01/01/1928 - Regular - Minutesaction of the .Mayor in appointing Mr. Caretti as Marshal was duly confirmed by the Council. The Council thereupon elected F. D. Fiedler as Councilman in place of R. J. Caretti resigned. The new Marshal brought up the matter of proper parking signs and the same was laid over until the next meeting. The Mayor was authorized to give Lee Miller 30 days notice of the termination of his services. The following matters were continued until the first meeting in January 192a: Walk in front. Jackson's Machine Shop tivision Street fill next sidewalk Sanitary conditions in Town Outlet Town sewer Sidewalk Cline & -I)e Kalb Sidewalk Navy Yard Hotel Removal, Glen Owens water meter F,W. Nilson sidewalk -Peninsula -Grain Go. G.A. Hanks sidewalk and parking strip Sidney & Kitsap Removal water meters Prospect Street Bulkhead McGill right of way. Break concrete Bay Street Front Navy Yard Dock Holes in Gutter-C.A-. Hanks property, Kitsap & Sidney The following bills were presented:. T. A. Lund, filing Saws $1.75 Elmer W Wilson, Repair chemical valves on fire truck 1.25 N.C. Davies, hauling gravel Sidney St 4.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor January 9th 1928 Council metthis evening at 7:30. Present Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Craven, Radey, Wilkins and Stevenson. i Minutes of meeting of December 27th 1927 were read and approved. Messrs. Craven, Radey, Wilkins and Stevenson, and F. D. Fiedler appointed �J in place of Councilman Caretti resigned, were all sworn in, and Councilman Fiedler took his place in the Council. Councilman 4ilkins were excused from further attendance on account of not being well. The dlerk reported that the oaths of office of J. M. Peterson, Tres:surer, ' R. J. Caretti, Marshal and Francis M. Apr;legate clerk had been duly filed. The Pump Lquipment Go. of 305 First *venue Seattle, Washington presented figures in referende to a 75,000 gallon water tank and quoted a rough figure of $3250 for such a tank erected. 50 The Pittsburgh Meter Co. represented by H. G. Dick of 715 lath avenue North presented the merits of its meter known as the "Tropic" meter and quoted a rate of $11.83 for 200 meters, 50 to be order each year. Mr. Mc Cracken of the Federal Tank & ripe Co. presented facts and figures in reference to a water tank, and left plans of a 80,000 gallon tank, which were turned over to Councilman Fiedler. The Marshal reported that the gravel at the foot of Sidney had been placed, that the walk in front of Jackson's machine shop had been fixed, the walk around Navy Yard Hotel had been. repaired, and planks from crossings removed. The Marshal was directed to Recondition the crossing on the east side of Sidney at Dwight Fix sidewalk at Cline & DeKalb Sts. Install crosing at Division and Austin Employ County grader for half day and grade G1ine Street and balance to be devoted to Sidney Street Clean out gutter around Navy View Hotel Remove Glen Owens water meter Repair break in concrete on oay Street in front of Navy Yard Dock, and remedy outlet conditions'. Cover manhole near where Olympic Tones lives on East Day and Seattle Avenue. Repair holes in gutter in f runt C. A. Hanks property north of Kitsap on east side of Sidney Street' Construct gutter Pottery Hill, east side Hill Street from light pole to Kendall St,. so as topevent said from washing on C C Johnon property. The Marshal reported that Fred. E. Wilson had put in a sidewalk in front of his premises on Jkast tay Street, but that it was about two inches below the curb, and the Marshal was directed to recheck the matter and report to the Clerk, who was instructed to write Mr. *ilson in the premises. The Clerk was directed to call Mr. hanks attention again to the condition of sidewalk and parking strip of his property north of Kiteap on Sidney Street. The Clerk was directed to call the attention of Mr. -anger, owner of the property east of the C & Z Hardware Co in reference to conditions of gutter next to retaining wall. The Glerk was directed to notify C.A. Hanks agent of the condition of the y �bulkhead of Mrs. "Orooks' property on East Day Street and that the same was per- n mitting dirt to come unto the sidewalks The Mayor appointed Mrs. E.S. Howe on the Library Board for a term of five years. The �Olerk presented Ordinance No. 376 providing for salary of Marshal at .--� $125 a month, and that it should be apportioned $100 out of the Water Fund and $25 out of the 4eneral Fund, and the same was duly adopted. The ``lerk presented Ordinance No. 377 providing for the reduction of the Treasurer*s bond from 65000 to 43000, and the same was duly adopted., I 51 The Clerk presented the bonds of the Treasurer, Marshal, and Clerk with the American Surety Co as surety, and the same were duly approved. The matter of breaking crossing on Sidney back of Blanchardts store caused when fixing K of P Building was referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and report. The Marshal was directed to remedy conditions on East Bay Street sidewalk from Rockwell east, so as to prevent water accumulating and running on sidewalk. The Marshal reported the presentation by the Charleston Fire Department of a patented haze nozzle, and the Clerk was directed to write a letter of thanks to H. W. Kuett for the same. The Clerk was directed to write to D. E. McWade, local representative of the Light Co. that by reason of the frequency of the current being off that if continued the Town would have to take up with headquarters the matter of allow- ance therefor. The Marshal was directed to purchase a Meter Reading Book, and the Clerk was authorized to have 1000 letter heads printed. The Mayor appointed Councilman Stevenson on the Building -Committee, the Committee now being as follows: W. S. Stevenson, Ghaiman E . E . Craven Harry Radey The Marshal was directed to ascertain the cost of stringing wire and in- stalling a signal to indicate the height of the water in the tanks on Sidney Hill. The following matters were laid over until the next meeting. Division Street fill next to sidewalk Prospect dtreet Bulkhead Me Gill right of way Finishing Pottery Hill ggtter Sidewalk and ditch west ay Street from concrete to pumping plant. Sidney Street sidewalk from. Division south Pottery Bridge sidewalk 10 minute parking signs The following bills were presented: GENERAL FM Nick Divies, Hauling gravel, rubbish, and lumber $7.00 James Bndeley, general street work 48.50 Trick & Murray, set Rogzstration books 11.24 Port Orchard Dumber Yard, lumber 4..10 Howets Hardware, supplies 2.90 I Van Hee & Sons Mill Co., lumber 12.92 Hirsch Cycle Gompany, overhauling cycle 21.00 Fred Fulton, 1j days washing streets 6.00 Duke Electric Co. 150 Watt lamp .60 WATER FUND R.E. Cole, 8 hours work on house at pumping plaint 6.00 52 Howe's Bardware, supplies Jaques Endeley, 57 hours water work Hirsch Cycle Co. side car and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clem/ $6.10 28.50 35.00 Mayor Meeting of Ja.nu4ry 23rd 1928 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. ii. Present Itayor Ainsworth and Council- men Craven, Stevenson and Fiedler. .kinutes of meeting of January 9t,h 1928 were read and approa5. crank R `:.'angney, of .5401 Woodla.wn Avenue, Seattle, iiashington represent- ing the-la_tional 1.Aeter Company prezented the merits of the "Empire" and "Nash" meters and also figures ; :a 100 EmAres with swipe, 813.57 apiece or Nashs at OL1.25 apiece, with $700 cash on ccelivery, ba1«nce within �-,ne year, and ti-tere- after at 6% interest. Zhe matter of purchasing water meters was. continued until the next meeting. Lessrs. L. E. lie Wade, local representative of the ..Puget Sound Power & Light Company and Mr. Nye, yis trict E,lgineer and ter. Sachtleben of the Bre- :nerton office appeared and explained in reference to "outages", and proriised to use their best effc)3-to to reduce these to the minimum, and the Council offered to do all they could to get o,,sners of property to .-:ermit cutting of trees, to reduce the danger from this source. rl. J. Lindall aptiearE;d before the Council and rude a-:plication to hook up for water on his property on Bay Stre(t with the E". E. Craven line, and per- mission was granted, subject to the payment of a $9, tapping fee. The Clerk prese-ited G. letter from F Wilson in re bringi ig his sicewalk of his building on Bay Street to level with Curb, and the Clerk was directed to write hint that the Ccuncil has considered his letter, but desire the side- walk brought to a level with the Garb. The marshal wgs directed to call the attention ,f 0. A. 14nks to the fact that ''ne had not yet attended to the parking strip and sidewalk abutting a portion of his property on east side of Sidney south of Kitsap. The ��atter of the condition of the sidewalk in front of the outer Tanks was referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and report. The -marshal was directed to -place necessary gravel on Dwight in front of the Johfi F Anderson property acid .)n Seattle Avenue. Councilman Craven brought up the matterof the accumulation of water in front of 1,,Fiss Joslin's property on 'li est Bay Street, and the Larshal was direct-ed i to take the matter up with Mr. Hershey of the State highway Department. The Marshal was directed to render assistance to Mr. Craved in cutting i j off the line of artesian water from his property across Bay Street. The Marshal was directed to remedy conditions next to the sidewalk in �.� respect to the fill on Division Street leading to the Court House. �r The Marshal reported that he expected to paint necessary parking wsrning on the curb of ten minutes allowance for parking on the curb. Permission was granted to E. E. Craven and C. A. Hanks to tear up the sidewalk in front of their properties on Bay Street to be reconditioned for the purpose of using the properties for a out under gar..ge, the concrete to have same thickness as at present, and the same to be done as to pitch and all other items. under the supervision of Councilman Fiedler. The Clerk presented Urdinance No. 377 amending Ordinance No 370 so ass to provide penalties for persons constructing, altering or moving buildings with -- out a permit first obtained from the Building Committee. Permission was. granted to E.E. Craven to store sand and gravel on the pax -king strip adjacent to his premises, the place to be designated by the Mayor. The matter of new water tanks was discussed and Councilman Fiedler was directed to continue his pluns and specifications for a 80,000 gallon tank. The suggestion was made t�a.t estimates be secured for complete erection and for the tanks separately, so as to allow local people to bid o6 foundations and towers, ete.,.it were deemed advisable to secure separate bids for erection. Councilman Stevenson Chairman of the Finance Committee was asked to make in- quires as to how this matter could be financed. The,lilarshal was directed to order a needle pointer for location of water pipe lines. Themarshal was directed to investigate in re complains as to sanitary conditions on Division near Sidney. The marshal was directed to run a pipe line into the 7town Hall from the Davies' line, so as to afford a means of cleaning the town toilets. } The Clerk presented two ordinances of the Town in respect to Dog Licenses, and the Clerk was directed to revise the ordinances and present the same at the next meeting, the consenus of opinion of the Council being that provision should be made to hold doss a reasonable length of time for redemption instead of summarily disposing of theca, as now provided in existing ordinances. The following matters were reported as having been attended to: Cline & De Falb sidewal< Division and Austin sing Iiavy View apartments gutters !i Mrs. Brooks retaining wall. Break in concrete front "avy Yard Dock Cover manhole East Bay Street & Seattle avenue I 54 The following matters were continued until the next meeting: Glen Owens 4ater meter Holed in gutter C. A. Hanks' property south of Kitsap on Sidney C. C, Johnsen gutter Pottery Hill Prospect Street Bulkhead. Upper gutter Pottery hill Sidewalk on West 'gay from conorete to pumping plant R. 