01/01/1944 - Regular - MinutesCurrent Expense Fund Crawshaw Motors It Ass'n. of Washington Cities P. S. Power & Light Co. P. S. Power & Light Go. Trick & Murray County Auditor Pacific Tel. & Tel. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Glenn ,Moore Trick & Murray Taylor & Sutton 8 . V. 1�cMurl l en T. W. Frazee Muyskens Radio Shop County Auditor nmeridan Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Pac if is Tel. & Tel. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Slocum Hardware Go. S. V. McMullen Rensselaer Valve Co. P. S. Power & Light.Co. P. -4. Power & Light 4o. Slocum Hardware go. T. 4. Frazee S. V. McMullen S. V. McMullen Kit,sa� County County Auditor Repair to paddy wagon Membership and services Light at Fire Station Street Lighting Desk pad and blotter for Tr License for Fire Truck Clerk's phone Phones for Police and Fire Gas and Oil for Paddy wagon Lamp for Clerk's office Gas and oil fro paddy wagon Labor on city hall decking Labor on city hall deckimg Repairs to Police Radio We ter Fund License for water truck Pipe and fittings Telephone for Water .)upp. Telephone at water plant Merchandise Labor on v+ater system Flanged check valve Light at Pump house Power for pumping Street Fund `.fools and raierchandi se Labor on streets Cedar posts, Division street Labor on streets Rent of grader License on 2 trucks Bill of Puget Sound Power & Light Go. for power at Brewe laid over for investigation There:.b6ing no f uther business, council, on motion of 311 by Talbot and curried, adjourned. Part Orchard, Washington aanuary 10, 1944 so lb t � Council oalled to order in regualr session by Mayor 0. A. with Councilmen M. H. Thomspon, W. B. Gosbey, D. J. Talbot, Roy 0. H George Cline; City Attorney, aloha M. Boyik; and Superintendent of lu George Oivens present. Min **ssof meeting of#eeaamb9r 27, 1943 read and approved. Mayor Banks reported on the matter of the proposed railr to the locality and read letters which he had reoelve4 from Acting Ifawee+tt of Tacoma, and 1. A. Stevenson of the Taooma 4hamber of Co in which it was indicated that the proposed railroad was not a pro immedirate, future, but that the matter would be kept in mind for wh aotion Nbuld be beneficial. No replies had been received from San Wallgren or OongressmandUagnu+son. Counpilman Howe, chairman of the Street and .Alley':oommit ported on the proposed widening of Division Street, and on regUost committee, two weeks additional time was granted for final report can�edatio�. , J'aok Wood appeared before the council and requested dirt filling a street on cline and Dwight Streets. : The matter was defe such time as dirt is available. 6.70 75.00 1.75 90.55 1.69 1.25 4.50 12.15 8. 235 13. 72 2 6. 73 20.60 15.00 3. 0 9 1.25 34.62 4.00 5.15 2.62 13.0]0 14 VV. �%1 1.00 95.10 v . 0 1 64.00 13. 50 63.20 250.00 2.50 11 was 11 seconded inks, re and .iv forks link 'or oe, for the re - the reac- until l� n R. D. Ayan, residing at DeKalb and Cline streets, appeared before the council in regard to sewer connection at his and other property in the vicinity. After a► discussion by members of the council, it was suggested that the existing, sewer on DeXalb street be oonrAoted with the trunk line on Bay street, and that those property owners on the line who are not in the Assessment district pay sewer connection fee of $25.00 each, and the city will.t$ake the connection to the trunk line. On motion by Howe, seconded by TalbO and darried, the clerk was directed to notify Clarence Lampman, Olarenoe Hawes, it. B. Ryan and A. A. McTavish that the council had adopted a plan as suggested, and that the connection fee is due. Miss Leila Ngrdby, chairman of the Library Board, addressed a letter to the council relative to the appointment of a new member of the board in place of Mrs. H. E. Wilson, deceased. App6ititment deferred to a later date. Clerk read a letter from Governor Arthur B. Langlie relative to post-war planning and the naming of a local committee to direct the under- taking. The matter was discussed by the council members, and the Mayor appointed a Planning G9ommission consisting of Dr. H. G. Swanson, chair- man; H. H. Slocum, Gordon Howe, V. B. Caldwell, J. G. Stapleton, V. S. Stevenson, Willard Chase, Cecil Both, Harold Anslow, and Dusty Winebrenner, and the clerk was directed to notify these men of their appointments, and to turn Miner to them the literature received from the Governor's office. Councilman 'Thompson reported for the special committee consisting of himself and Councilmen Howe and Cosbey, of their conferences with F. M. G Rtsinger, regional director of the FPHk$ and with Frad T. Evans, regional engineer for the PIA. He reported that the conferences had resulted in assurances that a Delsol engine would be installed at the new well by the Housing Authority, and that a letter had been dispatched to the FPHA set- ting forth t:te demands of the city in connection with the installation, and granting thirty days extension of the time from January 8, 1944 in which to accomplish the demands, or water would be shut off from the Housing Project. A copy of this letter was read to the council. He also 'reported tfiat the matter of the proposed waterfront highway had been discussed. with Mr. Evans, and that this matter was to be pressed further along lines suggested by Mr. Evans. Police matters had also been discussed with both the y.P.H•A, and the FWA, stated Mr. Thompson, and this matter would receive further study by the committee. Mayor Hanks thanked the committee for its excellent work, and continued the committee in forte for fU*ther action on the matter under Consideration. The matter of the purchase of a grader for the city was brought up from last meeting, and Floyd Rayton, representing the Howard Cooper Corporation, was present and explained the details necessary to go through to secure proper priority for purchase. Clerk was directed to prepare blanks for priorityaapplioation to be signed by the Mayoj, and forward to Mr. Rayton. I`urther action was deferred awaiting aotion1 by the WPB. The matter of the Ametioan Legion plaque, proposed by the Legion and authorized by the council, to honor local men in the armed services of the United States was brought up by Councilman Cosbey, who stated that no action had so far been taken.. City Attorney Coyle stated that he had. recently been named on this committee by the Commander of the Local Post of the American Legion, and that he would have a more definite report to present at the neat meeting of the council. Following bills presented and on motion by 'Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried, were ordered paid. Bill for $T50.00 for ten additional parking meters was ordered paid from the Current Expense fund to avoid Voyment of interest, the Current Expense fund to be r-imbursed by the Parking Meter Fund when sufficient cash becomes ava6lWable. Current Expense Fund Lumber Supply Material for City Hall platform 96.69 Port Orohard Lumber Yard Lumber for Signs 1.56 Howe's Hardware Stove Oil for Police 9.00 Otto Voll Sign Shop Traffic signs 3.2 4 Floy G. Applegate Premium on Clerk's bond 5.00 Ploy 0. Applegate premium. on 'Treasurer's bond 25.00 County Auditor Supplies for city election 2.50 Trick & Murray Registration supplies 13.03 Jim Heron Police Department Work 12.00 Puget Bound. Express Demurrage,on Gas Cylinder for Inhalator l.16 Jackson Machine Shop Braolee*& for city hall platform B. b6 Eureka Fire Hose Co. 200 feet fire hose 226.60 S. V. McMullen Removing logs 5.20 T. W. Frazee Removing logs 4.00 Javkson Uaohine Shop Jackson Maohine Shop Wilkins-Lursen Co. Hoge Is hardware Port Orchard LVmber Surd P. S. Power & Light Co. T. W. Frazee daokson Machine Shop Wilkins-Lursen Co. Hodge & Davie Howe Is Hardware Howe Motor Co. T. W. Frazee S. V. McMullen Dunoan meter Corporation H. W. Wilson Qo. Puget Sound News Co. Water Fund I Machine Work Wrench, eta. Gas and Oil Paint and Ere Oil Material for .Brewery pump hour Power at Brewery well Labor Street Fund Mepairs to grader Gas and O i 1 Charging battery Ha it s Hepairs to dump truck Labor Labor Parking Meter Fund 75% receipts from meters Library Fund Supplies Books Where being no further business, council, on motion seoondeo by Howe and carried, adjourned. 4.64 5.15 L2.73 5.52 L6.70 50.25 4. OQ 5.75 5.75 .77 3.61 2.25 21600 9.20 W Orohard, Washington ,nuary 24, 1944 .n regular session by h%yor C. Present Councilmen, George Cline, Boy Howe, D. J. Talbot, W. $. C M. H. Thompson; City ,Attorney, John U. Boyle and Superintendent o Works George Givens. . fAx cti�a aalandl is Minutes of meeting of January 101 1944 read and approve4. Street and .Alley Committee, through its oha$fman CouHowe, reported that the enikkre membership had viewed the proposed ietprnoio a nt of Division street,and agreed that the fill should be made on the so th side of the street between Sidney Street and Austin Street; that the d' t could be secured -from Hans Aa3tshaug, and that through conversations be a Super- intendent of Publics Works, George givens and Holmbarg & Norman, t st it was expeated that work could be started Thursday so-riAfft January 27. It was moved. by Howe, seconded by dline and curried that the work be done as rec- ommedded by the Street and Alley committee, and that an'agreement as sub- mitted by the City Attorney be signed by Mr. Aarshaug, to protect th city from liability. Motion carried. Mayor was granted further time to make appointment to fill vaoanoy on Library Board. n Mayor Hanks stated that he had talked with Dr. H. G. Sw ns n, ohairman of the Planning Committee, and that the first meeting of the com- mittee would be held in the City Hall Wednesday evening, January 6. City Attorney Boyle reported progress was being made in as ebb - ling data for the American Legion Memorial Plaque, and that it was e - pected that the plaque would be completed early in the spring. A letter from Parker do Hill, Engineers, relative to feed due the firm from the city was redd. This letter was in reply to an ff r submitted- by the relative to the payment of the claim. Further a ti n on the router was deferred to a later date. A letter from the County Commissioners requesting the v cis ion of a portion of Sweany Street was read, and referred to the City Att n y for investigation and report. A petition from property owners in the vicinity of Seattle and DivIelon streets, requesting that a street light be placed at this inter- section was read, and upon recommeddation of Fire and Light oommittee, .and motion b;; Haws, seconded by Talbot and carried, the light was ordered Installed. A letter was received from the Secretary of the Hoard of Directors of Sohool District No. 402, requesting that the city supply water to the High School. Clerk Was directed to write to the Board of Directors acknowledging the request, giving the rates and other information. The matter was referred to the Water and Seger committee to confer with the Superintendent of Public Works, establish the route 6f the extension, and with general power to act in the matter. Claim, of J. a. Labha for injuries alleged to have been sustained in a fall on Frederick Street was read and referred to the City .Attorney. It was moved by Cdsbey, seconded by Cline and carried that Sup- erintendent of Public Works have a stack installed on ohimeny at the souneil oham�,ers in an effort to get better heating results. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens reported that the derrick at the new well was ready to raise, and would .probably be com- pleted by the end of the week. The ratter of a plugged drain at the Rockwell and Bay street intersection was reported by Councilman Talbot and referred to the Superintendent of Public Works for remedy. Ralph Gonnell, who holds the contract for the eblleotion of garbage in Port Orchard, appeared before the council and requested that Linwood W. Partin be included as one member of the "party of the Second part" in the agreement, and that a new agreement be entered iato, to start as of February 1, 1944 and aceording to the terms set forth in a dopy of a tendered agreement. Request granted on motion b( E[owv, seconded by Talbot and carried. Mr. Connell also complained about garbage being dumped along the roads and highways, and stated that he had reported the condition to the Department of Health and so far had received no assistance or relief. Clerk was directed to write the Kitsap County Health Department, setting forth the complaint and demanding some action by,the Department to re- lieve the situation. This direction was given by virtue of a motion by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried by the council. Following bills presented, and on *otion by Gline, seconded by Talbot were ordered paid: Parking Meter Fund Miller Deters, Inc. T. W. Frazee S. V. McMullen Lumber Supply T. W. Frazee S. V. M Mullen Washington Typewriter Co. .American Plumbing Co. etc. American Plumbing Oo. Pacific Tel. & Tel. 00. Puget Sound Power & Lt. �o. W. H. Hankin Fred Netter, Fred Fetters, C Parts Street Fund Labor La bo r Lumber and Material Water Fund Labor Labor Rent of Typewriter Meter Boxes Pipe and Fittings Phone service Power a t$ Brewery pump Current Kxp ense Fund Various supplies Sheriff Board of prisoners(.Alugnst19431 Sheriff boefd of prisoners(dec. 1943) 78.30 64.00 104.00 10.47 8.00 10,40 7.73 32.'70 19.37 10.20 48.88 12.28 29._2S 27.95 19 Pacific Tel. & 'Tel. V. B. Galdwell - Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Otto Toll Sign Shop Bud's Meat Market J. M. Peterson Puget Sound Power & Lt. go. Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. Puget Sound.Power & Lt. Co. Puget Sound Power & Lt. Co. Marion Garland Tel. Fire Dept., Police & Clerk 1 Coal for pity hall i Sundry Supplies Traffic signs - Meat for State Guard (Hallowe'e4) Accountant, Clerk's Office Light at is t Aid Stat i-on Blinker Light j Traffic Light j Light at 3ity Hull Atty. Fee -County Sewer Suit j There being no further business, council, by Talbot and carried, adjourned. I on motion of H(*e, Port Orchard, Washington February 14, 1944 Council met in regular session with Mayor 0 A Hanks presi men M. H. Thompson, W. B. Cosbey, D. J. Talbot, George Cline and Ro Attorney John U. Boyle and Superintendent of Public Works George Gi Minutes of meeting of January 24, 1944 read and approved. The Mayor brought up the matter of bus terminal and comfor rest rooms, stating that complaints had been made relative to the un accommodations provided by the transportation companies. There was cussion of the matter by members of the council, and also of the dou by busses during the busy hours, and the =%ter was referred to the Alen committee with instructions to contact the Commandant of the N operators of the busses in an effort to work out some means which wo take care of the travelling, public and remove the hazzards created b parking by the busses. 15.65 24.78 9123 9.27 3.60 19.00 1.00 2.00 10.18 39.34 250.00 seconded and Council - Howe; City pre sent . ations, and sfactory neral dis- park ing at and Yard and the adequately e dauble A petition for water extension to serve residents in the U pe Ross Creek district, adjacent to Port Orchard, was presented, and after discusson it was moved by son, ,seconded by Howe and carried, that the council wi1 xtend the water ser�ri to t city limits, and will furnishbwater to theough star Meter at established ratdoo provided proper and acceptable arrangements cal b made with the residents of the 44.striotbto be served. The appointment of a member of the Library Board to fill a# e�isting vacancy was deferred for two weeks, Superintendent of Public Works George Givens stated that s nc the new well had been cleaned and surged that it was developing 340 gallons r minute when pumped, and appeared to be satisfactory. , T. C. Breitenstein, engineer, presented drawings and estimi.te of the proposed water -extension to the High School and Mitchell Hill, and s at d that applicst ions .for priorities for material for the job were being prepe re . The council authorized Mr. Breitenstein to proceed with the preliminary wor , and to rush the application for priorities as rapidly as possible. A petition signed by Lee F. Caldwell and other residents a mission to improve the alley in Block 9, Sweeny's Addition,- the prop pay all cost's of engineering, grading, etc., and to save the city ha damages by its improvement, was read to the council. It was moved b by Talbot and carried that petition bebgranted, and the grades 9f tb approved by the Street and Alley committee. City Attorney Boyle presented a written opinion on the pet t County Commissioners of Kitsap County for the vacation of a portion f Street, advising that the petition be denied. Councilmen Thompson slo a the County Engineer had informed him that the petition would not be r+ that it would be agreeable to have it filed without action. It was ih& for pe r- t own ere t o 1 ss from we, seconded a lay to be of the sd that used, and ardered. At the request of the Post War Planning CommittBe the names of Kohn ffi. Pattisons J. C. Knowles, Rev. Caro& Sprague, Irwin Dafferh, Kenneth Price and George Givens were added to the committee, on motion by Talbot, seconded by Cline and carried. A letter from the Luncan Meter Corporation stating that ten additional parking meters would be shipped about February 14, 1944, and that the cost would be added to the original contract, was read and ordered filed. A communication was read from the War Production Board, denying the appli- cation of the city for the purchase of a grader. A letter from the Vicinity Mainto; nance Engineer of the War Department at Fort Lewis, stating that the approval of Higher Headquarters had been received for payment of the sewer. service charge at the old ventral School, was read by the Clerk. A letter from the Kitsap County Department of Health relative to illegal dumping of garbage, and replying to a letter from the Olerk, was read and ordered riled. Request for endorsement by the city of an application by the housing Authority for the construction of a sidewalk from the Housing Projects to connect with the nearest sidewalk in Port Orchard, was read and the endorsement ordered sent as soon as information is received from the housing Authority. Bond of W. H. Hankin, chief of police, was approved by the council. t LeRoy Sauget and other citizens appeared before the Council and entered complaint against the methods pursued by the Kitsap County humane Society in collecting dog licenses and pick-up charges for impounded animals. The matter was discussed by the members of the council and the Clerk was directed to notify W. C. Doges of thenKitsapmCounty Humane Society to appear before the Council at the meeting on February 28, 1944, when interestad citizens were also invited to attend, so that the complaints may be settled at that time. Joe Lee Peterson asked that the council use its efforts to secure one of the unoccupied army barracks buildings for Boy Scout Headquarters. Mayor Hanks stated that he would co --operate with Scout Troop 521 in securing the use of one of the barracks buildings if same is available. Ra�Ph Peterson appeared before the council relative to sewer assessment against his property. T. C. Breitenstein, engineer, also gave a report on the property, and Attorney Boyle explained the legal method of amending or correcting assessment rolls. After a discussion of the matter of assessments, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and carried that the City Treasurer provide proper information relative to incorrect assessments and turn the same over to Mr. Brei- tenstein, who in turn would check the list and make his report to the City attorney for peopera ct ion. Chairman Thompson of the special committee hendling the water contract, with the Housing Authority made a report of the work of the committee, stating that an agreement had been reached whereby the Housing Authority would install motor and standby gasoline equipment for pumping, satisfactory to the Superintendent -of Publie Works ---this equipment to be installed in lieu of the Deisel engine provided for in the original contract. Attorney Boyle submitted a letter amending the contract, and action by the committee was approved by the council. Mayor Hanks congratulated the committee on the results of the efforts, and thanked them, on behalf of the city, for the excellent ,fob done. The matter of salaries of menbers of the rolice Department again came up for discussion, and the matter was passed to February 28, 1944 for definite action. The matter of drainage at Melcher and Tacoma Streets was complained against by a property owner, and was discussed by the council. It was held that no action could be taken by the council in the matter as the property over which the drainage coursed is a natural drainage route, and had always been such. Councilman Tal botasked that some provision be made for sewer service from Rockwell, Avenue to Black Jack creek on Bay Street. The engineer stated that as the contour of the earth sloped toward Buck Sack creek from Rockwell Avenue east that i tmwo uld not be possible without a sump and pumping unit to serve the area by the existing sewer system. Clerk stated that Walter Williams had asked if certain property was liable to sewer service charge where the property is unoccupied for a period of time. The council agreed -that the charge is proper unless the buildings served were destroyed or removed from the property. Superintendent of Public Works started that property owners on DeMb street, west of Cline street had asked that if they made connections with the main sewer, if the lines on DeKalb street would be maintained by the city. It was agreed that if the property was connected under the terms set forth, that the lines on the street would be .ma intai ned by the city. Following bills were read and on motion by C"osbey, seeo ie, and carried, were ordered paid: Current Expense Fund { Jim Hardman Patrolman Thompson's Stationery Supplies for Clerk P&rt. Orchard Independent Stationery etc. i Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff . Board of city prisoners ltsa County Bank. Surety Bond for Police Chief Howe motor Company Repairs to paddy wagon Home's are Stove Oil for Police department i Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street lights for December, 1943 Puget Sound rower &,Light Co. Street lights for January, 1944 Puget Sound Power & Ligh tCo. Maintaining traffic light, Nov., 194 3 Puget Souk Poorer & Light Co. Lights at fire hall Puget Sound kower & Light Co. Msti.ntaining blinker light (Oct., 1943) Crawshaw Motors Repairs to paddy wagon Steve's Tire Shop Gas and battery for fire truck Howard Cooper Corp. Pyrene fire extinguisher { Wet er Fund Holmberg & Norman Sand, gravel and plaster Lents, Inc. Pipe fittings Slocum Hardware Tools for water department Trick & Murray. Ledger sheets and binder H. W. Frank Constructing derrick at new well Wilkins-Lursen Bo. Gas and tail Lumber Supply Building Material Steve's Tire Shop Spark plugs and seal beam light Port Orchard Lumber Yard Materiel