01/01/1927 - Regular - Minutes6 January 3rd 1927; Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Hanks and Councilmen Craven, Radey, Wilson and Petrie. Minutes of meeting of December 20th 1926 were read and approved. Dr. Wilson of the Street & Alley Committee reported that he had ordered 22 yards of gravel out upon Kitsap Street as the same was in bad condition, and his action was confirmed, and it was decided to take the full 90 yards from the County as previously authorized. The Clerk presented and read a letter from Mr. Hoover, the State Highway Engi- neer stating that the act taking over state highways in third and fourth class cities was passed after the appropriation bill, and that they did not have any moneys with which to take care of stree�.s in these cities. The Street & Alley coaittee reported in re break in Prospect Street bulkhead bask of Kunzelmants store and the bulkhead at the pumping plant, with the recommen- dation that as soon as weathrwould permit the break should be repaired as to the first named, but that the second rzaT_ied would not probably require attention for a year or so.. Councilman Radey, called the attention of the Marshal to a hole at Ada and Sidney and the Marshal was directed to attend to the same. The matter of the fire truck wad discussed, and it appearing that it would not take the hills properly, R.J. Caretti, councilmen eleet being present, was asked for his views, and recommended that the gear ratios be changed and that only members of the department be allowed on the, truck in case of fire, and it vial duly voted that the gears be changed and a drip pan installed under the supervision and direction of Mr. Caretti . Dr. Wilson of the Street & Alley Coranittee reported that he had investigated i the trees on Third Street on Mitchell Hill Road and it wad determined to cut down two trees with the consent of all interested property owners. The matter of blasting was discussed, and the Clerk wad directed to write to Mr. King, the contractor for gravelling the iTavy Yard Highway, that all blasting done in the city limits must be under the supervision and direction of the Marshal. The attention of the Marshal wad called to a broken board at the xing on Sidney and Dwight Streets. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND American Surety Co, premium on Treasurer's bond J.P. Joslin, wood for Town Hall Tire Shop, general supplies Van Hee & Sons, ;Lumber for xings C & Z Hardware Company, geyleral supol.ied J.E. King, gravel for Kitsap Street 25.00 2.75 1.42 23.33 5.30 38.50 �1 7 ( continued from -Page 6 ) Dal White, gravel for Sidney Street W.C. Reed, ®ign painting H.C. Davies, load for gravel for Bay Street Wilson Motor Co, general supplies Howe's Garage, general supplies Port Orchard Machine Works, 2 sign posts WATER 1T'M Trick & 94rrav, 1927 and 28 receipts and ledger sheets for 1927 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, shingles for house at pumping station.. C & 2 Hardware, shut off and warrants were ordered dravin therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned Town e rk ,� j f Mayor January 11th 1927 55.00 2.00 2.00 4.03 16.10 2.00 $53.33 28.20 1.10 Council met this evening at 7.30 PiM. for the purposes of organization. Present Mayor Hanks, and Councilmen Craven, Radey, Wilson and Wilkins. Mayor Hanks spoke briefly in reference to his administration and welcome the new administration, and Mayor Elect E.D. Ainsworth was duly sworn in by Francis M. Applegate, Clerk and took his place as presiding officer. The oath was then administered to R.J. Caretti Councilman elect, and he took his place in the Council., Dr. H.E. Nilson retiring. Mayor Ainsworth then appointed Francis M, Applegate as Clerk and Police Judge, and Charles P. Stevens as Town Marshal, and their oaths were duly placed on file. The Clerk presented the following bonds with the American Surety Company as surety, J.M. Peterson, Town :Treasurer,. $5000, Francis M. Applegate, Clerk $1000 �. and Charles P. Stevens,Town Marshal $1000, and the same were duly approved and ordered filed. The Mayor then announced the following Committees for 1927 and 1928. STREET & AT -LEY Harry Radey, Chairman E.E. Graven R.J. Caretti (fleeting of Jan. 11, 1927.Cont. ) WATER COMAITTEE E.E. Craven, Chairman C.E. Petrie Harry Radey HEALTH & SANITATION O.W. Wilkins, Chairman C.L. Petrie R.J. Caretti FINANCE C.L. Petrie, Chairman 019. Wilkins E.E. Craven FIRE & LIGHT R.J. Caretti, Chairman C.L. Petrie Harry Radey Lee Miller, Superintendent of the -pumping plant was continued as an employee of the Town on the same terms as heretofore, with the approval of the Council. The resignation of Ralph Peterson, Fire Chef was accepted. The Mayor appointed R.J. Caretti, as Fire Chief and J.R. Walsh for a five year term as one of the Trustee; of the library., which action was duly appr©ved by the Council.. The Clerk was duly authorized to procure new letter heads for the use of the officers of the Town. The Clerk was directed to bring in an ordinance at the next meeting of the Council to change the meeting night of the Council to the second and Fourth Mondays at 7:30 P.M. The Council voted to as:;ume one-half of the cost of painting and papering the interior of the Town Hall and library annex, said hall' to be the sum of $24. One motion the Council. duly adjourned to meet Monday evening January 17th 1927 at 7:30 P.M. t el - Clerk Mayor 0 r', January 17th 1927 Council met this evening at_7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Craven, Radey and Garetti. Minutes of the meeting of January 3rd 1927 and the organization meeting of January llth 1927 were read and approved. The,Clerk presented Ordinance No. 366 changing the date of the regular meet- ings of the Council after February lst 1927.from the first and third Mondays of the month to,the second and fourth Mondays of the month, and the same was duly adopted. Councilmen Radey, Chairman of the Street & Alley Coy=ittee was authorized to have Sidney Street dragged when he judged best, to do so. The.matter of the culvert at Division & Sidney and the crossing at the same place wad discussed, but no action ,was taken The ,Street & A11ey Cormittee wad directed to inep ct the condition of Pottery Hill streets and bring in a report at the next meeting. Councilman Craven, Chairman of the Water Committee was authorized to purchase a dozen or more out offs in his discretion. The Marshal was directed to install all cut offs in the future outside the .)roperty line and within three feet thereof.. Fire Chief Caretti reported that the gears for the fire trunk have not yet arrived, and that a movement was on foot to install an air driven whistle and secure fire,helmets all without cost to the Town. The Fire Chief was authorized to take up with the Telephone Company the placing of a telephone in the.Fire Hall. The Clerk wad directed to write to Senator Condon and Representative bent to vote against any retroactive legislation affecting LID bonds or warrants. The G1erk was directed tp purchase two filing cases for Town files at #7.50 each, one to be charged to the General Fund and the other to the Water Fund. The Clerk was directed to bring in an ordinance at the next meeting forbidding the carrying :-storage above ground of gasoline in any one place or establishment to exceed 10 gallons at any one time. The matter of the painting of the main Council room floor was discussed and laid over without action. The Marshal was directed to inspect the condition of the gutters and roadway of Mitchell Hill Road and report at the next meeting. The matter of J.A. McCoy being allowed to out trees on a Town Street was laid over until the next meeting so that the exact street and place could be definitely located. The Clerk was directed to write another letter to Homer Stroup in re damage to hydrant and demand prapt payment of instalments. Charles P. Stevens was granted a two months suspension of instalment payments on his motor cycle indebtedness to the town. The Marshal was directed to have on file by next meeting a complete inventory 10 (Meeting of January 17, 1927 continued) of Town Property. The following bills were presentee: GE7:TERAI, FUND W.J. wfelson, Gravelling Sidney Street i $33.20 L. Chalker, gravelling; Sidney Street i 24.30 Hirsch Cycle Company repairs to motorcycle 6.35 Part Orchard 'transfer Co. hauling 5.25 C.R. Randle, fainting sign 4.50 american Study Co. Premium on bonds of Clerk and Marshal 9.00 Port Orchard Indepe.,ident, publication notices and furnishing letter heads 16.30 N.C. Davies,ha.uling dirt,etc. 8.00 S.A. Hull, one saw 4.Oo Howe's liaraware, general su ;_;lies 4.54 Francis II. Applegate, postage 1926 6.00 WATER FUND Howe's I-Lardware, stop ana waste E. Tourtilott, shingling pumping plant house O.J. Elliott, labor E F.P. Arnold, Labor installing meter Francis 11. Applegate, postage 1926 ana warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meetinE; adjourned. I Clerk: ,! Mayor 1.35 14.00 2.50 2.50 5.00 February__14th 1927 Council met this evening at 7.30 P.I,4'. ?resent Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen i Craven, Radey, Petfte, Wilkins and Caretti. Minutes of meeting of January 17th 1527 were read and approved. Fire Chief Caretti reported that the gears had been installed in the fire truck. The .idarshal reported that there were no gutters on the Mitchell Hill road, but no action was taken in respect thereto. J.t1.IL:IcCey was granted permission to cut some dead firs on Idest and Sroufe Streets. Fire Chief Garetti brought up the :,utter of a fire tap at the fire hall,and was instructed to install the same if there was a connection with the main that could be availed of, and if not to investigate in re a connection and report at the next meeting. li The Gasoline ordinance presented by Clerk was laid over until the next meeting. The C-ouncil designated a space ten feet on each side of each hydrant on Bay Street as a n.on parking zone, and the YlarsI-al was instructed to nark off such space. The Marshal was instructed to prohibit the parking of ears lengthwise on Sidney Street from BeXalb Street north to Bay Street, in order to obviate a possible accident by,the cars running down Sidney Hill. The Marshal was directed to warn persons against parking cars on sidewalks. The Clerk was directed to write to C & Z Hardware Company in respect to destruction of sidewalk on south side of Kitsap Street when filling in dirt on vacant lIts. The Marshal was directed to see if the hydrant on Bay Street near Ainsworthts store could be turned around so that the hose connections would not project over the curb line. The Marshal was directed to change a couple of head valves of hydrants, so as to be operated by a single wrench. The matter of the send out (Rockwell. Avenue) street was referred to the Street & ,e-11ey Coimnittee for investigation and report. Chairruan Hadey of the Street & Alley Committee reported he had not had Sidney Street dragged yet, but would have the same done when weather conditions were good. The Marshal reported a stream of water corning over the sidewalk between the K of P Building and the C & Z Building and the C%l.erk was instructed to investigate and ask the prover parties to abate the sane. The 11 rshal was directed to -put new piling under the Fire Hall and employ such assistance as would be necessary. The 11a,rshal stated that he had been requested to gravel that partion of Bay Street between Cline