01/01/1936 - Regular - Minutes369 Sanuary 13, 1936 Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present, Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. The minutes of the meeting of December 23rd, 1935,were read and approved. The Councilmen -elect for the two year term, Messrs. Radey, Fleming and Corlies,were duly sworn in as Councilmen by the Clerk and their oaths of office duly filed. The Clerk reported that the Town Treasurer, the gown Marshal and the Town Clerk had duly filed their official bonds and the Clerks bond was given to the Mayor for safe -- keeping. The matter of the alley between Kitsap and Bay Street was taken up, Mrs. Grive stat- ing her side of the case and Mr. T. H. Lundberg stating his position, and after discus- I sion it was duly voted by the Council that the grade of the alley between Sidney Street and Seattle Avenue be established by the 'down Engineer, J. H. Pattison. The matter of taking up of the side walk crossing the north side of Kitsap at Har- rison was discussed. The Street Superintendent stated that one party objected to the j same, but he was directed to tear the same up and replace it with gravel until a cement sidewalk could be constructed. 1 The matter of the Mitchell Hill sidewalk was discussed as to whether a practically new wooden sidewlat should be built or gravel or crushed rock shou d be used. The mat- ter was referred tq the Street and Alley Comnittee and the Street Superintendent to in- vestigate as to eagh proposition and report at the next meeting. The matter of providing for the security of the members of the volunteer Fire De- partment was taken up, and the Clerk presented Chapter 1212 of the Laws of 1Q35, by which a fund was created,. to be known as the Volunteer Firemen's Relief and Compensation Fund, and into which the :Town and members would have to pay at the rate of3.00 per member per year. It was duly voted not to renew the insurance heretofore carried with the Aetna Life Insurance Company and to go under this Volunteer Firermen*s Relief and'Compensation Fund, I and the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign a warrant for the sum of $48.00, being 16 members at . 3.00 each, and trarrsmit the same to the State Treasurer, 'and to make inquiry in respect to the physical examination of members and any other details required to place themembers of the Fire Department under the benefits of the fund. It was also required by the State Act that the Townpass an ordinance limiting the membership of the Fire Department to 20 firement for each one thousand of population, and the Clerk presented , Ordinance No. 417, carrying out the provisions of the act., which was duly read to the Council, and upon motion was duly passed. ;The Clerk presented the maatter of,charging a tapping fee in respect to two houses on one lot, and he was directed to bring in at. the next meeting a resolution to the ef- fect that only one tapping fee was required as to an undivided conventional city lot, no matter if there were more than one house upon•the same, but that upon the divisi.pn of owner 370 ership in respect to any :Lot, a separate tapping fee would have to be paid in re- j spect to such house, and that it was the settled policy of the Council to charge a tapping fee for each and every connection made. Mr. DeMaine appeared before the Council and asked that the Council grant free water to Charles Brooks until his old -age pension comes in, and the free water was '- duly granted to him, subject to the further order of the Council. John H. Pattieon, Town Engineer, appeared before the Council in respect to the dater Yorks re-maining project and submitted a new estimate based on the Contractor's bid, and the same was duly approved, and the S.ayor authorized to sign the same. In - eluded in this vrould be, under the head of contingenc;;r, about to hydrants at a cost of about 1,000.00. Councilman Stevenson called atten-tion of the Marshal to the fact that a boat was tied up at the sea wall in front of the Bethel Church, and he was directed to have them remove the same . The Street Superintendent was directed to go over the Pottery Hill Sidewalk and remedy such defects as he found without entailing any great expense. R. J. Caretti appeared before the Council in respect to the two projects submit- ted to theifork.9 Prpgress Administration, to -wit: the tennis courts and the grubbing out of the City Park, and stated that the administration would riot consider the ten- nis courts in view of the large amount of material required, but that the grubbing and clearing of the City Park .riiLht be accepted if supervision and powder were provided, and he was authorized'to press the grubbing and clearing of the City Park only. The following bills were presented: GETTERAL FUND C. Williams 1-i days works at $4.00 per day. $ 6.00 Harley Norton Estra patrol duty, New Years' Lve 5.00 Francis M. Applegate Agt.American Surety Co.,Bond-Treas., Clerk. 25.00 England & Petersen lumber 1.12 Hovel's Hardware nails, etc. 2.85 Trick & Murray Perrrlanerit Registration Cards 2.08 J. M. Peterson, Town Treasurer --Postage for Town Treasurer 2.00 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 15.30 Lowman -Hanford Co. Receipt Book 2.53 Francis 1.1. Applegate Postage for 1935 9.00 Howe motor Company Adjust brakes, tape spar'_ plug, etc. 4.44 Duke Electric Co. 6 50 ,Matt Globes, 150 watt globe, labor. 1.55 State Treas. (Volunteer J Contribution, Volunteer Firemen's Relief and 48.00 Firemen's Relief and Compensation Fund. Compensation Fund. WATER FUND Crane Co. Pipe, saga blades, wrench, etc. 25.64 Rowe's Hardware Cement, rule, hammer, etc. 4.33 Port Orchard Transfer 2 sacks Indian Nut Coal 1.20 Francis M. Applegate Postage for 1936 8.00 Howe Motor Co. change oil, Penn. Oil, Alcohol 2.55 Reliance Motor Cc Gasoline 1.52 National Meter C ompany 5 Frost Meters 49.34 Standard Oil Company gasoline 1.77 D. E. ghoemaker l"i days' work at 44.00 pe-r day 6.00 [` WATER 2UJTD- SWATER '40RKS RE-TIAIiJDNG PROJECT I Francis 15. Applegate Postage for re-m iling transetipt 3.00 Lowman and Hanf rd Blue prints 1.36 and. warrants r ordered d awn th r or. n rn ion, the meeting adjourned. "; YOR 371 Tanuary 97, 1936 The Council met this evening at 9:30 P.M. Present: hlayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. The minutes of the meeting- of January 13, 1936, were read arid. approved. The Council took up the matter of the 171itchell Hill Sidewalk and the Street Sup- erintendent reported, ,that there would be about 650 feet of sidewalk and that if lum- ber was used it would require a":out $300.00 and if crushed rock was used, about $100 and if gravel was used, about :'50.00. After discussion, it was decided at this time to do nothing in respect to the E.eneral xeco-llstxuction or recorrditioning of the side- walk, but the Stro.et Superintendent was directed to fix it up as cheaply as poss.iblp by .nailing 1 x 4t 1 on the sides, and where the sills and decking were gone to use grav- el, The Street Superintendent was directed to haul the excess dirt front the sidewalk which was being constructed by Wyckoff and dill and place it at the drain at PeKalb and Sidney. The Clerk brought up the matter of the Volunteer Firemen's Relief and Co-ipensa- tion Fund, and state6 that the 1.36 legislature had oriitted to appropriate the funds to be derived from the insurance tax, 'aut, that aLboor6ing to the newspapers the Gov- ernor would make eraergency approrpriations t,o carry the fund over until 'an appropria- tion can be Y1ade by the next legislature. Felons directed to write to the Governor to ascertain if this was the fact, The Clerk was also directed to get into comrnunication with 1jr. Lyle J. Ficklins of Kalama, Was'rlington, Secretuary of the dashington State Firemen's Association,for blanks, etc. An directed 1Uy the last meeting of the Council, the Clerk presented a resolution in re;sp.e:ct to wate* :charges for a Ipt zvk-Lexe th-e:rle was ripre tbai-r one ,k1pLiSe, vlriali reso- lution was duly passed by the Council, Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss voting, in favor of the same. J The Clerk presented the request of the Queen Ciuy Construction Co. for the return of the certifies ci eck which they had deposited on their bid on the Grater Works Re-Main- ing -project, and thje Clerk read a letter from them, in which it appeared that tar. Hoffman, the acting administjrator of 'the PWA, thought that it was right to return the check* The Clerk, however, was directed to write to 11r. Hoffman to see if it was proper to return the check at this time. The Council ordered trle removal of the light near the Holaberg warehouse in the west end of Town to a new location, nearer the road, the exact location to be designated by Councilman Stevenson of the Fire and Light Colmuittee, and tiae Clerk Ura, directed to communicate with the Puget Sound Power and Light Company In respect to the matter. The matter of 'tore ?r , grade of the dl1e,, between Kit sap and day Street was taken up 1 and John H. Pa•ttisun' showed a profile of the proposed grade. Theremere present, inte- 372 rested-. in this matter, Cuy L. Wetzel, Kr. and :r2- Charles Grieve and C. John- son. After discussion, it Via suEreed that o r 2ebruary wtl 1936, at r 9 A.. the Town EnE.