01/01/1929 - Regular - Minutes-�, Water Fund Elmer Wilson,•repairing water pipe and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. i j The following matters were continued: 4 Karcher debris V� Culvert across pumping plant lot Gutter East Bay St. Overhanging -branches, East Bay St. Water extension, vicinity of Fair Grounds Stanton right of way ELcGill-Callahan right of way Crossing east side Sidney at Kitsap Dr. Baldwin's parking strip. On motion the meeting adjourned._ t , Clerk Mayor .75 January 14, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. Ti. Present: Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Fiedler. Minutes of the meeting of December 27, 1928 were react a na approved. Mayor Ainsworth, the retiring Mayor, then surrendered his seat to Mayor elect Grieve. Mayor Grieve was duly sworn in and took his seat as Mayor. The newly - elected Councilmen, W. S. Stevenson, F. D. Fiedler, F. B. Fleming and S. A. Norton were duly sworn in and took their seats in the Council. The oaths of office of the Mayor and Councilmen were duly ordered filed. Mayor Grieve then announced his Committee appointments as follows: Street and Alley Water Com. Health & Finance Fire & Sanitation Light Harry Radey F. D. Fiedler F. B. Fleming U.S.Stevenson 3'.S.Stevenson F. D. Fiedler S. A. Norton y'1. S. Stevenson F.D.Fiedler Harry Radey W. S. Stevenson Harry Radey S. A. Norton F. B. Fleming F. D. Fiedler Building Committee - S. A. Norton, F. B. Fleming, Harry Radey .jayor Grieve then announced the appointment of Francis M. Applegate as Clerk, R. J. Carett.i as Marshal, Dr. H. E. Wilson as Town Health Officer, Francis M. Apple- gate as Police Judge, and A. Totten as Fire Chief, ana stated that the services of Lee Miller as street cleaner would be continued on the same terms as heretofore. The bonds and oaths of J. M. Peterson as Town Treasurer, Francis M. Applegate 9 —� as C1er'& and R. J. Caretti as Marshal, and the oath of Francis M. Applegate as Police Judge were approved amd orderea filed. J. Y. Peterson, Town Treasurer, was present and presented to the Council the condition of the town's finances, which report was very encouraging. 160 The Clerk pre:sentea a letter from C. n. Hanks in respect to the insta.la- tion of a septic tank on his property at Kitsap and West Bay Sts. and the Marshal was instructea to inspect the same ana report to the Council. The Cleric reported that Arthur Hahn had paid the �3.75 for gracing of S. Sidney St. The Marshal reported that as soon as the town drag at the Cispus camp was re- paired he would have it brought back. The Marshal reported that he had installed the switch at the Pumping plant and would get rubber mats in aue course. liessrs. Givens ana Norman, a care.-littee from the Chamber of Commerce, presented the matter of the necessity of a sidewalk from the Ideal Service Station to the pump- ing plant on `lest Bay St. Mr. Norman informed the Council that he figured a five - root cement siaewall could be constructed for about 65,�e a running foot, and after discussion the Clerk was directed to notify the adj.a.cent property owners to ,confer with the Counci]L at its next Meeting in respect to creating a Local Improvement District for carrying out the improvement. Mark U. Davis, of 1). J. Davis & Son was present and asked the Council what the Council expected to do in. respect to the garbage situation. After discussion, the Marshal was instructed to go around with LIr. Davis to the residents of the town and induce them to take the service, informing them at the same time that the dumping of garbage within the town limits would be severely dealt Frith. The Cleric was directed to give notice of the payment of the dog license tax on or before I,Iarch lst, 1929, and was authorized to issue duplicate tags in case of loss of the original tag. Ur. E. C. Miller presented a proposal to act as Consulting Engineer for the Town in reference to its water situation, ana his proposal was graered placed on file. Arthur Hahn was given permission to use Cline St. for hauling logs, subject to the supervision of the Marshal. The Marshal reported that negotiations for a truck had not yet been completed. The Marshal was authorized to furnish to Geo. F. Ackenson four planks to con- struct a arain across the street on which his house is located. The Marshal reported that the vest water tank was leaking badly. The Marshal brought up the matter of instaling a bath tub in the residence on the pumping plant lot, and he was instructed to secure prices, etc., ana submit same at the next meeting. The Marshal was airected to move the fire house at the corner of Sianey & Division. The following bills were presented: General Funa James Stout, 18 hours' work on Kitsap ana Sidney crossing « 500 - 9.00 Geo. F. Ackenson, 14 hrs.'" of to If " it Q 50e - 7.00 Albert Saunders, 5 days' worx, Pottery Hill gutter, 0 $8.00 - 0. L. Pherson, 5 ;if it it it " 0 $4.00 - Howe's Garage, sundries - - - - - - 40.00 20.00 .38 101 Englund & Peterson, cement - - _ - - - 5.10 Francis 11. Applegate, postage for 1928 - - - - 6.00 Charles Grieve, lumber, Kitsap & Sidney crossing - - - 31.30 Duke Electric Co., bulbs - - - - - - - .92 .� J. P. Joslin, wood for `.down Hall -- - - - _ 2.76 P. 0. Independent, advertising, letter heads and vouchers _ 19.15 American Surety Co., bonds of Treasurer, Clerk and Marshal - 25.00 Howe's Hardware, sundries - - _ - - 4.08 Nels Markussen, troris for crossings, etc. -- - - - 6.15 P.O-Lumber Co., lumber for Pottery Hill gutters - - - 133.35 Water Fund Port Orchard Pharmacy, chlorox, etc., - - - -- 3.02 Duke Electric Co., repair an pump - - - - - .75 Francis M. Applegate, postage for 1928 - - - - 10.00 P. 0. Indepenaent, Turn On and Off book and 3,500 card notices,, 52.00 Williams Hardware, sundries - _ - - - 1.0b Howe's Hardware, sundries - - - - - 18.58 ana warrants were ordered drawn therefor. The following matters were continued: ?archer debris Culvert across Pumping plant lot Gutter, East Bay St. Overhanging branches, East Bay St. Water extension, vicinity of fair grounds Stanton right of way McGill -Callahan right of way Dr. Baldwin's parking strip. On motion the meeting aajournea. y Clerk Ma or 'r 102 January 28, 192Y Council met this evening at 7:30 P. — present: 1'iayor Grieve ana Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Fiedler„ Norton ana Fleming. Minutes of meeting of January 14, 1929 were read and approved. The construction of a concrete sidewalk from the Ideal Service Station to the pumping plant lots was discussed, and two interested property owners were present. The Clem was airected to write to n,lbert Saunders, Holmberg L Norman ana W. E. Cosbey f'or•estimates on the construction of a concrete Siaewalk five feet wide and from 4z to 6 inches thick, with V-shaped gutter, from the Ideal Service Station to the north line of the town's pumping plant lots. The marshal was authorized to purchase locally a bathtub suitable for the pumping plant house, the local prices quoted being $38.50 and 40.00. The Marshal reported that he had given the fire house and cart at Division and Sidney to the Sheriff, who was to remove the same ana erect a fire house on the Court House grounds. The Marshal reportea that he had purchased a Forst truck thro H. R. Getty for $225.00, which purchase was duly ratified and the i;ayor and Clerk were directed to sign a warrant for $22.5.00 in payment thereof. The � arshal arras authorizea to purchase an underdrive on the best terms possible, ana the !Layor ana Cleric were authorized to sign a warrant therefor in case of need, without xurther authorization of the Council. Permission was given to 11. H. Getty to construct a gutter.at the alley cross- ing south of his property, the same to be done under the supervision of the Street ana i',liey Comriittee. The Clertc was airectea to write to C. R. Wood, l-anager of the Pacific T. & T. Co. to see it' arrangements could not be made for the installation of an automatic signal 1' or the fire whistle in the local exchange. `life proper housing jai' -the fire truck and chemicals were discussed at length, ana ',v. S. Stevenson, Chairman of the Fire and Eight Committee, was requested to confer with Howe's Garage in reference to the storage of the fire truck and chemicals ana report at the next meeting. The matter of the proper safeguarding of fire hydrants from freezing was dis- cussea, and the matter was placed on the Continued Calendar. The marshal was requested to suggest to the fire Chief that he submit a list oi' items requisite for the Fire Department. The Mayor and Clerk were airectea to sign a warrant for $1.25 for license for the Ford Truck. The Marshal was airectea to take care of the fire hydrants in reference to freezing, ana to employ such help as might be necessary in the premises. The Marshal grougnt up the matter of a raise of his salary as provided in the 1929 budget, and the Clerk presented Ordinance No. 383, fixing the Marshal's salary at 'W:150.00 a month, $7.5.00 each payable out of the General ana lWa.ter Funds 103 respectively, which ordinance was culy adopted. The Clerk presented the Financial Statement of the Town for the year 1928, and he was directed to publish the same in the Port Orchard Independent, as directed by law. .The following bills were presented: GENER J, FUND , Puget Sound Power & Light Co., heater f'or Fire Truck - 8.00 Pacific Coast Stamp Works, dog license tags - - 6.65 R. J. Caretti, lumber - - - - - - 4.82 R.J.Caretti,ferry fares, etc., purchasing Ford. truck - 3.bo nlbert Saunders, 2 clays' work C $8. per d ay,Pottery Hill gutter, 16.00 Q.L.Pherson,2 clays' work @ 4.00 per day on Pottery Hill gutter, 8.0.3 and warrants were ordered drawn tnerei'or. The Marshal was directed to keep an itemized account of work done with the Nord truck.for a period of six months, together with expenditures for upkeep, etc., so 1r)Iat a comparison could be made with hiring truck facilities. The following matters were continued C. tx. Hanks, septic tank Garbage aisposition Karcher aebris Culvert across pumping plant lot Gutter East Bay St. Overhanging branenes, East Bay St. Water extension, vicinity Fair grounds Stanton right of way McGill -Callahan right of way -Ur. Baldwin's paricing strip On motion,- the meeti adjourned. Clerk Mayor February 11, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. Z. Present: i:ayor Grieve and Councilmen Raaey, Stevenson, Fiedler, Norton and Fleming. Minutes of the meeting of January 28, 19A were read ana approved. The matter of the proposed concrete walk between the Ideal Service Station ana the north line of the pumping plant lots was bro,l!t up, and it aeveloped that the persons askea to furnish estimates could not very well to so until more detailed specifications were furnished. James R. Pattison, Civil Engineer, was present ana sta,tea that a preliminary survey and specifications would cost from $5. to $10. and he was authorized` to furnish the same. The Larsnal reportea that he had installea a bath tub in the pumping plant house at a cost of $38.00. It was reported that a truck had been purchased and paid for in the sum of- $22b.00, and also an unaerarive purchased for sane at a cost of '"W61.00. The Cler, reportea that he had received a letter from C. R. Wood, hanager of the Sucific Tel. ana Tel. Co., stating teat the telephone company could not see their way clear to granting permission for the installation of an automatic signal for the fire whistle in their i.ocal exc'han6 e. W. S. Stevenson reported that B. S. Howe, of Howe's Lotor Co., had found that he aid not have sufficient room in his garage for the storage of the fire truck. Discussion was had as to moving the fire 'house from its present location to the pump- ing plant lots, ana the consensus of opinion was that this should be aone. As a pre- liminary to this it was voted to request estimates for a reinforced concrete 4-inch culvert, 2 x 4 flat top, from the highway culvert to the water tank, the mixture to be 1, 2, 4, and also as to the cost of concrete pipe 36 inches in diameter, about 100 feet, C. 0. P. Port Orchara. The Marshal reported that the hydrant in front of Toten's market w4s. broken, but that the exact damage has not yet been ascertained as it was in the concrete sea wall. It was reported that Davis & Son had discontinued the collection of garbage. Jacob Nurenberger was present ana offered the Council a dumping place on a 5-acre tract owned by him south of town, to be givea�an a five-year lease, on a basis of "V12.00 per year payable in advance, he to have the exclusive privilege of sai.vaging therefrom, ana also the first opportunity to secure the privilege of gathering garbage, the same however not to become effective until on and after October lot, 1929. It was understood that all citizens of the 'Town of Port Orchard woula have the privilege of dumping garbage at this dump, whether they were subscribers to the garbage system. The 'Yayor and Clerk were authorized to sign a lease with hr. Nurenberger. In the meantime the Marshal was asked to endeavor to induce Joe Geiger, or any one else who might be interested, to continue the service until October lst, 1929. The following bills were presented: General. Fund i Howe's Hardware, general supplies - - - 9.12 Eels Iarkussen, iron work, etc., - - 10.24 Duce Electric Co.,Ford starter ana generator for truck,&&. 