'J.. Stanton deed Pottery bridge sidewalk Xing back of Blanchard's store The iLarshal was directed to ask Mr. Hershey to have the state grander run over the foot of Pottery bill road, and to investigate concrete sidewalk and gutter at East bay aped Seattle, -"venue in fron of the Fames Stout property. He vlas also asked to have the grader to run over Sidney and Cline as soon as possible. The following biliz were presented: GEISM, FwL FUND Fr&�ncis Y. Applegate, postage for 1928 American Surety Company Bonds, Treasurer Clerk and Marshal Port Orchard Independent Publishing ord;nances, etc. James E rdsley Street work E. A. Bradley Street work r ATFR FUND Francis M. Applegate Postage for 1928 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned: CJ�v'V(t Clerk Mayor $6.00 25.00 34.30 6.00 12.50 6.00 ^1 February 14th 1928 Council met this evening at 7.30 P. Present Mayor Ainswortth and Councilmen Craven, Hadey, Stevenson and Fiedler. Minutes of meeting of January 23, 1928 were read and approved. The Council took up the matter of purchase of water meters and had the merits of the folloving meters presented to their, the Empire anal -"ash manufactured by the National Keter, the Match Bog by Gamon lZeter Cc, the iro;oic by the Pittsburgh Meter Company and the Watbington by the 'Worthington rump Co. The following quotations were submitted. mpire $13.00 dash 10.2.5 Tropic 11.83 Worthington 9.45 Watch Bog 8.25 After due consideration of all the deters, the Council accepted the bid of the Gamon Meter Co. for 200 Watch Dog meters at the price of $8.25 F.O.B. Port Orchard,.equipped with swipe and connections, with full lashings and gaskets, delivered April 1st, the terms to be cash on delivery. H S n Harry Stephenson appeared before the Council in respect to installing gasoline � g tanks in the new drive in garage being remodelled by Nessrs. Craven and ranks, and after discussion he was permitted to install his tanks with 2 x 6 timbers in between, filled up with sand, the tanks to be six inches from eac-h other and to otherwise comply with the ordinance in respect to the same. The �`arshal was directed to check up F. W. Gilson in respect to bringing his sidewalk to a level with the curb. The matters of Sidewalk in front of water tanks and gravel on Dwight in:5ront of the John F Anderson property was continued with the Street & Alley Committee, and the matter of possible gravel to be obtained from the E. T. Harris-E. S. Howe property and the condition of the ramp near Ainsworth's store was referred to them for investigation and report.. The=,arshal reported that the a.ccumula,tion of water in front of :=ise Joslin's property onvest $ay Street had been drained o.ff, with the hearty coo.eration of the Standard Oil Co., and that the fill on Division Street next to sidewalk had be--n attended to. It was suggested that in cleaning gutters the dirt be thrown in the street so as not to work its way back into the gutters. The Larshal reported he had not yet painted the 10 minute parking signs on the streets but the matter would receive his attention. Permission was granted to purchase an Empire meter from Howes Hardware for $5. The 'arsha,l reported that he would continue to investigate sanitary conditions- ; vision and Sidney, and in case conditions were discov„red demanding attention 56 that he would report the _.latter to the aiealth Officer. The Larshal reported that the pipe finders he had in mind were not suitable for the purpose, and that he was endeavoring to rig one up hemself. The natter of pipe line into town hall to clean the toilets was ©antinued as we_L1 as holes in the gutter in fr:)nt of the C. r'.. Hanks property on Sidney Street south. of Kitsap. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 379 oroviding for the 1._censing of dogs, and the ame was duly a dopted. The marshal reported uper end of the gutter in front of the C. C. Johnson property had been at -ended to and the lower end would receive attention in due course. The Larshal reported Sidney and Cline Stret:ts had been graded and he was directed to have the grader run over then again as soon as ossible.. The Prosy ect atreet .Bulkhead, xing bac's of :BlancILard's store, and Grading k'ottery Hill were laid Over until the next meeting. iar. atevenson of the 2inance �;o,__mittee reported that -Ar. -'auger of the Kitsap County -Bank would carry w5000 water warrant; for new water tan'_�c at 6`0 The matter of outside business soliciting business in Port Orchard was discussed, and it was the consensus of oiiinion that it would be difficult to deal with this situatio i in any satisfactory ma'-Mer. The Llarshal was directed to expend not more than $5 in installing -)roper g _tter drain in front of the remodelled Craven-11anftis drive in garage. The Marshal reported that he had been requested to bring to the attention of the Council the :iIatter of pro-,er fire hydrant for the Court mouse and the matter was referred to 6he Fire & might Com__,ittee. ,lt the request of the highway Patrolman for t..is district, the Llarshal was directed to erect three "School" signs at the junction of the highviays at the -black Jack ridge. The X-4arshal was directed to secure proper covers for concrete drain tiles confining r.eters. the I4arsiial was authorized to have three "Tractor" signs painted and erected at. the proper solaces. The matter of lines of the water pumping plant lot was referred to the � eater Committee for investigu.tion and report. Dir. Sachtleben of the Puget Sound Power & L-zght Company reported that they were wor'cing on the proposition to be axle to avial of the Veterans Horne plant for standby service for Port Orchard especially in case of fire, and t1aat they were progressing nicely in getting trees cleared out from the right of way between Port Orchard and -1'remerton. The following bills were presented: GEI=ER=.L FUND E. n. Drz,61ey 1 day stre".t work $4.00 57 �r ebruary 14, 1928 Port Orchard Transfer Company 1 day hauling R. C . Wilkinson 1 day street work Luke Electric Company 1-100 wat Ho:;e's arage, gas, etc. Nick -navies, Street work Hauling lumber Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Port Orchard Transfer Co. Hauling lumber J. P. Joslin, Rick wood Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber Howe's na.rdware, pipe vise, etc. supplies Electric Service Garage, charging battery, etc. WATER FUND Port Or chard Lachine Works Portable pipe vise Chas Smith 2.days work R. J. Garetti, Expressage on meter bottoms Trick & Idurray, Ledger Sheets Bowles Company-, Stop cocks Bowles Company, supplies Howe's Hardware Co. supplies and warrants were oruered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. 12.00 . 4.00 .40 10.43 14.00 .15 9.00 2.75 3.40 5.90 1.25 3.00 2.00 1.03 8.95 13.50 16.20 19.93 58 February 27th 4928 Council met this evening at 7:30 p.m. Present tayor Ainsworth and Council- men Craven, "a.dey,,Stevenson and Fiedler. Minutes of the meeting of February 14th 1928 were read and approved. The Oarshal sported that 2. W . Wilson promised to bring his sidewalk to a level with the curb, and the Marshal was directed to check the matter up. The matter of, gravel on E.S. Howe lots and the use of the ramp near Ainsworthls store was continued with the Street & Alley Committee. The harsha.l reported he had procured the Empire Eeter fromHowe's Hdwe. ihe Marshal was directed to check up in respect to the drain at Division nd Sidney. The Larshal reported that the lower end of tae gutter in front of C.C. Johnson property had been ,finished. The Marshal Aported he had erected the "School" signs at the "lack Jack Bridge. The Harshal was authorized to order about 80 covers for drain tiles con -- twining meters at a cost of apy-;roximately 191 each. Tractor signs were ordered erected, and the Council went on record as construing the tern: tractor to include "Fordsons". the matter of the lines of the lot of ;dumping :slant waw continued with F.D. Fiedler and the Larshal for a survey. The Qrshal was instructed to check up in re debris placed by C. A. Hanks on the Churchill lot on last "ay Ctreet. Permission was granted to franc A Lundberg to haul logs t :rough the town streets in august of this year, it being understood that he was to use a iru&i with 14 inch wheels, loads not to exceed 2500 feet, the period of hauling to be about ten days, the route to be north on Sidney to Division, east on Liv.- ision to Harrison, north on Harrison to Dwight, east on Dwight to Seattle hVenue, north on Seattle "Tenue two bloVs to Kitsay, and west on Kitsap Street to Aest Bay Street, and north and, east on Bay Street to log dump near Black Jack 'ridge, and that Lundberg would repair any street or crossing where damaged by such hauling. The matter of the erection of a new water tank was laid on the table. The Clerk was directed to write to Lrs . C. L. Grow stating that if she improved the alley r�nning east from Cline between De Valb and Dwight *street the Town would pay one quarter of the $100, the estimated cost thereof. The matter of water pipe for the intitalla,ticn of new water _.:eterw was taken up and the l.a.rshal vows directed to secure DrIces from local people, and the Clerk was directed to secure a fiEure from "owles & Company. The Clerk was directed to take up with the Chamber of Cor2:ierce the matter of cleaning -ay Street daily as to whet per they would prefer the levy of one I 59 c half of the old Occu-ation Tax or to contribute a.pyoroxirnately 150 a month to a fund for this purpose. The -karsha.l was directed to get bids on' signs and cresent the'same at the next meeting. The following matters were continued: Sidewalk at seater Tanks 10 minute parking signs Sanitary conditions. Sidney & Division Pipe line to City 'gall Han'ss gutter on Sidney south of itsap Prospect Street Bulkhead Xing back of $1anchard's Store Fire Hydrant at Court douse The following bills were presented: GERERAL FU L'M C. E . Landdorf, , one day's work C.C. Johnson Pottery Hill 64.00 R. J. Ca,retti, Starting crank for file truck 3.04 &moz Fates, 8 hrs. work cleaning streets 4.00 Chet Siegner, school corssing &Tractor signs 5.00 A. W. Bruhahn, 8 hrs work cleaning Bay St. 4.00 n WATER FUIM H. D. Baker & Company 1 Superior 16aid Stamp $4.7.5 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk kayor 2iarch 12, 1928 Council met this evening .at 7.30 P.M. Present 'mayor mains- worth and `,ouncilmen Craven, "adey, Stevenson and Fiedler. Minutes of the meeting of 2ebruary 27th 1928 were read and a. roved. It was reported that the R. IV. Stanton deed for riglit of way in front of the iarson property had been received and deposited in escrow in the -Kitsap County Bank, and that the matter had been taken up with the State Highway Department for the improver,e:zt of East Bay Street at this point. The marshal was directed -to dig a test hole in the E.S. Howe lot in order to ascertain the quality and extent of gravel thereon. The Marshal reported that the drain at Livision and Sidney h&d, been fixed. The ia.rshal was directed to lower the C. C. Johnsen gutter on Pottery Hill. ML The -Natter of the gutter on Pottery dill -was laid over until the next meeting for a report by Councilman y,iedler as to t'ne possibility of a rea.lign- rent thereof. The '"arsha.l reported that the metal handles for t.,ie r::eter boxes had been received. The tnatter of the-aroperty lines of the lot on which is located the -pump- ing plait was continued with L'ouricilman Fiedler and the Lar,}3.al for a. survey. A Committee from the '-'hamber of ''o=ierce ,.let vvitla the Council in respect to levying one half of the old Occupation Tax to 'ceep Bay Street cleaned daily, and it was the consensus of c--inion of the Council thL-A thils was t'ze :-post feasible plan, but they desired the ap=roval of the Cha:iber of Cor,}erce before levying the tax. The Clerk reported a c,uotation from Bowles cc Co. of 6.35 Qt per foot for galvanized iron pipe, and he was directed to order 500 feet, 100 feet to be delivered immediately zind 1100 feet delivered April lst 1928. The 1darshal re �-orted that the debris cast on the Vhurchill lot had been removed. The council aut'n.orized the -' rshal to accept a bid of $5 for 19 parkint signs, with a -rice of 30g each for additional signs. The 14arshai was directed to put ne-a stringers in the sidewalk for about 60 feet north of the -rater tan'cs. The followirig ::tatters were continued: Pipe line City hall C.1,. Han'<s -holes in gutter Sidney south of i:itsa-p St. Prospect 6treet bul!cheo.d Xing bac'-c of'[.anehard's store It wag duly voted that t'rte marshal install a Corey Hydrant on the north side of Division Street nec�,r Austin. A complaint was received from water running into the alley from 1."{rs. der nl r s ,property, and the clerk was directed to write her to remedy these conditions. The Larshal was directed to remedy conditions causing accumulation of water in sidewsLlic on Bay Street near the Kitsap County Yank, as well as drain- age r age conditions at Kitsap and Cline Street, and to place a load of gravel on Kitsap street in front of the Ross property. Complaint was made by lir. ­ hco:.aber of conditions at Kitsap & Seattle Av-enue, and it was reco,ne:ided that the Next time the grader went over Kltsap that the accuriulation of earth be moved west on Kitsap Street. It was re,000ted t .at �_aterial ,,vas on hand for the erection ,f the sideyval'c near -O'nglund w Peterson's warehouse, and the tarshal was directed to ask for bids for the erection of same, including -tails, which should be galvanized. T,,Ie `lerk read a letterf rom 'the Pacific 'Telep)none & `relegr��ph Company rep©rting that there were no net earnings from the Port Orchard ''xchange. for the7. The Marshal was directed to investigate the use of water at the Davy Yard Route dock. The following bills were presented: GEIrIERAL FIMT E Duke Electric Co., bulbs 1.40 f an Hee & Sons Mill Co. lumber 10.26 Port 0r chard Hardware Co. nails.