01/01/1935 - Regular - Minutes310 _ ..__'t� l '.;`_C 'i;C �_._u� '. 5 =rEC ;G „y ' C _c.B let Lers . �..� ` ) i s ` r '' E y Etiii C L a17Ci ..G,i L.:.-'VO' ! ! -, ...Ci'v :J lA ..�i. ...c.,i.L.l'1 L;. �. ;u .i' w�:--ei:int 1" ri __ .-, - 1 --... 0:lam J. ._ . Le—v':i', U.. �c I'- ._1_C. C',� aia "J.� :c:d�.IL%r�L, I�', __--v. 1.CC LA .v � _t _ -. .n _. L': Z •� V . �Ji.a ��_ _. � J C�. _... _. � a �A � C:L j �-�` -, w.3 _ �. ... _ ... — :-a • 1 • _ G = .- 1 ti^ , :.1 �J : f. �. v J .� F lli_Z t,; �.- -� .J 1 v i� .i . a De l.i 1'Z;'l_A"c:I, r.'.Clt, „ , , 32 T o .' ..� U _ 'a 2 � . � A L r� C% u �.. : �_,: i r . _ J l . � i.:l IJ .L. _ 1 � J � C.I � i � 11 G l.. �.: I , i J o r` _ .Ie L(]r VC=i ;arlyr v0r-ia.;I." _ iCam':, C1:,C' 1 1 - C0="1i;;a1J_ Ca.i.1�C1'':71�.— r� �y i ..7 �'i v0�:i:c c'i_ ." EdI�C�, .L Ji. _. _._chit .-_iy'. v!i.E':ra , 1i?.'iJ_7.1S.t:: +Ta1vc^.'.s January 14, 1935 2.0)0 The Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, N'o-rtan, Fleming and Corl ie s. The minutes of the meeting of December 10, 1934 were read and approved. There was no meeting on the fourth Monday of December, 1934 inasmuch as the same fell on Christmas eve. Mayor Grieve then presented Frank Givens, the newly elected Mayor, and retired as Mayor, Mayor Givens was duly sworn in by Francis 'M. Applegate, Notary Public, and duly took his seat as Mayor. W. S. Stevenson and S. A. Norton were then duly sworn in by Francis M. Apple- gate, Notary Public, as Councilmen and they duly took their seats in the Council. The Mayor announced that the committees would stand as heretofore. He appointed Francis M. Applegate as Town Clerk and as Police Judge, which action was duly con- firmed bar the Council. Mr. Applegate stated that he had filed his oath of office and. presented his bond, which was turned over to Mayor Givens for safe keeping. R. J. Caretti---as former Marshal and dater Superintendent was present and ex- � pressed his appreciation of the pleasant relations which had existed between him and the Town officials. W. E. Cosbey P:Vesented a bill for $588.65 in respect to his contract for the Cline :Dwight & Austin Street sidewalk improvement.. The same was duly referred to the the City Engineer for approval, with authority to the Mayor and Clerk to draw Warrants for such q,mount as should be recommended by the City Engineer. The matter of ;lots sold to Lee Miller from the City Park property at McClure and Nest Streets was taken up, and the Mayor stated that there were objections by the residents adjacent thereto to cutting off the timber, and stated that he under- stood that Mr. Miller was willing to re -deed the lots to the Town against payment of $25. which he hod paid for the lots. The Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign a warrant for this amount against delivery of the deed. It was duly voted that R. J. Caretti be paid for three days extra work as Water Superintendent and Marsha:. Councilman Radey of the Street & Alley Committee reported in reference to the condition of the highway in front of the Larson property east of the Black Jack bridge and recommended that a ditch be dug to the south towards the bill b oarde and garage, and the Street Superintendent, when appointed, was directed to do this work. The matter of a catch basin in connection with this condition of the highway was discuased and referred to the Street & Alley Committee for report at the next meet- ing. The matter of -;the condition of the sidewalk in front of the Hazard garages, as well as the crosaiz►g on the sidewalk - in front of the Luxton property, was referred to`the Street.& Alley Committee for report at the next meeting. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to Representative Halloran in respect to ,the claim of thq city for changing the water pipe line from the end of the pave- meMt to Rockwell Avenue in the sum of some $1100., for reimbursement by the State, The Clerk presented a petition from H. E. Gorman, Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee of the Association of Washington Cities, urging that the amended so that no ;gas tax could be used for any purpose other than for highway pur- poses and in the mei.ntime the Legislature make no diversion of this fund, and the Mayor and Clerk weri0 authorized to sign this petition on behalf of the Town. The matter of the appointment of a dater Superintendent was duly taken up, and, after discussion, the Mayor appointed Harley Norton as Water Superintendent and Mar- shal, and his appointment was duly confirmed by the Council. It was stated that the fire arms used by the Marshal were not in order and the Marshal was authorized to find what the salvage value would be for the old weapons and what the price of a new one would be, and to report on the same at the next meet- ing. The matter of the appointment of a Street Superintendent was discussed and the Following applicatioche were presented: Clinton F. Trasch, W. E. Cosbey, Thomas F. Connell, and Lynn Mason. 312 After discussion, it was duly voted to postpone the consideration of this matter,until a special meeting to be held on Friday evening, January 18, 1935, at the Town Hall at 7:30 P.M. Meantime Harley Norton was duly authorized to em- ploy such necessary labor in street work as might be necessary. The Clerk was duly authorized to instruct the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company to change the phone of Mr. Caretti over to Harley Norton as Marshal and also to notify the telephone company that the Mayor would avail of his,residerice telephone to which he would be entitled as Mayor. The following bills were presented: GEi1ERAL FUND A. H. Adair, 1 day's work on fire hydrant - - - - - Francis M. Applegate, premium on bonds, Treas. Mayor - Francis M. Applegate-, postage 1934 - - - - - - - Port Orchard :Lumber Yard, Lumber - - - - - - - - Olympia Iron Sc Machine Works, 1 ft. of oak - - - - H. W. Jackson Machine Shop, 1i lb. steel, holes bored - Duke Electric Company. globes - - - - - - - - - Howess hardware, nails, battery - - - - - - - - Howard Cooper Corporation, Fire Extinguisher - - - - Standard Oil Company of California, Gas and oil - - - Trick & Murra;y, receipt book -- - - - - - - - - WAS FU11D Lawrence Adair, 1 days work - - - - - - - - - - - - National Meter Company, 5 meters, wipers & connections - - - Seattle Rubber Stamp Company, Hand Band Dater vvith-d"ie - - Port Orchard Transfer Company, 2 ske. Indian nut and lump - - Francis M. Applegate, postage 1934 - - -- - - - - Puget Sound Navigation Company - - - - - - - - - - - Howe's Hardware, hammer handle - - - - - - - - - - - Howe Motor Company, Sundry Supplies Port Orchard Independent, printing - - - - - - - - - Standard Oil Gompa.ny of California, Gas Duke Electric Company, labor on pump - - - - - - - - - and warrants were ordered drawn ,thgrefor. 4.00 20.00 8.00 3.05 .30 .37 6.74 .62 3.46 20.30 2.57 4.00 48.37 4.50 1.20 9.00 2.25 .25 4.35 69.50 3.87 2.75 On motion the meeting adjourned, to meet Friday evening, January 18, 1935 at 7:30 P.M. � 4 c � L OLE], � MAYOR 318 January 22, 1935 A special meeting of the Council was held this evening at 7:30 P.I. Present i Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and CorlisE�. The ilayor stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a Street Superintendent and the following names were presented: Clinton F. Brasch, W. E. Cosbey, Lynn Mason and Thomas F. Connell. After consultation with the Coun- cil, the Mayor appointed Clinton F. Brasch as Street Superintendent, which action was duly confirmed by the Council. W. E. Cosbey was present and informed the Council that the rains had washed the earthfrom underneath the Cline, Dwight, .and Austin sidewalk improvement. After C diicussion, the Street Superintendent was duly directed to haul crushed rock and other material and fill in the same, it being understood with Mr. Cosbey that the Town assumed no liability in the premises by virtue of this aid rendered in the premises. The Street Superintendent was directed to do the above work in respect to the said sidevdal'c first and that he afterwards take up the matters of the drain- age and sidewal'c in, front of the Stanton property east of Black Jack and the matter of the drain at De 'Lalb drain while it was raining. The Mayor appointed "W. S. Stevenson as Chairman of the Water CoLmit tee in place of S. A Norton who was in turn appointed in Mr. Stevensonts place on the Street and Alley Committee, so that the two committees now stand as follows: Street & Alley Harry Radey, Chairman S. A. Norton D. V. Corliss 'stater J. S. Stevenson, Chairman Harry Radey F. B. Fleming The Mayor also appointed a Parks Committee as follows: D. 11. Corliss, Chairman F. B. Fleming Harry Radey. On motion the meeting nrlinlirnPtl_ CLERK IaYOR January 28, 1935 . The Cou4tcil met this evening at 7:30 Y.I. Present tlayor Givens and Councilmen Radey,Stevenson, N `rton, Fleming q and Corliss. The minutes of the meeting of January 14, 1935 and of the special meeting of January 22, 1935 were read and approved. C. H. T,lacomber appeared before the Council and complained in reference to the cutting of trees on ;Seattle Avenue and the dumping of garbage on that street. After discussion it was the concensus of the Council that, as a general propositions trees I 314 should not be cut on public streets except under permission of the Council after adjacent property owners had been consulted and their views thereto had been ob- tained. but that each individual case would be decided upon its merits. The Cler'c was directed to write to 'Mrs. E. Lieske, who had ordered the trees cut, stating that the Council did not desire any more trees disturbed and that she ' 1 sh-,uld have the branches from the trees cut cleaned up and burned. The Clerk was directed to write to S. Gz,rbarino and T. Garbarino in reference to dumping garbage on Seattle Avenue. Teonard Cookson appeared before the Council in reference to the complaint of A. E. Currie as to drainage from Mr. Cooksonrs property across the alley unto the Currie property, and the rratter was referred to the Street & Alley Coiffaittee for investigation and report. I1r. Cookson stated that he thought that there was a leaky main on Sidney Street and that he would point out the approximate location of the leak to the 'later Super- intendent if ..e ou.l^ ca-11 on 'nim. Tacob Nuernberger was present and complained that garbage was being hauled by J. P. J,)slin fron the house of 'Mr. Johnson on Division Street and the natter was referred to Councilman Fleming, Chairman of the Health Sanitation Committee, to ta'ce up the matter with I1r. Toslin. The Street & Alley Cozn,1ittee reported in. reference to the condition of East Bay. Street and especially in reference to the crossing at the Dufield property and the da:_�aged sidewal'c in front of the Hazard garages on East Bay .Street. The Street Superintendent was directed to repair the worst part of the sidewalk I where the state truck had dazmaged the same in front of the Hazard garages, and the Cler'c was directed to write to 'Er. Hazard stating that inasmuch ass the side;'ralk in front of his garages 7,as four inches only and he was using it for a driveway that the Town could not be responsible for further damage and that he would have to make his own repairs hereafter. The Street Superintendent was directed to clean up the sidewalk at the crossing in front of the Dufield property, and the Clerk was directed to write to Mr. Buxton stating that the Town would do so but that it would be required, if they continued to use that place for a crossing, that it be so fixed that the dirt would not come down on the sidewalk. Councilman 7?ade;y called attention to the condition of the wooden s iciewalk at the Black 'Jac'c and the Street Superintendent :ias directed to malke temporary repairs thereto and to put a railing on the inside thereof. The matter of the condition of "':itsap Street at the fill was talcen up and the Street Superintendent was directed to corm,lence liauling gravel thereon on the morning of the 2:?th and to continie at this job until the same was finished. he was authorize _ d 31,5 to employ such help as necessary in moving an6 relaying the concrete sidewalk. The Clerk wasi directed to write to James R. Pattison stating that it was the opinion of the Coumil that Mr. Cosbey, the contractor of the Cline, Dwight and Austin sidewalk, should at once .finish his fills so that the same would be in con- 77 dition to lay a sidewalk as early in the spring or summer as possible. The Street Superintendent was directed to take his grader and throw the dirt towards the insidein front of and adjacent to the A. D. Corliss property on Pot- tery Hill. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Francis M. Applegate, recording deed, revenue stamp deed, etc. 1.70 C. A. Hants, harshal Bond for Harley Norton 5.00 W. H. Latherow, 8 day's work 10.50 Sterling Norton, 2 day's work De Kalb & Sidney drain 2.00 Lee Uiller ; Q hrs. work, keeping gutters and drains clear 4.50 Lynn Mason, hauling gravel one day 4.00 WATER FUINZ George Bryant, 12 hrs. notifying water shut off on Pottery Hill .75 H. Lyons, 32 day's work, thawing pipes, etc. 13.00 R. J. Carett i, one day's work 6.00 Arthur Adair, 1 5/i day's work 6.50 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. CLER'� February 11, 1935 The Council met this evening at 7:30 P.Y. Present I1ayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevensnn Norton, Fleming and Corliss. The minutes of the meeting of January 28, 1935 were read and approved. Irs. Ella Stanford a7peared before the Council and asked that Dwight Street in front of her property be narrowed down the s me as east (?f Sidney, bat i , was ny ainet to tIlcat this action on the part of the Council was taien because prop- erty lines encroached on the street. Mrs. Stanford also filed with the Council a letter stating that she did not wish Dwight Street in front of her property disturbed by any one without her consent. Tars. YcConcrie ap7eared before the Council and acted if it were permissable to slome tKe rar' ing strip anC, seed it to gratis in front of her ,roY;erty and she was informed Vat it would be 7ro7er for her t - do so. petition Was dull oresented by 11 residents in the neighborhood asling the re- placeoent of the light at De7alb and Cline Street and, after discussion, the Council duly ordered the Cleft to request the Puget round Power & Light Company to place a light at this point. 316 T. G . Tlarrott ap-pe_------ b ef ­,r e t'.,,c- Council in cferelc e the 6cc-, -i :F, at the -1 'i�,T )n "its&--, 7)treet an,_`, _c1I.,q..-._-ez-7te,_-, E t 41-71-lie, ctra_`n -f--jni Dc-'Dlo 3trp--It _-LOrtLi on Harl-ison t -) "its ap 'incG f r Dm "it sLv, i�,-- itn ',Le s 11 s ic, e �,eo f to, t'.',e s e,;,,er pi oe a' Vne 'via ter k, - nl::,nt i n err r to e c a rf_-r)-'L t'�is 6 r-- in-- Ep- . 1"Inis .iuttel, referred to the Street 1, -11 LI Y ­r. 1?arrott on Saturday Co and it w-s a-rayl�-ed t";at tl-e-; mirning 2e'jr_,iall'y _6 at in respect tj t'ais a `k; t-, e 2 he -_' j e , t n of 1 o S us`ng 'Urie 3'uree-Ua discu22ed and t`ne Clerk vic,s (�irected to -;rite t j t'L--e 1-) e ,3 -D t'iIe �,trS�tS fe'�jC, stingy that they reduce Vleir loads 50%. n Corl is s re- _rt ed in r ef cre-fice t) t'-e dra i f r"r, the Coo'cs Oil 'I'Opert y n id t -,a t, t j--- ii s -eareC, t -, e a natural -utet and tIa'1-t" lf11.4e-) j�,ooth rt c t -, at i n a t i 1 -1 d n t" x Du,t,,`Ii ', 'ne 13: J e c azri.d a c rmi L,: t rie a.1.1 C", I I j,� r-I - r e T a r -� i C-1 ` c - - U__ - L­t� el L� t __ n - ,mineral ond i - e -L_;� t t i � 2 - , -I-, e c - -_ z � , -, -- o In 7 a ) � U - _son Ivenue t'ne , e V e"iLl e -'ICJ, t-;.,)n if tl,IL� e, and _.t C j in f -:)Tit of t, i; It tin r o i. e r t y e, i s c 2 c d t the OICi 4vr d e i 0 n the -,,,I t n 6 J a c­ncrc,',-t nc �_n C t U t `5 e r )e t a'{ e n ire :1C t"e ,rred t,- the Street Zr(,Co,�­,�itt­ a n d e �.reet 3uj�tt 4- I, - i'l- )r'-, out t',lC (-,, etai,!, S 'a-1 c C u n c i inr f -,renc2 t") o,,,ier1n,, V. 1--er ca;zied b- t'-,e Cline, Dw-�6It tom..­"Ist-in strc.'(3, 6i6ewa7,C and 4- Et in -11., UCI-1 -�ii '1" 11 C _) uric -1. -_LmL411 Iilort on d t i 11 in - -eferel-ic-- t'.) h t - :-I � . r The Cl-rlc -3rese-i-itcd zz etter Cr).­the '._Iar�ette_ an�d East _-3re--iertan Club ' L,j Y. 0 4- L, r e �� C) - t i , v Ibridge Lnk� on _ L�ion ail 1,� S in to -a' 4 y, �­ J� . t',ae -an e, _-Z E, y ted Ur".. "IL Tt- - f the �f", n U-, 1-Ite e u Lc ) 4- , i , - Y t!)e t'a- t he of Tanuary U t 4-;; t T -er, of t o b e 1) LD a 6 6 e d 'U': -,- r e -IU- 7) . 't was duly 7rAed t:y,-t T. 2. lived - Ae _:,t I- ed tic i­,C. i.E a;,i,) ;int ) f t e t oLI 4- 0 s cL� �j ­ d U t �ie - a t t e r -a 1. a )V C3" nt- T t Counci I— c-stal" a taxi stand JL'�cent t 4 S CCs. _P "1 8 �3 01'1 W �_k �3 iV ej-1 hiM tO Vie S'. a to d e '.A I Ict, e r.