01/01/1940 - Regular - Minutes554 The following bills were read and a_- proved and warrants ordered drawn therefor: William Frank A. A. YbTavish H. G. Buscher W. F. Bruhahn Fred Yieth Yiles L. Tower Yiles L. To�,:er Hoods Can�i Auto Freight Am. Pl-i:mbing & Steam Supply Tacoma PlunbinE Supply Co. Martin Bjerken Corey Johnson 0. S. Whitmore Town of Pt. Orchard, St. Fund STREET FUND cleaning catch basins L treet sweeper street sweeper cleaning .;utters powder monkey engineering WATER FUFD engineering re i �ht -alvpipe wipers for -lass on meters labor labor labor reiin. for advance GEN E.RAL FUND 5.50 6.60 4.95 2.20 6.00 45.00 30.00 1.54 16.11_ 3.67 5.50 4.40 9.60 18.67 J. Y. Peterson stationery, rental on safety deposit box, etc. 6.63 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Marshall's phone, fire Hall's, Town Hall's, Clerk's. 20.60 `INES T S TI EET LID V70. 45 Miles :. Tower englneering 30.00 ADA. STRM'T VATER MATU LID NC. 46 Miles L. Tower engineering 45.00 Motion was duly made, seconded and carried for adjournment. ro, Tov4q7Qlerk Hank.) . R January 8, 4940 The meeting was called to order with I44yer Hanks and all Councilmen present. The minutes of the previo-i_s meeting Mere read and approved as read. The .ayor opened the meeting by stating that those who were in public office were always subject to a certain amount of criticism and that we Must all expect that to be the case. He stated that an old :matter that had been previous- ly t&,--en up by the Council and disposed of had now been raised to :question his financ>al credit in the Town, the sarna being a lumber bill tha,t'the Lumber Supply -Company claimed against L.he Town for lu:rbcr purchased by Harley Dorton when he was living in the house on the i;air !rounds. There was a general discussion of this old bill and Dean Uorlias stated that before Harley Vorton left the Fair Grounds bui'ding he agreed that he personally owed the bill to the Lumber Supply and that he would take care of the same, and he asked that he might be allowed tc live in the house belonging to the Town a sufficient length of time to warrant his paying for this bill. Councilman Cline stated that when she bill first carte up he had investigated the matter and found that it was a personal bill. of 555 Harley Norton and not a bill of the Town. Councilman Corliss then moved that a letter bo written t4 Mr. Myhre of the Lumber Supply asking him to bring this bill to the Council at the next regular meeting and be present to explain the circumstances concerning this bill. Motion carried with all Councilmen voting i in favor thereof. fCouncilman Cosbey then brought up the fact that there had been numerous complaints on the part of the people of the Town in regard to the practice of some of the merchants in 'Town displaying; their merchandise on the sidewalks rather than in the store and that due to the numerous compiaints he felt the Council shou'.d'take some action on the matter. In a general discussion all Councilmen stated that there had been complaints made in regard to this practice. j Councilman Cline then made a motion that a notice be sent to those merchants who were conducting their business.in this manner informing them that due to the n-u.merous complaints it would be necessary for the City to require them to discontinue this practice. !lotion carried with all Councilmen voting in favor thereof. Councilman Cline then called the Councils attention to the fact that there was a smoke stack on the plant operated by Kay Phillips that because of its length was causing the smoke to blow into the windows of the nearby buildings. Council -man Corliss loved the matter be referred to Al Totten, the Fire Chief, jto be investigated and taken care of by him. k Dean Corliss then stated to the Council tia.t the water meter in back of Howls building was found to have been partia.ily disconnected, ar-d the water was leaking from the meter down into the bui-;.ding, a comment which led to a general discussion of other acts of vandalism throughout the Town. The -'=ayor then called for a public hearing on quest St. LID No. 45. There were no objections`to the final account, and it was duly moved and carried that the ordinance approving the same be pas<>1:d by the Council. The Council then set the date of vebruary 13, 1940, as the day for the final hearing of the Ada Street 'Hater Main, LID No. 46. The '!ayor then read a letter from Clifford Hoof, attorney at law, ,in regard to the proposed street on the Northern side of the 'Town. A petition for the laying of a water main on Nest Street was referred to the engineer. The following bills were then read and approved and warrants ordered drawn therefor: LIBRAE1 .� L!+i) Howe's Hardvja a w.Lr.;cLvw for library 1.40 556 Howard -Cooper Corp. Lowman & Hanford American Surety Co. American Surety Co. Howe's Hardware City of Bremerton, Gen. Construction fund Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard GMIERAL FUND suits & coats for fireman 117.20 rubber stamp, ink, etc. for TT,. -,as. 5.5� Clerk's bond 5.00 Treas.'s bond 16.00 extin. refill 1.78 naps for census lumber, nails, etc. Fire Hall lumber for elect:i_n booths WATER PUP71 Gilmore Oil Co. William's Hardware Standard Oil Co.. of calif. American Plurnbing & Stea Supply Co. Howe's Hardware Pacific i'vater �Wo-r -s Suppl-7 Co. Seattle Auto,Freiht Kitsap Auto Frei„ht Aviles L. Tower Geore E. uuorten Howard -Cooper Carp. Gilmore Cil Co. Howe's Hardware Howe 14otor Co. Jackson !,iachine Shop Miles L. Tower gas & areas e tees, 1�ose kerosene, faucet wipers, �,as.ets for meters unions, ells, o-J I, etc. cocks, couplings, valves, etc. freight freiht bringing mops up -to date STREffT FUVID stumpinE powder conveyer belt, beat lace aS &reaSe battery, brusrz, pail, etc. repair to equiprnent threading rods, nuts, washers engineering CLINE ST, LID NO. 42 Town of Pt. Orchard,Ltreet Fund truck rental Port Orchard Lumber Yard cement, lumber, nails, tar parer, etc. Howard -Cooper Corp. mixer rental Gilmore Oil Co. gasoline William's Hardware -;lobes ADA ST. & PL M^SAPT AVL. LI1 F-iO. 44: Lowman & Hanford Port Orchard Lumber Yard William's Hardware Howe's Hardware guide, list finder cement 1an,terr., globes axe ADA ST. 4jAATER MAID LID NO. 46 Town of Pt. Orchard,ffater fund Lowman & Hanford Town of rt. OresICLrd, 3treet Fund Cline at. LID. #42 Pacific 4ater iiorks Supply 00. "Iles L. ` oo; er 1.65 2.55 .86 5.42 3.53 7. y3 4.82 7.24 105.12 .50 1.54 15.00 8. ;.6 7.16 16.21 3.53 6.22 2.55 4b . 00 12.00 273.18 47.45 1.71 3.06 6.14 147..�O 2.24 1.78 valve covers, oakum, etc. 23.56 guide 4.11 truck rental 6.00 sand & gravel 5.80 transite pipe, valves, tees, etc. 377.10 en ineeri.n; .00. A motion was tf-ien duly made, seconded and carried that the salary schedule as proposed in the Bud et for 1940 be ap."rovea �:.nd adopted by the Council. Wayor Hanks then exp?--ined to the Council that the question of a Town sewer had again been :revived, and that he had no objections to such a project if if it were possible to complete Uuch a project for a reasonable 4_xpense to the property holders involved. He called upon !.,Tiles To,,,rer, the engineer, to e�,plain the possible cost of such a project. R-7r. Tower stated that a sewer project ample -for the needs of the Town of Port Orchard could be constructed at a cost of between fifty and sixty thousand dollars if WFA labor were used and of approxi- 557 i mately seventy-five thousand dollars if done by private contract. Lotion was duly made, seconded and carried for adjournment. I James o,. Town CTerk n s, -1ayvr r_� r v January SG, 1 40 1 The meeting w4s called to order with IMayor Hunks and Co icilmen Cline, Corliss, Thcnipson and Hill present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved aZ read. The Clerk read a letter from the Lumb r Supply in regard to lumber supplied -to Harley Norton a6d used on the park property. There was a general discussion of the merits of this bill. Councilman Corliss moved that the correspondence i from Pqr. 1� Thre of the Lumber :•supply be filed in the records of the Clerk's i office. Motion carded with all voting in favor thereof. The question f a water main on Wiest Street was brought up for discussion and it wai called tq the Council's attention that the Kitsap Courty Bank would not carry the warrants on that project for the reason that the amount of assessments now aganst the property were deemed by the bank to be as great as the value there could stara. Mr. Reid stated that it was necessary to carry the water mains thrqugh in order to .ive a circulation of water and eliminate the dead ends but t4a,t he did not favor bringing the :Hain down ud�st Street as it would increase tl e amount that each property holder had in the Lots to such an extent thatlit did not seem pos6ibie that tLiey would get the money back. Mir. Tower stated that the Pacific later Viorks Supply Company would carry the warrants on the project if it were approved. Dean Corliss moved that the matter be postponed ifor one week in order that he mi­hL find out whether or not the warrants could ne sold. !!r. Reid began speaking_; to the Council ana called their attention to the fact that the WPA workers were very careless in ther scattering of lunch papers, banana peelings, etc. on the private property adjoining t-e projects, and that they had removed a stove and some shakes from his property without replacing the sa�n. Mr. Radey appeared before the Council ar:d*as_�_ed if he could have an estimate on the cost, of openir- and grading Radey Street. It was exp"Lained to ,r. Radey that the City had no means of doin: the work without creatin- a Local Improvement District, out that Mr. Toyjer woui d give him an estimate as to the cost per Foot of such a project. Councilman Thompson stated that Jack Northey and Ernie Cole would like to have parkin; spaces 'reserved for them along side of the Town Library, and that Mr. Cole would be w4lin;g to have the posts that forinerly protected the fire hydrant 'burnt off if he would be permitted to park there. A discussion followed 558 in which it was indicated that R"r. Cole could use the pa.rkin.i splice a few months, rent free, and that at a subsequent time the Council would issue him a permit for the use of that, a ace. Councilman Clir:e mace a motion tilat the par min- spaces be set aside to rtr. Cole and the Marshall. The Council then set the date for the final hearing of Cline ,street LID No. 42 and Ada Street & Pleasant Avenue LID No. 44, LID No. 4,: to be hears or iebruary 26 and LID Pao. rizi to be heard on Lurch llth. Carl Carlson appeared before the Council and asked if the Town .ere interested in selling the property known as the old !own Park. After a general discussion Councilman Corliss moved that the Clerk advertise a call for bids for the property stating in the call th..t a roadway au oss tie sarne be reserved fOr in,L,ress and egress to the MAnley property. The r"ayor read a letter from the Department of Health on the sewer system and stated that we had been receiving; such letter: for 'years, and that he fa -ored a sewer system if it was desirt-d by the majority of the people and could be installed for a price the people could affora to pay. Councilman Hill stated that there was obvious needs for a sewer system in tf-.e Town and that an effort should be maae to have oneinsta-lled. Gounci2.man Cor iss stags that there were three projects that he considered of primary importance tr-Lat s"llo._ ld be installed at this time of they could all be worked out to -ether, t-.e one was a new str-et on the Morth side of the Town, the second is the new sever system and ttie third is the improve::gcnt of the Town Perk with the installation of li-hts. there was a long discussion on the merits of these various projects during which discussion the ;Mayor sug;ested that the building of a new !own hall be included with the other three as there was._,:reat need for improvements on that line. In the --eneral discussion of these project_, was brought out the fact that there are le, -al questions that remain, unsolvea which must be determined before the nuestion of financin the projects can be seLt:.ed. It was revealed that a letter had bier written to the Attorney Generwl askin, the Attorney eneral if it •:ere possible for a ,ovn of this class to build a street such as the one we Conte-,mplated and create an LID to fill the lowlands lyin__; between Bay 6tr ,ct and ;sunset Aven. e. The Clerk statea to the Council that a reaain of the statutes in re. a.rn to the creation of LID's for the fillin of lowlands limited such districts to Cities of the lot, 2nd and 3rd class and did not mention Towns or Cities of the 4th class, and that it was a general rule of statutory interpretation that when certain definite things :-re mentioned in the statute that it precludes the bringing within the statute of those things which are not mentioned, and that as Cities of the /Ith class were not mentioned in the statute providing for the filling of lowlands by an LID it would appear as thouSh that riy;ht did not exist. The Clerk stated, however, that he dial not claim to know all the answers on these things and that lawyers had a habit of disagreeting with each other ana that the 559 Clerk could be wrong and someone else right on the matter. He stated further that, in his opinion, before any warrants were issued for engineering costs for a preliminary survey of the location of the proposea street that common ousiness judgement dictated that the legal possibilities be first determined. The Mayor brought up the question of purchasinL, a new dump truck for the Town, and while it 'as the general opinion of the Council that the truck•should be purchased, the ma,tuer was allowed to stand until the deal could be worked out with the owner of the truck. There was a discussion of the amount of power used for the pump house, and Mx. Dingle of ,the Pet Sound Power & Light Company stated that the meter had been tested by the State and found to be in good workic order and to be accurate. The following bills were road and warrants oraered drawn therefor; STREET FUND Miles L. Tower engineering 90.00 Pt. Orchard Independent notice of sale of road trader 1.65 T. C. Brietenstein labor 5.00 A..A. McTavish street sweeper 14.85 'd. F. Bruhahn labor 3.85 Glenn Marker labor 3.85 Standard Oil Co. of;Calif. super pyro 1.28 Cline St. LIB f42 rt.im. fo-. cement-, sand, gravel, exp. joint 34.00 WATER 1UND T Miles L. Tower engineering 60.00 Pt. Orchard Independent water cards, receipts, warrant calls 107.72 Chas. R. Watts & Co primer 16.63 Corey Johnoon labor 6.60 W. F. Bruhahn labor 1.65 Pac. Tel.,& Tel. Coi phone 3.50 P. S. P. & Light Co4 power for pump & pump house 70.1_�1 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. asoline 2.67 Am. Plumb'-ng & Stearn Supply Co. gaskets, pins, glasses, bushin:;s 13.16 Palmer.Supply Co. oaz.um & calking lead 7.21 Rensselaer Valve Co hydrant packing 1.68 LIBRARY FUND Port Orchard Transf$r fuel 5.10 CLINE ST. LID 1-10. 