1031 - Resolution - Adopting Six-Year Comp Arterial Street ProgramRESOLUTION NO. 1031 A RESOLUTION REVISING AND ADOPTING THE SIX -YEAR COMPREHENSIVE ARTERIAL STREET PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD WHEREAS, the Washington State Highway Commission, Department - of Highways, by letter dated November 15, 1965, requested that the six -year comprehensive arterial street program for the City of Port Orchard be re- vised; and WHEREAS the six -year comprehensive arterial street program has been amended and revised, and has been approved by the Planning Commission for the City of Port Orchard at its regular meeting held on January 17, 1966; Now, Therefore, BE IT, AND IT HEREBY IS, RESOLVED by the City Counci 1 of the City of Port Orchard that the revised six -year comprehensive arterial street program, -a copy of which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A", and made a part hereof by reference, be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the six year comprehensive arterial street program for the City of Port Orbhard. Done this 24th day of January, 1966. Attest: ity Jerk Ap ved as to forth : Qty Attorno 4 r CITY OF PORT ORCHARD yY . PO BOX #186 PORT ORCHARD# WASHINGTON RNVIS EP SIX -YEAR COMPREHk IVE STR"T PROGR ,.J9 ` Item No. Street To `type of improvements List Grade resin Curbs Gutters Resurface Cost � 1. High Ave A Mull St Bky Keleher X X X X X $lll,flUO. 2 . ° ; Cline Bay ]Kendal 1 X X X X X 29J,000. Sri 3. , ; Mitchell Bay So. City Limits X X Y X X 50, 000 . , 4. Sidney Division Melcher X X X 45,000. 5. Sidney Melcher Tremont X X Increase R/W X X 50,o00. 60 Tremont 31 ftey Roland X X R�+t X ! 50,000. 7. Belcher Sheri", Pottery.Hili Rd X X i X X PoJitery Hill Rd . Keleher Tremont X X X X 30, OOa. i �. Keleher Sidney Sherman wW X • ]► . X 75g000. 1 •3