and the Odd Fellows Hall on the south side thereof, outside the 11X dominion of the State Highway, and after considering the matter the Council was of the opinion that it could not do this work at this time, but ordered a few loads of gravel for a crossing to the Cad Fellows Hall. The Marshal asked for instructions in re: the r«te of speed through the Town, and the Council was of the opinion that parties driving faster than 10 miles an hour on Bay Street should be arrested and dealt with according to late. The matter of the deposition of garbage was discussed and referred to the Health & Sanitation Committee for investigation and report. The Clerk submitted the annual financial report of the Town for the year 1926, and was autl�criaed to p ub ish the same. The following bills were presented: GE2FPJZ FUND Howe's Hardware, supplies 2.10 Zee Yarbrough, street work 7.00 Coast Brush I.,Sfg Go. broom for sweeping streets 6.25 H.D. Baker Company, transfer file for Clerk 7.50 12 Meeting of February 14, 1927 cont.) Howe's Garage, gears,etc for Fire Truck and installing same H.A. Davies, salt for tha.winE :ice on streets Duke Electric Co. lw_aps and work in removing tower Town Mall S.u. Norton, painting and papering Town Hall Nels Ha.rkussen, iron for street crossing WATER FUND Duke Electric Company. la&Dr on pump,etc Howe' S Haldware, nails Port Orchard Eachine .lor cs , reining pump, etc . H.D. Baker Company, transfer file for Clerk Lee Yarbrough,zday reading meters,etc. and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Her Yee Mayor $47.42 4.25 3.08 24.00 4.05 3.05 .27 11.00 7.50 2.00 February 28th 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.k. Present Councilmen Grave_, Petire and Caretti . In the absence of nayor "insworth Councilmen Graver, was appointed Acting Mayor and took the chair.. iiinutes of meeting of February loth 1:27 wire read aad approved. Mrs. Layton complained about the sewer just beyond her house and the matter was referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Fire Chief Caretti reported in reference to the tap at fire hall that connection could be made with the tap at Peterson's store and that the sure would be completed in due time. The Clerk reed a letter from. the Brer_.erton Trust & Savi-s -dank addressed to the Council in re: Pottery HM Water :extension LID warrants, and the matter was referred to the Finance Committee. Kr. Connely appeared before the Council and stared that Lr. Hanks assumed re- sponsibility for the des traction of the sidewalk on Kitsap Street, and also }reported that the water coming over the sidewalk uetweea the C & Z building and the K of P Building would no doubt be attended to in a short ti. e. The Marshal reported that all hydrants have been fixed so as to be manipulated with two wrenches, and that the hydrant at 4insworth's store could not bu turned so as to throve the hose couplings off the street. He also reported that piling had been put under the Fire Hall and the same was now in first class condition. (Ideeting of February 28th cont.) J The Clerk presented the gasoline ox-dinaiice, and the same was laid over until the next rneeting. The matter of garbage was discussed, and the harshal was directed to make a canvass of the toviii to see hoer riany would gave their garbage removed at a cast not to exceed 75 cents a month, and the Clerk w4s directed to bring in a garbage ordind.nee at the next meeting. Mr. Holmberg offered cast iron six i.n'ch pipe for the j: Ater works at 65 cents a foot, and the same was refers�ed to the hater Committee for investigation and report. The Clerk was directed to have framed a reap of the water system of the Town furnished by the Washington Surveying & Rating Bureau for hanging in the .town Hall. The Fire Chief was instructed to have the two hose carts of the Town fixed up and put in commission, and placed in the dose houses on Pottery Hill and Sidney Hill, and to purchase one new nozzle for the fire hose. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FU M S.A. Mull, one pipe wrench O.L. Phej:son, putting piles under Fire Hall Charles "rieve, Lumber Port Orchard Transfez Co. hauling PATER FUND Ralph Siegner, faxing control switch at pumping plant Bowles Company, 'material and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned ex� Clerk � laayur 1.25 4.00 4,74 6.50 3.00 11.m9 14 March 14 th l U 7 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.H. Present Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Radey, Petrie, Wilkins and Caretti. Minutes of meeting of 2ebruary 2€3th 1927 were read and ap-roved. ]Urs. B.I. Whitney appeared before the Council and presented the necessity of a 1 light at Rockwell and Seattle avenue, and the matter. was referred to the Fire & Light Committee. Alvin Hodge asked the wishes of the Council in respect to making an entrance unto property just north of the Standard Oil Cc for a service station and rjiatter was referred to the 'Street & A11ey Committee. Chairman Radey of the Street & Alley Committee stated that he had invest .gated in regard to the a lr-E ed seiner near the Layton ,,i°o,r,erty and that the sarre was a culvert draining a spring. Tohn F. tL--iderson asked c:nc+:rr-r`! ng some pipe at the a:QII;_;inL, station and the same was referred to the dater Corm-nit'�ee. Chairman Rudey of the Street & ' ley Colnrftittee re;pox-ted c2ncerning- the condit-ion of the sand cut (Roclrlwell avenue) and the rwt�er aas continu.;d with the Street & Alley Comiiiittee for further iYivestigati n. a."Id report. The i-,iatr.er of tie 20ttE:ry =i=1 `.+atej 1_te .si ,n LID was c ;ntinued -::ith the Finance Committee for conference with the B"remerton T & S Ba yl.; and report. The Marshal reported in res ;ect to garb-..ge thL_t 9510 of the people of the to:=iri were favorable to garbage collection, but t'.l�_t not -:ore then 30 had -proinJ_sed to leave the sa_Ae re,,i:;ved on a pe_,I',. �.e_ zy' "1 •'c r tentative ordi-.ian �: �.. :�, rn basis. The � e=._� rez..�� �. ce coveri;lt-, the -:iat -er, a -ad t17E sari; :,s a-efe -ed bacl_ to the Health & Saliit ti n Corn- mittee for co_afererice ai.,d report, the Coririt-to to feet at tie Office of t1le Clerk on "yonday eveitffinL.- l-arch 2lst 1S'27 _t 3 F.'_� C C To-.;rse.n 2«c{e an offer- .for t-durap- ing place which ±a,s ordered on file. The Clerk p _ ese:rteci the G .so__ine o_-­di_-.,u1,ice :- o. 367 and tiie same via-- duly read and duly :.i3ved for ado„.,tion Lznc :ae. my a&o.':,ted. L'_is orairaz.nce -,ro:rinits the storage a-�:::o% e ground of more thL.ri 10 gallons of gasoline or kindred products in any orreplace and re ,u ._ter the intitalLition of under] rou-,id gasoline tanks in the future. The matter of __:urc_iase of water oip e fro_:. - ;)L,^.berg & ld,orr,iL.n was laid over until the next meeting. Ehe 1darshal -was directed to ";Deriai t the use of old. 6..isused grater pipe for drain - are near l,,lr. Lacom,ber's p l ace. Councilmen 1-letrie stated t'"L.t gravel 4 -.s being spread on Seattle Avenue (an unimproved street) and the persons interested Vrould expect. the town to Jfurr­�ish 25 0 of the conk --,1 ac( 0crdUiice L Olicy of the Coi7zicil heretoi'ore ado-ted. Councilr:.en Wil--sins called atte iticn to ",r;.e condition :,f `he: street- u_eadirir into IfIr. L.1:. Boestel'' ::JlaCe and L,he s . y:' w i'e: i-ed �o tIlie Szreet & Alley Committee. Uae v.c a-i. n of the ►` -L-1-eet C: A.Lley Col:.:_?Lttee in � s z.iltll7� a; teinapol�ry lice". se to Ideeting of Harch 14th 1927 ,ngland & Peterson to erect a shed in front of the old creamery on Poet Street was duly ratified by the Council. Mir. Connelly was grantea permission to use the dummy at Bay & Sidney to advertise a fraternal dance. i The condition of the street at Rockwell & Seattle Avenue was referred to the Street & 41ley .Gormnittee for investigation and report. The Hars-i.al was directed to remove the hum- at the corner of Cline & De Kalb Streets. i The bars l was directed to moue investigatic;xi as to t? e ownership of garage in West Street near Taylor and mace report thereon. The action of. the Larshal in repairing the foundations of the viater tanks on I Sidney Bill was duly approved. The Clerk ?Iesented a -letter from the 'acfic Telephone & Telegraph Co. stating that Mere were no net earnings of t:ze plant for the year 1926, which T-ras ordered on file. i The fo._W olrring jaill s �rere yorese:.ted: GE-11BRid, Mi TD f Howe's Hardy=are, supplies 2.15 Electric Service Garage, recharge and sundries 1.75 Nels Karkussen, iron work 2.00 Howe's Garaf:e, supplies .40 Fort Orchard Independent, ordinance and annual financial report 11.25 Port Orchard Transfers. hauling, etc. 24.25 C & Z HairdwF ixe Com. )any, General. supplies 30.25 and warrants were ordered drawn t'rierefor. On motion the meeting adj ourried Clerk Mayor 0 Ltarch 28th 1927 Gouncil met this eveninE; at .30 I'.-=. Present ''..iayor c�inswort and Councilmen Graven, Radey, Petrie, Wilkins udzci Caretti. Linutes of meeting of March 14th 1927 ,�rere read and ap?roved. Councilmwn Radey reoo:?ted for the Street & 'C.oranittee t1iat the proposed ap,,roache of the neW dodge & Hussey service st�.tion were satisfactory. Councilman Craven of the Street & Alley Committee reported that he had con- sented that John. F. Anderson ta.:_.e some useless pi ke at t-.e puriping plant. The Clerk presented Ordina. ice To. 368 in regard to G -rbuge and the same was duly read and duly adopted by the Couricit. The matter of making c6 trial arrarige:_•ient for tie collection of the gark)a by .11.J. Davis was referred to the -Health t'c Sanitation Committee wit11 power to act in the premises.. The matter of the payment of Potter-� :dill 'dater L+'xte ision LID warrants from t ,e Water fund was ta'cen up, ar.d a Trotest was presented by i-,'.F. Langer. `p ie Clerk pres- ented a resolution fa.vorint suclL-ayi-lent, and a.ftdr discussion by members of trle Coun- cil and other present, a vote was duly taI_en thereo:z Councili-,reri Craven and Petri c j voted for t'r;e resolati ,n mnd Cou.,ci lr;ien Radey, 'ilil'rins and Petrie voted aCai nst the c:Yici tie-:'ayor declared the resolution lost. The Clerk presentee Ordina. ?ce No. 36. a rending the gasoline ordina-,ice and the sai!ie was duly read, aria on motion culy ado ,ted. T_ie Chariber of Com—'erce was liven charge of the to:,r_r1 par'., with authority to ch"rUc 50,e per nig'rit per car if they uee--iec such a6visai--,le it being u-iderstood that all money thus der ved would go to p ay a ca,reta'Ler of t:ie par' I . A cor=:runica.tion was received from S.A. ":'c Gill in respect to the 'K of P bui:iding, and the 1.:ayor ay ointed Coa icilr.,en Craven, Ca2•etti and Radey a, a Conrl.ittee to r'a.lce an investigation and ins--ection of the bu .ldinV, and report zut the next meeting. The L11'ayor a,na `fotivri Cler'c sere direc tec, to issue a wl,-rra.n - for grL�ve- laid on Seattle avenue at Kitsap Street in tine sum of �10> ueirlf� tiro oi' the amountexpended by citizens on said unimproved street. The condition of the roadway at De=Calb e"�, yiarrison was referred to the Street 8 Alley Coiimittee. Chairman Radey of the Street & iUley Cosiunittee reported t.iat he iiad investigated the Hoester Road avid t:.a.t it should be graded lbefore any gravel was placed thereon, and the i-iatter was Geferred for future action. i Cou :cilirian Petrie repo -ted that he aiwa ta.cen u-,p the: rza:tter for new li[ ht fi--,:tures for -bay Street lig ,ting, a (i had arranged for a coinfere�ice with t -,e Puget Sou id Light and Pourer Comi)ali,,, in regas•d to the i_iutter. Fire Chief Caretti reported t:.at t 3e entrance to tie Eire Ial was unsafe, and. the Marshal was directed to repair the sa:-_e. The Street & L ley Committee u--'d riot have a report on the fill at Roc"I-well Kitzap Avenue and it was over ul t _l the next ineet i rig. 17 ., t 1. r. 11oliaberg appeared before the Council in, respect to the purchase of a i large quantity of iron pipe for the water works, but the council was of the opinion � that they could not make such a large expenditure at this time. The Liarshal was duly authorizec to recondition tne a aerpinming of the water tanks on Sidney mill along lines sAgvested by the Council.. j The Clerk was directed to write C.A. Hants to confer with the Qou"cil in resp eaD to the destruction of the sidwealk of front of his property on Kitsap Street. The following bills were presente6 : i GE, I-T-EIRAL FTJI D Hirsch Cycle ConTany, parts for motorcycle $13.81 William Nielson, Gravel for Seattle t,veiie 10.00 Wm— Peterson & ,dons, Auslin for voting booths .75 Paefic Coast Sta;,3p Worls, bw6ees for Fire Ckief ac16 �,ssi stint !,-'arsha.l. WAZER FUZID i iiewcomb, error'_; on .rater ta:lks 8.