01/01/1941 - Regular - Minutes604 COUNCIL MINUTES- January 130 1941 The regular meeting of January 13, 1941 was called to order by James Munro, Town Clerk, with all Councilmen present. Dean Corliss was named acting Mayor by the Coucil and proceeded to read the recommendations of C. A. Hanks, who was unable to be present. The Acting Mayor then called upon Captain James A. Pryde of the Washington State Patrol to explain their version of our parking problem, Captain Pryde expressed the interest of the Washington State Patrol in the safety and welfare of the traveling public on the highways of the State. He said that their careful observation and study had convinced them that the type of parking now in use in the Town of Port Orchard was more danger- ous than the parallel parking which had formerly been used in Port Orchard. For this reason, he asked the Council to return to a system of parallel parking. He expressed the willingness of the Patrol to cooperate with the Town ,of Port Orchard in enforcing the traffic laws of the State and said that he recognized the peculiarity of the situation in our Town, after ob- serving it, and realized that ours was a difficult problem to contend with. In closing, Captain Pryde stated that he would carry back to -Olympia the• story of our situation in the Town of Port Orchard. Sergeant Coontz of the � i State Patrol then spoke briefly on the same subject. The Acting Mayor then called upon the Councilmen to express their views on the parking problem. The Council members explained to Captain Pryde that their observation of the present system showed it to be a far more satisfactory and safer method of handling the traffic in the Town than resulted from the parallel parking. Ross Watt, Bud Belknap and Carl Holmberg told of their views on the present system and all expressed themselves in favor of the angle parking or vari- ations of it. The Acting Mayor then called the attention of Captain Pryde to the fact that there had been a tremenduous increase in the population of the Town and a further restriction on the number of cars that are allowed to park in the Navy Yard, resulting in a`problem which the Council was un- able to solve, in view of the layout of the Town of Port Orchard, there being no alleys which could be used for loading purposes and no method of getting into the places of business other than the single street. He j further explained that the Council would continue to seek ways and means of relieving the situation with the end in view of being able to return to the type of parking suggested by the State,whenever the Town could reasonably do SO. ,k Council then passed an Ordinance creating the Garrison Street LID for the laying of water mains. 605 The Clerk read the letter -of C�,sl VT. Smith, W.P. x. Director of Labor,,and the Council directed the Clerk to answer th:e same; denying any i liability on tha part of the Town of Port Orchard. i Council then passed a resolution naming the Kitsap County Bank as the Depository of the Town funds, The Council then approved the Bond of the Town Treasurer and approved the appointment`.of Victor Holmquist as Marshal, with1he understanding that the salary wou14 be the same as that which had been paid to Mr. Northey. The appointment of 4eorge Givens and Alan Totten to the positions which they had formerly held w4s approved by the Council. The q*estion was then raised as to the salary of the Treasurer and City Attorney atpd other city officials. Council deferred any action on this matter until it,could have an opportunity to study the Budget for the year 1941 and make aMy adjustments which were to be made within the limits of that Budget. Dick Oaretti again raised the question of free mail delivery ser- vice in the Tow4 of Port Orchard and was told that before such a service could be installed it would be necessary for the Town to have a new engineer- ing survey and that there were no funds available for such a purpose. Council then voted to restrict the parking on the South side of Prospect Streetfrom Sidney to the Navy View Hotel to one hour periods. George Cline asked for the return to concrete meter boxes and was told that such a change had been made. There.being no further business the bills were read and approved and warranted ordered drawn for the same. Howe's Hardware Frank Simpson Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Selina Honey County Auditor Floy G. Applegate Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Lumber Yard S. J. Priebe Howe's H4rdware Howe Motor Co. Port Orchard Lumber Yard Gilmore Oil Co. Pete Neurnberge County Auditor Worthington-Gamon Meter Co. Mill & Mine Supply, Inc. GENERAL FUND Turpentine, Chalk & Wheelbarrow 8.42 Police Patrol 33.55 Street Lighting 78.78 Cleaning library 2.50 'License for Fire Truck 1.25 Premium on Clerk's & Treasurer's Bonds 30.00 Publication .70 Advance to Sewer Project 13.26 Registration Forms 2.63 advance to sewer Project 2.04 STREET FUND Repair on truck & wrecker charges 17.40 Lumber 1.21 Gasoline 18.15 Labor.on Streets 5.50 License for Dump Trucks 2.50 WATER FUND Worm gears 3.90' Water Pipe covering 21.07 606 American Plumbing & Steam Supply Solder Fluxe & Co. I.P. Adapter Bremerton Concre,�e Products Co. Meter boxes & covers Howe's Hardware Supplies William' s Haardware Supplies Standard Oil Co. Of Calif. Lubric"tion Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Electricity for Water Pump Pete Neurnbe�ger Labor on Pipe lines Gilmore Oil Co. Gasoline County auditor License, for steel truck Port Orchard Independent Postal cards & water receipts Port Orchard Independent Advance to Garrison St. LID and Water receipts LIBRARY FUND 1.1'7 11.02 5.60 4.34 1.02 55.26 3.30 8.10 1.25 100.00 11.22 Puget Sound News Co. Books 28.13 There being no further business, meeting was adjourned �Jey Munro, T o X clerk Dean Corliss, Acting Fdayor January 27, 1941 The re�,.;i,lar rgeetinC of Jar.uury 27, 1,_�41 ova,, called to order with all i;oancilr„en present. C:orliss v:ras names actin`; „i�; or. The i eetlr_c o! e'.ed with the roadinF, of t',e riinut_ s of the lrevious meet-n�;, tiv lic[a were au_)!*ove a read. Ross Watt appeared before tie council and :toted tr)-at he would be 1..t Salar�'.% uS _ City nttorney, u;:.r trlc Council col..ilcti arranE,e for ;)t ;YIM6Mt to �rf? Of fees -1 0; tt-.e ser' iceS v'_' ci: �10 mi -'Eit G rGCJ'J.irGC tO Per L Orris. 1c �ou]-cI L.'i en (2 _Cussod the 0ss:- .iI'; try of increas _n;; tL.e `i'reasur-- ex yV1!:).O0 air rriJnt, y u. JQ o ' �,:�.iCrl v, .s to �e ta_ en Tzar tn.e Cse�' ral a r_d from "'Le L atc r Fund. i,r�.- ma"tor vjas re 'erred to Rex Thoinpson, of the t' r,arc� ��n ittce, rfJiL� ir,r'tr�.ct�_rJr.s to cisc°.s.ss the ?ra ttar with the TreasJr.er. `J°tie Clerk. v,,a len aut ?O:"''7.G ,'C tJ iS�'E e Vice L'r lr. tS Or tl�e )ayn—ent o1 tile the r, 1 er. J• :)I`tt"'.E'"' c`� )IJeuJ.'( Cl e'Orc :O l c!:iY1C:L1 a1"1CdS i-E �E rT_Z.SS1.Ott i 0 r^- C. al SIy ci "PU t P a n%. L! i 1.'J:'1n as L3 ','_t,'rC aY t C'_ Vi'Jl_7I L,n. __ E'rG 'i;a :Y:'C?2'cl�. 'i SCu2SlOr O ti'_iS Ci'Lli SOi? Lrl IJC1iC2 Go`-nC-l-L-oan , l)o ;" ! J t s i' it so�,; �� � ntcc� oL,� tt���t �,,�r r�.„ .tintt�e �,.o!.z-e or,, t:�W' u rs �.1 trJ 1-ve at Lt e e :all it 'ci; ht bo P 0 ss 1CltO ha_Va d r; [ service :T�' the T;G,, : 1&P Toii'11 O1LL'iGE1rS. T'_c vJi.il"_C1l -.ranteci to i''.i _'.Or i 'G l "tt lira esta: l isk nds iC)PC' ant i. otrol an( be [ e 'r ;BO'- c1S aLt a 3 nJtG :_nQErStaci, i7 tElclt [ B 0-;. iO1't OrC7ala- W`.U',1d not be in any ay lia .le O_' 'espons?- )le for ar:y a:,ts Or' Orl'"SS1OYis On his Dart at,d t.lat in SO actin %; was not to be COnsi_ ered 3'+"_ �J 1 O' e F3 C r� January 27, 19�L1 (Cori". ) Council deca_uf :: o ci sc•uss the TTolrrbjer=�; w orman -.Il for sand and s ra,�el OY1 t'rl h7_ U S trE;e'G Lit) - I t, -e c _';Cl,plaln t o l_'� . `0 S :;e;,7 t C?`.t G 1"1aCi been c ,.ar ,ec i'or material on the L)ro j ec t at the reE;ular meet.i r. ; of the Council to e c:ld r`e-;ruary Mr. Lrdrvan appear°ed of o e the Council in rc �,a= to tale drillins of a new, via l l and discussed t'I-e saire Oriefly vrit',_ t'ne Council. 1 -.e Ulerk vas directed to call _'or cs for t.e cr'i_lllr., o 6", ;3" ar.d 10" well. Counc]i_l t :.cn named Rel, '1'iom, son 's o tLe Vina-_nice vom?Yilttee, consisting of the %inyor, treasurer and Tr. T'--iom.,son, to cOTi1 i1.v `r' iUl tale re(_Iulret-oerts of the laws o, to State o+ Wasninp;ton in rcg;ari to the deposit of Town r'unds. Counci bran Cos 0" rna_: e a motion that tie tenants of the ,tome on the Park property be given not:icc, to vacate by t'[1-e first of Eiarc:� C r gay rep t of TV4'I,T l'Y 5&20.00) DOLLAhS a �,ioY_tl'. 1:-e rcotior_ carried with all Councilmen votirge" in favor Of the sarri.e. S. 114ordlarcd belore tCle Counc 1 an.Ct asked if ne could purc(lase the timber on t'_le property ovmed b,, the Town an,,, beia used �s a larbat:;e cum: . "he matter viLs referreci t,J the T7ealth and Sanitation Coinmittoe, (if uvl ich ,; e(jrge Cl F e is a rner_ber, to Ije inve-SUicjated and reported 'ach: at t.e next re3i.-Ilar me etir. T;lere biding no f rtler business tea bills were reap, and approved and VilarraYli,S OrdlereCl (rc=.wi'! I'0:' the Su"€tE1s Pac. ` (k I. u. 11'el. Co. Ray VULnters Les Adkins Franks Sirfloson Lowman & Hanford C o . J. 1. Elliott Emrlett Curfinan C 'rla s. i=l . C.a t l Lowman s -=amord Co. iia "sap Court;- yank Sevvell Pu:;et Sound I9ay. Co. Robert _I nten ;- IN. Johnson CEO. Pac. ` al. C.t Tel. Co. o"lort ii ., t ;r amon, 3`'; eter Co. Tt°till i,:ine Suppl;� Co. St-eai ipp ,l Co. �.rr�ett Gurf,,7�;r_ W. Jo1jnsbn Reliance T.otor Co. Rort Orchard Transfer G L ERx L? U IN 1 ?,Iones for `Town 27.20 Street sv;eeping 6.60 2olice Patrol 4.40 Police Patrol ;0 Trea 'Irerl s supplies Street Svlee: ink 11.00 Street >Svreepir - 13.20 Policir_ Stroets. 3.30 Posta_;e for Order iao. 5094-14- .10 S`.l'Ri 12 riu_uND A -;el soccer 30.52 La.- or 2,. 00 on C:-ader )a_rts 2.66 Labor on Streets 3.80 Lu ;or on Streets 44.uO YVATER I"U"IND ;Ji,-'"lt Or -DI-Imp i-louse 1.t32 'krone for ','.'ater Si).pt. 6.24 vietors 42.94 Pr°cpaid frei_,I�It on pipe coverl_rap;s .50 .gills 2.02 La'oor on water lines 6.60 La :;or on water lines 2.20 2_avr..ent on water truck 625.13 Vuel for `.down 1F all 5.10 La';or 16.00 608 G r' L l T. S L -� L- "'- 1 Lowm,_,n _iut 1. o1'C. Vow i1, i(. Toss SJ :' t ion] "it;='o '.;a f'.�:� 1n10 I':.Irt'Ier .; AS1J-_-LSS tS-, � C.i���`ar'f,L[�. a COUNCIL `AINUT:!,S February 10, 1941. The regular meeting of February 10, 1941 was called to order with all Councilmen present. Dean Corliss was named acting Mayor. Dean vorllss explained that he had talked to Chloe Sutton in regard to a salary increase for her and that she had agreed to accept an increase of TEN ( 10.00) DOLLARS a month for this year. ne stated that it was her inten- tion, at a later date, to maintain m office downtown and spend four hours a day in it. The Council then directed the Clerk to arrange to snake payments to the Howard -Cooper Corporation for the use of the Grader and the Mixer. There was'a discussion of the possibility of having the Marshal live -� 1 at the Fire Hall. he matter was continued for further investigation. George Cline reported that he had investip-ated the timber on the garbage dump property and that It was his opinion that the timber should be left standin^-. The Council agreed with Mr. Cline's suggestions. The bid o:f Isar. Morrow for the Garrison Street Water Main in the sum j of FOUR HUNDRED SIXTEEN ($416.00) DOLL,iRS was accepted by the Council. The bids of the Johns -Manville Company and the Pacific Water Works Supply for the Garrison Street supplies were opened and read. Council accepted the bid of the Pacific Water Works Supply for the amount of SEVEN HUNDRED and EIGHTY- FIVE ($?85.00) DOLL,iRS. The Clerk read the report of the Town Marshal in regard to his activities of the last month. The Council asked the Clerk to write a letter to the State Patrol and the Kitsap County Sheriff, thanking them for their cooperation throughout the past month. The bids for the drilli.n,- of the Town Well were opened, there being but one bid, the offer o-f Mr. Erdman to do the drilling; of a six inch well for $3.00 a foot and on a ten inch well for $5.00 a foot, with the City to supply the casing. Mr. Jansen appeared before the Council and told of his experience � of drilling various wells throughout the State and asked if he might be per- mitted to make an offer to the Council on the amount he wo.ild charge for ob- taining a, definite amount of water. The Council directed the Clerk to call for bids for a guarantee of three hundred gallons a minute, to be opened at the at the next regular; meeting of the Council. George Cline suggested that the T ovm purchase a pump capable of pumping From the Brewery well or Callison's well directly to the Town mains. The matter was referred to the Water Committee to be reported back at the next meeting of the Council. There being no further business the bills were read and approved and warrants ordered drawn for the same. GENERAL FUND Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber 2.61 R. S. Hayward Co. , Inc. Marshal's Bond premium 5.00 Trick & Murray Registration forms 3.16 James Munro Registered mail .19 State Treasurer Fireman's membership fee 48.00 Lowman & Hanford Co. Advance to Sewer 38.22 Frank Simpson Police Patrol 22.00 Chas. A. Heath Police Patrol 4.40 i STREET FUND James Munro Reim. for Shifter nut 7.35 Hussey & Peterson Grader repair and storage 15.30 L. C. Adkins Labor on streets. 5.50 Howe Motor Co. Repair and supplies 4.63 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gasoline 1.90 H. W. Jackson Machine Shop Repair on Grader 22.56 Gilmore Oil Co. Gasoline 18.98 ' WaTER FUND Win. Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Ells, Fitting & Galt'. pipe 17.55 T. C. Breitenstein Drawing specific- ations 10.00 Puget Sound Stamp Works Index tabs .51 P ioneer, Inc. Ledger sheets 12.36 Daily Journal of Commerce Call for bids on well 5.00 Howe's Hardware Supplies 10.63 Gilmore Oil Cc. Gasoline 4.20 GARRISON STREET LID #47 Lowman & Hanford Co. Profile paper 4.71 Miles L. Tower Engineering 60.00 Tn. of Port Orchard Water Fund Reim. for advance -100.00 Tn. of Port Orchard Water Fund Reim. for advance 71.02 There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. Dean Corliss, acting Mayor COUNCIL METING of February 25, 1941 The meeting was called to order with all councilmen present. Dean Corliss was named acting Mayor. The meeting opened with a discussion of the grader and mixer payments. The Council directed the Clerk, to pay the Howard -Cooper Company in full the balanc-e due on the grader and mixer. Thereiwas then a discussion of the use of the fire hall and a motion was duly passed that the fire hall be left as it is in the control of the firemen and that the Committee on Health and Sanitation investigate 610 the possibility of obtaining a place for the Engineer and. his crew to work. The bid of N. C. Jannsen and Company for the buildin7 of a new well with a _guarantee of three hundred gallons of water a minute for the period of one year was opened and read, the Company being willing to drill a well for the sum of FCUR gRCUS iNND ($4000.00) DOLL,-aS. George Cline then.reported on his trin to Shelton and his in- -� vestigation of the Shelton water system. George Givens stated that he had tested the over -flow of the Brewery well at a time when the Brewery was operating at top production. He said that the Brewery well had an over -flow of seventy gallons a minute, when tested. The motion to postpone the drilling of a new �e11 was passed by the Council. There w<<s a long discussion of tre Sewer Project, and it was decided the Clerk should contact Mayor Hanks and determine when he would be able to core up for a special meeting and that after talking to Mr. hanks, the Clerk would notify the Councilmen of the time of such a meeting. The following bills were read and approved andwarrants ordered drawn for the, same. sENER.,iL FUND zi. n. ldcTavi sh Street sweeping 6.60 J. I. Elliott Street sweeping 17.60 P.S.P. & Light do. Street lighting 78.78 Frank Simpson Police Patrol 26.40 STREET FUND Standard Gil .Co. of Calif. Gear lub. & grease gun 5.91 W. Johnson Labor on streets 33.00 L. C. idklns. Labor on streets 4.40 J-anes Munro Reim. for Grader part 5.18 WATER FUND The Tire Shop -inti-freeze 2.71 L. C. dkins Labor on water lines 3.65 W. Johnson Labor on water lines 3.30 P.S.P. & Light Co. Power for pump & pump house 55.80 LIBR.iRY FUND Port Orchard Transfer & Fuel Fuel for library 5.10 GiaRISGN ST. LID #47 Files L. Tower Engineering 30.00 T. C. Breitenstein Labor 16.00 Eugene Breitenstein Labor 11.00 SPECI"L i;;1EETING11****1Aarch 1, 1941 The special meeting of March 1, 1941, was called to order with 4- Mayor Hanks, Councilmen Cosbey, Hill and Cline present. Dean Corliss arrived after 8 : 00 p.m. Mayor Hanks said that he had spent some time investigating the Sewer Bond question and had discussed the same with some bf the leaders at � the State Capitol. His investigation, he revealed, showed that in propositions such as this one that in order to put on the market, bonds that were market- able, it was necesst.ry to have the proportion put in shape or approved by 611 r Attorneys who were recognized by the Bond Buyers as Authorities in that particular field. he stated that in this line the law firm of Preston, Thorgrimson and Turner were recognized by practically all the Buyers in the Northwest and';that some were willing to accept the opion of Weter, Roberts and Sheffleman. he expressed the desire to have the Bonds placed on the market in such a manner that all who were interested would have an opportunity to purchase them, in order that the Town of Port Orchard might obtain the funds needed for this project at the lowest possible rate of interest. There Was a long discussion of the Sewer Project and the sale of the Bonds by the members of the Council and Mr. Eubanks of Eubanks, Inc. and Mr. Moore and Mr. xtkinson of Pratt & Company. Mr. Moore stated that it was their desire to enter into an agreement with the Town of Port Orchard whereby they would take the Bonds of the Town, at this time, and thereby eliminateany delay which might arise in regard to the sale of the Bonds. For this purpose, they asked the permission of the Council where- by they would putlithe Sewer Project in such shape that the Bonds could be sold either to them or to other bidders. The Council agreed that they should be allowed to present such a proportion at the next meeting of the Council. The Council agreed to the area of the Sewer as designed by Mr. Tower. Councilman Cosbey then asked for the permission of the Council for a House Moverto take a building through the Town of Port Orchard some day between the hour of five and six in the morning. To this, the Council gave its consent. Ther .eing no further business, the meeting was adjourned. J�_ Munro, Tow; Clerk Dean Corliss, Acting Mayor CG NCIL MINUTES- lViarch 10, 1941 The regular meeting of March 10, 1941, was called to order, Cosbey, Cline, Hill and Corliss were present. Dean Corliss was named act- ing Mayor. Mr. Corliss said that the shed at the water plant could be lengthened about twelve feet and made available for the Engineer at a cost of about $85.00. George Cline moved tILt the Health and Sanitation Committee make arrangements for improving the shed for the Engineer. Motion Passed with all Councilmen in favor. Rex 'Thompson mado a motion that the Water Superintendent investigate the possibility of connecting, up the voter system to Callison's well and the Water Committee to contact Callison in regard to the proposition. The motion i carried with all!Councilmen voting in favor thereof. i It was called to the Council's attention that the doors to the Library had been damaged by a tire that had got away from the hands of some small boys. It was decided to install a new lock on the door and to charge the sayne to the parents of the boys involved in this :mishap, whose 612 names .Riere to be suoolied by Idr. Corliss. It was decided that at the next regular meeting of the Council the question of ap)ointing a Safety Committee would be discussed, `the Marshal requested that the waitor be thanked for his services to the Town in supplying the names of the owners of the cars who had failed to report on Traffic Tickets. The claim of ti. D. Vandergriff against the Town was post- poned. The Clerk was directed to write to the Puget Mound Express in re - Bard to the same. `1'lle proposed contract of the 'Northinfrton-Garcon Meter Co. was laid on the table until the next meeting. The Clerk was directed to contact Clancy Foote in regard to the rent of the P,,rk Property. Mr. 1"Joore of Pratt & Company appeared before the Council and stated that at the special meeting of the Council the Council had requested his company, working in conjunction with HughbanS Inc., to present to them two propositions in r6pard to the sale of the Sewer bonds, The first pro- position was that they tvoLald put the :�roceedin=�s in shape so that bids could be called upon the same for a definite fixed amount, and the other pr000sit- ion was that they would_ make an out --right offer for the ourchase of the bonds. he read, to the Council, a. proposition whereby they would take $54,000.00 of 4 % Revenue Bonds at 90% par value and 126,000.00 L.I.D. Bonds at 6%. 'There was a general discussion of the bonds. Ross Watt, speaking as City Attorney and as a citizen and a tax payer of i:he Town, stated that he was not interested in the matte-,-, in any way but that he felt that we had waited tco long for a sewer system; that the offer was a fair offer for the bonds and that we should proceed, at the present time, to accept the offer of Pratt & Company and Hughbanks Inc. without the necessity of calling for bids for the bonder. J�;"es I:►unro, City Clerk, speaking as an elective official of the Town and as a citizen of the Town, stated that he objected strenuously to that procedure. He pointed out to the Council that some years previous the hater, system had been remained and the bonds were sold at par and only drew 4% interest, that from his knowledge and information on these matters there .4ras only one method of determining the price for which the Bonds should be sold, and that was to give everyone, who was interested in the bonds, an opportunity to bid for them; that only by such a procedure could the p:�ople of the Town of Port Grchard be protected and assured the lowest possible rate of interest on the bonds. GPorge Lline made a motion that the Council accept the proposition of Pratt & Company and Hughbank�s Inc. for the purchase of the bonds, they to have a three day option, at the end of which time they could either accept or reject the proposition. The motion was seconded by Harry Hill and all Councilmen voted in favor of the same. The question of employinm help for the Town was discussed. and George Givens was authorized to employ help at the rate of $.65 an hour, when he deemed it necessary to do so. There being no further business the bills were read and approved and warrants ordered drawn for the same. GENERaL FUND Eureka Fire Hose Division Miro-flares 13.48 James Munro Reim. on advance to sewer & post cards 2.68 Lowman & Hanford Co. ;-advance to sewer 6.46 Golden's Police caD & raincover 4.49 V. E. Holmquist Reim. for Police supplies 1.00 Frank Simpson 60.80 Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Prisoners board 1.95 Howe. Motor Co. License holder .35 Howe Is Hardware Supplies for mice 2.45 H. W. Jackson Machine Shop Repair on Fire Hydrant 32.69 Pac.- Tel. & Tel. Co. Town Phones 29.46 Howe Motor Co. Kroll blap Co. Howe 's Hardware H. W. Jackson 1"achine Shoo Olympic Iron & Mac,hine Works rim. Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Howe Is Hardware Worthington -Garcon Meter Co. Peninsula Stationers Pac. , Tel. & Tel. Co. STREET FUND Cotter pins .16 Ma-0 s 2.60 Galy' d Lair Screws 2.65 Supplies. .41 Repair .61 Tubing & 'jouplings �)2.u1 Supplies 6.59 Meters 42.84 Pads & refiller 2.14 Phone 3.75 GriRRISON ST. LID $47 Miles L. Tower Engineering 60.00 Lowman &Hanford Co. B. W. Paper & Ink 5.15 j James k%r1ro, Town iC Dean Corliss, -acting Mayor COUNCIL MINUT aS------- March 24, 1941 Iaiinute4 of IAarch 24, 1941, Councilmen Thomason, Cosbey and Cline present and Dean Oorliss arriving late. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and. Rex Thompson ob- jected to the ma.nher in venich the Clerk had written the minutes for the reason I that they did not show his reason for afivocating the sale of the Sewer Bonds as they have been sold. He asked to have the minutes show that he advocated the immediate sala of the Bonds for the reason that if they were not so sold there would be a delay, which in his opinion would amount to a. couple of months. It was ordered that the records shove thi^ change. George.Cline reported that the Engineer's shed ha6. been enlarged. There was then a discussion of the Well situation, and it was first determined that the Town should use the Brewery Well. x later discussion re- sulted in a recision to use Callison's Well. George Givens eras instructed to cull for bids for such material as was needed to obtin water from Callison's I well. 1,,1ayor HL-nks stated that where in the part the Police Court had paid 614 dap')roxim,- itely ? 15.00 oer ..oath into to �ie Town Tram' a,sury ; that we had received the sutra of $240. 00 since the middle of January. He tl-.c u�rh.t that with the legulizinm of '_'in Machines the To,,,n shc),ald be able to receive some revenue fro . that source. a motion il!Ctr i:ade th.Lt the ToF17n Purchase the ne," equipment requested by the ivi�xsh&_I, comi.stinr- of a Typewriter, Siren, Lis,-ht and 'Jniform. The motion -p"f7,sed with all Councilmen J_n favor of the same. signed. The contract of the Worthinh_,ton-Garcon 'deter Co�n-(-)any vas ordered T ie Cc,Incil rejected. the claim of Vander riff for damuges against the. To,,m resulting from an automobile accident. T',e request ,of ivIr, iloods to use a Bullc�czer in the alleadjoin- 0 inm his ;)roperty and use the earth tc fill in tine low spots on his place v!us re�'erred to the street and Wiley Committee for their investigation and decision. I.iayor Hanks was asked by Maynard Lundberg, tc; appoint " committee to investigate the question of im-oroving the City Park with Federal Funds. It was duly moved that .L committee of five be named to work with the Council on this orGject. 11he motion carried. It ,=has moved by Hex Thc,mpson and unproved by the Council thwt a Level., owned by the Town, be sold to L. H. Ste -,,art for the sure of �"TF.00. the Ccuncil then tools u-.-) the question of the sale of the Se,t,ter Bonds. iiayor Hanks expressed his ;,seat ,urorise AnO disappointment upon learninm that the Council hacl solc9. the Sevrer BcnO s -7aithcut ca.11in�-_ for bids for the sa.ir e. In his re Burks he explained that at d pr_nvic.13,s neeting of the C(.,Lzncil field in office It his th(.ur,I t th,,;.t it wus the express desire cf all the Council rr�embr:rs to cad l for bic_s, jointing, out that by so doing no criticism cc,u]_d be m_,de by an tax-oayers. The ya.yor endeavored to riake it :lain t at it etas his ir.tentir-n to criticize the Council for oroceedinf_ with the biisi_ness of the Citi; during his absence but that he did feel that w mista,te hur_ been Li,,de b;t the Ccuncil in proceedinp� to arranme for the sale of the bonds w1 ti-Lc,.3t �'irgt-�rivin�- everyone an c;.p )ortunit,,r to ­.ubmit their -rids. He also stated tc tre Corincil_ t'hat a representative of w Seattle firm ha visited his office and ex_-)resse,l. ),re.,t disc pointrpient over the fact that they had not known of the bond issue and vre_re desirous of r a' in,„ _n offer and t-_at it t- Ls the coinion of this firrl that �_,, substantia.l saving- could have been mode. i:iayor hanks in his rei^arks .further •;ointed out that he had no ,_ua,y of kno,,:ing definitely v�r.ether cr nct Iny s,"vznr could h,.,ve been m.ud_e, nor did he know tr._ t the :)rice a,rr"np-ed -for by the Council as not a fair price. He did, 'h1w,.rever, unt it definitely under-tocc_ ;fir the Council and the cl-V-zens of the tctrrn t at in rEi s uoinion the calling; for bids in the regular m"nner would hove met ,F,ith m1ore Menera"l.. approval a.nd nrould h"ve been. more satisfactory in :,very ti,,,Lty. The statemee �Lts, of the .Iayor prcvo;,ee- considerable discussion by 61, the Council. Various members explained their position and -pointed out the necessity of getti'nrr, the preliminary plans arrzLnged A :gin early date in order that'the work of installing the sewer might be stated. They were of the opinion that the offer for the bonds was a good offer and in their opinion should be accepted a,d bids for the actual o.iork be called for. The statement of the Mayor provoked a discusssion as to the legality of the action taken by the Col.incil. It .w.as contended by James h1unro, Town Clerk that the action was illegal for the reason that the Supreme Court held, that a Council could not legally sell something which .gas not yet in existence and that until the Bonds vrere actually created by Ordinance, there could be no legal sale of the same. 