4. Holmberg & Forman sand & gravel 100.00 TT it If f1 27.19 Lowman & Hanford K & % tape repaired .90 ADA ST. & PLEASAt'T AVE, TKO. 44 Lowman & Hanford plumb bob & almanac 1.80 WEST STREET LID N?0. 45 Port Orchar6 Independent notice of final hearing, Ord. approv- ing assessment 14.60 ADA STREET WATER IMIP LID NO. 46 Pt. Orchard Independent call for bids 2.85 Ada St. & Pleasant Ave. LID reirn. for adv. incorrectly No. 44 charged 7.35 Kitsap Co. Transp. Qo. RT auto 2.20 Pac. Water Works Coy lead 1.24 Pt. Orchard Independent advertising 24.65 560 GENERAL FUND Seattle Blueprint Co. maps Lowman & Hanford rubber stamp Pt. Orchard Independent notice of caucus, reward notices P. S. P. & Light Co. street lichting J. 31. Peterson postage Water's Specialties ink pad Put:. Tel. & Tel. Co. ahones Yoti.on was duly made, seconded and cara-ied for adjournment. n February 10/ 11�40 3.00 11.93 3.87 78. 78 3.00 .4n lb.65 The meeting, was called to order with:.%yor Hanks an3tall uounciliien present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and a,pprd-ved as read. The meeting opened with the opening of bids for the old Town. Park property. The Clerk read the Bid of Carl Carlson the sure of 4r225.00 for the Old Park property payable over a ---riod of ten ;,ears in annual installments. After a reading of the bid a _ene.ratl discussion followed in Vlhich it was pointed out that in vie.% of the low sure of move;:. offered for the Park property that it would oerhaps be acvisal,le to hold on to that pro ,,cjrt;,, for the purpose of some day using it as a possible cite for a well to supply the Tovin with. m-Dr•e es'at_­r. Councilman hill then move(, t�,.&t the r ices bo re ec _ed arld tre property to retained by the Town. The motion was seco;-d:ed and carried with all Tv>otinf, in favor thereof. The Clerk thren explained to the Council that two G'laims had been submitted against the town, one the Claim of �J`ir it Parks. asking .1000.00 for darna�es to his lot on Cline Street resulting from the improv-mer t th.it aeon and tre other the Claim_ of llrs. W. H. Steverson for th.e :amuges to her automobile resultin- from a collision v;ith one of the Town truces. There was a short discussion of these Claims after which it was duly moved, seconded and carried that the Claims be re - jetted. A re-!isee Bur t�et for the ;;-ear 11,140 was _)re-e:^ted to the Council and it was ex)la inec. that the zudget lad been revised to ma'Le it com:_ly with the request of tine State who had last examined the Tov°n accounts, and that as �evisdd it would more strictl,, con pl.y with t4-ie cooks of account keNt by the T,,�vjn. The Council after exarr:inirir the revised Bud Jet b unanimous vote accepte�a the same. The Financial Statement for the Town of Port Orchard for the ;;rear 1939 vas presented to the Cou-.cil. Tkie Co_l,ncil after showin. a treat -:eal of interest in the same an carefully examining it acce,vted the same and that it be y-ublis'ried acco_°din:; to law. The Council then re -set the date of the 1-'inal_ F-earinc, on Cline Str,. et LID �o. 42 to ';larch 11, 19�0. There was t'nen a long discussion in regar to the pr-obleri con- fronting the Town anti the IZayor explained that it was possible tllaat ir.fe would be 561 required to obtain another engineer. He stated that he had conferred with one person in particular whom he thought would be willing to take the position and that he wanted the recommendations of the Council before making any moves. There was a motion duly made, seconded and carried that the 1,Aayor have the authority to employ a Town Enbin;eer after the expiration of four days. The Mayor then called for the final hearing on the Ada St. Uater Main LID No. 46, and it ,was called to the Councils attention that the actual cost of the project was approximately six cents less than the original estimate. There being no objections on the part of the property holders the or:linance approving the same was duly adopted. The attention of the Council was called to the i'a;.t that the Clerk's office had been sending-, water bi-i' s regularly to George Givens, the VNater Superintendent, and the question had ariser: as to vi'riether or not he was supposed to obtain water free of charge. It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that Mr. Givens should be billed for ais water the same as any other user. George Givens inquired of the Council as to whether or not we were supposed to keep the road lead:Ln, to the Polo field in repair. It was suE Bested by Lean (Jorliss that the road be allowed to stand as it was until we get better weather and that then the grader be used on it to put it in repair. The suggestion met vaitri the ge eral approval of the Council.. The follovvin,, brills were rear: and a) .roved and wa__-rants ordered drawn there- for: Puget Sound News Co. C . Stev.,art Osborn Gilmore Oil Co. Howe Is Hardware Gilmore Oil. Co. T I M= a"' c p.I D books sub. to popular Mechanics rr�ag. for three years ADA ST.. & PLEEASA'�T AVE. LID 44 gasoline CTJ1J\JL STREET LID IdO. 42 Howard -Cooper Corp. Howe' s Hardware Pt. Orchard Lumber:Yd. H. 'dui. 'Jackson Machine Shop _,lympia Iron �Y Machine Shop Howard Cooper Corp.' T. C. Brien.tenstein ilovve ,<?otor Co. (Gilmore Oil Co. Eureka Fire Hose Division R. S. P. Light Co. R. J. Reid Pt. Orchard Lumber �Yd. 'a''. r . Leavell nails ga s rental on grader nails, spikes, brush, lead, etc. lumber, nails, sheathing,, etc. equip main. . eq-aip main. mixer rental labor on map -preliminary sketches for Seavaall replace spark plug gasoline G�_1,RAL ;:, !,'D nozzle street lighting stationery material for drains par1k3_ng stripes treas. reed pts 33.39 5.00 .93 .31 .93 13.36 20. 04 4.56 4, 76 . .30 23.72 20.00 5.56 17.05 34.22 7B.78 7.65 .71 10.20 562 btate Treasurer annual fee for Volunteer Eire insurance Fund 48.00 WATER YPED C il:;1ore Oil Co. cas 3,10 howe' s Hardware tape, stove oil, lead, etc. 6.5v 2ioneer inc, water led; er and meter sKeets 30.85 Standard_ Oil Co. of Calif. h as 2.87 Am. _'lum;; inE & Steam 5q� p;7 Co. wipers 8. r'"i' 1. Hitsap Auto FreigAt freight ch7s. 1.15 Sexton luto Freight freiSht ch s. .50 Y ill n Mine Sup ;ly Co. shovells, drills 5.59 2. S. P. h Lint Co. electric service 71.27 The following Gills were held up pending; a;_ proval by the Town Engineer: i Pacific �ate.rmorks Gnpply lanterns 0 1obes 34.66 Lowman & har_ford charts 1,02 Lowman & Hanford tape, planimeter 28.71 Holmberg & Eorman sand & gravel 239.61 Motion was duly mace, seconded a& ca mied for ad. ournment. i t:ies i,:urro, i�Jl, erk '. Hanks, ':Mayor February 26, 940 The meetin was called to order with Layor hanks and al Counnilmen present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap_roved as read. The s''<a;Yor opened the moeting by reportinE that the Engineer was back on the � job and that the work was proceeding normally on the various pro sects. There was a discussion of the litsap Street project, and George Cline re- oortet that he KnG contacted the most of the pooper•t;T holders anti that the Q—, mu ority of them were willing; to have the curb and gutter placed back to the; side- walk thereby widening the street and makin<<; it more convenient for parking. A notion was duly made, seconSed and capri.cd setting the date for the final hearing on We Ada ;t. Q Pleasant Ave. LID do. 44 back to March 25, 1940. 'he Clerk brought up the quest. o� of a bappi•n foe orc i^ar_ce and the Coun- cil was of the opinion that the to pinC fees hav been set by an order of the Council -without the re_.essity of an ordinance and that it was not acvisa ie to _pass an ordinance aTtitray lyr sw tti n: the amo nt of the tapping fees. The Connoil instructed the Clerk to Barite the Association of 'Inshi.ngton Cities ex laining the fact that no money had Caen butneted for that puroole for the year 1940. The question of buying a dump truck from E. Hickey of the 'Tacoma G. N. C. ''ruck Co. on a rental basis was brou:_'ht up for l scns2ion and it was deviWed by Council to &; for he truck on a OLsis of _.00 per , an�� the Council ��_e " r t� 4 � � 'o- r� � Council i instructed the Clerk to pay Mr. hickey for the time that tkc truck had been used by the Town of tort Orcharn. z motion was duly mar e, seconded any; ca p ried that parking be _restricted on the South side of Ada Street in front of the :`navy View Hotel for a distance, ex- 563 tending from the alley on the one side of the hotel to the alley on the other side. Brownie Hall appeared before the Council and complained of the fact that there was no pressure on the hater down at his ;dace. The n:iayor referred the matter to the Wwater Cormaittee to report back at the next meetin ; of the Council. Al Totten appeared before the Council and explained that when the dial olaones are installed by the telephone company it will be necessary for the Town of fort Orchard to pr )vide a new fire alarm system. "`here ;as a enc rat dis- cussion of Lhis question. The following list of bills was read and approved and warrants ordered drawn therefor: WATER FUND Yiles L. Tower engineering 15,00 M. H. Hershey labor 3.85 Thompson's Stationary pur. order books 3.22 LI3HARY �U11.D Puget Sound Nevis Co. books 3.83 GE ,EHAL l-'UND F. Bruhahn street cleaning 15.40 11. A. McTavish street cleaning 4.40 Pt. Orchard Independent printing, 44.93 2t. Orchard Lumber ':Yard lumber for parking strips 2.34 Glen Marker labor on parki:c`; strips 3.85 STRLET F Al,D Thompson's Stationery pur. order books 3.21 J o�in N1. Harris labor 1,65 Arthur Adair labor 2.75 1i . F. Bruhahn labor 11.00 Tacoma G.M.C. True Co. rental on truck 96.00 ADA S T . V ATER .nIAI I,� LID NO. 46 Port Orchard Independent Ord. 456 5.50 WEST ST. LID 1\10. 45 Port Orchard Independent Advertising & printing 5.40 A.U1i ST. "r PLEASANT AVE. LID NO. 44 Ft. Orchard Lumber Yard lumber & steel 14.50 it. Orchard Independent advertising 15.44 CLINE ST. LID NO. 42 Ft. Orchard Independent resolution 9.g5 irliles L. Tower engineering 60,00 KITSAP ST. LID NO. 43 Hiles L. Tower engineering Pt. Pt. Orchard Independent printing 4.28 Pac. }grater vVorks Supply lanterns ,'-- globes 34.66 Pt. Orchard Lumber Yd. lumber .51 In the absence of the enTin.,er th.e Council rejected the following mills that ;ere not expla`in�d. STR ET _ 'N_j Lowman & Hanford tape, plani,neter 28.71 1,-les L. Tower en,ineering 90.00 .Lowman ;w Hanford charts 1.02 5fi4 WATER �UAE Files L. Tower en_•ineering, 30.00 Hotion was duly made, seconder and carried for ad; ournment. I t a sks,tayo i lharch 11) 1940 The meetinq was called to order with P a Tor Hank4hnd all Councilmen pre- sent. The minutes of the previous meeting were rey4 and approved as read.. The t eet-l_nq o cned with the read _n,q of the petition of R. Z. :,ions for the 7acation of an unnamed street lying be_ween 3locks 1 & 2 of WAcKer's AOdition to Port Orchard. The Council passed a Resolution setting; April 8, 1940 as the date for the hearing; of the petition. There was a general discussior of the water live runr,inq to Erownie Hall's property at the en_:_ of which Dean Gorliss moved that the Town re: lace the water line. Kotion carried with all Conrcilmen voting; in favor thereof. The Cler=k called the Gouncil's attention to the fact that there was a Model A Truck owned by the 'sown that should be :isposed of an'. that there had been in- quiri,es in re &rd to the same. It was duly moved, seconded a.nO carried that the Clerk call for rids for Oe sale of the old Yodel I Truck to be opened at tKe next m,�etin, of the Council. The La yor ca11: d for the final hearing; of the Cline Street LID, No. 42, and there were no oV ections to the final assessment of the cane. There was a discussion of the cur and Sutter in front of Er. Cosbey' s property on Kitsap 35reet. Mr. Cosbey stated that he Lai installed a curb an (_;utter after ^_ettin: p;rmis2ion from the Town Council and that the Sra.des of the same had: been established for hires and that he felt he shouli be reimbursed for the amount of Y&t.epial used Vor replucinF the curb and gutter. it was accordingly moved, seconded anC eazried that the Town supply the material for the curb in front of Er. Cosbey' s property. The Council not the hearing of "da St. z Pleasant Ave. LID No. 44 back until _.pr it 8, 1940. The En`;i.ncer asked __f it would be _;erY insible for Joe Haas to extend the culvert at Pattision's place up past their property and the matter was referred to the in ineer. :r. Hoop &_;.,eared before the Council and asked what had become of the :`lest St. Water Project an:: was told that it coals: not be put through as the assess- ments would exceed the value of the property. � The follow7 nA bills were read and a_ ,roved and warrants ordered drawn 565) i I r- h\' STREET FUND Howard -Cooper Corp. grader -mixer rental Niles L. Tower engineering Miles L. Tower It Howes. Hardware nails Seattle Blueprint'Co. maps Ada St. S: Pleasant Ave. Lill No. 44 reim. for material Pt. Orchard Lumber Yd., cement Pt. Orchard Lumber Yd. it Pt. Orchard Lumber Yd. " Pt. Orchard Lumber; Yd. Howe Motor Co. Equip. repair Gilmore Oil Co. gas, lbbl. oil H. W . Jackson Machine Shop supplies Lowman `z Hanford tape-planimeter Lowman & Hanford charts Mrs. Selina Honey Puget Sound News Co. Pt. Orchard Transfer Miles L. Tower Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co Howe a+io�or Co. Tacoma Plumbing Sap;_.ly Hove' s Hardware Palmer Supply Co.; Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gilmore Oil Co. P. S. P. & Light Co. William's Hardware Water's Specialities Duke :electric Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Go. Howe' s Hardware Pu�,et S. P. & Light Co. L13RARY )FUND cleaning Library books wood for Library WATER FUED engineering (Advance for proposed water main on West Street phone equip. repair wheels for tubing; cutter supplies Vulcan vise gas 1 bbl. kerosene pov,,ev for pump and pump house GE I ERAL 1-YUND supplies adding machine paper globes phones fertilizer street lighting 35,19 100,00 35.00 .08 2,30 29.89 1001,00 100.00 100.00 36.17 1.26 58.35 1.99 28.71 1.02 2.50 5.36 5.10 30.00 7.06 6.22 1.79 8.95 2.99 v-438 7.16 63.54 2.27 1.37 1.84 34.77 1.28 78,78 566 -iles L. `bower engineering 15.00 Town of Pt. Orchard, mixer rental 2.29 Street Fun6 A.a St. w Pleasant Eive, reim. for raterial 31.00 LIL 11. 0. 44 .IT'- P STI EhT L. NT0. 43 I,'i12s L, Tower engineering 30.00 H. 1I. Jac, son Machine Shop material 0.41 Howe} s I�ardyrare nails 5.20 Pt. Orcl.ard l"umi;er Yd. lumber, exp. mat. 39.77 Standard Oil Co. of Calif, gas 1T.16 Wil_.iam's-Hardware supplies 2.35 ALA ST. !' J-L. LID 10. 