Mari on Sutton, George Cline, W. S. Stevenson and M. H. Thompson; City Attorney John M. Botle, and Super- intendent of Public Works George Givens, Minutes of meeting of November 12, 1946 read and approved. Superintendent Givens reported that he had investigated the possibility of se- curing materials for the proposed Smith Street water extension, and that it is im- possible to secure satisfactory material at this time. He stated that the situation had been explained to the property owners, and that they had agreed that the im- provement should be deferred until such time as a permanent job can be done, Councilman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee again brought up the matter of water and slush on the sidewalks just oaf Black Jack bridge, in front of the South Kitsap Motors and the Texaco Service :station. The matter was discussed, and it was stated that efforts had been made to correct this situation, but that they hd been only partially successful. It was suggested that members of the council in- vestigate the condition and make recommendations as to what should be done. Clerk stated that George Blanchard had made complaint that two windows had been broken by rocks from the Didney street pavement hitting his building, and had re- quested that street be cleaned. Matter referred to the Superintendent for action„ Councilman Sutton brought up the matter of the Hospital Foundation, a voluntary organization formed to secure the hospital for the county, and explained what it is hoped to accomplish, He stated that good progress is being made, and that various civic and other groups have endorsed the plan, and asked that the city government of Port Orchard pass a resolution stating in effect that this body is in favor of the aims and ob lects of the Association. Matter was discussed and at the suggestion of Councilman 'I`hompson was deferred to the newt meeting of the council* Hearing of petition for the vacation of unnamed street between Mankowskits Addition and Wheelerta Addition, being; set for hearing on this date, Mayor Winebrenner called for any statement or objection that any .person might desire to make. Arthur M. Car- ter was recoggnized, and studied the map filed in connection with the petition, but raised no objection. There being no ohjeetions presented, ordinance providing for repeal of Ordinance No. 458, and for vacating the street under the terms of the petition, was read. Ordinance was passed as read, and adopted as Ordinance No. 530 on motion by Cline, seconded by Sutton and carried. Application fron Clarence Cheplak, requesting taxi license in Port Orchard was read. After discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carr3.<4 .that appli- cation be denied. Councilman Thompson brought up the matter of the building and plumbing; cede ordi- nances, but tliis was deferred for further conference by the committee. Clerk.presented resolution providing for payment to State of Washington of the sum of 068.93 as the cost of ra inting theyellow line through Port Orchard on PSH No. 14. Resolution passed on motion by Thompson, seconded by :tevenson and carried. H. B.-Menees appeared before the council and asked that as the Town of r rt Orchard would not fill dater Street, that it be vacated. Councilman Thompson stated that he opposed vacating any streets, and that he would not sanction such a move. Councilman Cline also spoke against vacation. City Attorney Boyle stated that ther3 is a statutory method by which petitions for vacation shall ber-presented to tae council, and that there is not at present anything before the council. He state hat before Wner, the council can act in the matter that it must be presented in a legal Bills, which had been previously checked by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing Com- nittee, were presented to the council. Bills were considered and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Thompson and carried, the bills of Hite Electric Co., were h ld up for further check, and the following bills were allowed and ordered paid: CURRENT EXPLSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power E. Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Otto Voll Sign Shop Pacific Telephone & Te_:.egraph Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Myhre's Uafe Lights at tennis courts .,Traffic light, 2 months City hall light, 2 months Caution light, 2 months Sign at Park Police telephone and tolls Fire Department telephone Clerk and Treasurer telephone and tolls Food for special patrolmen, Hallowete kdA1 EI :SUED Peninsula Stationers A. I1. Cox 6; Co. Pacific Plumbing Co. A. li. Ftiedag Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. George C. Cooper 10 Order Books Gasket set Shaft coupling Pipe coupling Plant telephone and tolls Supt. telephone and tolls Maintenance on water lines STREET FUND 40.65 8.50 31.25 2.00 6.70 8.13 7.50 5.55 10.66 4.38 5.04 3.18 1.60 7.70 4.80 86.40 H. J.Kilpatrick Labor on streets 98.47 John N. Vaughh Labor on streets 98.47 Harold Zernich Labor on streets 98.47 M. L. Bonneville Labor on streets 99„62 Sheets Automotive 7,31ectric Swipe for grader 10.09 0 K Rubber Welders Recap truck tire 10.97 Ray B. Hall Right -of --way for drain 90.00 LIBRARY FUND The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 37.76 Puget Sound News Co. 3,29 Council adjourned on motion by Cline, seconded by Stevenson, and carried4 rk Tay or Port Orchard, Washington December 9, 1946 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, Present Councilman Marion Sutton, George Cline, W. S. Stevenson, Dusty C. Winebrenner and M. H. Thompson City Attorney John M. Boyle, and Superintendent of Public 'Works George F. Givens. Minutes of meeting of November 25, 1946 read and corrected to change the designation of the Hospital Association from Roosevelt Hospital Association to Kitsap County Hospital Association; with this correction the minutes were approved. Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alley.committee reported that conditions of the sidewalks abutting the Texaco Station and South Kitsep Motors, which was discussed November 25, 1946, and which had been viewed by several councilzgen, is now satisfactory. Matter of endorsement of aims and objects of Kitsap County Hospital Association,.de- ferred from November 25, 1946 meeting, came up for discussion. Following explanations by Councilman Sutton, it was mov d by Cline, seconded by Winebrenner and carried .that a letter by the Mayor endorsing the aims and objects of the Association as regz ested. by Councilman Sutton be dispached to the Association, care of Norman Box of the Bremerton Chamber of Commerce. Clark reported that the application for priorities for construction of city hall, filed October 290 1946, had been denied; that the Port Orchard Planning Committee had subsequently written a letter to the CPA endorsing the project; that this body had received a reply stating that the application had been denied but suggesting that: another application for priority be filed; that a new appliation had been prepared and subm1tted to the Planning Cortm.ittee for endorsement and transmission to the CPA. Clerk also brought up the matter of establishing a special fond for the Washington State Development §oard grant and the matching fa nds of the Town of Port Orchard for city hall construction, as required by the Washington State Development Board. After discussion, it,was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that ordinance be pas,sect estab- lishing a "Port Orchard Town Hall --State Development Fund.," and that city matching funds for the State Development Board funds be transferred to this fund, and readiest be made to the State Development Board for its grant. It was reported that the Floyd Olsen residence on South Harrison Street had been par- tially destroyed by fire Sunday m6rning, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Steven. son and carried, sewer charges were discontinued under terms of ordinance No. 4930 Matter of grading on Maple Street was taken up and discussed, but action was deferred to a leter date, Building Code ordinance and Plumbing -Code ordinance were presented to the council for consideration, and following their presentations action was deferred so that members of the council could study the provisions of the ordinances. The matter of costs for typing these ordinances, and making corrections in the compilation was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that a warrant for $28,00 be drawn in favor of Mrs. Ann Lofstedt as compensation for typing and correcting these ordinances. Superintendent of Public Works reported that he had been contacted by representatives of Forest City government, asking that South -Street between Port Orchard and Forest City be graded and made more passable, the two towns to participate in the cost. Mae stated that he had taken the matter up with Chairman Stevenson of the Street and Alley committee, and with Councilman, Winebrenner, bo*h of whom had spoken favorably of the ptoposition. After a discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that South Street be graded and that a bill for one-half of the cost be sent to Forest City under the agreement suggested by officials of that town. It was moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that bids be called for supplying the Town of Port Orchard with gasoline, lubrication oil and heating oil under specifi- cations to be furnished by the Superintendent of Public Works. The following bills, which had.been audited by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing commit- tee, were presented, and on motion by Sutton, seconded by Thompson and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Don's Service Battery charge fo r fire trucks 2.06 Rensselaer Valve Co. Fittings for fire hydrants 21.97 Hcw and Cooper Corporation 500 fe 221-inch.fire hose 601,64 Slocum Hardware Padlock and safety hasp 5.85 Howe Motor Co. Labor and material, fire truck 13,17 Kitsap County Auditor 1947 lieenses, fire trucks and p.w. 3,75 Howe Oil Company Stove oil, various 44.2+0 HoWe's Hardware Lonergan Heater, city hall 97.34 Howets Hardware Fittings and installation, heater 19,06 F. E. Langer Premium Treasurer's bond 75.00 Howe's Hardware Paper .towels 1,,55 South Kitsap Motors Battery charges, other for paddy car 6.68 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights, November, 1946 135,65 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Maintain traffic lights 5.02 Mill & Mine Supply Co. V. B. Caldwell Howe Motor Co. Kitsap County Auditor Howe Oil Co. George C. Cooper Don's Service Howe's Hardware T. R. Hubbard Bremerton Concrete Products, Co. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Harold Zernich John N. Vaughn M. L. Bonneville H. J. Kilpatrick Don's Service Sloca m Hardware Howe Motor Co. Kitsap County Auditor Howe Oil Co. South Kitsap Garage T, R. Hubbard Port Orchard Lumber Yard Bremerton Concrete Products. Co. R. L. Lursen Co. dATZR FUND 1 doz shovels Merchandise Labor and material, gas engine 1947 license plates fov trucks Stove oil Maintenance on water lines Supplies 1 night lock Merchandise Meter boxes and covers STREET FUND Ring and pin gear Labor on streets Tabor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Tire repair, oil, grease Anti -freeze and tools Repair street truck 1947 licenses, street trucks Stove oil Ring gear and labor Various merchandise 3 Bbls cement Drain the Gas, oil, kerosene LIBRARY FUND 17.96 1.46 80.30 2,50 5,70 97.20 4.74 1.55 .76 34,76 23.82 98.47 98,47 98,47 50.38 20.94 7,92 5.91 3.75 28.71 5.15 7,05 10,82 111.08 102,50 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 9.74 Howe's Hardware 1 qt. shellac 2.16 Council adjourned subject to call.of the Mayor or until next regular meeting, on motion by Winebre er, seconde by Cline and carried. ,J - r Clerk - Tdi or 0 Port Orchard, dashington December 23, 1946 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to orIer by Mayor F. J. a°loell, Present Councilmen Dusty Winebrenner, George Cline, Marion Sutt n and M. H, Thompson; City Attorney John 11, Boyle, Absent Councilman W. S. Stevens n,. Yinutes of meeting of December 9, 1946 read and a.,proved, Ordinance creating 'Port Orchard a•,ownHallu-State Development Fund" and providing for transfer of certain monies to that fund, and providing for expenditure thereof, read. Loved by Thompson, seconded by Winebrenner and carried that ordinance be passed as read, and copy forwarded to Washington State Development Board. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 532. Letter from T. C. Breitenstein relative to services as engineer and building in- spector read to the council.. Ordinance amending ordinance Ko. 528, and creating the position of engineer and inspector, and providing for salary of the office was read, and on motion by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried, ord mace was passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 532. Matter of establishing grade on F,iaple Street was discussed, and it was _Moved by Sutton, seconded by Cline and carried that matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, the Superintendent and the Engineer for investigation and report. A. FBI. Carter T peared before the council and protested any grade which would create a steeper roadway or make travel over the road more difficult. T. J. Pauley and. Harry ;W'. Franks, members of the council of Forest City,appeared before the council, relative to securing the services of equipment and men for main- taining streets in Forest City. The mayor explained that Port Orchard would co- operate in every way possible, but that any work done outside the city of Port Orchard could only be done when there was s_.are time for the equipment, as local work would have to be done first. The matter was discussed, and referred to the Street and Alley coimnittee