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefore. On motion the meeting aaJo rues. April llth 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30. Present Layor Ainsworth and Councilmen Oraven Radey, Petrie, Wilkins and jaretii. Li nutes of meeting of March 28th 1927 were read and approved. The Marshal reported that the gaa bage collection was working out quite nicely, ran6, that there were now about 50 housnho hers and business houses who were availing of the service. A letter was received from x .0. Fishbach, Insurance Commissioner, addressed to Fire Chef Caretti asking the Town to defer any action in the matter of the K of P Building for the time being, which was ordered on f il.e . Chairman i adey of the Street & Alley C'omnittee reported that . e ia,s investigated �? the :.latter of conditions at DeKalb and harrison and iecomnended a culvert on the south side of Le Kalb at -Errlson to _remedy conditions, but the -,'titter was laid over at this time. The Council o_dered the grudin; at harrison from Delalb to Division Street. A suLLestion =s made that yerhaps some satisfactory ayrra, Convent could be made with the County to keep up the town street and the Street & Alley Committee was requested to have a conference with County Commissioner Bucklin on the subject. The matter of the fill at Rockwell & Kitsap w"s discussed, and hr. Caretti reported that W.J. Nelson had made an a:p >rnximate estimate of cost at 10100. The 18 matter- was referred to t11e Street w 1,_11ey Corltiitteo tc> inve,,;tiC:ate as to just what s'nouid be done and to ur•:=3g in at the next r:leetilz­;. Cou-ncili.len 2etrie repol.'ted th:..t he : .c Eiot yet 11 d c�)nfereaice ;aiG11 t:1e .Light; officials in refe_-cence to the 1iC -tts on tl,e business sr ctiorl of -bay Street. The Clerk a 1 tter from C.__ l aF1'ys in i-eferelice to siacwal?c ill front of _Iis - ro-erty on its�_, Stre::t, and the i'atter was referred to the Street c°c lilley Corm;.ittee. Chairman Craven of the "ater Com—.,ii t U-ee 1•ecolle_ided t-ie nu3_•cf ase of�.n c; c;i t1 J71 i1 ce ztrifugal - Lu­�,,io of about 150 gallons capacity �)er rii nute for stand by service and the dis",posal of the ")re:3ent tril)le reciprocating; purip, as the use of it was c.etri- ::eiltc7� t0 '1E water , 2� id the Clerk wars directed to rite to puE p monuf2ct- ux'E'r�' S';i iIi 1 _t al. O"lEi''.CE CC lift JE' Ge on?ie O'_d )ta;i"_p and t, �7'1 CF s on a :'le'u i�Ll�sir7 . � 1e Council 415 tawa,.&s t le erection of _. town r.lonument at the .Ul�:ck Jack 1Jridfe, and the _!L;Yo_.' a`1 -Id Cjerii were t0 U_...';'; a t<<�'rrat for t ni s amount. :s hole in t'`ie paving w;? front of she '- i7lon Ga _' ,z_'e ;as -1'efer _'ed to the atreet & Alley Corirnittee, with power to act. The folloA.'iinL; billy ;;ere ,�etie:ltea.: --e: Fire _lose _::fg Co., . b 0 feet fi' _re ]lose 4aI 50.00 `_ ivsc 1 Cycle Co. -_ea.d clrlinc�er for mritor° cycle 8.25 �'-S. Steve: sso._, 1f;i ldo,yr s lades ro_- 'Hall 4.75 Tr'.i.c CC 1u.r_a-Y, :i,11ti'i1 rel,ort kioo'C W110- �:'eCCiLL)ts for .treasurer 13. z12 gels _'&,r.u.ssen 5.85 Du' e plc:ct-ric Co. lw_ros,etc. i.11 ",jarles Grieve, 1_.:_1Jer 2.70 o0 ,'els GL r,.,gLe , gas and t i2: fe :,_1(} t!1 )e for rotor cyc�'e 17.46 .J. a elso:l, grLdinL streets 3`?.00 i.-ire '_7aLL�, -as, oil ebc. 4.6b 1 FV::D 'io •:e's 1-7ardware, s ._!c.r3r sW; ;lie's 9.70 i =• COs�?ey J CAyS i`vQ31C ll'i{7E'r'�1'l lln€ 1lutE'. t21 hS 40.00 Robert �rur,a� i 1 (j 's wolf: a per tan ;s c-►.,0 Port Orc i4rd LL - raer Sara) _ per for to l'c-s 2.70 and Jarr:_.11 s -a-re ordered drawl's �:Ze�:ei'ax'. On motion the meet .n c:�aj ourncd CA CI /rk� 1,1ay o r 19 r igpril 25th 1�?27 l Council met this evening at 7:30 P.E. :Present Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Radey, Petrie and Caretti. `: i,nutes of meeting of April llth 1927 were reed and approved. Lessrs . L.E. :':c fade and ".P. Kunzelmav, of the -auto Park Committee of the :Fart Orchard Cha:i:,er of Commerce ap eared Before the Council in reference to lighting the auto park, and the __natter was referred to the Pire I Light Committee. Mr. Beason appeared before the Council in reference to a pump and motor for standby service for the water Z":or' s, and quoted a sinCie stage pump and a 25 H.P. I o or, taakinE in the old motor and t_2e .siol:�'ne dump, � 95. this pump would have a I - caDacity of 180 gallons a minute against a 240 feet head. Qe ;mice of the :rotor and pump -without trade in value would be <Q562.00 BOB Seattle. ilf— ter consideration of the loaner, see gamed f469.90 Gas she wwice of the �u��y� aria s�cr�o�:', with i��er�a1 �tiarLirg motor and no oil switch, 201Seattle. He thought that �50 would iustull the equip - Lent canDlete in the lump house. He quo ;V the allowances as follows: Gasoline engi_ze 000 Old hotor 65 The Clerk reported other of_ ers, bot the whole _,_atuer was laid oven for further actiDn pending ascertain_. ent of what could be obtained for old dquipment. The ---c,yor and Clerk were authorized to sell t'.1..e- old pump c"-.nd engine in the !'Slack Jack for N050.00 . `1.'he Marshal was instructed to :lire a county grader for 11 days for grading streets, which would include --ar . on frm1i :i�e Kalb to Division _o and Division from the Court douse west as well as sweets an Sidney 1=J.11 aW Pottery h11.__. The matter of the condition at Kii;sa __ is. Rockwell and th e __e :sole in the -paving in Buy Street in front of the Union i Garage w ao ! aiC over until the next meeting Er. Petrie st_.teU we i:hau interviewed hr. Bachtleben of the Lig.'-t C'i m-)a 1y in r'esgcct to light fixtures for Bay Street, but that U. W c tlebe i hao stated that the `''o Als contract did not cover the instillation of _ ev fourway and twoway fixta.res, unleus the Town wished to pay fo-' sane, but tat they wouid je gin& to install the same as an exper i_ :,ent vithou t any o b l iGati n an the To Ti'i < <_ A -__'t to pu cAuse tho same. The Clerk ',,Tc'a..s a.cco d _ 'E. d 'ect io write ti7e _ F Sou , • P :-� `r "-��--J "tlg�ti o.-�ld I.�;n;, .i ��:; �._. C���rip�.;1, to install a fOu? a fixture t Day A Sidney ,.n tw(lwa fixVe; e at time e'Ius:t.Ace to he dock on Buy Stxcet w2ere the:°esent _:.iru ht is .,.o, .,:U: ,. 2LCL:.1��:• ie „- Clerk was dibected to instruct the Light Company to place an Ud itio al light at Kitsap L Rockwell Avenue. The Traffic conditions at Both cnds of the Buy Street paving was discussed, and the _.:a:_'shal was directed to _.. _Lce a 10 x 10 timber at the eLst a2d west ends of the pa_ri. L strip an Buy Street the Postto le painted w _i ue, vith lacy. :Letters on both sides readin "Keep to the right", and wou tied with a :red di sV with unite letters "Danger". The i-enewin, of crossinc;_-s iL J� vi ��i a.�i,_: o 4 ddic,�; lic -:-ars',al 1!afj duly roved J_ 11 o C 0 1-1 f The Cleric was directed to v;*.,,-'Ite t',Ie ­e_,-Uunc ;et,-:r tL",-C j Corn")aiiy 2tat 'or -rilete-v- -the -,,iatlter 11-o at its .acxt i-,eet' The foIloL.;J_;n,._,- bi--i2 were Pre-se-n'ted: 17Th`!) kiy SC- C I e 1 Jr S -C- j a arts fol., Lotm: C--C--.c '0 .36 0 Port b-le'lard, Cj. I a u.."I 21 J *C - ze - - - : _. i � .. , C, , f , " , , (61 - "ay C) r Cou--icil 4- 7 3 9 eve'. L Cou_ci]i X, 7 d C, t I.- C lCi"I2 L _1 k", J c U. il s I I I o-tl Ol t, le e­ t e s e G e (f, t, L, s of t- le 4 r r c 3 c :i - er b'- e a c t al i L. 1.o c e of tv al fol. eL,("( olC 'le -1 c 1: -C C. ll� fc 1: c,_ r fol �wo for eac o16 one tur-­cd in. I eter C ) n -Y 0'6 1 lq` 3 e 11 SC 1q.10ter .6, or.cil- �1­ f C 2 e, J_ J, 0 i t w 0, 1 S C Of t-,vo t C s, f 3 1, e:,C;l jlC J i-I C, C, il 0 i of :_ie t e-�, S 6 7, f e Cr t, i e a 0 ,a' .e LL�:�o. a 6 i i, e c to C- C. Oki e 7 j. iJ u r e o r „he 'S _I.l C -,s D - I)C a--! e C, 2h,, J._a1'sha` -L wa s 6 ir e c, e 6 t o e ,_. 1 x. C, : -_C k + -,- � t 0 "I'l -LL� V e ne e j t 1 e 6� =. 0 pleviol-1217,- C) _°ocl­,,C - , Le ul: -, C i .21 The Laruhal reported th�t the tr�_ffic: lusts to be I!Qcc& at each.und of the pLz�inC'sjrip on Bay Street were reaCj, with the exception of the letierinE, and as soon as this was done they could be plwced ih position. The Yanshal also reported thLt one crossing of Adney ana hivision w6 been comgleted and the other wouA be put in at once. TO Clerk as birecteO to write a letAr to owners of Droperty on Bay Street callinL their atze2ti on to tie fact that the b4ck yardy of their premises c ;n- stitute a fire hazaro and requesting that this condition be remedied. Fire Chief Caretti brouLht up tne atzer of an a6citional cne,,,ical tan'_:, wI-Lbh would cost about 827b completely equipled, mnd the wwL Aid over until the next meetinE. The matter of a standby nump Lt the pumpinU s0tion was bronQt un, aN the Mayor reported that Polson Implemat CooanaN the JorthinLton Pump Company seemed to we of the opinion that for n comparitively swall sum the ;recent triplex plunger Doi, could be put in condition zo tender efficient seimice and without dwiage to the water mains. The Clerk wLe Arected to co-t:.a-nicate with the nLnufLcturerr of their agents for an inspection of thp puDp, and if deemed north while, for an estimLte as to the cost of a c-splete ov:rhaul of the shore. Hashal Stevens reported that in tap:in E water main at Narkussenlo blacksmith shop he found the pipe quite rotten and he was Krected to uncover the same for the inspection of the 00-3.' Coylr',ittee, to vhom the aatter wau referLed with yover to act. The Harshal vas iAstrieted to make an nvestQation s to how the :arbage ordinance was being obeyed, and to make a report at the newt meetinL. The matter of a building or6inance and restricting buildings on Buy Street to a certain tyDe and cost of constr4ction was discussed ant the Clerz was directed to bring in a tenative ordlaance for cinsider4tion at the next meeting. The matter of the bultnead on wros7ect Street was dnucuss A and the Clerk was directed to write all property puners effected to appear at the Council at the next meeting and 6iscuss the situation 7nvolv6d by the fact that the present bulkhead was beyond repwir. The narshal was airected to Ax the sidewalk on MR strcet adjacent to the Kitsup County !ant lot. The Water Commitee was vested with power to dispose the Dipe linc leadinL:- Km the old Black Jack pumyinU EtLtion to the water taaks. Fire Chief Caretti was askEd to secure fQures for insuring the fire trac',-c . aEain=.t fire and property damage aA personal liability and for insvrinE the members of the volanteer fire Cepaitnent agaimut ucci6eat, aac report at the huxt meeting. Zhe following bills wire presenteV GE-`E1,L,L F`,LID Wilson Motor Com;Lny, gus and oil- $5.63 Electric Service GaraLe, work on motorcycle. 