�i t%&t 0 th-e I-i e f c, i TT e 7',tor CO3:j-, e t iia i f e T q S U]_­L n c e C 1i Lia a 7 ne Ciu'_7J ')_r y U S Uu- filler -le 1.50 3 0 20 1w5.00 10- 130 4.00 "J.03 317 GE' UERAL I+ UTM C ONT + D . Standard `:il Co~npany of Cai4for-iia, Gas Tra;�ae's 1ardware. suncl.ry sup -lies �'eliance "otor Company, c-as and -)il r oslin, vood ,11, _7 JN Port ;rc'_iard Transfer Com-plany, coal R. T. Caretti, `:? hrs. -aor'c Say Street 1ea'.< at 75�l per ter. Olympic Iron. & ?'Tachine `Jor'cs, drill made, l�r)les drilled Howe's 11ardzaare, Sundry SEA'^, lieO 'alrier 5uiopl.y Cnnpa_ry, ells and cod,cs Howe 11")tor COm-oany, sulidry s un^; lieo rlric'. PC 7_.�'urray, Oasi1 box, tray, Euides, stwa-.) .gad, taild Standard '.il Corniuny of California, --as -.nd warrants re ordered drawn t'le.:efor. nn i n+i,7n t;�)e rnce r,+i nr ran i �n-rnati . IJ�R7I n rn .. .eJJ 3.50 15.01 4.00 1.40 1.50 1.60 3.70 7.59 1G.G5 19.73 4 .4 6 a isyYOR February 25, 1935 The Council met this evening at 7:3€I P.M. Present Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Norton, F1e3ting and Corliss. i The minutes of the meeting of February 11, 1935 were read and approved. Mrs. Ella Sta#ford filed a written protest against dumping garbage on the west side of Sidney at Vivision Street and the Marshal was duly authorized to put up a sign that no garbage was to be dumped at that point. Mrs. Stanford' also filed a written protest against the use of the northerly portion of .Uwight 4treet west of Cline by Sohn Wood for a garden, and the Clerk was duly instructed to write to Mr. Wood that he should confine his occupancy of the street to his own aide. The Street an4 Alley Committee reported that they had conferred with Mr. Parrett In respect to the 4rainage at the Kitsap Street fill but they did not think that his suggestion would solve the problem. Their, however, recommended that a. concrete gutter be put in on Kltsa]r Street from Sidney east to Seattle AFenue to take care of the drainage and the Clerk was duly directed to send notices to interested property owners to confer with the'Caunei2 at its next meeting on March 11, 1935 in respect to the said proposed improvement. The Clerk rea4 a letter from. Pfundt & Carlson Fisheries at Olalla in respect to opening a fish market here and he was directed to write them that if they opened a store that it would not be necessary to procure a license but that fish could not be sold from a wagon on the public streets. He was also requested to ask them in respect E to what was meant by *by—products.* 318 The Clerk presented a formal claim of C. J. Brown for damages to his property in respect to the breaking of the drainage pipe at De Kalb and Sidney on Z-anuary 22, 1935, in the sum of $200.00 and, after consideration, the Council duly rejected the same and the Clerk was directed to so inform Mr. Brown. Councilman lforton of the Street and Alley Committee reported that he had conferred with X. R. Pattison, the Town Engineer, in respect to lowering the fill f or the sidewalk in front of the Nellie Blankenship property and that Mr. Pattison was of the opinion that it was not wise to lower it to any considerable extent from the present proposed grade. After discussion,. the Clerk was directed to voite to W. E. Cosbey that it was the opinion of the Council that the fills for the Cline, Dwight and Austin Street sidewalk improvement should be made at once and to send a copy of this letter to T. R. Pattison, Town Engineer. Councilman Corli€.s brought up the matter that Mr. McConchie at the corner of Cline and Dwight Street had constructed a garage upon his property before the proposed side— walk improvement which necessitated moving the same and suggested the use of the Town truck to move the same, and the Street Superintendent was duly authorized to attend to this when Mr. McConchie notified him that he was ready for such moving. Clinton B. Brasch, the Street 'Superintendent, recommended the purchase of 10 foot mould board and blade for the grader and he was directed to inquire of the State highway Department if they had any mould board for sale and, if not, to purchase the same through usual channels. The Clerk was directed to write to William Hazard to repair the sidewalk in front of his garages in view of the fact that the Town had made the repairs caused by the State truck and that .if he did not do so it would be incumbent upon the Town to repair the same and charge himfor the cost thereof. The Marshal brought up the matter of drainage of sewage from Roy Slabaugh's house to the inside drainage of Cline Street and the Clerk was directed to look up the minutes in respect to this matter and report thereon at the next meeting of the Council. The following bills were presented: GENERAL, RM Pacific T. & T. Company, long distance calls WATER XJND Clarence Williams. 2 day*s work on Cline Street leak and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. L*12 MAYOR .25 OEM J 319 E Uarch 11, 1935 The Council met this evening at 7:34 P.1-L. Present Mayor Givens and Councilmen Stevenson, Ylemingmand Corli.ss. {. The minutes of the meeting of February 25, 1935 were read and approved. The matter af the construction of a concrete gutter on Kitsap Street east from Sidney to Seattle Avenue was taken up. The Clerk read a protest against the installa- tion of the gutter signed by the following persons: C. A, Ranks, J. P. loslin, Mrs. F. X. Applegate, George Blanchard, L. S. Pendleton, J. L. Kieran and Hugh Bartlett, Messrs. 6. H. Macomber, T. H. Lundberg, E. G. Harmon and Guy Wetzel and Mrs. J. G. Parrott were present in person in respect to the said improvement. Messrs. Macomber, Lundberg and Harmon and Mrs. Parrott spoke in reference to the matter. The attitude of 1fr. Macomber was that the street, in order to be properly improved,,- should be narrowed to a 28 foot roadway street and paved, and that the cost of engineering for paving would be about the same as the cost of engineering for the gutter along. It was explained to Mr. Macomber that the matter of paving was quite a serious matt I er in view of the facti that it was probable that to do the work under local improvement., that the contractors would want to take a considerable discount on the bonds or war- .; rarLte to be issued and that this would make the cast almost prohibitive. There was no',definite action taken about the matter of paving but it was suggested that investi- gation be made to see what could be done about the matter. After discussion by the Council, it was duly voted that the project of constructing a concrete gutter be laid upon the table for the present. The matter was then taken up of properly draining Kitsap. Street from a point on the east side of Harrison Street to Sidney Street, and the suggestion was made that a wooden gutter be constructed, at the expense of the Town, on both sides of the street to accomplish this end. After discussion, the matter was placed on the calendar for the next m eting for disposition. Mrs. Stanford appeared before the Council and inquired if Bar. Woods had been f notified to use only one-half of Dwight Street and she was informed that the matter had been attended to, \ The Glerk read a letter to the Mayor from Hon. X. P. Hal.laran in reference to the claim of the Town against tihe State in the sum of 01,127.GG in which he expressed the hope that the appropriation would be granted. The Clerk read :extracts from the minutes in reference to the policy of the Council not to- have sewer drains enter the drainage system for the Cline Street sidewalk and he also read extracts from the minutes in reference to the overflow of the cesspool from the Roy Slabaugh house at Cline and Le Kalb Streets,, owned by C. A. Hanks. 'The Marshal was directed to confer with :Dr. Wilson in reference to the matter and have him make an, investigation in respect to the matter and report on the same. Councilman Stevenson brought up the matter of the installation of a concrete block chimney on the house on the City Park property and the Council duly ordered this improvement. The Mayor brought up the matter of the dog nusiance and it was explained that it was difficult to handle this situation in view of the fact that it was not easy to get a pound master, but the: matter was referred to Councilman Stevenson to see if he could get` someone to' act as pound master. The following bills were presented: Pacific T. & T. Co., Extension telephone H. Norton, Marshal - - 1.72 Standard Oil Company of California, Gas - - - - - - - 42.76 Port Orchard Transfer Company, 2 risks wood - - - - - - 4.50 Howe ]Motor Company, Sundry Supplies - - - - _ - - - • 27.88 England & Petersen, Lumber and Cement - - - - - _ - .. 1.62 Reliance Motor Company, Gas - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.31 Port Grehard Lumber Yard, Lumber - - - - - - _ _ _ 5.23 Howete Hardware, Police bully, drain tile - - - - - _ - 4.50 WATER FUND Puget Sound Navigation uompany, freight on meter - - - - - 1.00 Trick & Murray, Meter Birder, Aluminum cover - - - - - _ 6.00 Standard ail Company of California, Gas - - _ - - - .. 6.88 Palmer Supply Company, Galv. Nipples 3.68 Neptune Meter Company, Repairing, testing and rebronzing meters - 23.65 Port Orchard Tranerfer Company, coal - - - - - _ _ _ 1.30 Howe's Hardware, Bolts,Shovels, Packing - - - - - - 6.13 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the ,Meeting adjourned. The Council met t...is evening at 7:30 P.Th-T. Radey, Stevenson, Fleming, Norton and Corliss. VAYaR Larch 25, 1935 Present Mayor Givens and Councilmen The minutes of the meeting of March 11, 1935, were read and approved. The matter of a wooden gutter on the north side of Kitsap Street from the east side of Harrison to Sidney was taken up and, after discussion, the Street Superinten- dent was directed to install a wooden gutter consisting of 12 X 3 plank on the bottom and side and 8 X 3 for lip. The matter of the overflow of the septic tank f rom the Roy Slabaugh house vial con- tinued until there was smell therefrom. Councilman Otevenoon reported that a chimney had been installed on the City Park: property house. The matter of dog licenses was discussed, and the Clerk was duly authorized to 321 March 25, 1935 continued :h secure the necessary license tags and give notice of the imposing of a license fee on all dogs , of the Town.. The Council duly voted that the Street Superintendent purchase the necessary plank for the protection of the garage of Mr. McConchie at the ,corner of Dwight and Cline Streets and irlstall. the same,,, The matter of a proposed concrete sidewalk on the north side of Hitsap Street at the water plant Was discussed and the Street Superintendent was directed to furn. ish and fill in the; necessary material so that the sidewalk could be constructed as soon as the fill settled. The following bills were presented: , GENERAL MM Williams Hardware, 6 lights - - - - 1.08 England & Petersen, 10 concrete chimney blocks - - 6.50 Stevenson's Furniture Store, Coal heater, stove board - .- 5.00 WATER FUND Palmer. -Supply Company, curb cocks, pipe, Gals. ells aid warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. ;)A ML.YoR "pril 8, 1935 27.15 The Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Norton and ]Fleming. The minutes of the meeting of March 25, 1935, were read and approved.. The Clerk presented the matter of the Town assuming jurisdiction over the State Highway within the Town limits as enacted by the last Legislature and presented a proposed resolution required by the Director of Highways in respect to the precentage of moneys to be expended for maintenance and construction. The Council duly voted that 501"o' be expended for maintenance and 50% for construction, and the resolution in this form was duly passed by the Council, Councilmen Racey, Norton and Fleming voting in favor of the said resolution. The Clerk staled that the examiner from the State Auditor's office had audited the accounts of the Tovfn and that the bill for his services was ill the sum of 09.08 ihich had been paid by a General Fund Warrant. The Council was of the opinion that the Water Fund should share in this expense to the extent of 50 and the Kayor and Clerk wer e authorized to s. ],gn a warrant on the Welter Fund in favor of the General. Fund for the sum I of C,39.54 to equalize this matter. 322 Layor Givens reported that 1�artin P. Halleran had seen him on Saturday and in- formed him that the Governor had signed the bill appropriating �'P1127.00 to reimburse the Town for changing the water main from on Bay from Sidney to Rockwell Avenue. The Clerk was directed to write a letter of thanks to Tartin P. Halleran, Senator Lehner, Representative Lula D. Haddon, and R. J. Caret ti, thanking teem on behalf of the Town for bringing; about tis appropriation. ',V. E. Cosbey appeared before the Council in reference to completing the Cline, Dwight and Austin LID Improvement, and the matter was referred to Councilman Norton of the Street and Alley Committee to confer with Tames R. Pattison, the Town Engineer, in respect to this matter. The following bills .,�:Pre presented: GIEMRAL FUIM Standard Oil Company of California, Gas - - Port Orchard Transfer Company, Sand and gravel - - Port Orchard Lumber Company, Lumber and nails - - Olympia Iron and Machine Vorks, Rings welded, labor, etc. - Reliance Motor Company, Gas - - - `J. E. Cosbey, Lumber for McConchie Garage - - Williams Hardware, Shovel. - - - - Howe's Hardware, General Supplies - - - -- Brenerton Concrete Pipe Company, Sel:ver pipe - - Henry Buscher, :Furnishing & installing -pile under Town Hall Port Orchard Transfer Company, two ricks wood - - Howe Motor Company, 0`il for truc'_t and labor - - - Sames Hussey, one days work overhauling pump - - Kenneth Kindred, 2 day's work at a day - - - Lawrence Adair, 5 hrs. work 9 50;,' an hour - - -- Howe Yo-tor Company, Sundry Supplies Standard Oil Company of California, Gas - - H. W. Jac'tson Machine Shop, Yachine Bolts and nuts Olympia Iron & Machine Jorks, holes drilled in valves - Howe"s Hardware, Sundry Supplies - - -- - Port Orchard Transfer, 2 sacks carbonado - and warrants were ordered drawn t herf or. On motion the meeting adjourned. CLEEK M—tiYOR. 12.30 - 2.80 1.76 18.76 6.03 2.30 2.2.0 - 2.82 32.20 2.00 4.50 9.25 - 6.00 8.00 2.50 6.15 3.75 .42 1.00 - 9.71 1.30 � 323 April 22, 1935 The Council met this evening at 7.30 P.I Present 7",Iay3or Givens and Councilmen Stevenson, I1orton, Fleming and Corliss. The minutes of the if-leetin,-_; of riril 8, 1013b, were read and approved. The Clerk presented the s•eport of the State Examiner in x-eti;pect to the Town finances and he was directed to have the corm -cents in respect to the Twin finances printed in the Port Orchard IndQoendeizt. The -Clerc reported that the Town liad been sued by Callison's, Inc. to cancel certain :local improvement assessments against lots where their warehouse was located. The Clerk reported that these lots had been foreclosed by the County for taxes and that he h«d examined the said for closures and t ciU.t they a-;:­peared to be in order .nd that the Toan ' reas'urer hard bel=n duly served with sunmons and com-plaint ins aid fore- closure action, and; he Was of the opinion that the Tot=n had no defense in this action. The Clerk presented a resolution for the %ayor to acce; t service of said summons and com�laint and to cofe,,;s judgment _n repect to the relief pr_aved f or by•Callison's, Inc. vihich resolution as duly adopted, Councilmen Stevenson, rSJinf , ITorton and Cor- liss voting in favor of sane. Councilman Dorton of the Street and Tilley Corti__ittee re orted tIlat lie :lad conferred ;iitYi Tames R. Pattison, the City Lnk sneer, and that 1'.r. Pattison said th�:t he viould instruct 1Er. Cosbev to finish lae Cline, Dv: ight and Austin LID :;ire e al.k and that I1, r. i Pattison thoup-_ht that the grade should remain ,about as it was riov�r located. t was reported that lirs. Grieve had as'.,--ed f or the grade of the alley betwe, n Day Street and Kitsap Street east of Sidney and the dater Superinte�ident <ias directed to e:7iploy an enkineer to establish the grade of this alle�7. Jacob Nuernber er appear.ed before; the Council in reference to the building of a sound for dogs and he was authorized to Y:urci^,ase the necessary MatE;rial and erect the same. The ClerlT brought up the matter of the new Volunteer Fire Denartrient -Pension Plan i as adopted by the la:st I:egislature and the Council v;as of the opinion that in view of the fact that the ent ire i Volunteer �+ Fire De7artmerit was inr urea for the year of 1r;3,- with t, e Aetna Lire Insurance Corrpany, that nothing s-:o old be done about the matter at the present time. I'owever, the matter was rY;ferred to Fire Chief `_Pot en to take: up with the department, and make recormgendations in clue cou ,se. .Fire Chief -gotten a geared before the Council a:na reconLsended thepurchase of 200 feet of 22 inch double jac1cet undervrritej�s hose in accordance w i -v-h the order made by the $card of Underwriters, and the Clerk was duly authorized to advertise for bids for this hose, to be returnable at the next Council sheet-inF; on 324 Harley ITIorton, The `dater Superintendent, re orted ir, to the fact that the PrOS'-)ect Street water ;;.ain ic!16 ht_:ve to b i2e;placed, thL:t a Y7et 6 inch main �,,aould have to be run in the a=_ley betti•r®en -Bay and Kitsap, Street:;, east of Sidney to LT —pzards, and then down to Say street and a brass lz inch main or u 4 inch '.:Loden main would have to be re-laid alonf, the seawall alonE he north s ide of Lay titre -A He was dirE-cted to an esti_:iate of t'.'Le cost of t ie.:e re_olacez_lents and 1•E;l cru at the next meet in;-. 