and the Superintendent of Public Works with plower to act. Communication from =rs. Sadie Graham, dlerk of Forest City, relative to (master meter and purchase of individual meters in Forest City, was reed. The matter was dis- cussed, and it was moved by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried that ULark be instructed to write to Forest City that after the installation of the master meter that negotiations would be entered into for the sale to F&rest City of the indi- vidual meters, if such course is deemed advisable. N It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried that tapping fee for water connection hereafter be fixed at $22,50 per connection, Mayor McBroom of Forest City addressed thEcouneil concerning the matter of master meter and the purchase of individual meters. The action of the council was explained to him by May or Woell. Letter from Kitsap Electrical Dealers Association, Inc,., relative to passage of ordi- nance to control sale of electrical equipment and supplies, was read, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried, was ordered filed,. Mayor Woell announced the appp ntment of Dudley Perrine, V. M. Parks and William Sprague as members of the Port Orchard Planning Committee, and on motion by Wine- brenner, seconded by Sutton and carried, appalAtments were confirmed by the c euncil,. Mayor Woell stated that the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department had beencalled to Annapolis early in the morning of December 23, 1946 to combat a bad fire; that the boys had done a most creditable job. He paid a high tribute to the Fire Department as an organization, and to the individual members, and stated that the city officials and the people of the town were proud of the record made by the Department, and that the organization is entitled to the thanks of every citizen of the community., Drawing showing the proposed plan of drainage on Bay Street in connection with the fill being made by the property owners on the abutting property, was submitted and studied by the members of the council. After a discussion, it was moved by Sutton, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, that bids be called for installing necessary drainage sys- tem, under specifications to be furnished by the Street and Alley committee, the Super- intendent of Public Works and the Engineer. The matter of purchase of new pickup truck for the hater Department, to replace the 1940 Chevrolet, was discussed, and the Clerk was directed to advertise for bids for V-tonpickup truck under specifications to be furnished by the Superintendent of Public Works, on motion by Thompson, seconded by Sutton and carried. Mayor asked that action on proposed building and plumbing ordinances be deferred to the next regular meeting of the. council, and this wascagreed to by members of the council, Mayor Woell thanked the members of the council for their faithful and efficient ser.• vice during the past year, and extended Season's Greetings to thomembers of the council The following bills, properly audited by Chairman Sutton of the Auditing Committee, were read, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Winebrenner and carried, were ordered paid: MREN2 EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Fire hall. light Howard Cooper 8orporation 200 fet 1l-in fire hose (contract) F. E, Langer Premium on Meter Patrolman's bond P.O.Machine Marine & Iron Wks Repair fire plug Pacific Telephone & TelegraphCo. Clerk and Treas. telephone and tolls it Police telephone and tolls Lorraine HNAder P.O.Box rent, Police Port.Orchard Independent Vouchers and payroll sheets Port Orchard Independent Publishing, various Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co,Fire Department WATER FUND Puget Sound Power & Light Co, tt rt n n rr n rr rr rr Siemen's Machine Shop Lumber Supply Trick & Murray Pacific Tele�hone &Telegr%h Co. Palm r Supply Co, Port Orchard Independent George C, Cooper Power and light, main plant Light, West Bay Street plant Power Bay Street plant Power at Brewery pump License plate bracket' Lumber and Nails Ledger sheets Superintendent telephone and tolls Plant telephone and tolls Valves, adapters, etc, 5M postal water bills Labor on water lines STREET FUND P.O.Machine Marine & Iron Works Olympic Iron & Machine Works Siemen's Machine Shop Lumber Supply M. L. Bonneville John N. Vaugbn H. J. Kilpatrick Harold Zernich Lumber Supply Gladding McBean & Co, Weld plates on street signs Welding and material Making grates Material for drains Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets SEWER £'U1VD Cement and brick Sewer tile 2.56 169.58 