& Etc. 4.10 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber 22.67 Howe 's -lardware supplies .39 j.p. Joslin, wood for `fawn hall 2.75 L''arlSmith, cleaning sidewalk front of stanton property 2.00 til�-TER 'FUND National l'6'eter Co. meter bases 3.00 Howe's Hardware, supplies 16.39 Standard Oil Co. dynamo oil- .48 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. i Clerk Mayor March 26th 1928 4ouncil met this evening at 7.30 P.M. Present-sayor��insworth and Council- man Craven, hadey, Stevenson and Fiedler. Minutes of meeting of March 12th 1928 were read and approved. The Marshal was directed to see the County commissioners in respect to taking gravel from lots across from vossette. the Marshal reported he had lowered the C. C. Johnsen gutter, and the side- walk at the water tanks was regaired. kr. Fiedler reported that the lines of the pumping plant lot haft been surveyed and the plavint was three feet from the north line. The Council duly authorized the levy of one-half of the occupation tax, the same to be collected between July let- and kugust let 1928, and to be devoted to keeping Bay Street clean. The Marshal reported that Ared Wilson expected to put in a cement sidewalk in front of his preXmises an East Bay Street,. The Marshal reported he had fixed the sidewalk where water accumulated at the Kitsap Gounty Wank and at toltanfs and remedied drainage conditions at Uline and Kitsap. 62 Bids were submitted for building the sidewalk from Ainsworth's Cash & Uarry to England & Peterson's warehouse, and the contract was awarded to 0. J. Elliott for 020.00, the world to be under the supervision of the Marshal. The—kkarshal reported that the water at the luavy Yard Nock as used only to wash down decks, and not for boiler purposes. The Marshal was authorized to investigate 'the Curb in front of Port Orchard Pharmacy, and made redommendations, and to remedy conditions at the end of the concrete pauement 'near the Ideal Service Station. W. S. Stevenson was given p__rmission to oil the parking strip in front of his place of business as well as Bank Street. The Marshal was authorized to purchase a drawing knife and sewer spoon, and to investigate the matter of a soldering torch. fall. she matter of street lights was discussed but was laid over until next The Marshal was directed to make sug6estions to the management of the Oad fellows Hall as to proper parking. The Clerk read a communication from the pity of bpokane in reference to towns and cities getting a portion of the gas tax, and the matter was laid on the table. 'she Clerk was directed to proceed to collect the annual dog tax, commencing April 1st 1928, and to insert two notices in the Port Orchard Independent during April in respect to the dog tax. He was also authorized to procure the necessary license tags. The Marshal was authorized to secure the necessary tags and sealing device for inaentifying meters, and also to go to Tacoma and secure a pipe locator on the terms indicated by the City of 'Tacoma. The matter of trees on private property on east B'ay Street causing side- walk trouble was referred to Chairman Xadey of the Street, & Alley Committee. The Olerk was directed to notify V . C. Davies and R.L. Kemp to remove wagons from streets and keep . them off. The matter of disposed of dogs not paying license fee was referred to Uoncilman Stevenson for investigation and report. The following matters were continued until the next meeting: Pottery Hill Gutter Pipe Line to city Hall Blanchard's roof Prospect btreet -bulkhead Zing back of -Dl anchard' s store Holes in gutter C. A. Hanks property on Sidney south of Kitsap Court Ruse Hydrant Gravel on I�,'i:tsap in i'ront of Ross property Sraading of Streets Piling oidney & Wank Greets ,``Grinder and buffer for meter parts 'rofi; Pound. 63' The Following bills were presented: 0. S. Elliott, one dayfs work sidewalk Art $ruhahn, sidewalk, $4.00 2.50 Earl Smith, digging test holes for gravel 1.00 W. J. Nelson, grading streets Howe's Garage, supplies Port Orchard. Transfer Co. hauling WATER FUND Port Orchard machine Works, repairing 15owles Co. 100 feet pipe Uascade Pipe & Flume Go. and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. April 9th 1928 30.00 4.93 3.25 8.50 6.44 12.16 Council metthis evening at 7.30. present ka.yor Ainsworth and Council- men graven, Radey, Otevenson and Yiedler. Minutes of the meeting of Larch 26th 1928 were read and approved. i`he matter of the bulkhead of the K of P (;Dempster) property was referred to the Street & Alley Gommittee for investigation and report: The marshal reported that the County Commissioners had granted permission to take gravel from the lots in front of Uossetts, and that he had attended to the curb at the Port Orchard pharmacy. The Clerk was airected to write the State Highway J,ngineer asking if it was the intention of the-epartment to oil the Navy yard Highway through Port Orchard this summer. The Marshal reported he had secured the drawing knife and spoon and had arranged with the dad fellows for proper parking in front of their building. The Marshal was directed to investigate gutter near J .i1. Peterson's residence on Pottery Hill and remedy conditions there, and to place gravel in front of floss property on Kitsap and in front of Sohn F Anderson property on -wwight. The arshal was authorized to purchase a motor and grinder and buffer as soon as he sees fit and as cheap as possible, and to have the cutter for wood pipe put in proper repair. The Town treasurer was directed to accept §11.76 min full settlement 64 of the as. essment for Water train-Kitsap Rockwell & Bay Streets against the 14ciyair � property. &r. Doughty was granted permission to reinstall pump in front of the Chevolret Gales station, and the same and tank to be in accordance with the ordinance per- taining to storage of gasoline in the Town. F. D. McCoy was granted permission to remove rubbish from his property) and per- mission was granted to the Isaak Walton League to hold meetings on 2nd Wed. of the Month in The lihiLirman of the Otreet & llley Committee was requested to investigate{Town Hall. allegea infringement of sidewalk space by the Y'ilson Motor Co. and if he found such to be the fact to ask the �;1erk to write a letter to the Wilson Motor Uo in respect to the mattc r. The 'wlarshal was authorized to purchase 150 to 160 concrete meter boxes for new meters at a, price of about 41.50 each. the -"arshal was instructed to enforce the six hour parking ordinance on -Bay Street, and to provide for diagonal parking on rrospect.Street and erect appropriate signs thereon. The following matters were continued:. Kemller Alley Identification water meters Pipe Line Yinder Frees on -Ody -itreet Lag pound Pottery Hill Gutter Pipe Line,uity Hall 'lanchard s roof Propseet Street bulkhead Condition of De Kalb Street Riling Sidney & :bank Otreets Grading Streets Public Market Dank stand The following bills were presented.' GFMRxL FUND 0. J. Elliott, constructing sidewalk Uash & Ua.rry to hngland & reterson 420.00 R. J. Caretti, ara.in outlet Viest Bay St. 5.00 Navy Yard Eoute, freight 1.91 -eacific T & T Co. telephone calls by marshal .50 Earl Smith, sinking test holes for gravel 1.00 Ideal Serlri oe Otati on gas 1.12 tiensselaer. "alve moo, hydrant 57.17 Howe's Hardware, supplies 3.30 i'acific Coast Stamp Works, dog licenses 6.65 J. P. Joslin, wood for Town Hall 2.75 Howe's Uarage, gas ..42 Port Urcha.rd Lumber Yard, lumber 4.03 Port Orchard independent, advertising &etc. 33.20 WATER FUD Bowles & Co pipe 425,69 65 I Hawes Hardware supplies and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting addourned �er mf April 23ra, 1928 $17.97 mayor Uouncil met this evening at 7.30 p.m. Present "ayor Ainsworth and Council- men Craven, Radey, otevenson and Fiedler. Kinutes of meeting of April nth 1928 were read and approved. " ;r � 1 r. :emu-rra of the Pacific Water orrisSupplyo. tlantic ,street Lock y Seattle, Wash., appeared before the Council in reference to concrete meter boxes and quoted a price of $1.50.each 20B Dort Orchard, Delivery to be made 30 and 60 days ana terms 30 and GO days aft _.r delivery, and the Council ordered l50 .Teter boxes, the top cover of the boxes to conform to the sugpestions of the aarshal, concurred in by the uauncil. 1he bill of the Gamon Dieter Cc, for 20o Watch von, meters amounting to $1650 i was presented, and it appearing that the ._inters had been received a warrant was ordered drawn on the '}pater Fund for this amount. it this point Mayor Ainsworth asked leave to retire from the uhair, and Council Uraven was elected kayor pro tens. The louncil ordered through Lr. Lurray of the Pacific Water w+orA IuD ply Co. 6 Ape les at 30Y and 50 cut offs at 80 cents each, ter�s 90 days, for account of the 4ater Yund. It was reported by the marshal that ter. Clausen of the State Highway Committee, when 'mere on the road meeting promised the oiling of the State Highway in this vicinity. The harsha,ll reported that he had repaired the gutter at the ;; .:.._. 2eterson corner but that the op_::osite gutter was in bad shape. the karshal was directed to _dace some gravel on �oles in prospect 8t. A letter was received from the 1za.ak "alton League of America thanking i the Council for permission to use the Town Hall as a meeting place on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. - The Clem waw: directed to write to Wilson Motor 0ompan r to cease to use the sidewalk in front of their arive in Uara;e. The ha.rshal reported that all the streets in mown ha,c leen graced. council Haney reported holes is the sidewalk near the water tams and the Marshal was directed to repair the sake.. M1 4 Ike Clerk was directed to write to the 06a flows suggesting that tHe;yr the airt at t le junction of Titsay, Uline and Nest Bay Street and place the sne all front of their building, giving d.bsit.ional space for yark121E cars, anc t`le arshal 1°i;as directed to place the lid:"i'v'iGy sign at the inter:_:ection at such place as he saw fit. The 1carshal reported in re sanitary conditions an Division Street, aN the Clerk was directed to cull the attention of "r. H.E . Wilson, Health Officer of the Town to the places rep ovtea on for i_ vesti k ti n by him . nd action. The Marshal reported in rc Pottery :fill side+rall and the natter wa zaceb o:: toe continued calendar. The Larshal was rirected to place Arterial Ai6hway siEu& at Cline _Lits.-yo L Vest street. the harsh,! brought up the matter of the fire station at Division and Didney wjich had been partially blown over, and the natter of using; it for a 6arnge was aiscussed, ana the larsaai was 0rectod- to see w--.ere It coLld be placed to uavantage. The p; intiny of the bui7 dins cn the omyinE plant oteation was &is - cussed a'za placed on the continued caiendar. The Clerk was Gir 'cted to get quotations (i?1 tiS-i:G.=;. :ce i;i::;,minfying the T o"n in event of accidents caused sed by defective sl uewalks. 1'ne following . utLerti. were c.,ttitlu€,a: Gravel in front lose property, Kitsup street :gavel in front j oh 1, "- r.derso.-i property ertJ Dwight St. Grin er and buffer Nemseler alley Pin fi g,. er DUE 20 una Pottery Hill aut,.er l'iye Line City iia.l s anc=gars t s roof j 1Jswect Street. 501" 4ead , Condition Le Kalb btre =t-gutter3 Oiling Sidney and YrederiCk y(= ni Sttana We folloy.ino bills were ;.resented: u _ �R;�L 2 UD Coast Brush Ag C o . E ara e broom 13.19 R. J. Caretti sign brush an6 paint 1.65 Port Orchard "ace ine Works, repair Diju cutter 10.75 Caretti, ferriage on Water business 1.715, and nurra2ts were ordered arawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. i - -1) Y-q (�' A e A - ---------- ---- s--- Aay 14t h IIJ 8 Council met t �.is evening at '7.30 p.m. Present j-ayor x-� �s�frortTa and Councilmen Craven, E{adey, Steverson "a 2'iedler.. Minutes of meeting of "pril 23ro 1928 vrere read and ap-proved. The-arshal was instructed to see that the Wilson jb_otor Corripany co not use the sidewalk in reference to �t leix � %_4ge. ..� g�. y��' ' The arshal reported that the eide'cTal'C ha.d been repaired at the water ta.n'^ s; that the sanitar;r conditions at Division arld Sidneylud received the atte.- tion of Dr. +ilson, Healtri Officer, who had -made an order in the 7Ire.mises; that he had not been able to find a satisfactory dace to -place the fire hall tit Sidney and Division for use as a garage and t iat grovel h-U bee i placed in front of ta.e Ross property on=Kitsap and the J,hn F . ;.derson pro�perty oil D4=rig%at. T'Zie-.-arsha.l furt'ner reported that he nee(aed mcu-- _)ipe f'ittinE s and about 35 covers for --meter boles, and sii­t offs Lind he was Civen authority to .urc.aase t-ie Sal-:e. The Cler'�;as dire.eted to te.piole the i'acific 'eater `f rs Supply Co on the l- th as'�ing if they could not deliver a. fe'a Teter bo ,-e., So that the I�a,r•shal would not 'be held up on rieter i stallatioxl, the Larshal was also authorized to. have u man :level down the lot at the }, un ing plant station. The Lars Ul also brought up the .,ia.tter of the rotor cycle, and after discussion he was authorized to purchase a new natLery for • s arse . The iaursh4l stated he expe/kcted to place an arterial sign at K' itsap -_nd. 'Nest Bay and a "Slow" Sign at Cline and West Bay, which received the ap _:x'oval of the Council. The L,tter of t -le i'ottery. ;dill sidewal'.c was refer-Ced t.,) the �Itreet and Alley Cor_1­rrit-tee for i nvestig_.tion and re- ort. The at e of a dog pound was discussed and the -i�-ayor acid Cler'. were directed to enter into a, contract nuith yranc==.eyers to -.act as ponds,aster and receive as com- pensa-tiQn the suns of $1 puIda:ge if cogs were redeemed and 25' day for "Seep, he to receive no ppundage charge if dogs '-lave to be disposed of. Dogs can be rede�i_ied by paying $1 license fee, 31 for poundage charge and 25� a day for ]Leep. letter was received from- `Teorge B Uiller co olaining of the condition of his 4v ter b, reason of being on a deed end, and t_-le matter was discussed, and referred to the "Water Corsi itcee for action. The Clerk was di:: ected to w ite l�r. TLilwer of the action of the Council.. Liessrs. John = �ia.lsh and iiarol.d Lu idberg up;ea.red before t1ie Council as?rins for cooy)cration in the oilirlg of 1--itcap Street and the slat er was refer_:-ed to the Street Alley Co].Ll.jittee for i.lve:;i;igation a.