6.25 22 lc'27 cont. 'T. P. T o I---- I i -. I , w o o 6 f o a! i y 1 7 all S .-ar u-, Ea., trLl"-LI c s tc, il� or 1; ':cc i�' 3- C 3 E4. I'l :c e t c deLL1 SCY'V i C e 3 t i L"-tS 2- 0 'L -1 fan lice, 1-il lam, lut: ber for V, S C) in Po i� t 0 r c I -- 6, L -l') e- r c 3, Ort '2-;;L-.S-'(7' '0. a: J-L. G' C, 11 T, 0 t a Ort 0 'L- .-'.k- C e C t 2: 1 C C' 0 -0 a , :j: e 1- ;-,Urip, t c a I-lu vvarra-its were One -_,lotion t"lle abjour;l-.c6 x oil I-L927-ay 23rd y151 •5') 3 5 6.75 3.16 6.86 .5"-)% 20.93 L, -�uyor iiinsvucrti, Counci eveni--,ic at "'JO - P 1' r e en C,:,uvc-n Liadey , Pc t i? e 6 + I Jfi-j I :Z I I were reac a )32r- veo. 01 - eeting of ay t 19, u Y:L-aii'k "P 22,.ngey, U. -e til r CO a e �- j, e, 6 beforc the )rice of ilp'14.35 1' o r 'i'4-o- meter, tit w, id t i e C c u- ic i -11 a f t e 1- d u e CC..1,3 d e. r a t - oi-ce-, e 6" J J- -,-c. t e - - t I sw i -0 e -L U t--er Of ""C OL, "ect Ld "'i5 L a.)(, -,-,-.e e ]:"a u u wi rea(a S C :C S e E "Yne la--ib- LO 0 1 t c t 2 f r L a:-nL tlae sa--,.-Le- -fire dulJ' of -de- red filic on eln -a-, ]L' Of J u b e 4- YaL-cy anc,," stated tl1c.t judLe 10, OCADQ e u'.' liure l t I e course of 4 --10 Cal"O, a-"IC� '—,C was S.I.x vveCcs a---i6 aL;-':ed tl�'Jt actio-i oe aeferied Co c i -L j:,c,;�ortcd t'l-ie -,7.ve',. -i-a'-- at t1le nor e-Lid o-'l :)k:..C-Ct 3: 0 1 -Fi 1 Roc--.ve- eratio-n , uIl- J..-L L-11C, :'�.l a-,. WaO t u:, e.,-: ul, 6, 0 r c o", ei a d beha-'-of SC u0 t- �le L azid t - f4 aftex `�ion, the to na�:-,-e t'..- C a L;�)nle of her ,'�2:-o -er "y Ci 1 U C U- S'; .23 matter was referred to the Street Alley Committee to go over the ground with Lr. Hill and indicate just what ground they wished, and to take report at the next meet ink . Couacilmen Radey reported that U.R.Neis= the foremaa of the county road crew vas on Bainbridge Island, but he would be home Saturday when he would Me up, the matter of Grading the town streets. Council,. -.,an Caratti reported that on his last inspection only one of the propert- owners on Day Street had complied with the request to clean up the rear of their premises, and sugSested that the matter be laid over until the next meeting before action was taken. The matter of the overhau! of the Rumny plunger pump at the iatew Vorks was ccnsidered, as 6 Councilvan Capetti offend to mane an exanination of the oame as to outside f,estures, such as gears, etc., a report as to adv.sability of overhaul as to the internal parts at the next vectfa6, and the aat;er of the overhaul was referred to Councilman Caretti and Chairnan Craven of the Later Co.,ff - ittec for Fuch exanination and report. Uwanailuan Caretti was authorized toiccept 310 for the old pipe line extend- ing from tne Black jack pumjiwjg-olaiit to the via -ter tanks. The matwer of a Building Ordinance was discusfQ at length, and the Clerk I pimsented Mina"ce No. 370, requirLng Dermits for the erection repair and alterit- ion of all buildAngs in the Town of Port Orchard, and upon motion duly made and seconded and carried the Layor duly decl&red the Urdinance paused. Councilman Caretti reported in reference to insurance am to property damage and public liability on Me fire track, aAd stated that this would cost a85 a year. He alao reported the cost grim insawance on a volunteer fire department of 25, with 81000 payable on beatn of each menber and Nit a week for disability caused in ser- vice, at the sum of 4112.50 per year, but no aution was ta'Len o., the mL.tuer. The Clerk reported in re the fear and two way lights, stating that in accord- aAce with the contract with the 2uget Bound Light & Power. Uompa.y the extra cost would be 55, on each light per month, or a total of 31.10, and the Clerk was directed to write to the Company that the Town did not wish to continue tkes. ttfThe arshal was direce6 to attend o the oilowinG itsis: getter along south We Bay Street west from end of concrete, culvert at Harrison & Wignt, leaky water pipe near Fair Grounds, graus on High Avenue, gutter at Hitsap & Sidney, cleaning culvert front of A.A. Dufielu'u, cuttin6 alders in beattle Avenue and a.so lout end of Cline. ie, !�Iur2lial was directed to enforce the UE lice.ae of tne !own a& tAc Clerk was instructed to secure the necessary tags for licenses. The followinL bills were presentec: Hirsch Cycle Co. YOQUils and Yurto of motorcycle ?5.06 24 lL-eet1.n- -a-, 2 i SCI v j-C.i.0 �i �::i. -.--.i o a.C';_ -�:ti :1Ce :ct.:.'..�i i0I �C7 _'C,:`c-Le .,•6.0 a° C-� �"i'IC c �,) ui.1., 1 L .a 1': &_-k a:.'i,s I-r ] ovs7T'c-c �.8 a.i.es EC.<S -_c iDa! _ c r o S S- E -I (,'.a,v,s Ut J i/ 'f -owz-- d t:oo-ce Coa 6Ltic.._. 21i. = �21 =o::' C _e .icG r �, .1�'I Ca �..1. li i� •� �. V V _i V .IA G., t3 .:. \..T „ 1 al7U tic l is VS 'r ; e U 'Qe2:-cd d ray.d i t TlOtl01 tiie 1:leetWn- adjoal-.iec oter,L cle June 13th 1927 u. c Council met this evening at 70,30 P.:. Present Mayor Ainsworth and Council- men Craven, Hadey and Garetti. Hinutes of meeting of may 23rd 1927 were read and approve&. J.P. Josl.in applied to the Council for building perrait on his lot on bay Street, and was requested to furnish the Building Committee with a sketch of same. The matter of the giving away of the bulkhead on the north end of the pump - plant on Prospect Street was continued until the next meeting, The matter of the fill at Kitsap and Roc'::well was discussed, and the matter was deferred, and the marshal was requested to put up a railing, with posts 6 x 6 > and plates 2 x 0, one on the wide and one on top. County Commissioner Bucklin and Road Supervisor idel.son appeared before the Council and presented the natter olF* securing cheap gravel for the Town laid down on the streets at around 75¢ a yard, and $300 worth of gravel was ordered, and the matter of the exact placing of the same was referred to the 6treet & Alley Uo=ittee with pourer to act. The matter of boulders on Cline Street was discussed and the Marshal was directed to secure a team and remove the same to be disposed of at the fill at l&itsap & Rockwell. Fire Chief uaretti stated that only one person had complied with the request of the Council to clean up their premises so as to remove fire hazards, and after discussion, the Clerk was authorized to prepare and present to the Council at their next meeting a comprehensive ordinW_nce authorizing the Fire Chief to inspect all premises in the Town and make appropriate orders in respect to reducing the fire hazard, couyfipled with suitable penalties in the premises for disobedience thereto. A letter was read from C.... Hanks complimenting the Council on their stand in respect to removing fire hazards. i� 25 it was reported that the Rumsey pump at the pumping plant had been over- haul6d and that when appropriate valves were installed in the air chamber that it would probably give perfect satisfaction. The .matter of the reconditioning of three crosoings was discussed, and the Marshal was authorized to reconstruct the two xi-igs on Pottery 11111 in front of u,r. Peterson's house and in front of r. Cline's house and the one on the Court House corner at Cline Street. The =iamhal was directed to extend the gutter at Hitsap and Rockwell Avenue. The matter of par'�cing of cars on the public streets was discussed, and the Clexzk was directed to bring in an ordin_..nce at the next meeting prohibiting the parking of any vehicles on the public streets of the town between 3 and 5 A.I. except on the paved portion of Bay Street, where the traffic ordinance of the Town prohibits parking between 3 and 5 A.M. The Marshal was directed to enforce the ordinance against fireworks, except that permisAon woilld be granted to ::et off fireworks from noon Sunday July 3 1927 to midnight July 4th 1927, when adequate police protection would be on hand for protection of property. The matter of v"alis�. by persons giving dance at E, of P Hall was discussed and the Clerk was directed to write the K of P Lodge that unless these dances were properly prliced, that the dance ordinance would have to be amended so as to provide a dance license for all dances by whomsoever given, so that the Town child give proper p-)lice supervision. Miss Joslin was given the permission to connect with the sewer near the Standard Oil dock, it being understood thatd4e would not connect with the man hole. The Marshal was directed to check up in respect to the storage of all gasoline abodve ground within the gown limts. The ruling of the Fire Chief in respect to the erection of a smoke stack in the Ainsworth Building by Lloyd Hul=L was approved and ratified by the Council. �. The ruling of the Hire Chief was that a ventilated thimble of sufficient dimen- sion would have to be'installed from ceiling to roof,.with a screen on top of the stick if he burned wood. i The Clerk was directed to write the owners of the lot between the Ainsworth Building and the Cremery to fix the sidewalk. The Clerk was directed to give publicity in respect to the collecting of dog licenses, and the Marshal was directed to commence the collection of licenses on July 1, 1927. The folitwing bills .were presented: GEITER,,I FUND Rensselaer 4alve Co. hydrant :Farts 028.54 Union Garage, Gas, Labor on motor cycle 11.00 Port Urchara Lumber Yard, lumber 2.32. 26 lie:1s Yarkus:.en, Sharpening tools and raking crossings12.60 James & Endsley, Labor on culvert 6.O0 i Howe Is iardware, mon'-ey wrencla, supply 4.20 I -eort Orchard Trunsfer Go. hauling lbr. 5.75 Howe's uarage labor on parts, gas, etc. 3.75 Pacific roast btamp Works, 150 aog tags 6.58 VIATER T T-M C & Z Hardware, pipe, spikes, etc. 3.66 Port Orchard uachine dorks, repa�r•ing pump 28.60 Navy Yard City Mill Company, lw.iber 13.73 and warrants were ordered drawn therE-fsor. i Un motion the Council adjourned Mayor June 27th 1927 Coancil met this evening at 7:30 P. , Present Layor Ainsworth and Councilmen Craven, Wilkins and Caretti. -inutes of meeting of June 13th 1927 were read and approved.. The Marshal reported that water meters were being read and new meters were being installed where the old ones were out of order. The Council offered a reward of 015 for information leading to conviction of any one damaging wster meters or me6(,ling therewith or with any other city property. The riatters of givif:tg away of north end of bu. I.head on Prospect Steeet, the placing of a railing at is:itsap Rockwell, the reconditioning of three zings arbd extension of gutter at Ki.tsap & Rockwell were continued untie. the next meeting. The Marshal reported that the boulders has been cleaned up on U1ine Street. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 371 relating to the parking of vehicles on public stree-.s between 3 and 5 a.m. and the orda.xiaA,ce was duly adopted. 'he Clerk presented Ordinance No. 372 in reference to the duties of Fire Chief and 'iis powers in regard to fire hazards, ana the Ordinance wad duly adopted. The Marshal reported. that he had checked up in respe ct to the storage of gasoline above ground and. had not found any violations of the ordinance. The Clerk reported in respe ct to the sidewalk between the Ainsworth Building and the Creamery on Bay `street, and said the records disclosed that C.A. Hanks owned one half of the lot and Olarlt :giros. & Co the other half, and that Clark Bros & Co. had not paid taxes for four years and their address was unt�nown, The matter W48 ` aontinued until the next meetinCD o-. 