01/01/1930 - Regular - Minutes139 January 13, 1930 Council met t4is evening at 74.30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Stevenson and Norton. The new councilmen -elect, Harry Radey, F. B. Fleming and D. I. Corliss, were duly s*orn in by the Clerk,, and filed their oaths and took their seats in the Council. Minutes of the meeting of December 9, 1929 were read and approved. There mas no meeting of the. Council held on December 23rd, as &.quorum was not. present. The action of the Mayor and Clerk in signing warrants which should have been authorized at the- meeting of December 23, 1929, as follows: GENERAL FM Pacific T. & T. Go., telephones - - - .2:0 Duke Electrie 'Co., tulbs, etc., 3.56 Port Orchard transfer Co.., good for Town Hall - 5.50 Puget Sound Navigation Go . , freight - - 1.10 James Stout, street work - - - 4.00 Lee Miller, street work - - - 12.00 R. J. Caretti, drinking fountain - 18.70 T. V. Peterson,Co.Auditor, 1930 au -to licenses - 3.75 WATER FUND T. H. Burns, putting in tap. was duly ratified and confirmed. The bonds and ;oath of the Treasurer, Marshal and Clerk, for the year 1930, �1 were duly presented, #ith the American Surety Co. as surety, and were duly approved and ordered filed, The following Committees were appointed by the Mayor: Street and Alley Water Committee Health and Sanitation Harry Radey .S. A. Norton F. B. Fleming W. S. Stevenson Harry Radey W. S. Stevenson D. 11. Corliss . . B. Fleming S. A. Norton Finance . Fire and Light Building Committee W. S. Stevenson W. S. Stevenson D. M. Corliss F. B. Fleming . A. Norton S. A. Dorton D. M. Corlies Marry Radey F. B. -Fleming The Mayor Also appointed Councilman Corliss on the Library Board. The Marshal reported that he expected soon to be able to attend to cutting the trees on the Kemp and.Nordby properties, and was authorised.to speak to Thomas Ross in respect to the shrubbery o.n his parking strip extending out into the street.. The Marshal also reported: that the garbage dump was almost ready for use. He also said he expected to get at the Division St. sidewalk Leading from Sidney to the Court Howse as soon as the -weather moderates. The matter of . the condition of the: sidewalk in. front. of the Churchill property was aontlnue� until the next meeting to ascertain the condition of the lot as to taxes and asseepment liens. The Marshal reported. that the grade of. the Pendleton alley had been adjusted satis- factorily to all concerned. The Marshal reported that the hoist had been reconditioned and was ready to run. The Mayor called the attention of the Council to the condition of S. Sidney St., 140 i' and the Marshal thoroughly over was the authorized streets of to the engage town, a competent man,to run the not to exceed twelve- days grader and go in all. The Marshal reported that the new pump had been installed and that things were ready to switch over to the new equipment as soon as the cold weather moder- ated, as it 'was necessary to run the old pump almost all the time to- keep the water supply up. The matter of claim of 1-Irs. William Peterson for $2.50 for thawing out water pipe under sidewalk in front of her property was presented and allowed. The Marshal reported in reference to frozen hydrants and was directed to use all possible means to keep them from freezing. The matter of a new water tank was discussed and Councilman Morton, the Chairman of the Viater Cozzaittee, was asked to confer with C. A. Hanks, President, of the Chamber of Commerce, and request him to appoint a Committee to confer with the Council at it.s next meeting on the: water situation. j The Marshal reported complaint as to parking an sidewalk in front of the 1 Highway Garage an Odd Fellows dance nights, and the Clerk was directed to write the Odd Fellows Lodge to remedy these conditions. The Marshal reported an inquiry, in respect to purchasing from the Town about 100 feet of 6-inch water pipe owned by the Town, and he was authorized to dispose of the same at not. less than 40;e per foot. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND R. J. Caretti, lumber for hoist - - $8.49 Lee Miller, 22 hours street work - - 11.00 James Stout, 8 hours street work - - 4.00 P. 0. Independent, advertising and letter heads - 18.55 Fairbanks, Morse & Go., parts for hoist - 8.57 Et fE H EF tf - - 3.90 i Howe Motor Co.,surtdry supplies for dump truck & grader- 17.15 Howe Motor Co., supplies etc. for fire truck - 4.60 Fairbanks Morse & Co., supplies for hoist - 1.12 Trick & Murray, registration books 1930,/1 - 13.24 American Surety Co.,bonds for Clerk,Marshal and Treas. -25.00 Tire Shop, gas and oil - - - 12.76 Howets Hardware, general supplies - - 4.42 Duke Electric Co., bulbs, etc., - - 2.15 P . 0. Machine Works, parts and work on hoist - 14.58 Rensselaer Vatve Coo., parts for hydrant - - .83 Mill & Mine Supply Co., rope, etc., for hoist - 24.10 Grant Auto El ectri a Co., magneto for grader - 25.00- Olympic Iron & Machine 'Works, sundry labor - 4.85 Francis M.•Applegate, postage f or 1929 - 6.00 WATER FUND R. J. Caretti, lumber - - 8.28 Francis M. Applegate, postage for 1929 - 9.00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co.,100 ft.wire wound wood pipe - 40.86 Howe"s Hardware, i)undry supplies - - 4.09 3,500 postal water notices for 1930 - - 47.00 Mrs.Wm.Peterson, refund for thawing water pipes in St.- 2.50 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the peeting adjourned. �jl�is•�/y'Va Cler May 1 January,27, 1930. Council meat this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Coun- cilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Fleming. U6nutes of the meeting of January 13, 1930 were read and approved. The Marshal reported that Thomas Ross.had given him permission to cut the shrubbery projecting into the street in front of his property, and that he could finish putting the garbage dump in shape in three or four days, as soon as the Breather moderat.*s. The matter of the sidewalk in front of the Churchill property was considered, The Clerk presented a letter from J. M. Peterson, Town Treasurer, shoving that the total amount of assessment liens and taxes aggregated $1,291.42, and the Council was of the: opinion that the property would not stand the additional cost of reconditioning the sidewalk. The Marshal, reported he had made it as safe as possible withou$ going to additional expense. Frank Givenso representing a Committee from the Chamber of Commerce, and Alan Totten, Fire Ch4ef, appeared before the Council, and recommended the erecting of street signs and the numbering of houses in Port Orchard, Washington, and the Clerk was dir.ectged to get in touch with Mr. Casad, City Engineer of Bremerton, as to the method of numbering houses and report back at the next Council meeting. The Clerk presented the annual Financial Statement of the Town, and was duly authorized to publish the same- as iequired by law. A petition wads presented by Glen Owens, Elmer Hill, L. 0. Marsh and W. W. Alderman, asking the vacation of Grant Avenue between First and Second Streets. A formal resolution was duly adopted, fixing February 24, 1930 at 7t30 P. M. as a date for tY e hearing on said petition, and directing the Clerk to post the necessary notices. The: Marshal has au-thorized to use his discretion in reference to the use of the streets by heavy trucks, etc. The Marshal was directed to prevent coasting on Cline St. in the event anow would enable coasting. thereon. f The following bills were presented:. H. D. Baker & Co., featherweight carbon paper for council minutes - - $3.00 H. D. Baker & Co., two reams onion skin paper for Council minutes - - 3.12 WATER FUND W. H. Harold,. electric thawing machine - - 150.58 Harley Norton, 33 hours* work 0 50¢ per hour - 16.50 H. Stewart, 6; hours: work 0 50,e per hour - 3.00 R. J. Caretti;, expressage on thawing machine., salt and taxi - - 8.Q3 Bowles Co., tee - - - - 4.42 142 H. L. Baker Co.. repair on water receipt stamp - - $1.25 t� Puget Mound Navigation Co., freight an supplies - 2.01 Federal Pipe & Tank Co.., 4 driving plugs - - 3.50 Pacific T. & T. Co., telephone calls - - .65 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourn d. I VUVG Cle; Mayo February 10, 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present.: Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Nortoh, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of January 27th, 1930 were read and approved. Mr. Givens appeared before the Council and presented a petition signed by twenty. -one voters of the down of Port Orchard, petitioning the Town Council to call an election for the annexation of Plats of. Annapolis and Yowlers Replat of Wheeler & Singleton's Addition to the T`oTM of Port Orchard, Washt The petition had a certificate from the Town Clerk to the effect that the signers were duly registered voters of the Town, and that the signers constituted more than one - fifth of the voters voting at the last municipal election. The petition and cer- tificate of the Clerk were ordered to be filed. The Clerkm presented Ordinance No. 385 providing for such election on March 22, 1930, and appointing'11. 0. Breed, Inspector, William Sutton, Judge and Eva V. McLeod, Clerk, for the Town of Port Orchard, and Pauline Peterson, Inspector, Bertha Siegner, Judge and Nona Kendall, Clerk, in the territory annexed, and designating the Town Hall as the polling place in Fort Orchard, and the old Photographic Gallery in Annapolis Precinct in the territory sought to be annexed, which was duly. adopted. The. Clerk was directed to publish the notice of election in the Port Orchard Independent -and the Bremerton News Searchlight. At this point Councilman Stevenson took his seat in the Council. The Clerk reported that he had taken up with Mr. Casad, City Engineer of Bremerton, in refer- ence to makring streets and numbering houses, and he had promised to furnish some data on the subject, but had not yet done so. The Marshal was directed to uncover the gravel pit and employ such Jabot as was required. The Marshal reported that the hoist would soon•be installed at the gravel pit. It was duly voted that hereafter the rate for wages for labor fox the Town should be at the rate of $5.00 per day. -� The Marshal was authorized to get a bucket for the hoist. The Marshal was directed to dump a load of gravel at the crossing at Ada St. and to attend to a hole in the cement sidewalk at the Harmon alley. The Marshal was alsor directed to take up the crossing an Prospect St. from 143 Howe r s Garage to the Navy Yard Hotel and gravel the same. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Kitsap County Bank, calling its attention to the condition of the sidewalk on Frederick St.,and asking the Bank to remedy the same. The Clerk was agthorized to sign an application for the consolidation of light and range service at.the pumping plant for one meter. The Marshal calked the- attention of the Council to the: fact that it. woolld cost about $160.00 for a• starter for the old motor at the pumping plant, while a new motor could be purchalsed for $240.00, with a salvage value of about $80.00 for the old motor, and that the new motor could be hooked up with the starter for the new pump. After discussion it was duly voted to purchase a new rotor, with the under- standing thatthe: old motor could be turned in for $80.00.. The Marshal was also di- rected to have the electric light people test out whether a 25-horse power motor would suffice, and if so, to purchase a 25-horse power motor. The Marshal was ;authoriz-ed to acquire a pump to pump, out water hydrants in the. event that it was found feasible to graze broken hydrants in place. The disposition'of the old tank and pump house at the pumping plant was dis- cussed, and the: matter was referred to the dater Committee with full power. to act n in the: premises. