01/01/1934 - Regular - Minutes278 and Street Superintendent with power to act. The following bills were presented: - GENERAL FUND. Alex McTavish V2- days work at $4 per day $ 6.00 WATER FUND Pacific T & T Co long distance calls $ .20 National Meter Co 5 Nash meters $48.,92 Palmer Supply Co Toledo dies $ 1.45 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting,adjourned. CLERK MAY C�' January 8, 1934 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of Decem� ber were read amd approved. The Clerk swore: in the Councilmen elect, Radey, Fleming, and Corliss and they too'< their seats in the Council. The Clerk reported that J.M. Peterson had filed his oath as Treasurer as well as his bond with the American Surety Co. as surEty, in the sum of $300-0, and that the bonds of R.J. Caretti and Francis M. Applegate inihe sum of $1000 for the year 1934, had been delivered to the Clee-c and the bond of Francis M. Applegate as Cler'K was directed to be filed with the Mayor and that of R.J. Caretti, as Marshal, with the Clem . The Mayor announced that all former committee appointments would stand as here- tofore. C.J. Brown was present and delivered a letter to the Clerk which was read com- plaining about damage to his property on Austin Street from water from t-.he drain at De T�alb Street, and after discussion, the Council duly "voted to have a committee from outside the Council investigate and report as to whether the Town was at fault, the Town to choose one member of the Committee, Mr. Brown another member, and the two -to choose a third, who would go into the matter and report to the Council, neither Mr. Brown nor the Town to be bound by the findings of the Committee. The Council appointed Councilman Stevenson of the Street & Ailey Committee to choose the member of the Com- mittee for the Town. 27)19 Councilman Corl�ss reported in. respect to the work being done at tha City Park, and .stat-ed that, under the present project of the C A only about a third of the con- templated work would be done, but that from information received he hoped the full praj_ect would be carried out. The Street Superintendent reported in reference to the sidewalk -and supports of the wooden sidewalk on the north side of Bay Street, stating that it was in a very un, safe condition, and the Clerk .was directed to write the interested property owners inviting them to confer with the Council at its next meeting as to what should be done with it, and to ;state that the Townrs General Fund was in no/0-ondition to stand the expen4e. The Following bills were presented: GE30ERAL FtFN]3 A. McTavish one days woVc at $4 per day $4.00 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber $3.57 Howes Hardware supplies $21.46 J.P. Joslin 2 wheelbarrows $16..25 Howe Motor Co. Gas f oar dump truck $16.29 Francis M. Applegate 'bonds for Treas. Clerk & Marshal $25.00 J.P. Joelin 2 ricks wood $4.00 Francis M. Applegate judgment fee Town vs Peterson L70 33 foreclosure $6.GG Lowman & Hanford Co. $warrant register $6.00 Francis M. Applegate,postage 1933 $6.00 Howe 111tor Co. dump truck $999.83 WATER FUND Port Orchard Lumber Yard lumber 1.15 11--20 Port Orchard TransferCo. coal for pump house Howe MItor Co. repariO to coupe $13.91 Francis M. Applegate Pestage 1933 $9.00 Howes Hardware supplies .86 and warrants were ordered drawn thew -for. rn t i o rt the t w• UVv�l Mayor January 22, 1934 Council met this:evening at 7:30. Present Mayor Grieve, and Councilmen r Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of January 8, 1934 were read and approved. C.J. Brown appeared before the Council in respect to the damage to his proper— ty and it appeared that the Committee appointed: to investiagate this had not done anything as yet, and the Clerk was directed to wirte to Messrs. Holmbery and Hershey the Committee already selected to choose a third and investigate the matter at their early convenience. J.L. 'Mermen on. behalf of Hon. John B. Yakey and Alan Totten appeared in reference to the sidewalk on the north side of Bay Street, and, after discussion, it was decided of let each property owner fix his own si.dewllk and the street Supertintendent was directed to take the matter up with each individual property owner and see that it Wab -attended to. The Clerk was instructed to write Mrs. Mildred S. Cohen in respect to the decision of the Council. The Street Superinten- dent was directed to repair the sidewalk in front of the Town. Hall and the Stria crossing the street between Joslins and Ain.sworths. The Council passed a resolution asking the CIYA to f inish'he work project at the City Par'c, as the condition of project as left would be worse than as if no work had ever been done upon it. The Street Superintendent was directed to inform. the Kitsap County Bank that if it did not intend-ta-rebuild the sidewalk onFRederick from. Bay to Prospect Street the Town would have to tear it out. The matter of the condition of the Cline Street sidewalk was discussed, and it was duly voted is condemn the same as unsafe, and erect barricades and signs declar- ing it unsafe, and the Cler'c was directed to write the adj ooning property owners of this action and to invite them to confer with the Council at its next meeting.. The street Superintendent was directed to order two turn buttons and 12 signs 112 Hours Par'cing." The following bills were presented: W.P. Fuller & Co. traffic paint Standard Oil Co. gaz for St. Dept. GENERAL FUND WATER FUND Fist; Motor Co. repair to water copue and warrants were ordered drawn t erefore. $12.50 .60 n mot o t 1W �:Men U o dj o ed Clerk Mayor February 13, 1934 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, atevenson. Fleming, and Norton. Minutes of the meeting of January 22, 1934 were read and approved. The C1er1c presented his annual financial eta cement for the year of 1933, and the same was ordered published once in the Port Orchard Independent, as by statute made and provided. Mr. Brown appeared before the Council in reference to the alleged damage to his property, and was informed that the Committee of investigation had not yet made a written report. 281 The following interested property owners appeared before the Council in reference to the Cline Street sidewalk-: Walter Harvey, Harry Dana, Melvin Myhre, W.R. Blanken- ship, Elmer Wilson, and J. Stanford. It was the consensus of opinion of bath the prop- erty owners and the Council that when a sidewalk was constructed it should be a, con- crete sidewalkc, and in as much as it was necessary to make fills for quite a portion thereof if a concrete sidewalk was constructed, the Street Superintendent was directed at his convenience, to tear up short portions of the board sidewalk,_ made a dirt fill and cover the same with gravel so that portion could be used. The Street Superintendent was -directed to ask the Peninsula Grain Co. to repair the break in the wooden sidewalk between Central Hotel and the 7dwn Hall. The Water Superintendent reported that the sidewalk on Kitsap Street at the pump- ing plant had to be renewed, and he recommended a low wall on the pumping pland side and a concrete s idewlak, and he was directed to accumulate gravel from time to time in order to put through this improvement in due course. Jack Joslin was authorized to set off blasts at his gravel pit, but to use due care to be liable for any damages sustained by adjacent property owners. j The Council ordered that no roller skating on Prospect Street east of Pendeltonrs alley be ?ermitted, in order not to interfere with the opeeators at the Telephone ex- change. The Water Superintenden4 brought up the matter of the dater Coupe and stated that the car was due for an extensive overhaul, and after discussion, the Water Superinten- dent was directed to make inquiries for a second hand gear shift car adaptable to his E purpose, and report thereon at the next Council meeting. The Water Superintendent was directed to purchase,5 Nash Water meters. The following bills were presented: GE11TERAL FUND J .P. Yells 1W1 yards of crushed rock $1.50 J.P. Joslin 2 ric%s of w�)od for Town. Hall $4.00 Duke Electric C:�. repairs for Street & Fire Dept. $9.18 Port Orchard Lumber Yard lumber $8.40 Howes Hardware sundry supplies $4.55 Howes Motor Co. repairs to grader $11.89 Standard Oil Co. gas for St. Deft $8.26 Williams Hardware suildry supplies $1.60 Reliance Motor Co. gas t18.92 P. 0. Independent, publishing ordinances $20.45 F.C. Wycoff County Treasurer 1933 taxes on Park property 96.44 r ?Less discount P. 0. Machine Wor'�s jingle iron .92 Aetna Life Ins. Co. insurance 1934 Members V,ilunteer Fire Dept $12b.OG 4dATER F=1 i ruck & Murray rgeter b )ok and sheets $17.42 P. 0. Lumber Yard lumber $2.21 Howe Motor Co. repair to water coupe .90 P. n. Orchard Independent 4 M water postal notices $61.914 Ideal Service Statio4 repair to Water Coupe $3.75 Standard Oil Co. gas; $9.49 and warrants were ordered drawn therefore. On tion the meetinC, adjour Tl KAYO 282 February 16, 1934 A special meeting of the Council was helf this day at 5:15 P.M. at Steven- son's store, Port Orchard, Gush. Present_ Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming, and Corliss. Councilman Corliss of the Park Board stated that the CVYA would not under- ta'ce to finish the :Park :project unless the Council would pass a resolution assuming liability for tools hardware and miscellaneous incidentals necessary to complete the project. The Cler'< presented a Resolution assuming this liability, and upmm motion duly ra.de and seconded the said Resolution was carried. Messrs. Radey, Stevenson Norton Fleming and orliss voting in favor therk of . On n tte i rned C A.ULYOR February 26, 1934 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming, and Corliss. ITinutes of the regular meeting of February 13, 1934, and of the special meet- ing of February 