-ineer and all the interested parties vrould meet and go over the matter and see if the matter could ,,--lot be worked out in sore manner satisfactory to all par- ties interestec. `ihe '°dater Superir11U_e1-1dent; eras duly aut'tsorized to have installed a L o xg conriec- ting nis telephoiie with the ';rater Planc, w1tich wou:'d cos-, 41.25 or ins tallation and twenty-five cents per r_rontho for service. 3'he foil wi r<g bills Were presented: CTy"rryTiy���'.!t ..t ILMD. j ��...LJ 113.rJ L U"7 -. 1J C. A. i`anks Premiu i o4 bond of Harley E. 1fort9z1 5.00 Verne Corliss 8 hrs labor, hauli Ig Erave-i , dri„irig truck 5.00 Port Orchard Independent -Ordinance --'To. 417, Financial Statement 10.35 C. P. Ainsworth Lot. Food 1.02 ia. :8ruhahn 16 hrs. labor on catch basin 8.00 John H. Patti son Graeae, alleybet neen ' i s p '- Bay streets 111).00 :if. i�ij 7L 11 x'� Vi:L Port Orcnazo Independent-b100 ',;later Receipts 20.00 yr1' i T� Z7r .., 7, j, ..nn r1110 r;v .i_".. l., l ?P i. 'r�li � E1� �j U:+�--V11Q11� '.ivl _;� SI�..I,ii� _, i'� y Si��c .:� C John iZ . Pattison EnEineerinL.;� ; travelex )eases 16.40 and warrants were ordered drrA'�;n therefor. Orr motion, the meetinL; 1 E.RK a6- ourne6 OR February 3, 1936 A special -.neeti i; of ttie To- n Council was cali.ed by the 1-ayor for this (Ye - nine).' at 7:30 P-i- to enter i_ito a contract wit'n D. Coluccio in respect to the wa- ter wor'.,cs x-emairnifnL -,jroject. Present: "Lla,jror Givens «nd Councilmen 1T'orto'o, Flem- inE. and Corliss. The Clerk read a letter frogn E. H. iioff_arr, " State .Ci.rector,:VVIA, stat- iris; tt_at ti-e `iosyn could eater into a contract v it'1 i:r. C011ACCio, conditioned on the sale of the bonds and credit of the proceedt_Lin the construction account. Li cussion was had in :respect to the matter and particularly in respect to the use of Ren:nselaer Valves instead of Iowa Valves. --r. Coluccio did not s eem inclined to ma:e this 2hanL;e, and the 'oven EnCirneer was instructed to taste the -matte:c up with the nctinL, State Director, at once, to 1 ee if this substitution could riot be made, and tine urL,ole. mutter was continued until the Aiext regular r.reet- ing: of Vile Council, on I.{ ebruary 10tjn, 1931,1 at 7:30 p.rm. when a full attendance of the Council could be had. The Clerk read a letter from the Deoartrnfn ent of ieinace, Lud�et and Business, advising; treat the letter to Governor lkartin had been referred to that department, and that t'r,.e matter of the Volunteer 'iremen r s Relief and Compensation Fund had 373 not been satisfagtorily adjuste(yet. It was duly voted that the Town should renew for another year the ,policy of the Aetna Life Insurance Company and the Clerk etas directed to take the necessary steps to have this done. The Clerk brought up the rrr-_:tter of the removal of the electrid light near klolmberg f8 wazehou se to a point nearer the street, and stated that under the contract the Town should bear this exepense. It was stated that this light was removed by the Electric Light Co. wrier; the road was re -constructed wit-iout consultation with the Tow_.. The Clerk eras di- rected to confer with lr. Dingle, the local representative of the Light company in re- spect to the matter. On, motion, the meeting adjourned. T011Y, CIERK � ,:AYOR L ebruary 10, 1936 The council Piet this evening at 7;30 P.M. Present: %,sayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. The minutes of the meeti4. of January 27th:,1936, were read and approved and the r _ mi-nutes of the special meeting of February 3rd, 1936, were also read and approved. � Yr. D. Coluccio was present in reference to the sigiiing of the contract for the wa-terworks re-maining project. John H. PaItiro i, T-own Engineer, presented a Letter wleich he had written to E. R. Hof ftiaa, Acting State Director, 1VA, dated 2ebruary 3rd, 1936, and reply front E. R. 11offhan, canted February btii, 1936, to the effect that 'te i Council could .lot require the use of Rensselaer Valves in the project. After discussioai, the =U'ayor and Clerk were duly authorized to sign the contract. 'hereupon, D. Coluccio signed tine contract on iiis part, and the Layor and the Clerk ex- ecuted it on behalf of the Town. It was the view of the Council that the ten fire hydrants to be installed under this project :should be Corey -Rensselaer hydrants. The Clerk reported that the bond issue 'nad peer approved and lie was duly authorized to proceed to have the bonds printed. The Clerk informed the Council that under the regulations of the PWA it was nee- essary that a memb;er of the Pedei:a1 Reserve S•ysteri act as depositary and that the Kit. - sap County Bank wap not a member of the Federal reserve System. Ile presented a formal resolution, designating the First National 13ank of Poulsbo as the official depositary I of the funds of the IWA Grant and Loan an6 the sage was duly adopted, Councilmen Radey, I Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss votiiig iii favor of the resolution. Mayor Givens reported that 'lie 'clad macue arrangements witi? the Puget Sound Power and Light Company to move the light near olrnbergts warehouse, on vest Bay Street, and that I the Town Mould have to pay for the same. The Street Superinterident reported that tie hao nailed 1 x 4ts orz the outer edge of 374 the Witchell Kill Sidewalk and he recommended that a small amount of lumber be '1 purchased, to re -deco wtere the boards were missing, and he was duly authorized to do this. Councilman Corliss called the attention of the Street Superintendent to the fact that there was ,aome lug. uer at the City Part which - could be used for sic e- walk construction. Attention was called to the conch. vione left by Ross Watt in erecting his ser- vice Station On East Bay Street, and the Street uprintendent Baas directed to a& hv t� him t o clean up the front of his place. The matter of the is provement of the Alley by Yrs. Grieve between Kitsap and hW Street was taken up, and the Town Engineer reported that the interested parties had not called hurl up in respect to the :ratter. !he matter was directed to be laid on the table. Jacob lNueriuerger appeareu before the Council io reference to doh; licenses and it was duly voted that he be allowed 75 0the 1= license for each license which he would sell, and it being un6erstood that the funds would pass throuCh the hands of the Town Clerk and a Jarrant be issued to Or. " uernberger for such allowance. The following Lilis were presented: GE IE ,AL. rTljL ,Lyle J. Ficklin Volunteer +'ire en's fund blanks 2.25, � State TreasuBr 1 membership "`Volunteer Viremea's Aund 3.00 .rick & Lurray Permanent Registration Book form 1.58 Richfield Garage Repairs to Fordson Grader 5.10 Feinoeer Enamelled Steel. Corgi;.