for desrriok Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Hanging Transformers Howe fs Hardware Supplies Jaokaon's Machine Shop Labor and material Puget Sound kower & Jai,ght Co. Li,§ht at Pump House Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power for pumping Trick do Murray Large envelopes for Clerk Wilkina-Lursen Go. Steven's Tire Shop Howe s Motor Co. S. V. Mc, ulleen Joss Lookwood W. L. Johnson Howard Vooper Qorp. i Lowman & Hanford Street Fund Gas and Oil Spark plugs for dump truck Repairs to dump rruok Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets State .Aid Fund Payment for Fire Truck Sewer Fund Triplicate receipts for sewer depar Library Fund Mary B. Peetesson, Librarian Magazine Subscriptions and postage There being no further business, council, on motion by os by Talbot, adjourned. Pott Orchard, Washin�t February 28, 1944 Regular meeting. of the council of Port Orchard Washing on order by Clerk Guy L. Wetzel, in the absence of Mayor C. �A. Hanks M. H. Thompson was eleeted Acting Mayor in the absence of Mayor C A Special session of the State Legidlature, on motion, by Councilman Cl by Councilman Howe, and carried. Present at the meeting were Councilmen George Cline, Ro� C Cos besy, F. J. Talbot and M. H. T jompson; City Attorney John M. Bo le tendent of Public Forks George Givens. i Minutes of meeting of February 14, 1944 read and a pprov0d. Councilman Hower reported on the matter of double park recommended that busses be moved east of Harrison Street on Bay and unloading. by Talbot .30.00 2.08 32.10 18.20 5.00 36.41 9.51 94.06 92.70 5.35 2.66 4.01 10.16 21.09 18.13 24.00 2099 17.66 29.98 251.62 10.73 18.60 3.43 81.31 15.00 9.85 29.42 1.00 98.76 4.60 15.66 2.88 23.09 119.60 8.00 12.00 4495.95 t 71.22 10.00 , seconded Clerk called to unoi lmen Hanks at the e, seconded Howe, W. E. Superin- b busses, sn. d re t for loading Superintendent Givens reported on the matter of the Uppor #oss Creek W water extension, and stated that interested property owners were still working on the -matter. T. 0. Breitenstein, engineer, submitted drawings and estimates for water extension to High School, together with application for priorities for material. The matter of activities of W. C. Jones of the Kitsap County Humane Society in connection with collection of dog licenses and other fees, came on for hearing, hating been continued from February 14, 1944. Mr. Jones was present and stated -his side of the controversy, and John L. Breed stated his ob jest ions and asked for an opinion as to the rights of the dog catcher. City Attorney apyle stated.that he was of the opinion, after reading the ordinance and the oontraet with the Kitsap (%ounty Humane Society, that Mr. Jones had acted within his rights, as far . as the record disclosed. Thenmatter was passed, after discussion by mem- bers of the council. City.TiVajdewaxs ajAoe Sutton submitted a statement of the entire amounts owed by the city for assessments under LIT! No. 48, and after a discussion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that the assessments be paid in fulllo and the Clerk was directed to draw a warrant on the Current Expense Fund for 1,214.2E as and for full payment of assessments under LID No. 48, the sewer assessment. T. C. Breitenstein, engineer, asked for additional time to prepare - recommendations in the matter of irregular assessments under LID No. 48. Request granted. Mr. Breitenstein also made a report on the Duper Ross Creek water exten- sion, supplementing and confining the report made by Superintendent Givens. A letter from the South Kitsap School District No. 402W; asking that; the members of the council attend a meeting of the school board on March 2, 1944'to discuss water service and fire protection, was read to the council. Members of the council expressed their intentions of attending the meeting, and requested that Mr. Breitenstein also attend to answer engineering questions. Clerk was directed to request that Paul Brawn of the Washington Surveying and Bating Bureau, attend, and they also requested that Fire Chief Alan Totten also be present. Mr. _44hitehead asked permission to fall a tree on west Street, which he considered a menace and dangerous to his property, Permission was granted on condition that Mr. Whitehead execute and supply to the city a proper release, saving the city harmless from damages, and also to remove all brush and debris. City Attorney Boyle stated that conditions were such that he had found it necessary to aak or a thitwty day leave of absence, which had been granted by the Mayor, and that it might benneoessary to submit his resignation as City Attorney, and asked for confirmation of the leave of absence by the council. Members of the council approved the leave and expressed the hope that it vio uld not be necessary for Ar. Boyle to resign as city attorney, and complimented him on the excellent work he had done while serving as city attorney. Acting Mayor Thopmson expressed regret at the prospect of losing Mr. Boyle as attorneyq and conveyed the thanks of the city government for the very satisfactory services rendered. Mr. Charles. Klinefelter, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the Town of kort Orchard, reported that equipment for the new well, to be supplied by the Housing Authority, had been ordered, and that it would probably take from two to four weeks to secure delivery. He also stated that the applioa- tion for a concrete walk from Orchard Heights to Port Orchard, in which Fort Orchard had joined, had received the approval of the regional office of the Federal Bureau of Public Roads, and that final approval was anticipated ,within a few days. The matter of double parking by busses, transportation and other matters pertaining to local traffic, was also taken up by fir. Klinefelter and the council, and it was arranged that the Street and -lley committee of the council, together with Mr. Klinefelter, would meet with proper Naval authorities in the near future to discuss the matter and try and work out a solution of theproblems. Mr. Kline- felter agreed to try and arrange a meeting with Commander McKay and other off ioials or the Navy Yard. On motion by Bowe, s"=3ddd by Cline and carried, the matter of police salaries was postponed for definite action until March 13, 1944, at which time it was hoped that some assurance of continued assistance from the state might be established. The following bills were presented, and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot, and carried, were ordered paid: W. H. Hankin Rice Blectric Peninsula Stationers racifle Tel Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel Tel Co. Chloe Sutton Trick & Murray Rioe Lle otr is CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Postage for police 5.00 Moving Fire alarm system 31.15 Supplies for Police 5.51 Telephone for Fire Dept. 7.50 police Telephone 4.80 Clerk's telephone and long distance 4.20 Pos Treasurer 5.00 Supplies for Treasurer 5.80 Supplies for Police 2.52 Current Expense Fund (Continued) Trick & Murray Towels for city hall Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light at Fire Station Port Orchard Lumber Yard Material f or signs Rice Electric Lamps for fire hall SEWER FUND : Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Tile connections 'CATER F[TNTJ Rice Lleotrio Auxiliary lights at pump punt Worthington -Damon Meter C9. 25 water meters and connections S. V. Mvikxllln Labor Puget Sound ower &c Light Co. Power at brewery well Rice Eleotrio 2 200-watt lamps Puget Sound Power & Light Co. T. C. Breitenstein Power at pump house Maps and estits tos for water ext. Pactfio Tel & Tel Co Phones for crater_ Dept. Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Meter Boxes and Lids Puget Sound lower &o Light Co. Light at water plant STREET FM Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Drain Tile Jess Lockwood Labor Ray Smith Labor S. V. McMullen Labor PARKING METER FUND Dunoan . Meter Corp. 75% net collections Miller Meters Meter parts ].IBRARY FUM Rice Eleotrio Lamps for library I ( parking Met There being , no further business, council on motion by Cl Talbot, and carried, adjourned. Port Orchard, Washingtpn March 13, 1944 4.69 2.45 2,50 ..93 6,00 46.68 304.37 5.20 49952 .56 90.96 35.00 11.75 21.73 1.00 18.54 24.00 46.00 114.40 486.14 110.08 2.10 seconded by 1 erk Regular meeting of the council of sort Orchard called to prd r by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Councilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline, W. B. Cosbep, and M. H. Thompson; Superintendent of rublic 6orks George Givens and T. C. Breitenstein, Engin er. Minutes of meeting of February 28, 1944 read and approved Mr. Breitenstein reported on his investigation of Assessmbnt Roll under LID No. 48 (sewer) and made re comme ndat ions as to alterations in th roll, suggesting that proper procedure be taken to correct the roll. After a discus Ion, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried that the report of the engin a be accepted, and the recommendations approved, the engineer to furnish detailed at to the Treasurer, to be submitted to the Attorney for proper action. I Charles '". Alinefelter, executive director of the RousingAuthority, appeared before the council relative to better bus service to the housing projects, and more eonvenUates for the travelling public. The metterwas discussed by members of the council, suggestions made as to possible sites for a bus terminal, and the matter was passed for further discussion. The matter of salaries for members of the police Departme t was reported on by the-einanoe and planning committee, having been continued to his date for definite action. Chairman Thompson of the oammittee, stated that h s committee had made a check of available finances and budget allowances, and ree nded that the salaries of the patrolmen be fixed at $185.00 per month, and the sa ry of the police captain at $215.00 per month ---other salaries to remain as at present. After a discussion, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried that thereoom- mendations of the committee be accepted, and the salaries fixed aoo)rd ng to the ! recommendations. k. Letter from the Association of Washington Cities relative' to utility projects read and ordered filed. Application for vacation of a portion of Short Street nir h of State High- way o. 14, was presented to the council and referred to the Attorney ror investl- gation and report. On reoommandation of Miss Leila Nordby, chairman of the L brary Board, Mrs. H. H. Stephenson was appointed to fill the vacan4oy existing on the oa d, and the appointment was eonfismed by the ocuncil. ,� On application of J. H. Monaghan, proprietor of the Capital lavern, to change the location of the Tavern from 720 Bay Street to 629 Bay Street, the application was granted, on motion of Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried. It was reported that a drain from a house on Dwight Street was spilling on to the street, and the matter was referred to the Superintendent of Public Works for attention and remedy. Complaint was made that the juke box at the atar Cafe operated in a manner so loud as to be a nuisance after midnight, and the Clerk was directed to write to the �hyver Music Company to close all music boxes down at midnight each night. Mayor Hanks complimented Fire Chief Alan Totten and the members of the Port Orchard Fire Department on the excellent work which they have done at recent fires, and stated that every citizen of the town is indebted to the Department for the protection and security which it insures from fires. Lieut. Radcliffe and Mr. Fotz of the Transportation Committee in the Navy Yard entered the meeting at this time, to discuss with members of the council the transportation problems of the city and the Navy busses. Mayor Hanks stated that the city way: ready to cooperate in any manner possible in ironing out the difficulties, but insisted that it was the opinion of the city government that some provision should be made for waiting rooms and rest rooms so located as to remove the hazzards of double parking .ioh now exist. Councikma$n 'Thompson stated that much of the dissatisfaction existing among the residents of the Housing Projects was caused by the inconvenience of the bus service and lack of proper facilities, and other members of the council expressed the view that a proper terminal should be provided. Lieut. Radcliffe staid that the Transportation Committee of the Navy Yard would hold a meeting on' 7.aiday, and that the matter as presented by the council would be reported to the committee. It was siggedtWkat Mr. Klinefelter of the Housing Authority was familiar with all details of the problem, both from the standpoint of the Housing Authority and the city, and it was suggested that Mr. KlInefelter attend the meeting of the Transportation Com- mittee. This was sanctioned by Mr. Fitz and Lieut. Radcliffe, who stated that an Invitation would be communicated to Mr. Uinefelter to attend the meeting. Following bills were presented and on .motion by Coine, seconded by Talbot and carried, were ordered paid: rower CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound 1�1- Light C+o. Light at City Hall 20.56 Puge t Sound rower & Light Co. Light at First Aid Sta t ion 2.00 Puget bound rower 6� Light Co. Street lighting 93.56 Puget 69und. kowerr, Light Co. Caution light 3.36 Puget Sound rower Light Co. Traffic light 8.86 Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Fire station light 1.17 Howe rotor 0o, Spark pligs for Fire Truck 1.44 Howe- Soto r Co. Rear window for paddy wagon 4.38 Kitsap County Humane bog isty 85% pet lieenses,under contract 19.98 V. B. Caldwell Trading rost 2 tons coal for city hall 45,44 ON Rubber Welders Recaps and repairs for police car 16,40 Fred G. Vet ter s, Sheriff Board of city prisoners 36.75 V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Chimney extension eta. 16,13 Howe's Hardware Supplies for Police 6.75 W. H. Hankin Equipment for Police Headquarters 3.30 WATER FUND Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Power at pump house 8€,08 Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Power at brewery well 49.28 Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Light at pump house 1.00 Howes Hardware ripe fittings 11.77 Howe Motor Co. Light globes .52 Jacksom Machine Shop Cutting and threading pipe 3.09 STREET FUND Jackson MachirShop Machine work 5.15 Ray Smith Labor on streets 71.00 S. V. McMullen Labor on streets 115.70 Standard Oil 0o. 53 gallons Pearl oil 7.81 Sheets Authomtdve Shop Ammeter 1.81 Howe kotor Co. Repairs to truck 4.16 Howe's Hardware Paint blushes 2.78 PARKING METER FUND Duncan Meter Corp. 75% net receipts from meters 687.49 Miller Meters Ino. Repair parts for meters 114.48 SEWER FVM W. 0. Johns on Labor oil sewer lateral 15.00 T. C. Breitenstein Ingi.ne gring services (sewer) 30.00 L '' F The golleg a Bindery BijbdirAg bqoks 46,72 Puget Sound News Co. Books for library 21.65 There being no further business, council on motion by Thompson, sew nded by Cos and o rrie d, adjourned. r May or Cle rk Port Orchard, Washington March 27, 1944 � Regular meeting of the council of Port Orehaitd called ! to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Councilmen M. H. Thompson, W. E. Cosbey �Ro Howe and George Cline; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, and T..6t Breitenstein, Engineer in charge of the High School 'Rater ExtensSon. y Minutes of the meeting of March 13, 1944 read and approved} This being the date upon which bids for construction of th water extension were to be opened, the Clerk reported that four bids and one laterna a 4d had been received. The bids were ordered opened and read, and the following ids were read to the council: I Coast Construction Co. Total bid for project 69930.00 Standard Plumbing Co. Total bid for project 9,812.92 Valley Construction Co. Total bid for project j 6,090.00 Joseph O'Brien Total bid for project 69908.26 Joseph O'Brien A,ltern.ate, bid for project 69167.30 Bids were .checked by Mr. Breitenstein, who reported that t. Valley Construction Co. was the low bid. It was moved by Olibe, sec son and sarried unanimously, that the bid of the Valley Construction oepted, and that the chocks and boAds of the other bidders be return of the contract and bond by the Valley Oons truc tion Company. The matter of the driveway at the former Post Office Build to the attention of the council by Ws Belknap, owner of the property the installation of parking meters, which Mr. Belknap stated would b his property. After a discussion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by carried that one driveway be left t opeyd to tra ff is , and if and when t struots a parking lot at the rear of the property for the convenient that the other driveway will be made available, if necessary to hand on the lot. C. G. Vaughan and Clyde Vaughan appeared before the council r loading and unloading privileges at their place of business. After a d the matter, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried that th referred to the Street and Alley committee with power to act and arrsng arrangements. yid of the �d by Thomp- apany be ac- dpon filing was brought lat ive to trimental to mpson, and wne r con - his customers he parking lative tD scussion of matter to parking Mrs. Roy Wilkinson appeared before the council relative to'action of the dog catcher, It was explained that the officerhad acted within his rights in taking her dog, and that the ordinance requires that the dog tag be on the(log at all times, or that the.a nimal would be subject to being picked up. MgLyor Hanks stated that engineers from the State Departmen o Highways had contacted him relative to seal -coating Bay Street From the west it limits to the concrete pavement, with plant -mix surfacing, and stated that the co t would be approximately $6,000 for draining and surfacing according to the pla s f the Department.. After a discussion, it was moved by Hoge, seconded by 0 in and carried, that the proposal to surface the street be rejected as unnecessary, oo expensive and for lack of sufficient funds to do the work. A letter from the Southwest Airways Company relative to es ab ishment of air line connection in Port Orchard, as a post-war project was read to he council and referred to the City planning Committee for reply. Traffic problems, caused to a great extent by double parking by both Nary and private.busses, was again discussed, and this matter was referrel to the City Planning Committee for recommendation or action, prior.to definite a ti n by the city council, Mayor Nankss stated that the Mayor and Council had been Inv tel by the Boy ScoutA Troop to participate as officers of a Court of Honor to be he d at the Court House on Wednesday evening, April 19, 1944. The Clerk was directed to write to the Troop that the city officers accept the invitation, and will attend the Court of Honor. A letter from the Association of Washington Citiescalling tt ration to the convention to be held in Chehalis on May 22-23, and asking that the ity submit any problems which it would like to hage discussed, was read to the coup il. Clerk was directed to reply to the letter, and return blanks properly filled out. It was reported that an inspection of the new well had bee made by the Water Committee, the Superintendent of Public Works, and Mr. C. L. T mlinson, FWA engineer; that the well had been found satisfactory and ready for, ac eptanee by the council as a completed project. On motion by Cosbey, seconded by Ho a and carried the fallowing resolutions and certifications of completion were adop e ADMINISTRATIVE DETERMINATION REGARDING LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Project: 45-2�5 Water Oystem Port Orchard, Washington WHEREAS, N. C. Jannsen Drilling,Compan y, general contractors on the et r System, Project 45-205N, have completed all wor$ under their contract in accordance with the approved plans and contract documents; WHEREAS, The date specified for completion under the contract occured on November 73, 1942, but therwork was not completed until August 13, 1943, an excess of 272 days; WHEREAS, The over -run in the specified contract completion time is due entirely to conditions beyond the contractor's control, described more fully in the attached Contractor's letter of request for extension of time, dated August 16, 1945,; and WHEREAS, Liquidated damages were specified in the contract; and tRaS, No danAges of any nature whatsoever have occured by reason of failure of the contractor -to complete his work within the. -time specified: Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington, grant an extension of time to and including August 139 1943 for the completion of the contractor's work, and liquidated damages be waived; The following resolution was also adopted: WHEREAS, N. C. Jannsen Drilling Company, general contractor' ern the Port Orchard Water System, Pro jeot 45-205N. have completed all work under their contract in accordance with the approved contract documents; NOW, THEEEFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the work of N. 0. Jannsen Drilling Company be and is herebybaccepted as of August 13, 1945. The following resolution was also adopted: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the work on Project 45-205N, covering the construction and equipment of dater Syetem, .:Port Orchard, Washington, has been com- pleted in, accordance with approved contract "documents, and the entire biro jest is accepted as of the 13th day of August, 1943. FireChief Alan Totten was empowered to purchase necessary equipment for the Fire Department, including helmets for the firemen and other necessary tools and appurtenances for the OCD pumper unit. The authority was granted on motion by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carried. It was directed that purchases be OKed by the Fire and Light Committee: Following bills were presented and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Cline and carried, were ordered paid: CURRLNT EXPENSE FUND Standard Stations Gas and Oil for Police 12.56 Crawshaw Motors Radiator work on Paddy Wagon 7.88 Thompson's Stationery Bond paper for 1.13 racific Telephone & Telegraph Co. _Treasurer Fire telephone 7.50 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Police telephone 4.77 Pacifio ,Telephone & TelegrapIg Co. Clerk's Telephone 4.10 Be nbennick Service Station Red Spot Light for Police oar 7,66 Otto Voll Sign Shop Traffic Signs 6.70 Olympic View Service Station Gas for Police 2.15 Taylor & Sutton Gas, Pil, Tire repair etc for Police 55.57 Port Orchard ail Delivery Stote oil for Police Station 9,09 S. V. McMullen Labor on Fire Truck 15.60 Y. H. Hankin, Police Chief Various expenses 12.99 WATER FUND Am. Plbg. & Steam Supply Co. 2 bdls. Caly. Pipe 24.93 Am. Plbg. & Steam Supply Co. Pipe connections 1.41 Holmberg & Norman Gravel -Por road to new well 31.52 C. E. Peterson Refund on water tap not installed 16.00 Pacifid Telephone & telegraph Co. Water Supt. Telephone 3 " L. W. Partin Pipe and Elbow 2.40 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Telephone at water office 4.40 Am. Plbg. & Steam Supply Co. Pipe and fittings 72.59 T. 0. Breitenstein Ingineering on water exte ntion 200.00 S. V. McMullen Labor on water system 10.40 Rice Eleotrie Labor and material new well 21.24 STREET FUND Mill & 'Mine Supply Co. 1 doz shovels 20.60 Holmberg & Norman Division Street fill 489.38 Holmberg & 1�ormian Frederick Street fill 131.12 S. V. McMullen Labor on streets 88.40 Ray Smith Labor on Streets 76.00 STATE AID FUND Puget Sound Dews Co. Books for Library 19,70 There being no furhther business, council, on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried, adjourned. yor Clerk Port Orchard, Washington April 10, 1944 Regular greeting of the council of Port Orchard called to order by mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Councilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe,Geirge Cline, Vr. B. Cosbe y and M. H. Thompson; Superintendent of Streets George Givens, and `1'. �C. Breitenstein, engineer in charge of constructing water extension. Chairman H. -". Slocum of the Planning Committee, together tWith Cecil Both and Gordon Howe, members of the committee, were present and made a report regarding their investigations and conversittens relative to bus sto:s inside the, town. There was a general discussion of the matter by the representatives of the committee and members of the council. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot thiat as a temporary arrangement, until a terminal could be secured,rathat west -bound buss s stop at the intersection of Bay and Frederick Streets, and that east bound busse stop at a point between the State Liquor Store and Harrison Street on Bay Stre t, the city to remove the parking waters at this point and keep the space clear fo bus parking. This arrangement is to apply both to Navy and commercial busses oper t ng in and through the town. Motidn carried. Commander MoClain of the 'veterans of Foreign Wars introduc d Mr. Dunn of the Douglas Greater Shows, who asked for a license to present a earn val in Port Orchard during the week of May 29-June 4, 1944. The matter was disc s ed by members of the council and was referred to the License committee for action., T. C. Breitenstein, engineer on the water works extension, rTe orted that excellent progress was being made on the project, that a good job we ing secured, and that it was expected that the project would be completed by Apri . or 15. A letter from L. H. Durkee, regional engineer of the FW.A, Lde l tive to new well, was read, and the Mayor stated that he had talked with Fames WCarey, engineer who had stated that all matters mentioned in the letter were being ten care of by his office, and that it was, expected that final settlement would beshortly. A letter from the Mate Department of Health relative to High School grater extension, and present water supply at the school, was read and orde d filed. copies or letters from the Kitsap CoBnty Health Department ab ut sanitary conditions at various places in town, was read, and Superintendent o blic Worksstated that conditions reported had been remedied. Mayor Hanks stated that City Attorney Boyle had informed h m hat he was no longer able to handle the duties of city attorney, due to his oh ge in location and endeavor, and that he formally tendered his resignation. The Mayor also pointed out that Police Judge Ross W. Watt portarily from the city, and that it was necessary to have an eating handle the cases in his absence. After a discussion by members of t Honks appointed John A. Ryan as aot14 Police Judge to serve during Mr. Watt, and he also appointed Neal M ark as eitlr attorney to fill created by the resignation of Mr. Doyle. Appointments confirmed by In behalf of the city government, the Mayor stated that of: city ate all very much interested in the activities of the Planning are well pleased at the efforts being put forth by the group in babe: community. He- stressed the thought that the problems of the city we: problems of the officials than they are of each individual citizen, members of the city administration are but servants of the people in these problems. He stated that members of the Planning Committee, b; touch with events as they occur, that they could be of value to the in and advisory capacity, and that by close cooperation between the Planning Committee that much could be accomplished for the benefit o. He invited representatives of the committee to attend the meetings o: and to keep in touch with affairs as they arise. E. M. Rollman, chairman, Hugo Peterson and S. 0. Stokes, r, Port Orchard Roy Scout council, appeared before the co0noil and outl of the 'Boy Scout (%ourt of honor to be held at the -Court House on Apr which the Mayor and members of the council have accepted the invitat and sitnas a Oourt of Honor. Mayor and members of the council state would be happy to attend the Oourt, and considered the invitation an Bill of h. C. Jannsen Drilling Company for flushing and su well, in the amount of $1,060.90, was presented to the council and d the members. It was the opinion of the members that the charge of $ for loading and hauling equipment to Port Orchard, was excessive. I Thompson, seconded by Oline and carried that the charge for loading equipment to Port Orchard be allowed in the sum of $55.00, allowing the sum of $1,005.90. It was moved by Thompson, seconded the Clerk be fixed at $225.00 per month, and 0150.00 per month. as absent tem- ol ce judge to e ouncil, mayor he ab sac ce of he vacancy he until. is als of the ommittee, and f of the e no more the nd that the haidling, k ep4ng in it officials fr oials and the t e community. t e council pr senting the 74e the program 1 99 1944, to on to attend, t t they ho or. g i g the new so seed by 10 00 (I1 hours) w s moved by nd hauling he claim in by Cline and carried th�t he salary of that of the Clerk's ass st:nt at The following bills were presented and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and oarried, were ordered paid: 4W $,V .I STATE AID FUND Ben Lundeberg Patrolman (5 shifts) 30.80 Ailey F. Hrigman Patrolman (6 shifts) 36.96 Howe is Hardware Gun cleaner for police .41 Vim. Gebhardt welding OCD pumper 5.75 Wilkins-Lursen Gas and Oil for OCD fire truck 5.95 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND S. V. McMullen Lumber Supply Jackson Machine Shop W. H. Hankin Ida May Hankin Ki.tsap county Humane Society Puget Sd Power & Light Co. Trick & Murray Trick & Murray Trickm& Murray Washington Typewriter Co Howe Motor Co. Fred G. `:Vetters, Sheriff Labor mounting OCD pumper 15.60 Material for city hall 1.53 Brackets for fire truck .36 Postage for Police 9.50, Typing fb r Police 14.99 85% pet licenses for March 14.88 Street lights for March 93,70 Clips for Treasurer .46 War ranr register sheets (Clerk) 25.98 Warrants for Police 1.93 Rent of typewriter ( Clerk) 7.73, Repairs to Paddy Wagon 8.96 Board of Prisoners 68.25 HEALTH, FIRE AND POLICE AID FUND Howe Motor Co. Speed Axle for Fire Truck 245.86 WATER FUND S. V. McMullen Labor 10.40 Slocum Hardware 3 Files for eater Dept. 1.00 Howe's Hardware Stove Oil for Water Dept. Pipe fittings 6.96 Wilkins-Lursen Qo. Gas and Oil 16.73 N. C. Jannsen Drilling Co. Flushing and surging new well 1005.90 Ray Smith S. V. McMullen Standard ail Co. Howe Motor Co. Howe's Hardware Wilkins-Lursen Co. STREET FUND Labor La bo r 54J Gals Oil Repairs to truck Nails Gas and Oil PARKING METER FUND H. W. Jackson -Machine Shop Cutting and Welding 72.00 88.40 34.80 15.81 .86 36.29 5.03 There being no further business, council on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Cline and oa,Cried, aA journed. . V yor P ort Orchard, Washingt+an April 24, 1944 Regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Councilmen Roy Howeq D. J. Talbot, M. H. Thompson, W. E. Cosbey and George Cline; City Attorney Neal Clark; Superintendent of Fublic Works George Givens, and T. 0. Breitenstein, Engineer in charge of water extensdon to High School. Minutes of meeting of April 109 1944, read and approved as read. Following bills presented and on motion by Cline, seconded by Howe, and carried, were ordered paid: Slocum Hardware OK Rubber Welders W. H. Hankin P. 0. Independent Hardman Bros. Gro cr ery Newton & Greer Knutson Gilmore Station Miller Bros. Pacifie Tel. & Tel. Co Pacifif Telephone & Tel. Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Lag Screws (Police) Tire repair for police Reimbursement for newspaper adv. _Printing and Publishing Gas and Oil for paddy wagon Premium on liability insurance Gas and oil for paddy wagon Paddy wagon overhaul Fire Department Telephone Clerk's Telephone Polioe Telephone .45 1.00 1,0-- 69.94 3.35 298.99 8.92 58.14 7.50 3.75 4.50 WATER S. V. McMullen Puget Sound Power do Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light go. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Slocum Hardware OK Rubber Welders Trick do Murray Am. Plug & Steam Supply Co. Lumber Supply Pao if io Tel . as Tel. Co. Pacific Tel. &.Tel. Co. S. V. McMullen Aar' smith Slooum Hardware Sola-stio Products Lumber Supply Labor on Water Dept. Power at pump house Power at Brewery pump Light at pump house Mdse for Water Department Repair tire for Water truck 5 M Water Meter sheets Pipe and fittings Lumber and cement Service and toll at Water plst Telephone Water 6uperintende t STREET FUND Labor on streets Labor on streets Street brooms Co. Traffic Paint Material for Dilgision and STATE AID FUND S. V-. McMullen Labor on Fire Truck No. 2 Puget Sound Power 66 Light Co. Light at Fire Hall Amerioanna Corporation 15 Volumes Encyclopedia Fred I PARKING MITER FUND Duncan Meter Corporation 75% net receipts from Motors j( Mayor reported on a meeting of the Planning Committee whicb stated that among other things which thenCommittee was putting forth the establishment of local bus lines in town to serve residents, and would probably became a reality. He also stated that the committee b approved a cover over the sidewalk at the Harrison street bus loading for approval by the council. He stated that there would be no expens that -arrangements had been made for its construction and maintenance. Talba,seconded by Howe and caerried that permission be given to ereo cover over the sidewalk at the Harrison street bus stop, the coty to both for oonsiraotion and maintenance, and liability. T. C. elt6nstein, engineer in charge of the High School submitted a final estimate of the cost of the improvement, shoeing t be $6y285.21. He explained that the work had been completed speedil opinion, satisfactorily. That one more fire hydrant had been instal original plans galled for, and that he recommended that the job be a Council. It was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried that accepted. Motion carried. H Sts. 31.20 77.70 49.10 1.00 8.45 7.88 40.89 38.80 6.42 8.50 4.70 62180 72.00 3.61 14.83 8.73 15.60 2.62 69.75 tract) 514.43 h attended, and f ort on, was t ted that this d endorsed and zone, and asked o the city, t Was moved by he proposed e free from expense, ter extension,, total cost to a din his d than the opted bythe e Job be Mr. Breitenstein also stated that progress was being made on t3.e Upper Rosa Creek water project outside the city, for which the city had agreed to f rnish water to the projected district. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens stated that the c ty needed a portable pump for use in making water connections and sewer repairs w ore water causes a lot of trouble. After a discussion, it was moved by Cosbey, seeond d by Talbot and married that Superintendent be empOwered to secure the required unit n a rental basis, the cost to be paid by the Water and Sewer funds. Neal Clark, City Attorney, addressed the c ounoil, thanking tendering him the office, and stated that he would do his best to ser his official capacity. Superintendent Givens reported that the gas unit for the pu Well No. 2 had arrived, and that it was expected that the remainder o to be furnished by the Housing Authority would be received and instal few days. Councilman Howe again complained of conditions existing at hutches on Division and Seattle Streets, and stated that refuse from. from butchering operations was being deposited on private property in The tter was referred to the Health and Sanitation committee and th for immediate action and remedy. Formal resolution by the town to participate in the cost of Bay -street from the weaat city limits to the end of the pavement in a exceed, $1,000.00 was presented. The expenditure was requested by the of Highways which is undertaking a project to resurface the section o total estimated **at of $6,920.00. Moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey be passed and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to align the same. Mo A, new water contract between the c ity and the Housing Autho rt Orohdrd was presented to the council. The contract was referred eaittee consisting of Councilman Thompsoji, Howe and Cosbey who had previously, and the City Attorney. .Motion to refer was made by Cline Talbot and carried. members for he city in Lpiag plant at t e equipment ed within a nd near rabbit he hutches and th vioi ni ty. Htalth Off ioer im rovement of um not to St to Department t e street * at a ha the resolution io carried& t of the Town of o the special A led the matters conded by H. E. Dingle of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. presented a check for $300.00 from his company, as the annual payment to the city under the franchise. There being no further business, council on motion by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried ad iourned. ro, ILW Port Orchard, Washington May 8, 1944 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard called to order by Mejor 0. A. Hanks, with Councilmen Thompson, D. J. Talbot, George Cline and Roy Howe; and Superintendent of ]Public Works George Givens present. Councilman W. E. 0osbey, absent. Minutes of meeting of April 240 1944 read and approved as read. It was moved by Tnompson, seconded by Howe and carried, that the minimum allowance of water for the m2nimum charge be fixed at 5,500 gallons per month for the months of June, July aild August, 1944, in ardor that residents may be encouraged to cultivate their vic*ory garruens and maintain their lawns. Letter from Parker & Hill, relative to engineering charges read and ordered filed, and the Clerk instructed to answer, referring the firm to the letter of J'Anuary 4, 1944, relative to the matter. Letter received from Sheriff Fred C1 Va' tters, stating that as of May 10 19441, charge for board of city prisoners would be $1.00 per day per capita, read to the council aid ordered filed. Following bills presented to the council, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Trick & Murray Paper clips for Clerk $ 1.10 Howe Motor Co. Change oil, repair police oar 7.78 Part Orchard Fuel Delivery Fuel oil for Police Department 12.83 Fred G. Vetteirs, Sheriff Board of city prisoners 27.30 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Maintain traffic light (December) 4.67 Puget-39wid Power & Light Co. Maintain traffic light (March) 6.41 Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Street lights for April, 1944 97.69 Hardman Brosi Grocery Gasoline for Police 2.15 Ida May Rankin Typing for Police 14.25 'CATER FUND Howe I Hardware Stoves oil and supplies 8.72 Am. Blbg. & Steam supply Co. Pipe fittings etc. 54.75 Wilkins-iLursen Ca. Gas and Oil 12.63 S. V. McMullen Labor on water system 5.20 T. C. Breitenstein Engineering on water extension 300.00 STREET FUND Wilkins-Lursen Co, Gas and Oil 15.49 Howe Motor Co. Repairs to V-8 dump truck 143.93 Western Asphalt Co. 4 tons plant mix asphalt 22p66 S. V. McMullen Labor on streets 114.40 Ray Smith Labor on streets 72.00 PARKING LINTER FUM Duncan Meter Corporation 75% net receipts of meters (contractl$538.14. Howe's Hardware Tools for meter patrolman .88 R. E. Talbot Money bag for carllections 3.00 STATE AID FUND Puget Sound News Cop Material for Library 3.77 HEALTH, FIRE And POLICE AID FUND Howe Motor Co. Braze radiator on OCD pymp 3.10 Jackson Machine Shop Strap Iron OCU pump .49 County Auditor License for Fire Truck 1.75 SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor installing sewer lateral 24.00 Mayor Hanks brought up the matter of a place to impound cars by the Police and also a shop for the meter patrolman where parking meters my be repaired. He suggested that perhaps by decking the street between the City Hall and the Myhre- Rylander Building that the problems might be solved. Councilman Howe suggested that the street be filled and the job made permanent. After a discussion the matter was referred to the Street and Ailey committee for investigation and report, It wa:- directed that the Clerk write a letter thanking that committee for its efforts in constructing companies, and congratulating them on the appearance of There being no further business, it was moved Talbot and carried, Jto adjourn. l yor to the P ' na a bus de t the s tru u3 by Cline,i e+ ---------------- 0---------------- Port Orchard, Washington' May 22, 1944 Regular sQtert Ing of the Council of Port Orchard called o + C. A. Hanks. Present Cpunoilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Howso George 113 Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens and City tti Clark. Absent Councilman W. Fie Cosbey. Minutes of the ne eting of May 89 1944 read and approved,. irk; Committee for the bus eo conded by Clerk order by Mayor a and M. H. ,rney Neal Chairman Howe of tho Street and Alley Committee made a 're ort on investi- gation by the committee of the advisability of a fill on Sidney tr et on the City Hall and the Myhre & Rylander Building. The matter was di cussed by mem- bers of the Council, and- the committee asked for further time on th matter. This was granted on motion by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried Councilman Talbot introduced J. J. Stoner, county plum who asked the co-operation of the town in enforcing regulations dumping of raw sewage in the bay, stating that in many instances maintained under insanitary conditions. The matter was referred Sanitation committee to make an effort to correct any violations c 1 ty. The matter of bus stop& and terminals was presented by made a statement as to the efforts heretofore made to correct a called on representatives of transportation lines who were prose assistant to the trustee of the Washington Motor Coach Company, Bremerton Transit lines, Walter swan.son of the Taooma-Bremerton Charles L. Klinefelter of the fort Orchard Housing Authority, an+ of the Housing Authority, were *resent in oo4nection with the ma' and Jar. Swanson made stator ants for their companies, and the mat by members of the Counoil. Following the discussion; it was mov+ by Talbot and carried that two parking metersbe removed neer the Bay Streets, in front of Myhre's Cafe, and also two meters from Port -0rahard Pharmacy for loading and unloading by the Washingto, the T.aooma-Bremerton Stage Line Busses; and that the Housing Aut] unload on west bvnmd trips in front of the .Balknap Building,and bound trips at the bvAtstop at the intersection of Hay and ua=1 suggestion by Mr. Swanson this order is to take effect as of June Swanson also stated that his o company is interested in erecting a nal, if a suitable location, can be secured, and proper arrangemai ss:truction, stating that his opmpany is a permanent futures in t] is endeavoring to give the beat saervdas possible. Motion carri+ the council Toting in favor of the motion. The following bills were presented and on mots osd uy by Howe and carried, were ordered paid: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Pacific Telephone & telegraph Wm. G*bhart Chloe. Sutton, Treasurer Slocum Hardware Ida May Hankin Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Po Puget- Bound wer & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget � Sound lower & Light Co. Puget -bound Power & Light 00. S. V. McMullen Rey Smith Kerr Motors CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Co. Fire Department Telephone Co. Clerk's Telephone and toll Welding on Fire Truck No. 2 Postage ate. Flourescent tube Typing for Police Postage ate. Light at Fire Hall Light at City Hall Traffic Light Blinker Light Light at First Aid Station STREET FUND Labor on streets Labor on streets Repair radiator street truck inspector, a tive to ou falls: are to the Health and which aid at in the • to or n 1 to or Hanks who situation,, and. J. J. Neeley, J. Dineen of the Lines, and . Russell also • Mr. Feeley was discussed iy Cline, seconded ner of Sidney and root cf the for Coach and ty busses A for east Streets. At the 1944. Mr. per bus to rmi- made for con- omMunity,' and all members of , seconded 7.50 4.00 5.25 3.90 .98 12.00 9.42 8.50 14.14 8.26 2.42 2.00 78.00 8.00 11.23 PARKING METER FUND Trick & Murray Coin wrappers 1.46 WATER FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Telephone at water plant Pacitio Tele hone & Telegraph Go. Telephone, Water Supt Puget Sound ower & Light Co. Power at pump station Puget Sound Power Light Go. Light at pump station Puget Souni Mower•& Light Co. Power for Brewery pump Valley Construction Co. 85% Coast. High Sghool Water Ext Slocum Hardware Tools for water Dept. S. V. McMullen Labor on water system SEWER YUND W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral STATE AID FUND A.mericanna Corporation 15 volumes Encyclopedia (Library) 6.40 4.35 80.22 1.00 52.46 5291.43 3.71 15.60 18.00 69.'75 There being no further bustiness, council, on motion by Thompson, seconded by Howe, adJourned. VAN ---------- 0---------------- Port Orchard, Washington June 12, 1944 Council met in regular session and was called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks, Present Councilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline and JA. H. TvLompson; Super- intendent of Public Works, George Givens; City Attorney Neal Clark. Absent Mouneil- man W. E. Cosbey. Minutes of meeting of Way 22, 1944 read and approved, The proposition of the fill on Sidney otreet between the Central Hotel property and the Myhre & Rylander Building, was reported on By Chairman Howe of the' Street and Alley Committee, who stated that Myhre & Hylanderhad been contacted and had stated a willingness to pay a portion of the cost; that estimates had been received as to the cost, which is fixed at about $2,500; that tentative plans for the bulk- head had been approved, but would need further study. He also stated that his committee desired to contact other property owners, and to make definite agreements for seouping dirt for the fill, and to complete other details. Following the report the committee way granted further time, and are to report again on June 26, 1944. The matter of a proposed sewer on Garrison Street was brought to the attention of the council by the appearance before the meeting of Harry Bryant and other property owners and residents who opposed the construction of the