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05/17/2022 - Work Study - Packet
J .. IYuh , Mayor: Rob Putaansuu Administrative Official Councilmembers: MarkTrenary E/D & Tourism Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Transportation Committee KRCC-alt Shawn Cucciardi Finance Committee E/D & Tourism Committee Lodging Tax, Chair Fred Chang Economic Development & Tourism Committee Land Use Committee Transportation Committee Jay Rosa pepe Finance Committee, Land Use Committee KRCC, PSRC-alt, PSRCTranspol-alt, KRCCTranspol alt, KRCC Planpol-alt, John Clauson Finance Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee Kitsap Public Health District-alt Cindy Lucarelli (Mayor Pro-Tempore) Festival of Chimes & Lights Committee, Chair Utilities/Sewer Advisory Committee, Chair Kitsap Economic Development Alliance Scott Diener Land Use Committee, Chair Transportation Committee Department Directors: Nicholas Bond, AICP Development Director Mark Dorsey, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Tim Drury Municipal Court Judge Noah Crocker, M.B.A. Finance Director Matt Brown Police Chief Brandy Wallace, MIMIC, CPRO City Clerk Meeting Location: Council Chambers, V Floor 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 Contact us: (360) 876-4407 cityhall@cityofportorchard.us City of Port Orchard Council Work Study Session May 17, 2022 6:30 p.m. The City Council meeting is held remotely through Zoom. We have provided options for the public to attend through telephone, internet or other means of remote access, and also provides the ability for persons attending the meeting (not in -person) to hear each other at the same time. Therefore, Remote access only Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/J/87140646355 Zoom Webinar ID: 8714064 6355 Zoom Call -In: 1 253 215 8782 Guiding Principles • Are we raising the bar? • Are we honoring the past, but not living in the past? • Are we building connections with outside partners? • Is the decision -making process positively impacting diversity, equity, and inclusion? CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 1. 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments (Bond) Page 2 Estimated Time: 30 minutes 2. Port Orchard Municipal Code 20.162.044 Definitions Generally= "Wetland, Isolated" (Bond) Page 340 Estimated Time: 30 minutes Good of the Order Please turn off cell phones during meeting and hold your questions for staff until the meeting has been adjourned Meeting materials are available on the City's website: www.citvofportorchard.us or by contacting the City Clerk's Office, 360.876.4407 The City of Port Orchard does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Contact the City Clerk's office should you need special accommodations. Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Work Study Session Executive Summary Issue Title: 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Meeting Date: May 17, 2022 Time Required: 30 Minutes Attendees: Nicholas Bond, AICP Action Requested at this Meeting: Presentation of 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments for anticipated June 14, 2022, Public Hearing. Issue: The City initiated three amendments to the Comprehensive Plan by the deadline of January 31, 2022. The following amendments were approved to be placed on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment docket by the City Council: City -Initiated Text Amendments a) Parks Element. Update the Parks Element and adopt the Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan by reference. Several edits are proposed to the Parks Element to reference the updated PROS Plan. However, no substantive changes to the Parks Element are proposed through the 2022 Amendment process. b) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Updates to the 6-year and 20-year TIP which generally includes prioritizing projects, adjusting budgets and the inclusion of a TIB-funded complete street grant project into the 6-year TIP. The TIP is color -coded to provide additional clarity. Please note highlighted rows which depict alterations to previous TIP where red indicated an item for deletion, yellow identifies projects with significant modifications and green rows indicate new projects. c) Capital Facilities Element. Adopt the 2021 Amendment to the Water System Plan Background: The City Council reviewed and approved the Comprehensive Plan amendment docket at their March 8, 2022 meeting. The Planning Commission was tasked with reviewing the proposed amendments and making a recommendation to the City Council after holding a public hearing. The Planning Commission set May 3, 2022 as the scheduled public hearing to solicit public input and provide a recommendation to the City Council. Staff provided Notice of Hearing consistent with the requirements of the Port Orchard Municipal Code on April 18, 2022 did not receive any comments regarding the amendments. At the May 3, 2022 the Planning Commission provided a recommendation of approval of the 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments as presented. Alternatives: N/A Page 2 of 342 Back to Agenda Executive Summary 1 Page 2 of 2 Recommendations: The City Council hold a public hearing on June 14, 2022, to take public testimony and adopt the 2022 Comprehensive Plan Amendments as presented. Attachments: 1. Amended Parks Element 2. Port Orchard PROS Plan 3. PROS PLAN Appendix A — G2 4. PROS PLAN Appendix H 5. 2023 — 2042 TIP 6. Appendix B — Plans adopted by reference Page 3 of 342 Back to Agend_1 Chapter 4: Parks Chapter 4. 4.1. Introduction PARKS This Parks Element of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update provides direction and guidance, based on citizen input, On, Ito improve and maintain the City's existing parks and create new parks to meet the needs of a growing population. This element is supplemented by the 2022 Parks. Recreation. and Open Space (PROS) Plan adopted by reference in Appendix B to the City's Comprehensive Plan. This dew,; element ;s a reflect*^^ ^{reflects the community's vision, goals and expectations regarding existing Parks Vision City park facilities and future parks. This Parks Parks and green space are essential €lementit has been developed as a collaborative components in the fabric of a vibrant effort with input from members of the public, city. Our safe and well -maintained elected and appointed officials, and Planning parks and recreation facilities knit Department staff. The Element was updated to the community together, stabilize and reflect current—(2015) data, facilities, and enhance residential neighborhoods population, with the planning horizon projected to and add vitality to the downtown 2036. while encouraging and supporting increased shoreline access and The Parks Element, in conjunction with the recreation. Comprehensive Parks PJanPROS Plan, is the guiding document that the City will use to achieve its goals of providing parks, open space, active recreation opportunities, and related services to meet the needs and expectations of Port Orchard's citizens. The Parks Element serves as a guide for general improvements to the park system while the Cernprehen4ve ParksPROS Plan provides more detailed plans for a cC-ity-wide spark and trail network and specific plans for individual parks. The City of Port Orchard regulatory and non - a' v regulatory decisions and programs, as well as budget decisions related to parks, should be consistent with this Parks Element and with the Comprehensive Pa ksPROS Plan. Used in this way, comprehensive parks planning minimizes conflict in decision -making and promotes coordination among programs and r Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan and June 2022 \dopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 Page 4 of 342 Back to Agenda Chapter 4: Parks egulations to best serve the whole Port Orchard community. Over the next twee 20 years, the City of Port Orchard plans to focus on maintaining existing parks facilities while slowly expanding to meet future needs;. To meet the needs of a growing community for parks, trails, recreation and open space, maintenance of existing facilities and creation of new facilities would be funded by annual budget expenditures, grants, impact fees and other financial means available to the City. The Port Orchard Comprehensive Parl(sPROS Plan is the planning document that allows the City to budget its resources to meet the goals and objectives for municipal parks. Although the emphasis is to maintain the existing park system, the number of parks and trails will need to increase to meet the demands of the new population. Based on the levels of service identified in the City's PaF!(s PROS Plan, over the next 20 years the City should acquire r^ of 5 additional acres for new parks, recreation and open space opportunities consistent with the PROS Plan. The City's goals within the 20_ year planning horizon include non -motorized transportation options (trails and walking/bicycle paths) to connect the local centers established in the Land Use Element of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update and to provide all of Port Orchard's residents opportunities to enjoy active recreation and open spaces. The City continues to work toward expanding the non -motorized- path along Sinclair Inlet as part of the regional Mosquito Fleet Trail. The City also plans, as funds become available, to update and expand the existing parks facilities to provide each local center with access to parks and recreation opportunities. Existing and future parks and trails are depicted on Map 1. 4.2. Public Involvement and History of Parks Planning To ensure that the plan meets public needs, it is based on public input. Public opinion has been sought during Comprehensive Plan Updates and Parks Plan Updates for decades. City staff, appointed and elected officials have been gauging community opinions through surveys and public hearings since 1975. The entire community is invited to comment, which helps to introduce different perspectives into the policy and goal setting process. 2015 Parks Survey In 2015, as a part of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update process, staff sent an online survey, created using Google forms, to City ie 2016 Revised: July 2018 Page 5 of 342 Back to Agenda Chapter 4: Parks organizations, citizens who have asked to be notified about Comprehensive Plan Updates, and elected and appointed officials. The 2015 Parks Survey was conducted to help update the Parks Element of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan (Vision Port Orchard) and the City's Parks Plan. It was structured similarly to past parks surveys, but was only distributed in an online electronic format and included a variety of updated and new questions related to recent developments in parks planning. The goal of the survey was to provide guidance on how to plan, operate, maintain, and fund Port Orchard's parks over the next 20 years. The survey was first announced via e-mail and the City's official Facebook page on July 20, 2015 and was closed August 23, 2015. A total of 184 respondents were recorded. The Vision Port Orchard e-mail list gained 73 new subscribers for an updated total of 263 subscribers. Survey respondents expressed a consistent desire for a few key park features: walking/jogging/running paths, restrooms, picnic areas, and playgrounds. Other types of features, such as meeting areas and athletic facilities, received support as well but were discussed less in written comments. The results of the 2015 electronic surveys are included in Appendix G of the City's Comprehensive Parks Plan. YMCA Feasibility Study In 2016, the YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties and several local agencies, including the City of Port Orchard, hired a consultant to conduct a study on the feasibility of developing a YMCA community center to serve the South Kitsap/Port Orchard community. The study included a telephone survey of 402 random residents of the local area. The study indicated that for themselves, adult residents are most interested in a swimming pool, cardiovascular and strength training equipment, and for their children and teens they are most interested in having a swimming pool, youth sports and a safe "meeting place". South Kitsap Regional Park (outside of the city limits) was the identified preferred location for the facility. The study suggested a strong demand for a YMCA in the identified area. It is anticipated that the City Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 and June 2022 Page 6 of 342 Back to Agenda Chapter 4: Parks and other agencies will continue to explore this possibility in future planning and budgetary efforts. 4.3. Parks Vision — Connections The City of Port Orchard 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update identifies ten eleven (1011) designated Centers of Local cal Iw,POFt-,nce. The vision of the Parks Element and C^""4 sPROS Plan is to ensure that every center contains and/or is connected to a park by safe non -motorized routes. The Port Orchard Parks and Trails r. n the following page depicts existing paF'( faisilities in Felation to the ten local centeFs as well as the planned tFail cennectmens between local centers depicted with dashed lines. Walking/jogging/running paths were a top priority identified in the 2015 Parks Survey. Connecting local centers and parks with safe non -motorized routes, including those in public right-of-way such as bike lanes and walking shoulders, will increase access to active transportation for all residents and benefit the entire community. The Non -Motorized section of the Transportation Element provides further detail on existing and future trails. Port Orchard Parks and Trails Legend y GIBE ROR © Parks �'��_•-� P� • 1� Fo of Ferry Dock _ I'�e� Waterfr"Sne�P a*k Eita1Tu �nerP rk/' ! Schools = Dekalh k_�r Pubiicstreets ^` Centra'IR ark tvateroomes i AY ST - - —Veteran Park -••-•• City Boun do,, r+� '�I` — m i Urban Growth area MILE ILti DI't 5 MILE Non -Motorized Routes iv hill, led Type, Status d �. A '� @! y anerieL PlannedJl- Residenllal. Existing �gZ PIE a. Residential. Planned THE T T �- W r- _�� C OF —Street Existing ! Lun ! erg Park An Le@ ParR - - - DffStre et. Plannetl 1 ! '�•• . BE LUNG AVE ! i i Pa I Pagers Park A M w r._.•_.. S ,L UNBEF�RY If SWB RY LAKE RD ��% --- --- --- - -�- -�- McCorm ick Vill ge Pank �J4 OLD LIFTON # I r ! i Centers of Local Importance �• P i BethelrSouth Downtown County Campus Lower Mile Hill m Lund Mile Hill nd i r i . _•i - s T x Lund Bethel ed 1 _ Ssdgwick Bethel SR-16 - Sidney Sedgwick _ _ �•-••�% Tremont Medical Center ! �' / •• = O eA Old Clifton Industrial Park McCormick Woods 1 + i � � uoERR aE o� 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles !,�„r•,_„_,a � For general reference only. See the NonMotorized Transportation Plan to detailed mute descriptions. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 and June 2022 Page 7 of 342 Back to Agenda Chapter 4: Parks Map 1: Parks and Trails are shown in relation to the City's Designated Centers of Local i tance. 4.4. Existing Conditions Port Orchard is a community which provides a full range of parks, recreation, open space, and ecosystem services by protecting native wildlife habitat, restoring and preserving natural systems, enjoying majestic marine and mountain views, and ensuring new development enhances the natural environment. The existing City parks system is supplemented by the schools of the South Kitsap School District, and the Kitsap County Parks and Recreation Department. An inventory of current parks facilities and maps showing park facility locations is included in the PROS Plan. Park 54e Facilities - Van Zee 8.3 Acr Picnic Areas trail two baseball diamonds-, and shelters, field lighted tennis horse h , playground, sports courts, court, r str Cen+ral /r•layt.,n 1.4 Acres field basketball Picnic table P-a-r* playground sports court, shelter Givens Geld /Aetiye 6.7o-7 Aere-s fer 2 Baseball Diamends (underlease, bk net available pt lighted tennisuFts lighted heFseshee a arts e) restreerns, picnie area, ply nd Lundberg ndberg Park �s � 4.8 Acres o facilities Not open to the public,n Pain Dewer.- Ir 3.75 Acres Field, playgFound, basketball Eeurt P-a-r* Beat Ramp 0.3 Aer Municipal boat rn rstroor parking nntvVa'b ` Pedestrian Pie-r n.� 169 feet of pier,359 feet of floats,cnic tables Etta Turner D-,rL 0.6 Acres Gazebo benches of Sinclair Inlet, trail viev.f connection n cCor. ock �c Village Park 28 6 Ar,rer zv-v-nc,-�� r Trails „r+r,.orn Seattle Ave �vz Waterway Property 1.88 Acres rvo-rccrc� *tidelands rincluded Trail connection Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 and June 2022 Page 8 of 342 Back to Agenda Chapter 4: Parks Waterfront o, L 1.°�s Sidewalks, picnic table, bench, viewing platform Waterfront o a Trail farmers .,-,-.rl.et viewing C connection, area, and picnic W Easements N�A Trail connection, beach access Rockwell Park affe kr,ve_,It including Wew+615} Trail beach viewing connection, access, picnic and SM-all beat launch Tr Bethel South PFepeFty [ -3 rrr�r �� A-ccr�� Piet e n to thy, public, �, o facilities 4.5. Future Planned Parks Facilities Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 and June 2022 Page 9 of 342 Back to Agend_j Chapter 4: Parks City of Port Orchard Parks Etta r Turner 41 Waterfront Park Park ro� Dekalb Dock _ Van _ City of Port Orchard Parks a,dW, Inlet OCity of Port Orchard li❑ 025 05 1 kliles L e I I n .,.,aster park planning effort is needed t „st t,i s -.The PROS Plan provides along tarmlonL term vision and goals for the entire parks network, for non -motorized transportation linkages, and for specific City --owned properties.- as well as a capital improvement program for parks. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan and June 2022 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 Page 10 of 342 Back to Agend_1 Chapter 4: Parks 4-3,4.6. Challenges and Opportunities Challenges The City of Port Orchard faces a rapidly growing population. To provide adequate parks, trails and recreational opportunities for the growing community, the City is working to expand the McCormick Village Park, purchase the Seattle Avenue property to serve as a small park and trail connection for the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway, and lease a landscaped area near the Westbay Center where public art will be installed. As the City's population and parks facilities grow, limited City resources, including staff time are taxed. In the future, the City may wish to contemplate creating a Parks Department. The relative lack of safe non -motorized transportation infrastructure (i.e. walking and bicycling paths) within the city is identified as a significant issue in the Non -Motorized section of the Transportation Element. It is also a challenge for parks and recreation planning, as one of the City's identified goals is to create non -motorized trail and path connections between local centers, parks, the waterfront, and other areas where people live and work within the community. ODDortunities The City of Port Orchard benefits from its proximity to centers for recreation, open space, and sports fields outside City Limits and/or held by other agencies or groups, such as the South Kitsap School District and Kitsap County. -Creating and strengthening regional partnerships will enable Port Orchard and its partners to provide greater facilities and opportunities than would be possible alone. The City of Port Orchard is already working with Kitsap County and other nearby jurisdictions to expand a regional water trail including shoreline access with launch points, rest areas, and parking facilities. As identified in the Non -Motorized Transportation Plan, additional improvements to the City's non -motorized transportation network should be a priority, and will expand and enhance the ability of residents and visitors to enjoy an safe, interconnected system of parks and trails. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 and June 2022 Page 11 of 342 Back to Agend_J Chapter 4: Parks 4-.6-.4.7. Goals and Objectives The City of Port Orchard has maintained a consistent set of goals and objectives in its endeavor to provide recreational opportunities to the community. The overall goal of the Parks element is as follows: To develop and maintain adequate and convenient Parks, Recreation, and Open Space areas and facilities for all age groups and to better serve both the existing and future population of Port Orchard and surrounding areas. This goal can be achieved by several objectives. Objective I: Increase public access to the marine shoreline. Objective 2: Preserve active and scenic open space by: a. enhancing and expanding park facilities b. discouraging obstructions of scenic views Objective 3: Increase the size and number of parks and open spaces by: a. establishing partnerships with other agencies to jointly utilize public facilities b. promoting through public and private investments, the acquisition of open space facilities and assuring proper maintenance thereof c. using public input to develop plans for public parks d. providing for a mixture of active and passive open spaces within residential and commercial areas As South Kitsap County and Port Orchard continue to grow, the importance of the limited recreational resources continues to increase. Greater population pressures demand well-defined goals and priorities. In order to achieve these comprehensive goals and objectives, concise and realistic goals must be specified: Goal 1: Establish a coordinated and connected system of open space throughout the City that: Preserves natural systems Protects wildlife habitat and corridors Provides land for both active and passive recreation • Increases opportunities for physical activity Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 and June 2022 Page 12 of 342 Back to Agend_1 Chapter 4: Parks Preserves natural landforms and scenic areas Is accessible by a safe non -motorized transportation system Policy PK-1 Preserve and enhance the natural and aesthetic qualities of shoreline areas while allowing reasonable development to meet the needs of residents. Policy PK-2 Promote visual and public access to shorelines where it is not in conflict with preserving environmentally sensitive areas or protecting significant wildlife habitat. Policy PK-3 Distribute parks and open spaces throughout the City, but particularly focus new facilities in or near: • Designated centers of local importance that do not currently contain parks or open spaces • Residential neighborhoods facing the greatest population growth where populations are currently or are projected to be underserved by existing parks facilities • Areas where existing facilities are deficient • Areas where connections could be made Policy PK-4 Work with nearby jurisdictions and state, federal, and tribal governments to identify and protect open space networks to be preserved within and around Port Orchard. Policy PK-5 Preserve environmentally sensitive areas to delineate neighborhood boundaries and create open space corridors. Goal 2: Encourage the development and maintenance of open space and recreational facilities, where possible, in the established areas of the City. Policy PK-6 Obtain and preserve open space areas and recreational facilities to meet established recreational levels of service and to link open spaces within a connected network accessible to the existing and future population of the City. Policy PK-7 Preserve the ecological functions of the Blackjack Creek watershed, the shoreline, and adjacent areas in balance with residential, commercial, and other uses. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 and June 2022 Page 13 of 342 Back to Agend_j Chapter 4: Parks Policy PK-8 Shape and seek the right balance for urban development through the use of open space, thereby strengthening the beauty, identity, and aesthetic qualities of the City and surrounding areas. Policy PK-9 Maintain and/or expand shoreline parks, including walking and biking trails, which would link the downtown core to the shoreline. Proposed walking and biking trails should also be designed to serve residential areas. Policy PK-10 Encourage safe parks and recreational equipment by maintaining existing facilities. Policy PK-11 Develop covered play structures whenever feasible to encourage use of parks and facilities in inclement weather. Policy PK-12 Work with the Port of Bremerton to identify areas within the existing Port -owned waterfront parking lots that are suitable for conversion to open space. Upon mutual agreement of the parking areas to be converted, develop a plan for the creation of waterfront open space in these areas, with a focus on connection to existing and planned shoreline access points and pedestrian pathways. Goal 3: To provide open space or natural landscaping throughout the City limits. Policy PK-13 Zoning ordinances shall identify and preserve open space areas. Policy PK-14 Landscaping, such as trees and shrubbery, should be included in the commercial areas of the City. Policy PK-15 Vacant municipal land not required for municipal services shall be maintained to provide a pleasing natural condition. Goal 4: Neighborhood parks and recreational facilities should be conveniently located throughout the City. Policy PK-16 The Active Club should continue to be maintained and improved. Policy PK-17 A community recreation center should be encouraged. Policy PK-18 To ensure that the City's parks and recreational facilities are welcoming to all, new facilities shall be designed for accessibility to meet the requirements of the federal American Disabilities Act, and existing facilities Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan and June 2022 Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 Page 14 of 342 Back to Agend_j Chapter 4: Parks should be retrofitted for increased accessibility where feasible and appropriate. Policy PK-19 Maximize the use of State and Federal grants for future improvements whenever possible. Policy PK-20 Coordinate with other governmental entities and civic organizations to provide new facilities to the public. Policy PK-21 Encourage commercial enterprises to establish facilities which are harmonious with the community vision and goals. Goal 5: Athletic endeavors and organized sports should be encouraged throughout the community. Policy PK-22 Athletic fields should be supplemented with picnic and playground facilities to encourage family participation. Policy PK-23 Any vacant public land large enough for an athletic field should be considered for this purpose, when feasible. Policy PK-24 Private sports programs should be encouraged. Policy PK-25 Coordinate with sports councils and committees when possible. Goal 6: The waterfront should be preserved and protected to enhance public use. Policy PK-26 Boat docks and marinas should be encouraged; however, these activities are not to be construed as the sole resource of the waterfront. Policy PK-27 Public access to the water is required for new municipal development, unless such access is shown to be incompatible due to reasons of safety, security or impact to the shoreline environment, and it should be provided for new commercial development unless such improvements are demonstrated to be infeasible or present hazards to life and property. Policy PK-28 Viewing decks and similar pedestrian -oriented structures are needed and should be constructed in the urban waterfront area. Policy PK-29 The Bay Street Pedestrian Path system should be maintained and expanded. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 and June 2022 Page 15 of 342 Back to Agenda Chapter 4: Parks Policy PK-30 Beach access should be identified and developed. This should be integrated with the Bay Street Pedestrian Path trail system and Kitsap Peninsula Water Trails system. Goal 7. Provide a variety of water and shoreline related recreational opportunities for the public. Policy PK-31 The City, in conjunction with other agencies and organizations, should work to maintain and enhance existing recreational opportunities for the public. Policy PK-32 The City, in conjunction with other jurisdictions, should work to develop new and diverse water and shoreline related recreational opportunities for the public. Goal 8. Provide open space within residential and commercial developments and preserve critical areas within open space. Policy PK-33 Buffers and open space should be a required design element in new developments. Policy PK-34 Steep slopes and sensitive areas within open space should be protected with critical area restrictions. Goal 9. Promote the acquisition and maintenance of open space through public and private investment. Policy PK-35 Countywide open space acquisition should be encouraged. Policy PK-36 Maintenance of City -owned open space should take precedence over acquisition of new City parks, unless the proposed park serves an identified need in the City's Parks Plan. Goal 10. Enhance and expand existing park facilities. Policy PK-37 Improvements in parks should be done continually. Goal 11. Place and construct community entry monuments on arterial city entrances. Policy PK-38 Maintain and landscape existing Gateway areas. Policy PK-39 Install wayfinding signage according to wayfinding system plan. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan and June 2022 4dopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 Page 16 of 342 Back to Agend_1 Chapter 4: Parks Goal 12. Provide dedicated oversight and encourage citizen participation in planning for City parks and recreation facilities. Policy PK-40 The City should establish a parks commission or similar citizen board that would review major parks development plans, proposals to purchase or sell City parks property, and related matters, and provide recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council. Policy PK-41 The City should consider creating a Parks Department to operate and maintain City parks and recreation facilities, and to plan and budget for future acquisitions and improvements. Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: July 2018 and June 2022 Page 17 of 342 Back to Agenda Port Orchard, Washington Parks, Recreation, & Open Space (PROS) Plan January 31, 2022 Page 18 of 342 Back to Agenda Mayor and City Council Rob Putaansuu, Mayor Jay Rosapepe - Mayor Pro-Tem Bek Ashby Fred Chang John Clauson Shawn Cucciardi Scott Diener Cindy Lucarelli Mark Trenary City Staff Nick Bond, Director Community Development Keri Sallee, Long Range Planner Stephanie Andrews, Planner Consultant Tom Beckwith FAICP, Beckwith Consulting Group, Team Leader Jennifer Kiusalaas ASLA, JKLA Landscape Architects Dan Podoll AIA, ARC Architects Jennifer Hackett, GIS Analyst Page 19 of 342 Back to Agenda Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Community centers 78 Objectives 1 Special use facilities 85 Approach 1 Support facilities 92 Public involvement 1 Chapter 6 Park plan exhibits Documentation 2 Bethel South Property 94 Chapter 2 Goals and objectives Bravo Terrace Open Space 95 Goal 1 - Recreation programs 3 Central/Clayton Park 96 Goal 2 - Cultural arts 3 Community Event Center 97 Goal 3 - Resource conservancies 4 DeKalb Pier 98 Goal 4 - Historical resources 5 Downtown Parks 99 Goal 5 - Trail systems 5 Etta Turner Park 100 Goal 6 - Resource parks 6 Givens Field/Active Club 101 Goal 7 - Playgrounds and fields 6 Lundberg Park 102 Goal 8 - Recreation facilities 7 McCormick Village Park 103 Goal 9 - Special purpose facilities 8 Mitchell Park 104 Goal 10 - Design standards 8 Old Clifton Wetlands 105 Goal 11 - Financial resources 9 Paul Power Junior Park 106 Goal 12 - Human resources 10 Rockwell Park 107 Chapter 3 Program elements Seattle Avenue Open Space 108 Population projections 11 Van Zee Park 109 Recreation demand 13 Windfall Place Tot Lot 110 Recreation clearinghouse 21 Bay Street Pedestrian Path 111 Pricing/delivery criteria 22 Port of Bremerton Park service gaps 23 Port Orchard Boat Ramp 112 Social equity 25 Port Orchard Marina 113 Chapter 4 Public opinions Waterfront Park 114 Respondent characteristics 27 Westbay Easements 115 Behaviors 28 Kitsap County Parks Assessments 30 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 116 Priorities 30 Givens Community/Senior Center 117 Chapter 5 Plan elements Howe Farm County Park 118 Conservancies 35 Kitsap County Park 119 Resource parks 44 Long Lake County Park 120 Trails 52 South Kitsap Western Little League 121 Athletic parks 62 South Kitsap Regional Park 122 Page 20 of 342 Back to Agenda Square Lake State Park 123 Appendix C Opportunities Veterans Memorial Park 124 Environmental resources 1 Washington State Parks Other public ownerships 4 Long Lake Boat Launch 125 Other public/private facilities 4 Homeowners Association (HOA) Private facilities 5 Mary McCormick Memorial Park 126 Golf courses 7 Deer Park 127 Marinas 7 Chapter 7 Implementation Conclusions 8 Adopt plan 129 Appendix D Land and facility demand Adopt program finance strategies 129 Land requirements 3 Adopt project finance strategies 131 Facility requirements 7 Initiate PROS projects 131 Future growth implications 16 Monitor progress 135 Appendix E Finances Appendix A Community setting Expenditures and revenues - General Fund 1 Climate 1 Revenue prospects - General Fund 4 Earth 2 Expenditures - PROS 5 Water 2 Capital projects - PROS 5 Wildlife habitats 5 Revenue prospects - PROS public sources 6 Unique and threatened species 11 Revenue prospects - PROS private sources 11 Wildlife habitat concerns 12 PROS funding strategies 12 Land use implications 14 Financial strategies 2021-2027 13 Historical development 14 Financial strategies 2021-2041 15 Socioeconomic characteristics 18 Implications 16 Socioeconomic projections 20 Appendix F Public opinion Appendix B Existing lands and facilities Resident outreach survey results 1 Port Orchard 1 Appendix G Development costs Port of Bremerton 3 Prototype facility costs G.1 Kitsap County 5 Prototype trail costs G.2 Washington State 5 Trail design standards G.3 Homeowner Associations (HOAs) 7 Appendix H South Kitsap School District 9 RCO LWCF Checklist 1 Other public and nonprofit 13 Private facilities 15 Golf courses 15 Marinas 16 Inventory implications 17 Page 21 of 342 Back to Agenda Port Orchard has grown since the last Park & Recreation Element was updated in the Comprehensive Plan in 2011 and slightly amended in 2014. The choices that confront Port Orchard at the present time are significant and could alter the character and quality of open space, trail, and park facilities, and recreation programs and services if not adequately planned. This document outlines the choices that are available and the means for implementing preferred actions found to be beneficial to Port Orchard residents. Objectives The specific objectives of this planning effort were to: Define the setting - within Port Orchard including climate, environment, wildlife habitat, history, culture, population changes, and current development conditions. Inventory assets - existing public and private park facilities and recreational services that have been developed to -date within Port Orchard by the city, Port of Bremerton, Kitsap County, South Kitsap School District, Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission, and private non-profit and for -profit organizations. Forecast demand - for future open space, trails, and park facilities and recreation services that may be provided by the city or other agencies. Identify appropriate roles and responsibilities - that should be undertaken by Port Orchard to meet critical open space, trail, and park facilities and recreation program needs. Develop the elements of a citywide plan - for open space, trails, and park facilities and recreation programs including wildlife habitat and conservation areas, open spaces and natural resource areas, trails, athletic fields and facilities, indoor community and recreation centers, and other special purpose facilities. Determine the costs - involved in maintaining and/or improving open space, trails, and park facilities and recreation program levels - of -service (LOS), particularly the possible use of innovative financing tools or methods. Define an implementation program - outlining the actions necessary to realize the plan and update park impact fees including supporting actions necessary for agreements with Kitsap County, Port or Bremerton, South Kitsap School District, Washington State, and private non-profit and for -profit organization. Determine public opinion - through a series of public participation events and resolve final project, plan, and financing components based on the results of public input. Approach This study analyzed the supply, demand, and need for public and private open space, trail, and park facilities and recreation services within Port Orchard on a citywide basis and in the city's urban growth area. The analysis includes city, port, county, state, school district, Homeowner Association (HOA), and some private park and recreation assets in order to holistically determine needs, and demand, and thereby the city's ultimate role in coordinating the development of park and recreational facilities in the future including the city's role and responsibilities. While HOA and other private facilities are included, that does not mean that these parks are available for public use. It is up to park users to follow posted and adopted rules and make authorized use of HOA and other private facilities. Port Orchard PROS Plan I 1 Page 22 of 342 Back to Agenda The proposed implementation strategies are the result of this comprehensive or holistic analysis. Generally, the proposed strategies recommend the city focus its resources where open space, trail, and park facilities and recreation needs are most critical and the most effective. Public involvement The Port Orchard Community Development Department oversaw this planning process. During the course of the planning program, the Department conducted a series of: On-line surveys - conducted of city adult residents at the beginning and end of the process to determine their current park utilization practices, condition assessments, and recommendations. The proposals contained within this document represent the opinions developed from these public participation events. Documentation This report is organized into 6 chapters outlining goals and objectives, plan and program elements, and implementation measures. Separate technical appendices detailing the city setting, facility inventories, park opportunities, land and facility demands, finances, and public opinion are available from the Port Orchard Community Development Department. IPort Orchard PROS Plan Page 23 of 342 Back to Agenda Goals and objectives form the framework for the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan. A goal is a general statement describing an outcome the City wishes to provide. Goals - typically do not change over time unless community values or economic conditions make it necessary. Obiectives - are more specific statements that describe a means to achieving goals, are measureable, and may change over time. Goal 1: Recreation programs Promote healthy and active lifestyle programs and outreach activities of special interest and lifestyle benefit for city residents with an emphasis on social equity. Promote, and work with other public, nonprofit, and for -profit agencies, organizations, and vendors including Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, South Kitsap School District, Washington State, and other public, nonprofit, and for -profit agencies. Such programs may include athletic leagues and sport groups (like youth soccer, little league, lacrosse, and football), youth, teen, and senior age groups, and special needs population where these activities are of major interest and benefit to city residents of all ages, skills, incomes, and cultures. Policy 1.1: Healthy lifestyle Promote healthy and active lifestyle programs including education, awareness, and developmental partnerships for youth, teen, and senior age groups, and special needs populations where these activities are of major interest and benefit to city residents of all ages, skills, incomes, and cultures. Policy 1.2: Active lifestyle Facilitate development of a network of parks, trails, facilities, and programs that encourage an active lifestyle involving walking, hiking, biking, playing, swimming, exercising, and other pursuits that help regulate weight and physical condition, and mental and physical health and well being for all age, skills, income, and cultural groups. Policy 1.3: Environmental Promote the operation of environmental, historical, cultural, and recreational programs providing instruction, volunteerism, and participation in habitat restoration, water -based recreation, trail development and security, interpretive and outdoor programs, summer and day camps, maintenance, and other site -specific activities at park sites and properties in Port Orchard. Policy 1.4: Historical Support historical and cultural initiatives to develop and display artifacts, reports, and exhibits; and conduct lectures, classes, and other programs that document and develop awareness of Port Orchard's heritage at park sites and properties. Policy 1.5: Art and culture Promote programs for enrichment, physical conditioning and health care, meeting facilities, daycare, after school, and other program activities for all age, developmental ability, income, and cultural groups in Port Orchard by all agencies and vendors as appropriate. Policy 1.6: Athletics Designate and preserve appropriate sites, and facilitate agreements with user and league organizations to operate basketball, volleyball, tennis, soccer, baseball, softball, and other instruction and participatory programs for all age, skill level, income, and cultural groups in the city. Goal 2: Cultural arts Promote development of high quality, diversified cultural arts facilities and programs that increase awareness, attendance, and participation opportunities at parks and properties in Port Orchard. Port Orchard PROS Plan 13 Page 24 of 342 Back to Agenda Policy 2.1: Programs Support successful collaborations between Port Orchard and Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, South Kitsap School District, and other public agencies, service groups, schools, arts patrons, and artists that optimally utilize artistic resources and talents at parks and properties in Port Orchard. Policy 2.2: Artworks Where appropriate, incorporate public artworks including paintings, sculptures, exhibits, and other media for indoor and outdoor display to expand resident access and appropriately furnish public places in parks and properties in Port Orchard. Goal 3: Resource conservancies Assume a major responsibility for the planning, coordination, and preservation of unique environmental areas, wetlands, wildlife habitat, open spaces, forestlands, and scenic areas. Work with other public and mission related non-profit and private agencies, such as Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) and Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Parks & Recreation Commission (P&RC), and others to create an effective approach to the following conservation issues. Policy 3.1: Wildlife habitat Identify and conserve critical wildlife habitat including nesting sites, foraging areas, and migration corridors within or adjacent to natural areas, open spaces, and the developing urban areas - especially around Sinclair Inlet, Blackjack Creek, Square and Long Lakes, and including, where appropriate, parks around stormwater retention sites. Policy 3.2: Natural areas Preserve and protect significant environmental features including unique wetlands, open spaces, woodlands, shorelines, waterfronts and other characteristics that support wildlife and reflect the city's IPort Orchard PROS Plan resource heritage - especially Veterans Memorial, South Kitsap, and Square Lake Parks. Policy 3.3: Public access Provide non -intrusive public access to environmentally sensitive areas and sites that are especially unique to the city and surrounding area - including Blackjack Creek and Old Clifton Wetlands. Policy 3.4: Forestlands Conserve and restore forest cover and the scenic attributes woodlands provide - especially the remaining wooded hillsides that define the northwestern bluffs of the city overlooking Sinclair Inlet and Blackjack Creek. Policy 3.5: Open spaces Define and conserve a system of open space corridors or separators to provide definition between natural areas and urban land uses in the city - especially the open spaces in and around McCormick Village and other homeowner association (HOA) developments. Policy 3.6: Linkages Increase natural area and open space linkages within the developed urban areas as well including along Blackjack and the other numerous creeks draining into Sinclair Inlet. Policy 3.7: Urban growth preserves Cooperate with other public and private agencies including Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) and Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Parks & Recreation Commission (P&RC), and with private landowners to set -aside land and resources necessary to provide high quality, convenient open space, trail, and park facilities before the most suitable sites are lost to development. Policy 3.8: Set aside Preserve unique environmental features or areas in future land developments and increase public use and access. Cooperate with other public and private agencies, and with private landowners to set aside unique features or areas as publicly accessible resources. Page 25 of 342 Back to Agenda Goal 4: Historical resources Assist where appropriate in the planning, coordination, and preservation of unique archaeological, historical, cultural, scenic, and man-made places, sites, landmarks, and vistas. Work when appropriate with other public and private agencies, such as the Port Orchard Historical Society, Washington State Historical Societies, Suquamish Tribe, and others, to create an effective approach to the following resource conservation issues and proposals. Policy 4.1: Historical features and interests Identify, preserve, and enhance the city's heritage, traditions, and cultural features including historical sites, buildings, artworks, views, and monuments within park sites and historical areas - especially Port Orchard's historic downtown. Policy 4.2: Significant lands and sites Identify and incorporate significant historical and cultural lands, sites, artifacts, and facilities into the open space, trail, and park system to preserve these interests and provide a balanced social experience - especially including important Native American, homestead sites, and other places of interest in the city. Policy 4.3: Incorporate into parks Work with the Port Orchard Historical Society, Washington State Historical Society, and other archaeological and cultural groups to incorporate historical and cultural activities into park developments and recreational programs. Policy 4.4: Manmade environments Incorporate appropriate manmade environments, structures, activities, and areas into the open space, trail, and park system to preserve these features and provide a balanced recreational experience. Policy 4.5: Public access Work with property and facility owners to increase public access and utilization of these special sites and features. Goal 5: Trail systems Assume a major responsibility for the planning, development, and operation of a variety of trails including water trails, off -road hike and bike that are directly related to environmental resources that are of most interest to city residents. Work with other public and private agencies, including Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, and Washington State Departments of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW), Natural Resources (DNR), and Parks & Recreation Commission (P&RC) to develop and maintain an integrated system of trails. Policy 5.1: Water access Support a system of kayak, canoe, and other hand carry boat access landings and other improvements for appropriate access to Sinclair Inlet, and Square and Long Lakes. Policy 5.2: Water trails Where feasible designate a water trail network for hand -carry or car - top craft including canoes and kayaks incorporating the South Kitsap and Cascade Marine Trail sites and routes. Policy 5.3: Scenic routes and vistas Develop where practical viewpoints and interpretive exhibits that integrate scenic routes with specific historical, cultural, environmental, and scenic points of interest - especially including the historic downtown and the bluffs overlooking Sinclair Inlet. Policy 5.4: Artworks Integrate as feasible artworks into trails, parks, park facilities, and historical sites - especially within the historic downtown district, residential neighborhoods, and at the gateways to the city. Policy 5.5: On and off -road trail systems Support a comprehensive system of hike and bike trails that access scenic, environmental, historic, and open space attributes in and around the city expanding and linking existing trail systems to create city and area -wide networks - especially the shoreline access from Bay Street Pedestrian Path. Port Orchard PROS Plan 15 Page 26 of 342 Back to Agenda Policy 5.6: Trailheads Develop a series of trailheads, trailside rest stops, viewpoints, interpretive exhibits, and trail signage systems that integrate hike and bike trails with specific historical, cultural, environmental, and scenic points of interest. Policy 5.7: Local connections Integrate continuous trail corridors and local spur or loop routes with parks, schools, other public facilities, historical sites, and Port Orchard's downtown district and residential neighborhoods. Policy 5.8: Furnishings Furnish trails with appropriate supporting trailhead improvements that include interpretive and directory signage systems, rest stops, restrooms, parking and loading areas, water, and other services. Policy 5.9: Joint locations Where appropriate, locate trailheads at or in conjunction with park sites, schools, and other community facilities to increase local area access to citywide trail systems and reduce duplication of supporting improvements. Policy 5.10: Standards Develop trail improvements following design and development standards that make it easy to maintain and access by maintenance, security, and other appropriate personnel, equipment, and vehicles. Policy 5.11: Stewardship Where appropriate and economically feasible, develop and support an Adopt -A -Trail program for citizens and organizations to help provide trail maintenance and litter pick-up activities. Policy 5.12: On and off -leash dog areas Designate a system of on and off -leash dog areas that provide controlled and convenient exercise opportunities for dog owners including appropriate segments of the proposed multipurpose trail system and parks. Policy 5.13: Dog parks IPort Orchard PROS Plan Where appropriate, designate and develop off -leash dog parks that provide controlled and convenient exercise and social area opportunities for dog owners in convenient service areas of the city. Goal 6: Resource parks Plan, develop, and operate a variety of resource -oriented facilities. These facilities may include fishing sites, hand -carry boat access, swimming beaches, and picnicking areas that are directly related to environmental resources that are of most interest to city residents. Work with other public and private agencies, particularly Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, and Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) and Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and Parks & Recreation Commission (P&RC) to develop and operate the following appropriate resource park facilities. Policy 6.1: Waterfront access and facilities Acquire and support additional shoreline access for waterfront fishing, wading, swimming, and other related recreational activities and pursuits along Sinclair Inlet, Square, and Long Lake shorelines. Policy 6.2: Picnicking and day -use activities Acquire and develop additional citywide picnic sites, shelters, and day -use group picnic grounds at major resource parks and along major off -road trail corridors in and around the city. Goal 7: Playgrounds and fields Develop an integrated system of local neighborhood playgrounds, courts, and fields that are of most interest to city residents. Assume responsibility for the planning of a system of local and regional athletic park facilities including competitive soccer, lacrosse, softball, and baseball and multiuse fields that are of interest to city residents and league participants. Coordinate and assist as appropriate other public and private agencies including Kitsap County, South Kitsap School District, and Page 27 of 342 Back to Agenda city youth sports league organizations. Site and sponsor the development of major competitive outdoor and indoor athletic facilities for all age, skill, income, and cultural groups that are within reasonable geographic service areas of local neighborhoods in the city. Policy 7.1: Playgrounds and tot lots Develop and designate a network of local play sites and facilities that meet playing standards and requirements for all age, skill, income, and cultural groups within convenient walking distances of residents. Policy 7.2: Recreational courts Develop and designate a network of local park sites that provide a variety of recreational sports courts (such as basketball, sand volleyball, bike polo, pickleball, and tennis courts) that meet the highest quality pick-up and competitive practice and playing standards and requirements for all age, skill, income, and cultural groups and recreational interests within convenient walking distances of residents. Policy 7.3: Skateboard parks, pump tracks, disc golf and challenge courses Develop park sites that provide specialized activities (such as skateboard, in -line skating, pump tracks, disc golf, climbing walls, and challenge courses) that meet the highest quality recreation practice and playing standards and requirements for all age, skill, income, and cultural groups and recreational interests. Policy 7.4: Athletic fields Designate a network of sites that can be developed for organized sports leagues (such as soccer, lacrosse, softball, and baseball fields) to meet the highest quality recreation practice and playing standards and requirements for all age, skill, income, and cultural groups and recreational interests - including competition field sites at Givens Field, Van Zee, Veterans Memorial, South Kitsap Regional, and Bill Bloomquist Rotary Parks as well as potential joint ventures with South Kitsap School District. Goal 8: Recreation facilities Coordinate the planning, development, and operation of specialized indoor facilities including aquatic facilities, gymnasiums, arts and crafts, classrooms, meeting rooms for special populations, children, teens, seniors, and the general population that are of major interest to city residents of all ages, skills, incomes, and cultures. Seek cooperation from other public and private agencies including Kitsap County, South Kitsap School District, and related nonprofits, among others, to realize the following effective facilities and services within reasonable geographic service areas of neighborhoods. Policy 8.1: Aquatics centers Develop and maintain indoor aquatics facility that provides instruction, aerobics, recreation, and competition facilities for all age, skill, income, and cultural groups and aquatics interests on a seasonal or year-round basis - working with groups such as South Kitsap School District, Boys & Girls Club, and YMCA. Policy 8.2: Recreation centers Develop and designate multiple use indoor recreational centers that provide gymnasiums, physical conditioning, recreational courts, and other athletic spaces for all age, skill, income, and cultural groups and community interests on a year-round basis - working with groups such as Kitsap County, South Kitsap School District, YMCA, and other nonprofit and private groups. Policy 8.3: Community centers Develop and designate a system of multipurpose community centers and facilities that can provide arts and crafts, music, video classroom instruction, meeting facilities, eating and health care, daycare, latch key, and other spaces for all age, skill, income, and cultural groups including preschool, youth, teens, and seniors on a year-round basis like Givens Community Center. Policy 8.4: Meeting facilities Support the continued development of relationships with the Kitsap Public Facilities District (KPFD), Port of Bremerton, South Kitsap School District, Boys & Girls Club, YMCA, and other organizations of special meeting, assembly, and other community facilities that Port Orchard PROS Plan 17 Page 28 of 342 Back to Agenda provide general support to school age populations and community - at -large functions like the Community Events Center (CEC). Policy 8.5: Arts centers Develop and maintain special indoor and outdoor cultural and performing arts facilities that enhance and expand music, dance, drama, cultural and historical interpretations, and other audience and participatory opportunities for the city -at -large including special summer farmers' markets and festival events in the city like the Community Events Center (CEC). Goal 9: Special purpose facilities If practical and economically feasible, coordinate and assist other public and private agencies including the Port Orchard Historical Society, Washington State Historical Society, and the South Kitsap School District, among others, with special purpose facilities. Policy 9.1: Special enterprises Where appropriate and economically feasible, support the development and operation of specialized and special interest recreational facilities, like Boys & Girls Club of South Puget Sound, Sidney Museum, Log Cabin Museum, Veteran's Living History Museum, Peninsula Indoor BMX, Westcoast Fitness, Crossfit NWNW, Olympic Fitness Club, Clover Valley Riding Center, Riding Place, Kitsap Saddle Club. Policy 9.2: Joint planning Where appropriate and economically feasible, participate in joint planning and operating programs with other public and private agencies for special activities like the farmers' market and other activities in the city. Goal 10: Design standards Design and develop Port Orchard facilities that are accessible, safe, and easy to maintain, with life cycle features that account for long- term costs and benefits. IPort Orchard PROS Plan Policy 10.1: Outdoor accessibility Design outdoor picnic areas, trails, playgrounds, courts, fields, parking lots, restrooms, and other active and supporting facilities to be accessible to individuals and organized groups of all physical capabilities, skill levels, age groups, income, and cultural interests. Policy 10.2: Indoor accessibility Design indoor facility spaces, activity rooms, restrooms, hallways, parking lots, and other active and supporting spaces and improvements to be accessible to individuals and organized groups of all physical capabilities, skill levels, age groups, income, and cultural interests. Policy 10.3: Maintenance Design, retrofit, and develop facilities that are sustainable, of low maintenance, and high capacity design to reduce overall facility maintenance and operation requirements and costs. Where appropriate, incorporate low maintenance materials, settings or other value engineering considerations that reduce care and security requirements, and retain natural conditions and experiences. Policy 10.4: Volunteers Where practical and appropriate, implement an Adopt -a -Trail and Adopt -a -Park programs where volunteer users and citizens can help perform maintenance, collect litter, and other support activities. Policy 10.5: Pest management Integrate pest management principles in the management of park landscape resources by utilizing a holistic approach to managing pests using biological, cultural, mechanical, and herbicide tools. Policy 10.6: Security and safety standards Implement the provisions and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Washington State Building Codes, and other design and development standards that improve park facility safety and security features for park users, department personnel, and the public -at -large. Policy 10.7: Safety procedures Page 29 of 342 Back to Agenda Develop and implement safety standards, procedures, and programs that provide proper training and awareness for department personnel. Policy 10.8: Safety regulations Define and enforce rules and regulations concerning park activities and operations that protect user groups, department personnel, and the general public -at -large. Goal 11: Financial resources Create effective and efficient methods of operating, maintaining, acquiring, and developing facilities and programs that accurately distribute costs and benefits to public and private interests. Policy 11.1: Finance Investigate innovative available methods, such as impact fees, land set -a -side or fee -in -lieu -of -donation ordinances, and inter -local agreements, for the financing of facility development, maintenance, and operating needs in order to reduce costs, retain financial flexibility, match user benefits and interests, and increase services. Policy 11.2: Joint ventures Consider joint ventures with other public, nonprofit, and private agencies including Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, South Kitsap School District, Washington State, and other regional, state, federal, public, and private agencies including for -profit concessionaires, where feasible and desirable. Policy 11.3: Public and private resource coordination Create a comprehensive, balanced open space, trail, park, and recreation system that integrates Port Orchard facilities and services with resources and funding available from the county, nonprofit organizations, school districts, and other regional, state, federal, and private park and recreational lands and facilities in a manner that will best serve and provide for Port Orchard resident interests. Policy 11 A .Toint planning Cooperate with Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, South Kitsap School District, Washington State, and other regional, state, and federal, public, nonprofit organizations, and private organizations to avoid duplication, improve facility quality and availability, reduce costs, and represent resident area interests through joint planning and development efforts. Policy 11.S: Cost/benefit assessment Define existing and proposed land and facility levels -of -service (ELOS/PLOS) standards that differentiate requirements due to population growth impacts, improved facility standards, and regional and local nexus of benefits. Differentiate Port Orchard standards compared to composite standards that include the city, county, school districts, state, and other public and private provider agency efforts in order to effectively plan and program open space, trails, parks, and recreation needs in the city. Policy 11.6: Public/private benefits Create effective and efficient methods of acquiring, developing, operating, and maintaining open space, trail, park, and recreational facilities in manners that accurately distribute costs and benefits to public and private user interests - such as the application of impact fees where new urban developments impact potential level -of - service (ELOS) standards. Policy 11.7: Cost