'lhe Water SupE:Vintendey"t altio reP r`.(d the;.L B. a. iOL"rE. lad regl.iested a one inch rneteY i'o� 'Cl�s ne,a zes�.d. e;ice a Sri ?,e Cler'.: : as Ou"� y author iz,r,d t o orde a ldash 1 inch meter, strai,_:ht -allon iE c�iri; :ith°ipe. The !.latter of the SiGe'.ul' ;CouiYty Inn': )roper-,-ty ,,ya discussed and the StrcEt au )erin- ena e—iit wLL s directed t o tea, ztie s iE e aa__': from t'rosn ct Street to the a -.,Tr bui"ldin; and erect b�.rricacLe�� GnQ si` n s in the - to. 11Yc f oll .: 1ij- b il�.s -4 1 ;:I eye .t ed: Za Yll er , 2Sa rS tit"Ya;' E:i1cd +ll a m-Drulla[1n, �: 1�8 days OT':tC J, 11. Peterson, poste. for 'own Pacific Co-.st 2tam,s dc:� license tars i " aitie s S t o ut s oI'I: 4 ill iam 1 ruhahn, 1. da;.,,•.s va,ovk I n , grid vlari'ant s -:;ere o,:•dered di•a.,rn t1IereL Gr. On motion the nE;kt inf', add ourried. OA I � 1 .00 8. J Ci :50 .15 2.00 6.00 325 May 13, 1935 The Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton and. Fleming. The minutes of the meetingA 22, 1935 were read and of April p approved. Harley Norton, the Water Superintendent, reported.that he had had the alley between Kitsap and Bay Streets, east of Sidney, surveyed up to about the property of Charles Grieve and that beyond that paint the property owners had built their garages in reference to. the street grade and he did not t'_nink it wise to change the grade be- yond that point. Harley Norton reported in regard to the purchase of pipe for the Prospect Street and the alley between Bay and Kitsap and along the seawall as follows: 4 inch; .31710 per foot 6 inch .420 per foot and if pipe burlaped wrapped, .06¢ additional. 1f inch copper pipe for the seawall ..34.e less 10 a, about .29g net. , Tie figured the total cost of the pipe would amount to $826.00 and that the total cost with labor would be about $1800. It was duly moved and seconded that the Water Su- perintendent proceed to make this improvement and the motion was duly adopted, Council men Radey, Stevenson, 14orton and Fleming voting in favor of the same. It was the view of the Council that where the pipe had to be changed from the meter that the Town would only bring the water to the property line and that it would be up to this proper- ty owners to pay for the connection between the property line and the meter. It was the consensus of the opinion of the Council that the job be done by day labor and only Port Orchard men should be employed. Mrs. Stanford and John Woods appeared before the Council in reference to the use of Dwight Street west of Cline, Mrs. Stanford contending that Sir. Foods was using more than half of the street for planting dahlias. It was finally decided that Harley Norton as Marshal would locate the center of the street and that Mr. Wood could only plant dahlias up to that point but could not encroach upon Mrs. Stanford*s side of the street. James R. Pattison, Town Engineer, ,presented an estimate in respect to the Cline, Dwight and Austin sidewalk in the sum of $503.00 in favor of W. E. Cosbey, Contractor, and it was duly voted that the Mayor and Clerk sign warrants on the Cline, Dwight and Austin sidewalk LID .improvement district for this amount. Bills were also presented against this Improvement District by Mike Hoglund for $30.00 for inspecting service and by James R. Pattison for $15.00 for engineering service ,end the Mayor and Clerk were duly authorized, to sign warrants on this Improvement District for said amounts. Tlie Clerk brought up the matter in respect to a protest of having to pay $2.50 for a spayed demale dog and that three of the councilmen had authorized him to accept $1.00 in such cases, which action was duly confirmed. In accordance with publication and notice, bids were duly received for 2.00 feet Of 2f inch Underwriters double jacket fire hose, 326 Eureka Fire Hose Division of the U. S. Rubber Products, presented by Williams Hardware, Hewitt Rubber Corporation, presented by Howe"s Hardware, Fabric Fire Hose Company, and B. F. Goodrich Co., presented by Howard -Cooper b orporat i on, The bids were substantially .the same, that is: 21 inch Underwriters D. S. couplings .86e, Rocker Lug couplings .883e Inasmuch as all of the bids were practically the same, the Council duly voted to award the contract to B. F. Goodrich Company; Howard -Cooper Corporation, sales agent, it being understood that the hose would be laid down F. 0. B. Port Orchard. Jacob Nuernberger appeared before the Council and .stated that the garbage dump was beginning to smell and it was duly arranged that Harley Norton and Clinton F. Brasch sprinkle diesel oil on the same and burn it. The Clerk was directed to have the Port Orchard Independent give publicity to the fact that no oiling had yet been done due to the fact that oil co <ld not be ad - cured 4t the present time by reason of the tanker strike. The Clerk presented a resolution in accordance with the suggestion of W. W. Sherman, examiner of the Livision of Municipal ,Cnrporati.ons th„t all assessment rolls where assessments were delinquent more than ten years be cancelled on such assessment rolls, and after discussion the Council duly adopted the resolution, Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Fleming voting in favor of the same. CLERK MAYOR May 27, 1935 The Council met this evening at 7.30 p.m. Present Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Norton, ' Fleming, and Corliss. The minutes of the meeting of Hay 13, 10035, were read and approved. The Marshal reported th&t the garbage dump had been burned over twice and was in good condition. James R. Pattison, Town Engineer, made a report in reference to the Cline, Dwight and Austin sidewalk LID reporting that there was now $551.49 due to Mr. V. E. Cosbey on the contract, with a remainder of $367.22 in thirty days. He also furnished a report showing that the cost of the contract had exceeding the preliminery estimate in the sum of $614.98. f 327 , I I C in the itmes 'of ex pense was for the collection by the Treasurer and he was directed by the Council to elizinate.this item from the cost of the assessment. C �j After discussion, with this change, the report of the Town Engineer in respect to this LID was duly approved, ratified, and confirmed and he was directed to bring in a final assessment roll at the next meeting, to be based on his figures given. in this report. The Mayor and Clerk were duly authorized to issue and sign LTD warrants on this improvement district in the sum of 551.49. It , was duly moved, seconded, and carried that during the summer months of June, J'uly,. and August,. the Council would meet at 8 p.m. instead of 7 s 30 p.m. The attention,,cof the Street. Superintendent was called to the condition of the alley between Hoglund "s property and Eimer Wilsonts and he said that these conditions would be remedied. Roy A. Noyes, President of the Bremerton Trust and Savings Bank, appeared before the Council in respect to some $900. due on the Pottery Hill Water Extention LID and asked the Qouncil to pay this out of the proceeds derived from water rents in respect to this extension at the rate of $20. a month, and stated that accrued interest would be waived. The Council set this matter for special hearing at the next meeting with the request that tho Clerk get all the data on the subject and that Mr. Peterson, the Torn Treasurer, be -jsked to be present. A. D. Corliss, Mayor at the time of the improvement, also spore in reference to the matter and stated that the Council had promised that the wr of a advances would be cleared up in 6 months. Harley Norton, -` Ater Superintendent, presented a letter from the Federal. Pipe & Tank Company of Seattle, stating that they would be handicapped in promptly deliver- ing the pipe owing to the Lumbermen`s strike. The following bills were presented; P. 0. Independept, printing Bremerton Oil Dolivery, Diesel. Oil Pacific T. & T.'Go. GENERAL FM sip : a UP r, Palmer Supply Company, Sundry S uppliea Federal Pipe & Tank Company, Pipe P . 0. Ind epdnd e4t, printing Tohn Mutters, 3 ;hrs. work Arthur Adair, 2 daye work,, 2 hrs. work and warrants were ord..ered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. ChER� Z-� MAYOR 15.90 58.58 .35 30.90 15.36 8.50, 1.50 0.00 June 10, 1935 jThe Council met this evening at 8 y.m. Present Mayor Givens and Council- men Radey, Stevenson, Morton, and Flee ing. The minutes of the rieetinL of Lay 27, 1535, were read and approved. The matter of toe Fottcry mill Ouier Extension LIDcontinued Tram the last -� meeting was taken Lip and i. U. Peterson, the `gown 'Treasurer, gave Wornation in respect to the said Isla:. After discussion, it was duly moved and seconded that the claia of the Bre;lerton Trust and SaviuLs Bank in the sum of IQ900.00 i oda in respecU to the saic LID against the eater dunu of the `Sown shoula be disallow& and 6e'nie6, which ::iot'iou upon bei- E duly put was dulyadopted, coun- cilmen Rauey, Steve_l,o i, Norton and 2lemiaG voti E in favor of the same. The Clerk., however, Was 6irected to write to the Division of YuniCipal Corporations i , at „1y.._p_a, as':i71E if it wo_zld be 1 eEal for the Town, under ouch circumstances to pay the outsva_Zdi j ww� rants from the water fund. The Clerk present -ea %he final. assessment :roll in respect to the Cline, DwiL ht , a, Austin street Sidewalk, LID 134, as oreparw by Tames R. licit ti 2 on , Town Eu inevr, s'r owinE th&t the total roll as mace up under the Qirection of the Council amounted to the sun of 0125.31, anti the CleO submitted _ 0eoo- 1'ntiO'_ iii;LUM My 22, ly3 , at s o c.lo'c%, P•.-_. as the date of the hearing of the said resolution, which Resolution was duly ac4oyted, Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Horton, and FlemiM vOQnL in favor of the same. The Clerk was duly directed to advertise the said Resolution and Dail no- tices to the intere„ted property ouners in accordance r:ith the law. the Clerk presentec the matter of the Fireworks Orcinance, of the Town an6 questioned whether it uas t,roaG (_notsQ to incluce bombs, torpedos, squealers, etc., ano unu Crdi'1bace uas My adopted a..endinG j 166, i:iclu6in tOr- i peG c& , ti Vuealers, etc., mere rro:_ibi tw - only f irecracher S were al low& by the C r6i'nancE to be yet off in Ay Street, with the consent of the Council, and that no fii•enor' s could ' e set off inside a bui1 din{- , wn6 ttat Witt the consent of the Council f irecracher S and ra0et s etc. coy ld be Set off in othe2 rats of the Town, but settin af.=' bonbs, torgeuos, and squealers, etc., were Pro- hibited at any time. The sY L:(6inance as Quly adopted; Council"en Ra&ey, Stevenson, FleriinE, and Yorto l voting in favor of the same. =attention vas callea to the fact of an accumulation of papers between the Post Office and the 4il2on DuilCina a& also of the deposit of ashes near the t'.cSC'11G .Te:_'yle, and the patter was referred to Alan Totten, Fire 3hief, for investigation and wnDed iM Of these co uiBolns. Councllwan Stevenson_ brouC t up the Palter that Delbert WiiSon was Lrao- inn Cliche ,`street at. Divisionadjacent :t to Lin property v 'tee lenEth of his lot, but that he uid not have the money to continue the ErauinG to Lwight street. f 32-9 i T. George also appeared before the Council and stated that it would be a L;reat con- venience to people livinL on and South of Division Street that this be done even if only a could be provided. 1Teos­:s. 'dilson and George proxaised that if the I Torn would . excavate t'le saia Street t�_at the;; woula endeavor to ta'_:e up U colYec- tion so t1.at the street could be Eruveleu before the fall rains. It was therefore duly roved. aa6 troted that tie Town e-:-11�loy the shovel of EolraberL and Norman at the rate of V25.00 per day to complete the ob ana it was underst-ood that if it required more thaii a day, that the fractional pa_,.t would be paid at the pro rata cost of '425.00. per day. G. C. Hale appearea before the Council in reference to &radinE adjacent to his property on the ire alb ti'Jate rti-;ay and permission was grai.ted to hire to do So under the supervision of the Street Superintendent. It was duly voted thGt Jacob duer iberLer be allowed 25X ;, day for 3 days for the keep of any dok; which he might take up to be collected from the owner if re- deemed and if not to be maid by the 'Doran, al -id that he was to be allowed also the license fee foxthe doL-- in case it was redeemed by the o-mer. The Cler',- was directed to write to Floyd Brant that the tee porar,, water con- nection which vvas g:a-_ted by the Council 1r;aulci rave to be ter inated and if he wish, ed water in the future that he wou16 have to install an independent line in respect thereto. The Cler'c was also directe6 to :,rite to Peter Peter•so i teat, iinas mwch as he was sei-vinE dater to two houses throuLd- one r:eter th«t he would have to install an independent meter for the second house. The Town I.arshall was eiirecte-c to confer with Erik;lurid ano Pete]_se.i in respect to their trucks oceupyi iL pax•t of .Bay Streit in loadi-ae and ui-loadiiig. Harley llorton stated that a couple of j: o:i a;ie. is :gad been disturbed by the Erader and .-ie was directed, to have thezl reinstated iii t1ne propex° place. The Tiayor presented various 'ox .zs for recur irig a rant of z15;� from the U. S. Government and the load of at 3% for the balance, and the Clerkwas directed to vrrite to ---r. xioffriaii, actin State director of P`,;rs at Olylpia, statiiiE that i i gen- eral ter'it t 1ac the Town would to spend soi;,,ie `110,000 in replacing zater mains in respect to the rTovr is Water System, and as'_CinC� for ti»e in ti°i iich to -nrese:,t for- mal application, and d.efiiiite elan. The fol.owine, bills ,:ere presented: ameri can Surety Coripany Ho,v:ard Cooper Corp. Standard Coil Company Verne Corliss Standard Oil Coi:npary Y H. V. ��ac,�:son Howe .rotor Company Duke Electric Company Howe Hardware Company GEa1ER U: U .M Bond 5.00 lire Hose 12.48 Gas 25.42 ZL,bor 4.00 Gas b.5'- Sundries 36.20 Sundries 47.29 Sundries 2.37 Sundries .99 330 Willia!'_s _=ard�.are Steve's 'lire Slop P . S . l;aviL--ati on Goi:ly,ayloy LC (o�ncr77Ve (/t��e(� Pipe Co. H o'.; e i�:Lto Company Howe Hardware Company Sta'-ldurc� Ui1 Coi.i-ally Verne Corliss illiai:: )ruhahn �aies Stout G e OrL c Puy nc Pete I uernber6er TI �I-TE S , _ .i IM verN `Fire and .'ube rei 1,t Pipe 3u:id.1:1es _'� re i ; } i t Gas Labor Lab o r L<.,bor Labor Lab or and ,uarrLu, 1z were orrj.ereci Graven therefor. On r_iotion the __iectinv aajoLArLied. i BYO' ' 1. Ju -10 24, IID35 c; . 62 1.80 12-81 3.91 `7.16 .50 13 .QO 4.5 0 2.00 2.00 ._..cc The Council i:tet trii;= eve -Lnc are L�..i . I'rese:it _ a� or GJve;is and Council- r:,r;n:�ae;r, Stevelsoi:., aiiG a ort lii. 1,e ii1'.:tes o e L ru,fle eG.tiof 1yc ' he Cler'- ,:' s ci3:'ec ,�c to Vdi i u to G. C. _, i1 tr.a «a'c r-ir_1 t=J a�tucno trie next ineE_ti_i o t';•le Couii,:J w l eferei'_ce t0 til fJl-- L;L6 ack., t0 hi ; ri'pijer- ty on t1he De"alb The i_latter of t'n.e ."Au _i 1cLin - �1 ro_the 45;to be by E-rant a =d t0 be by i.)a--, for t le rJ'J"ti .i ti•i ;tLl' t:1u xis. �9 5 dicC'' i 2d ct:1G It ti,as u-1l„ vote6i t._at- Ora-i: 'di e-ILS L s ,--ajro3:• be ALitl.Qa'1ZEU t:='_E �. :1 ttie general L,--,-)I .cation for � 1e 'dater auperint0_i6eY1t Seca'"'e tl,e ,,ccE:i.'ti�ary 6at'. L,:,,u ii.iZ:A t .i0 e'-171 Oat tiSOni as enE�i11E ('T', t0 .11cI,:e the necessa:cy rE_•0_.t Eanc. thin;-'rLLnc:-N aS Tovn ;Lttorne;yr )e a-kt[=ized t al�YYl Vne ! 2 1 re'.;03:'t a 1C:. t :at tLe said ayJ_:Lltc4ti-on a%-6 re- ,Dort- GAF- Se -t Oi2 t11e .:1Ct1:iY :>t,'-t- 3 1 'eCt r 'Q t- �'ii`.i at 01. Tcle i' ter Oj in E'y e:_ C='•nectio— for tie Petei,00n Property an6 tl7e t '-'-) r ti i = 0i1 S t 0 -Jran- yJ 0 )ert',, ,as refe- —(­ G iL +�r3te u :,C"wili'UC. ( e-i ;1 1i� LX .0 .' i t -iti;t 1-1,7)0n s::c- inc.e lei : E... cjntiecti:).-s. ` n1 Cler'< ve-,poi.ted the r ecei, f a 1� � per fro t ,'.E Division Of I 1 i1Cl- p<al co:C'-' ol- ; t io-:i::' , S 6�.t? _--L; ti-L ., t'le t1tt0-r-ne.; G L enera 4F ;f u 1 +. the Q��i lioll tl,i t t vioula at be 1eL-,a1 to ',uL t ie 11 tjc3;T Hi11 _,SL` '4+"� �:'r- its cut of tl-_e ":later 21 und, coy)- of `.iillc`l Cie had z i:. - t0 tide LL-uyor and Counc? '! a-.iU 'tile -vas dil'ected to . send a copy of tie sa:Le to the Erei:_ertO i i'rLAS «',a �-v�.liL �,a__k at bre'rierton, 331 Firs. E. ti. Helson appeared before theCouncil in reference to an accident which: happened to her on June 21, 10K, alleged to have been caused by a nail or raised board in front of the old theatre on Bay Street when the tripped and was thrown to the sidewalk and injured her shoulder and elbow and left knee and hip. ifter the discussion, the nwtter was referred to Chairman Rad- ey of tKe Street and k1ley Cor.2E: itte to contact property ownero to see what they wished to do in reference to the sidewalk on the north side of Bay street from the Town hall to the Dock entrance. Hugo Hoglund appeared before the Council and requested the grace and lo- cation for his si6ewalk in from of his -or3_ erty and the Council authorized John H. Pattison, as engine: r, to give tine grade and location of the same "gib. E. Coebey applied for the final insta.