improvement at this time, The matter was discussed and. T. 0. Breitenstein, engineer, stated that the matter had been brought to his attention; that the improvement was feasible, but that he did not believe that sufficient property was represented in favor of ­the the petition to create a district. A counter petition was filed by Mr. Bryant and others with the Clerk. Carl H. Skelton, appeared before the council with relation to a driveway to his pfoperty.from the highway, and a letter from Mr. Skelton relative to the matter was read to the counoil. The matter was discussed and members of the eounail informed Mr. Skelton that the only manner by which the council could make the improvement would be by local .improvement district, but that there would be no objection to his making the driveway, if proper provision was made to carry off the water from the creek and,drain- age , and the work to be done to the satisfaction of the Supt. of Public Works, Copy of a letter from the FWA relative to recreation facilities at the high school was read and ordered filed. A letter from Charles L. Klinefelter, exedutive secretary of the Port Orchard Housing Authority, relative to vacancies on the Housing Authority was read and it was moved by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried that the matter of appointments be refer- red to for Hanks and Councilmen Thompson and Talbot, with power to act. Improvement be surfacing of the shoulders of Bay Street from the endof the concrete pavement to the foot of Cline Street, and of the streets surrounding the .Am- erican Legion plat was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and carried that Superintendent of Public Works, George Givens, be empowered to make ,the arrangements with the State Department of Highways for the work. Otherwise the Clerk was directed to call for bids for the work, if satisfactory arrangements can not be made with the State Highway Department. It was stated that the last payment of the parking teeters with the remittance the ountraat for the purchase would be complete discussed by members of the oounoil and the Treasurer, with regard of a parking meter custodian. Following the discussion Mayor Hanks Sutton as parking meter custodian, the appointment was eaoepted by confirmed by the counctil. The matter of salary to be paid for the ferret" to the finance and Planning Committee and the City Attornw'. as'due and that The utter was o he appointment ap inted Chloe; is Sutton and os tion was re - Councilman Thompson.brought up the matter of repealing the a king Meter Ordinance and enacting an ordinance which would place the parking metametax Funds in the Street Fund. After a discussion the matter was referred to the Finance Commi.ttde and City Attorney for the drafting of such an ordinance Fred Clement appeared before the council relative to the asoo sment against certain of his property under LID No. 48, stating that it was impose b e to connect this lot , to the sewer, aul that he had been informed that he need not y this assess- ment, thus the assessment had become delinquent. The matter was die u sad by the members of . the, oouncll and the Olerk was directed to write a letter to the City Attor- ney relative to corrections in LID No. 48, and to provide for plao ' Ing ditivnal pro- perty on the roll, which it is stated had.bee n erroneously omitted. Superintendent of Public Works, George 04vens, brought up t stalling a gasoline tank and pump to supply gasoline to city equipme eussion it was moved by Howe, seconded b y Talbot and carried that a as outlined by the Superintenddmt, and that Mr. Givens be held respa dispersal of the gasoline to the various pieces of city equipment. by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that the Clerk be instruct bids for approximately 6,500 gallons of gasoline to be delivered in city garage during the neat year, bids to be opened at the meeting o .Tune 26, 1944. Following bills were presented and on motion by C line, sec ordered paid: Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. Home Motor Co. Howe Is Hardware F. E. Langer Howe's Hardware Howe rs Hardware Howe Motor Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. O.N. Rubber Welders Thompsonis Paelfla Crust Stamp Works Hodge do Davis Trick and Murray Peninsula stationers Poliae Doparttment Fred G. Wettere, Sherriff Nitsap 00. Humane Society Clarence T. Griffin Fairbanks Morse Go. Howe Is Hardware -Hood Oanal -Luto Freight Palter BuPP4 So, Sloouz Hardware s. Y. McMullen Duncan Meter Corp. Miller Meter Co, CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Police Telephone Switch for Fire Truck Replace glass in City Hall Bond for Attorney Flashlight batteries for Pol Merchandise for Fire Dept. Repairs to Paddy 11ggon Street lights for May Tire repair for Police Mdse. for Treasurer & Police Dag and Cat License Tags Charge battery, Fire Truck Registration & office suppli Typing paper & carbon for Pc Return Bail Board of prisoners 85% pet:llicsnses, April & Ada WATER FUND Labor Bearings for motor and pump Hack saw frame Freight on paint Supplies Tools for City Labor A 0 "! I!,1 '"s a 1 l i Final payment Meter parts STATE AID under aontracti i Uakson Machine Shop Brackets for fire truck Jackson Machine Shop 24 lbs. steel SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral Bremaerton Concrete Prod. Co. 6" bends i STREET FUND } S. V6 M0011len Labor Clarence T. Griffin Labor Howe Motor Co. Fuel pump Howe's Hardware Nails On motion by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried, oo uno. ,a matter of in- t. .After a dis- pump be installed s1 ble for the t was also moved d to call for he tank at the ttie council on by Howe, were 8.45 .82 3.86 5.00 ce 4.98 .43 31.21 97.30 3.25 1.75 18, 55 1.04 8 19.57 ice 5.51 25.00 50.00 8.07 28.00 20.53 1.13 .66 7.79 8.03 10.40 446,24 68.64 51,50 1.98 0 13.50 2,39 104.00 24,00 2.25 .72 adjourned. n Port Orchard, Washington June 26, 1944 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks, with Councilmen M. H. Thompson, Roy Howe, George Cline and D. J. Talbot; City Attorney Real Clark and Superintendent of Rublia Works George Givens present. Councilman W. E. Cosbey absent. Minutes of meeting of June 12 , 1944 read and approved. Mayor Hanks reported that Frank E. Langer and M. J. McHenry had been appointed to the Housing Authority to fill the vacancies caused by the resignation of Guy L. Wetzel and the expiration of the term of Robert Gillispie as Commissioners of'the Housing Authority. The Mayor stated that the new members had qualified and are already serving n as '3ommiss ioners. Chairman Thompson of the Finance and Planning Committee stated that the matter of preparinga new ordinance to cover the operation and .management of the perking meters had not been c ompletedand he asked for further time. Neal Clark, City Attor- ney, stated that he does not believe the Counvil has power under the law, to create the position of Parking Meter Custodian, -and made a suggestion as to how the matter might be handled. After a discussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that the matter of the ordinance and the position be passed to July 10, 1944 but that the salary of the official responsible for the meters under the new set-up, start as of June 10, 1944. City Attorney also raised the question of the right of the city officials to grant free parking space for busses and to designate bus zones, and suggested that to make parking privileges fair and equal. for all classes of people and companies, that some regulations be adopted. The matter was continued for two weeks to give the Finance and Planning committee an opportunity to confer with the City Attorney on the matter. Chairman Howe of the Street and Alley Committee made a report of progress on }� the matter of the fill at the foot of Sidney Street, and on motion by Hare, seconded by Jline and carried, furthar time was granted to the committee with the idea that this project mey be tied in with the Sidney Street paving, if and when such project J is initiated. l Mayor- Hanks drought up the matter of paving of Sidney street and stated that he would be willing to pay any reasonable sum, under any reasonable and legal plan to see the street paved. Attorney Ross Watt stated that he had made a study of the project and gave a report of his findings as to approximate cost per lot of given size, as arrived at from engineer's preliminary estimates. T. C. Breitenstein also made a statement in regard to the improvement, relative to its feasibility. Dusty Winebrenner of the Planning Committeeof Port Orchard was present and stated that his committee was in favor of the improvement and had been considering ways and mans by which it could be aoc omplished. R. J. Caretti discussed the methods of assessment to thenpast, and stated that for the amount of assessments which property in his locality had been called upon to bear, that the locality had not received proper recognition and attention in general improvements. I. Curtis Parker of the firm of parker & Hill, engineers, appeared before the council in connection with the improvement and also in connection with a bill which his firMhed against the city. after a discussion "ir. Parker stated that if the city would enter into an agreement with Parker & Hill for engineering services on the proposed paving 6f Sidney Street, that his firm will continue the effort to promote the improve- ment, without any additional cost beyond the amount of their present claim of $650, this work to include establishment of district boundaries and a preliminary estimate of the cost of each lot or parcel of property to be assessed in the district. The Mayor stated that competent eng.neers are available to handle these jobs as they come up, and sugge st ed that he saw no reason to go outside to employ an engineer- ing firm. He also: stated that he believed that the job should be awarded on bids. The matter was discussed further by the members of the council. Following lengthy discussion, in which members of the council, Ross watt as a private citizen, and Mr. Parker took pa rt , it was moved by Howe and seconded by Cline that the remainder of the Parker & Hill bill, in the amount of 0350.00, be allowed, c omd1 tinned upon an agreement being entered into between the city and Parker & "ill, and upon the firm continuing the effort to promote the improvement of SldneybStresit by paving, to establish district boundaries for the improvement district, and making preliminary estimates of the cost for each lot or parcel of propertyto be assessed in the district, without additional charge to the city. Motion carried. Glenn Owens appeared before the council with reference to sewer assessment against certain of his property. City Attorney %lark presented a resolution amending Assessment Roll No. 48, which provided for the additiono0property erroneously left off f from the original assessment roll. Moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried and carried that resolution be adopted, and hearing on same be set for July 24, 1944. In the matter of the assessment against certain of the property owned by Fred Clement, included in the assessment roll of LID No. 48, Attorney Clark stated that he knew of no manner by which this property can be removed from the roll, and stated that In his opinion that the asses sment..will have to be paid . It was mo. ved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that Clerk notify Mr. Clement of the ruling of the Attorney and the council., 'but that penalty and interest be waived. Contract for the purchase of water meters from the Worthin to -Gamon Meter Co. was presented, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and car r ed Superinten- dent of Public Works George Givens was authorized to sign the contra t or the pur- chase of meters at the prices and under the conditions as set forth a he contract. This being the date upon which bids for the supplying of g soline were to be opened, Clerk reported that one bid had been received. Bid of Wilke s- ureen Company was opened and read, offering to supply gasoline to the city tank at l6d per gallon. Moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and o6 rr ie d that the bid be aeoe p d and acceptance si gne d. Bids for laying asphalt on Bay street at the Cline street, 'B street and Kit - sap intersection having been called for consideration this date, Clerk eported that vnebid had been received from the Vilest ern Asphalt Co. Bid was opened d Western Asphalt Co. offered to pave approximately 1350 yards of asphaltic oo c te, maximum thickness of 2" mat, at $1.25 per square yard, this prose to include ne essary base preparation for the yardage specified. Moved by Cline, seconded by T 1 of and carried that bid of Western Asphalt Co. be aeceptedp Following bills were presented and on motion by Cline, and carried were ordered paid; Perm if io Tel.. & Tel; Co. Stapleton Thritty Drugs Ida May Hankin Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Trick & Murray W. H. Hokin, Pollee Chief W. H. Hankin, Police Chief Police, Clerk and Fire Phones Filing Cards for Treasurer Typing, Police Station Repairs to Traffic lights Registration Forms 38-c Ammunition Office ore Supplies - ►)k1► Paoific Tel. & Tel. Co. Telophones, Water Dept. Puget Sound Pourer & Light Co. Pump House lights Power at Brewery well Power at pump house Clarence T. Griffin Labor on water lines S. V. McMullen Labor on water system Bremerton ail Delivery Rent of Grader S. V. McMullen Labor on stre*** Maurice W. aohannessen Labor on streets Clarence T. Griffin Labor on streets STATE AID FUND Merry Be Peterson, Librarian Postage and Express Puget sound Power & Light Go. Light at Fire Hall PARKING METER FUND se4d i by Howe 19.74 1.50 12.00 2.81 19.60 10.00 3.75 8.50 1100 56.06 86.40 .8.00 15.60 9.00 98.80 4. 00 28.00 10.00 2.24 Trick & Murray Coin wrappers, etc. for Treasurer 8.51 i Cleric read, a bulletin from the State Department of Highways slating that revenues from liquid fuel tag may be estimated at $2y179945 per capita;, tased on the 1940 census, in figuring estimated revenues for year 1945: This would provide as es- timated $3,413.48 for Port Orohard for the coming year-1945. Motion by Cline, seconded by Howe to adjourn was carri 0 - - - - - - - - Port drohard, wall ington July 10, 1944 Council met in regular session with Mayor C. A. Hanks presidibg, and Council -- men D. J. Talbot, Roy..Howe,= George Cline, *94 N. Cosbey andglivens, . H. Thompson; City Attorney Veal Clerk, 6uporinterdent of Public Works George and S. V6 Me - Mallon of the Street Department. Minutes of the meeting of June 26, 1944 were read and approved. Mayor Hanks stated that the area in the rear of the postoffice was in the pro - soon of being blank -topped, and that. he and George Blanchard had contracted for the surfacing of the alley running to the rear of the building at a east of #150*00, the Mayor asked if the town would contribute to the cost. Members of the 0ountil expressed themselves as opposed to the town contributing to the paving cost on the n grounds that the improvement was an direct improvement to abutting property. No action taken. The lkyor also stated that request had been made: to his office that the city take some aetUm looking toward the establishing of a recreation center in Port Orehard. At the suggestion of Councilman Howe the matter was referred to the City Planning Conmittee to investigate and make a report of their findings. The matter of pinball licenses was presented to the council by Attorney Rose Watt, appearing on behalf of the Capital Tavern. He entered a protest against the amount of the license tees provided in Ordinance No. 502, and after a discussion . Watt asked if it would be possible for the operators to pay one quarter of the fee, and in the meantime endeavor to work out a new schedule of license fees. I. Chaftstyam, on behalf of the Star Cigar Store, also entered a protest ag- ainst the method of licensing. Army Seijas, attorney for the United Amusement Company, entered a protest against the amount of the license charges on behalf of his client, and akktd 'for an ameddment to Ordinance No. 502. He submitted a proposed ordinance to the Clark and to the G;ty Attorney. At this juncture in the meeting, Councilman Cline asked to be excuse , which srxcuse was granted. Go=e:L1man Howe stated that in his opinion, the protests were ill-timed and not worthy of consideration, as the ordinance had been in offset since November, 1943, and that the fees were due July 1, and that the late pretests were not time- ly, as there had been ample opportunity to enter protests before the tees were due. After lengthy discussion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried, that the matter be deferred for two weeks, and that the Clerk be relieved of the responsibility of collecting license fees until July 24, 1944. Councilman Hoene raised the question of payment of the license fee for the month of July, and Mr. Seijas stated that his client would pay the Operator's license for the month of July, if the machines were withdraw, and if not, the full amount of the fee would be paid., He personally guaranteed the payment of the one month fee, in case the maohines-were withdrawn. Attorney Clark brought up the matter of the parking meter custodian and stated that while there was no provision for the position, it could be handled by the Chief of Police naming the custodian a Special Police Officer in charge of meter collec- tions. After a discussion, it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Howe, and carried, that the salary of the Special Police Officer in charge of meter collections be fixed at $75.00 per month, the salary to start as of June 10, 1944. The council discussed the matter of parking meter charges for busses, and the Attorney wasinstructed to draw an ordinance covering the matter, and the Clerk was directed to write to the bus operators that such an ordinance would be considered on July 24, 1944 at the regular council meeting. This action was taken following a statement by Police Chief Hankin that parking meter fees had fallen'of consider- ably since the eleven meters had been removed to provide loading zones for the busses. Be V. McMullen of the Street Department, appeared before the council relative to his position, and asked that he be placed on a flat salary instead of a per hour basis. After a discussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried that Mr. McMullen be placed on a monthly salary of $225.00 per.month, of which 0175oOO shall be paid From the Street Fund and $50.00 fvom the Water Fund. Superintendent of Public Works, George Givens, stated that the State �Iighway Department plans to seal -coat, among other roads, the street from Black Jack brie to the foot of Mitchell Hill, and that it would be necessary to prepare this stretch of street for seal -coating. He stated that he could procure equipment with which to do the work and that it should be done at once. It was moved by Thompson, seeondea be Cosbey and carried, that the Superintendent be given authority to do the necess- ary work to prepare the street for the seal coat. The matter of surfacing Mitchrell. Hill ; to the High School was j br attention Qf the council and Superintendent Givens stated that he h d stem of the cost of plant -mix surfaos and also of road mix. After d committee consisting of Councilmen Howe, Cline and Talbot, together wi was named to coAfer with the County Commissioners relative to their sh cost of the proposed surfacing. Clerk presented amended Resolution granting extension of tie' t, son Drilling Company for completion of the new well. On motion by cos by Talbot and carried, the,following Resolution was adopted: ADMINISTRATIVE DETERMINATION REGARDING LIQUIDATED DAMAGES WHEREAS, N. C. Jannsen Drilling Project 45-205N, have completed the approved plans and contract Company, general contractors all work under their contract documents; on the Wai in ao ore WHEREAS, The date specified for the completion under the contract oc ember 7, 1942, but the work was not completed until August lv, 1943, 272 days; WHEREAS,* THE over -run in the specified contract completion time is d e conditions beyond the contractor's control, described and set forth 01 various letters and documents from the contractor, and letters and d of mitted by him from various supply unite, and other sources, all of w is forth in the attached recapitulation, and in the above referred to a roc all of which is set forth in complete copies in the attached documen as the oo ntraotor's request for extension of time; ught to the eceived estim- scussion, a h Mr. Givens, - ring in the N. C. Jann- y, seconded or System, ance with d on Nov - excess of ntirely to fully in ants sub - are set spondenoe, including WHEREAS, No damages of any nature whatsoever have occured by reason f he failure of the contractor to complete his work within the time specified in Jhe contract; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Port Orchard, Niteap County, Washington, grant an a to lion of time to and including August 13, 1943 for the completion of the contracto rs work, and that liquidated damages be waived. The following bills were presented and on motion by Howe, seo+ were ordered paid: Fred G. Votters, Sheriff Trick & Murray Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent Ida May Hankin Port Orchard Lumber Yard Port Orchard Fuel Oil Delivery Howe' a Hardware Howe Motor Co. Florence Louise Wetzel Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Thompson's Thompson's Thompson's Standard Oil Co. Worthington Garcon Meter Co. American Plbg. & Steam Supply Slocum Hardware Co. Wilkins Lursen Co. Port Orchard Independent S. V. McMullen Clarence To. Griffin W. L. Johnson Howe's Hardware Worthington -Garcon Meter Go. O.ff. Rubber Welders Hodge & Davis Palmer Supply Co. Slocum Hardware [0111"'RERWORRUDIMMi Board of Prisoners Stamp pad for Clerk Triplicate receipts for Police Calls for Bids --Postal Cards 13 days typing for Police Lumber for signs Fuel oil for Police Station Htave oil for Police Station Repairs to paddy wagon. Clerical work for Treasurer Street Lights for June, 1944 Supplies for Treasurer Supplies for Police Supplies for Clerk Gasoline for Police i' 4U3' if1iE+ 15 5/8 Water Meters Gate valves and bushings Pipe fittings, etc. Gas; tank; pump; gasoline 5M Postal cards--1500 Turn -Off Labor on water system M tf t! N Linseed Oil and Paint Brush 2 21, Meters (High School & Hospital) Tire repair, pickup truck " " --re-charge batteries 12 *'J Adapters Tools and Material by Cosbey, $54, 00 .55 51.52 19.14 72.80 8.01 4.82, 2.73 43.40 50.00 97.50 3.91 4.84 1.91 13.62 182.62 19.92 5.20 137.71 83.23 20.80 8.00 10.00 4.74 148.32 7.36 1.80 5.37 5.89 STREET FUND C Wilkins-Lursen Co. Howe Motor Co. Howe's Hardware S. V. McMullen Clarence T. Griffin Maurice T. Rohannessen Howe's Hardware W. L. Johnson Gasoline for Street Dept. Repairs to Model B. truck Bolts and washers Labor on Streets r n � STATE AID FUND -•" Faucet for Fire Dept. SEWER FUND Labor on sewer lateral STREET, WATER and SEWER FUNDS Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Sewer Tile, Bends & Box covers $20.93 29.38 9.60 93.60 16.00 16.00 1.29 21.00 14. 