16, 1934, were read and approved. Mr. Brown appeared before the Council in reference to alleged damage to his property but was informed that no report of the investigating committee had as yet been received. Harry Bryant appeared before the Council in reference to the extension of a four -inch main south on Garrison Street from Melchar Street and desired the aid of the towj in installing the same, but was informed that this could not be done as it would form an embarrassing precedent. The Council, however, intimated that they would furnish the,credit for the install.atian of such a main on the basis of it being paid off at the rate of $5. a month and entering into a contract that the water could be s'-,ut off i :f :n 3t paid in the saiae way as r gular water rent and that the credit be made a lien on the property. Mr. Bryant stated that he would confer with other property owners and see what could be done and re_ ort it at the next meet- ing. The Clerk was directed to write to J. P. Joslin that nunnerous complaints had been made in reference to his blasting and to state that the CouZicil thought it wise for him to set off only two sticks of dynamite at a time.. The Street Superintendent was authorized to order twelve circular 'IT�wo Hour Parking" s igiis . The Marshall stated that l,,lrs. Delbert Wilson had complained in reference to sidewalk on north side of Division Street from Court House west and the matter was referred to Street u Alley Committee to investigate and report at next meeting. The Clerk was directed to investigate in regard to the title of the park prop-- 11 288 ram, n erty at the foot of' Pottery H.11. The following bills were presented: WATER FUND Port Orchard Transfer Company coal for pump Itouse S. Pantages 1 day'-s work at V4. per day and warrants were ordered drawn thereof. On. moti, e% n � d j ourned. 1A OR _ $1.20 $4.00 March 12, 1934 The Council meat this evening at 7:30. P.M. Present Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Fleming. The minutes of the meeting of February 26, 1934 were read and approved. The Clerk presented a letter from John R. Hershey, Ronald Wilder, and J. A: Holmberg in respect to the alleged damage to the property of C. J. Brown in which they found that the; town was not liable for the alleged damage. Mr. Brown: was present and presented his side of the case to the effect that by virtue of draining the water from various streets on the east side of Sidney Street caused an: unusual amount of water to flow into a natural waterway -creating erosion and the slide of his property. Afte'r.discussion, the matter was referred to the Town Attorney toL give a legal opinion in the matter. Charles Axner appeared before the Council, representing the business men of the town and recommended the appointment of A. D. Corliss as deputy marshal to patrol the town at night from the hours of 6 P.M. to 5 A.M. stating that if the town would pay $10 per month, the business men would make up the difference required by Mr. Corliss for this dusty. Mr. Caretti as Marshal duly appointed Mr. Corliss as deputy - marshal which was with the understanding that Mr. Corliss would give to Mr. CIretti as Marshal a bond oif $2000 to protect him in respect to, the acts of Mr. Corliss as deputy marshal, and' the Council granted Mr: Corliss a salary of 10 a month. Messrs. Bryant;, Brant, Payne, and Reed appeared before the Council in reference to the extension of a four -inch water main on Garrison Street but it was founds how- ever, that it was impossible to finance the same as Mr. Reed was not willing to con- tribute anything to: the extension. Councilman Rad;ey of the Street & Alley Committee reported in respect to the con- dition of the sidewalk between Cline and Austin Street. on the north side of Division. Street and recommended that that 1 X 121's be nailed down on the center of the side- walk. The Clerk reported that he had received the following applications from the Washington State Liquor Control Board for beer licenses: Charles Asner,� Myhre & Rylander, and Central Cafe, and after discussion. the Mayor was authorized to endorse thereon that there was no objection to the granting of the same. Mr. Coble applied to the Council for a license to conduct a rifle range in a ravine hack of the Villiam Suttoxx property,, and the license was granted subject to there being no complaint from adjacent property owners. The Street Superintendent was instructed to request William Hazard to fix the sidewalk in front of his garage.. ' The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Williams Hardware 1 pt. dap Drier Standard Oil Company gas Duke Electric Company Labor on motor lamps tape Howe Motor Company Accessories for dump truck H owe's Hardware Sundry supplies Fisk Motor Company gas England & Peterson Concrete the Olympic Iron & Machine Works Wheelbarrow � • - WATER Puget Sound Naviga.ti -�n Co. Freight on meters Standard Oil company Gas for coupe Howe Motor Company :Brake rod for coupe. Hovers Hardware . Sundry -supplies and warrants were ordered drawn therefore. Upon mn ' the eeting was adjourned. MA' 7 . 35 13.12 2.43 5.05 8.54 13.60 14.00 3.21 2 . ZED 6.42 2.00 A , � March 26, 1934 The Council met this evening at 8:00 P. M. Present Mayar Grieve, and Council- men Radey, Norton, and Fleming.. Minutes of the meeting of Parch 12, 1934 viere read and approved. Carl Holmberg appeared before the Council in reference to the Town furnishing about 40 feet of 8 :inch tile for use in grading Sroufe Avenue west from West Street and it was stated that the cost would be about $12. and on motion itwas duly voted to furnish the tile for this improvement... r'rancis M. Applegate, as Town Attorney, presented his opinion in reference to the claim of C. T. :Brown for damages to his property and in accordance with his recom- mendations the Clerk presented.a Resolution rejecting the claim which was duly passed by the Council; Councilmen Radey, Norton,. and Fleming voting in favor of the Resolu tion. Said resolution rejected the claim on the following grounds: FIRST: That it did not comply with the Statute. SECOND: That the Town disclaimed all liability in the premises, and Mr. Brown was handed copies of the opinion and of the Resolution. - r-1 The Clerk presented a letter from the Washington.Surveying & Rating Bureau ree_ ommending the purchase of an additional 400 feet of 2J inch hose and about 200 feet, sue' of 1i inch hose, and the letter was referred to Fire Chief Totten -to make his recom- mendations in the premises at the next meeting. A. D. Corliss appeared before the Council in reference to his acting as Deputy. 285 Marshal and when it was explained to him that it was not expected of* him to take care of the dances or traffic regulations of the T-own,. he was satisfied to accept $10. a'month as the Town Fs share for his services and said that he would qualify at once.. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Olympia Foundry Co., 2 traffic buttons Lowman '&. Hanford Co,.. receipt books for Treasurer Pioneer Enameled Steel Products Corp.. 12 parking signs WATER FUND National Meter Co. Nash Meters Palmer Supply Go. cocks Sec and warrant were orderAa ''-^�^^ On mo t k. Cam• $7 . Q.0 3.11 18.GO $48.22 11.95 MAYOR April 9, 1934 Council met this evening at 7:45 P.11. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming, and Corliss. Kinutes of the meeting of March 26, 1934, were read and approved. R. Totten, Fire Chief, reported in reference to the purchase of fire hose and recommended the purchase of 200 feet of 2- inch hose and 200- feet of 11 inch hose, underwriters label and 2 reducing couplings 22 inches female and inches male and 7/8 tip, and the Council directed the Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of this hose, bids to be opened at the next. meeting of the Council. The Clerk presented a proposed proclamation in reference to "CLEAN UP* day and the Council duly set Saturday, april 21, 1934, as "CLEAN UP"' day and directed Harley Norton, Street Superintendent,. to Yiaul away rubbish and refuse for property owners on that day and to;c«ll, in case of need, on Peter Nuernbergei to assist him. Councilman Corliss brought up the matter that under the New Emergency Relief it was Proposed to plaice Kitsap County under the jurisdiction of a woman who would come from Seattle and that there would be no County administrator for this relief and that the City of Bremerton was protesting against this arrangement and it was desired that Port Orchard go on record as opposing it, and Councilman Corliss and the Clerk were authorized to frame a proper resolution of protest in the premises. The Clerk presented the application of Harold, L. Hanley to the Washington State Liquor Control Board for a license to sell beer at retail is bottles and original packages not to be 'consumed on the premises, and Mayor Grieve was authorized to en- dorse thereon that there was no objection on the part of the Town to the license. The following bills were presented: GENERAL AJITD Bremerton Oil Delivery Oil for streets $5.90 Standard Oil Company Gas 3.88 Howe's Hardware -carious Supplies 6.47 Port Orcraro Lachine 'Works Pipes, Blades, etc. 3.00 Howe Motor Company 2 ?olishing Cloths .30 Olympic Iron & Iiachine vrorks 3 I,14tic'cs sharpesied, chides sharperfd 1.75 Pacific Cosat Stamp `'fOT'i'S 1Deruty Ua,rshal Badge 3.08 Duke Electric Com�)any Lamp Switch Lubor 6.25 J.P. Joslin 2 Ricks of Wood 4.00 Standard Oil Company Gas 15.66 American Surety Co,-npany Surety Bond for A.D. Corliss 10.00 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber 15.92 � T R FUND Palmer Supply Company Pipe 11.26 Neptune Meter Company Register Boxes 27.11 Bowe Motor Company Brake Pawl &. Pin 1 .58 Standard Oil Company of California Gas alad Oil 5.11 E.F. Zahller Sharpen '�:'oiver 1.25 Howe's Hardware ��arious oupplies 3.97 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor.. On motion the meeting adjourn d. �j CIMILK I;UYOF7' April 23, 1934 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Grieve, and Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of 9, 1934, were read and approved. The Clerk was directed to v;rite to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. to request the company to remove the telephone pole at the corner of Kendall and Tacoma, off the street, about 201feet east. A letter was read .