�ment in reference to his contract for i the construction of the Cline, .i:wQht, and Austin Sidewalk LID W34 in the sun of 1367.22 and the Mayor and Clerk were 6uly Guthorized to sign warrants on the Cline, Dwight, and Austin Side n� k LID ii& And for this aaount and the bond of W. E. Cos- bey was duly exoneratec. Harley Ar•tow, titer auperintencent, usted if .e should proceed to instal! the copper pipe in lieu of the wooden rain on the north side of :gay Street and he was duly authorized to do so and; the recannez?Gation of the Council was that he bury the pipe and t nt he only meter the heavy water uocrs. The bill of Holmberg aN Hor1aan for Q50.00 for cutting through continuation of Cline, from Dwight to Division was referred to Connoil_ian Stevenson for investiga- tion and report. attention was cal-ed to t�e fact that by reason of the iriprove,:-.ent of the r-oad_. by the County from Black Jack Creek to Retail that t :ere was ahump in the junction of the Mitchell Road and tke reach Road and the Street Superintendent was duly author- ized to remove the same and to employ a nan to aid him and to make such disposition of t"u dirt as he saw fit. The Stre _t Superintendent was authorized to secure crushed rock from the rock, quarry and wheA the oil mix was applied by the county to the fort Orchard- Retail Road to zecurc the necessary material and apply it at the junction of Bay and Sid- ney Street. Thel following bills were presented: Bremerton Oil Delivery Oil for streets 399.00 B. F. Goodrich Company !-lose, Couplings 172.48 WATER Verne Corliss Labor 4.00 Tacoma Plumbing Supply Co. Cocks 11.58 Palmer 6upply Company Eatto& handles, etc. 34.00 and warrants were or•deren drawn nerefor. o � ti on� thelai do ned. CLER1< ZAYOR 332 July S, 1'335 Co rcil let t" i. e5:e:�i.i 4 t 8 1>. r:, Present, r.'ra ilr Givens, Labor, and Councilr,En Iiorton, 2eiriint , u ld Corliss. ' ' of T�le <4,535, were rea'irlutes of t'lie Lie(.tiil and atimoved. G. U. r',�,1 . appeared Oefore the Co_::lcil asid promised tolLup the Gracie of I fz1•� dLj iacf_it to t': -e 1%e_�a_lb %' L.;ter�'d`ay by ':l.ii tin6 ravel c 1C. Crusix ;Q rock tilex•eon. John H. P-ttison ria( e a report in rr::spect to t' re:-jai.:-ii:1g' o tile -�;ate r syste`:, of the `.4own foi- t':ie 1�:I.4:1 Lrant aria load, ail( estiriatwe(f the tote cost of 1'e".'_Li L ing at �r;27, _D66.0G`, L ,Yia As ro-oo-:'t l7cig G''lay al');;rovEo. .0. forllu! �-., ­Ulicatlon re�;Ji?t].on il,,&a by t'.le Cler"., autliorizin t e _!-`.ayo;:, To',rl '1'. Pattsloll, �2owsl 1"i °1 of r, aiid tide To' .1 iittorney to siL.i tae ap;;li cati oal for t'.:e ;-ra ft .:l(t to n to ��' e ??':JA. Doe ::.utter s lu—ro4iL`_t 1,) fox: all federa_ aid for cit"' ;rojects ti'y'itho it _,f c t-;- ?ilE ', c_:ia a Mica ;ioii was, ca ley authorirecA fcx ter re-:-Iaii-11-_1L i=.iS ''uerLL,, e tiyute::i, c::iiU.1�� 'ei, tOt�l'1 eiibincer, autllorizt�6 t ) f.lr lis'. sac._ (I_,ta as ile cealu, so uS to be sLibmittec throuLa h R. J. Care tti, Counc' Cwa< rlis-i )ner, at 'ieetin, to be ilela at '1acorl� , July c, 19 3:: . 0 report llas io.i.e oil tale Sicc. , u_L< on t ie no't.i Site of 15ay Stre:_t, in as i;'uc':1 as Lo nCili:l�iil =,.Cte�i, (ilairt—il of trie :street u d 211!ey CoY_:l:".itteE iiTc`ls riot preae,it, 'cut t'le Clerk was duly auth,)rized to write to --roper.ty ocIdi101•s er•e the side%:rul': was dangero is to p.it Vie ,A_; e i,l _roper shape. r ey _:ortol;, cater as";eriiltetic.C"::t, r• ;,o7:•te, 'uh-at it :(is Eiavisab_le to pure)lase three nel,i n.yci, arlts ;:,'re:1 ti-,e c &-6-e t:.as .. c (; from t1.e I ortll side of Pay Stre-t- to the Mouth sic e of -!ay Street, a"i1d Vaat t'-le r)-:.sic cost of 1'ly-- ara .ite be ' 72.32, «i d s, i uu :i=i_ ry valve in one ca= 3c it would riake a tot,.:l of ?1�3.7`7 grid irl t1:e -)t ,F'r c«se �. 1j4.32. 'ibis Matter Z','as canti zueci un- til tI e 11e.-,t eetinE. The followiiaf;: dills rreie i,eoeilted: U ?e u- . li :A J . H-I. Pattison Labor 3.0 Glen Special Patrolman 13.50 Clarence s!Iell labor 6.00 GeorF,e Payne Labor 3.00 C. P. Ai_l1 )worth Lobz Vood 1.08 Standard Oil Gasoline 36.PI Tac'cson _.acilirie Slia Grauer Teeth, c al 17.00 23remier4t;o:: Oil Leli,Very Oil spx'uyed on streets 445.'20 Howe lrotor Corii)any Sunu.ries 4.00 Port Grcnard L.;.rlber Yd. .'«teriu:is .,`9 Du__ce Elec�ric Co. Lai.l­s :i..22 . 333 T. H. Pattison Howe Hrdware Fed. Pipe & Tank Co. Tackson Lachine Shopt E. F. Zahller 1� Howe Rotor Cougany Union Oil Company Ed With Standard Oil Co: pa4y "� AT E P �Ji' D Engineer Laterials Pipe :::aterials Shurpeni nL_ o ols Materials. Gas, Oil Labor Gas and warrants were ordere6 drawn for the sane. On motion, the meeting was adjourned. i I CLERK ;AYOR 30.00 3.89 44.51 1.12 1.90 1.38 1.72 1.00 7.30 Tuly 22, 1935 The Council met this evening; at 7 :30 P.h. Present, Layor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, and Norton. Tinutes of the meeting of July 8, 193d, were read and approved. i 11 This was the return date for the hearing on the Final Assessment Roll of the Cline, Dwight, and Austin Sidewalk, LID #34, under Ordinance No. 408, and a number of interested property owners were present. The Clerk read the Vinal Assessment roll with the assessment to each property owner, and the amount of the assessment equal- ized as recommended by the Town Engineer. The only formal written protest was fil- ed by Nellie Lul'ler Blankenship, an this protest had mostly to do with reference to the fill on her property. The protest was ordered filed. It was the opinion of the Council that the interested property owners understood that the Town would assume the inspection cost, which amounted to 177.00, and the coun- cil duly voted to assume this, but there were oral protests from Charles Axner and Mike Hoglund in reference to their assessments, where they had already constructed their sidewalks, as follows. - Charles Axner, Equalized by Engineer 77.68 Like Hoglund, Equalized b = g q ,� Engineer 6$00 and the Council duly voted to cut their assessments in half so teat their assessments as equalized by the Council would be as follows: Charles Axner, 38.84 Like Hoglund 34A5 G '12.99 and that the Torun would make up this recudtion in lieu of paying the i77.00 for inspeor �. tion. The Mayor and the Clerk were duly authorized to siLn a warrant for 02.09 on i I the general fund in favor of the Cline, Dwight and Austin sidewalk LID Fund' to make up this deficiency of the roll. It was duly voted by the Council to ratify, approve, and co"firr3 said roll as so 334 equalized by the Council, Radey, Norton, .and Fleming votinf; in favor of the same. The Clerk presented Ordinance 10. 411, approvinE the said assesadent roll, .and the same was duly adopted by Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Norton voting in favor of said Ordinance. The matter of the G. 0. hall fill at the DeValb water slay was taken up, and it appearinE that he Aad not leveled up his fill, the Clem was directed to write him that if he did not do so, the sidewalk wo old be restored. John K. Pattison brow;: t up the matter of grant under the Works Progress Assoc - ration, and stated that t4ey would not consider a project over 025, 000. He was di- rected to breal town the Water Wants re:_ianiAE, under 05,000, to male the applica- tion for iron piep, and to state that tl e 'Town could contribute about 0,000 for nat- er al, enginecrin E, aK superintenc; ence, it being untie rsiood that his preliminary work would not exceed 400.00. In as much as a 5aperintencent has to be nacw in the applicati >, he was o.irecoe6 to designate himself as Superintendent at a s&lary of 1200.00 a month. The Council also directed hurl to prepare estar_zate for iron ripe in the applica- tion to the PWA, is as much as the some would cost only about Q, 000 more than wood- en pipe and present the same to theP` & and if necessary to recall the previous appli- cation and suboit an application covering iron pipe. The 'pater Superinte bent reported in refere"ce to Lloyd Brant that _1e was fin- ancially unable at the present tiAe to i. stall an independent hook-up for his water i and the Council directed that the nutter rice for the time Ming. Harley l orton, as 'eater auperintende_Lt, reported that children were climiaL the ladder at the Water `rank., and it was s, esteo that he remove a short section of this ladder. The :Natter of purchase of new hydr"nin for the south side of Bay Street in lieu of the old hydrants on the north side was coutinuec. Harley Norton, as Vars'hal, bro!uEt t up the ratter of receiving compensation for his servi c: s a i Yarehal, in view of the fact that the `town was in receipt of reven- ue froT the State Liquor Board. After discussion, he was allowed a salaxy of ten dollars ($10.00) a month, co=e_zcing us of July 13, 1935, for Liu senVices as harshal the same to be paid fro_i the General Fupd. � Clinton: F. Erasch, Street Superintendent, br•ouGKt up tie matter that proyerty OW_ ers on riitsap Street ware desirous of haviac a concrete sidewalk across Harrison Street o . the nortA side of Aitsup Street. _ e estivated that the cost would be 466. and was directed to have the interested property owners raise this money and the side walk would be put ia. E. S. Howe :°?ade application for the establis men% of a sidewalk grade for Lis property on the north side of Dwight Street, and : ohn U. Pay t? son, Engineer, was authorized to establish this Lrade. 335 I 4 I Councilman Steve.ison preseiited the :latter of Charles Grieve desiring to connect his property on the alley between Bay and Kitsap Street by way of Haxard's rather than by maim near the J'Tordby and also the levelling,• off of the alley adjacent to his alley I property. The Cler'c was directed to write r. Grieve that ,rater connection could be i made t°rith the alley maid at Ha2-gard's and that the Street Superintende-it would be di- rected to run the `:Town grader over the alley as soon as he could get to it. The Clerk presented the request from tree pacific Ifatio_-aal Bank as trustee for the yearly installment 'of '�P400.00 due on the park property, and the iiayor and the Clerk were directed to sign a warrant on the General Fund for this al',Iount. J. M.. Peterson, Town Treasurer, applied for a leave of absence as Town i'reasurer for the _io_nth of August, 1935, and the saf_ie was duly granted. The following bills were Ares ented : GENERAY, FUND Jacob Nuernberger Dog Licenses and Board 5.00 Joe tlinkov hood for forge 438. pacific Telephone arld Telegrap , Co. Seri, -ices .20 WATER FUID I �'Jillia<zs Hardware Wrench .70 LowtrFan and 1Aanford Co. 6 prints 1.43 John H. Pattison 3 days' work and z_iileage 36.90 .Tof_ l"Linkov hood for gorge 4.37 Names Stout 1 day, work on lawn 4.00 Li.BOR ON PROSPECT 1011D ICI FY - I'Y Williar Bruhah i 10 and 1/8 days 40.50 Verne Corliss 5 M 20.00 GeorE4e Payne 5 " 20.00 Ed Tooke 6 " 24.00 Clarence Allen, 2 " 8.00 Howard koore 1 day 4.00 Dave Hill 1 " 4.00 H. Doyle 1 4.00 Pete luernberger 6 days 20.00 Joe -Winters 1 day 4.00 H. Ward To six copies of Lap of Port Orchard, 0,75¢ eu. 1,1 ATERIAL FOR PROSPECT A`IL AL- LEY r AIa Fed. Pipe and Tank Co. and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On raotion the meeting adjourned. 677.13 ' July 29, 1935 A special - eet:ing of the Town Gouncil was held this eveing at 8 P.H.. to consider C ranting a permit to the Horluck Trausportation Company to erect a waiting rooi, aild ticket agency adjacent to the towia hall. Present, '1dayorGivens and �'ouncilmen Rauey, Stevemsan, Norto_i:L Fleming, and Corliss. 'Ira. Lieske of the Horlucc Transportatioi_ Coi:iLba. y presented a request for a per- 336 mit or license to erect a small building adjacent to the Town Mall as a viaitine roori for the Horluc'c 'Transportation Company and as a ticket agency for tl,Le liorluck12ran- sportation Corapa:iy and the Kitsap Transpo -tatio i Corripa_iy. She stated it would be g f eet wide and lb feet long. acob 4lderness, owner of tl e Central Hotel, voiced objection to the erection of the b_.ila d.AE, on the g round that it increased the fire hu-ard and becuase it viould be erected on a public street. Alan Totte-n, fire chief, liras preoerit, and was of the o- pinion that it would not increase the fire hazard. -.-rs. Liesk:e for the Horlucic '1rans- portatio:n Co:::;oari,y 'agreed that slie would pa-.7 :any extra insuraace if it increases the fire rate on t1le Central hotel Property, or reiiove the building. It was the conseiis df opinion of the Council t'r--at t%Ie sa:_ie viould be a great con- venience to the citize.is of the tocrii and it was therefore duly voted that a pert -At be granted to the Horluc'.c Tra ispor ation Co�<.pany to erect such a building, the easterly side thereof to 'be p"raliel with the easterly site of the `lOWE Hall building, to be 9 x 1b feet, to be subject to re_ oval on 30 dayst notice, at the expense of the K1or- luc'_s Transportation Co:ipa::, tj�e Horluck 'Tra-iisportation Cmapany to pay t1ie extra in- surance, if a_iy, caused by the erection of said buildi,T{ to the Central Hotel proper- ty, and the Horluck transportation Compa:.y to tree-1 the sa ..e i-:, a clew -i and safe co i di•tion, arid to _,aintz:;in proper piling._; aiia supports underneat'n, anc to assu;:Te all lia- bility iii t•espect to any accide Its tinerein or thereabouts, and to inc<eraiTily the 'Town in t}i�--tt respect, and that an agree:aei.t be entereu io.ito, covering this matter, to be s iEned by tl".e ivayor and the Town Clerk on behalf of the 'Town, Couiicil.-le-a Rad ey, Stev en'so'2, i�'oZ'ton, -Fleming, an() Cor.l.iss voting, ii', favor of t 7e SSaie. Cn motion, the :reel' CLE3 MAYO, R .�ujust 12, 193b 1 Coup-icil "et this eveing at 8 P.1.. Prese:it, Councilrne:ri j`a(zey,, iloa-to.i, Corliss, aind F1 ei- i ng . In trae absence -,f 1.iayor Gi�reTis, 11a):'ry Radey vras aul;, elected acti_ig -ayor and took1--is SecLt as sucili. I`inutes of the meetinL; of 'ulyT 22, 1935, vYer•- reaci and approved. 1�inutes of t11e special meetiri , of Duly 29, 1935, i°;ere re&c1 aild a _;roved. Elmer 'dilsoii appeared befoi e the Council a is states tL,%t he- t zou� ithe had 'been ,i overchaz'gea in respect t0 tie ci;;SektST:leiit �J._ 1;iiE? Cllie, Lwi � t, and "LtStiil a"greet sidevialk, o.. t'c;e oasis of the Criurles and .'like 1_06luncl assessments. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to 11. n. Pattison, callisig his atteritio.i to this cori- tention a.,d asking his co ments t'riereon. �1 337)� William Finn :appeared lefore the council and asked permission to brush out the i streets in Sweaneyrs addition, adjacent to his property, near West and Taylor streets, and he was authorized to do so uncer the supervisor of the Street Superintendent.. 'The Water Superintendent brought up the :ratter of the installing of three new hy- drants on the south We of Bay Street, and he z-;a.s duly authorized to purchase one new 4 in'ch hydrant and use two second hand 4 inV hydran-._s which had been I urchas .d, and con- nect there with a & inch pipe. He was, however, instructec to ascertain before he, did anytKing, whether. 'the Insurance Underwriters required 6 inch hydrants. T. H. Pattison, who had been working on the duplication for the re-mai4ing of .the Town Q the Works Progress Administration and tie Public Works Adninistrati on, was pre- sent, and he stated that the application to the +orks Progresp Administray had been turn- ed down, and that he had put in an application to thePUA substituting; iron pipe in place I of wooden pipe. The Clerk brought up the i:iatter of adc idonal gillage for 1936. He reported that the 'assessed valuation for the year 1936 was $357, 765, an increase fron this year of $27,941. After discussion., the council duly adopted Ordinance W412, providing for the calling of a special elections on September 7, 1935, to vote an additional millage for general purpose of 4 mills, and 3 "ills for oiling the streets of the town, snaking a total millage of 22 mills, and asking the Hitsap County Election Board to take charge of the election, a4d reco lr:,ien6inL the followings election officers: E.T. Harris, In- spector, Nora E. Lawrence, Judge, and George J. Payne, Judge, CounciDAen Norton, Vlem- ing, and Corliss voting in favor of said ordinance. The following bills were presenter;: Port Orchard Independent Howe Motor Co. Puget Sound News Cospany Standard 0ll Company Reliance Lat or Co. England and Petersen C. P. Ainsworth John H. Pattison Port Orchard Lumber'Yard Bremerton Oil Delivery Co. Pac. T. &. T. E. F. Zahller J. P. Joslin Palmer Supply Ca&pa4y Tacoma Plbg. Supply Co. F. P. Arnold Palmer Supply CoDpaby Puget Sound Navigation Co. Lovma& & Hanford Port O .