2�7 (ITeeting of June 27th 1927 cont.) The Marshal was instructed to inform the Library Board that the Counc-il did not wish paper piled in front of or in the Town Mall. The Marshal was directed to repair the holes in the paved portion of Bay Street. The U.yor and Gounailman Caretti reported in respe ct to the improvement of the south end of Sidney Street by the County, with little expense to the Town. The Clerk presented the resignation of Qyde L Petrie as a member of the Council caused by his removal. to -L'remerton, and the same was duly accepted and the letter ordered on file. The Clerk was directed to write a letter to Mr. Petrie expressing the appreciation of the Council for his efficient services while serving as a member of the Uouncil. The matter of extra police protection over the 4th of July was referred to the Marshal and -'ire Chief, with power to ct. The Marshal was requested to change the "No Parking Sign't on the parking strip at the west end of the paving nearer the permanent street sign. The Council granted a permit to C.P. Ainsworth to erect an awning in front of his store on -Day Street. The following bills were presented. GEi7ERAL FUIM James Endsley, 4 hours in street xings sign 42.00 N.C. Davies, 4 days work with team Cline St. 32.00 WATER FUND National Meter Co, 12 water meters 1.72.20 Navy Yard Route, frdight on water meters 2.84 M.I. Brown, -� days work making tap A-oril 2.00 Fairbanks Morse & Co. valves for triplex pump 7.35 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. G"Fl, e rk mayor F� July llth 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.W. Present 1ayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Craven, Rgdey and waretti. Linutes of meeting Jane 27th 1927 were read and approved. Permission was {;ranted to Harry Radey to construct a basement under his house on Sidney Street. The Clerk was directed to give publicity to the reward of 115 for damage to city property, and also in reference to the collection of clog licenses. mayor Ainsworth reported that Lee hiller in charge of the water pumping plant had resigned, and harshal 6tevens was ordered to take charge of the plant. The Clerk was directed to inquire of Bowles & Co the price of an altitude guage for the water works, and also to inquire of the Telephone Co of permission, would be granted to stringy; wires from the tanks to the pumping plant to indicate the state of the water in the tanks. The "arehal reported that he expected to put up the barrier at the Rockwell & Kitsap Streets at once, and that holes in the pavement on lay Street would be taken care of this week. The matter df the bulkhead on Prospect Street was continued until the next meeting, as well as the side wally between the Ainsworth Building and the Crea:. cry. The Clerk was directed to write to the Commandant of the navy Yard protesting against the ap;earance of sailors on the streets of the town in breech cloths and athletics. The Warshal was directed to attend to a board of the sidewalk near Dick steeds. it was agreed that the "treet & Alley Oom ittee would make an appointment to go over the ground to see where the Q00 north of gravel would be spread. ehe matter of the sidewalk being covered with gravel in front of the navid i Larson property on -ay Street across the Black Jack "ridge was discussed by no definite action taken. j Permission was granted to -.piss Joslin to tap the Town severer at the manhole, provided that the same be done not higher than two feet from the bottom, the same 3 to be done under the direction of Councilman Caretti. The Marshal was directed to fix the various water ieaks in the water pipes of the Town, and aontruct the c;mssings and culvert theretfore ordered. The Ulerk was directed to secure price list of parts from the National, Aeptune and Worthington meter people. The Yarshal was directed to secure a team and remove the ravel from the con- crete at the junction of "ay and Sidney itreet. '1 The La,rshal was directed to repair the top of the casing of the water valve at Sidney and Day streets, -and to .;lace the boards up and down hill. i Are. McLeod appeared before the wouncil and asked that a basin and arinking fountain be installed in tide Town Hall, and the matter was refereed to the Library 29 Hoard. The Marshal was instructed to place a new piling under the Town Hall. Councilman Craven stated th.t he would inspect the Triplex pump at the pump j station, and was directed to have such ad(itional work done to put the same in proper shape for practical operation as he deemed necessary4 The following bills were presented: GEI ERAL FTP3M Wilson Motor Go. repairs to car damaged by one operated by `:own Karehal on Town Business $18.50 7a.n Hee & Sons Mill Go. lumber for xinge,etc. 44.27 Port Orchard Independent, publishing ordinances 16.10 Chet Siegner, lettering street signs,etc. 8.00 Duke Electric Co, light bulbs .90 i Coast Brust Mfg. 0o. 3.Ml Nels Markussen, irons for stre>:t zing, etc. 4.90 Charles Grieve,, lumber 1,70 4. Howe's Garage, flushing oil .50 Howe's Hardware, supplies 4.65 r Pacific Coast Stamp _Uorks, deputy marshal's barge 1.00 WATER FUND Neptune Meter Co. repair water meters 16.28 +Warthington Uo. repair water meters 19.39 Hawe' s Hardware, sundry sup -plies 3.53 and warrants were ordered dravin therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor Tuly 25th 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Ainsworth and councilmen Cravexi. Wilkims and Garettj/ Minutes of meeting of Xuly 11th 1927 were read and approved. The Clerk was directed to write the State Highway :engineer in re the dangerous turn at Mitchell Point and ask that it be remedied in the interest of the many tourists passing through Port Orchard, and also tbDask the Port Orchard Chamber of Cor=eree to take similar action. The action of Fire Chief Caretti of the Building Committee in granting per- mission to make alterations in the Kitsap Bakery, to lace new sills s under the telephone office and permitting the erection of a small residence by Lee Milller was duly ratified by the Council. Chairman Craven of the Water Committee reported that an altitude guage had 30 been ordered which would cost $7 to $8. It was reported that the guard rail had been placed at Kitsap and Rockwell, the culvert at Harrison and Dwight and water leaks had been repaired. The matter of the Prospect Street bulkhead w*s continued until the next meet- ing. As Chairman Radey of the Street & Alley Committee was absent no report was on hand in respect to the spreading of the $�300 worth of p p g gravel order�ib;r the Town. The matter of gravel on the concrete in front of the Alfred Larson property was continued until the next meeting.. Chairman Graven reported that the automatic air intake of the triplex pump had not yet been installed, and that he had ordered H.W. Jackson to babit bear- ings which should not require more than one dayfs work. Chairman Caretti called attention to the brush on Seattle avenue south of Kitsap Street, and the Marshal was directed to have'the same removed. The matter of lights in the brick columns at the entrance to the Town at, the Black Jack -bridge wascontinued until the next meeting. The Council unanimously elected W.S. Stevenson as Councilman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of C.L. Petrie. The following bills were presented: GEi1ERA1 FUND Robert Bruhahn, 2 days police duty July 4, 1927 Harry White:, 3 days work grading streets with county equipment at $15 per day N.C. Davies, to cleaning gravel off Sidney & Bay and grading; as per contract WATER FUND S.A. Norton papering house at Pump Station To work on house at pum-ing plant, building back and front porch, sink, cupboard and.extra cupboard H.W. Higgins, use of truck delivering water meters and warrants were ordered drawn tLerefor On motion the meeting, adjourned. Clerk Mayor $1.0.00 45.00 24.00 10.00 14.00 15.00 August 8th 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Ainsworth, and Council- men graven, kadey and Caretti. W.S. Stevenson, the councilman elected by the Council at the last meeting to fill the vacancy caused by Councilman Petrie, appeared and wasduly sworn in and took his seat as a member of the Council, and appointed on various committees in place of Petrie. Minutes of meeting of July 25th 1927 were read and ap;;rovea. `-he Matter of the Prospect Street bulkhead was continued until.the next meeting, and the GIerk was directed to write to Mrs. Sponogle and Messrs. Elder, Yakey and Hanks to confer with the Council at this meeting about this matter. The Clerk was directed to write C.H. Johnson and L.1d. Churchill to have their sidewalk in front of their places on Bay Street raised toalevel with the curb, and also to the owner of Lot 1 Block 12 Sidney, when ascertained to lower his sidewalk to a, level with the curb. Chairman hadey of the Street & Alley Committee reported in re placing of the 300 ofgravel. The matter of removing the short planks at Sidney and Progpect Streets crossing and filling with gravel was referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. The Clerk was directed to write the State Highway Engineer in re the side- walk in front of the Alfred Larson property being covered with gravel in the summer time and water in the winter, and ask for suggestions as to remedying the difficulty. It was reported that the sidewalk over the Black Jack -ridge had been fixed. Councilmen Garetti brought up the matter of a meter tester but the purchase - of sarne was deferred until next summer. The Marshal was directed to mow the grass on Cline Street and on Division from Sidney leading to the court house. The matter of paliating the water tanks was deferred until next spring. The Marshal was directed to put in a new meter at the halter E. Wheeler property and one at the residence of John geed. The Clerk was directed to collect a tapping fee from W- G. Breed and to collect $1.50 a month for the use of the water. The Fire Chief was directed to purchase climbers, safety belt and pliers to out electric wires, and to provide an adequate fire extinguisher to deal with a.fire caused b electricty at the pumping plant. The Marshal was directed to colledt all dog licenses and. deal with any dogs not licensed by holding there five days in a pound and then disposing of them. The Marshal was authorized to engage a man for two days wor'c in cutting grass, and was directed to personally install meters as discussed by the Council. The Clerk was authorized to procure two reaps of Port Orchard with white background and blue lines, one to be used to inducate where premises water metered. 32 The Clerk was directed to prepare forms of requisitions to be used by the Marshal in buying material, ai16 sup^:Lies, the same to be signed by the Chair- man of the appropriate Committee. The following bills were presented: GMTERAL FUND C & Z Hardware Company, supplies .76 Ho::e's Hardware, supplies 3.76 Steve ison's Furniture Store, s:-ades 4.50 'Duke Electric Company, supplies 2,85 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber 4.04 Fred Fulton Ij c:ays repairing Blac',c Jack Bridge sidewalk 6.00 James A Endsley, 91 '•.ours working xings 45.50 Vd_'LTLi R FUND C &. Z Hardware Company, supplies 15.89 Howe's Hardware, sup-oli - s 21.01 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber for house at pumping sta.ti)n 15.24 Fred Fulton, making taps 10.00 James A Endsley, repairing lealks in mains 6.00 Port Orchard Machine Works, repairing tti.olex pump _ and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. 