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Howe4mot:or Co.,sundry supplies and &epairs -for dump truck - $49-18 Port Orchard Independent, supplies and advertising - 15.00 Duke Electric Co., lamp - .. _ _ .35 Port Orchard Transfer Co., wood for City Hall - - 2.75 Lowman & Hanford Go., receipt book for `treasurer - - 1.90 Howe's Hardware, supplies - - - - 17.83 Howe Motor Co., supplies and repairs - 7.86 Lee Miller, 1 dayts street work - - - 4.00 Harley Norton, 1+ days4 street work - - - 6.00 WATER FUNS L. L. Lent, thawing out water pipes - -- 29. 00 Duke Electric Co.# fuses, etc., - - - - - - 1.00 Howes Hardware, *upplies 5•-22 Port Orchard Independent, supplies - - - 8.50 Olympic Iron & Madhine storks - - 12.03 Lee Miller, one d4Ly's work - - - 4.00 Harley Norton, 94- days' work thawing water pipes, etc., - 38.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor - - , 144 Yebruary 24, 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Norton and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of February 10, 1930 were read and approved. The Clerk reported that the matter of the vacation of that part of Grant Avenue between First and Second streets was regularly on the calendar for this meeting, notice having been duly, posted and affidavits of posting having been filed with the Clerk. After discussion, the Clerk presented Ordinazze Yo. 386, vacating that portion of -Grant Avenue between the south margin,of First Street and the north margin of Second street, ana the same was duly adopted. The matter of marking streets and street numbering was referred to the Mar- shal to investigate the matter and report to the Council at its neat meeting. The Marshal reported that the gravel pit was ready to take cuff the earth, but he had not been able to get the facilities to do) so, but would soon be able to attena to it. The Marshal reported that the garbage dump was in shape for use, but that it was necessary to gravel read leading to it, which could no doubt be done before the next meeting. The Marshal was authorized to have a slip made far the hoist by the Olympic Iron and Machinery Works sit a cost of $46.85. The Cleric was directed to write the Ideal Service Station, suggesting that they keep their crossing Free from mud. The suggestion of the Marshal that he buy his oil wholesale was approved by the Council. The Marshal reported that the motor test had not yet beerk made by the Electric Light Go. They Marshallvwas autnoriaed to dispose of the old pump house and tank to the best advantage possible. The Mayor reported that he. had employed B. Fisher to sweep Bay St. in place of Lee Miller, resigned, which was duly approved. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Harley Norton, 9 stays' work on streets at $5.00 per day - $45.00 James Stout, 7j- days' work " " " " » " - 37.50 Lee hiller, 71 of N a a a a _ 37.50 Howard Cooper Corporation, firemen's suits - - 80.54 Wiliktms Hardware, sundry supplies - - 7.40 Pacific T. & T. Co., telephone calls - - 1.70 Standard Oil Co., dynamo oil - - - .96 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On mot' the meeting adj ou ned. �� - Cl Wk Mayo 145 March io, 1930 Council met;this evening at 7:3. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, X$rton and Conies. Minutes of the meeting of February 24, 1930 were read and approved. The Marshal; reported that nr. Miller, of the Miller Engineering Co., was over ante had gone over the sump and pump house, and would write a letter to the con- tractors and the pu*p people, calling their attention to certain t1xings which mould have to be done before the jab was QV*d: The Marshal also reported that the old tank and pump house were being torn down.by Carl Yolzahn for the salvaged lumber, with the understanding that,the place was to be thoroughly cleaned up when through. The Marshal reported that the garbage dump was ready for use, but that the read leading to it would Have to be gravelled, which coulee be done in a day. The Clerk was directed to procure a stamp and stamp water notices for two orirUthree months with ONE{[ RkJaUG1 R W, READY FOR USE*. The Marshal was authorised to employ such help as necessary, to enable him to build the Division 'wend Sidney street sidewalks. The Clerk called attention to the fact that. Callison's Inc. were making com- plaint to the citizens of the Town at 'what they claimed was an excessive price for water, and the mattOr was referred to Councilman Stevenson. A letter was read from Harry Stevenson., complaining in respect to the Town Clerk far the imposition, of a collection charge dor delinquency in paying water krill, and the Clerk was directed to write Ar. Stevenson that his letter had been received and ordered placed; pn file, and to empress the appreciation of the Council for his interest in the,Town.o T%e following bills were presented: GENERAL FUG R. J. 6a►retti, lumber - -12.07 Barley Norton, 1 daysr work on Ste.1-$5.04- 52.50 Lee Miller. 1 day's st. work 0 $5.00 - 5.00 Duke Electric Co., one lamp - - .40 Standard Oil Go., oil for grader - - 1.26 Home Motor Co., repairs to dump truck, grader and_ fire truck, also gas - - 48.90 W. if. LeaveX, two election sets(Annexationj 5.00 Home*s Hdwe., general supplies - - 10.60 Ideal-, Service Station, gas a=- - cnil far motor cycle, grader and truck - - 8009 Port Orchard Machine Works, supplies - 4.00 Olympia horn & Machine Warks,Bagley seraper•,ete.60.04 R. J. iasretti, lumber - - Howwef s. Hdw-e` , supplies - - Duke Mleetrjc Co:, supplies and warrants were o�rderedo drawn therefor. On motion the meeting. adjourned. Clerk 6.58 22.33 29.61 ins Council met this evening at 7:30 P. Mh men Racey, Stevenson and Norton. March 24, 1930 Present: Mayor Grieve abd, Council - Minutes of the meeting of March 10, 1930 were read an€3 approved. The -Clerk was directed to write the Miller Engineering Company, asking them to have the contractors ana the pump people finish the job as speedily as passible, as nothing has as yet been done in accordance with their recent letter. The Marshal reported that he had commenced work on the Division St. sidewalk leading to the: Court House. 'i`he Marshal was directed to fix a hole in the Sidney St. sidewalk south of the water tanks. The matter of Callison's water rate was continued. The Council duly canvassed the returns of the Annexation election, held March 22., 1830 and aeclared the result as follows: -PORT ORCHARD For annexation - - Against annexation - ANNAPOLIS For annexation - Against annexation - - 81 votes - 20. votes - 39 votes - 72 votes and inasmuch as the annexation proposition aid not carry, in Annapolis, further declared saiatn proposition aefeated. The Clerk brought; up the matter of the, licensing of dogs, and the Council decided to do nothing about the matter at the present time.. The Marshal was directed to bring in at the next meeting a report as to needed repairs and improvements at the pumping plant residence, together with an estimated cost thereof. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND E. 2. Zahller, sharpening save -- - - Bremerton News Searchlight, adv. annexation election P.O. INdependent, annexation ordinance, notice of election, ballDts therefor, etc. W. 0. Breed, Inspe Uv4 annexation election Eva V. McLeod, Clerk, Annexation election - - Wm. Sutton, Judge, -Annexation election - Nona 1tendall, Clerk, Annexation election - - Pauline Peterson, Inspector, Annexation election Bertha Seigner, Judge, Annexation election - James Stout, 5 days-2 hours street work - - Lee Miller, one aay*s street work - - Harley Norton, ll days 6 hours street work - UTER FU10 .Federal Pipe & Tank Co., pipe rands - Tacoma Rubber Stamp Co., repair to dater for pad and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. 0 motion the meeting --ned. t C le May $� 3.00 23.00 48.55 6.25 6.25 6.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 26.25 5.00 58.75 4.46 2.10 '�l April 14, 1930 Council met this evening at 7,:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Korton and Corliss. Minutes of meeting of March 24, 1930 were read and approved. Mr. Miller of the Miller Engineering Co. and Mr. Holmberg of Holmberg & Norman, contractors for the sump and ppmp house, were present, and the matter of the com- pletion of the contract was gone into at length. Mr. Miller called attention to the fact that the following matters were not finished or in satisfactory shape: Painting, pump not in alignment,, not proper lock on 12ump house door, window lights to be put in, and wiring. These various matters were discussed, and it was agreed that the .Fairbanks-xorse Co., malcers of the pump, would be asked to put the pump in proper alignment, to be done this week if possible; that the painting would be done as soon as the wood had dried out, and the: other small items attended to. In respect to the wiring, the. Council agreed that the present wiring would be satisfactory until per- manent wiring was put in when a new motor was acgpired for the old pumping unit. The Marshal reported that the Uivisi.on St. walk had been finished, except placing a guard rail along the road side, which would be done. The matter of various leaks in the water mains was discussers, and the Marshal was j authorized to secure the services of an, experienced man from Seattle or elsewhere to aid him in patching leaks, and to give this matter his immediate attention. The Clerk was directed to notify property owners that it was the intention of the Town Council to initiate an improvement by resolution at the next meeting of the Council, extending the water mains of the Town as follows: By instaling a four -inch main, with necessary: connections, valves and hydrants, beginning at a point about twenty feet north of.the Belle Keith (Barr) property on Sidney St., south on Sidney j to and including the Joseph Gill property. Marshal Caretti submitted an estimate for improving the pumping plant residence by making alterations, additions of porches, etc. of $365.Od, and the matter was discussed but no aefinite action taken:. The condition of the sidewalk south of the water tanks on Sidney and the walk at the foot of Pottery dill was discussed and continued. The Clerk presented a letter from the .District Highway Engineer in regard to re- lieving the congestion on the paved portion of Bay St., recommending among other things the paving of the center of Bay St., and the matter was discussed and continued. The following bills were presented: GXNERAL FUND Duke Electric Co., lamps, etc., - - % .95 R. J. Carett� , lumber f or Division St. sidewalk - 141.83 R. J. Carett*, lumber for Sidney St. walk - 10.52- R. J. Caretti, lumber for sidewalks and gravel pit - 19.52 E. F. zahlier, filing saws - - 1.94 Ideal Servico Station, gas for truck, graaer, etc. 19.48 Williams Har4ware, supplies - - 14.52 Howets HardwM.re, supplies - - 20.55 J . P. .i oslin, wood for Town Hall - -- 2.75 Olympic Iron & Machine Works, tools, etc., - 2.63 Howe Motor Cori , repairs and materials - - 26.57 148 General Fund, Gont "t . HArley Norton, 14* days street work 0 $5.00 per day - $72.50 WATER FUND Duke Electric: Co., wiring aK:; t pumping plant - 45.78 P. 0. Machine Works, repairs - - - 5.50 howets Hardware, supplies - - - 8.17 Lee Miller, .3 days' work @ $b.00 per day - 10.00 and warrants were ordered drawn thererar. On motion he meeting adjour ed. t /, O�U C ler April 28th, 1930 Council met this evening at 8 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Stevenson and Norton. Minutes of the meeting of April 14th, 1930 were read and approved. Messrs. Barr, Gill, Triplett and Peterson appeared before the Council pursuant to a notice that it was the intention of the Council to pass a resolu- tion at this time extending the water mains south on Sidney street from Melker street to the southerly ,limits of the Joseph Gill property. Discussion was had but it seemed not to be possible to do the work by private agreement. The Clerk presented a resolution initiating a Local Improvement District for this work, and setting May 26, 1930 at 7:30 P. M. as "the date for hearing on the proposed im- provement, and the same was duly adopted by the Council. The Clerk was author- ixed to secure the services of J. R. Patti.son to make preliminary survey, esti- mate and assessment roll. The Marshal was directed to post. a "NO TRESPASSING" sign on the water tanKs property. Jacob N uernberger was granted the exclusive privilege to collect garbage in the Town, and the Marshal was authorized to notify him that when he was pre- pared to commence gathering garbage all other persons wo,ulci be forbidden to handle garbage, except those who were handling their own garbage. The Marshal was authorized to purchase eleven concrete the to finish the drainage at the pumping plant lots. The Marshal was directed to see the owners of properties on the north Bide of Prospect street in rdspect to removing unsightly buildings and cleaning up the premises facing on this street. The Marshal was authorized to purchase an extra starter coil and extra starter point for. the: pump house. The Clerk was directed to write to the proper official in respect to blanks for obtaining a rebate on gas used in the grader, truck and fire engine. 