6.22 Howard Cooper Co., fire fighting supplies - - 34.70 C.•P. Ainsworth, salt - - - - - .50 Trick & Murray, typewriter paper for Council minutes - 6.68 J. P. Josli.n, wood for Town Hall - - - 5.50 Ideal Service Station, gas and oil - - - 7.97 Howe's Garage, parts for Ford Truck - - - 27.68 Wilson Motor Co. ,• work on fire truck - - - 15.34 Water Fund Ellis H. Cline, 3 hours, tnawing water pipes - - 1.50 Howe's Haraware, general supplies - -- - 10.87 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. The following matters were continued: Hanks, septic tank Garage matter Karcher debris Proper care of hydrants Culvert across pumping plant lots Overhanging branches, E. Bay St. Water extension, vicinity of fair grounds Stanton right of gray McGill -Callahan right of sway .ur. Baldwin's parting strip On motion the meeting adjourn l 01 Aer Mayo February 25, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. Y. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Fiedler, Norton and Fleming. in of the meeting df February 11, 1929 were read and approved. utes � Y L. Ji. Norman appeared before the Council in. reference to the light pole in front of the Tire Shop on Bay St. He st4ted that the matter had been referred to by District State Highway Engineer Davis at the luncheon of the Chamber of Com- merce on the 21st inst., and. he had been delegated by the Chamber to present the matter to,the Council. After discussion, the Clerk was directed to write 11r. Davis, asking him to furnish a sketch of the property necessary to widen out the curve. Estimates in reference to the culvert across the pumping plant lots were 106 submitted by Holmberg & Norman and nlbert Saunders, and after discussion it was � decided to use reinforced 36". 4" thick, concrete pipe, and the Clerk was directed to write detailed confirmation of the details of the estimate of the Concrete Pipe Co., who quoted a figure of $4.50 „ e-,L' foot f. c. b. Port Orchard, and this matter was placed on the Continued Calendar pending this information. James R. Pattison, Civil Engineer, presented specifications in respect to a sidewalk and butter from the Ideal. Service Station south on West Bay St. After discussion, the Council decided to exclude the gutter and to build a five-foot sidewalk frgm the ideal Service Station to Kitsap St., and to include necessary drainage in respect to the Kitsap end of the sidewalk. The Clerk was directed to notify Holmberg &. Norma.n7, i,,lbert. Saunders and W. E. Cosbey that the specifi- cations were on file; at the Clerk's office for inspectidn. John P. Fellows, Corlmaander of the American Legion in Port Orchard, Harold Lundberg and other members of the Legion appeared before the Council and pre- sented a proclamation to be signed by the mayor in reference to the celebration of their tenth anniversary on March 15th and 16th, 1929, and the Council ap- proving, the proclamation was duly signed by the Mayor. T. H. Connell appeared before the Council on behalf of R. L. Kemp and line of the street asked permission to build a gasoline tank under what would be the sidewalk-iin -� front of his property on East Bay St. and a license was duly granted him, the installation to be subject to the ordinance, and the license to be revocable at any time. The Clerk read a letter from the iacific T. & T. CO., stating that there had been no net earnings of the Port Orchard Exchange for the year 1928, and the C1efIc was directed to write the Telephone Co., asking for a statement, and whether the Port Orchard Exchange was credited with long; distance calls orig- inating in this territory, and in view of the fact that no net earnings were ever had, why the Town could not have an extra telephone to be installed in the mire Hall.. The Clerk was directed to look up the title in reference to the Nuernberger garbage dump, and if' the sane .eras vested in Kitsap Co., to take necessary steps to acquire the same for the town from the county, or to rent the sarle on the same basis as proposed by Jacob Nuernberger. r� The Council directed that "Irs. E. V1. Wright be placed on the regular list of water consumers. The Marshal was authorized to employ a team to take the top off the gravel pit, and to proceed to gravel Cline St. next and to immediately place graves. on Pottery Hill, where the road was broken up. The Marshal reported that his efforts had been devoted to giving an outlet to the Court douse and south by way of Seattle Ave., and that he had practically completed this route. The marshal was; instructed to see if he could get a county grader and a 107 caterpillar from Holmberg & Norman, and if so, to use the same in grading the streets. The marshal was authorized to instal an electric bell at the pumping plant station for the purpose of indicating low water in the pump. A street light was directed to be installed in front of the Standard Oil Co. plant on West. Bay St. The following bills were presented: General Fund R. J. Caretti, lumber - - - - - - - 7.88 G. F.. .Acherson,4 days' work gravelling sts. - - 16.00 James Stout, 5 days' work gravelling streets - 20.00 Puget Sound P.& L..Go.. light at Kitsap & Rockwell, ordered 4/6/27.and not billed, by error - - - 26.38 Gilson Motor Co., installing underdrive Ford truck - 12.25 C. If. Cleaver, i Fyr Fyter - - - - 15.00 Lowman & Hanford Co., Treasurer's receipt book - 1.89 Pacific T. & T. Co., calls - - - - 1.30 Port Orchard Transfer Co., trucking - - - 1.50 P. 0. Transfer U ., - - - - - 1.00 Water Fund X. W. Wilson, labor - - - - - - 1.50 James Stout, labor - - - - - - 6.00 and warrants were ordered dravm therefor. The following matters were continued: Culvert pumping plant lots Hanks, septic tanks Sidewalk, West Bay St. Stantan right of way McGill -Callahan right of way }fir. Baldwin's parking strip. On motion the meeting adjourned. r U/ I May o er lurch 11, 9 Council met. this evening at 7:30 P. I. -I. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, .Fiedler, irorton and Fleming. %-inutes of meeting of Yebruary 25th, 1929 were read and approved. The Clerk stated he had written the District State Highway Engineer, who proised a sketch of the changes he desired at the 'fire Shop on West Bay St. The Clerk presented a letter from the Concrete Pipe Co. in which the company confirmed the price of $4.50 per foot for reinforced concrete culvert pipe with 4" wall thickness, f.o.b. Port Orchard, and the Clerk was directed, after the exact footage had been ascertained, to order the earme.. The Clerk presented the following estimates for the construction of the concrete sidewalk from the Ideal Service Station to Kitsap St.: Albert Saunders. - - - - $476.00 1 . E. Cosbey - - - - 519.75 Lr. Atwell - - - - - 791.10 and the bid of Albert Saunders was accepted in event that the property owners consent to make the improvement for their account, without the initiation of a Local Improvement ,District. The Clerk was directed to write the interested property owners that the ma.:im.umccost of the improvement would be about �1.25 per running foot, .and if they unshed the improvement made without an improvement district, to remit for their prorata share of the improvement. The Clerk was directed to write the Chamber of Commerce of the action of the Council. "'he condition of the water tanks was discussed, and it was decided that the Councii as a whole and the .,ay�or should visit the water tanks on Sundayi I:�.-arch 16th, 1929 at 2 p.i to make a personal inspection of the same, so as to be advised wlat to take in the premi;;es. The Clerk tiaras directed to place on the water notices the full readings, whether there was an over --run in the use of water or not. the iiarsizal was directed to request o. ti. Stevenson to fix the decking of the old wharf on F r•E:deric.i- St. _he uars'nal reported that he had opened up a new gravel pit, but was unable to say as yet whether it contained a supply of good gravel or not. The marshal was directed to attend to tree pool of ,rater on East lay St. in front of Seattle rive. Th-e Clerk was directed to T rite C. n. Han,cs to extend the sewer pipe from the Tire Shop for about, 16 feet further out in the bay, and to keep the outlet from being plugged up. The marshal was requested to get the town drag from the Cispus Logging Co. and to use it in the streets. Rhe matter of charging the Fair Association far water was placed on the continued list. The marshal re -Ported that the debris adjacent of the ?archer premises had been removed. Lhe marshal was authorized to purchase pipe fittings, etc., for the Water Departrzent . The following bills were presented: General Fund R. J. Caretti, universal joint for 1,'ord truck Henry Duscher, 6 hours' street viork - - - 3.00 N.C.Davies,19 hrs. t vior,: �,. ith team and rman,gravel pit-, 28.50 Geo.F.Ackerson, 7 da st work on gravelling sts., 28.00 James Stout, 8 days? 6 hrs.t work " 35.00 109 Richards Supply Co., street brooms - Wilson Motor Co., work on Ford truck 9.30 Howe liotor Co.,gas and oil for Ford truck and battery 28.40 Duke Electric Co., light globe - - - .35 Olympic Iron f k and machine V'torks,. sharpening tools - 1.95 Water Fund Williams Hardware Co., sundry items - -- 4.10 Howe's Hardware, bath tub., etc., - - - -- 48.03 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. The Clerk reported in reference to Sidney Cemetery, now used by::the town as a place for dumping garbage, that it was dedicated by Jacob Volkreis in 1891 to the general public as a cemetery, and that as long as graves are maintained in it it would belong to the general public and not tot the heirs of Jacob Volkreis. It was decided to continue to dump garbage there, but to put up no signs in respect thereto. It was reported that Joe Geiger was taking care of the garbage collection in a satisfactory manner. On motion the meeting adjourned. alk"C1er, Mayor. March 25, 1929 Council met this evening at 8 P.M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Norton. Minutes of meeting of March llth, 1929 were read and approved. Rr. Vlrici of the National Machinery Equipment Co.., accompanied by J. A. Holmberg, appeared before the; Council and offered an Acme grader with Fordson power unit, f. o. b, Port Orchard, for 1,25O.0C, with interest at 7% on deferred payments. Mr. Holmberg recommended the purchase of this grader, and after full discussion the Council directed the grader to be sent over,, on trial, the Torn to pay the freight and cost of installation of power plant in case the Town did not eventually purchase it, and if the Town does buy its then it is to Ue deliv- ered f.o.b. Port Orchard, with the, cost of the installation of the power plant to'be borne by the seller. Mr. Holmberg