01/01/1933 - Regular - Minutes245 T&n.. 9th 1933 Council met this evening at 7:30 F. bi. Present Mayor Grieve, and Gouricilmen R"ey, Stevenson, Vorton, Fleming andGorliss. Minutes of the meeting of.Dec_ 27th 1932 were read and approved. The Clerk swore in.Charles Grieve Lis Mayor elect and Councilmen Steve- nson and Norton, and their oaths were ordered on file, and they assumed the duties of their offices.. The Clerk presented oaths of T. M. Peterson, as Town Treasurer, to - I gehter with his bond in the sum of $3000, with the American Surejty Co as surety , and the same was ordered on file. The Mayor reappointed Francis M. kpplegate, as Town Clerk, R. T. Ca.retti as Marshal and ';pater, Superintend- ent, and Harley Norton as Superintendent of Streets. The Clerk presented oath of himself and R. J.. Caretti, as Marshal, and bonds in the sum of 41000 each, and the same were ordered an file, the bond of the Clerk. to be in the custody of the Mayor. The Mayor reappointed the same Committees as have served during the past year_ The Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign an agreement with -the Kit& sap County Bank in respect to acting as official depositary of the Town. and paying 2%9 interest on daily balances of$1000 and upwards.. John Lindall appeared before the Council in respect to the work being(it= done at tyre city park by Navy Relief Committee, and it was agreed that the . Mayor .and Council and the Park Board would visit the Park at 10 K. M. Sunday the 16th inst. to see what work had been done and plan for future work. The matter of the purchase of a car for the stater Department was dis- cussed, and it was decided to try out a Model T. Fora offered at $3b- and if the same proved satisfactory to purchase the same - The Clerk was directed to notify Ta.cob Nuernberger that his dob as caretaker of the garbage dump would be discontinued on a.ncA after Feb. 1, 1933, and that if he still collected the city garbage he would be em- ployed by the Street Superintendent one day to assist hire in respect thereto. The Street Superintendent was directed to see that Hugo Hoaglund re- moved his pipes draining into the street. The Marshal was directed to see Urs: Lawrence about her .car running Cover the gutter and pavement at the McLeod apartments on Sidney Street. 4 The Water 'Superintendent brought up the matter of a minimum charge I for turning on and off water, and also a charge for temporarily turning off water and where the tap was not properly equipped with a property shut off, and the matter was continued until the next meeting. 246 The following brills were presented: GENERAL FUND 'fire shop,. gas for grader. Moore Auto Service,, gar; for grader Howes Hardware,: sundry supplies Howe Motot Co 1 gal anti freeze (Fire Dept) Francis dui RpplegaLe► postage for year 1932 Duke Electric Co, larips Port Orchard Machine Wks, repairs to grader WATtR R. G. Vose► one day I's work at $5 per d.ay. A. H. Adair, one day're work at $5. per day. G. L. Koeppel one day's work at $ 5 per day Duke Electric Cc work on thawing mU.chine Francis Mc kpplegate, postage for year 1933 Howe Motor Cc repairu to troupe t Tire Shop, gas for water coupe & c Howes Hardware, sundry supplies and warrants were ordered dra On motion th meeting ad j o va therefor. $ 4.64 $11.05 3.66; 1..00 6.00 1.48 1.07 5 _00 = 5..00 5.00 1.65 9.00 $ 9.i5 $15 ..46 $ 3.05 MAYOR . Januiary 23/33 Council met this evening at 7.30 P. IA.. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson,. Norton, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of meeting of January 9/1933 were read and approved. The Glerk was directed to write a letter to the Fire Department thanking them for their very efficient services in connection with the fire at the Central Hotel, and to say that as soon as some tax money came in the Council would take up the matter of buying some coats for the department.. Mike Haglund appeared before the Council in reference to sewering the town and the Clerk was directed to write to the state in reference to the possibility of purchasing the Town's sewer bonds if issued.. The dater 'Superintendent was authorized to try out the Model T 1925 Ford offered by Howe's Garage, and if it proved all right to accept same. Council maxi Corrliss reported as to the progress of the work in the City Park. The Clerk: was directed to write a letter to J. S. Howard for the very satisfactory manner in which he had cleaned up the sidewalk ana gutter in front of his property, and also to wrote a letter to the Boy Scouts for cleaning the snow off the streets during the recent snow storm. 247 The following ;bills -were presented.- GENERAL FUND �-- P. a, Fire Department,- installing whistle $17.13 P. 0- Independent, advertising Ordinance Nol 397 2.25 Standard Oil Clay oil .90 American. Surety. Qo . bonds for Treasurer, Karshal and Clerk $25.00 Barley Rarlan ;lumber $ 8.48 VIA2T,R FUIM P. Q. Independent 4R- Fostals printed and warrants were ordered drawn therefor'. Feb- 14/19 33 $51.Qa 'sAYOR The Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Monday February 13th 1233 being a legal; holiday. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey,, Steven- son and Norton. Minutes .of the meeting of Sanuary 23/33 were read and approved. Mike Hcag�Land and Hugo Iiaglund a.ppreared before the Council in respect to a sewer. The Clerk presented a, letter from the,State Finance Committee, stating that the state could not take any general abliga,tioni serer bonds issued by the 'Town. In view of the fact that the report from the state health inspector had not been received the matter was continued. The matter of the condition of the water pipe line crossing the Pottery Hill Gulch was referred to the eater Committee 6or investigation with power to act. The 'Water �?uperintendent reported that he had taken over the Model T Ford from the Howe Motor �jo and the same was working out in proper shape. The Water Ouperintendent was directed to secure quotations for a chshion valve for the Union stand by pump at the water pumping plant. The Clerk pointed out that under highway legislatiab now pending at alympia the 16ad and Bridge Fund would be abolished and a certain sum from thethk gasoline tax allocated to first, second and third class cities, but nothing to the fourth class cities.. He stated that the amount received from the Road & Fund was $204.00 and he was directed to write our County legizlgto-s rs at alympia.to see if fourth class cities could not be included in the allocation of the gasoline tax.. 248 The 'Hater Superintendent was authorized to purchase a wheel barrow for ::loving dirt at the pumping plant. The Marshul was directed to call the attention of J. L. Kiernan agent of Judge yakey, to the fire hazard from storing wood at the entrance of the old theatre building. the 'lerk wao directed to issue a water warrant to J. 'd. Dyson for $1.50 winner in w guessing contest on amount of water passing thru small opening held to educate the general public in respect to leaks within the property lihe. the following dills ti,ere presented: GErdERAL 2U U) Tire Shop, gas for grader &c $$ 15.97 P. O. Machine dorks, tooth for grader 27.88 Howes Hardware sundry supplies $ 9.73 Aetna Life Ins Go insurance for Volunteer fire Dept.. 125.00 Moore Auto Service gas 3.51 J. P. Joslin wood for Town Hall 6.00 Howe Motor Go 1 set chains for Fire `:.'ruck 8-75 E/ F. Zahller sharpening saw .50 W A`fER FUND R. J. Curetti, sundry disbursements 2�60 Elmer Hill onde days work at $b per du.y 5.00 Tire Shop, gas for coupe 3..36 H. O. Transfer Go coal for pump houue and trucEcing at water tanks $$ 11.75 Howe Motor Go :yodel T. Ford for Dept. 46.58 Howes Hardware, sundry supplies � 9..65 Olympic Iran & Mach 1r1e, work on Ford &c .9.30 Seattle Plumbing Go pipe and supplies 11.08 Puget "ound Nbv. Co freight on pipe & c 1.00 and warrants were ordered dra On &o t t'e I �L therefor ed � MAYOR Feb. 27/ 1933 Council met tgis evening at 7:30 M. Present Layor Grieveana Councilmen Stevenson 'Futon and Fleming. 