'Mr. Moore of Pratt & Company, who had entered into the agreement i-,pith the Town, agreed that a good lawyer could probably break the U.Treement. Deal Corliss made a motion that a special meeting be held on the following Monday at which time the City attorney could advise the Council as to the legality of the agreement which they had signed. The motion was then withdrawn by Mr. Corliss, who stated that he thought the Council v!ould still be of the same frame of mind even though they waited for a week; that the Council had con- sidered all the angles of the question before deciding upon it. Mr. Cos - bey, who had seconded the motion at first, g,.ve his consent to the withdrawal and George Cline moved that the Council ,roceed with the sale of the Bonds. Rex Thom -)son seconded the motion and all Councilmen voted in favor of the same. Dean Corliss then ;roved that the ordinance providing for the issuing of the Sewer Bonds and the Resolution providing for the creation of a. LTD be adopted. IGtotion Wras duly seconded and carried. Council then decided to call for bids for the Droject to be opened on the lath day of xpril. The Council then agreed that the Bondsmen, on the Garrison Street Water Main job, be exonerated if no claims !ere filed_ against the City with- in thirty days. The Bilks were then read and all Bills S,vere ordered aid with the exception of the bill for ,iork performed by Elizabeth Vose for the Sewer which was decided by the Council_ to be a bill to be paid by Mr. Tower. P.S.'. &Light Co; Frank Simpson Lowman & Hanford Co. Lowman & Hanford Co. Pt.. Ord. Independpnt J. I. Elliott Emmett Curfrnan A. Cl. McTavish Solastic Products Co. Pt. Ord. Lumber Yard !� Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co; P t . Orchard Lumbep Yard GENERAL FUND Street lighting 72.78 Police Patrol. 39.05 "dva.nce to Sewer 3.62 Advance to Sewer 27.46 Printing & Publishing 19.89 Painting yellow lines on St. 7.70 Labor on Hull St. Fire Hyd. 5.50 Street sweeping 28 . o5 Faint for traffic lines '3.42 Lumber for City Hall .41 Phones 33.30 "dvance to Sewer 46.55 616 STREjET FUIJD Port Urch"rd Independent Emmett Curfrlan L. C. i-skins !'.S.P. & Light Co. Pac. TeL& Tel. Co. Fred Bruhahn Emmett Curfma.n Pt. Orchard Independent I -tarry 111hite R. F. PIjIcC!us'Ley rrn. Plambing & Stea�;1 Supply Co. Printing warrants Labor on streets Labor on streets W.-EER FUND Power for pump & pumo hcuse Phone Labor on grater lines Labor on grater lines Call_ for bids for new well Labor on water lines Labor on water lines Tubing LI BR--aY FUND Pt. Orchard Transfer Fuel for Library Selina. Hcney Cleaninm Library G,;RRISGV ST. LID # 47 Lovm3an & Hanford Co. Pac . "later Works Supply Pt. Grchard Independent T. C. Breitenstein C. C Morrow ,/--,'Jame's tviunro, ToVT Clerk COUNCIL iAINUTES 14, 1941 Sup -lies Supplies Publications Labor Laying of water main 8.67 5.50 4.40 53.87 3.75 11.70 5.20 12.66 1.10 4.40 13. 77 5.10 2.50 1-9.68 B29. 84 21.60 d.00 420.80 The regular meeting of ipril 14, 1941, was called_ to order attended by vi cjor Han:-.s wnd all Councilmen. The meeting opened with the r e,Zc inm cf the minutes of the previous meeting whicri '%sere apprcved ass reucl_. The Mi"Yor teen explained that the meeting had been called for ".public hearin- for the L.I.7. for the creati(,n of a Sewer District for the Town of Pert Orchard, Mll,ich had resulted from a vote of the people in favor of a Sewer project. He ex_ola.ined that the Council had )resented the matter to the peo _)le at a rep°ular election held last fall and that it arras only after this election was held that tine Council had proceeded to follow the dictates of the people and lay the -olans for the construction of t!,'e Sewer System. The i!:la.yor called upon Ross Watt, the City attorney, to ex,)lain to the public the method under vihich the Z;.ssessment were being levied against the orooerty. 41r Watt explained that under the L.I.D. assessment law the property was divided un into thirty 'foot zones, five in number, extendinp� back: from the property line adjoining the street upon which the improvement tis?as made; that each zone paid its share of the cost of the Se,krer as the figures 45, 25, 201, 10 and 5 bear to the entire cost of the. pro- ject to be levied against tx.e amount of square feet in the oa.rticular area to be assessed. He 'explained that where the Sev-rer made a right angle turn at Y� 617 the corner of a ;block, the land vv"s assessed in two directions, that is to say, the manes would begin at each side of the corner of the block and there would'follow beyond the corner lot which would be thirty feet square, a double assessment, and as you went back from. the edge of the street the assess- ments vrould `follow accordingto the numbers mentioned- The Iata or called y 1 d f5r objections from the audience and many questions were asked by citizens pre- snet in regard to the assessment of particular parcels of -property. People were generally told that by going tothe Engineer's office they could check the amount of the assessment and the facts concerning their particular piece of property. Charles Reid appeared before the Council and objected. to the assessments in his area for the -season that the value of tx►e property teas not great enough and the corner lots were assessed more than the balance of his property.. Clarence Hawes objected to the Sewer assessment upon the grounds that the assessments on the corner lots was greater than the value of the property. lArs. merles Grieve asked the Council to investigate the grade on the alley adjoining her property before the Sewer System was Finally put in. The riLatter was referred to the Street and alley Committee. The ob- jections of Dewey Neurnberger, Lucille iindrews, C. E. Newman and Ca.rles Reid was read by the Clerk. Pfir. Neurnberger objected on the grounds that the value of'his property would be exceeded by the L.I.D, assessments levied a- gainst the same'. C. E. Newman objected to the Sewer assessments on the grounds that the assessments were unreasonable and unjustifiable and levied upon a fundamentally nrong basis. The Mayor said that he felt the written objections were general and not of such a nature as to warrant any great consideration. James 11.-Aunro, the City Clerk, stated that it was his opinion that the objections made to the assessments of the corner property were valid objections and should be considered by the Council. He stated that such assessments were only justified because of the special benefits which they conferred upon the property and that there was no greater benefit conferred upon a corner lot than on any other piece of property. Under ordinary cir- cumstances this me'etin�?- being the one at which the contractors were to pre- sent their bids for the construction and the furnishing of the material for the Sewer, the Council then entertained a discussion on those questions. George Bannerman asked the question of the Council if the call for bids for the material of the Sewer was c.pen to a- l ty-ces of material or whether it was limited to one kind. He was informed that at a previous meeting of the Council it had been decided to (LO-1 for vitrified tile only. J. 1i.. Holmberg entered the dipcussion and stated that he believed the bids should be called for all types of material; that whereas there was only one Company in the State who made vitrified the there were a number of Companies who could bid on the concrete products. 1,11r. Bannerman pointed out that the 618 s-oeci.f; cation, foi- t le surro.undin:7 Cities provided for the use of both types of material, and_ he said that it was his opinion thcIt many thousands of dollars could be saved by calling for alternate tynes of material. R. J. Caretti said that he felt the bias should 'be -r)ut of C for two v!eeks in order that the c:Al.l miMl t be issued for alternate types of material. general discussion resulted,. in a motion bean-, m tde by Dean Corliss that the opening of all the bids be nut e f f for two weeks at w'r i ch time alternate bids would be ca--i led for the I'his :notion . "s seconded by Harry Hill and carried with all Councilmen voting, in favor. iicss Watt was then directed to get an op'.nion on whether or not the City coup; ee i;;a.ter outside of the City 1 im�t� . ,. Dean � rliss moved that the Crdinance car Tj-j P - `l i mincxy be approved by the Council. George Cline seconded the :,o ticn �,nd all Counci.l en voted in its favor. The "ouncil then ;vent into " discussion of t'-}e nevi specifications to !::e 'r kvn by I.liles Tower, and it w"s agreed that 11,1r. Tovier would do this for a sure ;.'rot to exceed one Hundred Dollars. It s a -,reed blT t-he Council that alternate material ,hculC be called for trT-ith- the 15 and 10 inch ni()e to be of open concrete If concrete nere used and the lesser sizes to be cast. The Resolution clos':.na, the Garrison Street L.I.D. was adopted by the Council. The Bids on the cast iron -ioe were orened and it was exolain- ed that the .project had been dropped by reason of the improvement ofthe water ni-tuition by -oumv)inm out the present well, Rex Thump son caller to the Council'-- attention the fact that there were ob;ect'.cns made to a buil,-`�-in- being; constructed bl hazard_ on Street -pronprty, and George Cline moved that the Clerl� be d-irect- ed to inform iir. Hazard of this fact and as hire to move this building. The motion eras duly seccnfed and passed_ by the Council. r 'he -o,,-^king situated in front of the Navy View Hotel 'Pas taken up by the Council and_ it was decided to lir:.it the parking to one hour on the entire length of Prospect Street from Sidney to the Navy View Hotel with the exce?)tion of the five minute parkin- atria at the entrance to the Hotel. There-._�einr; no further business the bills were read and approved with the exce .tion c-f a �'5,500.0C bill- presented by Pair. Tower which was ordered held u;3 until such ti_rne ;Ls ta-_ere were funds available From the sale of 'the Sewer Bones. E 619 Henry Buscher Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard P. S. P. & Light Co. Style -rite Store Lowman & Hanford Co. Puget Sound Stamp Works C. L. Furgeson Frank Simpson 1. r ubbard Solastic Products R. W. Schnick Howe' s Hardware Chas. "death Fred G. Vetters, 9neriff Melba Siegner Roy G. Staub P Orchard Independent Williamb Hardware Elizabeth Vose Pt. Orchard Transfer George Blanchard Olympic Iron & 11acni ne Works Bremerton Sand u Gravel Co. Georrne Bichard Howe Mlotor Co. Bremerton Concrete Products Co. William' s Hardware �. 0. E. Erdman George Blanchard Worthington Garcon "Al eter Co. Howe's Hardware Puget bound Ex-zres;s P. S. P. & Light Co. Pt. Orchard Independent Puget Sound News Co. T. C. Breitenstein Mules L. lo,.qer GFNERi-iL FUND 9 wood piles 27.00 Police office 16.13 Street Lighting 76.78 Policeman's Uniform 16.22 .tJvanoe to Sewer 2.98 Paper Clips for Clerk .77 Police patrol 8.80 Police patrol 22.00 Labor on Police office & city hall 20.35 Traffic paint 8.42 Keys for library & fire hall 3.00 idvance to Sewer, Supplies 24.87 Police patrol 4.40 Prisoner's Board 4.55 .advance to Sewer 8.00 Police patrol. 17.60 .,,dvance to Sevier 70.25 Chalk for traffic line .41 ,advance to Sewer 7.00 advance to Severer 4.84 NTaterial for registration & elections .71 Repair on Fire Hydrant 2.80 STREET FUND Pea Gravel 3.26 Flag material .61 Repair work 17.36 IThiTER FUND r'leters & boxes 26.05 Supplies 2.28 Labor & Supplies 129. �0 Boots 5.10 lieter & Co nections 22.62 Stove oil 4.07 Freight charges .50 Power for pump & pu;ip house 56.00 Call for Bids 2.00 LIBR"RY FUND Books 127.53 G.iRRISCN STREET LID #47 Labor Engineering There being no further business Council adjourned for the evtning. ame�''?Zunro, Town C k a s, Mayor L- 10.00 30.00 SPECIAL i LETIliG ----a ril 17, 1941 The iLeetin- was culled to order with Mayor Hanks and. all Councilmen .)recent. The m,%yor explained_ that the meeting had been called for the our-oose of discussinn a Specifi-cations for the contract on the Sewer Pro Iect. Deun Cor!.iss made a. motion tliut tine +.nstructions given to i°`iles Tower cn th== previous iiond«y in °e^ard to the Specif.!cations be rescinded. The :notion was duly seconded and carried ritrl all Councilmen voting° in its favor. Rex Thorm-peon teen made a -rqo" ion that the Tov,,,n a,-topt the Specifications 620 C, t`ie Cit; C� wattle fC1i' t1ie � ewer Project CCn`,_'c�Ci;. ' + t P.. O U .. c n l', u seconded and �.c_optec b:,- t,-,e Gc ,v1ci]_. _juror n s t':en brc�m _f x,) tie question C? tA:E .! aterl.ai ..nd 3.a�O,Or bi.�-S bel... �:J�.rut;� call for bids. It 'l:ruB Aec eC by L11"e Col: ic'LI tI-iat tPe 3pec1 f i c , ii so ':rite. L ut t: J1CCie S cG%U 1_C.. .., c_, Se;7ar"tel;, for Ul'=_«ter':1_11d r,,nd labor or Cord-- bi _e 'IaE IL-1 T h.= Co. ncI.'I th en discussed t..e a!visa1)iIit;, of °,',.zttin ' in �e c tr e ,,. ,. .,'ter C L:,u iT 'Lx:LE CT'[ i; aC", Y' . c_l �'i:� - t"1c,% alb- la,:;cr s�=culc�_ be _non J���>��:�'. G lgmission t-''_e, Co moil vote: t0 e:._Ve c.