recovery Develop and operate recreational programs that serve the broadest needs of the population, recovering program and operating costs with a combination of registration fees, user fees, grants, sponsorships, donations, scholarships, volunteer efforts, and the use of general funding. Policy 11.8: Sponsorships Where appropriate, provide recreational programs, like retreats and conferences for those interested groups who are willing to finance the cost through user fees, registration fees, volunteer efforts, or other means and methods. Port Orchard PROS Plan 19 Page 30 of 342 Back to Agenda Goal 12: Human resources Develop, hire, train, and support a professional parks and communications, creativity, positive image, sharing of resources, and cooperation toward common goals. recreation staff that effectively serves Port Orchard in the Policy 12.2: Staff development realization of the above listed goals and objectives. Where appropriate, provide staff with education, training, technology, equipment and supplies to increase personal Policy 12.1: Personnel productivity, efficiency, and pride. Employ a diverse, well -trained work force that is motivated to achieve citywide goals. Encourage teamwork through 10 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 31 of 342 Back to Agenda The following proposals concerning elements of the recreational programs approach are based on the results of demand analysis, workshop planning sessions, and the survey of resident households. The proposals outline the vision developed for recreational programs within Port Orchard for the next 6-20 years. The program proposals are CONCEPTUAL, in some instances, subject to further study and coordination with public and private participants that may modify the eventual program particulars. Population projections Kitsap County's population - in 1900 was 6,767 persons located primarily along Sinclair Inlet waterfront in Bremerton. The county's population increased to 17,647 persons by 1910 or by an annual rate of growth of 10.4% as railroads extended into Kitsap County and the area's logging, agriculture, and fishing industries grew in importance. Kitsap County population increased over the decades due to the development of the ship building industry, the advent of World War land 2, and the location of military installations in the county. Recent growth rates, however, have been gradual averaging 0.8% between 2000-2010 and 0.7% between 2010-2015 due largely to the impact of the economic recession on area industries. Washington State's Office of Financial Management (OFM) expects Kitsap County's rate of growth will gradually decline from 1.3% on an annual average basis between 2015 and 2020 to 0.6% by 2050 due to the aging of the population. Population components - OFM expects the number of deaths in Kitsap County will increase from 9,912 between 2010-2015 to 19,990 by 2035-2040 due to the aging of the county population while births will only slightly increase from 15,401 between 2010- 2015 to 18,637 by 2035-2040 due to a declining proportion of the population in child-bearing ages and a stable and low birth rate. Net migration will increase from 5,410 in -migrating persons in 2010- 2015 to 10,091 persons by 2035-2040 contributing to Pierce County's continued resident population growth. A distribution - within Kitsap County will shift with a slightly less proportion of the population in child ages 0-19 of 12.1% in 2020 versus 11.5% by 2050 and more in senior ages 65+ of 20.1% in 2020 versus 24.2% by 2050 reflecting the continued aging of the population in the county similar to the trends nationally. Port Orchard's population - in 1900 was 254 persons located along the Sinclair Inlet waterfront. Port Orchard's population increased to 1,393 by 1920 or by an annual average rate of 8.7% as the city attracted agriculture, logging, and fishing industries as a result of steam shipping. Port Orchard's population totals and rate of growth increased gradually from 1920 to 2000 as the city's natural resource industries stabilized and retailing increased, and more significantly from 2000 to 2020 as the area attracted housing developers particularly of the McCormick Woods planned community. The city's population and annual average rate of growth are expected to increase from 15,260 persons in 2021 to 20,588 persons by the year 2036 or by 135% due to the area's urban densification under GMA allocations and an assumption that the city will gradually annex the residential developments within its unincorporated urban growth area (UGA). Population projections will be updated in the 2022 Comprehensive Plan update. Population components - most of Port Orchard's growth is expected to be due to births and in -migration from households seeking to live in Port Orchard's emerging urban center. Port Orchard PROS Plan I 11 Page 32 of 342 Back to Agenda Kitsap County population projection 400,000 FT 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 P 19 ,vo ,0 „ro �o ho 60 lo qO 90 po 10 ho yo ti9 moo' ti9 moo' ti9 1''1°j ti9 lo' ti� ti� ti� ti� ti� Source: Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM) Kitsap County Population Change 2010-2040 1 2035-40 --- 1 1 ®� -- 2030 35 t t t on-- 20---��� EEC 202025 go EEE 2020 NEE=,=�-MMMEN -25,000-20,000-15,000-10,000 -5,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 ■ Net migration ■ Deaths ■ Births Source: Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM) 12 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 35,000 Port Orchard population projections 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Source: Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan .:nr_����� • tt ttt tt ttt tt t•t tt • t • • t t • Page 33 of 342 Back to Agenda Age distribution - Port Orchard's age distribution is generated by determining the percent Port Orchard has attracted of each Pierce County age group then factoring the attraction rate forward through the projection years and reducing the resulting combined age group totals to match the city's total population allocation for each year. Port Orchard's age distribution will gradually shift with an increasing population in child ages 0-19 of 3,719 persons in 2020 to 5,793 by 2050 or by 156% and a significantly increasing proportion of the population concentrated in senior ages 65+ of 3,030 persons in 2020 to 6,676 persons by 2050 or by 220% similar to what will occur in Pierce County. Recreation demand Washington State's Recreation & Conservation Office (RCO) develops a Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) every 6 years to help decision -makers better understand recreation issues statewide and to maintain Washington's eligibility for federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) funds. RCO conducted a series of 12-month diary surveys of a random sample of Washington State residents in 2000 and 2006, and an annual survey in 2012 to determine the type of indoor and outdoor recreation activities residents engaged in over the year including the resident's age, gender, ethnicity, income, and regional place of residence. The RCO SCORP surveys recorded what residents participated in of 140 different indoor and outdoor activities and special spectator events including the participation rate and number of occasions per year by season, month, week, and type of environment (urban, rural, mountain). The surveys did not record the location of the activity. The 2006 RCO diary based survey is used in this analysis because it was the most comprehensive and age -specific of the RCO surveys and used computer -assisted telephone interviews of randomly sampled persons (with no more than 1 person per household) during each month of the 12-month survey period from each of the 10 tourism regions. Kitsap County is located in the Peninsula Region that extends from Kitsap and Mason west through Jefferson and Clallam Counties. For projection purposes, however, Port Orchard recreation behaviors are likely more representative of the Seattle -King County Region given Port Orchard's level of urbanization and age distributed population groups. The 2006 statewide survey was completed by 2,135 persons and collated and weighted by age, gender, region, race, and income of which 300 were completed from the Seattle -King County region and weighted accordingly. The survey is within a +/-2.5% statewide and +/-6.0% by region. Response by age, gender, region, race/ethnicity, and income varies. The 2006 RCO survey elicited what participants did for recreational activities but not where the activity occurred. Survey participants from Pierce County may engage in activities but possibly outside of Pierce County, and conversely participants from other regions may travel to engage in activities in Pierce County. The survey did not control for user transpositions between regions. Since the survey was taken in 2006, the survey may not completely reflect recent regional activity trends in some select and emerging activities such as skateboard parks, dog parks, lacrosse, or other niche behaviors. Port Orchard (Seattle -King County region) Annual participation rates Participation Frequency Walking without a pet 62.9% 27.4 Picnic, BBQ, or cookout 48.4% 4.8 Sightseeing Bicycle riding Social event indoors Walking with a pet Observe/photograph wildlife Playground activities 48.1% 5.1 37.7% 8.2 35.9% 2.4 35.8% 18.0 34.2% 16.3 33.6% 10.5 Port Orchard PROS Plan I 13 Page 34 of 342 Back to Agenda Participation rate - percent of the population Rugby Surfboarding Wind surfing Lacrosse Bicycle touring Scuba or skin diving - Saltwater Volleyball Skateboarding Softball Sail boating Court games like handball, racquetball, and squash Badminton Arts and crafts class or activity Climbing or mountaineering Fishing from a bank, dock, or jetty Roller or in -line skating Football Canoeing, kayaking, row boating, other hand -powered boating Tennis Baseball Golf Activity center Basketball Visit a nature interpretive center Class or instruction Soccer Beachcombing Weight conditioning at a facility Swimming or wading at a beach Hiking Swimming in a pool Jogging or running Aerobics/fitness activities at a facility Flower or vegetable gardening Playground activities such as swings or slides Observe or photograph wildlife or nature Walking with a pet Social event Bicycle riding Sightseeing Picnic, BBQ, or cookout Walking without a pet 14 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 WA RCO SCORP 2006 Page 35 of 342 Back to Agenda Frequency - number of times per year by participant Rugby Surfboarding Climbing or mountaineering indoors Wind surfing Nature/Interpretive center Lacrosse Handball, racquetball, squash Sail boating Social event Beachcombing Badminton Roller or in -line skating Canoeing, kayaking, row boating Fishing from a bank, dock, or jetty Scuba or skin diving Arts and crafts class or activity Volleyball Tennis Swimming/wading at a beach Picnic, BBQ, or cookout Swimming Sightseeing Baseball Golf Softball Class or instruction Football Soccer Basketball Activity center Bicycle riding Hiked Weight conditioning with equipment at a facility Flower or vegetable gardening Bicycle touring on roads or highways Aerobics or other fitness activity at a facility Playground for recreation Skateboarding Jogging or running Observe/Photograph wildlife/nature Walked with a pet Walked without a pet 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 WA RCO SCORP 2006 Port Orchard PROS Plan I is Page 36 of 342 Back to Agenda Annual participation rates Participation Frequency Flower or vegetable gardening 33.6% 8.9 Aerobics/fitness activities 33.4% 9.6 Jogging or running 32.6% 11.7 Swimming in a pool 27.6% 5.0 Hiking 23.0% 8.2 Swimming or wading at a beach 22.2% 4.8 Weight conditioning at a facility 21.6% 8.9 Beachcombing 20.7% 2.8 Soccer 15.7% 6.1 Class or instruction 15.1% 6.0 Visit a nature center 15.1% 1.7 Basketball 14.7% 6.8 Activity center indoors 11.5% 7.7 Golf 10.1% 5.5 Baseball 8.9% 5.4 Tennis 8.1% 4.6 Canoeing, kayaking, row boat 7.8% 3.2 Football 6.3% 6.0 Roller or in -line skating 6.3% 3.0 Fishing from a bank, dock, jetty 5.7% 3.2 Climbing or mountaineering 5.3% 1.0 Arts and crafts class or activity 5.0% 3.9 Badminton 4.1% 3.0 Handball, racquetball, squash 3.9% 2.1 Sail boating 3.6% 2.1 Softball 3.4% 5.7 Skateboarding 3.1% 11.3 Volleyball 2.8% 4.4 Scuba or skin diving - Saltwater 0.9% 3.3 Bicycle touring 0.5% 9.0 Lacrosse 0.5% 2.0 Wind surfing 0.3% 1.0 Surfboarding 0.0% 0.0 Rugby 0.0% 0.0 Participation rate - the percent of the population that participates in a recreational activity 16 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Frequency - the number of times per year those that participate engage in the activity Source: 2006 SCORP RCO Diary Based Survey Participation rates The 2006 RCO survey found significant differences in the statewide population's participation in recreation activities including distinctions for Port Orchard (Seattle -King County) participants. Top 5 activities with the highest percent of the population participating - in Port Orchard (Seattle -King County) included walking without a pet, picnicking, barbequing, or cooking out, sightseeing, bicycle riding, and social event indoors. Bottom 5 activities with the lowest percent of the population Participating - in Port Orchard (Seattle -King County) included rugby, surfboarding, wind surfing, lacrosse, and bicycle touring. Organized team sports - involved lesser percentages of the population of the Port Orchard (Seattle -King County) ranging from the highest for soccer (15.7%) to the lowest for rugby (0.0%). Indoor community center activities - involved a varying range of percentages of the population participating from a social event indoors (35.9%), aerobics/fitness activities (33.9%), swimming in a pool (27.6%), weight conditioning at a facility (21.6%), class or instruction (15.1%), activity center (11.5%), and arts and crafts class or activity (5.0%). Generally, indoor or community center related activities engage the population in greater percentages than organized team sports. Environmental or cultural activities - involved a varying range of percentages of the population participating from sightseeing (48. M, observe or photograph wildlife or nature (34.2%), beachcombing (20.7%), and visit a nature interpretive center (15.1%). Generally, environmental or cultural related activities engage the population in greater percentages than indoor or community centers as well as organized team sports. Page 37 of 342 Back to Agenda Annual frequencies The 2006 RCO survey determined the number of times or the annual frequency that an average participant would engage in each activity. The frequency averages are for all kinds of participants. Enthusiasts or organized team players may engage more frequently than the average indicates but are included within the averaging nonetheless. Activities with the highest annual frequencies of over 10.0 occasions - in Port Orchard (Seattle -King County) were for walking without a pet (27.4 times per year), walking with a pet (18.0), observing and photographing wildlife (16.3), jogging or running (11.7), skateboarding (11.3), and playgrounds (10.5). Activities with the lowest annual frequencies of less than 2.0 occasions - in Port Orchard (Seattle -King County) were for rugby (0.0 times per year), surfboarding (0.0), climbing or mountaineering indoors (1.0), windsurfing (1.0), and visiting a nature or interpretive center (1.7). Organized team sports - in Port Orchard (Seattle -King County) ranged from the highest for basketball (6.8 times) to the lowest for rugby (0.0). Indoor community center activities - in Port Orchard (Seattle -King County) were activity center (7.7 times per year), class or instruction (6.0), swimming in a pool (5.0), arts and crafts (3.9), and social event (2.4). Generally, indoor or community center frequencies are similar to the range of organized team sports. Environmental or cultural activities - in Port Orchard (Seattle -King County) were observing or photographing wildlife (16.3 times per year), sightseeing (5.1), beachcombing (2.8), and visiting a nature or interpretive center (1.7). Generally, environmental or cultural related activities that involve observing or photographing wildlife occur in greater numbers per year than indoor or community centers as well as organized team sports. Port Orchard's annual volumes 2020-2040 Port Orchard's total volume of annual recreation activity is determined by multiplying the age -specific participation and frequency or occurrence rates by the number of persons projected to be in each age -specific category for the projection years. The following table itemizes the projected total annual volume in 2020, 2040, and the amount and percent of volume increase that will occur between 2020-2040. Activity 2020 2040 Addnl Pct Sightseeing - public, cultural 15,816 25,903 10,087 64% Interpretive center 3,088 4,952 1,864 60% Observe/photograph wildlife 72,692 116,012 43,320 60% Gardening - pea patch 1,134 1,799 665 59% Fishing from bank, dock, jetty 2,023 3,226 1,204 59% Picnic - site, group facility 8,817 14,071 5,254 60% Swimming/wading at a beach 15,223 24,012 8,790 58% Canoeing, kayaking, rowboat 3,523 5,371 1,848 52% Sail boating 859 1,296 436 51% Walk with pet - on -leash, park 26,760 42,808 16,048 60% Walk with pet - dog park 9,352 14,186 4,834 52% Walk - park/trail setting 42,619 70,704 28,085 66% Hiking - urban/rural trail 17,274 29,167 11,892 69% Bike riding - roads/streets 23,781 36,895 13,114 55% Bike riding - urban/rural trails 7,856 12,318 4,462 57% Bike riding - day trip touring 106 157 51 48% Playground - park/school site 51,627 79,043 27,417 53% Aerobics/fitness at a facility 47,372 76,294 28,922 61% Weight conditioning at facility 28,763 45,656 16,893 59% Jogging or running - on a trail 13,903 22,705 8,802 63% Swim - outdoor/indoor pool 20,002 32,084 12,082 60% Roller/in-line skating - on trail 993 1,622 628 63% Skateboarding - in a park 226 363 137 61% Badminton - outdoor/indoor 1,745 2,777 1,031 59% Handball/racquetball - indoor 861 1,375 514 60% Volleyball - outdoor/indoor 3,550 5,599 2,049 58% Port Orchard PROS Plan I 17 Page 38 of 342 Back to Agenda Port Orchard activity volumes 2020-2040 Social event Class/instruction Arts/crafts classes Actity center Golf - rounds of golf Softball Baseball Soccer - outdoor/indoor Lacrosse Football Tennis - outdoor/indoor Basketball - outdoor/indoor Volleyball - outdoor/indoor Handball/racquetball - indoor Badminton - outdoor/indoor Skateboarding - on a trail/skateboard park Roller/in-line skating - on a trail Swim -indoor/outdoor pool Jogging/running - on a trail Weight conditioning Aerobics/fitness Playground - park/school facility Bike riding - day trip touring Bike riding - urban/rural trails Bike riding - roads/streets Hiking - urban/rural trail Walk - park/trail setting Walk with a pet - off -leash dog park Walk with a pet - on -leash in a park Sail boating - freshwater/saltwater Kayak/canoe - freshwater/saltwater Swim/wade - freshwater/saltwater beach Picnicking - designated site, group facility Fishing bank/dock - freshwater/saltwater Gardening - pea patch garden Observe wildlife - plants, birds, animals, marine Interpretive center - individual, group Sightseeing - public, cultural facility 18 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 Activity volumes per year ■ 2040 ■ 2020 120,000 140,000 Page 39 of 342 Back to Agenda Basketball - outdoor/indoor 13,931 21,958 8,028 58% Tennis - outdoor/indoor 5,133 8,419 3,286 64% Football 5,622 8,699 3,076 55% Lacrosse 167 254 87 52% Soccer - outdoor/indoor 13,782 21,471 7,688 56% Baseball 6,767 10,450 3,683 54% Softball 2,907 4,517 1,610 55% Golf - rounds of golf 4,615 7,717 3,102 67% Activity center 15,131 24,767 9,635 64% Arts and crafts class/activity 2,505 3,986 1,481 59% Class or instruction 14,017 22,307 8,290 59% Social event 12,700 21,673 8,974 71% 2040 - the total volume that will occur in 2040, Additional - the volume increase in volume over 2020 by 2040, Pct - the percent increase the additional volume between 2020-2040 represents Source: RCO SCORP Survey 2006 ■ Greatest annual volume in 2040 - will be observing wildlife (116,012 occurrences) due to the high percentage of the population that engage in the activity and the high number of times or frequencies that they engage per year. • Significant but substantiallv less volumes in 2040 - will be playground at a park or school (79,043 occurrences), aerobics or fitness at a facility (76,294 occurrences), and walking in a park or trail setting (70,704 occurrences), and walking with a pet on -leash in a park (42,808 occurrences). • Lowest annual volume in 2040 - will be for bike riding as a daytrip tour (157 occurrences), lacrosse (254 occurrences), and skateboarding on a trail or in a skateboard park (363 occurrences) due to the low percentage of the population that engages in the activity and the low annual frequency. Percent would like to do more In addition to participation and frequency, the 2006 survey also asked respondents to indicate their preferences to engage in activities they did not participate in or to engage more frequently in activities that they did. Survey results were collated on a statewide per person basis only due to the smaller respondent sample size. Washington State Percent would like to do/do more WA Sightseeing 50.6% Hiking 38.4% Picnicking 3 7.9% Social event 29.5% Swimming/wading at beach 28.5% Observe/photograph wildlife/nature 27.8% Walking and hiking 27.6% Flower/vegetable gardening 26.5% Bicycle riding 26.4% Walking without a pet 25.4% Beachcombing 23.2% Canoeing, kayaking, row boating 20.1% Swimming in a pool 19.5% Jogging or running 19.3% Class or instruction 17.9% Walking with a pet 16.0% Visit nature/interpretive center 16.0% Aerobics or other fitness activities 15.0% Golf 14.8% Sail boating 13.0% Fishing from a bank dock or jetty 12.8% Weight conditioning with equipment 11.8% Arts/Crafts class or activity 11.4% Playground activities 10.0% Soccer 8.8% Climbing or mountaineering 8.6% Basketball 7.3% Tennis 7.3% Volleyball 7.2% Bicycle touring 6.5% Scuba or skin diving 6.3% Activity center 5.6% Roller or in -line skating 5.4% Baseball 4.9% Badminton 4.6% Football 4.1% Port Orchard PROS Plan I 19 Page 40 of 342 Back to Agenda Percent of the population that would like to do more Rugby - More Lacrosse - More Skateboarding - More Softball - More Wind surfing - More Activities at indoor community facilities - Other - More Surfboarding - More Court games like handball, racquetball, and squash - More Football - More Badminton - More Baseball - More Roller or in -line skating - More Activity center - More Scuba or skin diving - More Bicycle touring - More Volleyball - More Tennis - More Basketball - More Climbing or mountaineering - More Soccer - More Playground activities, such as using swings or slides - More Arts/Crafts class or activity - More Weight conditioning with equipment at a facility - More Fishing from a bank dock or jetty - More Sail boating - More Golf - More Aerobics or other fitness activities at a facility - More Visit nature/interpretive center - More Walking with a pet - More Class or instruction - More jogging or running - More Swimming in a pool - More Canoeing, kayaking, row boating, other hand -powered boating - More Beachcombing - More Walking without a pet - More Bicycle riding - More Flower/Vegetable gardening - More Walking and hiking in general - More Observe/Photograph wildlife/nature - More Swimming/Wading at beach - More Social event - More Picnicking in general- More Hiking - More Sightseeing in General - More 20 I Port Orchard PROS Plan —lam;♦---- 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 2006 RCO SCORP Diary Survey Page 41 of 342 Back to Agenda Handball, racquetball, and squash 3.9% Surfboarding 3.8% Activities at indoor community 3.2% Wind surfing 3.0% Softball 2.4% Skateboarding 1.9% Lacrosse 1.4% Rugby 0.6% Source: 2006 SCORP RCO Diary Based Survey Generally, survey participants would like to do and if already participating in, would like to do more of activities with the highest participation rates already including sightseeing (50.6% do and do more), hiking (38.4%), picnicking (37.9%), and so on. Were survey participants to engage in activities and to engage more in activities they are already participating in they could increase the volume of activity but not change the overall rank order of activity participation. Recreational clearinghouse Port Orchard could seek to operate a web -based recreational clearinghouse coordinating recreational program offerings that include as wide a variety of activities as there is an interest by city residents and tourists, regardless of age, skill level, income - or program provider. Recreational program offerings offered through the clearinghouse should include activities providing health, education, social, recreational, and other welfare activities for children, teens, adults, seniors, and special populations. Community Development staff or contractors could conduct programs to the extent possible, practical, and consistent with the city's mission. However, depending on demand, cost, and feasibility, the clearinghouse can also coordinate programs to be conducted by other public, non-profit, or for -profit organizations and even vendors. Provider agencies Where can you do it? Jurisdiction examples South Kitsap School Dist Kitsap County Port Orchard website Nonprofit examples YMCA/YWCA Boys & Girls Clubs Athletic leagues Boy/Girl Scouts Service Clubs Senior services Facility examples Theaters Churches Hotel conference centers Nonprofits Other facility rental providers To the extent possible and practical, program offerings should include activities that will be conducted in Port Orchard parks, community centers, and trail facilities. However, depending on demand, the clearinghouse may also include program offerings that may be conducted in schools and other public facilities inside or out of the city, as well as at non-profit sites and facilities. Vision The web -based recreational clearinghouse may be realized through the coordination of: Port Orchard PROS Plan 121 Page 42 of 342 Back to Agenda • Port Orchard programs - where there is sufficient demand to meet the city's park and recreation mission and pricing and delivery objectives; • Other jurisdictions - including Kitsap County and South Kitsap School District; • Non-profit organizations - such as YMCA, Boy and Girl Scouts, Campfire USA, Port Orchard athletic leagues, Lions, Rotary, and Kiwanis Clubs, among others. Pricing and delivery criteria Port Orchard will continuously assess the mission criteria illustrated in the program formula for all program offerings the city is considering of providing with staff, contract instructors, or vendors: 1: Is the program consistent with the city's park and recreation mission and level of service proposals? If not - the city does not offer the program, but may facilitate the program to be offered by other providers including the option of partnering or brokering the program, and/or offering scholarships or other services, and/or publishing the program offering on the clearinghouse. 2: If yes - should the city directly provide the program? If not - the city does not offer the program, but may facilitate the program to be offered by other providers including the option of partnering or brokering the program, and/or offering scholarships or other services, and/or publishing the program offering on the clearinghouse. 3: If yes - what pricing policy or goal should the city establish for the program on a public good or benefit versus private good or benefit scale - full cost recovery, merit pricing, or full subsidy? • Full cost recovery programs - will recover all direct costs (including full and part-time staff, supplies, materials, maintenance, 22 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Proposed program pricing and delivery options and utilities) and indirect costs (including department overhead for staff benefits). Generally, full cost recovery programs will include services that primarily provide private goods or benefits to a specialized user group, such as golf courses, marinas, RV parks, gun and rifle ranges, equestrian facilities, elite adult sports field rentals, and classes. In some instances, the city may add a surcharge to recover a slight profit or return on investment with which to defray long-term life cycle costs for maintenance and repair, and/or to reinvest in similar facilities elsewhere in the system. Page 43 of 342 Back to Agenda Port Orchard recreation benefit pyramid • Merit pricing (partial cost recovery) programs - will partially recover direct and indirect costs based on a policy decision about the degree to which each program provides public versus private goods or benefits. Merit pricing programs may also include the providing of scholarships to eligible user individuals or user groups that would prevent the program from realizing full cost recovery. Merit pricing program determinations will consider the degree to which the program provides a public benefit to the public at large or to special users within the general population (such as teens or seniors); whether the program can or is able to be offered by other providers at a reasonable cost; and the practicality of collecting fees for service. Generally, merit price programs may include boat launches, facility rentals, day camps and field activities, youth sports field rentals, senior health and nutrition programs, and safety and instruction programs of all kinds. • Subsidy (no or very low cost recovery) programs - will not attempt to recover costs as a fee, although it may ask for donations or grants from using individuals, groups, or organizations who benefit or are likely sponsors. Generally, subsidy programs benefit the population at large sufficiently to justify the use of public funding and/or include activities that are not practical to effectively recover a fee or charge, such as special events or festivals, special need programs and playgrounds, interpretive exhibits, parks, and trail related activities. Park service gaps An effective park system should provide a park, trail, playground, community center, or other recreation facility within a 5-minute walk of any residential area measured by actual walking routes on trails, paths, sidewalks, or other routes. Natural features such as steep hillsides, water bodies, and other obstacles as well as manmade obstacles like limited access highways or major traffic corridors or the lack of safe paths, trails, sidewalk improvements affect a 5-minute walk measurement. Walkability maps are generated by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that calculate 5-minute walk distances using roads, sidewalks, paths, and trails that account for natural and manmade obstacles from existing park, recreation, school, and other community facilities. Service gaps are areas that are beyond the 5-minute walk distances of residential developments indicating residents of these areas have to walk further time -distances or commute by bike or vehicle or are Port Orchard PROS Plan 123 Page 44 of 342 Back to Agenda J 24 I Port Orchard PROS Plan r— Port Orchard WA Places within a 5 Min Walk of © _ Schools, Parks & Community Centers © 13 L ! _I Lam" I t - Community Center I Lei B School © Park Port Orchard 0 City O UGA 5 Minute Walk 0.2 Mile * Recreation Areas - Community Center - School _ Parks J * 0.2 Mile Buffer. ■ For places not on developed roads or sidewalks N - A - {�-' — 0 0.25 0.5 1 I I Miles Map by Washington Hometown www.washingtonhometown.com Page 45 of 342 Back to Agenda blocked by natural or manmade obstacles from or in order to engage in a recreational activity. A walkability map generated around existing city, Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, South Kitsap School District, and Homeowner Association (HOA) facilities indicates there are significant developed areas of the city and UGA that lack effective park and recreational services: • Port Orchard Centers - including portions of the designated centers in the Comprehensive Plan. • Undeveloped lands - in the northwest at Ross Point, • McCormick Woods - in the northeast areas where residential developments are providing open space but not picnicking, playgrounds, sports courts, or other park amenities. The plan proposes trail, parks, and recreation facilities to fill these service gaps. Social equity An effective park system should also ensure that park and recreational services and facilities, including those that provide health, nutrition, childcare, education, employment, and socialization as well as recreational activities are provided residents in areas of the city that are less advantaged than the general population due to: • Poverty - particularly for families with children under age 18 • Single parent households - headed by a male or female with children with no other spouse present • Non -English speaking - defined by immigrant households were members do not speak English very well or not at all • Housing cost stressed - of households paying more than 35% of gross income for rent or mortgage payments GIS maps generated for the city using the US Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) Block Groups indicate: ■ Households with high housing costs - are more than 40% of all households located in the northeast neighborhoods of the city, along south Sidney Avenue, and northeast of Lund Avenue • Households headed by single parents - are more than 40% of all households located east of South Kitsap Regional Park, along Blackjack Creek, Ross Point, east of SR-16, and the north portions of McCormick Woods • Households with incomes below poverty lines - are more than 20% of all households located along south Sidney and Lund Avenues • Households of non-English speaking - are more than 2% of all households located east of Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park The plan proposes to increase trail, parks, and recreation amenities in these areas to provide for social equity. Port Orchard PROS Plan 125 Page 46 of 342 Back to Agenda In n El n n 26 I Port Orchard PROS Plan B Port Orchard WA 2019 ACS Survey Overlap of Poverty Indicators �N' 1 p Community Center \ya School Park parcels Port Orchard © 0 city O UGA ® > 40 % High housing costs' ® > 40 % Single Parent - >20 % Below Poverty Line 0 > 2 % Non -English Speaking Recreation Areas - Community Center - School - Parks - Households spending over m1 of their income on rent. 0 0.25 0.5 1 I I I Miles - - - Map by Washington Hometown www.washingtonhometown.com Page 47 of 342 Back to Agenda An on-line with mail -back option survey was conducted of all Port How many years have you lived in Port Orchard? Orchard households within the city zip codes using USPS's Every Answered: 183 Skipped: 5 Door Direct Mail (EDDM) postcard notification. The zip code boundaries are imperfect matches to city limits with some 16+ 46% extending beyond and some not completely covering corporate 11-15 14% boundaries. As shown below, 38% of the respondents indicated, or 6-10 9% believe, they live outside of Port Orchard city limits. 