11inutes of the meeting of Feb. 14/33 were read ana apnrovea. "'he Cleric read a letter from the Department of Health, Division of Sanitation in respect to a sewer system f-ir the 'Town and the matter waa laid on the table for the time being. J. Dyson appeared before the Council in respect to laying a siaewalk, on Dwight ";treet and the !iarshal ano Street Superintendent were directed to. measure the distance 249 from the corner.at Blanchardrs Store to Dwight Street, and thereafter give the grace for the sidwwai,,c. The Clerk was directed to write the Standard Oil Co in respect to washing their truc-rs and permitting other trucks to bewashed, and the arainage running an tree siae wal',�s and as,< them to remedy conditions: The Cler'r_ was directed to sscure a copy of ttie Bremerton Plumbing Ordinance. The followirjg bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Harley Nortoh, rear axle houseing for truck and sharpening saw Rensselaer ValveCo. wrenches for Fire Dept. ti'dATE: F U'TD J. 1). Rose, one 'days work J. W. Fran'clin one days work Grant Borchers. one day' s wrt orK Duce Electric Uo'. repairs &c at Pudiping plant James Dyson prize on enucati,nal guessing contest R. J. Caretti lumber and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. O%moion t1ne CLE"RTC 03.00 $3.18 $5.00 5 .00 $5�00 $5.02 $1.-50 $3 -79 t MAYOR Mar. 13/1933. Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present were Mayopr Grieve, and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Carlise Minutes of the meeting of 2eb. 211tti 1933 were react and gpproved. Councilmen Stevenson reported in reference to the charge of lights at West Bay Cline q.nd '{itsap in order to light up the triangle improved by the American T,egion,;and stated that the American Legion would bear the cost of an additional light for a perbod of 2 years, which action was approved.: J. U. Moss appeared before the Council in reference to having the water turned on at the .haw property. It was explained to him that this property was delinquent on water rent, and that in accordance with the statute the water could not be turned on until it was paid up. The clerk was however directed to write to Mrs. Effie Sweeny, in charge of the property explaining the matter, and as'cing her to pay up the water rent. Roy IIowe and, James Dyson appearea before the Council in reference to making Dwight St a b8 fa ot street, instead of a b6 foot street, and the Council went can Pam, record as approving this, the same however to be arzzomplishea by vacating 4 feet on each side tner.eof, and th.e Clerk was airected to prepare the necessary petition for a legal vacation to the above extent. 250 The matter of the old fire House on the Court House grounds in front of the ' ) new Juvenile Building, was referred to Allen 'Totten, Fire Chief, with'full powerto act. Monte Brown appear before the Council in reference to the cost of two installations of hydrants on 6ydney Street. ana he was informed one would probably cost $85.00 and the other about $100.00 It was axrangert that the finance Committee could meet at the office of the Clerk on Thursday evening earth 16th 1933 at v.30 P. M. fco go into the matter of adjusting the finances oi' the town, to the reduced accessed valuation fo the 40 mill tax levy next year. The "Water, Superintendent presented a :fetter from the Golden Anderson Valte Specialty Co. of Fulton Building Pittsburgh W. in reference to a check valve for the stand by pump; which would cost $350.00f.o.b. factory. The Water Effuperinterident re- -ported that the representative of the Rennasselaer Va.live Co thought they has a valve which could accomplish the purpose for around 436.and the Water Superintendent was directe to see ix' the Company w,Ouid riot place this valve in on trial for a short time to see if it could answer the purpose. The Street Superintendent was authorized to purchase an old Ford axle essemble for not over U on which to mount his concrete mixer. Permission was granted to use the cree'c flowing throught the City Park at the foot of 'ottery 'till for the rearing ana propagating of fish. fhe Water buperintendent brought up the matter of reducing the water rate of the of P. Cemetery for their use of the meter during the summer to a flat rate of $5 per month but Vne Council was of the .opinion that the cemetery should pay the regular meter rates. The following kills were presented: GE1.47—RAL FUND Harley Norton rubber mat ror grader $1..25 Bowes Jiardware sundry su--)plies $1.81 -fort Orchard Machine Wl,: y, wor', on truc'c $6.7b. Standard Oil Co. oil an(! grease $6,07 Howe a.Iotor `Ii gas for lire 1bept. ana City Park $1.76 WATER FUND A. -�;. Adair . one day's wor'c at 5 per day 115.00 Howes Hardware sundry supplies $6.61 Howe 'Yot.or Uo supplies .95 O1ymic Iron & I,Fachine Ij'�'cs .70 na warrants were orderj,n therefor. �On "in t rnee g a j ourned . l CLER L MAYOR. 251 i March 27/33 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. 1. Present iiayor Grieve, and Councilmen Radey Stevenson Norton Fleming and Corliss. 11inutes of the Meeting of Ylarch 13/1933 were read and approved.. G. 11. Stoc!c appeared before the Council and asked for permission to talce dirt from Seattle Avenue, and permission was granted him to do so under the super- visi.in of the Street Supe rintenaent. The Street Superintendent was directed to place guard rails at the street ends of De -\'alb at Judge Sutton's and the crest end of vivision. The matter of a beer ordinance was discussed ana the matter was continued until the next meeting. James Dyson and others presented a petition for the vacation of Dwight Street four feet on the north sides and four feet on the south side from the east- ern margin of Sidney to the eastern margin of Seattle Avenue, and it appearing to the Council that the signatures on said petition represented more than two- thirds of the records owners of property on that part of Dwight Street sought to be vacated, a formal resolution was adopted slitting a hearing on said petition for the 24th Say of April 1933 at the Town Hall at 7:30 P. M. and the Clerk was by said resolution directed to post the legal notices required by law. The 1"inance C6pmittee presented their report, and the same was duly adopted as read except that the duties of Marshal shall continue to be performed by Mr. Caretti until further notice, but without salary: Coumcilmen Corliss recommended asking the noteholders of the Old Fair Ass- ociation to consent to receive only $200 this year instead of $400 and make it up �mw on the fire truck this year, and this recommendation received the approval of the Council. The Clerk called attention to the fact that he had received from aarley Norton a map of the monuments of the town, which was in a very torn and worn condition. and the Clerk was directed to take up with 'r. Fiedler the ma[cing of a new snap therefrom, from which blue prints could be printed. The Water Superintendent was authorivded to purchase 6 new Nash meters, or up to ten if a concession on price could be gained. The following bills were presented: WATER FUND Federal Pipe & Tanic Co bands $3.74 R. G. Vose labor onde day at $5.per day 5.¢Q Joseph, Gill labor one day at $5 per day $5.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. • on,motion t me ing adjourned �dAYOR 252 Aipril 10/1933 Council met this evening; at 7:30 11. M. Prezent L"layor Grieve and Councilmen Radey Stevenson, 27orton, Fleming and Corliss MinUtCIS of the meeting of march 27A,933 were read and upproved.. the matter of a Beer ' rdinance was discussed, and the consensus of opinion of the council was that the; matter should be handled by a sales tax such as enacted by Tacoma, with a small_ license fee for regulatory purposes, and the matter was referred to the Finance Committee to draft an ordimance in accordance with these general views. The Cler'c was directed to ussue a duplicate warrant or one in lieu of one lost or destroyed to the: order of the Aetna Life Insurance Co, for $1.254-100 for the on the Cler'- reporting that a proper indemnifying bond has been filed in his office. i'he attention of the Street Superintendent was called to the fact that a plank needed attention in front of the C. C. Johnson place on ]-lottery Hill. the Cler'- was directed to write to the fLlpert Luxton to remove the garbage dumped on the north side of Bay Street in front of the Dufield premises. The Street Superintendent was directed to give notice that no more autombrbile bodies should be dupmped into the Town garbage dump. 'later "uperintendent Caretti, reported that the new check valve from the Renssaler Valbe Co had been installed and `vas working so satisfactorj7ly that he was now using the Union Steam nump instead of the 2airbanks horse. Co. the former delivering a better flow of water under the improved conditions - the Cler'c was directed to notify the Puget Sound ]-lower & Light Co to -make the shift of light from the Able to the triangle of the American Legion at Viest Bay, Cline F: "iesap. ' The water Superintendent was directed to brim; in an estimate for therecondit- i )ning �f the side,,,i al'c on 'itsan on the south side of the pmmping plant and the nlacing, of a railing. "ermiu5i;)n was gr:,nted to the Street S'unerirtendent to use the Potter Hill :'Loae T7use for i.mnroving the town �;arage. The f,llowing bills were presented: GEIT R.1L 2U1 D Harley* Norton. wheels and frame for mounting concrete mixer 4..25 r. n. 34achine repairs to r..iotor truc1c $25.75 Tire ship UL,s for `'treet Dent. $26.39 1." cAl--)in Schreiner Co -bra'�-e drums & c for truc'c $ 8.77 Stanard '�il Go gas 2..47 Willia.ris Uardware springs & c: N .85 'towe ' otor Co. repairs to grader ?