stated that the: grader could be garaged in the Holmberg & Norman warehouse until a garage was 'built for the purpose, or he would give the old garage on the. Peterson lat where he is building -his residence for this purpose if' the Town would inave it. The Marshal was directed to investigate this latter propasition and report to the —Council. The Clerk presented a letter and sketch from the District. State Highway Engineer in respect to reducing the curve at the Tire Shop on West Bay Street and the matter was referred to Councilman Stevenson of the Street and Alley Committee to see if Mr. Hanks, representing the owners, and Mr.. Stephenson, the lessee, would grant an easement or license to encroach on private property, as indicated by the sketch. The Clerk reported in respect to the concrete sidewalk on West Bay Street from Ideal Service Station to Kitsap street. He stated that he had sent out notices to all interested property owners that if they wished the sidewalk to be constructed without the initiation of an L. I. D.,. to send in checks for their pro rate. share. The only response with a check was from the. Flynn interests holding thirty feet north of the Ideal Service Station. The Standard Oil Co. wrote that the matter would have to be referred to the San Francisco office and the American Legion, having gust ac- quired the Stark property, will give the matter due consideration at once. The matter was continued until the next meeting. The matter of the condition of the water tanks was discussed and continued until the next meeting. The Clerk was directed to report as to the amount of frontage of the crater tank property. Mr. Stevenson stated that he would fix the decking on the old wharf on Frederick St. The Marshal reported that the new gravel pit was quite satisfactory. The Marshal reported that the septic tank on the Hanks property on Kitsap St. was 0. K. and he was directed to investigate as to whether Mr. Hanks had complied with the request of the Council to extend the drain from the Tire Shop out further into the bay. The Marshal reportedthat the Town drag which had been at the Cispu,s Logging Co.. had been brought back. It was the consensus of the Council that if the Fair Association would instal automatic shut -offs on their various outlets, no charge would be made for town water. The Clerk was Cirected to write P. J. Praun of the Seattle Surveying and Rating Bureau that the Council would be pleased to have him appear at the next meeting of the Council on April Elth to make recommendations looking to the reduction of insurance rates in Port Orchard. The Marshal was directed to fix the walk on Division St. leading to the Court House, and to check up the Sheriff in respect to removing the old Fire House at Division and Sidney. The following bills were presented:. � GENERAL FUND Puget Sound Navigation Co., freight on supplies, - - $1.00 James Stout,. 4 days„ 2 hours" work on streets - - 17.00 Geo. F. Ackerson, 7 days, 6 hours" work - - - 31.00 Sack Bradley, 1 day13 work on streets - - - 4.00 R. J. Caretti, cement, etc. , - - - - - 10.65 WATER FUND James Stout E 4 hourO work- Geo. Y. Ackerson, 4 hoursr work - R. J. i:aretti, lumber, etc., - - and warrants were ordered drawn: therefor; 2.00 - 12,84 On motion the meeting adjourned. 1. erk Mayor April 8, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. U. Present: Mayor Grieve and gouncilemn Radey., Stevenson and Norton.. Minutes of the meeting of March 26, 1929 were read and approved. It was reported that the grader had not yet arrived but was expected at any time, and the Marshal was directed to inform. Mr. Ul.ricei that if it was not delivered by Thursday next that the deal was off. The Marshal reported it was not, feasible to avail of the offer of the: garage on the Peterson property tendered by Mr. Holmberg. Mr. Stevenson of the Street &-Alley Committee reported in respect to reducing the curve at. the Tire Shop that Mr. Hanks had not yet gotten the eonsent of Mrs. Craven, and the matter was continued. The Clerk reported that he had checks in hand from all property owners, except the Ideal Service Station and the Standard Oil Go. for the construction of the conwrete sidewalk on West Bay St., and that the Standard ail C'a:l had written a letter stating they were ready to pay a: bill for the construction -as soon as completed. Mr. Saunders was called on the telephone and. consented to accept a 90-day, note from the Ideal Service Station for the construction. The Clerk was directed to .notify Mr. Saunders to proceed with the; construction, and to notify the Clerk a creek before he expected to commence work so that the: necessary engineerts atakes could be placed. The Clerk was directed to deposit checks received. in the Kitsap County Bank in an account to be designated "raneia M. Applegate, Trustee West Bay 8t. Concrete Sidewalk'. The Marshal reported,tha.t a lead patch had been placed on the west water tank and had practically stopped .the leak, but that now the east tank was commencing to r- leak. He also reported that the bulkhead: on Prospect St. side of the pumping station e late had gone: out. The new.water tank matter was continued. The condition of Cline St. was discussed and the Marshal was directed to get the aount.y grader at once if possible and go over the same. The Marshal reported.that a fence had been put across Frederick St., and that eventually a rail would be put across to the Firer Hall so as to completely barricade the old Navy YUrd Dock. The matter at G. A. Hanks continuing the drain out into the bay from the Tire Shop was continued for the Marshal to check-up. Mr. Braun of the Washington Surveying & Rating Bureau, wrote that he could not 112 be present this evening to discuss matters looking to the reduction: of insurance rates, and the Clerk was directed to write him, inviting him to attend the meeting drf>the Council on April 22, 1929. The Marshal reported that he had jacked up the sidewalk an Division St. leading to the Court House. There were two suggestions from the Chamber of Commerce,considered, to -wit: an approach to the sidewalk of Orchard St.,which had been; selected for an airport landing, and the availing of the lota between Kitsap. County Hank- and Karcher's Service Station for additional: parking shave. The Clerk was directed to write the: Chamber of Commerce that they did not expect, to avail of gravel from the beach in front of Orchard St., and therefore had no occasion to recondition the approach, and suggesting that.as the cost of steps would be small., that, these be erected by the Chamber of Commerce. The Clerk -was directed to: write the Chamber in respect to the parking proposition., that the Council thought it was a good thing,, but would wish the Chamber to carry out the suggestion and bear any expense incident to using the property, and to further say that the Council was of the opinion that if the agreement of the business mere was carried out. not to park their cars on the parking strip there would be ample room for parking. The Marshal was directed to consult with the Sheriff in respect to the !� cess pool at the Court House. Mr. Applegate was granted permission to use the Town Hall on Friday even- ing April 12th, 1929, for the purpose of considering the organization of. a Kiwanis Club in Port Orchard. The condition of the Pottery Hill sidewalk was discussed, and the Marshal was directed to tear aip the sidewalk, commencing at the Archer property, and to make a report at the. next Councils meeting in respect to the possible recondi- tioning of the sidewalk -leading up the hill. The following bills were presented: General Fund E. F. Zahller, filing hand sags - - $ 1.00 Hovers Hardware, sundry supplies - - 12,15 Wilson Motor Co., towing dump truck - 1.50 Howells Garage., supplies - - - 1.07 Howes Garage, supplies and labor - - 16.08 Olyrmpie Iron & Machine Works, sundry items - 14.24 Duke Electric Coy. champs, etc. - - 4.38 Port O.Maehine Work-s,repairing road grader, - 10.00 Tire Shop, sundry items -- -- - 10.25 Water Fund Howes Hardware, sundry items - - 18.18 R. E. Heinen, 5 hours labor 2.50 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adj our ed. WW l Eur kt 113 n April 22, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Norton and Fleming. Minutes of meeting of April 8, 1929 were read and approved. The Marshal reported that the grader had been shipped and he expected it would arrive tomorrow. It was,reported that the Guest Bay St* Concrete sidewalk had been: started by Mr. Saunders, and the Marshalr:_uas appointed as an inspector of the job. The Marshal was authorized to direct Mr. Saunders to put a six-inch twenty foot strip at the northerly side of the Pumping 1ilant lots where the: fire truck station would be built. Mr. Braun of ,the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau: appeared before the Council on its invit4tion, and explained the system of rating towns and cities. He explained that the total- number of deficiencies was 5,000, which represented a town without any fire protection. at all.. He went over in detail the deficiendies of Port Orchard,, showing a total of 3.497 points as against a maximum of 5,000. He stated that towns and cities were divided into ten classes, being rated from one to ten, and that Port Orchard was in the 7th class, the purchase of the fire truck having advanced it from the 9th to the 7th class. The Marshal was directed to clean: up at his convenience the cave --in on the Water Pumping lots from Prospect St. The Marshal reported that. Cline St. had been graded with the county grader. The Health & Sanitation Committee was directed to investigate sanitary con- ditions in respect to a sewer emptying into the Bay evidently from the l,indall 'build- Ing, and report at the next meeting. Accumulation of water under the gire Shop was discussed, and it was the opihion of the Council that being on private property, the Council had no jurisdiction until itbecame a menace to health. The Marshal reported that Dr. Baldwin, County Health Officer, was investigating sanitary conditions at the Court House, and the matter was continued until the next meeting. The Marshal reported that he had removed the Pottery Hill: sidewalk on the hill and that he vrould patch up- the sidewalk leading up the hill, but that It would justify very little expenditure thereon. A suggestion was received from Mrs. Francis M. Applegate,, Chairman, Better Homes in America for Port. Orchard, that, in order to encourage people to take care of their lawns, sshrub?aery, flowers, etc., that during the months of May, Tune, July and August, 1929 the maximuon consumption of water be increased to 4.000 gallons on a flat rake of $1.50, and, after discussion, the Council duly voted to make the maximum 4,000 gallons per month on a flat rate of 1.50 for the months of May, Tune, Tuly and August, 1929. The: action of the mire & light Committee in loaning to residents of Silverdale one of the Town's hose carts for an indefinite period was drily approved and ratified. The Marshal reported that Peter N"uernberger was making complaint in respect. 114 to the dumping of garbage, in the Sidney cemetery plat, and he was directed to see if a suitable place could not be acquired by the Town for the: purpose of dumping garbage. The Clerk presented a letter from the Pacific T. & T. Co., showing no net, earn- ings of the Port Orchard Exchange for the year 1928,E but a deficit on operation of $1,329.78. The Telephone. Co., however, notwithstanding not required so to dounder the terms of their franchise, had installdd a, telephone in the Fire Hall. The following bills were presented: GENERAL YM Pacific T. & T. Co. , telephone call - - .15 James Stout, 18 hours' st. work - - - 9.00 Zee Miller, 24 hours' work on sts. - - - 12.00 F. M. Carter, two hours° at. work - - - 1.