11 149) The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Harley Norton, 8 3/4 ftssss*'street work @ $5. # day - $43.75 Pacific T . & T. Co., telephone messages - .60 Tacoma Rubber S'itamp Co., stamp - - .60 Duke Electric Go., lamp - - - .35 R. J. Caretti, lumber for siaewalke and guard rails - 35.14 WATER FUND Harley Norton, 3 days' work s5. per day - 15.00 Puget Sound Navigation Co., freight on supplies - 1.35 Duke Electric Co., new motor and installation. - - 182.85 R. J. Carett.i, 'lumber to get old motor out -- 2.90 ana warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meet' g asdjourned. Clerk Mayor May 12, 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve abd Council- men Radey, Norton and Fleming. Minutes of the meeting of April 28th Were read and approved. Mr. Miller, of The.Miller Engineering Co., Seattle., was present and pre- sented a final report op, the sump and pump, house, stating thstt the contract had been fully completed:, and he 0 Ksd the final bill of the contractors, Holmberg & Norman, a nd presented a final hill for engineering services. A committee, composed of Messrs. Holmberg, Langer and Johnson, appeared before the Council in regard to ailing some of the streets of the town. The committee said that aopations were being received from property owners to oil between Seattle Ave. and Cline St.. on Kitsap, and from Bay to Division on Sidney St.,, the amaunt.of oiling depending on the s= raised for the purpose. The Council: was asked by the committee to contribute something to the cost, particularly at the street intersections. Mr. J. M. Peterson, who was present, stated that a similar fund was being raised to oil Pottery Hill road and as there are also intersections there and the town owns property along the road, a motion was maae and carried that the Town contribute $15.00 toward the oiling on Kits3ap and Sidney Sts. and $15.00 toward oiling Pottery Hill. The Marshal: reported that the leaks in the water amins had been repaired but that the pipes were breaking out at other places. The Marshal reported that Jacolh Nuernberger was collecting the garbage. The Marshal reported that it would be 25 daya before the tiling would be delivered for the old pump house drain. 150 The Marshal reported on the cleaning up of Prospect St. that Mr. Hanks was � willing to tear down his old buildings and replace them with new ones; that Mr. Kiernan had stated that he would have to communicate with Judge Yakey before he could say what he could do; that Mrs. Elder said she was getting $b.00 a month for her garage and aid not feel that she could afford to lose this income at the present time. The Marshal stated that 'barrels filled with straw were stored under this garage and was a fire menace. The matter of Mrs. E. W. Wright's water hill was brought up and the Council decided to let her have water free for the rresent. The matter ofrfla $2.00 charge for turning on the water for the K. P. Building, which had been shut off for delinquency in payment of water charges, was discussed, the Council deciding that in the face of the town ordinances on the subject it had no right to cancel the payment. The Mayor and Clefk were authorized to pay the Marshal his salary to date before he leaves on nis vacation. The Marshal stated that the repair work on the sidewalks was up to date and that the man taking his place. while he was away on vacation would take care of the pumps and grade the streets. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND J. P. Joslin, fuel for Town Hall - - �,1.50 Nels Markussen, work on hooks -- - 1.30 Western Tractor & Equipment- Co., blade for grader) 6.03 Howe Motor Co., Repairs on pump truck, etc., 17.07 Howes Hardware, supplies - - 6.75 Henry Buscher, piling under 'Town Hall - 28.00 The Tbre Shop, gas, oil, etc., - 18.82 P.O.Machine W,�rks, Repairs to dump truck - 17.64 Harley .Norton, 8-J clays on streets @ $5.00 - 42.50 WATER FUND - Harley Norton, 34 gays at pumping plant -- 17.50 Lee Miller, &J days at pumping plant - 42.50 .r'ederal Pipe & TanK Co.,Repairing grater matins- 36.79 Pacific Water Works Supply Co., supplies - 23.82 Williams Hardware, supplies - - 4.7b How:e's Hardware, supplies -- - 5.20 The Miller Engineering Co., services - 73.10 Holmberg & Norman,bal. sump and pump house - 1,524.50 and warrants oraered arawn therefor. On motion the meeting aaJourne . C1er may I May 26, 1930 G.ouncil met this evening at 7.30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stephenson, Norton, Yleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of May 12th, 1930 were read and approved. This.being the return= date of the Resolution to establish a Local Improvement Dis- trict, extending the water mains south on Sidney St., the Town Engineer presented plans and specifications and a preliminary assessment: roll, which was ordered in file. The Clerk then presented Ordinance No. 387, establishing a Guaranty Yund in respect to Local Improvement Districts, which was duly adopted. The Clerk then presented Ordinance No. 388, establishing Local Improvement District No. 31 - Extension Sidney Street rater Mains, which was auly adopted. The Council ordered that the extension be four inch wooden, main, and directed that the hydrant, be installed on the sou%h side of Melcher Street. The Clerk presented Call for Bids for the Sidney Street Water Mains Extension, which he was authorized to publish twice in Port Orchard. Independent and post in three public places in the Town.. A. H. Fischer, Lyon Building, Seattle, a hydraulic engineer, appeared before the Council in respect to engineering work on the new tanks, but the consensus of opinion of the Council was that engineering services were not required. The Mayor anal Clerk were -authorized to issue a warrant for the amount of licer ae on the truck of Jacoi� Nuernberger, the garbage collector, and take a note at 60 days for the repayment of _ the amount. The Acting Marshals was directed to clean off East Bay St. sidewalk, fix a plank near Mr. Wleming•s house on Mitchell Hill and fix a board in front of the Anslow property on Cline Street. The Clerk presented a bill of F. P. Arnold for $14.15, and was directed to send a bill for $12.00 of this to the Fairbanks, gorse and Co. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND James R. Pattison, engineering services, preliminary as- sessment roll; etc., Sidney Street 'dater Extension - $22.50 Harley Norton,. limber - - - 2.80 Harley Norton, wates to May 2.6, 1930 - - - 32.50 Pacific i' . & `T . Co : , telephone calls - -- 1.60 WATER Harley Norton, lumber - - - 1.86 Neptune Meter Co., repairing meters, etc., - - 31.58 Puget Sound Na,.v. Co., freight on meters - - 1.75 Harley Norton, wages to May 26, 1930 - - 32.50 Henry-Buscher, labor - - - 7.50 Anurew Peterson, labor - - - 2.00 Y. P. Arnold, pipe and labor as plumber - - 2.15 i and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. � On motion t e meeting adjourned. Clerk faayor la ? June 9, 1930 Council Met this evening at 8:00 P. 14. Present: Mayor Grieve an u Council- men Radey, Norton-'leming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of May 26th, 1930 were read and approved. ."he acting 1arshal was airectea to post the usual notice in reference to f irewor',s from noon July 3, 1930 to midnight July 4, 1930. The Council fixed a minimum of $1.50 for 4,000 gallons of water curing the months of June, July and August, 1930'; The Clerk was airected to Vollect the Occupation Tax at one-half the fixed rates, on and'after July 1, 1930. The matter of bias for the Sidney St. Water Extension was taken up. Only one bid was presented, that of LAIlbert Saunders, for the sum of $66.1.00, which, with 388.30 for engineering, advertising, etc., woula make the assessment roll about $749.30. On motion duly made and carried, the bid was accepted, it being under- stood that trie contract would specify completion by July 15, 1930, and the Mayor and Clerk were directed 1jo sign a contract with Mr. Saunders for the improvement. Mr. Saunders was granted permission to close Melcher St. for such time as required to ma'-ce the improvement in that vicinity. The Council coneriderea the matter of new tanks, and set Monday, June 16, 1930 at 7:30 P. M, as a$, time for a special meeting to consider this matter. The Clerk was airectea to write to tank manufacturers for quotations on 250,000 gallon tank and one 100,000 gallon tank, about fifty feet from the ground, and suggest that the Council would be glad to have aiepresentative of the various manufacturers present at this special meeting. .�u,otations were directed to be secured as to both wooa and steel tanee, a s well as specifications. The acting Marshal was directed to clear off the gravel and dirt from the concrete sidewalk in front of the Alfred Larson (Stanton) property and to speak to Mr. Hershey, State Supervisor, to have the grader draw away the gravel from the edge of the sidewalk. It was suggested that the Acting Marshal gravel the crossing on Mitchell Hill near Mr. Flemings, leading into Moore's place. The attention of the acting Marshal was directed to a hole in the street at Sidney and Dwight and he was airectea to remedy this condition. The Following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Henry Busfcher, one, days street work -- - Harley norton, lumber for break in walk at .Fire Station - Howe's Hardware, sunary supplies - - Olympic Iron & Machine Works, sharpening tools - Howe Motor Co., sunary supplies - Duke Electric Co., fuses - - - P. 0. Independent, ordinances, etc. - - Harley Norton,salary Acting Marshal,_ 5/27/30 to 6l9/30 - Ideal Service Station, gas, etc., - -- $5.00 2.65 10.20 3.90 8.57 .72 41.95 35.00 12.32 j 153 WATER -FUND Neptune Meter Co., gaskets - .77 P. 0. Independent, Turn On and Off notices - 7.50 Harley Norton, wages 5/27/30 to 6/10/30 - 35.00 Howets Hardware; sundry supplies - 7.58 Stamp "Meter Not Read"', Tacoma -Rubber Stamp Co.,- - .55 Henry Buscher, If dayst labor - - 7.50 and warrants ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned, to -meet in special session dune 16, 193G at 7 : 30 P. IN. Clerk411 !, Mayo June 23, 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Fleming. Minutes of the meeting of June 9th,°1930 were read and approved. Representatives of steel and wooden tanks were present and the matter of new water tanks was taken up. It was decided to employ F. I). Fiedler, as engineer, to draw up specifications for both mood and steel tanks, and it was decided that the style of steel tank should be "two panel alliptical type water tower". The engineer was directed to provide for alternative pressure -treated creosoted stab: -structure for the wooden tanks. The Marshal was aireeted to see to the proper setting of hydrants on the Sidney -St. water extension and to ask the engineer to: give correct locations for the hydrants. The Marshal was instructed to look after a drain across the highway near Talbot's house and remedy conditions there. The matter of remitting the tapping fee of $9.00 for the Methodist Church was taken up, and in view of the cost of same and that every one is required to pay it, the Council instructed the Clerk ta. write the Church that it did not see its way clear to grant such request. The Qlerk was directed to write the K. P. Lodge for the $2.00 for turning` on water for the K. P. Building after -it was shut. off. j The Marshal was authorized to purchase a supply of corporation cocks and fittings 'and 3/4" tees and 200 feet 3/40 pipe. The Marshal was instructed to speak to.. parties in the habit of parking in front of Town Hall. The Marshal was instructed to repair hole at Ainsworthts corner on Bay St. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Union Oil Co., oil for grader, etc., - - 08.40 Pacific T . & T . Co., long distance calla .50 9.t10 P.O. Transfer Co.,fuel for City Hall and truckage - Harley Norton, 11+ aa,ys t work at $5.00 per day - - $47..50 Lee Miller, dayts work at $5.00 per aay - - 2.50 WATER FUND Henry Buschery, 3 hrs . F work at $5 .0Q per day - 1.88 Fairbanks, Morse & Co.,.stem packing and grease - 3.55 E. T. Harris,,carpenter work at pump house - - 2.61 and warrants were oraered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting aQ ourned. C1a ar y July 14 , 1 30 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of June 23, 1930 were read and approved. The Marshal reported that he had asked J. Lee Berry to survey the water tans lots ?gut that he had not done so. After discurrion, the town engineer, J. R. Patti:son, was instructed to pre- pare a call for bids and general specifications for a steel, or in the alternative a wooden water tank of 125,000 capacity, the contractors to submit their own detailed plans ana specifications, with the return date for bids to be on July 28, 1930, at 7:30 P. M. The Clerk was directed to publish ce.11 for bids in the P. 0. Inaependent and the Pacific Builder acid Engineer. rl. Totten, Fire Cheif,_tappeared before the Council and presented the prop- osition of Frank Lighthouse Agency, American Bank Building, Seattle, , Wa,sh., to insure a volunteer fire department a-.f the town of fifteen members against acci- dent, etc. in the performance of their duties, one entailing a premium of $120.00 a year and another a payment of $135.QO, and the matter was deferred for action until the department personnel reached fifteen men. The Clerk presented a letter from I. P. Callison & Sons in regard to water, and the letter was referred to the Water Committee, to act with a Committee from the Chamber of Commerce, to confer with this ,concern in respect to the matter. A ]setter was presented from George E. Miller, President of the Bremerton Trust & Savings hank, in ressect to some $900.00 odd warrants held by that bank of the Pottery Hill Water Extension L. I. D. , and asking the Town to pay these warrants out of the receipts from this extension on an instalment basis. After discussion the Clerk was directed to write Mr. Miller that, the Council did not see its way clear to accede to his request, inasmuch as other water extensions were delinquent and might become delinquent in the future, and favorable action on his request would se to dangerous precedent. James R. Pattison, town engineer, presented Final Assessment Roll of the Sidney St. Water Extension under Ordinance Na. 388, showing the total roll ta.- be $769.85. The Assessment roll was oraered filed, and the Clerk presented a Resolution, setting Monday, August 11, 1930 at 7:30 P. M. as a time for liearinh on said assessment roll, which resolution was duly adopted. The Marshal reported he had attended to cleaning out the end of culvert near Talbot's house on Bair. St.. The Marshal was authorized to purchase about 100 feet of wood pipe for replacements. The Marshal a;illed attention to the fact that the dump truck would need new tires and a general.pverhaul, which would require some $150.00 and also that the grader needed a new parburater, and these matters were continued until the next meeting of the Council. The Marshal called attention that in laying concrete tile at the pumping plant station, he has d is covered that the south end of the culvert across Kitsap street was blocked with logs, debris, etc., and the Clerk was direeied to- write the owner to remove the obstructions. The Marshal called attent.i qn to the fact that sailors were appearing on the streets in dungarees and track suits, and the Clerk- was instructed to write to the Commandant of the Navy Yard in respect to the matter. The, following' bills were presented: GENERAL it' MD . J. R. Pa,ttisoo, engineering, Sidney St.Water Extension - $14.00 Harley Norton 6* days' work at $5. per day - - 32.50 Chas. Cornell, one-half cost scowage on concrete the - 12.50 Duke Electric Co . , bulb - - - .35 P.O. Machine �ork-s, machinist work - - 3.OG Nels Markuss* sharpening *owls - - - 1.68 Howe's Hardware, supplies - - - 7.10 Howe Motor Co, work on dump truck - - 32.18 Concrete Pipe Co.,-j cost concrete pipe for pumping station - 68.00 (lots) R. J. Caretti lumber - - - 2.90 Francis K. Applegate, m9s general receipt book - 2.50 WATER FUND R. J. Caretti lumber Chas. Cornell, 2 cost scowage concrete pipe for pumping station lots - - 12.50 S. Gargarino, l days work at $5, per day - 5.00 Harley Norton, 121 days' work. at $6. per days - 61.25 Duke Electric Co., one: bulb, - - 1.20 Puget Sound Nay. Co., freight on piper and water meters - 10.14 Neptune Meter Co., rrepa,irs and parts for meters - 89.12 Williams Hara�are Co., sundry supplies -- - 3.42 Ben Thompson „ one day's work at $5. per day - 5.00 Howe's Haraware, sundry supplies - -- 6.78 Bowles Co., s4pplies - - 6.44 Pacific Water.Works Supply Co. - - 42.48 Concrete Pipe!Co.; concrete pipe, water pumping lots,f cost - 88.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjqurned. T. Ci" rk ras: r e y �l July 28th, 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve ana Council- men Raaey, Stevenson, Morton and Corliss. Minutes of meeting of July 14th, 1930 were read and approved. Bids were presented for a water tank, either steel or wooden, and seven bids were filed with the Clerk: The bids were airectea to be opened and were as follows: STEEL Chicago -bridge & Iron Works - - $6,350.00 Western Engineering Corporation - - 8,878.00 Pittsburgh & Des Moines Steel Co. - - 7,265.00 Campbell Engineering Co., - - 6,495.00 to $6,810.00 ',WOODEN STAVE TANKS Pacific `dater Works Supply Co. - - 5,850.00 Buffelin Wood Pipe Co. - - 3,400.00- 3,800.00 - 4,082.00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. - - 4,500.00 The bids were ordered referred to J. R. Pattison, `town Engineer, for investi- gation and report, and the Council set Wednesday, evening, July 30th, 1930 at 7:30 as the time to go over the; bids and make the award. The Clerk presented an ordinance granting a franchise to the Natural Gas Corpor- ation of Washington for a gas rranchise to lay pipes and maintain a gas plant in the Town, and the same was duly read and considered as the first reading anc.t presentation of said franchise ordinance, and continued until the meeting of August llth, 1930 for final action. G. ,y. Broughton made protest as to his occupation tax and the same was con- tinued until the meeting of August llth, 1930. The matter of the application of P. B. Attwell to connect up drains at the Black Jack briage at the junction of the Manchester and Gig Harbor Highway was re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee witJW power to act. The Marshal referred to a complaint of T. George in reference to the gutter on ',lest Divis ion 5t . , but no acti on was taken. The Marshal referred to the cleaning up of Prospect St., stating that Airs. Elder had taken sown her garage ana that 1rr. Hanks was ready to take down his if the others would. The Marshal stated that no word had been received from Judge Yakey about taking down the old telephone office, and the Clerk was directed to write him, asking permission to have the same wrecked. The Clerk was directed to write F. D. Fiedler that in view of the fact that it was the policy of the Town to have everyvone connected directly with the street mains and the town had provided a connection far his w4Ater line at High Hull Streets the Town would be glad to have him connect up his line at that point as soon as possible. The Marshal reported that the tank lots had been surveyed, and there was front- age of 95 feet on Sidney St., and room for the new tank on the south without disturbing the old tangy on the north„ He stated he had slashed part of the lot, and there were alders growing on the easterly part of the lots which should be slashed, but no action was taken. 15757 The Marshal repa3;ted that all the water consumers on the new Sidney St. rater Ex- tension had been hoakeid up today. A. Totten, .Fire oief, called attention to the desirability of street signs, but I the Council was of the; opinion that this matter should wait until next year, when it could be included in the budget. J The matter of tnei I.P.Callison Co -water was continued until the next meeting. The Marshal was ad.recte€i to secure prices on two rear tires for the hump truck and report at the nextmeeting. The matter of the overhaul of the motor of the dump truck was continued. The IkIarshal was authorized to purchase a carbureter for the grader. The Marshal reported that the garbage clump was being used and was in a satisfac- tory condition. The Marshal was directed to place gravel at Ainsworth's corner on Bay St., and to mix it with oil. j The Marshal reported that he had had a talk with Mr. Hornby, the owner of the property on Kitsap St. where logs and debris had accumulated at the mouth ofothe culvert leading across Kitsap St. across from the pumping plant, and that he wished to consider whether he would put a culvert in on his property. J. R. Walsh, on behalf' of the Port Orchard Post of the American. Legion, the Chamber of Commerce and the Kiwanis Club, presented recommendations in reference to the parking problem, and the same was ordered on file and the matter continued for consideration at the next meeting. The following bills were presented: GENERAL. FUND S. Garbarino, PIJ days" work at O5. _ - Wiiiiam Walker, 5 days' work at $b. Harley Norton, 6-J days'* work at Ob . - - WATER FUND S . Garbarino, 2f days t work at $b . - William Walker, 4 .days at $5. - H. Norton, 51 dayst work at $b. - 11. F. Baker & Co. carton paper for.receipt books - Buffelin Wood Pipe Co., wood pipe - Pacific Water Words Supply Co., pipe - and warrants were ordered. drawn therefor. •12.50 2b .00 32.50 12.50 20.00 27.50 1.50 19.80 34.89 On motion the meeting adjourned. �,//f + r rk Mayor I 158 July 30, 1930 A special aaj ourned aee:ting of the Council: was held. this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: mayor Grieve and councilmen Hadey, Stevenson, Korton and Corliss. `ikhe purpose of the meeting was to award the aid for a 12b,000 gallon water tank for which ❑ius were opened at the meeting of July 28th, 1930. .i . x. Patt,ison, town engineer, reported that he had gone over the bias and made ' a report tnereon. After discussion it was auly voted to accept the.bid of the Chicago Bridge: & Iron Works at *6,350.00, and the .Mayor and Clerk were duly authorized to execute a contract i or , the work. It was duly voted than The tank should be placed on the southwest corner of the water tans lots on Sion.ey Hill, 10 or f5 feet in from Sidney and Kendall streets. After aiscussi.on, the following extras in respect to the tam were votea: outside 3-inch overflow from the top of the tank to the bottom, with elbow, 6-inch overflow pipe,inside the riser,elbow ana valve ana 4 ft.riser for The sum of 0400.00. The Clerk was auly authorized to advertise for bids for the meeting of iiugust Litn, 1930 for concrete founaations for the tank. On mom t o meeting adj o r 0. Glerk Augu 11, 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Council- men haaey, Stevenson, 116rton anu Uorliss. minutes of the meeting of July 28, 1930 and the special meeting of July 30th 1930 were read and approved. 