-From C. A*Banks complaining; of the Hester log dump on west. Day Street and the condition of the paving in front of the Post Office. Council_. man Stevenson _wndertook to see that the log a u:np was removed, and the Clerk was di- rected to write to J.R. Hershey, District Supervisor of I:ighways, in respect to the � condition of the paving of the street in front of the Post office. Attention was called to trees growing over the sidewalk on Cline Street on the property belonging to J.n. Holmberg and Councilrzan Corliss undertoDk to take the matter up with Mr. Holmberg.. Attention was called to the fact that lots 14 and 15 Block 9, Sweany's Addition was a fire hazard by reason of the lots having brush upon them, and the Clerk was di- rected to write to the ;)wrier to remedy conditions there. The Council authorized the sale of lots 1, 2, and 3, Dloc'k 2, Replat of Central Addition of Lee Miller for the sum of $25. and authorized the Mayor and Clerk to execute a quit clai'r.1 deed of property, with the understanding that the purchaser would clean cep the trees upon Division Street. It was understood that the Town would not'undertake' to establish lines or furnish an abstract.. Proposals were opened in respect to 200 feet 221 'inch Underwriters hose and 200 feet 1-g- inch Underwriters hose, from the following: Steam Supply and Rubber Company B. F. Goodrich. dose Manufacturing Company Per Williams xidwe. Eurelca Fire Hoke Manufacturing Company Per Howe's Hardware American La FrIance and .Foamite Corporation. Per Howe's Hdwe. and the bids were at the rate of 78se- per foot and 53�e per foot respectively. The bids were referrod to Fire Chief Totten for investigation and report at the next Council meeting. i A -representative of the Eureka Fire Hose Manufacturing Company was present, dexhibitedhos x and which h said could be purchased for h su � an a e expander ex z e s 1 p s the sum of $21. and the Council duly voted to purchase this expander and same was delivered to the Fire Chief. 0 F..E. Langer appeared before the Council in reference to the bulkhead on the litsag County Bank property at Frederick Street and after discussion the Street Superintendent was authorized to malc'e an estimate of the cost of filling in the property at this point. The Water Superintendent was authorized to order one dozen concrete meter boxes with hole off center. The Uater Superintendent was also authorized to purchase a pair of hip rubber boots. The following bills viere presented: GENERAL FUND Dr. H. E. Vvilson, X-Rays of J. Nuernberger's Injuries $7.00 WATER FIIND Palmer Supply Oompany ripe 12.75 Neptune Meter Company Freight on Yleters 1.55 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor.- . On "ionmeeting adjou ned CLER. April 3a,, 1 10 34 A special meeting; of the Council was held this evening at 7.30 P.M. pursuant to the call of 1.1ayor (grieve. Present 1,11ayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Norton.. and C orl is s . The hayor stated that the object of the meeting was to see 17hat could be done about furnishing water for the Kitsap County Brewery and Idessrs. Holmberg and Axner were present representing the brewery. The ,natter was discussed at length and it appeared that it vrould take about 400 feet of 6 inch main to reach in front of the brewery and it was a question whether it would be better to ase 6 inch main rather thann for the brewery to supply and put in 2 inch lApe frorn the end of the ruin to the brewery. The Water Superin-- ,tendent was instructed to �;et details of costs, etc. and contact the interested property owners to see if -the problem could be worked out so as to put in the 6 inch main to in front of the brewery. The representatives c- the brewery were informed that in accordance with the present ordinance the flat rate was $1.50 for '5500 g_,lions, 20� for the nex 30,000, and 15e for all above 33,500. The Clerk was instructed to write to Clyde Vaughn chat his septic tan', was over- flowing and running into the :street, to remedy these conditions. On motion the meeting adjourned. MAYOR I rI , 1 ✓ V 4 The Council get this evening at 7:30 P.Z'T. Present ".ayor Grieve, and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norto 1, 'lerrin6, and Corliss. Minutes .)f 'he meeting of iLpril 23, 1934, and of the special :,meting of l�pril 30 1()34, livere read and approved. The matter of the purchase of fire hose was ta':en up but the matter was deferred until the next meetinE so t.iat the Council have thy: benefit of the recommendation of Yr. Totten,ae Fire Chief in the :ratter. Mr. Stevenson re;rortcd that there was an a,�i,licaticn to dump logs at the Hester Cur.p and trot lie th ugDht it advisable to F;rant this appl_Lcation and he would take it up with the -arty a-pr.lyinL: ana also pith ::r. 'lan'cti ti'dho h«u r.2ade a complaint about it. The matter of tKe Lul'chead at Frederic'-: Street adjo=_ping the :Lit sap County Bank property W'_�s discusse:d at length and the ,.natter w4s referred to she Street and Alley Committee with power to act, the `y',,r n jet .orney in the cep;ntime to furnish the cammitt.ee r-- with the legal opinion as to the law ao-)lying to the case. The Cleric was; directed to secure a copy of the Bremerton %Jlil'c Ordinance.. The .following. bills were ;;resented: GEIIERiLL• FJ:,,TD Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gas and Oil 26.83 Lure'ca mire IT,se Manufacturing Co.-.utomatic Expander 21.00 Bremerton Oil`�l�elivery Co. Gil for Streets 162.00 Dulce Electric Co. tamps 1_08 Iiovve'e HdiJve. sundry Supplies 4.76 Port Orchard Lumber Yax d Lumber, nails, etc. 3.56 Fort Orchard Ulachine Wor'cs ticks sharpened, etc. 11.75 Haile Motor Cu. Gas'ce t, Gas, Etc. 7.02 IAT.ER x^U TD James Hussey Uor'-c on Pump 14.00 Palmer Supply Cc. Curb Coc'_cs 5.57 Ho.,Je's Hdwe Gas'<ets, Hose nozzle, Etc. 1.95 Howe Motor Co License container .54 Olympic Iron & Hachine Wor'cs Sundry wupplies 1.19 Ideal Service !Station dor'c on Water Pump 14.25 Concrete Pipe Co. 12.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. 01 --f/ C TIERTA MAYOR Hay 28, 1934 .The Council Tiat this evening; at 7:30 P.I.17. Present Mayor Grieve, and Council- aen Radey, Jorton, and Corliss. I1inutes of the: meeting of Lay 14, 1934, were read and approved. The matter of the cDntribution of 3'100 towards a cer,ient bulkhead at Prederick Street abutting the; s�Atsap uo. Bari'-, property vaas discussed and the matter was laid upon the table. Geo. ":orb appeared before the Council in respect to enacting an orainance, s r-ailiar to the one in J.5remerton, that a - ,I _ousturized milk solo in the town must be pasturized within the limits of the town and after due deliberwtion,' the Council auly amended >>rdinace 1 272 relating to rail. by dGcing Section 10h covering this i' tter. The Ulerc auly presented °Jrdinance # 405 anenaing the same as indicated ana trie surge was au°ly aaopted by the Council; uouilcilmen Radey, Morton, ano CorlisN voting in favor of adoption. The Cler duly'. presented an application by Chas. d xner to the State liquor Con trot _boarcz for a licens e to tell cline in bottles not to be arunc on tine premises and the Layor via.--aOthorized to write on the application that there ,Jas no objec- tion to ',he grantinj; oy' such a license. the Cleric was pirected to barite to the Vin. utute liquor Control Boara that a license had been granted to John 'i. Lionaghan, without reference to the iyayor of the 290 The Clerl, rear the :recorriendat on of Ji. 'Totten, -1il.,e Chief, in res-pect to the aids for fire ;nose in which "vie recur Fenced the purc�iase from isTIlE'riCun 1-•ai'r�ii:lCe "'O�trll tf Qr�J. -peri;}4Je� i 111d Vie. •-Sort '�Jrcharu 'i I. Of 200 ft 22 inch. ilrigaGe Jac'cet Boubie G� 78 -oer Guarantee 4,00 lips. )ressure, and 3 ,,rearo, r.156. and ',? reducing couplings and 7/'8 tip 0 �03.2b Eajre'ca -r'ire in-e r":IanuLacturinjZ U ). per 'r ins. Awe. tort Jrcliuru, '4n. for '2100 ft 1- incli uouble .iae,cet, ibs. -? 54,� toc'Ier lug or 1-1ureca h,agless �i,)8. and t'ie recorimendation, of the -Sire Cruet' were fuly, aaopted and the respective aids ouiy accepted. 'The Gler,i was Ili.rect,c-d to nrite to the Nat'l. l oaru of Uilc�erwritey�s in resiect t:) this hose so that tree surge coma be iiZ pectcG pit the factories. 11 . J . Carett i re-,o-rted t is i '� n St ti . ti, -ij t sa _ t file �`':�a�e 1�ardn�� at l:l ne c _ had been re, aired at. the CJSt of •:Ji]. Llno '.'-,e GiE `= :tci (A rected Lo :'?rite lO 'toy diiicinson for tcie arloLint of the Dili, ai-z lie tad aar:luL;cc: -,.le ayarant. A. 't'Ctten, -'Sire ChiF:f, cormlainted in--eference to a { uy line which was Close to t:ne Iyarunt at-::elc=ier c. Sic—ney `its. anu Ii�e C.ierlc v.,as crirected to '.Trite to the Pac. 1 Co. to remeay these conditions. Jl. .i . Caretti, rile cf�;'Ler Superintenoe it, veportea that t1cere viould be a re- mainin,Z. job of about 75 feet on Cline St. The Street Sui_,es'i.ntenaent was uirectea to erect �; oafKinL siCn on ls�ay St. reading "No `Par': lnE-; ',le:3t 'i o 1'avergent . " the f olioviinE, oil.is were ;resented: ete riaeriv,er er 2 aays vior!c 1,oVlrnan hariforo (:o. Receipt uoo:c, etc LonL Distance Cull's i,icciaids -i'rush Co. )xford Garaji e "rooms ;iowarc U00per Corp. -'ru s Aoz3e `.',X,)a;'ls1c)n hinjEj;s, .