2-5 18% 0-2 13% Survey questions sought to obtain information on park and recreation behavior, use of programs and parks, and opinions and How many people are in your household? priorities for potential future improvements. 188 persons Answered: 185 Skipped: 3 completed the survey. 1 13% Following is a summary of the findings - detailed results including 2 36% comments are available in the Appendix and from the Community 3 23% Development Department. In most instances, the results have been 4 14% statistically weighted and ranked as noted to provide meaningful 5 9% findings. 6 4/ Respondent characteristics 7+ 1% How many members in your household are in the following How did you find out about this survey? age groups? (Fill in a number for all that apply.) Answered: 179 Skipped: 9 Answered: 183 Skipped: 5 Email blast 69% 0-5 0.31 Mailed postcard 40% 6-10 0.44 City Facebook 24% 11-14 0.44 City website 14% 15-18 0.43 19-2 5 0.41 Where do you live - inside or outside of city limits (based on a 26-40 1.07 reference map included in the survey)? 41-55 0.94 Answered: 185 Skipped: 3 56-65 0.54 Outside city limits 38% Inside city limits 62% 65+ 0.73 Port Orchard PROS Plan 127 Page 48 of 342 Back to Agenda What language do the members in your household speak at home? Answered: 185 Skipped: 3 English Spanish Vietnamese Chinese Japanese Korean Other Pacific Island Other (please specify) What is your gender? Answered: 184 Skipped: 4 Female Male Other Prefer not to answer What is your current housing situation? Answered: 181 Skipped: 7 Own Rent 99% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 63% 33% 0% 4% 88% 12% Implications Adults who completed the outreach survey: • Are informed primarily by email and postcard mailer with some by Facebook. • Have lived in Port Orchard more than 16 years with some newcomers of 0-2 years. • Live primarily in 2 and 3-person households. • Are concentrated in ages 26-55 with a significant representation over age 65. • Speak English almost exclusively. • Were predominantly female. 28 I Port Orchard PROS Plan ■ Are primarily owners though with a suitable representation of renters. Behaviors How often do you utilize the following Port Orchard parks or improved open spaces (map included)? Answers ranked in order of highest use. Answered: 187 Skipped: 1 The survey priority results were numerically weighted for each option where lowest was 1, low 2, moderate 3, high 4, and highest 5 and then divided by the number of responses to determine an average or weighted score where 5.00 was the highest and 1.00 the lowest possible priority. Port Orchard Parks Waterfront Park Bay Street Pedestrian Path McCormick Village Park DeKalb Pedestrian Pier Port Orchard Boat Ramp Rockwell Park Etta Turner Park Van Zee Park Westbay Easements Givens Field/Active Club Seattle Avenue Property Central/Clayton park Mitchell Park Paul Powers Junior Park Sage Park Weight 3.00 2.99 2.13 2.02 1.98 1.97 1.95 1.77 1.70 1.65 1.50 1.49 1.38 1.26 1.23 Implications ■ Except for McCormick Village Park, the most frequently used parks are located along Sinclair Inlet. Page 49 of 342 Back to Agenda How often do you utilize the following Kitsap County and Washington State Parks or improved open spaces (map included)? Answers ranked in order of highest use. Answered: 187 Skipped: 1 Kitsap County and Washington State Parks Weight South Kitsap Regional park 2.56 Banner Forest Heritage Park 2.01 Long Lake County Park 1.84 Howe Farm County Park 1.80 Veterans Memorial Park 1.75 Long Lake Boat Launch 1.70 Givens Community & Senior Center 1.61 Waterman Point Wetland Tidelands 1.46 Coulter Creek Heritage Park 1.43 Sinclair Inlet Wildlife Restoration Area 1.43 Village Greens Golf Course 1.42 South Kitsap Western Little League (a city park) 1.41 Square Lake State Park 1.38 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 1.32 Wicks Lake Park 1.23 Barker Creek Corridor 1.18 Implications ■ Kitsap County and Washington State Parks are frequented but not as much as Port Orchard Parks even though some are located within city limits. What recreational groups or programs have you participated in? Answers ranked in order of use. Answered: 380 Skipped: 1 Activity by organization Number Library programs 113 Kitsap County Parks & Recreation 104 Specialized centers (aquatic, fitness, other) 102 Club organization (YMCA, Boys & Girls, Scouts, etc.) 100 Private instruction or classes 101 Sports groups or leagues 101 School programs or sports Church groups Implications ■ Recreation participants are using programs provided by a variety of organizations. If you did not participate in any Port Orchard Parks & Recreation programs in the last year, why not? Answers ranked by response. Answered: 137 Skipped: 51 100 84 Reason Weight Unaware of programs 1.17 Schedule conflicts 0.91 Cost of participating 0.76 Not interested in programs 0.73 Family challenges to attending 0.56 Transportation challenges 0.36 Implications ■ Other than not being aware of programs that are available, there are no specific reasons why residents are not using available programs. If you have participated in a recreation program with any group in Port Orchard, how satisfied were you? Answers ranked by response. Answered: 125 Skipped: 63 Satisfaction level Weight Happy 54% Neutral 30% Very happy 14% Unhappy 2% Implications ■ Generally, program participants seem happy to very happy (68%) with the programs they participated in. Port Orchard PROS Plan 129 Page 50 of 342 Back to Agenda If you were unhappy with the program, what were the reasons? Answers ranked by response. Answered: 35 Skipped: 153 Reason Other (specify) Inadequate facilities Inconvenient hours Customer service Too many enrolled Inadequate equipment Class content Instruction knowledge Instructional materials Assessments What level of satisfaction do you have with the existing park and trail levels of service (LOS)? Answers ranked in order of priority. Answered: 180 Skipped: 8 Weight 34% Levels of service Weight 23% Park maintenance 3.46 20% Trails and open space maintenance 3.43 9% Graffiti response 3.27 6% Vandalism response 3.26 6% Playground maintenance 3.23 3% Picnic shelter maintenance 3.18 0% Safety and security measures 3.18 0% Athletic courts and field maintenance 3.09 Restroom maintenance 3.01 Implications ■ The small number of participants who were unhappy with recreation programs listed inadequate facilities or inconvenient hours as reasons. If you have not attended any special events in Port Orchard, what are the reasons? Ranked in order of priority. Answered: 138 Skipped: 50 Reason Weight Unaware of events 1.20 Not interested in events 0.94 Schedule conflicts 0.76 Family challenges to attending 0.51 Cost of attending 0.47 Transportation to event 0.21 Implications ■ Other than not being aware of special events that are programmed, there are no specific reasons why residents are not attending. 30 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Implications ■ Survey respondents indicated high levels of satisfaction with existing maintenance, graffiti, vandalism, and safety and security measures. Priorities What priority would you give to having the following types of ADA accessible outdoor facilities increased or added to Port Orchard? Answers ranked in order of priority. Answered: 184 Skipped: 4 Outdoor facility priority Weight Playgrounds and play areas 3.77 Picnic facilities and shelters 3.70 Trails and open spaces 3.68 Shoreline and beach access 3.58 Community gardens 3.44 Spray and splash parks 3.28 Dog parks 3.21 Soccer, baseball, and softball fields 3.12 Page 51 of 342 Back to Agenda Basketball, tennis, and volleyball courts Skate parks Implications ■ Survey respondents indicated high to moderate priorities to increasing or adding the list of outdoor facilities to the park system. 3.01 What priority would you give to have the following 2.61 recreational programs provided by some organization in Port Orchard by age group? Answer ranked by priority. Answered: 182 Skipped: 6 What priority would you give to having the following types of ADA accessible indoor facilities increased or added to Port Orchard? Answers ranked in order of priority. Answered: 184 Skipped: 4 Indoor facility priority Weight Youth activity center 3.76 Public library with reading and classrooms 3.74 Leisure swimming pool 3.54 Lap swimming pool 3.48 Fitness facility (weights, aerobics, other) 3.48 Indoor walking/running track 3.47 Indoor gymnasium (basketball, volleyball) 3.41 Childcare 3.33 Indoor playground 3.31 Classrooms (yoga, pilates, tai chi, karate, etc.) 3.27 Theatre and performing arts space (under 250 seats) 3.27 Computer/IT media classroom 3.20 Small -medium meeting rooms and rental space 3.08 Large event rooms and rental space 3.08 Spray/splash feature 3.07 Commercial kitchen (cooking classes and rental) 3.06 Nonprofit space (city sponsored option) 2.95 Climbing wall or structure 2.85 Rental/lease space (business revenue generating) 2.85 Nonprofit space (leased option) 2.79 Juice, tea, and coffee latte bar 2.63 Implications ■ Survey respondents indicated high to moderate priorities to increasing or adding the list of indoor facilities to the park system. Recreation program priority by age group Weight Teen -young adult programs (11-21) 4.15 Programs for those with disabilities 3.90 Youth programs (0-11) 3.79 Senior programs (55-70) 3.77 Elder programs (71+) 3.65 Adult programs (30-55) 3.31 Young adult programs (21-30) 3.26 Implications ■ Survey respondents indicated high to moderate priorities to having the list of programs provided by some organization in Port Orchard particularly for teen -young adults and those with disabilities. What priority would you give to have some organization in Port Orchard to provide the following types of outdoor recreational programs? Answer ranked by priority. Answered: 183 Skipped: 5 Outdoor recreation program priority Weight Environmental (park and trail maintenance, habitat 3.82 restoration, etc.) Outdoor recreation (skiing, hiking, camping, rafting, 3.72 golf, etc.) Aquatics classes/programs 3.67 Extracurricular (non -school) sports play 3.63 Fitness (aerobics, cross -fit, weights, personal 3.61 training) Sports league or competition play 3.43 Landscape and gardening classes or botanical 3.37 arrangement Travel (local trips to museums, exhibitions, parks, 3.24 etc.) Port Orchard PROS Plan 131 Page 52 of 342 Back to Agenda Implications ■ Survey respondents indicated high to moderate priorities to having the list of programs provided by some organization in Port Orchard including environmental maintenance and restoration activities. What priority would you give to have some organization in Port Orchard to provide the following types of indoor programs? Answer ranked by priority. Answered: 183 Skipped: 5 Indoor recreation program priority Weight After -school programs 3.79 Education 3.70 Athletics (basketball, handball, volleyball, etc.) 3.68 Health, wellness, and nutrition 3.62 Dance, music, or drama 3.47 Fitness (yoga, pilate, aerobics, etc.) 3.46 Preschool childcare 3.44 Art or textile 3.41 Media 3.05 Implications ■ Survey respondents indicated high to moderate priorities to having the list of programs provided by some organization in Port Orchard. What priority would you give to attend the following types of events in Port Orchard? Ranked in order of priority. Answered: 183 Skipped: 5 Special event priority Weight Farmers' Market Port Orchard 4.17 Festival of Chimes & Lights 3.67 Taste of Port Orchard 3.66 4th of July 3.48 Night Market 3.45 Festival by the Bay 3.44 32 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Summer Festival Weekend & Parade 3.37 Fathoms O'Fun Festival Fall Follies 3.33 Laying of Wreaths at Retsil 3.25 The Cruz 3.23 Jingle Bell Run 3.13 National Night Out 3.07 Seattle Children's for the Love of Children 3.07 Cruisin Sunday 3.03 Bay Street Boo Bash 2.96 Kitsap Mustangs on the Waterfront 2.91 Vintage Artisan Market 2.90 MCW Turkey Trot 2.78 Seagull Splat Pirates & Crew Regata 2.75 Shift into Summer 2.70 Yukon Summer Marathon 2.63 Scouts BSA Club Day Camp 2.61 Seagull Calling Festival 2.61 DECA Fun Run 2.60 Yukon Winter Marathon 2.58 Corn Hole Classic Kitsap County 2.51 KCSO Open House 2.44 Tool Kit 2.38 Information Reservation Forms 2.16 Forms 2.14 Implications ■ Generally, survey respondents indicated high to moderate priorities to a wide variety of special events including the Farmers' Market in particular. Some activities, however, did not rank very high on the priorities possibly due to appeals to specific and limited population interests. If it were possible, what priority would you give to have some organization in Port Orchard to provide the following types of volunteer opportunities? Ranked in order of priority. Answered: 181 Skipped: 7 Page 53 of 342 Back to Agenda Volunteer interest priority Weight Volunteer program - recreation (youth, adult, senior) 3.68 Volunteer program - parks 3.63 Volunteer program - trails 3.54 Volunteer program - cultural services (special event) 3.25 Implications ■ Survey respondents indicated high to moderate priorities to participate in all volunteer program opportunities. Which of the following is the best way to communicate with you? Ranked in order of priority. Answered: 179 Skipped: 9 Communication method priority Weight Email 1.56 Mailer or newsletter 1.14 City Facebook 0.73 City website 0.67 Implications ■ Direct email and newsletter mailers appear to be the preferred methods of communicating. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations concerning the development of parks, recreation, and open space in Port Orchard? Answered: 82 Skipped: 106 The complete survey response is provided in the Appendix and available from the Community Development Department. Port Orchard PROS Plan 133 Page 54 of 342 Back to Agenda 34 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 55 of 342 Back to Agenda The following proposals concerning elements of the parks, recreation, and open space plan are based on the results of environmental inventories, field analysis, demand analysis, workshop planning sessions, and surveys of resident households The proposals outline the vision developed for parks, recreation, and open spaces in Port Orchard for the next 20 years. The proposals are CONCEPTUAL, in some instances, subject to further study and coordination with public and private participants that may modify the eventual project components. The proposals refer to a site or property that may provide a major type of park, recreation, or open space activity. Any particular site or property may include one or all of the described plan features. The proposals in each section describe the improvements that will be accomplished under each major type of plan element. Resource conservancies or open spaces protect, preserve, and conserve lands that have environmental features of critical area significance (floodplains and landslide hazard), ecological importance (shorelines, wetlands and watersheds), forestland (old growth, woodland cover, and prime productive), wildlife habitat (threatened and endangered species), and open space. To the extent possible and practical, resource conservancy lands will link preserved open spaces (even though these lands may not be publicly accessible) to greenways and open space networks. These linked areas will visually define the developed urban area in accordance with the objectives of the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA). Resource conservancy lands may provide nature and interpretive trails, exhibits, and interpretive facilities to increase public awareness and appreciation for significant and visually interesting environmental, wildlife, and forest features. Resource conservancy activities may be located on independent properties or include portions of other sites that provide resource activities, trail corridors, or other public facilities. Conservancies may also be developed on other publicly owned lands subject to public use agreements or easements; or on lands acquired for other public purposes including storm water management, groundwater recharge, potable water storage, and wastewater treatment. Vision Conservancies may be realized through: • Acquisition of development rights and/or title of resource lands or historical sites - that would otherwise be developed or used for other urban land use; • Provision for public access and interpretive use - that would not be possible if the lands remained in private ownership without such provisions. • Provisions for signing and interpretation - subject to appropriate security measures and underlying property owner agreements, Conservancies - open space Existing resource or open space conservancy sites The following sites provide open space conservancy protection through easements, land use agreements, or acquisitions by Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington State, and Homeowner Associations (HOA). In most instances, the open spaces conserve wetlands, woodlands, steep slopes, and other features along Blackjack and other Creek riparian corridors and around residential developments in McCormick Woods and other subdivisions. Port Orchard 1 Bravo Terrace Open Space ■ Wooded wetland area Existing conservation acres` 65.14 2.76 Port Orchard PROS Plan 135 Page 56 of 342 ' F Li r • L K 1 i t L L r � 1 4;W.7 -} 4f Square Lake State Park L F McCormick Village Park A Blackjack Creek k f Howe Farm County Park Back to Agenda 1 Bravo Terrace Open Space 2 Lundberg Park 3 McCormick Village Park 4 Mitchell Park 5 Old Clifton Wetlands - -F ;- 6 Van Zee Park - - i ;,r, •_ 7 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 8 Howe Farm County Park 5+.:� •'��,'r 9 Kitsap County Park ` •'r 7 10 Long Lake County Park :� �:: •„5"t;.; 11 South Kitsap Regional Park 12 Square Lake State Park '; ,; ITi 13 Veterans Memorial Park i s,'•"�":"' "' - 14 Aiden Place 8 15 Andasio Village /J •� 16 Blackjack Terrace 17 Blueberry Ridge 18 Chanting Circle © ',a. • �p'.ls,'1_�i 19 Deer Park '��� � �»�=�• 20 Dunmore rt�21 Eagle Crest ' %7 • 22 Eldon Trails 23 Falcon Ridge �' - ` I: .•_ 24GeigerPlat 25 Golden Pond _ r,� :t} ��' i•• 26Heron Ridge �, ',,�- ,�,��:: cy'�.•.,� ,,...v ,. •,,;;,'-, • _ 27 Highlands at Karcher Creek 28 Horstman Heights 29 Indigo Point ru7 t- 30 McCormick North _ 31 McCormick Meadows 32 McCormick Meadows 33 McCormick Woods 34 McCormick Woods Parcel A 35 McCormick Woods West 36 Muirfield tiY•' 7 ''i4 'P 37 Pottery Heights ••A, 7 • � �� �-: � .�,- ; _��• , ;� 38 Rockport 39 Rutherford 40 Sherman Ridge 41 Stetson Heights r•S • 42 Strathmore 43 The Ridge t . Q 44 Windfall 45 Cedar Heights Forest Possible open space Open space conservancies City parks Other arks O en s ace/Golf Schools Public facilities Urban 46 Blackjack Creek Corridor 47 Ross Creek Corridor 48 Ross Point Hillsides 49 Kitsap Street Creek Daylighting 50 Flower Meadows/Ruby Creek t) Port Orchard PROS Plan 137 Page 58 of 342 Back to Agenda 2 Lundberg Park or equivalent site 4.81 • Woodlands not open to the public, no facilities 3 McCormick Village Park 40.43 ■ Woodland area 4 Mitchell Park 0.09 • Woodland area 5 Old Clifton Wetlands 8.80 ■ Wooded area along a drainage corridor, not open to public 6 Van Zee Park 8.25 ■ Woodland area Kitsap County 1,646.93 7 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 12.00 • Woodland area 8 Howe Farm County Park 78.39 ■ Preserved farmland, woodlands, wetland 9 Kitsap County Park 1,295.01 ■ Woodlands, Coulter Creek riparian corridor 10 Long Lake County Park 20.57 ■ Woodlands, lake frontage 11 South Kitsap Regional park 192.52 ■ Extensive woodland area 12 Veterans Memorial Park 48.44 ■ Extensive woodland area Washington State 203.39 13 Square Lake State Park 203.39 • Square Lake covers 7.9 surface acres with mostly shallow depths with lots of pads and ringed with reeds ■ The lake has one private home on the shoreline with the rest still in a natural state ■ Fish species include largemouth bass, bluegill, bullhead catfish, and reportedly yellow perch ■ 3 beaver huts are located on the lake Homeowner Associations (HOA) 766.70 14 Aiden Place HOA Open Space 6.76 ■ Wooded, steep hillside on both sides of stream draining into Sinclair Inlet 15 Andasio Village HOA Open Space 1.47 ■ Pocket park and open space 38 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 16 Blackjack Terrace HOA Open Space 14.30 ■ Wooded, steep hillside on both sides of Blackjack Creek ■ Interior wooded buffers between cottages 17 Blueberry Ridge HOA Open Space 1.01 ■ Wooded buffer areas ■ Sizable wetland on the north 18 Chanting Circle HOA Open Space 1.20 ■ 2 wooded, steep hillsides along drainage corridors on both sides of development 19 Deer Park HOA Open Space 32.45 ■ Extensive wooded area 20 Dunmore HOA Open Space 5.30 ■ Wooded perimeter and interior area 21 Eaglecrest Rth WE Real Estate HOA Open 7.65 Space • Wooded, steep hillside buffers with drainage corridors to Sinclair Inlet 22 Eldon Trails HOA Open Space 19.92 • Wooded perimeter and interior buffers 23 Falcon Ridge HOA Open Space 0.38 ■ Wooded buffer 24 Geiger Plat HOA Open Space 0.40 ■ Wooded buffer area and pond 25 Golden Pond HOA Open Space 2.90 ■ Wooded buffer to hillside and pond 26 Heron Ridge HOA Open Space 2.73 ■ Wooded buffer to drainage corridor 27 Highlands Karcher Creek HOA Open Space 2.70 ■ Buffer perimeter planting with storm drainage pond 28 Horstman Heights HOA Open Space 3.31 ■ Wooded buffers 29 Indigo Point HOA Open Space 2.20 ■ Wooded, steep hillside along Blackjack Creek 30 McCormick North HOA Open Space 0.37 ■ Wooded perimeter and interior buffers 31 McCormick Meadows HOA Open Space 1 21.42 ■ Extensive woodland area 32 McCormick Meadows HOA Open Space 2 20.85 Page 59 of 342 Back to Agenda ■ Wooded buffer area 33 McCormick Woods HOA Open Space ■ Wooded perimeter and interior buffers 34 McCormick Woods Parcel A HOA Open Space ■ Wooded perimeter and interior buffers 35 McCormick West HOA Open Space ■ Wooded buffers and wetlands Ordinance (CAO). While protected, not all of these properties may 215.71 be suitable or available for public access or use. The objective is to conserve more riparian habitat and protect steep wooded slopes 7.41 along Blackjack and other unnamed creeks and the hillside defining Ross Point. 329.70 Possible resource conservancy sites 36 Muirfield HOA Open Space 3AS • Wooded perimeter buffers with golf course fairways 37 Pottery Heights HOA Open Space 2.67 • Wooded buffer to wetlands 38 Rockport HOA Open Space 4.20 • Wooded, steep hillside along stream draining into Sinclair Inlet 39 Rutherford HOA Open Space 9.74 • Wooded perimeter buffer and interior wooded area 40 Sherman Ridge HOA Open Space 1.25 ■ Grass open area with woodlands 41 Stetson Heights HOA Open Space 14.11 ■ Wetland buffer areas 42 Strathmore HOA Open Space 6.34 ■ Wooded perimeter buffers 43 The Ridge HOA Open Space 18.66 ■ Wooded perimeter buffer around subdivision • Wooded, steep hillside along drainage stream corridor 44 Windfall Place HOA Open Space 6.44 • Wooded, steep hillside along drainage corridor South Kitsap School District na 45 Cedar Heights Forest na ■ Wooded area Total existing conservancy acres 2,682.161° Total site acreage may also provide for other resource or recreational activities. Possible resource conservancy sites The following sites may provide conservancy protection through easements, land use agreements, or acquisitions. Some properties are undevelopable and thus protected by the city's Critical Areas Port Orchard with others 46 Blackjack Creek Corridor t • Conserve steep wooded hillsides the complete extent of the creek for greenway habitat 47 Ross Creek Corridor t ■ Conserve wetland pond and steep wooded hillsides the complete extent of the creek for greenway habitat 48 Ross Point Hillsides t ■ Conserve steep wooded hillsides along Bay Street around Ross Point to SR-16 for greenway habitat 49 Kitsap Creek Daylighting t • Daylight Kitsap Creek from SR-166/Bay Street to Sinclair Inlet 50 Flower Meadows/Ruby Creek t ■ Conserve stormwater pond along Ruby Creek Total possible conservancy acres Tbd - to be determined based on open space assets, property boundaries, and conservation method. Conservancies - historical/cultural bd bd bd bd bd Historical conservancies protect and preserve significant archaeological, historical, and cultural sites and facilities providing interpretive access to significant sites including Native American sites, original homesteads or prominent building sites, commercial or public buildings of unique architectural characteristics, locations of important industrial or resource -oriented activities, and other culturally important areas. Lands may also be protected or acquired that conserve significant man-made constructions on the land including bridges, dikes, dams, and other features. Port Orchard PROS Plan 139 Page 60 of 342 rr I■ Masonic Hall (Sidney Museum) 1908 lot V ■� �l "larZl � nttlww—(Wisteri�ne s ,t ights ythias Lodge-(Draonfly Cinema) 1925 WA i� r mod` Howe M(.).Kr—C;mpany (Mainline Music) IJc428 Back to Agenda Historic and cultural sites Citv Limits Urban Growth Area nonprofit, 1 Masonic Hall 2 Log Cabin 3 Hotel Sidney 4 McNair General Store S Howe Brothers Hardware/Garage 6 Howe Motor Company 7 Blanchard Department Store 8 Rexall Drugs 9 Knights of Pythias Lodge Port Orchard PROS Plan 141 Page 62 of 342 Back to Agenda To the extent possible and practical, historical sites and buildings will be linked with other parklands to create activity centers or facilities that reflect the original cultural use. To the extent possible and practical, historical buildings and structures may be conserved on their original sites. In some instances, however, the buildings or other improvements may be relocated to other public properties to better conserve, display, or provide interpretive access. To the extent practical and protecting of archaeological significance, historical or archaeological sites may be marked or signed as part of the conservancy park element. Interpretive signs may be located off -site or in areas that do not risk exposure or possible vandalism of underlying archaeological resources (including private lands). Existing places of significance Port Orchard has a large but undesignated number of historic buildings located within the downtown district and on top of Sidney hill some dating from the 1880-1900s, 1900-1920s, and even the 1930-1950s. Following is a brief summary of some known examples though an historic inventory should be completed along with the designation of a walking tour as a means of introducing Port Orchard's historical heritage as a recreational activity. Existing places of significance Port Orchard 1 1 Masonic Hall (Sidney Museum) 1 ■ The 3,642 square foot Sidney Museum (Masonic Hall) is located at 202 Sidney Avenue in the downtown. ■ Built in 1908, the 2-story wood building was the first Masonic Temple building in Port Orchard and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. 2 Log Cabin 1 The cabin is located on its original site, one of the original two Sidney town plots that measure 60 feet in width fronting on Sidney by 150 feet deep extending to the west. The 2-story, one bedroom cabin was constructed from "log 42 I Port Orchard PROS Plan boom" logs pulled up Sidney hill from Port Orchard Bay by oxen and draft horses. 3 Hotel Sidney (Navy View Apartments) 1 ■ The original Hotel Sidney was built in 1893. In 1910, a mudslide took out much of the foundation. Later that year the owner moved the 3-story wood building 2 blocks down Sidney Hill to the corner of Frederick and Prospect Streets. The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973 but accidently destroyed by fire in 1985. A replica was built on the original foundation. 4 McNair General Store/Modern Plumbing & Supply ( 1 ■ Canadian Alexander McNair built the 2-story wood store and annex on pilings at 632 Bay Street in 1891. McNair served a term on the Port Orchard Council in 1901. 5 Howe Brothers Hardware & Garage (Josephine's Mercantile) ■ Ford Motor Company granted the Howe Brothers Hardware the first car dealership franchise in Kitsap County in 1913. The Howe Brothers took over the meat market next door and expanded the dealership to include the entire 2-story wood building at 701 Bay Street. 