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor.. The following matters were placed on the: CONTINUED CALENDAR Reducing curve at Tire Shop Extension of sewer into bay from Tire Shop New steel water tank. On motion the meeting adjourned. � e r � Ma May 15, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Pr4sent: Mayor Grieve and Council- men Radey, Stevenson, Norton. and Fleming. Minutes of the meeting of April 22, 1929 were read and approved. The resignation of F. D. Fiedler as Councilman- was read and the same was accepted with regret. The matter of choosing a successor was deferred until the next meeting. The Marshal reported that the West Bay St. sidewalk had been completed by Albert Saunders in a. satisfactory manner, and J. R. Pattison submitted a final estimate showing the cost of the sidewalk to be $475.88, with engineering of $40.00, making a grand total cost of $515.90-. There were practifally 532 feet of -sidewalk con- structed. The Town's share for the pumping plant lots was $133.03. The Clerk was directed to pay out of the Trustee Fund established the pro rats amount due by the contributors to Albert Saunders, the contractor, and J. R. Pattison, the engineer, and return the balance to the contributors. The Marshal reported that fir. Denley, of the Olympic Machinery Co., would appear before the next Council meeting in respect to the sale of the grader now being tried out by the. Town. The Health & Sanitation Committee reported that: no action was necessary in regard to the Lindall sewer, and the Marshal reported that the Tire Shop sewer had been extended 16 feet further out into the bay and was now in satisfactory shape. He said no report had ae yet been received from Dr. Baldwin in respect to the Court House septic tank and drainage. The Marshal was instructed to inform Jae Geiger that he would have to assume responsibility in dumping garbage at the Sidney cemetery tract. The Marshal reported that he had ordered a part for the pump, and: he was in- structed to make a complete survey and report in regard to the Water System, except the tanks on the hill,. and espec-i`a.11y to include in his report the placing of sump., drain tile, etc. on the pumping plant lots. The St. & Alley Committee was asked to 1`jbdk.cinto the matter of the sidewalk at the foot of Pottery Hill and report at the next meeting. The Clerk was directed to write to property owners on Pottery Hill, where the sidewalk was kemoved, stating that it did not seem feasible at this time to; institute an improvement district for the construction of a new sidewalk, and that inasmuch as the Town had no available funds, to spend for the purpose, that the property owners themselves should make as practical a sidewalk as possible where the old one was, by smoothing off the earth and using such.aterials as they could to make a temporary walk. The Clerk was directed to faring to the attention of the Council at the next. meeting the amended statute in reference to compelling property owners to construct sidewalks and making the same a lien on the property. The matter of prohibiting the sale of fireworks in the: Town was discussed, and the Clerk was directed to present at the next meeting the present ordinance dealing. with fireworks. The Marshal complained in reference to boys congregating in pool rooms, and he was directed to request the proprietors of pool rooms to discourage the patronage of boys of tender years. The Marshal was authorised to issue burning permits in the Town, the fires to be under his supervision. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND R. J. Caretti* lumber - - - $16.32 R. J. Caretti, round-trip fares to Seattle - 2.40 Harry White,. testing grader - - 2.75 R. L. Hein, unloading tile - -- 3.00 Jack Bradley, unloading tile, etc., - 5.00 Lee Miller, 3 days 2 hre., unloading tile, etc., 13.00 Port Orchard Independent, sundry advertising, 17.25 Howe Motor Co., installation of power plant in Ulrioci grader - 36.01 repair radiator, dump truck - 3.30 Olympic Iron & Machine Works, picks sharpened, etc., .80 Howe's Hardware, s4ndries -- - 11.65 "WATER FUND Standard Oil Co., oil for motor, etc., Duke Electric Co., labor on pump, etc., 14.15 Port Orchard Machine Works, work on pump, etc., 14.48 J. R. Patt.ison, pro rata engineering concrete sidewalk in front pumping plant lots - 9.40 %lbert Saunders, pro rata T'own's pumping plant lots, concrete sidewalk - - 123.63 116 and warrants were directed to be drawn therefor. On moti he meeting adj o C er Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Fleming. May 27, 1929 t or Present.: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Minutes of meeting of May 13th, 1929 were read and approved. G. C. Triplett and Joseph Gill appeared before the Council in reference to the ex- tension of the end of the water mains on Sidney south to the city limits, and after discussion the Clerk was directed to prepare a resolution for introduction at the next meeting, initiating such arty improvement, and to notify all interested property owners to be present at the next meeting to confer with the Council in reference to the matter. The matter of selecting' a successor to Councilman Fiedler was continued until the next meeting. The Clerk presented a copy of Ordinance No. 166, which covered only a prohibition against setting off fireworks in the Town unless by special permit of the Council, and after discussion as to prohibiting the sale o.f fire works in the Town, the Ckil determined to let the ordinance stand as it is. Permission was granted to set off fireworks from noon July 3rd, 1929 to midnight. July 4th, 1929, and the Marshal was directed to post notices to this effect, and employ a special patrol for this period. The matter of dumping garbage at Kitsap and Seattle was considered, and the Marshal was directed to endeavor to have Mrs. Nordby confer with Messrs. Holmberg and Norman on this subject. The Marshal reported that he had graded Sidney St. from Bay St. to the city limits. The. Marshal was directed to slash Cline St. from Court House to; the Payne house, and out grass on Cline St. from Bay St. to Court House and to slash Seattle Avenue from Dwight to Division. The Marshal. reported that Dr. Baldwin had not yet made a report on sanitary con- ditions in gulch at Court House, but promised a report soon. The Marshal brought up the matter of a guard rail at the fill at Kitsap and Rockwell, and the matter was continued until the next meeting. The Marshal reported that he was in correspondence with two parties owning land in the vicinity of the Sidney Cemetery plot which would be a-vailable as a garbage dump, but had nothing definite: to report as yet. Councilman Radey promised to see Mrs. Tune -tall in reference to securing some of her land for a dumping place. The Marshal made a verbal report in reference to improvements on the pumping plant lot, including a concrete ,sump and pump house, and reported that it was 2,975 feet from the pumping plant to the tanks, The Marshal was directed to lay the tile along the general lines of the- creek running across the pumping plant lots. The Chairman of the ,Street & Alley Committee promised to investigate conditions of !-� f� C the sidewalk at the foot of Pottery Hill. Harold Meakow appeared before the Council in reference to the sidewalk in front of the M-eukow property, and general discussion was had in reference to the sidewalk on Sidney from Division to the rater Tanks. As it appeared the sidewalk was in a dangerous condition, the Council directed the C-lerk- to notify all interest property owners to attend the next Council meeting, when the Council would order the sidewalk torn up if no other solution of the problem was arrived at. The Marshal brought up. the oiling of streets, and he was directed to make arrange- ments with the contractor who would oil the state road to oil the parking strip on Bay St:., Cline St. at pumping plant south a short distance, Frederick St. from Bay to Prospect and Sidney from Bay to Prospect. The Marshal reported that there was talk of additional users of the town sewer extending from Masonic Hall to the. BfrgC. He reported that the swwer was constructed to take care of twenty houses and that there were already twenty-twos connected with it. The Council ordered that no:further connections be made with the said sewer unless spec - idly aut.borized by it. The Marshal reported in reference to the fact that on occasions the aisles of the Community Theatre were blocked with chairs, making very dangerous conditions, and he was directed to confer with the proprietor of the theatre looking to the elimination of this hazard in. the future. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Lee Miller, j day's work cutting brush - - Hirsch Cycle Co., battery and repair motor cycle - Port Orchard Machine Works, repair on grader, etc., Pacific T. & T. Co., long distance telephone calls W. T. Nelson, 1* days grading streets with grader Concrete Pipe Co.,j- cost concrete pipe,pumping plant lots - WATER FUND Lee Miller, j day work cleaning pumping plant lots - Concrete Pipe Co.,j cost concrete pipe,pumping plant lots - Francis M. Applegate, recording deed and personal tax, pumping plant. lots - and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the eeting adjourned, Cle Itia $2.00 20.01 6.36 1.90 21.00 252.00 2..00 252.00 1.40 It8 June 10, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present-: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Ra,dey, Stevenson, Norton and Fleming. Minutes of meeting of May 27th, 1929 were read and approved. Protests were filed against the extension of the water mains on South Sidney St., as well as a petition in favor of the same, but the Council decided, in view of the opposition to the proposed improvement, to defer action for the time being. The Marshal reported that he had done slashing an Seattle Ave. and out the grass on Cline and Sidney from :Bay to Division St. The Marshal. reported that Dr. Baldwin had requested that he get samples of the overflow from the Court House and have the same analyzed and that he would attend to the matter. The matter of guard rail at Rockwell and Kitsap St. was continued. The Clerk was requested to again write Mr. Anderson in reference to acquiring a piece of ground for him for a garbage dump and Councilman Radey reported he had con- sulted Mrs. Tunstall in reference to acquiring a strip of land from her and: would let him know in a few days. The Marshat-.reported he had laid the the at the pumping plant lots, and would soon connect it up with drain under the highway. A number of interested property owners appeared before the Council in reference to the sidewalk on Sidney St. from Division to the north margin of` Sroufe Avenue. The consensus of opinion of the property owners was that the present sidewalk should be reconstructed in the same manner as at present, and the Council approved of this and gave the interested property owners until the next meeting to devise ways and means for reconstructing the sidewalk-. The Marshal was directed to purchase about eight barrels of distillate and apply the same to the parking strip on Bay St. It was reported that. nothing had been done in respect to the sidewalk at the foot of Pottery Hill, and that, the state expected to place gravel in front of their garage building, etc. for the purpose of a sidewalk. The Marshal was directed to apply tar in the breaks in the concrete on Bay St. The matter of leaks in the water mains caused by logging trucks was considered, and the Clerk was directed to send the following bills for damage to water mains and streets. Lundberg brothers - - - $10,00 Arthur Moore j - - - 10.00 The application of 11. H. Lake to have the town truck haul sand and gravel to fix his sidewalk on Pottery Hill was considered, and the. Council did not see its way clear to grant the application„ The matter of the sidewalk in front of the L. M. Churchill property on Bay St. was considered, and the Clerk was directed to prepare the necessary papers-.,aso that if Mr. Churchill refused to fix the sidewalk the Town could do. so and obtain a lien an the property. The C1e•rk was directed to write the Sound Chevrolet Co. to remove the auto wrecks on Bay St. The Clerk. submitted the Fire Department. and Building Ordinances suggested by the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau, and the same were ordered filed. The Clerk was directed to write Fare Chief Tlatten asking him to• request. the members i of his Department to use extreme care in opening and shutting hydrants so as not to injure the w ater mane. The Clerk was directed to write Mrs. S. W. Stanton to make a proper crossing over E the sidewalk to her house occupied by the Heberleins on Mitchell Hill, and provide for the proper flow of water in the gutter, and the Marshal was directed to tear out the crossing near F1emingts place on Mitchell Hill and place gravel instead. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Lee Miller. 4 days work laying tile pumping plant lot and street work, 916.00 E. F. Zahller, sharpening saws - - - - 1.75 Chas. -Pendleton, 2 daystwork laying tile,pumping plant lots, - 8.00 Howe Motor Co., material: and labor - - - - - 49.66 Duke Electric Co., electric bulb _ _ _ _ _ .35 Hatianal Machinery and:. Equipment C©.,freight. on Acme Power Grader - 23.10 i i. Olympic Iron and Machine Works - - - - - - 2.65 I Howes Hardware - - - - - - 12`.40 WATER 10UND David Dow and Son, grinder and freight. - - - - 11.00 Sack Bradley, 2 dayst work laying tile,pump:ing plant lot 8.00 Howard Moore, 2 dayst work -laying tile, pumping plant lot 8.00 Howe's Hardware, sundry supplies h _ _ _ 8.91 Pacific Water Works Supply Co., pipe and fittings - - - 34.67 The bill of the Olympic Machinery Co. for Used Mo. 2 Russell Motor Patrol for $1,000.00 was considered, and after deducting $27.60 for repairs to, it,, leaving a balance of $97R.4a-, a warrant can the General Fund was ordered drawn for this amount.. On motion. the meeting adjourned+ ++ II Clerk Mayor 120 June 24, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. present: Mayor Grieve and,Co.uncilmen Radey, Norton and Fleming. 1[inutes of meeting of June 10th were read and approved. The Marshal reported that he had taken samples from the. overflow of the septic tank at the Court. House for analysis, but that. the report was not yet in. The matter of the rail. at Kitsap and Rockwell was continued. The Clerk presented a letter from a Mr. Anderson, owner of 22 acres near the Sidney Cemetery tract, Emking one hundred sixty-five ($165.00) dollars an acre, and the Marshal was authorised to engage an engineer to locate the lines of the tract. Councilman Radey reported that Mrs. Tunstal did.not care to sell any of her land. It was reported that Joe Geiger was giving up collecting garbage July 1, 1929, but that he had secured another man to do the work. A committee of property owners interested in the Sidney St. sidewalk south of Division reported that i;hey had the matter in such shape that they could build a sidewalk from Division to opposite the Fair Ground gate, but that there were three or four property owners who had not been heard from. The Council approved of building the sidewalk to opposite; the Fair Ground gate, and stated that the Town would bear their pro rata share of the costof the sidewalk in front of the water tank lots., It was understood that this Coromitt.ee, as soon as the funds were in hand,, would go -- ahead and construct the sidewalk; but otherwise the matter would be continued until the next meeting.. The Marshal reported that he had connected the drain tile on the pumping plant lots with the highway drain, and that he had secured part from in front of L. ,&. Norman's residence to partially fill in the lots. The Marshal reported that he expected to get distillate in Bremerton to oil the Bay St. parkingg strip, and that the sidewalk. at the foot of Pottery Hill had been completed. The matter of fixing. the concrete on Bay St. by pouring tar was continued until the next meeting. The.Clerk reported that the bills against Lundberg Brothers and Arthur Moore for damage to water mains and streets had not been paid. The Clerk was directed to send another bill to Lundberg brothers and the Marshal was, directed to stop Arthur Moore from hauling logs until his bill was paid. The Marshal reported that the water tank, were holding up fairly well. It was reported that no crossing had as yet been pint in at the Mrs. S. W. Stanton property (Heberlein, tenant) on Mitchell Hill, and the matter was continued until the next meeting :for a report thereon from Councilman Stevenson. The Clerk reported in respect to the assessments and taxes on the L. M. Churchill lots on Bay St.,. showing an amount.now due thereon for taxes and assess- ments of. $1,300.00. In view of the amount of money against the lots, the Council deferred any action toward fixing the sidewalk in front of the property for the time being. 121 The Marshal reported there was one car still parked on the street by the Sound Chev- rolet Co. and that he would see that, it was removed. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to C. A. Hanks, as agent for the H. �. Davies property at Cline and Dwight, that a crossing would have to be constructed if the tenant desired to run an automobile on the property. The crossing near Flemings on Mitchell Hill was continued until next meeting. The matter of making a special rate to large users of water was duly considered, and the Clerk pointed out that there was already an ordinance in effect that users of over 20,0E}0 gallons per month were entitled to a rate of 15je per thousand gallons, and the Marshal was notified to inform large users of this fact. Councilman Radey informed the Council that he had not been able to supply the water users on his system., and with the approval of the Marshal he had hooked on to the town system and that the water weed w*s being registered thro the meter of Chas. Duval. The Marshal reported that part of motor for pump had arrived and would be installed.. to The Marshal reported in respect to the necessity of action-, as/the bulkhead at the pumping plant lots, and the Council decided to visit the water plarit as a committee of the whole on Tuesday evening July 2nd, 1929 at 7:30 P. M. to arrive at some definite action in the matter. The Marshal wasidirected to order a dozen concrete meter boxes same as before. The Clerk was directedrAor oollect one-half of the Qccupatiom Tax for the calendar year 1929, commencing Tuly 1, 1929. The Marshal was :directed to incur an expenditure of approximately $30.00 for brakes on the dump truck. The followi ng tkills were presented: • I GENERAL FUND Ideal Service Siltation, gas, oil, etc., - $10.44 Pacific- T• & Ti Co., Long distance calls .70 P. 0. Transfer .Co., wood for library - 5.50 E. F. Zahller, sharpening saw - - .75 R. J. Ca,retti, lumber for crossing - - 24.7a i Lee Miller, 9 d.aysr street work at $4. per day - 36.00 WATER FUND R. J. Caretti, lumber and cement for connecting t ile1 drain at pumping- plant. lots - 22.57 Pacific Water W.brk's.& Supply Co., tapping nipples - - 2.70 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. 4n motion: the meeting adjourned. Clerk May July 8, 1929 Council met this evening at 7.30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Horton and Fleming. Minutes of meeting of tune 24,. 1929 were read and approved. The Marshal reported that samples from the CourtHouse septic tank had broken in transit, and that a new receptacle had been forwarded and a report should be in hand soon. � Messrs. Lund and McDougal,. a committee representing the property owners interested in the sidewalk on Sidney street, reported that all but one or two property owners had agreed to the improvement, and they requested that the Clerk act as trustee for the funds to be received, in which the Council acquiesced. The Council suggested that street opendngs be about twenty feet, except, Ada St., which should be a little voider to admit the entrance of the grader. Thee Council agreed to gravel street intersections. The Marshal reported that he had not yet been able to get an engineer tar go out to the Anderson land and check up the lines, and the Marshal and Clerk were directed to investigate the gulch beyond the Sohn Doyle property -on the old Clifton Road as a prospective garbage dump. The matter of garbage collection was considered but no action taker. It was reported that Lundberg Brothers had paid their $10.00 for damage to water mains and streets, but Arthur Moore had not done so. The Marshal stated that he had forbidden him to; do any more hauling, and as soon as he resumed hauling he would be arrested for damage to streets. Councilman Stevenson reported that Mrs. 5tant.on had promised to fie the crossing across the sidewalk of her tenants, the Heberleins,. on Mitchell Hill road, but that it had not yet been done and he would remind her of it again. Mayor Grieve reported that the hydrant in front of they Sound Chevrolet Co. had been. damaged, and the Marshal was requested to check, up on the damage as soon as possible. The Marshal reported that the part for the pump had not yet been installed, but that the brakes had been fixed on the dump truck. The matter of the bulkhead at the water pumping plant was considered at length, and it appeared to be the consensus of opinion that the building of a sump at the water pumping plant station was more imperative than: the erection of a new tank on the hill, but no definite action was taken.. In this connection B. C. Miller, of the Killer Engineering Co., consulting hydraulic engineers, appeared before the Council and made written proposal t.Q mak-e a general survey and report on the water system for the sum of 000.04, $100.00 upon completion of re :ort and 100.00 after of p mP F � �kF the proposed work has been financed, and stated that he would make detailed plans and specifications of the proposed sump at the pumping plant for the tonal sum of $300.00. Ito action was taken on this proposal and the matter was laid over until the next meeting. The Marshal was directed to furnish four or five planks to Ourfman for a crossing on West Bay Streety j 123 The following bills were presented: OWMRAL FUND Robt. Chroming, p�aotrol. duty Xuly, 4tbL, 3 days at. $4.00 per day - - C. E..l,a ndorf, 110 hours street work 0 500 per hour Howets Hardware, general supplies - - Fels Markussen. sharpening tools:. eta., Have motor Co., gas, oil and supplies Duke Electric Co.:, bulb - - Tire Shop, gas, oil and tube - - WATER FM W. Montelius Price Co. Wagner Electric Motor Hovers Hardware, supplies - - Chas. B. 1 ansdorfl, ono dayrs work - s and warrants 'sere; ordered drawn therefor. 4n motion the meeting ad j oarned . Xuly 22, 1929 $12.