%j;E'eaT1 vU J:;iy 10. :;Unciry uo')Iies ,h°1. t}runwin days vor oni"rospect t�reak ana warrants were oraered arawn t(aerefOr. )Tl 1Qt103"1 the :leE'_t11 s,r in>>rei�r:_ 1LLQt Cl.l 0 .53 . 20 12.12 i.82 3.22 2.00 YOR .Tune ! �-, 1? 34 -Lhe lovin uouncii T:,E t (.-his even'n,r; at 7: 5) i=.Li. in li(,,:a of t ,e a_egulur meet- inc, for .J ajne 11, 1l 34 .'resent l.:ay,)r _ : eve, gnu Council:gen i Ldey, `:,tevenson, 1: orton, jle zing ana.. Corlis s. ILinuteS i7f tr1 11eE?tI -- of ay tip, i1.'54, ,ve-r-e read an aporov�C[. A coT:lr1unicatLon vvai_ read "roi une L1tSi'7 uo. T"ilkmen r'ai3•n. Oij;)Oslng l)rG111ar1CL 405" regarainCt.ie sale )i' � sturized ;.1 is in i'ort J�c:l�rc. t`: on vms received frog., the folio-aing uuOlneS2 glen of i',)rt -nroteutin� the oralriance µs unfair to the T2iic prouucers of South i 291 - itsup county: C. 1). r insworth Totten �. S. 1�o-ue Fred Clement 'J. V. Ferguson Imer IIJ nE"1and C. T. I-lolirison L, n. yaitt Chas.. IIac'.rett �--, r essrs. ',orb ana Pascall, and 1_`:�,rvey were present in respect to the ordinance ana it appearing that the -brume-°ton ordinance from which the -Port Orchux•d ordinance :ias drawn was not the last ordinance on the subject in Bremerton, the Clem was directed to ,secure i'r•om the City Cler'c of Brerierton the •last orai_iance on the sub- ject of pasturized mild, ana the natter was continued over until the Next meeting, and the U:Duncil -permitted dairymen who has routes prior to the eri< ctment of theor- ainance to sell -oasturized irs. ::.cry rs. Hamilton appearea before the Council in respect to water ae- linquencies t:mountfng to $4. ana a turn on charge of w2. anct stated that she had requested the Cleric to turnoff the water. jhe Council authorized :tie cancellation of all clvarges against Y-Irs. Hamilton with the privi:iege of h ving the wut<_r turned on without charge with the understanaing that she would irxilediately pay the balance due on her tapping fee to Nj t : yv3.5O Councilman Corliss presert4ea- the matter of mar -sing a white stripe along the I center of the 6tute Highway t1irough Bay Street by the at�:te-iighvvay Uep't. which vioul-a cost $25. anathis. expenuiture was duly authorized. Counciiman Corliss reported thUt he had received w,jrd from the 'J.E.R.n. that if the Town v.,ould pay 35.' on the dollar in respect to 'town impw•ovements, the Fed- eral uov't. would pay the remaining E59', and he was instructed by the Council to get in touch with the ederdl authorities in respect to the construction of a concrete sidetallc on Cline St. from 'iitsap St. to Court }iouoe. 11r. uorliss also stated that the federal a,;tllorities would cor:rplete the im- orover2ent s at the City Parli. I i J.Aayor Grieve reported an inquiry Irorn ilrs. Savage of ii,xper for the urchase of the old ;ester Coupe. The Cler,c was directed to unite to her that $25. had been C, offered for Coupe, but inasmuch as .she nad spo_cen firot, the `-'own would sell it to her f or t he same figure The 1.1fayor brought up the ,:,,.tter of the request of Lr. Vaughn of -Peninsula Grain Oo. to keep curs from in front of their pro1)crty, ana the marshal was instruct@Cl to inform 11r. Vaughn that all the Council coula do was to ',cceep their- driveway clear of cars. the ';later bup't. was authorized to purchase 5 alas-- met-ers... I:'rs. Jose-otiine Cooic regiiestea permission to put a wincov; flower box in the window of the Central Iinteh facing 3:_,y St. and the Council say no obJection thereto. i'he following bills v:rere presented. 1'nrt ')rcharu Inae?,endeat i'rinting 11.20 L�taridard ' it Co. of calif. Gr s 1,.07 292 , �3 , 'ji or c irron 1:1,�,C:Ane 2 er 'i�ara Lw.,fcer rcnaj�d ur�b Reliance —itor Go. G,,js England L Peterson u.-)ncrete I i?e T.ee 1 1. e r 2, Mrs. 0 3' !1: lv;e. -,".Iotor Go. SLinl-.'ry 4 �es ,',jre,-,iertcm ','-Il Deli-,,ery -,)i-L for ul-o. illowe lloto.r Co. lieiine brace dl.w. JLtd,:scon -hop Nu's 8 'o . tal-laar (1 0 i i G of calif. Gas Duke :electric C"). -t"OLIE-di service Geo. J-)-lanchara, 1300ts anc: warr&.,.ts were ordered aravin -thel-efor. ,)Ti o'ion tpie --eet4niv ad,iourne6. I P�TE j 1-63 24 2' 3.94 20.00 1.00 30.10 4.34.75 35 1.40 ' .04 ...36 '.DO J Ll I I e 2 5 , --,L � --- 4 e i --,L -e t even !I IL LA 7: 39 t l-'&yoi:- Grieve weld Council - en "S-,e-iLns 'Ifort-- cor,L so. of thc- sleeting ,., f '-;-ie 12, -Zeie re�-d -n6 3� c 0 c la to ,,,rdiriL.ylce of tl�e City )f remer+.Dn in ---c-fercrice t lj�A4- 4 0 1` C 1, U .1 A on t -i' ed - c-,-- 12 of -nd Th. fi h t t �,, c -1) n - rl r �3 z-� 6 y e L, 116 L 11 0 1 , I z C c� 'he lc f they ec-�--t,d a iE iT.11t -0--o.m tlac t I, --'fie 0� C, 1 . L -1— -I'l e2 ed "la 2 L'j c Z-le 1 .1l i c ..I-dch ent it 11 the of -.,Dl,t 6 Le dn r tl e vil i a' i:,c-ady '-,LAvii-L oi- .OreL in .he tor, 6 fl-O�n -1-e 23vin C-)uric", n� u c -c I i t c rl n o E -,'-I IIC li':`U "I J V r e d be_. t C n i- c f e e c e e c -ns t 1L I c t i 0 n 3 f .1- a - -' -n I)c-f ore c u n,� i n c fc, r e i c a 0., 113 1 1c, the -L)WA Mn f inaacinL-- ly -ulUlic -o-i`6 it vlliEht Dav� dsoll 3n cl- �c- 6 be t 0 C, 2 0 t-'. )'Lj A 4, 0 1 C, f -'aoto :--e L, nd �. li,ur n tkie n-turc of Indj2 1-1-i"! Tn-,-�-ia -ai�c--, -116 tie a U- f I r O lC c 2� 'ViL,ion -,-ery e ­,.cr 293 well from relief labor. He stated t'rat tLe )rosi-ec-.ive Cline Street side.u1z co'ald be ,ns:r'.'Ctcd a'n6er t"Lis arY"aii;en-ient a'ad µ1so that trU;1^. ,ewers cJUlG tic; Constructed Under this ;plan. -.fter discussion, it '�w6,s d , y voteO that ir. Duvidson _n Lines, C9unt,y ;Y ctuer,t ac�,cr E:n4inee-r 0 ;?'_1Id Cor,.1e ',E.r :,Yld ma'.CE 4 L:ef12Ya3 u-i Vey of ""he 2avi l and L ''ve the To`: -,in u. r Cui_-�7. eS ti ; ate ofCli' t2e nS ]`JCt 'Ji1 cY10 ail e�t1T:2vLE f iJil' t t he 1 m1" iC,ry mans ul`10E peulflCe t10Y1S 'r;cU1a cost and .he t. wn ',1JUiC �y fo l S �ru:lS �C�'tr.tlo unG )ne 6&y' z -he Y' ft S61recl d to ccu 'e G_ -.a C?n '' C. C,uS f T:itSczr) Street i 24 dcLva L crJnstl'uct ` n, and tI c- C1er''. i,:a— C ire ct, d tg notify -- ,erected Nror el'ty "own ers on the east side of Cline Street to -tend the Council rieetinL on 11.3Tonday, July 9, 11'34, when the _ titter would be ta';en for discussion and conference, for the construc -i.on of the Under This -Manz .,.f the u'f. �. ;. u She Council directed Town 'Elarshul to rigidly enforce the fire ,orks ordinance Ivut it was S' i ;',7E1e(7 SOF that fire or''ts c:' ula be Set ofr' from Noon .TU1y niLht ' U1y 4, i= and the IL ayor Lpl,,ointed 11«rley ,forton :is u_Jecial -atrol t0 assist the du_-'ing that- �C.ri od . 1'he .foIIoviinL� b i1 s vrere resented: Inde,,,)endent zlsphalt Co. 10� yds. cx'ushed roc1Q.54 o't-,i li FU'T -Pederal Yioe e-- lay ,, Co. connections 3.18 and warr"aAits were: ordered drawn ,'h_-erefor. On r.c-.ion the mieZ. tin �c j oax•�ied. J 1l,LJ,[-LT1 r 294 July 9th, 1934 The Council met this evening at 7:30 P..1A. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Jorton, Fleming, and Corliss.. The minutes of the meeting of June 25th, 1934, were read and approved. Tar. 'vrallace and Mrs. Scott appeared before the Council in reference to connecting water ,service pipes with zhe line at the south end of Sidney, but it was explained to them that this was a private line and that they would have to make arrangements with the parties who put in the private line. Harley Norton as Street Superintendent reported in respect to the probable cost of Cline Street sidewalk on east side from Kitsap to Division,. streets. He stated that there was 1320 feet and that the estimated cost was $1759.50 with $50.00 added for the cost of the assessment roll, and that if 35% Federal aid money was taken into consideration, it would cost about $1.00 per foot. Walter Harvey, Harry Dana, Mrs. McConchie and Hirs. Nellie Muller Blankenship - appeared before the Council in reference to the Cline Street sidewalk and after dis- cussion it was decided that the only feasible way to build the sidewalk was to do it by a Local Improvement District where the property owners would have time in which to pay for the assessments and the matter was referred to the Finance Committee for conference with the Kitsap County Bank as to whether they would tale the warrants of the proposed Local Improvement District at par. The matter of preliminary survey in reference to trunk sewers was discussed and the Clerk was directed to write to E. W. Davidson rec,uestiiig hiza, if possible, to attend the next i,,i.eeting of the Council to enlighten the Council further in referen(ce to the matter of engineering in respect to trunk sewers. The Clerk read a letter from the Pacific National Dank calling attention to the fact that $600.00 was due on the park property and the Clerk presented a statement showing that there was $249.76 in the Park Fund and that last year $300.00 had been transferred from the Park Fund to the General Fund to help out the General .Fund.. The Council duly voted to authorize the Treasurer to transfer sufficient funds from the General Fund to the lark Fund in order to pay the said full sure of $600.00 and the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign warrants therefor in payment. of the full sum of $600.00 Mr. Caretti as `94ter Superintendent pointed out the fact that the bills for sharpening tools were somewhat heavy and the work unuatisfactory, and he suggested that the Town purchase a forge, to 'be paid for equally by the General Fund ¢nd the "later Fund, and the a -proximate cost of same would be alb .00. The Council duly authorized the purchase of such a forge, the same to be paid for equally by the 'slater Fund and General Fund. The following bills vrere preue,ited. GENERAL FUND Olympic Iron & Machine Works, Tools Sharpened 8..20 Howe Motor Combany, Adjust brae 5.75 Howe's Hardware, Chalk, etc ..SC Puget Sound Naigation Co. Freight on. Concrete 'rile 1.30 H. W. Jackson Machine Shop, Cut 'ushers and iron Pin .30 Eureka Fire Ho e Co., Hose 1O8.00 Standard Oil Q$. of Calif. 