01/01/1932 - Regular - Minutes214 are as follows: Howe hotor Go $700.00 Fred Krause Chev Co $76400 General .,rotors Truck Co. 767.50 and an alternative -bid from the Qaeral Motors Truck Co of a model T 25 GMT chassis I Type 2105, equipped with 7.00/20 Truck balloon tires, of $1408..2V The matter was duly considered.and after discussion the bids were referred to Allen Totten, Fire Chief, for investigation and report thereon at the next meeting of the Council Jan- uary 11/1932. the Grater Superintendent brought up the matter of the condition df the Water Coupe, and after discuss0n, this matter was continued. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FU91) Track & Uurra.y,-registration books for 1932/3 $13.19 Harley Norton, lumber $ 7.24 Elmer Ailson 4 5/8 days work at $5 pe,y $23.13 , WATER FUND Moore's Kuto service, gasoline for triter Coupe $ 6,24 R. J. Caretti, lumber v 1.28 Federal Pipe & Tank Co bands and pipe 8.90 and warrahts were ordered drawn therefor. The following matters were continued: Division Street gutter; widening turns Cline Street and new sidewalk, Gas Ordinance, marking intersection street lines West Bay Xibsap & Cline, Blanchard Building side- walk, Be Kalb & Harrison St Drain, Be Kalb & Seattle Drain, Puget Sound P & 1 Co. contract for street lighting and Sponogle Bulkhead and 'lira&er Coupe - On motion the m g adjourned. t MAYOR January llth, 1932 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present Mayor Urieve and douncilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of December 28th 031 � { were read and approved. The Clerk swore in Councilem Radey, 2leming and Corliss a. the Councilmen elect, and their oaths were duty filed and they took their seats as the new Councilmen. The Clerk reported tha! he had received the following bonds for the year 1932: J. M. Peterson, Town Treasurer $3000: R. J. Caretti, Marshal, 01.000 and Francis M ipplegate, Town Clerk $L.000 with the imerica.n Surety Co as surety, and the same were duly approved and ordered on file. 215 The AL-arlahal,was requested to ask Moore's Garage to keep the sidewalk swept 'Off in front .of their premises. The Clerk read a letter from Alen 'Totten, Fire Chief, recommending the accept- ance of the bid of the Howe Motor Co for the fare chassis at $700, and on motion duly rude seconded and carried the bid of the Howe Motor Oo was duly accepted by the �,ouneil, and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign any papers in connection with the matter. The Olerk was directed to write to L. !�. Mc 'rude to local representative of the Fuget.6ound Fdwer & Light Co, calling his attention to the fact the street'light� were being turnedoff before daylight. Mr. Paretti presented the matter of Rex Thompson desiring a redaction on the motion picture license for 1932, and the matter was placed on the continued cal- endar. The Clerk called attention to the fact that the matter of the proposed hydrant at Dwight.& Cline Street was continued to this meeting, and the matter was placed on the continued calendar.. Mrs. Muller appeared before the Council in reference to grading u nd gravelling the alley in the rear of her premises aid after discussion, the natter was referred to the Street & t�J_ley Committee, with power to act. The Waterr Ouperintendent brought up the matter of charging the churches far water-, and after discussion the matter was laid over for the time being.. The Wafter Superintendent also presented data in respect to the rate charged for the School House, presenting data that a fair rate would be $85 a year instead of 50 as now paid. The Clerk was.directed to notify the School hoard -hat the Council was con- templating a more equitable rate for their use of water, and inviting them to appeal, before the Council: in reference to the matter, or that they have the Wi��ter Super- intendent appear before them.. __ A complaint was received from Mrs. L. W. Sauer in reference to garbage coll- ection, and the matter was referred to the Marshal for investigation and report. The Council also 4sked the Marshal to go around with yir, iduernberger to his pa- trons to see if they would not pay garbage fees in advance. - The Street ''superintendent reported in reference to the effects of the storm, and he was directed to tear out the apron,a,t the Holmberg Alley on Sidney Street and put in 8 inch tile and concrete the same over. The Water O uperintendent was requested to investigate in re flushing tank of the town sewer and; report. as to the amount of water used. The following bills were presented: GE1'TLRAI FUND . 216 Lee Miller, to cleaning streets afte r Storm z day 2.50 American Surety Co bonds for 1lreasurer, iviarslaal & Clerk. 25..00 Francis 11 Applegateostage for 1931 6.00 , J. P. Joslin, wood �y,e� XXX. for. Town Hall 6.75 Howe Motor Co. repairs for Street & Fire Bept. $22.03 Howes -l#ardward, sundry supplies 8.25 Port Orchard Independent, advertising and ballots $12,55 Port Orcha,rdchine Ylorks, repairs a 4.36 VIATER FUND Harvey Lindgren -21- day's work 2.50 J. Pa,ntages 1 days work 5.00 Roy Adair, one day's work w5.00 R. J. Caretti, stove &c for pumpint plant 7.10 Francis M Applegate, postaCe 1931 9.00 P. 0. Transfer,, coal for stove at Pump House 3.00 Howe 1:lotor Co. repairs to +dater Coupe R 3.34 Howes Hardware, sundry supplies 4.27 `sire 6hop, gas for +ester Coupe 6.65 Villiams Hardware, supplies 2.00 Olympic Iron & Machine Works 2.:10 and warrants were ordered draiun therefor. The Following matte:L,s were continued: Division Street gutter; widenin turns Cline Street and new sidewalk; marking intersection Vilest Bay, Kitsap & Cline Sts Blanchard Building side-n alk, De Xalb & Aarrison St drain, De Kalb & Seattle 1)4rian, Puget Found P. L Contrast for Street lighting, Oponogle Build- ing Bulkhead !Dater Coupe, Hydrant 1wight & Cline, Moving Picture 'heutre license and charging churches water rent. On otion the Meeting adjou ned. LL I AYOR January 25th 1932. Council met this evening �.t 7:30 P.M. i'resent Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Norton and Ylerriing. 11inutes of meeting of January llth= 1932 ti+'ere read and approved. The Street "'uperinter:dent was directed to place a barrier on Prospect Street so that persons cou d not drive &,long the bank and injure the bulkhead. The Street 6uperinten- dent reported that he was working on the Grain at the Holmberg alley, that he had installed a six inch drain and would. soort have the same completed. Fire Chief gotten reported that the Fire chassis would be here on Friday, and he was authorized to have the body placed on same, at a cost not to exceed $200.-00 � The Clerk was diredted to write to the Odd Fellows La.dge suggesting that a space, four feet wide be kept free from automoblies in front of the exit doers of the dance hall. `f.'he Marshal was dut.o3�ized to install electric lights with proper guard in the toilets of the Town Hall. Chairman Radey of the Street & "alley Coi.mittee and Street Superintendent Norton reported that the situation in the alley back of the Muller premises had been tempor- arily dealt with by putting boards and gravelling at the entrance of the alley from Cline Street_ 217 i i The ester Supbrintendent was authorized to purchase 10 Watch -L'og meters. The Clerk preeerited a letter from the Dedic ation Committee o the George 1iashington Memorial Bridge asking the Mayor and Council to present at the dedicatiot4 ceremonies on Feb/22132, and the Clerk was directed to answer the same stating that the Mayor and members of the Council hoped to be present, and asking for further de- tails. The following bills were presented. GEITER.AL FUITM Pacific T. isnd T Co long distancecalls $ ..15 J. �i. Kenyon, drain tile $2.a'0 Jacob Nuernberger,`7 hours work at $5 per day $4.38 Paul 11. Hill, lZ days work at $b per (lay. $7.50 :VhTER FUND Puget Oound :Iay. Co freight on bands 4 .45 Walworth co cutter wheels t1.20 and w,�arrants were drawn therefor. The following matters were continued: fivision Street gutter; widening turns Cline Street and new sidewalk; marking -intersection West Bay Kitsap & Cline Ste; Blanchard Building sidewalk; De Kalb & Harrison St Drain; De kdlb & Seattle Drain, Puget Sound Bulkhead, Water Coupe, Hydrant Dwight & Cline; Moving picture theatre license, and charging churches water rent.. On moti the meeting adjourned ftav'4 4) CLERK IAAYOR . Feb. 8th 1932. Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present Y yor Grieve and councilmen ]Raley, Stevenson, Norton and Vlemming.. Minutes of meeting of January 25/1932 were read and approved. Councilmen Stevenson reported that Mr. lershey, the Highway Supervisor, had requested that Mr. gilder, the Division Engineer at Silverdale, be telephoned to establish lines of Nest Bay Street, Cline & Kitsap, and the Street Superintendent was directed to do this. James Dyson appeared before the Council in reference to installing a one incOh water meter on his premises, and the `,'dater "uperintended was instructed to do this, on the understanding that ]fir. Dyson would pay the excess cost of meter and fittings over a 3/4 meter. Mr. Miller of the Miller `�'ngineering Go. appeared before the 4uncil in refer- ence to installing new mains, and quoted present prices in respect to pipe: 4 inch 218 'good Steel Cast Iron 6 inch ywood Steel Cast Iron 8 inch 'good Steel Cast iron . 29W 33e 34c 43c 52c 49 c 53c 78e 68c but the consensus of oi)ionion of the douncil was that they did not wish to do anytning in reference to the matter of remai.ng the `mown at this time. Mr. ii. M. Niles appeared before the Council in reference to d~onducting wrestling matches bi monthly in the Town. the Council informed him there would be no objection to the same, provided thezegular .license fee was paid, and he would attend to the proper parking of ears and pblici:ng of the hall without cost to the Town. The Clerk vas directed to write to Iuoore's Garage and Standard Stations Inc, Ideal Uervice Station and Standard Oil Co asking them to keep the sidewalk swept off in front of their premises. The Clerk was directed to write to John R. Hershey, State Highway Supervisor, sugg- esting to him that in as much as the sidewalk in front of the State Garage had been de- stroyed, the Town would appreciate the building of a new sidewalk in front of the State Garag'�Iae Street Superintendent brought up a cave in at the city sewer back of the Telephone Exchange on Prospect Street, and he was directed to excavate to ascertain the difficulty, and if it was occasioned by the hook up of Holmberg and others in respect there- to to hmve them remedy conditions, and if it was from thy= main sewer to remedy the condit- ions for the Town. The Street Superintendent reported that the Holmberg drain pipe was practically com- pleted. Fire Chief Totten reported that the {'ire Chssis had not yet arrived. The Aa.rshal reported that he had sold the motorcycle for $50 cash. The Suter Superintendent reported he had received about "OP'30 for thawing out consumer's pipes. The matter of the dondition of the sidewalk and Cutters in or near the Broughton prop- erty on East Bay Street and the sidewalk in front of the Stanton property beyond 'Black Jack Bridge was referred to the Street & "lley Co..ziittee with poker to act. The Street k_-�uperintendibnt was directed to replace a guard rail on the sidewalk at Black Jack Bridge. The dlerk reported that he had prepared the -L inancial Statement of the Town for the year 1931, and he was directed to ,ublish the same in accordance with -statute made and provided.. The Clerk read a letter from the viashington Hez arial Bridge Committee stating that the Committee was glad that the Mayor and Council had accepted the invitation to attend the ael" ebration on Feb. 22/32 and suggesting being at the Olympic hotel well before 10 Ofclock 4�. 219 ��U- when the parade would sta-rt.._ `The following bills were pressnted: GENERAL FU v'D Williams liardwarq rock fork $ 2.25 Tire shop, gas k-$ro-sene &c $ 6.12 Hawes Hardware sundry supplies 1.10 Standard Oil 6-oA gas for grader 5.65 P. 0.. Transfers 4and gravel $ 4.00 Howe 110to:r `'o suridry supplies for St Dept and Fire department. 4.97 WATER F TiiD Williams Hardware, supplies 1.25 Olympic Iran & Machine �Oks, 3 picks sharpened .45 IQwes ffUrdware, sundry supplies 2.65 Ddke electric @o irepain- to pump 1.08 Tire hop gas and oil for water coupe $14.06 Port rchard Trarisfer Co coal far pump house 3.75 Howe Motorr Co, repairs to coupe and soldering compound $5.85 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor j the following matters were continued; tires for grader Division street gutter; widening turns Cline Street ztnd new sidewalk; marking intersection West BaJr Kiteap and Cline St., Blanchard Building sidewalk; De Kalb & garrison St drain; De Kalb & Seattle drain; Puget found P & I, Co con- tract for Street lighting; Sponagle Bulkhead, Water Coupe, Hydrant Dwight & Cline; Moving Picture license, and charging churches On motion the meeting adjourned gr CLE�m q W"ik Council met this evening; at 7.30 P11' Ra.dej, Stevenson,: Norton and 21-1ming. were read and approved. water rent.. -A� February 24, 1932 Present uayor Grieve, and Councilmen Minutes of r.leeting of February 8, 1932 The Clerk vas directed to write to C. R. Wood, Manager of the Pacific T & T Co. asking if a telephone could not be put in the horaeof Harley Norton, in charge of .tile Fire `.ruck apparatus. i-r. H. E. Dingle, Sales r,Ia.na.ger of the Puget Sound Powex• & Light Co. and L. E. 1Jcydade, local representative pf the Co::.qpaiiy appeared before the Council Gnd submitted proposed new contracts with the Town Commencing A-bruary8, 1932 by which lie stated ghat the Town Mould save about $300 o f power forpurip and : 120 a year on tie 4txleet lighting.2he matter was fully discussedand vices :laid over to a special r eetiag to I;e held to decide) the (:a.tterDQn 1'iionday, Febr�,i ;.ry 1932 at 7.30 P. 14, Councilman ka.dey of the Street &.i-lley Corrraittee reported t'riat he had inves- tigated the conditions of the ditches, sidewalks &c onEast Bay Street from the 220 Duff teld=•doryier dust. The muter aus discussed aiid the Street Superi,itenae t wa.s directed to clears up the uitcrep, and further de;;," ing in the matter was deferred until permat—Bent oiling by the 'State. the Street Superint.e,ident reported thLA t-rie siae�alk was gorier. on irrospect :street to the south of Navy Yard .`iotel, :end tree sicc-vjL ik on Cline at the turn LA the 1)aaa pro�aer•ty, anc hE! Viz-B directed to tear the sai..le up and put a L ru'vel side-- v,ul'c in. KE: alwo reporrl ted that the crossig,,-�w&Ls le 4t the eriGi'a 1CC t0 the�i i- Mow Estate property on Cline Street, grid he was directed to cull the attention of .mod l�nslow to this do�ldition arid ask him to re_,edy it. The Street Siperitite:ide.it brought up the ratter of iiun.'iheringthe fire hy- 6ra.its, ,,jid it was suE;L'ested to hi,:, t iat he see Coulicilman, Corliss in r:-espe(ct to procurinr� r,o,,-.e pujper : tencils for R. ar Caretti w,s �-;x•a::ted permission by t'ne Council to order inthe nwie of the' own, sewer _)ipe, but. to be paid for by trie parties interested. ahe i'ollo` i-iE_ Lilis ,vere presented: rietna Mfe Ins. Co,. group insurance for Vo.iunteer Fire vetit. :�12�.0'; Jacob uerriber� er, F' days :R�tork at $') fer cay � 12.50 Elmer '+rdilson, 2 hours ,,=,o=�c on Town Sewer tir 1.2W J. 1, . Peterson, Bounty �iudt-or, licen.-e for new fire truck 1.25 tdr `;.'E R i'UND 1?. T. uar•etti, e:.Ij=ressuj e on rcieter $ 4.85 Gamozl .ieter Co. 10 siatch6og "eters ana warra_.ts were ordered dr.�vrn t'_,erefore On motion the meeting adjourned to '.'feet at a sreclal irlcetifjL, to ci-n iGer light and {)ower contract on -onday, 'Feb--.uary 29, 132 at 7.30 2. 