65, Chief of Police Hankin- brought up the matter of closing dance halls in Port Orchard at midnight in the interests of peace and quiet. Council directed that dances in Port Orchard close at midnight, and directed the -Clerk to notify those organizations conducting public dances of the action of the council. There being no further busiWness council., on motion by Cosbey, econded by Talbot, adjourned. • e . 0 - - - - - - - - - SPECIAL SESSIO14 Port Orchard, Washington July 15, 1944 Council met in special session, pursuant to the following call by Mayor C. A. Hanks, duly issued and served: NOTICE TO: M. H. Thompson, Roy Howe, George Cline, W. E. Cosbey, D. J. Talbot. The Town Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington: You and each of you are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of port Orchard will be held at 11:00 o'clock A. M., on Sat- urday, July 15, 1944, in the Council Chambers, in the Town of Port Orchard, Wash- ington, for the purpose of considering the proposal of paving Sidney Street in the Town of Port Orchard, in its various phases, and for such other or further busi- ness as may be brought before the meeting. Dated this 14th day of July, 1944. ( d. ) C. A. Hanks, Mayor Attest: (Sgd.) Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Meeting called to order by Mayor Hanks, with Councilmen Roy C. Howe, W. E. Cosbey, M. H. Thompson, D. J. Talbot and George Cline present. All members accep- ted service of Notice of meeting and signed and filed aakhowledgement of service. It was moved by Talbot, seconded by Howe, and carried, that Rosa Watt be retained as Attorney to handle the legal part of the proposed improvement, inclu- ding the preparing of all resolutions, ordinances and other matters in connection with the improvement and the proposed improvement district, and any other legal matters in connection with the said proposed improvement and improvement district. Council: members made a careful examination of the property locations proposed to be included in the proposed improvement district; indicated the boundaries of the proposed district on a map of the incorporated limits of the Town of Port Orchard; and delivered the map to Mr. Watt for further action by the Attorney and the Engi- nest, in connection with the proposed improvement. n On Motion by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried, special meeting of the Port Orobard, Washington July 24, 1944 Regular meeting of the council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order' by Mayor C. A. Hanks, with Councilment Talbot, Howe, Cline, Thompsoi and Cosbey.; Treasurer, Chloe Sutton, City Attorney Neal Clark, Superintendent of Public Works, George,Givens, and many citizens present. Minutes of regular meeting of July 10, 1944 and Special Meet, iof July 159 1944, read and approved. { Chairman Howe of the Street and Alley Committee made a repo t on a confer- ence which his oommittee and the Supt. of Public Works held with �h County Comm- issioners, relative to the surfacing of Mitchell Road, and his report was augmen- ted by Mr. Givens. After a discussion, it was moved by Thompson,seconded by Howe, � and carried, that the Supt. proceed as rapidly as possible with the surfacing of the road, and work in co-operation with county officials in makinig the improvement, and that boundaries between the city limits and the county be established on the road. i Matter of amending the assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 48, ws alled for hearing, following due notice which called the matter for hearing'on this date. City Attorney I%al Clark presented an ordinance amending the arse am at r6llixa Hdv:' A,�. GM�nletds heard in connection with the proposed assessme t on Lot 7, Block 3, Original Plat of Sidney; James E. Hanna appeared in rela ion to assess- ment on Lot 5, Block 8, Railroad Add. to Sidney; Joseph Haas ant re an informal protest against assessment on Lot. 5, Block, 8, Railroad Add. to id ey. Follow- ing the hearing and a discussion by members of the Council, it waE d rected that the proposed ordinance be amended by striking the provision to el mi ate Lot 7, Block 8, Railroad Add, to Sidney from the roll, and that the ordi n e be passed as amended. Moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey that ordinance be a sad as amen- ded. Motion carried, and ordinance was duly passed as Ordinance . 504. Rev. A. T. Moen stated that his church desired to construct sidewalk on DeKalb Street west of Cline street, and asked if the town would help stand the expense. Mayor.Hanks explained that the cost would be entirely up to the abut- ting property, as there was no provision by which the town could 1 gally partici- pate in such improvements. Permission was granted to construct th sidewalk, pro- viding the work was put in on proper grades and according to standard specifica- tions approved by the Superintendent of Public Works. The resignation of Neal Clark as City Attorney was read by yo Hanks, to be effective as of July la, 1944. Following a statement by Mr. Clark i was moved by Cline, seoonded.by Cosbey and carried that the resignation be a oe ted and that the council go on record in expressing its satisfaction and apprec at on � of the good services rendered by Mr. Clark during his term of duty as Cit A torney. Mayor Hanks also expressed the thanks and appreciation of the City officials for the good work 4o ne by Mr. Clark. The matter of the appointment of,a successor to Mr. Clark was deferred to a later date. On the agenda from the July 10th meeting was the matter of a icense fees for pinball machines, and this matter was called up for action. I w s moved by Howe, seconded by Cline that the Mayor instruct the Clerk and the of ce to collect license fees as provided under Ordinance. No. 502, and if such lie ns fees were not paid by Wednesday, July 26, 1944, that the machines be closed' operation. Army Seijas, representing the owners of the machines, appear 'd and asked for reduced rates, pointing out that under existing conditions that the 1 oense demand- ed was unreasonably high. Councilman Thompson.suggested a substitute clause which would make the license $50.00 per Year per machine, instead of $50. 0 per year per location, pointing out that a place with only one machine should not lay as high e. lioense as other places which have more machines. They substitute w�eeting s lost for want of a second. Five taverns in Port Orchard were represented at the by their owner$ or manggers. I. Charnstrom of the Star Cigar Store entered protest against the license fees on behalf of his firm and other proprietors.. Coun i n Howe raised the question of Fairness in the division of receipts between the op riots and the taverns, Mayor Hanks stated that he believed that the local operat rs might be en- titled to relief due to decreased business, but whether the relief ho ld come from the city .or the owners of the machines was a question: .Attorney C r and Seijas discussed legal angles of the ordinance, and two applications for 1 ca ions were filed. After a lengthy discussion, the question was called for, and n in aye and no vats, Talbot, Howe, Cline and Cosbey voted aye, and Thompson voted o. Motion de- eLared carried. A letter from F. M. Crutsinger, regional director of the FPHA a dressed to the Port Orchard Housing Authority, was read, stating that project o. Wash. 45-217 had been declared a temporary installation. The letter was ordered fi ed. City Attorney Clark suggested that the council might pass a resolution r qu sting that the project be turned over to some governmental or civilian group f r se by returning members of the armed forces when the property was no longer require fir War Housing. S. V. McMullen of the Street Department, brought up -the matte of pay for one of his employees. Tho matter was discussed, but it was decided to 11ea a the pay scale in this department at its present level for the present. On motion by Talbot, seconded by Cosbey and carried, the following bills were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUNND Trick & Murray Police Court blanks Port Orchard 8ebinet Shop Cabinet work for Treasurer Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. Police telephone and tolls Pao. Teel. & Tel. Co. Clerkts telephone and tolls Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. Fire Department Telephone Thomas Sign Co. Sign on Patrol Car Kit -sap Cleaners Cleaning drapes in city hall Trick & Murray Rubber stamp for police Puget Sound Power & Light Co.Maintain traffic light; light at fire hall; Blinker light; first aid station; city hall; traffic light. Johnson & Hubbard Stop Light for paddy wagon U_VV-*_Va1_ I Johnson & Hubbard Gasoline filter Worthington-Gamon Muter Co. 12 galas register boxes and gaskets W., L. Johnson Labor installing service lines Thomas Sign Co. -Lettering s1gn at water plant ,Pro. Tel. & Tel. Co. Teltirattft-ter plant and Supt.;&tolls Puget Sound peer & Light Co.Power at water plant, brewery well and light at water plant Puget Sound Navigation Co. Freight Lumber Supply Material for pump house Holmberg & Norman Carl J. Thomas Neil H. Rankin Clarence TO. Griffin Harry Weber Western Asphalt Cal Solastic Products Co. Gladding, MoBean & Co. Miller Meters Puget Sound News Co. STREET FUND $ 3.25 1.03 4..95 4.20 7.50 6. 70 3.61 1.47 33.89 2.83 .71 10.90 50.00 20.08 11.75 145.86 .66 13.44 Gravel for Streets 44.29 Labor on Streets 8.00 Labor -painting yellow lines on streets 62.00 Labor on Streets 24,00 Labor on Streets 13,00 1344 sq. yds. pavement (Contract) 1730.40 Traffic paint 26.78 Sewer the 58.59 PARKING DETER FUND Parts for parking meters 24.48 STATE AID FUND Books for Library 64.90 Council, on motion of Co ey, second by Talbot and carried, _ad w SPECIAL MEETING Port Orchard, Washington August 3, 1944 . Special meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order at 7;45 o'clock P.M., pursuant to call issued by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present, Mayor Hanks, Councilmen M. $1 Thompson, George Cline, D. J. Talbot, and Superintendent of Public Works, George Givens. Mayor Hanks stated that the meeting was called to clarify the attitude of the Council relative to water connections with the city system at the High School, as Superintendent Givens had been contacted by a representative of School District No. 402 and a representative of a contracting firm, who sought to connect with the 6--inch water main on Mitchell Road, and also at the end of the main between the High School and the County Hospital. Superintendent Givens told of his co nver$ition with the representatives named by Mayor Hanks, and of a conversation with Mr. C. A. Tomlinson, FWA engin+ent, regard- ing the proposed connections, and stated that no plans had ever been submitted to him. Councilman Thompson stated that there was no desire to hamper the school in its improvement program but that he felt that there should be no connections with the Port Orchard water system, except on plans approved by the council and that any con- nections should be made under the supervision of the Superintendent of Public Works after detailed plans had been submitted and approved by the council. Councilmen Cline and Talbot both expressed themselves as opplos neotions with the system except after the submission and approval of agreement between the council and the members of the School Board. to any con- ns, and .It was moved by Thompson and seconded by Cline that there shall. be no con- nectibne with the Port Orchard water system without the approval of the council, and after Submission of plans to the council and after full agreement by the Board of Direotgrs of School District No. 402 and the council of Port Or6harl, Washington. Motion.carried, all members present voting in favor of the,.moti6n. Meeting adjourned on motion by Thompson, seconded by Talbot 0 Port Orchard, Washington 14, 1944 Regular meeting of the c ounc i 1 of Port Orchard, Was b order by Mayor C. A. Hanke, with Councilmen M. H.-Thompson, D. .JT. George Cline and W. 1. Cosbey; and Superintendent of Public Works present. E1 Minutes of regular meeting of duly 24, 1944 and special August i, 19449 read and approved as read. Mayor Hanks read a news story stating that police office had refused a pay rhise, saying that the oto}ry was called to the a tee council on aosouht of its unusual and almost unheard of nature. carried. )n, called to Dot, Roy Howe, rge Givens noting of re in Shelton etion of the Mrs. Blossom Watkins . and Mrs. George Shattuck appe are ford the council relatitt to a xa.Um eo�na do ��! which they had aoquired so th of the K. of Po sometery, Asa �i -there is a small water lime runni t a ppfnt near their•property, installed by the Army, tomwhish a oo estion can b Qe. After a di.ssu"ieeffi, it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Hoge and carried, t t permission be granted for a temporary water oonneetion .to sarve thee' property;, nd that if and whet the. Army installations are removed or abandoned that other ar an ements will be made. Mayor Hanks brought up the matter of a proposed ohang o operators, which might even mean a merger of the two aamm raial bus services in and tit ough Port Oroh- ard, and after a diesoussioa, the coubo it went on -r000r+d. as net oppose to the plan, provided the rights of the community, under, the ea to of son en enee and necessity were properly safeguarded. Clerk submitted a quit-slaim dead for a small portion of Maple and Cedar Street*, requested by the Stater Department of Highways for addit io 1 right-of-way for PSH No. 14. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and ear ied that requested right-of-way be granted and deed signed by Mayor and all. Councilme . Estimated receipts for the year 1945 were submitted b the Clerk for eonsid-eration and study by the mambers of the co#neil in connecAii with budget preparation. At the suggestion of Councilman ;line, Taube Geirger w a rang per- mission to clear a protion of an unopened street in the noighborho f his home, I the work to be done* to the satisfaotion of the Superintendent of bl a Forks, and all debris and brush to be taken care of by Mr. George. Mayor Hanks brought up the matter of bushes, `weeds an g, as overrunning parking strips onto tuts sidewalk in many places in town, and after a isatosion the Police Department was notified to contact property owners and v the parking strips cleaned, brush out, and other refuse removed, in order that th community might bemade more attractive, and for the convenience of foot traf is Jae Saaaa, representing the American. Legion, Port Ore ard Post No. ;SO, and V. M. Caldwell, representing the Port Orchard Post of 'Veterans of Foreign Wares, appeared before the sounsil and presented the following resolution RESOLUTION , In the immediate and near future .there will lie manyserviae men returning from service in the Armed forces, and there will be many,veterans of both World 'gar L and World War hL seeking employment, and WHIMCAS, In conformity with the policy adopted throug ou the nation, service retmi amg from isrrviee are entitled to special consideration i ployment; NOW, THEFUMB20 BE IT FSWLVIKD by the Council of the o of Port Orchard: That any person who has served with the Armed forces f he United States in any capacity in either World War Z or World War IT shall be giv a pesial eonaid- oration for employment; That from and after the effective date of this Rosolu iolis when any vacancy occurs in aaynof the Departments of tote Town of Port Orsha d, it shall be the duty of the appointing officer to consider all applisaitions, a d In the event that a 'Veteran of either war above indicated shall apply and it ah 11 appear that the said veteran is not is fast incapacitated to such an extent t t or she would be unable to perform the necessary duties, a Veteran shall b preferred for employ4ont and appointment, pr*vIdIAg the appli©ant shores the nese samy business capacity or physical strength to discharge the duties of the posit oh Passe• August 14, 1944, in open council. Moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey to pass the Res lm ion as read. Motion carried unani soussly. H. 1. Dingle of the Puget Spund Power & Light Co. broight up the matter of increased intensity of street lights in certain looaliti a, which had been Suggested by the Pollee* Matter deferred. Following bills presented and on motion by Cosbey, seconded carried, were ordered paid. CURRENT EXPENSE FMM Paget Sound Power Light Oa. Mai ntain trafficlibht fir June Puget Sound koweer & Light Co. Street lights for .Jaely Thompson's Stationery Supplies for Clerk and Treasurer 0 E Rubber fielders Repair pollee oar tire Trick & Murray Rubber Stamp for Clerk Howe's Hardware Broom for eity hall Fred G. Vottors, sheriff Board of -prisoners for'July Slocum. Hardware Co. Rose, nozzle, mondy drawer for police State Treasurer Industrial Insurance and &eel Aid WATER FUND % , Puget pound Power 4c Light Go Power and Light for pumping Lumber Supply Cement and Lumber Howe's Hardware Merchandise Sloeeum Hardware Paint and Material American Plbg & Steam Supply Pipe and fittings George Givens Expenses two trips to Seattle Jackson Machine Shop Plate for high school meter box Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Meter boxes and lids W. L. Johnson Labor on water system State Treasurer Industrial Insurance and lsdisal Aid STREET FUND Harry Weber Labor on streets William Gephardt Welding and Material Howe Agotor Co. Spark Flags eta. Lumber Supply Lumber Miller Bros, Wrecker Service Pulling Motor Stakes on Prospect yt. Howe's Hardware Paint brush, Hinges, Galv. Iron State Treasurer Ind. Insurance and Mod. Aid. We L. Johnson Labor Clarence 1. Griffin Labor Stephen L. Gorennn Labor Robert Trautz Labor Carl J. Thomas Labor by Talbot and 0 3.99 97.70 4,86 1.03 1.21 1.80 44.00 17.54 8. 68 171.06 8.68 17.51 17.23 109.82 6.40 22*33 44.50 80.00 2.95 3.00 21.57 2.31 6.61 23.18 5.80 11.77 28,00 63.00 30.00 3:0.00 23.00 W. L. Johnson Labor . on sewer lateral 6.00 State Treasurer Ind. Ins. and Mod. Aid .26 MALTR, FIRE AND POLICE AID FUND Art Burnside Co. Tear gas supplies etc. (Police) 22.37 Puget 41ound rower & Zight Co. Light at Fire hall 2.37 Lolita Bliss Stamps, typewriter repair eta. 10.19 W. H. Rankin Tear gas shells 7.31 PARKING MUTER FUND Trick & "L rray Coin wrappers 1.73 State 2re$surer Industrial Ins. and Mod. Aid 1.88 There bola& no fu,rtker business, council on motion duly made, soeondedt and carried, adjourned. Clerk Port Orchard, Washington August 28, 1944 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks, with Counoilmen ll. J. Talbot, George Cline Roy Howe, M. H. Thompson and We Be Cosbey; Superintendent of public Works George �lvens, and Ross W. Watt, special attorney in connection with Sidney street paving. Minutes of meeting of .August 14, 1944 read and approved. Attorney Watt presented Resolution to pave' Sidney street. Same was read to the Council, and on motion by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried, Resolution was passed and ordered published, and hearing on proposal to pave Sidney Street in the Town of Port Orchard was set for Monday evening, September 18, 1944. I Councilman Thompson stated that he had been contacted by Rev. Robert Gillespie relative to sale to the city of the property occupied by the. Bethel Taber- nacle, adjoining the city property on Bay street. The matter was brought to the attention of the oounoil following a statement that with the paving of Sidney Street and the filling of Sidney Street north of Bay Street, that the present city hall would have to moved. After a discussion, the matter was referred to the Finance and Planning committee to negotiate with Rev. Gillispie and to report back to the N. J. Repanich and others appeared before the council wit provement ofntrail from pottery Hill to Sidney Hill, to make the foo v for school children and others on Pottery Hill in going. to the court b school building, ration beard and ether places on Sidney Hill. After the mattertof the betterment of the trail was referred to the Street a ntittee and the Superintendent of Public Works, with instructions to Improvements and with power tW ant. r lation to im- a pasaablet o a Givens a discussion, me n alley am- k asoessary Letters from the Association of Washington Cities relativ. to continuing aid from the state of Washington for incorporated cities and towns, nd to the legislative program of the Association, were read. Councilman Thomps n 3tated that In his opinion, the State was better qualified to handle poet -war pr jo ts, and that far better results would be obtained if the State handled the projects, ha if they were dribbled around, over the State in small amounts and with unoert in benefits. It was the sense of the il,Y as expressed by the members, that no a si tang• should be amked.frQm the Ota ,< _ the coming bi-e�nnium., and that the Clark be directed to answer the letters, setting forth the views of the council and submi tTO as an improvement, 4ntitled and worthy of State consideration and early ac tthe water- front highway, so long promoted as an essential link in the transpor an system of this locality, S. 0. -Stokes and others appeared before the council relat ve to the pro+ jetted erection in the locality of Taylor and Cline streets of a ale ni establish-- meeht, and presented a petition protesting the establishment of the a to lishment in this locality, as it is a residential district and the residents did no approve the establishment of business houses in the area. The petition was race ve by the oounoil, .and Mayor Hanks stated that he had heard of the possibility of establishing a cleaning plant at the site suggested, but that the plan had been a oned, and that tke .property owners need have any fear of its establishment. T e rdinance covering .the handling of dangerous liquids was mead and its termer ex 1a nod, which removes to a great extent the possibility of the establishment of a le ping plant in the area. The matter of zoning ordinance was.discussed but n0 as to was taken. Jahn M. Boyle was appointed City Attorney by Mayor Hanks, and the appointment was unanimously confirmed by the council, on motion by T oat son, seconded. by Cline .and carried. Councilman Clime brought up the matter ofmrunning the grader over Taylor Street to smooth the surface. The matter was referred to the Superi to dent of Public forks for aotion. Brush, grass and debris on parking strips was again broug t p by Mayor Hanks, and Captain Heatk of the Polio@ Department stated that many p op rty owners had been .00ntaoted and notified to Olean up their parking strips, a t t another tour would be made ti impress the matter on the wwners before taring of er action. . Permission was granted to Miss Lolita Bliss to place li tarter at the Housing -authority bins terminal. R. H. Nelson and names Nielson of the Fernwood district a the council and asked if the .city would furnish water to the distric wsme installed and district properlybor$ganized. Mayor Hanks suggest be possible for Farnwood to join with the Upper Ross Creek district, expense of organization and admtinistration. After a discussion, It Mayor and vounoil that water would be supplied to the Fernwood cmmmu existing regulations and rates, if and when the system is installed organized. Following bills were presented and on motion by Howe, and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Orchard Independent Printing and publishing Zuel Watts Refunded bail C. A. Hanks Insurance premium (Cent taoifle Telephone Telegraph Co. Clerk's telephone and t Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co. Police telephone and to Victoria herbs, 'Clerk's Assistantt Premium on Notary bond, WATER FOND Crane Company Cascade Meehinery Go. Pacific Tslepheane & Telegraph Co. Pacific 'Xelephone & Telegraph Co. Wilkins -Larsen Ca. HEALTH, W. H. Rankin, 1%hief of rolioe Pacific telephone *-'Telegraph Co. Bourgeois Radio Service Wilkins -Larsen Go. Clarence T. Griffin Lee Holderme►n time in a con - le red before a systems hat it might thus save a agreed by the t under d district ndod by Talbot � 23,91 25.00 al School 75.08 11 4.05 1 9.48 Paint for Water Dept. 16.69 Repairs to Brewery pump 128.74 Supt. is Telephone (homes 3.90 Supt.'s telephone and tell (plant) 5.85 Gasoline (contract) Oil 174.00 FIRE AND POLIO AID FUND Postage and note book Telephone, Fire Depart nt Radio repair, Police j Oil for Jtreet Departme Labor on streets Grader operator 7.02 7.50 2.47 3.09 26.00 101.34 r Robert 8 Thompson Labor on'wtreetes 51.00 Neil H. Haakin Labor on streets 42.00 Henry Sohmitz Labor on streets 27.00 Port Orchard oignal Service Truck tire, Street Bept. 26.55 STATE AID FUND R. R. Talbot Labor, extra shifts 14.00 Cpuncil, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, adjourned. 