154 - Resolution - Franchise for Waste ReceptaclesA FE30LUTI0_Y .1ranting a right and ri—r►chise to place and maintain upon the sidewo-lks and public rounda of the city r.:ste receptacles, and display ad- vertisin7 matter thereon. Resolved, by the=::ayor and Council of the City of "tort orchard, State of 'lashin ton: - .section 1. There is hereby given and granted to ,,merson L.. garner, his heirs and assigns, the ri ht �-.nd franchise to place and maintain upon the sidewalks and public grounds of the city street waste recu.-tacles, and display e.cv(­rtising matter thereon, upon the following conditions.- (1) !%:e city shall have the complete and exclusive ri�l.t to use and control, in »:ginner it may see fit, the receptacles for collecting and disposin of the -vaste, without any charge against the city or li:.,.bility for any damage that ,:iay result thereto . (2) '_'he-ruritee shall display upon the ends and front of the top of the receptacles an order to the public to place its street waste therein. (3) The grantee shall keep the receptacles and advertisements in good condition and neat appca.ring . in (4) :he grantee 3hall pay to the city yearly, wit_lin thirty days after the first day of January in each yr;ar, five per cent of its gross receipts frors advertising during the previous y'car, and a mir:imum of at least ;,Z.00 per month. (5) The grantee shall not display any improper advertisements, nor LzdvertXjement•3 of any persor. or company co.nductin;� exciu:3ively a retail tusiness outside of the city, or who reeks to do a retail ijusine,43 in the city principally or lamely cy mLans of peddlers, catalogues or through the mail, unless per..mi t ted so to do by trze :«ayo r . (6) The grantee, unless otherwise permitted by the l,ayor of the city, shall place and maintain the receptacles only upon the o4ter edge a- side- walks, and only at or near street intersections in the businc3s or in- dustrial sections of the city, or at or near such pl:1ce3 as boat term- inw13, parks, schools, churches and public places, and on!.;,, in such man- ner as not to interfere with or discomimiode the put sic in the tree use of the 3iclevialks or public .,wound's or places of the city, and not :ore than two at any street intersection or more than one at other-Aacea, and shall, if two 1,e placed :4t a street inter3ection, place and viaintain them diagonally op osite one another, and shall, within aixty days from: date, place at least four of the receptacles in the business sectian, and r lin- tain ther, there durinz the period of the franchise. (?) The gas to receptacle shall be in accordance with the blue print thereof on file with the town clerk or such ae may be approved of by the I"ayor . (a) 1,o as 3ignment of thin franchise Shall be valid unless in v=ritin; and executed and acrnawiedged before cs notary :u lic and filed with the town clerk. (9) if the :grantee fails to ke,-p any of the above conditions, and continues so to do a:'ter a thirty days notice in writing from the town clerk addre3sed to him _:t 314 Jio-re luilding Annex, 3eayttiLe, this fran- chise shall be terminated, and trse Santee 3h'll forfeit �;L11 rizc.ts and -rivilege3 hereunder, and the 01ity may remove and dispose of Said recep- tacles in any manner it L,"y ;Tee fit unle33 soontr removed by the grantee. It is understood that the rantee shalinot be required to dispose of the sLts to placed in the receptacles. lection 2, This franchise shall be in force and effect for a period of sixty days from =^nd after the passage and approval of this reso- lution. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect and ce in force from <,nd after its pus ;age and ap:.,roval. Passed and ap _: rotted this 4 th day of -February 19 24 . Attest. ''rar.cis pple?ate ,ayor of the Town of tort Orchard, Washln :;to n Town Clerk.