'd. awl va 6t Clerk Wt gay o r 221 Feb 29/193.2 Council meet this evening at 7r3Q in special meeting, to consider the Puget Sound Power &: Light: Co contracts far street lighting and power for primp. i Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, N6rtan, Fleming and Corli" Mr. H. E-. Dingle, Sales Manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Ca appeared on behalf of his Company, and after discussion it was duly voted by all members o ,the Council that the contracts as drawn be accepted, the same to date from February 8th 1932.. and the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign the contracts on behalf of the town, whereupon the said contracts were duly signed byL the Mayor and 41erk„ Verne Se$gner appeared before/ the Council and asked that an exclusive permit be given him to distribute hand bills in the Town and the matter was continued until the regular meeting on March 14/193P-.. On motion the meeting adjourned. MAYOR Burch 14/1932: Council met this evening at 7.aa P. X. Present Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Stevenson, Norton. Fleming and Gorliss.. Minutes of meeting of February 23/1932 end special meeting of Feb.29th 1932 were read and approved.. Permission. was granted to the Fire Department to park the Fire Truck in front of the Cop=unity Theatre on Sunday afternoon, Match Z th on presentat- J on of the film appertaining to fires.. with the understanding that the Comm- unity Theatre would donate a small sum to the Department funds. The Clerk was directed to ask for data from Mr.. Dinsmore the District State Highway Bpgineer in respect to the intersection lines of 'test Bay,Cline and Kitsap Street, fav ase of Bar. Wilder the resident engineer in locating �- the lines. Councilmen Stevenson, 9hairman of the Fire & Light Committee presented a map showing the location of 11 additional ligbits as worked out by Mr. McWade, local representative of the Puget "4ound Dower & Light Ca; and hi*self.. 222 After discussion the Clerk was directed to write the Puget Sound Power and Light Co. to place the 11 lights as indicated on the map and the same to be done un- der the general supervision of Chairman Stevenson of the mire and Light Committee. T'he said lights are to be Jp€laced approximately as follows: West Bay Street near Odd Fellows Hall, Hull St entrance to Frank Givens. residence, NW corner Sidney & Sraufe St; 3 placed at equal distance of about 650 feet from Ael 1pr Street to City Limits; junction Bay St and dig Harbor Highway; 4 lights on M.i:tche Hill Road equalized between Bay Street and Carl AI nsworthts residence. The street. Superintendent reported he had torn up the sidewalk south of the Navy View Hotel on prospect street and pbaced gravel thereon and that the Anslow xrpesing on Cline Street had been boared over with new boards. Councilman Stevenson brought up the matter of the possibility of the build- ing of a viooden building am the 1Qt next to the T. M. Peterson building an Bay Street for use a cleaning establishment. After discussion the matter was re- ferred to Fire Chief Totten to -communicate with the State Fire Marshal in respect thereto, and to advise C. A. Hanks,, the reported builder, not to take any steps in the matter until the same had been duly investigated and considered► The Street 6uperintendent reported that he had bought stencils for numbering fire hydrants at a cost of $1.50. The Clerk read a letter from C. R. Wood, Manager of the Pacific T & T Ca., refusing to furnish as free telephone to Harley Dorton, in charge of the Fire Truck,. The Clerk read a further communication from the Pacific T & T Go stating that 3 there were no net earnings of the Fort Orchard Exchange for the year 1931, and he was directed to write the Company asking for a statement of the operations Cox the i year 1931. The @leek was also directed to write the Paefic T' & T Co to remove old poles from Kitsap Street between Seattle & Rockwell Avenues. the Street euper:intendent reported that he had reconditioned the old fire truck and put it in operation us a dump truck, and the Clerk wa& directed to call for bids for the Ford Model TT Chassis and Cab --the old dump truck ---to be opened at the next meeting on March 28th 1932, the Council reserving the right to reject any and all bids, The Clerk was di.rect'ed to write a letter thanking J. R. Hershey, State High- way Supervisor, for the fine sidewalk built in front of the State Garage on West Bay Street - The following bills were presented. - GENERAL FUITD Harley Nqrton lumber $ 5_8-2 A Me Tav sh 1-*,,days work at gravel pit $ 8..75 R. L. Kemp, repairing fire hydrant at Chev. Ga. $ 3.75 Barnett DieterlCo, ream of paper for Council Minutes $ 1.35 Howe Motor 4o,'recharging battery, rental and etc., for tire Truck 3.97 Z. P. Xaslin wood for Towh Hall 6.75 Moore Auto Seryiee. gas for St Dept. 11.13 Howe Mator Ca'install.ment payment on new ]dire Truck $300.00 Duke �61eetric Oo. lamps &c $ 1.65 Howes Hardware, sundry supplies $ 9.28 Port Orchard Uchaner warks, reconditioning old Fire Truck !for use as dump truck $ 23..76 (C. L. Kappel)!T`o one day clearing at Water Tank lots $ 5.00 :V. 0. Independent. postal notices and warrange $ 50.50 Bawl, a s. & Co, codke &c $ 5.28 Howe s ;yardxare R sundry -supplies $ 4.08 Gamon Meter Ca 'meter for James Dyson $ 21..80 Williams Hardware, sundry supplies $ 1.1.5 Port. Orchard T#ansfer, coal for pumping plant $ 1.50- Have Mator Co repairs to Ford stater coupe $ 12.00 and warrants were addered drawn therefor. On motion the meeti n ad j earned fCLERK MAYOR March 28/1932 I Council met this evening at 7:30-P. M. Present MayDr Grieve and Council- men Stevenson,; Norton and Corliss.. Minutes of the meeting of March 14/1932 were read and approved. I _ One bid was received for the Ford TT -chassis (old dump truck) from the Fong Orchard Transfer Co in the sum of $68.5C1, and the same was duly accepted by the Council, and the Street Superintendent was instructed to deliver same against payment of $68.VQ,. ;Vhe matteF of the conditions at the entrance to Navy Yard Dack was dis- cussed but no action taken. Letter was then read from the Pacific T & T do enclosing statement a<f earnings and disburseiments of the Port Orchard Exvhange for the year 1931, 1 which was ordered an file. The Clerk read a letter from Mr.. Dinsmore liistr*ct Engineer in reppect E to intersecting lines of Kitsap west Bay & Clines and the. Clerk was directed to send a copy to Mr.. Milder the resident engineer. The Water tuperintendent was directed to order a dozen new meter boxes. It was reported that the new lights recently authorized were being placed. '`he fol.laEwIng bills were presented: 224 Puget mound News 6o reinforcerw Rendselaer Valve `'o parts for hydrant A Me Tavi.sh 41 dyas work at $5 per day and warrants were ordered drawn therefor,, On motion the meeting adjourned.. -37 4..75 $22..5G April 11th, 1932 Council met this evening at 7:3G Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of march 28/1932 were read and approved. The Street superintendent was directed to put in shape for permanent oiling the parking strip in :front of Ainsworthfs and beyond and put in stringers so as to prevent cars running unto the parking strip in making the curve„ the same to be done under the direction of the Street & Alley Committee.. Mr. Hutchinson of the Bremerton Oil Delivery appeared before the Council in reference to furnishing oil for the oiling of streets, and he quoted $1.75 per barrel delivered for #16 oil heated for application and after discussion the Council duly voted to accept the said offer, the oiling to be done within a thirty day period after commencement and notice of deliveries to be given 12 hours in a.dvacne . The leaks in water pipes on East Bay Street was discussed and the Water "uperin- tendent was directed to do nothing unless absolutely necessary until the street had been scarified by the contractors for the state preparatory for permanent oiling, and then if necessary to put a crew on to do the work. the matter of chimneys was presented, and the Fire Chief being present was directed to take such action in respect to defective chimneys as he saw fit. The matters of a control device at the pump house to indicate water in the tank on the hill and the matter of a car for the Water Superintendent, but no action to taken -thereon. The fallowing bills were presented: GENERAI, FU M . 