44 '.:ilcs L. Tovier er_E;ineerin , 45.00 H. W. Jacllson ", achine shop repaired vvco.,-e and d^ill 3.05 Toren of t. Orc;hard„ grader-mnixer ren ;al 35.19 Street Fund Wi11iamI s ''arc.ware supplies .72 Gilmore Oil Co. saso11ne .93 Motion vices made, seconded an(] carried for adjoi.)rnment. Jamcs `;iunro, T tivr.L Clerk 1.Tarch 25, 1940 21ie meetin,; v,as called to order with the Mayor and all Councilmen present. The minutes of the re�,J_ous meeting were r ,,ad and aI ,roved as read, "'he meetin op enecl : ith the reading, of the `Ads for the sale of the TLodel f'A" Truck. There mre tivo bir's orese :te: , one the = id of Ralph Zacca, nini in the sum of '�'-35.00 and. the other the i:,id of Omar Van H_'ee in the Burr: of 40.00. I'he Council cce ted the I id of 0-.,, -, n Hee and directed the Clerk to transfer the title to the Model. "A" Truck to I'r. Van. Hee. the Iola; or then brought up the fact that i-ve [-m, found c 25.00 in a Park 3oard 'und• It was then explained that the Park ;33oarc: was past and the tuoney men-tioned 1Zad coma from t�i-_ salsa of some bull6in;-;s. It vial there decided to return the !-nonev to she mcmberE of the original 3card with the uncaerstanding I­ -1 567 that it would be used to put new wire on the �,randstand. l NTr. Campbell of the State Health Department appeared before the Council and tallzied in regard to the Town Sewer Project. He stated that in 1951 the State Legislature passed a lacy allowin€; fourth class towns to install sewer s; stems upon a rental basis. He said that there were two other methods of ;_paying for a sewer system., oi18 was b means of `;en:ral obli{ration bonds against the whole Town and that the other was by issuing utility bonds against the project. He stated that the most satisfactory arrargement was a combination of ,eneral obligation and utility bonds. Ike called the Councils attention to the fact that while the State Flealth Departraent had the power to order a server system for a city they had never been forced to do that with the exception of one case. Generally the towns have all adopted a proposition without the necessity of the State taking any action vahen the facts vtere all presented to the people. He also stated that the Town water supply was imperiled at the present time by r:;ason of the fact that the drain which. comes down the gulley from the courthouse run in a concrete culvert past the artesian sells, and that there have been a number of cases on record where the seepage from the concrete culverts has found its way to the s.)urce .of the vaater. He rocommended that the concrete -be placed' with .a different kind of pipe to insure against the contamination of the Town's water supply. The Mayor assured ILr..Cam.pbell that the Town would certainly take every necessary step to protect the water supply if the same were in danger. Harry Hill stated that he felt that r75% of. the people . in the Town f°av,�red the installation of a sewer s .-stem. James Patti son said that he felt it veld be necessary for the engineer to brie;,all the facts to the p-loole if the sewer project were to be. put across, that' there had been a r,reat deal of mis-information in re Bard to the project on the other occasion and that the project, should not be attempted with- out the public being fully informed as to all the details. Dean Corliss vvas of the opinion that the Town should make application to the R.F.C. for all the money that would be needed to carry out the various projects conterrpu- ad by the Town, and that after the: application had been made the projects could be taorked out and the money either accepted or refused as the Town desired. Mayor i n'.­! stated that he was off.' the same opinion now as "e, had alvta:ys been in re Bard to a Town sevaer, that if the majority- of the people wonted it and it could be gut in at a reasonable cost on some sati,�fact©ry plan, he would 'avor the project. The Clerk directed the Council' s attention to the fact that the Puget Sound Pourer ::: Lig�it Co. had presentee an application contract for comr,ercial electric light service to the Clerk to ',a .signed and that he had refuseu to sign it until authorized to do so by the Council. It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the Clerk sign the application on behalf of the Town. The question of the water line to �3rownie Hall's property was again brought up for discussion. Lean Corliss stated that he had been informed that Mr. Jackson had put in the water line at his oven expense an,61 for that reason the 568 Town should not be required_ to replace the line at this; time as it vas a private- ly o,jned line and the inc.i.vicuals shoulddil be required to maintain those lines at their own expense. There was then a 1-7.i ;cussion of the iibrUry Board, and Lean Corliss stated tnat he was a mer -er of the Boar(. an that tnerc rac been no appoint- rnents made to the same ^ir.ce the time that lied Givens eras 1.a;ror and ap ,_)ointed Leila iuor- `:;,r. He named the otacr members of the Board at the ;resent time as toeing 1 r. logu.e, Marc. Fi. h. Wilson, 1,rs. Ed and himself. It -�tias decided t�iat more inif orination irrould be obtained in re;rar� to the 'board ' efore any now a;_ v,oint- rents were made. The Clerk ac;ain called the Council) s attention to the fact that the doh, tapes for the ,-ear 1940 would have to be levied and collected. He sug,;,ested that the _;eople be notified that the tad-s ,were obtainal)1e at the Cl office .nd that if they were not ;our,ht by the cay �_:esignated in the orc.1nance that it would. '-,e necessary for the 1011arshal to Dick u;) all the unli.censeC doss. After a general discussion it was duly moved, seconded and carried that such a system be ado;)ted. 1,: r. Tower, the 'i- i_neer, state. that he had inquired as to the cost I of a Master iJeter and fo-1_nd that one could be purchas ,,d for a sum ranging � from %100.00 to "�300.00 and that r_e was of the opinion that by purchasinE such a meter the 'Down mi ;ht be a-0le to eTfect a saving in the cost of pumping i water. The question of ;>urchasing- a is aster `Aeter was r °ferxled to the Water Committee with the under_;tar_-ding that they zvoul`. octa . n from various cities i of comparable size inforr.lation in re ;arc to the advantages of such a meter. `there was a long discussion of the VV'?A question resultin , from thlat fact tha'; the Town not have any funds with which to employ an en,- ineer to super:vise the VV?A le,:_.or. It was decided that the Council would not approve anyr more ui_ds from the Street De :art_ ert to be used for er__;i.neering p;urposes unless es,)ecially authorized in a6vance. George 'livens was directed to act as the To;vn Sponsoring; Agent; in charge of the work unti_ I such time as some change in the s°;,stem can be effcc;ted. The question. of �,:,Izether or not the Town would 1­on.struct a concrete sidewalk at the foot of Sidney Street between the Olderness property and the Andreas I)ro-)erty and a sidewalk between the Co�ien property and the -akey propert:, at the foot of "�rcderick Street was brought up for di ;c:ission an" bath projects vrere dispensed tv:it l until such time as it could U, rietermi.ned whether or .,ot the new street was z�oin,t, to be constructed at t'rxe North sine of the Town. 569 N) i The following; bills were read and a..:j-)roved and warrants ordered drawn therefore. r G E ' PAL YU11 D Pac. Tel. & Tel, Co phones 27.25 Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. dog taGs 5.10 James Iriunro stamps for Clerk's office 5.00 V1. F. Bru4ahn street cleaning 2.20 A. A. h cTavish street cleaning 8.80 E TR"ET FUND D Kiles L. Tower en ineering 105.00 Arthur Adair la bor 2.20 Martin L j erken labor 2.20 Corey Johnson labor 2.20 1,1VATER r'UND h-ov:r1' s Ear .•..rare bal, due on War. 4646 7.16 Pao. Tel. & Ta3— Co. phone 3.50 Arri, Plumbing &- Stearn Supply valve covers, copper tube cutter 54.42 j Mill & Mine Supply, Co, I hose 18.99 ' Martin Bierken i labor 2.75 Corey Johnson Labor 3.85 Ara. 2lumbing & Stearn Supply bushings, vise, copper tubing 17.60 CLiIL ST. LID NO. 42 Holmberg & Borman I sand and gravel 8.87 I 1 KILTSA2 i STREET LID 1'JO. 43 Lowman & Hanford LeRoy Box 4,18 E 14iiles L. Tower engineering 15.00 ALA ST . & 211-L! , A `1 hVF LID 4� Holmberg & Norman sand and gravel 44,37 1vii1es L. Tower engineering 30.00 Lowman & Hanford case 1.64 Williams s Har.Aware form wire .36 i George Givens brought up the question of purchasing a new truck for the -water department and the matter was referred to the Water Committee. i Motion was made, seconded and carried for adjournement. 570 A_)ril 80 1940 The meeting; was called to order v�,ith Councilmen Coshe,r, Corliss, Hill, and T`iom; son Present. The Clerk openec1 the meeting statin,J that in the absence of 1 ayor Hanks, who was at the Vv'estern Conference of Mayors at ,.Portland, iregon, it would be necessary for tie Council to name one of their members Actingr 11,11ayor. liean Corliss vras nominated and elected Acting Ylayor for the evening. Mr. E. W. �enseri appeared before the Council and complained that the VV''PA w�)rkers had cut 607M a p1ne tree on the corner of his property without his dcr_ri scion and asked that he be compensated by the Town for the damages done. The A(,ting D!ayor referred the matter to the Street & Alley Committee to inve-tigate the same and report back at tree next regular meeting of the Council. The Clerk reported that be had. received certain replies to the letters sent out to the various `"owns of comparable size to the Town of sort Orchard in regard to a Pilaster I,,Icter for tine water system. The matter was out on. the table until the next regular meeting in order that more replies might be received.. There was then a ciscussion of the cuestion of ;uyinf, a new truck for �. tha water d;epartm .nt. _Ct eras the consensus of opinion that the Town would be better off financially if it ;.purchased a new truck at this time rather t� an going to the expense of paving the old truck repaired. Rex Thomason stated that in his opinion the truck should be purchased on a rental ',asis for the balance of 1940 and complete the pa yments on the same a_n 1941. It was according- ly moved, seconded an_,J carried that the Clerk issue a call for bids for a now viater track S "eciflIing - he fact that the trick v,as to ",De purchased on a rental an,d the cl.d water tr,i_ck taken as a `,,own payment upon the same. !'rt :,,,n�, appe r—k]. efore the Council and asked if the assessment roll for the Ada St. 'lcasant Av.., sidewalk coulc'dl s'now that 12 feet of his property had been sold to He was informed by the Clerk that the roll would be made 'up in accor•:lance with the )roperty descri)tion at the time the oro;ect vras core ;_enc 1 and that "in-.- differcnees arisin= by reason of the ,;ale of any property would have to 1 e taken care of between Yr. 6a11ew and himself. `.L'he Clerk read the complaint of Islrs. 'McLouSall, ancl submitted b;, Helen graham, that she was eing assessed for more frontage than she owned on the project. The matter eras referred to the engineer to be checked. ahe Ordlir.an.ce approv- ing the final asse,,sment roll on L.LL #44 was then passed by the Council.. � I'r. Caldl:ell ao__�eared before the 'ounC7.1 an.•;'. asked the Council to vacate Lot 6 of Block 7 ;railroad addition to Sidney, erplainin- that it had been ,autu.ally a„reed by the rcrperty o�rrners in that Block that if the said lot was vacated thc� descriptions of the various lots in the block would not have to be 571 changed and the property could remain exactly as it is. Tt was called to the Council's attention that a similar situation existed in El,ock 8 of Railroad Addition to Sidney and the matter was accor6inF;ly put off for two weeks to see if they could not :both be taken care of at the same time. The Ordinance vacating; the unnamed street between Mocks 1 and 2, Wheeler' s Addition, was then L;assec by the Council. The question of painting; the water tank was brought up for 6Li cussion anti it was agreed that the matter be put off for some time in order that the tank might be thoroughly dried before it was Fainted. The following bills viere read and approved and ti,.arrant's ordered drawn therefore: E. D. h1astick H. W. Jackson Machine Shop - Am. Plumbing & Steam Supply Standard Oil Co. Of Calif. Howe' s HarCIware Gilmore Oil Co. Petro Paint Mfg. Co. Sexton Auto Freight Kgt' s Service Am. Plumbing & Steam Sup:.:ly Twn. of Port Orchard, Street Fund Kitsap Lumber & Feed Co, Howard -Cooper Corp. Hovie Motor Co. H. W. Jackson Machine Shop Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Hussey & Peterson A. H. Cox & Co. Howard -Cooper Gorp.. Reliance Motor Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Puget Sound Express Gilmore Oil Co. h1iles L. Tower Town of Port Orchard, Water Fund IWA'I ER FUND top soil material meter boxes, valve boxes gear lube stove oil, screws, lawn mix gas petro caulk freight chgs. gasoline meter gaskets lumber, lumber STREET 1,UND rental -mixer & grader repairs to truck material grease job rep:: it to equip* fly wheel for stover grader parts mixer repair freight cn.gs. freight chgs. gas engineering (TottenWall) OTL,2'EFUIL i{'UND rein. for mat. incorrectly charged 2.04 5.10 22.82 3.21 Y7.95 2.94 1.73 .50 2.05 1.90 1.02 .44 35.19. 40.32 "7.34 2.81 4,18 11,73 29,15 6.12 .50 .50 15,04 15.00 1,46 572 YUND i'ur;et Sound: -`'eves Co. books 4.4.4 Cf �.il �i.°: lid - aZ1J 110. 44 roviard-Co per :;o.rp. mixer rental 19.38 L�_itsap St. :i;ID TIo. 43 cement 150.00 K_TSI�I ST . LID ,T O. 43 , . Jaclkson Paachine ,Sl-Lop catch basins 25,25 Peninsula Stationers stationer�r .46 Gilmore Oil Go. Eas 1.24 h'_iles L. Tov.,er engineering 60,00 notion vr_� s duly made, seconded, an, carried for as ournment. James Munro, own Clerk I). P. Corliss, Aotin�; Llayor A,,ftl 22, 1940 T'_ne meeting; was called to order ivith h1avor Hanl�.s an,: Councilmen �1ine, Cos: car, Corliss, and hill present. The minutes of the previous meeting vaere read and ap.-Iroved as read. D an Corliss reported t1nat the Street & Alley Corm-,ittee had investi- ;aced tPie complaint of h. `v. _sensen that a trc c had been out down on his property by the " PA workers who ,gore improvin -. the sidewalk ad joining his place. Ivir. Corliss states: that an investigation revealed that it was necessary to cut 11'he tree because of the injury vinich would result to the sidevialk from the roots of the same. EEc also stated that the matter had been taker.. uo vaith Ibb . Garey, the recond owner of the property andthat it had been a(;reed with him that it would be necessary to ren,)ve t}_e tree prior to the time that the sidevaalk vraB wilt, and that it was the recommendation of the Strc.,et w Alley Com�rittea that PJr. Bensen's claim for darria`es be refused. After hear- ing the resort of 14r. Corliss the Council accepted the same as the wishes of the Cour_cil in the matter. T�.e Clerk then read the correspondence received by his of`ice in re-ard to the P,_aster 1,_eter.3 in use in other towri.s. The question of purch-asing a Feaster T:_eter vaus refurre:i to Vae, Water. Committee to be reported a -,on at the next re"ular r:ieetinFl of cne Council. t, re};,re; e.