6 Howe Motor Company (Mainline Music) ■ The Howe Motor Company moved their Ford dealership across the street in built this 2-story concrete block building in 1928 that occupies nearly a half block at 702 Bay Street. The dealership was located on the west end and the hardware store on the east end of the building's first floor. 7 Blanchard Department Store (Wisteria Lane Antiques) ■ The Blanchard Department Store was located on the southeast corner of Bay and Sidney Streets at 804 Bay Street. The 2-story wood building dates from before the 1940s. 8 Rexall Drugs (Olympic Bike & Skate) ■ Rexall Drugs was located on the southwest corner of Bay and Sidney Streets at 744 Bay Street. The 1-story brick building dates from before the 1940s. Page 63 of 342 Back to Agenda 9 Knights of Pythias Lodge (D&R 1 Theatre/Dragonfly Cinema) ■ The Knights of Pythias built this 2-story lodge building in 1925 at 822 Bay Street. D&R Theatre converted the building into one of the first movie houses in 1928 and operated it until 1965 when maintenance and competition from larger theaters forced it to close. The theater was reopened in 1980 as the Plaza Twin Theater in 1980 and is currently operated as Dragonfly Cinema. Total existing (identified) significant places 9 Port Orchard PROS Plan 143 Page 64 of 342 Back to Agenda Resource parkland will be conserved in Port Orchard that provides public access to significant environmental features including shorelines, woodlands, and scenic areas. Where appropriate, resource park sites will be improved with a variety of outdoor facilities including group and individual campsites and picnic facilities. Water -oriented resource park improvements will provide swimming and wading sites, fishing piers, docks, and boat launches. Supporting services will include parking lots, restrooms, and utilities. Resource park activities may be located on independent properties or include portions of other sites provided for environmental conservancies, trail corridors, recreation, or other public facilities. Resource park activities may also be developed on other publicly owned lands subject to public use agreements or easements. Vision As described herein, the resource park vision will be realized through: • Acquisition of resource parklands - that would otherwise be developed for other land uses; • Provision of public access - and use of natural features which would not be possible if the lands remained in private ownership; • Conservation for public access - and use of unique and available natural features that visually define and separate developing urban areas. Waterfront access points Existing beach and hand -carry access sites The following sites provide access to significant freshwater and saltwater access points in Port Orchard that include fishing, beach, boating, and other waterfront access activities on Sinclair Inlet, and Long and Square Lakes. 44 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Existing beach and hand -carry access sites Port Orchard 3 1 DeKalb Pier 1 ■ 169 feet of lighted pier ■ 359 feet of floats 2 Etta Turner Park • Trail connection 3 Rockwell Park ■ Trail connection ■ Beach access ■ Hand -carry launch Port of Bremerton 4 Port Orchard Boat ramp ■ Municipal boat ramp ■ Restroom 5 Waterfront Park ■ Beach access ■ Viewing platform 6 Westbay Easements ■ Beach access ■ Trail connection Kitsap County 7 Long Lake County Park ■ Water access ■ Fishing access ■ Swimming beach ■ Boat launch ■ Restroom Washington State 8 Square Lake State Park ■ 7.9 freshwater surface acres with mostly shallow depths with lots of pads and ringed with reeds ■ The lake has one private home on the shoreline with the rest still in a natural state ■ Rough boat launch area best suited for hand carried craft though small-trailered boats can be launched by a 4-wheel drive tow vehicle ■ Pit toilet Page 65 of 342 Back to Agenda F� .,. .. '•'Nib+. :-` 4 �r iu• �• t:,!Si Waterfront access Citv Limits Urban Growth Area 17 • • • • 14 1 DeKalb Pier 13 16, 2 Etta Turner Park `15 3 Rockwell Park 4 Port Orchard Boat Ramp •' -�► j f' ` �•r 5 Waterfront Park ..{{ 6 �,�. �3;•:� � • .. •'� 6 Westbay Easements _ ^TSB. '. � j - l .�`J! _ �.�Et .'_..� • • • � . -, h •' � Fla•' 7 Long Lake County Park -'�h.-,!" - 8 Square Lake State Park 1 " s� LS., •"`� 1 9 Long Lake Boat Launch Possible waterfront access 5 Waterfront Park Expansion 10 SR 166/Bay Street ^�sqOVI! 11 Ross Point r su E _ s+�='• 12 Ross Creek t�,a �S--; o n� 13 Mitchell Extension/Westbay J. 14 Mitchell Point "•��� ._ F• �T:a;�--..- I.•r.• ! , s 15Annapolis Ferry Terminal �� 16 Beach Drive 1 @ Bancroft Road � r •_ �,;� ; �.- r- t°�� 17 Beach Drive 2 east Bancroft Road • � F Kill Q. jf: ryj:' ilf ' •.. Port Orchard PROS Plan 145 Page 66 of 342 Back to Agenda 9 Long Lake Boat Launch ■ Access along the western shore with a boat ramp launch, dock, and hand -carry access Total existing waterfront access sites Total existing hand carry launch sites Possible beach and hand -carry access sites The following sites will increase waterfront access to Sinclair Inlet for beach access and hand -carry craft launches. 1 Total possible waterfront access sites Total possible hand carry launch sites 9 5 Possible beach and hand -carry access sites Port Orchard with others 9 5 Waterfront Park Expansion 1 ■ Sinclair Inlet beach access and hand -carry launch from the access from Bay Street under the SR-16 flyover 10 SR-16/Bay Street 1 • Sinclair Inlet beach access and hand -carry launch from the access from Bay Street under the SR-16 flyover 11 Ross Point 1 ■ Sinclair Inlet beach access and hand -carry boat launch from the access off Bay Street 12 Ross Creek 1 ■ Sinclair Inlet beach access and hand -carry boat launch between Yachtfish Marine and Port Orchard Yacht Club from the parking lot between Short/Grant Avenues on the south side of Bay Street 13 Mitchell Extension/Westbay 1 • Extension of Mitchell Avenue through Westbay to Sinclair Inlet 14 Mitchell Point 1 • Sinclair Inlet beach access and hand -carry boat launch from the pull -off land on Bay Street on Mitchell Point 15 Annapolis Foot Ferry Terminal 1 ■ Sinclair Inlet beach access and hand -carry boat launch from the parking lot for the Kitsap Transit ferry on Bay Street 16 Beach Drive 1 @ Bancroft Road 1 ■ Sinclair Inlet beach access and hand -carry boat launch from the pull -off lane on Beach Drive East north of Bancroft Road 17 Beach Drive 2 @ east of Bancroft Road 1 ■ Sinclair Inlet beach access and hand -carry boat launch from the pull -off lane on Beach Drive East further north of Bancroft Road 46 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Downtown waterfront sites Existing downtown waterfront sites The following sites provide saltwater access within the downtown of the numerous marinas, launch sites, and passenger ferry activities. 9 9 Existing downtown waterfront sites Port Orchard 3 1 DeKalb Pier 1 ■ 169 feet of lighted pier 2 Etta Turner Park ■ Trail connection 3 Rockwell Park ■ Trail connection ■ Beach access Port of Bremerton 4 Port Orchard Boat ramp ■ Floating pier and dock 5 Waterfront Park ■ Beach access ■ Viewing platform 6 Westbay Easement ■ Beach access ■ Trail connection Total existing waterfront viewpoints Possible downtown waterfront sites The following sites will increase waterfront access and viewpoints of Sinclair Inlet from street -ends and Bay Street Pedestrian Path. 1 1 3 1 1 1 6 Possible downtown waterfront sites Port Orchard 7 2 Etta Turner Park 1 ■ Expand park to include both sides of Blackjack Creek Page 67 of 342 Back to Agenda Downtown waterfront sites City Limits Urban Growth Area 1 DeKalb Pier 2 Etta Turner Park 3 Rockwell Park . . 4 Port Orchard Boat Ramp S Waterfront Park 6 Westbay Easement Possible downtown sites 2 Etta Turner Park Expansion 7 Port Street Plaza/Kayak Launch 8 KPFD Community Center Plaza 9 Orchard Avenue 10 Sidney Avenue 11 Harrison Avenue 12 East Gateway 13 Orchard/Prospect Hillclimb Port Orchard PROS Plan 147 Page 68 of 342 Back to Agenda 8 KPFD Community Center Plaza 1 • Viewpoint of Sinclair Inlet and Port Marina 9 Orchard Avenue 1 ■ Viewpoint of Sinclair Inlet and trail connection 10 Sidney Avenue 1 ■ Viewpoint of marina and Port Orchard -Bremerton Foot Ferry and trail connection 11 Harrison Avenue 1 ■ Viewpoint of marina and Port Orchard -Bremerton Foot Ferry and trail connection 12 East Gateway 1 ■ East gateway improvement to Bay Street Pedestrian Path 13 Orchard/Prospect Avenue Hillclimb 1 ■ Viewpoint and trail connection from Bay Street through proposed mixed -use development to up town Total possible waterfront viewpoints 7 Picnic shelters Existing picnic shelters The following sites provide day -use picnic shelter facilities for group activities in existing parks. Port Orchard 1 Central/Clayton Park ■ Picnic shelter 2 Etta Turner Park ■ Gazebo 3 Givens Field/Active Club ■ Picnic shelter 4 McCormick Village Park ■ Picnic shelter 5 Van Zee Park ■ Picnic shelter ■ Restroom 48 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Existing picnic shelters 6 1 6 Waterfront Park 1 ■ Picnic shelter Total existing picnic shelters 6 Possible picnicking shelters The following sites will increase day -use group picnic shelter facilities in existing and proposed future parks. Possible picnic shelters Port Orchard with others 5 7 McCormick Village Park 1 ■ Add group picnic facility/shelter to park activities 8 South Kitsap Regional Park ■ Add group picnic facility/shelter to park activities 9 Veterans Memorial Park ■ Add group picnic facility/shelter to park activities 10 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park ■ Add group picnic facility/shelter to park activities 11 Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road ■ Develop group picnic facility/shelter in this future park Total Possible picnic shelters Picnic tables Existing picnic tables The following sites provide day -use picnicking tables. 1 Port Orchard 1 1 Central/Clayton Park ■ Picnic tables 1 2 DeKalb Pier • Picnic tables 1 3 Givens Field/Active Club ■ Picnic area ■ Restroom 1 1 1 1 5 Existing picnic tables 15 5 1 N Page 69 of 342 Back to Agenda Picnic �'• , ';: wig.' ,•4.Y.. (SIG i � 1 shelters Citv Limits Urban Growth Area 1 Central/Clayton Park ' 2 Etta Turner Park '+ 3 Givens Field/Active Club f i 4 McCormick Village Park S Van Zee Park vF 6 Waterfront Park TV Possible picnic shelters 4 McCormick Village Park - 7 Ruby Creek Park 8 South Kitsap Regional Park . t. a9 Veterans Memorial Park 10 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park _ 11 Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road IT 1-49 _ is n`•7�.. �.• � �? '� In 7. r Port Orchard PROS Plan 149 Page 70 of 342 Back to Agenda 1 Central/Clayton Park 2 DeKalb Pier =t ' p� �'I� •�;„ '- f:+ 3 Givens Field/Active Club 4 McCormick Village Park nos' r , 5 Rockwell Park t �� �Y 6 Van Zee Park �xi 't 7 Waterfront Park ..} s ice_ ,a, P •'9:Z �i-°•.. ' 1_ :.f�•� .'..t'i:' - , •� f , ���, . ,, .. � ,. • ,�y- . -'• • - 8 Long Lake County Park 9 South Kitsap Regional Park /� ;Y:•• 10 Veterans Memorial Park • �. �', ?, 12�1 ,1:: I x .;� ,GO ,- 11 Square Lake State Park ;.' .... J,' wig ': lllrt i.= 9�.I ,E �� 12 Freestone at Bayside y,i /3 �� : � � 1� �. • � ��,a; : = � i�i ,lii Possible picnic facilities f' p• Ila V_, ',o +��/ © �s,� 4 McCormick Village Park 1 •• t 4?`, 13 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 14 Ruby Creek Park rw` =�} 15 @ Aiken Road Picnic tables — City Limits = c'Y 47 ` '.,� t ,� ' 16 @ SalmoBlueberry/Ramsey/Geiger luebe berryry/R Road g :.1� - _ °' i'� �"�'�`f 17 @ Blueberr Ramse Gei er Road aWm�7�'%`� .- v/ v/ �^.,.. Urban Growth Area SO I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 71 of 342 Back to Agenda 4 McCormick Village Park 2 N Add picnicking area to park activities ■ Picnic tables 15 @ Aiken Road ■ Restroom N Develop picnicking area in this proposed park area 5 Rockwell Park 1 N Develop picnicking area in this proposed park area ■ Picnic area 25 @ Salmonberry Road 6 Van Zee Park 2 N Develop picnicking area in this proposed park area ■ Picnic tables 26 @ Bluebarry/Ramsey/Geiger Road ■ Restroom N Develop picnicking area in this proposed park area 7 Waterfront Park 2 Total possible picnic tables ■ Picnic tables Kitsap County 5 8 Long Lake County Park 2 • Picnic areas ■ Restroom 9 South Kitsap Regional Park 2 ■ Picnic area 10 Veterans Memorial Park 1 • Picnic area Washington State 1 11 Square Lake State Park 1 ■ Picnic tables and barbecues ■ Pit toilet Homeowner Association (HOA) 3 12 Freestone at Bayside Pocket Park 3 ■ 3 picnic tables Total existing picnic tables 24 Possible picnicking areas The following sites will increase day -use picnicking opportunities within a 5-10-minute walk of all residential neighborhoods. Possible picnic tables Port Orchard with others 16 4 Mary McCormick Memorial Park 2 • Add picnicking area to park activities 13 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 4 ■ Add picnicking area to park activities 14 Ruby Creek Park 4 Port Orchard PROS Plan I S1 2 2 2 16 Page 72 of 342 Back to Agenda Trail systems will be developed to link major environmental assets, park and recreational facilities, schools, community centers, and historical features thorough out Port Orchard. Generally, trails will provide for several modes of recreational and commuters use including bicycles and pedestrians where appropriate. Multipurpose trails Multipurpose on and off -road trails will be developed within corridors separate from vehicular or other motorized forms of transportation such as utility easements or in separate property alignments. In some instances, an on -road trail may be developed as improvements within the right-of-way of established vehicular or other transportation corridors. Multipurpose trails will be developed to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO) trail standards. The trails will be concrete, asphalt or very fine crushed rock base, handicap accessible, and usable by all age and skill groups. Trail corridors will be improved with trailhead services including rest stops, parking lots, restrooms, water, and air utilities. Where the trail is located in association with another park and recreational improvement or public facility, the trailhead will be improved with active picnic, playgrounds, and play areas. Multipurpose trail corridors will be independent properties or include portions of other sites provided for resource conservancies, resource activities, athletic facilities, and other park and recreational or public facility properties. Vision As described, the multipurpose trails vision may be realized by providing recreational trail opportunities that: S2 I Port Orchard PROS Plan • Access natural features - that may not be available otherwise, • Link open spaces - and other conservation areas into a greenway system, • Serve persons - with varied physical abilities and skills, • Establish high visibility and volume pedestrian routes - through the most developed urban areas and park sites, • Expand roadway corridors - to provide recreational and commuter trail opportunities, Existing off -road multipurpose trails The following multipurpose trail systems have been developed to provide combined hike and bike trail opportunities along the shoreline of Sinclair Inlet and within the buffer areas and golf course of McCormick Woods. Multipurpose off -road trail miles Port Orchard 1.04 1 Bay Street Pedestrian Path 1.04 ■ Paved off -road multipurpose trail Homeowners Association (HOA) 2.60 2 McCormick Woods Trail 2.60 ■ Paved off -road multipurpose trail Total existing multipurpose trail miles 3.64 Possible off -road multipurpose trails The following multipurpose trail system will be developed to provide combined hike and bike trail opportunities linking the Bay Street Pedestrian Path along Sinclair Inlet shoreline and McCormick Woods into an integrated network accessing conservancies, parks, schools, and Port Orchard commercial districts. Multipurpose off -road trails Port Orchard with others 10.12 1 Bay Street Pedestrian Path Extension 1.70 ■ Extend off -road multipurpose trail east to Olney Avenue and west to SR-16 3 Old Clifton Road 1.70 • Develop off -road multipurpose trail from SR-16 west to Fiegley Road to access McCormick Woods Trail Page 73 of 342 Back to Agenda 1 Bay Street Pedestrian Path 2 McCormick Woods Trail Possible off -road trails 1 Bay Street Path extensions i .,il 3 Old Clifton Road t 4 Blueberry Lake Road i 5 Glenwood Road 6 Sedgwick Road 7 Sidney Road 8 Tremont/Port Orchard Blvd 9 Bay Street to South Kitsap Rg Pk 10 Square Lake/Deer Creek Off -road Citv Limits Urban Growth Area Existing off -road trail ------ Proposed off -road trail Port Orchard PROS Plan I S3 Page 74 of 342 Back to Agenda On -road trails 54 1 McCormick Woods Drive Possible on -road walkways 4 2 Port Orchard Boulevard 3 Sidney Avenue ryRn E r ` 4 Bethel Avenue 5 Retsil/Lincoln/Harris 1� � .., • ? 6 Jackson Avenue ■ 14t _ _ t :R 7 Mile Hill Drive 1 41 1 -` 4r�•._' S=;;: 8 Tremont Street 7 •' 9 Lund Avenue 5 10 Salmonberry Road j 3 1 1_ 11 Sedgwick Road '`'V j.^;,. 12 Hawkstone/St Andrews Drive pa I� i 1 1 1 i�ni$ �10 10 4; 51 t•y F y' _ Vj Citv Limits — - Urban Growth Area Existing on -road trail ------ Proposed on -road trail IPort Orchard PROS Plan Page 75 of 342 Back to Agenda 4 Blueberry Lake Road 0.57 ■ Develop off -road multipurpose trail from Sidney Road west to Old Clifton Road 5 Glenwood Road 1.28 ■ Develop off -road multipurpose trail from Sidney Road to Square Lake State Park 6 Sedgwick Road 0.19 ■ Develop off -road multipurpose trial from Sidney Road to Sedgwick Road Trail 7 Sidney Road 0.38 ■ Develop off -road multipurpose trail from Blueberry Lake Road to Sedgwick Road Trail 8 Tremont/Port Orchard Boulevard 0.66 ■ Develop off -road multipurpose trail from Tremont Street to Port Orchard Boulevard 9 Bay Street to South Kitsap Regional Park 1.89 • Develop off -road multipurpose trail from Bay Street south through Veterans Memorial Park to South Kitsap Regional Park 10 Square Lake/Deer Park 1.75 ■ Develop off -road multipurpose trail west through Square Lake State Park, Kitsap Regional Park, to Deer Park Total possible multipurpose trails 10.12 Existing on -road paths and sidewalks The following on -road paths and sidewalks have been developed to provide a grid of walking trail opportunities. On -road paths and sidewalk miles Homeowners Association (HOA) 2.60 1 McCormick Woods Drive 2.60 ■ Paved walkway Total existing multipurpose trail miles 2.60 Possible on -road paths and sidewalks The following on -road paths and sidewalks will be developed to complete a grid of walking trail opportunities connecting the Bay Street Pedestrian Path and McCormick Woods Trail with parks, schools, downtown, commercial districts, and off -road trails. On -road path and sidewalk miles Port Orchard with others 15.26 2 Port Orchard Boulevard 0.57 ■ Develop sidewalk on Port Orchard Boulevard south from Bay Street to Tremont Street. 3 Sidney Avenue 1.31 • Develop sidewalk on Sidney Avenue from Bay Street to SR-16. 4 Bethel Avenue 1.95 • Develop sidewalk 5 Retsil/Lincoln/Harris 2.33 • Develop sidewalk on Retsil Road from Beach Drive south to Mile Hill Drive then south on Karcher Road to Lincoln Avenue then south to Harris Road then south to Salmonberry Road. 6 Jackson Avenue 1.14 ■ Develop sidewalk on Jackson Avenue from Mile Hill Drive south to Sedgewidk Road. 7 Mile Hill Drive 1.14 ■ Develop sidewalk on Mile Hill Drive from Bethel Road east to Long Lake Road. 8 Tremont Street 0.93 ■ Develop sidewalk on Tremont Street from Old Clifton Road across SR-16 east to Lund Avenue. 9 Lund Avenue/Madrona Drive 2.20 • Develop sidewalk on Lund Avenue from SR-16 east to Madrona Drive then around the loop road to Mile Hill Drive. 10 Salmonberry Road 0.98 ■ Develop sidewalk on Salmonberry Road from Bethel Road east to Long Lake Road. 11 Sedgwick Road 1.63 • Develop pathways on both sides of Sedgwick Road from Sidney Road across SR-16 east to Long Lake Road. 12 Hawkstone/St Andrews Drive 1.08 ■ Develop sidewalk loop on Hawkstone Avenue from McCormick Woods Drive north to St Andrews Drive and west to McCormick Woods Drive. Total possible path and sidewalk miles 15.26 Port Orchard PROS Plan I SS Page 76 of 342 Back to Agenda r; 1 McCormick Village Park 2 Van Zee Park 3 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 4 Howe Farm County Park `' -` , . 5 South Kitsap Regional Park .:'{I r 6 Veterans Memorial Park ,tr.om, .' 7 Square Lake State Park 8 Deer Park 9 Stetson Heights Possible park walking trails 10 Ruby Creek tr� ri 91 RN Im iJ Y. r"ark walking trails City parks Other parks Open s ace/Golf Schools I Public facilities — Citv Limits Urban Growth Area 56 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 77 of 342 Back to Agenda Park walking trails Walking and hiking trails will be developed within major parks to provide internal access to wetlands, woodlands, picnic areas, courts, and fields with site parking lots, restrooms, and other supporting facilities as well as adjacent residential neighborhoods throughout Port Orchard and the surrounding area. Walking and hiking trails will be developed to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) or US Forest Service (USFS) walking trail standards with a crushed rock, bark, or compacted dirt base. Most trail segments will be ADA accessible and usable by all age and skill groups. Walking trails will be developed in urban park sites with an asphalt or concrete surface, ADA accessible, and usable by all age and skill groups. Vision The walking and hiking trails vision will be realized by providing recreational trail opportunities in Port Orchard and the surrounding area that: • Access natural features - within major park sites, • Serve persons - with varied physical abilities and skills, • Establish high visibility and volume pedestrian routes - through the most developed urban areas and park sites, Existing park trails The following park trails have been developed within major park sites in the city that access wetlands, ponds, lakes, woodlands, and other park activities. Existing park trail miles Port Orchard 0.48 1 McCormick Village Park 0.38 ■ Trails extend from parking lot through the north wooded area. 2 Van Zee Park 0.10 ■ Trails extend around the park and through the woodland. Kitsap County 3.22 3 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 0.21 ■ Trails extend around the park and through the woodland. 4 Howe Farm County Park 0.23 ■ Trails extend around the farm, wetland, and woodlands. 5 South Kitsap Regional Park 2.21 ■ Trails extend from the fields and playground through the north and west wooded areas. 6 Veterans Memorial Park 0.57 ■ Trails extend from the ballfield and playground to the north wooded areas. Washington State 0.64 7 Square Lake State Park 0.64 Trails extend from the trailhead parking area throughout the wooded park to McCormick Woods. Homeowner Association (HOA) 8 Deer Park 0.92 0.16 ■ Trails extend from the field and parking area into the wooded and wetland areas. 9 Stetson Heights 0.76 ■ Trails extend around the perimeter buffer areas. Total existing park trail miles 5.26 Possible bark trails The following sites will be improved with park walking trails to provide access to wetlands and other natural features. Port Orchard 10 Ruby Creek Possible park trail miles 0.25 0.25 ■ Develop an interpretive trail along Ruby and Blackjack Creeks and wetlands. Total possible park trail miles 0.25 Water trails A water access system will be developed to provide day -use and overnight kayak, canoe, dory, and other hand -carry watercraft trail excursions. Where possible, water trailheads will be located to coincide with and use other trail corridors and park services including parking lots, restrooms, and utilities. Port Orchard PROS Plan I S7 Page 78 of 342 Back to Agenda Water trail Citv Limits Urban Growth Area 58 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 1 Dekalb Pier 2 Rockwell Park iM ONIFIFTE ` 3 Port Orchard Boat Ramp 4 Port Orchard Marina S Bremerton Marina 6 Manchester State Park 7 Annapolis Terminal 8 Port of Waterman Pier Possible water trail access 9 Ross Point 10 Bay Street/SR-166 jai __-• fir �7 �� _ ... s�.• i'•' Page 79 of 342 Back to Agenda When provided on separate sites, water trailheads will be improved with launch ramps or landings, tent sites, picnic tables, shelters, restrooms, and other services. Water trail development projects will use cooperative, joint venture approaches to formally designate and improve launch sites and trailheads and/or to develop new launch sites, rest stops, and other water trail services. Vision As described, the water trail vision will: • Increase and promote public access - to the area's significant freshwater and saltwater resources particularly for hand -carry boating enthusiasts, • To scenic natural areas and features - of interest that cannot be accessed from other trail systems, • For boating enthusiasts - of all skill levels, • For extended boating duration - including overnight trips. Existing Sinclair Inlet The following sites provide put -in water trail access for hand -carry craft on Sinclair Inlet, and Long and Square Lakes. Existing Sinclair Inlet trailheads/put-ins Port Orchard 2 1 DeKalb Pier 1 ■ Hand -carry launch from 169 feet of lighted pier 2 Rockwell Park 1 ■ Hand -carry boat launch from park beach Port of Bremerton 3 Port Orchard Boat ramp ■ Hand -carry launch from public boat ramp 4 Port Orchard Marina ■ Hand -carry launch from floating docks 5 Bremerton Marina ■ Hand -carry launch from floating outer dock Washington State 6 Manchester State Park • Hand -carry launch from beach adjacent to pier Other public 2 7 Annapolis Terminal 1 ■ Hand -carry launch from beach adjacent to terminal pier 8 Port of Waterman Pier 1 ■ Hand -carry lunch from beach adjacent to pier Total existing trailhead/put-ins 8 Possible Sinclair Inlet trailheads The following sites will be designated to provide put -in hand -carry water trail access to Sinclair Inlet to support the South Kitsap and Cascadia Marine Trails. Possible trailheads/put-ins Port Orchard 2 10 Ross Point 1 ■ Designate hand -carry launch from beach at Ross Point next to Bay Street pull -off 11 Bay Street/SR-16 1 ■ Develop trailhead parking and designate hand -carry launch from beach next to access road under SR-16 flyover Total possible trailhead/put-ins 2 On and off -leash dog trails/parks A system of off -leash dog trails, areas, and park enclosures will be developed to provide access to select and appropriate parks and recreational facilities in Port Orchard. 3 1 Subject to city code in some locations, off -leash dog trails will parallel or coincide with other multipurpose trail corridors or 1 within separate routes and other alignments of interest to the dog owner population. 1 Future public off -leash development projects may use cooperative, joint venture approaches with other partners to formally designate 1 and improve off -leash dog areas or trails. 1 Port Orchard PROS Plan I S9 Page 80 of 342 Back to Agenda ' f i - - ^� ii. k ' �.i ..Nx�� �• zr�« ••'r"i�2E=,. 4.�.� Flak V e`� C: IL.i7•�, OLI WE }�• n ' slii }4ryyl E A-6 f ; f1 ( .� IP Dog parks Citv Limits Urban Growth Area 60 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 1 McCormick Village Park 2 Howe Farm County Park Possible dog parks i `: 3 Central/Clayton Park Page 81 of 342 Back to Agenda Vision As described, the dog areas vision will provide: • For designated on and off -leash access - to scenic features and other features of interest, • For off -leash dog areas- for social and exercise activities, • For dogs of all size - and training levels, • With user amenities - including water fountains, restrooms, benches, and covered seating areas Existing off -leash dog areas/parks The following off -leash dog trails and parks have been developed in existing parks with potential limitations on volume and time of use. Existing off -leash dog areas Port Orchard 1 1 McCormick Village Park 1 • Off -leash dog area located north of playground next to woodlands Kitsap County 1 2 Howe Farm County Park 1 ■ Off -leash dog trails located along farm and wetland areas Existing off -leash dog areas 2 Possible off -leash dog areas/parks The following will be developed for off -leash trails or dog parks subject to potential limitations on volume and time of use. Possible off -leash dog areas Port Orchard 1 3 Central/Clayton Park • Develop dog activity area within park Total possible off -leash dog areas Port Orchard PROS Plan 161 Page 82 of 342 Back to Agenda Local or neighborhood parks - will be developed with playgrounds, basketball, volleyball, grass play fields, and other facilities that provide pickup games, youth sports, and leagues of interest to neighborhood children and families. These local park improvements will be combined with picnic shelters and tables, trail systems, natural areas, local schools, and other facilities to create an accessible neighborhood park system in Port Orchard. Local or neighborhood parks will be sited as independent properties or portions of other sites that include trail corridors, resource parks, multi -use indoor centers or other public facilities. Where practical, local or neighborhood playgrounds will be co -located with elementary schools. Where feasible and appropriate, neighborhood parks will be sited on lands that are owned and operated for other public purposes. Local or neighborhood parks will be located at sites serviced by trails and local bicycling routes that are within a 5-10-minute walk convenient to younger age neighborhood youth and families. Local or neighborhood parks will be developed to provide flexible play capabilities - typically providing 1 to 2 dirt or grass rectangular fields with portable goal and backstop stanchions to allow for varied age groups and activities. Community or regional parks - will be developed with competitive athletic court and field facilities to provide the highest quality competitive playing standards and requirements. The competitive regional athletic park complexes will include field activities that satisfy the largest number of organized and older age recreational league participants including skateboard, soccer, football, rugby, lacrosse, softball, and baseball facilities. Regional athletic parks will be developed for older youth and adult league tournaments and other peak competition days, events, and schedules thereby freeing fields located at elementary schools, neighborhood parks, and other local sites for younger age clinics, 62 I Port Orchard PROS Plan practices, neighborhood pickup play, and some youth league participant games. Regional recreational parks will be located on sites that can accommodate relatively high traffic volumes, evening lighted field use, noise, and other activities without adversely impacting adjoining land uses. Regional competitive recreational areas will be developed to provide sustained, high -capacity play capabilities typically providing 3 to 5 full-size competition fields at a location. Most sites will be designed to provide high capacity, rectangular field configurations that include turf or all-weather fields with permanent soccer goals and baseball diamond backstops at the field ends with moveable perimeter fencing, spectator seating, and night -lighting systems. When practical and feasible, regional athletic parks will include middle or high school facilities, particularly where the facilities are located with other competition fields or when the facilities can be used for recreational league tournaments or special events. Local and regional athletic parks - will be improved with restrooms, concessions, and parking lots including grass overflow parking areas to accommodate peak events or schedules. Depending on the location, some sites will include tennis, basketball, volleyball courts, and other recreational facilities. Where appropriate, some regionally competitive recreational sites will also be furnished with group picnic shelters and possibly even recreational vehicle overnight campsite services to support tournament events. Vision Local or neighborhood athletic parks with playgrounds, courts, and fields will: • Provide flexible informal activity areas, • Suited to younger age and local neighborhood game activities, ■ In sites convenient to neighborhood youth and families, ■ At sites that may co -locate with elementary schools and facilities. Page 83 of 342 Back to Agenda Re,gional athletic parks will: • Provide the highest quality competitive play athletic facilities, • Of the highest capacity facility improvement designs, • Within convenient proximity to organized adult and older age recreational league playing populations, • At sites that do not disrupt adjacent land uses, • At sites that may co -locate with schools and/or utilize other major public facilities, • To alleviate overcrowding on smaller, more local park and elementary school fields so local sites can be used for younger age league participant games, practice sessions, and neighborhood pickup games. Playgrounds Existing playgrounds/play areas The following covered and uncovered playground facilities and play areas have been developed in the city to support local neighborhood recreational activities. Some of the listed school facilities may not be available for public use during school hours. Existing playground/play facilities Port Orchard 8 1 Central/Clayton Park 1 • Playground 2 Givens Field/Active Club ■ Playground ■ Restroom 3 McCormick Village Park • 2 playgrounds ■ Splash pad ■ Restroom 4 Paul Powers Junior Park ■ Playground 5 Rockwell Park ■ Playground 6 Van Zee Park ■ Playground ■ Restroom 1 2 1 1 1 7 Windfall Place Tot Lot ■ Playground Kitsap County 8 Long Lake County Park ■ Playground ■ Restroom 9 South Kitsap Regional Park ■ Playground Homeowner Association (HOA) 10 Andasio Village ■ Grass play area ■ Playground 11 Blueberry Ridge • Playground 12 Chanting Circle • 2 playgrounds 13 Freestone at Bayside ■ Grass play area ■ Playground 14 Geiger Plat ■ Playground 15 Highlands at Karcher Creek ■ Playground 16 Horstman Heights • Playground 17 Mary McCormick Memorial Park • Playground 18 McCormick North • Playground 19 McCormick Meadows ■ Playground 20 McCormick Woods Parcel A ■ Playground 21 McCormick Woods West ■ 2 playgrounds 22 Stetson Heights ■ Playground Port Orchard PROS Plan 163 1 2 1 1 18 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Page 84 of 342 Back to Agenda 1 Central/Clayton Park p ', a' _' 2 Givens Field/Active Club ap ti Villa 3 McCormick a Park g +s: •?. r i 4 Paul Powers Junior Park 5 Rockwell Park 6 Van Zee Park ,t� • L;ti �� -l�•' - '�;;: .. �-; 7 Windfall Place Tot Lot _ 8 Long Lake County Park _ ' 3e: '= 4" �; • _ = �'c ..7 ;: 9 South Kitsap Regional Park _4. f 7,• aG°' ; 1 • • • • ' 10 Andasio Village pi s his j�..:~ :" .. . • .