225 Tire Shop, tire 'tube &. gas StUiard Oil Co r s &c A Mc Ta ish 4 da work at 5 per day Howes Hardwarg su plies Howe Motor Co -ins lalling body on fire truck Port Orchard "ach ne ids, work on dump truck Williams Hardward 1 plumb; bob Duke Electric Co amps for town Hall, Howe Motor Co rep*irs &c grader i WATER E. Y. Zahller, sh4rpening saw and lawn mower Howe Motor Co repair to rater gouge Port Orchard Transfer Co coal for pump house' Port Orchard Mach+ne Works,: hoalk for meter boxes Williams Hardwares shovel Howes Hardware. supplies Tire Shop gas for; coupe 41ym�ra is Iran & Mack Machine ��ors, sharpening tools &c and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. F `fit l�f/ i MAYO Council met this evening at 7;30 P. M. men Radey. Steven.$on, Norrtan and Fleming. were read and approved.. 5.88 $ 6.58 20.00 25.05 $14.2.-03 $ 32,87 $ .90 $ 2.65 $ 16.03 2..00 12.23 .25 1.65 2.75 3.72: 2.14 April 25/1932 Present Mayor @rieve and Council- MInutes of the meeting of April 11,T3�- The Clerk was directed to trite to the Puget Sound P &-L Co to move light pole on Kitsap Street to sucn position as interested property owners wiished. The Water Superintendent reported that. the State Engineer ha*equested him to repair all leas on East. Bay Street before scarifjting commenced preparatory for permanent oil4ng. The Street 6aperintendent was directed to order two buttons at $4 each to re*lace the two dummies now used -at street intersections on Bay Street. The fWaawing bills were presented: CENERALF YM, Standard Gil Go oil for grader A Mc Tavish, l days work at $5 per day Western Tractor &, !Equipment. Co blade far grader Wallace V. Waters,. box light weight carbon far clerks- for council minutes Pacific T'. & T' co !long distance calls 'VATER FUND W. S. Dgrley, sealing wire &c Norman & N:Qrles Co unions ells &a Norman & Horjes gorp cocks and pipe Puget ftund Nay. do. kreight on pipe i 9.75 5.00 3.5Q .45 $ 3.14 $16.98 $18.13 $ 2.88 226 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. an motion the meeting adjourned. ����� �/fit [�VI/��/i// &- CLERK Council met this evening at 7:30 'P. M. Radey, Norton and Gorliss.. approved. MAY Present Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Minutes of the meeting of April 25/1932 were read and The Street Superintendent wad directed to see the interested property owners on the County side of the Mitchell Road, to see if the entire roadway might not be oiled. The Street Ouperintendent was directed to see if he could use the set of stencils for lettering of the State Highway, but if not he was authorized to purchase a set of stencils for the Torn. The Street Superintendent was authorized to have worked out. the $60 awed by the county in scarifying the streets preparatory to oiling. The condition of the board walk on Sidney from Hitzels to division was discussed, and the matter was continued. The Street Superintendent was directed to furnish lumber for culverts at Bradleys and also on Melker Street,, provided the interested property owners put them in place. The Water Superintendent reported that he has repaired the leaks on East Bay Street and one near Jessups at a total oost of about $50.00 He also- reported he had ordered a one inch Dash meter for Mrs L. A. Norman, she to pay the difference between an inch and a 3/4 meter. The Street buperintendent was directed to examine the condition of the under- pinning of the walk in front of the Town Hall and report on the matter at our next m meeting. The Street Superintendent reported that he erected to fence off bath ends of Prospect Street next to the bulkhead, which was approved by the Council. The following bills were presented: GE3TERAL FMTD Harley Norton Lumber Williams Hardware,. shovel Howes ffardward, sundry supplies mostly for fire truck J. Y. Peterson pottage Howard Cooper Co soda for fire truck Howe Motor �%o repairs and addiotinns to Fire Truck Duke tlectric -Uo lamps for Town Hall $ 3.25 $ 1.65 $10.66 $ 3.00 $ '7.22 $ '7.94 3 1.35 227 �1 WATER FUND 11r, Dole. 3 d$yls work on leaks on East Bay &c Howes ardware.,general supplies Pacific Water Works Supply Go. concrete meter bioxes and covers &c Norman & HorJe0oreducers tees &c Federal Pipe & Lnk Co, pipe and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motioki the meeting adjourned.. CLERK May 23/32 $15.00 $ 2.39 $21.90 $10.34 $36..00 Council met this evening at 7:3G P-. M Present Mayar Grieve and Council- men Radey. Stev�ason,. Norton. Fleming and Corlies. Minutes of the i4eeting of May 9th 1932 were read and approved. The Water tup-erintendent was authorized to lay approximately 200 feet of pipe to remedy leaks on East Bay" Street from the pavement south and make pro- vision for a five hydrant in the line, the same to be done at his discretion. The Water Ouperintendent reported that the sump had been,cleaned out, which was about six months from the last cleanings and that he found cpmpar- atively little sand in the sump. The big well showed a flog of 120 gallons and the little Well of 72 gallons,, with a very low tide. The Street Superintendent.was authorized to order additional oil for oil- ing if neeessar,* at his discretion. The Clerk was authorized to ask J. R. Pattison-to establish sidewalk grade in fromtt 4f Mrs. L. A. Norma.nts property on Kitsap Street - The Clerk Was directed to ask the Independent to call attention of the citizens of the'town to the fact that the streets were being oiled and that it did not improve 'their condition by throwing grass and other debris thereon. The Clerk.wae directed to write to the Grade School Baard asking if they wished to pay a flat rate of $S5 a year, or to have the School metered, in which latter event they'would have to make provision far fire ptatection- `.Che following bills were presented: 228 L. E. Erickson Inc. 2 traffic buttons Pacific T & T Co long distance calls Harley Norton 2 yards crushed rock =4 H.T. Doyle i days work and warratne were odered drawn therefor otion the meet' g a ourned MAYOR. Sune 13/1932 .20 $2.00 $2.5G Council met this evening at 7.-30 P. M. Present Mayor Grieve and Gauncil,men - Radey,. Stevenson,. Norton} Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the eeting of -May 23/32 were read and approved. The Gouncil discussed at length the question of whether to repair the water pipes east. o-f the pavement on Bay Street to Rackwell Avenue or lay a new line an the bay side of the street. It appearing that it would be very diff- icult to effect repairs after the permanent oiling was made, and that the grade of Bay Street could be improved if the water pipes were removed from the center of the street, and that to repair the present leaks would reg4re 260 feet of new main, it was unanimously voted to instruct the Water superintendent to lay a new four inch main on the bay side of Bay Street from the pavement east to Rockwell, with two Ts at the pavement, one near the Kemp shed for the hydrant at Chev garage, one at. Seattle Avenue and one at Rockwell Avenue, with a valve near Seattle Avenue, and the hydrant at Rockwell moved across the street, the same to be. done at once. °'arley,Narton Street 6uperintendedt reported in respect to the oiling , and that it would take from $100 to $150 more oil to eff act a good job, and he was authorized to use his discretion in respect to the purchase of additional oil. The ''ouncil went on record as not favoring the renting out of the turn grader The following bills were presented GENERAL FUND Port Urchard Machine Wks. Williams Hardware scythe Standard Oil Co gas for St Dept - Duke Electric Go lamps Howes Hardware,; general supplies Moore Auto Service, gas for St. Dept. Howe Motar Co painting fire truck and repairs to grader A Totten, robber matting for fire truck Bremerton oil Delivery 1.20 bbls oil Tire Shpp, Gas far St Dept. $ 10.45 $. 