01/01/1939 - Regular - Minutes503 be required to replace it, and stated that it could be done much cheaper while they were working on Pottery Hill. He estimated that there would be about 280 feet of curb t.o be put in. Motion was made by Councilman Stevenson, and duly seconded that money be allotted from the Street Fund to replace the wooden gutter on the east. side of High Street, which motion duly carried, Councilman Stevenson, Norton. Corliss and Cosbey, voting in favor thereof. Mr. Pattison, the County Engineer, reported in respect to the Mitchell Hill sidewalk improvement, that the bids on the Mitchell Hill sewer had just been opened, and a report would n,)t be made thereon until next week. The following°bille were presented: Pt. Orchard lumber'Yard Ploy G. Applegate B. F. Goodrich Combany Pt. Orchard Lumber'. Yard John Steel C. Russell Smith F. J. Williams Pt. Orchard Lumber' Yard Pt. Orchard Lumber' Yard lumber postage, 1938 (Town Clerk). fire hose POTTERY HILL LIP 39 cement engineering engineering engineering panel 1 umber WAT R FWD Tacoma P1bg. Supply pipe Amrn. Plbg. & Stead Supply ratchet & handle' F. P. Arnold oakum Floy G. Applegate postage, 1938 (Town Clerk) Tacoma Plumbing Supply ells, ratchet, etc. and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Fl oy Op#eteAiting , Towk January 9, 1939 2.'75 24.00 98.00 353.80 4.00 26.25 3.00 1 .12 11.64 17.92 1.66 3.00 12 00 9.4'7 The Torn Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present: Mayor C. A. Hanks, and Gouncilmen Stevenson, Dorton, Gorliss,_Co-sbey and Thompson. The: minutes of t` e Meeting of December 27t1-1, 1938, were read and approved. Cou!ncilma.n Corliss of the Street and Alley Committee reported on the bank in front o�l the Ried property on Sidney St., which had been referred to tYlis Committee at tl e last meeting. He stated t'. at the Committee had visited the property and recommended that the sandy part of the slope be riff -naffed with sacks of rocks and boulders. He also stated that he had investigated the walk in front of Nat*s Service Station at the junction of the Gig Harbor Highway and round that part of the railing along toe walk had broken down and s1.ould be repaired. A third matter tsras t e cro sing at Taylor St. on Pottery Bill which is too level, and he stated that the curbing :hould be out back and lowered. 5044 Mayor Hanks announced that the oaths of office of the two new � Councilmen, George Cline, and Harry Hill, as well a, of himself and the Treasurer - elect, J. X. Peterson, had been signed, and all were declared installed in office. Upon the completion of the organization of the new Council, the Mayor in his opening remarks stated to the Council and citizens present that after much study and investigation he gad arrived at a definite conclusion that the cost of the City Government was much too high, and that it was out of line when compared with other cities in the State of the same class and population. He pointed out th _t the present millage for running the Town was 22 mills--7 mills in excess of the legal limit without a special vote of the people; and so far as he had found, the highest rate in the State. He also wtated that it was his plan to reduce: the present operating expense in a substantial amount. He pointed out that in citio s where additional Mill; had been voted, it was to pay for a City Hall or other permanent improvement, but in our own case we were getting nothing permanent or of much value for the amount of money being spent. Reference was mde by the NAyor to our present City Hall 'and library as a disgrace to the community. He expressed a hogs thht something coula be done about it. Thereupon, he presented to the Councilmen a schedule of i his appointments and recommendati.ns, which called for the elimination of the Bay Street Cleaner, the appointment of a Police Judge, and a reduction in salaries � 1 showing a monthly saving of 184.00. J. M. Peterson, Town Treasurer, voluntarily reduced his own salary 25% in the interest of the Tohn. Mayor Hanks further stated'that it was AS sincere belief that a still greater saving, should and could be effected without Impairing the efficiency of any of the functions of the City Government and called upon the Council to assist him in working out additional plans for a more economical administration of the city affairs. After the Council had examined the Mayor's proposed list of appoint- ments and salaries, Street Superintendent Brasch and dater Superintendent Norton were asked by the Mayor if tLey ;till desired to accept the appointments at a $25.00 monthly reduction in sniary. Both refused the appointment at the $125.00 per month salary schedule, and stated that they had changed heir minds since i agreeing with the Mayor to accept a reduction in salary. At ,t is point in the meet- � ing, Councilman Corliss stated t_at he desired to be excused, but first wwn;ed permission to acdress the C'ouneil and reply to the U yor*s proposed Economy Plans.. Whexcupon, he stated that since the 1938 Ludget had been made by the Old Council i and since the people had voted extra millage, it was not in his opinion proper for the present Mayor or Council to cut salaries or otherwise disturb the exis6inL set- up. He then made a .notion which was seconded by :Councilman Hill that the matter of reorganizotion and sal pry cuts be aferred until the next: regular meeting of the Council in order that an opportunity would be given to study the Mayor's 505 '. proposals. After some remarks on the motion by Councilman Cline, the Council voted in favor of the motion. Mayor Hanks announced the appointment of James Munro to the position of City,Clerk and City Attorney. The Wyor then proposed a resolution expressing the• gratitude of the Town of Port Orchard for the services rendered to the City by Mrs. Floy G. Applegate and the late Francis M. Applegate. Councilman Thompson moved the adoption of such a resolution; a second was made, and the motion carried, a -I Councilmen voting in favor thereof. The Bonds of T. M. Peterson, Town Treasurer, and James Munro, Town Clerk, were approved by the Council. A survey of the Harbor boundary lines was discussed, and Council- man Tho,,iTson moved that the Council make a resolution asking the Department of - Public lands to make such a survey, and 00 a copy of the resolution be sent to Kitsap C•ounty+s Delegation.in the State Legislature. Lotion carried with all Councilmen voting in favor thereof. Discussion was had with retard to a Golden Jubil e Celebration to be held some time during; the coming year. The motion was duly gads, seconded, and carried that the Tows picnic be named the Golden Jubilee in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Wlashington*s Admittance to the Union. A request from C. Russell Smith, engineer, for information in regard to the commending of the Mitchell Hill sidewalk was referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The subjects of proper policing -of the Town, lights for Bay Street, and the imposition of an occupation tax were discussed briefly. The Mayor requested more time to study these questions and suggested that he desired to confer with the Merchants now making a monthly contribution to.the Merchant Patrol Fund. He presented a list of 57 firms now paying $114.00 per month to the Marshall's salary. Councilmen Thompson pointed out the absurdity of a Marshall being forced to collect part of his own salary from citizens, and the difficulties experienced with such a system. The 01yor expressed a desire to have a meeting of citizens to get t eir views on these, inatters. W_ayor Hanks again asserted that theexpenses of running the Town of Port Orchard were greatly in excess of the amount required to finance othor cities in the State similar in size and nature to Port Orchard, and that it was Kis inteutio.n to run the Town of Fort Orchard for a figure that was consistent with he ability of the taxpay= rs to ,pay the same. The.Clerk read a communication from J. M. Peterson, Town Treasurer, with regard to the L.I.D. assessments payments on the Sidney Hill Project. The following bills uere read by the Clerk, and a motion was made, 506 seconded and carried, xit�i all Councilmen voting in favor thereof thr,t the.said bills be paid and warrants, drawn therefor: IdA' 7i,R r lJ IM Howes Hardware stone oil 3.70 Luke Electric Co. conduit and i.Fire 11.15 Howe Motor Co. oil 1.02 Treas., Town of Pt. Orchard LID assessments 91.64 Zack's Auto 'Nrecking 2 axel sha-'ts .50 Pierson & Cray.shaw gasoline 37.48 Howe Motor Co. 7.10tor repairs 18.48 Olympia Iron Works blacksmith coal 2.00 C. Russell Smith engineering Mitchell Hill 18.75 Potery Hill LID #39 reimbu-r•sement for eng. crags., curb on E. Niue of High 19.75 H. W. Jackson steel grate 5.34 John Steel engineering Mitchell Hill 8.00 Marion Fish n it to 5.00 F. T. Williams " ct It 6.00 Standard Oil Co. -)f Calif. gasoline 17.95 Goa 7R �L F[7h:D . Pt. Orchard Independent warrant call, ballots, etc. 11.30 Port Orchard Tranofer wood for Town H,-,11 5.00 American Surety Co. 'bond for Acting Clerk 5.00 American Surety Co. Trea.suri is Bond 15.00 American Surety Co. bond ;f Town Clerk 5.00 Treas., Toirn of Pt. Orchard assessr::ents, Sidney LID #40 578.76 POTTIERY HIII, LID, #39 Vari on Fish enginee ring 2.50 F. S. Williams ti 3.00 Jahn Steel it 4.00 C. Russell Sriith it 18.75 Port Orchard Independent call for bids 4.75 Stevenson*s Furniture Store burlap 10.40 Pt. Orchard lumber Yd. engineering stakes 4.63 Pierson & Crawshaw gasoline 26.68 Holmberg & Norman rental of mixer 43.50 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. gas and oil 13.36 Holmberg & Norman sand and gravel 309.79 SIDITEY LID, #40 Port Orchard Independent resolution a-pro,%ing asZ-essment roll 9.70 A !notion was duly moved, seconded and carried that the Town of Port Orchard v,ithdraw from the Association of WashinL-;ton Cities with u-1 CouncilrrAen voting in favor thereof. Councilman Cosbey !fioved for adjournment, �,iith motion seconded and carried. Munro C. a nks Clerk hyo 507 HSS OI,UT I OIT F�;AS the late Francis M. Applegate was appointed the Town Clerk of the -Town of Port, Orchard on the loth day of January, 1921, by Mayor G. A. ,Hunks and held that position until his untimely death on December 9, 1938. TT,R7AS he was, ever loyal to his duties and diligent in the pursuit of tLzem and served the Town of Part Orchard viith distinction and aith honor, and V EH!3;X airs. Francis 11. Applegate f�.jlfilled the unexpired term of her late husband ar4d retired from the service of thte Town, now, therefore,. HEE IT RESOLVf,L by the Town Council of the Town of Port Orcliard that this resolution expressing the gratitude of the Town of Port orchard for the services rendered to said Town by Urs. Francis 14. A --legate and the late Francis M. Applegate be spread upon the Council minutes. Thus -passed by the Town Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washing ton. this 9th day of January, 1939. January 23, 1939 - The Town Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor C. A. Hanks and all Councilmen present. The ;minutes of the meeting of January 9th, 1939, were read and approved. The ,Iola.-. or expressed his gratitude for the fine turnout of citizens wYio had taken an interest in civic affairs any had shown their interest ' y their presence at the meeting. The Mayor expressed the hope that the citizens of the community would always shove such fine interest in the commaunity affairs and vrould turn out at every Co°--_nc-ll Meeting as they had at this meeting. He then called upon the persons jresent to! express their views relevant to the interest of the Town. Harold Meukow, Per: Talbot, Mr. Guest, Mr. eta -_ker, Mr. Tripplett, Mr. Lundberg, Mr. Neurnberger and Mr. Mahan expressed the view that they were apposed to the reduction in the salary of the Superintendent of Water, an_. some of them stated that they oel.-eved that Harkey Norton had the qualifications for that position. Harley Norton expressed the view that when he had first agreed with the Mayor o accept the position of Dater Superintendent at a salary of t125.00 a month, that he was of the opinion that the salary had been agreed upon by the Council at that figure; that he thereafter determ-ned from a member of the Council that there had been no general ,-,greement among the Council members in regard to this matter, and that he further felt that he was to be guided in these matters by the Council. In response to a question Councilman Corliss reiterated that it had been his opinion that the budget as outlined by the old Council should be followed. Harley Norton presented a pet,.tion to the Mayor purporting to be signed by 240 people asking; for his retention as Water S�Jperinterdent, and he also presented a written application for the position. Mayor Hanks then at length discussed the entire situation from the beginning to the present time and explained that the position haU been offered Harley Norton as dater Superintendent -nd Clint Hrasch as Street Superintendent and that they had agreed with him to accept, and then without further warning to him or any notice of any }rind whatsoever, or discussion, they had come to the Council meeting and reused to accept the position. i Ma•ror Hanks diaclaim d any blame for the fact that the two men were to be separated from the -�os:itions which they had held in the past, and he stated that there never had been a wage dispute of any kind �:etween these men and himself; that the matter had never been discussed by them since the original time when they had agreed to work for the salary offered. The Mayor discussed in detail the costs of operating the Town of port Orchard as compared to the costs of operat:tnj; cities of a similar size and assessed valuation throughout the state. He cited figures to show that it was costing more to operate Fort Orchard then any other city of core arable size. He read from reports figures showin,, that our Water Superintendent, Street Superintendent and i Marshall were being paid sums in excese of those paid by the majority of the towns of comparable size. His figures revealed that our salary scales in the past had compared with those of towns a great deal lar. er than the Town of Port Orchard,and in some cases, with towns nearly twice our size. The Mayor then presented to the Clerk the following list of appoint- ments together with the salaries to le paid the different appointees: LIST OF Al'P41NTM1,"tvTS ANDSALARY SCHEDULES ' OFFICIALS AND COI °_ITT LS f Tayor•........................C. A. Hanks Marshall...................J, C. Northey (Salary .................... 6125.00) Water Superintendent & Deputy Marshall ................. Glen Owens (Salary....• .............•..... y�125.G0) Street Superintendent & Deputy Marshall .... .....••..•:George Givens (Salary...... ♦...•..•........$1.25.00) Fire Chief....................Alan Totten Council.men..................George Cline Harry Hill W. E. Cosbey D. M. Corliss iM. H. Thompson i C QI UA I TTEIJIS : \ Street & Alley..............W. E. Cosbey 509 Street & Ailey Hill D. M. Corliss dater Committee . ... . ................ E. Cosbey M. H. Thompson George Cline i Health & Sanitation ...................Harry Hill George Cline D. M. Corliss I jFinance ......... •••••.•••.•..••• •V- IT. Thompson Harry dill D. M. Corliss Fire & Light........................George Cline Harry Hill M. H. Thompson Parks & Building.**** ...... *.