� • di' _, s� 1, � •� =:'''- `•-` ^- � � � : I- • r� � � 3� €' ' 11 Blueberry Ridge SPA 12 Chanting Circle � ..�� ;;;:d �^ `� ���':• _ 13 Freestone at Bayside i IV7{g ;.. ' :�.'. �$f j�' r.. m� 14 Geiger Plat �j [ - -, - 1 �` Zip •" ' t"p� @,. �� ' �'[ 15 Highlands at Karcher Creek 30 ti -r' a (7 1'1' s� ; r O "> r f;�=: 16 Horstman Heights 1 ° • t {` 3i� 17 Mary McCormick Memorial Park 18 McCormick North - 1 l .. � .;� - ^ � ��'�::'• , �� _"s� •, .tom,. r'1 F� '•� 19 McCormick Meadows J.r ,..' ' A. x 20 McCormick Woods Parcel A l�13. S� i� r 21 McCormick Woods West 'Y ,, �': w"•"�.�:�,1 ;ir�r. '",c-`F- {�?f`�i-•,! l° ' 22 Stetson Heights 23 The Ridge Pocket Parks 24 The Ridge Small Playgrounds ;o� f �• =- : =- 25 East Port Orchard Elementary _.. 26 Hidden Creek Elementary � � �S� �?:.• `� '; � 27 Mullenix Ridge Elementary 28 Orchard Heights Elementary 29 Sidney Glen Elementary 30 Sunnyslope Elementary r Possible playgrounds r"} �`2 31 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 32 Veterans Memorial Park r 33 @ Aiken Road ,. Ni. •';' [-' - 34 @ Salmonberry Road • ��.,_• ' t+. 35 @Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road Playgrounds Citv Limits Urban Growth Area 64 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 85 of 342 Back to Agenda 23 The Ridge Pocket Parks ■ 2 playgrounds 24 The Ridge Small Playgrounds ■ Grass play area ■ Playground South Kitsap School District 25 East Port Orchard Elementary ■ Playground ■ 2 covered play sheds 26 Hidden Creek Elementary ■ Playground ■ 2 covered play sheds 27 Mullenix Ridge Elementary School ■ Playground 28 Orchard Heights Elementary ■ Playground ■ Covered play shed 29 Sidney Glen Elementary School • Playground 30 Sunnyslope Elementary School ■ Playground Total existing playgrounds 2 N Develop playground in this neighborhood park site 35 @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road 1 1 N Develop playground in this neighborhood park site Total possible playgrounds 5 6 Skateboard/pump track facilities 1 Existing skateboard courts The following skateboard court facilities have been developed to 1 support skateboarding activities in the city and surrounding area. Existing skateboard/BMX court 1 Kitsap County 1 1 South Kitsap Regional Park 1 1N Skatepark Private 1 2 Peninsula Indoor BMX 1 1N 24,201 square foot indoor dirt BMX/pump track Total existing skateboard/BMX 2 1 34 Possible playgrounds/play areas The following playgrounds will be developed in existing parks and proposed future park sites to provide access within a 5-10-minute walk of all residential neighborhoods within the city and urban growth area. Possible playground/play facilities Port Orchard with others 5 31 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 1 ■ Develop playground next to fields 32 Veterans Memorial Park 1 ■ Develop playground next to fields 33 @ Aiken Road 1 ■ Develop playground in this neighborhood park site 34 @ Salmonberry Road 1 Possible skate dots and pump tracks Skate dots - single pieces of skateboard equipment such as quarter and half -pipes, rails, stairs, and concrete bowls will be distributed throughout city parks to provide skateboard activity for younger age groups within a convenient distance of residential neighborhood. A pump track composed of mounds and jumps for manually pumped bicycles will be developed to support this growing recreational activity. Possible skateboard dots/pump tracks Port Orchard 6 3 Givens Field/Active Club 1 ■ Install skateboard element in this neighborhood park 4 Van Zee Park 1 • Install skateboard element in this neighborhood park 5 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 1 ■ Install skateboard element in this neighborhood park Port Orchard PROS Plan 165 Page 86 of 342 Skate dot in Seattle Ihi OR Dirt pump track in Bellingham �.�. ~ •-` A+ �y y K R in Seattle r. y a x • r . s r Paved pump track in Lake Chelan Back to Agenda E :. •1 'Kitsap'Regional •� 1 South Park 2 Peninsula Indoor BMX Possible skate dots "! •.'- 3 Givens Field/Active Club 4 Van Zee Park sa.: :• f7 5 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park '; 6 Veterans Memorial Park iti _'•7': ; 7 @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road 8 @ Salmonberry Road Eh=,1 "a Possible pump track } 8 @ Salmonberry Road r H7: S. ;� `L^ ._ .. � - - r .F • •. �l i N�1 ice, . - Skateboard parks, skate dots, pump tracks • . .. Citv Limits Urban Growth Area Port Orchard PROS Plan 167 Page 88 of 342 Back to Agenda 6 Veterans Memorial Park 1 7 Mary McCormick Memorial Park 1 ■ Install skateboard element in this neighborhood park N Basketball court 7 @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road 1 South Kitsap School District 2 ■ Install skateboard element in this neighborhood park site 8 Mullenix Ridge Elementary School 1 8 @ Salmonberry Road 1 N 2 half -court basketball courts ■ Install skateboard element and a pump track in this 9 Sunnyslope Elementary School 1 neighborhood park site N 1 basketball court Total possible skate dots 6 Total existing courts 8 Total possible pump tracks 1 Possible sports courts Sports courts - basketball/volleyball/pickleball The following outdoor sports courts - that are designed to support basketball (50x84 feet), volleyball (30x60 feet), and pickleball Sports or multi -use courts combine basketball, volleyball, (30x60 feet) play on a single court surface will be developed to pickleball, and tennis as well as a variety of other activities in half support local recreational activities within a 5-10-minute walk of (25x50 feet) or full court (up to 50x100 feet) flexible layouts. residential neighborhoods. Some existing basketball courts may be adapted to support volleyball and pickleball play. Existing sports courts The following basketball and volleyball courts have been developed Possible sports courts in the city to support local neighborhood recreational activities. Port Orchard 4 10 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 1 Existing courts Develop sports court in this community park Port Orchard 3 11 South Kitsap Regional Park 1 1 Central/Clayton Park 1 Develop sports court in this community park ■ Basketball court 12 Veterans Memorial Park 1 2 Givens Field/Athletic Club 1 Develop sports court in this community park ■ Basketball court 13 @ Salmonberry Road 1 3 Van Zee Park 1 Develop sports court in this future neighborhood park site ■ Basketball court Total possible courts 4 Kitsap County 1 4 Long Lake County Park 1 Courts - tennis/pickleball ■ Volleyball court Homeowner Association (HOA) 2 Existing tennis/pickleball courts 5 Chanting Circle Pocket Parks 0.5 The following tennis/pickleball courts have been developed in the ■ 0.5 court basketball city to support community recreational activities. Some of the listed 6 Deer Park 0.5 school facilities may not be available for public use during school ■ 0.5 court basketball hours. Some existing tennis courts may be overlaid with 1 or 2 pickleball courts to increase recreation capacity. 68 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 89 of 342 Back to Agenda 1 Central/Clayton Park 2 Givens Field/Civic Club 3 Van Zee Park 4 Long Lake County Park r ` nitX 5 Chanting Circle Pocket Parks 6 Deer Park s 7 Mary McCormick Memorial Park - i �i.F: � mT �'Cl u� a .' F•• f • • • . , Yl � " ,- LIj F� ? , • ,. �d , 3, .F r 8 Mullenix Ridge Elementary ,;"i�iRl�f" •A-o`-_ �rj ,�.. - "''��-_}' 9SunnyslopeElementary ' �:� •:. Possible sports courts 10 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park !j 11 South Kitsap Regional Park g - !' a 1• _ �',a, • r ii [t 12 Veterans Memorial Park ,.' W 13 @ Salmonberry Road w. ,. r �f • 7; W. all "} -13,''R 7 iP _-! c:F C - vY 8. Sports courts - basketball, volleyball, pickleball City Limits Urban Growth Area Port Orchard PROS Plan 169 Page 90 of 342 Back to Agenda P� `7� OFF 1 Givens Field/Active Club �� • aJ •O 2 Van Zee Park per'`'/� _ .1, 1 - .=+. . • . . . • ' r: . •.;. F 3 Mary McCormick Memorial Park 4 South Kitsap High School �" j " r, lr' %_•_ ' fir Possible tennis/pickelball courts 5 Proposed schools site 6 @ Salmonberry Road •:eat. ,;ji,J€. '3.A 1ry *_','f'' > • y kir: r .f • La,j'7j�C'✓'-si.;yll^ •�"•• °y, _ �vv�� •f�1 ..1y■���•�y�''�'J } .7 4''�4y�q' /JJ.� 3.7 aw- • } -- _ rya {- �',. k.i ,��"� _ ti.G« ar;; 'Eer- � (raR r W-4 , �. ,'• �f nay r .. . I �� •r. - i _.� --• - ear w ii . - _ r ln, ��r. � � • � • � ,. y • � _ , � ',� ax°.'�, � " E . 4 it , ..4;'wc � - - - r, � �'t'•-.;'� car1 0t .4 #'L,• Tennis/pickelball courts Citv Limits — Urban Growth Area 70 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 91 of 342 Back to Agenda Existing tennis/pickleball courts Port Orchard 4 1 Givens Field/Active Club 2 ■ 2 lighted tennis courts - overlay pickleball courts ■ Restroom 2 Van Zee Park ■ 2 lighted tennis courts - overlap pickleball courts ■ Restroom Homeowner Association (HOA) 4 Mary McCormick Memorial Park ■ 1 tennis court South Kitsap School District 5 South Kitsap High School ■ 8 tennis courts 330x360 feet can be subdivided to support 12 age 6-7 fields of 75x120 feet. Consequently, while the fields are counted by regulation size the actual playing capacity of the fields can increase exponentially depending on the age of the soccer players and thereby their playing field requirements. 2 The following rectangular soccer or multipurpose grass fields have been developed to support local school and after school pickup 1 games, youth clinics, and youth leagues. Some fields have soccer 1 goals though most use temporary moveable goal fixtures. Some fields have grass baseball backstops or baseball diamonds installed 8 at the end corners of the grass rectangular fields. Some of the listed 8 school facilities may not be available for public use during school hours or suitable for competitive or league game play. Total existing courts 13 Existing soccer fields Possible tennis/pickleball courts Port Orchard 3 The following courts will be developed to support tennis (60x120 1 Central/Clayton Park 1 feet) and 2 pickleball (30x60 feet) community recreational activities 1 grass rectangular youth field 250x300 feet with a 10-minute commuting time of most residential 2 Paul Powers Junior Park 1 neighborhoods. Pickleball courts may also be overlaid existing 1 grass rectangular youth field 240x500 feet tennis courts to increase play activity. 3 Van Zee Park 1 ■ 1 grass rectangular lighted regulation field 350x600 feet with Possible tennis/pickleball courts 6 baseball backstop 6 Future school site 4 NRestroom Develop lighted tennis courts at this future school site @ Salmonberry Road Develop lighted tennis/pickleball courts in this future neighborhood park Total possible courts Fields - soccer Kitsap County 11 2 4 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 1 • 1 grass rectangular regulation field 400x500 feet between 300- foot baseball diamonds 6 5 South Kitsap Regional Park 5 ■ 3 grass rectangular regulation fields 350x600 feet ■ 1 grass rectangular youth field adjacent to 250-foot baseball diamond Existing soccer fields ■ 1 grass rectangular youth field in outfield of 300-foot baseball diamonds Rectangular grass fields support regulation (330x360 feet), youth age 12-13 (300030 feet), youth age 10-11 (180x240 feet), youth age 8-9 (90x150 feet) and youth age 6-7 (75x120 feet) soccer activities. The larger field areas can be subdivided to support younger age players practice and games. For example, a regulation field of Port Orchard PROS Plan 171 Page 92 of 342 x.� K' asketball/pickleball/tennis ort- court - ltipl�p,basketall/ e is f t •-_ : _ a r��} - iJ• t a Rectangular field - soccer/2-baseball fields f Sb tangu fie _ sejc er/bas /tr Back to Agenda 13 Soccer fields Citv Limits - Urban Growth Area 1 Central/Clayton Park 2 Paul Powers junior Park • 3 Van Zee Park 4 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 5 South Kitsap Regional Park 6 Veterans Memorial Park 7 Deer Park 1L 8 East Port Orchard Elementary 9 Hidden Creek Elementary 10 Mullenix Ridge Elementary 11 Orchard Heights Elementary 12 Sidney Glen Elementary 13 Sunnyslope Elementary 14 Marcus Whitman Middle School IS Explorer & Hope Academy Possible fields 16 Givens Field/Active Club F, 17 Proposed schools site 18 @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road jtn 40 :4 Port Orchard PROS Plan 173 Page 94 of 342 Back to Agenda 6 Veterans Memorial Park ■ 1 grass rectangular regulation field ■ 3 grass rectangular youth fields ■ 1 grass rectangular youth field in outfield of 300-foot baseball diamonds Homeowner Association (HOA) 7 Deer Park 1 ■ 1 grass rectangular regulation field 300x400 feet with baseball backstop South Kitsap School District 13 8 East Port Orchard Elementary 2 • 1 grass rectangular regulation field 300x500 feet with 2 baseball backstops • 1 grass rectangular regulation field 400x550 feet 9 Hidden Creek Elementary 3 ■ 1 grass rectangular youth field 150x250 feet with baseball backstop 10 11 12 13 14 • 1 grass rectangular regulation field 300x450 feet with basebal backstop and football overlay 15 Explorer Academy & Hope Academy • 1 grass rectangular youth field 210x400 feet Total youth soccer fields based on size Total regulation soccer fields based on largest size 74 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 1 grass rectangular youth field 150x400 feet 1 grass rectangular regulation field 250x350 feet with baseball backstop Mullenix Ridge Elementary School 1 grass rectangular field 350x400 feet with baseball backstop 1 grass rectangular field 450x500 feet with baseball backstop Orchard Heights Elementary 1 grass rectangular field 450x400 feet with baseball backstop 1 grass rectangular regulation field 300x500 feet Sidney Glen Elementary School 1 grass rectangular regulation field 350x500 feet with baseball backstop Sunnyslope Elementary School 1 grass rectangular regulation field 300x600 feet with baseball backstop Marcus Whitman Middle School 1 2 Marcus Whitman Middle School 1N 1 grass football field 3 South Kitsap High School 1 1 grass football field with bleachers, concessions ■ 1 rubber surface field track 10 Total existing football fields 18 Total existing field tracks Possible soccer fields The following rectangular grass fields will be developed to support regulation (330x360 feet) and sub -dividable youth age 12-13 (300x33O feet), youth age 10-11 (180x240 feet), youth age 8-9 (90x150 feet) and youth age 6-7 (75x120 feet) soccer activities within a 10-minute commute of residential neighborhoods. Possible soccer/lacrosse fields Port Orchard with others 7 16 Givens Field/Active Club 1 ■ Convert 1 grass ballfield to turf rectangular multiuse field 17 Future school site 3 ■ Develop 2 grass rectangular regulation fields 330x360 feet ■ Develop 1 grass rectangular youth field 300x330 feet 18 @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road 3 ■ Develop 3 grass rectangular regulation fields 300x330 feet Total possible youth soccer fields 1 Total possible regulation soccer fields 6 Fields - football and track Existing football fields The following football fields (160x360 feet) and field tracks have 2 been developed to support school sports leagues. Some of the listed school facilities may not be available for public use during school or team hours. 1 South Kitsap School District 1 1 Cedar Heights Middle School ■ 1 grass football field ■ 1 cinder surface field track Existing sites 3 3 2 Page 95 of 342 Back to Agenda Possible football fields and tracks The following fields and tracks will be developed to support future school recreation activities. Possible sites South Kitsap School District 1 3 Future high school 1 ■ 1 grass football field with bleachers, concessions ■ 1 rubber surface field track Total possible football fields 1 Total possible field tracks 1 Fields - baseball/softball Existing baseball/softball fields Baseball and softball field dimensions vary considerably by age and league for baseline, infield, pitcher's mound, and distance to left and center field fences. The field -defining dimension, however, is the distance to center field as the infield dimensions can be modified to fit the player's ages and league for baseball and softball. Center field baseball distances for Pinto and Little League are 200- 250 feet, Bonco 250 feet, Pony 300 feet, and high school and college 350-400 feet. Softball center field distances are proportionately less for youth age 10 and under are 175 feet, high school 225 feet, college and adult 220-250 feet, and adult slow pitch 315 feet. Baseball/softball fields may be dedicated with fixed skinned infield diamonds and outfield fences or located at the ends of rectangular fields where soccer fields can be overlaid the grass outfield areas. The following dedicated and rectangular baseball/softball fields have been developed to support various age group leagues in the city. Some of the listed school facilities may not suitable or available for public competitive game play during school or school team use. Existing baseball/softball fields Port Orchard 1 Central/Clayton Park ■ 1 grass field usable for T-ball 2 Givens Field/Active Club ■ 1 grass 300-foot baseball diamonds (leased, not available for public use) • 1 grass 200-foot youth field • 1 grass T-ball field • Restroom 3 Van Zee Park ■ 1 grass 250-foot baseball backstop on rectangular field ■ Restroom Kitsap County 4 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park ■ 2 grass 250+-foot baseball diamonds on rectangular field with bleachers 5 Long Lake County Park ■ 1 grass 250+-foot baseball backstop on rectangular field ■ Restroom 6 South Kitsap Regional Park • 1 grass 300-foot baseball field ■ 1 grass 250-300-foot baseball field ■ Batting cages (run by Casey's Batting Range) 7 Veterans Memorial Park • 1 grass 300-foot baseball field with dugouts, bleachers ■ 1 grass 250-foot baseball field with dugouts, bleachers Homeowner Association (HOA) 8 Deer Park ■ 1 grass 250-foot baseball backstop on rectangular field South Kitsap School District 9 East Port Orchard Elementary ■ 2 grass 200-foot baseball backstops on rectangular field 10 Hidden Creek Elementary ■ 1 grass 200-foot baseball backstop on rectangular field Port Orchard PROS Plan 175 5 1 3 1 7 2 1 2 2 1 1 15 2 1 Page 96 of 342 Back to Agenda 14 Baseball and softball fields Citv Limits Urban Growth Area 76 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 1 Central/Clayton Park 2 Givens Field/Active Club r 3 Van Zee Park r` 4 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 5 Long Lake County Park 3;•+ ''•A : t 6 South Kitsap Regional Park k �• �:: �xltS€•:ai- 7 Veterans Memorial Park � i 8 Deer Park 9 East Port Orchard Elementary '= 10 Hidden Creek Elementary 11 Mullenix Ridge Elementary 12 Orchard Heights Elementary 13 Sidney Glen Elementary [ r,�=-• 14 Sunnyslope Elementary 15 Cedar Heights Middle School 16 Marcus Whitman Middle School 17 Explorer & Hope Academies ` Possible fields ri + 18 Future school site 19 @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road ,,s l .. Aq Page 97 of 342 Back to Agenda 11 Mullenix Ridge Elementary School • 1 grass 200-foot baseball backstop on rectangular field ■ 1 grass 250-300-foot baseball backstop on rectangular field 12 Orchard Heights Elementary ■ 1 grass 250-foot+ baseball backstop on north rectangular field 13 Sidney Glen Elementary School • 1 grass 200+-foot baseball backstop on rectangular field 14 Sunnyslope Elementary School ■ 1 grass 200-foot baseball field ■ 1 grass 200+-foot baseball backstop on rectangular field 15 Cedar Heights Middle School ■ 1 grass 200+ foot grass baseball field ■ 1 grass 250+ foot grass baseball field 16 Marcus Whitman Middle School • 1 grass 300+ foot baseball field • 1 grass 250+ foot baseball diamond on rectangular field 17 Explorer Academy & Hope Academy • 1 grass 300-foot baseball field with dugouts, bleachers ■ 1 grass 250-300-foot baseball field with dugouts, bleachers, concession Total existing T-ball fields Total existing 200-foot youth fields Total existing 250-foot fields Total existing 300-foot fields 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 8 13 5 Possible baseball/softball fields The following baseball/softball fields will be developed to support local pickup games, youth clinics, youth and adult league practices and games on rectangular fields in existing parks and proposed future parks within 5-10-minute walking and commuting distance of all residential neighborhoods. Possible baseball/softball fields Port Orchard with others 6 21 Future school site 4 ■ Develop 1 grass 300-foot baseball field ■ Develop 1 grass 250-foot baseball/softball field ■ Develop 2 grass 250-foot baseball backstops on proposed rectangular field 22 @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road ■ Develop 2 grass 200-250-foot baseball backstops on proposed rectangular field on this future park site Total possible 200-foot youth fields Total possible 250-foot fields Total possible 300-foot fields Port Orchard PROS Plan 177 2 2 3 1 Page 98 of 342 Back to Agenda Community centers provide indoor activities on a year-round basis centrally accessible to residents for day and evening use. The facilities may be developed within a market -oriented service concept that protects the specialized investments that have already been made in these facilities by school districts and private organizations. Community centers may not be developed where the using population will not be of sufficient size to realistically support an independent facility. In these circumstances, an existing center may be expanded within the next closest or supportable service area to provide facility requirements and programs. Indoor community or recreation facilities may provide space for swimming pools (including outdoor facilities), gymnasiums, physical conditioning, arts and crafts, class and instruction rooms, meeting facilities, kitchens and dining, daycare and latch key, teen and senior center, and special population resource activities. Community centers may also incorporate historic museums, interpretive nature exhibits, and other buildings or constructions. Independent community center buildings and sites may be developed to provide space and services for teen, adult, or senior center activities that occur during or conflict with school activities and sites. Generally, these facilities may provide space and services that are not suitably provided at school sites or that may not be duplicated by school facilities and programs. When community and recreation centers are developed independent of school facilities, the buildings may be independent properties or portions of other sites that include trail corridors, resource activities, athletic or other public facilities such as civic centers and libraries. Vision As described, the community and recreation center vision will: • Provide a variety of indoor activities, 78 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Within a convenient and serviceable proximity to using populations, Within a facility and services concept that recognizes and supports the investments that have already made in existing city, county, and school facilities and programs, and In cooperative ventures with other interested and participating public and private agencies. Aquatic facilities Existing swimming pool facilities The following pool facility was developed within the city on the South Kitsap High School grounds to provide aquatic instruction and competitions for school leagues and leisure swims for community residents. Existing swimming pools South Kitsap School District 1 South Kitsap Memorial Pool ■ Olympic sized 50-meter pool with shallow and deep -water depths • Hosts swimming instruction, lap swims, and school swim team events Total existing swimming pools Possible swimming pool facilities The following pool facility may be developed to provide instruction, competition, and recreation aquatic activities for youth and adults to expand aquatic opportunities and/or to replace the aging Memorial Pool facility. Possible swim pools South Kitsap School District with others 2 Future school sites ■ Develop Olympic sized 50-meter pool with 8-10 lanes, 7-9-foot depth for competitions ■ Add shallow, leisure, and therapy pools for health and public use Total possible swimming pools Page 99 of 342 Back to Agenda Physical conditioning facilities Existing physical conditioning facilities The following privately owned and operated physical conditioning facilities have been developed to provide instruction, aerobics, and condition training for youth and adults on a fee or membership basis. Existing physical conditioning facilities Private 35,388 1 Westcoast Fitness 10,494 ■ 10,494 square foot, 24 hour group classes, personal training, tanning, pro shop, and childcare 2 Crossfit NXNW 4,854 ■ 4,854 square foot cross fit, cardio, yoga, prenatal, postpartum classes for kids and adults 3 Olympic Fitness Club 20,040 ■ 20,040 square foot traditional health club offering group fitness classes, massage therapy and round-the-clock access ■ Gymnasium Total existing fitness facilities 35,388 Possible physical conditioning facilities The following physical conditioning facility will be developed to provide physical condition conditioning in conjunction with a larger community center facility. Possible physical conditioning facilities Port Orchard 600 4 KPFD Community Events Center 600 ■ Includes flex space for conditioning but no equipment Possible physical conditioning facilities 600 Gymnasiums Existing gymnasiums Indoor basketball courts vary in dimensions depending on the players age and league play where college courts are 50x94 feet, high school 50x84 feet, and middle school 42x74 feet not including team benches, referee and game clock tables, bleachers, lockers, showers, and restrooms. Gymnasium sizes can increase the overall interior size from 6,000 square feet or less in elementary schools to 8,400 to 14,100 square feet in middle and high schools depending on locker and shower accommodations. Middle school and older ages play on hardwood floors while elementary school students may play on a variety of surfaces in multipurpose assembly rooms or in middle or high school gymnasiums in subdivided courts with lowered backboards. Full size basketball courts can be subdivided to provide backboards along the sidelines to support 4 half courts for practice or for younger age group including elementary school games. The courts can also be subdivided to support 1-2 volleyball (30x60 feet) or 4 badminton courts (20x44 feet). The following gymnasiums have been developed within the city and South Kitsap School District to support elementary to high school players and leagues. Some of the listed facilities may not be available for public use during school hours or school team activities. Existing gymnasiums Kitsap County 8,400 1 Givens Community & Senior Center 8,400 ■ Multipurpose gymnasium South Kitsap School District 66,900 2 East Port Orchard Elementary 6,000 • Multipurpose gymnasium 3 Hidden Creek Elementary 6,000 ■ Multipurpose gymnasium 4 Mullenix Ridge Elementary School 6,000 • Multipurpose gymnasium 5 Orchard Heights Elementary 6,000 ■ Multipurpose gymnasium 6 Sidney Glen Elementary School 6,000 ■ Multipurpose gymnasium Port Orchard PROS Plan 179 Page 100 of 342 Back to Agenda 1 McCormick Village Park - splash 2 South Kitsap Memorial Pool Possible aquatics/splash pad 3 Future schools site 4 Waterfront Park - splash pad 7ri V —. r •; . is Y -1 r•.._. �i. I �` - -r.... -"-" a i.• �.KS.y_ �. -. Aquatic facilities including splash pads City Limits Urban Growth Area 80 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 101 of 342 Back to Agenda E:'pjj y.: 7 ;1 1 Givens Community/Senior Cent• 2 East Port Orchard Elementary 3 Hidden Creek Elementary 4 Mullenix Ridge Elementary t .fi 5 Orchard Heights Elementary j r 6 Sidney Glen Elementary • � ;;;�it_ha 7 Sunn slo a Elementar Y P Y =,'••j ° s. e 8 Cedar Heights Middle School ._I ' 9 Marcus Whiteman Middle School 10 South Kitsap High School 'SSA;` °° r Possible gymnasiums ��� 11 Future schools site `` 111S.-ra ))���-.=,Ljk,�a�;;.j�fS��J fir_ - _.t• Gymnasiums Cit arksI Other parks Open space/Golf Schools Public facilities - City Limits - Urban Growth Area Port Orchard PROS Plan 181 Page 102 of 342 Back to Agenda 7 Sunnyslope Elementary School 6,000 ■ Multipurpose gymnasium 8 Cedar Heights Middle School 8,400 ■ Gymnasium 9 Marcus Whitman Middle School 8,400 ■ Gymnasium 10 South Kitsap High School 14,100 ■ Gymnasium Total existing youth gymnasiums 36,000 Total regulation gymnasiums 39,300 Possible gymnasiums/field houses The following gymnasiums will be developed to provide multipurpose space that includes instruction, recreation, and competition basketball activities to meet increasing school student attendance. Possible gymnasium South Kitsap School District 22,500 11 Future school site 22,500 • Develop 14,100 square foot NCAA gymnasium with bleachers ■ Develop 8,400 square foot school gymnasium Total possible gym/field houses 22,500 Meeting rooms Existing classroom, meeting rooms Meeting facilities including conference rooms, classrooms, assembly rooms, and theaters support a variety of functions including nutrition and health programs, education classes, music and drama instruction, public presentations, and performances for youth, teens, seniors, adults, and other community members. The facilities may be dedicated spaces, as in theaters, or flexible and divisible spaces that can be subdivided for a variety of activities. The facilities may include kitchens or catering areas, dressing rooms, or audio/visual supporting equipment in multipurpose or independent buildings and ownerships. 