�.11 refer e n^e tc Union Lu'-or CumGf t'__�, SJecificat ..Jn Councilmen dine) CGx'licS,, l_iCFi1pSC:1 ��nd mill votin in its it,vor zi1A Council!;:en Cosbey vc tii x :a-'.! St the 1JrC,)c,,L-AiGn, `'_''?re bainl., no furthe-' business -I'e meeting- Sl",q 4.Ld- i eC CC,U?'CIL I: INUTIES----- �c . it nil '�A+i l �2, _, n?41 W o re�;ul�,r oun�, �:,.,., � n^, c'' ir>r�1 :��,, _, , �,�� ccLlIed t „ ,d: ,. r •- rt1vc 1. 11 � 1_1"' � ' e o �x r :._w,o n�;. �.n �, Coin c_,_��� �:r-'e ,. !�t. Tom. minutes Of t, c? JS PViG'.E P, = t8c tl,'. v"8I'e r PAC. nC'. p':1rGV '('. �.5 E' C' . t J-gin oneneci and` i t-e big' s for t'-,e ::.wteria t-,_f' CGnf3trl'CtiCn c-�' t;:e P,`t";' `)rG7P, c `. '��r''Dr�"e Cline t'��e!`'_ reoor'tE'�'. to ':� -, Cc,,o! cit '°_ctit r! 1-E in- Ve tD_), ,tlon of t,ie -- I , •:•r �,. {-rlE'Ve ' s -.)r '_1eri., cc -., 'v lnce6 h_L : .u_.�s G .c°lc e �.c�r�ei D :. Gc�°1iss, s�,'_in f r v.e P �r .�,1e c Street d ., Co::':: i ttee, si ;Li.C'_ '_e �%e-].ieVed t''`iciU- t,-e cillE' S1i.vu .C_ la Zol.ered bC'?t 'Uhree f'eo t'_,Irs.rri-eVE' "G.117. e �,:'il].l'2'11c �• zt.y - iLe 0: t Cf 10!F,erin� t _o l �ift "' Ar�'C ..ft�' 1_ne' r`` i t(:'e i:iCt'LC1 '.' afi duly rr, C7.E' neCC C'eC? .. ti- C<.i=ied t e St;r'e, "P Lll r? Cry -, -.,lee' `.':'its. e 1. � t, P t� ,, n l,ineer . nc? invE�st� ' _te t,:e t;r-c e C) t ; e 117 l_E, Ross ,,I"tt re -ported to u3.~e C(_;unci'!_ ti,,a.. t':-n it-y co,,'1-0- yell uteT' outside t.:_.. iro,,, "r- b��r2_S wh11-C',- V11- C,t c,�.reC:. to eL _ v ith uiiE )l Z'C 1 iS"r. rcOr'e BU11nErI"�z!i cCi�e i- SC''ii''T,-_in'~ CU'.'l_,.- be ('one :ibo't '_.ee-)i t '_e Stre-t^a .i!L; '2 Cle ! ,';' F 'c'it. I-Ie, s«ic thn-I'e, h,a, been ca _I rf'e u:; per cf brez:'_�s in t .e on Ba' Str•e:- t J. roc',,-- flyin frcm rJz:,ssinF; carp;. :J1 bills v e -'e order=ec,. _-.1 tL"ken deci6-ed to iicI d a S:;)eCl al . eeti_^ ,, on -,�Dril 29 , �.941' it `.'-? _C- t i' ie t''_e can trc:,c s v . P tC be let fCr t'_n e :: aterial ! U.bor for the anc,;ri;.ction of tr,.E', Bever. 621) Vic Holmquist then eked the Council if Fredrick Street, between Bay Street and Prospect Street, could be J_imitec_ to one hour park- in,,. The Council; postponed the matter fortlrro %,,,eehs until f irt};er. ecnsider- ation could be Miven to the matter. GEI �,RzL FJND Sewell 2 Son Labor & Sup -plies lo, 33 Rensselaer Valve Co. Repair on hydrant 60,34 �. .". i cTavish Street sweeping; 33.00 Emmett Cur fman Labor on Hydrant 2.60 J. I. Elliott Painting yellow lines 22.75 Pac. Tel Tel. Co. Phones 39.30 Vic Holmquist Reim, for suDnlie s 1.00 E. 71'. Hall Co. , Inc. Type,,,Triter for Police 30.35 LoT"man & Hanford Co. -.dvance to Sewer 2='.43 .,,ssociation of Washington Cities jAembershin dues 75.00 Louis IN. Cz xlson .�?vance to Sevier 25.00 P it e s Toss er Advance to Sewer 100.00 Roy Staub Police Patrol 48.40 STREET FUND Gilmore Uil Co. Gasoline 14.80 L uul SunToter Labor on Streets 13.00 IN, F. Bruha._hn Labor on Streets 20. �?O Robert JoneT, Labor on Streets 3.90 Fred Bruhahn Labor on Streets 2.60 R. L. Mcri:1cv! L-bor cn, Streets 2,90 '`�`3TER FUND Gilmore oil Co. Gasoline 1.77 ii.. Plumbin�7 & Stewn SU-0-01y Co. -j a,pters 2.18 W. F. Bruh_:hn Labor on Water System 6a.35 R. L . Morrow tabor cn '`rater System 5.20 G. Buscher Labor cn 'grater System 5.35 Fred Bruhahn. Labor on "'rater Lines 7. 80 -Pioner, Inc. 1,Aeter sheets 15.10 Pa,c. Tel. & Tel. `'o. Phone 3.75 There beinm no further bus'_ness, Counc'_l .i.(� jouned.. LI BR"RY FU T-M PuF et Sound- Nuviga.tion Cc. FreiTht 1Puc;et Sound News..Cc, Boobs Jim s 11,4nro, Town; erlL i SPEC I <L I.7TTI NG . 25 The meeting was ceLlled to order by Tlayor Hunks 1,ncc stated that the question of awardingthe contr,Xts for the labor and material for the Sep°,,er System was one which was the; sole and exclusive province of the Town Council which had been elected by the people to re -present them. He stated that there was a ques- tion as to the type of material which should_ be used for this project, rzrzd he felt certain that the Council in its ,judgment would axard_ the contracts to the ones whom the CoiAncil believed_ were the lowest and best bidders. He ,stated he would. allow the X�e-present Lives of each type of material to beheard- in regard to the _:product wlr ,Ach he v;C s selling. Er. Campbe7.1 of the Seattle Concrete Pro- ducts Company, the lowe-ot bidder on the r,at ri��_, as'.:ec? the Town to folio,,, the 622 e::c�Ti1OlE of the irajorlt,r of ..X':.e Cities, Such i::.F. Seattle, Taco ;L , Bel? in,I- fi"4-,1, H"er.ertcn, etc. -�Lt in ccncre to otrer C�11e. :Lr. Nori ird, rer)re; e t L-nP I;=,e c-oncrete ri 1',,duc'ts ccr-qc_^w.t1 rns, SL,'�L�e^ beer in J1--e 1..''J.gL'.eFu flcr'-,t-ny ."r 61 t ..6t Te t",,t l ei�' .:it?rl als ?ijeL'e C li _! C "ny t- )e of Se''T' T teSte ?'"hicY' -_L6 been C)e:L fc;r'-,ed by emf,inee'rs -f :-L7 -_ar "ith this :v'Cr'S >hol',eC_ that t-'--.a concrete ':)i cdu,C tS s' :nJ tre test of t :,e for eez!er -ur-,, se's. T 1+ - -e n -.") or Y.! - - -s n Z, C P Co. -F 3%:O':i:t.i , h ( yr �e .�� cl �. .fay.-� °�,�_� B_ c-:c Li-_;e :gin(. �e r ';e '�e the id. e_ cn t =e v,tr._fi ec a°_le, ; c: _e in e~ se of t;}. _t s e c � t" e Couinci1 n "t teL..,i( n c :ie f Ct t], t it See:'er '.,Lnr n7on c to ilium ti, tt t e Ci', sl.o'? _ iie :1_y! x'..�e-tl^ouc n cllw s ,:c e for ;.itri_f.nc�. file 1"hcn at w .CLl _C rf;"}Ll uy c r cor,cre tEe rc,Ju tja'.?' en t e oncrete _-_. pro- t: s-act Y e Alull`� r 7 r r r�L_pn "» -hw leqn 'FoUiG, uCtorjr for Sel'c.f uX':U'.�5. .'r. Cilc' E'rS u�':,E'C t--e C'U='Si tc et_:P'r Cr nct t'­_ere :sere "ny Ftt i r,t'.0 S SAC' 'L"Ci -. e tJ_ e ";'—se GeC,r_.'E C7ine c%nr,wered t_- C1iaestICn tC t:ae effect t!:'. t .61T ouch in-'or-.".�It'Ion c0111 be cbt,cined in t'.e SeL�V..]..eArPublic Libr<_,ry. r. tic; ;4ac._ resented. .oet3_tions si-tied bJ` ov-cr thirty citizen:' tl.c, Tcwn accent `,=;e lc,:7est c.r c t.t riLJ for tr'_e Sever. ilex Thoi:l,son 9tc.teC. t:::&Lt he ha,! Snent the afternoon in ?:pith t :e C14U Council any_ _L.;Ld to the ..,ssietant City En-ineer, Fyfer, '%t o told hAm that in his opinion the vitrified tile was the best_.-,:,ro--- Az;t to use (^!here t'le difference in tie price tR�as nct anyre�ter than the a mount t�tl�ich a;D_�e red to -� e the difference on our bids. J .mes ::Munro, the City Clerk-, stL4'Lled L1hL-,t he hzL(7 CLisct_ia.>ed the -matter l:lith `,he City +myineer in Se- e il_e City ;1 ':LneeY' 'Ln Tcic0'Tlci ari t,^e C ter F.1' cri-,, ee�:C' in Fr f"._.e,rton and" ."d been :nfori""E'a b�r t _em ti:"t tuhie concrete used it �,r:'at de,,-! mo-re of concrete se?",'er pipe th,_�.n t'--_ey used of vitrified tile "nit he, therefore, felt t' atI t '!,,5 t-e duty e.f ..1,_e C(),ncii tc'-_'nd': 'tor to j st<;.11 ti_e Se?3Jer Pro,ject at ta,e ? st=)oss:ibl.F e: orise to t _e )ebple vl (, t ere going to be required to _)ay for it. DeLtn Corlis.-, s toted t'-iUt did nct bel_1_ev e th6 Clew taras en- titled t;; exy res r !". -_ o-)J ni: n on this question ue' ..e 'o.e; nci. i-. )rcnerty '?olaer I Y tt Town cf PortC T'c'�U.rC :';1nyOl' H 67's:S t�=E 1 y c� G - rC" Ci :EI C'.i tiCn Off' t ,e, yyCity iEnl 1neer t'-,At tIne B r ' �_ �i� C,_ C _t; Corist"-'ucticr Co- _ my In t'i:te -"jr'1 of T?37,9 6. }2 be aLceJter. fL _ t-- e ic1.'C,r !Yi•l the iJ�if cf Brit c rt.' C �x§r I tOi1 "� _ r Li,_.e & Sewer 211:)e Co. Of S_ao'i:Line., in the sujq of "�� 7,�E� .rJ� be acce')tecl for the ma- terial. Harry Hill the recc:.,--1e f,,Lttion of E-rr�,ineer be r `1 ^.1_ CCunC ii-.en Vcte'� _ t ra.eCe''� e� . Eu.Y'.1. Cr sbe;; ;�:.:'.r.'1?'_...... �1_c ... O1� t.�... i,. i �. i � s f LTV or . T'_e Cov.ncil then Jtas eCl u� resclation settin" asi`' e tl:.e sur:l o.f Soo. 00; fro,n'1 tfie uwP(1_i'1e Fund, fo' t `c Of alnta n_l " tine 7ri- I:iial'�` .`iLut•.e HI-'l1,",�:i.�' r1 r. i There being~ no further business, z Jame'U �4unro, C the r_.eeting v:d_ j ourned. n. Hanks, ayor ItiIeeting of Play 12, 1C41 sr�as called to orcer =rich a7.1 Councilmen _resent. r.Iinutes of tne, ,3revicus .ieoting were read the Rex Thompson us�ted that the minutes shout that he with 1-dr. PhcIfer, I1r. {fertlle and Ivlr. Royal of the City Engineers' office in Seattle in re : rd to the type Serer pipe to be used and. Irlr. Pheifer and I.;ir. Royal, who were not hola.ing political positions, stated their preference for the vitrifl_ed_ tile. Dean Corliss as',,,ed t-iat the minutes be made to shore that he did not say, that the Clerk was not entitled to speak in re;`rC;a.rd to the Swvr! r Project but that tl:e stute .ent wuq that not as _3uch !fdei�- t should be given to the statements of the Clerk as he was not a -property holder in the Town. It was orc_eree thle minutes be so corrected.. The Street and i�llley Committee reported t at t^ey had. not invest _c^ated the :.,illey by Prlrs. Grieve' s -property. It was agreed that the Committee should in- vestigate the Wiley on Tuesday evening. Miles Tourer brought before the Council the question of ir_stallin; cast iron Fri oe instead of transite pipe for the se;=rer outfull. He stated that cast iron was 7enera0,'_1y `used for this ;purpose and tn"t the cost wo:;.11_d nett be any greater to the Town but that there would be a saving of approximately $483.00. Dean Corliss made a motion thLtt the Engineer be directed to irstull the cast iron -pipe instead_ Of the transite pipe. motion. t _l Councilmen voted in favor of the Dean Corliss r=v:) ,rted t -.at there r3.if¢'ic,_zlty over the c;arbz e and the Clerk was ddredted to write to the Garb,,^e men taut �_oning there to be rrore careful not to sca'Uter garb.ir=,e on the highway. George Givenswas directed -to -Hake arrangements with the County Coi�rriissioners to have a bull -dozer used on the garbage dump to cover the g xbage. There w,as a gQneral agreement on the part of the Council that the Pu:;et Sound Power & Light Co. was not giving; as good service as the Town �-,rurr�,zntea. The Council directed the Clerk to write to the Puget Sound Pourer &Light Co. complaining of the service in the Town. The Clerk was 'directed to check thit rent of the Park proc-erty and_ determine if the same had been -oaid_ ` Dean Corliss stated t'_at he had talked with some of the r_ierrbers of the Sc,I=ool. Bcaard in regard to the questic n of a Town Park and of tie necessity for more space for a nqw school building. He stated that the Town should reserve to itself the park area. needed for recreational purposes dnd_ school :-could go 624 on one �11,_n.e of a-,, 4? -oark. 2,"yur H..LnKs I'.A--e :-:;utter vias one of orimary im- for l Lance at 161-11S time; 1n cppGr tu-^i uy uo obtuin u-�)oroxi1 auely "'250,000.00 of Federal ,.nd St:.,.te :,lcney for tW e i a lc?_ir:_ of a nevisehool, -pro- vider_:_ w coup --•ive t1,Le Sc•;r_ccl a P:,ijtuble lc:c"tion. He said t',,--,t l-ere :": 7, ver;r little ti :;e to CGrrr)ic to t: _S _:utter c:LS tL.e furs.^ woulc_ not be avL_ila- "I a c. C ` -: e "� [� ts1e . n r; r� Q ' - the � � e 3 n e s ,.r .�-� t �:le '_Tn�i, > ��. . _ lu.'_i � :.,Z c. ;'re ,�,T t• C< ;)„" �i�e �0.;.r�' i.0 �.; . '72 CJ r c,,:^'E'. Ci u i L.'lOU furt :er delay. In his c, ;,,_-1on l-,.ere s but one t11_nM to do x, a Ana � t t ., 1,. as to e e -, y, 7 .- n@Ces tux�r r=� ".2_'. Y1t; tG trac"e mi •_ "n L !lo'u"'_CIS � E ,�a ... fi.. Ci O tr-_e Bowrd s ale 3c nocl would require In r•etii.rn for the Central School rounds. vf. zl,.e B(;"rc`, stt.ted.. 'G;lLit E' I:ic:tter was ver,7)- urMent and t-1Lj,t the )"r'- site Js t'i':e only one available thin the City L7_i'lits. He stated t'fiat if t -ie site --ere ol::tained .it could be _,i to a ci,-ic center y�ith recr e�,tic, ,:al fLL 11 i. ties v1_Llich coul!_ be '_'sed by the '2ovdnr "s !;el:l 4;.s the students. L"-rry Givens :,tested that there �;�er•e � cou_c)le of arews s it -in t':e Town COU1C_ B us fcr "' e, site Tut, nGnP, of them �:er e 1L;rs`"e encuF;Ii .to b- used if thle bJ11 111n,7' v,,ere t0 ?C enlarn'ec'. to cov: r tiLe reg,,,_t:ireilents Of a con'soliduted district. Jinn pat ;ison e. )la.�_ned t->;e-)roblem involve('. in 7_acin:' ty-e b1� lc in on t1-e present S]_t�'. Lci:"r'uT G;vE3nS r, �iC?_ t'' C12 �!'. ti—en cIi 1_ncx'ea�e Gf, 'lwjo in the attendance, _n t'^e C wintr__ School over 1"st gear �nc_ th t '�= e School wctq required tG G-`orutb on the of fluids as Gs t`_c; or'evious year. Dean Corliss :•.:c.L%ie a 'i Cti(-n L-Lt -:e Co?,tncil !e et w,J.trl. t'----e Sc;hoC1 BUi.Lrd at 7: 00 p. m, . Gib. T'ues- CLca eye­in,­ "t t ie ;Li ,, tG Ct--%erPl1_ne .;i,e u.Vt1 Gn whic1hi the Council ,,,ou1,d tctKe cn ,l,ues'ion. 1 i lz�T v.lt .e-7 � - • -r -lie Cad_ t,i en c_ i. f , c,r G l he motion. I �i `-)eti4-.Yon reu-L ",r-;inst u-`e Oper4;.t7_o'P_ C= ura3.ler ins_ e .,"te 1G .T? 1 i „_ c.s '1�1y ... VP.._ t,,. _t PL ."at ��2ii e :_ Cr. �..e u LtJbl e ; i .2_ S 1T" e a t ,��t n G� , n r " l G "' n �"te ne'� � :;le'. t Lrt- 11a :iiv vlt:ii c.,i..r] 4:'v:� ,_�., <1.nC C:i.�_ CU.i'lcil=:.e_ i voted_ in its fwvor. H,,l coo .`ecn, cf t"i;e StcLnc."r6- (Al Cc )"nyy 4i�' LC t.' B CGt�1Cil for t;:ie per::�.ssyon t0 conSt7'--ict ramp, wCCCYC'._ir tc cert An � '' ans and SJecIfica,tions � 1:,, 1.ch ae filed- !` yth t 'e Town Cle; - , T "tP, CGunci;, by vote, g,, ranted s,.Lc!71 '-)er- -sc;io :. T1--e Ordinance t'-e finbl assee­ient roll for t1h.e Garrison Street LI'D was unpr oven o`f e ,c,unI.il. U 9 a ' -{- - C, - t 1 ^ irk i ' A '� r� f.+.l- �.:.rry Hill," Axed i:: i . ':;ere nece.� ar, �� r.)rohi t � :e ��I t, turns at Bay An`� SiG ney Strre 's Ln i,rie e=; eninrn Vic He _: qu.1 rt re-oy l_e0_ t -at it was _n.eceS— nary tc _)rohibit t,-te le-'t turns in or?er tc sneed tie traf is tl�rou h t'-R T.,i�n. He disc rec,,aested)_ 1-1 t Council em,-)Iy tirae officer to vcr11 viitn 111-m -In ".e To,-.m. ft r e"'Ul.a.rly moved '' -,t t_P, ..'.jitter be broug'it un "t i:..e next ranu7_a,r meetA ­ LA whl ch i,ime the Clerk's off' ce ':,o,,ld su>>:oly tr_e f�.�ures us t0 y - �� y �t _n b- t`-e Police t:;P, u.I:1GU11t Of iIl4�n8� ','!.'1:l.Ci_ _i'�.Ck ti,,.•,n 1Ou`_ -� ,I Court since the Lrst Gf t_-e year. The Clerk as%ed for per fission to purchase a new Warrant Ledger art a Po- lice Court Docket,, vfnich per_aission was granted by the Council. .