€ 0 5.00 26.56 - 22.33 .35 - 15 r00 25.00 10.55 4.00 May, Council met this evening at 7:30 P., M. Present`: Mayor Grieve; and Coancil men Radek Stevenson, Dorton and Fleming. Minutes of meeting of Xuly 8, 1929 were read anal. approved. Mr.. Gordon appeared before the Council in reference to collecting garbage. and it was suggested to.him that he investigate the matter and appear before the Council at the nez[ -meeting, or if he concluEded he could make a success of it and had a place to dump garbage he could begin at any time he saw fit. W* B. Fountaiii of the. Sour Ld Chevrolet Cq, appeared before the c uncil and protested against the placing of the third barrier at the hydrant In front of their place of bus$ness,. and after discussion, permission was granted to Mr. Fouintain to remove the 'barrier from the garage side and protect the hydrant with boards, the Sound Ohevrolet Co. to incur the necessary expenses and to indemnify the town against &;1 damage to said hydrant from thw.garage side. E. C. biller qf the Killer Engineering Co. appeared before the Council, and it was duly voted that the services of the. Miller Engineering Ca. be retained can the basis of theirleatter of. Xuly- 9th,: 1929... to -snit, $200.00 for a general report on the water ,oyster and ' .. on all improvements made tinder the. report, the $200.00 paid for tide gen.ers! report to ite absorbed and credited an the 7 on improvements. Mr. Miller presented a: general, report on the sump, pump house and a new pump- ing unit, amounting for the improvement to $5,331.26, and the Council duly au- thorised the Miller' Engineering Co. to prepare detailed plans and specifications for the sump and pump house, and,have the sane in shape as soon as possible to call 124 for bide, and the Clerk was instructed, in conjunction with the Mayor, to call a special meeting to pass on the plans and specifications- as soon as ready. The Company was also authorized to present further details in respect to an additional` pumping unit. Councilman Stevenson was authorized to confer with the bank in re- ference to financing the improvement which would require, if the additional pump- ing unit was installed, about $2,500 to $3,000 over the credit balance in the Water Fund. The Marshal brought up the matter of the excessive use of water at the Court House in reference to the flat rate charged of $10.00 a month, and the Clerk was directed to confer with J. M. Peterson, Auditor, as to the advisability of taking this matter up with the County Commissioners. The Marshal reported that the samples from the Court House septic tank had been analyzed and turned over to Dr. Baldwin for his attention. A letter was presented from the Port Blakely Mill Co. in reference to land for a possible garbage dump, and the Marshal was instructed to engage an engineer to locate the gulch on the property desired by the Town for such purpose. The Marshal reported that he had been requested by the Co. Agricultural Agent to make an li" tap at the. Court House for a sprinkler system, and the Council di- rected the Marshal to inform the applicant that a formal request mould have to be made to the Council for such tap. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to P. B. Atwell, asking him to close the ditch in front of the John F. Anderson property. The Marshal brought up the matter of the state catepillar going over the Bay street pavement, and he was directed to route same over the shortest route on Bay St. The Marshal: was directed to instal a 10 tap for Callison, Inc., occupying the old Wilson Hardware store, and to make connection. opposite Kemp's barn, Callison, Inc. to pay for pipe from the barn to their place of business. The tapping fee to be $12.50. The following bills were presented: G;RERAL FM R. I. Caretti:, ferriage to Seattle, self and motor cycle and tar pots - - $2.20 F. R. Brahahn:. 13 hours' work on streets 40 50¢ # hr., - 6.50 Rensselaer Valve Co., Corey hydrant parts - - 29.86 Pat Gordon, work on hydrant,. etc., 12 hours - 6.00 WATER FM j F. M. Carter, 2 hours* work - - - 1.00 F. R. Arnold:]pJ;um'Oing Mork at residence,town water plant - 17.70 Pacific Water forks Supply Co. Inc., - 18.00 Francis M.App:legate,Trustee,.Sidney St -sidewalk, sidewalk in front of water tank lots - 26.03 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor July 31,vl929 k gpecial meetlAg of, the cquneil was held this evening at 7:30 P. M. Preeent:.Mayar Grieve. and Councilmen Radey, Nortok and Fleming. Thee reading of the minotes . of the, meeting of July 22nd, 1929 was deferred until the next regular meeting. The. Marsha):, recommended the purchase of two Siamese connedtione for the Fire truck as well, as two hose nozzles, and he was directed to procure the same, A Committee From the Methodist Church, headed by the Rev. We M. Richards, appeared before the Council in reference to the cleaning up of the wreckage from the recent fire, and were given until the next Council meeting to do, so. The Miller Engineering Co. presented detailed plans and specifications in reference to the construction of the sump and pump house, and an additional pumping unit, and after having gone ever the same., the Council duly vG-ted to approve of said plan-& and specifications, and instructed the Clerk to advertise Par bids, and requeted the Miller Engineering Co. to insert one call for bids in the Journal of Commerce in Seattle.. i On motion the a ting adjourned. l:er ayar . August 12, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. Me Present:, Mayor Grieve and Cauncil- m.en Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Fleming. Minutes of the regular meeting of July 22, 1929 and the special meeting of i July 31st, 1929 were read and approved. The, Marshal reported in reference to the procuring of a place to dump garbage, sating, that J. L. Berry wanted U20.00 to establish the lines on the Port Blakely Mill Co. tract and that he had endeavored to get J. R. Pattieon to run the lines of the two acre tract adjacent to the Sidney cemetery. The Clerk was directed to write the Prom Blakely Mill Go., asking if -an engineer or cruiser could not be sent over to iocate the.corners in respect to the tract desired. The. matter . of the rate to be charged for supplying. of water. to the Court -House was taken up, J-. M• Peterson, the County Auditor, was present and, after discussion, f it was duly voted that Mr. Petersen. submit an offer of a $25.00 monthly flat rate for consideration by the: Board of County Commissioners. An application was also received from I.A. Peterson, County Auditor, asking ;far an I* inch tap at that Court House, and .t hO Marshal was directed to instal: the same without cost, pro- vided the work was ¢one by the. County. The kids for sump and pump: house and pumping unite were duly opened, and after scrutiny by the lrfl. er Engineering Ca. were reported an as follows.& 126 Sump and pump house Pumping Unit i Holmberg & Yorman $4,100.00 $10000.00 Ray G. Case - - - 4,837.77 - 1,946.20 Arnold Harrison - - 4,200.00 - 980.00 J. X. Keating - 4,509.00 - 652.00 and on recommendation of the engineer the construction of the sump ,and pump house was awarded to Holmberg & Norman at $4,100,00, with the understanding that if the pumping unit was installed before J-anuary 1. 1930 the bid of Holmberg & Norman of $1.000.00 would be availed of,. and if a change in unit was desired the price would be higher or lover, according to the type and make of unit selected by the Coancil. Holmberg & Norman offered to use Duntile brick instead of brick as specified, and the Caundil accepted this offer, and directed that the colors be Tokio tan, with red trimmings. Holmberg & Norman offered to move the residence now on the pumping plant lots to the new location necessitated,. for the cost of labor, materials, ete. and 10%, and the offer was accepted and Holmberg, & Norman directed to proceed with the work. The offer of Holmberg & Norman to add to the size of the pump house 4 x 14 feet to bring the walls flush with the walls of the sump, for the sum. of $100.00. was duly, accepted by the Council, and change in plan and specifications in this respect was ordered. The Marshal reported that P. B. Atwell had not yet filled in the ditch in front of the Youtsey property on Dwight St., and the Clerk was instructed to write him again, directing that this work be d ones • at once. The following bills were presented: Lowman & Hanford Co., Receipt blanks for Treasurer - $12.66 R. J. Caretti, ferx•iage, etc.. - - 1.70 Lee Miller, repair work on hydrants - - 4.00 Duke Electric Co., lamp - - - .60 Howers Hardware,, general supplies - - 1.45 Olympic Iron & Machine Works, sundry items - 2.69 Ideal Service Station, adjusting brakes of fire truck,etc., 4.07 Howard Cooper Corporation, soda - - 7.27 Howe Motor Co., gas, oil; and sundries - - 11.89 Howe Motor Co.,set of brakes for dump truck and sundried, 40.25 VA -TER FURD Lee biller, repairing leaks water pipes, 1J day - 2.00 Gordon McDougall, reading water meters, 1 day - 4.00 Miller Engineering Ga.,engineering fees a/c improvements - 200.00 Port Orchard Machine'Vorks,waster shut. -off wreneh,ete., 4.60 Daily Sournal of Co m.e;rce,adv. for bids for sump, etc., 4.7 Howe's Hardware, sundry supplies - - 1.06 and warrants were orde37ed drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adj ou 1 e Mayor 127 `ALug ua t 26, 1929 Council met t4is evening at 8:00 P. U. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Stevenson`, Norton and; Fleming. Minutes of the, meeting of August 12, 1929 were read and approved. The Clerk was directed to look up ordinance: in re the open ditch left. by P. B. Atwell in front ofthei Youtsey property and take poli ee action. against Mr. Atwell it the ordinance justified it. The marshal reported that,he had again investigated the two acres north of the Sidney cemetery and also a gulch south of the cemetery for a garbage dump. He also stated that he had investigated a pot hole in Sidney Villas Addition within the toxin limits, which was 800 feet distant from any hGuoe, and he was directed to investigate the title to this plot;and report to the Council at the next meeting. The'Clerk re- ported that he had not! heard from the Port Blakely Rill. Col In respect to an engineer or cruiser pointing out the lines in respect, to the gulch 'desired to be secured. The Clerk was firected to inform the Miller Engineering Co. that the Town was ready to proceed with the sand pump house and request them to notify the ccntraetors, Holmberg & Norman, to that effect. The Marshal was authorized to procure the services i of the Miller Engineer#ng Co. during the pouring of the concrete for the sump and pump house. The Clerk' was authorized to accept the bond of Holmberg & Norman, with personal sureties, if the same were: satisfactory. The Clerk -was directed to write L..A. Korman to fix the crossing on Sidney st. between the Getty and lCemml.er properties before the Bret weather set in, and to write i T. A. Holmberg to remo*e the obstruction to the gutter in front of his premises before the rainy season. The Marshal re0orted that some of the fire equipment had been received and some was yet tQ be received. The: Marshal was directed to tear out the decking between the Town Hall and the Kemmler property, and the Clerk was requested to notify Mrs. Kemmler that this was jto be done for fire protection purposes. The Marshal wash requested to ask the telephone office to only blew the horn for fires within. the city, limits, and the Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Fire Chief that it was -the suggestion of the Council not to answer fire calls outside of the city 1 imi is , except at the Veterans' Home, where there: were hydrant tonne e:ti one . i The Marsha] was authorized to dig out a basement underneath the residence on the pumping plant lots and to erect a lean-to in respect to the residence. The following bulls were presented: GEC FUND Pacific T. & T. Co., telephone calls - - •35 128 WATER FLTBTD R. L. Dooley, moving residence on pumping plant lots $100.00 N. C. Davies, l day with team and 2 men pumping plant lots - 12.00 John Pearson, 1 da;yte work on pumping plant lots - - 4.00 James Stout, 5 days* work on pumping plant lots - - 2,0.00 Lee Miller, 4 days" work on pumping plant lots - - Z6.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. 