- c 7.12 �'. ^ . T.-acl3 ine. Vlor'rs . wor',� on L;rader 9.-75 253 2i.TER FU?tD C yrnric Iron 8c !trac',iine or'-s. sharpening; pic'cs $ .45 iovres ?Tardware gate valve & c ' 4.-47 Rensselaer Valve Co. chec'- valve for Union Stear, oump ;_,nd fittings $39.10 F. P. Arnils labor installing chec'c valve as above 3.00 Ieloore Auto Servicegas for co:Ape 4..54 calmer suuply Co e11s & c 6._83 Tire Shop gas ' 4.-29 W. W. Yalters in,,- pad for. C1er', 50 L,.nd warrants were ordered drawn therefor On T ' on the meeting r-dj ourned WCv,R" 1,".. r IrI AYOR Apr. 24th 191-3 ' Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M.. Present Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey Fleeing and Qorl i ss . 'Vinutes of the meeting of �-�pril 10th 1933 were read and approved.- It was reported that the garbage dumped on the north side of the street in front of the N field property had been removed. the `'ler'c presented Ordinance No. 398 the "Beer" ordinance as drafted by the i{'inance Committee, and the same was read, and with some minor changes was duly adopted.. Councilmen Radey, Pleming and Corliss voting in fava-r of such an ado?Dtion. f 'The C1er'c presented Ordinance No. 399, vacating four feet on the north side and four feet on the south side of Dwight Street from the Eastern margin of Sidney Street to the western margin of Seattle Avenue, and the same was duly adapted us read, Councilmen Radey, Flem. ng and Corliss voting in favor of its adoption. The matter of the bul'-head was discussed and placed on the continued calendar. The dater Superintendent reported that it would be necessary to remain about 350 feet of wate-r ripe in front of the Court House on Division to Cline Street, and recommended that a valve be placed at Division and Cline. He was directed to secure the nelcessa.•y pipe and actual order for the work was deferred until the next meeting. 254 Marley "Iorton as Street Superintendent presented 4 work projects, to be pre- sented to the 'itsap County .MelfaTe Board, and the Clerk was directed to put these in pr Oner shape and forward to 1.Ir. Davies of the V+elfare Board.. The Water Superintendent was authorized to sell the pipe when taken up in front of the Court 'muse for the best -rice noscible. The following bills were presented.' GE '-TERAL FUND. n. D. Fiedler redrawing And tracing of monument mar of the 2cwn and four blue prints Harley Norton lumber for door of garage Pacific T & T. Co long distance calls WATER FUND G . Borchers one day` s w.or'� at '�4 per day ?ort Orchard Transfer Co coal for rump house Puget Found Nay. Co frei�,ht on pipe Palmer Supply Co Wipe and curb cocks Standard ')il Co oil for motor and warrants vaere ordered drawn therefor ')n motion the meeti adjourned C r��R' t17 .00 5 ..56 $ .45 4.00 , Ix-30 3.00 $14.00 8 .52 MAYOR tay 8/19 S 3 Council -net this evening at 7:30 daylight saving time. Present 11ayor Grieve and Councilmen Stevenson., Norton, and Fleming. ',"inutes of the meeting of i1pril 24/1933 were read and approved. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 400 adopting daylight saving time from the effective date of the Ordinance to Sept. 24/33 at 2 A. 'V.. and the same was duly a .adopted Councilmen Stevenson, Norton and -Fleming voting in favor of its adoption.. The Clerk presented a.pplicati,)n for Freer licenses as follows, Ttyhre & Ryla.nder Jo:-en,nirie Blackqiore Charles Axner Joser.hine Cook Charles E . IIac'cett Fr n'r V:. p e t e t t, ort Orchard Pharmacy. and the Cler'c w�ko directed to issue. a license until July 1/33 against payment of the pro rata license fee for six rnontns.. The Viater Superintendent was instructed to proceed with remaining about 350 feet with new I)6ue in front of the Court I1ouse on Division Street. 255 The Cler'c, was directed to pay J.. Nueernberger fur burning refuse at the garbage dump each mmnth the sure of �4 instead of $5 as formerly. The Cler'c.-was directed to allocate one hour per day to the Marshal, job u-nd seven hours per day for the ;`:ester 'dar'-cs for R. J. C4retti in respect to the computa.tiozi of Industrial insurance and Pledical A letter was read from the Eastern Star Club in respect to destruction of shrubbery and lawn at the alxasonic '_fall, and the matter wL-s referred to the Marshal for attention. The following bills were presented: GEI13ERkL FUND Duke Electric Co lamp for Fire Dept. i.08 Howe Motor Co cable for grader 1.-06 Standard nil Ca gas for grader 5.10 P. 0. Machine Worres sharpening tools & c k' .85 Howes Iardware; sundry items for Street Supetintenaent �26..56 Williams Hardware bolts and springs ,48 J.. I'. Joslin wood for Twwn ?Tall 4..00 Olympic Iron 4 Machine vVor'{s, work on concrete mixer vehicle & c $10.38 F . F . Zahller —sharpening tools 1.25 Als Super Service gas a-42 StandardOnii Co gam s 3.-9C Vhr TER FUND Joseph Gill 1 days work at $4 per day 4.00 J. D. Rose one day'`s work at $4 per day 4_00 J. P. Joslin, socket wrenches 2.50 Williams Hardware, .stop and waste y� ..85 j FIowes Hardware,' sundry supplies 9.70 Concrete Pipe Co concrete meter boxes and covers $14.60 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. I On motion the meeting a, djourned.. ` � r F i C MAYOR I May 22/33 Council met this eve Mg at 7:30 P. Its. Present vuere Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Hadey Norton and Fleming. Minutes of the meeting 'of Ilay 8/1933 were read and approved.. A delegation consisting of .Messrs, England, Anslow and Wilson appeared before the Council and urged the installation of a fire hydrant on Cline betwee/y West Bay and Dwight, and action on the matter was deferred pending a proposed I improvement of De 1falb & Cline Streets. F A delegation consisting of Messrs, Lindall, Boyd and E-elly appeared before the Council. in respect to Tutting in a 4 inch pipe line running from Tacoma 256 Avenue east on Sroufe .venue and as'ced did from the Town in installing this main. _fter discussion it was duly voted that the Town would give $50 towards the improve- ment. to be charged to the Ua.ter -Fund, the work to be done under the supervision of the `-�:�ter Superintendent and the 'town to enter into un agreement with the parties putting in the main th-t )arties ta-)ping s,me in the future would have to kZxg.MtxxxZdx"x:khe oa�zt�r�xlxgn�$��x�xx��x�gx�Y share the pro rata cost thereof, to be reutrn- ed ti the original installers of the pipe line. The cost of 1>ipe & c was estimated at 3150 and the pasties installing the main are to do the digging of the trench for the mein. It was estimated that the total amount of possible consumers on the line viould be 10. The ':'later superintendent was authorized to purchase 5 additional Trash meters. The following bills viere presented: GE'IIERAI; FUITD John H. Patti�son, to 4 days wort at $8 per day preparing data to submit to ritsap County Welfare Board on nro,)osed improvement of Roc'cwell . venue and Pe 'alb & Cline St 32.00 G . McGuire, 3 hours wor'r. at 50c an .lour fighting fire at g�.rbage dump $ 1.50 , ire Shop gas tube and boots :t,�,ll.23 Pacifice T &tT Co long distance Xcall .15 Wallace N Walters carbon sheets for Council mimutes 3.50 WATER FUITD Tire Shop, gas tire and tube 9.41 Palmer Supply Co gate valve 4.56 Rensselaer Valve Co valve $12..00 National Meter Co 5 Trash 171eters 48.38 Fish T�otor Co repairs to coupe S 2.40 DIVI; 19N ST RE11AUTTNG J. I'ant:.,ges 3 days at 64 -)er day cb 12.00 -Floyd Brant 2 days at 84 per day 8.00 A. H. Adair 5 clays 1-L hou.rs at $4 ;, er aay 20.75 R. L. T'emo 4 days 11 hours 16.75 R. G. Vose 4 days 1 hr at $4 per day 16.50 George J. Payne 1 day at $4 per day 4..00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. The Clerk was directed to apply the labor on the -ivi Sion Street remaining, to the water rent to accrue in the future in r espect to each one rendering services. The Cler'c was directed to send a bill of $5 to the Annapolis Water Co fur services of R. J. Caretti installing new line on Perry Street. 'fin motion the meetin e I I. CyER , M 11ULYOR 257 June 12/1933 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. 