� d reoort... The Cler": was directed to wjrite the Tx'usteea of the L of P Lodge to .meet with the Council at the next -meeting for conference in respect to the bul'6head in front s� OIL their property on sitz,;ap Street. T h e Cie rlc a"- B al SO 1-, j. r�l- {,, t u t, 0 1, it e to i iA �- 2:-e to d -.,r ope rty C),,,-,,ne )n t�'Le n�rt?,, site of 2ros--,ec-l- 6treet to ?sleet t'ne OU-Y.1c il Or Co-VI'Lere:Ice 4- in icef--�I-e:ice b i-2 I r d t r e e t The Cler'� was c.-L-recte-Q- to �-Ji- 1 te to Dtlf.-'Leld 'to v�iritten com- U !L CVC ti:ees o- 'est �,y Stre-ol s c, md 1-1 ol L' c, f" 1. n,:,, i jc-7 7.-, t t e r c- r P. c -- n t i n u c'-6, Oili,n6 Sidney a;ia, 22:edericl Holes in Prospect Str'Lct station ...ill Gutter lccidenlna t �ur.ice for '2-oitm. uri;,.lder LA.,-ic b -.,""er -Le.raraeler id'. ey Pipe Lin., City .1tall 2, Concliti,omn De � <:Llb 6treet utters T---e f ollo?,:iirlc bil'is were ;.,resented H'irscil Cycle Uo. repairs J,.,otoa-c- T cle $5 9 8 oW e Em Vi, a 2.", e i e a s u -,p jes; e r i L' f of T o vi -n r o i e r o h,11 6 t a -, I 1 1) C "'I . s gasollilae ana erosene 1.04 1j. J. Caretti, g knife A 2. 0�0 Port Orc'.,ard Tra-s'e- Co. h�, ul i ng 12.75 r J - P - J 0 0 1 i n , wood f o r -L o I-Aln Ha 1 2.75 C,I,arjes Grieve, I.Lnnbe:7 .75 -,.e ctric Co. b71r1 i I'lre sirei� etc. 16.-72 Fumes Idsley, 42 UaYS Vllc)r'"L L,:s uaalin., fire hydrant at Count House 18.03 TIM Ill 03 TD T C,� 'o, -fittin6 !�tc. 1 10.65 �n, 1.,;L-ter ;-.Iete2:-s gj-.i-�er Y4,41son, 7 cays Ior--c 35.0 le afier _dger -_Teets .67 ana warrants were ordered dravi.--i tlierefor. On motion the -meeting ucj --_led .00 C1erl<:yar 69 May 28th 1928 bouncil met this evening at 7:30 P.a. Present layor Ainsworth and Council- men Craven, Lacey, Stevenson and Fiedler. Minutes of the meeting of lay 1.4th 1928 were read and ape roved. The matter of prohibiting the ;gale of fireworks in the own was discussed, ar c_ in as much as many of the local dealers Aad laid in a stock of fis•eworKs already, it was the opinion of the Uouncii that it would war! a Sreaxt larC-whi-p to -pass sack an ordi:.wnce tKis ;;year. The ,.. rshal woo directed to enforce the Uroi trance against setting off fire wor" s in the `sown, except from noon July- 3rd to midnight 4th 1928 au.� i E which e iod he tir t to e �: o special ��s authorized �-_E, police patrol. The ;natter of the Prospect Stre..t bullhead and the bul' heau front i-Ax of the of 1 property on -1itua- S trect as taken up. or. and mrs . S • S. Elder is neared n refurence to the wrospect Street bulkhead and stated that they were not in favor of Going anything at this time. After discussion the Cleik was Girecteo to bring in an oDinion at the next meeting in respect to various legal ucs ti o s involved. The wit er of the Wilson Lo toy:• Co infringement ngement on sidewaln space in front of their garage vas continued with the Ca r an of the Street & 1`11ey CC)r-:kIittee j and the +ica,xreha . Cou icilnan hadey, Whairnan of the Street & illey Cornu..ittee reported in rer sect to the Pottery Hi:il sidewalR, statingthe same :=��as in-tangero�u conation, i ' s c c t:� on, and the harshal was eirected to place the same in as safe condition a, possible. The-wrahal reported that arterial stoo signs s had tieen :laced on v._;r1 cus streets in the Town. The Layoraw Cler'were authorized in te contract with PI'yers, pu:":dm Ater, to grant permisuion to the , _"_n -_ seer to act as dejuty marshal U Ti pith authority to pick up/licensed dogs in Port Orchard. IA formal petition was resented by resibe .ts of Fiat Vay Street. in respect. - to trees an the south side of Buy Street keeping the sicewalk in o" cnn6itioil, and the Clerk was directed to write t0 the respective property owners in refer e ce thcreto. r� The Arsha.l was directed to tale u-v witA tiie CoUllty' t'-ie exclusive '.privilege of taking gravel from the pit on Lline Street and to erect a proper sign thereon in reference to t0.tinG Lrwvel. The Marshal brouQt u : the -_at _:,=r of re 8uI ting speed trout;h town of the business axt of lay Street, and the Clert was directed to „rite the Sun rrv:isor i - of the State Hign.lia,y Patrol stnting tLa,t the `'ouncii were of the opiniDn that in the interests of safely the spend limit shouli be redacej on the busineos art of Bay Street to 15 riles ,er h3ur, and to as:; him to rake his recow4 endatisns ire the remises. 70 'i-',ne mire Chief was c�irectc6i to -pjcc a sj--L­ Hula i-ni fro.qt of t',o To,�.1 1 _L c)-f -r-a ­,Yu_aexe vial. 6 ir-c�-ed '-o ,I, ce ")i1 BL'y st_-eet, a--c, e�.­17ca-ce tl,-,e I re --- -)e c t h c r e t o• ThC was CirecteG_ L,_-, _-,--ve t-le g:-,Lzs cut the ­,,111 SL*reets _,f t'l-,,e T, wn, a_c f ',,e U cou_lc�i t e-c t L, i 11 c, J ' e f r t'.1-ie c 1- C�­ , ri IV- t'z-_e sai.ie . -�?e ­ayccr L,,,nu. Gicr' w re t i + e e, t e 'ce to ;--rc. J. LL_,,­_7­ in reocect to t'-.-le of .1. e) u n c 1:1c 1_-,cpmrt(?d t""irkt t 0 i J1 823, etej,ti; e e i s U, led a-lic. t",:at t'.ie t,_),.%,.n ut t),-ie tn-e wE,s0, t E, 1-0 6 ­arz, %41 viu�-; uirecte6 to i ivc­sj11-1.L,:to tne C-0-)1(._k'1.tJLG,n- .of -LLlc' �itsu-p v.,it'-_ )ov.er tJ in jrc),,c.•r cond-*tUic) 1— Vne follo,�ii­ic were coJ.,,ti-_o_ed: Oiling Sidney "receicick Holes Pr�N:�ect St.,, -P, et PLALIT"in'L, -,_�i,ant Stl:.tioln i'Qikltery Till d'atter c -lu- E-., u:�. -a c e o r Owl'i G r J, i c: e -1 ai-i a b f I* e 11 0 n ci i t i o -f-j- The follovii-n­ bil-J.S "'erc- Zacific T w T C';), .40 ideal ce stati11 -i-I L._lb c",- S 3.0L j. f t-)I' C-'.-Cl - �16L er-'-y 25 t t wit 11 1. 10 E R FU: -cif:ic vater b+Jr---_ Co. cui�b coc',-s 32) 00 1jai­_1e-_ stout, Acoa-e 12 t tiV5 -, cay 60 .00 Port -,,,a c I a e. s vi 0 C. :lug IiCk vi :- c, c !1 2.00 v fit-' ifIE"s 11.19 j-16 v.,, u r t s ire o r6 e e ra",J;-n t'-, er ef x . Clerk Mayor June 11, 1928 Council met tr"is evening at 7.30 P.M. Present 'ayor Ainsowrth and Council- men Craven, Radey and Fiedler. Minutes of the meeting of May 28th 1928 were read and approved. The Mayor appointed Councilman Fiedler a member of the gbard of 'trustees of the Library to succeed the late O. W. Wilkins. The Clerk presented an opinion in reference to the Prospect Street Bulk- head and was directed to draw a release for the interested property owners to sign in view of the Council not initiating a Local improvement District at this time The matter of the bulkhead in front of the K of P property was referred to the Street & Alley Committee to confer with Mr. Joslin the present owner. The matter of the Nilson Motor Co infringing on sidewalk space was con- tinued with the Street & Alley Committee. ! The Clerk presented a letter, from William Cole, Chief of Highvajc Patrol, in respect to reducing speed on Bay Street, and this matter was discussed at length, with the result that the Council amended Section 54 of Ordinance No 310, reducing the parking time on the parking strip of Bay Street to 3 hours instead of six hours, and limiting parking along the curb to ten minutes, and authorizing the Marshal to rigidly enforce these ordinances. The Marshal was authorized to purchase a new scythe. The Marshal reported that 113 meters had been installed. The Marshal was instructed to put stringer under floor of fron of City Hall. The matter of the sidewalk across Harrison Street on the north side of Kitsap Street was referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. The liarshal was instructed to remove the gravel coming down on Bay Street from Sidney. The Marshal was authorized to puce saw dust in meter boxes to keep them from freezing. T-he Marshal was instructed to consult with plumbers in re vents for hot water boilers, and with Mr. "'c Wade of the Light Company in respect to de- fective wiring. The Marshal reported the following matters as having been attended to: Oiling Sidney & Frederick Pipe Line City Hall and the following matters were continued: Pottery Hill sidewalk Trees overhanging Bast_Bay street. Kitsap & Sidney Xing Holes In Prospect Street Painting Pumping plant station Pottery Hill Sutter Accident Insurance for Town Grinder and Bufer Kemmeller Alley De Xa,lb Street Gutters 72 The matter of crossing to N. C. Davies stable was referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND M. E. Landsdorff, 1 dayrs work mowing streets $4.00 N. C. Dairies, Hauling gravel off .Bay Street 1.50 The Pacii'ic Telephone & Telegraph Co, call .30 Duke Electric Company, 6 100 watts 2.40 Howe's Hardware supplies 2.85 WATER. FUND Elmer Wilson, 9 days work installing water meters $45.00 Standard Oil Company, Dynamo & hlIotor Oil .45 Pacific 'rater Works Supply Co, inc. 146.30 Wilson Motor Co, gas & oil 6.74 Port Orchard,Hardware Co supplies 4..17 Navy Yard Rowe, freight 1.35 Howe's Hardware, supplies 12.91 Bowles Company, galv mall ells and dies 2.82 Bowles Company Galv Mall ells & Tread Cutting Oil 5.20 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor June 25th 1928 Council raet this evening at 7.30 p.m. Present Mayor Ainsowrth and Councilmen nadey, Stevenson and liedler. Minutes of meeting of June llth 1928 were read and approved. Mr. Compton of the; City Clearers appeared before the Council asking for licensing of concerns soliciting dyeing and cleaning in Port Orchard, and the matter was referred to the Town "ttorney for an opinion as to whether this could be done. A protest was received from a number of business men of Port Orchard as well as from the Chamber of Commerce against the 3 hour parking ordin- ance. A number of'cit:izens were present and expressed their views, and that part of Section 54 of Ordinances No., 310 364 and 380 reading as follows: "No cars shall be allowed to perk on the parking strip embraced in the paved portion of Bay Street for a longer period than three hours between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. xxxx Cars shall not part along the curb of the paved po-tion of Bay Street for a longer period than 10 minutes" was duly repealed by Ordinance No 381. The Clerk was directed to ask the help of the community in not over- crowding the parking strip on Bay Street, and was also directed to ask the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce to make recommendations in reference to regulating parking conditions if such became necessary in the future. It was reported that the new owner of the K of P house on Kitsap Street expected'to putin a bulkhead, thus remedying conditions there. The matter of the Filson Motor Co infringing on sidewalk space was continued with the Street & Alley Committee. The Marshal reported that 146 meter had been installed to date, and that the'stringer in front of Town Hall had been put in place. The'Marshal was directed to recondition the sidewalk across Harrisson Street on the north side of Kitsap Street. George H. Stock appeared before the Council and complained of the condition of Wheeler's Wharf on Bast Bay Street, and the Town Attorney was directed to bring in an opinion as to whether the town had any jurisdiction:in the matter. The Clerk was directed to commence to collect one-half of the Occupation Tax commencing July let 1928. The Clerk was directed to again write Mrs. Kemp in respect to the ovep hanging branches of trees on her property on Bast Bay Street. The Marshal reported that the crossings on Kitsap and Sidney had been fixed. - The Street & Alley Committee reported that the approach to N. C. Davies stable on East. Bay Streit had been attended to. The matter of the condition of Rockwell Avenue (Sandcut) was referred j to the Street & Alley Committee for investigation and report at the next me eting. A communication was read from Harry Davidson in respect to notice to water users, and the Clerk and "`arshal was directed to prepare a form of notice to be put into effect August 1, 1928. The matter of the Kitsap County Kair association paying for water used \ at the fair grounds was referred to Mayor Ainsworth to take up with President Howe of the i+air kssociation. The matters of the approach to the Fellows (Brasch) Garage and the en- trance to the Nordby place was referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. The Marshal reported that he found it difficult to place meters in several places in town, and he was directed to try to meter the Odd Fellows Hall. 74 The Marshal reported that Commissioner Bucklin suggested that the gavel lot be fenced in, and the Clerk was directed to investigate the manner and cost of acquiring this from the County. The following bills were presented: 0ENERAL PUND ld. C. Davies, removing gravel from Bay Street $6.00 Port Orchard 'Transfer Co, sundry hauling 3.00 Coast Brush Mfg. Co garage broom 3.18 S. A. Sanford, two days cleaning streets from heavy rain 8.00 R. A. Doty, two days working cleaning streets from heavy rain 8. ")0 Lee Diller 1 days cleaning street from heavy rain 4.00 Henry Buscher, 4 days work cleaning streets from heavy rain 16.00 Pacific 10ater Works Supply Co. 75 concrete meter boxes $112.50 Pacific Water Works Supply Co, curb cocks 32.00 Bowles Co. sundry supplies 6.49 Elmer Wilson, 12 clays work at $5 per day 60.