82 I Port Orchard PROS Plan A number of meeting facilities have been developed in the Port Orchard area in public parks or facilities and in nonprofit organization halls and lodges that are available on a rental basis. The inventory does not include school classrooms and assembly halls that may also be used for meeting activities after hours or after other school hosted events. Existing meeting facilities Kitsap County 9,200 1 Givens Community & Senior Center 8,000 ■ Multipurpose gymnasium with separate kitchenette of 150- person capacity ■ Community meeting of 150-person capacity 2 Long Lake County Park 1,200 ■ Community building Homeowner Association (HOA) 800 3 Horstman Heights Pocket Park 800 ■ Community building Other public and nonprofit 12,100 4 Port Orchard City Hall 1,200 ■ 8,586 square foot facility including public access meeting and conference rooms 5 Port Orchard Library 800 ■ 28,370 square foot facility including public access meeting and conference rooms 6 Boys & Girls Club of South Puget Sound 600 ■ The 1,848 square foot Boys & Girls Club offers after school programming and all -day summer camp for children ages 6-13 7 Port Orchard American Legion Post #30 2,000 ■ 4,944 square foot event venue with rental meeting room and kitchen 8 Port Orchard Masonic Center 5,000 ■ 11,124 square foot event venue with meeting/banquet room and fully equipped kitchen 9 Port Orchard Eagles 2,500 ■ 5,400 square foot event venue with meeting/banquet room and fully equipped kitchen Total existing meeting facility square footage 22,100 Page 103 of 342 Back to Agenda ti Hl�il;�. 1 Givens Community/Senior Center _ 2 Long Lake County Park 3 Horstman Heights - 4 Port Orchard City Hall S Port Orchard Library • 1' '9"J� � �f'i' ' �4' 6 Boys & Girls Club of South PS 7 A L P #30 1 :� b , ; ,er Z rl - : • t . t•; mertcan egion ost 8 Masonic Center r [ , Y 9 Eagles 'w ,s�f! F = : Possible meeting rooms 10 KPFD Community Events Center k.� i��- •t•. � j .(� ��,:4. �fkJl34 F G --' - Community meeting rooms Citv Limits Urban Growth Area Port Orchard PROS Plan 183 Page 104 of 342 Back to Agenda Possible meeting rooms The following meeting facility will be developed to provide multipurpose space to support nutrition and health programs, recreational and social activities, and other supporting services for youth, teen, seniors, adults, and other community members as well as parties, weddings, lectures, presentations, performances, and other special events. Possible meeting facility Port Orchard 8,600 10 KPFD Community Events Center 8,600 ■ Develop 7,600-8,600 square foot event space and meeting facilities ■ With outdoor decks and activities area Total possible meeting facility square footage 8,600 Community centers Existing community centers The following facility has been converted to support youth, teen, and senior programs in a former elementary school by Kitsap County. Existing community centers Kitsap County 24,000 1 Givens Community & Senior Center 24,000 ■ Senior Center includes a branch of Connection Credit Union, Kitsap County Division of Aging & Long -Term Care, Discovery Montessori School, Head Start/ECEAP, and Holly Ridge Center Existing community center square footage 24,000 Possible community centers The following spaces in the KPFD Community Events Center will be developed to support the city's public library as well as multipurpose space for youth, teen, and senior programs. 84 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Possible community center square footage Port Orchard Tbd 1 KPFD Community Events Center Tbd ■ Includes 7,600-8,600 square foot event space and meeting facilities • Include 7,000-9,500 square foot library facility ■ With outdoor decks and activities area Possible community centers square footage Tbd Page 105 of 342 Back to Agenda Special use facilities may be acquired or developed to provide activities or events for the general population on a limited or special occasion and/or for special interest populations at appropriate sites throughout Port Orchard. Special use facilities may include plazas and streetscapes, arts centers, historical museums, and similar special interest services. Special use facilities may be independent properties or portions of other sites that include trail corridors, resource park activities, recreational areas or facilities, community facilities or centers or other public facilities. Special use facilities may be sited on other publicly owned lands or under lease agreements with private landowners or organizations or on purchased properties. Community gardens A community garden is a single piece of land gardened collectively by a group of people. Community gardens utilize individual or shared plots to produce vegetables, fruits, flowers, or other plants for the enjoyment of the gardeners including the option of selling the products at farmers' and other markets. Community gardens increase the availability of nutritious foods, strengthen community ties, reduce environmental hazards, reduce food miles, and create a more sustainable system. Community gardens are part of the sharing economy making it possible for many people to enjoy a resource - in this case, land for gardening - that they couldn't afford on their own. Community gardens provide individual rentable garden plots typically 10x20-40 feet with compost bins, a shed for storing tools, irrigation hookups, a common gathering area sometimes covered with benches or picnic tables, and a perimeter fence to control wildlife. Existing community gardens Greenhouses were developed adjacent to Cedar Heights Middle School to provide students the opportunity to learn to plant and grow their own vegetables, fruits, flowers, and other plants. Existing gardens South Kitsap School District 1 1 Cedar Heights Middle School 1 ■ Greenhouses Existing community gardens 1 Possible community ,zardens The following community garden sites will be developed to provide residents the opportunity of planting and growing their own vegetables, fruits, flowers, and other plants within a 10-minute commute of most residential neighborhoods. Possible gardens Port Orchard 1 2 @ Salmonberry Road 1 • Develop "pea patch" community garden in this proposed park. Total possible community gardens 1 Museums Museums collect, house, and exhibit artworks, manuscripts, photos, clothes, tools, equipment, vehicles, and other artifacts to illustrate, interpret, and educate the public about the history and culture of a place, town, city, or region. Museums may conserve and exhibit in or on the site of historic buildings or landmarks or in structures specifically built to collect, house, exhibit, and interpret artifacts. Port Orchard PROS Plan 185 Page 106 of 342 Back to Agenda 1 Cedar Heights Middle School ��,� ems•,. : -� Possible gardens 2 @ Salmonberry Road X. - ! - i4'• j:.. �/�C� _ ;' � i; fir.. �p.i��,� �e€' .P• M=s :Aifi71 t j'+• L�Gt" �. Ri'si. yw�'�, ..TMi it .ti yl %1y414••' f.�, It jF all � "'�� - - - '•-_.���� - + ••: wit~' .. �+ � • - ' Community gardens Citv Limits Urban Growth Area 86 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 107 of 342 Back to Agenda Golf courses City Limits Urban Growth Area 1 Village Greens Golf Course Private 2 McCormick Woods Golf Club 3 Gold Mountain Golf Course 4 Trophy Lake Golf & Casting Port Orchard PROS Plan 187 Page 108 of 342 Back to Agenda Existing museums The following museum facilities have been developed in the city by nonprofit foundations to conserve historical buildings and exhibit historical artifacts of special interest to Port Orchard. Other public and nonprofit 4 Sidney Museum Existing museums 7,684 3,642 ■ The 3,642 square foot Sidney Museum is located on the second floor of the Sidney Gallery building. ■ Built in 1908, it was the first Masonic Temple building in Port Orchard ■ The Sidney Museum exhibits includes a general store, school, doctor's office, and hardware store 5 Log Cabin Museum 400 ■ The cabin is located on its original site, one of the original two of Sidney town plots that measure 60 feet in width fronting on Sidney by 150 feet deep extending to the west ■ The two story, one bedroom cabin was constructed from "log boom" logs pulled up Sidney hill from Port Orchard Bay by oxen and draft horses ■ The museum exhibits home life in South Kitsap during the past 100 years as well as items that tell the ongoing story of the Orchards 6 Veteran's Living History Museum 3,642 ■ A 3,642 square foot museum of military memorabilia and military history collection from the civil war to Afghanistan Existing museum square footage 7,684 Golf courses Golf is a club -and -ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible. Golf, unlike most ball games, cannot and does not utilize a standardized playing area, and coping with the varied terrains encountered on different courses is a key part of the game. The game at the usual level is played on a course with an arranged progression of 18 holes, though recreational courses can be smaller, often having 9 holes. 88 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Each hole on the course must contain a teeing ground to start from, and a putting green containing the actual hole or cup 4 inches in diameter. There are other standard forms of terrain in between, such as the fairway, rough, bunkers, and various hazards but each hole on a course is unique in its specific layout and arrangement. Golf courses may be improved with a variety of facilities including practice putting greens, driving ranges, pitch-n-put short golf courses, equipment stores, lockers and showers, restaurants, banquet rooms, and member lodges. Existing; golf courses The following golf facilities have been developed in and around Port Orchard to meet the demand for golf activity. Existing golf courses holes Golf Courses 90 1 Village Greens Golf Course 18 ■ 18-hole, 3,255-yard golf course, par 58 ■ Pro -shop ■ Covered driving range ■ Practice putting green ■ Practice chipping green ■ Pull cart rentals ■ 1,873 square foot club rental 2 McCormick Woods Golf Club 18 ■ 18-hole, 7,040-yard, par 72 course ■ Layout features natural lakes hidden among fir and cedar trees ■ 5 sets of tees for players of all skill levels ■ Practice facility with a driving range, two putting greens, and an area devoted to chipping, pitching, and bunker play ■ Multiple indoor and outdoor event spaces can accommodate up to 300 guests ■ 14,485 square feet of clubhouse and restaurant 3 Gold Mountain Golf Club 36 ■ 2 each 18-hole golf courses - the Olympic and Cascade courses 7,179 yards, par 72 ■ 29,650 square feet of restaurant, driving range, shop, rental Page 109 of 342 Back to Agenda meeting, dining rooms ■ FootGolf - a combination of soccer and golf uses soccer balls on a traditional golf course with 21-inch diameter cups under rules largely corresponding to the rules of golf 4 Trophy Lake Golf & Casting 18 ■ 18-hole 7,206 yards with 80 deep -faced, white -sand bunkers, ■ Trophy Lake - 2 of the on -course ponds are stocked with rainbow trout for fly-fishing ■ 7,182 square foot lodge -style clubhouse with rental meeting rooms and cafe dining Existing golf course holes 90 Marinas Marinas provide a series of docks for secure moorings for various sized commercial and pleasure boats and often offering fuel, sewage pump -out stations, supply, repair, showers and restrooms, laundry, cafes and coffee shops, and other facilities. Marinas may include buoys or designated slips for moorage by transients and dry dock areas or structures for storing boats out of water. Existing marinas Public and private parties have developed the following marinas for mooring, supplying, and repairing boats in Sinclair Inlet along the shoreline of downtown Port Orchard. Existing slips Marinas 281 1 Port Orchard Marina - Port of Bremerton 32 ■ 32 slips including 5 covered, 6 open, and 21 side -tie ■ Full -service fuel dock ■ Ample free parking ■ Free dock side pump out ■ Free water ■ Free showers, bathrooms, and laundry facilities onsite ■ Free dock carts ■ Metered electricity - 30-amp 120 volt and 50-amp 240 volt ■ Cable TV access (through Wave Cable) ■ Free Wi-Fi ■ Activity float with covered space and BBQ's for group activities ■ Live -aboard tenants with tenant incentives and short-term guests 2 Port Orchard Yacht Club 13 ■ 13 covered, open, side tie slips, and transient docks ■ 1,500 square foot pier ■ 30-amp power, water, garbage, pump out, restrooms, showers, ice, and telephone ■ 2 full service marine repair facilities with haul -out, a marine store, and fuel nearby ■ 4,280 square feet of rental meeting rooms and dining 3 Sinclair Inlet Marina 74 ■ 49 Covered slips, 16, open slips, and 9 side ties ■ Diesel ■ Gated security ■ Picnic/grill area ■ 2,025 square foot service/maintenance, ship store, laundry, showers, restrooms 4 Port Orchard Railway Marina 162 • 2 covered slip areas, 47 open slips, 23 side ties 30 amp, dual 30 amp, and 50-amp service ■ 4,612 square feet of warehouse Total existing slips 281 Equestrian facilities Equestrian facilities include grazing pastures, boarding stables, training and competition arenas for the therapy, instruction, and enjoyment of riding ponies, horses, and mules as well as the driving of pony, horse, or mule -drawn buggies, carts, carriages, and wagons. Equestrian facilities may adjoin private or public trails and include barns, bleachers, judging stands, concessions, and other structures for competition games and events. Existing equestrian facilities Private organizations have developed a number of significant equestrian facilities of interest within the Port Orchard area. Port Orchard PROS Plan 189 Page 110 of 342 i•W- Other A Ell rt r SJ s �f ..I R.1 F -� ■wl 4 i rm� 1 M"uI :• - 1. Schools I Public facilities Port of Bremerton Back to Agenda Existing equestrian facilities Private 3 1 Clover Valley Riding Center 1 ■ 19,176 square foot training, boarding, and therapy for horses ■ Theraplate, a two-piece mobile platform that helps regulate the horse's circulation ■ Indoor riding barn ■ Riding lessons beginning to advanced 7 days a week ■ Lease horses 2 Riding Place 1 ■ 23,072 square foot private equestrian facility ■ Boarding monthly with temporary board on availability ■ Training, lessons, and clinics ■ 60-foot round pen 3 Kitsap Saddle Club 1 ■ 8,371 square foot outdoor riding arena with spectator seating and announcer booth Existing equestrian facilities Port Orchard PROS Plan 191 Page 112 of 342 Back to Agenda Support facilities include maintenance yards, plant nurseries, and administrative activities necessary to support park, recreation, and open space programs and facilities. Support facilities may be independent properties or portions of other sites that include other administrative offices, maintenance yards and shops, as well as trail corridors, resource activities, athletic facilities, indoor recreation centers or other park and recreation facilities. Vision As described, the support facilities vision will: • Provide facilities necessary to service park, recreation, and open space programs and activities for the general population, • In a manner that is functional and cost effective. 92 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Administration offices/yard Existing support facilities The following administration space has been developed to support park, recreation, and open space facilities within the Port Orchard park system. Port Orchard Existing facilities square footage 13,000 1 Port Orchard City Hall 1,000 ■ The Community Development and Public Works Departments oversee park development and maintenance are housed in the 8,586 square foot facility with public access meeting and conference rooms houses 2 Park Maintenance Yard 12,000 ■ The Public Works Maintenance Yard is located on a 1.82-acre site at 1535 Vivian Court with 10,000 square feet of offices, warehouse, and garage ■ The South Shed Facility is located on a 3.77-acre site located at 2035 Sidney Avenue with 2,000 square feet of warehouse and yard for equipment storage 3 Public Works Shed and Maintenance Yard Tbd ■ Convert portions of the 3.75-acre Paul Powers Junior Park located at 2035 Sidney Avenue to house a Public Works shed and maintenance yard Total existing facilities square footage 13,000 Page 113 of 342 Back to Agenda Following is an inventory of every public park, recreation, open space, and trail property within or adjacent to Port Orchard. Port Orchard Parks Bethel South Property 94 Bravo Terrace Open Space 95 Central/Clayton Park 96 Community Event Center 97 DeKalb Pier 98 Downtown Parks 99 Etta Turner Park 100 Givens Field/Active Club 101 Lundberg Park 102 McCormick Village Park 103 Mitchell Park 104 Old Clifton Wetlands 105 Paul Powers Junior Park 106 Rockwell Park 107 Seattle Avenue Open Space 108 Van Zee Park 109 Windfall Place Tot Lot 110 Bay Street Pedestrian Path 111 Port Orchard PROS Plan 193 Port of Bremerton Port Orchard Boat Ramp 112 Port Orchard Marina 113 Waterfront Park 114 Westbay Easements 115 Kitsap County Parks Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 116 Givens Community/Senior Center 117 Howe Farm County Park 118 Kitsap County Park 119 Long Lake County Park 120 South Kitsap Regional Park 121 South Kitsap Western Little League (city owned) 122 Square Lake State Park 123 Veterans Memorial Park 124 Washington State Parks Long Lake Boat Launch 125 Homeowners Association (HOA) Mary McCormick Memorial Park 126 Deer Park 127 Page 114 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Bethel South Property This 5.3-acre property is located at 4940 Bethel Road. Existin-a improvements ■ Undeveloped, wooded property is not open to the public Possible improvements ■ Not an ideal park site, surplus the property in favor of a more suitable park site ■ Or, develop the property for a Public Works maintenance facility 94 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 115 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Bravo Terrace Open Space This 2.76-acre property is located on the east side of SR-16 near Sedgwick Road at the end of Bravo Terrace Road south of Dairy Queen. Existinlr improvements ■ Wooded wetland area with no improvements not open to the public Possible improvements ■ No improvements proposed Port Orchard PROS Plan 195 Page 116 of 342 Back to Agenda 9:!�Ow- .r — .- r City of Port Orchard Central/Clayton Park This 1.4-acre neighborhood park is located at 915 Dwight Street. Existing improvements ■ Picnic tables • Picnic shelter • Playground • Basketball court • Grass multipurpose field Possible improvements ■ Upgrade bathroom ■ Rebuild picnic shelter with water, power, and barbeque grill • Install dog park on north edge • ADA perimeter trail possibly with fitness stations • Upgrade basketball court to sports court 96 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 117 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Community Event Center This 0.57-acre site is located at 619 Bay Street in the downtown adjoining Washington State tidelands to the north along the shoreline. Existin>r improvements ■ Property currently occupied by Kitsap Bank building and parking lot Possible improvements Development of the Community Event Center to include: • 7,600-8,600 square foot event space and meeting facilities • 7,000-9,500 square foot library facility • With outdoor decks and activities area K-- -WROME._- . Port Orchard PROS Plan 197 Page 118 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard DeKalb Pier This 4.1-acre waterfront facility is located on Bay Street in DeKalb Street right-of-way near the downtown. Existing improvements ■ 169 feet of lighted pier • 359 feet of floats • Hand -carry craft access • Benches and picnic tables Possible improvements ■ No improvements proposed 98 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 119 of 342 Back to Agenda 3.2.1 West Downtown Planning Area PZANrC {LTibA z cn q.aMw 3.2.2 East Downtown Planning Area R..I.. :�oa.l.9 r� �� � P �Ell !' is • ' � _ ;Ca ! ■ wi ■■ ■ . fit r ♦ • T_ s ■ ■ Hu•o ia.Nrn �� ■ � ` •— �• � • ■ ' I- In�vKE WHKI PW I,✓. I IHSnW MDUHW � w IDE Nr rNSDENT D CSE 4, �ErDHNE al. i DEEEENyED�EE or a •f � SIIPEACE P w -- Wsi xGIP— PPEos1PE¢N City of Port Orchard Downtown Parks The Downtown Subarea Plan will redevelop the waterfront from Port Orchard Boulevard east past Guy Wetzell Road. Existin>r improvements ■ Bay Street Pedestrian Path from Port of Bremerton Boat Ramp east to Waterfront Park with viewpoint at Orchard Avenue • Landscaped area along path from Fredrick Avenue east to Sidney Avenue ■ Public parking lots located between Orchard and Sidney Avenues ■ Kitsap Regional Library located on northeast corner of Sidney Avenue Possible improvements ■ Remove Kitsap Bank and Kitsap Regional Library and develop Community Event Center with new Library component • Daylight streams at Port Orchard Boulevard and Robert Geiger Street ■ Develop Port Street Plaza and hand -carry launch ■ Develop Community Center Park with splashpad • Restore shoreline from Port to Orchard • Install viewpoints at Orchard, Sidney, and Harrison Avenues • Develop waterfront access corridor through Rogers Center • Develop waterfront access corridor on Mitchell Avenue extension ■ Install east gateway on Bay Street Pedestrian path ■ Construct public hillclimb at Orchard connecting Prospect Street to waterfront Port Orchard PROS Plan 199 Page 120 of 342 Back to Agenda �w Al 'A ■ City of Port Orchard Etta Turner Park This 0.16-acre special use viewpoint on Sinclair Inlet is located on Bay Street at Black Jack Creek. Existing improvements ■ Shoreline access ■ Bay Street Pedestrian Path connection ■ Bridge crossing over Blackjack Creek • Benches • Gazebo Possible improvements ■ Develop master plan for expanding park to west side of creek ■ Install lighting on the bridge Enhance Blackjack Creek 100 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 121 of 342 Back to Agenda k. City of Port Orchard Givens Field/Active Club This 6.62-acre community park is located at 1025 Tacoma Avenue next to the Givens Community/Senior Center. The fields are maintained by the South Kitsap Western Little League. Existing improvements ■ Woodlands • Picnic shelter and tables in wooded area • Playground ■ Lighted horseshoe pits • 2 lighted tennis courts • 1 grass lighted 300-foot baseball field (leased, not available for public use) with backstop, perimeter fence, dugouts, bleachers, announcer ■ 1 grass lighted 200-foot baseball field (leased, not available for public use) with backstop, perimeter fence, dugouts, bleachers, and announcer ■ 1 dirt T-ball field with backstop, bleachers ■ Restroom Possible improvements • Upgrade basketball to sports court • Resurface tennis courts with pickleball • Install frontage sidewalk access • Assess condition/removal of Active Club • Convert a ballfield grass to turf multiuse with soccer ■ Develop master plan for park site Port Orchard PROS Plan 1101 Page 122 of 342 Ir : sih, Back to Agenda Pnw�2 qw -�R PM1 s 31 J 11w iMPi �° J r Foawr � �r !x ro �w sr r.n.n w,w City of Port Orchard McCormick Village Park This 40.43-acre community park is located at 3201 SW Old Clifton Road north of McCormick Woods. Existin>r improvements • Woodlands • Trails around the perimeter • Canopy viewing tower • Picnic tables • 2 playgrounds ■ Spray park • Dog park social with amenities ■ Restroom Possible improvements Implement west side (phase 3) of master plan: ■ West parking lot and entry • Picnic area and restroom ■ Amphitheater • Playground • 1/3 mile running track Port Orchard PROS Plan 1103 Page 124 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Mitchell Park This 0.09-acre neighborhood park is located on Mitchell Avenue at Morton Street Existing improvements • Woodlands • Bench Possible improvements ■ Remove invasive species ■ Extend ADA path west into site and clear a viewpoint 104 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 125 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Old Clifton Wetlands This 8.80-acre conservancy is located in SR-16 right-of-way at 1190 SW Old Clifton Road. Existing improvements ■ Wooded, wetland area, not open to public Possible improvements ■ No improvements proposed Port Orchard PROS Plan 1105 Page 126 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Paul Powers Junior Park This 3.75-acre neighborhood park is located at 2035 Sidney Avenue. Existin-a improvements ■ Woodlands on the eastern site area • Playground • Basketball court • Multipurpose grass field Possible improvements Develop a master plan for the property to assess the feasibility of providing: • Public Works shed and maintenance yard • Frontage sidewalks for access ■ Signage from Sidney Avenue ■ Perimeter ADA trail ■ Picnic shelter and tables • Upgrade playground for ADA • Upgrade basketball for sports court with basketball/pickleball • Skate dot • Upgrade field for rectangular grass soccer/baseball field • Dog park for socializing with amenities ■ Restroom 106 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 127 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Rockwell Park This 0.29-acre waterfront viewpoint is located on 1011 Bay Street in the downtown. Existing improvements ■ Bay Street Pedestrian Path extension through park • ADA accessible beach • Terraced seat -wall picnic area ■ Sculptural interpretive signage • Small hand -carry boat launch • Picnic table Possible improvements ■ No improvements proposed Port Orchard PROS Plan I 107 Page 128 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Van Zee Park This 8.25-acre community park is located on 300 Tremont Street. Existing improvements ■ Woodlands ■ Trails • Picnic tables • Picnic shelter • Playground ■ Horseshoe pits ■ Disc golf course ■ 2 lighted tennis courts ■ 1 grass multipurpose soccer/ball field ■ Restroom • Lidded water reservoir Possible improvements ■ Expand trail around perimeter • Upgrade playground for ADA • Stripe tennis courts for pickleball • Convert field to turf surface • Install safety measures for downhill sledding Port Orchard PROS Plan 1109 Page 130 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Windfall Place Tot Lot This 0.15-acre park is located at 260 Sage Street. Existin-a improvements ■ Tot Lot playground • Picnic table Possible improvements Pending completion of an analysis of the city's liability issues at this site: • Install frontage sidewalk access ■ Remove invasive species ■ Improve grass/landscape • Install Park signage ■ Provide ADA park access ■ Upgrade playground ADA • Install irrigation 110 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 131 of 342 Back to Agenda City of Port Orchard Bay Street Pedestrian Path This multipurpose trail is located along Sinclair Inlet and will extend from the downtown ferry facility to the Annapolis ferry facility. When completed the trail will become part of the Mosquito Fleet Trail. Existing improvements ■ 1.0 mile paved multipurpose trail Possible improvements ■ Segments 1 and 6-11 to be completed in 2023 Port Orchard PROS Plan 1111 Page 132 of 342 Back to Agenda • I� lFr ' t Port of Bremerton Port Orchard Boat Ramp This 0.82-acre waterfront facility is located on 533 Bay Street in the downtown. Existin-a improvements ■ Beach access ■ Bay Street Pedestrian Path connection • Pier and boat ties • Concrete boat launch ■ Boat trailer parking ■ Restroom Includes Kitsap Street right-of-way Possible improvements ■ No improvements proposed 112 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 133 of 342 Back to Agenda Port of Bremerton Port Orchard Marina This waterfront facility is located on 707 Sidney Parkway in the downtown. Existing improvements ■ 32 slips including 5 covered, 6 open, and 21 side tie • Full -service fuel dock • Ample free parking • Free dockside pump out ■ Free water • Free showers, bathrooms, and laundry facilities onsite • Free dock carts • Metered electricity - 30 amp 120 volt and 50 amp 240 volt • Cable TV access (through Wave Cable) ■ Free Wi-Fi • Activity float with covered space and BBQ's for group activities ■ Live -aboard tenants with tenant incentives and short-term guests Possible improvements ■ Port doing a breakwater project Port Orchard PROS Plan 1113 Page 134 of 342 Back to Agenda Port of Bremerton Waterfront/Marina Park This 1.39-acre waterfront park is located at 933 Bay Street in the downtown and owned jointly by the Port, State, and City. Existin-a improvements ■ Connection to Bay Street Pedestrian Path ■ Viewing platform and performance stage • Playground • Bench • Picnic table Possible improvements ■ Arbor and swings • Seat -wall • Sculptural interpretive signage • Terraced lawn viewing area ■ Picnic area improvements • Park conversion of the east end of the parking area ARBOR+SWINGS --� - - EXISTING SHELTER SEATWALL j - TERRACED LAWN SCULPTURAL INTERPRETIVE VIEWING AREA SIGNAGE FLEXIBLE PERVIOUS PAVED PLAZA SPACE - - -- - _. _EXISTING RESTROOMS FOR FARMERS MARKET EXISTINGTREESTO REMAIN WHENEVER .. _ P0551BLE 114 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 135 of 342 Back to Agenda Port of Bremerton Westbay Easements This waterfront viewpoint is located behind Westbay on Bay Street from Etta Turner Park along the shoreline. Existin>r improvements ■ Beach access ■ Trail connection to Bay Street Pedestrian Path Possible improvements ■ Shoreline enhancement Port Orchard PROS Plan 1115 Page 136 of 342 Back to Agenda r y - Kitsap County Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park This Kitsap County 12.00-acre partnership property is located at 3001-3099 Madrona Drive SE. Existing improvements ■ Woodlands ■ Trails ■ 1 grass 200 baseball field • 1 grass 250+ baseball field • 1 grass soccer field overlay Possible improvements ■ Picnic shelter and tables ■ ADA playground ■ Skate dot • Sports court with basketball/pickleball 116 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 137 of 342 Back to Agenda Kitsap County Givens Community & Senior Center This Kitsap County community/senior center facility is located in a former elementary school on 1026 Sidney Avenue. Existin>r improvements ■ Open -daily Senior Center, a branch of Connection Credit Union, Kitsap County Division of Aging & Long Term Care, Discovery Montessori School, Head Start/ECEAP, and Holly Ridge Center. ■ Multipurpose gymnasium with separate kitchenette of 150 person capacity • Community meeting of 150 person capacity Possible improvements ■ No improvements proposed Port Orchard PROS Plan 1117 Page 138 of 342 Back to Agenda -V Kitsap County Howe Farm County Park This Kitsap County 78.39-acre legacy park is located east of Port Orchard on Long Lake Road SE and SE Mile Hill Drive. Existin-a improvements ■ Woodlands • Preserved farmland • Preserved barn and outbuilding ■ Extensive trail system • Off -leash dog area Possible improvements • Picnic shelter with tables 118 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 139 of 342 Back to Agenda Kitsap County Kitsap County Park This Kitsap County 1,295.01-acre waterfront park is located southeast of Port Orchard SW Lake Flora Road directly adjoining Square Lake State Park and McCormick Woods HOA Deer Park. Existing improvements ■ Undeveloped property with