-tat!ve of th.e : ashin, ton �"_cter Company appeared before -:he Council and stated that his firm could supply a 'Taster E.eter to the Town for y 153.00. He said that in ais opinion it was adv2lsa ;le to nave one. He also explained to tlHl, Council th.e .1Jorkir,.s s of the vari0!3.s t;pes of iveters supr-lice., 13y his coir;,Dar1-; a '1 `;i( ter LrJTIErt to wc15 u;i�iE'd by the I; a;; -or to consider the types of meters and make ,ecom en ations as to 573, the kind. the Town should purchase. The Clerk then read the ! i 6s submitted by three dealers for the sale of a, truck to the Town. Due to the fact that the bids were somewhat technical in nature it was deemed advisable to refer them to the Uater Committee to report back at the next regular meeting, of the Council. The Council than instructed the Clerk to defend the suit brought by Virgil Parks a;-ainst the Town and to bring action a,_;ainst Vf. H. Steverson for the damages sustainDd by the Town truck w'_en it collided with the Stevenson car. Dean Corliss asked if it would be arrissible for the citizens interested im improving the. ToWn baseball field to proceed to do some work upon the same. 1%la,yor Hanks expressed the views of the Council :l.n saying that it would be all ri ;ht for the volunteers to work upon the field providing there would be no costs to the City ilacurred upon the project. The bills were read and ap -roved with the exception of the bill of the Howe N111otor Company for the repair of the water truck which was held up until it can be determined .,jhat the Town is going, to do in regar: to the pur- chase of a new truck. STR„-:-T _FUND Pt. Orchard independent advertising 4.15 City of B.rem., Gen. Ponst. r'und prints .90 Reliance N_otor Co. repair to mixer 3.12 ��oward-Cooper Corp.,. bolts 14.57 Piston Service Inc. supL�lies .99 f Corey Johnson labor 9.90 F. Lruhahn 9 11.55 P. N. Jones 11.55 Arthur Adair 4,40 Carl Lundberg; � " 5.40 Vi'ATER FUND P. S. P. Light Co., power, pump, and pump house 63.61 VVilliam's Hardware adapters, pails, gaskets, etc. 2.91 �\ Pac. Waterv�-orks Sup..)ly ells, pipe 8.16 Am. Plumbing < Steam Supply meter coxes 21.42 Corey Johnson labor 2.20 Oswald Sorlee labor 1.10 TVartin Johnson labor 3.65 i 5i4 �. S. 13. &, Light Co. t. Orr! -arc? 1n::e�endent x. A. iIc1'avis h Puget Sound News Go. itiles L. `Power Chas. H. °;ratts & Co. William' s Hardware Pt. Orclfiard Independent G 3.:N-LIU,L FUI�; D street li h.tin- warrant calls street cleaning LI-AHt,PY FL1' D books KITSAP ST . LID TO. 43 engineering curi.n1; eoi.�-oound adapters, ,askets, nails, etc. Al A ST. ? L '.(,&INT "v tL. LID DO. 44 ac.vertisinFl ADA ST . '.'a1�TE.-L `,':laTXI LIIL NO. 46 Pt. Orchard Tnc'e,�en .ent advertising Motion was dull m2de, secon:',cd and carried for adjournment. James Munro, foti Clerk A. Hanks, Mayor 78.'IF5 1.45 1'7.60 30.46 45.00 48.65 10.45 6.55 5.40 May 13, 1940 The meetin was caller. to orescJr with kla o H ,nks and Councilmen hill, Corliss and Gline )rssent. `l ie i:iint teS o-L t1he Previous `'leetin£, -Veere read an`: a rovl-c; as rear. The Tia or r ad a ictter from the local r3ost of the American Lesion askin .)ermi.ssion to out decorative - anrers across th_- streets of the Town on Special oc::asions and soli a>s. It was my moved, seconded and car•ric, that the be-r'antea. The is or then cal_' oll the Council' s attention to the fact that uat,:k,bel' as"� ed to have sorie mr'c done on opokane Street. The matter vas referred to the Street and Alley Corer-ittee. The cuestion of the bias for a new ,=pater truck •vas then brought I.:p for diU:;Eassion. Gk,ai.r,nan Go2be17 of tL-IE, Water Come: ittee state: that it ,Jas the recorimendation of the sVater Comr.-i ttee that the ,c ds be re ected and a new call issued b, the Clerk and that the ' ill of the Ho,:,e 'rotor Cor,2 any for repairs to the olu ,later truck be paid. eorp;e "line stated th.;at he had concurs eu with Cosbey on that recor,.,,:ienc ation. The Council t,7 a full vote ac( eOpted the recorr_u endations of Chaircran Cosbey. 1,r. Yiller of. the '�Vorthin,°ton—=arrons I,reter Company a _..eared before the Council an" talked in r�; arcs to viater meters. The Council then v full vote decided to enter into a contract 4aith the <<`uorth _r ,ton -Gar ons T'ieter Com)any for the purchase of water meters for the Town of port Orcharu for a period of one year. 575 i ' Jean Corlis;s called to the Council T s attention the fact that a i�remerton organization desired to put on a rrotorcycle carnival at the Fair -'rounds. The proposition was re ecte5 by the Council for the reason that there is no method of guaranteeing the; safety of the spectators if such a carnival were put on. The Council then requested the Clerk to inform Ed Howe that the rail- ing on the retainin ,rlall on the Spona,Ele property was in need of repair. The question of buying a raster Tt eter was a -;ain brou,_;ht up for discussion and it was decided that it v,,ould ',I-e desirable to :e.ait until it could be deter- mined if there would be any funcs available with which to purchase a meter this gear, arc that' if there were rip funds available, provisions s�1oul:' be Trade in the next budget for the purchase of a Ma >ter Deter. Ellen B. ;aldwell presented a petition to the Couch asking the Council I to vacate Lot 6, Block: '7, Railroad 1�ddition to the 'town of Sidney. It was explained to the Council that there viaB a shortage in :Block 7, and it was necessary to vacate said lot in orwer to make the descriptions of the Block F correspond to the actual locations of the pr°operty. I` was duly moved, seconded and carried that the petition of Ellen B. Caldwell be ...ranted. Jack Caretti then appeared before the Council and stated that the County would be willing to pa J for one-half of the culvert needed to improve South Street. Rlayor Hanks explaine(7, to the Council that he would pay the f cost of ,uttin-_, bulldozer on the street if the City would be willing to be liable for the rlemajning cost of the culvert. It was e--,lamed that the culvert would cost approximately $18-00 to the City. It was duly mo'vad, seconded, and carried that the City pay one-half the costs of the culvert. j The Council directed the Clerk to draw an Or inance for the regulation jof sound vragons on the streets of the Town to be presented at the next regular meeting. Fire Chief Totten appeared before the Council and state,,l that there had been no satisfactory arrangement rude to take care of the fire alarms system when the telephone system was changed on the lst of June. The matter I - was turned over to the Clerk and the Fire Committee to find some satisfactory method of handling fire alarms. ^ r. Ca_��pbell talked in regard to the construction .of a sewer system in the Town. There was then a long long; discussion of the sewer problem, It was the opinion of the Council and the Mayor that when it,,,Gs definitely determined what would be done in regard to tine new hip.hway project a sewer system based j upon the needs of the Town and priced iAthan the limits of the ability of the pa people to i p p y could lie put'- through. ' 576 T'ne following 'Dills were read and warrants ordered -:!raven therefor: .,.ovie !,_otor Co. William' s hardlware- ` accn,a- irewerton xu Vo ;rem. Ooncrete Products Co. Lowman 6, Mani ord 2 t. Orc�,ard Lumber td. Gilmore Oil Co. H. W. Jackson 11achine Sir-lo Standard Oil ��Jo. of Calif. Bowe Mjtor Co. Lowman c Harford Tacoma Ca. Xi. C . `.,'ruck 1'. S. '. Light Co. Sanderson Safety Sup_ ply Pac, mel. c: Tel. Co. Jar,s3s Arianro Town Clerk It, Orchard Lumber Yd. N. F.-ruhahn Iiov;e Mlotor Co. Pac. Tel. , l'el. Co. Gilmore Oil Cd. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. P. S. P. & Light Co. H. VJ. Jackson machine Shoo Palmer Sup..�ly Co. Worthington -Garcon T;'titer Co. Art:. .,'lumping & Steam Suo_�ly Howe' s Hardware Howe M.tor Co. Puget Sound News Co. repair to truck files freight charges sewer pipe cross-soction taper- ark's wall exp. joint gas gins for bla:Ie lock `, a s transmission lining telescoie taailing tubes truck rental G E11! : 'U;L FUND street lighting carbogene phones stamps -Clerk's office e.dv. dog licenses lumber labor --street cleaning gas ATER i� UrUND p ho ne gas gas power for pump ;w pump house ,­lan,,�inF, punch unions bushi.n s, screws, discs meter boxes screws, tees, bushings repair to equipment LIBRARY i'Ui: D books KI.TSAP STREET LID NO. 43 `_. Vj'. Jackson P;Iachine Shop sharpenin tools Gilmore Oil Co. gas C. A. Hanks sand and gravel William' s Hardware nails and i,tire Holmberg &: alorman sand and gravel Holmberg & Norman sand and gravel Riles L. Tower engineering Pt. OrcElard Lumber Yd. e p. joint TMotion was duly ma'e, seconded and carried for adjournment. 10.95 .41 2, 72 1.22 6 . '7 9 12.86 .51 4.10 .36 1.12 96.00 78.73 5.60 25.45 5.00 4.20 .92 2.20 1,24 3.50 3.57 1.78 64.70 1.02 5.04 9.79 22.82 1.30 48.9"l 41.13 1.02 .93 4.20 .91 100,00 2.05 45.00 9. "79 577 '1 May 16, 1940 SPECIAL tTELTING Present: Ir ayor Hanks, James Munro, Clerk and Councilmen Thom-,000n, Corliss, and Cline.. The meeting was called to order for the )urpose of opening bids for the re -treading of :the tires on the Town grader. There viere two IIALI.s submitted, one from the Wilkins-Lursen Company offering to re -tread the tires for t19.40 i a piece, the other :from Pearson & Crawshaw Company offering to retread the tares for a tote slum of 4182.50. The Council accepted the bid of the Wilkins- Lursen Company and directed the Clerk to proceed with the re -treading of the tires. There being; no other business before the Council the meeting adjourned. Jars-s' Munro, :.down Clerk C. A. Hanks, Mayor May 27, 1940 The meeting was called to oraer with Mayor Hanks and Councilmen Cosbey, Cline, Hill and Thompson present. The minutes of the ,.revious meeting were read and approved as read. The MaNror called the Council' s attention to the fact that there are certain complaints on people dumping garbage other than at the garbage cump. The Council decided; to offer a �610.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of said cersons. There was a. discussion of the telephone change anCt its affect on the fire alarm system. Russ Woods of the telephone company ap :eared before the Council and -explained how the system could be changed. It was deemed advisable by the Council to have a master phone and ts;,o extensions installed. It was suggested that the Master phone shoulw, be ;laced in the Sheriff' s office, as that was one of the. few places in Town where all night service is maintained. The Fire Committee was given the authority to establish the locations of the 1% aster phone and the two extensions and to report the same to the telephone company in the next few days. The Council requested the Clerk to write the re;presenta-tines of the Sponagle 13uilding main in regard to the railing; in back of the same. The Clerk then read the proposed Ordinar-ee on the sound. wagons, and I - the same wad adopted by the Council. Mr. Cosbey reported that he had looked at the street of which Mrs. Campbell had complained and had come to the conclusion that considerable amount of ,coney would be needed to repair the same, and that it would not be advisable to do anything, about it at this time. The Council requested the Clerk to write to Mrs. Campbell and inform her of the Council t s decision in regard to the same. i 578 maids were then opened for the purchase of a new water truck for the City. Tvjo bids ,,e_=e submitted, one 'Ceinr-; the bid of the 'low otor Company in the sum of 4619.132 and tLie other being the bid of the Reliance 1%lotor Company in the sum of �V"621.00. Upon t1ne recoms,lendation of the ''rater Co=nittee the Council accepted the bid of the Reliance I',.otor Co. The Council then a`,reed that the Town, should allo01 to the Consumers the same arnourit of dater as had been allowed in previous , ,ars for the summer months. The question of ,a__ntin�-; the water tanks teas a ::zn broLl ht to the Council' s attention;, an(fit was decided that the Clerk should call for bids dL?rin ; t'��e r,ionth of July for the material for the tanks an:j for the labor for t)aintir_ ; thy; sage. The Street and Alley Com:0,ittee vras asked to investigate the sidewalk near Brownie Fall's place, as it -c,as reported that some of it �iad fallen sly ;_;cltl�z. The Council n)rPinat :d tl-le Eia or and Tex Thompson to represent the City on the ri.d.t;e Cele .ration Comcrrittee to be nar_a::d from the various orCaniaa- tion.s in the Town, and the Clerk was directed to eontac;U nine of t"ne leading; or,;anizations in the City to have reprzs-�.,ntativ� s ap_)o-lnte' to the Bridge Celebration Committee. After cuc c',eliber«tion the Council decided to acvance q�25.00 from the General Z`und for the of "_ elNin ; to finance the Bridge Celebration. lj,:r. Tower explained to the Council that for ' `15,00 vie could complete a set of sewer alans anc estimates suitable: to -,e presented to the State Board o ' i_ealth. Rex Th.oi-a,)son r,�.�ved that the C=_-uncil pa�-.T ","r. Tower 1 62.50 for the :�­eliwilnavy cstixatcs, vjj rich sum , r. T•_;vrcr agreed to accept. T'r�e foll.oivinE gills v,,ere rceac; and approved and warrants orJerdd drawn t'rierefore : t,. r . I,Cvv-cor2b Ho;vard%. %ooper Corp. Lloyd S:.ith Corer Johnson Arem. Concrete Products Co. A. A. __cT­ vish Pt. Orc�aard Tncle��enc.ent ienry �'�scher 1%'ilcs L. Tower Pac. Tel, & Tel. Co, Pac. 'Tel. & 'Tel. Pt. Oro -card Sndopendent Palmer Co, ;:artin 31crl-en Fete ivuernberger i lantern man .render rental labor labor Culbert street cleanin", er:vl,no. notices etc. installing LAles under mourn Hall n ineerin; (Park' s suit) phone s 2.20 27.54 1.10 14.35 16.3'7 22.00 6.94 12,50 52.50 24.50 ph.one 3.50 10 er she C 'Ll s, cal _ for ic.s, cards 12.11 solder, ells, tees 5.33 labor ..55 1 a - or 6.50 i 5 79 i i K.D1 SA? ST . LID 110. 