14. Present mayor Grieve and Council- men Rad'ey, Stevenson. Norton and Fleming. Minutes of the meeting of May 22/33 were read and approved. The. Council confirmed the purchase of b second hang Corey Hydrants from the Y=erican Plumbing & Supply Co at $20.bO each. The Clerk'presentea a letter from W. H. Gillard of Cedar Rapids, Ia-wa in respect to a 1','100 delinquent LLD bond, and the Cleric was directed to write him expressing sympathy in his situation, but pointing, out that the Council could do nothing in the matter. The Clerk presentea a form of Resolution giving to Jahn Lindall and associatk5 installing the 4 inch water main in front of their property the right to collect a pro rata from future consumers connectiong with this main, and after the same was auly amended in some particulars, the same was duly adopted: The Street Superintendent brought up the matter of the renting of the old Hester Logging Lump at the foot of Water Street for dumping purposes, but the consensds or opinion of the Council;. -,-was that Al Hester still hart rights in the dump, and no action was ta'cen thereon. In this connection Mr. Caretti, the Water Superintendent, pointed out that the loggers now using the old Hester dump were hauling logs through town with hard tires, ana damaging the streets ^na water mains, ana after aisc}assion, the Clerk was airected to write a letter to the Street Superintendent„ authorizing him to confer with the said loggers, ana inform them that the Town did not wish then to haul their logs throughe town ana to suggest to them that they take their logs out by way. of Bethel and Gump them in the east end of Town, but if they ctia haul them thru town they must use pneumatic tires, haul lighter loads and in- demnify the'town from any damage growing out of such hauling. The Clerk was further directed to call the attention of the Street Superintendent and he in turn ©f the loggers to the provisions of Section 6839 of Remington'`s Revised Statutes authorizing the Town to close the town streets to a type of ve- hicle or loads 6estructive to the Town streets of water mains: The matter of the flat rate of $25 for the Court .11ouse water was presented b+V the (county Commissioners. The Mayor announced that he mould sail for Honoluly on Juhe 21st 1933, to be gone about stx weetcs, and Harry Radey was appointee 1.cting Mayor fxom June 21st 1833 until the 16•Zayor*s return. i The Cler'c was directed to prepare and the Marshal wan directed to post the usual notice in,respect to the firecracker ordinance. The next meeting of the Council was duly voted to be held on Tuesday June 27, the 1933, instead of Monday .Tune 26th 1933. The following bills were presented: i E 258 GEI,fEI:U,.L FUIM Port Orchard Ihdependent. publishing ordinances Tire Shop. gas &c Howe 11otor Co. towing auto out of hitch ort Orchard "Machine VA s , sharpening tools Williams 11araware roc': fors Duce Electric Co. lamps for Fire Dept. Fis- Ielotor Co. gas Puget S-)und News Co 110100 envelopes t-o-r Clerk -Lowes "Iaraware, supplies Moore Auto Service; gas Harley Norton Lumber WATER MID Port Orchard Indeptnaent, turn on and off notices 'ire 'hop, ,-erosene ana. gas Stuart Con'clin, pipe boring machine Port ')rch_tra 11da,chine 'dor'cr, ma'• -ink; Darts Federal Pipe &_Tan;c Co pile for Division St main 11owes Ha,raware general supplies Olympic Iron & ITachine 'Wor'.cs Moore :auto Service gas Puget Sound :^Fay. Co freight on -ipe &c Williams Hardware sunrlies Carl ''oenpel, .1 -days wor'r at .? '4 per day ana warrants were drawn therefor. ,)n motion the meeting adjourned. c IE' June 27/1933 $ 39.45 19.20 1.00 .75 1.95 1.08 4 4..38 1.53 12.19 6.86 ...71 3.50 .91 4.80 4.64 ' $116 .02 9.31 5.70 fp 4.20 a 5.15 1.20 4.00 Council met this evening at 7:30.I. M. 11arry rta.dey, 21.cting Mayor presided, and present Councilmen Radey. Stevenson, Morton i{leming and Corliss. minutes of the meeting of June 12//933 were read a nd approved. `jhe Street Superintendent way authorized to purchase arain tile and other materials to rna-e improvements under the aetail furnished by the T'itsa.p County Welfare Board. the Water Superintendent brought up the matter of ma',ing a tap with the East Bay Street main for the Garbarino property and the possible necessity of digging thru the hard surface and the hater Superintendent vrr s a.uthorizea to furnish several ld�ngttis of pipe to obviate this. A warrant was authorized to be drawn in the sure of $400 to pay riowe motor l%o for the balance due on the fire truc'c. lnother warrant was authorized to be drawn to !Harley Lorton for a deficit of 019.88 in subscriptions to oiling Sidney south from yivision ana to ta':e care of the Towns pro rata in respect to the City Park property. The Water Superintendent brought up the m ttei of Mrs. Hamilton's arrearagee in paying tapping fee and water rent, a nd he was authorized to permit the Yr tter to run along ror the time IDeing. 259 I r- The Street Ouperintendent was authorized to take out iroperty Damage and Public Liability in respect to the dump truck of the Town. The f'cllowing bills were presented: GENERAL FU.1TD Harley Norton deficit on oiling South Sidney St and to take care of Town's pro rata for Park Property 19.88 Howe Motor Co balance on Fire Truck $400�00 American La France & Foamite Co, suits and masks for firemen. $ 42.34 Pacific T &.T Coilong distance calls $ .55 WATF;1 FUIM Verne -Corliss, 4 hours work Sidney St Break :'.2- 00 J. C. Bowles Co linen hose $ 6.22. Palmer Supply Co'pipe valves and cocks 19.30 Rensselaer Valve -Co valve $ 12.00 Neptune deter Co'repairs to meters 22.60 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor On motion the meeting adjourned lo CLER=� ';CT NG MAYOR July loth 1933 Council met this evening at 7:30 I'm M. Present Acting I+dayor Radey and Councilmen Stevenson, t-Torton and Corliss. Minutes of the Meeting of June 27/33 were recta and approved. I Ed Bradley! appeared "before the Council Sind a,skea that a water meter he moved which was installed near his property line for the G. C. Boyd property, and the Water Superintendent was directed to Trove the same. It was suggested that a bus atop be established in front of the Community Theatre ana the matter was referreo to the Street Superintendent with power to Act. The matter of stop signs at lateral streets running into Sidney and Cline, rand the matter of putting a cautionary sign at the top of` Sidney �l 11 was re- ferred to the Street superintendent with power jsto make a rrap ,Is required by the statute. and have the same ready to be acted on at the next meeting of the Council. The Clevc was directed to write to F. W. Pettitt than!,:ing him for the don- ation of a clock for trie Council room. 260 The 'rater Superintendent was directed to furnish estimate for installing hydrant for Monte Brown and of hers . The Water Superintendent reported that he had an estiffiate from the -Puget Sound P. & I, Co of $147.26 f'o--- installing control line from pump to tank on Sidney dill. It was auly voted that the Water Superintendent be authorized to install such a Line, but also to get gi.gures from the Dusce Electric Co. The Acting Hayor and Cler1c were author! ed to sign a warrant for $200 to the Pa.cit'ic .National Ban'c, Trustee, as soon as a voucher was received, to pay the in- stalment for this year on the Fair Grounds property, reducea for this year by the note holders t'rom �400 to 5"200. It wao duly voted that tTarley Lorton Street Superintendent and R. J. Caretti, Vlat�ter Superiritenaent, be granted one week's va,citi on, e�Ich to td'ce care of the other's wor;- while absent and to be arranged by them as to time and c. The f olloiiiing bills were presented: GE 'MMAL FUND Reliance Ylotor Co gas 1.62 Standard oil Co gas � 1.,85 Howes Ilaraware Sundry supplies 1.70 F. 0. 