� bill in the sum of 8500.00 vias Dr•esented by Ross Watt for legal services in connection with the se'Ner project. Layor Hans stated thL.t he understood that the _,purchaser: of the bonds had agreed to pay the City attorney for his help on the setrrer -project. Rex Thcr.ro son stated that that fact had entered into his considerL.ticn of the sale of the bonds to Pratt and Ccm >any without the necessity of a public bid. George Cline made a motion that the bill be sent to the )urchaser of t�,,.e bonds with a letter of explanation that it was the understanding of the Town that the purchasers of the bonds were to pay the Fees. till Councilmen voted in favor of the motion. The Council decided to make Frederick Street a one -hour parking street. ,ill bills were ordered. paid. Gri1R:iL FUND Howe Eotor Co. Jackson Lachine Shop Mill & Mline Supply Co. Henry Buscher Pacific 11anifoldiilg Book Co. , Inc. Sears, Roebuck & Co. V. B. Caldwell Chloe Button Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Fred Bruhahn Roy Staub Howe' s Hardware Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Howe' s Hardware George Givens Pa.c. i "ter Works Supply Co. Palmer Supply Co. Worthington -Gannon Dieter Co. Olympic Iron & 1,1ac'hine Mks. Standard Cil Co. of Calif. r.n. Plumbing & Ste'am Supply Co. Tacoma. Plumbing Sub -ply Co. H. 'll. Jackson Iuiach;ine Shop Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Reliance Idotor Co.. Howe' s Hardy;rare William' s Hardvrare Standard. Gil Co. of Calif. Howe' s Hardware Seline Honey Howe' s Hardware Police expenses Repair to Hydrant Fire pump & tank Laying planes by City Hall Police tickets Paint for City Hall Desk & table for Police Reim. for stamps for Treas. Prisoner's board_ Labor, painting; yellow lines Police Patrol Supplies (Police & City Hall) Installing control circuit to fire sirens Supplies for City Hall VZFE*R FU VD IvIe-nbershio in Supplies Supplies b!eters Sharpening picks Gasoline Set screws Solder Supp l i_ e s Supplies Repair pickup truck Sudies Supplies STREET FUND Gasoline Supplies LI BR _,RY FUND Cleaning library Axe SEVER CONSTRUCTICY FUND Peninsula Stationers Pads Lowman & Hanford Co. Develoner ffashin ton Brick &' Lime Co. Supplies for Sevier There being no Further business the mentin,,?• adjourned. James Dlunro, Tov:n Clerk C. 11. `• nks, 1:11a or 24.33 25.50 11.48 5.50 29.12 3.77 11.73 1.00 6.50 14.85 45.10 21.41 250.00 7.47 5.00 91.95 54.66 90.09 .46 2.47 .71 5.19 8.47 3.79 2.14 1.86 7.47 1.90 4 49 2.50 1.35 4.95 9.05 762. 55 s2s I "Y 13, 1941 Tcwn Council met in n .,oir:^ed session with A Councilmen ar,;_ Ea,yor Han,'rs present. Dean Corliss was appointed acting Clerk because of excused absence f 4:h , i r A= d GlorXI c1 4.i, r r I'funro. Mayor Hanks Informed the Council and a number of interested citizens who were in attendance that it was Imperative t' ut the C1ty should vrovi e land of" "yproyinately four ac2es for c:: nstr.,tction of , nv ,_,chcol buiVinE. He informed those, :in attendance t''":.at the E"st rn Crtion of �:'.e or". rant City _ _ J P,r_, Tould be nn YeaYeal location "nd that he, to`;Feti''_er with the Ccunell, Schoc i Board, County Su' ar�'_�'te` d ent of aci cols am Wx . Ct( �-,Y6 _or, 1,ih--C is an "r hAtC C't in ,_,.e eu�oloy of the local school district, had "one over the rounds and were W the oninlon that this was the "oro ar location. after :onsI erable discussion the Couroll voted anon" -'ously for convey- .,:-ce & title to School Dist. #10, of that Wstnrn ". G Lion of the City Park, bourdeC by 1-1 . tii:, J.iE'nd.l.=, S].cilZey ia.Y'iC. gar Guf 8 Streets, the Con81derc.4.L,1.Gi1 C sc:i' e trunsu Wtion to be _ norm r-ed pit• Ea, la to r date. Motion �J Cline, = i l,EeLude , by Hill t ut recUution tie accpted re,arcinS said transfer of title Z3 School District No. 10 of ;;Ea,la pregerty for the wnstructicn cf a school bulidinZ. .L1 Councilmen voted in favor. There being no furlher business, Council cr". c r na-1. Dean Orliso, Clerk 'fro teI:1 _ _n."z os of the yin A"Y 25, 1941, ..,ycY Hanks and Councilmen Cor- is , Thompson and CoB5py present. linut es A the orEvious meeting's were i� �.he t t Y Q minutes show t�_at, n all the c�iscussic~_s read and _ �ri..:,� orri Wks u > _ . � �, �. _ i n ;_� t in re7ard ..o the, ycha:" - e Cif the Par'..._ Pr ovarty for the Central School Droperty, s' �'1 Yam, - e fair f t 1 i� SAW �.-1-"tl�'� C- ��'`'`>'7,�0(j.b0 _ .. ti;m'eYl C:G .SLC'_.- e(�. iti Vt:i_Li.IE' Gt ., Central Councilman Ocsbey reported Out the S-"rp, t .. „ .. ttee aestl : rs the "110 17 mrs, Gri eve' s _ ro_ 3rty w -- c_eciae? t.-..t the .!le,- Plould out do n "bout twc feet at the Eeen st q" t at the Popenqe of .he, City. Liles `.[c7er w.s Oire&W to ..,3r.rat7e Or a BuIlau ar to A his ?o for a sum _ ct to eyo eC'-. men Giial-c Gear, Givens repot& 1, -'at _'.e t�al _E'd tom, v'� -.._ , � .c. i. .-� �, .-, f+ S i_ c n e r Nelson Una "1 aG. been inforned t ^O the county would put " hu1_lo'ozer 11). at t'-,je fur haz?e dulup r c us r , 9 ent to do cL.; �:.�{�n a�� ai; :�: � �, "GI"1V''_:I.� _ � J —�,1 SG. Tie 1 r n[eo e-: 1 .F °,:;...a 50001 + 00 District `cn�s proceeding "s fast aS LL ,t_. Li�011�y �7 �/11 1 � �" V+ :1 �L ��-1LL 11 � ?���:..�\.• .l. �, .. �-% 627 could_ be expected on the school project ',nd there was nothinsrr for the City to do at this tine. T,-e -:latter ccncerninc- the Trailer C"m-ps !,:3_thin the Cite was main laid on the table. Vic Holmquist eTalained the method of Yla.nd_ling the left hand. turns at Sidney and Bay Street during the rush hours. George Givens reported that he had ordered. more parhing signs but that he hid not fret received them. Pearson- a-ppe: red before t7:e Cclancil and cvr-�1-wined of the fact th;4t the Sewer eras bein^; run in the wrong alley or street adjointnm his property and he felt that it was unnec -ssa,ry to run the Se,�rer they were putting it anO +h-vt it ceu'ld just as reach the property by a different street. Th.e Health and. Sanitation Committee was directed to investigate Tdr. Pearson's complaint at the conclusion of the meeting. Mr. Woods appeared before the Council in re,ard to the alley adjoining his property, I'Ar. Rector, who lives on the sane alley, complained_ abcut th.e ;°work bei_nv done by 11Ir. 111cod.s µnd stated that his property wouldslide into t _.e "lle;7 if it were Lest as it is. The Stre^t and «lley Cc>mnittee was C i— rected to '.')mike an investipa.tion of the alley. The Clerk repperted_ that $639.00 had been tWwen in by the Police Court c.uri.nS the past Q months. T>•Lere v.-las a discussion of the amount of money '.-ich the LLrshall should. recni.tied and the Counc l decid.ec to "flow the Peiarshall $20.00 more ;L !-month. The 1"Ja.rsha.l was also 63rected to regulate the ho,­rs of the e-Ytra patrol_m .n in such w m"nner that he would not el:ceed t"le amount of revenue with which ! e ha(f, to deal in order that this matter mi lit be held within the bud eta.ny li:-a_tr, The Council duly passed a re- solution declarirnrr an ei':!er�,•ency to exist in the Toti!,n of Port Crcl�ard by re �- son of thef<::ct that the 1.ncrec-.se in traffic and Police problerns had ex- ceeded any arncun t whIch could_ have beer_ a.ntici-oa.ted_ when thE! Budget for 1941 was massed and directed the Clerk to issue rv'urrants against ;in,,,, funds in the General Fund .,rhich were not bud.;-eted for other purposes. Vic Holmquist asked the Council to corsi(5.er the question of putting stalls on the end cf Frederick Street l,hi ch could be rented for a couple of dollars a mcnth for persons who desisted to park by the month. Ers. Maurer appeared before the Council un(- as'_r>ed if t�:e Tcr would consider passing an ordinance -.0rohibiti.n-7 the putting in of any Trai.l_er Cw-w —q in the City. The ML-Lyor e1:- lained tc jl�a r. I: ware- that the Natter vras under consider Alon. by the Council :!rite a enera.l ordln Ance in regard to all buildings within the To!.,rn. 6`L8 -1 i, ;,-�re` Cx --n --cr '-� -M, T1,-e Billo .-I.-ere re"C', __.rlt�-,, cr`., 1� 1 - .:f ],.-e RJ, P"D Chl'oe 'O'l-Itton, Rem. For De-cosit Box Port-, urch."r��_ I n 6. e n de n t P -j.b,_I i c " t i o n s T L C s St. c1eLn1n1-, J. E11-1.ott Li: -:es Line s .,Uj, Port crc'­­rc_ Llar::T, ei, Y:,rd Lu-t fer o r Cyty 11-t RC, 7 St _,ub P- r, " I E., P"tlrol nk_et Souy)d LL�Aat­ St r - et 1, -1. r-h t 11, rj Pu­(�t Sou,nd Flie bc2.4rdS Ch jai pt Rel_��. fcr PLC. Tel Tel Co. C 'n e s S R E, Et T FT T1 � HD L 2K i on S t d e t s F -- '.) r, S t e e t I in e .-..I ur. on streets Frea Bruhctd-Ln L etb o r Palmer 1 y C c. . ,,Ilillr.ins-L,,,a­en, I110. Tucr_i:-ia P1un--1_An7 Su -)-ply Cc. 1"I".0. JL-,er -)U�p ,D I y Co. ""orse & Co. �D t t n - G i p t - r CC. ';7. F. ­ P-c. Tel and 'Tell Co. S P 1- t r cl 1- T f e r L c, v!_A"n h"n ford, Cc. B-,--* c',P- & LL.-.e Cc Q U Lu-:1ber Yard_ �sCli"le Su-_ oIi e s, Ccl-)_)er Pi- :)-- e e r Lie 'Un r,-, po�' ;a]:, for 111IM-P & Pur;-,,-, of te LT ER - j-qY 113 Fuel SEi's'E'H CU'IL13T,�1,T,",",-'1'I�,!,",T FU1,TD z .1 Su2,.i )1 L e s & C RRISUNT ST. LID 'F'-47 M-1 t1fle :,loetirg 7 u 1_710 IJUTIR(1) 7777_,! CEERX 1. 30 . 27. 04 1 A - PLO ry 79 ".12 17 20 * 1. P- 1 15 ^ 0 10./110 5. SF �n P, 1.92 c r7, nn 4 C. 55. 52 7 09 4C 1" 17 r HLz`ic; ­1 1"'a ccuncll- -­Aity Cn Tn t u) qe�ticn , t c, t e c t I f 1"' 0 d... It t".­,e ­eerLl coin-Lr,-n ­t Vi 1- s :"t t, er 1,t:"s vover- Ly t e C, n t 1, 0 t q C 1- d rm-, e 0 r,�? -_ t -_'d 1 E, y 0e r t c j 629 whey ne"r his oroperty about six feet in viol&t'Lc;n c,f tT-re instruct ons given him by th.e Street and Alley Committee. Tne Clerk was directed to write Jack bloods a letter informing him t-hat he had violated the Council Committees instructions and asking him to appear before the next meeting of the Council. i The. H:alth and Sanitation Comrr.ittee reported 'hat their investigation of the Sewer near the Pearson property convinced them timt it should ba, left as it is. T?ayor Hanks stated that the irieeting `.ad been called for the purpose -of meeting with the representatives of Pratt and Company in regard to the Sewer Assessment Roll. T,Ir. Moore of Pratt and Company stated that he had received a letter from the Town Clerk enclosing a bill in the sum of rive hundred (�500.00) Dollars which had been presented by Boas Vvatt. It appeared to 'rim that presenting the bill to Pratt and Co. was a matter of "passing the bucks' but they were milling to pay Ross Watt Two hundred i Fifty (�250.00) Dollars, which. sum Mr. 1411att said he would Accept. Eir. Moore stated that it was generally acknowledged that the Assessment roll had been ,:jade up on an incorrect basis and that if it were tested in court , it would probably not stand up. lie said there was a question as to the cost of the new Assessment Roll and who should bare Laat cost. Voss Watt said he was still of the opinion the Assessment Roll was correct as it had been made up in accordance with the statute, ' but _-he:-felt-that the Le-gislature was in error in not clarifying tie Statute to rpovide for making up the Roll 1 I on a different basis.. I�Tiles Tower stated that 'it would cost Six Hundred (4p600.00) Dollars to make up anew Roll and that 'ie didn't particularly care for the job at that figure. There- was a general discussion of tie new Assessment Roll but no agree- ment was reached as to who should pay the cost of a new Roll, and Dean Corliss moved j th.at the matter be Paid on the table until the next regular meeting. The notion was seconded by Rex Thompson and duly pas.:ed by tie Council. Mr. Yloore of Pratt and Co. suggested that the Engineer and City Attorney and himself could probably reach some agreement in regard to the . along up of the new Assessment Roll. Mp:yor Hanks suggested that the- Engineer be given written instruct -ions as to the manner in w1lich the new Roll is to be made up in order that there might not be any further difficulties over it. The m6tion was :then made to adjourn the meeting ,Jith all Councilmen in favor. A, t;S li ii 0, `• T0, CLe. June 9, 19da Meeting of June 9, 1941, with Councilmen Corliss, Cosbey and. Cline present. The riiinutes of t'ne -)rev ous meeting v:ere approved. Councilmen Cosbey said that Yrs. Grieves had reported to him that nothing had been done on t'ie alley '"hat was su:),,osed to havL, been graded n-,ar her property/ liedr_ 'vQPi:i Ss Ste tee. 1 t li l'J'"A' r-t tiica, b 3J[:ie L'17_'[i<. 3hjol?y;. be c11or, 1 f ��Ji�t �[1@ E Str.:tci,LOl1 of i0't7n i'O')3 'YT -d; s7,. h as St:-•l_ction of' So -)er e and 1 Of 7e' "iai to voi,] C G'l_) n 1 :'.E :l'.1'-,)rc, c a__.a l t C, JU.ti li':e O Sr ( �'<e 71'f (;_ iG'r U iJ 'nilc; C t in €l cI SO:_ie }J lt! SCt'c'_t dealt t Out t0 t',—,.a m. :.1 JOds a!)IJBaie OI E 11e Oili C l_ _ c.l i !_f l:'_t .i :._LS �.' B'v.J Oi `,e al. le t:�_at on. lie said t'--at !. °;^:as !tis r:.j.ae_rstat zi.r1--; L _at e Cou cIl cot;,]:.S.ttee ss ion Lo ta.'.•e t':le (JL t Cro, t'.'?e aly ey. I-:r. Gos c said. tihat the Cot.acil c ), ._ i Ltoe `_a(l d.e J ::LtelJ- tole ,i"r. ,vc)o 'is not io LaJLe an T c _rt f ron the alley. GeQr�3e Clijia Said to -at i',i1'. Cosbe-J ! S acCOUnt 'ilL;S co:."rect `;f tistc ]i"EGt1 i_. ti'1I.ti=. S • VVOods ni 6 t'i-'at roi-i C"-1s ovvn ;ersona ,,n v;'le cl(%,,e !'le ii'eiT t:iat L ie lots; involvcd _-ad been -'Qr ,a-S c ;;J_er, rca d a � e t r i' �o:: t be �rer{l•:,Ir tor. _ Oster Advertisirl -, C=oc1'.)any :i.n .,_ward I- L , 1 _'� Sea.L' 3 n e iac Council agreed --, i :� �G ; _) <<c jd at i� c)t of �.__e 1` VIvo -c a L0 �lCCe it Lil' ? 1Ve 011ar:; :)1 C81'ei1 0�� E c'oSt' r COrr')cr]y 1'i` '-L tine undcrSLanbir�.c t:lat wc-3.,c necOSSai'y cr t`­-e l0'v`ri. tO eYYlOV2 tl"ic S:i_;' t;:•.'.;7 i"doLlld T f'U11d tCle i�YOrJUl't Onate t!!rC S'J_:rt �Ja _��s C Cried S'E ,. r. ! a C - 18 uZ_1f Y tii� li!10 ." 1elV8I S J1 ooert T iiad i:ie8:7 t;x .0 ed :.Lri accE'�x'dat�c�' ,,J _tip t'r�e Council' r� cstr�-,_ctlo�i,;. ;� 'be "dutch t"'eri ;'ent to a ci sC3it-.:iOn (,f ti-e as,:'essrlent roll. 1'. I`.a0pru O1 r'"C"a6t a )d li0 a1:' 5�1;_ �:1c'tL t,e� C;.1C notnO;J r0ll -,vas.ElI''.� "laUe Ej�' i8 basis upon rJ,ici it J�:s _f; :lac_0 :t.L:il G t r t td i.