-20 parking; signs 30.60 Pacific Cost Oa={pt Works 100 dog license tags 4.15 Jackson habhine Shop boring holes .50 Hove Yotor Company Oil, lubrica ion, hose, etc. 1.35 1. P. JQslin 2 ricks wood 4.08 Eowe's Hardware Co. Paint, iron, etc. 5.08 Tort Orchard Lumber Yd. trails, Cement, etc. 12- 79 Reliance ---otor Co. Uasoline 34.01 Port Orchard 2ransf'er Co. :ravel and Sand 6.50 Bremerton Concreie products Co. Sewer Pipe 21►95 Standard Oil Co"aparly Gasoline 19.40 Standard Oil Company Gasoline 1.77 Port Orchara Transfer 3 saczs coal 1.95 Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. Pau, Staples 2.50 Union Oil Company Gasoline 2.43 Palmer Supply Company Bushings, nipples, etc. 4.24 Howe Lotor Company Battery, oil, exchan e, etc. 14.19 Verne Corliss 3 hrs. thawing? pipes 1&0 an6 Warrants were oraeret drawn thereofr. On " otion the greet4,ngadj rued 375 Yebruary 24, 1936 The Town Council met this evening at 7.30 p.m. present: L ayor Givens and Council- men Harry Radey, S. A. Norton and D. ! . Corliss. Absent, W. S. Stevenson and Y. E. Flerfl- ing. . .The isinutes of the meeting of February 10th,<1936, were read and approved. �\ The matter of the erection of a `sown Hall was taken up and the Mayor submitted a letter which had been received from E. R. Hoffman, acting state director, AIIA,, in which he stated that all the present funds were exhauded, so that no grant or loan could be made in respect thereto unless t'ne present Congress approppi.ates more money. R. J. Caretti, County Commissioner, was, present, and stated that ire had tal ied with Ldr. Gannon, the Di- rector of the State WPA, and that the drawback was that there eras no skilled labor avail- able for building, but afterwards that he had talked with Iir. Sanders of the United States Re-employraerit Bureau, who stated that they had carpenters and carpenters' helpers and that if it was desired to erect a cement building, such eri_ployment would be alaail.able for that project. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to George I-1. Gannon, the administrator of the WPA and state to hire that the Town of Port Orchard desired to build a town hall and to secure from him t le percentage that would laave to be borne by the `Town and the cost to the Town in the first instance for data in respect to the building thereof. The Water Superinter76ent was authorized to purchase a motor, at a cost of not ex- ceeding 46.00 for use in repairing wa4-er meters. The Street Superintendent was aut«orized to purchase a new grader blade and two sets of scarifying teeth. Councilman Radey called attention to the fact that the dirt fron the Anslow prop- erty on Dwight Street was corn.inf,; down on t'L e new sidewalk and afterdiscussion, Council- man Corliss stated that he could consult with =-r. Crawohaw, the present owner of the property, in respect to getting a b etter slope to the bank. John H. Pattison, the Engineer in respect to the dater Works - Project, appeared be- fore the Council and recommended that trie hydrants have• an auxiliary valve and lie read the specifications therefor, all of which was ayDproved by the Council. The followinE. bills -lrere presented. GNITE AL FUIM Aetna Life Insura;<ce Company Insurance for fire department 125.00 Pacific 'I and T Company Long distance culls .10 Harley Norton Express oil fire supplies .90 WATER I?U TL'--IVAI'ER 4JOR7..s IzE-IIAIII I T(; pIIOJEC,2. John H. Pattison Engineering, PWA 10.00 and grants were ordered drawn there-br. On ar o i ri the '.aeeting ad j Darned. / ATrOR '1' CWN CLERK 1 376 March 2, 1936 The Town Council rhea in special. sessioil on Xareh 2nd:,1936 at`1.3Q.p.m.., pur- suarit to the call of the a2;-or. Present veere: tlayor 2rayf', Givens, and Oouncilmen Harry.Radey, S. A. Dorton aria Corliss. Absent: 1Y. S. ;3'tevenson 5wnd -2. Jb. Ylem- ing. Also present was a'rancis Applegate, �'o;vri Cler_� and 2'ot^1n Attorney. The following Notice of r,.eetin , was dul.y riled: TOWIT OF PORT ORCHARD _'IOTICE CF SPECIAL 1METUTG To the Aayor and the Councilmen of the 1: van of Port Orchard, 'idashington: NOTICE IS iTEREBY GIVELLT. teat a special meeting of the Town Council of thy- Town of Port Orchard, will b Y held i.1a the 'Town Hall at Port Orchax~ti, "'it sap Couri�y, Stat'e`" of Washington, at 7 :30 P.L. on the grid day of Lilarch, 1936, for the purpose of amen- ding a Resaution passed by the `1'oim Council on the l4th day of November, 1935, order- ing- and providinE for the issuance and sale of bonds pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance Iio. 415, iI1 respQet to the waterworks re-:iaiicing project. DATED this 29th day of - ebruary, 1936. lay orci er of the k ay or. '1�A 3CI£ 1.1. APPLECATE, Town Clerk The folloviinE Waiver and Uon-_ent, to the holding of the sleeting was signed and ordered entered u-oon -the n.inutes: C:O3ITS] .11.1 ?1 1110 1, EETING We, the undersigrhed m.embersof the Toun Council of the Town of Port Orchard and the L�ayor of said sown, hereby accpet service of t:ihe foregoing notice, waiving any and all irregularities in such service _id such notice, and consent and agree that said i Council and Layor shall meet at the tiwhe and pace tl-iereixi named, and for tie pur- pose therein stated. L`ated iwarch second, 1936. /s/ Frank Givens, mayor /s/Tarry Rad ey , Councilman /s/ W. S. Stevenson, Councilman /N/ S. A. Nort on, C ounc i lraan /sl -F. P. Fleming, Councilman /s/ D. Y. Catrliss, C ou ric i lrnan. Councilman Corliss thereupon presented a resolution anenuirig a resolution pass- � ed by the Town Council on the 14th day of overhber, 193b, ordering and providing for the issuance and sale of bonds pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 415, which resoluuion was read in full, as follows: k r _ , 377 AIM i•IL M RE SOLUT I Oil PES OLUrILO I Oi;' A 'III G A RE S 01UT I024 PASSED BY il r�.E TOdII COUNCIL, Oil' THE 14 th DAY QF 3N0VEH- E BER, 1955, ORDERIl G AiTD PROVID'I:IIG FOR THE ISSUAidCE AIM SALE OF BONDS PURSUAiST TO THE PROVT SI O 1S OF CRDIA11Ai7CE NO. 415. WHEREAS in said above mentioned resolution, it was provided that F. B. Fleming, the then Acting Mi yor, should sign said bolds, anu, W=RLAS, Frank Givens, the duly qualified and acting D"ayor has returned to Port Orchard, Washington, so he can execute the same, and G`JI-IEREAS, Some minor erros have crept into said original resolution, which it is Idesired to correct, now, therefore, E IT RE8011V + ' BY THE ` 01MII C0MITC IL OF `i'.HE ` O11 O'-k POJI T GRCI.1 -D: That Sections 1, 2, 3, and 5 be and hereby are amenued to read as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to tl-ie provisions of Ordnance No. 415 of the Town of fort Orchard, Washington, which ordinance was ratified and approved by a majority of the qualified voters Of said Town voting at an election duly and legally called and held in said Town on the :;th day of 1'ovember, 1935, bonds of the said Town sriall be issued and sold in the principal amount of 1016,000.00 for the purposes and as in said Ordi- nance N o . 415 provided. Said bonds shall be designated "46o Waterworks Revenue Bond", shall be 16 in number numbered consecutively from 1 to 16, bo.h inclusive, shall be bated the first day of � ovember, 1935, and shall be of denominations and mature in amour s and on theL dates as follows:' AM OUIT I Ei'I0'',_I-'i A T 1011, S DATE OF MATURITY 1,000 each year. 1,000. ;'overzber 1, 1937, to NoVem- ber 1, 1952, both inclusive Said bonds shall bean interest, evidenced by coupons attached thereto, at the rate ° of four (4`0) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on %lay 1 and November 1 of each yeas until maturity. Both � payable principal and interest of said bonds s�ia11 be pa,�able in any coin or currency which, on the respective dates of y. ent, shall be legal tender for � P pav I the payment of public and private debts, at the office of the treasumr of the '.Gown of Port Orchard, at Port Urchard, Wasi-lingtori, or at the Fiscal AC ency of the State of Wash- ington in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of -Jean Yor<_, at the option of the holder. Said bonds scull be registereable as to both principal and interest at the office of the Treasurer of said of Port Orchard. Section 2. Said bonds shall be issued in substantially the follovain�,; form: 378 J-:U ` LI) a'!'A'2E S OF AI'.'IERI CA C OUiT.'v ()i.+' 1 i IIT SAP lY o • i 0VT:= OF PORT ORCHARD ,111,000.00. 