'two bids were presented for the building of the concrete foundations for the steel water tank on Sidney Bill ana were oraered opened, shoring the following bids on the approximate cubic yards of concrete and excavation: P. b. Attwell - 0805.50 Albert Saunders - 820.42 ana P. b. 4Ttwell being the lowest bidder, the work was awarded to him, and the Mayor anu UlerK were authorized to sign a contract tor; athe3 job. The matter of the, acceptance anti approval of the assessment roll of the Sidney Street Water Extension - L.I.y.-#31 was by resolution set for this sate, ana the assessment roll was auly read, and there being no objections, the Clerk pre - rented Orainance No. 389 accepting aria approving said roll, which was duly adopted. The Mayor and Clerk were duly authorized to sign LID warrants in favor of the con- tractor for the mount of said roll, to -grit: $769.86. � The matter of tner occupation tax of G. A. Broughton was discussed, and the Clerk was directed to write mr. Broughton that the Uouncil could not see its way clear to make aizferent rates for businesses of the same class. The Clerk was airectea to send a bill to 1. P. Cal4ison Inc. for $3.75 for occupation tax. 159 -ehe Glerk present:od the delinquents in respect to the Occupation Tax and was directed to write them that unless paid by Mondays, the 18th inst., the same would be placed in the hands of the: Marshal for collection. The matter of the Gas Ordinance was continued until the next- meeting. The Marshal was auithorized to purchase two, Goodyear tires from the Tire Shop for �7 the dump truck at $47.50 each, 10,% ana 10% off. K. E. Heun was appointed inspector in respect to the pouring of the cement for -the steel water tank founuations, and the rater Committee was authorized to appoint another inspector in case Mr.lHeun could not serge. The rate of pay was fixed at $5. per days. The matter of automobile parking was continued. The action of Councilman. Radey in ordering hose to flush out the stopped well was duly approved, and the marshal was authorized to sell the hose when, it had served its purpose at the rate of $4.Oa for 50-root lengths. The.Marshal reported that the laying of the at the pumping plant had been finished, except to take the forms out. The Marshal was directed to grade the streets as soon as it was possible to ao so. The following hills were presented: GENERAL FUND John Davies, lJ aays# work with team ana two men Wm. Walter, 1 daytt work on sts. at $b. per day H. jq rton, 8 days end 2 hrs.t work at ;5. per day Dale Seigner, to lipttering dump truck - Tire Shop, gas, oll, etc. - - Howets Hardware, general supplies - - iiowe Motor Co.:, tide for fire truck and sundries Duke Electric Co., lamp - - Sears, Roebuck & Cp., muncie 'Transmission T. C.-bowman, refgnd on Occupation Tax - Olympic Iron-& Maa4ine Works, repairs, etc., - Ideal Service Station, gas, etc. E. F. Mahller, sharpening saw - - WATER FM R. E. Heun, one day*s work at $b, per cay - John Davies, 1 day is work with team ana Two men H. Norton, 3 daysr work at $5. per dap Howe's Hardware, sgnary supplies - - L uKe Electric Co., lamp - Pacific :wilder & Vngineer, call for bias for water tank - Paciiic Cuter Tork ,& Supply Co., pipe anu fittings - Puget, Sound Navigation Co., freight on pipe, etc. - Williams Hardware, hose, etc. - Z. R. Pattison, engineering on water tanks and warrants were ordered drawn therex'or. On motion the meeting adjourned. Gc,G;G� Clem PI/ mayor. 018.00 5.80 41.25 2.00 10.87 14.45 45.77 .b5 5.00 4.74 15.54 12.15 1.50 b.00 12.00 15.00 23.02 .35 11.60 101.15 1.25 10.10 12.50 160 August. 16th, 1930 council met this evening in special session at 7:30 P. M. to conaider ways and means of remedying the present crisis caused by. the plugging with sand of one of the wells at the pumping plant. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stev- enson, Aorton and Corliss. In the absence of the Clerk, ll. M. Corliss was ap- pointed Acting Cleric to take the minutes. The Council was informed that the difficulty with the present well was a broken casing, which would necessitate the drilling of a new well rather than an attempt to -get water from the old well. After considerable discussion and consideration, motion was made by Norton and seconded by Stevenson that the Town enter into a contract with 0. E. Erdman of Rlma, Wash. for drilling a new well to be encased with six-inch standard pipe, contractor to furnish all materials and labor, at the rate of $4.50 per foot for. 400 feet anti fifty cents per foot additional beyond 400 feet depth, the contractor to be paid only for actual footage drilled and en- cased to provide an adequate flow of water, the contractor•ta guarantee an accepted flow for a period of 30 days from completion, he to receive compensation upon com- pletion of the ,fob, the contractor to begin Monday, August 18th, 1930 and actual arilling to commence the next €lay, and the job to be completed in about tent days, which motion was uuly carried. The Mayor and U1eric were authorized to sign a contract embodying these terms. On motion the meeting adjourned. Corliss, Actini; Clerk Qr August 2bth, 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. X. Present: Mayor Grieve and Council- men Stevenson, siorton, i�le;ming and corliss. Minutes of the meeting of August 11th, 1930'and of the Special meeting of August. 16th, 1930 were read -and approved: Seth Owen presented the merits of the Owen Road Broom for the town grader instead of using a Blade. He Presented Jerry Caldwell Co., 1040 6th Ave. So., but no action was taken in the matter. W. 0. Breed was appointed inspector for the pouring of the concrete for the foundations for the toweria for -the steel water tank, his compensation to be $5. per aay. The Gas Ordinance and the Perking matter were continued until the next. meeting. The Marshal reported that he had purchased tires for the clump truck. The Marshal reported that 0. E."Erdman, who is boring the new well, had reached a aepth of about 254 ft.,but was being slowed up in operation by striking sand. The Marshal was directed to take out the pipe in the stopped well used for flushing, and return the same. The Marshal reported a bad leak in the water mains at Kitsap Pt., and the matter was referrea to the Water Committee. 0 161 The Council duly, voted that on and after September 1, 1930 there would be a Water Department and a Street iepa:rtment, that H. Morton would be in charge of the Street Department and K. J. C'arettl in charge of the Water Department and Town Uarshal, each to be independent of each other,, and the dump truck and grader to be an -der, the exclusive charge of the Street„ Department, the salary of the head of the Street Department to be $5. per day' and to be charged to the General Fund, and the salary of the head',of the Water Department and the Marshal to be $150. a month, to be charged to the Water Fund. It was suggestey that Councilman Morton, as chairman of the Water Committee, and Councilman Radey, 4s chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, have a confereacse with the respective heaas of these aepa.rtments and map out a general plan of work. The Marshal called attentionto a slide from Prospect St. at the Water Pumping Plant, and the same. was referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation, and report. , The following bills were presented: GENERAL FLM Albert-SaundersSt:Water Ext.,for fire. protection - $10.00 Pacific i'. & T.-Go., long aistance messages - - .b0 H. Norton, 4 days, 3 hours' work at Vo. per day - 21.87 WATER FUD Eenest Coles, 11 days' work" on artesian well - - 7.50 Jacob ffuernberger. 3 hours' .work - - - 1,87 W. E. Cosbey days work, at $b. per day - 2.50 H.Norton.,10 days 4J hrs. r work at $5* per day - 52.81 C`.L.Mahoney,worlr an block -ea well in full payment of all services- 50-00 R.E.Heun, 37 hrs. • work at .75, per clay on blocked well - 23.12 Lawrence Aaair,',20* hours' work at bOd per hour - l0.25 11. Lee Berry, surveying work water tank lots - - 22.50 Puget. Sound Xavi gat ion Co., freight on pipe, ate., -- 3.08 Albert Saunaers extras on Sidney St.Water Extension LID - 21.70 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion Jhla meeting adjourn a mayor -��. September 8, 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M.' Present: Mayor Griege'ana Councilmen Hadey, Stevenson, Norton, Yleming and Corliss. Minutes of meeting of August 25th, 1930. were read and approved. The Street Superintendent was directed to clean out the gutter on Rockwell .eve: The Mayor and Clerk were directed to craw a warrant on the General Fund in favor of the water fund 6r $1.00.00 for use of water at fires during the year 1930. The Clerk presented a proposed budget for the year 1930, made up on the basis of a 16-mill levy. Ater going over the budget, it was directed that the same be ap- proved, after making the levy 17 mills, and striking out the Occupation Tax for the year 1931, and apportioning the Marshal's salary, $1,500.00 to the Water Fund and $300.00 to the General .fund, and the Clerk was directed to publish the same for hearing at a special meeting to be held Monday evening, Oct.5th, 1930 at 7:30 P. M. 162 The Clerk presented Ordinance go-39O, correcting the number of Isdney St.Water Extension LID from 14o.31 to ivo.33, and the same was duly adopted: The Clerk was airecte6 to pay the Marshal :�75. out of the General fund and $75. out of the Water 2und on the pay day on September 10th,193O and thereafter to pay the Marshal $125. out of the dater Fund and $25. per month out of the General Yund. The Gas Ordinance and Paricing matter was continued. The Street Superintendent reportea that in Many cases stringers of sidewalks were rotten and would not hold nails, and he was directed where possible to repair the same by nailing rough planks 1 x 12 lengthwise and leaving a space in the middle between xnem,and where it was not possible to repair the sidewalk,to tear up the walit. The Marsnali•reported that the new well was doom 4O0 feet but that a satisfactory flow of water had not yet -been reached. The matter of the imminent slide on Prospect St.was continued until next meeting. The Marshal stated he ought to have a supply of wood pipe on hard and the same was continued until the next meeting. The Clerk was airected to write Jack Horn -by to remove obstructions to culvert on his property'on ?�itsap St-. across from the pumping plant. P.b.Attwell, contractor for the concrete foundations of the towers for the steel water tanK, appeared before the Council, with j- R.Pattison, engineer, and after discussion, the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to draw a warrant to the order of Jar. Attwell, subject to the inspection and certification of J.R.Pattison, .engineer. The matter of some means of transportation for the dater Department was discussed, anu t=ne matter was continued until the next meeting. The Marshal orought up the matter of a larger tap for Ge0.E.Miller, and the Mar- shal was instructed to get: prices on metere,ete., and report to the Council at the next meeting. The Marshal was directed to bring the water for the Givens and Fiedler properties to the street line and instal valve at the street line for each property, it 'being unaerstood that the respective owners would be responsible for the water line from the valve into their respective properties. The Marshal was directed to place before the Council data as to the cost of tapping, with the idea of fixing a rate that would adequately cover the cost of same. The following bills were presented: � GENERAL FUiSTD Water k'und , use of water at fires in 1930 - - 01O0.00 H. J: Caretti, lumber - - 6.09 Harley Morton, 5 days' labor at fib. per day - 25.00 Howard Cooper Corp. , b12 10ire Lept,. plates - 4.89 Trick & Murray, annual election supplies - 5:63 Olympic Iron & Machine Works - - 5.38 '^ Howe''s Haruware, general supplies - - 14.27 Tire Shop, tires for dump truck - - 78.50 Howe's Garage, carourettor, etc. - 32.50 NEATER FUND H. L. hemp, 8 3/4 says' work H. Norton, 6 aays 5 hours' work 43.7b 33.12 H. J. Caretti, lurber - -. 