6.84 1.35 5.22 $ 11.9.7 $ 19.60 $ 4.35 $aia .aa $ 23.41 WATER R. L. Kemp,, labor one day 5.00 Hardy Lindgren,, labor one day 6.00 National Meter Co meter $23,10 Tacoma P'lumbing..auplrly �a supplies $ 1.6.5 Williams Hardware,. supplies 8.39 Bowles Co conne Lion and pipes $21.14 R. J Caretti, lumber $ 5.54 Olympic Iran & Itac-hine Works sharpening tools & c $ 1.75 Hawes Hardware undry supplies $ 4.74 Howe Motor Ca charging batters gas & c for coupe $ 3:34 Tire Shop gas & coupe $ 5.15 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. It was 'dull- voted to hold the next meeting of the,.. Council.,on Tuesday evening June 28/19a2 x instead of londa.y evening June 27/1932. Q ticxx the meeting a-djourned. �'U�✓[fit/! , . Town Clqqrk. playa June 21st 1932 A special fleeting of the 6auncil was held this evening; at 7:30 called by Mayor Grieve to consider recommendation to Gov Hartley of a special session of the legislature to deal with unemployment and relief. Present Mayor Grieve, and Councilmen Radey. Stevenson, Norton Fleming and Corlies- It was duly voted that the settled policy of the Council was to charge a tapping fee for each separate connection for water under any and all circum- stances_ ]ors. Hamilton appeared before the Council in respect to the extension of a pine to her property in the south end of town. She stated she had secured the consent of the persons who had extended the pipe from the south side of the Gill property, -and that she would pay all expenses of installing the pipe including a tapping fee. The Council duly voted to grant her permission to hook unto this line, it being understood that the Council made no guarantee as to the flow of water. The Clerk was instructed to receive Mrs. Hamiltonvs tapping fee in in- stalmenta. It was duly voted that the flat rate of $1.50 should cover a minimum of 4000 gallons used during June, July, and August. The Marshal: was authariked to post the u-sual notice in respect to fire- j werks ordinance being rigidly enforce, and that permission was granted to set off fireworks from July 3//1932 to midnight Tuly 4/1932- The Clerk- fteri read a telegram from Mayor Dare, of Seattle based on the conference of Nalyars in Seaattle June 18/1932, asking the Gauncil to pass a re- solution. urging Governor Hartl.eyta call a special session of the legislature to deal with uvnempl6yment and relief. .The Clerk also, presented a proposed re- solution. which he stated had been passed by the City of Bremerton and the County 230 Commissioner,-s of Kitsap County. ri After discussion it was duly moved to tay the matter on the table. The folloing bills were presented: GENERAL AM Port Orchard Machine Works, repairs to grader $1.3.75 P WATER FMID H. R. Morand, one day's work at $5 per day a 5.00 Winter Supply Ca Valvea and fittings 11.-34 A. D. Corliss 32 days work an East Bay-st, line at $5.perday. $17-50 H. R. Morand, 4 days work on East Bay St line at $5. per day $20.00 A McTavish 4 days work .on East. Bacy St line at $5 per day $20.Oa D. Campbell 1 days work on Wrona tap: 5.00 sand warrants were ordered drawn therefor. The Mayor informed the Council that he had been offered shingles without charge with which to shingle the Town Hall and the Mayor was authorized to accept. the same.. The Water Superintendent reported that about 800 feet of the East Bay line had been dug, and that he had secured a price af' 31f e for 4 inch wire wound wood 300 head pipe laid down it the trench from the Federal Pipe and Tank Go and a. price an Universal cast iron pipe of 48c,. but it was the consensus of opinion of the, Council. to install wire wound wood pipe. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk June 28/32- Council met this evening at 7r30 Present Mayor Grieve and Councilman Rgdey Norton, Fleming and Cor]Liss. Minutes of the meeting of June 13/32 and the special meeting of June 21/32 were rend and approved. A communication w&s read by the Clerk from "ors. Mary ilamilton stating that Dick Hill would not permit her to tap from his line, and asking permission to install an independent line.. She also appeared in person and after discussion she w as granted permission to tarp in at the end of the 14 inch line at the Wilkinson prop- erty on South Sidney with a 4 line. A communication was received from the Tire Shop to install four gasoline tanks and erect a frame building on the lot on the southwest corner of Cline & Kiteap, ana permission was granted for the installation of the gasoline tanks,, subject to ordinances on the subjedi, and the applicant was referred to D. M. Corliss, Chairman of the Building Committee for a permit in respect to the building. The Water buperintendent reported that 6 inch pipe for the East Bay Street main had been delivered, at a price of 34c per foot delivered at the main,. and the purchase, of this pipe by the Superintendent was duly ratified and confirmed. The Street Superintendent reported that the oiling had been cormpleted at a total,coat of $690.75, on which had been \ paid $21Q,Gieaving a balance due of 231 The Striee-t Superintendent reported that the oiling had been camp-Leted at a total cast. of $6.90.75 can which had been paid $210, leaving a balance due of $480.75 to, be paid . j-The Maytor was authorized to have W. ' .. Cosby shingle the Town Hall 4 at a. cost of $20. . ;The W.er Superintendent was authorized to purchase 5 Nash water meters. The following bills were presentedr GENERAL FUND 11 Harley Marton, lumber Pacific Nat. Bank Trustee, installment purchase Fair Grounds Property. Water FUND Puget $ournd get §ound Kowa N4v. Ca invelopes dofreight on for Clerk pipe & c A Me Tavish, l 3/8 days work 4n East Bay line at $5 D. 1 /'Campbell R. G. Vo+se 4 " "` * W 1. Pant ag e s - 3 '*Z Ri . L . Kemp 3 ' '� '� • Joseph Stand fand 2j w W W Joseph Gill 4 W. W W and warrants were ardered drawn therefor.. 0n motion the' meetin djourned:.. "Cla 4.95 $4=.00 $ 1.71 $ 1.05 6 . a7 5.00 $P.0.00 $15.00 $15.00 $12..50 $2.0.00 MAYOLR. r laky 11/1932 Council met this evening at 7.30 P X� Present Mayor Grieve and CoungI- men Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming & Gorliss. Minutes ;cif meeting of Tune 28/1932 were read and approved.. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to Leybold tmith Shingle Co Rushton Iffdy Tacoma., thanking them for the donation of 7 SILUares of shingles for re-rgrdfing the town Hall. The Street Superintendent was authorized to give the grades to F,. S. Hoi e for the reconstruction of his sidewalk,: and to ask the aid •af J. R. Pattison,. Engineer in case of need- He was also directed to inform Mrs. S. A. Norman thatlie could give her the grade for her sidewalk. The following bills were presentedr GENERAL Howe Motor Cc supplies for Street & Fire bepts. 2.38 Bremerton Oil Delivery Co oil for streets $480.75 Rensselaer Valve Co valve $ 12.00 J. P. Jdslin, wheels and kettle $ 2.23 Duke Electric Go lamps for library and Fire Dept. 1.88 Standard Oil "o gas for St Dept. 12.99 WATER FUND Puget Found Rao Cc :Freight on supplies $ 1.67 Palmer 6upply do fittings 12.47 Rennsselaer Valve 6o 2 valves 40.00 Williams Hardware supplies 6.45 Howes Hardware supplies $ 15 -29 Federal Pipe and Tank 0-o pipe for East Bay St. main $411.19 Olympic I-ron & Machine #ks sharpening tools $ 5...n and'warrants were ordered drawn therefor. n meeting addourned� CLEF Julys 25/ 1932 Council met this evening at 7430 p. M. Present Radey, Norton, Fleming. and Garliss. In the absence oaf Mayor Grieve Harry Radey was elected Mayor pro tem. who presidea over the meeting. Minutes of the meeting of July ll/ 1932 were read and approved. A statement was presented by R. J. Caretti, Water Superintendent, showing the cost of the new East bay Street main to be $901. 26 for 1110 feet of ditch. Ahe matter of an extension in the rear of the `fawn Hall for a wood shed was discussed, and the clerk was authorized to notify Y. W. Wilson that he could erect the same at a cost of $22.50 The Marshal wars authorized to buy lamps f of tlit Town Hall.. The Water 4upe:rinteadeat was authorized to purchase one cozen meter boxes with covers. The Street superintendent was authorized to paint yellow all the street intersections on Bast Street the distance required by law where vehicles coula not park. Mr. Gill was granted permission to cut the larger trees at the garbage dump for wood.. 