4n mation the meeting d ed. AT C e, it Sept. 9, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Fleming. Minutes of meeting of August 26th, 1929 were read and approved. Mr. Ball of the Miller Engineering Co. presented a report on the water system covering new storage tank, etc., and the same was ordered received and placed on file. Mr. Aall of the Miller Engineering Co. and Mr. Holmberg of Holmberg & Norman, contractors, placed before the Council the fact that in chiming the Union pump and connections to the new pump house it would take two or three days, during which time the town would be without a supply of water except from the storage tanks. The mat- ter of installing the additional primping unit at this time was discussed at length, and It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that the new unit should be in- stalled at this time, and Mr. Holmberg, of Holmberg & Norman, contractors, was di- rected to see what was the best terms he could obtain in respect to a De Laval pump and an..Allis Chalmers pump, on the basis of taking in old equipment at the pump house, consisting of gasoline engine and motor and triplex pump, and report back to the Water Gammittee, which was vested with full power to select such pump as it saw fit. Judge Sutton appeared before the Council in reference to the construction of a concrete crossing an they west side of Sidney at De Kalb street, and fir. Atwell, contractor, being present, offered to construct such crossing 33 feet long with 5- inch thick cement, 5 feet wide, for the sum of $24.70, and he was authorized to do the work at this figure. Judge Sutton also wished that part of De Kalb street nest of Sidney graded, and the Marshal was authorized to do this. The Marshal was directed to re -condition that worst part of the sidewalk on Division Street leading to the Court House. The matter of the conditions existing in reference to the sidewalk in front, of the Stanton property at Mitchell Road was referred to the Street & Alley Committee for inspection and report4- The matter of the trench in front of the Jahn F. Anderson and youtsey proper- ties was brought up, and It was stated that W. B. Atwell claimed that he was in- structed to dig the ditch by John F. Andersen, and the Marehal was directed to inter - vier Mr. Anderson and report back to the Council. The matter of a bargage dump in the Sidney Villas Addition: in the town limits was referred to the Marshal. and. Councilmen Radey, with power in. Councilman Radey, if he 129 - thought the same desirable an asti dump, to. employ Tames R.. Paths on', Engineer, to chain the pr^opert7 off sor as' to determine the exact lot and ownership thereof Mere the: pot hold existed. The Clerk brought up the matter that Holmberg & Norman had not yet filed a bond in respect t.o consstrus tion of sump and pump house, and he eras directed to call their attention to this natter. The following bills were presented: GENERAL E 4 R. J. Caaretti, lumber for sidewalk - - $5.41 Howe Motor eb., repair to dump truce - 7.64 Howe Mot:oF C?o .. bas$ and oil far fire track - 3.11 Hirsch Motor Cycle Go*R repairs to motor eyele - 35.101 Menith Fire Dust Corporation, fire extinguishers, 12.82 Seattle Brash ad., hose nozzles, etc., - 47*00 Olympic Iron' & Machine Works - - 1.40 S. N. Petersslon, postage 3.00 WATER 7M Miller Enginieering Co.,report on storage and distribution, - $100.00 Zee Miller. is day -at work. pumping plant lot - IZ.00 James St.out,l 14 hours t work, pumping plant lot - 7.00 Williams Haridware, sundry supplies - - 2.05 R.J`.Carettl.lumber for basement of resideneeppumping plant .lots- 8.96 Puget Sound Navigation Go 1, freight on pipe 1.45 Standard gill Co.. oil - - - .96 Bowles & Cep.°, pipes _ - - - 25.88 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor, except inuthe case of the -Killer Engineering .Co., wh eh they Clerk was directed to check up With their proposal, and if not in accord therewith to omit to draw warrant until further authorized. On motionthe mt :t adjsaurned. Clerk Mayor Sept. 23 1929 Council met ithi.s evening at 8:00 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and 6ouncilmen Radey, Stevenson and Norton. Minutes of meeting of September 9th, 1929 were read and approved. The matter oil the Miller Engineering Co:' bill for report, in the sum of $100.00, was discussed, aano the Clerk read the proposal of the Hiller Engineering Ga., dated Julys 9, 1929, and was directed to communicate with the Miller Ingineering• ,Ca. to the effect that the Council considered that they had already been paid for their report, and if they differed from this view to confer with the Cauneil at the next meeting to be held Monday evening, October 77th, 1929: After discussion the Council authorized Holmberg & Norman to, construct a slab roof on the .sump at a cast of $200.00 cash in addition to the contract price, the contractors .to t-*e out the Triplex x pump, gasoline engine and motax from the: neater works and stare t4em, and if the Town eould not sell the same within a reasonable time fo$ a suit In excess of $100,00, the contractors Mould take title to the same as a part consideration for the construction of the slab roof_. 4fter discussion Holmberg & Norman were autharize:d to instal a. Fairbanks. i Morse pump in accordance with specifications submitted, it being understood that the same should be installed for the sum of 1,000.00, as per previous proposal. Homlberg & Yorman v►ere instructed to construct a well for drainage valves outside the sump at the pumping plant station at a cost of $40.00 in excess of the contract price. The Marshal reported that the walk on Division street leading to the Court House had been reconditioned. Councilman Radey called attention to the fact that people were driving over the walk leading into the Kemp property on Sidney St. where the.new sidewalk had been constructed, and the- Marshal was directed to block.off this caressing with a. log. The i Mayax-11, offered. to see Mr. Xone s as to what disposition was to be made of the scrap lumb-er from the building of the new Sidney St. sidewalk. Harry Getty appeared before the Council with a bill. of P. B. Atwell for con- structing gutter across alley between the Getty and Kemmler properties on Sidney St. in the.sura of $31.16, and the Council agreed to share one-third of this ex- pense, to -wit: $10.38, and the same appears in the bills hereinafter allowed. The Stanton sidewalk was discussed, and it was stated that the State Highway people expected to grade down the road at this point. Councilman�Radey reported in regard to lots in Sidney Villas for a garbage dump being lots 12-23 inc., Block 14. Sidney Villa $ Addition, and stated that the ownership had been established in the. County, and that the assessed valuation was $10.00 per lot. The Clerk was authorized to make application\\to the County Com- missioners for the purchase of the said lots on the instalment plan. Councilman.Stevenson called attention to a wash in thi'-Pottery Hill Road, and the Marshal was directed to attend to the same. Marshal Caretti applied for pe=ission to place galvanized gut rs on one side of the pumping plant residence, stating the cost would .1 e*_&Vdut $7.50,E and leave was duly granted. The Clerk read a letter from H..C. Han -Ban in regard to delinquent Mivision St. L. I. D. bonds, and the Clerk was directed to write that the Council could dp nothing in the premises. The Marshal Balled attention to the fact that the Court Houser_ p was 2 inches and not l* inches, as previously stated, The following P . B. Atwell,. P. B. Atwell, and Keamler Howells Hardwa, P. T. & T. Co bills were presented. G RAL FUND concrete crossing, DeKalb and Sidney $24.70 concrete gutter alley between. Getty properties, Sidney St.,. 1/3 cost - 10.38 re, general supplies - - 2.15 ., telephone gall - - - .15 13i WATER F€l`ND Howells Hardware, general supplies - $23.02 P. 0. Transfer Co.= hauling dirt to pumping plant lot - 66.50 P. 0. 12.00 Neptune Meter Ca.,'repaire to meters - - 550,12 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. f 4n motion the: meeting adjourned to meet in special meeting Monday evening, October 7tk, 1929 o,t 7: O o*clock to p. so they tax levy for the year 1930. October 7,. 1929 A special meeting of the Council was held this evening at 7:30 for the purpose i of adopting a budget and passing the tax levy for the year 1930. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmten Radey, Stevenson and Dorton. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was continued until the regular meeting on Qctober 14, 1929. . The ten tative budget for the year 1930 was presented. and there being no ob- jeetians thereto, the same was adopted as the budget for the year 1930. The Clerk presented Ordinance No .384 providing for the tax levy for 1930, i being 13 msille for'curr.ent expenses, 1 mill fore library and 1 mills for warrant indebtedness and the same was duly adopted by the Council. Mr. Aal of the Miller Engineering Co. appeared before the Council in reference to the brill of $100..0O for report on. tanks, and it was agreed that he should make up an amended bill showing f 200.00 for preliminary reports and 70 on the contract price for water sulop and pump house, credit the T`awn with $200.00 already pad and absorb $1.00.00 for an additional credit out of the $200.00 already paid. The Marshal was directed to fill in the crossings on the new Siftey et. side. walk, and to fix the corner on Bay St. at J. S. Gibsonls property. He was also di- i rected to clean up -Olen St. leading to the Court House in respect to weeds, grass,&e. Thu Duke Electric Co. was directed to so wire the new pump house as to provide a single line and meter for the pump house and residence on pump house lots. The Marshal was authorized to instala pipe in the sump so: as to be able to hose the. same demex from a tap. inside the sans. On Motion the -meeting, adjourned. ale may pr 132 October 14, 1929 Council met.this evening at 8:00 otclock. Present: Mayor Grieve and Council- men Raday, Norton and neming. Minutes, of meeting of September 23rd, 1929 and the special meeting of Oct. 7th, 1929 were read 4nd approved. Mr. Miller of the Miller Engineering Co. presented his bill for $350.00 du.e � his Company for engineering services, and the same being satisfactory was laid over to be passed with other bills. The Marshal was directed to engage the services of the Miller Engineering Co. for inspection when pouring concrete for the new sump and pump house. The Marshal reported that a log had been placed at the opening to the Xemp property on Sidney St. and that the crossings in respect to: the new Sidney St. side- walk had been gravelled. The Mayor reported that the, lumber from the old Sidney St. sidewalk had been removed. The matter of the Sidney St. sidewalk was discussed, and it was the. opinion of the Council that the Committee having this matter in charge should require the con- tractor to level up any loin places before making final payment.. The Marshal reported that the matter of gravel on -sidewalk in front of the Stanton property had been attended to. The Clerk reported -that J. M. Peterson, County Auditor, had informed him that the County Commissioners had authorized the advertisement for sale of the county lots desired by the Town as a garbage dump.. twice. The Marshal reported that the streets to the hills of the town had been graded The Marshal was directed to place some gravel in a hole on Sidney at Melcher. The: Clerk was requested to ask J. M. Peterson, County Auditor, that if there was any application to purchase Lots 6. 7 and 8, Block 2, Railroad Addition, where the Town secures its gravel, that the Town be immediately notified. The Marshal reported that the Gibson corner on Bay St. had been fixed, and the grass and weeds on Cline St. mowed. The Marshal was directed to investigate the catch basin near the Holmberg house to see that it did not get clogged up with rocks, etc. The authorization to the Duke Electric Co. by Goun.cilman Stevenson to instal main line and double throw switches externally operated in respect to new work at Pump house at a cost of $40.00 was ratified, with instructions to the Marshal that the request for same come through the contractors Holmberg & Norman. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND J.R.Smith, j dayts street work - - .- $2.00 James Stout, 2 days' street work - - - 8.O0 Earl Smith, 1 darts street work - - - 4.00 J. C. Howard, 3 days, 6 hours street work - - 15.00 E. F. Zahller, filing two saws - - - 1.00 H. G. Sutton, extra, cost of sewer gripe Town agreed to bear •- 11.10 i 123 Port Orchard Independent, envelopes for Treasurer `-' and publication resolution - - - $15.90 Pacific T. & T. C'o � , phone calls - .85 Howe Motor Co:., repair to grader, etc., - 65.95 How:e's Hardware, sundries Howe Motor Co, repair to grader - - 3.00 Ha ard-cooper Go., suppl es for Fare Department - 55,64 Tire Shop, gas, etc.,; - - 6.09 Duke Rlectric Co., i wiring 'for' fire slant 'at Tele- -phone office, etc., - - 12.71 (aympie. Iron & Mac4ine Works - - .60 WATRR FUND .Miller Engineering; .Co. , engineering services, stamp and p=p hoiitse - - - 350.00 F. C. Wyckoffi.Co. Treas., instalment payment on pumping plant to - - - 74-0 Duke. Electric- Co.,. end plate, etc. How0 a Hardware, sundries P. 0. Independent,'publication proposal 4.