1achine Mcs sharpening grader teeth 5..15 Howe 'Rotor Co gas for .Fire �Lruc'-- Lc 1..20 .':'uget Sound ;' & L. Co moving street light frorn Odd Fellows Hall to Triangle 2.63 Als Super Service gas <k 1.43 Tare Shop gas and repair tire $11.55 WATER FUND Puget Sound Nay. Co f'gt on pipe &c $ 5.93 Rensselaer Valve Co Valve anti pipe $17.25 Reliance Motor Co gas 3 2.19 OiDim7pic iron & l schine w'cs clamps for water mein &cc $12.40 '!owes hardware supplies 2.44 P. I. Liacoine VTcs sharpening chisels ._50 E. F. Zahller sharpening tools v 1.75 Bowe `fotor Co Dent battering charging batter &c Fora C. 1.60 Palmer Supply Co coc'cs &c $�00 J. C. Bowies Co ;pipe $ 9.74 Tire Shop gas & repair tire $ 6.38 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor On motion the meting adjourned ACTING MAYOR July 24/33 Council met tEiis evening at 7:30 M. l:'reseint Acting mayor Radey and Council- man and Councilmen Stevenson Iforton, Pleming and Corliss. a=Iinutes of the meeting of July lOth :1933 were read and approved. George A -Iastings, Director of the itsap County 'delfare Board was present and 261 A presented information in respect to building trun`c sewers from federal and state money, but the matter of proceeding to apply gor a loan for such purpose was C"'111 held under advisement by the Council. The Clerk presented figures from the 'iitsap County Dank as to rates for property damage and public liability insurance bor the dump truck- and water coupe as follows: ,Property dariage (Public liability 511 to 1011ji 'Public liability 10ILI to201r y110.00 15.00 $17.50 ana the Cler'< was directed to authorize the-�itsap County 13ank to write such insurance. the karshal was directed to request Charles Lawrence to remove the trailer from in front .of the McLeod property; and Tyr. Rowley from parking his truck � partly on the siaewallc , in front of the Rowley property on Cline Street. The matter of allowing a certain amount of water to the K. of P. cemetery for the flat rate of �.1.50 was aiscussed, and it was finally voted to allow them 20,000 gallons for U01.50, ana after that to be charged for at the regular, ratethis special rage to be applicable to the .July, bill. Xhe Plater 6uperintenaent stated that he had placed a meter at the Court liouse Itt the request of the County Commissioners. the attention of the Street 1uperintendent was called to the condition of the siadwal'c between .Joslin's property and Ainsworth Store on Nest Bay ana he was airected to patch the same. The mattes of control. between sump and tan'c on hill was discussed, and the matter of installing wires was le$'t to the discretion of the Water Supt. as to whether he wou ld have the same done by the Light Co or by Messrs. -v.'cWade and Toops. lie was directed to secure a letter from the eight Co that no rental charge would be made for stringing the wires on the light Co''s poles. -He was directed to secure quotations frora the Duke Electric Co when it came to installing the c o:Itrols, The Cler-I presented a resolution fof the City of Bremerton petitioning Governor Martin to take over the AlanetteX1 Bridge as a free bridge, ana the Clerk presented a similar resoultion, a.na the same was duly a4opted by the Council. `ihe following bills were presented: GEIT RRJ�L FUND J. K. Peterson; postage L. W. xiorjes, � second hand hydrants F. C . Vfyc'coff. ; County Treas. taxes on Fair Grounds property 1931/2 Francis M Applegate cost recoraing contract between Pacifiq ;gat. Baa,z Trustee and ''own for Pair Grounds property Pacific T & T qo Long distance messagets Pacific -'at. Banc Trustee reduced instalment on Fair Grounds property 0 2.50 110.70 15.35 1.35 .55 262 WATER iUND Was!iington _'ipe & Tan:-, Co. pipe ror Oroufe -:venue Water extension American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co pipe 7Ta,tional, —eter Co 5 meters Ideal Service Station, grinding valves water coupe ilalmer Supply Cc pipe and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. ')n motion the meet:L adjourned p114.32 10.05 48.93 p 4.15 vV 10.26 L� ,, C'T IIIG MAYOR jug. 14,133 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. 7-'resent 1dayor Grieve,and Councilmen Ra,aey. IT,,rton, and Fleming. I:."inutes of the meeting of the �?4th of J�du1y, 1933, were recta and approved. John P. Fellows, of the _rImerican Legion, appeared before the Council ana requestea -)ermission to erect a building for the local Legion on the City Park ,7roperty and the Cler'c was directed to a 51c th(- Park Board to ,it in with the Council on a consideration of the matter at tkie next Council meeting. r� oetitian �a: t':iled by I. i'ce Hoar land, Chas .:xr�er a,za 9 others for the in- stallation of a fire hydrant in the vicinity of 1.)wight & Cline, the petitioners to pa3i2the proportionate cost Viereof, ana the '�duter Superintendent was uirected t i install the same at once. The 13treet Superintendent submitted a map of the stop signs in the town recently erected, z-.no the same was duly adopted as the official map of stop signs in the '_'own. ''he Street Superintendent was authorizea to order 2JO feet of S inch concrete oipe una b-0 feet of 6 inch concrete _pipe. T1ae Street Superintendent was authorized to repair the Bay Street pa.yement. the Cler'r �wA- s directed to write John Rider, "itsap .rev Co, Judge H. G.Sutton and Ed Bancrur to cut brusr. from ttaeir w,,1'cs in front of their respective properties. `L'he permanent employees of the town were put on the basis of a 5 Say week, extent that they would be subject to emergencies. the '%,later, Lju-;erinterioent was cirected to repair rust snots on the dater tank ana riser. Tie following bills were presented: 263 r GENERAL �'ULTD John Pattison,. surveying for siaewalk grace in front of �,xner- property. Fort Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber State Treas. registration title bee on .Fire 'Truck ana Lump true c. Fis!c .Motor Co gas Kitsap Co Inv; `,o property damage and liability Ins. on dump truck wort Orchara Machine Vlor,cs, grader blade & c Standard Oil Lb gas Williams Rdwe sundry items +J. S. Darley & Co Street signs Fisk Votor Co repair to dump truck Stevens Tire :Whop gas WATER FUND. Joe Gill one days w oric at $4 per day George J Payne one day' s wor!c at $4 per day Port Orchard Lumber yard lumber State Treasurer, fee on registra:Lion title water coupe Fisk Motor Co repairs to water coupe itsap Co Invo nnoperty damage and public liability on water coupe Port Orchard ILNchine Works, bushing extractor Howes -1lardware °sundry supplies rational Meter Co 5 Nash meters Howe 11ilotor Co repairs to water coupe 'd+illiams Hardware, auger bit F . P. Arnold, i.nstaliing Court house meter Steve's l ire 01-v)p, gas and warrants wez•e ordered dray+in therefor. ,I • �� .�otio t e et l g adjourned a�aYOR 's 1.00 2.92 4P27 .55 24.94 $ 2.58 $ 5.40 $10.14 9 .6-0 $13.35 4.00 4.00 1.38 $ .5c) 3.95 �26.55 2 .'15 3..84 y$48.93 5> 2.83 .75 2.00 7.05 AUgUst 28/33 Council me t this evening at 7:30 P, M. Present Mayor %rieve, and Council- men Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming andGorliss. Minutes of the meeting of Aug/1433 were read and approved. A. 3). Corliss appeared before the Council and asked the endorsement of the Council in respect to his acting as Merchant Patrol for the merchants of the Town and it wasduly voted that he be endorsed as Merchant Patrol, and the Clerk was directed to give him a letter to this effect. The Clerk prresented Ordinance No. 401, wepealing Ordinance 1Ta. 400 es- tablishing daylight Saving time, and providing that after Aug 27/33 at 2 A, M standard time was the official time of the Town, and the same was duly adapted; Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss voting in favor of same.. 264 The Town Treasurer was authorized to commence foreclosure proceedings in re- spect to delinquent instalments in the Sidney Street Water Extension Lld #33, as such foreclosure is mandatory under the statute after two annual instalments are delin- quent. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to Lucille Andrews in reference to her � property on Bay Street near harriosn as a fire menace to the community and to remedy conditions,.and also to Charles Lawrence in reference to accumulation of oil at the entrance to -his wrecking establishment as a fire menace, and ask that these conditions be abated at once. The Street Superintendent reported that the axle on the dump truck had broken, and after discussion as to the advisability of spending any more money on the truck, he was directed to have the same repaired. The Water Superintendent reported that he had commenced to paint the blisters on the water tan' and riser. The matter of leasing lots to the American Legion at the City Park was taken up. Messrs Corlias and Wilson of the Park Board were present, and after discussion, the matter was re-ferred to the Park Board, first to secure the written consent of all members of t-he Par'c Board to the Proposed lease, and second, to select the Lots and draw up a proposed form of lease and submit it to the Council at its next meeting.. The Water Superintended reported that the electric control be*ween the sump and tank had been installed and was working nicely. The Clerk was directed to write W; W Markham asking him to keep on his awn property his own large police dog in respect,6to which complaints had been made. The matter of the Budget for 1934 was discussed and whether the Council should call a special electi-)n to vote additional millage to the 15 mills provided by law. The Cleric presented Ordinance No. 442, providing for a,n;f additional 5 mill leYy for gemeral purposes, snd a 3 mill special levy for the sole purpose of oiling hte streets of the Town, and after discussion, the said ordinance was duly adopted, Councilmen R--dey, Stevenson: Norton, Fleming and Corliss toting in favor of its adoption. The Finance Committee was authorised to prepare a statement for the qualified electors of the Town showing the necessity for such additional village:, and the Finance Committee set Thursday evening Aug. 31st at 8 P. M. at the office of the Clerk when the statement would be prepared. The follovaing bills were presented: 265 GENERAL FUND Maurice Wallas) 18 hours street wcrr'� on Bay St paving G. McGuire 1. d4ye work on Bay St paving Pacific T & T : Co long distance messages Tric'c & Murray, annual election supplies Standard Oil C`0 tar for Bay st Paying Francis M.Applgate, transportation two tripe to Fragari a to cab ain right of way from M. B . Fountain Bay St p*ring. Lowman & Hanfod Co general eecl:pts far Town Streets WATER PM National Meter Co Court. House meter American Plumbing & Sts*am supply Co freight on pipe and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. m e ng ad j purred $1.45 $3.65 $6.30 �5.QO �l 4C9 #54 . a . .