11/15/1926 - Regular - Minutesp r November IrDth 926 Council met this eVen_ing. at .:`7"H30 P.U. Present Mayor„•Hanks Zarid Codnczilmen Raley,,; Wilson and Wilkinsc Minutes of meeting 'of N'o-vermber -lst 1926 were read and approved. She Clerk was directed. to .noti'fy the Puget Sound Electric Light & Poker Company that the Mire &; Light: Comrai:ttee' would meet. their representatives, at, the Tflv'rn Hall an Thursday evening November .18t�Yr,1926. , The Clerk was directed .to w2r ite J-.-P. Joslin in respect to piling wood' -in an a11ey nearhis home; Councilman Radey called attention to a hole in Cline a.-treet at:,Ih:right.' Street,, and the- Ilarshal' Pas directed -to fix the same The Marshal was directed to have I-7r. Howe put ai flashing on the- chimney "at the house on the pumping plant grounds. - The Larshal vias directed to clean -out the ditch on -the State Highway beyond - Pottery Fill road.;, and remove the wooden sidewalk back. of YLr.* Elders, prop6rty on Pro.pe,ct Street and replace it with sand, " The following bills vaere presented: GEII'.SIV.L FUND W-J Nelson; grading streets $40,00 Wilson Motor Coilpany, gas,, oil, etc: 6.68 Rensselaer Valve Company, nozzle caps 9_;15 Z iek & Murray, set annual election supplies 5 ,63 H wets Hardware,: general supplies 4x35 P,,O. Transfer Company, hauling, etc. 34.90 N.C..Davies, hauling, etc. 10.O0 Resselaer Valve Company, hydrant supplies 23.45 Hirsch Cycle Cc_+- supplies and repair to morotcycle 26,020 WATER FUND Howe is Hardware.),, general supplies $4*92 and warrants -were ord-eyed drawn therefor". -- On motion the meeting adjourned, avm Cl e Yday o f