******D. N. Corliss George Cline Harry Hill The 'Clerk read the list of appointments and committees; Councilman Cline -roved the adoption by the Council of the salary schedule; Councilman Thompson seconded the motion, and all Councilmen voted in favor thereof. i Councilman Corliss then ,proposed that the peition for the sidewalk on Cline Street be placed in the hands of some citizen residing there for further signature's in order that the project might be carried on. It was suggested that the petition be given to Virgil Parks. r Counciln,,an Hill suggested that a worthy project would be the placing of concrete gutters on Kitsap Street. The matter was referred to the Street & Alley Committee. A discussion was then had in regard to the possibility of improving the park facilities, and it was revealed that there are now no funds available to carry on any kind: of a project in regard to that matter. A request of Mr. Lloyd for information in re;-:ard to the old Park lots was referred to the Clerk to determine if the Council had in the past approved the sale of these lots, and the Clerk was requested to advertise these lots for saleif the Council had in the past approved the sale of them. A general discussion was then had on the matter of garbage collection in the Town of Port ,Orchard. Councilman Thompson moved that the matter be referred to the committee on Health & Sanitation and that they be instructed to bring to the next Council meeting definite recommendations for the handling of this matter. George Sloan was requested to continue hauling garbage until the next regular meeting of the Council, to which request he consented. Fire Chief Totten asked that the Clerk be directed to pay to the State` Fireman's Insurance Fund the amount of money due thati'Und for the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department. Mayor Hanks then appointed Councilman Thompson to be a member of the Port Orchard Fire Board. The Clerk read the list of the bills; Councilman Thompson moved that the bills be paid and warrants drawn therefor; the motion wa,- carried with all voting in favor thereof. i t, 510 Puget Sound Power & VEA Water' s Specialties Henry 3uscher Pacific Tel & Tel. jo Highway Equipr-ent Fund It. Orchara Lum�::r Yana Hussey a Peterson C. Russell Kith F. J. willia>__s PuCet Sound Power &: Light Port Orchard In&epentent E. A. Bradley Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Holmberg & Norman C. Russell Smith Holmberg & Norman Port Orchard Lumber Yarcl Port Orchard Independent GEi ERAL FUND Street lighting 81.77 Rubber stanps for elks. office 2.70 Labor on bo Try wi th boat 2.50 harshallt s, Clks, Yayors and Fire hall's phone 16.55 STREET FEND Equ_i_grent rental 4.00 Lumber .51 Labor &: parts for repairing grader 55.84 engineering charges Nitchell 7.50 tt tt It 3.00 WATER FUND Power for Purr p 61.15 Prirtin=; _water receipts &: Ledger cards 27.00 grating water tank lot B.00 Water Supt.'s phone 3.50 POTTERY HILL LID V"39 Rental of mixer 13.50 engineering 30.00 Sand & Gravel 47.13 lumser 3.67 S._D EY LID #40 Publishing ordinance approving assess3ent and notice of collection 11.60 Councilman Thompson then moved that a letter be written to Clint Brasch expressin . the appre - lation of the Town of Poet Or chart for the work that he had done for the City in the past and for the very fine attitude that he had displayed through- out the entire time which he served the City. The Clerk read a communication from Albert C. Yartir., Co_ missinner of Public LaVs, expressin;._; his willingness to c ooderate in obtaining the survey of the Port Orchard Hapnor boundary line, and also a communication from L. A. Cave asking whit Port Orchav A's intentions were in reEard to further WPA Projects. The Clerk read a letter from: 'the Association of Washington Cities expressinS their reSret that the Town of Port 0rc&rd Laid withdt°awn from the Association: The notion was then ma: e, duly seconded and carried for aljourn; ent. v yr me YIunro, Tow Clerk . Ha,_ks, sayer Fe 2u_ary 13, 1139 The Council met with the Mayor and all Counci u ant. The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting. Mayor Hanks called for a report from Councilman dill, Chairvan of the Cop _,_ittee on health &: Sanitation. Co=cilman Hill recor,mended to the Council that be the collection of the garbage/placed in the hands of one pan to be held responsible for the disposin ; of the garbage and this s7stem be given a sixty clay trial at the end of which time it would be determined whether or not it wokld be necessary to pass a compulsory garba6e collection ordinance. There was a discussion of this question 511 by all Councilmen. The opinion was expressed by some that it was essential that a. compulsory garbage collection ordinance be passed for the reason that the people i would not obey the rules set down by the Council and insisted on duriping garbage on private property and in places where garbage should not be dumped. At the end of the 1-:iscussion Conicilman Corliss roved that the Council adopt the recowmendation of Councilman Hill.. The rr�otion was sec nded and carried with ail Coi_ncilmen voting in favor thereof. ' It was the opinion of the Council that Geor`;e Sloan should be given the job of collectin,°the garbage, and he was accordingly appointed by the blayor. Discussion was then hac! on the question of initiatDng an LID for the construction of gutters on Kitsap Street, and it was suggested that the Clerk draw a pu tition to be `presented" to the citizens. A iscussion was then had on the advisability of openin:; Harrison Street between DeKalb and Kitsap, and it was suggested that the Street & Alley committee consider this matter, and if,possible, work out a project to be carried out for the motion Y �.,.(' improvement of this ,street. A tion ova.,s aly made, seconded and carried that the engineer be a.nstructed to give an estimate on the cost of running survey lines on Ada Street for the purpose of enabling the property holders there to construct their own si devial k. The Council the instructed Glen Owens to ha,..e the new pump installed in the )urnp house. It was moved, seconded and carried that the work of im )ro%,in - the lavatories on the iPark property be carried on. The Clerk read a letter from Winifred Crowell, Clerk of the Christian i Science S;ciety, asking for -&n improvement in the li_hting system at the corner of .Prospect and Kitsap Streets. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Puget Sound Power Li;-;ht Co. e requested to change the Vapor light now located in front of the home of Earl. Stark to the corner of Prospect and Kitsap Streets. i The Council heard a request from Al. Totten for the improvement of the ' Fireman's meeting hall., and the tter was referred to the proper committee to determine the cost•of the improvements requested by the Fire Chief. The Clerk presented the financial statement fbr the year 1933, ancf the same was ordered pull-l-i_shed accord � nt; to law. Discussion was had upon the question of the hours that the Marshall should work and it was agreed that the Mayor should use his <_iiscretion in designating the time tKat the Marshqtll should be on duty. Couneilrn,�n Cline moved that a reconditioned motor -e installed in the Town V8 Dumtp Truck, Toe motion was duly r-ade, seconded and carried with all Councilmen voting in favor thereof. If I The Clerk' read the list of the bills, and it was moved that the bills be paid and warrants �ii_rawn therefor. The motion. was carried with all voting in favor thereof. 512 WATER FUND Palmer Supply Co. curb cocks 10.97 Howe Motor Co. lubrication & rotor oil 3.04 Howels Hardware 8cove oil 3.70 Standard. Oil Co. of Calif gas & oil 3.52 PSP & Light Co. pump 'house lights 56.41 Olymyic Iron & I;°=achine Wks Lumber Supply Standard. Oil Co. of Calif Tidewater Assoc. Oil Co. Marion Fish John Steel C. Russell Smith Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard Pt. Orchard Lum er Yard Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard Howe Totor Co. Howe Motor Co. Howe' s Hardware highway Eq, _ pnent Fund STREET FUND grates, Llacksmith coal, etc. MitchQ34.46 lumber 'r 2.45 gas and o a 1 20.79 gas and o 1 38.13 engineering 3.00 it 4.00 " 22.50 lumber hitehell 19.68 cement it 580.00 expansion material 38.40 repair to truck 62.11 repair on truck 10.30 chain, globes, nails, etc. $5.49 Mitchell 9.79 rental of equipment 32.00 GEYERAL FUND H. A Jackson steel rods and labor 1.60 William Brghahn labor on fire hydrant 4.95 George Blanchard muslin for election booths .30 PSP & Light Co. street lighting 22.55 Pt. Orchard Trai sfer & Fuel 4 rick;; wood -Town Hall 10.00 LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. books 24.20 POTTERY HILL LID # 39 Howe's Hardware nails, form wire & lead wool 2.78 C. Russell Smith engineering 11.25 John Steel It 8.00 The motion was made, duly seconded and carrica for adjournient. amps munro, Tgwn tiler cCil. 7',anks, mayor 4 February 23, 1939 The meeting was called to order at 700 p.m. the Yayor and all Councilmen present with the enception of I',+:. H. Thompson, who came a fete minutes late. The Layor called the Councils attention to the fact that a special meeting had been called for the purpose of taking up the petitions for an LID on Kitsap Street and on Cline Street and for the im;ortant purpose of deter- mining what should be done in regard to a Torn Engineer. It was explained by the Mayor that a dispute had arisen between the County CiTmissioners and the County Engineer and the City Engineer as retard the proper height of the curb and gutter at the foot of Mitchell Hill, and that in view of the fact that the County had jurisdiction over the a'.iutting County road and the City over the sidewalk, that it was necessary for an agreement to be reached and someone in authority to teterm_ne the proper elevation fot " is said curb and gutter, and that in his opinion, it would be up to the City Council to determine how it should be constructed, Councilman Bill moved that the Clerk instruct the engineer to change i the Mitchell Hill grade to comply with the grade established by the County; the motion t was seconded, and carried with all voting in favor thereof. k discussion was had on the „uestion of who should be selected as Engineer of the Town. It was -'en --rally agreed that it was unsatisfactory to have an Engineer appointed who did riot resi:_e in or near Port Orchard and that it was necessary .to i employ someone wh.o wo-_1d be available on a short notice. Councilman Cline moved that the Mayor appoint a local Engineer to handle all projects coming 'up in the future. Potion was seconded by Councilman Hill, carried with all Councilmen voting in favor thereof . C.ouncilman'Cline then moved that C. R. Smith be removed as Engineer at the I completion of projects upon which he was novV en.:aged. Councilman. Cosicey seconded the motion and all present voted in favor thereof, Councilman`Cline reported that they were purchasing ply wood to improve the mneeting place of the Volunteer Fire Department and that the work would progress when they had the time to do the same. Couneilrryari Thompson moved that the petitions for the Kitsap Street and Cline Street LID'S be turned over•to the new Engineer to be checked. The Council approved the Resolution for the initiating of a Local Improvement District for Cline Street and Kitsap Street. There was 4L long delay while the Council warted for C. R. Smith, the Engineer, to arrive from Pouls&oo, during which time Dr. T. C. Baldwin and Mr. Harmon brought up the question of ; the i7 ,prove -meat of Harrison Street. The Council agreed that the street should be widened to a ..istance co.f_;'oarable with the curbs that were constructed::, at the ends of the same. The petition for the improvement. of Harrison Street was returned to Dr. Baldwin with the uneerstanding that the street would not be opened to a with Creator than 36 feet between the curbs. There beinrr no further Business and the Engineer not having arroved the Council adjourned, Februa: . , The Town Council met this evening at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Hanks and all Council- ; n_en present. The minute6 of the meeting of February 13, 1939, were: read and approved, and the minutes of the special meeting of February 23, 1939, were read and approved as read. The meeting opened with the .3iscussion of the Mitchell Hill gutter, and the Mayor reported to the Countil that an agreement had been reache6 between the City 514 and the County !r1_ ine-cr in re©ard to the same:: The Mayor '�Jhen introduced M. L. Tower, a licensed Engineor, whom the Mayor indicated he v,ould appo nt to the position of Town Engineer. llr. Toter made a few brief remarks. Councilman Corliss mover_ that the appointment of i-. L. Tower ..e approved; the motion was seconded and carried with a''l-oting in favor thereof. The Clerk read a communication from the residents of Annapolis thanking the Town of Fort Orchard for th.e help of the Volunteer Fire Depart ent for its work in savin; the builcainp;s a jacent to the recent fire in Annapolis, the matter to be referrer'.. to Guy Wetzel. Glen Oarens, the !'eater Superintendent, -reported on the installation of the new pui-, p and stated that they were having; a little difficulty with it in regard to the blowing of a fuse when the pur ,.) via-z started. It was ttien moved that a resolution be adopted settir?; Parch 27, 1939, as the time for the final lic,.aring of the Pottery Hill. LID; motion was duly seconded and carried: with all voting in favor tn.ereof. The Clerk r ad the following list of bills, and a Lotion was duly made, seconded and ca:.ri ed that the bills be paid and warrants drawn therefor:; ST?�;LT FUND Howe's Hard, -,-,,,are friction tape 1;'itchell .25 Duke Electric Co. light. globes 1.20 Bremerton Concrete Products Co. sewer pipe 16.00 Bremerton Concrete Products Co. sevier pipe 47.00 Howe' s Harcware nails MT _:, tc:«ell 2.62 Howe 1d'otor Co. repair to truck 92.50 F. J. Williams engineering 1.ziitchell 3.00 Marion Fish 'r' 2.50 C. Russell SmitEi 26.25 LIBRARY Z�]U]IIa D 3 Gaylord Bros. Inc. books 14.31 VAT U�R 11U11D Port Orchard Independent printing water cards 67.50 Howe's Hardware stogie oil, ,olts, atteries 10.26 American Pl.: -hing &- Steal- St? a ply moo. rubber packing 1.85 Port Orchard LuF.er Yard lumber 3.60 F. P. Arnold i la" or on water pur:i_D 6.00 G.E-l1 ERAL I-PUND Hovvel s Hardl.:are improve-ent of Town Hall 1,'ire Hall 4,85 Q. ussell 5--.ith general engineering 3.'75 POTTLRY BILL LID #39 John Stoel eng-ine :ring 5.00 C. Russell S ,:ith rr 45.00 Hower s Harr:ware nails, wire 11.28 The desires of the Penninsula Grain Co. to construct a concrete walk i in front of their property were communicated to the C: uncil. A motion was duly made, seconded and carried that they )e permitted to c:o the sane. .-- The r..otion was then r.,;ade for adjourni7,ent, seconded, an;. all voted in 515 i �- Tillarch 13, 1939 The Town Council met this evening at 7:.00 p.m. with Mayor Hanks and all Councilmen j present. The 11ayor rea'd a letter from the Federal Writers Project asking for certain information in regard" to the Town of Fort Orchard., and after reading the same referred it to Councilman Cline for reply. The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Treasurer from the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. in regard to the revenue that the Town did receive from the telephone eompar_y receipts from April, 1938, to the end of 1938. A general discussion then followed in re"arch to the telephone service, and it was generally conceded by all present that the service was poor, but it was explained that the matter had been brought up in the past and there was nothing that could be done about it at t ,is time. The Clerk then reported to the Council that the Frederick Street job could be settled with the exception of one lumber ,.bill t 1nt the bank did not agree to pay for the reason that the engineer was supposed to apportion the bill between the Frederick Street job and, those other ;projects that the lumber was used upon. The Council was of the opinion that the bank was supposed to pad for the en"ineering charges on the Frederick Street project, but there was no written agreement between the Council (� and the bank and the contrast was entirely oral. George Givens then explained that the grader was not satisfactory for work in the Town arf '. that the Town was able to ,yell it at this tit-e if it v:ere possible to buy a new Eraaler. R. J. Caretti sugr ested that a racer could be purchased on a rental basis. R. J. Caretti teen presented a petition to the Council for the vacation of that portion of A'astin Street lying between Division and Sweany Streets. The Council then assedl a resolution that the pet ;_tion e heard at the first available date that the matter could le -:ally be T.rouf.,ht before the Council. J. C. Palleva asked if _t would be possible to have the enCzinoer establish the lines on A .a Street, and it Aga., explained to Mr. Hallew that the private property holder was bound to pay all the en-ineerir-g costs on all the projects, and that if he c_esired to have sidewalks placed in front of his property by WPA labor, that it I could be done provided that he would pay for t-_.e material, equipment renta'. and angineering costs. Mr. McCluskey and Mr, Harmon then stoke on the Harrison Street job, and it was explained to them that the matter could be completed either as an LID or by separate written contracts, and the Clerk was instructed to _-ive Mr. Harmon the private contracts to be signed by the property holders on Harrison Street, The Notion was r.ade, seconded and carried that the Clerk purchase one hundred dog license tags. A discussion was then had on the question of whether or not the Towr_. zould continue to y: a�T the light bill at the caretaker's house on the Town Park. Councilman Cline made a -otion to disc-ntinue paying the light bill at the caretaker's t.ouse. 5.16 The motion car-��iod with Councilr_en Cosbey, Cline and Hill voting in favor thereof. � E A discussion was then hay-: on the question of hoer -any phones should be paid for by the Town. A motion was then r ade by Council_• ar Corliss that the Town pay for five phones as follows:- (1) Marshall's phone, (2) Water Slip erintendent I s phone, (3) Town Clerk's phone, (4) the phone in the Fire Hall, and (5), the phone in the Town Hall. The trrotion car°iec_ with all voting in favor thereof. The Clerk ream the 1'ollowinE list of bills, and a motion was duly mauIe, seconded and carried that the bills be pai < and warrants drawn therefor: l.