017.65 Williams Hardware Co., general supplies - 19.19 Neptune Meter Co.V repairs to meters and parts - 36.13 P. 0. machine Works, drills, etc. - - 3.56 howe*s Hardware, pipe, hose, etc., - - 149.04 P.O.Transfer Co•,hauling hoist to Pumping Plant - 3.50 lauke Electric e;o. , lamps and connecting pump - 8.40 Pump Equipment Co.,, rent of pump, freight, etc. - 104.00 W.O.Breed,5j days"i work inspecting concrete foun- dations for steel grater tank at ;5. per day - 27.50 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the m ,ing adj 0urned i. G:n Cle mayor September 16, 1930 Special. meeting called at 7:30 P. R. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Norton, Stevenson, Fleming and Corl.iss. The opject of the meeting was to consider payment to L. 0. Braman for drilling of iiew well for- the Water plant. Motion by Corliss,' seconded by Kadey, that B510 of the cost., amounting to ;1,700.00, be ordered paid and a warrant: drawn for this amoon't. 00 =ied. The Marshal was directed by the Council to order the material and get the new well connected up to sump as soon as possible. �. On notion they meet' was adjoUrnea. Co e rk jxayor. September 22ig 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30,P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Racey, Stevenson, Norton, Fleming and Corliss. Minutes of the meeting of September Sth, 1930 and the special meeting ag September 16th, 1930 were read and approved. Elmer Wilson appeared before the Council and askea permission to construct a sewer from his house on ue Kalb street west. to the bay, and permission was given to run near the culvert, he to take care of same in the evert, that complaint was maue in respect to it. Street Superintendent reported he. had cleaned out the Rockwell Ave« gutter and repaired the, Sidney St. sidewalk. The Gas ordinance was continued. The Street Superintendent was directed to fix Prospect street west of Sidney for parking purposes by erecting a -bumper and grading the street, so as to afford a parking place for automobiles there, and to give publicity to parking on Prospect street so as to relieve the; congestion on Bay street. The Street Superintendent was also directed to secure estimates for painting signs *SLO O at each end of ine Bay street pavement and. 'O'nQ CURB PARKING" at appropriate places on the pavement and submit the same to the Street &Gilley Committee, which was authorized to act 164 in the premises. The Street Superintendent was directed to flatten out the turn at (line and Austin. The Council authorized the Street Superintenaent to construct a gutter on West vivision street is the interestea property owners would provide the lumber, and the ' marshal was airected to lool1_r into the condition of the water main on West Division. � The Cleric was airected to write to K. E. Hose that he make proper approach across the gutter to his place on Sidney St. The Street :superintendent was directed to take necessary measures for caring for the arainage water from Kitskip St. at the: northeast corner of Sidney,. and Kitsap Sts. The matter of the slide on Prospect.St. at the water pumping plant was continued. The Marshal was instructed to buy such pipe a.na fittings as would be necessary to connect the system with the proposed new steel tank, and also to buy about ten 12.-foot lengths of 4-inch pipe to have on hand for emergencies. The matter of transportation for the Water Dept.was continued until next meeting. The Marshal reported that Bremerton charged $20. for taps within the city limits and $2b.for those outside, anu he was directed to consider costs in the past and bring in a recommendation of a fair ana proper tapping fee to cover actual cost of tapping. In respect to the inquiry of George E. biller for a larger meter, the Marshal re- portea that a 1J-inch Trident Disk meter would cost $49.14; the Marshal was instructed to suggect to mr.jailler than when the new tank was installed no doubt he would get a much greater pressure than kit present and would not need a new meter. The Clerk submitted the segregation of assessment in respect to the Sidney St. Water Extension LID #33 as to property owned by Peter Peterson, it appearing that he had sold part of his tract to his two Bone, and a resolution was duly adopted authorixing the Town Treasurer to make appropriate segregation oon his books in respect to these various interests. The Street Superintendemt was directed to take out two or three broken hydrants complained about by the Eire, chief and have' the same welded if possible. The marshal and Street Superintendent: were directea to remove the derrick at the pumping plant, and also the hoist, to the gravel pit. The Street Superintendent was directed to see Jrs.Cohen in respect tovher use of the aecicing at the Fire Hall. for a parking place and tell her, that if she did not wish to place the aecking in safes condition, a guardrail would have to be erected to keep 1"1 her from using it. The Council approved of the removal by the mire department of the Yire Hall from its present location lio the Water Pumping Plant lots. The Council authorized the marshal to iiave the 'phone removed from the pumping plant residence to his private residence. The following bills were -presented: 165 P. 0. Independent, notice closing registration books $1.00 Harley Norton, St.; $upti-, 12 days at 96 6 per "day 60-.00 Water Fund, 3 coils of hose bour9 ht for .9ire :wept. 12.00 P-0.1ndependent ' adV4 resolutions, ordinances, eta., in re Sidney St. Vater Extension 20.60 Pacific JR. & T.. Co-j long distance messag6d .70 WATER : -'7Und P.O.Independent, .-adv. in re water tank and pos�:als for shut -offs and to cease sprinkling 19.3G F. P. Arnold, conne.6ting up sump with hew-'-Vell,' 6.00 J. R. Pattison, engineering in re concrete foundations for sieel water tank 11.25 R. J. Caretti, fare: lto Seattle,: cartage and pipe repairs- 4.10 ana warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motiq me e ,ti ng adjourned. 'le Mayor 4ctab-er:6tb. 1030--- A special meeiftg!: of the Council w&s'. h611d this evening.. for: the" purpose of adopting the:budget nano making the t&x,-,%eV4K'for.. the year 1931. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilme:n Radey:, Stevenson, X6rtbn,,,Fleming and Cbiliss. The Clerk pre4ented a resolu-ti6n,amending -,th*Budget for 193I..by providing the sum of ;20.87 fdr the LID Guaranty.,Yand','�.aiid,;,:reaucing:the amount allocated for general. street Vlaik and maintenance to 91,654i45, which was duly adopted. The Budget as thus #aended was duly adopted. , -The. Clerk pre6ented Ordinance No. 3191- lievying aL tax, for general purposes of 16 mills and for 11-11racy purposes, 1- Mill' the same W-is duly., adopted. The Clerk,pregented a letter from O. X. Erdman of 31ma, stating he would clean out the 4* inch well for $2bO.00, but would not guarantee that a flow of'vater would oe secured, the TaWn to furnish cost of bond-'."-.Counailman 3t6vens6n explained that mr. Erdman would have to pay $225. for an instrument for this purpose.*After ais- oussion, , it was dulyYozed to have mr. Xrdrnar'vll, clean out the well, -and the 'Clerk, was directed to notify to this effect.. On motion the -meeting was adjourned unt!1,.,`fuesday. Od.t6bdr'.j4th.- -19.30&6nda the 13th being a 1 holiday tl'olambus Day. . a October 14th, 1930 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve arW Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, ffortan, Fleming and Corliss. kinutes of regular meeting of Sept. 22, 1930 and spedial meeting of October 6th, 1930, were read and approved. :lay Lawrence,, attorney, appeared before the Council in reference to the Cline St.. LID bonds, and the Clerk submitted a letter from Mrs - Anna Horner, e- iies Moines, Iowa an the same subject. &r. Lawrence was Informed by the Council- that it 166 could do nothing furth(ar than suggest that the property which had not paid the assessment should be foreclosed, ana th.e, C],erx ;eras directed to write to Ars. Horner to the same- effect. m r. Harvey of the Howe motor Go. offered., ,to : aelI,, a 1926 Ford Coupe, Model T to the Town for use of the: Water ,)epartmerkt for f1.b0.00, less 8% for cash, and the Water Supt. was airecte>.d to investiga.t.e this -car ana .if satisfactory to take same over. councilman vorton presented, on behalf of Geo. E. Miller, then matter ;of a larger meter for his water supply. After discussion it was voted to furnish Mr. Miller a larger meter at a cost of ;49.141 on the understanding that he would pay the actual cost of making the connection, amounting to jp2b.00. The Council rescinded its former order torithe< at. Supt. to take out three fire hy- arants ana have them welcied by directing the Water Superintendent to do this. ,the St. Supt. was ui.rectea to fix the Sid cy & Division St. gutter ano culvert, and to remeay the 'bulge in the sidewalk in. front�;af the Williaxr .Pete-pson house on Siuney St. and to put, qs new crossing over culvert at .Kitsapp and Sidney. The Water Supt. was authorized to secure 8 naive,for-connecting up the new tank. 'the Water Supt.. was authorized to a i apoge of thg_ old water tanks to reliable: parties who would tear aovrn the old tanxe .for- th,e material without expense or liability tar the 'town.. The Clerk stated that P-b-Atwell would De -entitled to his 18r reserved -fund on the concrete. fogndations for the water taitks.on October 22, 1930 and R.-O. Erdman would be entitled to his 151% reserve on -October 20, 1930, and the Mayor .!and Clerk were authorized to execute: warrants therefor.,.provided no liens or claims were outstanding. The Street Supt.. was,uirected to fix the= approach to alley near the Muller hause on liwight St. . The Water Supt. re.portea that he had comp'ilea data on a:ppraximate cost. of tap- ping, and that the average cost was ;18. per talp,, and the Council &doptee this as the regular tapping fee in the future. The- Gas Ordinance was continued. The St. Supt. brought up the matter a:f grass in the siaewalics, ooth cement and wooden, and he was airected ta. confer with the County Agrecultural Ageat as to the nest means of removing the same. The Water Supt. was airected to confer with the Wire Chief in respect to- pro- tecting water hydrants from freezing during the winter and to take: proper means to prevent freezing. The St. Supt. was authorized to have the dump trucit overhaulet. The follwwi.ng bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Pacific Coast Stamp Worics.,stamp for clerk for certifying ordinances Howe's Haruware, sundry supplies - - 3..60 167 Harley Norton, 17 5,iff nays street, work at, 5-oa ,per .clay R. L, Kemp, 3 days etreet work at $5 p-er day :'�•5� Marley Norton lumber, for Sidney and Pottery! Hill sidewalks, culverts &e $82.05 i3ort ,Orchard transfer, woad for Town Hall $ 2;75 Vels martcuseen, shcVpening tolls 2.40 Williams Hardware sundry wdpplies g:Sl Ideal Service Station gas for grauer1.99 Howe Motor Co supplies for fire truck 3.55 ff. L. )taker Co filing; case for clerk '1.541 E. F. Za,hller, sharpening tools 1.25 Fred C Vyclo6ff Co TreAsurer, instalment f�iiS2 and interest on garbage _dumb lots Port Orchard Transfer: Co, hauling go 5.