26..32 William's Hard*are, 1 Shovel .75 WATER FUND 83.56 Clifford LcBride, One 14�k"s Work @ 50,,0 per hour 4.O0 Olympic Iron a d Machine Works, Picks Sharpened .96 Howe Motor Com any, :Wore TxWck grid accefeeuries 3"72.28 ,Standard Oil Cq. of Calif.. Gas 6.04 Howe's Hardwar4, Sundry Supplies 5.43 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. CLE fl-1-AYOR July 23rd, 1934 The council mein this evening at 7.30 2.2. Present Mayor Grieve, and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, ii'6rton., 2leming, and Corliss. ,.�he minutes of the meeting of July nih, 12,34, were read a nd a pproved. C. i . Fullingtgn appeared bet ore ttie Council in reference to making proper provision far the cirainage on De ----alb St. running uown to the Creek u.na the Street -Superintenaent recoziz:<ended that 8 inch Armco be used for this wftieh :�eces itate abou-G 200 feet. He.. also s tateo that there were several matters i i ce this which he wished to bring to the at- tention of the otreet and i-,iley ComrAttee anu Counci-Lman icadey as Cna.irnian of tine comsriittee agreed to go arounu with jar. Dorton anu ins._,,ect these various items. Tkie riatler of the in- staiation of the Armco drain a-c lie Kalb Street was referred to the Street anu Alley Com- mittee, with vower Vo act. bir. E. vr. Davidson of tree Wasnington Emergency Relief Conmittee appeared before the Council anu explained that an iissio%a.nt Engineer of the city of Seattle, who was in charge of sewers, would come over to Port jrcharu ana make an estimate in respect to the cost of a coriipreheasive newer survey for the sum of from 01b. to $20. and the Council duly ¢uthorized the Clerk; to request %ftis Assistant .engineer of Seattle to come over and make such ureliminery survey. j�ir. Davidson also explained that it' a comprehensive survey for a s ewer system was rnaae that trie `ffasnington Emergency Belief Comaa,.ittee would furnish, with Federal aid, 65;�b of the cost of same, and tree Town could iurnish 357o, notwithstanding 'v rnether the improve- ment was -ut tarougn or not. 296 Rice Hoaglund was present ana stated that 'lie has sta rtea his sidewalk, but that it was not yet cormr,letea. E. Langer anpearea before the Council ana stated that he vrould accept the warrants on the proposed L.1.iJ. improvement for tue sidevalk on Cline Street from. ` 1 .itsap to liivision, and the Clerk was duly authorized to bring in at the next meet- ing, a resolution for such improvetjent. ifte u,Ierk react a letter from ..i . Li. Peterson, -down 'Treasurer, in reference to i the mat-cer of interest kith riitsap County lank and the matter was taken up with uir. Langer �:,nd he stated that, while the account was an acitve one, he was not able to pay any interest whatsoever, but he uoula -pay it if it were a dormant account. After aiscussion, the matter was referred to the Finance Committee and J . I'. Peterson, as Town Treasurer, and the Town Attorney, to see if some satisfactory adjustment could be. arrived at in reference to same. The Ilayor brought up the rnatt.er that ors. Cohen had complained in reference to the crossing on the north sic,e of -Bay S-rreet at r`rederi•c� Street between her store and hir,. Stevenson's Furniture Store, and after discussion, the Street Superintendent was duly authorized to erect a woocten sidewal!,� 7 feet s.yiue with 2 inch planks. A-xtention was culled to tree fact that :-Lawrence & I'lurchison were storing; automobiles in front or their peace of business on Bay Street and trie clerk was authorized to write ; them a letter requesting them to xef'ra n from such action in the future. -ihe :t'own LUrshEL1 was asked to request Pete .iluernuerger to keep his police dog con- fined to his own The Street Superinte_.Lae:it was airectect to request Carl Holmberg not to run his Eorason tractor over the streets of the Town with. the t+rheels locoed, inasr,.uch as it seriously aarmagea tYie streets. the i'ollowing bil.Ls were oresen-;ea: r;onald Carter 'rork on C.Line Street surveying for noglund sidewal.it 4.00 Ii;�eri can La France c- �'oami to Corpor•ati n i;rigacie Fire Hose 156.00 1bre erton Oil )elivery , Oil ror S ets 231.50 1;111ATHP EU J) z 2almer Supply uo. Curb coctcs b.99 iational ivieter Co. gash Frost I"eters 48.37 L . utter ` i)al ' vror 8.00 C. I-cBride 3 clays 12.00 z:ind warrants vrere oruerea. arawn therefor. on motion tree 'rneetin� auj our•nea. I •� C.I:Er, it AYOR 297 August 13, 1934 The,Council rAet this evening at 7:30 P.M. In the abeence of Mayor Grieve,,, Councilman Radey *a elected as acting Mayor and presided as such. Present: Councilmen Radey, Stevens=,,. Norton, and Fleming. The reading of the minutes of the meeting of July 23rd, 1934,,was dispensed with. James R. Pattison the Engineer,- in respect,to'the Cline. Street sidewalk, presented his report. His survey covered the east side of Cline StreetI-amKitsap. Street to Dwight Street, and the widening of Dwight Street: on the south side and the building of a sidewalk on the south side, and the building of a sidewalk an the west side of Austin Street, south from Dwight Street. The estimated cost. was $2430.92 Mr. Pattisan stated that he made this survey an the basis that it was impossible to complete a sidewalks an the west side of Cline Street between: Kiteap and De Kalb and an the north side of Dwight street without making.4 fill, which would require some 6 months to one year to settle,. The Council duly discussed the matter and were of the opinion that it would be better to pave from Kitsap Street to the Court House on berth sides under one local improvement district and, therefore, ordered the engineer to get the necesear Y. datai in respect to paving on bath sides, notwithstanding that some por- tions of the improvement could not be completed until the fills settled, Inasmuch as this involved quite an additional expenditure of money}, it was decided to hold a special meeting onj Monday,. August 20th,: 1934, to receive the additional report of the engineer and if M-r. Danger was back to have him indicate whether he would finance the improvement.. The Clerk prelented to the Council the report of Henry H. Sisler* Engineer in charge of sewers in Seattle, in which he estimated that the prelin.ery survey and re- port would cast sole $500 and that detailed plans and specifications of 10 units would cost S1050, malsi a total of $1550.. The Council laid this matter upn the table and ordered the report: to be placed on file. The Council saw no objection to the granting of Veer licenses to Wilbur W, Belknap of the Central Hotel and to Thomas Rose, successor of Axner*s Pool Hal].., and the acting Mayor was authorized to endorse an. the application that there was no objection thereto., The following; bills were presented. GEYERAL FUND R. J. Carettii, an it forge 9.95 J. R. Pattiso, preli,minery survey Cline Street sidewalk 46.50 Alex MaTaa.ish,_ Labor 3.00 Port. Orchard umber Yard, Lumber 26*00 Howevs Hdwe. 'General supplies 2.57 H. W. Ja,ekson! Machine Shop,. Hge of forge 2.00 Independent Asphalt Coo., crushed rock 440 H. H. Sisl.er,. Sewer survey 16.2E Olympia Iron �c Machine Works,, Sharpening Scarifier 2.'52 298 Standard Oil Co. Gas Howe Motor Co. Fire Dept. Williams Uwe, Tools Bremerton Oil. Delivery, Oil - for Streets Reliance Motor Co. Gas PATER FM R. J. Caretti; f cost forge, anvil, & tools J. M. Peterson, Auditor license for water auto Puget Sound Navigation Co. freight on pipe Federal Pipe & Tank C2. Pipe Puget Sound News Co. nvs. for Clerk Port Orchard Lumber Co, Lumber Howe Hdwe. Gen. Supplier Palmer Supply Co. Cocks and reducers Olympia Iron & Machine Works, Sharpening Tools E. F. Zahhler, Sharpening Toole Standard 0111 Co. Gas and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. Can motion the meeting adjourned. 18.62 7.90 4.650 19.74 2.25 9.95 2.00 4.35 99.93 1.93 1.11 2.45 6.95 1.50 2,3C 8.11 August 22, 1934 The Council met in special session this, evening at 7:30 P.M. to caU a special election :in reference to additional millage tag for 1935 caused by the fact that the Supreme Court had decided that all elections would have to be held under the supervision of County Election Board and notices of such electim would t, be governed by the general election law. Present Mayor Grieve, an! Councilmen Rad ey, Stevenson,- and Fleming. The Clerk presented a tentative budget for the year 1935 based on the 15 mill levy allowed by law. The Council was of the opinion that1he library tax coup be eliminated for 1.935 in view of the fact that there was $400 t the credit cf the Library Fund, but that it would be necessary to levy an additional 4 mills for general purposes and that it was desirable to continue the oiling of the streets for another year entailing a 3 mills levy. Ordinance 4017 was read and discussed by the Council covering said official election to be held on Sept. 25, 1934, to vote on 4 mills far general purposes and 3 mills for oiling of the streets and the same was duly adopted by the Council Councilmen Rs,dey, Stevenson, and Ikeming voting in favor of the adoption of the or- d inance. j 0 motion the meeting adjourn d. 299 August 27, 1934 The Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Grieve and Council - 'Fleming men Radey, Stevenson/and Corliss, re ulcer The minutes of the meeting of August 13, ,1934, and of the special meeting of Auguipt 22, 1934, wore read and approved. James R. Pattison, the engineer in charge of the Cline Street sidewalk improve - went, appeared bef ore the Council and reported that the total cost of construction i on both sides from i.tsap Street to the Court House would be $3596. F. E. Langer, President of the Xtsap County Bank,,was present and stated he thought that the Bank would take the warrants at par, but that he wished to submit the matter to his Board of