060-16 - Bruce Titus Ford, Inc. - Contract Amendment Extenstion 1Hello Daniel! The City has received, and accepted, your notice to renew. I will file this email and make note in my file that the new term expiration date is 5/31/2026. Please let me know if you need anything further. I hope you have an excellent, and warm, day 😊 Best Wishes, Brandy Rinearson, MMC, CPRO City Clerk/Assistant to the Mayor City of Port Orchard Direct (360) 876-7030 Fax (360) 895-9029 www.cityofportorchard.us Our doors are closed to the public, however we continue to serve the citizens of Port Orchard via telephone and email, Monday through Friday 8am to 4:30pm. Emergency services are available 24 hours a day by calling 911. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Please be aware that e-mails which pertain to City business may be considered public records and may be subject to public disclosure laws. If you think that you have received this e-mail message in error, please notify the sender via e-mail or telephone at (360) 876-7030. From: Daniel Rehberger <daniel.rehberger@brucetitus.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 3:26 PM To: Brandy Rinearson <brinearson@cityofportorchard.us> Subject: Bruce Titus Ford Lease Hi Brandy, As you are probably aware, Bruce Titus Ford leases a parcel of land next to our dealership from the city. The term of the lease is coming to an end on May 31st and we would like to exercise our first option to extend the term for 5 years. Please let me know if you need a more formal request to exercise the option. Thanks for your help! Daniel J. Rehberger, CPA | CFO/COO Bruce Titus Automotive Group | http://www.brucetitus.com <http://www.brucetitus.com> o. 253.830.3287 <tel:253.830.3287> c. 253.241.3212 <tel:253.241.3212> f. 253.830.3355 <tel:253.830.3355> e. daniel.rehberger@brucetitus.com <mailto:daniel.rehberger@brucetitus.com>