41'o ' AT RWTUM REV �2lE (� : The Town of Port Orchard, i t-I the County of Kitsap, State of Vlashi n�-•tori, hereby I acknowledges itself inuebted a- d f:or value. received pros -Aces to ,)ay to the bearer,or if this bond be registered, to tie registereu h-)1aer hereof, on the clay of , 19 , 'the sure of 01,rE TLO SAS an( - to pay in-�,erest thereon a t the rate of four (4%) per cent per annur, payable on the first aa-,.s a:ay andirocre)-aber, in each year until maturity, upon surreaaer o:c the annexed coupons as they severally become due, or if this bond be registered as to b oth pri icipaland interest, to the regist, red holder hereofloth principal a:lc. interest of this bored are payable at t_re office of the Treasurer of said Tow,,, at fort Orchaj: d, 4ashinL_.t„n, or, at the option of the ol- der, at the i+'iscal Agency of the Stateof Yrastiiii, tort in the lorougt. of L-anhattan, City and State of 1.,eirr York, in any coin ar cucrenc,r which on the respective elates of pay- mlent shall be legal teriier for toe pa�-iiient of public and private debts. Both :Sri iei- pal and interest are payable solely out of a special fund of sa:id Town, cnoizaias "1935 To Redem-otion Vundll, created bL. Lyrdinance fig. 41b of said omi, duly adopted on Octo- ber 14th, 1935, whic'L fu-nu is to be arawun upon and used fog' thE; sole purpose of pay- ing the principal and interest oi' the issue of bonds of wir-,ich this bond is one. This bond may be re,,is-L,erec'1 as to bald principal and iilt-erist in accordance with the; provisions on the back l-.ereof. This bored is one of an issue of bonds aut'L.:riZed by Sall; ;,:.6i11a Ice .i o. 415, '?rLich Oru iriance u,,as approved arid ratified by a majority of thequalified voters of said 'Town voting at an election duly and legally called and held in said Town of Port Orchard on I ovember 9th, 1 35, for the par;pose of -provi-ing furies for t«e aonstructiori of i.arove- ments, replace -,.emits and additions to the existing riu iicipal Waterworks System. Said 'Town hereby covenants with the holder of tr:is bond that it will keep and per- form all the covenants and pronLises in said Ordinance i4lo. 4115 erecting such special fund to be by it kept and performed, and said ToLfn does hereby irrevccably obligate anu bind itself to bet aside and pay into said fund fromthe gross revenues of said Watel:TIorks System, the various ar.�ounts in said ordi narice provic ed, which aiiounts so pledged are hereby Declared to be a first charge upon the noss revenues of said Waterworks Sys- tem and all additions t�Ciereto nm or hereafter iiade, - rior to all Other pledges and charges except as in saia ordinarAce provided. Said loan furt'ner binds itself to establisa and Maintain rates for furiishing water which s'r-all provide sufficient revenues to pem:,,it the payment into said special fund of the said sums which ":'lave been pleci,ec to i�e set aside for the payl_lent of the principal aria interest of said bo:rids until : erica bonds have been paid in full. It is hereb.,r certified and dec-lared tt,.at all the conditions, acts and things required: oy the Constitutiori and atatutesof the State of =aashin ton and the ordinances i 379 of the Town of Port Orchard to exist, to 't_dve happened and to have been performed, pre- - cedent to and in the issuance of this bored, exist, i'iave happened and have I been perfo=- ed in regular and •due tiir.e, form and manner as required by late. IN WITNESS 'kEP00F, said Yown has caused triis bond to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its `.'own Clerk and its Corporate seal to be heretof affixed, and the inte f rest coupons hereto attached to be signed b j the facsiraile signatures of 2iid mayor 1 am TownClerk, and ;his bond to be crated the lst day of 11ovei;iber, 1935, I THE 'w OWIT OF PORT ORCHARD, (S E A 1) By j Attest: Mayor Town Clerk I Section 3. Each of the Coupons attaczed to said bonds shall be issued in substan- tially the following form: No. On tr e first day of _ 19; the oti�rn of Port �)xchard , `las'ciington, will pay h to the bearer the Burn of Eol�ars, in any coin or currency vrjiich on said date of payment is legal tender for the payA er:t of ,public and p3-ivate duets, at ti.e office of the Treaeux°er of said Town, at Port Orcharc, Washington, or, at teie option of the holder, at the :fiscal Agency of the Statle of 'Jashin ton in theorouh of Lianhattan* City and State of Aew York, out of the special fun6, known l as "1935 Lond Redemption Fund",, said sum being six months' interest V-ien due on its 46 Waterworks revenue Bond dated Noveiq.ber lst, 1935, and nurrauered Mayor Tlerk Section 5. Said bolds shall fie sib,�G e by tree ayor fi' said `i"ovrn, attested by the Town Clerk, tith the seal of said Town affixed thereto, an6 eac �. of the coupons attach- ed to said )on6s shall be signed by the printed, lithographed or eiigraved facsirlile sig- natures of said 1uay`or and Town C'iex_'t. The coupoijs attuct.ed to each bond shall be num- bered consecutively THUS PASSED by the Town Council of tL're `:'own of Pont Orcharc, Washirlgt;on, this 2nd day of arch, 1 --'36. (r_ FRA , GIVEMS, Mayor FRAM' C1S L. APPLI'Gi�,Th, `1'own C1er1c. Councilmdrz Radey t aereu.L o n Moved the adoption of the foregoing resoltuion, and said motion being seconded by Counciliia j i.orto z, it was y)ut to vote, and the Council voted I Hereon as f ollm s: ES: Councilman ac ey, illorto_ and Corliss. -n AYS: lJoe. i 02 VOTI r .AYi`3G: none. The Mayor then and there declared said resoltuion duly adapted and approved the same. On ino n, the meeting adj ourned. C2 E17a I' KrOH 380 a I c 36 File 1' a; :1 OUI I ci` e,'- zis -V e, u 1 -3 le$ !.lee f t,;e 2j:,,f -,ciaj (-�'b r u a r 2,1 t i i Of' -.'arch e :L, e :L, e a u ix:."a I) , -T' J-1, -Lhu� uw�� �'a Irle :,,,;,yoi :C 016 e C L I- c)_3 'y iml tateu t'ia� i Co,i::Ljlteu wit., t,:-e assistL�; c. :' j-r- ­E-1-10 1 Of t'-e , - -A - , Z` - , u L I., I o Co::'[ C'. iote6 ue afo:V ally_ly -Pro'16C-4 u1j, I-L. u o a i ly e f u i: e t "I i i I u L u iae aA -,hat tlierefure it via�, '10t Ij in res-peci to t'-e -,i'atter- J- e a e of -1-.,e T Cjj,ajjjLqe at the h eac-1 Side --,f at attc:j c)f -ulle 2:-aiis .e of u the 1'exaca as statjo.-1 of�! East Buy 6t��e�--t �I-Lks 6 t, r e -- t i i i l d e. It oraill Off bilE� stuyfLce aii-ec-ted to 1.,IaKe Lkil ti,uter. t -junci` --ee-4 , C 'he C,,--el:"- viu2 uil-ccted -L c. orl -.arch 23ra want. to Ll -1 jably ",%Ii k�1,3 u5e C) i e -11a' 0, k via�el, ior itli 1"Ot-t1i'lL 31f,'e t c--r e want e 6 t o ,�uold v a'Lt' tu (A- e 0 t' 1 e 0 LAllci' vi-u ct be respect to f u r l I i 2 0 1 a Teter. Ile bear -u'ae exce3s CoSit, -,DVej, teie -is,.).a.L fog" 3/4 -L-.eici-i i--e;--,te2:- 'n e 0'i, 01,; 1 i L- vj e r e, r e,,-, it - , " L . I U t! u . FUU-1) 24.14 2 of CL�Iiforoi& uaso-Lille veriie. Corli'ss IV '11, - 1. 1; .1: 01., ';C11i 7 raf f i 0 Z o--c �]a Liam 20 . )O :pol-t UT -chard —umber iarC Hai B, etc . 9 . b 0 -u e r 1 S e L; �,.L U —otor co—va---cr a' tery Lubrica'-3-u—, elu 5.100 J- Itsoll C:ine 6?.O�O Cm C t�bor oli 0 'i erne 0 1 S 3 vi S t a --, � d a .ally --o-Lor Co:l-paily 2,-A I um '7 etc. ".70 Ell C t 1- 1 C OU y isle C oi i..i iante2-, e L 2.96 R "j Jghii Pattisuil Q- G, 25 jpi r' z;L-nd Cyl I;-Ot i oil t'ae -Meeti i'16 adj ournea LAI CLM-- ::kYOR 0 The Council met this evening at 7 :30 p.m. Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, Vl,eming and Corlis. Vlarch 23, 1936.. Present: layor Givens and The minutes of the meeting of March 9th, 1936, were read and approved. The Clerk presented a resolution amending resolution passed on the 17th day of may, 1935, cancelling certain Local Improvernent District Assessments, said amend- ing resolution striking out certain assessments which should not have been included therein, and directing the Town Treasurer to reinstate them on his books and so in- dicate in his records, which was duly moved and seconded and the Name was duly carried, Councilmen Stevenson, -ITorton Fleraing and Corliss voting in favor of the same. Councilman Corliss brought up the matter of expending; some 425.00 of the library Fund for toe purchase of books for the Grace School pupils, and the same was duly authorized bit the Council. The Street Superintendent reported that he had fixed the drainage on the G%t side of 0line, at Dwight, and the drainage at the Texaco Station an east Bay Street. The matter of the dirt coming on the sidewalk on the North side of the Anslow property on Dwight Street was discussed and the Clerk was directed to write to fir. Anslow, asking if he would not come over on Saturday, the 28th day of march, 1936, and go over the matter with the mayor and the Street Superintendent. The Street Superintendent was directed to measure l6 feet from the gut- ter and place stakes indicating the approximate property line, so as to be able to de- termine about how much encroachment would be necessary on the property. Agreeably with the request of the Council, A. D. Corliss appeared be- fore the Council %nd the matter of increasinthe g present Marshal's salary or appoint- ing a new darshal'was discussed and the matter was laid over until the next meeting. Thy: water superintedent reported that he had measured the wells and that the large well was flowing at the rate of 120 gallons ap minutes and the small well at the rate of 85 ga4lons per minutes. Th' following bills were presented: GETTER.,L FUND Jacob 1uernberger 75je on 28 dog licenses $22.25 J. P. Joslin Estate 2 ricks wood 4.08 Western `tractor C4• Scarifier `teeth, cutting edge, etc. 34.75 Richards Brush Co; doz. 2410 Oxford Garage brooms 11.58 W. S. Darley and- Co. Box of six `wick Action fuses 3.00 P. S. Power and ght Moving street light 4.50 WATER -MID Seattle Rubber Stomp Co All Steel Seal --town seal.. 6.00 National Deter Co., EmJWe bases,. ,,iasliers, etc. 4.61 Pt. Orchard Transfer 2 sac"Ce Carb.onado Coal 1.34 Pacific 'T. and Telephone service Nora Harraher 1:73 " � `typing on meter books 2.ti0 Alex licTavish 4 hours work. 2.