'the Clerk was directed to pruceed-to collect pool room and moving picture license fees f or the year 1932. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND. Ideal Service StatiGn, trik to gravel,pit to repair stardet ana ignition WATER FUND Seattle Plumbing' Supply co. Codks & c. Neptune Meter Ca'. repair of meters Federal Pipe & Tank Co pipe for East Bay St main LABOR EAST HAY STREET MAIN F. P. Arnola, 9 hours connecting service lins AC* D. GerliSs 1 day,4 1 hours work H: Marand 8 daylb, 1 hours work J. Nurnberger, 1* hours work Clyde Adair. 1 a4ys York R. G. dose, d days 7 hours work Elmer Hill, 2 aays, 2 hours work H. T. Doyle, one: says work D. Campbell, 2 days * hour work Joseph Gill 3 aays 3 hours work A%. H. Adair. 3 airs, 6j hours work George Broughton � day j hour work A Me Tavish one qay one hours work Xames Stout 1 days 1* hours work ana warrants were ordered drawn therefor Oil • otion the meeting aujourn d t I y CLERK 5.00 $56.33 $23.23 $33.38 9.00 5.65 . 0.65 .87 5 .00 4.40 1.30 5.OQ G.30 fi.H7 9.06 6.30 5.6.5 6 -55 V MAYOR PRO'TEM. 4 Aug. 8/1932 Council met this evening at. 7:30 P. M. Present Mayor Grieve ana Council- man nadey, Stevea.son, and Norton. Minutes of the meeting of' July 25/1932 were read ana approvea. John ood was granted permission to cut undergrowth in De Kalb Street the. full width of the street in front of his pvgpEerty.. The Cleric was directed to write the owner of the farmer William Finney property suggest*ng that the shack thereon be either boarded up or town dawn, as it was a fire menace: n The Clerk was difected to insert an advertisement in.the Port Orchard Indepenaent offering a rewara of $50.00 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the party or parties damaging the caretaker's residence at the City Park. The Clerk was airected to notify all Councilmen to be present at the next 234 meeting as important business was to be transacted. The Water Z2uterintendent was directed to confer with Mr La -I'uke and kr 11c Waae in respect to 'the cost of installing an automatic shut off ana on for the pump house in respect to the water tanks on the hill. The ulerk was directed to write Mrs. Mildred Cohen asking her to cease park- ing at the inersection of #aSr & Frederick. The rater Superintendent was authorized to purchase a lawn mower for use on the pumping plant lots. The following bilks were presented: GENERAL FUIM . Bremerton ®il Delivery Ca 55 Gallons of oil 16.50 Fked Wilson, building extension 'Town Hail 22.50 Standard Gil Co gas and oil 17.54 Pacific T & `I' Co, long distance messages .95, Port Qrchara Aachine Marks, sharpening tools .5Q. Howe blator Go tubing & c $ .34: Howes hardware, sundry supplies 5.w.02 Williams Hardware sundry supplies 2.90 Port Orchard Transfer Co moving file 1.00 W. E. Cosbey, reshingking pwrt of n Hall $'20.00 Lawrence Muller * aays work 2.50. Harley Norton, lumber $ 1.19 WATER FUND Port Orchard Transfer Co Hauling plank 1.50 Puget Jound Express, Freight on pipe Bremerton to r. 0. $ 1.73 Williams Hardware, sundry supplies $ 11.09 E. F. Zahller,. sharpen]=ng tools 2.50 National Dieter Co 5 Aash meters 49.30 Standard Oil uo oronite roof paint $ 1E. Howes Ilardwdre, sundry supplies 14 Howe Motor Go repairs to Coupe "f � 9.57 Seattle Plumbing Supply Co fittings 7.01 Olympic Iron & Alacftine Wks sharpening tools 3.Q0 R. J. Carettik lumber anti freight 4.37 Puget 'Round Iay., Go freight on pipe Ac 3.51 ana warrants were oroe:red drawn therefor. On Motion the nteetin j turned. Vkw I O - - ChERK G z4 -1- �' MAYf7 Augur 10/1932 A special metting was duly held this evening at b:30 P. M. duly called by the kayor to consiaer a. resolution submitted by the Director of Highways of the � State of Washington agreeing not to restrict the speed on tray Street below 25 miles an hour or to obstruct traffic in o.roer to get .6'ederal t'Lid for State Moaa 3ia. 14. Present: Uayor Grieve, and Gouncilmen Stevenson, Norton and Corliss. The proposed resolution was duly presented and discussed and it was unanimously voted to adopt the same. On notion the meeting auj,ourneu. / PLAY i / 235 1 August 22/1932 Caaunci& met this evening at 7:30 P. U. Present Mayor Grieve and Council - risen. Radey, Stevenson, 11orton, Yleming & Corliss. Minutes of meeting of Aug 8XI932 were read and approved. VI.Vil Petett appeared before the Council and stated that a friend of his psaposed to epenj a lunch room with three or four card tables bask of his jewelry store and asked if there Mould be any objection to the same, and the council stated there would be none. Complaint 'was made in reference to the annoyance of the radio going. ip front of Guytik Radian Shop, and the Clerk was instructed to write ask- ing that the radio be toned down or removed from the sidewalk to insiae the store. 4acab Auernberger appeared before the Council in reference to his earnings from the garbage system, and stated that he was not aeriving suff- icient income to pay for the service. :after discussion the council authorised the employment of some person to make a canvass of the town for auaitional customers to be paid $10 for such services, under the airection of the Realth ana Sanitation Committee. The Water Superintendent reported that the Puget Sound Power & Light Co dia not wish to make any suggestion in respect to an automatic turn on and shut of'f at the pumping plant,. in respect,, o , Lhe: wa-ter in t�h*e tank 'on the hill, and the clerk was authorized to write a letter to the ,Westing:hauze� & Electric fg Co for suggestions an4.recommendati:ons inthe matter. the Street Superintendent was authorized to purchase about 200 yards of gravel at 40X a yard ueliverea. it was suggested that the guy wire of" the Puget Sound P. & L Co attached to the tree on the pumping plant lot be removed to a pipe attachment. she Water 6up.eriatendent brought up the matter of the wish cif' the Gracie Schob1 hoard to use twa meters in order to save a plumbing bill of $25. and the. Uouncil authorized the Superintendent to tender the school Boars some 60 feet aE.f one inch pipe which wouia reauce the plumbing bill somewhat, and to state that the mown pref'.e;�red..to, use a.,s ngle meter. Geroge bkanch4ra was,.given permission to paint his curb yellow at the corner inaiciting no parking was,,a2lowedio "Ihe Street t.uperintendent:..v as idiredted ito,_indicatd.-IRNo�-8arb paricing"� on the south. side :ar, vrospeot. St opposite ithe .parking pl:ade larit .,the North side therof. -�he matter of the separtlion of the Position fo Aarshal and Water Super- intenaent was aIscussed., put,a.efinite action thereon was deferred for the 236 time tieing. k'he Water auperintenaent was authorized to install a fountain at the pump- ing plant on the unaerstanding it would not cost inexcess of 414. the following bills were presentea GENERAL FUND A_Mciavish 5 hours work at $5 per aay 4 3.13 Port orchard lndepenaent, aavertising and supplies V24.40 Harley "Orton, Lumber for intersection tray Cline and Kitsap 020.51 Pacific T & T Co long distance calls .55 P. 0. Transfer Co, sand and gravel, for intersection Cline, nitsap and Hay 4P27..60 Wji, 'FR FUND Pacific Water Works supply ca meter boxes $22..50 National laeter Co 1 inch meter :$23.-5.5 Mutual Groceries, rebate overcharge on water 5.25 ana warrants were ordered drawn therefor. un tangy_ -the meeting ad' ed. C �MAY Sept. 12/1932 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present "Layory Grieve and councilmen Radey. Stevenson, idortan and Gorliss. lainutes of the meeting of itug 22 1932 were read and approved. The matter of a turn on charge for water of 75/ for less than 15 days, anal the printing of ordinances in reference to water was discussed but no action taken for the time being. The Street Superintendent was directed to call the attention of E_ k. Hubbard, MitcheAll Hill to the fact that his paper box constitued an obstruction on the sidewalk. The Street buperintendent was authorized to purchase 4 tires for the back wheels of the grader. The Council approved. a policy of the Street ana ''dater Superintendent helping each other out on work to be mutually arranged between them. The Water Superintendent reportea a 12 inch meter hau been installed at the trade School, the meter which the school had being an oil meter, ana that the one inch meter purchased for the school house would be installed at the 14avy larkjd dock. The budget for 1932 was presented on the basis of 18 mills for the General Fund, 1 � mill for the Library Fund and 1 mill for the Park .fund, in all 20 mills on a valuation of $338,317, and after discussion the same was duly adopted and Monday Oct. 3/1932 at 7:30 set as the final time fot the final adoption of the budget and the fixing of the tax levy far 1932. 