�eei7 corr,J=Leted. lie Su csted tint tl,.e cost of t I r e,-J roll he Split ti ee ways, ,.'ii;'tf t?,.e Gjity Enn ineor bearl_n- one- tC'--l.i'CI _)f e cost, C! !,y O1 0-t[].1rC Of, t',ae' cost and =)ratt af'_Ci Lo" )any :Cerf1:ai - in- one-ti j.rd. ,`r. `Power said tkia l; it v ould not to oossiC' e for sI is to r?-:a«e up Li-e z'011 for leis ti iri t, Ol_JO.;_)D and that v,,ould need t[_at entire Bui_ in orCier to do l,!..'.1; �Oo. I:G :�!14iVeCU.-!'1_iY't':.8... U tv=-r i�L��.Lnson of'ratt C;., .,0�'tpar�y '•,,a;; ';i'Lti- `.Li .� vJi�0no ':!ie roll 'J:'as be,n,;f r!a:`e un a,I-d u--nCWC'stood 11-he metliod vjlc ic-i i.''JaS e'_ 1:; us c d. 1ayor stat,ed t'-at as far a;; c:e could tell t-I OD1�_r;atlOras of rr_a�Ein up a ne�J roll fell on Pratt and Com-.,any as -Iley .";e-re in a posi%_t.on to get good advice on t1hle le- <ality of t^e roll a 1% v'i,iS ein`,- race lao and SCOU.LG'_ :nave ''_mown 1i• tl!J re were any k, tectS 1%. t 'd UrOC eGf�-L Ic S t i. t 'sNe e f c- ;.j-1 'Gcl 811• 'CE LilaTor said tE'.a t ilS I'dl.' as il@ vas conccerrled 11c c0'uld Dot d]_St1nz-;U]_S`7 t'....- question of �i.aking up tG! (3 assessment r0-11 froants ot_:er part oL file oonci ,�raceedin�s as t o 1_e rali-;yT oI' the bonds would de-- ;per_d to a lace cxtemt on tae question o:TJnet'l-ier or not treas,-essn:ent roll was cox'rectl;,' pre )�areU;. i' :.o discussion the asse:3;3L: en.t -oll ended 'J'Lthmut any a, ree- r:'-en i, )n he Jar t J ale Cot;.ncil. t' U'_i' er disc ._ssion on 11-h; SelJ--r assessment was put off until Ross !:tact; could ,et to t'r;e Council r:icatier;. I1r„ I'dloore of Pratt and Company S atEG t �""'_e IL.'-a6 talr_-ed to Irir. V�Vatt orior to i;i1e Cou cil ini.et'nc, af'_d }_t Was !"iis Undarstandirr`; Lila.t lair. 17att viloul.d be at the fir. ILore t -an presented a or'O- posed oC't i—laC_ce %ro:'LCI-n for i t'_G assosBt;'_eri O_' t ].e s-zer revenue and setting U_D the 631 r-"1, rates to be charged.; There was a long discussion of the rates wit"i a tentative agree- rrlent on the part of the Council in regard to some of them. T'de Clerk read a letter froy.I J. L. Eurize of the Puget Sound Pov-ier & Light Co. in regard to the service in Port Orclnard. TLe Health and Sanitation Committee ;,,as instructed to investigate the possibility of obtaini-n�- a right of way for the sewer ricar the HIRrton prooe:�ty. The Clerk was requested to irt.vestigate the date the Ross well was taken over by the City and to find. out whn t property was entitled to have :free water. All orders were ordered paid the exception of the c';arge of 5�3.05 which Pratt and Company agreed to take care of. Trick & Murray Puget Sound Power & Lid 'it Co. -'red. G. Ve tiers, S'r-eriff 'owe 1 s Hardware Roy Staub Chloe Sutton Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Trick & Tilurray P. A. Macri James Munro V';ilkins-Lursen, Inc.: awe' s Hardware V':i7_liam's Haro�Jare Iowe Motor Company V. B. Caldirrell V-,'ortnington-Gamon :"otcr Co. ±''rick & ivIurray Standard Oil Co. of Calif. owe Is Hardware rem. Concrete Products Co. VJilkins-Lursen, Inc.' Ate.:,- Flujilbing & Steam. Supply Co. V. B. Caldwell Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Chloe Sutton F. P. Arnold Lowman & Hanford Co. Pac. Water Wks. Supply Co. Trick & Murray Charles R. Watts & Co. Kiles Power VlashinF,ton B ick & Lirrie Co. Town of Port- Orchard Gen. Fund Port Orchard Lur^:oer 'Yard "hzotive I s Hardware Queen City Construction Company H. h. Jackson t:'ac'iine Shop GENERAL Ft 1i:0 1F7arrant register Police expense 16.63 Street lighting 78.78 Prisoner's board 18,20 Town hall expense 1.91 Police Patrol 57.20 Reim. for postage & cards 5.00 STR.LET ?-CIND Pearl oil & repair work 15,09 warrant resister 9.90 Grading -alley 10.00 V.�eim. for COD for grader part 5.57 Gasoline 12.73 Scythe blades 4.02 broom 1.03 Tire repair 1.55 supplies 2.47 1F1eters 44.55 warrant register 9.91 gasoline 3,12 supplies 10.60 meters 22.25 ga ; o1_Lrse 7168 supplies 30,44 Stillson 1,65 Power for {Dump house 67.14 Garrison St. Assessmant 216.86 su;oyolies 21.86 S�5`,'! �;R CCI�dS�i'I��CTION P'lT%�D supplie s 49, 92 supplies 122.44 warrant register 9.91 anti -.hydro 1.83 engineering contract 500.00 material 4875;79 Reim. for advance 566.90 expansion joint 36.25 .Taterial 9.16 construction 3160,21 made sledge 3.09 `I'h.ere being no further business Council a6liourr_ed. Janes Munro, `'own Clerk . rianrsk iiiayor Ju.r_e 16, 1J 1 ::lina, Lill and vJs�;—e present. Ma -for Stated to t'_�e Gou_�cil t'­_at ti-e speed-�-1 ljneetln� 'lad been called at �,---_e i_.stanco of ?-,att and Co, ;ar` :_to tatLE uo a,,,ain i;Cle ques;;_or3 o: :I:;'e f.Jv;Trr se:.er. er G s u e:y eral 'sc�1.ssion of .'=,is ct:nst,a.on ana t'ri.e Cool cil unanimai,_sly a"reed t'-�at t'r_e Lo„ of Poa?t Orc"-!ar(I wtus rot responsible for ar.-,, error l'.._ich ad been ,Wade in '��Ialin�, up t'� e assess�_e:_t roll and, t'ner efo:�'e, tie Covancil dia. r,ot fuel t'r t %rye t - 1 k �.;_ �;'.Loul::. j,Gre any �l cos is o:" Eh, new i o 1. t''E VJ.L.:_-,v �)f t:._e voullcl_l �- ,at t'.c -i n res< r(! to t.ie yak Of t ie :)e ­e')arated From t '_E3 ` e:.,eral C?u..stion ol" t= E a 1 E Of file (:;O'.�. S a .,.ic. Vet I,i.:1tv of i.i�E DnCis ,.a5 cOntli:,,GYIt, on �re Cit).tSt=LOr'i eti,.Dr Oi' ."'.Ot t'::o assess1r_er: io,-1_ 'r.ad been aae us:)on a :.orhect i'elu- tl).at =att Coy"�p� r..��, assuzi--ad a t 'lie) Iet_;al or oblems ii_n- �i !J .�.. v.: �. a1'-,:, �"-,;.. -t:'ccL. .,' .'i. � � 1., 1 - '.C1 •,� t. n t�'i'F: kJ Oi�i Ci.S '� Br E:? ) :-:['C pia SE d.P t0 t;a��e Cc1 T'e O t; �t�. E3SG to 7 y 1,' IS U_'.;On ,SS"1eC_.t =^011 lRla: l`:£i t��.Y'3, ,: 1,'-::r ..._��,:, �L' � ,:.._. G _ �^.te .:_i101"� ,�E J�,,`� i�-'1C''i �,. �t��i' , It also a'JpeareA i3O 11-:^1,it '_r. tip._ ,OY .-, d entored _:'.'i0 a disci:ssion roll �G ._ _._Z', O':°�Cr and ;:�Ir . Wa tt e,' i.'.0 � �; --1 Z"iu S f.)E-' 1 �.f:� -.:F CAG _i n vOIJ_'.C]_1 (:1r eCLE3v" _a i 1-err: GO "uri" to t0 �:.'"si'. an �GY_'_pcin�% ai�.0 LrfOrT" t "-@wj Of - S C GC? s Lon• i eTG :t -L n o f..-rt htt� 5ed: J��1L_es r,I'.xrro, rI� s:IZ ' I- CUUNCIL MINUTES June 23, 1941 Meeting was called to order with Councilmen Cline, Cosbey and Hill present. The meeting; openeewith a re<4di:ng of the minutes by 'the Mayor in the absence of the clerk who wws trying; a Justice Court case. The minutes were approved as read. It was then reported. tc the Council that the a11e:r near the Grieve property had not been lowered in accordance with the ori�•inal ar7reement. Geor;-e Givens reoorted that the arbaTe dump had been ^llrd,'. ed by'Le County and that the County was entitled to one d�Ly' s t ,i: es for the driver of the bulldozer. Mayor Hanks stated th�A he would li',,,,e to see all of the inter sections in the Town kept open by the contractor and the Clerk was directed to take the matter up w1th Nick Bodalata.. The Mayor said that Mr. Talbot had changed his mind about wanting a l,ar re surd of money for the sewer to rro through I.As prop- erty. �3s r Jack Woods -appeared before the Council and asked if it would be possible to met a fill put in on the alley near the old Town Park, thereby opening up for sale a number of lots. 'Tie Council agreed to try and obtain some tile for a fill if Mr. Woods would arrange for the bulldozer work. George Givens again brought up the question of putting a new water main in to complete the water circuit to Sidney Street. Councilman Hill moved that the water rain be put in as suggested. Cosbey seconded_ the motion and all Council- men voted in its favor. The bills were then reed and approved Sam Clayton Lawman and Hanford Sam Fitz Howe Is Herd=,pare George Blanchard Emmet Curfman W. F. Bruhahn ��. A. McTavish Carl Lundberg Rice Electric GENERA FUND Policeman Wa�7es Five L.I.D. Books Police Caps Cartridges Police Trousers and Shirt Street Sweeping Street Sweeping Street Cleaning Bulldozer Operator Globes SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Pacific Water Works Supply Material Washington Brick, Lime, Sewer Pipe Co. Material queen City Construction Company Labor Water Works Supply. Company Oakum Pacific Water Works Supply Company Material W. Johnson L. C. adkins W. F. Bruhahn STREET FUND Labor on Street Labor on Street Labor on Street WATER FUND rmerican Plumbing and Steam Supply Co. Federal Pipe and Tank Company W. F. Bruhahn Fred Bruhahn American Plumbing ;and Steam Supply Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co. Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Van Waters and Rovers Inc. Tacoma. Plumbing Su,?ply Company Puget Sound Power and Light Material Collars Labor Labor Mat er ial Telephone Material Supplies Unions and Couplings Power for Pump House There being no further business Council. adjourned. 49. 89 14.42 7.21 2.01 17.00 2.20 6.60 15.95 8.00 3.44 11.32 5583.49 4389.35 11.33 128. 33 2.60 10.40 7.80 182. 31 8.29 8 8. 40 3.90 20.31 3.30 22.25 6.18. 15.95 1.00 t N' - ,� �& , - James Munro, .own Clerk C. A. Hanks ayor , COUNCIL :1INUTEES July 14, 194 The Council 1-,,et wit",-- all Councilmen pre^ent. T'-,Ie meetincnened- with z4 statement by the IAALyor in to the -enerul situation in the town and bhe �,ncl function o-" the city 7.overnment. He st.AeC. tl---t the Ccunci'l h"d O-eal of auti-c-ity in he handlin�), o' --Ity I I - U tU--- -nt cdty sAci t-�s c-Irs. It wc;is hig o'inion th�-�,t the ff"irs "nd the Council 11"d -one vet y well �.n t-fe,r-i thc4t we �rqust continue i- to strive to ;-re,-�ter i,---!)roveF ientc! 1'n cur city,. In ccniiection, lie brourrht out five thi-n-s w,'-Lch ?°rere of Inter r.-st to Iti!n 'A tl--,,,'L til-qe. Fi r!--, t, , -r-.e r e -uh,t t t' ,-e Ib lc rc des in frr ont of C oll--,- -,-i I n Dep --a tment Store see.-ie(-,- cc '10(� off about ten ooil,nds und he reclue^ted_ the c1pr!1c to t,Arrite the owner of t1--Le in thiq - -,,-.rd. Second, lie broun�_-It t.',-e question of the C"n011- ',,Toc`- and tl--(, ccnJ,-ict of the ,: �)-irons in the-;-- early ho-jr-, of mornin(�, The __t th--t the Noc!eras beins, `hp .-)-o.)er re u--1.Lticn os -.h(, "nd consequence young c11.11dre-In Telr`e L;Z.1oilied t(-, be u-,,.-) at 11 hcur� o' the ni.,Zlit cnd ii-ornin- and en ".7e in ci. ,re-t deg-,l of hll,rit,, ,vh1ch of :D]--Lce t'or that tirip. of ni' ht. He sup,-.c,ester1 th"t other citie.,,, llli:e Bre,1-,]ertcn license rite i vhereby they were "ble t(, c-cntrol �h,., _n,' ct-f r o- u n e, s uhi-t strictly -police -)-roblens. Third, ti-le i,,I"Yor exn1-inec to the Councll th"t the "Rite 9,:)ot" h"d rriaved. on tczi ;portion of a to,,e!n street wit the unclerst��ndinnl 1,-,-A they ,;ere rentino, from a -orivc�,te o�-,ner "n', i -,:- cve r "'. th-t it vr"s z.�. cit-i .9treet. He felt th-,,-, the ownpro, be notifieC� th-t the city nct rent or leAse street �)roDerty for -P Df",yor Va ijnti:-lely of To,,ve-: a rl U ly Fourth L', L U z- L -n (7 t,,, . n- Ll c U I C', j7l 'h,,�- h..v --,isen. e e-,,-.)resqe' th-,' -�11- rl ttex s would. be worhea G1,-.t satipf"etcrily %-,ii, -out ,ny F-eri,.�,js tisru,.-,tlon in the. se,.,ier Fifth) he ii) -,.1,; Clue F,,zlon c-" c)-:.l I-n57;-- sta-epts in to-,'.,n waif Breitenp-tein to work out sonitl -,"-.LLn in that LLo. Breitenqt,;-In he felt the o-P t'fi- stl-eetr, ql-rould. be out conti',,ctcr in c-.-der t-h-It -A-Iit be :-ut. to beF7.t of ,.t',inscn of Pratt Co. befoy'e the Coann.tl if t1ne Col--Ilnc11 pair be willin,:-, to cc-ntrib-ate to cost of nei,i, as,,os S- Tm ent roll.. Geor-e Cl !-e ilove'. t'!.Lt t�ie �'?,l(',O. 00 - th,cc --, cs the ne!,,, roll. Ti-,e i I I i I .-y seconde,�, ..rcd c"r-fie" -,.I! voted in its f"Vcr. -- - --- -- --- -- i 625 T'_ie Council directed t=2�a cler',s to rite a letter to the o,4ner of the the C -ndy shoo :;�sklnr: hliri to confor-;i to so=.:;e re -,Al r C_osin ~ time and to be more strict in the reMul;Ltion of the C..n0 shop _�.n:,, to r,;rite to the owners of the "Rite Snot" inforKi_Lng thel.:I th,:. t t1.ey would. have to move their building fro 1 the Ci':v7 IrO )e ty by t.C'L' ^1?' t D" riu-'uTt. Said C1:>Lul ton ?ro ,ose_' th-t a ,;xrior be -:gut a-, on-Slloney 'street in order that the cwrs might park at ri-°ht _n;rles on one si(,_e of Si,9ney. This sugges- tion met Iith mull .w7:)rov-1 of the Council. Vic Holmquist, )e "rin before the Councij. ws x.ec,_ for " cl-i-,nr;e in the police set-up vrhich vroula h"ve Cl,.yton -)ut on µ full-time b.iSis ,n - u new mere brou-.-ht on to w"f—,h t1­Le streets -who l( ave police The Council gwve their -ull �.o-�rovdl to the su<,, estion with the underst n'ing th"t it would be tried_ for a period. of one -.-Acnth to see how it would work out. The Bremerton 1,:1otor-cycle Club asx.ed. fer ;oerrnissi.on to on a, show on Givens Field on --iu,�Ust 17 or at some other -.ccept"ble dote. They offered to give to tare Cite 15�b of the g"te revenue. The Council voted_ in f-vor of the proposal. gill bills ,vere ordered. "id ­1;ith the e- cegt�_on of th.- 'All of the Lumber t Supoly vhich �xius hold up pendin;rn a check by lJr. Breitenstein. GENER-1 FUND 71illi,,ms Hoxdware Brushes 2.48 Mill & Mine Su-pply Inc. Hose, etc. 56.42 Chas. R. Watts & Ca. Signs 6.80 I.A. Id. Cessna. Po'l ice L; bor 7.70 Geo. Givens Police Labor 12.10 Barn Clayton Police Labor 99.55 01�_a,s. Heath Police L ;;or 11; 55 Glen Owens Poa.i ce Labor 16.50 STREET FUND Fred Bruhahn Labor on streets 5.20 WZER 7UND ,imerican Plum inn:, and Stems.:-: Sup -ply Co. Fittings 4.02 Palmer Supyoly Co. Sleeves etc. 21.65 1illia;ns Tape etc. 7.25 -gmerican Plumbing and Ste P, Supply Co. Gate v,lve 6.62 Standard Oil Co. of California Gasoline 5.08 Puget Sound Nay. Co. Freight Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Collars ,8 :� %R' CC NSTR,JCTI�IN S' = :queen City Construction Co. Sever Contr"c t Libor 5725. 56 There being no fu ther b,-,mess Council a journed. J ,mes M.znro, o-n Clerk ;L. HA-t1V.s2 or 636 COUNCIL ANUTIS JAY W, 1041 �t inupn of the Anelln- of July wS, lq41 -M Knwilmrn Cline, Hilli Thannson �nd CoKpy Ire pv�t, The cT the wevio n etlp- -ary "nd "n.rcvQ Tne KV ur V " bvo. ir; the 4uesticn c " pellin- r-ty -"ter tc s e in T: e Siin-y L.mC CLa.-.n conc-, .,;'.