-5 0 MAYQR Sept 11/33 Council met this evening at. 7:3Q P. M. Present Mayor Grieve and Council- men Stevenson, $orton and Corliss.. Minutes of the meeting of Aug.28/33 were read and approved. Fire Chief`:Tatten appeaw.ed before the Council and recommended the adapt.* ion of a code for erection of climneys and installation of electric lighting,, to reduce the fire rick, and the matter was discussed but na action taken. The ClerIc resent4d the Budget for the yeaa.1934 an the bads of the 15 mill levy, and resolution setting Monday Oct 2/33 at 7:30,P. M. as the time for hearing the°same and making the tax levy for 1934, and the same was duly adopted. Messrs !Stevenson, Norton and Corliss voting in favor, of the resolution, The financial report of the State Examiner of the finances of the Yawn,of Port Orchard from Septl/31 to July 31/33 was submitted to the Council, and the Council directed that the comments of the Examiner be published in the Port Orchard Independent. The Mayor presented a proposed letter to the Bremerton Transit Dines stat- ing there was nd abjection to their running aver city streets which was endorsed by the Council, land the Clerk was directed to mail the same. The Street'Superintendent brought up the matter of ordering tile, and he was authorized to order such quantity as he deemed advisable. 266 The Water superintendent reported that the blisters on the water tank and riser had been painted. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND James Hussey, one day"..s work on grader as mechanic $ 6.00 Tire shop -gas for grader & c $ 2.30 Puget Sound Nay Go :Fgt on asphalt $ 1.15 Francis M Applegate, recording sidewalk casements $ 1..55 Howes Hdwe, general supplies 2..52 Port Orchard lumber Yard, lumber 3.02 Williams Hardward, traffice paint $ 1.80 Howe Motor Co gas &c for duTap truck $ 2,59 England & Peterson tile $33.-00 Port Orchard Machine Wks sharpening grader teeth &c $ 4.40 WATER FUND Standard Oil Co, oi:l. 3.80 Tire Shop gas for water coupe $ 6.99 Ora Pherson 4J days work assisting ainting blisters on water tan' and riser at 4 per day $18.00 Puget Sound Nay. Co ggt on pipe ft 5.95 Olympic Iron & Machine Wks, appliance fbr painting water tank &c $ 8.93 Howes Hdwe sundry supplies $28.89 Howe Motor Co repairs to water coupe $ 6.82 Reming Rand Co sheets for consumers water ledger $ 2.90 Port Orchard Machine Wks supplies for painting water t ank $ 5.03 Port Orchard Lumber Yd lumber $ 248 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor Qthe meeting j ourned e Mayor Sept. 25/3.3 �l Council met this eyening at 7;30 P. M. Pres:sot Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of Sept. 11/33 were read and approved. The Clerk presented letters in re: conference on public works projects at at the New Washington Hotel, Seattle, Wash. on Thursday Sept 28/33 at 10 A,M.. but the consensus of opinion of the Council was that the Town should not under- take the construction of trunk sewers at this time, and that it was not nee-eseary for the Town to be represented at this conferenoe« 267 `' The Clerk wad directed to write Fred Peterson to remove earth from gutter in front of his property on the south side of Division and to write E. G. Harmon to construct an 8 inch culvert at the crossing in front of his property on Division Street. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Reliance Motor Co gas for St. Dept.. 4..64 Pacific T & T Co long distance calls $ .30 Trick & Murray pe4manent registration supplies $69.50 Standard Oil Co " a-nd oil for St. De t $ 8.32 Frank MaIntgre 1 days street work at 4 $6.aa I WATER FUND Federal Pipe & Taxk Co pipe $75.2 Rennselaer Valire Oa valve $13.00 j G. McGuire 6 houri work at $4 per day $ 3.00 Puget Sound Nay. ' Co, fgt on fittings $ ..45 On mo ' on the meet ing a.—O ourned j � •. r I i ,�- C MAYOR October 2,0 1933 The Council met in special session this evening at T.-W PI X. far the purpose of passing the tax levy, for the year 1.934- Present Mayor trieYe, and Councilmen R*dey, Morton, Fleming and Go rlfss.. The Clerk prresented the election books a the special election held Sept- ember 26th 1933 for special and additional levies, which showed that Proposition No. 1 for 5 mile',s additional levy received 88.'votes for and 39 against, and that Proposition: No. for three *ills levy for oiling received 79 for and 47 against, The returns of toe election were duly canvassed by the Council and the prop- ositions were duly declared to be carried in accordance with the legal re- quirements.: The Clerk ppesented a Revised Budget for the year 1934 based an said add. itionaly aut'horizod levies, and the same was .duly adopted as the Budget for the year 19,14 . The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 403 providing for the tax levies for the year 1934, as follows: 21 mills for general purposes including 3 mills for oiling, one mill for Library and 1 Mill for Park purposes, and on motion the said ordinance was duly passed,. Councilmen Radey, Norton, Fleming and Carliss voting in favor of its adoption. n motion the meeting QQ20frokd. t MAYOR October 9th 1933 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present Mayar Grieve, and Councilmen Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corlies. Minutes of regular meeting of September 25th 1933 and the special meeting of Oct. 2/1933 were.read and approved.. I- The Clerk was directed to notify C. A. Hanks as the agent of Effie Jasiin Miller to remove the garage from Cline Street at the junction of Cline and Dwight. The Clerk was directed to notify H1mer mood, the tenants of the R. E. Ross property to keep the sidewal'c in front of the premises free from crashed rock. The Street 6uperintendent was directed to confer with County Commissioner Pattison in reference to the.drainage of Mitchell Hill Road. The Water Superintendent Vas authorized to purchase 5 additional Dash water meters. Lieutenant Rogers of the Seattle Fire Department was presented to the Council and spoke concerning fire department work, and among other things recommended the use I 1* inch hose for use in front of the fire and also suggested buying underwriters" hose. The following bills -were presented: GENERAL FUND Puget Sound Nay. Co freight on concrete pipe 4.-8G H Morand 7/8the days work at $4 er day V3.60 George J. Payne, 3 days work at 14per day $12.-00 H Lindgren one days work at $4 per day $ 4.00 Art Adair 5 days work at $4 per day $20.00 Alex McTavish, 1 days work at $4 per day $ 4.00 F. C. Wyckoff, Co Treas. installment garbage dump lots $ 5..95 Standard Oil Co gas for Street Dept. $ 9.13 Concrete Pipe Co pipe $ 7.7G ` GENERAL FUND aantinued) Howe Motor Co k .