43 P-liles 1.. Tower engineering 15,00 ADA STREET LID NO. 44 Pt. Orchard I O.eperdent advertising 4.25 ]-Notion was :dully made, j seconded and carried for adjournment. I 1 rCA. (0-ames 1r:unro', � own. Clerk hanks, I yor SP C1AL ?i dG i The meetin ` was called for the purpose of discussing WPA labor in the Town of Port OrIchard. All members of the Council were present, and '., iles Tower, City Engineer, and Sid Dean, repi�esen.tine; the The 1'1_ayor explained to the C :uncil that there had been some discussion in re-;ar.I to suspending; the W13A work in the Town for a period of time and that the rr!eetin ; had beeh called to order for thepurpose of determining just what was going to be done in rer;ard, to this labor. Sid Dean explained to the Council that the WPA had difficult- in finding enoug ht meh to carry on the various projects in the County at this period of the year and that it ,,,ould be to their advantage to withdraw; the labor from the Town for a few months and complete the j projects now on hand when the la;.Jor was more l)ler_tiful. He also stated that f they did not consider the grades established by the Engineer for the Kitsap Street gutter as satisfactory for the reason that. they did not match the grade of Sidney Hill. The Clerk explained to h1r. Dean that the Kitsap Street Proje ct was a L)cal Improvement District which had issued a large number of ti^farrsnts that were drawing interest and would continue uravving; interest until the project was completed. That every delaty would increase the amount of money that the property holders vr,uld have to ,.;ay; that in his opinion the, --property should be completed, immediately even though it were necessary to take workers from someother project in the County which was not set up on an L1L basis. The various members of the Council expressed themselves as �,ein.g of the same opinion. Mr. Dean then explained that the.T were desirous of doing; the work in a manner j that would be saitsfactory to the :)eopl.e of the Town and that he would complete j - the Kitsap Street project as soon as the question of the grades was determined. Mr. Tower explained :that he felt the 17yrac,.es should b Left as he had established them for the reason that if they viere changed, it would necessitate an 3..ncreased grade on the sidewalk u Hill which he did not think a � �; p , Sidney � , h nk was advisable. The various members of the Council vvho had examined the project were of the same opinion as 111r. Tower. It as then duly moved, s-_�conded, and carried that the -rades as esti._blished by the cnp,ineer be adopted at this time for the Kitsap Street curbs and gutters, and that the VVP i be requested to complete the project ,:r:_tc,_out c.ny furt!ier d:;lay. Lr. Tci3,er _;resented to the Council his stimate for a ewer ;project for the Tovrr., and it; was duly moved, seconded, and carr'Led that the same be presented to the State Board of Health. 'The Council instruc,t�« the Clerk to drav, an'rd-Lnance Limiting the sale: of fireworks in the To�nin of Port Orchard to the da,,s of the 2nd, and 4�h of July. The meeting then adjourned, 040, �11=40— ames Munro Town Jerk C. A. Ha ks, T,?ayor Tune 0, 1940 T' ie meeting was called to oi:°der rfith 1,1e.. for hanky, d all Councilmen present. The minutes of tho previous meeting j :re read anc: approved as Plead. The meeting opened .: ith a discussion of work be:3 nf,<, done by the It was reported than Ghe "i2A hac encountered a septic tank drain emptying into the gutter on 3Litsa,) Street and they v,anted to know what action the i Town vias going to take in regard to the same. The matter was referred to the Health and Sanitation Cotr�tr.ittee of t'ne Council with the authority to rccon,,end to the ;property own=,rs what t ie committee thought was advisable to re:;ard to the Qrain. It was repo_ted that the sidevialk near irovinie Hall' s property which i had gar reported as nee: 7.n repairs at the _;revious meeting of the Council i was of no and could be allowed to remain as it is for some time. The Clerks L):,esented an Ordinance limiting; th.e sale of fire -;jerks for the Town of Port Orchard to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th days of July of <ach year. The Orc)irance was duly adopt d_ 1,,it1n- all Councilmen voting in favor thereof. Dick Cax°etti appear ;d before tre Council and stated that the County was int ,rested in oiling; !�, itchell Hill but felt that th.e Town of Fort Orchard should pay one-half of the cost. Dean Corliss made a motion that the City coo pei,ute with wick Caretti in an el':i'ort to have Hill oiled. The motion vv,s �idopte(i with all Councilmen voting in favor thereof. The bill oreserte,) by Piles Tol,,er in the sum of 15.00 ar,r c'_ar ;ed tc the Street 'lane was by the Council orderea, paid out of the Si.tsap St. LID. The Council r�eo�_estec the Clerk to check the I,iitchell ~Till pr•oiect to determine if the agreed amount had been p&id. The follo-a,ing bills were read and a� proved and warrants ordered drawn � therefor: STKLET FUND H. W. Jackson Lachine Shop sharpened bars & brokers 2.04 584')l !�v Howard -Cooper Corp. gaskets, etc. 11.01 Howe Prlotor Co. repair to equip. 2.35 Gilmore Oil Co. gas & grease, retreauing grader tires as per bid 191.50 Piles L. Tower sewer project, preliminary est. 62.50 Lowman & Hanford registration cards 8.79- P. S. P. & Light Co. street l ;toting 78.78 Palmer Supply Co. ells 2.32 Reliance IYlotor Co. licet:se & title for pick-up 2.25 jHowe'-s Hardware oil & oiler 4.28 Williamt s Hardware oil -shovels, rip, etc. 6.07 Gilmore Oil Co. cgas 5.58 State Tax taxes clue on water rece-ipts 6.63 . S, P. & Light Co. power for pump & pump ho ..se 73.74 i LIB,1JAfjY 1:-'UND Puget Sound News Co. books 4.98 h=,SA_- ST. LID NO. 43 Miles L. Tower engineez-ing 30.00 Lowman &: Hanford pencils & tape 1.38 Motion was duly made, seconded anc: carried for aojournment. 4a'm' A / s ages 77.r7, 77WE Us 10, -an s, ayo June 24, 1040 i The meeting was called to order v.,ith hayor Hanks and Coun ilmen Cline, Cosbey and Hill present. The mrinutes of Lhe previous meting were read and approved as read. Al Totten appeared before the Council and asked to have certain changes made on the phone at the fire hall. The Council save b-11r. Totten permission to have the phone changed to the satisfaction of himself and the department. Councilman Hill suited that the se :tic tank drain on hi.tsap Street had been adjusted. Mayor Hanks reported to the Council that tliere had been two arrests for the shooting of f ir°eworiks. There vias a discussion of the vv per su,:,L ly system and were mace that a new well be drilled at the old park site. Rex Thomps.-n moved that the allowance of water be reduced 1000 gallons for the remainder of the Summer or until the emergency had passed. Harry hill bvoug,h.t up the fact that the oil on Sidney Street above Divisio_-: had begun to roll and was informed by George Givens that there is very little tl-lut cure None to correct such a situation. �\ It wus agreed by the Council that th.e street sweeper should sweep the streets one wore ulay each week and. George Givens was :instructed to so employ the street sweeper. 582 The .folloivir._; bills were stead and approved as read. Orc'_ard Transfer I','a;-tin Bjerken I; c,,dford 1'neroux 't. Orc'Mrd Lumber Yd. '.lice `lectrie Co. t Orc'Lard--a,r_ber Yd. 2eninsula StUtioners s. Selina rin.ey ',Vestern_ ini or_ Tole x€rpc� Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. A. A. McTavisri 'ete huernberger Drem.Concrete Products Co. .L t. Orchard Lurrber Yd. I.liles L. Tower LTD iWY .fuel labor labor lumber repairs to tank G -l"I LHAL yeti RD 1 utra r filing cab-inets cleaninc<; Town Hall tele�Zr am phony: s street cleaning labor I'" 1 SAr' S':L'� rL'S L L E0. 43 sev;er _pipe lumber engineering 5.10 9.�0�'aa . 35 ter 2.97) fund 103.50) 1.02 9.18 2,50 1.31 8.50 19.80 8.80 21.82 32.10 30. ("0 1 oLion was duly Ysane, seconded and carried for crr journrE-_ent. James !..unro, Town plerk. S�,. Y�,. Hank(Mayor Ju.1y 8, 1, 40 T ie-meeting vvas called to order with Pe:ayor Il'ank-S and,Council Cline, Cor'_ics, mill and 'Th.ompson present. The reroutes of the prev:io.-.s rr: et r:; were read and a;)_.:r'oved as read. ii7ere Li'aS cl C�CC: UlOn of 1-he E ds for the paintin Of the water tank. It WLS decided t at �7.ds were to be called .for the painti.ri.`; of trie inside and outsize of the old tank. A motion was duly made, seconded and 3arrier that George Civens be a_ns truct��d to obtain specificatl.ons for the rDair_t. .Lhe Council then decided to purchase tie s�-,a ll p,,,„p Lr a i ,,ors ';,ej-n;-, used on the ol" viell for a pui;cc_-Lrse price of yeS6.70. file , ayor re _)orte-1 that CCL1r:t_ lmar '2h.orlpson, 1':'.l_les To-ver and 'nirn-s-elf 1ad gone to the WPA offices and invest"atu-1 the que,A-son of obtair_in`:; oil for the streets; that trrey were told teat tart arc and 'nnd obtained far snore than its allotted share of rr.on-ty already and that it vio_Ilc! be .m. ossible- for tie 11.12A to allow Port Orchard an�r r:•ore honey for road t_1 _,ur° .oases. T�-e Co,,zncil then passed a r•esolation as'vinL? tLe L'eJartwent of Li- :'.-sways to set as .-. e � 1000.00 of the inoney coming:, to th.e Town of sort Orc n,rd- for the ;; ear 1941 i'rorh has tax revenr::e to 'Ge used for '11-ar.'d oil pur .oses. _<a,7or° 11a: ks then made what he teemed a 'Mate of t'ae Tart.-.m..or." re1->ort to the Co:.nc..l �.hica the Glerk atnered vias a i4.:tl.e: re )or-t treat the clerk had neg- lotted. t > do a f he s-ould -ave clone. _,_ ere ',vas t!'en a r':lscu, lion OE' `}"Ee ? rkS Suit ar;ainst tCe City. l se 1,:ayor stated treat he believed that it would be c esirable if another attorney 583 were employed to help the City Attorney on the trial of the action. There was a general discussi6n of the Parks suit after which the Council decided that no compromise or settlement would be made with Mr. Parks that would obligate the City to build a wall or do anything further than had been offered on a prior occasion which was!to pay to Ralph Purves, the Attorney for Mr. Parks, a reason- able attorney's fel if the matter were dropped. The Council instructed the Mayor and the Cler! to select an attorney to wxk with the City Attorney on the trial of the action. i A new weJ for the Torn was then discussed and it was decided that some provision should be made in the Bu3get of 1941 for the construction of such an addition to the vater system. The May& then ,presented to the Council the sewer data as compiled by the City Engineer and the Council instructed the engineer to ;,roceed with the application for.an RFC loan for the installation of the setter system. The folloring bills were read �nd approved as read and rar•rants ordered dram therefor: ,ATER FUND H. 14.. Jackson Machine Shop drills 5.51 Edward M. Blass pump 86.70 F. P. Arnold pipes, ells, unions 20.22 Palmer Supply Co. couplings 4.01 Worthin8ton-Garcon I yter Co. meters 51.41 Howe's Hardware supplies 5.78 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co phones Z.95 Town Clerk Postal cards 4.50 Wilkins-Lursen Inc. gas 8.10 Howe Motor Co. Sheets Electrical & Battery Co. Wlikins-Lursen Inc. Wilkins--Lursen Inc. Wilkins Lursen Inc. HoTA,e TIotor Co. Frank Sinoson Duke Electric Co. Howard -Cooper Corp. Glenn Ovens Henry Buscher Chas. H. Bottlers Water's Specialties. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. H. T. Jackson Machine Shop Liles L. Tower T. C. Breitenstein Lowman & Hanford S TR ET FUND repair to truck 11.64 gear & brush 6.43 gas & retreading; tires 100.00 1f /9 ,r it 100.00 it ft it Fr 8.18 GENERAL FUND switch & button police patrol globes grader rental police :patrol disposing of dogs police patrol pen point phones KITSI,P ST. LID NO. 43 grates engineering engineering tape sc cloth Kotion vas° duly glade, seconded and carried for adjournment. 1. F 17.30 1.84 9.1.8 12.10 2.00 1.65 .51 29.20 42.89 45.00 7.00 7.80 584 July ;312, 1940 Tile meeting ad,_ ourned for lack of rluoi:um unti:L Tuesday, J u1y 251 at Jar.' es I'lunro, To C=Lerk Han, ; ayor July 2r` , 1940 The rzeetinL v;a: called to order Tith I�yayor Hanks and Councilmen Cor.l-iss, Tho!ipson and Cline presr.nt. The rninutes of the revious Meetin jA;ere rer_ c an: p roved as r ad. The m_eetinC onf r.e<i w--',.th 1:.ayor Hanes re-iorting that he had or.iered i the nlan'l.s ren-oved a t tho foot of Frederic'-_ 2treet because of the Tact that thei p t;ere co laznt;; of ).,:onle tri,-) Ding and falling upon them. The Counc' 1 decided th-�t the Street Su�eri ntendent should re-nlace the olun_}s ti., i th hard oil nav i n-. The Council further instructed the �trret Su )erl.ntenderlt to have the olanc ink_ at t'ie foot of Sidne;r atreet re alaced �;, .tt_ 1 .1in ted :ood. The bids :,es e then obeneU for the bu;Y ink o-f IL, k,.e. ;.a- 2 nt for the r.ute� tank, la:n. ti:e bil_ o" the . P. Fullcr Corn. -pang: in %ire su'-'-fl of 'fig, 64 Tti,e aids for the .aintin o_" the tank _ .re ;,hen o,;ened and the -id of L. C. f ise ..ar: in the su-i_ o� 3,98. _ 7 s a C C oteal The 011oc_1us gill; 'at Te _. cc: - ctn c OVcG- and i'c ('r�TitS Ordered drarn therefor: 1 '1M7� pp `J 11 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. phone 90 Pt. Orchard Independent advert' sing 15.85 l; odern PluirioinL & Su_o-;,ly Co. stco 2.55 litems Sup?ly Co. r_=eteI ; 0xes 22.82 P. S. :i'. Light Co. -.1) -%:=er f.�r :�:u-r�-ou:_1� iious�_. �?_.uJ Pete Nluezrnb�� rger labor 6. 'b .;:actin 8jer=.en labor Cor-tT Johnson labor a. 25 HoLmb er g "'- Nor .a n llrii_L:;s L. ToF er fit. flrc'i .� T_u1.1b :z maid Corey Johnson TT Harlan 11offrz= Stan :ar�3 Oil Co. of Calif. Fetcy Ruth Pete Nurnberger Pt. Orchard Lurb-_:r• "Turd r t . OrCi" d Lumb:�r irai`d Pt. Orchard Lumlber Yard sh pet 1� j;uth S ate Treasurer P. S. P. & Light Co. Pt. Orchz;rd Independent Thor:-oson's Stationery P c. Tel. & Tel. Co. KZ`1Si TP STP 7]F.T LID i` O. ��• sand & r-rravcl 612.12 enp- .neer.i nE 30. ',0 lul b r 9.79 :'T1REJT FL,n`7D labor 6.05 labor 1.10 pearl oil 7.57 labor 0 labor 2.20 1ur.'j_1, cec.nt; etc. 10-J.00 ce=:ert, lumber„ etc. 100.00 .1ur,, cement,, etc. 74.55 Ga7RnL 71T UNTD street cleaning 24:.20 labor 2.75 prints 5.25 str:et lighting 78.78 advertising. 8.e5 Sul -des 2.71 rhones -O.52 585 C Jame I.Iunro, Tow ° lerk . Hanks, Iriayo August 1,-, 1940 The meeting ti,.ias called to or er with Mayor Hanks and Councilmen Cline, Corliss and Hill present. The minutes of the previous rLeet-_ng vere read and approved us re,_d. It tf.as decided that the Council would ri�3et at ,even for the balance of the year. Mrs. Brown of the ".'ashington Iotor Coach (Com-pany ap )eared before the Council and asked to have s-cLlco set asi:?e on Ba;T Street for the buses coming into the Tosf,n to park. After a general discussion it ,� as duly moved, seconded and carried that two places be set aside on Bay Street for the bus sto-ps; that one space b set aside in front of the Port Orchard Pharmacy and another soace be set aside at the f')ot 01' Sidney Street near-::yhre's Oafe, the=t the spaces be _,ainted with red and yello,,.. ) :int and all parking thereon be prohibited, that cars violLting this regulation by arliring thereon be Impounded. It was then decided that bids should be called for the labor for the com.oletion of the Xitsac Street LID and that the interested pro)erty holders be notified that a hearing iriould De Belo at the next regular meeting of the Cou2.cil at -which time the bids for the connlet .on of the LID would be o::ned and the interested -parties vould have an opportunity to er:press their vie-v;s on -vdiether or not the Taro iect should :e completed or the LID closed at this tire. An Ordinance was duly -oassed submitting to the voters of the To-wn two -)rovosi_tions, one to levy seven mills for the creation of a fund for the construction of a Tovn Hall and the other to levy three rAlls for the per- manent oiling of the Streets of the To7,°4,n. .l Totten a�neared before the Council and stated teat there uas a need for the installation of more -wi ring for the fire ala rm s;,°ste_n. Harry Dingle of the P. S P. & Light Co. stated that it would cost 16,250.00 to install a fire alarm syste�i as -des red by the fire depa,rtr`ient if a two system were installed and; w150.00 -if a single wire system i. ere installed. It was duly -moved, seconded -:and carried that a resolution be adopted declaring an emergency to eyi st and e.r_po,lering the Fire Committee to order the nec4E.,ssary work to be done. P4otion w,4s duly mnade, seconded and carried that the work of ;painting the water tank be accepted and the contractor -,oaid in accordance with his contract. The request of Stryan Truedson ts,.at he be alloit,.:d to obtain :rater from the fire hydrants for his tank truck vas granted by the Council. 