(_ition, T! e Wncil GTpnuq7 76 tie nuestich .nE ve -ched the -nner.1 ocnrinphun lh-t the PankRents c- t4R Wrey L.nO Cn�o.vy, SecLnc YUtlnn p! c 00 im .'Ic-& tc - dwe �etprp inpt.170 no to nrch"se -nver "t te P. le Y.teq .1 city YoWtints. Lp. Breitenstein s.Y tKA the 7e-er qrGAeov -.q mo-rest/ ir- q -all us a, 00 A ex)sPL-Y _nj WA he :.4 "nde arrangements Wth j.nes C,ry A A.wn ,he certi"Ic,tw si-nn, He st A& T: t Ae 1.7 (ht.1new the )rIpps in 09 W., Y t1p 00, stroAto x, n­ the nwnt Cr...- cn-y vliph -mvij be N.Ai�ble Tcr W 0 D - )- R 1 -P 7 -Uil" , 01 Cr _L 7 -, V .11 e w 1 o ow . ni.n V7 zhe oiliw,, of the streets. The Council civeczw We Cleuk to e.11 fo DiFs for cli, to -%e wweG t . pipci__l �- lr vo be hKa Thuvn, July 31, t 7:0n q,m. E e A,yor thRn re.t zhe �rwon& ordinawre un the qp7er projent settln.�r, no zhe r.len to be ch.x V. !he Council diroetp& zh"t the Coq thowe be re- quirW to I.Y 100.00 per . unn W"t 82F,00 u month be nAd cc the Cler'_ .�& "nd OF= " .-onth for the Water 3u)---- Qtendwt -cc 7hp swiprvisl= of the sensr ryplam, V ZIP Wr7 W tie qruceealwy De", Cun!IP7 "rrive&, The CcunpLl )-wed tm Pe-ar cvulnnce -"th one cy Wc P11 LZ ch.wes. Mr. Kunzelm,n ._))e,re5 tefGre the Ccuncil "nA inq"-!W If Ve pe-er line to Ain )rc)-pty v"s inect e s ssre copl"d""idb y Er, Btenswin but We Anyor rt.l00 0ere h"S ven vcnQj,Y.1Te 1n)rpvpm-nt , ..he C-ndy Now!. Tim Counpil thnn decWV 1.0 Cline Strept no'15 he re-cienea to Di. iqVn .nC W im a-ire5 -1 z> Stc j p 1 n s ol"Pe" on it. Dz_n Owliq; "ovac Q.1 !he Street nA Wey Ccniltttie inveoti-ste the guttpr �t Fres Clements "K veoQpt W-h to ho Cw=01, The notion .j"Psoa YL 01 Ccunniiwn in War. The mption cf rawin- Y.rb.ge in tYe 5tr6st v"q wqt-oonaC unthl the se-nr 'roject ip 70AIIeW, Tne Connell recuentV th.t the in vuwn L c-Knc vc doon t e Ad o.r hofiss "t V.v Wt o" Frew-ip_ 9treet r,:. an LA.L in W c.n"Ye nnn) in urter th, t, a .o in_ce there ni-ht Le inere.sed. 637 It ,; _s t' en a ;reeCl t'a"t the Tc-'n sno :l ),,_•r the cost 'Of the Clews, 1- o vr,�Ls lmsuin the driver's license.-,. It ,.-, (':_tzl?r=s7C'T:l'., Tecon';•.ed _ne` C i7'1eC. tl1,:q,'f, t ie To-.'n our c1aase t "en. ��-;%-"Our f e,,et of seconi .!. ':"I°aCiP, c(.ncre.te,, i,, !-'.3e for the !, o G C+_' �-- .J e T. The li.:.. or _ iY',?Ssec. , Si17' .+u t1r-e 2P, of tfe Clerk's office in ;ettinrm sc _ se try jl s oGne, "nc: ex -)re ssec' t1_e hc,?e th,t in 'cr_--7utare the � C' erk_' s of"Lee �.ce be ;ritire The nc7' cr;' ered Tor, t"`_),e 5:�,me. GE, -YE- i.j, FUND J. I. Elliott P_Ant inr, �" & �,;�.._.«-_ � scree'-s 5, r�0 J. .i, bcBrl e Labor r, 0 ='� cT�visn St. 3 e jin- 20.35 Bill Johneon _Ant ,on 9.10 ;sexton zatc Frei apt Fri ° -1t T ii,°e .50 Pu:�=t So--_m6 St,, ;'forks Bic' Qs 11.33 Free U. Vettern, Sr- is = Pr .sc Wert s F o:.L_'c 9.75 Iasi. 1. Cessna. Police Labor 11.00 Tric'c & I,iur "y C� [11. bcc'z 47, 51 Pic. Ted.. �­ Tel. ' Cc. P;_c n e s H_n -, Bi.i s(_.her . l � Jn �' 60 P. 3. P. & �..i �.;�,'�.,� � vG. �7+ St. L1. 1sting r7 p•7. Pt. S`i'R`7, T FUND Ch,s. Powell Labor A8, 40 ti. , L cT,_-. is1 L—bcr r. 75 N. F. Bruh,;Lhn Lu- %or 10, ^ 0 M. H. Nei°.=comb La :o::� 44.70 Fred Bruh_,.h i L cr 27.95 J. I. Elliott L,,bGr % .80 , T ER FUND Fred- Bruhon L" ;or 19.190 J. ri. 1MLcBvic_e Labor 24.05 F. Br uhddln La or 122.20 V1(,rt.L;ington�-G,af.,on i4eter Co, —,L, e 134.90 P-.c. Tel. & Tel. 'Co. Phone 3.75 P. S. P. 35 Lir-•ht'Co. Pot°per for Purro —nd. PUM'O hOl-lse 89.54 PuP,et Sound Express pveif_Iht .75 T"cGi-n,,L Plumbing $u ply Co. .81 Pt. Crch.u,r6 Lutnrar 'Yard Sup,)l •_es 1.01 T"com" Plui-I.-An,` Supply Co. Iv! aterial y.55 LI BR.Y FUND B. Peterson Rein . for iyI ;�7.ine .4 50 Puget Somd Nev—, Co. Boo7ts 40.41 5:,1FR CCi'S RUC'iICIT JND City- of Settle, 'Jtr. Dept. 111pe -7-31.48 ',al s :in. tcn Brick (1, Lira) Cc. L"I"t:�mriw1 7714.11 ,queen Cit;` Construction Co. Ccnst­ucticn 31F 5. 61 Pt. Crcharc LuriLer Yarc Lrzr:_ber 4.1_2 Rice 411ectr'ic es Tile be*_,.,-,,-,_, no _ az t" -' ;� z .mess, Count. �1 d J r f' e c, ol° the. � reninp, J ' es .anro, Tw!m C:LerLL-, 638 Si' -:,, C I : j, rX J11 � C I L T illy 31, 1941 The Clerk reV th W V th Br. iertar. W.1 :,'c-)r c',.elivery of road uhl fo_ the To n a- Art Lrehurd. It V" :Wvef, V.t the bid be "coutal. qith tin .)jrcv.1 of th, Counril Me M;ur refnrre6 lo tne He.111 "K, S�Vt.Kcn Cum ittee to qnnstion of jurch: tm Valve rafum Loves to be J"ced Ln B.1 Street. Thove �Wr� nc fu-W-r ougt7esq the �eetlnv Jjunyned. Mmes Jqnro, Toyn Cl-aYh H A c� Y"O r COMil MOM AujuM 11, 1941 Tm POSUlar v.atiy" of the Town Council of Auqmk 11, lot! with council- jw&cz, Tnunpsar, blir . urn h- 11 presurt. af t a "nizc Not wafe" Mourad wHoYe tKa Gourcil mo ask& t�� 6oulo�i if it intardo; tD tLkn vny Anpootate action in ruzwr� to Mn rcjtwt. The AOr e plain , or. sulmzle that :m UM� nis )oacrliss to Pont iroazuty to W, a it wjoiol ther' cY;fir a, to no2casupy fox K� to fm( �ma nnp& of 1 iou�tdon. It WS2 novc&f sucomen ai C zemiedi taut tic nit.. GPM Gafn L2 iver ton days in uHch K unK n u nuo io.Ltior. nrcit.-ntonr . a rODOM on the wtrjU2 Oilir� Ly. Wtej that in aLL op.nnow tho ,neon Gjt2 Omstruct_on Co gar ouir gal at 2500 as tke"r j5wr� of ths stroat oiling yroEruy LK4 uourcil left the aLter to tLL, it W�Ir2cP ks wov� out �,�A tM Queen My 60rsty��Vnn jonp&nj. T-- --4iyor UL2"u tin Glark to cAuck or t>z dusbi ilns a 0 Wta in , 1 EroiKrsoein sL L�w� port. od �Muj Skrunt wnpa L,D �jph to 0,�, pnt in -Opomy S.Wje fop Oilir ant 4 PU t 1 L 00- L �u a �Om it �i 0 take tnis V12. TAL uouruil acrood MI: tAstye�t SAWnla be lonew"K to !evol, orovw�& tN cyporse o� M&A On syna wac roL qruat. TAO Ulcry v s askV to c�eck tho cost of a LiNility Policy to )roLect tD�R cU ithe Towr K Mutrchp in case e S f. 5�wn Uonliss anninod wn7 hPopqU u? t 1 a c ne&A or Df t 3a sun nr � �mvcl nK on tn. swnu4l_ or 2 i Whe 11 M11 �L WLS tie OAirlor of CA' 50uncil hlLt V.-.is 002 570 to tho fLct than iKa Ocunty Ana not inyoz, t,jr acvtfm oi Zita-all hill t3 tie iroyao qruCe. 14C Glon� V�s d1r20m ti-� orits hilliam holson, MnQ jomnissioner, ir 20 orn to th:s matt2p. Ti).:. Gomml Wen tmj6ut to have the ponK rail is front of br, Mlis, -srowart; lownric in ordwe mat ona wl�kt to a in Ko stop ovor it. All Milo ucre orban,& )a a. r C I r�lice ..orau U] G`,i01't']CIJl� G Sari: r11tz U cl l V t 1. c i' s Ov"O ra r J,arG' �Ort Orch ra 1Y', J G 'C U r 1i a r CA J, 1. Elli9tt kvri. o'11:r,sor lion C1U.r_'k Pu,?est Sourz�u u_L1:, )r•e 0-11 o. t. 01, ax'c Set°: ell Sor_ rC: Urc "1c,rC-. 01-i-cc. su p1Jlz: s ; -r -G. _i ). 1nstz 11 b1 _.r_i _r _-2 o1 ` c 3 1 l_ u 11C, -:- L S sec _'.1 r`o ice S.,) Cc- i l once L'ict ._r�Js "olice S:,ec,�,l �ol Eca :soli ac Labor .__1_S _._ iie;Ja rS La ; or Sup .ins L urn b `" r Brer::erton. Concrete o0u. is Co. etar bo-_es P (D for o r !Y / GO. Gtr3rS yr-ill_iar_��,.s llard�;a�reSup;.�ilus Ll 1, -, ai_i .' i L 3Dok S Y i�lTD S YU1'�' ��-�-' LCIJ �... 1n �._� tor:r'c_- rCy it Qu %'er'der'!t =ard"v ;re sLl-rs Port vrci,ur L,'_?r.!.)e':t' Su.p )1y Lunber o/� �y t l ZIT y: -, 'J }.' U ll i s !.. .�i r lam- iJ Ll_r'.� '.J �..i' J_ U J. �i L un c: The '� -r r_''J 3r.,`1C;IF r;us s , C our c' l ac i IL3.rr.:,er_ . -- t a c h. n ks, h a or 2 3. 00 2.00 U 13.20 4.30 2. 5, .33 .�a 12.35 1'7.55 1.00 3. 0 4 o, 0 1. 2'7 20.00 1.10 11.3 3 32.36 'd . 03 IzI.22 1. I,; I 1%6.9:3 2. 53 22. 25 1.00 ?- . 5'7 133.64 12.20 16.26 2 c15 . 2 J 23.2;< 1502:). 5G 1.03 13.0 L' . 12 ku L.st 25, ltn I vO1:1n osbe , Y t U- rc;V 1 ot,_s .. , �t � r _ -Le �: rer=e �, �.)r•ovec as reLd- 1 r�_l rc� L�_ �. _ - - ��t , �� t„ C )s _. i-.o . c. nj=�e corcerr lnei o -r 01 p("D�J ."-.. ,Vd:_'. <- -. t'_,. !i' ---1, �.i Ji.. i�. ;: _L �..• 1-to %n?' -�i �. �:iS G1i c-1a,.°.' '. O ti'_L UOUrii::il ^. ti 1 f; h.t:: C'.elc u ' r ' or t.':.c ;r- t r. oI t,.: � / .LL Co_ . 1 ,, ✓1oA.- Y CO).Q0 t,J:S, r,DY1a r' <�;j 1. 3 _ c . 2 Ly anc tc_at _. F°. Jllis har �� _ci )tic'._ - - t,a' a. W__ 64U an - a l l I a ow -re i .. C i I J -. .. . plat .... ...: .. �'- �7�]. _i .. ,_. - . ', ... 0 cC -re :_2 - .... s ! - w .. __. 1 , . "rat l a U 'D _ -- . S _ - . ." j "i r " -f v U A !J :or CA,`.. _ _ ... t .. - . 1 . _ . A , .. - - .... W : h . _. . coal l s . .. , i. U o nVl - r,max t.. - n - _ L._-, wi >a ra..seC. L_) L -. correct hwilht. 6',.... V _. Y -. V '.. . A E: -L a . v s ✓ _ L _ s .. _.. _ Cis .- j _ _.a 1 i e ._ _'.. i t _ ,L C. n 1jE - a - -. -ter a -. lam _:'-. 01 _ -_ a ,: v _ par if 373.11 "- - t a - l�w- - _ Go hKato a wrl ivv - .vrt� _ `. _ V ,.. _, -. �ar D it f _nw C jCn ".j L Dj , Ems. .. C! ., ti s -, � n . U _. .i c __ j, a l . Me V a . e j - n _ 1.�'o (,- .. „ �= V :.�• i. l � — u,.. E canpunitv 11 n a. _ - Vol to ocla lyn.3tic UUN l� K (D orcepun Palo SYC naponrl: "r,wn t0rayopc. A. 2-ru a. � Me. t 01�an n- 5.20 Eill johnsor. WOOM 101LOO 21.0b L. Uos2na 5I)0001 mlive 11.70 hv Shreck Mqhtin,( (300. 05 A. A. Signs Ghabqod cmVirstion of Town Safe 2.50 &C. Yel. � we!. �0. phapis 11.15 Uis !Pon a huch. M. -Oso uypt fo&ree. wlsarin-1 30.05 --A knlknns-Lursan-inc. &asalir 7.77 do: Livin;stone Labor on hatir Lines 2.60 a, Labor :ail bter Lines M.00 J. A, n2nrlm Labor on Wator Mr.s 10.40 KrH WQQA,-�. _a Lop on Wat Lines 31.50 uena Matmbtwin RWSM�etsrs 17.25 Leo Mm LOwn it 21 e� 61.7b kp. YI an. j r at coo MY )IY Su 1010s 73.36 Wnycrton jon.pete 2radocts Go. vim 54.02 2, S. 2. o VOt Co. eoncr for mp- dl.M painer Snj;ly 60. saq ims di.76 A . llumhln Su ply Buiplins 15.0 OOVW'njon-cuion Let,p Co. betcrs 39.10 Wederal Vigo A Tank 00. 1. 5, Collars 15.51 3. 75 S-Wr L-0 W! �0. of jailfo ': ia oaMln(� 2.97 ha .3p or 6 - a a L 7. 10 4rt 0 ohnson IwMp on Wpw=Q,, 47.13 ow"T la�Dp on 6hpoets W.30 henrz �rphc,-, UmHur 0q. rator 72.00 J. j. n- 1 latpna- Labor an Wrects 31.33 Y. Er u hu Wi Lahor 3.00 0. in a a im n Tynck "r 1 it r 4,30 Chunics r o o V 1 n,--_: habo-o 26.00 ANN-.. _ternc.aon La b or 3.25 m. j. lahn Labor 7.30 0. A. hoessel mytin �Ynvai 21.60 ?red Ern&hn La�or 5.33 j. a. hc.rlde Labor 23. 50 jarl Wnd�ex� kunninE Gravel lantey 7.20 a o N a mn �Culln� OpLayl 31.20 non houley hauling Wavel 10.10 doss SUMP ha"UnZ Gr.vel 55.90 Usta; laptin Opling umve1- 40.30 Arnie Waryen haolivE Gravel 61.20 hurl �00N, Opamtnn: Lruder 15.60 ?red Lawling Gravel - 9.75 jarl rolancr- he"linE �ruvel 4.90 Gtris wiodenLmn Donkey Oporntav 7.20 Duane Tjongson, OmratinE Graser 00.50 11rolo, hied Haoling Gravel j.65 Aanko . nt Anulinq Wonvel 1.30 j. i. hroun Lubm, 41.60 aart5s Cobbs LraGer Marator 51.50 Kenneth Moor hankoy jqomtor 32.50 OWIle 4inclo-,-,- Labor 32,30 A. J. Dodier Laboi, A0.55 hob.pt jonus Truck wrivin 10.40 h. h. Labor lmp� Any.el Trvc� wn 1 Y n it! s dor TracA a Driver 57.50 Was. I Q;j, Truck a WrInc--, 62.30 NnO,,, lonck rmtul c W Se�oll - Son 2cinting Sians 7.73 �O� _ Orman Truck rental 100.00 kni-berorman Truck rental 36.03 Truck W Pental (IMHWO). 10.00 Ln�.cp Suy Lu,ber 16.61 qaeen Gitf Gumtruction Go. Gonst-�nt.on wor,, 2721.56 LIWAhY iVEL) halina -Aney Cleaning Library 2.50 r - '._, .: .. `• �, �_.... _ i ,'yam'.- -' U C ] Or ]e ... . .. 1 Poll - _ Vic HoLmu .ls 1 the Cc; -._p J ,i Mrs ,1'v.t1, _,- ;BSI' N 1__e curqli ._ he ._. wa , _ he -'isle to CM_ .'_c not to .der'• TOM. ko 007C_i l c, ire ctP v.._. Cl',a.-_ G , vile R. L' . Ross nC inform him _...z iv; vuuld wa nac c, r - _ J or toe Torn _- t o cn him or ovn :._. er on the �. s e P) -IQ ot'_-cr'r c-In in .i . - 11 :�;'�'v im -: �7 � I t, C' Z 1 wu c. i f-� n 'I c, An r (l I -T Ll: 11.1- c' 00 'ai] enter: _Ot t'i-A -h- i s C'j__ I- U,_'t "net 0 f 7-, t v: e Al t Cite C I. L U-1 -n-,­ �0.` on. T,a e r e -i d. o t j el 1 c .,zi t. n t�­,A c u! --;e, CL_cne _bcuu 1 s U �4­) '--fore the Count .L "nC_ -r-, ­ulsteal th_- '-e be "11c of one t;�,, o u 1 do_rs in _ait '. on t c "n d- , e contr,,xt price to cover t'1,--e n_1T)enre to i cJ -a been t 'boc-use c If c.._W.n­es, in he -i 3e,7 or. ifter 4,� en e r -1 cussion It v!_s I-A b y G v e %']_ i� I Rey T-1c) -__ s o, n Ll- e C 1. t y 1 c o t een City Construction Coi.-,?�.jay mile �7 e 'j.;1 01 30.00 for tit e n s e1 in e-,,) v:1--i ch t_ e-y- ncui,.ed. 01 Council.,en vote_ J--fxor of tie mution. T I -i e -c r, i e s cn of 1 y i n t e 1,-) on tine nG,-th ride cf B_y Stree-L 1,u2 discurqed '(D-tr "u r. Bo' "nC_ is f or, mAn. ne:-r "nr I t LLr.'reed tae Tov.,,n T 1 -,,. e ?fir e -0 s b - p �3 - vi,_-L1_ch be nece,ry -LI-i3 4_ze.-'n City C(-,npt-_­-x2t ion Cc, -_Ae tr"ct 191-ould ten 1ae thle in '..' , con or e I n r, "- _1 n o-; 'i-e Aje. U LA i- u - C"ri _in e_r e,6 a -f c r e t, e Ccunc"il ofere.'nor SunSumo:.J L,, c T uvm. - --e-rience c�' t-,- e n - S e Y, u e c --u Ae _n,':�-- Gr,.vel wl-Ach ,d bec�'a­l u u .7 1 - -o - -1 " u - h e f ..L ct ".Acunt I c e ' _d . T'�'�e Ccanci_L �--'t �� L_- in view or 'u u 'h,l� 11-Alles To-er h."c s'�nc�.e 1lied ,� _n_o, c:ert-In )ortIl-on ol�' 1,1,_Aeri,:l u used. on "L-, 1, .at c z 1-1 L-i-'C C3 e !'I f o-,j t b t1a'-- Cit.. f or u, j e s not i--ircluded in ztlle -L-.e 1. D. -0-h,:Lt 1"Ir. Hol,-alber- ,;ho,,01d be -,)-id the Cc)-?-icil;.aen voted in f, .---vcr of auch "imcunt vi"a.1-d' h- cl A, ed. "n "rr"nge-'Ient. The follc,_,in- b.,.11s v;ere urc-�re(I ';_iC_ SETIER GUNST.--z-,'.TCIIILN FUND ee - y Oc�,nq Co. n ij A -2uc 2 2-'0 3 • 51 Rc,-v Liv -1-n st one R i r.1 s, e e, r ad ;.nh c I e Cov�u- 1.95 e t n B I & Lzme Co. l'A e -r -JF. `8 47'­ HL,;i,).! Pi e M. Flo LIBR,i.T1 FUND Bc G_:' 14. 02 STREET FUND H c, e H re sicvcls -,n,,. Brits 6.34 Tn. of PGrZ Gy4chc;,rC, '.'"t. Fund Rei-,-i. for cori-ectInIc, error Ll 61.75 Bre:-aertGn Gil Delivery Ro �:'r:_ Gil 713.15 Su,.-'6L_L;, 6. Gil 0-^ C,�Af. G-ancl Gil s' 10. 2 "? H. '�W. J " c '-'. � c n c h -11 n e Saop /_-4. 97 L"L,_r on Sl-r'aelu-s A-8. 10 L t Gr �,v e t .00 L-bo-1, cn Slureel.-s 1.30 J. D o d I- E; r cn 5 roe u, RG .9 1: Jones C)- 3 H-ulin- on stfeeus, 4- 5. 150 Gr th C o b 1, F Go-ea:%"tine-- Gr_der, L_-iuor 3 13 . a 5 on 0Lw .-ets 5.20 G_' un S L 5 0 J , CS, PA U�,:' .: e L ::-C c _ ... WG , 30 icss Bi e h 1,n G�._. T 0 Bey Jo _nson L .;, c =: cn �' :°e s ;0 Jae 1. Br,o,..rn i'_...V S ­� C 1 .. c- e L .n F -u11, i. G:L P` 't' Lu i e._ Y.--1 __ L:z-:.'E:; _, G7 �....)ic I1,ors 6 l4 _(n ine ".s S . r. 1.3Q 1..'