� G 14ERAL FUND'FUND'1.� v Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Street li,-jhting 81.92 V. B. Caldwell coal for sire hall. 1.70 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. phones for Clerk's office, Iiarshall, Fire Hall, Town Hall 10.85 WATER 1"UM Wilkins-Lursen Co., Inc. gasoline 2.58 American Pliurbing & SteaE,. Sapply Co. wood collars for pungp 5.40 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. gasoline 33,60 Puget Sound -Power & Light Co. electric lights for p-,np house and power for our,-:p 61.72 Tidewater Assoc. Oil Co. gasoline 1.08 Olympic Iron & Machine '�.`orks pipe 1.00 STREET FUND Bremerton Concrete Products Co. sewer pipe 16.00 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. gasoline 40.04 Highway Equips ent Fund rental of eouipm ait 13.25 Tidewater Assoc. Oil Co. gas & Oil 6.68 ; J. X. Williams water used for 1..1it3hell Hill nroject Mitchell .80 William' s Harftrare nails &paint ,,, 4r6.00 char,-;e to 1.4itctiell Hill 9.77 01• rc )ic Iron & ij:achine fforl .q screens & coal " " 18.80 City of Brer:,erton, MacLine:ry & Equip-- r1lent Fund printing Cline 2.59 City of Bremerton, Machinery & Equip - Trent Fund printing Kitsap 1.07 Miles L. Tower engineering 45.00 to Cline �90.00 to Kitsap 135.00 Holmberg & Nor�,.an rental of ;-_ixer Mitchell 62.38 Holmberg & Norman rental of truck 13.50 LI3RAHY iT;ND i j Puget Sound Tlews Co. books 6.01 Port Orchard Transfer wod for Library 5.00 I It was then called to the Council's attention that the h::ist on the dump truck was in need of repair, arrd the matter .,as refel-re� to the Street &: Alley Coi - ittee with power to act on the same. Councilman Hill then suggested that the people be allowed a greater amount of water in the summer tir,_e in .,r ,er that they might be '.,eater aisle to keep their � lavins green. The matter was referred to the eater Corc,mittee to report back at the next regular reeeting. A discussion was. then had on the advisibility of calling for bids for the painting of the old water tank, and the Clerk was Instr..cted to write to the Chicago i Bridge & Iron Co. and obtain from them the specification for such work. j The meeting was then adjourned. Ja rc ew ':unra, T:7rn 1 Hanks, Play r 517 March 27, 1939 The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, was called to orc er. by James Munro, Town Clerk, who explained to the Council that the Mayor was absent from the City and it would be necessary for the Council to name one of their rriem.bers Maypr. pro tem in the alDsence of C. A. Hanks.. Dean Corliss was no- mated arid.elected Elayor pro tem. Councilman Cbsbey was absent due to sickness. All others were present.. The Mayor pro tem called for a report fmi the Water Co-11-111ittee on the advisability of ;ranting; to the ;rater users. a ;treater amount of water for the flat rate charged. The. chairman repo ted that the cocu:: ittee had not acted upon the question. Councilman Heil then lid a discussion .Don the advisability of purchasing a nevi hoist and Muck body for the Model A truck. Al ter a general iiseuss �. on Councilman Hill moved that the Street & Alley Corrr_ittee prepare specifications for bids to be ac_vert sed by the Town Clerk for the purchase of a. -ruck Cody and hoist. Dean Corlis s' stater that there had been some Discussion among the T,--wn' s peo ple in regard to the work being done on the alleys and that he, ais a member of the Street & Alley Committee, did not know that any work was being cone on there until it was called to his. attention by others. Councilman Cline said that he had investigated the .,fork Ibeing done on the. alley Behind Dla. chard's store an-' that as far as he could tell the alley was on the line a-.d the land had been sloped away from the sar_e�n a proper manner. Discussion was then had upon whether or not the Marshall had Ieen paid for the full time which he had worked for the City. The Mayor pro tem asked the Clerk what had been done in regard t" this matter. The Clerk reported that the ri_atter had :been referred` to Mr. Peterson. the Treasurer, _and himself, and that after checking the records he and Mr. Peterson ha' come to the conclusion that the Marshall° s tir_e of employr. ent by the City began on the loth of the month and ended on the 10th of the -: onth, that the Marshall having ,teen paid for that p -riod by the City, the matter had been allowed to stand as it was. There was then a general discussion on this queztion at the end of which time the Mayor pro tem entertain-: d a -motion for the parent of the Marshall for a period of ten days at the rate of 125.00 per month:statin� that he believed the 3rarshall could be paid on that basis just as any; other city workman could be paid. Councilman Thompson then made a motion to that effect, w`ieh was duly seconded and carried with Councilman Thompson and Councilman Hill voting in favor thereof. The Clerk then read the following list of bills, and all were ordered paid with the exceptioA of an engineering bill submitted by C. Russell Smith for work on the Frederick Street job. STREET FUND Port Orchard in6eoendent printing resolution Cline 7.45 Fort Orchard Lumber Yard drain the 2.65 Port Orchard Lumber Yard. lumber Mitchell 6.69 Puget Sound Stamp' Works Eng. & Surve„-or Stamp Cline 97� Yitsa 97�G 1.94 518 STRi IET FUND Cont. t d City of Broi.7orton, , achinery & Equipment Fund Miles L. Tor,.ier Texaco Service C. Russell Smith John Steel Seattle .dlueorint Co. Port Orchard Independent Palmer Supply Co. viater's S.,ecialties Petor lTuern berf er Chester J. Chaster Co. Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent printing maps Kitsap engineering; Kitsap 60 °1.P.A. V5 gasoline engineering Nitchell ri ti maps for W.P.A. W.P.A. VAT.,R x CI $A warrant call adapters for purrip statips for eater dept. FUND 1.2'7 135.00 47.98 22.50 4.00 6.22 .70 5.31 3.70 :-pork on ,urbane dump 3.30 Marshalli bond. 10.00 pub. fin. report, 11i Vouchers, 500 L. H., etc. 32.15 S1D12,'Y LID, No. 40 warrant call publication .75 POTT 1HY ill .L LlD, T- o. 39 publication f-_nal assess. roll 5.90 The i..layor pro tern then called for a public hearin on the Cline Street Local. IM- provement District. EFr. Yiaurer and r;lr. Holmberg expressed their objections to the pro- ject for the rc a.sorl that they felt the amount of the assessment was too great in pro- portion to the value of the real estate ��eing in,., -)roved. The Ordinance for the irnprove- .r_ent of Cline Street was then rea-' and duly passed by the Council with all voting in savor thereof. The Yayor pro tens called for a public hearinf; on the final assessment roll for the Pottery Hill LID No. 39. The Clerk read the written objections that had been filed nith Min. I.-ir. Hol.-berg orally obj ac-';nd to the assessment roll for the reason that he claimed the lot against w[Ach the assess . ;nts hac=i been levied wa;3 owned partly by the State of Viashin- ton, having been taken from hir:, for highway purposes. The asse.,L; ent being; levioC4i.n accor; ance witti the en gine�22s maps of the _:ro je::t the Council was of the o.,inion that it ,,ias best to pass the Ordi'lla Ice as ?_t was ratia: r than at tempt to e ualize any differences that inight The Clerk read. the Ordinance a .�jroving the final assessment roll for Pottery Hall. LID No. 39, and the same was ap_ roved. with all oting, in favor thereof. J. C. Kn,:wles then asked the Council if it wouldns t ' e possible for the Council_ to ;_--rant s=e ai" for ,',_e imoroveil.ient of the mad to the Polo Vield. The I,"ayor pr 1� tern referred the matter to the St:r�-ot a Alley Co,:lmittee. Votion was then: :,ace or adjourn} ent, and all voted in fa°For thereof. unro, Town 519 April 100 1939 i The Council met with the 1,ayor and all Col:_ncilmen present. The, t„inutes of the previous rteetln� were read and approvcd as read.. T'tayor IT nks caller. for report on the i_; �Urove_,rent of the road to Lhe Polo field. The members of the Council re_)orted that they had arrived at no definite conclr.-isi on as to w3 ia5 should be cone ;here, anr] that t'_-ietr rould r.;o into the ratter before the next regular ?eeting. The 'eater Coy :_.ittee aga-in rcoortec' that they had arrived at no `!ef.;nits cor.cl:..siUn ac to the _xr o._nt of ,r,ater thmt could ':;.e allo-.,°rLr to the consuri-. rs _..wring the s' r_ rn r -months. The Clerk reporter; on the rep?- he receive,.. to his letter to the CI_icaL;o Bricage & iron Company for specifications for oaintin.0 the -,rat :r tank, anCI the Trlayor refer-r the ­mt-tcr to Councilman Geode Cl-re, ,,rho stated. that he i,,=ould take the question use with sore of.' the supervisors in the 14avy Yard am� the. best kind of paint to use. The T,�'ayor called for hearing on --the petition of Kitsairp Co;.nty for the vacation of that portion of Austin Street lying bete -Teen Division and Sweany Streets. There ein- no ob ; ections to , he ;rar zn4 of saic: petition, the Co :._neil passed an ordir_anee vacat � n -; that portion of !�ustin Street lying; between t'ne Southerly cn.ar ._n of Division and the Northerly margin of Smeany Street. The ! ay or then called or a ublic near-r-fon e�relimnary hearing f the assessyt ent roll for the im-rover_ —r orr Kits, p Street for the eon str act._on of orbs an -'I `__-i:_tters thereo-n. Mr. Rowt Hill, speakin on �-ehal ' of his :rot- er, states; that they appose�l the imjL)rovenrent for tl e that the e�pense was too great, anc. for the second reason, that there v ;- a question in I is '.'.lnd a: to ,There Rockwell ti'ienue be:,,an k ar_u s,}::ere has mother's s �rooerty c�:.ed of'l, �_r.: he _Celt that that mattcr sho.'_ld be definitely eter,.irt I.Ir. Tj c-)r.�ber stated that he favored t':..e ir-Drover,.er-t, ut that he ob ect-d to the improver,-ien t at tirlis tLi,e as it could not ,_e r)ossible to have a si::-,walk pluceo in `'ror_t of that �)i<eee of oro:.)urty .�t°rrec', by t:he Pay; -.et So-md Power 8 Li ht C- ^l ,any. Harold Lundber; "elt that a si .eirralk ou.,.: t ' o be constr:;cted in front of the Pu ;et 5:;:.-.n,? Power & Li, ht Corr .any property and stater; also that he Icelieved the cost of the i - )r.ov(-,; en . a.s �;oo Ili: 'i, t tha t he favore d the sair e in spi to of the n _increaser, cost art-' felt that it uas oath an ac-l:J _tional 15� a front foot to hitii to have the in-._)rcverMent pat -in. few. ,h Bartlett filed written objections to the improvement on tiie fro=.nds that the cost was _treater t'r_.ar' the henefits ;onferreCJ. F,,rs. r�: oleF.ate a,;ked tlae question as to t,ust vinat good it -:id for citizens to object at a h arin�. The M_-yor answered her g1_Iery that there tsrere just tao lawyers present, she ard t1r. T 4_nro, at 11 he - idn! t know '_ow he could ans,�rer the question for her. L. S. 2: dleton stated that he ha:. been inform d !I-nat the project -could cost not more t'nan 50� a running foot, and. that he pd�<r. ,: reatly surprised to findthe cst.�_r�ate sor�er,hure in the neif;huorhood of 65�. L�. L. T,_,-aer, the Fes':^;`;ineer, ",en c;xplainec, that he fi 'uref! tie estitna.tes to be ten (10;') p r cent hi -In. That he ha. :'one so i>urposely, as he -Felt t at it ,•ras best 520 �� to I-Ia v ,-, t! I-C 0 r _-L I �; S t __)-;--u t c d r t -.-- an it a a v t I o-,,er so aYIOt 4-0 ha ca,4­ ''le of 'infante ior tne Of KitLa i", 'r L,ti n L-11) District. T;,Ie a rove - ,-,,j_t[n all Coun c i I -wen v ci t- ].L, _10 r C"CIL' The I`a­or L;'-,en for the o-cl, `or ';qe sl) ar at c;1 , Gl� -,,:p e -,, �,,�t tv;o '�_: J_ 0 S i , t c `,- _,or Iii ­rox:c-;� en� 11 oi� me St. o n a c, H:o l:.,,i e r c) r: . a n `or tie sand an -,ravel arc, the Ly th rt CJrC rt�'Ut' ,""KSI:­ , racrLot, ed all faor `,er­of. 2- i Ci s .,i c, r c 'u- i_Icn om, c; r. tc, lot, c SL �, j": of trl,ck '_ D',I -,T Q r' t a T, d a ,":as to flcccptancC' of any tJl_ L-(-, no.-t I,e:- lar , - u c i �- e n , ` . - '. �I J_ IC, 6� 4- --otec -�.- fn�rai� `-erec' a.Jack Vj"'Jods "-'nen th-e on tne allel-7 Is -_� c'. n i s ro .c -_ t�, v­ state c� 'ILlat tqcr,,, a �-.oc,',le. on -..ae all--., t'l-lat intCrforci-I `is access to a lot that I -le Owns :H-ns au.0 f1 -_­­e Go'--ricil If it to I.,_ave i 1 r! W I C - t III a S tie c:Dn nsl: s AaceC7 o_ sidlCy �,Itr,,et. disc -Liss -ion i I i � .1 i - -.a n o f o o!- t 1- a t I -I c T o,,�;r s In- o �x 1") e n J- - t S 'D rL , ­.onoy for rat t� for oil. Harold I-Iu.rley to o,,:-)op, ar,(, ,rove U_e allleat e uc,., 0 s rc,) e- DI- -Ito 1A11 ,%ayor ex,ai-ned taut 'I-, at io 'cIs _-)!-�cy to o,,c-r,. tIT L every a !ley T,_,;m. tnat a 3 u t h e T c) w r- L' 101 'L L If E L t' V c L t -1 z c n t;-at allo-,, to Q c (3, a IL )"OV He sa­J �e )f �h,e 'u-11,9t the reasqn, V;)Y ',-IJ)s 0 all s i:., i-, r att.." the D_­:O�l 21L, t Of t,(-,e wa,,., i.,o :, ivc c�j_cx­� c n an '). , u 0 1_1 0�,Crt­j u-, +-I-Ia, ce. -`-ere -free o ) o o r t an- �1 y +-D �(A � " 11 9 lor,�7 as ­_ -j � _ -, , -1 labor -o s I �i e e 1:: u s c i _'n t o e lu—n a t c %; c a e 1 r in Toxin w a s o,enl'd. Lerk Lhc r r., uc I t'ne r, i,,-- t of :i Ils , an.' t!L-.ey were or- ")a ­70'r -a" is (`raI--Ir-. -I_'-ercfor: T p -,,jet So rl�` :­D. ti00kS 3 0 . 5'31 Stan(a­Oil a L li 1�_;a S�._) 1 n e 3.89 GIoic 'I".ac"Id-no nuts, c for 7.13 -TLItV41 a 1, e ILDWeS JI stgve cil 011, etc. 24.94 V. B. Caldwell c ro cl. 2.00 r i c a 1 21, 1 i i n Stca-,. Su)_ moo. )De t_­_latll- Tirleviat-r Ycsoc. Oil nasoline 2. 52 'T 3 r o 1: 1 r J e Ca-0 e -_'a t la',"_or on ;r a 24.00 e otor Co. re:Dair to trLzcI,_, 22.50 HoV,10 s 1. 1. �a a r e S:A ke S L L t c 11 S ttan(JI a c. Oil Of J_alif,, :;as & 0.11 35.39 G e o c E. crt)n, b1,astinl,­, oo,.,.7-ier 1 118 . `.) 5 Tiles L. T c) -:1 _­ r cr in e e i ns-,, Pitchell 30 Gen e ra 1 5r15 45.00 521 j Howe 's Hardl,,,are screws, ta,:e, "or Tn. Hall Fire Hall 2.04 E I Jaares Munro stay_?s 5.00 Lumber Su :ply lumber for it Hall 51.17 CL--IT TROT LID Jf42 Lumber Supply lumber 67.43 I-liles L. Tower enginecring 30.00 j Howe s s Hhrdviare br,,zshes .80 j The Clork was instructed to varite a letter to the Port Blakely Pa':ill Company asking; for permission for the Town to dvrnp garbage on some of their property outside of Tovn. Tv otion was then _rfa'ue that the bus stop suns in iront of I yhre' s Cafe be moved, T'lotion cirri: d with all voting; in favor thereof . E otion was ma�e for adjournment. Jain es 1,4s, , own L"le .. Hanks, !,''a r April 24, 1939 The m..ting tivas called to orr).er a't 7:00 cm with the I:1a,yor and all Councilmen present. The Zinutes of the previous meeting s.,:ere read and. approved as read. The Str:,e Alley committee reported that nothing; ha _ been done in regarc to the roar to the athlotic f'ielr, and it was sugf ested by the Nlayor that that project would ..)robably have to vaait until it was known how .ouch uVPA labor the Town of Port Orchard would have' as a restilt of the side ;alk projects. 11ile;s Toyer,' the Town Ingineer, explaine:J to the Council {.he road oiling project as he had. it set up and stated that it ha,. received the apps-oval of the State WPA office andyaas now avraitiri the a,(;roval of the TTational office at Vashington, i),C. Jack Woods a'pp)eared bel"ore the Coancil and askod permission to clear the brush off the str.et in front of his property in orc'er to rid,. the sarE e of caterpillars. Tne - :,tion %%,us r.