586 The folloz-lner, bills Zvere read and L'Ap'Jroved &nd `irarrants ordered drawn t erefor: T. C. Breitenstein iillia;r's Hardvare Janes W. Bryan, Jr. :_unro, C' ty --1torney Tovm Ulork P. S. P. & Lich Co. L. C . Wi seni_n R- Rzce .ale^fir,,-c Co. F. E. Langer I-Ioe I s f} _ rduaj e C facoma Plul-fib ink; sulk-oly Pac. T,.,Qter SU-) ,lv 17illid.r's I ardivcire - P. S. P. & Light Co. +. P. Fuller & Co. Palr:,cr Su-pply Co. F. D. n _ Periinsu=a Stationers '.;i11iaY��'s Ilaru��:re Treas., Tn. of i.ed _ond, T. ash. F. E. Langer F. S. Stevens Lowman & Hanford Standard Oil Co. of Calif. ','ilkins--Lursen Inc. Lo',. _Gn & Hanford Olympic Iron & 1.1111achine Gaylord Bros. Inc. ::files L. To�::er Lo�,rian & Hanford Kitsar; Lumber & Feed Co. P eninsula Station: rs Iiolr-.berg ;&. Nor_i:'In 7w'i11iam I s Hard.F.Tare Gu EEAL YMv-D ;:fitness fees-Par'7s suit enal-el , brush attor•ney's fees -Parks suit 'Statutory Ott' y s fee -Parks suit sta.ps street lighting ',' ATFR FUND scraping, oal_nt 4-r-,g v;ater tanks reoa.ir to ou±._n insurance on tic:_-ap Y;ulves, casters, hoo'.;�, etc. coc'cs & adapters cor-J coc'_s ;taint brus'k, elbov°s, etc. -)ov.•er for ;u__p gc )ur-n) house )ai nt, for painting t_ nk �oupl in!°s labor STREZ"T FUND ribbon, eraser, tabs scythe stone, s pi'.e rf im. *or gas tax incorrectly ;allotted by State insurahnce on true:, l-.bor steno E 1 boarcE ,,-as 1 bbl. __rosen: profile cloth, etc. iron, etc. LIBRRi�EY FUND binder & adhesive tape JUTSAP ST. LID NO. 45 engineering steno-1 brush, ink, etc. Iu- ber _;r=::ser, tabs, etc. sand �c gravel nails, L`ot on ati ciui r ^��, seconded ani carr-i-eE for adjour_i.nt. 1,�.\ nan <s, !v aAor 26, 1140 The meeting s called to order with Mayor Ha. Corliss, Thompson, Hill and Cline present. The minutes of t were read and approved as read. 4.00 .26 50.00 25.00 5.00 78.78 418.67 94� 20.65 6.17 5.4.4 �r 5.29 84.":8 94.86 `.28 7.70 5.79 2.40 57.50 20.65 7.70 1.97 ,' . 85 7.16 r, v.98 6.20 22.50 11.48 1.40 5.79 6 .50 6.68 anAV Councilmen previous meeting There was a discussion of the Kitsap Street LID and Dean Corliss stated that the street was in bad shape near Sidney and should be graded or im- proved before bad weather set in. The matter was called to the attention of George Givens, the Street Superintendert. Reverend Moen appeared before the Council and stated that the Lutheran Church was making some improvements and he wanted the Council to approve � I 587 of the steps that had been taken by the church in regard to these improvements. It was explained to the Council that the improvements in no way affected the Town adversely andthe matter was referred to the Street & Alley Committee. George Cline reported to the Council that the Fire Alarm System had been"installed in accordance with the Council's sintructions to the ?ire Committee. i Harry Hill stated that there was a dangerous situation on DeKalb Street where the telephone lines and the power lines were allowed to cross over each other. The Council decided that the Clerk should write a letter to the telephone company in regard to this matter. A hearing was held on the Kitsap Street LID, and it was explained to those present that the proj:;ct could be completed by private contract at a per foot cost of 400; or thereabouts, for labor with an additional cost for engineering. There was but one objection to the completion of the project, James Pattison com,daining that the project was costing too much already and that he was apposed to the increase. The Council decided to let a contract for the comple- tion of the LID and:the bids were then opened for the labor completing the LID. There was but one bid, being the bid of L. C. Wiseman who agreed to perform all _ the labor necessary! for the completion of the project at a rate of 41� per foot. All bills were ordered paid with the exception of the bill of Miles Tower in the sum of'$22.50 for work on the Kitsap Street LID. Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co, Boyd Harmon H, G. Buscher A. A. McTavish Pao. Tel. & Tel. Frank McCoy Martin Bjerken Worthington -Garcon Meter Co. National Meter Co. Palmer Supply Co. Pao. Water Works Supply Co. Pao. Water Works Supply Co. Chas. Bowers Boyd Harmon Pete Nuernberger Miles L. Tower Martin Bjerken Charles Bowers W. Johnson R. D. Adkins Bo d Harmon BILLS GENERAL FUND phones labor labor street cleaning WATER FUND phone labor labor meters and parts meter parts cocks, adapters, etc. pipe, meter boxes, ells, ets. tt tt labor labor labor spec. for paint -painting water tank STREET FUND 36.50 3.85 3.85 30.80 3,50 7.70 9.35 96.68 5.11 20.36 100.00 20.67 2.20 4.90 15.95 10.00 1,65 4.40 8.80 2.20 y abor 3.85 Motion wqs duly made, seconded and carried for adjournment. labor labor labor labor 1 588 September 9, 1940 The meeting was called to order with Mayor Hanks and Councilmen Cline, Hill and Corliss present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The meeting opened with an explanation by the Mayor that the new stove in the Town Hall was a donation from the Mayor to the Town of Port Orchard. He explained that it was a stove which he had bought for his office that was no longer being used because it had been replaced by an oil burner. In giving it to the Town he said that lie was doing so in return for the high salary which he received and the free phone which the Council had so generously awarded to him. (The Mayor receives no salary from the City as it is a non -salaried pos- ition and in distributing the free phones to the various city departments the Mayor's office was riot included.) The Clerk explained that after reading all'. -the Ordinances in regard to the Clerk and City Attorney's salary he was of the opinion that the Ordin- ances as they now strand only awarded attorney's fees in the cases where delin- quent LID warrants viere foreclosed, and for that reason he was cancelling, the warrant that had been drawn in his favor. The Mayor stated that if the City Attorney desired any compensation for his work on the Park's case and would tender a bill for tie same that he would favor the payment, to which statement the City Attorney replied that he desired no compensation for the trial of the action. Dean Corliss reported that he had investigated the work which had been done by the Lutheran Church and that he was of the opinion that it could not be sanctioned by the °"Jity, and he had su_;gested to the interested parties the correct method of mar'.ing their improvements and that he did not believe the records should show that the Town approved of the work as it had been done, to which the Council agreed. The Council then decided to prohibit parking on the lforth side of Prospect Street adjacent to the Sidney Street intersection in order that a clear view might be had of traffic at that intersection. There was a discussion of the failure of the buses to stop in the space set asi•e for them. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to each of the companies informing them that the space must be used by the muses or the Town would require the companies to obtain space for a bus station in the Town. Mr. Kearney appeared before the Council and asked if something could be done about the gutter at the intersection of DeKalb and Sidney Streets. He was informed by George Givens that the matter could in his opinion be corrected. Motion was made that: the matter be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Motion was duly carried. There was then a discussion of the fact that there were still certain E trees on the parking strip on Kitsap Street which would have to be removed. The Council then rei-affirmed its former postition that all trees would have to be removed. A motiion was duly made, seconded and carried that the Clerk inform the Kitsap Street property owners that it would be necessary to have the trees i removed. i The Clem presented to the Council the preliminary Budget for the year 1941 and a Regolution was duly adopted adopting the preliminary Budget and ordering the same to be published for two successive weeks. All bills were ordered paid with the exception of Pearson & Crawshaw's bill in the sum of $5.00. BILLS Puget Sound News Co. LIBRARY FUND book KITSAP ST. LID NO. 43 Miles L. Tower engineering William's Hardware nails G F,i1? ERAL FUND Kitsap Co. Engr. Dept. prints -sewer Richard's Brush Co.' brushes WATER PUN Howes Hardware tee, saw, ells, bushings, eta. Wilkins-Lursen Co. gas Am. Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. meter boxes with covers William's Hardware'l turpentine, chisel Motion Was duly made, seconded and carried for adjournment. Zi , Jame NI nro, Town rk Hanks, May . SPECIAL MEETING September 16, 194 .39 3'7.50 5.36 1.25 11.93 6.43 7.26 22.85 9.74 The meeting was called to order with Mayor Hanks and. CouzAlmen Corliss, Cline, Dill and Thompson present. The meeting opened with the introduction of J. B. Bogert of Gig Harbor who asked for permission to do conduct some rooster races in the Town of Port Orchard. After hearing the matter explained to them the Council duly pass- ed a motion permitting Mr. Bogert to proceed with the races provided they were sponsored by a local organization. The Mayor read a letter .from the Highway department in regard to the highway improvement to the fact that the Highway department was of the opinion that the project was worthwhile as a local venture but that it did not have very much importance to any other part of the state that they were without funds at this time to construct such a project and as the law stood today they were without authority to do so. The Council then discussed the matter for which the meeting had been 590 called, namely, the question of submitting to the voters of the Town a proposition of whether or not they desired the Council to initiate a sewer project. sifter a general discussion of the question in which each Councilman and the Mayor ex- pressed his opinion a motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the matter be presented to the voters at the next general election in such a manner -as to authorize the Council to issue approximately 4801,000.00 in Bonds, approximately 1/3 of which would be LID Bonds and the remainder to be revenue bonds. Motion was -then duly made, seconded and carried for adjournment. Hanks, Mayor September 23, IP40 The meeting viacalled to order with iriayor Banks a/nd Councilmen Cline, Thomps ,n and Hall. present. Flora L. Forsythe, Deputy Town Clerk., took the minutes in t'qe absence of the Clerk. The minutes of the previous meeting; and of the special meeting of September 16th were read and approved as read. The meeting opened with Mr. Brown, a representative of the 1`1ashington Pirotor Coach Company, appearin, as a resuilt of a Iptter received by him frog; the Towr Clerk notwf,ying 'aim of the failure of the buses to stop in the loading zones set off for them by the 'town and informing him that unless the buses used these ,zones in the future the Town would require the bus companies to obtain a space to be used as a bus station. Brown state,: that a.:`ter recei vinIg the letter from t'r_:e Clerk ne �iad contacted the bus drivers and had been inf orme 1 by them ttiat in most cases there were cars parked in the bus zone at the time the buses arrived and departed. He stated further that he would be U'lad to issue instructions to the drivers that under no consideration if the zones were open should they fail to stop in them, and in the event that there were cars parked in the bus zone to take their licer_se numbers and turn the same over to the City Cour_cil for action. h general disc ::sue €on followed in the course of which Councilman i'. fi. Thompson stated thia,t he felt that the Town parkin`; p7°olem nad reacher a point now tirhere we could not afford to set off 80 feet of parkinf, space for a vus stop and he thought the companies should be required to rent a space at some place off the main street where traffic ,:could not be impaired, whereupon !ti'ia,yor Hanks pointed out that the pus has to stop on the main street somewhere to carry the mail to the Post Office. Councilmen Hill and Cline were of the opinion that it was essential that the Town have some moans of transportation at a point in the Town easily accessible to the citizens, and they felt that -tae present system was satisfactory if the load- ing zones were used a;_, tliey should be. Councilman Cline moved that the bus zones oe left as tGiey are -with the Town erforcin,, the use of them by the buses. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hill and carried with Councilmen Cline and Hill voting in f a�or thereof. Georg@ Qivens reported that the -,utter at the intersection of De Kalb and 6idney Street' about which T,Ir. Kearney had complained at the previous meet- ing had been fixed. Mayor clanks complimented the Street & Alley Committee on the prompt and efficient way in which it functioned. I,,":ayor Hanks called for a report on the pro ;Tess of thw work on the _�itsap Street LID.. Engineer Miles Tower informed the Council_ that the work was being corrlpleted faster with the four men now working on it than at any time previous. He also reported that there was a strip of approxi-mately 36 feet at the intersection of Harrison and Kitsap Streets near Dr. Baldwin's property where sidwalks should be layed. It was pointed out that the oogt of this extra work could not be charged to the Kitsap Street LID because it was a district created for the laying of.curbs and gutters only. Miles Power stated that to complete the work in concrete would cost appro:Aimately $1.50 per foot. Councilmen Hill and Thompson were of the opinion that if it was on City property the City should stand the cost of putting it in. Councilman Cline stated that if we had suffi- cient funds with which to do the work it should be done. Councilman Thompson r;ade a motion that the present contractor, L. C. Wiseman of Bellevue, W s1aington, be authorized to complete this work (approximately 36 feet) in concrete for the City at a cost not to eXceed 41.50 per foot. lotion carried with all voting in favor thereof. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Wiseman in- forming him of the Council's decision. It was pointed out by Mayor Hanks that the trees in front of Harry Howe's place had not been removed along with the trees of the other property owners along Kitsap Street, and he reminded the Engineer that they must come out. The Engineer explained that Mr. Howe had asked to have the trees left until the week -end so that he could remove them himself to another location. Mayor Hanks state,, that some time ago he and Councilman Thompson had testified on behalf of the 3remerton-Tacoma Stagc Lines in helping; them secure a franchise to carry passengers from Long Bay, Vaughn and other points to ?Urdy with the understanding that the residents from that section toward Port Orchard ' and Bremerton, but to date .such a connecting service had not been started. