12/06/1926 - Regular - Minutesz December 6th 191 6 Council met this evening at 7:30 Present lsayor hanks and Cou-noilmen Craven, Ra.dey and 'dilson. j:linutes ,of meeting of l ove_fLer 15th 11326 were read and approved. The i:iatter° of the giving away of the bulkhead on Prospect Street 'back of Kunzelr,ianls store was discussed and the Clerk was. directed to write J.L. Kiernan, as agent for J.i3.'4a',ey, to rej)ai.r the break. The matter of the sidewalk between Johnson's Neat Larket and the Cr e ,mery was referred to the Street &C iiliey Co-mittee and the I1arshal ;.with poyrer to act. `. he Clerk was directed to investigate as to tz�e present title of the lot formerly ovrned by Soy .,-_r on Bay ,Street acid 1.rrite an ate letter in respect to f i.xing the sidewalk. The Clerk 1,ias directed to write to i�`.,: .4Tilson to LLt once put a sidevralk in front of his store property situp-Aed on I4.y Street. John R. Walsh a a& 1drs . Frca.,IciS of t-,ie -Library Board a p_;eured before the Council, and asked for permission to tear down the tower of the Town Hall and add an annex 20 x 24 feet, and such permissio i was granted, the 'iown i assuniinz 40 for the tearing dm-rn of the towed• and sliiiigiing the same over. The Clerk was directed to write the C & C Hardware Company to either re- iiiove the service pipe ahead of -the meter, and place the sage back of the rzeter, or otherwise a serv_�.ce chi-,:•ge of 1.50 a .moat -A would be made for said pipe in addition to ,rater consu',.ied tFiroiLzFh the metc-r. Councilrlen Radey was autnorized to iva'ce ap )ro�aw•iL:.te arran6e.ments for the grading of Sidney Street. The Clerk was authorised to ,write to F .",'. '+ilson, iti1',1ert Saunders and R. Tourtilott asa'cing i'or a bid for olacinE shi igles on the tool house at the purlping plant. The I:Iarshal brouZ_ht up the follo4vinL ;:iatters, �i�..cing about three y:=,rds of gravel at the foot of pottery Hill roan, the cros_..W, s on the "Test side of Sidney at De iLalb an& the south side of ue Kalb :yt Harriso i, placing gravel on Kitsap Street, the placing of a bari,ier �it the end of !�,y Street near the Creaidery, the placing of a "i�io Parking" sign, on the Central Hock. The council directed the crossings to �:e fi�.ed, thl-A tale marshal ;secure fiE, .Eres as to the cost of gravel Laid on the streets, and that- the Clerk take up with the owners of the Central .flock the matter of the "No Parking" sign, and passed the other matters over for the tine being. The I�iaxshal was directed to authorize the Uu' e l::ctrie Coimany to make perzna:,ient connections at the teleph,ane office for the fire sirens. The Clergy, reported the conditions of the Funds of the Town as follows: -� i (Continued from :gage 2) GENERAIL Warrants outstanding, overdraft, less amount in Indebtedness Fund, net indebtedness WATER Outstanding warrants, less amount to credit of Fund The following bills were presented: GENERAL F[T TID Tels harkussen 5.00 i' Stevensont Furniture Store, guilt 3.75 I: Duke :electric Company, sundry supplies 6.18 N.C. Davies, ha.aling,etc. 16.00 J.P. Joslin, Hauling 1.25 Tire Shop, gas and oil 2.14 Port Orchard Lumber Yard, lubber 13.88 Howe's Hardware, supplies 6.55 Port Orchard -,,Lachine alor' ., , ma -'ling release valves 3.00 Union Garage, carburdler, e';,c. 23.79 K"TER MAD Duhe Electric Company, labor on pump and suppliee 6.70 Howe' s Hardware supplies 1.45 and warrants were ordered drawn therefor. On motion duly carried the meeting adjourned. Toren Cl 14yor $2076..78 $541.87