1010 - Resolution - Special Assessments for ImprovementslELO . A4 �_' - P BE IT RESOLVED BY 17HE COUNCelL OF THE Cr 01 PORT That It Is the intewdon of said Camcil to order the cals ftnprovea -neat € ereina ter set forth, and to levy € nd elect special a ssessm nits to pad' the coats and expense of such improvement, upon the real propexty which is herea -ter described, to the extem that such property shall be heaefited That sod improveawnt shall consist of laying local sanitary sewers with the necesmry wyes, `ends, risers for side sewers, m�-ales. etc., and all other worm aaa scary to complete the same in accordance with tdhe pl=s and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer, fail improve- ment may also indude sanitary side seer connections from sewer Literal to the property line, provided, however, that where said sae to any side sewer corrections are inetal2ed, the installation shsU be considered a s a special befit to the abutting property and assessed as suc and nam prorated through- out the district. 'l'"= said sadtary sewers are to be constructed to furnish service to the following primes: Both sites of the old Gig Harbor Highway frora the South lime of the South half d the Northwest quarter of the North- west quarter of Section 36, i ownship 24 North, Range 1 Wit, W. M. , KitW County, Washington, to State Mghway . 14. Both sides of State Highway No. 14 from tae old Gib; Harbor Highway to Bay :trait. h "a of Bay Street fro€n State Highway No. 14 to Tracy Street. l oOz aides cd Division Street irmu State Higrvay No. 14 to Mitcham Road. Bab sides of Fourtla Street from Stye Hl way o. 14 to Wtchall Road.. Both sib of 7hird Street from State Hi&iway No. 14 to limit Both sib of Second Street from. State : rghway No. 14 to Mitchell Road. Bab sides of First Street from Mate highway Nb. 14 m Mitchell Road. Both aides of Mitchell ld from First Street on the East to Bay Strait. Both skWs of Aiken Street from First Street to Division Street. BWh add" of Taylor Street from varragut Street4o 3ay Street. Bach sides of Ferry Strut from 10itchell Road to Lawrence Street. Both sides of Farm Street from Division Street to Laws Street. Baft sides of Tracy Street f roin Division Street to Bay Sty. BoM sides d Stockton Street from Farragut Street to Tracy StrwA. Both sides of Lawrence Street from Perry,,Street to 1 racy Si. That dw real property to be bendited by said improvement and which will coes€tate L4eal Improvement District No. 60 is described as :ollows, to. -wit: at the intersection of the North margin of Division St. and the cer hate of block 7, r lat of avoliiet thence Northerly along the center line of said Sloes to Baltimore Sit. aral continuing along said line produced throtqft blacks 10 and iS of said Plat, along taeir restive -2- torsi lialm V=40NAAS thO WrOWLY MUnis of . to lot Imch is COMAM W lets I mod is of Moth is of S&S4 of OWAO wrthax4y throw* Stott& to slam$ the Iota lamob divides terra I to 6 on ly wide from lots 13 to 10 A sho easterly aide to ar potat on the zevtberlY line of lots f►,a l0; theme east#41,olon the northerly line of lot Waef, 91a4k, °LDS to tom: y VAjnts of teeter fit'; thence r . t say WAXOG of Avestim St:. to the y iiwou;jf, `fi r Street; twee across Chester St, to ttlst at 196 tste waerthaearly ae"In of Chester St. and t y . of DM&tW Ave.; %bgWe saosrtheaesterly olo tese fitlyINOXV& of Decater Ave.- to an inter. msa " of tue �e+iNr Nisti�y line of list 20 block 27 .of- said Viet; lt�NYC 4106 sae#d let Iine " the a point bust _ let to owl wt tb vw"*Ctj along the Center• Use of gtea that y line of lot- 9 of aeeid hideisl sue Ut lift to the pettiaaett betve elsa '$ '. l� aautd bls i4 doom northerly ales on sftst Y~ _l + ., St Of set ' # a to the ansstttseriy menin of LxWW to �r#; ..t s Vest the said >,e►>astiaeph 'Ye w am set. + tto a ,psis is 1�+ aft. Od y gas ttlaet r of an Sty 1:; r y TidelarW ► f ti arse ably 8 ar. Il a 120� s+sae a� +silel to the 10 . ;to the easterly margin of lot y Sim thion isetborlyslong said lot marlin to the ' gt.; t10 southwesterly Sly said 4Wg&jsds& nee:trans