�ad'e and carried to refer tine rya t;tor to the St.r:-et (Sc Alley � . 3 mittee to be rha;_ - led accord.ine, to their discretion. T, r. Lundberg and T«r. T.'_aco :per appeared before tla.w Council and :`iscussed. the aul--tior; of the amount of .rater to e allowed the co:_suiers arl-01 the rates to be nchar ed i'or the same, After a t wr_eral discussion of the ciuestion Councilman Cline rn:o :,ed that a 5,500 ..allon Ygini. um be set -'or the i,onth of !Jay. All Councilmen voted in ilavor thereof. There was t ,en a discussion on the cuestion of painti;:;g tric water tank and a rol-i.on. :.;a ;r_aae. t.liat the ;)aintin� of the tarp'' be out off 1,antil fall. Irc)tion carried t: ith all Co jncil- en voti._:.; in fa l> or trier of. The matter of ourchasi rg a new a -ruck :-ody anc hoist was rout oi'f until it could be h _1v t:~uch !lone,y woald be return::d to the Strect F'-nd fror,� t'_e T'itcnell Till bi :ewalk Lro;6ct. 522 Tae Clerk read ea I-Itter c Fort 31alTely I i 1 0, aln V 0 -'f c r tie '10.(DO. Council,l.a, "I"no To in c-L" -Port ci-ilrity (30) of 'an_�'or of' tliqatl-1 11LI'_r2 acce-LA tLe of the �ort Elakc�,ly J-111 Co; 1.;any. u J Or 7a.`_ a I Y ,, cr- on C ­, d an -_)um; d. 1;;:'cn vote i -in favor th,r eof TII.c resic-nation o" 1- - i 11. "' - L - I'- . 1. 1 Lin a,,,, ::a-, an(*] t1--c or -,or a r-,- ra- iun. T", e a I r. c ' 1c:f c o n f r (3 v t LI Vo' 4 p 'aVor Lill r) 1 -.,n c j- e n .:as ': 'IY 0, -d ',-,�Ic --orc- su LIIic necessary _-quipi.c.-It for Uleir ru ti c 2 T'Io a a rI_;'IjOl�-ti,33:, D.110,1-Jin,l �I-Le .'�t-atc ILL _c,�art ent 9:10.00 C)� ne ""e crii:olc' oy t­,,te, Tom of 2o­t Orc�naxr(., --ro-fn ­a"oline ta,-, sales 2 or tlie ),Urposu, o aintai inc, i3ay ;3trtet. A a6optcd L,utt_..� p O1 i..i It t Ct for Une i-.,, rovo­en. 4 -ney r o ✓e Ka 1'- i 4- 4- hVCriuc 21 1"horizir- !,- he -)-Lo,)cr State "-_;.ICI to _-et asiOe fr,_­ Lie revenue i v c, C by to be th.0 Tovir 20 -t Opc"_"U]°d _Lil.1-12 the- Ou.'n- ­,f 1000.00. J r Svana authm-rizin the Clerk to call G on' c 61. for o- b-ir. ur. hiirly basis. �s ior f.-J-�er t o o r by the Torn o L 'Port Or-_-'nia-:­�' on :ere rCo"_ an, iiarrart-2 or:erect r u w n c r o or: 'j-'rews., x.,!,n of 24-1. lopc,!- ar(j es ors 13 1 k . A o L 1 '/3 2 13 . S t re., t I J '---tim-7 la-- license ta,--E. 5 0 0 ones Pt. Orc'i.u_­,. a e I or T,_)v.,n T,-�ll 1 3.010 of 2t. 1 ("T Petcrson J,ut!("S _t. ?a ttison ar, -Port Tr c`c,,,er6.cnt r IT re:)a-1 r on t-r-ack 3.1) San LAU-. 2'3 50 to ire .7ori­ St, m %w_ st U.70 -a,:olinc inic, o r c t 1 C 11] . 05 G i I DJ0. I'�c P. -3ro-cm, -.,,",,k cr. v,at.`_,r lim:23 1.15 hu-Sey 2(a,L-Itr3-)n -r-o - I D a` r to I�r. u.c I t �S o T n t e r or )i� p n u1n.: q u- : 53 2 Y of t. Orc-,Qr`l r: "U 0 1, C, jp_',r) Lr a r t ice or -i'i-Iliams ii,lI s L . 12 ;) '.- t_, r Pc r: i n s,, i 1 a U t a i, o ric r s t,,:, t i r r 23.03 P o in t 0 r c'gar',. r_ is 'erCI 1-1 t 47 L a a"- I or s Q a r C )'.r r con s 70 ja:! CS i{. ,.)a"t1l, Lon o 0 Lo,,v­,an Har-lord _L!_ 3cale 11 Tovin of P'. Orc�iaj­' -,tr,- C-t ,I� � �.n d for or TI Ft .00 67. 20 I o -,t 0 e- t 4�5 D-ncl nct-Lce of collect -on 11. .3 T-)vm of t n cl 5 Lr for advance 100.00 5z3 KITSA? SWE2T LID ;`43 (font. Z d ) Fawn of Pt. Orchard, Strec ,, 2und reimbursement for advance 53.31 Lowman & Hanford H Contour K & A Pen 3.24 Kitnap county Treasurer searchinq recorc_s .80 Peninsula Stationers stationery 23.04 Miles L. Tourer erg ince2inE 15.00 Port Or3haP6 independent Pub Ord. 450 & resolution 24.BO t' Ycot151 wfas c'_ _ply made, necon6cd an:.- carried for adjournment. JTr� s �ar�z�o, T Odin �l _. a. h. Fate s, aayor i_uY a 1039 The meeting was caller to or er with the Layer ani all Jounci lr en _resent r ith the e,s:ception of Councilman mean Corliss, wrho aprived a fey, minutes late. The opened the Y eting by showing to the Council the . lans that had been ;raven by a Bremerton architect Yor a proposed Town Hall and explained to the Council that Mr. Branch, the ar•chitcct, had drawn the ;laps without ;har-:e to the Tonn with the .:_nOerstanr}_.ing than, he mould be conL.iderer if the builctin;; .,ere cordrluct:_:d. Engineer Tower Peported- that all had been done that could possibly be ;-gone to brim-; about the completion of e TPA Projects. A notion was mace, duly seconded and adopted authorizing the Clerk to call for bi s for oil -: nen, it was known that ;,he money would be available. I i Discualan vao then had on the purcYa,_e of a new Krac'er for the Town, Councilman Corliss stating that a new ;rador could be had for the aura of 11000.00 on a monthly rental basis and that '11300.00 would be allowed for the old :l.raNer. After a i ereral discussion it was c_ecid.ced to let the :;patter go until a later date. There was a {__iscussion of the Litchell Hill Project with the Council a seeing tKat each property :colder should be required to pay the amonnt that haca been assessed.. against him. Nr. D_.n le of the Puget Sound lower & Light Com:.zany appeared before the Council and stated that the Puget Sound Power & Light Company would be willing to construct a s de4aalk in front. of their property on Kitsap Street. Mr. Branch then appeared efore the Council and explained the glans of the propos ec_ Town Hall, stating that the building woyld cost approximately 00,000.00 including f urnishin; s. Council - an Hill and_ Glen Onens were instructed to too out to the garbage &Amp on Thur da.- evening and locate a spot for the far ba e. Mrs. Lrown appearW before the Co nci_l and asked if anything conld. be crone to fv..rnish the L.2. Cemetery with watcr at a renuced rate. The matter was r f rred to the water co=ittee, consis tiny,; of Coancil en Thomason, Gosbey and Kine. There was a discussion in vegard to th4 plank sidewalk .on the NcrtA side of Bay Street ana it was agreed by the Council that all repair work of said sip ewaalk should be char ;ed to ahain6ividual abutting property hol: o "s. a The followint bills were read and warrants o"'jere! drawn therefor: 524 (P "INT Pa:-ot n(_ LJ'o:;cr Li_: ',nt GD. 10 2.15 Taco, ­a 21 aur"D cocl-_s, t.,.es, etc. 5' 42 I ar,,, T T L 3 - it e lea .Move o v e p i: e 1. 2 :65 _zt,�ZIJ JI,4 L, ice, I U e, lea tc i?u­ct L)'o-,�-r-C xV,%cr Lit�;I`nt str:.�t II)ake ­101L.c2p iJarL6, at, r , e te H o %,,, e I s I iar C v; a - c JL t cJ "r-i 'kc­s & t o 11 �_, t s ea t Port Llal- ly "'11 011 - C.::a'-,c of -1'0 acves for .-arball-e dtu�,n Howe 71.'otor I'llo. ')-Uations ()JIT )iC iron L Lachine -S 14. lfo':,cr S'Aeli 011 �O. 3'qeitIs ..lectricul �atlu- G 1'� a n y -Ales L. To -..,or TT VIC ? S I !a a T, e 6tandar(-, stations Li.u.,ber Milus L. 20,vc, 1-c-na"Lr to t- r 1! on t r �J. c ,as vv i n d; ins labor to re 1 C'_ ba t, ! T en_ ­i, - Irirt6 _- 21'ospeet 8: Yida sniff. s , i files, Ill..- vel t7:as C., oil boo!,2 3.09 7-3.78 2. 15 7. 60 100.00 3"0. 34 2- 0. 36 5.50 5.00 1-3. �2 11.62 15.00 2. 20 . 20 3.45 25.50 67. 05 45.00 o n ml s y a e, s e,,,,.,n �e a c a r J_ c,� :-',)r EL u rr- c n, t cL- A i,� ri ,a7T(:)r n -S, F T I— S aro -er' P� e r V__ _� Presont. Tay 2 � 1 1)70 --2" J P-01,tir!�,-r 1::ac to orlicr viit-i 11-I ayor Hanks an all Gouncii-en re�:-(] a -Cro-I, Gon-:,n-ss� an -.fl uoson to effect -�-!-iat 'Y the V.`11A Projects v;ere 'G)ein,� rusl-ieC alonc, as a.,, �-)Oss i1ol 0 tl-1,�,n C',plain--d to LI-)-e Ci o 1."n c, i 1 15 "Ic, [-m,: t a I ke C, t a the o f I'i is -a :_'s t t 1 c a r L: tin -at E: v e r t '- in a ulor,_­ � s -..:ell a co..1c bel-)ecterl. T'Cle Cleric z-'e,:`11 '11110 )roteots of tno ILIitw, .,-,Il Hill -)ro!-,_Irt­ cr,,JIel', t -1,� - i 1 1, 1 , - I ,'or tac 5 _� i trl tnr- c,,n�-Ir�,er wa S �j C D I C, a r� t a t r� t i r-I e a,� oil P C'rjell Hi-J S C', cr UISI bc� to -,o ir!-!-o ��Ihe of the a-, . tlri: ��Icrk -:Ym":� -I - ­ ,I I-o c;oril-,a�,t n to 'his r-�attc.r. 1� I __ -1 C 41, - - E, I u L.-or i--oac' :--i -ootitlon fro��tl::. r'c s i � c i -_ t o _f St tr. et a C Ir, i n f or t he � o . 0 r) - L I I " ' of - a i ,, _� �.? ; C " e t - L`r or' �_ Z - IL c ! -j -1 r 4 i,.7 c : -. u 6, '_ o t- I i- c 'J-- �: -,­,' 't -, h GL. t y _IJ ir I � i. t s . T i e •1 r r a t ( ' e r v! a s v 'fk�rr,_-: to the jtre-,t L� 1"I'Ll,3y Go.-r.fdttee. T'ne Gler", read a letter G-1. ol"ferinc, to To,,vn, of ?ort O.cc'.riaro- a contr.act or the s;-Ille o--,7 at a re`uce-:'ate. ACter a bri,_L iSc - 2 ion of "I-ic 'L'a t1--,at i t Y,,,o,--:Id ',e n c,, c, ,- L�s.,xv �_ o-1, 4—io, TDv,,rfi to cx.r)e� (�� fift�LT op S ty :7,ollar-- `or a ;)a-,,p an,ta,--I'_,',h.e ­,­ttcr A discussion was to hug'_ on the question of allowinS Douglas Shoals to put out a carnival on the Fair Grounds. Ross Tatt apyeared before the Council and emplained that the Douglas Shows were a high class carnival ;rout_) who would put an a good shamll and that there v uld be no objections to the same on the part of anyone, and also that the American Legion wopld receive $200.00 for Lponsoring said carnival. After a Seaeral discvAsion back ana forth in regard to the advisibility of the same a motion by Councilman Cline to allow the Shous to use the fair grounds ':.gas voted town. Council ran Corliss moved that George Sloan be emqloye:: to act as dog catcher upon the same basis as he was employed the prsvivus your. Motion carried w th all Councilmen voting in Avor thereof. Councilman Corliss then voved that the Cowncil Vo on record as beznn apposed to any increase it rates by the Pacific Telephone Telegraph Coy pany, anI that letter be Lent to the Pacific Teleohone and TeleEraph Com,any, to the Departvent of Public Service of the State of dashinEton and to the Telephone Knsumers Uaue of the State of Washinnton enppessing the vieus of'. the Council on this question. The motion carried with all 0ouncilia n voting in favor thereof. The advisibility of axtcndinE the jpe line at the fair fro: nns worn to the ,,rah stand was then niscisset. A notion was duly mace, se3cnjed and carried that the One line be so extended. Motion waa then ' ue tAat any reai6ent of the Town jesivina to cut wood from within 3he garbaqo aump be allored to do so. Lotion carried with all Go4ncilpen votinq ir favor Lhareof. The folloving list of bills nus re aa aw approved and warrants oricrV drawn therefor: William Bruhahn Chao. A. Vatts ?ac. Tel. & Tel. Go. James Unro B. J. Held HowaK-Cnoper Copp. UP1 Lindberg William BraAahn GeOrGe Awerson VATER FbUD work an wator lines STR-hT InAD sines Coil 1 U Id, i7 1: 1� Dhones r2u.n rs aeed legal stationery 1 can ?yrere Fire nxtinSis'� er labor cn Karbage dkmp la -. or on :-arba_e labor on garbage dano lotion .:as Love& seconVid and carrifor ad5oarnEent. James I Arof ? wn e C A. Ha - NO, r June 12, 1939 2.20 15.91 2.85 .60 3.00 V. 12 10,60 4.40 6.80 The meeting vas called to urV with Eayor Hanks aw Councilmen Uarliss, Cline anj Cosbey present, and Cowncilroan !all arriving a fou minutes late. ThcAectinE opuned with Liles Tower, Angina r, explainirn that the monuy had beer set aside for' the ;`SPA majonts in t-is district, and that it was expect ,d that re would have men pyiIable tc copnerce tLe ark on the 21st of June. 52G --r 1c. I )I a in ";(6 1 hc -,f 1'o, ­ts to f ei� cr I I -I Lr"Dr a a be "_3 !e it T Iov- -i :L Ij 1 1) r:"a; " C t 1 col�l i e r i S. t .at J i,: e r att-ar )nt t lb! t 1'r or:, "-1 c r t,- c) t o C vI T 1) t 0 r t t 0 t 7E,, iC t i-11-u�:1.n­. t Q -i s �J, '.re t n e ounr,.1_1 _-,n, -1a t L a t) r at e (2 — a, 1, .:-i r!D V ra - C l v a t. 0' r 5­:: wW. Ois !D 0 - ZA c::, . tI� c r -U!"ply su.i-,n of :'17. �2, 3 ., Cr I t r I'( h. L?. U C -Y 1011 ey nc ct havir­ cer, Ly� cl ---2 r_� C DIP zA v c, t- o 0. -D t"C' 'C'O -on 'I -P n. c a t c e r a t port o n o f IjI r! y S (j In, L). U r v" s -oPe --0 s t D IT t "Ic �tp-et o f t la e u, t c' or 5.-C Oi lc I i t a 3-,:) 2.; c; r t t v Cr C�i C:r­",;r; c r for s c) 4 0 _ilcL L. 17 Sri -LI'D, C, a r T7, tat Z J- a' 10 1 0 -i I I TT d t r 's A 1LLbov La; for carr-on for 11-easl.,,,i-cr 1.53 2. 1`2). 2. .7c _,e r, Ovi c n s h, a f - d c i f is For 'i) 1 J. c e or c e 00 )rc. fort 0 a P 40- 7Z 0 3 "1 a C. vI a r, s,-, r c,:." t r .35 4 Ho,;; e Op G 4- a 4- ruck r e -)'n 10 a, s L _A � jolt 1'ay scre'.vs- .47 I yn a r: J! c, -',)r ­(rbate u,,Ln 1p, 17.95 2. S. Li -lit iD• D. )0 a 7.31 b-ill 00 ­e 0 c t- I- i, c 0. 1 ol---:'cr Fz_re Hall .02 Pac. 2 a -r s im, 111 s - C k o -L-1vr1 :F--,:-, I 1 11"' i re Ha_ 1 ,j,.on c, s 5 Port Orc-iur(-; Ya r C 1:zra':a r_c :rtr_o ase si ns 3.01 -1r42 52.50 Za r;,,if _u, Y,:rsei en - D `I, Ylcollrec cl), 6Y. 05 Cline t . t -par 1_1� 527 i`i'5���' :, :'. IJI. 1143 (U:ont. I d) iI ;r tides L. Toy,,:cr engineering .oti.on iaa; Duly r ade, econt' e :i an . carried for ad j ourr rent. James, ro, Tovrn ;Cl(rT Its June 26, 1939 45.00 The eeting was .called. to or-l_e.r with ".'ayor Banks and Ca. neilmon Corliss, Cline Hill _)resent. Council man Cosi ey arrived a fe- mi.nut. s late. T'ac mina -es. of the previous :F e eta n1 :y; ere read and apt roved as read. Tv,,e I:a- or explained_ to the Co _ t cil that 'ne had experienced diff i.cultie3 in finding someone to take the position as dog-catcher; that he was tana' le to find ar.y one viho ,:°ias -:iil_;_ng to . o the Mork, anc that the position rats open to any ono ��ho i ;ht a�:1�1y. T files Tovd,:r ,xplained that the -projects about the Town woL_ld be in of aration by July o, 1939; he also stated that it ,,:could be neces-ary to use rti.,achiirery for the opening of i!'.,est Street fron_ the South rear -,-in of Melcher Str::et to the South City Limits. A quostion b . "� r,. Reid. as to hog theBull-do.-er via:. obtained for work on Fr elcher Street was ansuere,d by Kir. Caretti to the eff'ect that it had been a trace of labor for r_achincry making this iork possible. T,,_'r. Caretti then. ir;q.r_irecl if the City iiould be willing- to r In pipe for i,�jater service to the proposed forestry rrulldin : to be built near the Courthouse. The Council voted unani :ously to ;ut. the oipe in i or the Forestry bl...ilc?ing. Mr. Lloyd than appeared be. -ore the Co,.-.n.cil anO eyplained ',chat �-Iis records showed in regarr to the arouxit of material used on P,Iitehell HM. It ua- S (-:.Ocilded that the matt. r vTould be farther investigated. i�'r. i�inF;le of the Puget Sound Povier and Light Company e_xplained the cost of moving the lirZht on Prospect Street after which Councilman Dill moved that the bill be i-aid. Notion passer' with all Council- en voting in favor thereof. Council sari Corliss moved that we except the bid of the Bremerton Oil Delivery for th-e oil for the street project ;provided the same were aci justed to confirm to the price for which oil tivra:� sup_'lied to the County. The Council instructed the er.gineer to select a :n.i xer providing that he should not )urc has e one for r=e than 459, 00. The resolution for the Ln-,prove1~et of Ada w- Pleasant Streets was approved. The following gills w, _re read and a,)proved and warrants ordered drawn therefor: P;'artin Bjerken labor on water lines 5.78 American Pil robing cc Steam Su ply meter bol: 4.80 Port Orchard Trdeoendent water shut-off books 4.50 Port Orchard Independent warrant calls, arrest blanks, adv. dog license 6.15 1. F. L-avell Trea, . monthly warrar;t rdg., :,lonthly report forms 24.74 52s3 James Wnro P. S. C. & Light no. A. W. Br U Ka hn Miles L. Tq,:er 3remorton Sand & Gravel Co. Port Orchard. Independent Miles L. Tower Miles L. Toyer Lowman & Isar f or,-., stamp's for Wlepkln office moving light 5.00 2.31 stre"t sRneper 4.40 enqin. oring - Ada & 2leasant LID advarce 60.00 ETavel 1.33 call f or bids--n fixer & road Oil 4.95 en3inedring--00 42A Street imqroven nt Q75 Street OilinS 105.00 CUNA STUET LID i"142 ongineerinC transit sheets Kitoap Street LID 143 15.00 1.47 Seattle Blueprint Co. blueprints 1.60 Potien was ma e for mjournment pith all Councilmen noting in favor thereof. Bar Mayor " " !S y� July 10, 1939 The neuting was wallud to orter, with the KLyor and Councilmen 00ney Hilly UDsbey and Thompson present. The "inutos of Qe orevious me ti 9 were read and approved as read. Georve Givers uxplainuf that we now hed a mew graler that we were using, an that it nan our intention to rent it to the state, any:- that eventually it would be t�wned over to Kitsup County and ne could of from them a gra ep that they had that would : e 2;italle for our work. 3ouncilwan Thoypson mcved that Mr. Lloyd be asked to brine in all his recoms that Qht bear on Linhell Hill in orer that ,%,e inht oterwine what Ucu-y of the wu"ent urchased for that arojoct. LOWOr W020d nith all voting in fa, or tper nof. There as a isWssion as to the 7arner of c4eckin. an the material an all Struot rojocts, Uounciloan Tho,.sor : ovcd that Niles T=r he ra �c� the sponsor's aEcnt to e resPOnsiliw for all Paterials uoij on Tovn projects, All votod in Uvor zher2of. The �ayor instraeKorge Giveno to investiqute the coraitiors of the cross- wLihs on Kitsap Street anc the sidewalks on Buy Street Last of the Reliance Lator Coy ;.env Yhoro was a liscussion in rcgar! to over 2eeir' tha work that we lain.,-,, dos o jy W2A la or, unthe Council ceoid2d that Ellis Towarp tKi vvgirmr, Koult take ouru of that Lork zor the fires, t Line. Gouncil then WnQuctK the ilerk to call too h0s'_.,or asoline to be subvitt, at thr : xt qeeting. i Tie Jon ncil requc2tud uhe Cl.rk to irto the next woutirg some inforiution ir r�CvrV to a sound Kr ck ondinance. 