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefore, except in the case of Jacob Nuernberger, which Was iiad over, pendinLL_ his making a traoroug';a canvass for dog licenses in the Town. " ' On motion hem ng adjourned. TOWN CLERK i>iAYOR 382 April 13, 1936 Council met this evening at 7 :30 p.m. Present'. layor Givens and Councilmen hadcy, Stevenson, Yiorton Corliss and FleTning. The mi;utes of the meeting of March 23rd, 1936, were read and approved. liayor Givens reported that E. E. Anslow iiad inspected his property with bixself and C. F. Brasch, the Street superintendent, and agreed to permit the Town to encroach on his property in order to make a proper slope on the south side of Dwight street. The Cleric was ordered to deliver to Jacob Nuernberger the warrant for $22.25, ref=.rred to in the minutes of the meeting of iularch 23rd, 1936. The matter of the appointment of a 1:arshal came up and A. D. Corliss appeared before the Council and stated t'aa.t the su. ,scribers to his =4erc.lants' Patrol ,xere agreeable to him taking the position. «fter discussion, it was duly voted that his salary be the sure of $35.00, per mont:i, tae salary to date from April 10th,1936, and that he be furnished wit�i a phione. 'The Clerk was directed to write to the Pac- ific T. and T. Co:upany to install a paone in ar. Corliss's porme. Councilman Stevenson brougtzt up the matter of securing another place for a garbage dump and ie w:,is authorized to contact lir. 1; of§ahn in respect to the Alms Tract soul:: of town. Harley :Morton, tiie grater Superintendent, brougl-it up the natter _)f lay- ing a waterline from a springy; i. i front of ors. Ke-mp's property to 1,1rs. Stock's prop- erty for iirigat ion, and permis 4ion ,aas granted for the layin,_. of the line on the street so that it did not interfere with iyrs. Kemp or injure the street. The Fire Chief brought up the matter of the condition of the Gerald Pos- ton house, whlicln recently burned, stating; beat child,en were playing therein and that it was desirable that it be burned entirely down. The Cleric 'va._' directed to cor,imdni- cat e with ter. Poston in respect to this matter. The matter of logs lying in the street at Taylor and xusting, belong- ing to L. E. Currie, was discussed, and the Clerk was directed to write hiei t o remove the same. The Fire Chief reported that the old then -re building, owned by J. B. Yakey and L. J. Kiernan was a fire hazard, and the Council duly condemned the same and +brdered the same torn doyen, and tale Clerk was directed to write Judge Yakey accordingly. The following bills were presented: Jackpon `uachine Shop P. S. Power and Light Standard Oil Company Howe's hardware Statia highway Dep. tl Hussey and Peterson Bremerton Concrete Products Howe Motor Company Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard John H. Pat tison GENERtZ FMM Siren Tower, spring for grader Stree Lights Gasoline Galva. Iron, etc. Painting 'Traffic lines, etc. Repairs Pipe, bend, etc. Penn. Lub . , and service Lumber Surveying --monuments 5.71 72.26 41.11 2.62 37.31 21.65 5.58 5.10 3.66 2.50 383 Puget Sound Power and Light- Trick and Murray Pt. Orchard Independent Pt. Orchard `.transfer Am.Pl,bg. and Steam Supply Co. Howe Motor Compyny Standard Oil GoTpany Palmer Supply Cpmpany Puke Electric Cpmpany Tacoma Plumbing Supply Howe's Hardware; WATER FUND Electric Service for earth Meter Reading Sheets Water Warrants 1 sack carbonado cola Pipe Gas, checkstrap, labor Gas Cocks, ells "V" Belt 1 Buffing Brush Bench vise, buffer and grinder, etc. WATER FUND --WATER WORKS RE-MAINING PROJECT Pt. Orchard Independent Printing Bonds and warrants were ordered drawn t herefor. On motion, the meeting adjourned. t i T OIMN C ER MAYOR 70.96 10.62 5.00 .65 11.72 3.26 1.09 17.89 1.15 ..56 8.68 114.50 April 27, 1936 The Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present.: mayor Givens ana Council- , :^yen Ra6ey, StevensoA, Lorton, Fleming and Corliss. The minutes of the meeting of April 13th, 1936, were read and approved. i hayor Givens reported that the State shovel would be here next ti eek and would i cut the slope on the south sine of Dwight street on the unslow property. i Engineex Tattison explained that D. Coluccio, the contractor for the waterworks re-maining, had confierred with him and stated that the seller of the pipe did not have the lr foot pipe and that it would take 45 to 50 days to obtain the same. He stated, however, that if he could use 18 foot pipe on the :Level he could start work in ten days to two weeps. After discussion, it was duly voted t =at Engineer Patti - son check with "r. Pursell to see if he had actually ordered the 12 foot pipe and if so, that he could give him permission to use 18 fat pipe in 4 and 6 inch dimension on the level spaces but could not use the pipe in 18 ft. lengths it any other places in the Town, and that, if permission was given him to use 18 ft. pipe on the level, work must be startea within ten days. f The Clerk presented a formal resolution, authorizing the opening of a "1035 Bond i Rdemption 2und4 out of water receipts, and providing for the payment therein of month- ly sums to take care of the prinicpal and interest of the =terworks revenue bolds, which resolution] was duly adopted, Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, 21eming and Corliss voting i i n favor of the same. The `%ou_zcil; duly authorized the "lerk to advertise for bias for a tapping machine, I the same to be returnable at the Council meeting on Lay 25th, 1936, at 7:30 p.m. lr. V. .rotirrs of the Bremerton Yransit lines appearec before the Council and i asked permission to establish a bus stop in front of a.yhre`s Cafe, who would maintain LQ 384 avaiting ro= therein, and the Council authorized the establirLment of said bus stop for period of thirty days. The Water 5upteinten6ent recomnenued the purchase of peter -testing; equipne it, and Le was directed to bri nE in prices at the next meeting Lind subait the s me to the Council. The Street Superintendent was duly authorized to obtain oil as cheaply as possi- ble h6 arrange for the application thereof on t ue streets of the Town. It °.as pointed out that very young children were playinC :.round the eater tan' and cl&ling on the framework sne that a serious accident wi6ht happen. The 'eater Superintendent was duly au.tl,orized to have the sane _levelled off and erect G wire mesh fence arouno t; e same, 6 feet I:.iL L, with two strands of barbed hire on top, with steel posts set in concrete. The following; bills were Presented: W. E. Cosbey lowma Hanford State K ighway Dept. John H. Pattls0 Cr. A. Hanks Pac. T. and T. Tacoma Plgb ._pup. Puget Sound "errs Nora Harraxher Fred Vilson GEtiERAL I"JI7: ODrk on Tower 16.00 Highway Dept .forms 13.16 Equipment Rental, Larch 136 18.25 lyckoff-Hill si6ewalk 7.50 harshal' s bond 5.00 I xhange service, fire hall .25 — L Concrete —eter Loxes 30.89 Index cards 100 `i';;ping oA water meter boots 1.05 SharDe iinL saws, etc. 1.65 and warrants were ordered dru, n therefor. On motion, the meetinn ad:iounyed. 