Directors, and would give a final decision by the morning of August 29,1934 The Clerk then read the formal resolution covering the improvement calling for a meeting September 17th, 1934, at 7:30, at which the interested property owners I would be notified to appear to present any objections thereto, and the same was duly adopted by the CourLlci.l,: Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Fleming and Corliss voting in, favor of the adoption of the resolution. E. W. Davidson,of the W.ERA appeared before the Council and asked consideration of the Council that this improvement be made under WERA auspices so as to furnish em- ployment for those on relief, and the Engineer was,directed to give Mr. Davidson the I necessary data so that he could prepare figureson the estimated cost of the improve- ment under IVERA, ano report at the meeting to be held September 17, 1934, Harry Radey, Chairman of the Street & Alley .Committee, reported in respect to the drainage into the gulch at Sidney & De :alb and that the cost of copper steel pipe A 8 {inches in diameter for carrying the water into the creek in the guloh, over some 200 feet, would cost 31�0, and, after discussion, this improvement was ordered to b e done by the Street Superintendent. { The following bills were_ presented: GENERAL FUND Harley Morton,.timing gear & etc. $1.85 England & Peterson, rolls roofing paper for blacksmith shop $7.35 Western Tractat & Equipment Co., grader teeth 313,70. General Paint Corporation, paint for line on center of roadway $32,50 American La Prs.n.ce & Foamite Coxparation $19.75 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. MAYOR 300 September 10, 1934 The Council met this evening at 7:30 Y.M. Present Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Stevenson, and Ccrliss. The minutes of the meeting of August 27, 1934, were read and approved. C. L. Murray of Waterman, formerly in charge of the Seattle Garbage Depart- ment, appeared before the Council in reference to the garbage collection of the Town of Port,Orchard and after a statement by him, it was suggested by the Council that he go into further details and see Mr. Nuernberger„ who is now collecting gar- bage, to see what arrangements could be made in respect to taking over the service and to report at the: next meeting. The Clerk presented the budget for the year 1935 and a Resolution was duly adopted covering this budget, and making October 1, 1934, at 7:30 P.M. as the date. for the hearing, and the Clerk was duly authorized to publish the Resolution in respect thereto; Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, and Corliss voting in favor of the Resolution. The water Superintendent_ reported that E. S. Howe desired a change of tap from. 3/4 to 1 inch in respect to his garage building and the Council approved a charge of $4.00,for making said tap.. The following bills were pi%sented: GENERAL FM Bremerton Oil Delivery Co. Fuel $14.30 Trick & Murray, Registration Supplies $31.76, Alex No Tavish, 2 day's work at 500 per hour $ 8.00 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, Sundry Supplies 11.77 H. W. Jackson LLachine Shop, Blacksmithing Coal, Oil Barrel a 5.50 J. P. Joslin, Ham:, =ler, Rick Wood 4.70 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gas o16.24 Olympic Iron & Machine Works, Sundry Supplies $.3,./56 Duke Electric C.o. 100 and 75 Watt Lamps g 425 Howe 1=otor Co. Sundry Supplies $24.67 Howe's hardware;, Sundry Supplies :� 7.25 WATER PUND To one-half cost of a.umber for Blacksmith Shop12.15 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gas - 6.63 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting ad j our r�I C CLERK 1-1&YOR 301 September 17, 1934 A special meeting of the Town Council was,held this evening at 7:30 P.M. for the consideration of the Cline, Dwight; and Austin Sidewalk and Gutter Z.I.D. IM- p roy-ement, pursuant to Resolution and Notice sent to the interested property owners. Present Mayor Grieve, and Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, and Corl�ss.. '4he following interested property, owners were present: Mike Hoaglund, H. H. Stephenson, Walter M. Harvey, W. M. Myhre;, H. W. Reed, Elmer Nilson, H. V. Dana, Rupert Markham, and Mrs. Ella Stanford. The general opinion of the property owners present was that the sidewalk should be'built, but that the estimated cost thereof appeared to be rather high. However, they all practically consented that the improvement go through and the Clerk presented Ordinance #408 establishing "Local Improvement District #34, Cline, Dwight, and.Austin Sidewalk and Gutter," and .on motion the same was duly adopted by the Council; Councilmen Stevenson, Norton and Corliss voting in favor of the Ordinance. The Clerk then read the "Call for Bids" and the same was duly approved and he was authorized to publish and post the same, returnable October 8, 1934, at 7:30 F.Me yhe Clerk bro l ght up the matter of the Town joining the Association of Washing- ton Cities and, after discussion, he was duly directed to. cause the Town to become a member of the Assoeiat.ion of Washington Cities; and the Clerk and Mayor were duly 4 authorized to„ sign 4 warrant for $15. the cost thereof per year. The following . bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Trick & Murray, Election Supplies, Voters Signature Book Kit sap County; Investment Co. Insurance, Duiup Truck H. Morand, To'Labor one day, at .p4. per day Ideal Service!Station, Oil Dump, etc. Association of`Washington Cities, To membership in Ass*n. of Washington Cities W. F. Leavelli Election Set Bremerton Concrete Pipe Co. Pipe WATER FUND Kit.sap County Investment Co., Insurance, Water Truck and warrants were ordered. drawn therefor. On tioxn,t he meeting a,djo CLERK. MAYOR 4.15 23.95 4.00 19.50 15..00 2.00 24.00 22.13 302 September 24, 1934 The Council met this evening at 7:30 P.111. Present i;layor Grieve and Council- men Radey, AIleming, and `orliss. The minutes of the meeting of September 10, 1934, and of the special meeting Of September 17, 1934 were read and approved. Ir. C. L. L'Lurray of Waterman ap-)eared before the Council in reference to gar- bage collection and, stated th-t lie had made an offer to 11ir. Nuernberger for his truck and garbage route but that the same had been declined. He stated that he would be willing to put a proposition in •.,rriting by which he crould collect the garbage for 75Q' a month for homes and that the Tovrn would receive 10% of this amount. It was suggested to Fair. I.,iurray that he put this proposition in writing and submit it for the Council at its next meeting. Councilman -Radey brought up the question of the drainage of West Division Street and, after disucssion, it was ordered that the Clerk write to the interested property owners to attend the meeting of the Council to be held on October 8, 1934, to discuss the matter. Councilman Corliss. called attention to the fact that the drainage from Harrison andKitsap Streets was affecting the :sidewalk on the north side of Kitsap from the ''%etzel ,roperty to the Parrott property, and the matter was referred to the Street and =Liley Cor ,rittee for investigation, and report, at the next meeting.. Er. Caretti, the Water Superintendent, stated that 14r. J. A. Holmberg had 'kindly offered the use of his air compressor and roc'f drill �l,h.en the Bay Street main broke in front of Lindquist's :�o.kery, and the same had been availed of and the Cleric was directed to write 11r. Holmberg thanking hiin for the loan of his apparatus in this emergency. The Water Superintendent requested that the City Engineer be asked to give the ;proper location for the hydrant which was now in front of the kxrier property on 'Cline Street. "he following 'bills were presented: GX EPYi,L FUTTD H. 11orand , 3 days , or' on. pipe line Sidney co�c De : alb St. ilex '.IcTavish 2 days work on pipe line Sidney &:_ ire Falb St. Pete "Tuernberger 9 'iours work on :;jay St. break in water main �ames Hussey, 2 hours work on Bay St. break in water main I-Lorand 9 hours y.f,;r,r on to for Howe' p s garage and warrants were o:j.-dered drawn therefor. ~n mot' n the meeting adjourned. r OLERK 12.0 0 8.00 4.50 1.00 4.50 30 October 1, 1934 A special meeting of the Council was held this evening at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of raalcing tax levies for the year 19,35. Present Vayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleeing and Corliss. The Clerk presented a certificate from the Kitsap County Election Board certify- ing that the proposition to levey an additional 4 mills for General purposes and 3 mills for oiling the streets had duly carried. The Clerk then presented a revised budget and resolution adopting the same for the year 193,5 based on these, additional levies and on motion duly made and seconded the said Resolution was duly adopted, Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss voting in favor of its adoption. The Clerk then presented Ordinance ,1-409 levying 18 mills for the General Fund, V ' 3 ?Hills for oiling the streets, and 1 mill for the Park Fund, and on motion duly made and seconded, the said Ordinance was duly adopted, Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss voting in favor of its adoption. on motion the meeting adjourned. i Pow, T'� R ber 8, 1934 The Council mpt this evening at 7:30 P.11. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, Fleming, and Corliss. The minutes o:� the regular meeting of September 24th, 1934, and of the special meeting of October 1, 1934, were read and approved. Practically all the interested property owners in respect to the gutter on West Division Street were present and, after discussion, it was duly decided by the Council that if the property owners would furnish the material for the gutter the Town would install the same. It was the consensus of the interested property owners that the gutter should be placed on the south side of Division Street and, the Council concurred in this decision of the property owners. Councilman Norton stated that tars. Jennie L. Miller had asked in regard to the requirements of the Town in respect to the construction of a sidewalk on Prospect Street adjacen.t to ,the Christian Science Church, and the Clerk was directed to write Mrs, Miller that the Church could consult lair. James R. Pattison, the Town Engineer, who would give the necessary inf ormation. The property owners present living on West Division Street urged the installa- tion of an electric light on West Division and the ' Clerk was 'directed to authorize the Puget Sound Power and Light Company to place the same, dnder the direction of the Fire and Light Committee. The Clerk was directed to ask the Puget Sound Power and Light Company to change their light poles on llitsap, 1)vvight and Austin, to be in against the curb, under the direction of Harley Norton, -the Street Superintendent.. Er. C. L. I°Turray was present and presented an application on behalf of Arturo Eaccetti for a garbage franchise and, after discussion, :it was duly decided to ask the citizens of tl-Le 'Town to attend the next meeting and voice their sentiments in ,:expect to a change in the "arbage collection. The bids for thE! Cline, Dwigl-,t and Austin Sidewalk were then opened and the bids were as follows: Albert Saunders, �4,931.55 Toney flornano. � 4.,969.45 V. E . Cosbey, �3, 529.45 Dunham & Oswald, ;'3, 409.20 The ,yids, howevE:r, of Albert Saunders and Dunham &; Oswald were rejected by the Council on the ground that they were not accompanied by a certified check in the proper amount, and tli.eir chec'c.s, filed ,,vith the bids, ir;ere ordered returned to them. The only -bids considered by the Council were of Toney Romano and 4. E . Cosbey. On the reco=iendation of J. is.. I'attison, the Town Engineer, the contract was awarded to ��. B. Cosbey and the Clerk and Iaayor were duly authorized to enter into a formal con- tract with him for the construet-ion of the sidewalk and gutter. The Council appointed Like Hoglund as inspector nn the job to be paid at the rate of 50g� per hour. I.-arjorie Wells appeared before the Council in respect to the house which she was building on Lay Street near the Port Orehard Lumber Yard and requested that 2 meters be installed and the '':'Water Superintendent wished instructions as to whether he could install the 2 meters on the payment of the one to,)ping fee, and the consensus of the opinion of the Council was that Ise .could properly do so. Ers. Wells also asked in respect to the construction of a sewer drain out into the bay, and the Council was of the opinion that if she it out 50 feet, that it 1,1iould be satisfactory. She also as'ced in aespect to a building being constructed by Wayne lHill adjoining her property with no sewer facilities and this matter was referred to the Health and Sanitation Committee. The following b ills were presented: GEAElba FT31a) Howe's iidwe. Sundry Supplies 5.11 Bremerton Oil Delivery Co. 100 Gal. Diesel Oil 6.00 Peter Huth, 21 hours :ror'c on Dwight .& Sidney Drain and :Fire hydrant Cline Street at 150,,' per hour 10.50 Fred C. Wyckoff, County Treasurer, Interest and Principal on Contract I o. 12, purchase of County Land, Water plant lot 5.66 "i. Id. Tac`cson Lachine Shop, Blacksmithing and bolts 1.72 Port Orchard Lumber Company, Cement, nails, etc. 6.35 E. T. Harris, Serviceti as inspector of Ss)ecial Election, Sept.25/34 12 hours at 50�' per hour 6.25 George J. Payne, '2,o services as Nudge, Special Election, Sept. 215/34 12-2' 'hours at 50 f per hour 6.25 udith P. 'unzelman, To services as Judge, Special Election, Sept. 25/34 1211 hours at 50e per hour 6 =eels liar'cussen Screens, labor, etc. .25 9.28 I,oi,mun !� Hanford, Blue Prints 1.86 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Gas 11.93 Bowe-1-otor Co. Plugs, Cho'ce rood, Oil, etc. 5.60 Du" .e ale ctric Co. Lamp guard, lamps, porcelain recept 1 .05 yiriTER .ii JITD ',Villiamz Hdwe. Bit 1.20 305 Bowe Motor Co. Valvoline, grease, repair tire Standard Oil 6o. of Calif. Gas Port Orchard Lumber Yard, Lumber bu'ce Electric : Co.. Switch, rubber cord, socket, plug Howevs Hdwe. Sundry Supplies and, warrants were, ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. t Jlit as i ' 1 �` �i 3.15 4.05 1.62 2.88 4.54 October 22, 1934 a The Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present I-qlayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Norton and Fleming. i The minutes of the meeting of October 8, 1934 were read and approved. she Cler',� presented a resolution asking the Kitsap County Election Board tG, supervise the Annual Election of Officers of the Town to be held on December 4, 1934, and the same'was duly adopted. Mrs. Huller appeared before the Council in reference to the proposed fill on her lots necessitated by the construction of the Cline, Dwight and Austin Street Sidewalk, and she stated that she did not object to the fill but desired more dirt f than was contemplated, to be dumped o-n her lots. After discussion with Mr. Patti - son, the 'Town Engineer, the Council told Tars. Duller that they would give her as much dirt as they possibly could, and if she needed more, the matter would be duly considered. firs. Stanford and Mr. Lampman as'ced if there was any surplus dirt from the Cline, Dwight and Austin Street Sidewalk improvement to have the same dumped on the alley adjacent to their property, and the Clerk was directed to write them that it did not look at the moment that there would be any surplus dirt, hit if there was, they would have the same dumped on the alley adjacent to their property. The matter of the garbage was taken up and Jacob Nu.ernberger, having distribu— tion of the same in Port Orchard, presented a list signed by some 27 names of his patrons voicing their satisfaction with the service and, in view of the fact that the people interested were apparently satisfied, the application on behalf of Arturo Bacce.tti for a garbage franchise, was laid upon the table for the time being.. In reference to the Cline, Dwight and i�ustin Street Sidewalk, the Town Engineer ,,eras instructed to permit no drains carrying sewage to enter into the drain or gutter forming a part of the sidewalk improvement. The Council sq.t Wednesday, November 14, 1934,.as the regular caucus for the nominees for the annual election to be held on December 4, 1934. The Marshal br:ough.t up the matter that he tiziould be absent on Hallow -e'en Night and he was duly authorized to select someone in his place and to appoint an addi- tional �-atrolman. 306 The following bills were presented: GE_1.LR 1 J, FUIM Washington Corrugated Culvert Co. pipe for Sidney & De Kalb drain a164.30 I.a,Frrence Adair 15 hours work on culvert Div. & Cline St. @ bOl per hr. 7.50 Laurent Muller 8 hours wort Euarding concrete construction Bay St. in front of Lindqui.st's Bakery 4.00 james R. Pattison, engineering Cline, Austin and Dwight St. sidewalk 63.50 Pacific T. R T. long; distance call .15 Fort Orchard Independent printing ordinance, ballots and notice of special election 40.90 Port Orchard Independent pri.rtin6 resolution, ordinance, and call for raids 46,60 Palmer Supply Company, curb cocks 9.36 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meetinS adjourned. C41- November 13, 1934 The Council met this evening at 7:30 .t'" 'resent .ayor Grieve and Council- men, Radey, Stevenson, Norton ton and Fleming. The minutes of the meeting of 3ctober 22, IP64 were read and approved. r. Cosbey, the contractor for the Cling, Dwieht and Austin Street sidewalk was present and stated that there was some divergence of opinion a; tc t4e en6in- eerinE on t is ,job, and the notwer was referred to toe Street Committee for con- ference with Jazzes R. Pnttison, the City Engineer, with power to act in the premises. hr. Cosbey a? 8o presented a bill for wor' :already done an: unting to 11024.25 and the sane was referred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer, with y ower to apgr ove the same for such amount in their discretion, and with power to the Tayor and Clerl to sign Street Improvement Warrants for the same, after ap- proval by tAc Street Col,L_niA tee and the City Engineer. The attention of the Street Su perinte lent was called to the fact that eater collects in front of the Stundard Stati=2 an West may Street and he was c.irected to take necessary �eans to remedy these conditions. The Wester Superintendent cLlled attention to the fact that the transforners a6j cent to the water plant were out of order with the result Vat the electric rotor in the water ,plant was seated, but a Parently did not damage the same, and aftor canoV erable adjuti t ;e: t by Lr. !c:rade of the light and Power Company, the situation had been cleared up, but he had not yet started the 30 horse -power motor. The 'dater Superintendent was directed to install a, temporary 3/4 pipe line from the George J. Wayne -rouse to the ;Brant mouse and 'that foie cost of the same be A billed to hr. Brant •,jo should pay the regular grater rent but `that Mr. Payne should. 