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the company asking them what was causing; the delay. Councilman Cline brought up the question as to whether or not it 1Ajas �. more economical to'have just one man for both the water and the street depart- ments, stating that he had noticed that provision had been mace in the preliminary budget for only one man. The Deputy Town Clerk stated that to date it had proven much cheaper to have one man. at the head of both departments with the authority to hire help when needed. Councilman Cline stated that he felt the present 592 Superintendent had so much work to do that he couldn't take care of it, and that he had ..ad complaints come in to him. that certain work was not bein,r done on the streets. 1,11ayor Hanks stated that it was tyie duty of Councilman "Cline to report to the Super-- intenrler.t any complaints that mi �ht be made, and he stated further that all complaints which had come to his office had been taken care of promptly the Superintendent was notifies of the saw_e„ I2;layor Hanks al::o stated that he fl_et it was quite satisfac- t-Dry to be able to hire men for a short period of time and tnan let them 1 o when they are no longer neesed. Furt'ner discussion on the subject was deferred until the first in. Oc tob :r wrien the hearin on the udr;et will be hel 1. The bill of Pearson %x !,'rawshaw which had been held up at the previous meeting, was passed w"-en it was explained that the work had) been done in connection with the laying of the sidewalk for the 'town in front of the Town Hall. There was a short d:'_sc fission in, regard to the proposed sewer system. It was exolair_ed that the proposed '�28,000 in LID Ponds woul" be paid off over a period of ten years by each lot in Town. including the lots now vacant, and that the proposed tii-52, 000 in Heverue T)'onds woul:_ be mid off over a period o:' twenty p years by a monthly service charge to each water user. Gou-ncilman Thompson stated that he understood the service charge in Poulsbo for their sewer system eras �:1.'75 per month, and he felt that that was far too much. City Engineer Tower stated that he thought the charges would run approximately 4j 1.00 per month for the first five years with a possible reduc- tion to 60(/ for the neat five Years and possibly 25/ or 35,1 ,:hereafter. ,,ayor hanks stated that it was the duty of the Couneilran to do wha-t they Felt was the nest thing : ut the ?NIa,yor ,lrould remain ne.)tral. A. R. Cruikshank, speakin3� for himself and rlarold Hanley, reopened f-34_s- cussion on the preliminary budget by stat:in that Ino felt the Marshall was not re- ceiving a nigh enough salary. 1-_e stated that it was impossible for the Tiarshall to keep up a car an'. cover his terr'.tor.y properly on the salary he now received. The possi'ility of installing; a stop li ht at the intersection of Sidney and ay Streets was brouE;I;t ; p, b;_it further d_,.sc�-.ssion •aas postponed until the regular budget .hearing on October 7. `L ne following bills were read. and a roved anti } pp' vrarrants or:erer_ drawn there- t'or: Pt. Orchard In.depenuent A. A. '1FV1'avish R. D. Adkins 2t. Orchard Lumber Yard ato�ve' s ilaravrare lac. Tel. ,: Tel. Go. Frank Simpson 0 E� LKAL :E'17 �l D advertising 55.45 street cleaning 26.40 labor 7.70 lumber 7.68 lock -Town hall .37 phones 29.87 Police patrol 2G.40 labor 9.90 Ll' RARY FL-Ii) f1rs. Selina -,'one, cleaning Town alal.l (Library) 2.50 r Am. Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. VVorthin ;ton-i.amon Pieter Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Wilkins-Lursen _nc Boyd Harmon Pete N uernberger PA'artin Bjerken E. R. Stevens W. Johnson R. D. Adkins Pearson & Crawshaw T. A. Lund Wilkins-Lursen Inc.: Howard-Oooper Corp., Tvarti n, Bjerken W. Johnson R. D. Adkins 0. IT). Tiedemar_n Tacoma G. M. C. Truok Co. WATER FUND pipe vise 6.43 meters 42.94 phones 3.50 ^;as 9.52 labor 2.20 Labor 3.85 labor 20.35 STREET FUND labor 1.45 labor 2.20 labor 1-185 burning pipes at Ton Hall Sidewalk 5.10 laying; sidewalk 146.10 ;as 3.45 mixer rental 32.90 labor 2.75 labor 25.30 labor 4.40 labor 1.65 truck rental 20,00 Motion was duly made, seconded and carried for adjournment. Flora L. 73rs,ythe, 'eputy Tn. Clerk October 7, 1940 SPECIAL YJ ETINC The meeting was called to order for the special purpose of considering the budget for the year 1941. The meeting was opened with a discussion of the parking on Bay Street. i Ross Watt stated th,4t he had had a number of persons come to him who had refused to pay the fines assessed against them for parking in the bus zones and he asked what should be done ,in regard to them. A general discussion followed in which it was decided to ask the state highway Department to make a traffic survey of the Town of Port Orchard: with a view toward relieving the traffic problem confronting the Town. It was also decided that the !v"arshal should continue to give out parkinf; tickets to those who park in the bus zones and that the cases could be held at a later date:. It was also decided to place a traffic officer on duty for certain hours during; the daytime in an effort to stop the parking on Bay Street. There was then a discussion of the amount to be allowed the Marshal for gas and oil for his automobile. After some discussion it was decided as a temporary measure to",allow Jack Northey �15.00 a month for gas and oil. A motion was then duly passed to have the Town of Port Orchard again join the Association of Washington Cities. Two changes were ordered made in the preliminary budget before it is 594 finally adopted. It was `iecided to take i 1000.00 from the miscellaneous funds in the water departtnent and add it to the money budgeted for material, supplies, etc., and to take W1.000.00 from the miscellaneous funds in the street department and and it to the funds scat aside for supplies, material, etc. The bud, -,et -vas teen fi-n_ally aciopted as c itered. tY;otion way; duly ma e, seconded and carried for adjournment. a�rtes 1' unro, ,oti°gin __e� --- L. x. �ian :Y_ Mayor l 4100000 October 1 , 1940 The meeting was called- to order with Dlayor Hanks and Councilmen Corliss, Cosbey and Cline present„ `i'he rneetiYig was opened by the iiliayor tellii.- of a ce agar who is setting up a place of bLasiness w _thin the Town wit4iout hirir-, a hall. Tir. hanks said tl.:;at he hac: no personal objection_ to the person on the streets but he felt that the man was rnal,ing such a regular occurrence of the matter that it should be called to the Councills attention. Rev. Gillespie appeared before the Council and o.:jected to the re- lirio•as treetin ;s that vie:i e being held on the streets of Port Orchard by a g roup oi' people. He stated that the ':usinessmen in the Town and ot'r?er ministers ;enerall,; o.. ;ected i�o this type of reli ious meeting; for the reason that it cast a reflection on the legitimate churches of the Town. liayor Hanks stated that he had considered t:-As matter Por a lor`-; time but was unable to corre to any definite conclusion .in .-egard to the same. The various Councilmen expressed their views on the gryuestion ar_d all were of the opinion that such meetings s'zould ce discoura led. A. motion was mar e, ,econded an :! carried that the t''arshal i be instructed to contact this group of rcli ic,us people and instruct them to either obtain a aalL or :1neeting place of t'rieir own or condliuct their street meet =;s in a more orderly and solemn manner. 'the Clerk called the Council's attention to the fact that two small bogs ria brought in to him another young; boy u�io had some C- efinite information on the Jistruotion of Town lanterns. The Council decided to leave the Lnatter of payir_, a reward to the discretion of the Clerk. The Clerk was also instruc- ted to vrite a letter to t'ne father of the bob; w';o had ,,+estroyed the lanterns askin-, li1.Tn to pay the "Pu n for the daria,c e wi`?icl"- ha6 been, done. Piaayor :,yanks bro!a- I--t up tine question_ of in,,tallint a private -•later main on Carrison Street in order t1,,at he might build. some rouses there. The Council eras of the opinion that it -would be >errrti.ssible for the Mayor to in- stall a private line to the property in which lie is interested on Garrison Street with t'-e understa: dint:, that if a local improvement district were initia- ted for the installation of a four -inch main on Garrison Street the Town would 595 not be responsible for the :maintenance of the private line. The Council passed an ordinance setting the lath da,7 of I1ovember, 1940 for the final hearing on the Kitsap Street LID. T. C. I'Ireitenstein IVIi les L. Tower R. J. Held County 'Treasurer Town Clerk John N. Harris William 11. Frank William E. Parsons James Yunro S. J. fry ebe Pioneer Inc. D. Mynhier Puget Sound Power & Li;=;ht Pu-;et Sound Pourer & Li.�ht Standard �A1 Co. of Calif. Pac. V:fater Works Supply Co. American Plumbing and Steam Supply Co. American Plumbi n, and Steam Supply Co. Palmer Supply Co. Howe 's Lardware Olympic Iron and Ma,cpine Works Lloyd Eiseman Lowman cw Hanford Steve' s' T i.rre Shop Holmberg ('� 1, orman Puget Sound Power Light Puget Sound Poilrer 8c Light Puget Sound E evis Co. Lowman hanford Eugene 'Lzreitenstein T. C. reitenstein Holmberg & horman Lloyd Vdiseman Lloyd Wiseman Lloyd Wiseman_ Lloyd Vd1 s e m a n Pules L. Tower BILLS ;2E; ERAL FUE D Witness fee (Stevenson suit) Witness fee (Stevenson suit) stationery Purchase of County lands star.�ps Witness fee ( Stevenson suit) Witness fee ( Stevenson si it ) 'Witness fee ( Stevenson suit) Reim. expenses on Park's suit Cert. cars Reg. cards Vi'ATEH FUND labor Pourer for Pump any. Pump house Power for Pump and Pump house Lub. Service quarter mends Ti=eter boxes Curb stops Ells Screw Driver Capscrev:rs, nuts, etc. STREET FUR1D Laying, curbs and gutters Lumber crayons and scissors Battery, cable Sand ang, gavel Street lighting Street lighting LI isRARY YLP1,41) books KITSAP STREET LTD #43 Lumber crayons and scissors Labor Labor Sand and gravel Laying curbs and gutters Laying curbs and gutters Laying curbs and. gutters Laying curbs and gutters En, ineering Motion was duly made, seconded and carried for adjou^nment. an e !uin own T, 4.00 7.50 3.37 9.72 5.00 2.30 3.40 3.20 12.00 2.55 15.50 2.20 100.00 54.73 1.02 3.67 26.37 26.20 10.70 .77 2.55 24.72 2.82 10.75 11.20 100,00 57.56 49.15 2.82 3.00 6.00 49.00 100.00 100,00 100.00 43.46 45.00 596 October, 28, 1940 The meeting was called to order by James Munro, the Tovm Clerk, in the absence of Mayor Hanks. a motion was made, seconded that Dean Corliss be named acting Mayor. The motion carried with Councilmen Hill, Thompson, Cosbey and Cline voting. Miles Tower, the City Engineer, brought up the question of the nest Street Water Main. There was a discussion as to whether or not the Town shoull sign the petition for the creating of the LID. It was then duly moved, sec- onded and carried that the Town sign the petition. There being no further business, the bills were read and ap7rcved and warrants were ordered drawn for the same. GENER,sL FUND William' s Hardware spikes 1.22 Howe Motor gas, oil (Fire Truck.) 2.40 Frank Simpson Police patrol 14.85 A. A. McTavish labor, street cleaning 33.00 Pac. Tel & Tel Cc phones 2 5.23 Alexander Brown & ,)LLfred Brov.m reward for lanterns 3.33 John Richard Stewart and John Stewart reward for lanterns 3.33 Delbert Hanson & Delbert Hanson reward for lanterns 3.33 WATER FUND William's Hardware paint, brushes, sprinklers 3.98 T. C. Breitenstein labor 4.40 H. W. Jackson sharpening picks 1.79 G'l.more Oil Company gasoline 4.35 W. Johnson labor 8.80 Pac. Tel & Tel Cc phone 6.88 STREET FUND Carl Lundberg labor 5.40 William's Hardware nails (City Hall) .61 Howe's Hardware brush, files, axe 4.18 Howe' s Motor Company repair truck 37.67 Gilmore Gil Company gasoline 20.55 H. W. Jackson Machine Shop catch basin, grate, etc. 8.99 R. D. AM.:ins labor 4.40 W. Johnson labor 58.85 Pete Neurnberger labor 14.85 KITSAP STREET LID #43 T. C. Breitenstein Finial estimate 8.00 Miles L. Tower Final estimate 45.00 Street fund cement reimbursement 100.00 Street fund cement reimbursement 100.00 Street fund cement reimbursement 100.00 Street fund cement reimbursement 100.00 Street fund cement re mb=irsoment 60.59 LI BRaRY FUND Puget Sound News Cc. books 1.53 Motion was duly made, seconded and carried for adjournment. Dean crliss, acting, Mayor 597 November 12, 1940 Themeeting was called to order by J6mes Munro, Town Clerk, in the absence of Mayor Hanks. Dean Corliss was duly elected acting mayor. The'acting Mayor called for the hearing on the Kitsap Street LID. Mr. Macomber stated that he was interested in knowing how the figures were arrived at for the cost of the project, that is whether it was one whole project including the labor performed by private contract and the labor per- formed by the W. P A., or if it had been set up as two separate units. It was explained to lair. Macomber that the cost represented the part of the project per- formed by the W. P.. A. labor together with the part which had been performed by private contract. The ordinance closing Kitsap Street LID #43 and approving the assessment roll of the same was duly passed by the Council with all Councilmen voting in favor thereof. Charles Grieve appeared before the Council and asked if -something could be done to improve Rockwell Avenue as it was beginning to break up. The matter was referred to George Givens, Street Superintendent. It was then brought to the Council' s attention that the earth was being washed away From beneath the curb and gutter on parts of Kitsap Street. The matter was referred to the Street and Ailey Committee. The Clerk informed the Council that the Stevensons, against whom the Town has a ,judgment, wished to pay the Judgment on a monthly basis. It was a.oreed that the bill should be paid at the rate of 015.00 per month. TheCouncil then called the Clerk's attention to the fact that It will be necessary to call a Caucus for the nominatlon of officers for the Town elections that are to -be held in December. These being no further business the bills were read and approved and warrants were Odered drawn for the same. GENERAL FUND Street Fund Howe Motor Company Iffater's Specialties Lowman & Hanford ` William's Hardware Howe's Hardware Peninsula Stationers Harold M. Hubbard R almer Supply Company Bremerton ConcreteProducts Co. Am. Plumbing & Stedm Supply Co. Miles L. Tower Port Orchard Lumber Yard Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Howe Motor Compaq. y Howe Is Hardware Howe Motor Company V. B. Caldwell Reimbursement for power 157.56 incorrectly charged Fire truck, adjust lights, etc. 2.96 File fasteners 1.02 Absent voters reg. 2.34 WATER FUND Screws, gate va'1ve 3.06 tees, elbows, pipes 2.56 scratch pads 2.04 making tool box 3.00 Corp. clock 22.71 meter box covers 3.49 rope and clamp 1.93 engineering 30.00 lumber for tool boxes 1.21 STREET FUND lub. service 2.94 gas, fan belt, etc. 4.24 broom, hasp 1.12 repair 50.16 pitch fork & garden rake 2.60 598 STREET FUND CONTINUED Lowman & Hanford H. & E. Cleaner .92 Lowman & Hanford ink, quills, etc. 6.02 Motion was duly made, seconded and carried for adjournment. Janie's Munro, Town Clerk Dean Corliss, c ing Mayor SPECI aL MEETING The meeting was called to orcler ,rith Councilmen Corliss, Cline, Hill, Cosbey and Thompson present. Mayor Hanks explained to the Council that the meeting had been called to discuss the Seiler Project. He said that the people had voted for a Sevier and it would be necessary for the Council to direct its attention to the project. It was important, he said, tLiat the Council should not attempt to stwll or delay the installation of the Sevier nor should- they too readily rush into the work of constricting the system without first considerinE all the pos- sible questions that were :involved in connection with the Sewer project. The various Councilmen discussed the question of the Mayor's office and whether or not T41r. Hanks should again be a candidate for that po- sition. It the unanimous opinion of the Councilmenthat it was very im- portant that 1dr. Hanes should remain as Ilayor at trAs time. It was felt by the Councilmen that the time whie'n, he had riven to the City in the past and -is great interest in the City made him well fitted to act as Mayor for the comirg term. Miles Tovo,er, in discussing the Sewer project, stL:.ted that he would require an ervineer's fee of ?