'HOW CLERM", AV �lIAY03� hby i.l, 1936 Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present: Councilmen Raaey, Lorton, 21eming and Corliss. In the absence of the --ayor, Councilman Fleming was appointed Acting "ayor. The minutes of the meeting of April 27, 1936, w re read and approved. The Clerk presented a let�er i'roA Juage Akey yrotesti L at the con6ennation of the Old Theatre building, and nskin6 that the natter lie in status quo until Ke came uD in June, an6 the Clert was directed to write tin t at nothinL would be done until that time. The Water Superintendent reported that aey"duatec can for meter testing; woold cost $33 and a C1ar; meter tasting apparatus would cost 027. The Superintendent was airected to buy or borrow an ordinary ten gal i on crew: can for tkis purpose. The matter of permittinZ auction sales at the City Part was taken up. Dr. dil- son and Ira Jess_;p of the nark Committee were present. An applicationwas. received from H. 1. Madsen of Port orcha2d for periissioq to conduct auction tales. After .�1 385 discussion, it ivas duly voted to grant a concession to 1.ir. Ziadsen to hold sales either dove-i town br at the City Park for a period of 30 days, it being under -stood that if held at the City Park all litter wo.{uld be cleared up and that there could i be no storage of oods or animals left on the grounds from one auction sale to another. The Cleric read a c:or.1.qunieation in reLarca to "R�ylig•4' an application for roads manuf4ctured by tie Shelton Pulp Mill, and the letter was orcered filed. E. A. Bradl.e� appeared beofre the Council in reference to having the Council donate about a 1000 foot of the wofold wooden mains to be taken up oil the water re- I maining project. AZter discussion it was duly voted to caonate this pipe, to be laid for the benefit of property owners in Sidney Villa addition, it �:eing understood that the labor of installing the pipe viouid be dole by interested property of;ners, and that the pipe would be ;installed under the direction of the Water Superintendent. The return date of the call for bids for a pipe tappinL machine was set for June 8, 1936, at 7:30 p.m. and the Clerk w as directed to advertise the same in accordance with law. The Cler'c reported thatr. 1'attiso_i had contacted 1-yr. Pursell in Seattle in re- gard to pipe, and` ascertained that the orderxg haG been give:cl for 12 foot pipe, and that the pipe would arrive about .Tune 1, 1936, the relay being t1liat the pipe had to come by boat t hro u&t the Panama Canal. ' The Water Superintendent reporter: tllut the cost of wire arou.:d thevater tarik structure would cost around y"200. It was duly voted t: ut t le structure be faced with sheet metal to see if this would riot put it in a sa.,.'e condition so far as small chil- dren were concernep. Tile matter of the - ence was deferred to see how tflis wou16 work out. Thomas Connell corriplained in reference to the sewer coming down -Harrison Street-, giving off a bad odor by reason of the fact that sorfie 30 feet of the tile leading into the bay had been -e7iove6, The platter was referred tj thLe HealtY-I arc; Sanitation Cor�q- mittee with pozrrer tIo act. the Street Supeririten6ent was directed to contact the ovrner of the o1c: gravel pit near Chas. Lindall, and suge;est t'nat a fence should be put around it so as to avoid accidents to children. The Street Sup;eri:atenae:lt ',-.,as directed to Taut a seat in the - enj s toilet at the Town i1al l . The folloving bills sere presented: GE TETiAT. �n T I.,umber Supply Lumber i5.98 Standard Coil Company Gasoline 13.66 H.W. Jackson Shop Sharpening grater teeth 6.90 Howe Motor Coi:�pany ' Batteries for fire dept. and sundries 3.30 H owe' s i1ar dwar e Sundry supplies 10.15 P.O. Lumber Yard L umb er 7.40 RYA E'? P[JI:M 4ilkins Uil Company Gasoline 4.28 American Plgg . 6: St�apa Sup_ ly i'rei ,ht on pipe Howe`otor Co ,pany Gasoline .50 1.32 Howe s Hardware Sundry Supplies 1.63 John H Patti son Dora Harraher 4.AT ER FTY11D (C on t' d . ) EnEineerinE, Waterworks re-maininE VypinE , vatervorMB re-mainine; and warrants were orderd drawn therefor. On riio ion, the meet T own Cleric ACT71rG '"YYOR Lay 25, 1936 15. V 2.25 The "ouncil met this even inC at 7: 30 p.m. rrr sent ; La.y or Givens and Council- men Rac ey, Stevenson anu 21e ping. Vinut es of the meet i, of —ay !1th, 1036, were read and approved. William Zinn appeared before the Council in respect to acq.,i inL lot 6, block 6, Sweaney's addition to :Si6ne , acquired by the city for a Eravel pit. The natter was re_°errea to ;He Street and Alley comuitt:. e for investiGution as to the value and re- port at the next meetii6 of the Council, June 8Q, 1936. The 'later Superintendent reported tKot he hK faced the loiter part of the grater tank Mtn sheet iron and it was t5ou,kt t�at this wouic: n et tie difficulty of &il- 6ren climbing on the structure. Councilman Fle_._2inE reported, for the health anc: sanitation committee, Vu&t they had investiSa e6 the sewer neat the Toil Connell place and tnat they hadd found that about 30 feet of the tilinE Rod been washed away .no reco i>nenveu. the replacinL of the Sale an6 re- oforc ti& it witti concrete backi%. `-'he Conwittee also called attention to the fact t'Ast the toilet of the Robs. w rotor Company was near the street and should i:e rn: oved furt'_er away. Earley Arton stated taut he woul6 take up the matter of the Robson toilet with them. A also stated that he `lad taken the matter 6S the swere e pty ne near the ,y om Connell place with ir. Hanks, who ori- i4 ally in- stalled it, and —r. han :s had yromin ed to toe it dp with the other parties emptying into the swrer. it. Aod, e and ''ter. �elis of the " eri ca l legion Oost of Port Jrciia.'.. d appeared ise- fore the Council and stated t: nt, in respect to lot 4, block 8, plat of Sidney, owned by the lost, it appeared froi.l t:_e records in the courthouse tr'at on t u west frontage the Town owned a tract 2 feet deem 15 feet long, &ad they requested that the Post be permitted to purchase sane, so as to perfect its title. Upon �otion duly made and seco ced , it w"s duly voted that the !own mate a deed of the said tract to the Port Orchard Post A. 30, Americas Legion, Department of Wa hington, for the sum of One Dollar, and t�at they pay the expenses of preparinE the need, etc., Councilman .Radey, Stevenson, and 21eminC 7otin4 in favor of tale same. Layor Givens brouEQ up the matter of the Toyn '_aging tKe expenses in respect to t the action aLsi nst the VuE et Sound 1 avid ati on Company, inwhich the Town had formally appeared., and stated that &68 had been incurred for priAtinE briefs for hearing in the suyvereme Court and suite :,'22.95 hab been advanced by Lr. ADple.Sate for disbursements in respect to the matter, that there was :p19.97 on r_aad j. nicr r,ad been raised ly the 387 1 business men of the Town, to finance the proposition, reducing the amount to be paid by the Town to $70.99. After discussion, the Council duly voted to pay the said bills, Councilmen Tarey, Stevenson and Fleming voting in favor of the same. The Council authorized the drawing of a wrrant to the port Orchard Independent for 068.00 fpr print- ing briefs, and warrant for $2.99 to. T:dr. Applegate for the balance, due him after apply- ing the $19.97 balance on hand raised by the business men. it was duly voted that during the months of June, July and August the Council hold one meeting a month, the same to be held on trie 2nd I'londay of each month, Council- men Radey, Stevenson and 2leming voting in favor of said resolution. The Street!Superintendent was duly authorized to construct an open wooden gutter on the inside of the sidewalk in front of the Anslow property on Dwight Street And to fix the broken sidewalk. The following bills were presented: Pacific T. and T. -Co. Port Orchard Transfer GBITERAL r7UiTD Exchange service 2 ricks wood WAFER FUND $3.67 4.50 Tacoma Pbmbing Supply Supplies--screws,pins,covers 11.64 H. Doylex Labor 1.50 WATER FUND, VWERWORKS RF-1.rA1NTNG PROJECT . P.M. Applegate Tel. call to Olympia .90 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, tt-e meeting adjourned. rank ivens, iTayor Francis If. Applegate, ow #ek (J June 8. 1936 The Town Council met tLis evening at 7,*30 p.m. Present: Mayor. Givens and Councilmen nadey, 'Stevenson, Norton, Fleriing and Corlise. Minutes of the meeting of Ilay 25th, 1936, were read and approved. The Mayor directed the opening; of bis for the tapping machine and two bids were skbmitted, to -wit: Mueller 'type ("B" (Palmer Supply Company) $130.50, and A.P. Smith a 3 (A.P. Smith 17fg. GQ.)