-25 Pacific T & T Ca, long,.aistance message .15. Port OrchardlIndependent, publishing budget ana tax levy ordinance1.5(I WATER RUN13 -Sels markussen sharpening tools &e Howes Hardwa.rect general supplies 6 6.42 Puget Souna Bavigation Ca freight on pipe 1 39 F. C. WycKoff, , Cpunty Treasurer, instalment ana interest on pumpix?g plant lot *15.36 Port orchard Transfer, hauling &c Z.50- Crane & Co pipe and fittings connecting up.nevi well 74.34 t Williams Haraware, sundry supplies 3.45 and warrants were oraored drawn therefor.' motion the meeting as "atxrnea mayor Oct. 27th 1930 Council met this evening at 7.30 P. M. Present -ayor Grieve and Councilmen Stevenson Norton, Yleming and Corliss Minutes of the meeting of uctober 14th 1930 were react ana approved. it was duly voted. to pays up to the County the entire amount aue on the garbage auipp lots, and the maygr and Clerk were authorized to sign a warrant for the total amount now aue. -ihe matter of the crossing across the concrete pavement at the R. E. Rosa property on Sidney Street was referrea to the Street & Alley Committee with pager to act. 168 she Marshal reporzea the the coupe receivett from the Ford Motor Co. for use of the Water Lepwtment,.appeared to be- satisfactory, and the Mayor ana Clerk were a-uthorizea to sign• a warrant for flZB the cost thereof. Lhe Marshal was directed to install new meter for George E Miller as soon as ne paiu the tapping fee for the new meter. Lhe Street Supe;rintenctent reported that he had removed the bulge in the sidewalk in tront of the reterson property. xhe matter of the disposal oz the old water tanKs as soon as the new steel tank is put in commission was uiscussed, and the Clergy was directed to insert a not- ice in the Tort Orchard lnaependent that persons aesiring to salvage the same should see the marshal about it. z). L. Roberts of 10'13 East 18th Street, vortlanu vregon appearea befdre the bouncil in respect to some $1600 dline Street Lit bonds held by him, but the Council only reiterated their reply to Mrs. Horner at the last meeting to the erfect that the only recourse was to foreclose in respect to property which had not paid the assessment. ;he Marshal wad. directed to secure within authorization from water users before thawing out frozen pipes during the coming winter. The Street Superintendent reported that the .dump truck had been overhauled. � -she Street Superintendent was directed to remedy conditions where water accumulated on the siaewalk in xront o.t the tweed .property :fin East Bay Street, and also remedy conditions at the curve on East Bay Str,e.e_t. xhe condition of the siaewaix in front of the Stanton property on mast Bay Street and the sidewalk on guest Bay Street west of Jackson's machine shop to the toot of Pottery Hill was discussed, anu the matters were referred to the Street. & Alley 8ommittee for investigation and report. the Clerk was airectied to write C. A Hanks stating tha.tuthecCbunci.l Wduld be glad to have him remove the old bu-ilaing on the back of his pool room property on Bay Street. i he Marshal was authorized to provide a T for a fire hydrant ana a stana pipe for vent in the change from the olu tan.Ks to the new steel tanK on Sidney Hill and he was also authorizea to discontinue the water tap at the 'sown nark. The Marshal was authorized to employ an extra man for patrol tor nalloween. the .following matters were continued: Gas ordinance, weea Killer for grass in streets, Sidney & Division Street gutter ana culvert, and tUtsay & Sidney Street s urs s ing . The -arsnal was uirectea to see to the proper protection of hire hydrants from freezing at once. 'she following bills were presented: uEITERAL FUND Harley Norton, 12 aays street worx at $5 per day 46o.00 Standara oil Co oil for grader § 4.80 WATER ' F American Surety Co, 'premium bond 0.. E Erdman cleaning out 14* inch well .50 buffel in wood ripe �C'o pipe for connecting up riew steel wester_ tank tic8'7.74 Crane & Co fittings 'for gate, valve �14.70 Keith Al..derman,i Mays worx at 4b per day' 2.b0 Howe Motor Co Fora coupe for uepartment 133.00 and warrants were oraerea arawn therefor. n o-tio the meeting adj 6u ed ' MAYOR Nov. 10th 1930 Council met this evening at_7.30 P. M. Present mayor Grieve And CoLxneilmen hadeys, Norton, r'leming anti Corliss. minutes of meeting of Oct. 27th 1930 were read and approved j..A. Holmberg appeared before the Council for permission to construct two apronis for the new cost office building extending out into Bay Street 16 or 18 inches, and.. alter discussion the matter was referred to the Street & Alley Commi.tteex with power to act. the Street Supe'rintenaent was airected to secure a screen -or -cover for the sump in front of the j . A. io4mberg property. Chairman Ftaaey of the Street & Alley Committee reported that R. E. Ross expected at his crossing on Sidney Street. Theutter of" the Stanton Sidewalk azr�%d sinew k to repair the cement sidewalK from Jackson s..machine shop to the foot of rottery fift was continued with the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and report. the Street Superintendent was airectea to clean the leaves from the sidewalk in front of Ctrs. Kempts property on the south side.of East Bay Street. a communication was received from the Bastern Star Club in respect to renov- ation of the Library, and the matter was reterred.to the Library Board with the request that they take the matter up with the Eastern Star Club:and procure an estimate: which would incluie the Council room and also dome lights in.tne council room, and report the same to the Council. the matter of gutter in front of the--armon andUeorge property on West Div- ision bt was referred to the street & Alley committee with power to act. The Council sqt November 17th 1930 ,at 8 Y. M. At the Town Hall . as - the date of the regular caucup ror nomination . of 'rown uff icers : the Council, qet Sunday Nov. 16tn 1 Q3 at about ten o�clock for the mayor and entire Council to look over the new -water tanK on Sidney Hill and also to investigate, as to pipe conditions. the Marshall teported in respect to tine condition of water pipe lines and the consensus of opinion aff the V,Counc:il was that the Marshal should repair bad lealce in the lines where absolutely necessary and ignore small leaks. !he following matters were continued: + teas ordinance,, weea 1ciller for grass in streets,. Sidney & Division St reet gutter and Culvert and Kitsap & Sidney Street crossing. 170 .:he i-ollowing bills were presentea: GENERILL FUND parley Norton, :i3 aays at $b per aay Harley Norton, lumber for parking place on Prospect St Harley norton, lumber zor siaewalx in front of water' tanx lots H. -u. baKer & Co lignt carbon for council minutes Howe Motor Co repair to comp trucic Williams 11aruware, sundry supplies Port urchara Transfer Go wook Tor Torn Hall 'fire Shop, gas for graaer and aump trucx Howes haruware, sundry supplies WATER FUND .Mort urcharu 'Transfer hauling &c R . J . Caretti lumber for tank Job Mr. Ilac bride, 2 aays connecting new water tanK E. A. b radley 3 aays 6 hours connecting new water tank Rensselaer valve Uo valve for new water tanK H. L. Ba+cer Co reinforcers for marshals water meter book Port Orchard 1tachine 'ones , plug &c Howes naruware, sundry, supplies Olympic Iron & M.,achine Wor,cs, sharpening tools pipe carrier for Coupe B uffelin wood ripe Uo pipe Tire Snop gas anu Kerosene Puget Sound 11ay. Co freight on pipe Walwortn t;o pipe and warrants were oraereu arawn tnerefor.. can motion the meeting OoU/ rnea Ir �uAYE}R Nov. lith'1930 $65.00 §19.85 *10.40 4 3.00 4p66.16 .85 2.7b ,11b.15 O18.7'7 $ 5.25 *11.39, 41Q.00 .¢18.75 *34.15 3.50 9.69 qP 5.70 0 4.1b � .55 4p18.41 the Caucus for nomination of officers to be voted on at the annual Town election was held pursuant to call tnis evening at 8. P,M. rev. W. M. xicharus was elected Uhairman And T'rancis M Rpplegate, Secretary. the iollowing n6minations were made.. For Mayor: Charles Grieve Yor 'Treasurer: J . M. Peterson #or Councilmen: W. S. Stevenson S. A. Norton and the persons so nominated were uuly voted as the nominees. It was votea to aenominate the ticxet as the "Citzons Ti-aket" and S Hoge, U. A. Hanks and Dr. H. B. Wilson were appointed a committee to till any vacancies. the Caucus passed a vote of tnanxs to the` -mayor anu council for ine ef'f'icent manner in whicn they nau gamin stereo thetown government, and a vote of tninKS was also extended toAllen gotten, Yire Chief ana to the -Wire Lepartment Tor the good work done by that liepartment . After informal discussion as to the water situation the 4weeting adjourned. Yrancis M A plegate Town Clerk tvolrember 24th 1930 Council net this evening at `1..30 P.M.rresent Aayok Grieve and Councilmen haaey Stevenson, aorton, Fleming ana Gorliss. Minutes of the meeting of November lath 1930 were recta ana approved. The Street Superintendent was airectea to ask Ars: nemp for permission to cut the maple tree on her property near Bast -bay Street. the Street Superintendent reported he had ordered a cover 'for the sump in frort�,- of the J. A. Holmberg property. t:hairman kadey of the Street & Alley Gommittee reported that the Committee hao examined in respect to.the Stanton sidewalK and had directed the Street Superinten— dent to clean it off and clear the gutter, which had been done. The Council confirmed the payment of 19.40 to the Olympic Iron & Machine wovcs for tool box for aump truck laid over from the last meeting.. The Council.airectea the installation of two dome lights f'or the Council chamber at a •cost of :0(.bO chairman hadey of the Street & Alley Committee reported in reference to the West Bay Street sidewalK from the State Garage to the xoot of Tottery hill, and the Street Superintendent was directed to confer with Supervisor Hershey of the State Highwaji Department in reference'to filling in on the fill where washed away, ana afterthis had, been done, to build &-.sidewalk aer•oss -the fill about. 60 feet, and recondition the balance of the sidewalk.. A light was ordered to be placea at the foot of Vattery hill, the exact location to be designated by chairman Stevensonnof: the Fire & Light Committee.. The matter of the West ijivision gutter was -continued with the Street & Alley Committee, ana the drainage conditions.at vwi&t`& Seattle were referred to them for investigation ana report. A committee from the Kiwanis Club consisting of J. A. Holmberg, Ur. Hj".B_ Wilson and rr. M nicharas appeared before the Council with the proposition to sell the rair Grounds property to the town at the sum V2500, which was estimated to be about one-thira the value, for the purpose of a parK and athletic fields the said amount to be paid in instalments.without interest. mr. Ha1mmberg further stated that it was the intention of the Committee to secure by don- ations a number of additional lots from the County which would round out the tract, ana that Ine-se lots would be deeded -to .the Town: After much discussion, it was auly voted to acquire the property under the following terms and conditions: that the sum of #4Q.Q he paid on duly 1st 1931, and thereafter the sum of not less than f400 ana if possible 450-0 on July 1st of each and every year thereafter, until the full sum of $25DO was paid, no interest, how— ever, to be chargeu on any balance of the purchase price, ana that the purchase be financea by leving for the year. 1932 and thereafter the sum of one mill for park rT2 purposes; and the mayor ana Clerk were authorized to sign a contract with the record owner of the property carrying out these terms. rermission was grantea to the Port Urchard Christmas Committee to use the Town . tall the evening of uec JL/1930 the marshal reported that, he had replaced several sections of mains, but he had not yet turnea the new tank into the mains. xe reported lour pressure pipe on Le Kalb and Gline Street which vrould not stand a high head. ne further statea that the new pump neeaea overhauling, anu he ana the uouncilman zjtevenson were reyuestea to get in touch witn 1dr Benson of the FairbanKs Morse Ca to have this attended to. the marshal was directed to place a pix inch pipe on the inflow pipe of the new well so as permit the water therefrom to enter the sump near the bottom thereof. the marshal reported he nad checKea the new well ana that it was flowing at the rate of 100 gallons a minute. The Marshal was authorizea to use the residence on the pumping plant lots to store pipe anu also to use it as a storage place for the Street Department;,but to put groper paper on the floor so as not to injure the same. she Marshal was instructed to install arain valves in all fire hSFdrants where the same were not already in place. the following matters were continuea: Gas orainance; weed Killer, Sidney & .uivision street gutter and culvert and Ki.tsay & Sianey Street crossing. The following bills were presented: GE?U1HAL FUND William Hice, one aay`s street worK Harley Norton, 12 days street worK at $b per day E. A. Braley, repairing fire hyarants raciiic I & T Uo long distance messages laeal Service Station, gas for grader WATER FUND Cliff' me bride, one aay&s work repairing mains E. A. Bradley, 2 days 2 hours worK repairing mains Walwortn Co flange Lawrence Adair, notifying water uses of snut oft' 13uffelin Wood ripe Co Chicago triage & Iron V'dorl,cs, 85% of cost of new steel tanic Jacob Nuernberger, hauling; water pipes ana valves pumping plant to water tanks And warrants were ordered arawn therefor. 