•chard 1,um,'(_,er Yard Palmer Supply Co. Standard Oil Company Any. Plyg. and Stearn. Supply Co. ' Jackson Machine Shop Nels Yarkussen Fed. Pipe and Tank 00. F d. Pipe and Ta"k Co. Standard Oil Company' Howe ve Hardware Jahn H. Pattison Dill Hill GE1'JL1P4'J'L 1E JI'm �u 3.85 Supplies 2.10 " 2.63 �r 14.44 Gas 5.81 Supplies .62 Lerchandise 2.02 Surveying Sidewalk 3.00 Suptl ies 77.48 Oil for streets 75.68 WATER 'F U `T Services 2.10 Supplies 2.35 Supplies 1.79 Supplies 27.76 S.apol ie s 24.59 APPAo 48.80 hrvibes... ti 3.00 BlgpiPrints 1.41 Supplies 1.88 Supplies 428.69 Supplies 3.28 Supplies 1.19 Supplies and Services 14.64 Services .35 Supplies 19.47 Supplies 26.96 Supplies 4.73 Supplies and Services 9.47 WPA application 31.50 Labor 6.00 338 Chas. alac'=censorl Za or 47 r •')0` Peter Ruth it10.50 f ete I:uernberE er " L4m. Rruhahn " 2.00 3.GO Verde Corliss " 17.00 Georf e Payne " 2000 A. J. Tooke " 20. 00 Ja:aes Sout " 2.00 C1: rence Allen " 26.04 HowardI-pore " 26.50 Pavia IL._l 'Hill " 20. `0 I'. Doyle " �,6.50 Joe riii-itex's �� 2�.,-0 IT • Lyo1s '; 4.50 R. J. Caretti " 10.50 tart 1*c�air " 44.50 Pete Peterso:i ` 40.')0 Glen Owens " 33.50 A. ...eac�iar^ a 26.00 Clarence ,oiliia__s " 4.00 Soh!1 Pattison " 5.00 , Iuorand " .00 67 ryH �',u. l:;A(+w'CiQ ire L• i I •00 �_ TJT ern -.T LT1) r34 Fund Port Orc'nard InGepet dent -,dveiAsini Ro-so? u`l-io+!, Ordinance, etc. 19.75 nd warr.'G::ts were orderer tLerefor. can the meetirig adjourned. 1 C�0'14j" Aai Ust ;G' 193J CO..;1ieiji ::et t':"!IS EVe x"1i Lzt �.__. �'reSe't1t, ctf01:' �riZrG'il�;, t!1GiOUnCIII:'E'_1 SteVenS0n, '1,01.t0: .16 Co:_•.iisc.. of t lE ..'.�et :,_ of :ia iSL ,� , � , i;EY'L' rea6 ano approved ��Et7t]_O'1 4`Taa JyeSE::1��EC-, ti�1.1�8(l� ��TiBii' O1 �i�'- 'EEt Of f1'�O_1d2 0=1 t'!.e aOrt'tl iae of t-a Strce;ti _ 0 t.le coils ,.' C-U On O_. cc!icrete s1Ciewai.« fr+ni:l t' e ll.S. Po'�t Office, �.Testerly to _1n6. iM-1. :Fete so . ,xo ex t o: .: el�lt Bay Str,_et. The Coailcil vllas of ti:�e otinio�l -' l,at r,hew�c ;�,us riot e-AouLhfootULe rep:c'esenteG in tale ,aet=-i1Gi7 t0 J'--INt. t:le ;1:1"I fox cili. Lj I7yx'o�7e:.tt alci eoY1- ti iued tie ..,utter until t':-1Q la . xt �:leeti'_1z Of file Cou.icil, a::1c tl-e Cler_- was, directed. to all px°ope 31 o r:ler:_, cue pre:, e',A a t that ,t ii le to coif er Viitil t 'Lie Co tlIc-1 - 1 rEtioect to tale :1 tt Cr. i,e Cler'-C stLitEd tiliai, tl re.-)reseiltative of tide 'hate lei _vat' t esl z1'tLleilt had call �y C' e6 ,on 't:1•.:1, ano tilt Ile il".Q 1-TV '') EC t`1iCi ici t!'1e 0�`I.1 O.i}1C1.�_ Gib :10� viiS i 1;0 tc:':: E' tkLe. estate .zi M1 is f ? ii 8r ,! ,! wi tiii''n tale ' ow"I 1iiAtti, of Port OI'Ciiai"'d, 'WaslainE)t�il, in of tulle ST:1alI allocatio -i for tits purpose, aild lie Stated t'.lat t'_-ie c'':ed 't ,c,t the Co ?aril ci:' a f;,r-'lal resulutlon t0, tnat efi,ect ..16 foj,,, a---rd t !L S .,ie ? ', lit Of it il7c • t�� �;. e ata �e L`ireat�r o�: tnE �%e }a�•t-1e The Cle7' t �)reSEi7� Ci a',';c :a 1 L i,lOYi, ';'1":J C , E OYl i 339 by the Council, Councilmen Stevenson, Horton, and Corliss voting in favor of the resolu- tion: Alan Totten, the fire chief, brought up the' matter of the desire of either the Richfield or Gilmore Oil Company to erect a tolesale stutio h on the Lay, near the wrest limits of the town, and it was the consensus of the opinion of tLe Council that there was no objection to this, provided %hat a builc.ing permit was issued by .the Building Committee. The .natter of the special election of Sepiauber 7, 193b, was taken up, and it was the opinion of the Council that voluntary workers should be called on to get the voters out to the polls. Tacob Nuernbdrger, the Town garbage collector, stated that people were dumping garbage in the Bad on Lay Street and the �arshal was duly authorized to secure some Carboard signs on which there inould be 70 MBAGEu, Ordinance No. 368. The Water Supprinten ent brougiht up tKe ratter of the laying of the copper waver pipes on the north. side of Bay Street, ana it was the opinion of the Council that the laying of the lipe be deferred for he time being. Councilman Stevenson brow€ At up the complaint of C. n. Hants in respect to land- lords having to pal the delinVuent ,rater rents of the tenants, an6 after discussion, it was duly voted that the Town Clerk promptly notify Er. Hants of thw"ael Suency of his tenants on the six,eenth of each month. The following bills were presented: W. F. Leavell 1 election set 2.00 H4 Morand 7 day, labor on gutter 28.00 Jacob Auernbe.rger 1 dog license 1.00 ,,'L TER F T:,TD Union Oil Co'f:lasy Yotor.eze and Eotorite SUPPLIES SO PROSTECY Sy . AID AILE Y ' AI -11S . Federal Pipe and `.'q i-_ Co. Pipe and mood plugs Ta c . Puubg . Supply Company Corp. Cox and curb stops Fed. Pipe and Tank ;Com)a by H. E. Tend William Truhahn Verne Corliss Glee Owens Charles hac'_senson Pete Nuernberger George J; Payne A. J. Tooke Pete Peterson - Art Adair H. Doyle 9. A. Larson Alex McTavish Norman Rowney Harley Norton Clinton F. Brasch Li0 OR U-T PROSPECT ST. A.r;T M. r + - T �.Tc 392 hours lobor 88 tt u 92 44 tt tr 36 x It 16 It it .6 It It 40 it It 40 t,t tt 58 n tt 55 tt er 6 tt n 1 J ►t tt overtime; 12 hours overt ine, 12 hours and warrants were ordered drawn tkerefor. On motion, the meeting ucjourned. .82 20.79 14.18 5.81 l9 .7 b 44.00 46.00 22.00 18.00 8.00` 3.00 20.00 20.00 29.00 22.00 3.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 Cle& !Ay or 340 September 9, 1935 Council met this evening at 8 P.M. Present, Mayor Givens, and Councilmen'Ra-- day, Stevenson, Norton, IElbming and Corliss. The minutes of the meeting of .august 26, 1935, were read and approved, except for the following, in reference to the erection of a wholesale oil station by either i the Richfiei:d or the Gilmore Oil Company, "that the tanks were buried, in accordance with the ordinance of the Town..." , which was directed to be stricken from the min- utes. In reference to the matter of the proposed concrete sidewalk on the north side of Bay Street, the Clerk read a letter and protest from the lion. T'.B,Yakey of Los Angeles, and Jack Kiernan of fort Orchard, objecting to the improvement at this time It appeared that they represented 300 feet of the proposed improvement, and that by virtue of this footage they could successfully block the improvement. Under these conditions, the Council ordered that the matter be tabled, a:ad that the Street Su- perintendent be authorized to direct property owners to make necessary repairs to the wooden sidewalk, so as to make the same safe, all to be under his supervision. The Clerk presented the proposed dubget for the year 1936, and after discus- sion, the same was duly approved, Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming, and Corliss voting in favor of the same. L motion was duly made and carried that'hereafter the meeting of the Council be held at 7:30 P.M. instead of 8P.M. until the first meeting in May, when the meet- ings would again be held at 8 P.M. The Street Superintendent was directed to at once grade Dwight and Cline Street so as to bring the grade down to the new concrete gutter. In order that the Street Superintendent might imnediately attend to the grading of Dwight and Cline Streets, he was authorized to emplgry a man to help him in mark- ing the parking on Bay St:ceet . Charles Grieve appeared before the Council in reference to running the gran er over the alley between Kitsap and Bay Street, and the Street Superintendent was di- rected to attend to this as soon as possible after he finished grading Dwight and Cline Streets. The Water'Superintendent 'crought up the matter of the concrete sidewalk on Kit- . � sap Street, at the water plant, and it was directed that the matter lay over until next spring. It was reported that the proposed grant and loan from the Public forks Admiftis- tration had been wanted in the sum of $29,000 odd and the clerk was directed to write to B. A. Hoffmdn, the engineer in charge at Olympia, as to what steps would have to be . taken by the Town in order to secure the loan. The Clerk called attention to the fact that Ordinance #368, regarding garbage, did not provide for any pendalty for a violation thereof, and he presented Ordinance 341 \` No. 413, by which the Ordinance #368 was amended to provide a penalty for dumping gar- bage in the Town. The Ordinance was duly read, and on motion was duly adopted, Coun- cilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming, and Corliss voting in favor of the same. The followingbills were presented: GENERAL FUND George Blanchard muslin for election booths 1,25 E. T. Harris Services at millage election 6.50 Nora Z. Lawrence services at millage election 6.50 Geo. S. Payne services at millage election 6.5a WATER FUND Ted Kindred labor, one day 4.00 Xames Stout labro, j day 2.00 Alex McTavish labor, 4 7/8 days 19.50 Verne Corlies labor, 3j days 14.40 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the meeting adjourned. MAYOR September 23, 1935 The Council met this evening at 7.30 P.'i. Present, Mayor Givens and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Fleming, and Corliss. minutes of the tweeting of September 9, 1935, were read and approved. The Street Superin.ten6ent aas directed., to gravel the turn at Cline and Dwight, and build a drain from the soutnviest corner of. Cline and Dwight west to take care of the water from the newly opened portion of Cline Street. The matter of the concrete :,idewalk was considered, and inasmuch as there was not a proper representation of the interested property owners present, the matter was continued toIdIonday, October 14, 1935, and the Clerk was instructed to notify all interested property owners to be there at that time to consider the matter. A letter was read, from firs. Applegate, recor-:kending Miss Leila Norchby for a 6' Library Trustee in place df Sohn R. Walsh, removed to Seattle, and the Council, re- quested the Library Board to make a recorffilendation for the vacant office. The Clerk presented a fork: of resolution prepared by the State Highway Depart- ment, requesting the Department to take care of the State roads in the Noun fromthe allocation to the gown, and the same was duly adopted. The -Clerk reported that the Kitsap County Election Board had made a certificate that the special millage election held September 7, 1935, had duly carried according to law, wlhic'i has been duly f ilea. i i 342 1�r. Gillespie of the ITew 1""ethel Tabernacle on ;Jest Bay Street appeared before the Council and re ueNtecl peri-=ission to connect with t'rie drain running through the pumping plant, but it was stated that this could not be done as the draind did not run far enough into the Bay, but perriission aas granted to do this if they would in- stall a sanitary septic tan'-c, and connect the overflovr ,,Vitxi the drain. It further appeared t1nat the pastor irate-n ed to have liva.ilE quarters in the church, and the Council duly voted that under these circui-ista-iiceti a flat rate of 41•. FO -would have to be paid f or the use of the Town vy,ater. The matter of -rinetner pro��erty ovrnero or the 'gown shoula pay for connecting; properties on tine south sie.e of Bay Street Wit'rl the Pros-pect Street main was dis,- cussed, and the COUI; cil Went on record to the effect that the propertyot'.riers must pa-y the cost. Attention of the Street waE called to a hole i n t':AL roact-way a% the Totirrn li.-iito on Sidney Street, and to t,°rc• or three holes on Pottery Hill, and he was directec; to fill then i .. `i'he follo,rring bills were ,-:resented: Pacific T. and a'. Co. N. 11orand Lowman ;Ianf orc: Co. Puget Sound 2yavi _ation Cc. K of P Cemetery H. .11orand A-rt Adair Glen Owens Ball Kindred Wm.Bruhahn Alex Le Tavish ` 121, i.� GE_ �!,., FUI Tele-ohoae Service .40 days' labor on sttreets 1a..00 'DATER <U 1Z ..Tracini _ Blue Prints 1.30 2reigh V ano Collect 11.30 Rebate on overc iarge on water 4.90 1 5/8 days' labor 6.50 21- days' labor 9.00 4 days' labor 34.00 1 days' labor 4.00 9 days, 3 hours labor 37.75 84 days' labor 33.00 and -warrants yfere ordered drain therefor. On motion, the meeting adjourned. KhYOR October 7, 1935 A special m.eetin9 of th.e 'L'o-,7,n Council vras held phis evening at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of adoptin- the Budget for the year 1936 and enacting an Ordinance levying the taxes for the year 1936. Present -were Council.neia Raney, Stevenson, -FleminE, and Corliss. In the absence of mayor Ci ye s for the re::iai icier of the year, the Council elec- ted ted Harry Raney as acting - ayor for this -fleeting. The Cler'_c preseiited the Budget for the year 193E as previ ously adopted by the Council, and i t oas duly need .« id tcie same xvas duly adopted as the Budget for the 343 year 1936, Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Fleming, and Corliss voting in favor of said Budget. The Cler': them presented the Ordinance No. 414, levying the taxes for the year 1936`as follows. General Fund, 18 mills; Park Fund, 1 mill; Oiling of Streets, 3 mills; total of 22 mills,' and the same arias duly adopted, Council;�•_-en Radey, Stevenson, 2le.ning, and Corliss voting in favor of said Ordinance. The Clergy presented a letter from E. R. Hoffman, Acting• State Director, .advising the Town that the President had appr oved' a loan of ';'16, 000 and a grant of 1Z, 091.00 for the purpose of replacing the water maiias of the Town, and after discussion, it was decided that the Town Clerk and Engineer Pattison should go to Olympia on Thurs- day to ascertain directly frcm the Acting State Director just what was required on j the part of the Town. The following' bills were presented: 'Will iam Bruhahn Alex I4IcTavish V,-rne Corliss Glen Owens H . Morand Pete Nuernberger Chas. Hackenson W. A. Larson Tom Connell Fred. Arnold James Stout WAI FR FUITD Labor, Laying Copper Pipe on North side of Bay Street 53 hours 26,50 19 hours 9.76 22 hours 11.25 51 hours 25.50 42 hours 21.00 20 hours 10.00 24 hours 12.00 30 hours 15.00 7 hours 9 75¢ 5.25 23 hours @1.00 23.00 Labor on Pumping Plant 5 hours 2.50 and viarrant s were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the V.geeting adjourned. Harry Radey, ACTI14G IJIAYOR Francis M. App] T own C l rIc October 14, 1935 The Town Council of the 'town of Port Orchard met in regular session t'nis eve- ning at 7:30 P. ''. Present :ae.re: Counci Umei1 Radey, Stevenson, 19ler:iing, and Corlias. In the absence of i;ayor Givens until the first of next year, the Council appointed P. E. Fleming to act az 1;ayor until, the return of 1Layor Givens, and he took his sett as such and presided over the Council. r: eet ins,. The Y:iinutes of the regular neeting of Sei)tem-ber 23 and of the special rnieet- ing of October 7, 1955, were read and approved. The matter of tEie Bay Street 3idelxal'�: was tU len up, and the i essrs. Olderness, Josli_n, and Kiernan, interested p1opertyowners, were present. After discussion, :it wa:a duly voted to lay t'ce r:k3tter upon the table acid the Street Suyjerin-,,en6ent was di:reetec" to repair t'rxe sidevval'.� in froi�it of the `.Down Mall and to malce a thorough inspection of the rest of the sidewal' and 1,.ave repairs and renewals made wliei�e he found it neces,-3ary to do so. The Matter of the eLection :iecessar,r to issi--e -.he .;�,16,000 'rater Revenue Bonds under the grant aad loan froi3 the PsIA was tai.en up. ' he following ordinance was tt-ere- upon introGuced by Councilmao Stevenson and read in full, to -wit: ORE' I' 1'ti CE ' a O . 415 A T ()RDI;rA 10E PROV II)IDTG 2 OR `T H CO) - COaTSTRUC' I ()'T CrT3'i''!H, 1:J`TICI1'AZ I1.1FROVE- E,T `S Y I-"" H' 0"MT OF PORT OR- C1IAIR D1ZLY,REPIACE- L�'r'C_"I tLII1IC)S ',) EXISTING `JT- . , T ryTPA.L Yh.iL•401`, J SYSTETi:., SPECT'F Y17G I'R)POS- . riJ1� �RP�AIE P;T IT l EL; LECITIAMiiG 111h T��LTYn1`11iJ, COufYl FC- 0-' ra A.,%R AS .:AY BE; P?0VI 1.7G 2OR TILD, _Ei:.. 12a..uu1+ , A�TL' iROVIL20R THE zU7a 7;';,103I:)iI '//: 21, `I�MjIS ORDI ' n TCE `��;r}` HE 7�, � 4�"JAI:IFIED V77U1.'"R3 OFSA11i 10� �T FOR '�11f.1TJ,, 11 J.1L1Yi .�. ;� I CA�1 I l)J.v C1R IL1�JL ll i I �):�, 1�,L� 11 Si't� V ..E.11J-,-+ 1�IuEIiC2IOIN `'TO LE iIELD I' a SAID T(���V flat THE, ,i :)V1y- - �:�:L3Fk, iFHEREAS, the Iiayor ana Council of the `lo,a;n of Port Orck-ard, Washington, have madd due investigatioi a_,.d have fou>-d and do t':ie:;•efore determine that it is both advisuple ana necessary t':la'U certain ,unicipal improvements, namely; improve- ments, replacements, and aduitiono to existing .unicipal Waterwor-cs System co isisti_-ig of replacinG defective via -ter :aaiLAs with_ cast iron � -)e be constructed by --aia `town, for the purpose of :'rotectinlu tl�c health), safety, ;nd vielfa:c•e: of the inhabitants there- of, and to furnish them vith the services, ueaefits and advantages of said municipal improves ents; now, therefore, I E� I`1 01MX'161 :_ D '-`Y 'iliF `1T0'`'J T C0CIl C)i+ 1 r1� "0' ,': C)s, 1..