. _ ..: C C: — ,j � r .. � � . J Li .: l • i 1 COUNCIL MINUTES September 22, 1941 Councilmen Thompson, Cosbey and Cline present. Mayor Hanks explained to the Cc:•unci_l that he had written to Warren Magnuson in regard to the matter of obtaining funds for a new fire hail, and for new fire equipment but had not received any reply at this time. He read a letter from sire Chief Allen Totten setting Forth the needs of the Fire Department. He also called the Council's attention to a letter from Edgar Smith in regard to a portion of Austin Street which had been vacated by the Council. The Council asked the clerk to write to the Department of Highways and requiest that Bay Street be black -topped for its full width from Harrison Street ;o the Black Jack bridge. Xhe clerk wus also asked to call the department's attention to the Pact that a great deal of water accumulated on Bay Street between the Standard Station and Municipal Pumping Plant. the Council decided that fir. Breitenstein and George Givens should determine the number of calls which the town should pay on the engineer's telephone bill and that the balance of the bill should be sent to the Queen City Construction Company with a request that they take care of it without further delay. i The Mayor then called the Council's attention to the fact that an i article appeared in the Saturday issue of the Bremerton Daily News Searchlight to the effect that the Prosecuting Attorney of Kitsap County had stated that pin -ball machines had been installed in Port Orchard at the request of Town officials and. the Town Council. The Mayor stated that personally he was neither for nor against pin -ball machines and that it was his announced intention to adopt for the Town of Port Orchard whatever policy had been previously adopted by the Prosecuting Attorney 's office for the county as a whole; that he felt that the Prosecuting At- torney should make his own decisions in regard to these matters and not attempt to have the Town Council of the Town of Port Orchard or anyone else take the responsibility for the decisions which he himself should make. Rosa Watt speaking in regard to the pin -ball machines, stated that he had attended a meeting in Bremerton with the Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, City Attorney of Bremerton and some tavern operators, at which meeting the questions involving the operation of the pin -ball machines in Kitsap Councy were discussed; that later Kenneth Crawford of Bremerton came to him and suggested an ordinace on the Operation of pin -ball machines, a copy of which he had -filed with the Town Clerk. Rex Thompson stated that he was seriously opposed to the method by which they had attempted to begin the operation of pin -ball machines in Port Orchard. He stated that the question had never on any occasion been discussed with him and that he had not given his consent *6 the operation of the machines in the town. Mr. Cosbey and Mr. Caine ex- pressed themselves to the same effect. George Cline then moved that a resolution be adopted by the Town Council informing the Prosecuting Attorney of Kitsap County and the Bremerton newspapers that at no time had the Town Oouncil requested or approved the operation of pin -ball machines in the t own; that the Council felt that the action taken by the Prosectuing Attorney was an unwarranted and unfair presumption taken evidently in an attempt to have the Council of the Town assume the rdsponsiblity for a policy !� which was strictly within the province of the office of the Prosecuting Attorney, The Clerk was directed to send a copy of the Resolution to the Prosecuting Attorney and to each of the Bremerton Newspapers. Ross Watt called the Council's attention to the fact that there was a exit pending to establish the right of municipalities to purchase power systems from the private owners and that the Town of Port Orchard could intervene in such a suit. The Council did not take any action on this matter. J n. .x�.as.:wmrs'nnun The petition for a water main on Sroufe Street was referred to the City Engineer. The petition for a two inch water main which had been submitted to the Council was referred back to the signers for the reason that itd1d not call for a Four inch water main. The following; bille,were ordered paid andwarrant drawn for the same: Bill Johnson J; I. Elliot M. h - Cessna Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. Fred G. Vett ers, Sheriff Puget Sound Power Se Light Co. Puget Sound Stamp Works Port Orchard Lumber Yard Howe Motor Co. James Munro William's Hardware Corey Jc:hnson Virgil Vetters Garth Cobbs Gilmore Oil Co. Sewell & Son Kenneth Cooper Puget Sound Power A; Light Co. Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Marckmann & Williams, Inc. Sexton -luto Frieght Pao. Waver Works Supply Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. Mill & Mine Supply Co. William's Hardware W. FI Bruhahn Fred Bruhahn G. H. Morse Gilmore 011 Co. Selina Honey Puget Sound News Cc. William's Hardware Black Ball Freight Service Queen City Construction Co. W. E. Co sbey , Jr. GENERAL FUND Police Patrol 39.65 Street Cleaning 19.50 Police Patrol 53.30 Phones 19.00 Prisoner's Board 12.35 Street Lighting 80.66 Pen Point .26 STREET FUND Lumber 2.13 Repair & Supplies 49.61 Reim. for Hauling 9.10 Supplies 25.03 operatoring a grader 10.40 Labor on Streets, etc. 52,00 Labor on St s. , Operating.grader 58.80 Gas & Oil 151.26 Signs 11.33 Donkey Operator at gravel pit 16.40 Power for Pump & Pump house 78.04 Meter Boxes 18.54 Supplies 1.09 Frieght 1.00 Tubing 107.49 Phone 3.75 Picks & Handlee 11.85 Supplies 10.68 Labor on Water lines 50.70 Labor on Water lines 26.00 Labor making water tap 3.00 G:..s & oil 5.56 LIBRARY FUND Cleaning Library 2.50 Books 11.68 SEXIER CONSTRUCTION FUND Oakum 12.36 Freight 1.45 Construction Work 1675.68 Checking Sewer connections 27.95 There being no further business, Council proceeded to adjourn. awes Munro, Town ems" 0. A. flan2i, mayor SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES OR Octobet 601941 The Council met in special session to consider the preliminary► budget for the year--1942. The Council decided to segregate the position of Street Superintendent and Superintendent of the Water and Sewer. George Givens to be in charge of the water and sewer and a new employee to be in charge of the street department. The preliminary budget was adopted and the clerk Was directed to publish notice that a budget hearing would be held on the date of the next regular Council Meeting. There being no further,business, Council adjourned. COUNCIL MINUTES October 14, 1941 The regular meeting of the Town Council met with Mayor Hanks, Councilmen Thompson and Hill. present. There being no other Councilmen present the Mayor adjourned the meeting until the next regular Council meeting. Co NCiL NIINUT.isS OF October 27, 1941 The meeting opened with a discussion of a budget for the year 19, 2. The council decided that a half a mill should be taken from the proposed Current Expense fund and added to the Library Fund and that an additional mill should be taken from the Current expense Fund in order that the entire budget should be for a total_ bf 15 mills. A motion was duly made that a portion of Kendall Street be vacated. It was moved, seconded and carried that this vacation be denied. Army Seijas, an a,v_orney ab law, appeared :ref ore the council in regard to the operation of Pin Ball Machines in Port Orchard. He stated that the Town of Poulsbo had adopted a pin ball Ordinance andvthat the proposed ordinance for the Town of Port Orchard had been approved by the Prosecuting attorny for the Town of Port Orchard of Kitsap County. Ross Watt, speaking in regard to the Pin B"ll drdinance, stated that a schedule of fees had been adopted which were intedded to be of' a trial. nature until it could- be learned whether or not the fees should be increased. He stated that the proposed ordinance had been approved by the Prosecuting Attorney. The Mayor asked the Clerk to read the Ordinance and the same was read, section by sdction, and approved with the following changes in section three: The words Chief of Police were taken out and were substituted by the workds hilayor and Council. An additional section was added between sects-)ns 3 and 4 of the proposed ordinance providing that the fees and taxes could be altered or revised by the Town of Fort Orchard at the end of any regular quarter and that all fees and taxes should be retroa- ctive to the first; day of October, 1941. As corrected and revised, the Ordina nee was submitted to the Council and passed with all Councilmen voting; in its fava. Mr. Seijas then asked the Mayor and Council to approve.- the name of Kenneth Crawford as operator and to approve the owner s of the four taverns in Port Orchard as suitable persons to have locations for the machines in the Town. The Council .granted h1r. Seijas' request. The Clerk then asked the Council to pass an ordinance incorporating into the laws of the 'Town of Port Orchal d, the laws of the State of Washingto n concerning the sale of into__icating liquors and an ordinance incorporating into the laws of the Town of Port Orchard, the Highway Code of the State of Ilia s'nin`�ton. The Council unanimously passed these two rdir arcs, s. h motior.� was then ti ude y Rex Thompson that the traffic lane in the middle of the block between Sidney and Fredrick Street and the traffic lane in the mid,;'Le of the block between Sidney and Ha_crison be abolished. Harry Hill seconded the motion and in a general discussion Vic Holmquist stated that he believed the lanes were an aid to the safety In the Town and should be left as they are. The Mayor stated that he felt we should follow the recommendations of the Police Chief in these matters. The motion passed with Councilmen Corliss, Thompson and Hall voting in its favor and Councilman Cline and Cosbey voting against the same. 4i Mr. BreitUnstein -reported on the progress of the Sewer and stated that the Assess- exit Roll. in its rough draft was read and. ,- t �g y �gould soon �e read, to be presented t� reported t the Council. He also reportehat the 2idne,y Road could not be widened any further on the East sidie and that it w'-)uld be neceassary to obtain additional land on the }guest si:9e if vie were to widen the Street. Ross 'Hatt was asked to check the Statutes in--ei,ard to the width of territory on Highways. The Cler'.z was directed to write a letter to the local School Dis'rict informing there t. a t it would be necessary for the School to have the r;arba,;e collected by the °egular garbage collector and that it would not be rer- ,nissable for them to burn any gar oa�-;e on the grounds as they had been doing in the past. The Clerk was asked to check the ordinance on the closing, time of the Taverns in the Town. The resi,anation of William A. Johnson as a Police Officer was read and accepted by the Council. the Council set the date of the nominating caucus for the moninating of Town Officials as November 17, 1941, at the hour of 7:30 ;'.iti-.. at the 'Town Hall . Bills were read and the Council decided that the three dollar towing bill charge should be placed against the Sewer. G E[,! E'RkL F lJN L James!unro Reim. for expense 10.45 Howar6-Cooper Corp. Pyrene & Tax 10.01 Sinn.ett Associated Service Gasoline 2.45 liarle,,y Ilerbert Police .Car Siren 14.00 C nib Sutton Numbering houses 25.00 P.S.P. x Might .Ca. St. Lighting 80.66 Howe Motor Co. Repair & Supplies 4.81 Vic Holmquist Police expense 4.00 M. M. Cessna Special Police 40.95 Bill Johnson Special Police 39.65 Sam Clayton Special Police 26.55 J. T. Hardeman Hat Co. Police Hats 15.24 The Bon Marche Police Slickers 12.21 W. F. Bruhahn Painting Fire Hydrant 2..60 . Rice Electric Lamps 3.14 R. J. Ried Stationery 10.82 Puget Bound Stamp Works Police Badges 8.03 Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Prisoners Board 14.30 Port Orchard Independent Printing 9.21 J. T. Elliott St. Cleaning 5.20 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 91.65 WATER FUND Am. Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Supplies 177.73 Robert Jones Reading Meters 13.00 Port Orchard Independent Water Receipts and cards 32.36 P. S. P. & Light Co. Power for pump & pump house 79.00 Bremerton Concrete Products Co.Meter boxes 29.66 Sexton auto Freight Freight .50 Scott Valve Manuf. .Co. Valve 2.27 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 3.75 Williams Hardward Supplies 1.13 Howe'8 Hardware Supplies 7.36 Virgil Vetters Labor on water lines 3.25 Fred Bruhahn Labor on water lines 15.60 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on water lines 43.55 Worthin ton-Gamon Meter Co. Meters 357.06 Palmer Supply Go., Supplies 221.46 T. C. Breitenstein Advance to Smith St. & Sroufe St. Water main 40.00 Puget Bound Navigation Co. Freight 2.00 Denny Chevrolet Co. Repairs 4.68 STREET FUND W. F. Bruhahn, Labor 54.60 Howe Motor Co. Repair & Supplies 126.84 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Diesel Fuel 16.86 Virgil Vetters Labor 143.00 Bremerton Oil Delivery Road Oil 103.11 Solastle Products Co. Traffic paint 9.27 Wm. Rohnson Painting on streets 10.40 H. G. Buscher Repair work 5.20 Harold Reed Labor 40.80 Holmberg & Norman Supplies, Rental & Labor 158.15 Western Tractor & Equipment Co.Rental of grader 337.50 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber 1.03 T. C. Breitenstein Engineering 10.00 Garth Cobbs Graderman 75.00 Wm. Pierson Donkey Operator 8.00 Don Rowley Labor 5.20 Piston Sertico, Ite. Repair fan belt 1.76 William's Hardware Supplies 3.55 Rose Burke Hauling gravel. 5.20 Hussey 4; Peterson R pair 13.29 George E. ". en Powder 12.59 Duane Thomppen Grader operator 6.00 G. D. Tiedeman Repair Manhole 1.50 Denny Chevrolet Co. Supplies & Repair 7.73 LI BR ANY FUND Puget Sound mews Co. Books 3.92 Port Orchard Independent 4 Printing 5.15 Port Orchard Transfer Fuel for Library 7.21 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Washington Brie & Lime Co. Material 754.36 Lumber Supply Lumber 39.88 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber 21.84 T& E. Coabey, Sr., Finding connections 7.15