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. U�X6 Ce,' "a o y r July 9th 1928 Council met this evening at 7.30 p.m. Present Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen hadey, Stevenson and diedler. Minutes of the meeting of June 25, 1�D28 were read and approved. The matter of the Wilson Motor Co infringing on Sidewalk space was con- tinued with the Karshal. The matter of licensing solicitors for dyers and cleaners was reported on by the Town Attorney, and, after discussion, it was decided to do nothing in the premises. The marshal reported that 180 meters had been installed. The matter of the complaint of Geo ll. Stock in re the 'V+heeler Dock was reported on by the Town Attorney, and, after discussion, the Clerk was dir- ected to write W. E. Wheeler requesting him to put a barricade up and a warning not to trespass thereon. The Street 8c Alley Committee reported in re the condition of Rockwell Avenue and stated that in as much as there was a lack of cooperation on the j part of abutting property owners they could not make any recommendations at this time, but the I�Ia.rshal was directed to put up a sign at the head of Rockwell Avenue reading *This street closed. By order of the Town Council" l _ The Marshal was directed to protect water main on Rockwell Avenue I where exposed to traffic, and to have test holes sunk on thegravel pit lots. The Clerk was directed to look up respeonsibility on the town in case of accident to members of the volunteer Fire Department. The Marshal was directed to investigate the leak in the watermain in front of the Navy View Hotel and remedy the same. i.r The Marshal was directed to take off humps on Cline Street, and make repairs to Sidney Street sidewalk.. The Marshal was directed to replace the concrete gutter where broken at the xing back of-61anchardfs store. The Clerk was drected to write a loiter of thanks to William Cole, Chief of highway Patrol, for the assistance rendered by officers Coughlin and Kuntz in respect to the traffic problems of the town.. The Marshal was dirccted to install a fountain in front of the Town Hall at as small as expense as consistently possible. The Marshal was authorized to allow 500 gallons each month to consumers on dead ends. The following matters were continued: Harrison and Sidney Street sidewalk Draining Rockwell Avenue Nordby entrance Overhanging branches Bay Street The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND Nels Markussen, repairing & etc. Howers Hardware, sundry supplies Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber Duke Electric So, lamps Diesel Oil Cc, fuel oil for street application Howes Harage gasoline Port Or chard Independent publishing ordinances James Stout, 6 days street work i± . M. Carter, patrolman, month of June Henry AUscher, patrolling July 4, 1928 � .55 6.10 5.88 .65 56.85 1.26 7.40 24.00 120.00 12.00 WATER FUND B. W. Wilson, 10 days work at $5 per day installing meters $50.00 Howe's Hardware, supplies 5.30 Pacific Water Works Supply Co, curb coo'Ks 24.00 Bowles & Company, sindry supplies Bowles & Company, supplies and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. 0.n motion the meeting adjourned. JP(Cl e rk 6.78 4.42 ayor July 23rd, 1928 Council met talis evening at 7.30 P.11. Present 1-aayor xinsovirth aiid Councilmen Itadey, Stevens ana 10iec,ler•. is inutes of ,ieeting of my 9tY 1S2�3 were read and ap proven . T'he L'iayor brought u- the fact that the 4',ibeler dock had fallen gown, cut the c�nserisus of the Council was that the 'J'o m had no j'u2:-is6-iction in the premises. `L -,e clerk vras 'r,cl:Erever directed azce:rtain the ownershiI,. of the rroi)ex•ty and write the o;:nex that the rerlain-ng _portionof, the dock was a fire :.azard and iroulcl have to be remedied at once. the Tlarslial -,-eported he had protected the Lloc-viell and attended t tie 1_ea'k ii, _°r:;nt of the 1.L-vy Views try arty_^.ents tc so 1-Ah Sidney Street sic;cxal : and tl:.e Kitsap & Seattle -venue sic e.ral_i. the night patrolman v!ati cc;ntin3uc-6 in service until I'Lugust ist 1928, when his serva_ces �rrere ordered Gisi)e sec, v:'ith until fuxt le7' G111Fction. The hatter of ti:e gravel pit was discusser, frith the result that it i,-Iias aeciued by Cie uoullcil, to visit the lots in aailroad .46aition immiedi-tely after t'._e .Feeting, and ii' thinks to-ked favorable, the Iru yor vas aut'.lo1ized to r«altie i'oripal G.y);licati.on to the Courty for the pua-chase of the necessary lots. The rriatt;er of requiri qP a deposit froir, rcntcrs before turning on v;ater 1""as discussed, but it :,.as pointed out that the statute gave a lien on property delinquent, and :-t vras decided thut where t1lere yeas a delinquency and non pa.yr:ient not to turn on the water Li til arre�%rs were taken care of. yhe il:.rs'a,l was instructed riot to ex_ erid �n a�iount to exceed �75 for the repair of the motor(.-,cle.. the Lars'rial vras author_'l_eci to investigaA ow iuch it lroulu cost to remove the fire hall at Oidney Division to the puriiping station lots, and he vras alti o authorised to install two sc:-een. 6o:)x's on the res i6 -nce on the 77 pumping station lot. �. The illajor announced the death of E. E. Craven, senior member of Oouncil, and he was authorized to vrrite a letter of condolence and ay::reciation of i Hr. Craven's services to the Town to the family oi' deceased.. .liraft of the proposed water notice was presentE c to the Council and approved by them. � Ih.e Olerk presented a Idtter from the -0epartment of Labor' and In6ustries � stating that it was not pos::ible to put volunteer fireman uz-toer Industrial jInsurance, and sugi;e, ted an act of the Legislature to acconmlish this. T-he I Clerk was instructed to bear this matter in mind, and as soon as our local legislators were elected at the i=ovember election to take u-p, the subject with I i them. The Clerk presented a letter from John T. knderson,--ssessor of Kitsap County, advising that Port Orchard's assessed v,,-!Liation for 1929 was r373,476. The following ma.t .ers were continued: Xing back of blanchard's store Fountain in front of Town Hall Lr•ainage Rockwell i-venue Overhanging branches mast Bay Street. '. he follo*ing bills were presented: GENE -AL FUND James Stout, 5 days work at $4 per day on street 420.00 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co, calls .90 Port Or chard Transfer Co, cleaning sts. ar_a hauling gravel after storm 51.00 VIATER FIIl?U Pacific Water Works Su -:ply Co Curb Cox & ells 22.40 Wavy "lard Route, freight 1.20 Port Orchard j achine 'tforks 4.25 Elmer-dilson, work installing water metews 25.00 and warrants were ordered dravrn therefor.. One motion the meeting adjourned. i Jerk 'ayor `.ugust 13th 1928 Council .let this everting at 7.30 13. Pre::�e-at = ayor LinsZaorth and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Siedler. :`inutes of meeting of July 23 1928 were read aria apppoved. The a-ars'nal was directed to chec'r up in reference as to whether his order as to remedying conditions at t'!ic w heeler doer as to fire hazard has been coiiiplied viith. The-Aarshal reported as to the Gravel pit ana the Council decided not to do anythin` about -�u�:-c'nasing t ;e sots from. the County at this time, and the same was directed to be put on the c_,nti-,Teed calendar. The Marshal reported that the crossing buc'c of Blanchardis store had been fixed and the fountain installed in front of the ' otvr-, 7ial1. A communication was received from 1Ars. Lora r'L Cross protesting against occupation t.ix on -lavy View .impartments and t'.ie Clerk was directed to write her calling atueition to tape fact that 4iLpartmezt,souses co:.taining more t_ian 3 roods weie subject to occupation tax and that all apartment 'souses such as .-<ers had plaid the tax. The --arshal was directed to grade Uline Street at some time before the County 'air, ana also inspect tfie South Si(:ney sidewai'', before t'iie Fair. The _arshal was airected to make a survey, of ti)e :riecessa.ry repairs and iymprove:nent s in the Town and-r.?a'ie cue re -,ort to the Uounci_J_ . Tlie Cler'c was di-ecteld to virite to J. i'• Joslin as!.:ing : im to fix tiie railing in front of hit s lot )n Iray Stre _t bet ;een "LinswortIn's Store and Z,ahller's second 'Lanni store. '�:he uars ial reported in re condition of .F.a.ter a ipes in Roc'c velI & �ittia,::, ana tie salae was p.placed n tie continued cale ldar. The -:ratter of the e is roachinent of t' e hig way on the side-vv-1k in front of t:ie Stanton pr.o~ierty was .)laced on the continued calendar, and t"•le 1-arshal was directed to cheer ui sir. -dex•s ley of the L)ta-te I'ighwa,y Lepart:ient in re-- fererace to a survey of the ldc G " 11 ana Cwllahan land on Wast Bay Street. The Cler'.c was directed to secure qi i,ota.tions for about °.51 feed, :sigh pxessuie 50 lb head and also for a similar_ amount of cast iron .pine. The 1=,ayor brought up t re matter of -rs. -)avies shut off, stating s-ie claimed t_-iu,t the s -A off had been mist: -tiled by- them. The Iiarshal informed the 0ouncil that the shut off was a�-iea.d of t -ie meter and undoubtedly belonged to t!'le TI-)wn unc the �.i_ei'': l'Jas directed to 'srite i rs. i)u.vies accoraingly. The following matters were continued: Gravel pit Fi - e hall removal Drainage Rockwell �lve iue Overhanging branches East Bay Street eater pipes Rockwell & Kitsap Street Stanton Right of way. 79 The following bills were presented: GEIMRAL FUND Duke Electric Company, sup-,ilies 5 Move's Hardware, su-pclies 3.35 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber 8.32 Kitsap County B.n;c (Heun assignment) 14.00 Port Urchard 11ardware Con, any, winaot, & whiting .15 Olympic Iron & 1-11achine 4orks pic'cs sharpened .45 • C. Davies, cleaning sts. ana hauling gravel 3.00 Allen Cunningham CDm any, balance on t'ire whistle. 8.50 F. ILL. Gal -ter, one month's service as nigh patrol 120.00 riirsch Cycle Company, cycle rep4ired 75.00 14,T :R FUND Port Orchard liardware Company sup ;lien 1.60 Howe's -�Iardware, supplies 31.63 and warrants were ordered drawn. V erefor. On m_,tion the meeting adjourned. V f4 V Layo r August 27t1i 1928 The Council Bret this evening at 7:30 '.Lk. Present "a,yor Ai'we orth and Council -men Ra.dey, Stevenson and Fiedler. 11"inutes of the weeting of �ugu,t 13th, 1928 v-ere �,:•ead aid approved. Harry javidson vas duly elected by the Council as a council ia.n to take tine I)lace of 0. W. Wilkins, deceased, and was duly sworn. i.n by the Clerk and took his place in the Couiicil. -The Marshal gar, directed to chec'c up in respect to the fire hazard of the dheeler cloc'c. The Lear steal r .npor•tea he had arranged for the grading of Cline Street before the Fair, ana would check over the South Sidney Street sidevialk before the Fair, and would chec'c over the South Sidney Street sidewalk before the fair. ;l J. Care tti; - ars��':xl re. r�ted in res-qect t� a survey he gad ri-de of t_-ie Town in 1•esoect to sidewal`and �uttel' re -airs alld better :e�lt iG � xudiil` af,d t:"ie ;;w:,,e w;as orde?:•ea on fi:! e. -Lt.t. was t'�le c_)nseisus o� o.;in:�:;_1 .>1r the Coa_lcil t;.:..t tilis s1ulcaAa be px;bIis`ied. The Cleric was directea to uEai.Z ;rite 'r. .ioslin irl es�ect to the con_ ditijn f trle rail .nu )f the 2, ._letiial'{ bet ,een "ji;,svjort i ana Caliiier's stare and _e brricade Liar ee i Lr o':en c1 .,wn by t. i s driver oa Rr) c Tve ta"kni 1 -venue . The ar3isal eportca in r s:,ect to 4 inch tli ;'i j)ress_ ure wire wou-- d )iy,)e and cant iron .ipe, a la the qu.a t ..tions we:_�e ordered on file. Ti -7e :-Fatter of the ucqulre,- ent of soutl'i 30 feet of slot 2 OC 8, bioney, _aLdj::inii. tie c,,1m-jint )1amt stati,)n a,s dJ.sc.jtis(-,cl, and it Teas duly voted to acquire t:ie raid :!-ot fj')m H- it could be done for $11J, and t',ie __wyor and Cler- were autlprized to c ra-4, a T.arra;it to C. i. He lderson for e 2 5 11or :.is equity in Vne lot, a_nd t"le Clerc was directed to investi-E to in re :acquiri iC -t-ie s,)ut-Iierly 0 feet fr) ? t'ie "%o.iilt; The Cler''.c sent,ec EL rCUE;`._ draft; of t[ie b'i6jzet for tile y(-ar 1 :a. id t .:e S to '.iaS ,^ at JIl t1C C . Le'iC -i far ciCtl `Jnt ti`3e iiE'Xt ;fleet l Of t iF (;p aY1C11 . Complaint 'ias ?.iac.e in res:ect t-) cOnaitionS '°Iu_e"'e the Sevier e-I.itf ~eN t'.1e creec 'rear t_le i'ort OrclIE'ru '"a.0 .rie t cres, and the v-.er'c was directed to c-il OLe at ,e ".tin of Jr. '�'rilson i i : 1, wr, iea t[1 uffi Cer to t lis matter. Tie i;a.rs lcki l!E s directea t0 c-infer :`ditn tale a?ierif f In Y.'-z!f orence -to s eld%rer con- ditions at tLe court 'souse. '18 ircAl'� al 1:vas directed '.,o 1-uy two 2irest.one tires anc1 t:.lbes for t(.e 2,ii-e Truc'' of ipVJf'' S GaY C e c3 t t 1P, 'I :r4 ce of 4�7 .` �, and also c _L li,'y ter I fife l�el a�•t�e.�t . '-IC' '"c:.yD ciJ_'OL17teG i{'• 1)• ."'_Lecler G'':lU rt" .. i of VIC r+a, r L�:':'. 1ttEe. T",T,,e1µ,i's11a1 v,a s di1,ected buy 10 tap`. for TrJ.deat ters, at, a COSt of about :�1.bO eacia. file 1��irS icii '.'!aS di''ec�ECE to c[lec'C U l G �E Ct tv C:�i`i6itions in t-e alley � 1'xoi Cap ,1 ^(f fr`;1.. ,j`a. .`..er1.:�e+tS 1?-le ars',lal ,-;as 6irec llec to %)ut uy a bari:'icacLe o), '1farrison Street between -be �"iulb .