529 The following bills none rear and zarants o&ered drawn therefor: Seattle B1-.;'aprint Go. Pt. Orchara Lirymber Y6.. Howe I,otor Go. ales L. Tower Stan6ard Oil Co. of Calif. Miles L. To or Aa6rey Lo- ge A. W. Eruhahn i:_cvatcr Assoc. Oil George Givens Peninsula Stationers Riles L. Tohr Howe I s Har.-,-a are Standard Oil Co, of Calif Hooe' s Hardware An. ilumbinn & steam S',] .;"'l y Co. William's Hardware Tacoma 21ambing Supply 'so. Howe i_otor Go. - j i. P. Smith Lfg. Co. Paget Soun Ee;<is 00. Irs. C. S. Osborn Points— Ada & 2leasant lumber T or Bay St. repair to truck en,`Jip : wring Street Oiling gas ergin eying - WPA steno work --Street 2rojects str.. t swjeper Eas `i'rarsp. chg. for truck & bixer ta,;e--scale-pa:o. r er gir e eri ng pica & Pleasant sorcus, a_ munition, _.pipe, etc. s 1 screw triver Peters & covers bolts, screws, mails, ls, etc. curb cocks, r:eter, .11s, etc. repair to Grllcjk ?ipe q aslkot l i BRARY OU ND boobs sub. to Good Housekccying )=, Y.._. S`i'_._-.iT LID #42 (pity of ',rem., laoh. w Equip I.1und. _;rintir r 0 tion was c'�_.ly ma0e, s oconnod. and carried for ad_journ_; cnt. Jam s ,_�,A_ ro, Town Clerk � C. Hanks, Pay t July 24, 1 ? 3 9 1.26 3.59 131.92 75.00 0.% 45.00 5. 00 6.60 6.44 4.05 24.92 45.00 13.08 1.84 .46 54.32 1. 3 9' 47.97 1`7.92 1.45 5.36 4.50 1.26 The meoting .;as called to wnVer with la or• Hanks an- Co �n.cil nen Hill, Cline, '1'ho sor: and Corliss preLe,nt. Cooncilma.n Cosbey arriv 6 a fey-; : in ,.tes late. The r.:inutes of the pravious reetlnE wore �eaQ and approvedrand The Layor told ths Council that it ia:. beer dra,s'?" to his attention that some e five or six gwars ago tho Toun of Fort Orc and had ag r & to .gave a s ull niece of property at the East st : z"'d of Town ovne. y Lr. Fontaine of 11ragarla in __ burn for a deed from Mr. Pontahe to t'ho Town of Port Orchard to a stria of land in front of the Gilmore Station at the Last end. of 3ay Struct, and that to date the `f ;wn had r ,t laid the pavem nit. lifter some Ciscussion on this matter by the Knncil the Isayor suggested that the Clerk ;: e auttorized_ to check the _rinutes an r eter ire for certain that there had been such an agreement and that the teed from Mr. Fontdne had been properly recorded. He cx0rcssed ,he rj:_ inion that if th re had been s'ich an agreement, and 7..i. it had not i 1 been made so far back a, to 1e outia.:ed, and we could get s.'PA labor to Ko the uorks then i we should i ulf 5: ll our end of the a�rc e ont. Accordingly Dean Corli ss .Ft aye the Y otion th t the Clerk check the x1rutes aid _ et dl t'•-,e information he could on the matter to ra or°t at the next regular meeting o.:., the Goncal. All vote6 in favor thereof, i 530 �iscn2sion van - aor the trouoia -iver sy nQ .ator ou2cWcd rro-, We Airnanksvp,any for An Toun Oateivorks. Dean Wrlinu.c tio,.-: t at ON ulark trite L latt.r zo sho 3�r ouny in Scattle Wilin- then-, Mw thu utor nwt.& arc astir Vair o inion an to �Kut no Bhool. do to have it ;nt in W PurnirS 3on Awn a�nir. All uoto& in fuvor nhcreof. The question nan ockKht up uL to wwtnn�- L n.w jtrant whoula be cha._ W . nivcw We 10 ore at zKo Liat"..0 arnwr of the Gnurthoune, . Mr a 7.ncral Mconsion 'K was �cci z Lkut since tho M hyKrant hai to Le rnvod an& re- iniie6 a yway it ;,owld be uctt"r to install its -)lace. GonneAVar - jjWiss no,V that rldn Wens, ths -Pti� Zp� rirtement, no Irsty twa W hj a na-:: ignpa t 50 1_ iscod at the Boat q=A ;orrar of the Uourthouse. otion wnE sd Mth all utj. Ln favor .Anraof. Tor Pam a 7ottbr frori tho Tacot a G__. Goy)any nvitirE us to insanct Mir C- o 04ck nits. 74e litter was or ur.( MeO Ar furtMr veicre-wc. Me nc7or askod KDrge GivenE, Struet bnk�rintendart, for a re.opt Can too )Yonnows Df Etc strost AIAprojunt, and kv. Liverc rc.orte& nat cverynin,,_- ra. srogrnsin- un nell = 3oul? he ch)cwtV. He a0a rador:0 Kat wurk U t4f- AUVA At not qpo' ;;sin:. Se,W Mqs for :n.olirw norc tAn oo2nvc anruLt. A uLnrul discasMon fallo.j! as to the a�yiwjhiiity V . arcnawinn zasclire at wholesale 1VICCE. .. an _nPIKA stated that A vLs in favor of W Tnwn cortiruin W pur;Awae �asaliL Ee . 1P M puA ar r _ay lnE t4c wazu ;rice as the ir OvMnai Easolino aoar wu, rec-ira. to pay. He statcr that ., Mi ti a namo or pai for a .Ila e A BOVO tAn -asolive ,e Wanij rct , Ch, unn he Q14 Mt we No It Vand .041A M nnu)2ndent 3asoline on in the Town 2nd 4elv t4on by buyinj Sacol lra at t4oir p:..,c at rAar priccL. Gnan il.an Qaoi. son 2tataS that he fait the nupc a out it an Cooncilnun jariiss. or 11.0 tAn o.ut t erynted Mn too M !;= va -roAqzL a pump or 6o to ary ex_ense to Aop_ thn naline and-i offere. one or Wo of the biCs aorcof of this, shozinero one compary offoran to furnish rcturnatit W:hs an another offurtd even to Mrnich the Town Ath a quip of its Dan. Ywyor AnLs stated ihat hc felt the Town shoold he run as nconoAcaily as oossiVa anK that it should not he syrned into a Ailantcropic agency for the benefit of tA soline o"alars, He rcYt on to state that so z2re one of the fen Towns in the w3atc �Wt did not .)urchuse our nasolirn at atolosale ;rices a.d he couldn't suc: uKy Art OrcharvaL any -ifferynt fro any other Won in she State or why we Lhoulr_"l qo on u7inF MQ price. for gas Line when a.ost „very vtOr dity was bin- We Luwa thin A at a nucK loa,r orice. Concilman Cline statcd that he was in favor of' accejtME no of tho aids if it wool! not be nceessary to )urc>aso a dump or pay for a Aace to store thu gasoline, zjtciej he TV. lcr, who was grosont, SKL.. bnat, upeakinR as a tamdayer and not a rupresantative of a .oline cs. jany, A fict that fOw the VOYPO of guzolinn the Town use? it sould not pay to buy tic Uasolinc znslosalu, and he Arttr statec that the only way me could ake advartaCe I , 531 I j of the tiids :rithout violat i.ng the i`eu ral la,vs oi:rlcl be to take theusoline in 40 llon lots or riore, andd he d.icinl t ";alieve that the To, -in would find it c� r�venient j to accept the --as,61ine it such quantities .xiithout havinu a place to store it. I i i':r. Curetti, County Core,: issioner, who via present at the m_ tir: stated that if the Town used 20 =_gallons or :ore 6a ily it wou,16 be advisable to uy at vnhole-ale prices i but unless they used at least 20 gallons a :,ay there to _lc3 not be enou,h _avin- to j bother contrac.tinU for ;;holes«le price :. mob Lur Ln, the Cilr?ore ;sealer, also present at the meetir.,, states. that if the Town used a ri_'Y-ir".ur;I, or :naximurr, of three hundred. I gallons of fzasoline a -_oath, at the end of the year the saving Mould amount to approximately 130.00, vi'"ich m.,s quite a saving. The question of a loss through sh.rinkGge was brou:_;ht up and Bo.; Lurcen stated that there wo.,,.l(.n't be ov: r a pint of shrinkage in forty or fifty ;gallons of i7,asolin.e. A motion was made to consider the bids and accept one of the; , but the Council ac locired on the decision ,°rith Councilmen Cline ancc CosLey voting in f .:vor of the motion anc Councilmen fl"_-orr .son and, Corliss I voting a ;ainst it. Councilrr.an 11i.11 .-lecl.ined to ,rote. Co�_-ncilman Corliss then rr-ade a substitute ,�aotio'n to table the accepting of any bias for the presers..t and turn the bids over to the Finance, Co :'r_i ttce for further consice-•ation, the r'inar:ce Corxlitt"e to I report mask at the! n(. t regular -,cetin,­; of the Council. i Co".ncil man Hill stated that he felt there ;:las not enough. work being accomplished on Cline Street and, it v:as r_;;lai .ed to 'airy that a number of the ;� —PA carver mien ha: been laid off and,: t'n.erefoo e, the vork had been %iel.d u!) th.ere. I The. Clerk t'Yyen _,resented Ordinance No. 451 creating LIL #44 47ar the it provement of lidStreet and Pleasant ivenF�e. �.Io objections were presented and Council ran Corliss rr.a.j_e a K: ,Dt� on that the orc:irraree be adoL,tcd. L'iotion carried i,,itta all voting in favor thereof. . An inquirer Y,,ao mnac e by Clan I.arkcr -s to the ?ro ress being, twade -on the petition ! for the o_)enin--_; of 'guest Sty - et, an" he was a6vised that it was nov in the hands of the enFineei­. The Clerk ink orr,_:d the Council that it vould. be necessary to )ut -jut a call for bids ..or !raterial to l e used on the nr_�,j stret i:rr;_srover^-ents that wLr re coring u;.. Council: an Corliss .roved that a call. -'or bids for -material 'or the street im rovements be published, the bic!s to e awarded at a Special rr;eetin ; to k,e held in the Clerk' s office _,'eD _day, J1..4 3l, 1.939, at 5:30 p.,r. otion carried with 411. roti. in favor thereof. The foll_ovii.ng bills .cre ap sentoc arid. ,-.urrants or: erc l -`r�_,=sm_ th-erefor, with t'Inc fallowing e;;ceptions: (1) A. bill l rorc� ttae IlQward-Cooper Cor-_oany in the sum of `v3.06 for the painting of a sign on the Town -fixer °eras t rnec co,.Fm for the rea,,;on that the paint gob' ha,---.- not bee: au thorized by the Town. (2) A bill from. the Kitsap reed Cor,,)any in th sum of �r3. 26 or tar an(lur;rl er rra,, held !?1) for further investi ration f'or the i°eason that it w",; _rattrial used. on -_':if]-'e-rer_t projects around. the Town that has- beer•closer for s,-rt_e tirr��. (3) A �.,il.l from. T: ilc;s L. roger in the sum of y 90.00 for VnL,ine :r_ing on the street oilinf�, project ua_s h.� d ,up for further 532 invc.-t-i _ -An. -,T `U'T 1_� 6c"u" t t I 1 1 r In t s -all-ion Co. h - - -w trc i t 00 n., -A. L 2 L- . 0 p c' r -ia i:­ t,,,r q a 7)a i-)er -,.,nve1o,)_­s 1,2, . 5 t a. 11 c4 of r C, I --lare to n or C'T )r r) 1ce_ . t i n -or o, v1i t 4 63 7 V,,,rne or I i 3 s la or _)rl _Fir e I i'v, I --Cant Taco,_-- ply �,,,. f 1 0 for hy6rant L i a I . T 1. CIcrk' s-'b_ar11 o-T.. vin _8 T1 11-l"i-re Fa 1 I phones 3.95 I i':a r t in 3j: r n I a b or ) n t r n s 6. 2) 3 d ie s 2. �)3 J i:-,. "r. t -."or -1,1i L.. c YJ L-_ou(,e 00 -)ly C t D 5 1 "All --ine ': r I _Kcf; LAI-- I "I L - , ; :LrorL it j..uto 3 t e 3c Tl Verne lines lac ) n v: a t e 2.20 or c) v; A -21, I-Inc!s 11 . 0" b 2t. Orc':`10,11 -,I:- y€zLL c_e�ent-cx�,pansic, joint r;atcri,,_tl A 6,6G G. Dual r 1 I 0 r 3 c-n in c r in,-�- 00 K 43 L t f.. 1,e r 1 232 a n 3 i'M4 c 0 t -b. r c solation D T o n L, P, Dr a -r�,4-, SC on (:,G. and -..vith all-v-_,tj.m A. L% v-,,r rcof. Ha- ni k s ay o r Jt-.ly 26, L',11591 P L �c,­,tin­ Cam_: t:L -o Or' c, r Mrn --o­ Fa-!, 'ac I`:' -at e o, 'I son 5 r; t 10- _-'u t '10 t o Q 11;7- —or -n -'-at 11S L �`Clal rla(: Y):_er.. ra i tin Ile c t i on at o -f the Pn_,,-;n '­oii of theto .,n( in r c s i t d s o r t'ic '.-'tr ri t is 2 Is i on he re st- or. )f r Toyjcrl 2 7 'y T or. on(. e -- by n lA_ 1�i�iari '�'o s oe 'na t, �1( r -_ 'G-(3 Cc) ncil _.,resscd as 'a 01'", co.: A_et:. &r.­ ill,.ndcrstan :i.n,,,, of the 533. E ,.cork in hand and 8?emed to le entirely satisfied witL the work anS activities of the erginwer to 6ate. ihotion carried with all votinE in favor thereof. The question'of the rejection of the bill from the HowaN-CDopor Vom,,any in the oum of VQ3.06 for 4intinF a siFn on the Town mixer also come up, and Liles Tozer explainthat he felt the Town 2houlC have a sign on its mixer and that the 43.06 could be Nsanctcd from the amount the Town wouW have to pay on the rental of the mixer. Aftor a short discission Of the matter by the Council Councilman Hill We a motion that the bill be allowed and an amount equal to the cost of the paintinH of the sign be 6&uctef from the hourly rental when the payment is Pade, Notion carrieW with all voting in favor thereof. Motion vas duly male, seonded and carried for adjourn,ent. A. Hdnks; Mayor) July 31, 1939 321CIAL VAETIEG The meting was called to or.2r. ,pith Mayor Banks and Ocuncilman Hill, Thomason and burliss present. Flora L. Forsythe took the minuted as Deputy Town Qer: . Tho Layor oxplained that the purpose of t is special m4eting was to open the bids for matcrial to � e used on the Ltrejt V.rovenant (istricts in Town. Thene were but two 1•Ji?2 8nUitted, one from Holmberg A lorran "or the 2an? A s ravcl and the other from the ?opt Orchard Lqvber Yana for the cis ent aid expansion Joint matcrial. 1.1 CounciPan Hrlins made a zotion that these bids be acccpted; Cation carried with a 1 voting in favor thereof. rk layor 0. A M k S AN A"Cust 14, 1039 The meetinE was calla to War uith Voyor Rnks Lnd AunciWan -line, costey, Hill =6 Garliss prosent. Thu A:utes of the _jreviDuL neehinE ucry read wn6 apgroved as reat. There was a nisca.aiDn ir rtSart A the worh Wat yLs to ;e one in front of FontaineTs ZLEulire s,ation, Ve Cl it -a-,urtA zVot the minutes of some tine �ajk rcvealuo that the Strout SiperintarZont was to ao the York that had hu3n agreed to we Dne in front of long_ ina's sLation. lenn Arliss; Ar2t 2u: cshed that soye poa(.-, mix e -olled into place to take curn of this had spot, unE Wen novec ttat Lho akner rn 4e rufw�wuo to the Town onqincep to c tahnn caru of in nycr satisUctory to Lr. Pontaine. lotion ca- ried with all yot&� in fa,or thereof. Clan Wcnnj the Utor G-IOAUQLUntj �QOTQQ �&QcAties nith thu water pump uno the apor rufanrod aAcr to the 4atvr won ittuc to huve 00 punn aut in orcer 15:344 no in ._ . ±� A. or 3 ', r 0, _ ova T _ 1 VA Wined Aat J... ,_ _.n J no U . L e Lb to tie n our v in:, _ _ ff _ L --.. 4or Jo;,:.-s - 1,-w d ,or A__ .. 1: .0 e-.. _.mil nrchLam T.. ,..u. n UD_. .. -c t n 0_ W .. _. . ) _ , a ,_ 0 'k �_7 _ e 1. �1 lo, or , - rvy ,. z_ Of —j th a o. a ale to )A u._rr_. :i3_ZL. . E I i ort J"(:hu_'C'_ ,. .i ,. u._t Gc:i ll for - Ws —a. &_A e- W. Win, - 1.00 __o, ._ " ,o or .11 n tal U . u r E !E � . T", ji:L. G'., � r ._s"w . {1.''..l Wit. Pw. rsor 1 . ,S ;! � r ,J. J • ;...T.' ; ..i tan Oil w1i opy WE Paul oils Y�r%ni of . w.__ ._ -.' j ! I , 545.4., kl ' C: _ .:_ .L 1 I Hur esclacr WIme o. `y; runl ..., iarts 535 r ij .. �] .l phi e j E S o i. _'� /� 1 Ci _. i e U U o. nl'✓ w� iF 1..J . J iJ cr, ls_- Jii a+oyle' s I r�r.r, __rc lay.-II fertiliz e.r', -�_ c:1..ock 1.79 3 32 't. 0 arc lr a c, rj,.t Ou . all or is .6Q a�_�,l.y _f.al ails 2.22 'ic c,;later �;': oc. iil Co. `'usoline 1.92 arson , , r, wsnavi ,e 3.90 A:.'?_ gin._ eu:u ; ,lY _ ire 15.43 eta_c: r, l .E n ., 7 f' _ �.r,. U._1 moo. oz' �u iW . S t n e "...�li.,� 2.36. _ mete. r o c,s 5 3>'s.2J :J":.iO3" 74_.03 A. uhann la or on imter lines 1.10 Peal soX1 .. ra; s ia:°: i alj..c 21.37 Howe nal is, 1_':n.t ; 'I , -10 :, O , t • 10.46 ;l%T 1_rl cU 39.90 Iles LI. To-:2 r .InL'C_'inr 30.00 of 1)r::; an sar rr- ; e1 40.60 f ,, i:.Ot1a� v0 3 _ v T' J. rer_t� o: 1 ri C t' �. J2 -os,.�:r�': �c�o, :r• J �r' � tux o.^: r� t� �:.1 :e. :er_� � ix,h .19 &2. '4 5 eTl":i! Sri:4.QQ F 0 C I s ar'c�','Jar(V s'l o S, al'lt': E�, 11''e, ci:;C • 3,59 �.1Yn1:_� 15.00 �^-- P e a J. -_ o n ._. V r a -I I' s : .I, i�V. -. c,: :i �l 1 �_ (� e .25 fort Urcc€a r6 lnfc, er e n t ca11 a'o�' ."arc,-ti4:Y , Y'u;'c'l, �ericnt 1.33 tlii x ST . � � yam_ ri ;' i,l ,; 44 20rt oo'car.• 1I1 ''ei ciorit C a I I __ or 1C_.J, - i'_ :, ra'. el, C°.I1 =,n. 13.50 C ;-i r sa1.4 Statl.0a@_`s sCal�, t£ac � �, C'''a ". ?IS n .06 -los L. T71: i 75,00 P. J. :'tillit:_,s n 9.00 soles, s. �e, et::. 21.57 otion, vras ,,"ly a.,e, secor.c:-k2am_ ca_°ried W'or adjo-urmi cnt. I JLr s o, 'i'own C; I c. k i i 1� 44wc C.!nks, a-`o, 1._zu_st 23, 1,939 l`het•���s e°allec to or er ith M,,,, or r'_rs and :you: ,ilrren ulir:e, Cos;.�cey, Collis I:f_ 'iIii1 J'reset. Tie !' i, ut",es O" the )r,_,14, 0 U S Ct n v:G-`B rear! Pd ao,roved as rea sae c,etin; �; o gene(? jit-'-1 a 3lsc zssl0r, of tI,e a s o I i n e co,itract, anc'. it was tinat it ,,o!iid e nece,.:sary "or tkze pity to enter° 'Lr,tO a :or -tract '.;itri one o__ i he - acoline, dealf:rs in or:_'..