1060 - Resolution - Revision of Six-Year Comp Arterial Street Programr-. RESOLUTION NO. 1666 ��.. A RESOLUTION REVISING AND A$OPTING THE REVISION OF THE SIX -YEAR COMPREHENSIVE ARTERIAL STREET PROGRAM OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard is required by Statute to revise and amend its Six Year Comprehensive Arterial Street Program biannually or sooner, if required; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard that the city's Arterial Street Program should now be revised and amended in light of recent developments; Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the attachment hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference, is adopted as the current Six -year Comprehensive Arterial Street Program for the City of Port Orchard, to take precendence over any previous programs or revisions thereto. Passed by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington this R h day of July, 1968. M YUR Attu: City Clerk Approved.as to Form: i6 City A to t ney FXHIBIT "A" Item No. 1. } 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PO BOX 186 PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON REVISED SIX -YEAR COMPREHENSIVE ARTERIAL STREET PROGRAM Type of Improvements Street From To Grade Drain Curbs Gutters Resurface Est. Cost Pottery Avenue Lippert Fireweed X X - R/W - Gravel only 10,000.00 High Ave. & Bay Melcher X X X X X 111,000.00 Hull Street Cline Bay Kendall X X X X X 29,000.00 Mitchell Bay So. City Limits X X X X X 50,000.00 Sidney Division Melcher X X X 45,000.00 Ingqrease Sidney Melcher Tremont X X R/W X X 50,000.00 Tremont Sidney Roland X X R/W X 50,000.00 Melcher Sherman Pottery Hill Rd. X X R�W X X 35,000.00 Pottery Hill Rd. Melcher Tremont X X RXW X X 30,000.00 Melcher Sidney Sherman R/W X _ X X 75,000.00 &X I� r a