28.20 On motion the meeting adjourne Cler / Mayor August 22nd 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.:. Present '�:,a,yor Ainsworth and Council- men hadey, uaretti and Stevenson. ILinutes of meeting of August 8th 1927 were read and approved. The matter of the Prospect Street-bullche-:d was referred to the Street .bulkhead was referred to the Street and Alley Cor1:r,,iittee to confer with the property oviners as tc; making a slope irEtea.d of reconditioning the bulkhead. Mr. R.E. Newman and Harold Lake appeared before the Cou^ncil in reference to the fact that some consa::ers oere rAietered and ogler were not, and the 1._arshai was instructed to Ariake up a list of the metered placed, and the Council assured those present that it was their intention to _meter all consu:!�ers as speedily as possible. It was reported that. the -lanks has been removed on Prospect & Sidney, and the =Marshal was directed to ta.'ce the jigmp off at that location. The Marshal was directed to change the 'water meter at Pete Nurnberger's residence. 33 , The matter of proper doors on the fire hall on Pottery Hill was referred to the Fire Chief, with power to act. R.E. Newman called attention to the fact that the planking was gone at the entrance of Ada Street at Sidney, and the matter was referred to the Street and Alley Co.-=ittee, with power to act. The rarshal reported that the grass had been cut on Cline Street and that he had changed the meter at W.E. Wheeler's residence, and installed a meter at the residence of John -breed. The Clerk reported that V-7.0. Breed had paid water rent for July and August 1927, but refused to pay a tapping fee, and the Marshal was instructed to dis- connect his line on September lst 1J27. The Marshal was directed to repair the sidewalk infront of J.M. Petersdn's residence on Pottery Hill. l The Eire. Chief reported that two Fire Fyters had been bought gor the pump- ing plate at a cost of $30,00. It was reported that J.P. Joslin had lowered his sidewalk in fr-ant of this lot adjoining Mullts store on Sidney Street, but that C.H. Johnson had asked for time in raising his sidewalk in front of his place of business and that L.H. Churchil had refused to raise his didewalk in front of his lot adjoining the Johnson lot. These two latter matters were laid over for future consideration. .6.pplication of J.P. Joslin to erect a garage on the platform adjoining the Mull store was referred to the Building Committee. Fire Chief Garett:i reported that he had granted a permit to Judge Yakey to erect a building 24 x 24 in the rear of the Kunzelman store, which action me duly ratified by the Council. The Council agreed upon the application of the 300 worth of gravel to be delivered by County trucks: Cline Street from Bay to Court. House, Sidney Street from Prospect to Dwight; at the Duncan McDougall corner, and at Dwight & Seattle Avenue, and at. the foot of Pottery Hill and onSouth Sidney south of the Meukow y property. The M-Ater of Brush in Division Street west of Court House and on Cline Street near the fair Grounds was r-,ferred to the Street & Alley Committee. The Clerk was directed to order one Neptune Trident Yeter in cubic feet and one Empire Meter in Gallons for the purpose of using them as te-It meters, the same to be sent to Glympi.a for te.%ting, and tidereafter using by Town where complaint as to meters was made, it being understood in accordance with the ordinance that where complaint was made and the meter te:-3ted and found correct the complainant w.,uld have to pay a 2 charge for test, covering practically the cost of time and labor, and if not found correct the cogst would have to be borne bu, the Town. The Council allowed George E Miller a rebate of $1.50 on his meter water r (Reeting of September 12th 1927 cunt. Ideal Service StatioA, oil and gas 3..18 E Tourtilott, fixing door on fire hall 3.50 Hirsch Cvcle Co. repairs on motor cycle 18.14 Robert Bruhahn, 22 hours cutting trust Seattle Avenue 11.00 Charles Grieve, lumber 7.84 Fred Fulton, cutting grass Cline• St. 8.00 and warrants were drdered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk N[ayor i Septenler 26th 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.L. Present Qyor iinsworth arc Couzil- men Craven, Radey, filkine and Caretti. Minutes of meeting of jepte--iiber 12th 1927 were read and approved. The Council concurred in the request of the Igor that 30 days be taken if necessary in the selection of a new Larshal. The .natter of water leak in front of face of :Navy Yard Doc was referred to the dater Committee with power to act. Fire Chief Caretti reported the receipt and turning over to Clerk of $10.00 for the auto top formerly on the Reo Fire truck. the La,yor was authorized to remove the tile taken from East Buy Street and store it atthe pumping plant. The Clerk was directec to write R.E. a ewman that the lumber was de- livered for the anssing at Ada Street. The action of the Mayor in _rutting Lee hiller ei bate on duty at the y:umy- ink; plant at the rate of J60.04 a month was ratified by the Council. the Clerk was directed to look up the low in reference to persons per- mitting trees and bushes to grow near sidewalks and encu fiber the same, and report at the next meeting. The Fire Chief was urged to have the flag pole removed at once. James Endsley was authorized to change his service pipe in Rockwell y .venue and to be all.owed 3 hours time for doing so. The matter of the Prospect Street Bulkhead was continues until the next meeting. A better was read from George E Liller and oydere6 on file. The Clerk presented summons and complw'_nt of Kitsap County in tax fore- closure proceedings, and the same was ordered on file. The Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee was authorizes to have Sidney and Cline Street graded before applying the gravel. The Fire Chief reported he was having a value for the chemical tank tia,de, and was authorized to purchase a hand extinguisher for fire truck. i Lee Miller was ordered to put a now hasp on the pump ;plant station. The ratter of sale of motorcycle was discussed and jar. Caretti w4s requested 3 to report any offers. The Clerk was directed to report at the next meeting the legal width of the road in front of the George E Miller place on West Bay Street. � Tames Endsley was directed to do the fo _.owing work: Shut off water at Olson property Investigate and repair leaks: Cline & Felker; in front of Telephone office; and in front of Harry Davidson's property on West Bay Street. Remove meters from Glen Owens and the Nurnberger properties and install meter in the Tames Gibson property Tighten hoops at Dater tanks. Mep.air Sidewalk in front of J.H. Peterson's property i Clean sidewalk 4est Bay Street where new gutter constructed. Cut brush kat Division Street and on Cline Street near Frank Givens old property. Clean gutters at crossing near Mr. dravenle property Put new cover on catch basin Sidney & Division Streets Put tinover holes in front of Town Hall Extend gutter on Kitsap & Rockwell Read water meters for September 1927. The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND S.A. Morton, painting floor Town Hall N.C. Davies, street work Pacific T & T Company Telephone message $10.00 s /, .40 Tamew Endsley, sunary work 2T.00 and warrants wera ordered drawn therefor. On motion, the Sheeting adjourned until October 3rd 1927, at 7:30 P.Y. when the Council.will convene for a special meeting to pass the 1928 tax levy. Mayor 4iw- &I, > C1 erk 38 October 3rd 1927 Council met this esvening at. special session at 7:30 P.M. Present Iiayor hinsi°yorth ana CouncilW.e:n CrL.veai, + il.kilis, Caretti a-nd 3evenson. The Clerk presented Orc�itiarjce -T 0 373 providing for the annual tax levy for 1928 on the basis of 13 mills for current ex;_enses, 3 zaills for warrant � indebtedness and I mill, for Library, aSgrega.tinL in all 17 miils and the same wuk; duly adoL'ted by the: Cou .teil. The natter of a new gutter on Pottery Hill from the Givens _property to the foot of Pottery Hill via-, referred to the Street & Alley Committee viith poorer to a.ct. The a:ia.tters of dra.iri ut Buy & high and gutter Bear sirs. 'oic'cstroria� s place, the matter of sand mashing on the C.C.Johnson property, cream in the i,iest crosa- inz; Kitsap & Sidney, tl,.e cover of the etch ba,si;i ?leas G.A. Brou�_htonfs, and the ,arking strip neu.r Sidney on the south side of Kitties-) were referred to the Street & klley Co.unittee o.iti po,, er to act. The Clerk was directed to write to C-iarles that no urlcin� :%as alloyed on town stre:.ts ai- night. The Cou-icil set a price of one-half of tine f�rice for the the taken from Last Buy Street and stored at the pu}Lipin­ ply nt. - On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the first regular -Meeting' for October on Londuy evening October 10th 1927.. kayor Clerk October 10th 1927 Council met- this evening at 7:30 P.j.i. Present mayor Ainsworth and Council- men graven, Ra.dey, Ci;;.retti and Stevenson. t:iinutes of the meeting of September 20th 1927 and the special meeting of October 3rd 1927,were read and approved. The matter of the condition of the dest rater tank on Sidney Hill i1vas referred to Chairman Cr,Mven of the 'dater Committee, with power to repair the s&me if feasible, and if mot,the sai.le to be considered at a special Y:feeting of the Council to be ca.,llcd for tout purpose. The Chairman of the eater Committee was also asked to inspect the al- titude gua.ge at the pump house and take such ,lea.sures as to secure a gua,ge that viould properly record the status of the d.