237 The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND J. Nuernber#er, 4 days work on Bay St concrete $20:00 A McTavish, 2 days work on Bat Street Concrete 410.00 George Braught.GA 2 days work on Bay Street. concrete $10.00 Bremerton Oil Delivery, 165 gallons feel oil $ 4.95 Howes Hardware, sundry supplies :$1.2.95 Part Orchard Ma chine Works, making tar stove &c $33.25 Olympic Lighterage Co. 152 cubic yards crushed rack 000.80 K. E. Eri.ekson, ;reflectors intersection .say Cline &Zi,dney 8.21 Howe Tutor Co s#pl:�Xes 2.30 Williams Ha.rdwa.re, supplies .80 Moore Auto Service. gas 5:60. Jacob Nuernberg,removing garbage from nark font of Pottery Hill 1.00 Trick & Mvrray, annual election supplies 5.63 WATER FtiND .y F. H. Arnold 2+ pious work at School house 2.00 H. Marand, j days work at 5 per day $ 2.50 Joseph Gill, one'dayIa work $5 per day $ 5.00 Neptune keter Goyrepairs to meters $21.14 Howes Hardware,: pupplies $13.41 Howe Mato Oo repairs to coupe 9.63 Williams Hardware. supplies 1.64 Olympic Iron & Mach Works, material and labor 3.70 Eimer Hill, 1 daysts work fixing leaks 5.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. I SW math o t 0j'aj Darned. ' I 1 MAYOR. Sept. 26/1932 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present mayor grieve, and Council- men St.eveneon, Ndrton, Fleming & Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of September 12/1932 were read and approved. The 141erk was directed to accept payment of water by the Puget pound navigation Co. after the 15th without collection charge and to -refund the collection charge on August water rent. Charles Lina'all of the Board of Control of Navy Yard Relief appeared before the Council and suggested that perhaps the Town could use some of the workers on this side who were receiving relief, and it was suggested that the work could be done on the City Park, and it was duly voted that the Mayor ask the relief Committee for such work, the work if furnished to be done unaer the direction of Councilman Corlaies of the Park Board. Charles Linoa,ll was granted permission to improve the turn at 6idney & Sraufe Ave. C. Christiansen reprenenting the American Legian- tt. Orchard Post No. 30 presented &-letter from the Post arcing that the triangle at Bay, Kitsap & Cline be turned over to.the American region to be used as a memorial of veterans of all wars from South Kitsap County, and a formal resolution was ydtl.y adopted 238 granting the petlton of the; Port I)rchara Post._ It was understood that the ""own mould pipe water to the triangle and furnish free water for the upkeep of the plot. 'he following bills Were presented: , GEfTERAL FUND Kicharos Brush Co brooms for street cleaning Lowman & Hanford Go receipt book- for clerk Puget Sound ffay. Co freight on boncrete pipe Pacific T & T. Uo, long d:istance�all -WATER I�M Trick & Murray, sheets for consumer's ledger Puget Sound 11ay. Co. freight on meters & c Sauget Sound Aay. Co. refund collection charge and warrants were ordere+7 drawn therefor. Un Motion the meeting adjourned. C I,ERK Oct. 3/1932 9.24 2.61 8.80 .15 15-.16' 2.55 .50 CGuncil met in special sessiion this evening at 7r30 P. X.to pass the tax levy for the year 1933. Present Mayor, Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corli,ss. The Clerk presented Ordinance No 326 fixing the tax levy for 1933 as follorwe; General Fund 18 mills, Library Fund 1 mill and Park Fund 1 mill, and on motion the following voted in favor of the adoption of the ordinance. Rae#ey,, Stevenson. Norton, Fleming and 6orliss. The Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the Concrete Pipe Go. for the sum of $34.65 in order to save a ten per cent cash discount on the bill. On motion the meetir% adjourned CLERK / MAYOR i Oct. 10th 1932. ' Gouncil met this evening at 7:30 P. V,.. Present Mayor Grieve and Council- men Stevenson, Dorton. and Fleming. 3 j Minutes of meeting of Sept 26, 1932 and special meeting of actober 3/1932 were read and approved.. The Clerk was directed to write to George Korb and C. A. Hanks in re- ference to the: matter or. putting spark arresters on the chimneys on the Yak-ey Property occupied by George Korb and the pool room building owned by C. A. Hanks,and that in default of attention by them the matter would be referred to the State Fire Marshal. The Street Superintendent was authorized to employ J. R. Pa.ttison to give X. F. Anderson, James Dyson and E. S. Howe their grades far a sidewalk an Dwight St. The following bills were presented :: e GENERAL FUND. E. S. Brandelein Co magneto for grader &c 15.00- Tire Shag gas 4c 35.91 r Hoge Motor Co tires for grader &.c $19L 29 England & Peterson, rent concrete mixer 2 00 Hawes Hardware;general supplies Rensselaer Valve Go hydrant and fittings 71.25 P. 0. Machine forks, repairs to grader & c 38.8a P. O. Transfer wood for Town Hall 2,.25' Duke Electric Ga Bulba 1.48 WATER FUND sire Shop, gas &a 33.37 National Meter Go 41.28 C. L. Xoeppel 1 days work at $5 per day . 5.00 Olympic iron & Xachine Warks sharpening tools etc., 10.89 Palmer Supply Go.. cocksells and fittings $ 41..49 Howe Motor Cam tepaire to coupe. $ 12.80 A. H. Adair. 1 4ayswork at % 5.. per daV. $ 5.00 Howes Hardware Sundry supplies 16.80 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. 144 motion q.wetinj ad our ILAY �- Oct. 24th 1932. council met, this evening at 7.3Q P M Present kayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson., Norton, Fleming and Corl.iss.. Minutes of the meeting of (let. 10th 1932 were read and approved. Councilman Corliss of the Park Committee reported that the men from the Navy Yard Relief were working on the City Park Grounds. 240 John Lindall from the Navy Relief stated it was reported that the mensent to work on the City Park were not working satisfactorily, but was assured by Council- . , man Gbrliss of the City Park Committee that the men were working all right. The attention�tof the Street Superintendent waz called to the fact that the fence was down on the bulkhead on prospect Street back of the Sponogle Building. The Street Superintendent was directed to tear up the plank crossing at Seattle Avenue and put in a temporary crossing of crushed rack. The Clerk was directed to write to Walter M. Harvejr to put in a proper auto- mobile crossing across the sidewalk in front of his property and to confer in respect to this with the Street Superintendent. The following bills were presented. - GENERAL F1 C. Wycoff Co Treasurer, yearly pay0ent $ 6..24 on Gurgabe dump lots Pacific T & T' Ca long distance calls .25 Harley Norton, canopy for grader 1.40 A McTavish 6 hours work at 0 5 per day 3.75 � H. Morand 14 hours work at $ 5 per day $ 6.75 Feder Pipe & Tank Co bands 8.90 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. mot he meeting adjourned. November 14/32 Council met this evening at 7-30 P M. Present Mayor Grieve, and Caanci.lmen Radey,, Stevenson, . Narton and Corliss . Minutes of meetiaf of Oct. 24th 1932, were read and appra-ved: Roy IIowe appeared before the Council and complained of the overflow from the Hugo Hoglund septic tank :into the Street_, and the Marshal was directed to adk Dr. Wilson to inspect the same and take su.cn action as he thought; fit.. The Clerk was directed to write Mr. Haglund that he could nat construct his cess pool in the street. � The Street �upe:rintendent was instructed to take down the railing on the bulkhead back of the Sponogle Building, and to rebuild the sidewalk on "idney Street from the Hitzel Property south. The Council set Idanday November 21/1932 at 8 P. M. at the Town Hall for the caumus for nomination of '.Gown officers to be elected at the Town Election Dec. Sth i 1932, and appointed the following as the election officers for the Town.Election Dec. 6 1932. W. 0� Breed,, inspector,. George Broughton,. Judge and Amas D Corliss Clerk, with power ,to .thei Mayer to fill vacancies that might occur. The 'Marshal inforrmed'the Council that he had appointed Harley Norton as Deputy -Marshal. and such appointment was duly confirmed by the Council.. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Mrs• Bannie Rahl, investigation in re. garbage customers. $10.00 E. '. Zahller,. filing saw .50 William's Hardware;, sundry supplies —:035 Standard Oil Oa. ias and oil 8i65 Howe H tarr Go sundry supplies .82 Bowes Hardware, sundry supplies.1'i Ideal Sercfce Garage, removing cylinder blacks,, grinding valves &c A"&..60 Dort Grahard Machine 'Wks sharpening grader teeth & a VAT.7t�$ FUND 9illiams hardware, hose coupling $ ..25 E. F. Zahller, saw filed $ .50 Puget Sound Hay. Oo freight on pipe $2.40 L. J. Moore gas for coupe $3.6.1 gees Hardware, sundry supplies $3..79 Olympic Iron* Ada.(phi.ne Viks sharpening tools & c $1,0a Ideal Service Garage $2.50 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. MA Nov. 28/19 32 Council met this eveiting at 7.30 P. M. Present Uyar Grieveeand Council- men Radey, Steveneorn. Norton, Fleming and 8orliss.. Minutes of the meeting of Nov. 14/3'2 were read a nd approved. The Marshal reported in respect to the Hugo. Hoglund septic tank and drain and he was directed to notify Hugo Hoglund to take up his drain into the street. The Street Superintendent was directed to see `d. J. Nelson, Gounty Super- visor of reads to see if he would not fill up a hole in the Mitchell Hill Road, and his 'attention was called to a hole at the Zufield corner on East Bay St. The following bills were presented: GENERAL YUITD Duke I-lectric Go bulibs Standard Oil Co. qil $3-25 WATER FUND Duke electric Co.,greaae for pump $1.60 R.J. Caretti, mat for coupe and fare to Seattle $1.80 J D. Rose,, one days w,�ork $5.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor_ C]Lerk Mayor On motion the meeting adjourned 242 KINTJ'= FOR NOMINATIONS OF TOSNVT OFFICERS HELD AT TOU HAU NOVEMBER, 21, 1932 at 8 P. Lt.. i►t 8 P. M the Town Clerk read the Gall for the Causue,, and &sked for nominations for Chairman, and Dr. H. It. Wilson was duly elected Chairman of the meeting. Francis Y. Applegate was duly appointed Secretary of the meeting. Nominations were opened and the following were duly nominated for officers of the Town to be voted for at the Annual Town Election to be held Dec. 6/1932: Charles Grieve Moyor for a Two year term J-, U. Peterson, Town Trea.syrer for a one year term.. W. S. Stevenson and S. A. Norton, Councilmen for a two year term. It was duly voted to call the ticket so nominated to be named the "CITIZENS TICUT". ,On motion dLIly carried the Chairman appointed the following as a Committee to fill any vacancies in nominations: C. A. Hanks, J. F. Anderson and Guy L Wetzel. On, motion the meeting adjourned t r� Frances 83. Ap at A, Secretary Dec. 12/32 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present Mayor Grieve, and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of Nov. 28 1932 were read and approved. The accumulation of the ice in front of the Hazzard property on East Bay Street was discussed and continued until the next meeting. The Street Superintendent was instructed to investigate in re: the cause of the accumulation of the ice in the gutter on the northeast corner of Sidney and Kits�,,p. The Clerk was directed to secure licenses for the Fire `truck, Jump Truck and water coupe. The matter of the repeal of the liquor ordinance of the Town was discussed and the matter was continued until the next meeting. a 243 Deam M. Corliss,. as Chairman of the Park Board, reported that Uis Board had purchased anti additional lot to help -round out the City mark Property at fa county tax sale at a cost of $20, the money being paid by funds in the treasury of the Park Board. the Street Superintendent reported that the new board walk from Hitzels on Sidney Street south had been practically completed., the Clerk presented the result of the -Town Election held Dec. 6/ 1932 as shown I by the officail pall book, and the same was duly canvassed by the Council,, and the followingwere ichosenyt and Adeblared duly elected at the said electioh: Charles Grieve, Mayor Two year term V. S. Stevenson, Councilman S;. A.. Narton et a H tt J'. 11. Peterson, Treasurer One year term The dater Superintendent was authorized to rebuild the Ford Coupe at the i least possible cosh. It was duly voted to have the next meeting on Tuesday Dec. 27/1932, the regula �, meeting date falling can Monday the 26 December, observed as Christmas -'ay. The following bills were presented: I A. D . Carliss, JuOge of Town election 6.00 George A Broughton, Judge Town election 6.Q0 W. C. Breed, inspector Town Election 6.00 E/ F. Zahller, sharpening saws 1.00 Ala Super Service, lgas for grader and dump truck $18.56 Howes Hardware, surkdyy supplies 6.12 Howe Motor Co,. reb4ilding rear end of grader etc., $81..64 f Standard Oil Co ga$ for grader and dump truck $12.51 P. 0. Transfer, hauling hoist from gravel pit to waterworks $ 1.5G P. 0. Machine "'arks, in re. fire whistle Fii-e Dept. $ 3.00 J7. i''. J`oslin, wood ;for City Hall 4.50 P"., G. Independent, advertising various notices and ordinance 01a.30. Harley Norton, sundry supplies $ 2.55 WATER FUND H._ Morand 1 days work at $5 per day 5.00 D.- Campbell, 14f d s. work at $ 5 per day 9.06 P. G. Independent, ostal shut off notices 8.50 ! Howe M6tor Co. sundry supplies 5.85 Olympic Iron & Macnine wks,, supplies fi0 Hawes Hardware sundry supplies 3.7b Moore Auto Service g,(Jd, ,1 Gas 3.48 and warrants were odered drawn therefor. On motion th a ing adjourned t Town. r Mayor v 244 Dec. 27/1932 Council met this evening at 7:-30 P. M. Present ''ayorGrieve and Uouncilmen Radey) Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of December 12/1932 were read and approved. 'he matter of the repeal or modification of Ordinance No, 346-the Liquor ordinance -was brought up and discussed, and the Clerk. ,presented Ordinance Na. 397, repealing Section 5 of said ordinance, and substituting in its place a provision authoriziXng physicians to insure prescriptions for liquor and suly licensed phamma,cists and druggists to fill the same. and the same was unanimously adopted. The matter of water coming onto the Street from the Hazzard property on East Bay Street was referred to the Street &.alley Committee with power to act. The matter of the bulkhead on Prospect St was discussed but no definite action taken. the matter of the reconstruction of the water Coupe was discussed,, it appeared that it would cost abut a�85 to put the car in shape, and it was the consensus of opinion of the Council that the car would not justify this expenditure, and that the Matter be continued for another meeting, and that in the meantime it should be ascertained whut a good second hand gaer shift car could be obtained for. The Street Superintendent wus authorized to dispose of tire changers to Joe Sacco for $ 5. The mutter of proper storage of all motor vehicles of the town was discussed, and it was the consensus of opinion that the present garage should be torn down, and lumber obtained from the fair grounds remodelled to hold all vehicles of the town - The following bills were presented. GENERAL FUND Francis 1. Applegate,:recording fee for deed to City Park lot Harley norton, salt for icy streets `JAT'ER FUND Gamon Meter Co meter parts Gamon leter 'o meter parts Trick & Murray receipt books for two year period and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. "n qiotion t e m g adjourned. Clerk 19 .68 $ 5.55 $72.35