� 10 Kitsa,., but so as n.ot to int•..rfere ,,,!itri its use by adjacent property ov..riers. The==ars}ial .,ms airected to cut out t -e brush on Cline street --near t-le lair Grounds. Zie following hatters tiaere continued Budget 11D,29 eater pipes I oc'-I ell it2ap -C Gill-Uallanan right o�' way -report of I-arsElal �ar,vel Pit Vire'nouse removal Drainage hocicviell Avenue ata:-ton rLiSInt of day Overh. al i�lg br,-.,_ic le s Last Bay Street �1 81 The followingbills were presetned; G".i i E RAC:, i+ UIM R. J. Caretti, boat and stage fare to Tacoma $2.00 f F. Di. Garter, survey of Tovm 4.00 C J. L. Peterson, postage 3.00 Pore Orc14rd Transfer Co. , hauling dirt to pump house $5.75 and warrants were ordered drawn t'rierefor. One motionthe meeting adjourned Cie AUayor Septei"aber 10th 1828 Council met this: evening at 8.15. Present =ayor -,vinswoyth and Cdncil- I , men hadey, Stevens n, 'iedler and Davidson. J�inutes of meeting of August 27th 1528 were read and approved. 'f. 0. Breed appeared before the Council in respect to the condition of itr.�c'lwell tivet-iue at Bay Street, 'aad after discussion the Street & Alley Committee vere authorized to remove the -sand and glace a drain acress Bay Street at a cost not to exceed �200.00. The ;rshal reported that Idr. Joslin had not repaired theb.wrricade on Roo'lwell or the railing on lot bet:weexi ainsworth's store and Za.hilerrs on Bay Street, and the LLa.rstial was directed to proceed to repair the barricade at the expense of lur. Joslin. The i.,latter of an additional barricade on zoc'r:e1.1 vas refereed to the Street and Alley Committee ,)ower to act. The Larsha.l reported that the seer,jer outlet a�/ the cree'. near Jackson's Machine Shop was receiving attention as we-il as the crainage from the Kemmeler property into the alley. The Larshal also reported that the Harrison Street barricade had been erected, and the brush on Cline Street uut. The Larshal was authorized to clean the sidevzul'c and gutter on East Bay Street from iarrison Street to the Blaez Jac',: bridge, The bucaget for 143,29 was then tacen up, and the Council adopted a 14 mill tax levy, and -:rovided in the budget unoer receipts for a levy of the Occupation Tax for one half of the regular scLeciule, a:zd in`0'atei Fund Budget inserted ttze figure of $6000 as the orob�-able cost of a nevi steel water tan. . 82 Ci: ;;cLission o-, tae V:.ri-)u,i lte'i,=,, t_`le fOr 1 rEr2olutioa-etting "ctobor 1St 1�,28 at 7.33 1 . as the d�:Ate a aearirig on tlxe budget 3na the forrlal adop- tion th6re3f, «:as Gui; passeci. rt t was reported that t ri.e J: -)t°.n -ias acquired 1-1ro'ac _1 C . H. He_lderson the sout�i rialf of Lot 8 Bloc'k 2, Sidney, at a net cost of 45 , ails ;r.=etersorl, County=ludizol-, repoi,ted t iat t.,ie County (!oi.i-,io!oicnQ.-s wou!6 elitertai i an offer of ti 'S for t le nort'n of said lot, �;.nd t _e —,yor -nc G1:erk were uuthori2,ed �o ta'ce-leasures to ..:.cc1aixce t'r1e s u---ie. T'.ie 1-ars xui report{ea in re true wi sn of residents between Cline and CaZGnE'y l ar tiie i+'y tir (irC�nLIS fQr c% f0lr 1�C'11 iCl: li`l, a•i1C �1e 'dt'aS directed to c:�nfer furt`_er in ts.e 1.1ratter. the ,cutter of rin electric lid =t �t te �ta_�cax'd .?i1 -:,1_< ce T : a C referred tJ v0"..'."icil' «n Dtiv dsi)n for inve?st7.Eation unC re7)ort. Tr-je ,lurs'hal oa.' authori ed to enL.: e a ni�"t patrol tide Fair. '1',e -mat'.er of r'ci11 in ;'ro;,t of t'le _ zia }place -�dao refer: ec to council.,larl ltF,'tie115 ii for ;.nZrE a� -.t1. i u1i% ie;)ort. 1' ie � xshal :;a, ailected to Erect .pro-:er c:pool:= signs n._r the Bl:,ck j-ac'c -brid&e. i'he follo`dil?€ :ratters t,fere continued: kiheelcr Doc-c Ur:.rd rl Cli.-le Street Soath SidnE:,y Sidewullc �'�rehesuse �~er:::;oral Stanton xi;_ 1t of .:ay Over is:re in' bra,ic''yes i=ast Lay 3ti-eet .L.c Gis.l Cu;.ltof lvay- E, or°t ;f -La.1 M lase fo��o,iin bills 1. ei-e-n-ese-ltec: Olympic Iron ana Machine VVor':s Shar,eniny tools .80 .loft Jrc and Lu Tiber Yard Lu_,lber . 58 .o�; Lq, i�pme 2t for fire truck 85.03 io 1,13 1-aravrare Sup ,lies 5.38 i acif:_C 'le..e- ie & Tei.eL. Co. .20 T �e ' -;re ahoP Gas, etc. , 3.11 'dll. ER -PUy 1) llowe r E, 'ardwa.re , S uyo_-1 ies 6.25 tort Jrcha °d lla.c:nine +forks, repairs,, etc. , 4.5a and warrants eye e ordered drawn t erefor. i On t.,iotion tle meeting adjourned. s G r►ay o r 83 _ September 24, 1928 Council ?:yet this evening at 7:30 P. :. Present: Tayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Stevenson, 2iedler and Davidson. linutes of the meeting; of Sept. 10th, 1P28 were read and a aroved. The matter of remedying conditions on Roc' -well .eve. was continued with the Street and A- I ey ' C mr-,imi t t e e. It was reported that the gutters and sidewalk on ;past Bay.St. from Harrison to Black Sack bridge had been cleaned. It was reported that a formal application had been made to the Board of County Commissioners for the purchase of the north half of the lot adjoining the Dumping plant on the north. The Marshal reported that school sib ns had been placed in the civinity of the Grade school. The Clerk was directed to write to tAe highway Department in reference to signs where the Gig Aarbor and Haw er roads merge at Black jack bridge. It v; Ls duly voted to replace gutters on the east and west side of the Pottery Hill road from the foot to the top of the hill and replace the crossing near the Givens' place on that road. The matter of the intersection crossing at Seattle Ave. and E. Bay was referred to the Street and alley Committee for investigation and report. The Clerk was directed to write J. P. joslin to remove wood from HelEcer St. near the Cumging property. The Marshal was directed to remove the brush from around the electric light near Davidson's on 'Jest Bay St. The Uarshal was authorized to purchase a leak detector for the use of the Water Department at a cost of around $6.00. The .matter of taking care of water and sand from Harrison St. running on Dr. Baldtiwin's parking strip, was referred to Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Fiedler. The La.rshal reported he expected to repair the water leak near the Court house as soon as a party finished hauling logs. The La.rshal was instructed to confer with Yr. Hershey in re a guard rail along the nod cement bulkhead of the Navy Yard highway along W. Bay St., and if he could/do anything, the Clerk was directed to take the matter up with the State Highway Engineer. The foliowing natters were continued: i Second barricade on Rockwell Ave. Water Extension - Cline, Sioney , Vai rground_s 4heeler sock Firehouse removill Stanton right of Pray Overhanging branches, EastBa,y St. IcGill-Callahan rQht-of-array: report of Marshal, E.Crossing of LitsQ and Sidney. 84 she following bails ,e:L-e -ore sent-eu: L . Canter, six duy�21 patrol uuty ouri'1,E 12"ir - - - J.les Stout, 9-L cxwys cleaning E.-gay St.gutt.er and sideway- - ':lilson _'otor Co. - €pus - - - - - - I6eai Service St,;.tion, - gas - - - - - - Coast Brush i'g. Co . , street broo ^ - - - - - eptune '-:Teter Co . , re ister boxes z.ji tin swipes - - - and warrants were orderea aru rn tnerefor. . Fn m� G r,1erx I ' Viayor Oct. 1st, 1928 24.00 38.0 3.03 8.41 3.18 15.22 A special meeting of the Council was held this evening at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of passing an ordinance in respect to the tax levy for 1929. Present: Councilmen Radey, Fiedler and Davidson. In the absence of Mayor Ainsworth, Councilman Radey was appointed keting Mayor. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 382, providing for a tax levy of thirteen (13) mills for the General Fund and one (1) mill for Library Fund for the year 192.9, and the same was duly, adopted by the Council. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor October 8, 1928 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Ainsworth and Coun- cilmen Radey, Fiedidr and Stevenson. Minutes of meeting of Spetember 24, 1928 and October 1, 1928 were read and approved. The matter of Rockwell Ave. was taken up, and the Marshal was instructed, in order to protect water pipes, to install 2 x 12s. It was reported that the sand had beenrem-oved from the sidewalk and for about three feet on the upper side. It. was decided to ]place a basin on the upper side and a gutter to the avenue to take care of the water. The Marshal was directed to have,rem:oved further dirt and sand for- about- twenty feet south and about eight feet wide. The Clerk was directed to get prices on Armen and Concrete pipe sixteen inches in diameter and report to the Street: & Alley Committee, who were authorized to proceed and complete the jab. The matter of the Pottery Hill improvement heretofore authorized was dis- cussed and continued with the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. The Mayor appointed the following on the Street & Alley Committee: Coun- oilmen Radey, Fiedler and Stevenson. The Marshal was directed to open up the drain at Melker & Sidney and also on Mitchell Hill between C. P. Ainsworth and the. 8hearrsan Stark place. The Marshal reported that the brush had been cut around the light pole near Harry Davidsonand the leak near the Court House had been repaired. The matter of the purchase of an electrical thawing machine was discussed ana placed on t,.he continued calendar. The matter of the sand and gravel coming down Harrison St. on Dr. Baldwin's parking strip was continued, pending the completion of improvements in that n.eighbarhood, when it was thought a new gutter would be placed from Harrison St. west on Kitsap on the south side of the street. The Marshal reported that Mr. Hershey, the local supervisor of state high- ways, had informed him that the State did not build any guard rails within the limits of a town or city, ana the Marshal was instructed to measure the necessary footage for putting a guard rail along a portion.of West Bay St. and report at the next meeting. The Clerk was directed to secure permission from Mrs. Nordby and Mrs. Kemp to cut; the necessary trees along east Bay St.. so as to keep the sidewalk in proper condition, and on such permission being secured, the Marshal was directed to have the work done. r The Marshal was directed to have the stove in the: Town Hall fixed. The Marshal reported a muddy crossing at East Bay St. and Harrison caused by the crossing thereof by tenants in the house east of the hardware store, and interference with the water meter by reason of being in line with the driveway, and the Clerk was directed. t.o w rite the tenants in respect to the matter. 86 The Clerk was directed to write to William Hazard to place covers over the gutter at. the entrance to his garages on. East. Bay St.., under the supervision of the Marshal and to keep the sidewalk in front.of the garages clean. The Marshal was directed to ascertain the size and quantity of pipe necessary to carry the water across the lot recently acquired at the pumping plant station ana inform the Clerk, who was instructed to get quotations for the necessary pipe. The Marshal was directed to -remove the gravel at the foot of Cline St.at Kitsap. The following hills were presented: General Fund Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. messages - - - - - .45 Howe's Haraware,•eundry supplies - - - - - 2.70 _ Howa!s Garage, sundry supplies - - - - - 7..38 Trick- & Murray, set, of annual. election supplies - - 5.63 Port Orchard lumber Yara, lumber - - -- - 6.19 Water Fund James Stout, two days' work on dump, pumping plant station - 8.00 W. S. Darley & Co., sundry supplies - - - - 13.00 Howe"s Hardware, sundry supplies - - - - .20 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. The following matters were continued: Intersection crossing, Seattle and East Bay St Electric Thawing machine Water Extension, vicinity of Fair Grounds Wheeler Dock Fire House Removal. Stanton right of way McGill -Callahan right of Garay, Crossing, east side Sidney at Kitsap Dr. Baldwin's parking strip On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk kayor 1111'1 October 22, 1928 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. M. Present: Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Fiedler. Minutes of the meeting of October 8, 1928 were read and approved. R. L. Kemp appeared before the Council in reference to the vacation. of Har- rison St. north of Bay St.,, and the matter was continued until the next meeting. The Marshal reported that the Rockwell Ave. eater pipes were protected, and the drains opened at. Melker and Sidney and on DUtchell Hill. The Marshal reported in re quotations for concrete,and armco pipe in reference to the grain from Rockwell Ave. across East Bay St. and also in reference to a drain for the. neater pumping plant lots. The Street & Alley Committee reported progress in respect to the Rockwell Ave. and Pottery Hill improvements. The matter of the Water Department purchasing an electrical thawing device was laid on the table. The Marshal reportea that: it, would require about 250 feet of guard rail on Wiest Bay St., and after discussion it was aecided not to do anything at present in view of the prospective improvement of the Navy Yard highway in the near future, ana it was placed on the continued calendar. The Marshal was instructed to put a cover on the catch basin at Division and Sidney, and repair sidewalk near water tanks. The Marshal was authorized to offer to Mr. Bradley the necessary plank to construct a drain across Kendall St. Ted Driver was authorized to tear up the wooden sidewalk in front of his place on Pottery Hill and clean up and remove the same. Attention was called to the fact that since the gutter was cleaned on the south side of'East Bay St., the gravel bed underneath the concrete sidewalk was breaking away, and the Marshal was directed to measure footage for a new gutter and get figures on the probable estimated cost, as well as for the crossing at Seattle and East Bay -and Kitsap and Harrison. The matters of the drain on East Bay St. leading into J. L. Breed's place, as well as the drekin and fill at Kitsap and Rockwell and the Nordby alley were �-� referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report. Mr. Bruhan was granted a permit to cut trees in Dwight St. and the re- quest of C. C. Johnson to cut trees in Railroad Ace. was referred to the Mar- shal for investigation and report. The Marshal reported that U. J.