5.00 17,00 5.40 4,95 3,00 60,00 51.28 7,50 75.28 1.00 13.41 44,00 1,55 3,23 55,80 5,77 8,25 23,46 73,00 106,.00 8, "75 6,18 40,29 3,58 s b 9.3*89 91,60 14,68 13,15 The H. R. Huntting Co. LIBRARY FUND Book for Library $ 2.41 Letter from Velar Assets Administration relative to OCD fire equipment rad and ordered filed. Council adjourned subject toe all of the IdVor, or until the next regu 'ar meeting of May or O Port Orchard,, 'dashington January 13, 1947 Regular meeting of the council of P r t Orchard, 4iashington called to order by Mayor F. J. vVoell,, Present Councilmen Dusty G. 4nebrenner, Marion Sutton, M. h. Thomp- son, George Cline, retiring member, and Ray B. Hall, incoming member of the council; City Attorney John I Boyle, and Superintendent of Public 4orks George F. Givens. Absent, Councilman 4. S. Stevenson. Mey or Idoell addressed the council, expressing his appreciation and t Emn s to retiring Councilman Gaorge Cline for his long and faithful service to t:ye town as a council- man, and lauded the character of the personnel of the council, stating; that if Port Orchard is always successful in securing this caliber of citizens for city officials that the continuing success of the city government is assured. Retiring Council- man Cline responded, stating that he had enjoyed his service and hoped that through his efforts that something had resulted .for the good of the town. The vlayore xtended a welcome and good wishes to Councilman Ray 3. Hall, and expressed fait in the ac- tivities and accomplishments for the town for the coming year. ,Minutes of meeting of December 23, 1946, read and approved. The matter of the grade on Maple Street was taken up, and a profile furnished by T. C. Breit6nstein, Engineer, was exhibited for inspection by members of the council and interested property owners. Arthur :W . Carter, John A. Mills and G. W. Shope, property owners, were present and protested against the proposed grade and against any grade which would make gavel more difficult or the road harder to maintain. R. E. Ross, owner of property along the street, was also present and stlated his posiyion in the matter. After a discussion, it wa-.s moved by Thompson, 4ley econded by 4inebrenner and carried that metter be referred back to the Street and com- mittee and the engineer for further investigation and report. Mayor Woell announced his committee appoint_,�ents for the coming year as follows: Street and Alley Committee: end. S. Stevenson, chairman; Marion Sutton and Ray B. Hall; Water and Sewer; i.. H. Thomp :o n, chairman; Dusty-d-Inebrenner and Ray B. Hall; Fire and Light: Ray B. Hall, chairman; Dusty iinebrenner arad T;Zarion Sutton; Finance and Planing: M. H. Thompson, chairman; W. S. Stevenson and Dusty ILYinebrenn r; Health, Sanitation, Parks and Buildings: Dusty Winebrenner, chairman; ivi. H. Thompson and Marion Sutton; License and Auditing: Marion Sutton, chairman; Ray D. Hall and W. S. Stevenson„ E. 0. Johnson and Ernie Johns of the Standard Oil Company were present and addressed the council in relation to installation of additional storage tanks at the Port Orchard plant of the compa:L y. i This being the date upon which bids for construction of drains, etc., under speci- fications as prepared by the Engineer for the Bay street drainage system, between Orchard street and Sidney street, four bids were submitted for the work The bid of E. B. Ough offered to do the work as outlined for 4�?'894.68; the bid of Lawrence L. :=erry -aas for $1025.00; and that of the Standard Plumbing Co. was for a total of 61644.00. The bids were considered by the council and referred to the uperinten-- dent of Public Works who checked them with the engineer, and reported that it was the recommendation of the engineer that the bids be rejected, and that he work be done ,by the Department of 'Public Yuorks. After a discussion, it was rraov d by Winebrenner, seconded by Sutton and carried that bids be rejected and t at the work advertised for be done under the direction of the Superintendent of Pub is Works by day labor. Eddi® Higgins appeared before the council relative to the erection of a building near Black Jack Bridge and the Gig Harbor highway for a car laundry. I�l tter re- ferred to the Building committee with power to act. Mayor stated that money had been received from State Development Board md that approval of the project had been received for the proposed city hall, and that bids'had been called for the construction of the building, the bids to e ppened January 29th, 1'47. Thiel action was taken, explained the Mayor, to hur the project along, and to escape as much delay as possible.