��ter in the tanks on Sidney Hill.. , The matter of the leak at .n avy Yard Doc.'c iias continued with the Water Committee. It was reported that the crossing on Ada and Sidney has beep inst�__Iled. The matter of the Prospect Street bul'::head vias continued with the Street 39 & Alley Con.mitt.ee, as weii as the grading of Sidney & Cline Streets. The Fire Chief was authorized to refill private fire chemical apparatus used at the bakery fire, and the Fire. Chief reported he has ordered 5 gallons of chem- icals at 2.5 for chemical apparatus. A sign was ordered to be placed at the entrance to the Fire Hall against tres- passing thereon. The Clerk was directed to instruct Bee Miller to put a new hasp on the pumping plant door.. The Clerk reported that the legal width of �iast Bay Street was 30 feet, and the Eayor was authorized to confer with Mr. ;M1cGill .gin respect to further right of way, and if same was secured, to assure the state officials that the Torn would take care of gutters on the widening of the highway. Tames Endsley reported that he 1tad attended to a number of matters ordered bir the Council, and the following .were yet to be attended to. - Removing meter Glen D,,;ens property Installing meter Jas S Gibson property Cut' brush in. Division Street Sand ;flashing on C C Johnson pro��erty Repair cover catch basin near Broughtonts property Tightening hoops at water tanks James Endsley was directed to do only necessary repairing of the sidewalk in front of the residence of J.H. Peterson on Pottery Mill. The following matters was referred to the Street ans k1ley Committee with power to act; Break in concrete -day St near navy Yard Dock Brain high and Bay --decking over Councilman Caretti recoLmaended that before constructing a new gutter on Pottery Hill from Givens property .down that when the streets were graded the grader should be run so as to throve it out, and then the new gutter constructed. The Clerk was directed to write to F.W. Wilson as to %jis intentions in respect to sidvlealk in front of the bu lding occupied by Penninsula grain Companyl The Clerk was directed to write to C.A. Hanks in reference to the conditions on par'_�ing strip and., gutters in front of his property on the southeast corner of Kitsa.p & Sidney. The natter of improving the w�-.ter system of the Town was discussed and continued for future investigation. James Endsley was directed to remove all meters not working; property for the purpose of repair. The Council went on record a.s.favoring the reading of meters during the winter months. The Clerk was directed to report at the next meeting in x•espect as to whether 40 there was any ordinance providing against litterinig of the streets ti,iith hLznd bills etc, and if there ,us no orci�� nice to brar.g iL : I ordi iul ce covering the -rer-ilises. James Erldsley was authorized to secure two couplings for the li inch hose. the follouing bills -°:ere i:resenU-ed: GEi�,ERU-,%1 MTD Henry Buscher, l duy street work $4.00 Fred Fulton, washi,.g streets, 1 day 4.00 Union G"rage, gas oil, etc. 2.02 W it l iam ''lat thews , taking down f lagyp l e 10.00 Nilson Motor Co. Las arid -oil 1.44 Howe's Hardware, gener�;,! suaplies 2.08 C & Z Ha,rdvjare Go. nails .60 N.C. Davies, iia.ul-ins tile, etc. 1.00 James Bndsley, ge-lieral strec t nork 29.50 Part Orchard Lumber Yard, lu;Lber for Viest Bay StrE:et gutter 26.14 Fred Fulton, ivasziing street 3.10 �i,ATER FT�TD F.W. Palls, repairing r;,eters 14.50 Barnes Endsley, reeding .peters and sto_)-)i.1g leaks 12.00 Standard Oil Go, oil for -um-p, "tc. 3.73 Hoye';; HardwELre, su .dies 4.35 National 11�eter Co. test meter 14.35 Duke Electric Co. su,� lies 1.74 j and warra-nts were ordered drawn therefor. On motion tine _aeetin�-; a.dj ouz-ned. f j Clerk Mayor 041, 41 ✓� October 24th 1927 Council, net this evening at 7:30 P.T. Present Mayor Kinsworth and Council- men Craven, Hadey, Wilkins, Caretti and Stevenson. C Minutes of meeting of October 14th 1927 were read and approved. The Clerk was directed to write for estimates for :steel wooden and concrete tanks with a capacity of b0,000 and 75,000 gallons, and a.s to wooden tanks to ask for specification of the wood to be used. He was also directed to ingdxe of the maker of the present centrifugal pump how much the present he.:4d could be raised without impairing theefficiency of the pump. The matter of an altituo.e gunge for the pumping plant was continued. It was reported that the supposed lease at the head of the Navy Yard Dock was from a private artesian well. The :batters of Prospect Street Bulkheai and eradin& Sidney and Clime Streets were continued. It was reported that a substaAtial hup had been placed on the pumping station. The matter of acquiring further right of way in respect to the Kc Gill prop- erty on the south side of Nest Bay Street was continued. The Matter of the Glen Owens meter and the installation of the Gibson meter was continued. Jaynes Endsley reported that the brush had been cut. in Division Street. The matter of sand washing on the C.C. Johnson o roperty was referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. The cover on catch basin near the Broughton property, hoops on water tanks as well as the J.M. Peterson sidewalk were reported as attended to. The break in the concrete near the Navy Yard dock was ref erred to the Street and Alley Committee with instructions to James Endsley to investig,te and make a report to the Street and Alley Committee as to the best way to handle the sale. The planking over of drain at. Bay & High was reported as completed. Zhe matter of the gutter on Pottery :Till was continued. James Endsley was directed to remove the brush at junction at High and West Bay Street. T.he Clerk reported that he had not heard from F.W. Wilson as to the sidewalk in front of the Peninsala Grain Building and the matter was continued until the next meeting. The QJerk presented a letter from C.A. Hanks stating that he had attended to the'gutters and parkin; strip adjacent to his property on the southeast corner of Kitsap & Sidney, and the Clerk was directed to make investigation as to owner- ship of property directly south of Mr. Hanks property on Sidney, and make a similar request. The matter of removal of water :peters for repair was discussed and James Endsley was requested to remove some 20 out of order and sulstitute others in place thereof, and he was autAorized to read water meters monthly until further orders. Me .Satter of couplings for 11 inch 'nose was continued. Councilman Caretti presentew data in reference to the operation of the '.=rater looks for tree month of SE:ptenfber, from which it appeared that water lay eely in excess of consumption by regular consumers was being furnished, and measures were taken to chcck up in respect to the same. The report was ordered on file. It was determined to make an examination of the outlet of the Town sewer at the next prevailing loq irides. The Clerk was directed to bring in at the next meeting a report of all persons who had paid a dog tax, as we&i as to bring in an ordinaace in respect to litter - inn the streets with hand bl.;_ls. The marshal re0orted t`-at he expeceted to see that the ten minute y a,rting at the curb was ri idly o=userved, and reported in re poct to the c'lil?re"n olayingin the streets, and stated he exc_ voted to take action in the matter imnedia,tely. The condition of the sidewall at Cline & D&Alb was referred tj the Street & alley coy.,mittee with _ c,wer to azt. The Natter of children being out after nine otclock and in autom3bil;_s with adults other than their paren o was 2eferred to James Endsley, with instructions to debote a total of four hoar in the evenings to checking up on this rmatter. The Harsha.l was authorized to employ additional help on Halloween 06st to preserve order and ;,.property. James Enceley was authorized to clean gutters A Dwight and Sidney on the east side of Sidney, and to fix the culvert at Division. a& Cline Street. The .:iatter of drainage of water off of South Sidney Street was refer .ed to James Endsley to attend to the next time it raided an6 disclosed the low places. The Clerk was directed to write J.Y. Joslin to keep his crossings clear of di .t and Ubris at his garage on East Bay Street. Janes Endsley was requested to ask the Sheriff to make new sign directing way to' Court House to replace tke one formerly at Sidney and De Kalb Streets. The matter of installing coy 6uitn &c for the Welcome sians on East Bay Street was referred to the Fire & Li ht Comcfaittee . The following; -wills were presented: GEURM FUHM Port Orchard Transfer C ompuny Distributing lurier along Bay Street for gutters J.P . Joslin Rick of Wood for City hall, waling 1_)...fiber to Black Jack James E.a sley, 23 hours work on Street F- . Walle, FlashliAt .TER FUINED James Endlsey , 16 hours work Henry Buscher, 12 hrs repairing water tanks $3.00 3.25 11.50 2.50 8.00 6.00 and warrants were ordered drawn thereon Oh motion the meting adjourned. h I uyar qer November 14th 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Mayor Ainsworth and Council -- men Craven, Hadey, Caretti and Stevenson. Minutes of meeting of October 24th 1927 were read and approved. A representative of the Pump Equipment Company, 105 First Avenge Seattle Wash. appeared before the Council, and stated he had Made a comprehensive survey of the water system of the Town and made certain recommendations and gave estimates on various phases of the situation, and the Glerk was directed to make the same up and file with other data on the water problem. The Glerk was directed to write to the Union Pump Co. as to maximum head of the present pump. The Water 4ommittee was requested to report the last time the water tank at the pumping plant was cleaned out. It was reported that the Glen Owens water meter could not be located and that i the James Gibson meter had been installed. It, wad directed that the matter of sand and dirtwashing on the C.C. Johnson property should be taken care of by a V shaped gutter, made of 2 x 12, running same on east side of street from light pole to intersection of Kendall Street, where the water should be drained off, and that the sidewalk at Cline Belie Kalb should be redecked. It was reported that the Pottery Hill gutter was being attended to from the Givens crossing down, and it was further ordered that the gutter should be renewed to the top of the hill. The Clerk was directed to check up F.W. Wilson in regard to the sidewalk in front of the Peninsula Grain building. Messrs. Ga�retti and Radey reported in reference to the complaint made by C.G. Broom as to the Kitsap Street sidewalk. The Clerk was directed to ask C.A. Hanks to clean off the sidewalk and park- ing strip on Sidney north of that already attended to. The Clerk was directed to write George Blanchard calling his attention to the fact that the eaves on the Sidney Street side of his store building caused water to drip on passers by. The Clerk presented Ordinance No 374 against littering; the streets with hand bills, and the same was unanimously adopted. It was directed that when the Town received their gravel that several loads should be placed on the Pottery Hill road in front of Hydeckers. James Endsley reported he had opened up several placed where water accumulated ? on South Sidney Street, and was ordered to continue to givethis attention, esp- ecially a place near the Yeukow residence. It was ordered that drainage of a pool of water at the turn of the Highway at Black Jack should receive attention, and that the gutter in front of the 44 the Larson property should be cleaned out, and a proper outlet for the water made. The condition of the sidewalk in front of the Larson property was discussed and the Clerk was directed to write Mrs. Stanton asking if she would give about 6 feet additional for a right of way so that this situation could be properly remedied, The matter of conditions in respect to sidewalk &c on West Bay Street from the pumping plant to the paving was discussed and it was ordered that a drain be made by plowing the same along the edge of the sidewalk and drained into the pumping plant creek. Breaks in sidewalk in front of the mllchine s%:op and in the vicinity of the wavy Yard hotel were ordered repaired. The Council designal;ed November 21, 1927 at 8 P.x:s. at the Town Hall for the usual caucus of nomination for the election to be held December 6th 1927, and the Clerk was directed to publish and post usual notices. The following were appoi.ated election officers for the annual Town Elec- tion to be held December 6th 1927, O.J. Elliott, Inspector, George Cady John- son, Judge, and C.S. dsburn, Clerk. Councilman Stevenson reported in reference to the Welcome signs, and stated that he had informed the Committee in charge that inasmuch as the Town had contributed 15 to the signs, it did not seem incumbent on the Town to donate any further money, although they would no doubt pay for one dayts work to put a ditch across the road for a conduit. He reported that Mr. la Duke estimated it would cost $40 to wire the signs for lights. It was ordered that the motor cycle be overhauled in Tacoma and a second hand side car purc_iased under the direction of Councilman Caretti, the same to be accomplished as reasonably as .possible. Fire Clief Caretti reported that he expected to have the motor truck overhauled. The clerk was directed to again write Englund & Peterson in respect to the darnage to the .Mack Jack sidewalk. I The following pending matters were continued: Prospect Street 'bulk- head; McGil.,. right of way; break in concret near Navy Yard Bock; 'rush at foot of Pottery Hill; R-erhoval of a number of water meters; loutlet town i sewer; gutter Dwight & Sidney and gutter Division & Cline Streets. The following bills were presented: GEl?E'RAI FUND Nels Markussen, repairing and painting house cart $23.30 Howe's Garage, -battery, and installing switch and regire 19.8 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lumber 3.02 Nels Markussen, key made, pick sharpened, etc. 2..55 Fred Fulton,. 