��,lY, ORCLARI;: SEC'1TOl 1. The ublic interest requires the construction of t'r-e Certain Watex•yaorics improvements hereinafter c escribed, for the-curpose of rrotecti_ g the health, safety and welfare of t-i,_e inc?abitarits of oais Town aria to furniolh the:. with the services, �:'enefits, a'id a6vai.tages of said 'riaterwor"iS improvements. SF,C`Iu^T 2. Tire followin�z proposed syste:. or lan for the re1�l ce-_-e �t of said viatel-nor'-:s syste.� ii:.prove:iento is ''Lereb; specified and adopted, to-vrit: Said I 34, I plan proposes the iriprovement of the water system of the `Town by making additions, betterments and replacements of the mains of the entire System by replacing the present wooden teams with cast iorn pipe, except the Bay Street -main ar:G Prospect and Alley main and making small additions, to present r_iains. I SECTION: 3. The total estimated cost (as near as may be) of the construction of said Wate2:-works improvements, acco wing to the proposed system or plan adopted, is $29,091.00. A part of such estiiiateu cost shall be paid fro:ri the bonds hereinafter mentioned, and the balance from such other funds as the Town may secure from a grant by -the United States Goverta-ment and/ar other sources. I SECTION 4. Upon the ratification and approval of this ordinance by a --major- , ity of the qualified voters of said 'Town voting thereon at a special election, herein- after provided for, bonds of said Town shall be issued and sold in the principal amount of N16,000.00 for the purpose of providing• fu 16a for the payr71ent of part of the costs of said Waterworks imppovements. Said bonds shall be designated "410 Waterworks Revenue Bonds ,'t shall bear i ntere ;t at the rate of four per cent (41) per annum payable semi. - annually, shall be of such foal and denominations and shall be dated and shall mature in such amounts and at such times within a period of eighteen (18) years from to date of their issuance as the Council of said Town shall 'hereafter by resolution determine. 4� All of said bonds and the interest thereon shall be paid solely out of the special fund hereinafter described.. SECTION 5. Out of the gross revenues derived from the' entire Waterworks Sys- tem as extended and improved by the construction of the proposed improvements and ad- ditions, thereshalrl be paid into and set aside in a special fund to be called the 111935 Bond Redemption Fund" a fixed amount without regard to any fixed proportion of said gross revenues, namely, ancarnount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as they respectively become due, plus a surplus of twenty (20) per cent of such sum, provided that when the amount so paid i n as Surplus shall equal the principal and interest requirements for s aid bonds for the next ensueing two years, no further payments of Bar - plus need be made„ but such surplus shall be maintained in such amount at all times so long as any of said bonds are outstandint, and provided, further, that when the total ar='ount in said special fund shall equal the total amount of :Irincipal and interest of all the outstanding boric; s to the last maturity thereof, no further payments need b e mad e into said special fund. The amount required to be paid into the special fund each year shall be paid in qubstantially equal monthly payrner.ts. If the j_;ss revenues are i nsufY i_ cient in any month to shake the required payiiients, then the amount of any deficiency sha�1 be added to the amount required to be paid into the special fund in the next month. I�r is the intent ;of this provision that the : ul s pair into the special fund shall be in excess of the requirements for -,a:/,, erit of interest es or 1 and principal of the bonds un- til there has been accumulated as a reserve for contia enc an ajaount duffi i � � y c_ ent to ser- vice the bonds for two (2) years. The moneys paid into said special funs up to an amount i I 346 sufficient to service the bonds for one year shall be used so)-2-y- for the purpose of paying interest on and principal of the bond, until all Of ti1E: bonds shall liave been retired. Any sums in the resersre, ill excess of an amount equal to one years, service of the bonds, may be uses for hetterments and; extensions to the system. The payments into said special fund sl-.all constitute a pledge of said gross revenues superior to all other charges except the cost of operationand the pay:e}1ts of scrnrs recluired for retirer er.t of bon63 ;e: etofore issued by said 'Town, and to tlne re- tirement of vr_.ich said Gross revenues have previously been -,)ledges, as follows: i>- 130' 7LIS I:.:V2"ZI O,, I S TE " ITY D ;�" L_ OU T� �T Z ,i, Cr T r: r�TSTI rr+ rT r�� � r _ ,u A `.7:Jv,L, _ 1:1.ri1 :11t _ � T� � l l�i_' : ! .`I47_I.:v 1 �iTE . Said special fund shall be deemed created and esta.blisne6 upon ratification a .a ap- proval of this ordinance, b;T a laj o� ity of the qualified electdrN of Baia i 0I'al, as hereinafter provided for. :Ct is 1-1ei eby declared that, in the craation of each special fund, due regarc has bee:l given to the cost of the operatic—. a;rld r;iaintenance of said 'Jaterv.orks i nip r o v ein e i I z _q and tale su,ste.:? t1,erecf, and to w�-.y roo Lion or amount of the revenues the�-Efro,i lreviou21-7 i led 'I, d "or the paylrent of bon,:.ed indebtedness, and that the revenuer to be: deri,-ed from the operationl of said ': aternvor'Cti: improve- meats anp the syst-rr! thLereof, ir: the udg-dent of the Council of said Tovrri, will be sufficient to r,,eet all expenses of operation and r:iaint-enance and the al.ount or r,a:r,t of the revenues so previously pledl.;eo, a.nci 'to set ,aside in said special fLrnd the a- riounts herin provided. SECTION G. The saib Tow-,n irrevocably binds itself to establis11 rates or charges for the furnishing; of the service of` the e_.tire datervrorics Systei as ex- tented an6 improved by t'ie construction of the-Oro'wposeo iniprover-lents and a6oitions, so that the amount of the revel'.i{IS therefron, after pay'_1E=nt of a.li costs of n1a,i n- terlance and operation. and the su:.s reuyuired to s•etire the bonds and it?.deuteaness hav- inC. superior cl,-=ira aL_,-a not such 'r'eve ;.,es as Ylerdinbefo 'e uescribed, shall ar.iount to not less than the full a:riount herein pledged to be set aside fo:r• the redemption of the bonds authorized to be issueca ano, sold lier•eune,er.- dntil suci"1 obligations shall be pain in full. In the event tEie said Town or any cepar•tmeiIt or agency tl•.e-eof shall a- vail itself of any fucilitiE:s or services rerluere6 by saki systE.rn, the reasonable value thereof shall be paid by said 'oven or Lepartr_.eri� or a ency therE,af rrionthl,, as t'r1e sarn,e accrues, and such- pa;:rments shall be deemed revenues:: from the operation of sake system. SEC` TOid 7. The said Tol:in irrevocably binds it. -elf to oper•ate said system and maintain t1.e same in E-•ood condition and repair, and dot to sell, lease, or dispose of said system, until all the bolas issued hereL�nder shall be paid i.ri full, both princi- pal and interest, or unless and until provision shall have "been ma6e for the payr-,ient of said bonds and the interest thereof in full. The said Town further b ncds itself, ir- revocably, teat ta) While any of the 'bonds herein authorized rernui i outotandir.g, no additional bonds payable from the revenues � f s,,id system, shall be issued, unless the pledge of 347 such revenues to such bonds is made junior and subordinate in all respects to the pled;e of such revenues to the bonds herein authorised; f ! A While any of the bonds herein authorizes: remainnoutstanding, it will main- tain insurance, for the benefit of the holders of the bonds herein authorized, mf a kind and in an amount which usually would be carried by private companies engaged in a similar type of business, and will pay the•cost of'sach insurance as are expense of maintenance and oferation of the system. (c) While any of the bonds herein'authorized remain houtstanding , it will keep proper books of accounts and records (separate from all other account and records) in which complete ant correct entries shall be made of all transactions relating to I said system, and it will furnish the original purchaser of said bonds, and any hol- der or holders, Ah.ereof at the written request of such holder or Bola ers, not more than thirty says after the close of each six months' fiscal period, complete opera tine and income tatement of the said system in reasonable detail, covering:, such stir months' period, add not more than sixty days after the close of each fiscal year, complete financial statements of the said system in reasonable detail covering such fiscal year and certified by the Town Clerk; and (d) It will grant to any holder or holders of 25 per cent of outstanding bonds herein authorized to be issued, or to any purchaser from the original purchaser of { such bonds, the ri'o'nt at all reasonable times to inspect the said system and all re - I cords,, amounts and data of the said Town -relating thereto. SECTION S. An election is herepy called to be held on Saturday, the ninth day of November, 1935, within the boundaries of said Town, for the purpose of submit - tine this ordinance to the qualified voters of said. Torn for their ratification or re- jection. The prope0ition which shall appear on the ballot at said election and be sub- mitted to the qualified voters of said `'own shall be in substantially the following form: "Shall Ordinance No. 415 be ratified and 06,000.00 Revenue Bonds be issued for Waterworks improvements and additions as therein provided' YES u, 1�Lf F •- � MI SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after its due publication according to law. Thus passed by the Town Council of the Town of fort Orckard, WashinEton, this fourteenth day of October, 1935. FRANCISI M. APPL G `rE, "' ovrn lerk. F.B. FLEVIHG, Acting Layor. X 348 After due del iteration and discussion, it vias nlovedi by Councilman Cor- liss and seconded by Cou:acil-man Radey that ttie said Ordinance be adopted, and upon said motion the vote was as folloirs: AYES: Counciliiien Radey, Stevenson, 2lemiinL., and Corliss. iIAYS: Council risen none. AJI�SE,. T: Council -man S. A. -Horton. The Actin=; 1'Jlayor then and the2e 6eclai'ed the Ilotion carricd and said or- dinance duly adopted, and appro,red the sane. `thereupon the follovfinE resolution was introduced by Councilman Steven- son, who moved its adoption, seconded by CouncilLan Corliss: RESOLUTION RES0LU"I ():`T RELA1 IVE TO 2" G IZi I=-G OF '1(`� ICE ATD DE"I��R_ iIv1�'i' I `OF �'I+a HESUZ`i' Oi CIE ELEC- 'I0:'f TO 1IE HELD I` 'L?a `.�O`r� T )F PORT ORCHARD PTJRSU:'L`_ ` TO `211E, PR(I'VISIO S 10, OR` ::I>`?A110E. 0. 415 WIIEREAS, an election is called unoer tiie provisions of Ordinance jlo.415 of the Town of Port Orcharu to be held in said 'sown on the ni ith day of overmber, 1935, now, t1ier4fore, -_3E IT FUTI501 7FE'L 2<Y 721-TE `1'C:`« ,i" C(TtT TC IL OF "11B i 0'X? OF TPOR`i ORCIU.RD : SEC`l'IO--I 1. The '`itowfl Cleric is 'neraby directed to cause copy of said Or- dinance ;o. 415 of the "mvn of Port Orchard to be publi_tined as soon as possible k by one i-nsertions thereof in the Port Orchard Independent, whichis the official newspaper of said Tom, -publi�;i_ed and circulated the,.ein. i - ! SECT IOil 2. The �ovrri Clerk is hereby directed after tine pui:- licati�)n and effective date of said 'Urr inance a o. 415, to certify a true copy of said Croi lance and a true co-:y of this resolution' to t1ne 1'lection Boaru of the County of :­�itsap, >dashi-n ton, and said Electio:l t=oard steal_:. t ,ereupon provide I places :for holding theelectio 1, appoint precinct elec,�ion office-- therefor and provide for their coMpensation, provide ballot bores a -id or votiriL; ac'h- hies, poll books acrid tally sh.eet:�, and celi.vcr ttie . to the preci-ct election ol- ficers at the polling places. Said election Board shu11 publish :lotice to be pub- liShe,d in the Port Orc..a7`G �T1C e c. ellt, s v.`ec,-c-1Y :'_ewspaper �wlriich is the official-nevis- paper of Faid Town) by pu ;lication thereof iii each issue of said »�=vlspapev for a period of at least ten da;Ys before saki election 6,ate. SEC`"IC;i` Z. Said Election shall be held anti con6ucte6 in the canner nro- vived by la,rl, carld t'r'e `Pion Cler'{ is ��ereby directed tc cause Clue and proper notice of the closi_ri of' rc ist-,atio book to ue i,T�; s b ,ostz, - � y '� s _ requires lair. ! SLC`Ti��; 4. Tla saiU Electioli Boa- a of the County ^f T'itsap shall canvass { the :c- till--ns of said election and certify the results t�iei-eof viith sLic�i ret'J.'"1 and I all other yoro_,er doc_. :Mulls pertaining to said election, to the Town Cler'{,as soon { 349 ', as possible after the date of the election. Thus pasted by the Town Council of the Town of Port Orchard, Washington, this fourteenth day of October, 1935. F.B. Acting; layor PR XCI S «. APPL�,GA ow kle I The Council voted upn the motion to adopt tKe foregoing Resolution as follows: AYES: Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, 2lerria , and Corliss. save. BAYS: Souncilman None ABSENT : Councilman S. A. Norton. The Acting Mayor thereupon declared the resolution adopted and approved the John H. Pattison, the Town Engineer, appeared before the Council and he was directed to Drepare plans and specifications of t4e proposed water works improvements. He stated that the Engineer of the PWA rewired a Resolution as to a wage scale adopted, and ;therefore the Council adopted a resolution astablishin£ the Wage Scale for the .job. The Town `.Clerk presented a resol_ation requesting the County Election Board to aseume control or the Town Election to be held on December 3, 1935, and suggested the following election officers: E. T. Harris, Inspector; W. W. Alderman, Judge; and Dora E. Lawrence, Judge; which resolution was duly adopted by the Council. The Clerkpresented the following bills: WATER r UNM W. A. Larson F Main repair (3 hours) H. Doyle Main repair (8 hours Tom Connell 9 hrs. labor 075X; 4 hrs. U50/ Pete Nuernberger 6 hours labor Williams Hardware Co. crayons, etc. Standard Oil Company gas Kitsap County Bank - property damage and personal liability insurance on Water Truck 01-yrzpic Iron Works burned pipe, swedges, etc; labor Howets Hardware mallet, pyrex chimney, etc. Reliance Motor Co. gas Palmer Supply Co. Cate valves Hoge Motor Company `Fire, Tube, etc. GENERAL PUND England and Petersen lumber Standard Oil. Co. i oil Standard oil Co. Zerolene Howe Motor Compah.y- install armature; Bendix washer, etc,. Howe's Hardware Tacks,chalk,crayons,yd. stick, etc. 1 Duke Electric Co. 1100 W 600 V fillers; labor Pt.Orchard Transfer sand and gravel picked up; freight chge. P.S. .mews Company Office Supplies 1. P. Joslin 2 ricks wood Reliance Motor Co. gas Kitsap County Flank Property damage and personal "Liability insurance on Bump `'ruck Jacob Nuernberger feed for two dogs `i'rict & lurray election supplies 1.50 4.00 8.75 3.00 .70 1.64 2395e 1.73 2.94 2.15 29.38 12.48 .32 1t .65 4.80 6.31 1.35 2.66 1.45 2.31 4.08 11.05 23.95 1.50 3.58 350 and warrants were ordered drawn "therefor. -he meetzn T adjourned. a RZ;�:ICIS :' . .kPPIJ Town Clerk Olctotier 23, 1013J. G� C i G �Er' `� c EE T,) L� e jictll? -ayor a>- i [1 I� ._iC.i_'_.l .. fi_ =P :i )":IFi 0 O 't ;1 :- k[`. i ua. , 'G 1t: �0:1: T "TP. 1;7.t a 2 c Iui of ci e `'o:in ,11]'. be =e16 1-n --le 17;;1i !.Ia-i i. at, �1 P v..1 vsa fJ :. _' _'GuF-d .i.� .,Ij;CG:'1S1CtE.'w f er JI �(:' `l �. C O i lE;y C L !} J. (a T v 1 iJ lci� a oa _'i a i1C7 run U , lit ft [1' C D' , r _; C'[ k 0 1 0 O _ E 7 2 S fS"L Gr.. of said T 0' `l, a i6 6 0 b_C : )t l . l 1'Ji. �;:'O J lF. c _ n c� .f.1 `c.11 i,i:l ":LG'_il . tiffs I C: e0 i 1Jd7 C) `IC I I 1 of ?r. Bated t ii •��' ..,��� 7C . tie 1 :. �,�� . -�y orcer of tirle :.Ct:i:li La_�"02 `'Y. in fie, " a ec a).. E tl''' ?.._ J.arc, -Tm_Lli:_ :1�� -- S�la'1t t0 �',_� =^E�" ;i.;: C O- iZ� i E;1 , ��._ �!,E; z? lG.a �� 1. 1 ... . at tL e '2r:'T:.1 u1 ctt'C ci�'[ , 1u` - GOLiI_% r, F t.' il" t01 r i was f it q tV, P � ",'al_1 C eS' • 1+'lO::`i.q i :_e siC C&II t':.c 1011.0' l _ -z-1..'�.'�'.ca Y'E.�eI,v. __d�':-L' li<hi:,e„�, �J. t}. J_:ti �'. _�. �{� Dean;at G vc i J _. 1tle a;i� 1;:1 It�.' -3A:.t !Ae t1 ibtl r•1�15 �., -c., er- of il- C :a I a a ( t e c a CC )� Er"ri �r a i 1-i -10 2(3i'V £ 351 tRSL1C l 1lotwce, a,,, CD':, E11 a % a `J �'" t S .lri '_iouInc?1 a_n6 1�,ct1�; I'!lay 01 j s all meet at t'qe i Ev z Y1u p1acE r.i:1 _1a::leci, a-Lld E'o:r' the purpose tZex'ein tita;Qd. Dlt 2141D 7oZi ember �1`l, 19-75. v ffar:cy-. Radey, W S.StereOlson S . k Tort on Dean iris Corl1Ss, Gounc ll11en, after discl�s!ion of the offer o_' t''-', Jnited Stale— of i-i,111le ri ca to aid by .vay of loaf: a_1d f rant i�1 f iaa ycin _ t le const-ructiL)n of re•-.maini.i oy tale rater system of the r;7 w E - It '- ' �- 1 1' , 1 lovin, t}:e follov i_1- resolL.E,iol, entit eCc li i'eSOL'J.t7.c.