$ Holmberg & Rdrman, s monthly estimate on sump and pump house 850.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the '- ting addourned. Clerk Mayor. October 28, 1929 Council met! this evening at 7:30 P. M. Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Fleming. mutes were read and appro*ed. Present: Mayor Grieve -and 9*4ucilmen of the meeting of October 14, 1929 The Marshal: reported that the outside forms of the sump and pumphouse had been removed. The Clerk was authorized to hid the appraised value of the lots in Sidney Villas Addition desXred for garbage dump,, and to- pay for the sane on the instalment, i plan., and the Mayorland Clerk were directed to issue a warrant for the down payment. The Marshal reported that he had gravelled Seattle Ave. from Ki tsap to Dwight, and Cline from the gourt, House to DeKalb, and intended to gravel it to the intersection with Bay St. The Mo,rehal was authorized to gravel Sidney from Kiteap .to top of hill. The marshaliwas directed to look into the obstruction of the gutter on Sidney between the HolmberK and Peterson properties. The matter Of cleaning the gutter on Bay St. was continued until next meeting. The Marshal was directed to clean aut the flume on Rockwell A-ve. The Marshalireported that the Holmberg catch basin was 0. K. The Marshal; brought. up the matter of extending a four -foot platform at the entrance to the, pump house, but the matter w-as passed by the Council. A petitiain has presented by Messrs. Lawrence,Tessup and others, praying for electrie lights at Xendall and Tacoma. Sroufe and Tacoma, and Melcher and Tacoma. The matter receixedigeneral discussion, and the.aoneensws was that if additional 1ighto were to be placed the whole town should receive consideration. It was finally duly voted that the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. be directed to. ` '�� the following lights: Sidney and Ada Ste. 134 S roufe and Tacoma Ave. Kendall and Tacoma, Ave. Sidney and Melcher nest Bay, near west end of Highway Garage last Bay on souith side of way in front of Stocks house, or thereabouts the designation of.exact locations to be under the supervision of Councilman Stevenson of the Fire and Light Committee. The Clerk was directed to write Mrs.. Craven in respect to granting right of way at the Tire Serviee station. The Marshal was,directed to put on an additional man for Halloween night. The following Mlle were presented: GMRAL FM R. J. Caretti, lumber - - Ray Adair, 5 days, gravelling streets - John Coon, 5- James Stout,6- WATER FUND R. J. Caretti, lumber - - Puget Sound Navigation Co., freight on water meters and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion he meeting adj ou rued. rk Bevember 12, 1929 $3.30 20.00 20.00 24.00 6.25 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Norton and Fleming. The meeting was held on this date inasmuch as Monday, November llth, 1929, the regular meeting night of the gouncil, was Armistice Day, a legal holiday. Minutes of the meeting of October 28th, 1929 were read and approved. The Clerk informed the Council that -the sale of lots which the town wished to acquire for a garbage dumb: had been continued to November 19, 1929 at 11:00 A. M. The Marshal advised the Council that the forms were off from the inside at the sump and pump house, and that the job looked all right. He stated that a small leak had developed in the sump, but the contractor expected to remedy this. He also stated that the delay now arose from not being able to get proper fittings for pipes. The Council went on record as being in favor of testi*g the sump before the ground was levelled off outside of it.. The Marshal -reported that any stoppage in the gutter between the Holmberg and Peterson properties was dote to defective construction. The Marshal stated that the gutter had been cleaned on Bay Street at Gibsonts corner, and that as soon as the leaves had fallen the: Bay St. sidewalk would be cleaned off. 7.) The Clerk was directed to write J. P. Joslin not to obstruct with woad the path used by Mrs. Nor.dby on Seattle A.ve. The Marshal,repor ted that the flume on Rockwell Ave.. had been cleaned out, and that lights were being installed as per order of the ,Council at its last meeting. The: matter of reducing the curve on BaySt. was discussed and Laid over until the next meeting for a report from Councilman. Stevenson in respect to his interview with Mrs. Craver. The matter of placing a mezzanine floor in the pump house was discussed, and the contractors gore ordered to place a wooden mezzanine floor in the pump house at a cost of $40 . Q0 . The Clerk. called attention to the fact that Tuesday, December 3, 1929 was the day of the annual,Town Election, when three councilmen for two years and a treasurer for one year would be elected. The Council designated Tap sday, November 26, 1929 at 8 P. M. as the time fox the caucus at the Town Mall for the numination of such officers, and directed the Clerk to give the usual notice thereof. The following were appointed election officers: W. 0. Breed, judge, E. T. Harris, inspector and Eva V. McLeod, Clerlt. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUIgD Hawets hardware, general supplies - - $24.24 Duke Electric Go., general supplies, - 3.06 R . J. C!aretti , lumber - 1.80 Earl Smith, special patrolman one day - 4.04 John Coon, 1 dayto street work - - 4.00 Roy Adair, 1 day to street work - - 4.0{I James Stout, 7 daysr street. work - - 28.00 Nets is rkuseen,: sharpening tools, etc. - 2.90 Williams Hardware Co., pick and handle 1.80 VI . W i 01 4P0 Hower$ Hardware, general supplies Port Orchard Machine Works, float guides,. etf . , - 7.00 R. J. Oaretti, lumber - - - 6.58 Trick & Murray, index for Clerk - 9.64 Howe Motor Co.', repairs to fire and dump trucks -- 46.83 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor, except for the Howe .Motor Ca. for $46.83, which should be {IKed by the Marshal before payment. an mo.tio a meeting adjourned. n Clerk Mayor November 25, 1929 Council: met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: mayor Grieve and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Norton and Pl eming. Minutes of the meeting of Iovember 12th, 1929 were read and approved. The Marshal !reported that the inside finishing coat to the sump had been ap- plied and that it would be seven or eight days before the sump was ready to receive water. The. Marshal was instructed to see that the contractors provided necessary means to operate the two valves in the rear from the surface of the ground. 136 The Marshal was directed to make. an operating chart of the various valves of the new sump and have the same framed to hang in the pump house. The application of W. W. Sheridan for appointment as Marshal. was read to the Council and ordered on file. The Clerk reported that the -Town had acquired the site for a garbage dump in the Sidney Villas Addition at the county sale of lands on November 19, 1929, and the Marsha] was directed to get the same ready for dumping garbage, and -to brush out the street leading to the dump. The matter of the sidewalk from Macomber*s to Funton"s on Kitsap St. was dis- cussed and laid over until the next meeting.. The Council expressed a. willingness to furnish necessary Iumber to build a sidewalk on the south side of Division, from Sidney, to the Court House, and Council - *an Stevenson undertook to see Sheriff Stanioch to see if he could get prisoners to do the work. The matter of the building of a new sidewalk from the Hitzel residence south to Division on the west side of Sidney was discussed, and the Marshal was di- rected to reconstruct this walk, putting in new stringers, but to defer operatioll until after the Division street sidewalk was constructed. Councilmam Stevenson reported having an interview with Mrs. Craven in.regard to reducing the curve at the Tire Shop on Day Street, and stated that she expected to confer with C. A. - Ranks and advise the Council of her attitude later. - The Clerk was directed to ask J. R. Pattison to establish the grade of the alley leading from Prospect St. to Pendleton's garage, and to give the same to L. S. Pendleton and file the grade with the Town Clerk. The Marshal was directed to purchase a new magneto for the grader. The attention of the Marshal was called to the condition of the gutter on Mitchell Hill Road, -and was requested to use the grader near the Stanton property where the gravel crusher was recently operating. The following bills were presentedz GENERAL FUND Trick & Murray, annual election supplies $5.63 Pacific T. & 'T. Go. phone calls - - .95 James Stout, gravelling streets one day - 4.00 Lee Miller. " " " - 4.00 C. E. Lan.sdorff, " ° " - 4.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On mo ion, the meeting adjourned Clerk Ma 137 December 9th, 1929 Council met this evening at 7.30 P. M. Present; Mayor Grieve and Council- men Raley, Stevenson, Nortan and Fleming. Minutes of the meeting of November 25th were read and approved. John Wilsort appeared before the Council: in. reference to securing water far the old Drury place on E . Division, and was informed the Town would charge $9.00 for a tapping fee and place a. meter near the end of the present main, and he would have to run a pipo line from the meter to the house, but that when a main was laid in front: of his p*operty no further tapping fee would be charged. Mr. Aal, of the Miller Engineering Co., -appeared before the Council and presented the merits of the- Mercury. Water Level Control, masiufactured by the Water Level Control Ca. of St. Paul.,. Minn. He said it would cost $275.OG installed,: while an eie€trio'control line would east about the same and entail an annual charge of some: $1500 a Beare The Council decided not to do anything at present, but the Marshal was directed to inform L.E. McWade, local manager of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co.. net to do anything further in respect to an: electrie control line for the present. The Marshal reported that he had secured pe =its from Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Nordby to cut the; trees near the East Bay St. sidewalTc, and he would do so as weani.as possible. Complaint was made as to the shrubbery and trees in front of the following properties: Dr. C. °Baldwin, L. S . Pehdle:tan, Mrs. Williams and. Thomas Ross, and in regard 'to the trees raising the sidewalk in front of the C. H. Macomber property, and�the Clerk was directed to write these people asking them to trim up them shrubbery and remedy present conditions. The Marshes reported that he had commenced to swamp out the street leading to the, garbage dump, and expected to have the dumping ground in shape soon., The Marshal informed the Council that he had ordered the lumber for the Division Stx sidewalk, and Councilman Stevenson reported that the sheriff would furnish prisoners to do the work. The matter of the sidewalk from the Macomber property to the FuIt.Gn property on Kitsap St. was discussed, and the. same was laid on the table. The matter of the grade of the Pendleton alley was discussed, and the f Marshal was directed to ascertain from J. R. Pattison, the engineer. whether all property owners interested had settled upon a grade, and if Mr. Pattisan.was unwilling to esta?;Ji4h a grade, then to secure a competent engineer to do the work. The. Marshal reported that he had acquired an. engine and hoise from the County at a cost,of $40.00, for use in loading gravel, etc., and that he con- sidered the purchase a good investment for the Town. The Marshal•. stated he had cleared the leaves off East Bay St. and would attend to the sidewalk and street in front of the Stanton property as soon as he