9' or --- ----0- - - - - - - Port Orchard, Weashing#on September 11, 1044 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington, galled to order by Mayor 0. A. Hanks with Councilmen U. J. Talbot, Geetrge Clin,s, Roy Howe, We Be Cosbpy and M. H. Thompson; City Attorney John M. Boyle, and Superintendent of Public Works George Givens present. Minutes of meeting of August 28, 1944 read and approved. been Mayor Hanks stated that he had/oontaoted by N. C. elannsen, contractor on the new well, whomweanted an immediate settlement of the balance due for drilling the well. Clerk stated that blanks for securing the remainder of grant had been received and that matter would be closed up as rapidly as possible, and also stated that the delay had been a seasioned to a great extent in securing documentary evidence frer>a the a=sen Drilling Company. It was pointed out that additional water sources was being sought. b$' Us Housing Authority of the Town of Port Orehsrdl and it was suggested that it mould - appear advisable for beat results to drill any future wells in the vicinity of existing wells where a good flow of water would be assured at a much less cost. To further .tkis idea and to endeavor to secure this action by the Housing Authority, a special com- mittee consisting of Councilmen Thompson, Howe and Cosbey was requested to meet with the Housing Authority at its next regular meeting. Letter from Federal PublicHousing Authority relative to equipment at the new well was read to council, statint that submitted contract must be signed or equipment - would be rem6ved. The matter was discussed . by the members of the council who stated that contract submitted was not in conformity with agreement made with the Federal Public Housing Authority representatives, and that contract as submitted would not be signed. Letter was referred to City Attorney for reply. George D. Petry of the Upper Ross Creek dater District appeared before the council and stated that funds had been secured for construction of facilities in the wafter district and asked that the town proceed with its plans for extensioa in order that connections can be made. T. C. Breitenstein Made a statement concerning the Ross Creek district, stating that plans had been made and requests for priorities made, and that it was expected that bids would be ready to call for within a few days. He stated that there would be some preliminary work to be done by the town to tyke its exteensloas and connections. After a discussion-- it was moved by Talbot, seconded by Howe and carried that T. C. Breitenstein be retained as engineer to do the engineering work on the extension at 8 of the cost, and that the recommendations of the engineer and the Superintendent of ublic Works to run lines both along Meloher Street and Hull S�rset to a junction at the take -oft' point be accepted. It was also stated that bids for the two projects could be called for at the same time, and if possible that contract be awarded as one job, so that saving could be trade both to the city and the Upper Ross Creek rater District. Permiseion was granted to the Upper Rose Creek wateer District to have bids for their project filed with the City Clerk, and that the Commissioners of the .rater District ceauld hold their meeting in the city hall for the opening of bids andawarding of contract. Mayor Hanks brought up the matter of gasoline storage tanks in the city limita, and stated that in his opinion the existence of these large storage tanks were a menaee to safety of life and property. Hevatatod that the town has an ordinance governing the storage of dangerous liquids and that the large oil companies are not complying with the provisions of the ordinance. He also said, that in his opinion, the Standard Oil Company it the most flagrant violator of the ordinance, amd stated that he believed that they should be governed by the same regulations as other individuals or companies. The ordinance governing the storage of dangerous liquids was referred to the City Attorney for an interpretation as to thepowers of the city to regulate the Oil C ompaniess. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens stated that the 'trail leading from Pottery Hill to Sidney Hill would be put in condition at an early date. Matter of licenses for taxicabs was brought to the attention of the caunoil by Chief of Police Rankin, who stated that the existing ordinance did not provide for licensing of taxicabs or taxi operators in Port Orchard. The matter was referred to City Attorney Boyle* to draw,an ordinance providing for the licensing of taxicabs and present it at the next meeting of the council. . '` r- - - --- ---- -, Clerk presented a request from Holmberg & Norman that city el ase any claim which it may have on former balloon site on Nob Hill Addition which h s en vacated by the. Army. Clerk was directed to write Holmberg & "orman stating t at the sity has no claim against the property. Resolution requested by the State Department of Highways pr vi ing that the city Brill take over certain portion of PSH No. 14 after it is re built wi hout liability to the Otate was considered, and on motion by Home, seconded by Ta lbo a d carried, resolution was adopted and Mayor and Clark were authorized to sign t s e. Release of Army as to certain portions of Fir and Maple leased to the Army was passed, on motion by Thompson, seconded by Councilman Thompson of the Finance and Planning Committee r tistions With Rev. Robert Gillespie for the sale to the city of the B property, and stated that the offer subted by the city was not sec Gillespie. .After a discussion, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Ta that $49000.00 is the top figure that would be oonsidered by the Coun property, and further time was given to the committee. The preliminary budget for the year 1945 was presented by t Mayor and members of the Council w nsidered the budget in detail, and it was moved by Thompson, soconded by Howe and carried that the preli adopted, as submitted, and that it be published. ac eording to law. Matter or increased intensity of street lights referred to committee on motion by Cline, seconded by Home and. harried. Bills were presented and onmotion by Clue, seconded by Ta�bo the following bills were ordered void: j Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Thompson's Stationery W. H. Rankin, Poliae Chief R. E. Talbot, Patrolman Florence L. Wetzel .T. M. Peterson 0 K Rubber Welders Howe's Hardware Harry Schmitz Valley Construction Co. rckkann 4 Williams Road Distriet Ao. 4, J.itsap Co. Clarenee T. Griffin Bremerton San& & Gravel Ca. 01ymp i c Iron & ""a c hine Works Howe Motor Co. Howe Is Hardware Clarence T. Griffin gar Schmitz fee Bvidern Robert A hompeon Noil M. Lankin Port Orohard Signal Servise Thomas Sign & Paint Co. Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Thomas Kenoyer Knutson Service Station Crawshaw ""tors Howe Motor Co. Jeekson Machine Shop i CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Btreet lights for August, 1944 Dating stamp for Clerk Re-imbursement for merchandise bo ht Re-imnursement for merchandise to JhtDlerioal work on Sidney St. Assesen Sidney Street assesskent roll Tire repair, Police WATER FUND Pipe, bolts, eta. Labor Balance High School water extension Pipe tapping machine 115 bble. road oil Labor STREET FUND Gravel for streets Welding Parts for truck Bolts and washers La bor Labor 1 Grader Operator Labor Labor Battery for Truck 57 Traffic signs SEWFR FttND 1 Sewer the eta. Labor on sewer lateral j POLICE j HEALTH, FIRE & SUM Alit FUND j Gas for paddy wagon j Paddy wagon repair Paddy Wagon repair STATE AID FUND Repair first aid stretcher Council adjourned on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline formerly carried. ted on nego- 1 Tabernacle, ble to Rev, and carried for the lerk. The or a discussion ry budget be and Light and earri,e4% 97.50 .62 4.20 1.50 roll27.50 48.00 2.06 1.70 20.00 1120,54 9.92 345.00 8.00 16.80 6.70 4.38 1,69 16.00 20.00 108.26 8.00 45.00 14.37 62.23 12.26 37.20 13.62 26.47 7.16 5.15 carried. yor f� Port Orchard, Washington September 18, 1944 Council called to order by Mayor C. A. Hangs, pursuant to call for special session to hear citizens for or against the proposed paving of Sidney Street, and in compliance with Resolution No. 100 and Notices sent to individual property owners calling for the hearing. Present Councilmen W E. Cosbey, George Cline, M. H. Thompson, D. J. T lbot and Roy Hews; Rose W. Watt, special attorney for the paving pro jecrt ; I. Curtis �a r ker of the firm of Parker & Rill, engineers, and several score of property owensrs and citizens present. Mayer Hanks made a statement, setting forth the purpose of the meeting, and explained to the citizens what the council had in mind when the proposed paving of Sidney Street was initiated, of the efforts heretofore made to secure federal aid for the improvement, andd gave a general history of the project from its inception. Attorney Ross Watt explained the legal angles as they effect the project, and detailed the provisions of the laws governing Local Improvement Districts, and the laws ap111sable to the case at hand. I. Curtis Parker made a statement concerning the engineering problems of the project. Fred B. Cohen, prosecuting attorney of Kitsaap County, appeared in the interests of the County Commissioners and Kitsap County, and entered into the discussions. During all of this time more people were appearing, and finally an overflow crowd jammed the council chambers, hallways and sidewalk in front of the city buildim, and it was voted to adjourn to the g. of k. hall, which Counoilmen. Thompson placed at the disposal of the meeting. The meeting reconvened at the IL. of p4 hall and the discussions.4ns aggumentsr of the ootitens continued. During the meeting at thencouno ib chambers and at the X. of P. hall the council was addressed by Mrs. George R. Smith, S. A. Norton, Emil Weinbreoht, Herbert Might, George R. Smith; Mr. McCoy of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph 'Company, who stated that his company planned to install their facilities on Sidney street under ground, if the street were paved, and that his oapmpany favored the improvement; J. A. Holmberg, who spokes in favor of the improvement; Mrs. M. Kearney; E. B. Pugh, E. H. Erioksoa, Mrs. S. 0. Stokes, Delbert Taylor of the :Mate Department of Forestry, J. C. Stapleton of the port Orchard Planning Committee, and Ed Howe, all of reh om spoke in favor of the improvement. Others who spoke in favor of the improvement were T& H. Lundberg, I. Charnstrom, L. K. Lathrop and R. J. Caretti. Other speakers inealtided Hansa Aarsaheaug, H. H. Stephenson, T. r. Reid, Mrs. Pauley and S. V. McMullen of the Port Orchard Street Department. A written protest from Jess A. Shaffer, owner of Lots 11 and 12, Block 1 Sweaany's Second Addition, was read and filed, and a petition containing fifty-ed g�h headed as follows, was filed? n Port Orchard, Washington, Sept. 49 1944 "To the port Orchard Town Council: "We, the undersigned tax payers of the proposed Local Improvement District for the patemeent of Sidney Otreet as far as Division Street, hereby register disapproval of such undertaking. In our opinion it is advisable to delay the expenditure of our money on the pavement of 'Sidney Bill' until the outcome of the present national crisis is definitely settled." This petition was filed by Mrs. Mildred Cohen. Later in the meeting the names of George Wraith and Bernice 0. Wraith were withdrawn from the petition by Mr. George Wraith.. Following a lengthy discussion by city officials and citizens, during which time many questions were asked and answered, the virtues of the town were extolled by the Mayor and others, and numerous angles and ideas were advanced and elucidated upon, Mayor Hanks thanked the citizens for their interest in the Sidney Street project, invited them to attend the meetings of the council, and also the meetings of the Port Orchard rlanning Board, that they might became more familiar with what was being, attempted by the city officials for tie benefit of the community. George wraith moved that the appreciation of the citizens present at the meeting be extended to the Mayor and Council for their efforts in behalf of the city. The motion was seconded by R. J. Caretti and the motion was carried by aavoice vote. The meeting then adjourned to the city hall where Ordinance No. 505 was introduced, read to the council and passed on motion by Howe, seconded. by Clire and carried unanimously. Council ned on motion by dine, seconded by Cosbey and carried. � I Cle k Mayor i i i Port Orchard, Waaskington September 25, 1944 Council called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks, with Council n �. 1. Cosbey, Goo r a Ciine, 0. J. Talbot and Hoy Howe, Superintooxient of Public Wo s George Givens, and lity Attorney John M. Boyle present. Absent Councilman M. H. Th p on. Minutes of meting of Spetembet 11, 1944 and Special meeting f September 189 1944, read and approved. T. C. Breitenstein, engineer on the Upper Ross Creek Water project, and spec- ial engineer on the Melchor ami Hull street water extansion in Port Crohard, made a report on progress of the two projects as they effect the city, and submitted plans and specifications for the extensions within the city limits. He asked permission to construct pumping facilities on a portion of Melchor street near the wait city limits but this did not receive approval of the council, and arrangements were made to install facilities on private property. After considering the plans and specifications pre- sented, council directed the Clerk to advertise for bids for the installation of the extensions, the bids to be opened at the .meeting of the council on Oototer 9, 1944. The estimated soot of the extensions were reported by the engineer to f6,283.00. A group of young people appeared before the council with r la 16n to se- curing the Central School property for use as a "Teen-age Club." ai R dgers, Gene MaInnisi, Allison Comstock, Juanita Gray and others spoke in behalf o t a club. Mayor 'Hanks endorsed the program as outlined by the group, if it I ro erly sup- ervised and after consideration the matter was referred to the Plan i Committee apt the 'own of Port Orchard and to the committee of thanKiwanis Club to work out some plan and report back to the council at the next meeting. Sufarrintendent of Public Works George Givens stated that r airs and oonsstano- xon to the otteary Hill -Sidney ill trail were progressing, and tha t e work would completed as soon as lumber could be sseodred to area* the steps/ City Attorney asked for further time to present proposed t*ij ordinance, aAd to repWt .on status of wholesaler oil storage in the town. Furth ime granted by the acrunill. Councilman Cline, oharinma and Councilmen Howe and Talbot of the Fire and Light oommitUm, reported can their investigations of installing additional street lights, and filled ral944 of their findings and reeommendations. The report rotas 'e otri+dered and dish, and on motion by Howe, seconded by Tal bdt carried, the report was adopted, and'Clerk was directed to to write a letter to t luget Sound Power & Light Company, Ming thetadddtt6no. and changes desired in treat lighting. Councilman Coobby presented a resolution opposing the pass gd of Referen- dum No. 25, which will be on the ballot at the coming general sleation,, on the ground that its passage would be detrimental to the best interests of t4e Town of Port Orchard. After a discussion, it, was moved by Cossbey, seconded by al bot and carried unanimously that the resolution be adopted as read. Cecil Both appeared before the council and asked that the city agree to furnish water to an area south of Sidney street between Forest Part and Fernwood. The ratter was referred to the City Attorney and the dater and Sewer oammittes for investigation and report. C. L. Klinsfelter, executive secretary of the Port Orchard w sing Authority, appeared before that council vAth relation to the pending contract fo ter between the City of port Orchard and the Rousing Author*ity of Port Orchard. Th swatter was discussed, and it was agreed that Mayor Hanks would hold a conferimeo w th Mr. ff. Me Crutsinger, Regional Director of the FPHA in company with Mr. Klinsfelt r. Councilman Howe reported on a meeting of a oommittee from a council and the local housing authority, where the Housing Authority had passed r solution that the Government drill a well in Part Orchard, where a known Ovate supply exists. Councilman Howes also reported, on a nesting which he and Co c lmsa Thomp- son, Frank Langer and C. L. K-linefeltet of the Housing Authority, held ith Con- ##ressman Warren G. Magnusson, with relation to the proposed waterfroni ghway in Poet irchaard,, stating that the entire matter had been discussed, and that co tact was bed mutate with the Federal Bureau of Public Roads in relation to the watt Cleric brought up the matter of the possibility of the L quortore being moved away from Port Orchard. for want of a suitable locatiot, nd calA& attention to the fact that should this occur the town would lose between 7,OO. a d 89000 in r*v+ onus during the next year from liquor taxes and profits. Mayor Hank a resssed the seriousness of the situation, and stated. that every effort should bar ma a to find a location for than store. The following bills were presented, and on motion by Cline, so Talbot and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT KURNSN FUND q. B. Caldwell Trading post Coal for city hall and libra Thomp,son's `3tationer Various supplies Puget Sound Power & L Light 00. Lights (various) Pacifis Telephone telegraph go. Telephones and Toll Chloe Sutton, Treasufer Postage Trick & Murray Supplies for Clerk and Police nded by $ 29.73 2.32 29.62 14.07 3.80 3.64 Chas. &. Heath, Police Captain J. M. Peterson Thompson's Stationery Lolita Bliss Guy L. Wetzel, Cleric T. C. Breitenstein Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Puget Souad Power & Light. Go. American -Vlbg & Steam dupply Co. Pooifis Telephone & Telegraph Co. D. J. Talbot r1 STREET FUND J. A. McBride Clarence T. Griffin Henry Schmitz V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Dress Trucking Gd« Holmberg & Norman Auto repair (traffic aoo ide nt) 8.76 preparing Annual Report 155.00 Fioes and paper for Clerk 8.34 P 0 Box rent (Pol4oe) 1.50 Postage and Incidentals 13.74 Engineering on water extensions 200.00 Power at Brewery well 30.4E Light and power at pimp house 96.40 Valve boxes and adapter 35.13 Telephone and toll 9.40 Merchandise 3.35 Labor on Pottery Hill trail Labor Labor Pump Jaak Zrata forting #vllor Rental of Catterpillhr grader HEALTH, FIRE & POLICE An F[]ND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Fire Department Telephone Howard Cooper Corporatism Fire Equipment Port Orchard Fuel Gil Delivery Oil. for Police Deparyment on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Cline and carried, council adjourned to Monday,,/08tober _ 2,_r,1944 at 7 t 00 o *ealook p. M. ®lark Mayor ___......,.0-___ ___ 20.00 4.00 72.00 5.41 10.82 90.00 7750 94.04 8.17 Port Orchard, Washington September 27, 1944 Emergency meeting held this date with Mayor C. A. Hanks, Councilmen Roy Howe, M. H. `rliompson and W. h. Cosbey; Treasurer Chloe outton present. Treasurer called attention to the fact that Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, First Addition to Sidney (now sort Orchard) Ana being advertised by the County Treasurer to be sold for taxes, and statedthat the mown of Port Orchard has delinquent assess- ments against the property which have been certified to the County Treasurer. She asked that a warrant in the sun of $61.60 be drawn against the L.I.D.Guara,nty Fund in favor of the County Treasurer, to pay the amount which the county has against the property in order that a deed may be received by the Town to protect the assessmentso Following a discussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that the Clerk be directed to draw a warrant on the L.I.D. Guaranty Fund in the amount or $61.60 in favor of the County Treasurer, to secure the lots in question for the city, in order to protect the assessment. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington, October 2, 1944 Adjourned meeting og the Council of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks, with Councilmen M. Thompson, George Cline, Roy Howe and D. J. Talbot; City Attorney John M. Boyle and Superintendent of public 'forks George Givens present. Mayor stated that the meeting had been adjourned to this date for final hearing of the annual budget, and this was taken up and considered by the council. Police problems were discussed in connection with the budget, as was also the matter of probable city hall expense. After a discussion, it was directed that $1,860 be deducted from Police salary items in Current Expense and transferred to Miscellaneous appropriation. It was also direeti that 4480 be deducted from Patrolman salary in Parking Meter fund and transferred to Miscel- laneous appropriation innthat fund. It was also directed that 4480 be deducted from -Police Patrolman salary in Health, Fire and Police Aid fund and transferred to Miscellaneous appro- priation under this fund. Following these changes in the budget, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that the budget be adopted as altered and revised, At this point Rasa Matt, special attorney, and Mr. Hill engineer from the firm (1 of Parker & Hill, appeared with plans and specifications for the Lidney Btreet paving. The plans and specifications were examined by the members of the council, various phases of the improvement were discussed, and it was directed that bids be called for the improvement, to be opened at a meeting of the: council to be held Monday, October 16, 1944 at 7 p. m. Mestinurned on motion duly made, seconded and carried. Clerk - , May or Port Orchard, Washingt October 9, 1944 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washingto by Mayor C. ;i. Hanks. Present Councilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Hone, Go Cossbey and M. H. Ihommzpson; City attorney John M. Boyle; Superintend Works George Givens, and T. C. Breitenstein, engineer on the Melche water extensions. c lled to order g Cline, W. E. t of Public a d Hull Street Minutes of regular meeting of September 25, 1944, emergen y Oeating of September 279 1944, and adjourned meeting of October 2, 1944 read e d opproved. Councilman Howe reported that Lots 4 4nd 5, Block 1, First A dition to Sidney, against which town held a claim for unpaid assessments, was so d by the county, subjeot,to the claim of the city for the assessments. The meat er Was `referrred to the City Attorney to ascertain if all rights of the city h d been safe- iguarded in the transaction. Zack Marshall appeared before the council relative to ope store next to the Washington State Liquor store, where he proposes and beer and wine for off -premises consumption. Mr. Marshall state to contact the State Liquor Control Board on October 10, relative t *soar y state license. The tatter of a local license was di+mussed b kfter the discussion it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and a council go on reeard as not opposed to the issuance of the State li matter of a local license be referred to the License and Revenue oo This being the date upon which the Melchor and Hull store bids were to be opened, Clerk reported that` one bid had been receiv directed to be opened, and the bid of the Valley Construction Compa, an* for a total of $5,635.20 for the entire contract was read to th a discussion of the bid, and a statement by Engineer Breitenstein r bid and the job, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and o, of the valley Construction Company be aceepted, and a contract &war for the work. Deposit of $290.00 as a guarantee of good faith was the Clerk to insure entering into a contract by the Va lle: y Construe Matter of 4-inek water mail extension on Sidney Street was alsomdis council, and M. Callucio of the Valley Construction Company, and it this extension -might be inol uded as part of the contract with the V, Company. Mr. 0alluoie stated that it was a,greemmble to his company Street extension included at the same unit prices as are designated Melchor and Hull street jobs. City Attorney Hoyle stated that it w under the law, to call for bids, as the amount involved was such th3 could not be legally entered into without a regular call for bids. to gall for bids for the Sidney Street extension. The matter of additional street lights authorized by the brought up by the Clerk, who stated that Chairman Cline had request be held up until this date. Councilman Cline informed the council annual increase in the cost of the additional lights, and it was mo 0006nded by Combey that the recommendations of the Light committee a4d itional 1 ght s and the increased intensity of lights bas rec ommmme n Notion carried. in a "miser" o all mixers t t he expected a curing the nee- t a council,, and rr ad that the on e, and that the mi tee. water extension d. Bid was y, on unit basis, council. Af t er la ive to the rr ad that the bid ad to the firm op sited with io Company. us ad bybthe we suggested that 11 y Construction o ave the Sidney in his bdd for ul be necessary t contract 01 his was directed t committee was hat the matte r he approximate by Thompson, pproved, and the be authorized. Mayor Hanks stated that the matter of an additional well bad been discussed, and that Mr. Q,. L. Alinefelter of the Port Orchard Housing -authority h d secured gig an appointment with Xr. L. H. Durkee of the Federal Works Agency, concerning an ad- ditional well, and there would probably be a report forthcoming of the conference at the next meeting of the council. Proposed ordinance governing the operation of taxicabs in o t Orchard was read, and after a discussion., it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Ova and carried that the ordinance be referred to the License committee for report a the next meeting of the council. Post Master R. J. Ca retti appeared before the council wit day parking and overtime parking in front of the post office stati problems exists by reason of this illegal parking. Choef of office - appropriate signs were being secured to designate parking regulsatio A)W post office, and that when the signs were posted that strict sod regulations would be enforced. City Attorney yle informed the council by letter of his the rights of the Standard Oil Company in relation to its storage p the council that the Company was operating under authority grunted that in his opinion the Company is within its rights as granted by City Attorney also submitted an opinion as to the rights extend its water service lines outside the city limits and to sell iridual oustomers, pointing out that existing law permits such attic ions were directed filed by the clerk. A representative of the Veteran4 of Foreign Ware appeared presenting a proposed ordinance, providing for preference in employ man and women. The matter was dissoussed, and on motion by Cline, s carried, the proposed ordinance was rejected on the ground that the by the Council on August 14, 1944 covered the Timm` subject matter of ference to all - hat a real in stated that n front of nos to the. n est igat ion of n , informing ordinance, and d nance No.320. he city to t r to indi- These opin- ore the council for ex --service dad by Howe and olution passed proposed ordi- NO nance. US At this stage of the meeting Councilman Cline was excused and left the meeting. Cecil,Both appeared before the meeting with reference to securing water on the Sidney road south of Port Orchard, and suggested that it might be advisable to con- struct a larger main than has been contemplated outside the city limits to servo all even greater number in the future. The matter was discussed at length, and the opinion as expressed by the council was that the city would not be in4ersted in extending the watermains beyond the city limits at this time. The matter of maintaining the booster pump,necessary to force water to the area seeking water through Mr. Both, was discussed, and the Superintendent of Public Works stated that he believed that it -would be possible for his foreeto look after the pump. The matter of police salaries came up for another airing, Chief of Police W. H.. Hankin, Pollee Captain Charles A. Beath and Meter Patrolman R. E. Talbot being present. The matter of budget allocations were examined and discussed, the possibility of increasing salaries was deliberated, and the sense of the meeting appeared that there would be no increases in salaries at the present time. On motion by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried, the following vlaims were allowed and ordered paid: CURRENT E 0 K R bber Welders E Tire repair, air, patrol car Port Urclard Independent Ordinances, Resolutions, Budget Thompson s Stationery Adding Mao him Tape Howe's Hardware Stove oil for pollee Puget Sound power & Light Co. Street lights for Sept. STREET FUND A C Goering Construction Co. Howe is Hardware Howe Motor Co. Dowling's Texaco Service a Eta Lion Port Orchard Signal. Serviae Lumber Supply 0 K Rubber Welders W. L. Johnson Henry Schmitz Kerr Motors Grader Rental Nails Parts for truck Parts for grader Truck Tire Lumber Tire repair La bo r Labor 2 Inner Tubes EATER FUND Bremerton Concrete products Trick 61� Murray Port Orchard Independent Slocum. Hardware Howe Motor Co. Howe 's Hardware American Plbg & Ste Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & fight Co. Tile File guides and string binders 9 M Eater Receipts Blow torch, Pyrene, *to. Brass Plugs Merchandise Adapter Light at pump house HEALTH, FIRE AND POLM AID FUND 11.33 83.85 1.03 4.59 97.50 468.00 . 78 7.69 3.61 26.55 2.00 57.11 32.00 72.00 9.23 12.56 3.511 52.74 17.97 .26 8.76 4.11 1.17 Howe )kotor Co. Repairs to paddy wagon 2.94 On motion by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried council adjourned to Ootober 1,6, 1944. 01 k Ma yo r _--0---_-_- Port Orchard, Washington October lei, 1944 Ad4ourned meeting of the Port Orchard council, convened for the purpose of receiving and considering bids for the paving of Qidney Dtreet, walled to corder by -Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present pounco ilmen E. E. Cosbey, George Cline, Roy Howe and D. J. Talbot; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens; Attorney Ross W. Watt and Engineer 1. Cur- tis Parker, special offioers on the project, and several interested citizens. Mayor Hanks stated the reason for the meeting and asked for bids on the krojeot of paving Sidney Street. It was stated that but one bid had been rooeived, and that this bid had been withdrawn prior to the meeting, and that there no bids to be considered. Mr. Parker, the engineer, stated 'thk% `the projects ad at tential bidders who had received plans and specifications,, but tha inability to seoure pre -mix concrete in this area, due to the heav being clone by the Federal government on the railroad job, and the at Bangor in the north and of the ac unty, had deterred the contras on the job. He stated that inability tor�isecure pre=mix concrete w above thb estimate. Mr. Parker also stated that as repre sentat ive of a Govern been in Port Orchard a few days ago, and that his attention had be Sidney Street, and he had been informed of the efforts being made the city and the city officials to permanently construct the stree firm believed thaat it might be possible to seoure some federal aid and that they wire ready to file an application for funds to help of the pavinj. ted sir po- believed the nstruct ion oth installations f rar m bidding make the cc** agency had alled to esidents of nd that his the job, ay the expense After a disoussion, it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by 1 ot" and carried that Parker & Hill be authorized to file preliminary pppllfttion for funds help defray the expense of paving Sidney Street, and akhht another call fornbids f ftr the job be deferred until early in 1945. The matter of maintenance of Sidney street during the cc discussed, and Superintendent of Public Works George Givens stated that the best method would be to properly grade the surface, clew iraius, and apply a light oil coating. After a discussion, the ma h6ha3ae was turned over to the Street Department, to proceed with th as' possib,e. Mayor Hanks stated that a representative of the Federal B Roads had informed him that he would be in Port orchard a 1: 00 b t cl Tues ,. October 17, to go over plans and proposals in gonneotion w watoo- nt highway, and stated that the representative had requeste to property owners should be informed of the meeting andgiven Watppear. Clerk was directed to rogUest Olin Sprague of the Berry Co#any to be present, and to netity Dr. H. 1. Wilson, chairman of Housing Authority, Frank g. La or and Charles L. Alinefelter of th iti, and the Commandant of the a r Yard, of the conference. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried to ark. - - r r► - w r 0 - - - - - r - Port Orchard, Washington October 23, 1944 months was t he believed ditches and of ma int e- rk as rapidly u of Public P. m* on the proposed at any in- opportunity ineer ing Port Orchard using Author- jojurn. Council met in regular session, called to order by Mayor C. A. Present Councilmen D. J. Talbot, W. E. Cosbey, and Roy Howe; City A to; Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens. Absent Counci mai Cline and M. A. Thompson., Minutes of regular meeting of October 9, 1944 and special 169 1944, read and approved. , yor Het nks . !nay John M. ! George ng of October Mayor ,made a report on the meeting with Mr. Saargeaant of the Fe oral Bureauof kublie Roads, held on October 17, to consider thewaterfront hig wa , and stated that it appeared from results of the meeting that the reprresentaa►tiv h d made up his mind before the onnferenoe, Land that nothing which developed at the 00 ference had *banged his opinion. The Mayor stated that apparently it would be ec ssary to attack some other aggle in order to get the necessary backing for t e onetruction of the waterfront road. A report was made to the council that traf fio signs in the j ity of Haarri-»aeon and Bay Streets near Peninsula Feed Store had been obliterated eing painted over. Council went on record as objecting to aaotion of any citizenn assumingauthority over street signs and called for more police activity too eat these signs. Chief of Polioe nankin stated that he had investiga�ated thet car, and had conferred with Mr. Vaughan in regaa�rd to the painted out asignaa,andd instructed him to have thesigns replaced at once. Chief" of Police wasdirect o have new signs painted and installed, and to have costabilled to PeninsulaFd Co. The proposed taxi ordinance came up for second reading, and a aeport on the ordinanoe was made by Cahirman Howe of the License and Revenue (;ommltt e, who suggested certain changes in regard to rates to be charged. These changes were de an the ordinance, and on motion by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried, o di a;nce was passed as amended. r" r C Matter of a shop for repairing parking meters was discussed, 'and it was the expressed opinion of the council members that anshop be provided. After a dis- cussion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot that the construction of a suitable shop be referred to Councilman Cosbey to proceed to have a shop constructed. Motion carried. Clerk was directed to secure a suitable heater for the city hall, ton motion by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and aerried. Type of street lights on .Bay street, directed to be installed, was discussed, and It was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carried that "light Direotional" units of 4,000 lumen intensity be installed on Bay street from the blinker light between Rockwell and Seattle Streets to a point near the cornet of Kitsap and Cline Streets. Resolution authorizing the State Department of Highways to set aside -the sin of $92,25, accruing to the Town of fort Orchard, to defray the cost of painting traf'fio lines on .Bay street, and for grader rental and for truck rental, was presented to the council, and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carried, resolution was passed. L. A. Tucker, residing at the corner of die lche r and Tacoma Streets, asked. that suitable barricades be placed on the corner tomdesignate street lines and traffic lanes at this intersection, as traffic now cuts clear in to the property line, making it impossible to maintain parking strips or abutting yards, due to dirt and gravel being throan by passing oars. platter was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent of Public Works to investigate and to work out aome solution, in conjunction with Mr. fucker. M. Calluoio of the Valley Construction Co. tendered an oral bid for the laying of water mains on Sidney Street from the south city limits to the existing mail at the same unit prices as are included in the Melcher and Hull street jobs, for which his firm is now under contract with the city. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that the bid of the Valley Construction Co. be accepted, and that formed contract be drawn and entered into. Matter of dogs runnin at large without licenses was brought up by Chief of kolice Hankin, who stated that a youngster had been bitten, and that it had been necessary to take the dog to a veterinary for observation; that the owner had later redeemed his dog, paid all expenses, but that a serious problem exists. The matter was discussed and referred to the City Attorney to report on rights and powers of the police in the matter of stray dogs. Police Chief again brought up the problem of impounding cars, which it was necessary to pick up, and he was directed to place them in commercial garages and charge storage to owners. Councilman Talbot raised the question of building; inspection in the city, and after a discussion and a reading of the building ordinance, May or Hanks appointed the Health and Sanitation committee as the Building Committee under the terms of Ordinance -No. 370e Fatter of equitable rate to be changed for fire protection hook-up at the South Kitsap High sobool was brought up by Superintendent of Public Works Georges Givens, and the matter was passed for further investigation and report. Following bills presented, and on motion by Ho ,, seconded by Taibbb and Carried, were ordered paid: CURRFM EXPENSE FUND Fred G, Vetters, Sheriff Daily Journal of Commerce Kitsap County Bank Trick & Murray Puget Sound Pourer & Light Co. Puget Sound Stamp storks Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Trick & Murray Board of prisoners (august, 1944 ) Call for bids (Sidney Street) Deposit box rent (Treasurer) Registration supplies, etc. Light at Fire Hal Rubber Stamp for Treasurer Clerk, Police and Fire Telephones Pencils for `.treasurer WATER FUND Worthington Gamon deter Co. 15 water meters (contract) Puget bound rawer o1* Light Co. Power and light at Brewery, PtAping plant and new well Wilkins-Lursen Co. Gasoline, etc. (contract) Pacific 'telephone and Telegraph Co. Telephone and toll, plant and. Supt. American Plumbing & Steam Sup. Co. Pipe and fittings Lents, Inc. ;L union W. L. Johnson W. L. Schmitz Vernon Sohlabaoh Lumber Supply STREET rum Labor Labor Labor Lumber 85.00 25.55 4.80 38.13 2.69 1.83 16.95 .93 182.82 168* 40 82.51 13.50 9.54 1.71 20.00 . 00 e32.00 2.06 W. L. Johnson Puget bound dews Co. STATE AID FMID Labor on sewer lateral Books for Library HEALTH, .FIRE & POLICE AID FM W. H. Hankin, Chief of police Holmberg & Norman Traffic Baton Channel Iron for Fire Truc On Motion by Talbot, seconded by Hoge and carried, count p- _ _ _ - _ _ Port Orchard, Washington November 13, 1944 24.00 26.05 ourned. Mayo r 3.90 5.35 Regular meeting of the council of port Orohaafd oall6d to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks, with Councilmen D. J. Talbot', Roy RoWe, George Cline and W. F. Cos bey; City Attorney ohn M. Bogie; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, and T. C. Breitenstein, engineer, present. Minutes of meeting of October 23, 1944 read and approved as read. George Pope, of Helfair, appeared before the council and gave his version of an auto accident which he stated oeoured in Port Orchard near the Peninsula Cold Storage i'lant on September 30, 1944. In his report and comments, be criticized the fictions of theort Orchard police officers in handling the ca e, and made a po'i ,of the leged fact that the occupants of the car were deta d at the Police Stationfor some time before being taken to the hospital for treatment and that bail was demanded, from the occupants of the car before they were permitted to leave the Police Station. Captain Heath of the Police Department heard the c eats of Mr. Pope and gave his version of the accident and ocoured subsequent t t e Police being called to the scene. After a discussion of the matter and an exc of ideas between Mar. Pope and Captain Meath, Mr. Pope withdrew from the meet i During the discussion outlined above, Councilman M. B. Thompson entered the t ng m d took his seat with the council. Capt. Cecil Both of the local unit of the Washington Ste uard Reserve addressed the council and stated that the Guard had secured the for a Army site Went the cemetery, including the buildings,, for headquarters, and sk d that a re- lease be given to the Guard for certain parts of streets which the si a occupied. He explained that these streets had been included in the Army site, d that leases had previously been given to the Army for use of the streets, and sk d that since the Army had relinquished their leases, that easements be granted he Washington Mate Guard Reserve for their temporayy use. On motion by Bowe, s ed by Cline and carried, Clerk was directed to write appropriate letter grants he use of the streets asked for, H. E. Dingle of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. presented contracts from his wmpapy covering the pumping requirements at the new well. The contract was referred to the 81ty Attorney and the 6uperintendent of Public Works. A letter was reed from Darold Mundell, acting for Earl M. Dew, Chief Federal Property Section of the FWA, offers the fire equipment a � t FPHA at the local government Housing projects for 60 ofthe original cost he equipment, and listing the equipment, was read to thecouncil. The ooa.V was UPWA,de* ,745.00, and the equipment consists of a Ford Mercury model chassis, 500-gal P.U. Seagraves pump, together wit74 tppurtenanoes, and 1,000 feet' of 2}-inoh hose. The cost to the city would be 42,E 4?L*00, and under the terms of the sale as set forth in the letter, the equipment would be leased to the Housing Authority for the durat i n of the emergency sand apy period beyond the aesergency that the equipment is n eded. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that the council go o4 record as favoring the purchase of the fire equipment, under the 'terms as outLined in the letter, provided the purchase can be legally made, and that satisfy t ry rates can be made with the F.P.H.A. The muter was referred to City Attorney Boyle for an opinion, after the City Attorney had raised the question of the leg 1 ty of the purchase without a call for bids for the equipmbnt. Application by Jack Marshall for pinball license in Jack's lWixer Shop at Prospect and Frederick Streets was reed, and on motion by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried, the applioatlon--wes. granted. A letter from Rear Admiral A. M. Griffin Commandant of t e Navy Yard, with reference to rats at the Port Orchard bjj�911%ump, wee read, n it was moved by Thompeon, seconded by Co►sbey and carried that the jotter b eferred to the Health Officer and the Garbage .Department for action, and tbit the lerk answer the letter, stating that steps are being taken to handle the matiqr in h best possible manner. Councilman Thompson submitted a latter which he had received from Fred W. Beak, former police officer of fort Orchard, with regard to pay for furlough. Chief of Polioe Hankin stated that Mr. Beck had been a faithful and conscientious officer, and that he would recommend that he be allowed a week's pay for furlough, as he had served without any time tiff for thirteen months. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe that Clerk be directed to draw a Warrant in favor of Fred W. Beck for $43.12 as and for one week's pay as patrolman. Motion Carried. Detailed bid by valley Construction Company, in acoordanee with bid made in open council on October 23, 1944, for water main extension, was submitted to the council, and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Howe, and carried, was accepted. It was stated that the signs near Bay street and Seattle street, which were obliterated recently and were ordered replaced by the council on October 23, would be replaced at once. City attorney Boyle explained the rights of police officers with relation .to stray dogs. Clerk was directed to write to Bremerton officials to ascertain what that city is doing to handle the dog problem. T. C. Breitenstein, in answer to a question as to when pipe for water exten- sions might be expected, stated that apparently it would be some time yet, as previous orders for similar material had not yet been filled. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens stated that he had discussed the question of rates for water for fare protection at the high school, and so fear no definite rates had been submitted. He asked for further time to investigate charges in other areas, and to contact Paul Brawn of the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau as to -equitable rates. Capt. G. G. Hanson of the fort Orchard Housing Authority appeared before the council regarding rates agreed upon for quantity of water desired by the Housing Authority. After a discussion, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried, that a clause be included in future contracts that rates are subject to revision annually, based on operating costs of the system, and on profit and loss detail. Councilman Thompson resigned as a member of the special water committee to negotiate with the Housing Authority on water rates and matters pertaining to rater service to the Housing projects. The resignation was accepted and Councilman Cline was named to fill the vacancy on the committee.. Clerk stated that the Street fund is overdra*V, and gave his estimate that 40000.00 would be required to carry the fund over to January 1, 19". He asked that 49000.00 be transferred from the Current Expense Fund to the Street Fund. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Clime and carried that $4,000.00 be transferred from the Cureent Expense Fuhd to the street Fund, to be allocated to various divisions of the Street Fund where required. Following claims presented and on motion b y Howe, seconded by Talbot, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Trick & Murray Registration supplies (Clerk) $ 11.62 Howe Motor Co. Paddy Wagon Repair 8.55 Ho�ve's Hardware Tools and Material (Police) 2.11 Puget Sound rower & Light Co. First Aid Station Lights (Sept. -Oct.) 2.00 Lolita Bliss Postage for Police 4.70 Peninsula Stationers Supplies for Police 3.61 Puget Sound Power & Light 00. Street lights for October, 1944 97.50 Sheriff Kitsap Cofinty, Board of prisoners, Sept., 1944 102.00 Tohhson & Hubbard Fog light switch (Police) .56 Thompson's Office Supplies Clerk, Treas., Police) 17.71 Street Fund Standard Oil Co. Deisel oil 2.77 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber 42.45 Sloougi Hardware Tools 6.28 Bremerton Sand & Gravel Co. Sand and Gravel 23.70 Bremerton Oil Delivery M02 Road Oil 60.67 Bremerton nil Delivery M02 Road Oil 1208.21 Henry Schmitz Labor on streets 100.00 Vernon Schlabsch Labor on streets 104.00 Trick & Murray Stencil brushes 2.20 Bremerton Concrete PrdduotsCo. Drain Tile and Oupplies 30.43 SEWER FUND W. L. '1ohnson Labor installing sewer lateral 6.00 WATER FUND W. L. 4ohnson Labor installing service line 10.00 n American klbg & Steam Sup. Co. Pipe and fittings 27•83 Slocum Hardware Merchandise 2.20 • 82 Howe Is Hardware Nails I STATE AID FOND Welsh Fuel Co. Coal for City Hall and Library 9.53 Moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that counc4 adjourn. Matvor Port Orchard, Washington November 27, 1944 Regular meeting of the Counoil of sort Orchard called to rd Hanks. Present Councilmen M. H. `jhompson, W. E. Cosbey, Roy Howe, Geo D. J. Talbot; City .Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Wo Givens, and To 0. Breitenstein, engineer in charge of special projects Minutes of meeting ct November 13, 1944, read and approve 3r by Mayor C. cge Cline and ?ks George Copy of letter from parker & Hill, addressed to District �ng neer, Public Hoads Administration relative to seouring aid for paving cr Sidnejr tr et read and ordered filed. f � Clerk reported that he had sent copies of letter from Adm ra R. M. Griffin, re;ative to the rat population at garbage dump to Dr. H. E. W 1son, City Health Officer, and to �. Partin, contractor for removing garbage i the town. He stated that Dr. Wilson, was to contact Br. Spielholtz of the Public ealth De- partment, relative to what would be the best method of dealing with th situation. Clerk was directed to contact Mr. Partin and inform him that under 4is contract the refuse is to proper; y disposed of, and the dump kept in proper co nd ti n. George Givens, Superintendent of public Works, stated the Jh had contacted the Washington Surveying and Bating Bureau concerning an equitable ato be charged the Sohool District for fire protection for the High.Sohool. It wa so stated that a member of the school board would meet with the council at it xt meeting relative to the matter. On motion by Howe, seconded by Cline and c red, decision on the matter was deferred until the next .me sting of the council. A request from County Auditor Wendell Vaa that o ounc it re o d people to serve oft the election board at the coming city election was res nt and, Clerk was directed to notify the ilection board that the names of W. . de men, Mrs. Emily Ldvuke, Mrs. Theda Peterson and Mrs teary B. Peterson were rec mm nded as suitable persons to serve on the boardl { A. Councilman Cosboy reported that surer connections on several buildings on Bay Street were faulty in some cases and non-existent in others. The tter was discussed, and Superintendent of Public Works Givens stated that hiE d partment would mike inspection of conditions and submit a report. It was moved by Th mpson, seconded by Howe and carried that following the report the ,names of the offs di property owners be turned over to the City Attorney with all supporting data f r proper action. T. C. Breitenstein, engineer, reported that he had called on Fred W. Evani, director of the FWA, regarding application for proposed new water 8 ur es, He stated that so far he had been unable to get supporting data and justifica io from the Housing Authority officials, and that the preliminary application h d eon filed with the FWA witaout this data, and that he had informed the agency of t e eason for the incomplete application.' He stated that the matter is now between t e WA and the FPHL, and that there is nothing f1rther which the town can do, unti t lose agencies come to an agreement. George Givens, Superintendent, reported that all work had 'be n completed in connection with installing power equipment by the FPHA at the nev w 11, and that so far it has worked to his satisfaction. After discussing the matter, i was moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried, that final scoeptanoe be defer d to Decegiber 11, 1944. Following bills presented, and after examination by the a un il, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried, ~:hat the bills be paid: Port Orchard Independent Publish ordinances 503-507,'etc Washington T pewriter Co. �ower Rental of typewriter for Ol rk Puget/ Sound Light Co. Blinker, traffic and cityhall Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Clerk telephone and toll Thomas Sign & Paint Co. Traffic s&gns Peninsula Stationers Various supplies for Police Erhest Petty Labor installing toilet WATER FUND Port Orchard Independent Call for bids Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Telephone and tolls Puget found power & Light Co. Power and light, pump stations 47.01 7.73 it. 23.71 4.20 13.91 9.97 117.55 8.30 11.95 145.24 HEALTH, FIRE AND POLICE AID FUND Pacific Tele hone &: ,over Telegraph moo. Police and Fire Telephones 12.70 Puget 0ound & Light Co. Fire Hall Light 3.98 W. H. Hankin, Chief of Police 2 bx shells --electric work (Re-imbureement 4.67 STREET FUND Puget Sound -Navigation Co. Truck transp. ,Edmonds -Kingston 7.25 Neil H. Hankin Labor 12.00 PARKING METER FUND George D. retry Painting Meter Shop 27„00 8obert B. Ryan .Hardware and Millwork (14eter shop) 31.98 Robert B. Ryan Labor, 8 days at $12.34 per day 98.72 Robert L. Ryan Lumber and Material Meter Shop 86.65 led by Talbot and carried to adjourn. Mayor 0 - - - - _ _ - Port Orchard, Washington December 11, 1944 Regular meeting of the council of the Town of Firm Orchard called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks, with Councilmen W. E. Cosbey George Cline and D. J. Talbot; City Attorney John M. Boyle and Superintendent of public Works George Givens present. Minutes of meeting of November 27, 1944, read and approved. A group of people representing the Port Orchard Progressive Club was present at the meeting, and filed a petition for use by "teen -.Ages" of the grounds and barraoks located at the Central School site, from the school house east to the fence. j Robert L. Bruhahn presented the petition on behalf of the group, and stated that it is one of the aka of the Progressive Club to aid the Teen Agers of the community in obtaining grounds and quarters for their recreational activities. Mayor Hanks read the petition to the council, explained its provisions, andastated that the city govern- ment is already oin record as looking favorably on the petition, following the council meeting of September 25, 1944, when a group of young people had appeared before the council and explained their aims and desires. At that time the matter had been referred to the. Planning Committee and to the Youth Committee of the Port Orchard Kiwanis Club for investigation and recommendation. .Atbthis point in the meeting councilman Roy Howe entered the meeting and took his seat with the Council. The petition was discussed by members of the council, all of whom gave favorable expression to the movement. Several visitors present addressed the council, and Councilman Howe suggested *hat the promoters contact Commander Sass in the Navy Yard, as he stated that the Navy is interested in recreational activities and might be able to gite some assistance. He also stated that the Navy is negotiating with the Army for release of the Central School prentses, as the Navy is desirous of obtaining the quarters for Military use. After further discussion, it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carried that the petition of the Port Orchard Progressive Club be granted, subject to existing leases and commitments with the Armed .forces, and also on condition that the city be protected by adequate and proper liability insurande. Following the passage of the motion, Mayor Hanks named a- special committee consisting of Councilmen Howe, chairman, and Councilmen Oosbey and Cline, to make final arrangements with the Progressive Club for lease of the property, and with full power to act in the matter of negotiatings with the Club. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens stated that he had contacted Paul Brawn of the Washington Surveying and eating .bureau concerning proper charge for fire protection at the South Kitsep High School. The ratter was discussed as unfinished business, and it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried that a charge of $2.00 per month dd'reeaeh fire hydrant on the school grounds be made against School District No. 402 for fire protection at the High School, the fee to be billed monthly. The Clerk was directed to notify the School Directors of the action. A. W. Hodge, member of the .school Board of District No 402 entered the meeting and was informed of the action by the Council. He stated that he believed that the arrangement would be satis- factory to the Board. On the agenda from the meeting of N vember 271, 1944, was the matter of aooeptare of the pumping equipment at the new well, installed under the terms of the contract ik with the Port Orchard Housing Auhtority. Superintendent Givens stated that the equip- ment is working satisfactorily, and it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot, that n the equipment be accepted. Notion carried. Mayor-eleot Woell then addressed the oounoil, statl that he entered on his new off loe with a full realization of the res on ibilities Involved* He said that he would seek the assistance and oo-- pe ation of the members of the council and would bend every effort to make a su oess of the administration. He stated that his interests were in Port O oh rd where he had resided for the past seven years, and that his hope and mb ti.on are to give to the.. city a sonalble and economical administration, Qrwd Ono which would reflect credit to the community and its officers. Oily Attorney Bohn M. Boyle, City Clerk Guy L. Wet el Superin- tendent of Public forks George Givens, and Captain Chas. A. ea h of behalf of the Police Department, paid their respects to Mayor Hanks, tanked him for his services and expressed appreciation of the privilege of serving as his appointees. Councilmen Roy Howe, George Cline, W. E. Coebey and D. J. Talbot � felicitated Mayor Hanks on his long service as Mayor and expressed appreoi- ation of the opportunity to work with him in the administrat on of the cityts affairs, and pledged rt and cooperation to the new Mayor* Harold Anslow of the Planning Committee also expressed the appre- oiation of his group for the fine co-operation received from Mayor Hanks and the city administration. Claim of Rear Leland Smelaer for damages alleged to ha a been ass- tained to his car by being hit by the city truck was referred t the City Attorney. The following claims were presented, examined byte 4ouncil, and on motion by 411ne, seconded by Talbot and carried, were or er d paid: The Stock Company Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lotita Bliss Paoifio Tel. & Tel. Co. W. H. Rankin Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk 0. X. Rubber welders W. L. Johnson Port Orchard Lumber Yard Puget Bound Potter & Light Coo Paaitio Tel. & Tel. Go, Amer. Plbg. & Steam Supply T« C. Breitenstein W. L. Johnson Withholding Tax Blanks (Clerk)' Light at Fire Hell Re-imbursement, Poiice Siupplie Tel. & 'ail, Police & Cleric Re-imbursement for expenses, Pali e Postage, eta. Tire Repair, Police I WATER FUND Labor installing water service } Material to line pump house Power & Light Telephones & toll Pipe & Fittings Advanae fees, Hull & Melchor 3t- �_X Labor installing sewer lateral HEALTH, FIRE & POLICE AID FUND Pacific Tel. & Tel. Go. William Gephardt Fire slept. Phone 1 STREET FUND Welding & Material WXLL4GONSTRUCTION FUND No Co Jannsen Drilling Co. Bal. due for drilling Well No, 12 n 2.79 3. 68 17«10 9.8() 19.85 9.46 15.45 18.75 30.40 135.76 11.70 79.01 « 100.00 12.00 1. 50 24.88 3,799.95 i' Part Orchard, Washington December 26, 1944 Council of the Town of -Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. Hanks with Councilmen W. E. Cosbey, Roy Howe, D. J. Talbot and George Cline; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of -Public Works George Givens, and Mayor -elect Francis J. Woell present. Minutes of meeting of December 11, 1944 read and approved. Councilman Howe reported on negotiations looking toward acquiring certain buildings owned by the Government at the site of the Centrao School, for the "2eenw. . Age" club. He stated that he and Councilman Cline, to„ether with A. L. Bruhahn of the Port Orchard Progressive Club, had made a trip to Seattle, but had been unable to a000mplish -a great deal, due to the fact that the government's representative in charge van not present. The oommittes -was granted further time, and the Clerk was directed to telephone to .Army Engineers in Seattle, and make an appoiitment for a conference between the committee from the Council and the Army authorities. A report of conditions existing on the north side of Bay Street as they effect the sewer system, was read by the Clerk, as detailed by George Givens, Superintendent of Public Forks. On motion by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried, Clerk was directed to ascertain as nearly as possible the ownerships and descriptions of the property involved, and report this data to the City Attorney as requested in his letter. Letter from Admiral H. hi. Griffin, Commandant of the Navy Yard, Puget Sound, thanking the city administration for their co-operation in rat control at the garbage dump, and approving the methods used and results accomplished, was read and ordered riled. The contract between the Town of Port Orchard and the Heusi ng luthority of the `-'own of Port Orchard, for supplying by the Town of Port Orchard, surplus water to the. Housing Authority, was presented by the Clerk, and on motion, by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried, was ordered signed, after changes advised by the City Attorney are included in the contract. Contract for el ec tro i power at the new Bell, between the `-`oven of Port Orchard and thenPuget sound Power & Light Company, was presented and ordered signed. • Superintendent of Public `forks George Givens reported that he had•exper- ienoed aomortnbible with the pump at the Brewery well, and that steps to correct the trouble are under way. MW or Hanks stated that complaints have been made to him, and that he had been requested to bring to the attention of the council, the matter of lack of waiting room facilities and restcroom facilities. at the Port Orchard -Bremerton ferry dock, -and alsomthat lights should be placed on the dock to -illuminate the thoroughfare from the ferry slips to My street. The matter was discussed by the members of the council, and the Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Horluck Transportation Company regarding the matter, and to send a copy of the letter to Dr. H. G. Swanson, owner of the Central Hotel property. Clerk stated that the final grant of 63,51&.37 from the Federal Works Agency to complete payment for the new well had been received. At this stage of the meeting Captain Charles A. Heath of the .Police Depart- ment, -presented to the council and other officers, on behalf of Miss Lolita Bliss, Police Clerk, a box of delicious candy as a holiday gift. Mayor C. A. Hanks stated that this would be the last meeting at which he would preside as Mayor, as his term would expire January 9, 1944, and that he would be leaving for the State Legislature on January 7, and Would not be here for the next regular meeting. He paid a high tribute to the members pit the council, and to the other city officers for their conscientious work and sincere efforts to conduct the affairs of the city in a businesslike and economical manner, always looking after the financial and moral conditions of the town and being co-operative and agreeable in dealings in connection with the city business, even though at many times differences had ocoured. He called attention to many unsolved problems and unfinished efforts which would confroit the new Mayor, and offered his best efforts to aid in any manner possible in apy matter that might come up in the future. He stated that it would be one of his chief aims at the coming session of the Legislature to see that any laws concerning municipalities would be beneficial, and stated that several new laws for the benefit of towns would no doubt be presented, and that these would receive his carefu& attention. Hr greeted mayor - elect Francis J. Woell, and wished for him successful administration, and called atten- tion td the fact that the new Mayor is entering upon his duties with the confidence of thenpeople of the community, as is proved by the large majority by which he was elected.. He pledged support to the new administration, and said that he visualized a rapid and healthy growth and development for -Port Orchard in the mxt few years. Mayor-eleot Woell then addressed the council, stating that he entered on his now office with a full realization of the responsibilities Involved. He said that he would seek the assistance and co-operation of the members of the council and would bend every effort to make a success of the administration. He stated that his interests were in Port Orgha,rd where he had resided for the past seven years, and that his hope and a bition are to give to the eity a sensible and economical administration, an4 one which mould reflect credit to the community and its offioers. .011ty Attorney John M. Hoyle, City Clerk Guy L. 'Wetzel, Superin- tendent of Public Works George givens, and Captain 0has. A. Heath of behalf of the Police Department, paid their respects to Mayor Hanks, 'thanked his for his services and expressed appreciation of the privilege of serving as his appointees. Councilmen Roy Howe, George Cline, W. E. Cosbey end'D. J. Talbot felicitated Mayor Banks on his long service as Mayor and expressed eppreoi- ation of the opportunity to work with him in the administration of the oity's affairs, and pledged xuppDrt and co-operation to the new Mayor. Harold Anslow of the Planning Committee also expressed the appre- ofation of his group for the fine co-operation received from ]Mayor Hanks and the city administration. Claim of Rex Leland Smelser for damages alleged to 4ave been sus- tained to his ear by being hit by the city truck was referredito the City Attorney. I The following claims were presented, examined by the council, and on motion by ,;Oilne, seconded by Talbot and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND The Steak Company Withholding Tax Blanks (Clerk) l 2.79 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light at Fire Hall 3.58 LoUtg Bliss Re-imbursement, police Suppliesi 17.10 Pacific Tel. & Tell. Co, Tel. & Tell, Police & Clerk 9.80 W. H. Hankin Re-imbursoment for expenses, Police 19.85 Guy L. Wetzel, Clerk Postage, etc. 9.46 0. N. Rubber Welders Tire Repair, Police 15.45 WATER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor installing water service 18.75 Port Orohard Lumber Yard Material to line pump house 30.40 PAget Sound Power & Light Co. power & Light 135.75 Patoitie Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephones & tall 11.70 Amer. Plbg. & Steam Supply Pipe & Fittings 79.01 T. 4. Breitenstein Advance fees, Hull & Melchor St; Ext. 100.00 SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson Labor installing sewer lateral I 12.00 HEALTH, FIRE & POLICE .AID FUND Pacific Tel. do Tel. Co. Fire Dept. Phone 7.50 STREET FUND William Gephardt Welding do Material 24.88 W=40ONSTRUCTION FUND N. Co Jannsen Drilling Co. Bal. due for drilling Well No. 2 30799.95 VITOR i i i i