-Davis & Scan would discontinue garbage collection on and after January 1st, 1929. The Marshal brought up the matter of passing an ordinance against the future instalation of gasoline pumps at the curb, and it was continued until the next meeting. The matter of changes contemplated. at Howe's Garage was referred to the 88 Street and Alley Committee, with power to act in the: premises. Complaint was received in reference to the town water, and the Marshal was directed to secure six samples, unaer the direction of Councilman Fiedler, ana have the same analyzed, and the Clerk was directed to write the complaining party that, the Council woula give the: matter prompt and serious consideration. The Clerk was authorized to bid as high as $75.00 for the north half of Lot 2, Block 8, Sidney, on the coming sale of county lands, ana the Mayor ana Clerk were authorized to draw a warrant for not exceeding this amount for the bid price thereo(f. The following bills were presented: GENERA, FUND Port Orchard Transfer, hauling lumber 1.00 Nick Davies, 4 aays' work at Rockwell Ave.., with team and two men - - - 48.00 Port Orchard `.transfer, hauling - - - 22.50 James Stout., lj days' work on gutters - - - 6.00 Oliver Iftit emore, 6 hours ° work - - -. 3.00' IWATER FUND i Francis Mr. Applegate, over -remittance to Treasurer,' 1.95 Treasurer, Kitsap County, purchase county lot - 7.39 � Xame s Stout, 2 days' work grading lot , pumping plant., 6.00 and the same were allowed and warrants ordered drawn therefor* The following matters were continued: Overhanging branches, East Bay, firs. Nordby and firs. Kemp: Water meter ana sidewalk Langer property, East Bay Condition of sidewalk and covers for gutter, Wm. Haz-ard Gravel, Austin and Dwight Guard rails, 'Vest Bay St. Intersection crossing, Seatt.l.e and East Bay Ste. Water extension, vicinity of k'a,ir Grounds Wheeler Dock Stanton right of way McGill -Callahan tight ofim ay Crossing, east siae of Sidney at Kitsap Fir. Baldwin's parking strip On motion the meeting ad"curned. C 1 e rk Mayor .-� October 22, 1928 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. c, . Present: Mayor i,�inzworth and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and -Fiedler. Minutes of the meeting of. October 8, 1928 were read and approved. r R. L. Kemp appeared before the Council in reference to the vacation of Harrison St. north of Bay St., and the matter was continued until the next meeting. The I411arshal reported that the Rockwell ,Ave. water pipes were protected and the drains opened at lielker and Sidney Sts. and on UAtchell Hill. The Marshal reported in re quotations for concrete and armco pipe in reference to the drain from Rocktirell �,ve. across East Bay St. and also in reference to a drain for the water pumping plant lots. The Street and Willey Committee reported progress in respect to the Rock- well.Ave.. and Pottery Hill improvements. The matter ofmthe Water Department purchasing an electrical thawing device was laid on the table. The Marshal reported that it would require about 250 feet of guard rail on West ]gay St. and of ter discussion it was decided not to do; anything at present, in view of the prospective improvement. of the Iffavy Yard Highway in the near future, and it was placed on the continued calendar. The ILarshal was instructed to put a cover an the catch basin at. Division and Sidney, and repair sidewalk near the water tanks. The Marshal was authorized to offer to 11r. Bradley the necessary plank to construct a drain across Kendall St. Ted Driver was authorized to tear up the wooden sidewalk in front of his place on Pottery Hill and clean up and remove the same. ,Attention was called to the fact that since the gutters were cleaned out on the south side of East Bay St., the gravel bed underneath the concrete sidewalk was breaking away*, and the T4larshal was directed to measure the footage for a new gutter and get figures an the probable estimated cost, as well as for the crossing at. Seattle and East Bay, and Kiteap and Harrison.. The matters of the drain on East Bay St. leading into J. L. Breed's place, as well as the drain and fill at Kitsap and Rockwell, and the Nordby alley, were referred to the Street &: Alley Committee for investigation and report. fir• Bruhahn was granted a permit to cut trees in Dwight St., and the re- quest of C. C. Johnson to cut..trees in Railroad Ave. was referred to the Marshal for invest igati on- and report. The Marshal reported that D. J. Davis and son would discontinue garbage collection on and after January 1st, 1929. The ILIarshal brought up the matter of passing an ordinance against the future installation of gasoline pumps at the curb, and it was continued until. the next meeting. The matter of changes contemplated at Howe's Garage was referred to the St. and Alley Corsi ittee, with poster to act in the premises.. Complaint was received in reference to the town water, and the �.arshal was directed to secure .six sitples, under the direction of Councilman Fiedler and have the swre analyzed, and the Clerk was directed to write the complaining party that the Council would give the matter prompt and serious consideration, The Clerk was authorized to bid as high as �75.00 for the north half of Lot 2, Block 8, .13idney, on the coming sale of County lands, and the i:Aayor and Clem viere authorized to draw a warrant for not exceeding this amount for the bid -trice tIereo.f. The following bills were presented: GFINFEPL�7 FUND si RAM November 13, 1928 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. 1�1., instead of on November 12, 1928 which was a legal holiday. Present: Yayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson,, Fiedler and Davidson. Minutes of meeting of October 22nd, 1928 were read and approved. The improvement at the foot of Rockwell Ave. was reported as progressing, and the cover of the catch basin at Division and Sidney., had been. replaced. The Marshal was directed to busy a 3 x 12 to protect this cover. The Marshal reported that the: drain across Kendall St. had been installed by Mr. Bradley with lumber furnished by the Town. Councilman Stevenson reported that Ted Driver had removed the sidewalk in front of his premises on Pottery Hill and cleaned the same up. The: S. L. Breed crossing was placed on the continued calendar. The Clerk reported in re the law on sidewalk gas pumps, but the Council decided not to pass any ordinance at this time. The Irayor reported that the samples of water taken from each well and from the Port Orchard Pharmacy tap had been analyzed and that the water was reported as all right, and reports would be filed with the Clerk. it was reported that. the Town had acquired at the: Tax Sale of County lands the north half of lot 2, Block 8, Sidney, for the sum of $25.00. The Marshal reported that the water tanks on the hill, and the pumping plant tank had been thoroughly cleaned. Councilman Radey brought. up the matter of logging trucks injuring Sidney. St. south from. Division to the City Limits and, after discussion, the Marshal was authorized to confer with the loggers using this road, informing them that the Council either desired an agreement on their part to make good the damage either in money- or work, or else that they give a bond in the sum of $200.00 to restore the road to a good condition, and in default: of arriving at a satisfactory arrangement., to notify, .them not to use the road for heavy hauling. The Ilarshal_ was authorized to clean the leaves off the sidewalk on East Bay 5t. The Street and .Alley Committee reported that the plans of E. S. Home to - alter the entrance to his garage building had been approved by the Committee. The Street and Alley Ca=nittee was authorized to have constructed a drain from De Kalb St. dawn. Sidney, to connect with a drain proposed to be installed by I. A. Holmberg, and to construct the necessary catch basin to n carry out the drainage plan, the. drain connection itself not to cost to exceed \ 50.00. The -Street and Alley Committee was also authorized to install two catch basins at the top of Pottery Hill and two catch basins at Rockwell w Kitsap. The matter of the annual town election was considered, and the Council set Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1928 as the date for a caucus to nominate officers to be voted on a t the annue,1 town election_ to be held December 4, 1928, and authorized the Clerk to publish. the necessary notices of the Caucus and annual Election. The Council appointed the following as election officers: W. 0.. Breed, Inspector, zd. G. Rose, Clerk, and ors. P. B. ';"Iclntyre, Judge. The l arshal 'was authorized to have printed Turn On and Turn Off notices r� in res-oect to the use of-mater. The Street and alley Corinittee was authorized to investigate sidewalk conditions in front of the Langer and Hlolmberg properties and to make report to the Council, and also street conditions at-Kitsap and Sidney, and was empowered to act in its discretion. The following bills were presented: GE',;'ERAI, FUND C. E. Lansdorf, 51 day.t street work at4.00 per day $22.00 Js;ies Stout, 8 days , street work, at $'4. per day, - 32.00 Du'xe .Electric Co., lamps - - - - - - - .57 Port Orchard Independent, sundry advertising, - - i5.10 iiowe t s Hardware, sundry supplies - - - - - 2.40 Fort Orchard Transfer Co., hauling - - - - - 21.00 Howe's Garage, gasoline - - - - - -- - - .63 11 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber - - - - - 16.15 Holmberg & Ilorman, stews shovel, Kitsap St. , - - 24.00 Vy.11. r'� 1 UND fort Orchard Independent, printing, -- - - - $17.50 Howe's Hardwaire, sundry supplies - - - - - .93 Port Orchard Transfer Co., riauling dirt,pupdping plant lots - -- 21.75 1. L. `ilkinson, 11i days cleaning water tanks - - 6.00 Standard Oil Co-, dynamo motor oil - - - - - .92 Lovaian & Hanford Co., cover :deter book, etc., - - 5.10 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. The following matters were continued: Overhanging branches, East. -ay - 1drs. `Lordby - 1Lirs .. Kerrip ':toter extension, vicinity of fair grounds wheeler Dock Stanton Right of Z;ay � cGill - Callahan right of way Crossing, east side, Sidney, at �itsap Dr. I3aldwin''s parfsinj; strip On itiotion the meeting adjourned. C 1 er1c %-Lay o r November 21, 1928 The Council met this evening for a special meeting, pursuant to the call of the 1.1ayor to consider emergency matters connected with the `later Department. Present: Mayor ninsworth and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Fiedler and Davidson. It was reported that seven tests of the town water had been made, one of which indicated that according to state standards, the town water was unfit for use. Dr. T. C. Baldwin appeared before t,ne Council a,,d recommended that pending investi- gation the water be chlorinated, and he stated that he would take the matter up with the State Bo^rd of Health and make a further report in the matter on Nov. :=,3, 1928. The Council directed the Marshal to drain the tanks, and if he thought necessary also to clean them again, and to drain the dead ends and to flush all the hydrants, and thereafter to chlorinate the water. The Marshal was authorized to incur any necessary expense in lighting the tan'cs for carrying out this order. On motion. the meeting adjourned. Town Clerk Mayor November 26,1928 Council met this evening at 7:30. Present: 1.iayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Fiedler and Davidson. hinutes of regular meeting of November 23rd, 1928 and of sped ial meeting of November 21, 1928 were read and approved. C. W. Compton appeared before the Council and asked permission to hold a turkey shoot in the Peterson building for two days, under the auspices of the Bent. Nichels Tunian Base Ball Club, and permission was granted on the understand- ing that it would be under the constant supervision of C. W. Compton and D. M. Corliss, that no boys would be allowed behind the counter, that adequate pro- tection behind the target would be provided for, and that rifles should not ,exceed 22 calibre. Councilman Radey, for the. Street and Alley Committee, reported that South Sidney St. from Division to, the city limits had been put in good shape, and the Cler?