-r to o':tain th.e lov,,er ;rice „I-edules. D'ean >riiss !:O C 1-1,nat tine City E 7XCC,Jt t(ae ? d o1 the 1r3 nr t' � ,. .: ,or=� Oil o-i�-..- _, �ar,-- enter -into s. cop_t;r:,ct ti th t''ncin. i,or the o L,acoli.-e until the 1.,st of July, 1940. .:.otion ccc:­ried ith all votin .. in favor t icreof. the Clerk road a let'te_- Iran- _r . w'on -aine of I'ra., aria in _c'e,:ar o tine ',or to be ,,one ` y the 'C i icy in iron c Oi' --is ,asoline stat-ion on I�a. Str-et. _Iaie a; ayor re r<, "'nc ... a -ter tO �'1O E r -, r_-_`cr { o -.:O h a n eQ n a a ri r e r s t i s f a c t 0 r to ilr. 536 acnr APIU2 re,.optin for nu .,_re .t � nkiny coz-intse stun& that N A,: ovor tho strot nc., no the vatc �ierr er or aluce an4 cvo: dc� that R lLf t P7 1 E ori �indl oin�h. hP. won�ey reco: uzrw th"� z4s olo siVo"aik nyxt Q VU iw�� Li Owir ; -urch e re.owN and that a fill a -)at ir On o c ;cptually, TV a t t . r, �ww Pa i.pac to the Street Syveyn-ts- ant to te tah�r =re of aton he has t o..0-tarlLy V 0 ED. fhL qi2sQon of iNkell Lill was : Xir rou,ht uA. snprViVan Hill iov;n that Oe — v; v an - the Mrk Ly a thorisen to .ork out a Sttic7CEL 0ith the ir3ocrty hoVers. Councilman 4ow cy Ln�an4ad the a4ior, an in carjnf rich, all juvnn Pan - otin in fa or Qc_eol. An �nv.-iry nas �r s y cnc of the �ann:sh an D2 to 7hothE� or not thj 'aqin� fro noMf bo aiO in inEtwilynnW, an . Ve G= ii Kc: anani-onsly �Ant all onsh. booncilran 6_it o :,via that ;= onnows e ! unt L3ant ir front o-'.1 Wu on.orls �n.�Ln"e to the ban! zilninE or a�Ljj=n gurpos2s, �otjor was o�ly L02)n CC an� VU MV �Uh all Olin in fa7or zhapeof. nos& n_t ao _Pr'-__. c-orc On Coarivil in re,ar to a n_ter nain on "Q_. a: - aO�, if the yain wa-v nt in nNtLor or :at ote rates -onld c nhe 2=3 for O�.scr s n;on thain no tney ape Cop the Toyc in vvoral. It zus soi Lei on - thL t _L. `1L,. UCjyted anc ska lishe- valley to whor vo Mc =o rates rerCiess of whuttor or L. 2 �Pw airs v.je �Li. �or y tho Ccr.vul LyRon or ty Lhe irdi�i aals. �.Kn e !Wircd Oat Kne to Me fact that Ocre Lai �win a la. c a 0"r � of r I un L: cn n oq 1 1 i " t in Ma o=-Q�n nrun to W vona to th,-; 00!sKaMn that sznn a liMin sysAn �ouW cyly "c oorkoa out -.,.7 Years of Ln LID, Lo e wLs 70 nnr�z : jhG -2y:p"! fvY6 ir in the Ment Md zo UK care o this �VoWt- TC stnV' tVt Ae Wo A 5akn aT 2 Vlont to . et the noina.s on on the struat tavvba_ ohs W iccnos nach arnposit ion nNn it =2 �KermineQ the &)oroxicnic rost of 2�n,. it = Wrwn vnt Mat ano of Esl.�ur� Q hor�anls rocks NJ Kn nd a Jnco of the ni-evalk in Zun avO the Glank waz mstynotwa to 2ontact En i �wp� �P-wv in r� :an� to Us r�qnir of the sa, a. Tho followinn U.1 e ron" ana v,;rovLd an -Lr2nnt, oria,uc ayr Lhnwfor: h. j, ILPU�2 COV07 Son! S01 john Harpiz M 1 W1 si-n E.Vicn ilon L. Knc_� P�. boanny, Lu :y 1 TV, )son' s a wiiwnury Olyz ic K on - c E01arl Qivin ..w: n-n STJ,.: ET YU-11D la o-_c%., st. in �rovw: ont jrW-0i ar lunon on sirwons 32ty IOUs MEn znvi: iu�hur for Si r-, )U chose orlep Oaks SWOM, 1L on -Cntui of lruw.­ in 0_,, M, MIKE D.00 11 r 12.00 11 if 5.5b 2.04 it it 150. Qtt 11 2. 32 0 1.. it It .00 tt if it if 4:10 537 Co. chcckin otor 13.07 i cc 5.00 i i� Lo-::-..in tsar -if or d tra : ti . t le 1.170 ,�1� :. ,ic 1_x•on c, ie�:,chi.ne ��,o� � b1Uc1- ita coal 2.04 ! 1 Loti�a_;; � �-s j.'ot r a I°se !��a i-.1c,s 1.74 - - , 3 D 1j-4 tro,7erse to le,s 1.70 UI ,T Pt Ac roe .ac;-xino irks lac ,h coal 2.04 Ot 0:: l'1=! S G�'."Z.y ".e, s` con(aed and_A,or aJ )ourn _ en1- JaY' e" -z 'T'O, TJZ"lYl; t l�3_' C. !€lr?�FS, is rpx' i i i Se :tember 11, 1939 The meeting was called to order with Mayor Hanks and Councilmen Cosbey, Cline, Hill and Corliss resent. The rn.,inute p s of the previous meeting were read and a�oproved.! The engineer) reported that he had completed the work at Fontaine's gasoline, station. The Clerk reported that he had been in contact with the property holders on Mitchell Hill and was endeavoring to work out a settlement with them. Pi.ayor Hanks 'then stated that he had been working on the Town Bud_ et and i that he was apposed to increasing the costs of the City government, that he thought the City should and could run on fifteen mills and that the people should not be req ,ired to vote any extra rr_illage for the eotr.ing year. George Sloan appeared :before the Council and stated that he was now employed i in the Navy Yard and that he would like to sell his equip: ;nt to Arthur Druhahn if the Council would approve h1r. Bruhahn as garbage collector. Councilmen Corliss then moved that we emoept PAr. Sloant s resignation and accept the appointment of Per. Bruhahn in Lis place. �:otion was cax,ried vrith all voting in Favor thereof. Mir. Toler then presented some collec�',ed data on a LID project for the lighting of the downtown area. The matter was turned over to Ross Watt to be taken up by the Port Orchard Chamber of Col..s:.erce. Ross Matt appeared for the American Legion and asked that the American Legion Flab; be raised each, morning and taken down each night by a City employee. There was some discussion on the matter in the course of which Ylr. Via_t stated that w-en the Legion fixed the plat of ground at the foot of Cline Street the City agreed that a City employee would put the Flab; out each morninL=; and take it doyen each 538 niF0. Glen Ovens, the Water Superintender_t, stated that he would be willing to put the Flag ou and take it in'on five days of the week if the Legion would take care of it the other two days. T e question of repairing_- the road to the polo field was again raised any referred to the Street & Alley Committee. `J.'he Council approved the resolution for the West Street LID for the improvement of 'hest :street from the South Margin of Melcher Street, thence Southerly to the limits of the Town of Port Orchard. A resolution of the Board of County Corgi: issioners asking; the WPA officials to than7e the Kits_: County Wa e scale and brink; it up to the Seattle scale was read by the Clerk and condurred in by the Council by unanimous vote. The followi-ng calls were presented and warrants ordered drawn therefor: Gilmore Oil Co. William's Hardware Peninsula Stationers Olym is Iron 1 Ya3 ine Wks. Howe' s Hardware Howe Motor Co. Standard Oil Co. Mile: s L. Tower Howard -Cooper 6orp. Kitsap Lumber &, Feed Bremerton Oil Delivery H. W. Jackson Machine Shore Lowman 0 Hanford Howe's hardware Pearson & Crawshav, V. 3. Caldwell Hovre's BArdware H. W. Jackson Machine Shop ArtLur Bruhahn PSP & Li7ht Co. :Martin Bjerken 1_•_ Art : 3 ur Br u ka h n PS? &, Light Co. Melvin Stedman Martin Bjerken_ Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Howe' s Hardware Kitsa)Lumber &. 2 eed Shell Oil Co. Peninsula Stationers V. B. Caldwell Peninsula Stationers Kitsap Lumber `E, Feed Co. Olympic Iron & Machine Wks. Howe's Hardware V. E. Calowell Peninsala Stationa s Kitsap Lumber w Feed Olympic Iron Machine M. Hovr e' s Hardware V. B. CalKell STREET PUND gas A oil St. Oiling lu 5.00 nails, lantern, paint, etc. St. Oiling 31.46 stationery 'r 'r 1.68 bolts, repairs, pipes, etc, St. Oiling 3.11 scythe parts 3.93 repair to equip. St. Oiling 14.57 boot & tire service 1.28 en>_;ineoring " r' 150,00 rental on grader " i' 216.00 lumber Wiest. St. (5.00) 5.96 MC #2 Road Oil -rental on roller St. Oiling 362.56 bushinSs it 6.12 slide male West Street 2.80 hammer, padlock, varnish St. Oiling 10.26 gasoline " " 8.29 desk, chair, coal St. Oiling 80r West Street 81/ 1.61 4 VN SEAT. F1 D burner, bolts, etc. Hydrant 1.63 parts for Hydrant 4.92 labor on Hydrant 3.85 street liShting 78.78 lobor on Hydrant 5.50 WAThR FUND labor on water lines 1.65 power for puitp and pump house 76.68 labor on water lines 5.50 labor on water lines 1.38 gasoline 2.46 hinges, hasp, etc. 1.17 lumber 2.80 gasoline 2.15 stationery 1.67 jesk, chair, coal .81 KIT Ss2 LID #43 stationery 1.67 lumber blacksmith coal .68 hasps .51 desk, chair, coal .81 AAA ST . & eLSASATT AVE.LID #44 stationery 1,67 lumber 13,12 blacksmith coal .68 lead wool 70 . desk, chair, coal .81 �— CLINE: ST. L11)42 Holmberg & Norman saiid and gavel 1.42.79 Gilmore Oil Co. gas & oil 18.79 Howard -Cooper Corp4 to apply on purchase price mixer 25.00 Peninsula Stationers stationery 1.67 Kitsap Lumber & Feed lumber 39.52 5remerton Concrete Products Co, sewer pipe 70.07 Pearson & Crawshaw gasoline 4.56 Olympic Iron & Pflachine Mks. blacksmith coal .68 Howe o=':otor Co. repair to truck .51 V. B. Caldwell desk, chair, coal .81 LIBRARY F`_ ND Harry Hartr,:,an books 12.55 Puget Sound News Co. books 10.18 Pion was ..ul made, seconded and carried or adjournment. c LZ� James Munro, Town rk C. A. auks, Iayor September 25, 1939 The meeting was called to order with Mayor Hanks and all Councilmen present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The meeting opened with a discussion of the 11itchell Hill project. The . Council instructed the Clerk to write a liter to the property holders inforr.ing them that the Town expected their to pay the assessments charged .against them on" the basis of the Town' s last statement to them of 61.384 per lineal foot. 3 the petition for the Ada Street water main was presented to the Council an:`, was referred to the City 'Zn ineer to be checked. The Street & Alley Commmittee reported that they had been unable to complete ay arranq eir::nts with TAIr. Caretty for the im )rovement of the road to the polo 'field. The LID for the lighting of the downtown area was Discussed. The Mayor reported that the project was originally started last year by the Council and'the Chamber of Commerce, and that he was anxious to have the project carried tnrough if it .could be done without too great an assessr_2ent against the property holders. Ross'Watt reported that he ha« contacted various property holders in retard to th.e'proposed lighting LID and that t11nose whom he ha : contacte "! were favorable toward such a project. The Xlayor stated teat there would be a lot of otter things to be considered in such a project such as the cost of removing the poles that were now in the streets, and thi re was the question as to who should. bear that cost. Harry of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company said the expense to the company incurred by sued_ a change yaould be tremendous due to the cost of putting in an underground systeri. and connecting it with i the various users. It was reported to the Council that Paul Herdiert s horse was doing considerable darnage to the oiled street by reason of the cAlks on its si-ioes tearing up small chunks of hard oil at each step taken. Council_,an Corliss moved that Pry, Herdier 'be instructed to either have the `shoes on his horse chanr,ed or keep the same off the oiled streets. The ;Mayor stated that Harry Raney haE' informed him that he thought he could £ et waivers from the property holders i'rora Melcher Street to the City Limits on Sidney for the wicenin:` of that street. 540 ttieref or: The follovaing bills v;ere rear; and approved an:", warrants crrered drawn. �. STRE' T FT! J I1'. H. ewcomb lai_or on streets Corey Johnson lator on streets St. 04.ling Je::-ry YcG"wire r► r: ►s r► ►r Chas. talker ►► It �► r► tt lilelvin Stedman tr ►t it It It R. 0. R ur c e l l r14 r► rr t► rr W . E. Parsons rr t► it tt Verne , unce IF It rt It n IN., 0. Curtis ►► if ►r ►► ►► Dal 1,11hite r� ►� rr n r► Herber°t Theisen �r r► n u ►► Howard -Cooper Corp. sale,_ tax on rental grader St. Oiling I,1-1les L. To-�,;er en ine ring It it Howe .otor Co. tires & tubes t► rt Pac. Coast JSta: p 1. ks. nur►zbering machine tr " 1.30 - best Street 1.27 Litche11, Levis 8c :Staver Co. clutch facing, pilot I rg. -St. Oiling Lovnian & Hanforcl office sup plies it it 16.09 i st St. 16.06 Pac. 'Tel. w Tel. Co. Street sweeper phones C'E!,` i�!Et T., FUNS? .T'1TER 1JOD Pete Nuernber�---er lax ;or Pac. Tel. w Tel. Co. ph ;neV F. J. ri;filliar�s instru entrrran-vtk. on fic lcl 1`ks. ?nc. Coast Stamp Wks. numberin machine Lowman &- Hanford office supplies Tacoma Plumbing Supply Co. adapters, curb cocks, erj. etc. Prederick & Ee.ls on Lowman '; Hanford Coast Stamp ks. Hoirard-Cooper Corp. Pac. Coa:__t Stamp olks. Lowi►°an 8Z hanford Low?3j.an &: Hanford Pac. Coast Stal-p LI'EMARY FUND hocks CL-1-11L ST. LID #42 office sup _;lies numbering machine sales tax on rental mixer AEA ujT . u :' i �ii 2'iT i0 -1" . L L� #44 nwmber ing machine office sup -,,lies YITSAP LID #43 office supplies Y uU, oer ins ma chin e ,°: otion was do.ly ace, secornded and cal-ried for adjournment. Ja s i nro, To1,in Cler 22.00 40.50 . 3.30 1.10 1.65 .55 1.65 5.50 1.10 27.20 4.40 4.32 150.00 t-5.52 L1)2l;CiAL FI]i 21111G N Octob,�r 2, 1939 The meetin ., was called to order with i'.ayor Han),,s and Councilmen Cosbey, Corliss, Th,)nq)Son and Hill present. 2.57 26.49 32.15 11.00 1'7.65 2.20 3.50 9.00 1.27 16.06 16.64 7.96 16.06 1.27 .50 1.27 16.06 16.06 1.27 The meeting; again opened with a discs_ ;sion of l:Ti tc, ell Hill. It was duly roved, seconded and carri d that the Clerk notify the interested parties on ,itc:E.ell Hill that a hearing would be held on the a--ove matter at the reF;'..lar meeting of the Council on 4cto'bQ11 9, 1939, at w ich time they should be present to p esent any inforitation or jata that t'',iey i ht have bearing upon the question of the 541 assessment on Mli tc h;eill Hill. The lv?ayor then called for the hearing on the improvement of 'nest Street. There was a ;eneraldiscussion by the property holders and the Council followed by the passing; of Ordinance No. 452 for the improvement of said Street. The Council t1nen passed a Resolution bud-geting the HI`,hZ-liay funds for a two- year period and. the; Council then appro�ed a Resolution setting aside '41000.00 of the funds to be derived from the Hi hway Re°ir°nbursement Fund for the oiling of certain streets in the Town. The Council, then instructed the Clerk to investigate the insurance carried on the Town trucks and, if found -to be satisfactory, to pay for the same. There was a' discussion on the question of putting hard_ oil on Sidney Street from Delay to Division. The Council instructed the engineer to use his best judE_;ement in re6ar6 to that project. The Mayor then announced that Glen Oiaens, the :Water Superintendent, was going to work in the Navy Yard and would like to be .relieved. ,f his duties for sixty days. The motion was then' made, seconded and. carried that Pair. Oy ens be .