& a Rea tru c Olmpie Iron �e hine Vark-s3,. grate & c Francis M Applggate, filing fee Tow. ve Petersong Foreclosure .LLZ' assessment Port Orchard Lu,!mber Yard , lumber W. 0. Bredd, 'ir spegtro special election. Sept. 26/33 A. D. Corlis3s, ;Judge.special electron. Sept Z6/33 G. A. Broughton Judge special election Sept 26/33 Duke Electric Co. bulbs, for Fire Dept. Howes Hardware 'sundry supplies P. O. Independejnt, publishing ordinances, notfees of election and furnishing ballots & c E. F. Zahller, ;sharpening tools Puget Sound NaT T. E. Childers H. Lindgren 8 h H. Morand 2 h Federal Pipe &. P. 0. Independe Concrete Pipe C Howe Motor Co r Olmpic Iron & M Port Orohard Ma Howes Hardware Palmer Supply C Duke Elentric C water tank cont PATER FUND: Go ggt on pipe hours work at 50c an hour urs work at'50c an hour urs work at 50c an hour ank Co pipe t 5001 shutoff notices-postals Dieter boxes pairs to. Coupe chine Wks, sharpening twos & c hine forks, 4 pipe plugs undry supplies fittings electric work and supplies oll and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting wa 4 �_ G(QU(m CLERK ourned $14.64 $ 3.85 $ 5.Q0 $ 1,15 � fa r5Q fi.6a $ 6.50 $ 1.35 $ 2.d85 $4&05 $ 1.00 $ 2.45 2.20 $ 4 -00 $1l ..25 $ 5.45 84�V 22. t5 16 -50 $ 3.50 $ 2.00 $ 1.05 $17..68 $46..73 October 2:3/1933 Council met this eTening at 7:30 P. M. Present Mayor GrieTe and Council. men Radey, SteTinson, Norton and Fleming.. Minutes of ! the meeting of Oct. 9, *33 were read and approTed.. The Street superintendent was directed to fix the roof of l%he canopy of the Town Hall, The Clerk presented a Resolution from the State Highway Department required by the Bureau aX� Public Roads of the Department of Agriculture providing that no encroaehment.4 shall be permitted upon State Road No. 14 or a speed limit of 0 270 less than 25 miles per hour, and the same was duly adted, Councilmen ltadeye. SteYenson, Norton and Fleming voting for its adoption. The Street Superintendent was directed, with such necessary help as required,, to do the necessary work agreed to be done at Als Super Service Matien and the Fisk Motor Co. duce to paving the middle of Bay Street, and to fix the old wharf between Stevenecns and Cohen''s store for parking of automobile, and also Prospect from the Navy View Hotel to 1�itsap for parking purposes. The Street Superintendent was authorized to permit Lloyd Brant to take ester thru the line of George J' Payne for a temporary period of 3 to six months.. Jacob Nuerrrberger appeared before the Council and stated it was difficult to make ends meet in respect to income derived from garbage, and after discussion the Clerk wan authorized to investigate in respect to a compulsory garbage fee and report to the Council at its next meeting. The following bills were presented: Pacific T & T Co long distance calls GENERAL FUND. STATER FUND Chicago Bridge & Iron 'Norks, paint H. Morand 1 days'work at $4 plit day and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On moti o h_4 meeting adjourned. 0 *Ca 7.26 $ 4.00 MAYOR NOVI 13/33 j; Co°uncil:;met this evening at 74,30 P, M. Present Mayor Grieve and Gadnoil. men RadeY, Norton, Fleming & Corl;iss.. Minutes of the meeting of Oct. 23/33 were read and approved. Mr. Romeno, the contractor for the Bay Street paving appeared before the Council, and 'explained that while the contract provided for laying one half of ;I the width of :the pavement at a time, he was willing to lay the entire width _ in operation, and the consensus of opinion of the Councils was that this would be better,, if' it met with the approval of the Highway Department-.. The Street 6uperintendent was authorized to get out hand bills announcing that paving operations would commence Thursday Nov. 16/33 at which time the (parking strip would have to be clear of all vehicles. The Clerk was authorized to purchase from Lowman Hanford Co a warrant register originally made for the City of Anacortea at a cost of $22.00 The Couno give authorized the Clerk to the usual notice of the annual electionaf or ]Dec. 5/33, and the Council set Monday the 20th as the time for the usual:. caucus. The following election afficers were appointed for tho Annual (� Election; E. T. Harris, inspector and A. D. Corliss and R. G. Vose Judges.,, with power ve*ted in the Mayor to fill any vacancies, The matter of garbage was taken up, and it was decided that the bent plan to pursue was to notify -violators of dumping garbage elsewhere than at the Town garbage dump, that future violations would be severely dealt with.- 1 E.S. Howe and Walter Harvey of the Howe Motor Co appeared before the Council in respect to the purchase of a new dump track, but the matter was: -deferred for future ectiorr. The matter of the Cline Street Sidewalk was discussed, and the Street Sup- erintendent was directed to repair the same so far as practicable. The followingbills were presented: lwi'a b :"T 49 yi" George Givens, Praepect St parking 2 days at $4 per day ,-- , Jay Jones 1 dya at $4 t. Charles Bartle',tt 2 days $4 " w \ W, T . Swanson " R '" 1, „ $4.5a Eric Noreen " " 2. "` $5 .20 Irwinjd Miller W " " 2 'F $5,00 J. R. McLean " W " 2 '" $4,00 Henry Brewer " 2 " 4.00 Edwin Mi:okelso " 2- 44 00 Wilson Bros, logs for barriers Prospect St Parking R. L. 'Kemp, 2' 4ays. work- at $4 per day St. work A Me Tavish 2 �Curs at $4 per day B. F. 2ahiler !sharpening tools aw,ock 4 *-00 $ .00 $ 4.50 $1t1440 $10-00 $ 6.00 �4aa $33.20 $ a.00 $ 1, 00 $ 3.50 272 GENERILL FUND (continued) Williams Hardware supplies Ala Super Service, gas Trick & Murray election supplies H. H. Stephenson, Charging battery Howes Hardware,,supplies Olympic Iron & Machine Works, sharpening tools Francis M Applegate, certified copy Bartlee easment for State HigWway Department S. P. Joslin, wood for Town Hall Concrete Pipe Cc drain the Standard Oil Co, gas Fiske Motor Co battery fro dump truck Port Orchard Lumber Yard WATER FUND Melvin Rowley, 14* hours work at $ 4 * day Fisk Motor Cc gas and repair to coupe E/ F. Zahller, sharpening tools Howe Motor Co repairing coupe Port Orchard Lumber yard, Lumber Howes Hardware, supplies Trick & Murray, binder for consumers -ledger for Clerk Olympic IFon & Machine works, reparing chisels H. H. Stephenson gas & c. and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On rnntinn the meeting- ed $11..05 $ 4..9a 3.65 ..'75 $ 9 ..00 $ 5.36 $ .95 $ 4.00 62.7 0 ..92. 9.50 $17. 06 $ 7. 25 M;,. 85/� . 3aa 3. 45 1.- 30 $12. 95 $ 1. 65 $ 40 $17. 88 r MAYOR. Noiember, 20, 1233 The regular caucus for the nomination of 3 councilmen.for 2 years and one Treasurer for one year to be voted for at the annual election to be held December 5/33 was held at the Town Hall Port Orchard, Washington this evening.. The meeting was called to order at 8 P. M. by Francis X Applegate, Town Clerk, who read the call of the meeting at the direction of the Town Council, of Port Orchard, flash. Francis M. Applegate was elected Chairman of the meeting, and aksv ached as Secretary thereof. It was duly voted that the present Councilmen: Harry Radey, F. Bl Fleming and D. M. Corliss'be nominated to succeed themselves, and it was further dulybT oted that S. M. Peterson the present Treasurer be nominated to succeed himself.. 273 , The ticket was hidenominated the Citicens Ticket by a vote of the meetiag� The Chair was authorized to appoint a committee to fill any vacancies, and the chair appointed E. S. Howe, C. A. Hanks and William Sutton. on motion tkie meeting adjourned Framais M. Apple Chairman and See Nov.. 25/33. The Council met in special session this evening at 8 P. M. pursuant to a call for a special meeting by the Mayor. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Corliss. The objerkt of the meeting was to present a proposition by the Kitsap Brewery Co for the grading, cutting, filling and sloping of Rockwell Avenue, and to use the dirt in filling around the brewery, to the interested property owners on Rockwell Avenut-. A number of the interested property owners were present. The proposition of the Brewery was to cut, fill grade and slope Rockwell Avenue at a cost of 253e per cubic yard, two-thirds of thich coat was to be borne by the Brewery and one third by interested property owners, the property owners to all engineering charges. It developed that the total cost to the property owners would rmn around $2000 to $2500 to place the street in a travellable condition. After discussion at length it was the opinion of the interested property owners that it was not feasible to work out a plan for pay*erxt on such s t notice as demanded very. On motiong the meeting adjourned. YOR Nov. 27/33 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey; Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and eorliss. Minutes of the meetin# of November 13/33 were reed and approved. - The Marshal was authorized to enforce •N© PAWKING't on the one way traffic 274 lane caused by the construction of the pavement of parking strip on Bay street. - The Water Ouperintendent was authorized to secure license plates for the Water Coupe and Fire Truck The matter of the purchase of a dump truck was discussed at length, and it was duly voted that the Clerk- advertise for bids to be opened at the nest meeting, the Street Superintendent go furnish the necessary specificatiohs. The matter of the sidewalk along the property of the Kitsap County Bank from Bay to Prospect was discussed, and it was referred to the Street & Alley Committee to investigate and report at the next meeting. The proposed gift; by F. W. Pettit of an electric clock for the Town Hall was accepted. with thanks, and the expense of installation to be paid by the Town. The parsing problem after the completion of the paving on -Bay Street was dis- Mussed, and the Clerk was directed to write to the District State Highway tngineer for recommendations and suggestions in reference thereto.. The Street Superintendent reported that he had turned in 2 projects for the Civil 'forks Administrationm No. 1 being for work at the City Park covering building of grand stand, menrs lavatory and levelling of the athletic field, involving in all 1055 men days, and No 2 being for grubbing and sloping of shoulders of inimproved streets in outlying sections of the Town involving 249 men days. He stated that owing to the nature of Project No 2 it would not be considered butt that No. 1 had a chance of being ipproved . The folloveing bills were presented: GENERAL FUND R. J. Caretti ferriage to Seattle and Tacoma in re* purchase of dump truck $ 1.