307 not be charged more than the flat rate of $P1.50 per month. The `later Superintendent was authorized to order 5 :Peters and 1 dozen meter boxes. The following bil'Is viere presented: G-E, ITM.,UL FUME? I Laurent, I.Iuller, 5 days work ,7atc ..ing fresh concrete Cline, Dvrigia.t, Austin sidewalk ---------------------------------------------------- $20.00 T. H. Comiell Patrol duty 8 .tours Halloweren night C: 50,s! ail hour -- 4.00 Luther It orvsood., 22- days -.cork Division Street gutter------------------ 10.00 Puget Sound 11'eus Company, envelopes---- ---------------------------- 3.37 Standard Oil Qompany of California, Gas----------------------------- 8.67 Duke Electric'CoLmpany 6-75 watt larans------------------------------- 1.08 'ffilliams 1ardware, wtlisk broom --------------------------------------- .30 F`owe IL.otor Co change tires and chec'I hub nuts V8 truth, etc. ------- 4.00 Puget Sound Havigation Coiipany, culvert pipe----------------- ------ 4.59 Howje's Hardwate. Sundry supplies------------------------------------ 2.95 H. `. Jackson Lachine Shop, bar and circle raade and bored to clamp to- Lether 1.00 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber, nails and spikes------------------ 99.29 's 'ATE FMLM Part Orchard Transfer Company, Gravel and sand mixed----------------- 1.85 Gordon Wilsont 15 hours work U 50�� an hour-------------------------- 7.50 F Standard Oil Oom.pany of California, gas----------------------------- 3.87 Howe Motor Corj.pany, 1 license container ------------------------------ Kitsap Investment Co. balance of premiurs due on water truck for prop- erty damage atd personal liability insurance 1.63 Howe's Hardware, Sundry Supplies----- -- 1.93 National S� eter Co. Empire meter`. con-:'lections, wiper, and sarue oiled 34.70 and warrants were Ordered 6ravin therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. (, CLERT�: I. AYOR I:oveifoer 14, 1934 The regular caucus for the nomination of officers for the Town of Port Orchard for the annual election to be held on December 4, 16,34, was held at the Town iIall, Port Orchard, 'dashington, on Yoveriaber 14, 1234, at 7:50 P.I3i.., ursuant to the call of the T ovm Council. Francis Ii. f�plplegate, Tovr-q Clem, called the meeting to order and read the call for the caucus. Harold H. ,JanTey was,duly elected Chairman of the meeting and Francis H. Ap- r�: ,-legate was appointed Secretary to take the minutes. C. A. `rIanks stated that inasmuch as Charles Grieve would not serve another term., he duly moved that Frank Givens be nominated as Mayor and further moved that '. S. Stevenson and. S. A. Iforton be nominated as Councilmen for a two-year term and J. 1 . Peterson as Treasurer for a one-year term, ,which motion was duly s econaed and the same upon being lout was 6.u-11-y carried. By motion the' name of the ticket was denominatled the t°CITIZEIIS' TICI=T. ct 'fith the approval of t'ae _�3eeting, the Chairman of the day appointed the follow- ing to fill vacancies: Alan Totten Guy L. letzel C . A. H ik s A :notion ',". s duly i-ac e by C. A. Hants and seconded, expressinE the apprecia- tion of the meeting for the work of Charles Grieve as hayor of the Town for his thxee terms as Layor. On motion dulyma.de , s eco nded and carried the one yeti nE adjourned. rancrs A_. Secretary November 26, 1934 Council met this evenin at 7:30 I.L. present .:a.yor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. !he minutes of the meeting of November 13, 1934, were read and approved. The I:ayor called attention to the .condition of the sidewalk in front of the Dufield Louse, and the Ci rV was instructed to write Lr. Albert W. Luxton to call upon the Mayor with res_ect thereto, and the Mayor was asked It the same time to have Yr. Luxton have is tenants cease,to throw garbage on the bank opposite the Dufiel d Vous e. The matter of the condition of drainage of the sidewalk and roadway just east of Slack Jack as discussed and the same was referred to the Street & Alley Committee as well as the matter of the condition of the Peninsula Grain Co. wharf at its entrance on Day Street. The Clerk was directed to write tc Ers. Andrews with respect to the fact that dirt was falling from her roperty on the alley between Titsap and De Alb Streets. The Water Su.pst., reported that he '__ad installed 50 feet of pipe from the Payne houoe to the Brunt :souse '.EkiC'� was in the nature of a temporary installation and to be restored to the City when its temporary jurpose had been .served. The following 'gills were aresented: ' GlIYER J' 1UND Laurent Muller, watc :inE Cline, Dwi6ht and Austin s:i.e_e alk ;;� 4.00 lutler Norwood, 5 days and 2 Lars. work Division St. butter 3 14. a. day 21.00 Ciril3rll � U'.1�'� Palmer Supply Company, pipe, 4:Nc0 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. Can motion the meeti:nc adjourned. Cl,i 135.84 i 30,91 i it i i :�ec�Y-r_ber 10, 14:'3�s The Council met ::his evening; at 7.30 J0.11761 2r82ent I.c'1f0I al'ZevE, a f1C COz.1Ci r tiled Radey, St-eve-,120£1, l'ortol, and i+'ler_linL. G fie ^_'-iilLltCs o-:' the :'e 'i;fin "4 ','lere recall and approved. Y?e a;ror "'1 C el1t2C une ,1gS .ii1 thin Stale Liquor Control T:oE,,rd F'0r Iicer:�ivs Thomas Poso in 7 SYeCu to Iiis '-.'_.Licc of business and tie 1-ayor was 6u!l authorized to r'a-1)—rove theoe ai� '1_'•. icuti 0'r s. it `fh2 Cler'-: was d-irected to ..o if`T ':,u _ 1i,, et Sound 1'oirer '- T 'ti C i t_- t oni-pally that two-! iAats 1AaC. burned out on P titer 'ii]_� n d to Fall their at- o y tract also direct, tenti or. t .,) a d:,-_(mg ;d re.fec f or nn a Cline Street light . 3:`i'Ce xloelund ca.�'i__'ed t!-_,_; a" Eliti.-11 Or' the Council to tho fact tl-i�,t, .inasmuch as a drive Icy 1-ia6 beer) built for -t''-.e a.l ey on t:le east side of C!'ne 3trc;,- ft in resiJeGt i I to t1 e Cline, lwi,-1 t ld Listi_n si_c ':ral': �:.T.i7. , t1 _ a drive:taay anU apron shouldJ_ 1 alsc1 e Lit into t7�e a-2 e:r nn t',re vie t i_C of C1i_n t2, a , -n tY . y _ � .._ ._ r u � e _ e' _J y e �. t .J e i,tiV .Pie it �11.a i � 0.t.� er u,� ca nd t'iiat oryf T___r iY; er, a n6 t'C e ClC'",`7as C u I y aii th on zed t o 1 nS t r J C , tie• l,nE; i Geer to 'hove i t:lis C1:'ivewa r ..nd a��ron instulled. 1e1e 3trect' `)a e,a?iT'it2;'C[Lflt wa:. C!17eCt .Ct t0 'Iliorr'i t to his 1 �TI'. ilLlislll,'u217 t cZCC S I I prei_Lises could not be I1-J.6.e cv r t^e LLiter 3n.iess it ;;u:S ;at isfacto--ily or tected. / The follo-"i-i i'T 't " � 1 2 vrvel-C-,-Trewented i i s';7 t to t is Cline � i fit o y E: , r+ 1'iu a t l it at . i r,.­ r o v em, e nt Cosbey, on aCrotz: v o'" ^ontr�.ct nd aprrov ^ -r T i 887.13 James R w'D.ttisoi , a11'1 ;1E 1113.15 '=1ry�e roLlund , =' or i n2 ecti on of tie job 47 •t 00 ' � ;:�;; r c- n T - arra3it s 4 alld t:'le v'e1 aYlt j`0 £ C?,uy; aLl _oi_�,2d i0 wl"Y oc�l Xt1pi0Viilelt +,I � i OT t:leNC ' i1.I_S. `a'L1e Y112ctt e r of It Fie condit:i. o21 Of t 11e : 1( tom',"ia-' and -, ociC:w ay east, 9 f f,J'te B1ac` ja br 1C. F on -Bay Street was Conti'flueo . : ,-le C? er''-, aL.11ed the attenti -n of tale Council to the fact that th-e I yor had begin sued to cancel, Local Trlprovement I'sS ess��ents aE�uinst --Lot 4, Block 9, Sidrey-- b,, the "itsal) County Dan'c. He explained ti.ut this property �r�as 9 d Under `rax Fore- closure of "itsay Coailty i11 125 r 03, Mat tYie ,r-'ovan `-treasurer had been duly served Co y?cirt, t 1_t t:1e County c itre y, alr erv� rds�'itl r ti old t the :: O E 3'ty t o V:. T. Toslin and ,i, H. T os! J n 11c.i3-, i -1 t urfl, sold t'rle property to - Ls OLillty n � 1le I a La .. :T He stated [tat 1c „�s i� a ue1E o�lniD,, , ghat „1e ' oyin had ^o vatic vefe1lse 6 ,the ac'lion and pxepared G=. autho1-izin,5 the ia�jor to aCCe'''•`t Si.ZU LCE of tale `'Lu-i:'tofu and Coi.Li-lai nt C nC to C011fe;'�� u Udi lleils CF'.�11Ce11i11 tI7E a s:_ C's`_ -,,eats gas i ien1; ` L-a4ii i t'1E �:a,iC y)r0"_:e t�,. 'Yl '�'lo �' J11 "� _: : P t i aL l,P.SO� i tail ti7<aS ladey, .luiy accpted, �tcvetlson; �nx't011 arld FZ=.:iin�L - L f - % .-- o tin ° in favor of sai �•�: a c,a�i ul OYI. Fire vYiief i-''Ott ell ap-earccI _c,f'J::'e t ?e CoLincia. anc7tt svE t`d 'i'L'at on 'rlis _,E 1tCr- ��E GolOf t'e :1au_ 'u. Depaa!ti:.-:en t 0 oeiad) :; t e 1�CC It fiz L <�t in zi red t'• ;Le .i�C i'' ✓� 1 LCi �_iE v __,:tciii of t ie �yiJ...i �ti�a�= I r )r , 310 _ ..__'t� l '.;`_C 'i;C �_._u� '. 5 =rEC ;G „y ' C _c.B let Lers . �..� ` ) i s ` r '' E y Etiii C L a17Ci ..G,i L.:.-'VO' ! ! -, ...Ci'v :J lA ..�i. ...c.,i.L.l'1 L;. �. ;u .i' w�:--ei:int 1" ri __ .-, - 1 --... 0:lam J. ._ . Le—v':i', U.. �c I'- ._1_C. C',� aia "J.� :c:d�.IL%r�L, I�', __--v. 1.CC LA .v � _t _ -. .n _. L': Z •� V . �Ji.a ��_ _. � J C�. _... _. � a �A � C:L j �-�` -, w.3 _ �. ... _ ... — :-a • 1 • _ G = .- 1 ti^ , :.1 �J : f. �. v J .� F lli_Z t,; �.- -� .J 1 v i� .i . a De l.i 1'Z;'l_A"c:I, r.'.Clt, „ , , 32 T o .' ..� U _ 'a 2 � . � A L r� C% u �.. : �_,: i r . _ J l . � i.:l IJ .L. _ 1 � J � C.I � i � 11 G l.. �.: I , i J o r` _ .Ie L(]r VC=i ;arlyr v0r-ia.;I." _ iCam':, C1:,C' 1 1 - C0="1i;;a1J_ Ca.i.1�C1'':71�.— r� �y i ..7 �'i v0�:i:c c'i_ ." EdI�C�, .L Ji. _. _._chit .-_iy'. v!i.E':ra , 1i?.'iJ_7.1S.t:: +Ta1vc^.'.s January 14, 1935 2.0)0 The Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, N'o-rtan, Fleming and Corl ie s. The minutes of the meeting of December 10, 1934 were read and approved. There was no meeting on the fourth Monday of December, 1934 inasmuch as the same fell on Christmas eve. Mayor Grieve then presented Frank Givens, the newly elected Mayor, and retired as Mayor, Mayor Givens was duly sworn in by Francis 'M. Applegate, Notary Public, and duly took his seat as Mayor. W. S. Stevenson and S. A. Norton were then duly sworn in by Francis M. Apple- gate, Notary Public, as Councilmen and they duly took their seats in the Council. The Mayor announced that the committees would stand as heretofore. He appointed Francis M. Applegate as Town Clerk and as Police Judge, which action was duly con- firmed bar the Council. Mr. Applegate stated that he had filed his oath of office and. presented his bond, which was turned over to Mayor Givens for safe keeping. R. J. Caretti---as former Marshal and dater Superintendent was present and ex- � pressed his appreciation of the pleasant relations which had existed between him and the Town officials. W. E. Cosbey P:Vesented a bill for $588.65 in respect to his contract for the Cline :Dwight & Austin Street sidewalk improvement.. The same was duly referred to the