$102..50. Mr. Cherry and fir. Wattel of the PWA were Oresent during the opening and consideration of the bids. After discussion, and on recommendation of John H. P'attison, Town Engineer, the determination as to the award of bids was contin- ued until the next meeting of the Council, to ascertain if the A. P. Smith machine was. equal to the proposal for the liueller machine. I Allen L. Hartman appeared before the Council in respect to the passage of an �i ordinance which would prohibit the picking yap of orders for cleaning unless a license i fee was paid in respect thereto. Mr. Hartman, also stated that Mr. LaDuke was unable to be present but he also desired such an ordinance in respect to electrical work. F. P. Arnold and D J. Talbot also appeared before the Council and asked for a license fee' in tespect to Plumbers. All these matters were referred to the 'Town Clerk to secure a / 388 copy of the Eremerton ordinance in respect tfiereto. The Clerk broug•T_t up the matter of the fireworks ordinance, and the Council ordered the strict enforcement t�lereof in respect to setting off fireworks, etc., in the Town, but grLknted the period from noon of July 3rd to :iidnight, July 41h, Vrt:en fireworks, etc. , could be set off in the Town. The. Council authorized the Marshal to Employ a deputy uetween noon, July 3rca, ano' midnit t,t, July 4tt_, to take care of this matter. Councilman iyorton broug)t up tl-:e matter of t't•_e possibility of prohibiting the arillinE of any, more artesia:, wells in the Town, and the matter was referred to the Town Clerk to make investigation in respect to the mutter and report at tse next meet- ing. The follovrinL- bills were presented: Bremerton Oil Del ivc-,ry Co.. Puget Sound mews Co. Reliance Motor Co. H ovre r s Hardware Olympic I orn Works Standard Oil Company H.W. Jackson li-ac.ine Shop Luke Electric Co. Port Orchard Lumber Yai•a Howe Lotor Company Bremerton Concrete rrod. Co. Stan -card Oil Company Howe's Hardware Howe rotor Company GEMRAL FT��TD Road Oil and 2uel Oil Carbon 7 gallons gas Chain, steel tape, etc. 53 scarifier teeth stlarpeneri Gasoline a Sharpened trader teed., -o es 6 50 'Watt Llobes, 1 111.10 watt LuP1b er wash, clean,paint truc ,plugs Sewer pipe Gasoline weed pull, r, fertilizer, etc. grease, repairs and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the meeting adjourned. VX" Francis Applegate 'otrm Clerk 1.10 1.47 2.95 11.13 33.08 29.55 1.55 1.40 30.65 5.00 2.22 4.44 1.'77 Frank Givens, hTayor June 18, 1936 A special meeting of the 'town Council was t.eld this evening. Present : Coun- cilmen Radey, Norton, lleming and Corliss. In the absence of Mayor Givens, F. B. Fleming was duly appointed Ace, inL Mayor. John I. Pattison, Town Engineer, appeared before the Council in respect to the waterworks re-maining project, with a proposal of D. Coluccio�for installation of 10 hydrants witti auxiliary va7.ves, hub end and flange, boxes, tee, shac'.'le rods, etc., installed, complete, for the surri. of 4145.00 Bach, a total of �'2p1,450.00, and on mo- tion, duly made and seconded, it was duly voted to accept t}:is proposal, subject to ti-e approval of the P.W.A., Councilmen Radey, Morton, Fleming; and Corliss voting in favor of the same. F. B. 2leming, Acting hayor Francis 1. P.ppleg-ate, Town Clerk July 13, 1936 The Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Norton. The minutes of the meeting of June 8, 1236 and of the spec- ial meeting of June 18, 1936, were read and approved. The matter of the award of bids for a tapping machine in respect to the waterworks re-maining project, ;lash. 1174-R, was taken up and L-Irs. h. Williams of the A.P.Smith Mfg. Co. appeared before the Council in respect to the mereits of the A;P.SPdITH Co. ma- chine, and on the recommendation of the Town Lngineer the matter was deferred until the sample machine from the $�,P. Smith Co. should arrive and be compared witrl the Mueller mactine borrowed from Bremerton. The Town Engineer presented a change order in respect to waterworks re-maining project, Docket No, Wash. 1174-R, in respect to substituting 3/4 inch copper tubing and copper fittings in place of galvanized pipe and galvanized fittings; for service connectionti, with a proposal from D. Coluccio, the contractor, to do this for an addi- tional $100 and said change order was duly authorized by the council. The Water Superintendent asked for advise in respect to what should be charged for 8 inch old• pipe, and it was suggested tl.at it be from six to seven cents. , The Town Engineer presented the first estimate of the contractor, D. Coluccio, for .the waterworks construction project, Docket No. Plash. 1174-R,, whic'cF had been duly approved by t1:Ne Town Engineer and Engineer Inspector B. W. Seweel, in the, sum of $3437.44, and tLe ""ayor -and Clerk were duly auti orized to sign a warrant for tLe said sum of $3437.44. The Water Superintendent brought up the matter of installing a 4 ingr; iron main from Prospect . street to the southwest corner of Sidney where the new hydraxit would be located, and it was; duly voted that this be done. The amount of irrn pipe involved would be about 180 feet. The Town Engineer brought up the matter that it was necessary to use the Water Superintendent to locate,connections and valves, etc., and that it was the intention to allow him 62ije a n hour for hiA work in connection with the water re-maining project, the same to be deducted from his regulr salary. The Water Superintendent stated that if Lie did this it would be necessary to hire some one to help him and he was duly authorized to hire euct, help. He was also instruc- ted to take up the matter of the toilet in the Fountain Garage and see that sanitary conditions were remedied there. The Water Superintendent brought up the matter of the charge for water which had been supplied to the;Brewery for tY-e past 3 months, stating that the electrical bill r,ad risen about $20.00 per month by reason of additional pumping, and after discussion it i was duly decided that the Town bill tie Brewery for $100. The Clerk broughtup the matter that the final installment of $500 on the fair grounds porperty was .now due and that t1nere was 247 odd in the park fund. It was duly voted that a warrant,`to the Pacific National Bank, Trustee, be drawn ,on the general fund, to pay this final installment, and that the Clerk be instructed to see that a proper deed was secured on the payment of this final ar.ount. 390 The Clerk read a letter from the State Treasurer stating" tl-at t"i,e attorney general had ruled that it was not proper to transfer membership in the Volunteer Fire Department and that; it would be. necessary to pay an aaditional $3 meYabersP-ip fee for ''v. Swanson if he took the place of B.F. Zahller, and a warrant was duly aut't.orized to be drawn therefor. � It was duly voted that inasmuch as 55owas being paid on tie waterwor'_cs re- maining construction job for common labor tLat hereafter the going rate of .wages for the town would be 55fiel per hour. The following bills were presented: GE111P,REi.1, FUND .'acific Nat'l. Ba-ik, Truste Final payment on Fair Frounds 500.00 Bremerton Oil Delivery Road Oil 337.86 Jackson Irlachine Shop Sharpe ndint; grader teet :,pin 8.60 Howets hardware shovel, stone fork, etc. 6.48 Standard "il Company sasoline 36.40 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber 7.21 Duke Electric Co. fuse, toggle switch, 1«bor m Biren 11.15 Bill bruhahn Labor 1`7.60 A.stn. Washington Cities Fees and services to 1-1-37 5.00 Lumber :supply Dumber •33 W.F. I.eavell 100 receipts in triplicate 2.00 Pacific T. and T. Ylars-L.a1`s phone 1.89 State Treasurer Ilembera::ip, Vol. fire. Dept. 3.CO C.H. YanDeYark Rubber Stamp .95 WATER FUND Lawrence L . Doyle Labor 2.20 Peter Ruth Labor 16.15 Palmer Supply Co. Valve Stem Packing 1.15 Reliance 1-otor Co. Gasoline 1.26 Crane Co. ells 20.28 Jackson Uachine Shop round stekl .18 Standard Oil Company Gasoline 1.60 Howe motor Co. replace differential, gaskets 6.10 CONS'i'R�!CiIO" AC'COtJ�TT--Rya-I`�s'i?ING PRO FECT Wash.117�4-R D. Coluccio First estimate 3,437.44 John H. Pattison EngineerinE 282.50 Carl B. HolmberE, Inspector 86.25 Nora A. Harraher Typist 14.40 Charles Slayton Chaxnian 71.25 Harley Norton Inspector 10.