12/20/1926 - Regular - Minutes4
December 20th 1926
Council met this eventing at 7:30.
Present ? ayor
Banks and Cou: cilmen Craven,
Wilson and Wilhins.
.Minutes of the neeting of December
6th 1926 were
read and apDrovV.
Complaints in Te : the contractor
for gravelling
the navy rara HiChz, ay were
refered to .;he Marshal for at uen ti on.
The matter of cutting down trees
in T gird Street
near l:Iitchell Mill Roar were
referred to the St._.eet & Alley Coi-maittee for investigation, wi.th powen to act.
1}'J.e :latter of refres}1:tie_it.i fuZ'ii.,leCR to the in?'1i1E,S :ti:1en the Town was ile_aCE.'d
by fire lest su ier%i brou&t up, and warrants .'Tore ordered drawn, a L inst proper
vouchers, for the following items:
Payne Oro thers , pop y06.50
H.E. Howe, cigarettes 3.00
The �atter of the bulkhead on Prospect Stree;" was referred to the Street ond
Alley Co:_riittee for inspecti_n and repast.
The Mayor regorted that grovel could be obtained th ouCh Road Supervisor
nelson at $1.25 s-,r'ead on the job, and after jigcussi:on, the Clerk was directed to
write Lr. Nelson ordering 90 yards of gravel, about 60 of which wa,z to be plLced
on Sidney Street in accordance with onderstnn?ing had uith I r. nelson and Con-
. �
missioner 3uchlin, died the remaining 30 yards to be placed under the direction �
of the I.'iarshal at the foot of Pottery Hill, the intersection of Kitsap axed 'nest ,
Hay Street and o_1 Kitsa; Street. The was dirocted to cancel the order
heretofore placed with.kr. Xing, the cwntr< ctor for grnvellinS the Navy Yard
The Clerk was directed to write the atLte Hig'.,-raay Engineer asking -That was the
intention of the Highway Dep"it:hent in respect to grovelling Bay Street in the
`!'own Linitu.
The Clerk was directed to -.rite to the <erican Legion asking whether they
- 1
expected to use the triangular spy ce at the intersection of Lest :gay Street, K tsap
& Cline Streets; for war trophies.
The C -erk presented the revurns of the elector. }-held on 7t h day of Lecv 'ber 1926
and the Council duly canvassed the returns and duly dec:,�red the folloyin : electid:
Layor C.I. Ainsworth
CouAcilwen C._....Petrie, R.J. Ca:retti,
Town Treasurer J.n. Peterson
Mr. Steel the hanager of the Western Division of the ouget Sounu Light & Power Co.
and Mr. Sachtleben, appeared before the Council and preLented a new contract in reopect
to power for
the pumping
h contract
for Street
Lighting had been
presented and
by the
lire & Light
loth contracts were duly
read, and on motion duly made seconded and cariied both contract were accepted as
presented, except that in respect to power for ,urrj a provision was to be inserted
( continued frol`J. je 4)
that in case the TozFn should change to a gravity system *...There no electricty was
required the contract should terii:3.nate, ootl-. contracts to Oecoi.ie effective.
Janua__-y 1, 1927, �_.nd the Layor. and Cler- were duly authorized to execute the
said contracts on behalf of the '_.,),an. The contract for 'dower for the ;IoUmping
st"cation rums for a s E�.r1od of seve>1 years, but the jx•esent contract havinL about
18 rnontlis to run is abr ogatee , and it is figured on the 1925 consurlption of power
t'riat the nea contract i-vill save the To.=in about 215 a year. It is figured that
the new lighting contract will save the Towr, 4 76.80 ; year, based on the present
use of lights. It is for a 5 year period.
The L'1ayor and C�erk were aatnorized to issue a wari:aiit to F.'w'. "i1ilson, for
re,._oving the tower of the. To ,rn r'all as soon as the Job to?w finished.
The fol s. owang "bills were -presented:
:A?.C. Davies, hauiing gr.avel,etc.
Duce Electric Co. co"n-.:ecting siren to
Telephone office
Geo . Cady Johnso.ri, J adge of Blection
J.". Sutton, Clerk of Election
C.S. Osburn, Clerk of :election
r�snworth Lumber Co., hydrant covers
Y.O. T:ran.sfer CO.. Haulinf etc.
C.P.,Steve)?s, ewe'_'«?� __.',.ce! se for motorcycle
-. Howe, ci&Laettes for urines after.the
fare iienace
Mayne Oros. pop for after fire iexiE�ce
StG_nd6.rd Oil C orly,a�"�y . oil for dy-r_c i io raid motor 1.90
"1-D. :Baker Co. stz�.4"i;p )t.d for `L'own Clerk .b4
a-nd -,:arrants were ordered dra,:in therefor.
Tokr'i Clerk, a.yor