-relieved, of his duties and Ceor;Je Givens be placed in complete cnar'_;e of both -:apartments with an inerea:-e of y�25.00 fter month, with 4�100.00 from the Nater Department and t50.00 from the Street Department. The Council then passed a Resolution provic_ing that a charge of y1.50 be placed against the water bill of each person wino requests that a met r be tested when that meter is found to be in good working condition. There was t'h.en a long discussion as to the advi.sibilit,y of calling; j'or an election for extra millage to be used for the improvement of the Park and b_ying of street equipE_ent. A resolution was passed providing; for the subrri tting to the people the question of voting two ext--a rr_ills for buying street equipment and one mill for the in-,orovernent of the Town Pars,. An Ordinance approving the proposed Bud et was �:'guly adopted b, the Council. Motion was duly made, second and caa�ried for adjournment. Jame 06ro, Town Gera Hanks, 1f yor Octo -er 9_, 1939 The :reetino came to orf:er with Councilmen Cosbey, Corliss, Thompson. and Hill. and Cline present. In the absence of Yayor C. A. Hanks Dean Corliss was named acting Mayor. The minutes of the previous meeting werc, read and approved as read. The meeting opened with a 11-_iscussion of i.7itchen Hill. A member of the firm of Roberts & Skeel appeared for the property holders on Priitchell Hill arl objected. to the assessments that had been Lvied against them and asked that some plan be worked out whereby the matter. could Lie settled to the satisfaction of all concerned. TF,ere was a eneral discussion at the end of v,i'_ich time it,us moved and carried that we hold a special ricetin on Friday, the 13th, to again discuss the VIitc'riell Hill project 542 with the property holders concerned. The Clerk was requester: to make up a list of the warrants that haCll been issued a:�ainst the project• and to endeavor to brin ; C. R, Smith, the an;�;ineer in clLEarg'e, to the Friday nit--;ht inecting. The Council instructed the en;-;ineer to seal -coat that Ix:: rt of Sic_ney Street that i.n ais judgerr_ent eoul_c -;e improved by a seal --coat. A resolution: for the improvement of Ada Street by the 1<:: yin; of a vrater r,_ain eras drily passed by the Council. A .r_otion ,I d}.l r ::r.a_:_e, second ed and carried that Sidney Street be cresi�;nated an arterial hip hvra'. i� o. Childers, a c�rope�=ty holc�_er on Cline Street, appeared befora the Council and asked if he could have the -permi _,s7 on to . ove the dirt on Cline Street in front of his rojerty. ,files Toraer stater, that no harm would result from such action. The Council duly ;_;ranter 1.r. Uliilc_ers that riF ht. The followin. bills were p -esented and warrants or.eere(3 dravan therefor: SriR_a`{` "` Yl V,iles L. Towern"inecrin i.Titcflell 15.00 Gil! ore Oil Co. ,'as oil St. Oiling; 1-5.11 Ilerbert Theisen labor rr It 2.20 H. ;'u'. Jackson :iacY ine Shop bl€ alcs!i_ .th wal, shaft parts, etc. St. Oiling; 19.99 Penins. la Stationers stationary " .86 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. a;; ec oil 6.15 W. F. PruY=arir_ Iaoor -tiprover_,_nt 4.40 C;. Tn rson lall-or " It 5.25 Howe T::otor Co. repair to ecu_i.p. 90.1 bill es L. lovaer en,,ineering St. Oiling 90.00 `. E. Lanier insuran e on truck 20.35 G uHAL i.'U YI) LiAre'L,er Supply 1um or Fire Hall .91 Duke Electric Co. plugs, -lobes, cord. .,ire Da t. 2.50 Reina 14. Osborn, Co. Trews., Kitsap Co. Pa;T� cnt on Contract No. 169, _urchase of County land 9.32 Howe' Is i7ardir.are a:_:bestos Fire Hall .50 dT Howe4 s Har: v-jare tub=sn , pipe, etc. 4.44 Tacoma Plunibin" Su -ply cable 6.33 Shell Oil Co. asoline 2.05 Gil«:ore Oil Co. It 9.96 Am. Plum',: inl-w -steam Supply coils 91.32 City of rerr=. lvr3achinery (1'-� Equipment r'und pr�_nts 3.42 Hi.ce llectric Co. electrical sup lies 6.21 Peninsula :-tationers stationery .31 4yi11iarns ii&x'-;!ax°e nails, bolts, etc. 6.89 Rice Electric '�%o. electrical supplies 120. 19 F. E. Lan, er insurance on truck 20.35 CI, Ids 1:; Sl . L -E L140, 42 Peninsula Stationers stationery .81 Carl Lundberg, labor 34.30 KITSA2 >S`l'. Lli� #43 Peninsula Stationers stationery .81 ADA ST. 2LLASA'-T AVE. LID #44 Penins-la Stationers stationery .81 Town of Pt. Orchard:, St. Fund reim. rforadvance 121.23 4LE6T Sl . Lii.' -#45 "ilex L. `.rower on incF r ng 45.00 Peninsula Stationers stationery .61 Lumber Supply lumber ` .51 543 SPECIAL L-L. 'ING October 13, 1939 The meeting was called to order with I-ean Corliss, as acting mayor, and Council -en Cosbey, Hill and Thompson present. Yr. Flemin=., Ainsworth, Stark and u�illiarr.s, property holders of Mitchell hill, appeared and joined in a general discussion of the cost of the project. Miles Tower, City* Engineer, presented two estimates. of the cost of that project, one based upon the actua amount expended by warrants and the other on the cost of the project based upon the actual measurements of the material used. Councilman Thompson rrov d that the Council adopt the estimate -based upon the actual meas -cements that of the amount of material used-and/the property holders be billed for the same. Councilman hill seconded the motion and it was -duly carried. T meeting adjourned. i James r: nro, Town e k hanks, Ma or i COUPCIL MINUTES October 23, 1939 The meeting was called to order with Dean Corliss as Acting Mayor dur- ing the absence of'�:sayor Hanks. All Councilmen were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. George Giveno appeared before the Council and stated that there was a leak on Brownie IIal1's water line and that there was some question as to.whether the li4 had been installed by the Town or by a private individual. After a general di$cussion of the question the Council agreed that Ms. Givens should repair the line in this particular case. The Acting Lis,yor then called Councils attention to the fact that all members of the Council should keep in mind the question of the Town's future water supply as the `.Coen was steadily growing in size and during the peak of the last season the wells were just supplying enough water to supply the needs of the Town. There was a general discussion of prospective sites and the advisability of digging deeper wells. 3eorge Givens then called the Councils attention to the fact that Arthur Bruhahn vas; willing to pay $3.00 apiece for the: old tires that had been taken off thedump truck. The motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the tires be sold to Arthur Bruhahn for $3.00 apiece. The following bills were read and all were approved with the exception of one telephone bill which was held up to be checked as tolong distance calls and paid if 411 viere found to be correct. - �`` I GEi3 ERAL Pt. Orchard Independent notice of budget, Ord, accepting, 7.O5 PSP & Li:�,,ht Co. Street Lighting 78.78 Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. phones 11.30 54.4 WATER � Palmer Supply Co. curb stops 13.15 Day F. Senter Labor and bearing for motor 19.00 Pt. Orchard Independent call for warrants 1.80 gitsa.p Auto Freight frei,ht on castings 1.00 I'Till & Mine supply valve box and lids 15.30 Am. Plumbing & Steam Supply intermediates for meters 14.8$. A. A. McTavish labor on water lines 10.45 M. H. Newcomb painter 37.95 � Martin Bjerken labor on water lines 3.30 PSP & Li,.ht Co. power for pump & ;.:ump house 59.07 STREET Lowman & Hanford transit glass St. Oiling 1.56 Howe tlotor Co. tires and tubes St. Oiling 85.52 Arthur Bruhahn street sweeper 5.50 Chas. R. Watts Co. street signs 1.7.50 Miles L. Tower engineering St. Oiling '01000 Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard streets post, material for bridge 6.75 Miles L. Tower engineering Ada St. Water Main 15.00 ADA ST. & PLiJASAI T AViNTJE LTD IdO. 44 Lowman & Hanford transit glass 1.56 Pt. Orchard Independent resolution re: Ad.- St. 7.�;5 NEST ST, LID TO, 45 Port Orchard Independent resolution, Ordinance No. 45 43.20 Lowman & Hanford transit glass y.56 Miles L. Tower engineering 45.00 KITSAP Sal. LID #434 Lowman & Hanford transit glass 1.56 CLINE ST, TJID T O, 42 Low n & Hanford transit glass 1.56 E Ja s hfunro , own C erk . A. Han s , or SPECIAL h ETIi The meeting was galled to order with the ' ov Mayor and ber 6, 1939 all Councilmen, with the exception of Councilman Thompson, present. L The meeting was called to order for the purpose of receiving bids on the sale of a grader and the following bids were submitted: Howard-Uoopor Corporation offered =-300.00 on the grader to 'be applied to the purchase of a new grader by the Town of Port Orchard. Finholm & Carlson made a laid of :�210.00, and Mr. Studebaker of Shelton, Washington, bid 20J.00. The Council accepted the bid of the Howard -Cooper Corporation in the sum of $300.00 to be applied on the purchase of a new grader. The Clem. called the attention of the Council to the fact that the fare insurance on the p'amp house and the equiprnent had expired and it woula be ne- cessary to pay the premiums fox another Period of time, and the Council request- ed that the policies be brought to the next meeting in order that it might be determined what the nature of the policies and whether or not it was advis- able to maintain the insurance. J es T%Punro, l`ovr . Clerk A. Hen Mayor The meeting was called to order with hayor Hanks and Councilmen Cline, Hill, and Corliss,present. The minutes of the previous meeting; were read and approved as read. The question oaf whether or not the Town should renew the fire insurance on the pumping plant was brought up for discussion and it was duly moved and carried that the matter be tabled. The question of Mitchell Hill was again brought up for discussion and referred to the Clerk to be settled by him. i The motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the annual caucus for the nominatin s of candidates be held on November 20th at p.m. and that the Ulerk should give notice of the same. The Mayor called for a hearing on the Ada St. & Pleasant Ave. Water Mains. There wash general discussion on the question leo by Ross Watt, who stat<Yd that the en ineer had explained certain figues to him since the pre- liminary assessment had been made and that he was of the opinion that the project was -_,,oin'!to cost just about the amount that had been proposed when the petition was presented and for that reason he did not have any objections to the creation of the District. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the Town pay for the cost of the tee and a valve to connect the new main into the Sidney Street main and that the Town supply to the District a used fire hydrant with the understanding that any repairs to the same to be borne by the District. An ordinance for the Ada St. & Pleasant Ave. water main was regular- ly passed by the Council. The question of painting the water tank was again discussed and it was decided by the Council that the tank should be inspected and some decision made as to whether! or not it should be painted at this ti:rne. `.L'he Water Juper- intendent was accordingly instructed to investigate the question of painting; the tank and report back to the next regular meeting. A resolution was passed setting aside certain funds to be received by the .'own from gasoline tax revenue -co be used for improving the streets of the Town. the following bills .ere read and warrants ordered drawn therefor: CLITIE 6T. LID NO, 42 William's Hardware form wire 1.35 Lowman & Hanford desk 4.73 0. S. Whitmore labor 3.UU Gilmore Oil Co. gasoline .93 Town of Port Orchard, St. fund trick & grader rental 46.00 Kitsap Lumber & FeOd lumber 4.04 Howard -Cooper Corp rental of mixer 10.71 Holmberg & Nor man sang & gravel 2..19 H. W. Jackson r.-la.chine Shop parts for machinery 1.6: KITSA.P ST. LIL NO. 43 Lowman & Hanford desk 4.7: i 546 ADi4 ST. & PLEASAr,'i AVE. AIL 1'0. 44 Lowman & Hanford desk Riles L. `rower engineering WEST Si'. LID NO. 45 Lowman & Hanford Town of Port Orchard, St. Fund Mrs. Mary B. Peterson Puget Sound News Co. Lowman & Hanford H.- G. Buscher Arthur Bruhahn Gilmore Oil Co. Miles L. Tower Miles L. Tower Geor;e 'Worten Puget Sound Ravi ation Co. Peter Freeman Charles Elmore Bremerton Oii Deliver Howard -Cooper Corp. (St. Cilin- 156.06 Hitsap Lixnbcr w Feec II. �. Jcr:ckson "achine :shop Willia_: s Hardware William's Hardware Lowman & Hanford M. H. Newcomb 0. S. �i'Ihitmore Tacoma Plumbin.J 6upp::_y Howe's Hardware Palmer Supply Co. Howe Yoto: Co. Rice Electric Co. Seattle Auto Frei ,-,ht Pen.nsu'.a Stationers Piston Service Inc. Yiles L. Tower Gilmore Cil Co. `iaco a=Lunbin,; 0upply Co. Lowman & Hanford Gilmore Oil Co. James Itanro, 'Town Clerk Palmer Supply C o . Water's Specialties Pt. Orchard Transfer Thompson's Stationery R. S. Hayward Co. jtandard Oil Co. of Calif. Duke Electric Co. Howe ]Motor Co. Chas. Hackinson desk reim. for advance LI BFARY FUND renewal sub. to Am. Boy books STRE.Iff 1U'I desk labor on sidewalks street swet-per gasoline 5t. Oiling 45.87 Polo Field 2.79 engineering Ada St. Water Yain engineering St. Oiling blasting powder St. Oiling RT to get tra.tor-St. Oiling hauling gravel St. Oiling riau.l.ing gravel 6t. Oiling rental of roller ba_l'ance on MC #2 road o:.i--St. Cilin: rental ;racer for 6ept.---0Q1- rental mixer fur Iu_nb-.:r St. Oiling repair to graaer St. Oilln spikes- looe St. Ol�ing 4ATER FUDD paint, elll., union desk painting pump house labor ells, flan --in-, tools 6tove oil, enamel, etc. ells, pipe, etc. service call, fuel pump replace bearin on motor express charges pads, binders white ra)s en-, n eeri r.g wlndo,vo cleaner & gasoline corp cocks : ada:ters GENERAL FUND desk gas (policing St. Halloween) stamps parts for Hydrant manila envelopes wood for Town Hall guides & journal papers marshall'.s bond battery -Fire 3)ept. globes for Fire Hall gasoline -Fire Dept. cleaning windows of Town Hall (Halloween) 4.73 45.00 4.73 40.::4 1.50 4.73 4.40 5.50 46.66 u0.00 �-0.00 11.10 2.23 u8.90 25.65 5e.72 .2v 1.04 1.33 4.77 17.60 3.00 7.67 �3.15 2.77 10.00 2.21 11.58 4.85 bo. 00 3.68 10.7' 4.73 2.33 5.00 14.51 3.88 6.10 . 06 5.00 6.13 .92 .47 .50 547 I CAUCUS MINUTES November 20, 1939 f The meetingwas called to order by James Munro, Town Clerk, who called for nominations for a Chairman. R. J. earetti was elected and as Chairman called for nominations for Secretary. Guy L. Wetzel was elected Secretary. J. M. Peterson .was nominated for the office of City Treasurer, unapposed, and D. IT. Corl.iss,, M. H. Thompson and W. E. Cosbey were nominated for the offices of City Councilmen. The ticket was designated the Citizen's Ticket and the Chair appointed C. Guy VV,etzel; H. L.;Hanley and James R. Pattison a nominating committee to till vacancies that might occur. November 27, 193J The meeting was called to order with Mayor Hanks and Councilmen Thomp- son, Cosbey, Hill and Ccrliss present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The meeting opened with the opening of the bids for material for the Ada St. & Pleasant Ave. water main. Six bids --,,,ere submitted. The Council then heard�an agent of the Johns -Danville Co. discuss the merits of Transite pipe, a product of the Johns -Manville Co. After an examination of the bids Councilman Thompson moved that we accept the bid of the Pacific 'rater 'forks Supply for those materials needed by the water district. Mayor Hanks'then read a letter from the Secretary of Commerce asking for the appointment of a citizen's committee to rouse the interest of the - Town in the comin4 census campaign in order that all industries -and interests might be properly'listed. The Mayor appointed the following people to be members of that committee: Joe Knowles, Dr. H. E. iiilson, Mrs. Joe Kearney, Leila Wordby, Rosh Watt. George Givens reported that with a committee of the Council he -had examined the Town'water tank and that Dr. Tower had talked to Seattle's Assistant Superintendent of Water, Findley, and that they had come to the conclusion that toe tank should not be painted until weather permitted its being perfectly day at the time of paintin.:,. Findley of the Seattle Department had •renommended the use of a special preparation of red lead it was reported. Dean Corliss then moved that painting of the water tank be postponed until tide weather permitted. Motion carried. It was then duly moved, seconded and carried that George Givens investigate the cost of an automatic control switch for the new tank and report back to the Council. The question of renewing the sidewalk on the North side of Bay Street and of installing lights on Bay Street was a::-ain brouTht up for discussion. It was duly moved; seconded and carried that the property holders interested 548 in said projects tie notified to appear at the next Council meeting for the purpoUe of discussin these questions. The question was then raised as to whether or not the mown should supply culverts in those instance: where a private driveway was being con- structed from a piece of property across a drainage ditch to a Town street. Aftor a general discussion it was decided by the Coune._l that the cost of such culverts should be borne by the property holder who desired to construct a driveway. The following bills �e.,ere read and ap;proved and warrants ordered drawn therefor: CLINE ST. LIP PC?. 42 Chas. Elmore labor Carl Lundberg labor Howard Cooper Cor:* rental of mixer ADA ;3! . & PLEASALI t' AVE. LID PO. 44 Carl Lundberg labor Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard lumber Tn. of Pt. Orchard, St. Fund grader rental iVEST ST. LID NO. 45 Town of Pt. Orchard, St. Fund truck hire Carl _,aundber- labor Miles L. Power engineering Cline St. LID No. 42 reim. for pipe -ADA 6T, WATER MAID LIE 110. 46 Chas. Elmore City of Bremerton, General Const. 