�i ilcce-pt, 7-nc Ene Of"e'er of tl e United jtul -c i to ai6 b :gat,.;of L.oa7 ci'iih :Cct:..t -'_ 1 f 1 is IC 1 iiL '0'lE tolls .1 ct4o l of t?"ic rE'�mLA1-111'1 of 't=e> Water :Jy:�tei of the w-)-.u]was by, D. Corlls., ci ,G iEao i:!i f: lli Appy,,-,� [. , 7•� ?'i' 1 •�'r� 1-Y` * E' _-.1 7 f.1 f'l •• 11 ; l n 'l *`� ; l 1. lis_f r)„1�_ _ �_ L_ �. ? r1:. i4, ��''fJT i C; fyt ; 7 - r r.l, Tn i _C ti rr7 CG '_T . ;,'.. . T, r *i-. n' ,, '.� 17, r 1771-. ne it eso1:Ted C)jT t 9',-Vl"i Cc'.1i1cul of t1.1e To,, -,-a of 3:1c)rt r( 1aid Sec j ion 1 . ;1 L ' c iG1 t 1; 1E D �C-s C)i e T7,,yted :,� atQo 0 si!";1er Ca D E':1e i 1-in Of f'Dx't O-V- j e[iar6 t a 4L6. J,`,'' Icl� uf l oa-,1 c;i tl6 <--.1 1 `l. �' i:'_�,._„-...:1`� t - e e-71 �. t r a e-j'.r -a .zi_��: o � �e ',l^:' � st eir� oi' r.� - tG /� rr�� fl a i -&0 as f0_L. _. ovIw. , e .L os'iii�, a cD`�v of S"i1.ci_ 1T j 11 1f i._,T, r 3 4296-182. UJ tirasi-li_ttol1, D.C. Oct obey 1`1C35 . ,1 S ;- ,��te ile �o. '�^ &21-i. 1174 ' ,• /� !ll y ry h e '2 o-vi n o f. Port �O �' a r d Co -i .a t , , i'ii Ll N 11. 1 11 t lJ d F ♦ 3 Sub;ect to t'ne, _-ales �)-n6i lie _IL) tioi S (P.:j.ti. O'.1 Z'D. 166,E:l.?l;y 22, 1c-3J,as al'lE,Ided A t0date) ti1n8X%Ci tlelet0 a1 ( is": a,:c ._d(-e a ?.)a a CIe;'c o , t,i:e 'Of 111ted States of el:'icu _ie-re"by offe2 to aid i'_1 -i a i--u: _ �` C iztEx'ZIOY'_S s�. ✓ G it t'U tl{]Y1 D_ 1: 7. 7 ✓S �.EI`1, co _Sigt Of r -,1 ce. E; =I:s c, f ate r. y_ ti i, .:E�ei l cd1_E_C' <,E;L r►1 ,. V 1 - E- .� ._ 0_ i�o, t 0 c1--a:`6 x l tt'ie a.lolr�l'. o" -0 fi .'c• ( 4_%�� er c:e i�,'._f:1 of ' e cost Df t'::.e Project a Jo_1 c.o-)uIetion, as c: et r ? ,d by ;, it 2sde:,al 2 mer,;- c- xd�l.; zstr:�tor of Public °'o'rs, lct 1 c�ecy, i7.nJr e;rti:lt, t},e �,Ar:1 c;r' ,�0'1. ai�U by;r_c atiiiE� at t ne,_•e of plus accrucc f1 e;_ t t .erE on, fro_�_1 the TOV111 of Port J2 c'-.axd I ��- 9t,,Ii�;ati.ons of t'1e cesc: ip.�, -n set fo-:tl. �e1o:., 4-1 c - , Oi �u C_. O iew' o11 a S'.la 1 7_ 0 c `to 11- Sc41 sfactr L�•i.-.:1C:i _U'Q 111J1E,,. _ 'f S u ctl 0'; 7c�ltiolIs if ct:_J, a �ti1E' iUtirn Oi P Ort (-'7_'C[" _2(t ::1ciy, ,-it`, t':ie co`- of trle l'ed.eral 7 r� .iEr :EYIr t3 Tf l'-. y C. :.1.tiSl f'c�vOi' ')lai.ilC c'Li tD ;JL1- C:lc ;3f�x' rJ'iler 1_'t� ii �i e J n.��ci Stes If Of A;-,iex iea : (a) 0 1i,-or: The Town o ' i,o:pt c)2c', ; (b) S;cecial OBI i «tio'r:l, ruter'.ro3 � �. _lae, tieria� cou')Jfl bo lei c) Leia ;,1 1ati.Dcl:1,�JO.t:); (d) Date: "olreYri; er 1, 135; i o a., . y. ) i`&tiC ii�err_: 7ay:fier, C'aeS: 4`0 1Jex :1'rlt , - i _ �T.. payable I' E::?1-ctilll kct� 1y on 352 Yay let ad _'ovEmar l st of each ,`F:,a s Plum J- -anent: At t.',.: office nf t•.e -- ea urc of the 1-Jm of fort i.'3__aW at Part Cuchard, jashiA�ton; (r-,) i:.z t u ]:' _- 4 1 e _ . Payable on _ . ') . E. z.-_t [•, _.' 1 W y , , _ ; _, . _.. --.. _ O - M no -- ail o `.. w. ..-_E 37 - 1202 lzcl-e,01,002, .!i ., e6 onn 1. " .. - G j the 11. ( ct, .0G f _._'PCt ai C_.:.L to be .._=ut rt _rG to any fixed proportion of suit rove;i oo a _i „o e _.i%._f.I_cic ,, for 'tk_ payment, V_._ nrf1cipul of anu _Aseye t on the Woos. Qil__. 3 2 ia1 2liI, 21derui E:_.erf emcy "o.__uiotrutor of lubli c uor m_ qy Section 2. That the s<. W lc',,l jouncil agrem K _. u.... , b, I! _ c i A;_ .nd - L u- lat10 s _'e_aU ' nick loa_. a_,... (.ns, _.. copy ,, JW w.. C-- a'.,1. 3 and - q lat_n..._, ,'ere Sect 3 • '� , - . � e : o-.._ ���.-- - � � -- �c :�f; i : , c-_ ,, au tt_ or r zect a.na• c i r e,.t eci to , forthinth Y ^-1'.1 to v :_e Mi' ..jnn G GPI if l C _�`;11 ,.-. `:.1 %�jT t�i..: .l :1.1 �:. _:.a '1L t'�,l !., _�. ... ., rz i. _tti ., !ii-E`-�: E� e a -im of it C is o .:. i L ; of t :. _ 0- Cil i" coa: ect ion with u e anaption 7f thiv_ .:ujinu n &O , u C.. fui inE._ Q..'.I: E:'7t5 or v"u _ _. _ gaiC C 2er ...., MY ._ „ 1' c k ! :, G s U ' Li by the E. E: J loun TheDoler ,.aOiOt-_'on ..as _t_. c 'O'•,c _d by ha 'J_ -.aCey, anu muc :i6.gip Ved on ine r ti'oL7K &M ,saGFy, rJztD:_, _.,.__ina, a _G CtJTl1ou, L_G _01. 7011, 11ay. I _ _ Wer upJ._ C ecla ed t. 0 tjc _:e ).7:i.Utiou :u__.ied Lnc. tue "Oti - vOW H. Patti6.,_1, Awn EnLjio r, ap7eare6, an }llS fcr t'_1E qromomu . rater _.-mi.._. ,- _ a ct an „-.E :i___..j,1 r-, _l`.,ltion was presented and daly adopt Ed i '. W. e re n 1, OHM • V _lcol, own. _ ... _ 2=cificutions for / I Me L - inter ..C... Ly t..E: .,'J.Y;St! „uvi;)11 of G:xF.'t 1._.'^,i1 __'Lse for C - e pe, and ME 13, • i I !-._.ti F:_1C E-C A-"LinAn show _ .o t tlw C out 'Ji.' as follows: Lobo, an& 128,67B.49 .gal --__o o.r�liix�E. _ ��. :frc�l�°4�.6J iJ'1G%., eleCi :7 i, G Ovens! 1.b:�60 .10 interest ant!! uohcs ore x a '.ACC; 215-26 29, J51.3b XTL, REAS the C o unc llas G la;lain,06 saj.0 and c if i cat io—is TY -1j"OOLIPED 117 C"i-TiCIS, 02 T-f-EP JdN ('2 I)OR2 that !.iaiu p I L-" !., 1 2 , e C 11, c c: u i 0 a lu e a e r g --- b ,r a P- r.- passc6 ICJ't'-- T"o—vi C o u ---i c i 1 o t cL ovi of 3P o l, t 0 r cl la r a ashinLton, t.--J�j ,�+.';l Cay of -.-ovef-.bnr, D Ni fl C 1 e On ni o t i o n, tale ra e c "t" nC, a cAj o u rn ed _LPL -_IT T IG, i c + i (: -,,ay or Cler"", 354 I Octo"Ier 28, 1935. C 0 U. 1-i Ci I E� t.�. I C7 i`. ii a t 7 30 r e s (,, fi L -u c r c C o u i i c ill m e n 1 d c- T, teve iso 2 1 1 Q CO i s 2 C C, C (A L; �3 Ou _j'_S of _e :;;e��Lj _j f -� C.- be 3 11- 3 at tI_(_ yOw­ r 2:' L i qi" 0 -Y. 0 2? 6 -1 -1 a 1 ^ E"k I I C a _- e a a j' o 2 - a - I c e e c t Q r e r e, ou 16 c A. ;j c --a t -L 0 E, A) L c o 1-6 i - .Za e­ C 2 r e,� o U ia ,To'-Y, P La t - 11; 0i e. c t R o"re t 'o 01' eIpeer c u 3�0 0 Carl da ez' 1-0 ct 43 0 0" LI, 7.62 3 b .27 Ji a! LY G E1ec,,-_­ic Co. t 4.40 Palmer Co. 38.32 ��J� I oni C 1 e 2:? k 11 T' l-•C it i 11L, .__ay C) 1' r November IP, 1035 The Coancil met t�i; eveni 6 i_1 pegalLr aession at '7.30 p.n. Prevent were. Councilmen Radey, SteveAson, Norton, :.'.i.e:min , and Gor.l.iSs. Dou_icll_'1an 2le"i lg pre- sided :s ActinE P ayor. The Yinutes of t.ie meeting of October 28th and a special Y: eet inn. of November 4 tE] , 1935, were read and approved. The Clem report& that the election for ?:xateruor''_s Revenue Boms had carried by a vote of 112 for to too a wi:lst. The C1Ez' Xp1 i_;_G that i.,G6a:C' S. Sn1tb, th.. County ii'aG1tJ2, c:i1C1 a .1,.::{bar Of the election 3oarCt of Litsap C witty, had Eone f a t and ;".nG no% yet returned, so that It was-imposaible `to get a cert fic" 6e of the election returns, and it :J: s .lnce stood t_tat as. S oil car the necer awr7 c ert i i c"te who received the Clerk would c:,,.i.l a Spec- ial neet 'lt_; to Dass necessary rest ;ttio4s a_'_c oroi laAces required by the P.W.A. The Clert read a letter and re,_ of at ; Dn iron the Re sol ati o_ s C o. L-i. tt ee of the fare'"it-•lec cter "sooci"ation of Ve Soith its& y Union iLh Scnol, in re'6vA to'pad_ :in, an ordinance by the Town paraliel,QL the State liquor Law, in respect to `:_inors, i and the natter was re- ;'rr& to the Cle.� to see ..._at l _ diaunces were, already in force In t'._e ••faun of .l:''or`G lire'':ard in res"' ect to t' _,,ul_j ect iaatter. The Clery uns uirected to write a letter to uh(. ._ esolu"On,, C ,.mit tec Of the Parent-Teacher "osocibtion in- forming Men of the Faction of the Council. JO n H— PattiEOn, the City EnSi"near, a.ppeareG. before the Ci`[)'jAcil and StateC,. that th. e P.I.A. had not yet approved the _ tali~ � o 2pecifi cats ons, at , iha t the SOT:,1al cull for bids had not : ecn received froA i,lynpia, So tha`i, We 00uncil it cD'al y�'J b act u� the case this evening. resolution vau nyly y re,j.rAea. LithorizinE the Clerj, as soon as caic• draft of call for bids wbs receiv,d, to Publish the sine twice in the Fort 1 Or - Mod Indepencent, the official ewspaper of the Town, and the Joirnal of Commerce of Seat - Seattle, �t:IG the Fa':P. 'cci;; GI:1,� uCiOpteG, making the time f0, OfMM bids at a S')E'C].ci1 i _ Oeti _ Of the C c � ae o:al� it t � f; � ,n "1 � Le Aber 2nd, 193J, at 7:30 p.m. The Cler: was Directed to .rite to 3agland and PeterseA, requestiny them qot to block the Street in front of their place of business mess witb either i ,j, try ,V,, or sorts delivering ateri a,l-, i"asnuch as the Satre was interefering with traffic and j'ictS �_ t Y 1• � ti OC.ieCut=G �.. �J� �'P, ;.7�c;.c.E: IJ.1.{`:1i:u' LeJuJ.t._niit. Councilman Corliss bran at to the a tn_ltion of the Coarci :t the fact that the side- walk from the south We of Division to WWII an Cline ;","as in bou condition and the I swne v&s referred to the .Street S perin e'1i_ent t-, investi6o e and report _t the next J. Brown appeare a before the Council in reference to a hydrant in his viciaity and stated that all pens., s uLo would be benefited uo lld not contuib_tte to tLe cost thereof. It was suggested that �a^crt,a']� �, 3 ge tperhaps the town could contribate sometLi t` to the installa_Vion of sac _ a hydrant, in vie,>v of t Ae fact that the Park property woul6 ���.�e be-�ofiteu - � and that it mient be possible ttr the }70-r&ta s�a:? of :�a�oiiitefEwtFC C ODIC. f? £', '7ct 1G Off i fl installments of about a dollar per moath, hea the water rcnt v7 ,s paid, and ti-.at if Mr. I 35f ui 0 u 1. 1 o a C i 6jC j - t G 0 C il 1 C-" C, 11 tile 'je C--, u n L c. p e,-1 117i, StaOil C3..- , L�:, ly D e, Fv re G C e 1, U.41 11 oyi e -il-a to i- C1. y3. 2-28 fits-;: u t r e i i t I)ij)e 6.11 7 . 31 C�C C o L7. I t 0 1-1 r S e PLi etc 9-38 Dort Orclal,6 Incere, Ce.,A --cia --t 0!! 1?1 - 67 ,T a lal-i H `G tis 3n ",-,li i AQ er-re-"' a 1 1 �IL 90.00 e n, e t, tD Pze ")& 14.65 ,T, E I -a e,, c -C C LA e C t i 0, cl e r' j U( I- 1 6.50 E.I-r . , I'l . 1­ S -,"e t1-j C 6or 6 . '-0(, d. 'U. A1(I;er.,,-ia-I eoeC e e on C 1:,r, U e 6,50 ro f , 2. "8 C 4L S e 0 n-, .30 Jac :�I- Doc f u r i t e t C . 11 1'Ib 8.04 8.73 Cr Cn--jp­j,f t-IC C port Orclia--c e C c 2 0 lu c 2 Sid 51. jot 2, -,atro-- 0 ry 141.92 and viarra "Us r avy -n Viierel or. n r,lotior., t It i e e t ii j ),,!,: a c A ir,ec "Ct t!IE- 357 i _" ovember 1.4, 1 235 The gown Council met in special session this evenin at 7:30 p.n, pursuant to call of the ictinC layor. Present were: F. 1. Flezino, Acting Layor, presiding, c`'.nd Councilmen Macey, Steve loo ., No -!'ton, Ylezing and Corliss. :also prese"'. % were IV j 2rancis M. AppleLate, Town filer` u.iQ - Tow" Attorney. 1 The following Waiver and Consent to the holding of the meeting was thereupon f i signed and ordered entered in the �iriutes: WAIVER CO-1-SE-172 We, the undersignel, constituting she Acting Layor an6 gown Council of t�.e Town of Fort Or chart , das1inEton, do hereby J oiatlJ and severally waive all no- tice ao to the time, _"lace and purpose of a special meeting of ouid town Council to bn helb at the regular meetiqE plane tberpof saidTown '� L y o �.C.�r� ont. F 1 th �J.Cc f 70ve .e at 7: 0 o'clock, ,..m., and do ;:e. ,°,, c,,::se::i.t to tte ti:ldir:g of said meeting ana to the transaction thereat of any busisleNs which ch m y properly be presented and particularly relative to procee ingb for the caking of certain '.'late: warks improvements in said Town pursuant to t > Provisions of Ordinance 00. 415. 11BIASS hand this 14th clay of Noveuber, 1 035. F.B.111MM, Acting 11 or j 1(ATIRY alp` "Ey, Co-,ncilraan W.S.;;'1'EVE SKI Councilmali Councilman '.3. YLAA ING, Councilman, :0.K. CORLISS, Councilman a Thereupon, a certified copy of Resolution adopted by the Election Board of the County of -'Litsap, Tashi gton, on the 13th day of November, 1035, was read in full and ordered entered in the minutes, to -wit: 1? _I'1 /!!.'I y�-('Zi Cam 0 T:-� T (_7T E (1'� i T -1. '.; Ti 'C�TTT ..1 -h SPECIAL A J. L:!]�ll _. .. DELI 1'�R �. .. E 1JlJ'..;.1.�.� O � A S PECIAL il�.'J{JC T 01'T _i..]L-.k: _ �,'� � .� OF,,I_:T WtiS_ .7`a! .}7, ON THE I DA-Yor ii., l Y' r 35 . IMIREAS, the dilly constituted Election Board of the County of Kitsup, Washinbton, pursuant to Resolution of the 'Own of Port Orchard, passed on October 14, 193L, (a .cer- ti fied copy of r ich resolution is filed in the records of this Board) on the 21st day of October, 1535, duly adopted i lti resolution proviaUg for a special election to be !end in said Town oi the ninth day of Xa em ber, 1935; and W?li+,REAS, pursuant to said Resolution of this Board, notice of said election was duly E iven in time, TOM and nanner as provic ed by lair, and said election vas on the j cute filed the.,:eford 'held at the prec •inct designated i_1 said resolutiog by the elec- tion offices therefor duly appointed, and said election was duly and legally held and conducted, and he votes cast thereat duly :;M legally canvassed by said election Officers, and th rdturns thereof mace at the time and in the form and na ner provided by lair; and iJ'Iu^JlEAS this B6azd has ca"vaosed the retu -ns of iU1G e1eCt�01uS 1:said neSolu- tion provibed; now, tterefore r f 358 1'2 ,S S.I� o 3 e c a c c o- i r IG. -b, G 2:, d �ia:ic e -�O C ID 4 l.r C) f the ri, f 0 '01 i'' t t '6 i e c� s o f '.:ai6 t i J-& u ificati-n -r re, e t i r)., ;j-ao dl.'J-j Callra c. a. r c) o ay 0 t e oil t, '7 0 "1" P- 1•no 7 c e ,.:a,,=; il] ve-i 1'� (JJ'I1 c -;,w ea., & s C, e L a.iC c & f 'D C, rcl-�` ",Cc s r) 1. J t -1. C-: Cf 6 (7; 1 eli a Ic, 0 a e V 0'. t'-�ereat r1- Ci 2 e t i e lk-iu '.L ri er r 0 v icAac 1 0 CC1 e c i 3. -1 1 1 e a t d t v eo, Iaio a uci fs I -IC X. 11 .'e- -1 J. C, e C1 . 3 0- c o 3, Z; t, a 1 a i., e S t fii,ids a -'(A ce-c-La-r—,.i t'Ilat t'-.- 0- a !'a Z)I -VO-be.s c ,O u I 1 6 Ez,4 d PT-o_ o, 114, tin at t t D a I I L�V 0 3" 0 oj 7 ja S niu, e .- Of ITO-6 C- )o si t'—.; t at mi er f o t e t S id C I e c J- Q D 01 W is S, 2. 6 al of' voi--s cast e c o i e .117 a reca- t: at s&ib election o.-: tIL(3 t tr,c t I -n I "D ot- "0t 3c, L St a- -t `e' r e C, Ct 1: o r 0 t t -or-) po, Si L4 Or- 112 C-ectiDn a� G, r E:. cL, a o -a i tis 'Pi i6o a-'(- cecia e- -al- of i F majority of all tae u a j. fi e c. e 1 e c t o rs v c "'I I'M 2 F-L.1 C -r) y, o 0 Z3 i t i o-, E, C�, s t i n av 0 -r OrdJiia-�,ce -To 41' ro CAC,t I u of' I.-'..e aao-��Lioi--A U.- I �- -L �, ­ :,,F� c c t i i. E� d of t'. o 1. t 0 r C a 'i s, -ic t c, I` o s e C -,. e'r, Car 0 C Ou U J. G �L -- , e x - o `� �! � , � �L - C , 02t''ItIt o t i v i-c e,,lt e�a- liv ej: t '(-I e a o'. a C- to e, c t oc� -a S 0 r 6 o c er r, of Sai(1 0 C� -a S � f) 0 a n c aiu ��e. -iu d k, t t 0"', 'C e C 0 - C� C e d' t F 6 3:­,) v e C' at a-J- 3.- e. of " C G s,eC_ecL t.,,, e C 0 LI "I 7Y 0 a,.) e 4 � i V e c. rat a, 0 C o-'- t i On C', t e - iTv, S• C 41 IA 'j:L, a i u t i c a r ri e a T, i ay o r t e. L a-, ic, -G Ge clu,,,� -• 11 , it. -- -. .- . , - . e, 0 L', -.-' (,, 4 '; ' , - '". C -1 ' - - (A 1, L -, C: 11i C� e CI �j f U11 359 RE COLTTMOT 71n'_)­T Y C`.iJ A­� D RIES %).LUTI`� i 01_111 T SPDU, H PIP 41b ET ursmua­ u to -rovisions i, a c 0 Orc 413 01 the ToVln of Port Gr- cl-,ard, '1J7ashi,1,7,,­to_rn,, a6o-o,-b-c6 on t 1 -1 e 14 th 6 a y of ()' c t c i e --r 1 3U, and _-u_'1.,)sr_cjue,,-,tl­ ratified Ly tl'le votes Of a na-,L) o x, i t y o" the wualif7e6 rote -'_rote -'_of a3ai6 Towli vot' at u11 elect Ion ,eld in CIOV,1_1 t".�e ;C 6,.��77 Of �ToVe_.,-_er, -3 - ie duly ane le�,a.11- c;a'Lled, an6 5, t� Council of saic. TOV'ifl is zed to bol-us bf said lowi't as iii sid Ordinance provi(j-d, ai16 io detlermi,- e -the dLL-Ge, fo-,-f.,,, C On o li naU-o :,Ls , a sic, i -iat L� ri tljy d at e s o f s u ch �Oli6s; -,,iow, t1ir-refore, " IEL''-ci- BEITRSCVD 31 2-HE 0%1_ ()j_: 0 Sectiol I. Pursuant ant to -.'i_e sions of Ord'. 11 o. 415 of t1- o Town of Poet Or- L.L c �,,, a 1- d -to—ri , "'J, ich 0-,;(, i ce r17a-_ rat i aid a-opro­ed I)y a . ia j or i ty of' the qual i- fied voters of Said F20,1n 7,-OtL.-iC at a-,-_ electioi-. --16 1.eF aT ly called an6 held i i waid Tow-1 on tie -`U'n 6ay of JTo-,, 1r-15.5, bc--lds of ,,,a.4CA Tow-n s`lall be iosl_4,ed anc S,)1(5 in !DU1,)o p j7ck as 111 the -or ine i-Q a! -ou. 1-it of 0 :L", r t I e s a-, .Fo. 415 sai d Oj- -p rov J-6 e d Sa"L6 bo-_i6s 9: al-i Ile Ja`er-viorrs Revenue be 1_6 i-, a nunM uer, numuered consecuti7,el,;,' fr1­1 I to 16, ;Jot"" ,3La-11 be dal ed t?,ic day of 1��55, L:,nC, sha'-. Le of Ceno: Jcati o�- U.I.e i ;-1 -.I"; a!-10 "lau n-s on as f Ol �T�,E 7, T e a c'l rear 1, mo movei-.- Or 1, 1937, to `Tavenlber,l, l953, b o t, i i c u. -, i v e Said b o x; 6. s s h a 1 b e Ej r i -C e .3 t , evicence 1),,: coupo..­,; at%ac.,:_-d ttileeto, wit vviL., -rate Of fo.).i. 14jo) -e-,- cent per armul-, 3 f, ;1 P-11i yea r i o .1ti 1 ij- ity. 3otj-r�j�:cj,)a, U s r2I U_ , faVijI 0fE:ai� boi- pyable in any coin or cur--,-ency Df c,, 'i ial e -,al tenc,er legal for the -It ol, a? C 1­� v a e c. b o i c e Uj f t e :-'reasurer of t,,c Tau,- L of -Port -F-i-scal j�g(�­cy of 1�10 S+ate 0 41 C, at -e f ' a, -i t n orcliai.(- , at Port in t,_,e of (%ity ur c. State of at tLI, e _r� o.)tion of L the '!016-er. S a i 6 b o sl; a 11✓ a-6- irt�,r�ot at L­�c :'.Llice of the f o-aid of -I-)rt r c 1--a -rd I 2. e c t crSai(- _cs o la-i-i 'j- ii,, �i 1-A-1.) IL a-, It i a- ly tu lie fo I-' o%, �j j- I k,2 F 0 7T I j 30 00 i'rle O,.,i 1 01 0 t C 0 Lj, t i t of IK U State of Ine--cby ac- lowleu,E.ed it2eif indebteu an6 for. -,,a-L J C, I' E_J c c Ve -_-� 20 e s.� o ay t o i, In p bt-arej:-, or if thi- boi,6 -�;c to is t el't;( 10 C Or Of, t e D' r, �C; e s 07 "T a-Ld, t 0 -!a✓, at the rate four of Z T., t -a Y, 0 c E r CA a 2 ),Aio­ of th e 0 C c a' c, os 1- J i,- i- f ia` c a u e 0- I e!, c C', 1-",e *1 a-i _G e 1, 1 i, p 4 -h 0 I C, 1 a- -a k�.L D ei 0�! t _. 