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. Ongmotion, the meeting adjourne 1 rangy Givens, Ma,; or Francis 11. Ap-plegat wn C er July 22, 1936 A special meeting of the town Council itias held t[,is�vening at 5:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, idorton and Corlis9. The Clerk presented the matter of a resolution required by the Highway Department in respect to the oiling of the streets and setting it up as a special project. it was duly moved that said resolution be duly adopted, and the same was adopted, Councilmen Radey, Dorton and Corliss voting in favor thereof. The Clerk was directed to send a certified copy tY--ereof to the yistrict Engineer. The Clerk presented the following bills: f WATER F M-WATERVIORKS RE-M2kI17I3NG PROTECT COAST. ACCT. -fora A. Harra'aer typing, 16 brours, P.`M.A. 9•110 Harley Norton Inspectior, 48 hours, P.W.A. 30.00 Peninsula !eed Co. weighing pipe 2.00 39-1 Henry Busher Peter Ruth ViATER F UIM Labor, 6 hours 0 55gr Work on tank and ditch 3.30 33.152 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. The matter'of selection of a tappint machine was taken up and it appeared that there were two proposals, one from the Palmer Supply Co. for a Mueller Yachine, Vype B 130.50 and one from the AP Smith Mfg. Co. for an A, P. Smith Machine for $102.50. The Water Superintendent and lown Bngineer made a report on the test in respect to i - these two machines which had been made today, and after discussion it was duly voted by the Council that we accept tl�e proposal of the A. P. Smith 111fg. Company for their machine, Councilmen Radey, Norton and Corliss voting in favor of the same. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Francis M. 1pplegat Fra:mk Givens, Mayor August 10, 1936 The regular meeting of the Town Council was held tl_is evening at .7:30 p.m. Present: -Uayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Ylemin6. The minutes of the meeting of Jgl.y 13, 1936, and of the special meeting of July 22, 1936, were read and approved. Mr. Relfaine appeared before the Council in respect to the bulldozer running over Kenall and Pleasant Avenues and stated that 1�r. Caretti,, the County Commissioner, would be willing to do this if the Council so requested, at an expense of $5.00, and tY_e Clerk was directed to write to Mr. Caretti stating; tl::at tie gown would be glad if lie could do this and that it would pay the $5.00 in the matter. r. Bernstein of the Silver Springs Brewing, Company appeared before the Council and requested the extension of the 'dater mains to the Brewery, and the installation of too hydrants in front of the property, inasmuch as this installation would reduce their xinsurance by two-thirds. Mr. Pattison, Town Engineer, stated that he thought that this could be inclbded in the loan and grant which we received from the re-maining project, and he was requesteq to make an estimate in respect to the cost; and submit it to a spec- ial meeting of the Council to be held at 5:30 on Tuesday evening, August 11, 1936, at the Town Hall. in this connection, idr. Berns>ein, representing; the Brewery, stated that if the Town would do this that the water facilitiesof the Brewery would be available to the Town at any time in case of need. Mr. Pattison, Town engineer, presented various plans for the use of the money that mi. 'r<t remain 'in the grant Iand loan from the United States for water re -raining, but the Town Council iaa of the opinion that it would riot include thez'e mat-6ers except in respect to the Brewery extension. The Town Vngineer presented Change Order No. 3-1-3 in respect to additional pipe 392 and removal of 10 fire hydrants and installation thereof, amounting to the sum of SY869.60, and the same was -duly approved by the Council. Earl Wasmuth appeared tefore the Council in respect to spreading; some crust ed rock on Grant Street, and the Street Superintendent was duly directed to put the necessary quuntitgr upon the said street. Harley Norton reported on the condition of tt_e `eater ar.Ed stated tYrat L:n �ng;ineer of the health L'epartraent had been over and that they were still continuing the tests. The Water Superintendent asked for instructions in respect to painting the water tank, stating tY-at it was needed and the 'Water Superintendent was duly authorized to proceed with the paii1ing of the tail=-c, it being understood tt.at it would be necessary to employ a specialist in respect to 'the job and the Clerk was directed to communicate witt- the Puget Sound Sheet L'_eal 'Yorks, Railroad and 5; okane, Seattle, Washington, in reEpect to the job. D. J. Talbot and F. P. ..rriolc , tt,e two plumbers operating in Port Orchard, pre- sented a pi-oposed ordinance in respect to licensing plumbers, etc., and tILe sar::e was duly read by the Clerk and considered by the Council: Iir. Bradley, a plumber of Brera- erton, spoke in behalf of the Ordinance. The Clerk was directed to revise the said ordinance acid have it rez:Ldy for the next meeting. The Clerk was directed to write to R. Zacagnnini in respect to parking old automobiles in front of his business premises. The Street Superintendent asked for instructions in respect to additional oiling and he was duly authorized to place oil upon the streets in such quanitities as he deemed proper and necessary. The matter of the restoration of the salaries of the Town employees was taken up and it was duly voted that tt_eir salaries be restored t-o- their forr_�er rate and the same to become effective as of ti.is date and to be payable in the increased surds on the next pay dgy, to -wit: Sept. 10, 1936. The Clerk presented a tentative budget for the year 1937 under wiricti, takinE- into consideration the increase of the salaries of the employees of the '`own, there would be a net sum of about $300.00 available for street supplies, etc. After discussion, tKe Council decried to provide for an election to be field' September 12, 1936, for the voting; of an additional levy of 4 mills for general pur- poses and 3 for oiling of 'the streets of the Town. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 418 covering the matter and the same was duly adopted, Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton and 2leming voting in favor thereof. The following bills were presented: howe e s "ardware Hussey & Peterson Pacific Tel. and Tel. Standard Oil Company Port Orchard Lunar Yard Puget Sound mews Company H.W. Jackson Machine Slop Francis M. Applegate GEiTEMAi FUND Port paint,Ldwe.cloth,etc. 5.25 repairing grader, etc. 4.30 telephones 2.20 gasoline 24.73 lumber 1.47 onion skin, clips 3.51 repairing valve on fire truck 1.00 recording deed,park pr4y;recording deed,Peterson's prop.;rev. stamps 2.70 393 GEHERAL FUND (Cunt' d . ) Henry Buscher 1* days labor =5Xper hr. 6.60 Lumber Supply Lumber •33 WATER FUND Peter Ruth 113 hours 0 55,e per hour 62.15 Williams Hardware wrench, blade 1.00 Howefs Hardware read lead,shovel,paint bruen,etc. 29.92 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. mood plugs, etc. 6.21 Standard Oil Comp4Lny Gasoline 3.80 Reliance motor Company Gasoline 1.89 24.65 American Plbg. & Steam Pipe, etc. WATER FUND -1.1 'i'ERWORYS RE MAINT'TG PROJECT Wash. 1174-R Charles Slayton Chainm.an, 149 hours 93.13 Nora A. Harraher Sten-clerk, 24 hours 14.40 Francis M. Applegate Telegram,notificiation cam. work .32, Harley Norton Inspector, 40 hours 25.00 John H. Pattison Iggineer, 217 hours 271.25 Carl B. Holmberg Inspector, 156 hours 97.50 Geo. E. Mitchell Tape,pencils,postage 9.01 L. Coluccio Second Estdmate, contractor 9,977.30 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. F . f On motion, the meeting adjourned. Francis M. Applega e To Cl I _ 0/_Zl� Fra,ak Givens, Mayor August 12, 1936 Special meeting of the Town Council was held this eveining at 5:30 P.M. pur- suant to arrangements made at the regular meeting of the Council held on August loth, 1936. Present: Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Fleming. The Town 3ingineer presented an. Lstimate in respect to extending the water sys- tem with a six inch main to the Brewery, with two hydrants, at the sum of .4w,1,2S6.27. It was suggested that the E%i.neer ._,dke a new estimate, siowing what it would cost to extmdthe water system with a four inch main beyond the Brewery to I41itchell Road opposite the HigLL School, and it was arranged that a special meeting would be held on August 13th, 1936, at four p.m. to consider such estimate. It was undextood that Coun- cilman Radey could not be present at that meeting, but that he would agree to anything the other Councilmen might do in the premises. On motion; the meeting ` dj o rned. y Francis M. Appleg T wn erk Frank Givens, mayor