'un d Mill & Yine Supply Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Am. Plumb i rg & Steam Supp .y Corey Johnson P. S. P. & Light f Martin Bjerken 0. S. iihitmore John N. Harris Lowman & Hanford Co. H. G. Buscher Howard -Cooper Corp.. Arthur Bruhahn 0. S. Whitmore Carl Lundberg Miles L. Tower Ft. Orchard Lumber Yard Howard -Cooper Corp., Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Pt. Orchard Lumber -Yd. P. S. P. & Light Co. es&:nro, TT:er Labor prints WATER FU14D Deter boxes phones meters & gaskets labor power a or puimp & pump house labor lantern man STREET FUDD labor guide labor rental on grader street sweeper lantern man labor engineering lumber rental of mixer GENERA -� MID phones lumber for Fire Hall 5.40 7.20 4.59 7.20 43.55 11.00 30.00 64.00 105.00 26.23 27.00 1.16 22.89 3.39 71.64 1.65 62.52 4.95 1.10 4.13 2.20 27.54 6.60 6.60 3.60 45.00 4.57 4S�'.20 22.06 N.13 rlA_7A 549 December 110 1939 The meeting was called to order with I%I yor Hanks and all Councilmen present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. ?Mayor Hanks opened the meeting and asked if there was anyone present who had any matter they wished to bring before the.Council. There being no response from the audien:e Geore Givens reported that he had asked for bids on an automatic switch for the water tank, but there had been no offers sub- mitted to him at this time. Mayor Hanks then brought up the question of the sidewalk on the forth side of Bay Street and stated that the condition of the present walk was such that it was impossible to repair it as the timbers supporting the same had rotted to such an extent that they would no longer hold spikes. He stated that at this time we have WPA labor available and a project could be worked out with the least amount Of expense to the individual property holder. He asked the .people who were interested in the project to bear in mind that we were still working for a newistreet in front of the Town and that with the opening of the Varrows Bridge thb State of Washington would undoubtedly be interested in finding a way to ;et around the Town of Port Orchard in order to avoid the Town traffic. Heladdeci that the City Engineer was interested in the project and was going to make a trip to Olympia this week to investigate the possibili- ties of the project being built by the State of uashington. He mentioned that regardless off whether or not the new street was put in the present side- walk on Bay Street would have to be reconstructed as it could not wait until the new street was put in. He touched upon the question of a lighting project and stated that Mr. Dingle and Rr. burke of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. have shown to him the plans of the Phanges that would be required by the lighting project in so far as the Puget Sound Power & Li-ht Co. was concerned. He told the Council that the men repr6sentin;v the company felt that if the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. was required to put in a much larger investment in the Town of Port Orchard thatthey should be entitled to an extension of their present franchise in orde'r that they might have an opportunity to realize a return upon their investment in the Town. The Mlayor pjointed out that we must constantly keep our eyes looking forward and seek sways and means to improve our community or we would no longer continue to exist as a Town. He then called upon Niles Tower, the City Engineer, to explain the different plans 'or the construction of a new sidewalk and the relati-ve costs of the same. Ix.� Tower said that a guess as to the cost if put in with con- crete would be fto-.n 3.50 to $4.50 per foot, and that if laminated wood were S 550 used, the cost would be from 1.5 to less per running foot. He stated that a concrete walk would last forever and the most that one could expect a wood wa'_k to last would be about fifteen years. Jack Kiernan, speaking for himself and Judge Yakey, stated that he was satisfied with the laminated construction similar to that in front of the P,°ayor's building. Cars. Ainsworth said that he was intere-ted in a guarantee as to the cost of the project; that he would like to sere a more definite estimate of the price made. ,_rs. =i Ldred Cohen staLeu that she wou._d like to see the wall. constructed of lat.Unated wood. Mr. Fontaine of Fragaria _aid that he felt the walk in so-ne places was as ;o-ood as the buildings adjoining it, and that if a concrete walk were put in and a fire were to destroy the building, the entire walk would be ruined by the fire, whereas, if a wood walk were put in, the loss would be somewhat less. Elmer England stated that some of the; walk has a goud foundation under it and would not have to be replaced and that he felt a wood w«lk should be constructed. Mrs. Lindquist said that she would like to see a new walk put in if it was not too expensive. Carl Ainsworth then inquired if it was going to be necessary to reconstruct the walk in those pl.oes where it was already in good condition and he was informed that it would not be neces-;ary to do so. Dean Corliss stated that he a,reed with fir. Fontaine that it would not be wise to put in a concrete wall, that misht possibly be destroyed by fire. Council- man: Cline stated then -that he would like to see concrete posts put under the sidewalk instead of piling; that he had seen such a sidewalk in Olympia, but he did not know b,hat the cost would be as c:;mpared to tyre cost of piling. Mr. Fontaine then suggestea 'the use of creosote piling. Alan Totten, who had not been at the earlier part of the me --.tin-, was called on :nd stated teat he was in a different situation than some of the people due to the fact that he had a r_taining wall at tiie end of hi::: building and the expense of a concrete walk would be a great deal less as far as he was concerned, and he preferred to put in concrete. The Clerk then stated that he had received a letter from Mrs. Andrews and that she preferred the concrete if the cost was not too great, and that hss. Applegate, who was notable to be preset-t, had also stated her preference for a concrete walk. The Mayor then called z`or a vote of the interested citizens the question of whether or not they wanted a Local Improvement District created for the builaing of the sidewalk. There was a :general discussion and Carl Ainsworth moved that each property holder be allowed to put, in his own sidewalk according to specifications by the City and within a limited time presLribed by the City. The motion wa seconded by 1srs. Cohen and carried with all interested property holders voting in favor of the same. Councilman Corliss tAen raised the question as to who was going to pay the cost of engineexin,. After a gener♦l discussion Dean Corliss moved that the specifications for the walk would be prescribed by the Street and Alley 551 ; Committee of which;Mr. Cosbey was a member. The motion was seconded by Council- man U�hompson and carried with all Councilmen voting in favor therof. Jack Kiernan asked that he be allowed four months in which to construct the sidewalk in front of the YaYey property. Councilman Cline made a motion that the property holders be allowed four months for the project. The motion was duly seconded and carried. Mrs. Joe Kearney appeared before the Council and stated that there was a dog in their neighborhood that had become a nuisance by tearing the clothing of the children, chasIng cars and barking at all hours of day and night; that on a couple of occasionq it had bitten her children. Mr. Langer was called upon and stated that he felt the same way in regard to the dog; that it had become a nuisance in the nelghborhood. It was pointed out that the dog belonged to W. J. Hauschii.d, and the Council duly adopted a motion that 16. J. Hauschild be notified that the Council had decided the dog was a nuisance and that it would be necess:_ry for t*em to either keep the dog chained up or get rid of the same. The Mayor then called upon Harold Hanley to report what progress had been made with the street lighting petition. Mr. Hanley stated that the response had been very favorable but due to t...e X^,as trade they had been unable to do mach about the samb in recent days. Mr. Dingle of the Puget ;pound Power & Li_;ht Co-. called attention to the fact that the poles being used by the Power company and the Telephone compary were jointly owned by the two companies, and that the Telephone company Should be notified that the' Council had decided to have the poles removed. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter in regard to the same. The Clerk called the attention of the Council to the fact that it was necesstary to set a'date for a final hearing on the 'hest Street Improvement and asked that the same be set on the 8th day of January, 1I.-A-0. It was accordingly moved, seconded anal carried. Councilman Hpll then asked if the City desired to keep the small concrete mixer that it owned, and Councilman Cline moved that the mixer be retained by the City. Motion carried. The Bills were then read <.Lnd approved with the exception of the bill of Geore Blanchard for a new glass supposed to have been broken by the Fire Dept. The Council decided to refer the bill of Mr. Blanchard to the Fire Dept., and if they, believed the window was broken by them, the bill would be paid by the City, otherwise the bill would be rejected. Mayor Hanks then stated that the Fire Dept. was one: of the finest things the City had; that he felt he owed them i a great deal; that; they had on one occasion put out a fire that had started in his building, and he wished to donate the sum of 20.00 to the Fire Dept., and accordingly he gale to the Clerk the sum o:- ;20.00 to be given to the Fire Dept. 55� ADA SYT* & PLEASAI.T AVENbE LID NO. 44 Miles L. Tower engineering 76.00 Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard lumber 1.00 Kitsaap County Road Dist. No. 4 rent on bulldozer 16.00 Pac. Waterworks Supply Cu. lanterns 10.71 WEST STREET LID i!C. 45 Kitsap County Road Dist. No. 4 rent on bulldozer 136.00 Peninsula Stationers. ;kale .3.31 ALA STREET WATER IaID LID NO. 46 Miles L. Tower engineering 30.00 Pac. 4aterworks Supply Co. Lanterns 10.71 Town of Port Orchard, Street Fund reirn. for advance 75.00 CLIVE STREET LID DO. 42 Holmberg & Norman sand & gravel 62.12 William's Hardware form wire, wick::, lantern & plyers, etc. 13.08 Standard Oil. Co. of Calif. pearl oil 7.i6 Kitsap County Road Di-t. i'o. 4 rent on bulldozer L1;.00 WATER FUND P.S.P. & Light Co. power for pump & pump house 65.98 Gilmore Oil Co. gas & oil 6.51 Howe's Hardware night latch keys, nipple, stove oil, ells, etc. 6.66 Am. Plumbing & Steam Supply couplings, ells, bolts, meters 87.56 William's Hardware plyers .51 Stevenson's Furniture shades, stool 2.08 Marchmann & Williams, Inc. drill & tap for tapping machine 10.30 Tacoma Plumbing :�urply running rope 3.31 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. oil, tire service 1.40 Seattle Auto Freight Co. freight charges. 1.87 Till Q_ Mine Supply Co. sledge, saw blades ',FZ E .r' L FUN P.S.P. & LigI'-Lt Co. street li__ting 78.78 Geo. Blanchard rein. for damages to window by Fire Dept. (checked ana found to be O.K.) 6.29 Mrs. Selina Honey cleaning Town 1.1all 2.50 E. T. Harris election officer 6.25 W. W. Alderman "T f 6. w5 Mrs. Alary B. Peterson YY 6. 5 Howe's Hardware nails, lads, brushes 2.47 S TRE12 FU ND H. N. Jackson !%chine Shop equip. repair 8.67 Howe Rotor Co. " Y' 21-12 Howe �-rotor Co. Yi 7Y 12.�6 Lowman & Hanford Co. voucher forms 3.16 Gilmore Oil Co. gas & oil 4v.bl Standard Stations,Inc, tire repair 1.02 Standard Oil, Co. of Calif. t1ire repair 1.02 Miles L. Tower engineering 115.U0 Motion was dull, made, seconded and cara-iea for adjournment. mes r,.:unro,-'T%wn uie �., December 26, 1v39 The meeting was called to order with Mayor Hanks and Councilmen -Cline, Corliss and Thompson present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The Mayor opened the meetin,� by mentioning that we had with us Mr. C. R. i Woods, `:,anager of toe Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, and that we.were interested in hearing from him in regard to the Towns removal of the poles on Bay Street owned, a.b we unaerstood, by the telephone company and the Puget Sound Power & Lightl Company. Mr. Woods explained that the poles were owned i jointly and the expo nse of maintaining the same was a joint expense; that he i had had the matter investigated by the telephone company's engineer and that they reported that the changes could be made without too great an inconvenience to the company. He!stated that the telephone company was glad to cooperate ilith -.the frown of Pof,t Otrchard in an improvement that would lend toward the beauty i of the Town. At th1e conclusion of her. Wood's remarks the Council, by a unanimous vote, expressed their thanks to Mr. 'Woods and the telephone company for their attitude and spirit of cooperation. The !b%yor reported that the Town Engineer had been to Olympia in regard to the new street and that on his trip there he learned definitely teat there were no plans at this time for a highway to go across the back of the Town of Port Orchard, and tIat the highway department of the State considers our new str::et a feasible pIrojest when the financing arrangements '::ay be worked out. George Givens' reported that he had received two offers from local i i electricians to ins al.l an automatic electric switch on the water tank. He said that one elect"Cician would put the switch in for $75.00 and that the other wanted $92.0U for the same job. `xeor�re Cline stated that he had talked to a Bremerton electrician and that he was not interested in supplyin- the snitch. Rex Thompsfln moved that George be permitted to have the new switch installed. Motion carried with all voting in favor thereof. Virgil Parks appeared before the Council and asked what was going to be done in front of hid house. He stated that the water lines were now exposed and that he was in muddle in regard to the whole thing. George Givens said that the water pipe was exposed because it was contemplated that a wall wou,-d be put in there, bit that the plans had been changed and hence the dirt had -fallen away from toe water pipe. The Mayor referred the matter to the water committee to invest gale the same in conjunction with the water superintendent and the engineer and to report back to the Council, and to Mir. Parks. The Mayor stated tiiaL, there had been a lot of lanterns des troyed on the work projects. It vi as duly moved, seconded and carried that the City put up a reward of 010.00 for information leadin to the arrest and conviction of any person found tampering with, destroying; or Carr„ink; away any of the warning lights owned by thefTown. 554 The following bills were read and a_- proved and warrants ordered drawn therefor: William Frank A. A. YbTavish H. G. Buscher W. F. Bruhahn Fred Yieth Yiles L. Tower Yiles L. To�,:er Hoods Can�i Auto Freight Am. Pl-i:mbing & Steam Supply Tacoma PlunbinE Supply Co. Martin Bjerken Corey Johnson 0. S. Whitmore Town of Pt. Orchard, St. Fund STREET FUND cleaning catch basins L treet sweeper street sweeper cleaning .;utters powder monkey engineering WATER FUFD engineering re i �ht -alvpipe wipers for -lass on meters labor labor labor reiin. for advance GEN E.RAL FUND 5.50 6.60 4.95 2.20 6.00 45.00 30.00 1.54 16.11_ 3.67 5.50 4.40 9.60 18.67 J. Y. Peterson stationery, rental on safety deposit box, etc. 6.63 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Marshall's phone, fire Hall's, Town Hall's, Clerk's. 20.60 `INES T S TI EET LID V70. 45 Miles :. Tower englneering 30.00 ADA. STRM'T VATER MATU LID NC. 46 Miles L. Tower engineering 45.00 Motion was duly made, seconded and carried for adjournment. ro, Tov4q7Qlerk Hank.) . R January 8, 4940 The meeting was called to order with I44yer Hanks and all Councilmen present. The minutes of the previo-i_s meeting Mere read and approved as read. The .ayor opened the meeting by stating that those who were in public office were always subject to a certain amount of criticism and that we Must all expect that to be the case. He stated that an old :matter that had been previous- ly t&,--en up by the Council and disposed of had now been raised to :question his financ>al credit in the Town, the sarna being a lumber bill tha,t'the Lumber Supply -Company claimed against L.he Town for lu:rbcr purchased by Harley Dorton when he was living in the house on the i;air !rounds. There was a general discussion of this old bill and Dean Uorlias stated that before Harley Vorton left the Fair Grounds bui'ding he agreed that he personally owed the bill to the Lumber Supply and that he would take care of the same, and he asked that he might be allowed tc live in the house belonging to the Town a sufficient length of time to warrant his paying for this bill. Councilman Cline stated that when she bill first carte up he had investigated the matter and found that it was a personal bill. of