0a C� CAN E 0 'D - d ALA c C 'L f 0 - �ri nc ;-a C J, 77 AL LZ 4 C�l 1, 1 C', I Cl .T o t c r B o :-ice a a -p r o TT c, .6. a r.,i t a s a a L­ at a e e. c k, .2 F-, a C 0 t IL 41 s b o ta-id'- �4 al r c 0 ob- C� 10 i C, je t al 6 1'0 o"', e:1 1 f I C)i Cri C. 'a 0 �7}e S a ici �71 c CL 0 1 Y, CO -all i .13 C+ T. f 1. .,__,.CBS o h 'a e ij C, "6 D - 'a,v 0 1, IC a L, G j J. C - C, 0 C V c At C Cl e 6, -V C t t 361 Sectio:l �. mac'__ of t: e Cou ,o is attac��ed -a s- i6 o> , s ,:lull be j_381)ed ii, substan- IJ-le fol. owi':l_ for'_ : No . yp Or t'rie ffirst day of 1 �, the ` o-,v i of Port Orcrlax•6, '"a,hi,i--ton, will A dy �o L eareret'_ie s .--- o-" -- _-- L'ollai--3, i1i ui�y coin or cu:r•reii- cy :ate is l a siaid date a- io le al tei-..L(.cr for tie _-^,a;,faent of pu_Dlic a. d private d-eb`s, at t"ie o 'Cice of tie reasui--,er• of s xi6 'ovii Po t Or- c'Lal,d, W t 'clie option: or the iolcer, :.t .t'_}e-+'iscal h;e;°icy of the State of %1as1iinLjon i1i to y3orouLjl of 1:.a 1 a i, City and State oi' �Tew o ,t of t_e s- e c i a f la, rors, � oi �s,=35 c. iece.-- ration lLA,lid', said siX morit isr interest t1-c , C a-, 0:'1 it rL,ox'- tevenue Bond, to NIover,1Jw,.• 1 , �4` i , tt CTI'Tul ::AYOR Section 4. ;iyl the bac'r of eL.c', -oe ••)rj.n-Lcc; tt,e followint :")rovisi on: lw' l wT ! � _'I.' C ? �J T t _e J'n1 er, 1 er .�'reas'..ir`or of the '� oirli Of t'0:. a �l'r- I chai'C, JasA J.1_ton ti>ut T Itica e this C'. i c`.J] fro,'". t1Ee ':litl-.,il 1. 0-.6 a.,-.o oestroy- ed i coupo-i-a a IL ecl t _ere��, _iu:.',.exec: Lror,. �..� _ to i.nclu- emu" i e, of t'a e ma.,o-un t a-nd , eactil, value Dollars � �j-- c:'':10!-{ it- -� i_A in tneW�xe �:•�'e ttoLol_�ai.:� �bvand t:-1at t:ie / within bond is hereby coi:ver -ed to a E°c is„•,red 'uo_Zd writla theprincipal thei-eof and interest the -_,-eon payable to t:_e _"his .erecx h dew as riereinafter In- tErE t zll Ue 3'F'1_ ..`c C1 " lciil, 1 i e'ts Yo_. : exc 1a it�e, to t.1e caQ(.€a' SAS of tale 2:-CL4ste EC €1o16er. 1)ated: l DAIS :J� l�u �iti 11LL�1 �JJ Cl ct Irr `T Tn� _. 1�!J i:)1 LE1: _Et .t]JUJIt-R. Section b. Saib bords snap e sir -:pled by -;-e "cti,, �.a or of said ko':n, attes- teo -:;' t°le o,^rid Olex'r, i.3z �._ Nu �c vow°:i a"fil-od tier- o, anet each of t!^i counm.,is at tacned t,o sF_ie: s .a11 e si, ec t ti1e riiitec, lit' or en- `.raved facsi ile si,°.- 1: of r a ...ayor a:1d oa:_i Cler'-. ^`le cou �o,1s at"�uc :.eri to ewch ro-_a6 slall be 11J.'s1:;erC'ci COlic�vC'�t1VClT• Sec*Lion 6. Asi soot as practicable < W�Ee'` t'''le iSal�t11C:- of sciZU )DiiC'a 1:_ G 1e ford i and _. .- er hereiabQf ore, p_ eNcris�ed, the saLue •sVbal e c e1iver_ed b,r the `i'reasu- rer of said `l'ovr(1 tp the purchaser th( re)f , la?gel T, U:-iit4c ` tatca of America, to 5r,hom said boAs have been aiid a -re hei-eby awarded, u_-)oli -rec ipt of 'he ­a—r' val.:<e t'ie r°eof With accrued inierest tire.="eon to the dale of suc'z delivery. "he praceedo of E�aid bonds s all j�r be used solely for t:._e purpose . for r UVE l)ee; , issued i i i c0 1: OL coril -D!, 1 Ill I I i co), e "1' 01, u t i ei ol I "ELY! t !-i c C: 1 I i L k E-; D a - L�., L� t c e, c e I—e e 0-1Pre, t F. 1l"C61-1 Cc i c.8.n p - G 1 j -u us I c s C "rc U e a C Lit 4 ,-7 t c c) -i ol a, i e C j u mv L ,I u 16 '7 TT� iJ p c 0 e f c I I w ra, c a r e re e e; I eCl e o t ri 0 -5 of r uuSCtl: 24 t w der Ao-t", t LIr) r x t L 11 o r, C). is zi v a -7, -2, a 3 is L)E t JL 2 • 2 1 e i o f :L s, o e r - o f ,�i ic yc3t e-,.i q a'-i tj 01., 0 S 10 a Y IU C- C L; c I I u (,; 2 1, Sectio'l a 'G 2) 1- 0. L o f t t Ct 363 Section 4. In the even! snM __a us a charEes he not paid on or lefore the 15th day of the :oath in which the same _all be due, such payment chall be ueemed celinquentit and there shall be added to eaM delinquent payment anc collectel by said Town Clerk an additional charge of fifty cenW,, (EDO) for the collection Theneof. Section 5. It any payment of rates or charges shall remain annuib for a periN of 15 days after tKe &we date thereof, the ace of the "noilities and fur iishing of services of said system to the nerson or pero-�a or the property of the persons owiaE the same shall le cut off and di'scohiAued, and thereafter suct person or persons shall pay and there shall be collected by wM6 Town Clert, in QQ tio , to the &mount Wen bue and col- lention Narge, an a6di_ vional recone ectinn charge of 31.50 for chch recon"ection, before We use of said facilitie s or the furnishi, of such services shall thereafter be affor - ded to such person or persons h property. Section b. The Town of Pont Orchare skall pay out of the roger fande in the Town Treaoiry, in the sawe na"wer as other cur,ent clains against said Town are paid, all War— ges and rateu hurein specifiad for the ave of the facilities and fur"KhinL of services of eaid system to said;TorwH - Section 7. This ordinance shall iemain il full force and effect fro : and afteY Yovem— ber 14, 1535. Thas passed by the Town Council of the Towa of Port WrVazd this 14tt day of Hove2ber, 193b. (SEAL) ATTEST: RIVq L fFAWYtINVR On motion t5eeinE adjuorr ed "WINU MOM" 3644 November 18, 1935 The regular caucus for the nomination of officers for the annual election to be held December 3rd, 1935, was held this evening pursuant to call by order of the Town Council.. Dr. H. E. 'dilson was chosen chairman of the meeting.,, and Francis I'.'I.• Applegate, Town Clerk, acted as Secretary. It was was duly moved and seconded that Harry Radey, F. B. Fleming, and B. M. Corliss , whose terms expire; this year, be renominated for a two year term, which mo- tion was duly carried. It was duly moved and seconded that J. M. Peterson be reaominaied as Town Treas- urer for a one year term, and Me same was duly carried. It was voted that the name of the ticket would be called the "Citizents Ticket." By direction of the meeting, the Chairman appointed the following as a committee to fill vacancies: A. R. Cruikshank, Chairman; Guy L. Wetzel and A. J. Williams. On motion the meeting adjourned. C FRANC I S*.Al' Secretary Novemler 2E, 1°35 Whe Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, and FleminE. 0oanci_l':an 21eminE presided as Actin" Layor. The minutec of the :'.eetinL of 1'ovE"'ibe1 i2t'h were react aiiC+. approved. The Cle i presented the ordinance in respect to Q runkenness alk eauy its ne Or- dinance Eon& an6, after disc -ssi_ n, it was the consensus of the opinion of the Coun- cil that at this time they would not puss a new "liquor orainance as requested by the P.-T.A. of the a ich School. The Clerk presented a statement of the coot of the Prospect Street and alley main and of !he copper main PROSPECT :7'f.� A ��e, north sVe of :guy Street as follows: rROSPLCT eS R:�LU_' ai,,d A!,:,' -BY Labor - - _ -1 , o o2.89 s'Q`. AL. :11 , 04.60 U Q-PZ,L'r1 .t;lii _. 01 .T{it{1. fi1 ti)II=e UP ,.SnY i.7MY1. I,aGerials - - - 633.63 labor - - - - 132.75 oM? .1 666.38 The Council discussed the Aafter of renedyina tLe condition of the siueva:ik fxori I' i`say Street to tie High School., and the entire matter was referred to tne Street Su- 365 perintendent, witli power to remedy any cono i.tiol. 11u'r.ich would not entail any great ex- penditure, and to:nia,[e a report to the next meeting in respect to dealing with the situa- tion. The C1erz reported that the bond tra_rscri.pt had been sent to the PWA at Olynpia, but that he had not received word that the transcript had been approved. The following bills were presented: fir.3. IERAZ l+UITD W. F. Zeavell 1 Election Set 2.GO Port Orc'nard Lumber Yard cement, nails, etc. 11.97 WATER VUIM StandaY•G Oil Company Penetratri-el oil .72 Post Orchard Lumber Yard shiplap, cement, nails, etc. 3.14 Port; Orchard Independent 5500 postal cards; ord. i2o. 416 74.98 Theodore Kindred Labor 6.00 V(ATER FU]-,iI;-`vVA` ER WORKS i - I NJ I�eG7 PROJECT, P.W.A. Puget Sound `,revs pan paper, cax bn ., etc. 8.00 Sohn H. Pattison eriL.ineering , p.vi.a. 5.00 The Bookstore stencils, mir-�eo. paper, correction fluid 9.10 ora Ilarraher typing stencil 16.20 and ,�,;arrants were ordered dravari therefor. On .notion the meeting adjourned, to meet L'ece:rber 2, 193b , at 71.30 p.m. to receive bids for the vrater for s re-riai }ing project. Ar. 4Ci AC `L, I1,TG XAYOR December 2, 19.35. Town Council rnet t li.S ev�ni_ng i.. Special session at the '-'own Hall at 7.30 as per the understandii g held at t e lust regular r:leetin&; of the `i'ova. Council on Novenber 25ti., 1935, for the special purpose of receiving and opening rids in respect to the Wa- ter works project. 1 Present were Councilmen Radey, Stevenso. , F ortoa, leiaAn , and Corli ss. Also pre - serf: _.vae John H. Pattison, Town Engineer. F. is. Flet:lin'g, as Actine. 11ayor, presided over the meeting. ';,'he fb1l.ovvirl rids were presented and opened.- D. Coluccio - - - - r 21,190.30 queen City Construction Co. - 21, 255.76 ` A. L . Watk ins - -- - - 23, 086.68 Angelo Scarsel"la - - - 23,098.89 ArcorElce & `uo:'_!rccio - - - 23,684.20 Macri Brothers - - - - 25,448.80 West Coast Construction Co. - 26,179.80 R. Masi o and Cornpa Iy- - - 26, 916.40 Holmberg 27 , 759.62 The bids were duly tabulated, and it was found that L. Coluccio was the lowest bidder, in the sure. of $21, 190.Z0, and that tine ..ext lowest bidder was the �ueen City construction Co. in the sum of j$41,265.76. After di.scassio , tE e Council duly voted 'to award the contract to L. Coluccio, in the sure of 321,ho,0.30, subject to the approval of the Public 'dorks ad- I i 366 rliflistratiorl, Councilfilen 1 ua: ey, ute7 lSOn, Jl'tu:l, 'i e i t alto Corliss "Jotl iC ill faVo of the same. The Clerk ti'ras duly authorizes to retuni the certified checks accompanyInL-1, the bias, except that of tine lowest bidder arld the next lowest Uidder, to -Grit. L. Coluccio arld the ;oeeri Cit;;T Col?structio;l Co:_pa-1y. `i'he CIer:. vTus alsc directed to return tale _2.00 ae,-posit oa plans arld s"yecifica- tions in respect to all perso n had ,gut bids for the project. On :.,iotio l "the 17eeti n ac,, ournec.. AC".i J...Vcl l AYOR Deceiiber 9, 1935. iie Council '.'et t'liS eVelii'. at 7:30 ;J.i;'1. Pre:etl-Lj: CouYYC;llYlellaQey`, :iteVe":SJi:, Norton? i,']_e-:_ink, a116 corliss. �+CU'_;C1!" d1Y i'Sle::ii:1� prCSiC kG w i�.Ctii1� li�'"Or. Fr�r _ �.}.liUtBS Olr tile--_"_e@tlY`I€; of _iO�lel::�Je:L' .�liii, 7.c'.`3:, slid Of %ale $-�BCZa.i. 1':1eetli16 0f DeCEl.,Ilber ', 1'_:351%, to recei,,,e t i6s on the y+ater re-rrlaining project tirere read and ap- proved. J. H. Pattisol, 12ovin +:Y 711;; ]., ;aS x"t'r F;it and 511 eSf:Ea at C1err be 6-: rec' ( a to write a let ter to D. L,'ol:, cc, i o, the contractor on the water ti,°or'ti,, a e -r ain- J_n ,,r'0j ct, t,:at Le aSe 1�ei'1Sselae"l' Valves i 1: -c-,an of Io`.3a Val"es on tie re-aaini'.1g prof CC . The Ci er'_ rear a le � er � r„:.'1 t 1! �� l .t = T c r,t �.c- o G i;. E;r� a-,.c .Mora€,e Co. -many in tirE'Ct to t[le old '.r0ode"t1 J1; e J ici-.E ;1 '1y7 and'`1f :c5 G"1eCtid t0 uritE' a£ttexo the=,i that theye ' o,' Jc e r� .7'�r'(i:� .fiatE.LV l5 t'-, ace11C: feet chi"iC. t1"��at the ;% `�dO�..elCi L6' ciQV7.8- e6 when tie U;aP_e %-Tas ready for C ='1 :iT S )eC Oii al'ic, O '_ e' r}Z' ^D,r 1,_ase. The S treet C't? .ri 'l. te:ice 1 _ C Ire cted To c�.:11 u'_,e at E . , -`_o of r.iie r.:i Il t0 tt-e , c.T i-i- of t'. e 0i6e',,ialk i. i iron o t .e __ci t.. eatre h,�ila_ inE_. riat Fez o- trle _�itci'lel �ii l ,i�:esja._ _ �. �, s ar iaC_ ,oca a''a toe e � Y C1eI'3' Ci to the 5tl eet ;r?q Alley Cof`1_ li -ee i J r � ctiJi:. ry Cou ic1Ji::a._ voI,IisS ciS•f C }'I:. 1 3:= �-.e �i€ou'i".C1__ y^ CU=1Cii1Gt a y t % � DCt li7 Yie "1Ga 1 iI �' tLC Ui 1 l"1 .01 PJ'' � %i'C ia;:C , gpo',a2G'r`•eG oy 'l lE loca; S iO]'tSlle:lf S aSaoCAc,tJ_tJii, j and tY e _� ,ae :; s cL{1�r rtxn;;eu. It 'laz G'-al V ote6 tflut e,B SU Ji? c a :1 dTu' er `+f 0 :iti JI'0il eG ''lrc S a� y r',J'TE Ck i t',1E P'viA neit tt_e CIEt'-<< c ai.0r1 GG i;0 « Ve1't1. U]' 1C S i'J1` c ici iJlYi" 1':ciCi_ine. s 'a11G1' l.Ci1: e IL-i t].. �. ;C?'_:.r F_=(,i '.) a `.3r f' .6€_e ,J Oi,i Cil S:YCw swit ECi t E1ci i, s 011e 15000.0':) has LJeen al lotec to i-_i say Court (J r ':e �J r lt_ Or- "-S 1=''�i;ir;ea l(i;1i7:1C.ti1 1 n and ti7cF-'f'estc6 t.:u—u v11, ciit, i L�eG to -e elrlis C01iat city c ltXSC_. � I finiShe6. 1i, ::'as a.i.SO tis_1 e'3te6 t': ae Cr 1ti' J_''L` Out 0 be c0:".1oleted. `bite ___�, 3s7 Cleric was directed to -write giro letters to the County Cont.ii.zz3Nioners, one in respect to the co}iapletion of T,:le tezi" li,', co! lts, <tiila otiles, a_x? re.saect to the coirIple'tion of the brus-Li_i out of the City Par'"i, t Ie E,_o o i2,,ate cost and man hours in -e- spect to the cane, the Tovin of, its -pa •t aL,;reein� to xurni,>i the necessary supervision. �l Tlae Cleric was duly authorized to craw warrants for rile 1936 automobile licenses for -C e fire tr c', L ie C;uiqD tuuriic'-, a-n6 i,he wa1;e r t"-ruC'i. 'l're fol__a',va bills iere prese"nte6: J. P. Joslin Henry Lusher Hotivara-Cooper Cory. Relialzce LOtor Co.lpayiy Ol.ym—li C Iron 'vi or cs �3reYnertorl Concrete Pi-oe W . k J Alterman ` Nora E . Lavirence E E. 'T . Harris s Standard oil Coripaiy To�E t_otor Co rpa,y Idilliams Hardware National Lreter Company C. ''J, T&c'fenson ?ntle '_:Rotor co .l;, aia;y 5+a.ndalc Oil Cor1pany eat,l.�l p` •rC Steam $ui - �ly H ou,rOo arwi-va y"e Reliance Ty�Iotor Commany CE ER;01 F"_7ZZL' 2 _."]_ c-{ e vio oG for Town hall 100 ft. of piliiag. ; .08 per foot . I . p] aye pine t1 p f o.f' 2lr e De-pt. Las oli _.e screens f ox' z Utteror on am 75 Feet 8 in. toil oiT)e 122 hours 1Gbo3:-Ju0_6e of Election 12z hour'" labor -Jude of Election 12F houra labor -Inspector of Election �;aSolii,e lubricti_t tr:�c rebus �i:-�, etc. .Plug s, shovel, brkce, bush WATER PUITID' Met erU`2, u.s.E". coyMections, etc. One nays' labor I1-A i'iCailu, reco ld i tioncd T'otQr, .etc. kaoline 1 r. key L.H. Comp. Batts, -piuc, 'aiuSEi;" t , coiC chiisel, eta,;. asoli_ne Daily .Tourlial of Cord --fierce notice to contractors i,�ora Harraor typing John H. Pattison 2i :L; eerifl�;, c�aYS Lov i-lan Zia .ford .i3lu e Fri nt s and viarrari is ,iere orderd drain therefor. Oil motion, themctint aGjou2med. ti C l •'; G XKYOR 4a4.08 8.00 3.10 8.17 1 .68 21 .9 5 6.25 6.25 6.25 10/32 12.42 4.68 49.34 4.00 79.24 c 27 1.40 2.70 1.24 24.15 2.10 25.00 14.35 368 December 23, 1935 The Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present: Councilmen Radey, Norton, and Corliss. In the absence of Acting Mayor Fleming, Councilman Radey presided over the meeting. The minutes of the meeting of December 9th, 1935, were read and approved. Ross Watt appeared before the Council in respect to the estaplishing of a gas station opposite the Brewery on East Bay Street, and the drainage of the lot. This matter was referred to the; Street Superintendent and the Water Superintendent to be worked out with Mr. Watt. C. E. Newman appeared before the Council and complained that the lights were not being turned on early enough in the evening and were turned off too early in the morning, and the Clergy: was directed to write a letter to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company in respect to the ma ter. Discussion was had in referenceto over -parking and parking on the sidewalk in front of the City Hall, and the Street Superintendent was directed to procure ap- propriate signs for two hours• parking, etc.. T..H. Lundberg and C. H. Tohnson appeared before the Council in respect to the grading. of the alley between Bay Street and Kitsap, and complained that the alley was being cut down below the grades of their property. After discussion, the Clerk - was directed to write to Mrs. Grieve, that the Council desired any work in respect to the alley stopped until the next meeting of the Council, when the matter possibly could bed wor'sed out. The Street Superintendent was directed to take up the wooden sidewalk crossing Harrison Street on Kitsap, on the north side, and place gravel thereon. The matter of the Mitvhell Hill sidewalk was teaken up and discussed ata length, and was then continued for special attention at the next meeting. The matter of tapping; fees in respect to two houses on one lot and theinstalla- tion of meters wherethere was more than one house on a lot was discussed and contin- ued until the next meeting. The following bills were presented: GENERAL F`M1D E. F. Zahller sharpeningfour saws 1.60 Port Orchard `.Transfer Co. sand, coal 2.50 Port Orchard Lumber Yard lumber 42.15 Port Orchard Independent notice of caucus, gen. election, ballots 12.75WgR Fairbanks, Mores and Coll 'IUCoGrease!" -" - Amerietn Plumbing & Steam Sjppl�r ells 3.53 Concrete Pipe Company Hater Boxes, lids. 15.50 WATER FUNDS - WATER WORKS RE -MAIM G PROJECT, P.W.A. Port Orchard Independent notice to contractors Fletcher and Company 36 moo. covers and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. 0 otion, the eetir.r. ad' urne . W" TOIPN CLERK_ 7.65 1.00 HARRY RADEY, Acting Mayor