Stott gigbusy No. IA and along to tada M of Notst St. to s po f ej opposite the northerly tin* of g 36 Additien; theme OW40 easterly along tbo aeae eileera; Y of Mid bloaata to the y line of g +eltii 4 ale" said nortbwastp etriy l ;'t intd Olook 4 to drat .soasdmat live of lot so, Block 4 of sa+*�rly along soi.d lot 1 the and said lift . -firs dim of State High"y go. 141 theme +eaesetdO t y is is •� on common I ine between I# a 24 and �3, B i ? it oar the .'v" t to owAft line of . OVA* irk sold bleSeh . its. to the north Ilse sit ametem SU 1 dome, test o $# stgo* mania to 00 Oww4biq0t .State ftaaY► NO. 14 a mom thaaeeterl y sly algid iarr Ito OR intosraeeaetiow With the section lice betty m sessik". $S sod 366 2UIP. 209 bIg 1a.i o which is the 040tal"a 409 mil gt.; th"We low" aEla Arid lino to an a Ilse thick is 1200 wastdweaterty of and per. 61101 to tiWft,4 gig Swear ItIo s►y; them* "Utiwesterly along aesid l r : d l�loa Vi th rite es"tetl iwe pied of snuftI as South line of the north 112 of the nertb oasat "new speartero, Spation 369 TWP 24 g. a 9Z W.M. T tboaft 4"t said Beare ea2$Dta t.S Mattes Higher and Contise• tam to fit niece With s line � is I � a fand parallel to the 011 My � *iAig RSsboar gi y; then" earth. fawwly agile" mid tiwM parallel to Old Qig Harbor Highway and lend ltsa at +awe to tree right pa raallol to the southerly line of State lkt# nay go. 14 to a point eahich 1 ins on the ceanteart inse pmftwd of bloc & of Tom Glints Additioa; thence north alen said line prodowed aW said costwdine Sod aeatinuing etorth afts tdw of g Ook I of said ardditte t to the South line of Lit 30 net:. weld hieada; Owna s gist along the aputh margins of Lot 30 to tie oeatwl tm of Mi teehol 1 goad; Brent* north along the Tee of Mitellvall Read to the contorl ire of First St. on the i dwAs e alarm the emstor time of said First St. to a polht on as lima ubtdk to "* eeaaet of the east raanut of Taylor St. other• trine boom as Tvacy St..; tie north on a Sine Uaieh is 900 fraeoa and pav4M is trite Seat margin of Tsylor St. to the South mania of Divislet St.; thence northerly access Division St, to the point 4f ice. 030 The assessments levied against said 1c1ts and property to become due and payable at the option of the property owners in fifteen (13) equal annual installments, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum on deferred payments. Thut the work of said improvement be done and said special assessments be levied and collected in the m" nner provid- ed by the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinance of the City of port Orchard. That all persons who may desire to object to the making of said improvement in the manner above set forth, shall do so in writing and file said remonstrance with the City Clerk at or prior to the liith of June, 1963, or shall appear and present their obj- ections on the date set for hearing before the City Council to be held in the Port Orchard City Hall on the 10th of June, 1963, at 7:30 o'clock P*M. That the City 1ngineer submit to this Council at a data: prior to said pith clay of June, 1963, the estimated cost of said improvement, a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which should be borne by the property within the proposed assessment district, a statement of the actual value of the real estate, encluding 25jo of the actual value of the improvement thereon, within said dist- rict according to the valuation last placed upon it for the purpose of general taxation; a statement in detail of the local improvement assessments outstanding and unpaid against the property within the district; together with a diagram or print shoving thereon the lots, tracts, and parcels of land and other property which will be specl"Ily benefited by said improvement, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of the improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property; and That the City Clerk publish this resolution in two consec- utive issues of the Fort Orchard lndependant, as required by law. Adopted May 130 1963. Attest: Ni c CY. Rep_ ich,` IxI or