� was .directed to send bills to the loggers using the same. as follows: 0. C. Dorris, $3.75 and Arthur Hahn, $3.75. The ratter of a drain or culvert across the water tank lots was discussed, and the matter was referred to the. Council as a whole to investigate conditions, nand the matter was put down for special order of business at the next meeting of the Council. TILe :iarshal reported that Dr. Baldwin had informed him that the state author- ities had told him that there was nothing to worry about in the water situation, 94 but not to remove the pressure from the lines, to cease chlorination and after � the chloride was out of the system, further sar2ples should be taken and tested. D. J. Davis & Son presented a request that their contract with the Town for garbage collection, be cancelled as of January lst, 1929 on the ground that there was not sufficient customers to justify the collection. A motion was duly passed cancelling the contract and, after discussion, the matter was placed on the continued calendar. i''he 'arshal was directed t4 repair a loose board between Division St. and the water tanks and to attend to the drain at Division and Sidney Sts. The Clerk was directed to tivrite Dr. x1. E . 'dilson, Health Cfficer of the '.,Lavin, asking him to make an investigation of sanitary conditions adjacent to the gulch from Kitsap St. to the Fair Grauads in respect to toilets, etc., and to izta?.e any orders in the premises that he should see fit. The matter of removal of a faucet back of .the meter on the street side of the Navy View Apartments was discussed, and it was duly voted that the 1:7�,:.rshal be7 instructed to instal the faucet back of the meter arz the property owner side,. and that if ILrs. Cross would furnish a shut-off and drain, that it would be installed -on the private property side without charge. The Iriarshal was authorized to purchase a suitable hand saw. � The Clerk reported that TTrs. F. B. 1,flc?nt,yre had declined the -position of Judge at the coming Town election, and 11. TE . Lansdorff was appointed in her place and stead, and the 1."ayor was authorized to a1ppoint persons to any vacancies that might. arise on the election board. The matter of W. 0. Breed using water from the lime of J. L. Breed was taken up arid the Clerk was directed to write a letter to J. L. Breed, calling his attention to the. matter and asking him to confer with the Council in respect to the matter at its next meeting. The?axshal reported that numerous maps and field notes were stored in the upper �p part of the Town :fall and vrere not readily accessible, and, after discussion, he was directed to have a proper cabinet made, to be placed on the floor of the `'Town Ball and that said r a:)s and field motes should :be stored therein. The following 'bills vrere presented: GENTERAL RTIND Frank IViyers, 'peep of dogs impounded by Iiarshal, 2.25 Concrete ripe Co., culvert tile, - - - -- 39.60 Pacific T . & T. Co., telex hone calls by 1,'s.rshal - - .75 N. C. Davies, 11 days with team and man, uncovering gravel pit - - -- - - 18.00 ,I-E-Lansdorff, 8` days at �4. per day,wark on Rockwell Ave. 34.00 Jades Stout, 82L days ( qr4 per day, work on Rocivaell Ave. 34.00 Olympic foundry Co.,6 i:,anholes 12. -each, - - 72.00 John Garbarino, taxi for Iarshal - - - - 1.50 I 95 r-- F. �.. Carter, cleaning Day St., 4 hrs.@ 50X an_ hour 2.00 W. E. Cosbey, 44 hours 1. # hr., gutter can Rockwell Ave. - 44.00 Vi.A,TER EUNID W. E. Cosbey, 4 hrs. Q 1 # hr., screening water tanks - - 4.00 The following matters were continued: Gutter, East Bay St. J. L. Breed, crossing Sidewalk conditions, Langer -Holmberg properties overhanging branches, East Day St. Water extension, vicinity of Tray St. Wheeler Dock Stanton Right of Way McGill -Callahan right of way Crossing, east side Sidney at i�itsap Dr. Baldwin's parking strip On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor December 10, 1928 Council met this evening at 8 P. M. Present: Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson, Fiedler and Davidson. 1;_inutes of the meeting of Irove.aber 26th, 1928 aere read aria apTroved. Yhe Clerk presented the returns of the municipal election, held on Dece_ber 4, 1�'28 and the Council duly canvassed the returns and declared the following, elected at said election. uayor for taro years: Charles Grieve Councilmen for two years: `d. S . Stevenson, F. -U. Fiedler S . .. Norton:. Councilman for one year: B. 2leming Treasurer for one year: J. ..I eterson. The matter,of the side-�ra.lk in front of the Langer premises on St. was discussed, and •t'rze Tarshal was directed to inform Hol mberg €f Norman, contractors, that the Council did not wish any brea'c in the sidevval'c and that the forger grade should be maintained. The Clerk was directed to send another bill to Irt "ahn foi- grading Sidney St. 96 x:.atter of culvert across 7NumpiiiU ,l«i1t lots r,as -_laced on the continued Calendar. the r._�arshal reported that II)r. 'dilson, `fo�,;n Hiealth Officer, and he ha,d inspected sanitary- conditions adjacennt to the gulch from :=Litsa.� St. to the County 2'7Air Grounds, anG found conditions good, wit. one exception, with vr«ich Dr. Wilson would no doubt deal. 1'he �iarsha.l reported t,at Dr. yalCL 'win would riot take further samples of town water for. -testing until after IJew Yearns. ' he : arshal reported that the matter of loose boards be lu-ween Division S t . and the water tan'<s had been a-ltl.'n6ed to. `the matter of water to J. 1,. geed was placed on the continued calendar. The-'arshal waz authorized to ex ,end not to exceed A18.00 for a cabinet for filing town :naps and field notes. "'ne Cler'ti was directed to call the attention of the Light Co. to an out--lig1ht near the wv 4ter tan`<s. `1'he I:ars'nal was directed to grade Sidney St. acid Seattle .4`_ve. w1len the conditions viere proper and he could Cet the f_rader. The varshul brought up the matter of the proper barricading of F?ockviell, where Geo. E. .iller had erected a bul'{iea.d, arad also the fact that three lines of service wipes were exposed by recent Z.rading, and, after discussion, the 1.arshal was au- thoriZed to lower the pipes and erect a tem-orary railing at the bulkhead at the own's exiense. The Council directed t1nat no Christmas decorations on the streets of the town should be permitted unless $10.00 was deposited with the Clerk for their proper disposal within a reasonable time after the first of tI e year. i',e r::atter of conditions at the Odd Fellows dances and the lodges to whom they rent in respect to drun"11-enne,s on the floor and the sellin- of liquor outside was discussed at length, and the Cler'< was directed to .vrite the Olympic Lodge I .O.O.P. , tha.ting that coy:-.glaints had reached the Council in respect to the above conditions existing at dances in their hale and that unless such conditions were irunedia.tely remedied, the Council would feel compelled to adopt drastic legislation on its part to bring an end to the conditions existing. the Clerk was directed to ;-,rite to the :]lectric Service Garage to remove the junk pile adjacent to their place of business. The :.T_ay r and Cler'� were directed to draw warratzts for 1920 licenses for the motor cycle and fire true,., ariounting to $2.50, '1.25 each. '21 e following bills were :resented: C. i. Lansdorff, 2 days' wor;� C 4;4. per day Janes Stout, 31 days' wor's at 4. per day J. 11. Joslin, wood for Town Hall %Villiarns Hardware, general supplies - Du'_:e Electric Co., socTcets, etc., - - p 8.00 14.00 � 2 . 3.80 .40 97 Puget. Sound 'lavigation Co., freight on manholes 2.83 U-lympic Iron & I1a,chine Wores, sharpening tools - - - 1.90 dowel's Hardware, supplies and 3001 sewer pipe - - - 98.51 Port Orchard Lumber Yard,lumber for Roc?nrell Jive. , etc., - - 75.78 !1 Coast Brush hlfg. Co., garage broom - - - - - - 3.18 .N . G. Rose, clerk, Town election - - - - - - 6.50 vW- 0. Breed, inspector, Town election. E. T. Harris, judge, Town election - - - - - - 6.y0 P. 0. Transfer Co., hauling, etc,, - - - - - - 26.50 Howells Garage , fire truck charges - - - - - - 2.95 'WATER FUND Ho.Te"; Hardware, supplies - - - - - -- - - 9.86 Federal Pape & Tank Co., water pipe - - - - -- - 23.16 Trick & IJurray, water y- eceipt books for. 1.929 and 1930 and warrants v:ere ordered drawn therefor. The following shatters were continued: Garbage disposition Culvert across pumping plant lots I. L. Breed water line Gutter, E. ray St. Overhanging branches, E. Bay at. Water extension, vicinity of Fair Grounds Wheeler Dock Stanton right of way K'cGi:ll-Callahan right of way Crossing E. side of Sidney at =Litsap. Dr. baldwin°s parking strip F 0n -motion the meeting adj.our ed. Clerk Mayor 98 December 27, 1929 ,xhe Cauncil met this evening at 7:30 11. M., the meeting having been adjourned from Christmas eve to this gate by mutual consent of the Council. Present: Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Raaey, Stevenson, igedler and Davidson. Minutes of meeting of December 10, 1928 were read and approved. The Mayor statea that D. J. Davis & Co. would be willing to continue the garbage collection, and the Cleric was directed to write them, informing them that it was agree- able to the Council for triem to continue, on the unaerstanding that a reasonable notice would be given of the ai.scoptinuance of the service. The matter of W. 0. Breed water service was aiscussed at length, and the Clerk was uirected to notify him that water could not ue.furnished to his premises unless a tapping fee of $9.00 was paid, and that this tapping fee would apply when the water service pipes were extended in front of his premises. Dr. H. E. Wilson presented through the Mayor a report on sanitary conditions on 4. Hanks property on Kitsa,. St., recoLTmenaing that an adequate septic tank be installed. The Cleric was airectea to write Mr. Hanks that sanitary conditions on his property must be remea:ied under the supervision of the Town Health Officer, pre- ferably by installing a septic tanx, within thrity aays. The Marshal reported that the sidewalic in front of the hanger property had been satisfactorily constrUctea as to grace, etc. It appearing that Art Hahn had not yet paid the 'p3.75 for his share of grading Sidney St., the Marshal waS instructed to collect this or direct fir. Hahn to cease hauling logs on the public streets of Port Orchard, ana to ask the aia of loggers using the streets to put them in condition. The Marshal was instructed to get a grader as soon as possible ana have the principal streets graded. The Marshal reported. that the exposed pipes and erection of a barricade on Rockwell Ave. had been attended to. He also reported that the drain at -Kitsap & Rockvojell had not been completed, and that he had ascertained that the Town crag was at the Cispus Logging Co. and he would see that it vial returned. The Marshal was a utnorized to secure a proper switch box and rubber matting for the pump 'house. The f ollawing bills were presented: General Fund James Stout, 3 days, 2 hours street woric - -- 13.00 C. E. yazsdorf, 3 days and 2 Hours street work - 13.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., messages - - - - 6.20 F. B. Fleming, cabinet for maps, etc., - - 18.00 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber - - - - 2.76 W . J . Nelson, Grading - - - - - - - 45.00 -�, Water Fund Elmer Wilson,•repairing water pipe and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. i j The following matters were continued: 4 Karcher debris V� Culvert across pumping plant lot Gutter East Bay St. Overhanging -branches, East Bay St. Water extension, vicinity of Fair Grounds Stanton right of way ELcGill-Callahan right of way Crossing east side Sidney at Kitsap Dr. Baldwin's parking strip. On motion the meeting adjourned._ t , Clerk Mayor .75 January 14, 1929 Council met this evening at 7:30 P. Ti. Present: Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Radey, Stevenson and Fiedler. Minutes of the meeting of December 27, 1928 were react a na approved. Mayor Ainsworth, the retiring Mayor, then surrendered his seat to Mayor elect Grieve. Mayor Grieve was duly sworn in and took his seat as Mayor. The newly - elected Councilmen, W. S. Stevenson, F. D. Fiedler, F. B. Fleming and S. A. Norton were duly sworn in and took their seats in the Council. The oaths of office of the Mayor and Councilmen were duly ordered filed. Mayor Grieve then announced his Committee appointments as follows: Street and Alley Water Com. Health & Finance Fire & Sanitation Light Harry Radey F. D. Fiedler F. B. Fleming U.S.Stevenson 3'.S.Stevenson F. D. Fiedler S. A. Norton y'1. S. Stevenson F.D.Fiedler Harry Radey W. S. Stevenson Harry Radey S. A. Norton F. B. Fleming F. D. Fiedler Building Committee - S. A. Norton, F. B. Fleming, Harry Radey .jayor Grieve then announced the appointment of Francis M. Applegate as Clerk, R. J. Carett.i as Marshal, Dr. H. E. Wilson as Town Health Officer, Francis M. Apple- gate as Police Judge, and A. Totten as Fire Chief, ana stated that the services of Lee Miller as street cleaner would be continued on the same terms as heretofore. The bonds and oaths of J. M. Peterson as Town Treasurer, Francis M. Applegate 9 —� as C1er'& and R. J. Caretti as Marshal, and the oath of Francis M. Applegate as Police Judge were approved amd orderea filed. J. Y. Peterson, Town Treasurer, was present and presented to the Council the condition of the town's finances, which report was very encouraging.