% of the cost of the project with a guarantee of $4,500 as a minimum. After a general discussion 't w",; decided by the Council not to take any definite action on the Sewer project until the next Council Meet- ing. Tile C1er#1 was instruct: d to virite to the Sanitary Engineer of the State, to a. Representative Bonding Company and to the Association of Washington Cities to see if they could send representatives to the next regu- lar meeting of the Council to discuss with the Council the proposed Sewer project, There being no farther business the meeting adjourned, i 599) November 25, 1940 Councilmen Cline, Hill, Cosoey, Corliss and Thompson were present. :Tne meeting operiect wiin a discussion of the proposed sewer project. The Mayor _called upon an engineer by the name of Asnley who had designed the Grting So tf!er System. Tuir..Asn.ley told briefly of the project in Orting, tell- ing the cost of the same and host it was financed. He said the Orting ,fob was a W.P.A. project and nhn completed the minimum fee for service connections was One Dollar for' eacii house. Tne Mayor teen callea upon Mr. Campbell. of the Suaue:Healtn Department who spoke very briefly on the sewer project. Tire � Mayor tneri called -'or an t :xpressicn of opinion from the Council and the Citi- zens who were present. Bill Stevenson stated tnat if the system was to oe OW -It at All no tnougnt it siiouya oe pu-G zhrougn v.71thout any further delay. George Cline stated treat it was up to une Ccuiicil to decide t,aen, eitner to go ; anead or to put the seiier projec-U off indefifiltely. Harry Hill s-ua ad treat he had always been a nropgnei�c of the sewer system but he felt znat we should be careful. and, view every possible move zhaz Otte made. Rex Thompson made a motion Gnat the Council meet on Wednesday evening for the purpose of nirinrr an en- gineer to oroceed.tritn the sewer system. The motion was duly seconded and carried with all Councilmen voting in favor of the same. George Cline then called the Council' s at uention to the fact that there may be some earth atvail.aoie that could be placed between Bill Stev-_n- soni s store and Mrs. Cohen's building if the necessary riprap were put in place for the same,. Dean Corliss moved that the Floral Club be permitter to plant �k flowers In the triangle plot at .tie interseezion of Bay, Cline and Kitisap streets. The motirn was duly seconded and carried. with all Councilmen vot- ing in favor thereof. I R. J. Carezti appeared before the Council. and. stated tnaz the Board or Commissioners had decided to create more voting precincts in the County. In the future the Town of Port Orchard would be jusz one precinct. The ae- cision met with the uriitect approval of the Council. Tnere 'be-.ng no furtn.er business the bills were read and approved and warrants were ordered drawn for the same. GENER,,L FUND Pao. A. Mrs. Tel.. & Tel. Co. McTavish W. Jonnson Phones for Town Street Sweeping Cleaning City Hall 6.60 2.50 J. M. J. M. Peterson Peterson Kitsap St. Assessment Postage 99.57 2.50 Fred Staph Street Sweepiiig 17.60 James Munro Stamps for Clerk 5.00 Puget I i Sound Power $c Light Co. Street Lignting 78.78 3 7 i E �1 fiY i�l':�it FUND 7 . • F. Bruriahn Labor on water lines ilrins-Lursun, Ine, uasoline Pac. Tel. tic rel. Co. P,iones for Octooer Pete Neurnoerger Labor on pipe lines T. C. Breicenszein Advance to Garrison St. LID ruget Scurid Power & Lisa?, Co. Power for pump & pump house Eusene Breitenstein Advance to Garrison St, LID Miles L. Tower j.idvance to Garrison St. LID 'fdortning-ton-Garcon Me ter Co. �Mezers 71. Jonrison Cnarles Busness 1,7111r,ins-Lursen, Inc. .narry Hyde P("u1 Wooek Fred uaua Lci-Tan & Hanford Pete Neurnberger STREI, i.� FUND Labor on streets Grader operator Gasoline Grader cperator Lai= on streets Labor on streets Lead weight & pens Labor on streets 3 . , )0 6.00 3.50 14. 30 2,0. uu 55.72 4.40 30.00 42.64 4.40 a. ASV I y b 8.00 '25. 30 2b. 40 1.y3 7.70 blobi.on was made, seconded ano carried_ for adjournment. amen Munro, a-oU (;.t.ur .Hank s , hay or ember 28, 1940 Tne Councii met at a special meeting at tale Clerk° s office to dis- cuss the quesTion of a con-cract for the -Engineer for the design-.ng of the sewer pro f e c-c. Tile meeting was called to order by the Olerk in the absence of Mayor Han.rzs, and DetL,i COrl.iSS :ias named acting 171ayor. Tne Council discussed with Per. Tower t-rie var:'.ous quest tuns involved, and at the uunc -Lusi.on of the discussion, the Clerk wad directed to draw a con tract emr)racing t;ne provisions discussed by the Council and have the same signed by the respective ;parties. There being no furtner bus-tfiess the meeting adjourned. James Munro, Tow erk Dean Car, lisss, tic' ing Mayor Dec. 9, 1940 Councilmen Cline, Hill, 'C%osbey, orliss and 'P;iompson tnjere pres6,nt. The meeti n opened with a statement ;.,y the Alai ol° that lie had a few thinz;s t!zat he VVi.s l:_;d to '.,ring, before t'n.e Council. He then presented to th,e Council a heed from riiLs=.� county tc Ira Je8 sizp, of certain lots in Town vJhich !Jie 'Town had purchasl. a of o °e ta'l�ing over ;sir. Jes2upls contract with tile County, _i;c turner_ tl-e rn&tter over to t.-e Clerk wait".. instructions to Check k e original ins, iwn,nent and have a Deed drawn for lair. Je-sup to si n. The I,iayor t'r_en read the letter oi' r•es: llati.on. of J. reterson, 601 Town Treasurer. RQ-x Thompson ma:;e a ,,lotion that the Town accept, with regret, the resignation of J. M. teterson, and that the Clerk r;e directed to virite a letter of appreciation to Mir. Peterson for the many years of service which ''le had ren--eyed for the City. The motior passed avitn all Councilmen voting in its favor. The Y.ayor, then appointed Chloe Sutton treasurer '.'or - the ensuing year, stating that he had discussed the matter with her and that he felt she was well qualified by experienc.e and knowled"e of the Town to fill the T^easarer' s position. Jtarry Hill ma e a motion that the Council confirm the appointment of Chloe Sutton as Town Treasurer. The motion carried with all (,'ou.n3ilmen voting in favor of the sarre. It was then decided that the Bond of the 'f'ovin Treasui. er caould be increasoca to FIVE 1'»Oli&�ND AND 0/100 DOLL<',RS (4:5) 000.00) A motion by Lean Corliss to t'rlat affect w< s duly passed by the Council. The lv`_ayor then brought up the question of the portion of Cline Street which 'has been blocked off from traffic, stating that either a permanent barricade s �oul:� be put in or the street opened to traffic. t.fter a general discussion by the members of the Council, Georg, G:,lens was intitructed to place some kind of °a suitable barricade at each end of the blocked o1'f area. Mr. ilea-61eton then appease« 'before the Council and asked to 'nave the n portion of the care in front of the Undertaking Parlor marked off against p g g i all parking. The Council instruct�,,d the Street Superintendent to arrange to ore vent the parking in front of Mr. i endleton's funeral Parlor. Harry Hill then mare a motion that the Town Miarshal ;e T-Iequired to obtain pucblie Iia �Jjlity insarance and ppoperty damage insurance if he were going; to drive an automobile in the p-erformance of his. duties. The motion was seconded an.j carried w-th all Councilmen voting in favor of the sarae. The 11i.ayor said he had been thinking about the traffic .problem in Town and had reached the conclusion th t Port Orehar6 would be an ideal place to try out the parking meter, that in his opinion the parking problem would s be com)letely solved ana the Town would obtain a revenue at the same time. He i si tea that this r,as just a suggestion, that he didn't believe it shcIld be. put into effect' unless it ,!let with the approval of the majority of the peo_ole in Tovm and that he's didn't expect any immedi�,te action on the subject at this time. Council then passed the Resolution setting a, time for the hearing on the Garrison Street LTD. There was' then a long discussion on the Bus Zones, at the conclusion r� of which the Council decided to abandon the -present Zones on Bay Street and to drop prosecution of those whc, hwd been given ticXets for parkinrn in the Bus i Zone. The meetip� ended. with a discussion of the city finances and city property. 602 There beinn no 'further business the bills were read and ap_oroved -nd wurr-nts were ordered dr ut''n for the same GENZR yL FUND Lowman & Han"ord Co. l tvanee to Seger Project Water's Soecia.lties Erasers James Tfiunro -Postal C�:rds R. S. Hayward Co., Inc. Tn. 11=1arehal I s Bond I1cCollister & Cam.-)be:Ll, Inc. ,dvance to Saver Project Frank Sinipson Police 7o"trol Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard Loi-1:l..n & Hanford Co. Bremerton Concrete Products co. Palmer Sur-m-1 y Co. -',liner Sup-)ly Co. T. C. Breitenstein Tug°ene Breitenstein Miles L. To,er Howe Is Hard•,, are Wil l i am' s Hardy. pare H. 7. JaciLson i°oiach1ne Shoe .era. Plumbin r & Steam Supply Co. :fit. Grch._rd S`_gnal Service Lowman & HLLnford Co. Lowman & Hunford Co. Bremerton Sand & Gravel Co. Bremerton Sand_ & Gravel C(;. Gilmore Cil Co. Howe -rotor Co. V,'illiau�' s Hardware Standard Gil Co. of Cal'_f. Pt, Orchard Trunsfer Co. �,l ►TER FU11,1D .,dvr,.nce to Gc,.rrison St. LID advance to (T"rrison St. LID Concrete drain the Corr & curb cocks Connectors .idv�nce to Garrison St. LID -,dv ,nce to Garrison St. LID _;d_vance to G--Lrrison St. LID G«te valve, stove oil & mouse killer Shovels & Screwi drivers M-king & instulli_n�; brackets STREET FUND .aamite gun Tracinco racer Crops Section P'aoer Pe" gravel Pea ^ravel Gasoline Tire repair & vC11ve core Push broom Pearl oil LI BR.;.RY FUND 7h od for Town Hall There being- no further business, the meeting~ adlournea. Han_ s, Mayor Mayor Hanes and all Councilmen were present. .51 .94 .25 5.00 52.50 31.35 6.12 5.12 2.06 25.36 4.69 20.00 30.00 8 5.10 8.64 2'7.0'7 4.33 3.06 6.'?3 3. 4? 1.?3 4.'72 1.0'7 �7 ? . 5'7 5.10 December 23, 1940 The meeting opened with a discussion of the parking problem in the Town of Port Orchard and the advantages of returning to the system of a 45 degree parking. There was a long discussion of this question during which time it was recognized by 'the Council that angle parking was contrary to the State Law as it is now written. It was the consensus of opinion, however, that the dangers of angle parking were not as great as the existing, situation where the amount of double parking in the Town was too great for the Town Marshal to handle. It was the view of the Council that unless the Town were allowed to return to angle parking it would be necessary to give up the task of attempting to control the traffic on the highway and leave the whole matter in the hands of the State Patrol. Harry Hill made a motion that commencing at 6:30 the following morning the Town should return to the system of angle parking, formerly used. The motion was seconded by Rex Thompson end carried with all Councilmen voting in favor of the same. Rex Thompson then made a motion that the taverns be allowed to remain open, in aceordance with State rules, on New Years Eve. Motion was seconded by Dear Cor:lies.and carried with all Councilmen voting in favor of the same. Councilman Cosbey brought up the question of the LID charges, against his property for the Kitsap Street curb. and gutter. The matter was 4eferred until the return of the Town Engineer. The question of the changing of certain lights in Town and haviw � certain poles removed was referred to the Light Committee, of which George Cline is Chairman, to be reported back at the next meeting. The Bills were then read and approved with the exception of a e#arge to the Kitsap Street LID which the Council wanted to have investi- gated and the clai4 of Kitsap County for election charges was approved sub- ject to be confirmed by the Clerk, if found to be correct. GENERAL FUND Fred Staph Street sweeping 8.80 H. Desmarais Labor, painting pedestrian Lanes on Bay Street 6.60 Emmet Curfman Street sweeping 17.60 Pac. Ted.. & Tel. Cp. Phones for town 31.50 Frank Simpson Police PAtrol 8.80 Puget Sound Power : Light Co. Street lighting 78.78 Lowman & Hanford Cp. Advance to Sewer Project 23.46 Port Orchard independent Advance to Sewer Project 2088 James Munro Stamps for Clerk 5.00 Port Orchard Indepf-ndent Publication .70 Port Orchard IndepOndent Publications 41:17 Pioneer, Inc. Registration forms 18.55 W. Johnson Painting pedestrian 4 lanes, Labor on Bay St. 2.75 Kitsap County auditor Election services & supplies 67.65 Gilmore Oil Co. W. Johnson W. Johnson Port Orchard Independent STREET' FUND Gasoline Labor on Streets Labor on Streets KITSAP ST. LID # 43 Gilmore Oil Co. Lowman & Hanford 00, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Pao. Tel & Tel. Co. am. Plumbing & Steam Supply Go. W. Johnson ^ Emmet Curfman Mary B. Peterson Port Orchard Independent i Publications WATER FUND Gasoline Advance to Garrison Street LID Power for pump & pump ,house Phone for Water Supt. Meter covers Labor on water lines Labor on water lines LIBRARY FUND 2 yrs. subscription to Readers Digest G-ards printed 13.35 70.40 4.40 21.25 3.15 1.53 52.42 3.50 4.78 11.55 10.45 5.00 1..00