-80 WATER FUN. A. D. Corliss, 2� days, work at $ 4 per day $10.00 and warratts were ordered drgvn therefor. On n the meeting adjourned MAYOR J 275 i Dec.. 11. 1933 Council het this evening at 7:3O F. M.- Present Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of meeting Nov. 27/35 were read and approved. The Cler!� was directed to write the Puget. Sound liaviga►ti on Co to slow up the speed of the Chippewa for ,the next two weeks during high ti'd'e. Rex Thompson appeared before the Council and recommended when the paving was finished to have parking at an angg(le of 45 but no acttori was taken in the ratter. In this connection the -Clerk read a letter from the District. High*ay Engineer recommending parallel parking. The Clerk was directed to open the bids for the dump truck-; and the following bids were presented. - Howe Motor Co V�-9 Ford $993.83 and V. 4 $969.83, $20 to be allowed for old Rea Track Hugh Bai 'd Seattle Wash .� $934.85 For;Vg - - - $915.31 Port Orchard Wash Reliance Motor Co. Chevrolet Lump Truck $1031.95 Pacific Hoist& Derrick Co. Marmon nerrington $2940. Kenworth Dump 'T'ruck $1626.35 International lHarvester Co International Truck- 4 cyl irigdr $1122.90 6 cylinder $1225.90 and on motionlof Councilmen Stevenson, seconded by Councilmen Radey it was duly voted to skccept the bid of Howe Motor Ca as the lower local bid, at the sum of $909.83 for a V 8 Truck, $20 to be allowed for old Reo, or a net of $979..83, Messrs Stevenson, Radey, Norton, Fleming and Corliss votigg in favor of the miotion. Councilmen Radey,. Ch rman of gf the Street & Alley CommitSee stated that he had examined the wooden sidewalk running from Ifiteap to Prospect abutting the Kitsap County Bank property and talked with Mr. Langer, who seemed inclined to make a. fill and slope and then put in a new sidewalk. The Counc-il instructed the Street Superintendent to place crushed reek for a sidewalk' between Stevenson Fs and Cohen''s store on Bay Street until the same was settled.. 276 The Clerk presented the returns of the Town election held December 5/1933! showing the following to be elected: FOR COUNCILMEN 2 YEAR TERM Harry Radey, F. B. Fleming and D. M. Corlise TOWY A TREASURER 1 YEAR TERM J. M. Peterson and said returns were duly canvassed by the Council and the said persons declared duly elected to their reppective officers. The Clerk presented a letter asking the Town to join the Association of Washington Cities, with annual dues of $15 per year, but no action was taken on the matter. The following; bills were presented. GENERAL FUND Port Orchard Independent, sundry advertising and supplies $57...80 E. F. Zahller sharpening tools 1.25 Standard Oil Cc gas for Prospect St parking_ Williams Hardware supplies in re change at Fountain garage $ 8:.89 Howes Hardware, supplies $ 4..33 Port Orchard Machine Wks, work at Fountain garage 5..26 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber $ 4..92 Olympic Iron & Machine Wks sharpening tools & e $ 2.251". J. P. Josline wood for Town Hall $ 2.00 Howe Motor Cc, swipe for Reo 06 and Prestone and Penzoil $4.45 for Fire truck $..45 WATER FUND Fisk Motor Cc gas for water coupe $3.45 Olympic Iron & Machine Wks sharpening picks $ .60 Howe Motor Cc repai.rfs to water coupe , $5..93 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet again Tuesday Dec. 26/33 the regular meeting falling on Christmas Day.. r CLERK MAYo . 277) C-1 Dec. 26/1933 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present Mayor Grieve, and Council- men Stevenson, Nbrtan, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of December 11/1933 were read and approved. The Street Superintendent was directed to irnspect the condition of the i piling under the'north sidewalk on Bay Street and report at the next meeting. The Street $uperintendent was directed to take up with County Commissioner Pattison the installation of a catch basin at the foot of Mitchell Hill Road and Perry Street:. Mr. Romano,`the contractor for the Bay Street paving appeared before the Council and stated that the Listrict Highway engineer had informed him that the paving an Bay Street could not be thrown open until the asphalt and tar had been applied. Mr. Romano explained that the tar and asphalt could not be applied uh- til the asphalt dould not be applied until the street_ had dried out and that this :night delay the opening for a long time. After discussion the Clerk was directed to write to the District Highway Engineer stating that the Gouncil would be glad to have the pavement opened, and the asphalt and tar applied afterwards if it met with the desires of the District Highway Engineer. The Clerk was directed to write to England & Peterson requesting them not to load or unload lumber on t it trucks on Bay Street but to provide facilities to load and unload the same on their own premises, and that this request was made owing to the. attitude of My. Myhere, one of their employees, to block --and embarrass traffig4/when loading and unloading.. The Clerk was directed to notify all holders of beer licenses that in accord- ance with the Beer ordinance their places of business would have to be closed for all purposes at 12 otclock midnight and that a violation of this provision would k entail forfeiture- af their licenses, The Karshal was directed to swear Brut a currant against Charles Lawrence for destroying sidewalk on Mitchell Hill Road caused by negligent driving. The Clerk presented Ordinance No;(/ 404, providing for the regulation of traffic on Bay Street by p,mending Section 54 of Ordinance Na.310 and repealing all ordinances in conflict therewith, the main provision of which was limiting parking on Bay Street by amdnding Sectipn 54 of Ordinance No.310, and repealing all ordinances in con- flict therewith, the main provision of which was limiting parking on Bay Street from 7 A. M. to 6. P. M. to two hours. After discussion the said ordinance was duly adopted. Councilmen Otevenson, Norton, Fleming and Carlies voting in favor of the adoption, thereof. The matter of loading zones was referred to the Street & Alley Committee 278 and Street Superintendent with power to act. The following bills were presented: - GENERAL FUND. Alex McTavish V2- days work at $4 per day $ 6.00 WATER FUND Pacific T & T Co long distance calls $ .20 National Meter Co 5 Nash meters $48.,92 Palmer Supply Co Toledo dies $ 1.45 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting,adjourned. CLERK MAY C�' January 8, 1934 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of Decem� ber were read amd approved. The Clerk swore: in the Councilmen elect, Radey, Fleming, and Corliss and they too'< their seats in the Council. The Clerk reported that J.M. Peterson had filed his oath as Treasurer as well as his bond with the American Surety Co. as surEty, in the sum of $300-0, and that the bonds of R.J. Caretti and Francis M. Applegate inihe sum of $1000 for the year 1934, had been delivered to the Clee-c and the bond of Francis M. Applegate as Cler'K was directed to be filed with the Mayor and that of R.J. Caretti, as Marshal, with the Clem . The Mayor announced that all former committee appointments would stand as here- tofore. C.J. Brown was present and delivered a letter to the Clerk which was read com- plaining about damage to his property on Austin Street from water from t-.he drain at De T�alb Street, and after discussion, the Council duly "voted to have a committee from outside the Council investigate and report as to whether the Town was at fault, the Town to choose one member of the Committee, Mr. Brown another member, and the two -to choose a third, who would go into the matter and report to the Council, neither Mr. Brown nor the Town to be bound by the findings of the Committee. The Council appointed Councilman Stevenson of the Street & Ailey Committee to choose the member of the Com- mittee for the Town.