8 hrs labor on Pottery Hill 4.00 James Endsley, Labor 28 hrs 14.00 Nels Markussen, 1 tool steel drill .86 Fred Fulton, 8 hre labor on Black Jack side- walk 4.00 G.L. Stark, 6 hrs labor on Black Jack side- walk 3.00 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, Lumber 2.56 Howes Hardware, Keg 4.25 Howard -Cooper Qorporation, Pyreme liquid, etc. 54.83 WATER FUND 11 James Endsley, 50 hours labor $25.00 Howe's Hardware, Elbow, nipple, etc. 9.36 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor, except the Howard -Cooper Corporation for $54.83 which was referred to Councilman Caretti to be checked up and autaorizing payment of same if it was correct. On motion the meeting adj urned. C At/f/vI Clerk Mayo r November 28th 1927 Council met this evening at 7.30 P.M. men, Craven, 11adey, Carett.i and Stevenson. 45 Present Mayor kinsworth and Council - Minutes of meeting of November 14th 1927 were read and approved. George Cady Sohnson appeared before the Council and asked for a light at Ada and Sidney, and the matter was referred to the -b'ire and Light Committee. He also asked for some lumber to continue the sidewalk at Sidney and -Xda and the matter was referred to the Street and Il.ley Committee with power to act. Mr. Stanton appeared before the Council and offered to deed to the Town six feet off the 'arson property on Bast Bay Street for additional right of way, pro- vided the town constructed a new sidewalk and fence in practically the same con- dition as at present, and the matter was taken -under advisement by the Council. It was reported that the 'had place in front of Hydeckers on Pottery Hill had received 35 yards of gravel„ It was, reported that the .pool of.water at Black Jack fridge had been attended to as well as the gutter cleaned in front of the Larson (Stanton) property. The Marshal was ordered to prooure books of traffic ships and traffic tags. The Clerk was directed to writ; H.J. Horluc]c that it was contrary to or- dinance to park -care over night on the public streets of the Town. The breaks in sidewalk in front of Jacksonb machine shop and around Navy Yard Hotel were ordered repaired at, once. Councilman Ca.retti reported the purchase of a sidecar for the motorcycle 46 at a cost of 435, and that, he was having the motorcycle overhauled in Seattle. �. It was reported that the brush at Pottery Hill: had been cut. Attention was called to condition of the Court House fill next to the side walk, and the matter was :referred to the Street & Alley Committee for investi- gation and report. It was ordered that the gutter at Cline & Division, for which lumber was on hand, be done at once, and also that a crossing be constructed in I'ivision continuing the sidewalk'on the east side of Xustin, and that the old crossing on the west side of Austin be taken up. The Marshal was requested to ask the Standard Oil Company not to display their large signs_ on the sidewalks of the Town.. Chairman Radey of the Street & Alley Committee reported that the 300 yards gravel purchased from the couty was being applied, and he was authorized to use his discretion in having -the gr;ider run over the same. The following matters were i8ontinued: When water tanks last cleaned Removal Glen Owens water meter F.W. Filson sidewalk in front Peninsula Grain Co. C A :tanks sidewalk and parking strip Sidney & Kitsap Removal water meters Prospect Street 'ulkhead McGill right of wav Breawz concrete Bay Street fron wavy Yard dock Cleaning outlet town swwer and the following matters were laid over until the first meeting in January 1928: C. C. Johnson gutter, etc. Glinae & De Kale sidewalk Pottery Hill gutter from Givens crossing to top of hill West Bay Street sidewalk from Pumping plant to Concrete and drainLtge. Gutter Dwight & Sidney The following bills were presented: GENERAL FUND W.J. Nelson, Grading streets at �15 a day 1i- days $25.00 Fred Fulton 32 hrs. work general street work 16.00 James Eadsle y, general street work 51.85 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company Marshal's calls .55 Trick & :aurray, l set. of Election books 5.63 Cascade Pipe & Flume Company, pipe, coupling 1.25 *nd warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk mayor 47 December 12th 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30 P.M. Present Xayar Ainsworth, and 96iuncil- i men Graven, Garetti and Stevenson. Minutes of the meeting of November 28th 1927 were -read and approved. i The matter -of sidewalk at Ada Street and breaks in walk in front of Jackson 's I Machine Shop and near Davy View Apartments were continued until the next meeting The matter of fixing of street next to sidewalk on Court House fill on i Davision Street was continued untie the first *eeting in January. It was reported that the gutter at Cline and Division ltad been fixed, and that the lumber for the crossing at Division and Austin had -been ordered. It was reported that the water tank at the pumping plant had been cleaned out about a. year ago. ouncilman•Caretti reported holes in the gutter opposite the C A Hanks property on Sidney nortli of Kiteap, and the matter was continued until the first meeting in January.. The Clerk was directed to report in re Street Light Contract with Puget i Sound Light & Power Co as to just when lights should be turned on and off. The Clerk presented the returns of the municipal election held December Sth 1927, showing the following vote: FOR COUNCILMEN FOR TWO YEAR TERM Votes E.E. Craven 19 Harry Radey 19 O.W. Wilkins 19 FOR COUNCILMEN FOR ONE YFAR TERM W.S. Stefenson 19 FOR TREASURER FOR ONE YEAR TERM J .M. Peterson 19 and the returns were duly canvassed by the Council, and the above were declared duly elected to their rapective offices. The Clerk was directed to bring in an Ordinance at the next meeting abolish- ing j inch tape and requiring owenrs to install out offs within the property line at their own expense. The Marshal was directed to inventigate complains in re sanitary conditions KKitsap & Sidney and Cline & Division The fallowing matters were continued until the first meeting in January 1928; Removal Glen -Owens water meter F.W. Wilson sidewalk in front of Peninsula Crain Company C.A. Hanks sidewalk and parking strip Sidney & Kitsap Removal water meters Prospect Street Bulkhead McGill right of way Break concrete -Bay Street front Navy Yard Dock The matter of cleaning outlet. to Town sewer was alid over until the next meeting. 48 The following bills were presented: GENERA, FUND dowel's Hardware, supplies .87 Filson Motor Company, repairs on fire truck 2,10 W.J. Nelson, 340 yards of y gravel 300.00 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, Lumber 36.81 Wilson Motor Company, repairs on fire truck 35.95 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. .15 long distance C.S. Osburn, Clerk Election Board 6.00 O.J. Elliott, Inspector, Election Board 6..00 Duke Electric, bulbs 1.05 Rensselaer Valve Co., Hydrant 21.00 Nele MarkTussen, repairs 10.88 WATER FUND James Endsley 420.00 Howe's Hardware 4.19 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor, expept Nels M-arkusasen for $10.88 which was r referred to the Marshal to be rechecked and authorizing payment of same if it was alright. Motion duly made and seconded and the meeting adjourned. Mayon Clerk December 27th 1927 Council met this evening at 7:30, inasmuch as the fourth Monday fell on December 26th 1927, a public holiday. Present mayor xinsvorth and Councilmen Craven, hadey, (;aretti and Stevenson. Minutes of the meeting of yecember 12th 1927 were read and approved. The 11arshal was directed to place two loads of gravel at the foot of Sidney Street, and to pick up all old planks around town. The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 375 in respect to consumer's stop and and waste and the Townlu cut o.fs, and abolishing a one-half inch pipe, which was duly considered by the Council and duly adopted. The resignation of R.J. Caretti as Councilman was tendered to the Council., and duly accepted. The Mayor there upon appointed R.J. Caretti, as Town Marshal effective January lot 1927 with a salary of $125 a month, and the Clerk was directed to bring in an ordinance at the next meeting fixing the salary at $125 and dis- tributing the same $100 to the 'hater Fund and $25 to the General Fund. The action of the .Mayor in appointing Mr. Caretti as Marshal was duly confirmed by the Council. The Council thereupon elected F. D. Fiedler as Councilman in place of R. J. Caretti resigned. The new Marshal brought up the matter of proper parking signs and the same was laid over until the next meeting. The Mayor was authorized to give Lee Miller 30 days notice of the termination of his services. The following matters were continued until the first meeting in January 192a: Walk in front. Jackson's Machine Shop tivision Street fill next sidewalk Sanitary conditions in Town Outlet Town sewer Sidewalk Cline & -I)e Kalb Sidewalk Navy Yard Hotel Removal, Glen Owens water meter F,W. Nilson sidewalk -Peninsula -Grain Go. G.A. Hanks sidewalk and parking strip Sidney & Kitsap Removal water meters Prospect Street Bulkhead McGill right of way. Break concrete Bay Street Front Navy Yard Dock Holes in Gutter-C.A-. Hanks property, Kitsap & Sidney The following bills were presented:. T. A. Lund, filing Saws $1.75 Elmer W Wilson, Repair chemical valves on fire truck 1.25 N.C. Davies, hauling gravel Sidney St 4.00 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion the meeting adjourned. Clerk Mayor January 9th 1928 Council metthis evening at 7:30. Present Mayor Ainsworth and Councilmen Craven, Radey, Wilkins and Stevenson. i Minutes of meeting of December 27th 1927 were read and approved. Messrs. Craven, Radey, Wilkins and Stevenson, and F. D. Fiedler appointed �J in place of Councilman Caretti resigned, were all sworn in, and Councilman Fiedler took his place in the Council. Councilman 4ilkins were excused from further attendance on account of not being well. The dlerk reported that the oaths of office of J. M. Peterson, Tres:surer, ' R. J. Caretti, Marshal and Francis M. Apr;legate clerk had been duly filed. The Pump Lquipment Go. of 305 First *venue Seattle, Washington presented figures in referende to a 75,000 gallon water tank and quoted a rough figure of $3250 for such a tank erected.