5.00 $6.0.00 5.00 1.15 4P12.54 0 b .00 :P11.25 3.48 ;5 1.50 2.90 *5737 .50 * 2.25 The Council appointed the following election officers for the !own election ltec 2/30 Judge W. 0. Breed, Inspector W. W. Alaerman and Clem Mrs. Eva V me Leod, with authority in tree Mayor to fill any vacancies. un m t'on the meeting aciourned. 1 R 173 Dec. 8th 1930 Council met this evening at 7.30 P.M. Present mayor Grieve, anu Councilmen Stevenson, florton„ Fleming and Corliss. i minutes of the meeting of Nov 24%1930 were read and approved. The Clerk 'reported to the cauncil that the grantor of the Fair Graunds property aesirea a provision insertea inserted in the contract and deed to the en ect that tYe property conveyed was to be perpetually used by the Town for a park and athletic field or other public purposes, and if not so used would revert to the grantor. is The Council approved of such a provision being placed in the contract. , she Marshal was -directed to shut off the water from the residence on the pump- ing plant lots and drain the pipe.. The Marshal re portea that the new pump was now working all right. i the Marshal reported that he had made a survey of the water mains of the town and there were 10420 feet low pressure pipe; that at the present time there were 23u0 feet which needed repairs, and 400 feet which absolutely needed replacement if the new tanK was tp be used. Lifter much discussion the Marshal was directed to replace.the 400 feet of pipe as cheaply as possible, and was authorized to purchaae the necessary pipe to do this. As Boon as the repairs were made he was airected to tern the new tank into the mains to see hood they stood up under the flow. The -Fire Chief appearea before the Council in reference to' ineurance for the men in the Fire Depl.rtment, stating that he now hau 15 men required to write a I ii group policy. The Clerk was directed to write to the Lighthouse Agency asking what Company they intenaea to insure in and to secure if possible a form of the polky to be issued. A Committee from the Yire .Department, consisting of Messrs Fellows, Kent, and Norton, asked for 'the use of the residence on the pumping plant lots for a fire hall ana present Fire Hall to be moved on the pumping plant lots for a storage place for grader ana dump, tructc, tools, pipe etc., The Council approvea of the proposed use of the residence property, ana re- questea the Fire Department at the next meeting of the Council to present plans and specifications of the propssea changes to be made to aditpt the residence for a Fire Hall, the matterof the moving of the present lire Hall and placing it on the pump- ing plant lots ta',be ueferred until the.resiaence was remodelled. The Marshal brought up the aelinquent water rent of N C. -Oavies and the Clerk was airecteo to accepta note of Ar. Davies for six months water rent, the same to near interest at 107a. �. The marshal was autnorzea to oraer 5 new meters. Vie Street Sup-nerintenuent was directea to secure rock from the rock quarry to take care of the fill on West Bay Street where washea away, so as to 'be able to build a siaewalk across the fill near foot of Pottery Hill. The Street Superintendent was directed to call xr. Macomber"s attention.to the 174 fact that maple trees were raising the siaewaik in front of his property, and ask him to suggest how it could be remedied. The Street Superintendent waL informed that a 2 x 6 on Mitchell Hill Road near the Navy Yard Highway had been pulled out and was airectea to remedy the same. The Street Superintendent was uirected to put anocner plank on the 6idney Street sideways where two plantcs aaa already been laid. the Mayor and Glens were authorized to sign warrants for licenses for city wquipment. letter was read Irom J. !a. Peterson, 'Town Treasurer, requesting that his salary as `'own 'Treasurer be reduced to 040 commencing Jan 13/31, and the Clerk was directed to wrote him that his suggestion had been adopted, and expressing the appreciation of the Uouncil in thus showing his interest in the Town.. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Port Orchard 'Transfer, wood for `Gown Hall 2.75 Eva V Leod ClerK 'Town election 6.00 W. W. Alderman, Judge Town election 6.00 W. 0. Breed, inspector Town election �:.00 P. O. Machine Works, work on culvert. irons 0 1.b0 E. 2. Zahller, saw filing 0 1.b0 Nels mar{ussen, cross irons for crossings :014.90 Howes haraware sundry supplies 415.69 Williams Hardwaru tools 0 21 4 W. C. R'eea, painting street and traffic signs 451.80 Pioner Office Equipment Cc index for Town Trea.s ; 4.80 Howe Motor Co, supplies 0 9.98 E. A. isradley one days Street work 4 0.00 Harley Norton 11 days street work at $ 5 per aay 055.00 Nels war�cussen, weluing hyarants &c :�23..80 H., H. Stephenson, gas for grader and uump truck V 7.48 Luke Electric Co, sundries V 2.65 WATER FUND Puget Sound Ilav Co freight on pipe 1.34 J Nuernberger hauling pipe 1.00 P. 0. 'Transfer Co hauling .75 1'rietc &Murray water receipt biome 1.931/`2 ;60.34 buffelin Wood Pipe Co wood pipe 021.24 Fort Orchard Machine Works, threacing pipe Sec 8.25 Howes haruware sundry supplies 'V21.85 Williams tiaruwaru, snovel 0 1.6b Tire Shop,tire for car, gas &c $14.39 E. A. iiraaley, -t uays worts U 2. bO Duke Elec. Co. sundries V21.85 Nels Mar'cussen Y for water tan€c arainage *25.22 and warrants were orderea drawn therefor. ahe following matters were continued: Mrs. Kemp?s maple tree, ao1mberg`s sump cover, gas oruinance, West I-livision St Drainage and Dwignt & Seattle drainage. can motion the meeting adjourned. r MAYOR 175 Bee. 22nd 193E uouncil met ,this evening at 7:30 F. I. Present mayor Grieve ana Councilmen i madey, Stevenson, idOrton,. Fleming ana Gorliss. Minutes of meeting of yecember 8- 1930 were re -ad and approved: clans of the.proposed remodelling of the residence on the pumping plant lots for a r'ire hall, presentees by B. T. Harris and the same were approved by the Uoun-. oil. un callingi for bids for the work unaer the plans the following hiss were presented. W. E. Cosbey 4133.bU E. T. Harrsl'70.00 and the bid of Ar, Ccvsbey was accepted by the vouncil. the Clerx reported that the group insurance fidr the Fire Department would be in the Aetna Co of Hartford Conn. and -the Lighthouse Insurance Agency would write a policy su-�sect to acceptance by the Council. The Cleric was directed to write to secure such a policy on the U30GO bas&s rather than g2GOD. The 1aarshal.reportea that the new tank was leaKing near'the top on the south side, and that the main on West :division Street had sprung a leaK under use of the new tanK. He was airected to replace with new main. the Marshal was directed to replace with new main. -rhe Marsha.l'was directea to purchase about 300 feet of four inch pipe; ana store it if' possible at the i avy Para wharf. 'she marshal reportea that the total cost of replacements made amounted to about 7bc a foot. 'rhe -marshal was directed to maric replacement of water mains on the fire under- writers map. The -Marshal reported that 14 fire hyarants has been checxea over and valves placeu in same at- a cost of about 11 for each hyarant excluding labog. Ae was airectea to have a Corey man prat the:5 hydrants on bay Street in proper shape in regard to drainage valves. The Cleric was airectea to write the Kiwanis Club, Chamber of Commerce,rart orchard :base Ball Club, American Legion' ana 2 PTAs for suggestions of members of these organizations to serve on the new ?ark board. Complaint was maae as to conditions from the overflow of a septic tank on the property of �ranic Givens and the Ulerx was airectea to write him to remedy these conaitions. "she t&arshal was directed to interview persons parKing their cars in front of mrs =c Leodrd apartments and the premises of U. E. Ross with a view to remedying presents conditions. xhe Street Superintendent reported that he had hauled some girt for the fill on West day Street but had not yet hauled any rock,H that ors. emp was in C;al ifornia and coula riot be interviewed in respect to her tree, and that he has not yet seen mr. --acom.ber in respect to, trees uprooting the sidewaiK in front of his premises. 176 (conditions of the glitters and sidewalk on iciest -bay Street was aiscussea with a view to eeping girt ana gravel orf the sidewalKs and the matter was referrea to the Otreet & Alley Committee ror irrvestigation and report. the Street Guperintenoent was airectea to place a sign on West division Street at ain appropriate place maricea wJ3MIM STREET.* '?I The Clerk was airectea to instruct the ruget Sound -Light & Power Co to install a new light at the isreea corner on .past ba; y street, the same to be placea unaer the airection of Councilman Stevenson of the moire & Eight Committee. the sanitary conai'tions f'ron. the septic tank at theCourt House was discussea and continued until the neat meeting. the marshal was airectea to place a bleeder valve at or near the areex in the water main suppiying rottery Hill. the following matters were continued; protection to sidewal+c from raaaway Isast .bay street; mrs. '-ernp"s tree;-acomber sidewal-tc; gas ordinance; Holmoerg*s sump cover; West division bt ana-wi.ght & Seattle arainage. the C1erK presentea the returns of the 'Town Election held .jec. 2nd 1930; showing the following results: C;Harles Grieve Mayor 2 years 27 votes W. S. Stevenson councilman 2 years 27 votes S. A.,.vorton. councilman 2 years 27 votes J . M. Peterson i own Treasurer Une year 27 votes then the Uouncil duly carivassea said returns ana aeclarea the above persons duly elected to their respective offices. the ClerK was authorizeu to purcnase a file for filing away tn6 records of the Town, the same to cost 4P40 to $b0 the following bills were presented:.. GEiIERAI, FUND narley norton, lumber for siaewalxs, culverts &c Pacific 'T & T Co long aistance phones Harley Norton, 12 days street worst at l5 per day E. W. Wilson 1 days 7 hours repairing hydrants WATER FUND E. W. Wilson, 5 3/4 nays at $ b per day repairing ana replacing mains r'ederal ripe & 'Panic Co pipe. Federal ripe & 'rank Co pipe R. j. Caretti, tile for arain J. Nuernoerger hauling Puget Sound B avigation Co weight on pipe Chicago oridge & Iron worts, balance on water tanK. Ana warrants viere oruered drawn therefor. on motion the meeting aajournea_ CLERK � uAY[7R� ,V66.6'7 ;F .85 g6o . 00 * 9.40 $28.75 ;p41.38 ;F 7.10 ;p 12.6Q 1.00 0 2.21 01012 .bQ