no public access • Extensive stream riparian habitat along Coulter Creek • Rural airport landing strip and hanger accessed from gated entry access road from Sunnyslope Road SW Possible improvements ■ Jointly develop master plan with Kitsap County, Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission, and McCormick Woods HOA ■ Trail connections with Square Lake State Park and McCormick Woods HOA Port Orchard PROS Plan 1119 Page 140 of 342 Back to Agenda Kitsap County Long Lake County Park This Kitsap County 20.57-acre waterfront park is locate southeast of Port Orchard on Long Lake Road SE east of the city. Existing improvements ■ Water access ■ Fishing pier • Swimming beach • Hand -carry boat launch • Walking trails • Picnic tables • Volleyball court • 1 grass 250+ baseball field • Bob Oke meeting room ■ Restroom Possible improvements ■ Picnic shelter 120 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 141 of 342 Back to Agenda Kitsap County South Kitsap Regional Park This 192.52-acre community recreation park is located east of Port Orchard on SE Lund Avenue and Jackson Avenue SE. Existing improvements ■ Walking trails ■ Picnic area ■ Playground • Skatepark • 1 grass 250+ baseball field • 1 grass 250+ baseball field • 1 multipurpose soccer/ball field • Outdoor small scale railroad (run by Kitsap Live Steamers) ■ Batting cages (run by Casey's Batting Range) Possible improvements ■ Master plan proposes reconfiguring site to provide 3 grass baseball fields and 4 grass soccer fields • Picnic shelter ■ Sports court for basketball/volleyball ■ Overlay baseball fields with 2 soccer Port Orchard PROS Plan 1121 Page 142 of 342 Back to Agenda i' Kitsap County South Kitsap Western Little League & Peewee League This 2.06-acre city owned property is located on 4611 South Sidney Road across from Sidney Glen Elementary School in front of the privately owned Family Worship Center. The improvements were made and are maintained by the South Kitsap Western Little League and Peewee League. Existing improvements • 1 grass 200-foot youth baseball field • 1 grass 250-foot youth baseball field • South Kitsap Peewee Association clubhouse/meeting building Possible improvements ■ No improvements proposed 122 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 143 of 342 Back to Agenda Kitsap County Square Lake State Park This 203.39-acre park is located on 7800 Square Lake Road southwest of the city. Existing improvements ■ Square Lake covers 7.9 surface acres with mostly shallow depths with lots of pads and ringed with reeds • The lake has one private home on the shoreline with the rest still in a natural state • Fish species include largemouth bass, bluegill, bullhead catfish and reportedly yellow perch • 3 beaver huts are located on the lake • Picnic tables and barbecues but no overnight camping • Rough boat launch area best suited for hand carried craft though small trailered boats can be launched by a 4 wheel drive tow vehicle ■ Pit toilet • Public access provides very limited parking space ■ Campground host lives on property • Park removed from state park website because of too little use.) Possible improvements ■ None planned Port Orchard PROS Plan 1123 Page 144 of 342 Back to Agenda Kitsap County Veterans Memorial Park This 48.44-acre legacy park is located east of Port Orchard on 985 SE Retsil Road. Existinir improvements ■ Extensive woodlands ■ Multipurpose trail ■ Picnic area • 1 grass 200+ baseball field • 1 grass 250+ baseball field • 1 multipurpose soccer field Possible improvements ■ Picnic shelter ■ Playground ADA ■ Skate dot • Sports court with basketball/pickleball • Soccer field overlay on baseball outfield 124 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 145 of 342 Back to Agenda Washington State Long Lake Boat Launch This Washington State Fish & Wildlife site is located on the west shore of Long Lake southeast of the city. Existing improvements ■ The WDFW access along the western shore has a boat ramp and boat dock ■ Fishing is allowed on the lake by canoe, kayak or small boats with no motors at the WDFW boat launch • Fishing is allowed on the lake only between April 1st and September 30th Possible improvements ■ None planned Port Orchard PROS Plan I 125 Page 146 of 342 Back to Agenda Homeowner Association (HOA) Mary McCormick Memorial Park This 1.77-acre HOA site is located on McCormick Woods Drive. Existing improvements ■ Playground ■ 2 pickle ball courts ■ Basketball court ■ Tennis court Possible improvements ■ Picnic tables ■ Pickleball over tennis courts 126 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 147 of 342 Back to Agenda Homeowner Association (HOA) Deer Park This 32.45-acre HOA site is located on McCormick Woods Drive. Existing improvements ■ Extensive wooded area • Picnic tables • Playground ■ 0.5 basketball court ■ Grass multipurpose soccer/softball field Possible improvements ■ Trail to wetlands overlook ■ Picnic shelter with tables ■ Permanent restroom Port Orchard PROS Plan 1127 Page 148 of 342 Back to Agenda 128 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 149 of 342 Back to Agenda Following is a summary description of the major tasks determined to be necessary to effectively implement the Port Orchard Park, Recreation, & Open Space (PROS) Plan. The tasks represent the general priorities established by neighborhood workshops, public open house participants, and the survey of adult and youth residents, parks and recreation users, and registered voters. As shown, a number of parties may be responsible for the leadership and management, participation, and supporting aspects of each action - as described in the following summaries. The tasks are grouped according to subject matter and not priority. Adopt plan Task 1: Adopt Port Orchard PROS Plan as GMA element Port Orchard City Council will by ordinance adopt the Port Orchard PROS Plan as a stand-alone planning document for compliance with the Washington State Recreation & Conservation Office (RCO) and as a complementary document of Port Orchard's Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Growth Management Act (GMA) provisions. ■ Participants - Port Orchard City Council with the assistance of the Port Orchard Planning Commission, Community Development Department, and other stakeholders. Action • Make Port Orchard PROS Plan available on Port Orchard website - and distribute copies to appropriate public agencies and interested public and private parties in accordance with GMA adoption provisions. • Port Orchard Planning Commission reviews Port Orchard PROS Plan.- as necessary as part of Port Orchard annual comprehensive plan update, and provides for public hearing in conformance with GMA. • Port Orchard adopts Port Orchard PROS Plan - as a component of the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. • Port Orchard adopts the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) integrating the PROS Plan - as an element of the Port Orchard comprehensive plan, thereby implementing the CIP in accordance with GMA provisions. Adopt program finance strategies Task 2: Expand clearinghouse function Port Orchard will continue development and operation of its website which provides recreation program offerings that include a wide variety of activities accommodating the interests of city residents regardless of age, skill level, income - or program provider. The Port Orchard website will provide information related to recreation program activities providing health, education, social, recreational, and other welfare activities for youth, teens, adults, seniors, and special populations. The website will also provide other park provider information pertinent to the community as resources allow. Port Orchard staff or contractors will conduct park and recreational programs. However, depending on demand, cost, and feasibility, and when practical and consistent with Port Orchard's mission statements, Port Orchard may also coordinate with programs conducted by other public, nonprofit, or for -profit organizations and vendors. Port Orchard program offerings will include activities that will be conducted in Port Orchard parks, facilities, and trails. However, depending on demand, Port Orchard may also conduct programs in schools and other public facilities across the city, as well as in nonprofit and other facilities. • Participants - Port Orchard Community Development Department, South Kitsap School District, YMCA, Port Orchard Port Orchard PROS Plan 1129 Page 150 of 342 Back to Agenda Athletic Leagues and Clubs, and other nonprofit and private organizations. Action Continue to operate a Port Orchard clearinghouse website - for recreational activities. Task 3: Monitor user fee schedules Port Orchard staff will assess criteria for all prospective program offerings. If the program is consistent with Port Orchard's mission and level -of -service proposals shown in this plan, and if resources exist, Port Orchard will offer the program under its recreational cost benefit policy that establishes a benefit scale under one of the following cost recovery scenarios: • Full cost recovery programs - will recover all direct costs (including full and part-time staff, supplies, materials, maintenance, and utilities) and indirect costs (including department overhead for staff benefits). ■ Merit pricing (partial cost recovery) programs - will partially recover direct and indirect costs based on a policy decision about the degree to which each program provides public versus private goods or benefits. Merit pricing programs may also include the providing of scholarships to eligible user individuals or user groups that would prevent the program from realizing full cost recovery. • Subsidy (no or very low cost recovery) programs - will not attempt to recover costs as a fee, although it may ask for donations or grants from using individuals, groups, or organizations who benefit or are likely sponsors. ■ Participants - Port Orchard Community Development Department, South Kitsap School District, and non-profit and for - profit organizations. Action • Monitor user fee schedules to maintain a benefits scale for recreation activities - collect user fees under a full, merit, or subsidy based cost recovery policy for recreation programs. 130 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Task 4: Recruit program vendors Port Orchard Community Development Department will assess the mission criteria for all prospective program offerings. If programs are not consistent with Port Orchard's mission and level -of -service proposals shown in this plan, Port Orchard will not offer the program, but may consider a partnership with other providers. This could include offering scholarships or other services or publishing the program offering. Depending on the program activity, other vendors may include: ■ Other jurisdictions - including Kitsap County, South Kitsap School District, and Washington State. ■ Nonprofit organizations - such as the YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs, Boy and Girl Scouts, Campfire USA, Lions, Rotary, and Kiwanis Clubs, among others. • Private for -profit entities and vendors - such as Peninsula Indoor BMX, among others. ■ Participants - Port Orchard Community Development Department, South Kitsap School District, Kitsap County, and non- profit and for -profit organizations. Action • Work in conjunction with other sponsors and vendors - to provide recreation activities as appropriate. Task 5: Resolve an inter -local agreement with school districts Port Orchard Community Development will initiate discussions with the South Kitsap School District for joint use and possibly development of shared facilities. The inter -local agreement may resolve a coordinated method of scheduling courts, fields, gymnasiums, pools, classrooms, meeting rooms, and other facilities in order to make maximum effective use of the combined inventory in a method that is useful and equitable to all parties. Page 151 of 342 Back to Agenda Depending on shared access, the inter -local agreement may include possible sharing of funds for improvement and maintenance of the jointly used and to be developed facilities. As part of the discussion, an analysis of existing city, school, and league practice and game requirements will be conducted in order to determine a fair and efficient method of allocating the available capacity of the courts, fields, gymnasiums, pools, classrooms, meeting rooms, and other to be shared facilities. ■ Participants - Port Orchard Community Development Department and South Kitsap School District. Action ■ Implement an inter -local -agreement - for sharing combined court, field, gymnasiums, pools, classrooms, meeting rooms, and other facilities possibly including joint development, maintenance, and operating funds. Adopt project finance strategies Task 6: Allocate capital facility funds as specified in the Capital Improvements Program (CIF) Port Orchard City Council will allocate an appropriate amount of the monies received from dedicated park, recreation, open space, and trails -oriented revenue programs to provide funds for PROS Plan acquisition and development projects that reflect the objectives of these programs. The revenue programs to be coordinated may include Port Orchard property and sales tax fund proceeds, Port Orchard Real Estate Excise Taxes (REET), and grant applications to the Washington State Recreation & Conservation Office (RCO), among others. Action ■ Allocate a proportional amount from existing park, recreation, open space, and trail -oriented revenue programs to fund the acquisition and development of PROS Plan projects - designating monies from Port Orchard property tax levy, sales tax proceeds, Port Orchard Real Estate Excise Taxes (REET), and RCO grants. Task 7: Develop GMA park impact fees Port Orchard City Council will adopt a coordinated GMA park impact fee system on a citywide basis for citywide facility acquisition and development. The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) allows Port Orchard to impose a park impact fee on proposed residential, commercial, and industrial developments in the city as a means of maintaining existing park, recreation, and open space levels -of - service (ELOS). The adopted ordinance for impact fees estimates the impact each development project has on parks, recreation, and open space facilities within a project benefit zone and makes provisions for setting aside the resources, including lands or monies, necessary to offset a project's citywide impacts. The dollar value of a project's park, recreation, and open space impact may be offset by the project developer of an amount equal to the combined facility acquisition and development costs that Port Orchard and/or another providing agency would incur to maintain the same existing level -of -service (ELOS). A developer may be allowed to choose any combination of land or cash mitigation measures including credit for any park or recreation facilities to be included within a project development. The park impact fee ordinance considers the following when determining the types of mitigation measures or development credits to be made available to the developer: ■ Will the facility - be available to the public, ■ Will it have a designated owner - responsible for continuing operation and maintenance (the owner may be a common property owner's association or other agency), and, • Will it correspond to and not exceed or vary from - the types of park, recreation, and open space facilities that are being impacted (a developer could provide but should not be able to take Port Orchard PROS Plan 1131 Page 152 of 342 Back to Agenda full credit value for facilities for which there is no shortage, impact or local interest). Land contributions can be accepted in lieu of monies if the lands will be suitable sites for future facilities. Under GMA provisions, land and monies accumulated under the proposed ordinance must be invested within a reasonable time or returned to the contributing developer. Port Orchard can conduct periodic program reviews with residents, user groups, the school district, and other agencies to decide the most efficient way to deliver the facilities mitigated by the ordinance. Alternative delivery methods could include: ■ Acquisition of suitable sites - upon agreement with Port Orchard or in conjunction with other public or school facilities (including title transfer if other public or school agencies enter into special agreements assuming development, operation, and maintenance responsibilities). ■ Development of facilities - on other public or school sites (if other public or school agencies enter into agreements assuming future operation and maintenance responsibilities and costs). Or • Any other alternative - including development, operation or maintenance proposals by user groups or private concessionaires or non-profit organizations or, developers that provide a viable facility in accordance with park, recreation, and open space strategies. • Particivants - Port Orchard City Council and Planning Commission with the assistance of Port Orchard Community Development Department, South Kitsap School District, and non- profit and for -profit organizations. Action ■ Continue with the GMA park impact fee on a citywide basis - collecting a proportional fee based on the value of community facilities regardless of facility ownership, and allocating the fees for citywide acquisition and development in accordance with this plan regardless of agency sponsor. 132 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Task 8: Seek a citywide capital facility and O&M park levy Port Orchard City Council may place a limited duration property tax levy proposal for voter approval on a citywide basis for the acquisition, development, and operation of parks, recreation, and open space facilities throughout the city. The funds collected from the levy will be allocated to the appropriate sponsoring agency, which may include the city, school districts, or non-profit organization, for the realization of park, recreation, and open space facilities identified within this plan. Under Washington State enabling acts, Port Orchard may levy a property tax for general governmental purposes at a rate not to exceed $3.60 per $1,000 of the assessed value of all taxable property within the city. The total of all property taxes for all taxing authorities cannot exceed 1.0% of assessed valuation, or $10.00 per $1,000 of value. If the taxes of all districts exceed the 1.0% or $10.00 amount, each is proportionately reduced until the total is at or below the 1.0% limit. In 2001, Washington State law was amended by Proposition 747, a statutory provision limiting the growth of the regular property tax levy to 1.0% per year, after adjustments for new construction. Any proposed increases over this amount are subject to a referendum vote. The statute was intended to control local governmental spending by controlling the annual rate of growth of property taxes. In practice, however, the statute can reduce the effective property tax yield to an annual level far below a city's levy authorization, particularly when property values are increasing rapidly. Proposition 747, the statutory provision limiting the growth of regular property taxes to 1.0% per year, can be waived by referendum approval of a simple (50%) majority of Port Orchard's registered voters. Port Orchard voters may be asked to approve a resetting of the property tax levy rate that will adjust the amount of revenue the city can generate. (The new total revenue that will be generated by a Page 153 of 342 Back to Agenda resetting of the rate will be subject to the same 1.0% limitation, however, and the total amount of revenue and the resulting property tax rate will start to decline again in accordance with the Proposition.) The adjusted rate and revenue will be used to finance the PROS facility proposals in this plan - or the projects and programs from this plan that involve construction, maintenance, and operations aspects that a majority of the voters are willing to pay for under the adjusted rate. Port Orchard voters may be asked to reset the rate on a permanent basis with the new differential rate dedicated to citywide PROS proposals, subject to the provisions of Proposition 747. Or Port Orchard voters may be asked to reset the rate on a temporary basis, where the rate is adjusted until a specific amount of revenue has been generated to finance a specified number of PROS projects or programs - whereupon the rate reverts to the original or a specified amount defined in the referendum. ■ Particinants - Port Orchard City Council with the assistance of the Port Orchard Community Development Department, and other potential providers. Action ■ Submit and approve a limited duration property tax levy or a property tax levy rate adjustment (on permanent or temporary basis) to acquire, develop, overate, and maintain facilities - allocating the additional revenues for acquisition, development, and operation in accordance with this plan regardless of agency sponsor. Initiate PROS projects Task 9: Protect open space and conservancies As appropriate, using funds generated from adjusted program fees and schedules, possible impact fees, and the possible limited duration levy or levy lid lift, Port Orchard will acquire fee or use agreements and conserve significant wildlife, forestland, and open spaces indicated within this PROS Plan. Where appropriate, monies will be allocated to and/or combined with monies provided by the county, state agencies, and non-profit organizations for significant projects. Depending on schedules and availabilities, initial acquisitions of development rights or fee title may include riverfront, community garden, on and off -road trails, dog parks, playgrounds, picnic sites and tables, group picnic shelters and parks, soccer fields, community facility upgrades, and others indicated in this PROS Plan. ■ Participants - Port Orchard City Council, Port Orchard Community Development Department, and the participation of other public and non-profit organizations. Action • Initiate the acquisition of fee title or use agreements and conservancy of significant open space and conservancy sites - allocating revenues for significant properties in accordance with this Port Orchard PROS Plan regardless of agency sponsor. Task 10: Acquire/develop narks Using funds generated from adjusted program fees and schedules, possible impact fees, and possible limited duration levy, or levy lid lift, Port Orchard City Council will acquire, develop, maintain, and operate parks indicated within this plan. Where appropriate, monies will be allocated and/or combined with monies provided by the school districts, county, state agencies, and non-profit organizations. Depending on schedules and availability, initial acquisitions and developments may include waterfront access, community gardens, off -road trails, dog parks, playgrounds, picnic tables and shelters, athletic field improvements, and recreation/community center upgrades to be distributed across the city. ■ Participants - Port Orchard City Council, Port Orchard Community Development Department, and the participation of other public and non-profit organizations. Port Orchard PROS Plan 1133 Page 154 of 342 Back to Agenda Action ■ Initiate the acquisition, development, maintenance, and operation of parks - allocating revenues in accordance with this Port Orchard PROS Plan regardless of agency sponsor. Task 11: Acquire/develop trail systems As appropriate, using funds generated from adjusted program fees and schedules, possible impact fees, the possible limited duration levy, or levy lid lift, Port Orchard City Council will acquire, develop, maintain, and operate the significant on and off -road trail systems indicated within this Port Orchard PROS Plan. Where appropriate, monies will be allocated to and/or combined with monies provided by the county, state agencies, and non-profit organizations for significant projects. Generally, Port Orchard Public Works Department will develop and maintain non -motorized trail connections within public road rights -of -way. Depending on schedules and availability, initial acquisitions and developments may include off -road hiking, biking, and multipurpose trails extending within and between environmental areas, parks, schools, community facilities, and neighborhoods across the city. ■ Participants - Port Orchard City Council, Port Orchard Community Development and Public Works Departments, other public and non-profit organizations, and property owners. Action ■ Initiate the acquisition, development, maintenance, and operation of significant corridors and on and off -road trail systems - allocating revenues for significant projects in accordance with this PROS Plan regardless of agency sponsor. Task 12: Conserve/designate historic and cultural resources in parks As appropriate, Port Orchard City Council will designate and conserve significant historic and cultural resources indicated within 134 I Port Orchard PROS Plan this PROS Plan where such landmarks are located within park properties. Where appropriate, wayfinding and historic signage, artworks, and streetscape development monies will be allocated to and/or combined with monies provided by county and state agencies as well as private developers for significant projects. Depending on schedules and availability, initial designations may include the Port Orchard downtown district, streetscapes, and gateways, among others. • Participants - Port Orchard City Council with the assistance of Port Orchard Community Development and Public Works Departments, and the participation of the Port Orchard Historic Society. Action ■ Initiate the designation, management, acquisition, development, maintenance, and operation of significant historic and cultural resources - allocating revenues for significant projects in accordance with this plan regardless of agency sponsor. Task 13: Develop recreation/community centers Using funds generated from adjusted program fees and schedules, possible impact fees, the possible limited duration levy, and possible the levy lid lift, Port Orchard City Council will develop the KPFD Community Event Center (CEC)expand Port Orchard Recreation Center (PRC) to provide a fitness center, meeting and classrooms, and juice/coffee bar to accommodate multi - generational activities in downtown Port Orchard. Where appropriate, development and/or lease -to -own monies will be allocated to and/or combined with monies provided by other public, private, and non-profit organizations for significant projects. ■ Participants - Port Orchard City Council, the Port Orchard Community Development Department, and other public agencies as well as private and non-profit organizations. Page 155 of 342 Back to Agenda Action ■ Redevelop and purchase and development of multi - generational recreation/community center facilities - allocating revenues for lease -to -own or purchase and development projects in accordance with this Port Orchard PROS Plan regardless of agency sponsor. Monitor progress Task 14: Conduct progress assessments Port Orchard and other public agencies will conduct progress assessments reviewing action on the projects and programs identified above and improve methods, assign responsibilities, or take other measures necessary to ensure effective implementation. ■ Participants - Port Orchard City Council, Port Orchard Planning Commission, Port Orchard Community Development and Public Works Departments, South Kitsap School District, Kitsap County, Washington State, public and non-profit organizations, private vendors, and citizens at large. Action ■ Adjust parks, recreation, and open space vision, strategies, and implementing measures - based on the results of the follow- up assessments. Port Orchard PROS Plan 1135 Page 156 of 342 Back to Agenda 136 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 157 of 342 Back to Agenda Port Orchard is located at Latitude: 47.53 North, Longitude: 122.64 West at an elevation of 140 feet with a corporate city limits land area of 4.02 square miles. The Port Orchard Urban Growth Area (UGA) extends east of the city to include unincorporated Kitsap County largely developed residential areas. Climate WF WF 70'F BOPF 50PF 40'F 301F 201F Average Temperatures Jan Fen Mar Apr May Jun JIM AUg Sep U[i NOV L}2C Precipitation Washington State's climate is strongly baily high influenced by moisture -laden air Average masses created in the Pacific Ocean. The air Daily low masses may move into the region any time of US average the year, but particularly during fall, winter and spring seasons. 1 9 - The air flowing from n s„ the Pacific Ocean is 7h ciry interrupted first by the 5 :y Average 5., Olympic Mountains 4n_,_ .. and then significantly Sin by the Cascade 2n - 1 inUS averageMountains. As a result o., of the mountain Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jig Aug Sep Od Nov Dec ranges, the west or windward sides of the Cascades receive moderate to heavy rainfall and the east or leeward side of the state located in the "rain shadow" of the Cascades receive a light to moderate amount of precipitation. Wind Speed (mph) 13 12 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sunshine 90% 89% 7i?6 sb 50% 40% 10% 20% The Cascades also affect temperature ranges in the state. City The west or windward side is influenced by maritime air masses US averagegenerally milder than those that sweep down from the Canadian Rocky Mountains on the east or leeward side of the state. Consequently, eastern Washington usually has colder City winters and hotter summers, while western Washington is US average milder and more frost - free. 10% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec In Port Orchard, mean temperatures vary from a high of 75 degrees in August to a low of 33 degrees Fahrenheit in January. Average annual precipitation is about 38 inches with a mean growing season with temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit for about 300 days. Approximately 80% of the precipitation occurs from October through March with less than 6% falling during June, July, and August. On average, Port Orchard may receive up to 6 inches of snow in January with sunshine for about 20% of the time and between 50- 70% sunshine during July and August. Wind speeds average between 7-9 miles per hour in January and 6-8 miles per hour in September. Port Orchard PROS Plan I 1 Page 158 of 342 Back to Agenda Earth Washington is divided into three principal physiographic divisions - the Pacific Mountain System, the Rocky Mountain System, and the Intermontane Plateaus. Pacific Mountain System - is defined by the Olympic Peninsula (the Pacific Border province) and the Cascade Mountain range and includes all counties that contain portions of the Cascade Mountains (the Cascade Mountain province). Northern Rocky Mountain System - is defined by the foothills of the Rocky Mountain ranges and includes all counties that are located north of the Columbia River and east of the Cascade Mountain system. Intermountane Plateau - is defined by the high plateaus created by the uplift between the Cascade and Rocky Mountain ranges and includes all counties that are located along the southern drainage basins of the Columbia River. Port Orchard is located within the eastern edge of the Puget Trough section of the Cascade Mountain province of the Pacific Mountain System. The Cascade Mountains were created by continuous volcanic activity along the border of the underlying continental plates. The mountains were in turn, subject to the action of periodic glacial intrusions - the most recent being the Pleistocene glacial period more than 15,000 years ago. The Pleistocene glacial intrusion gradually carved and flooded Puget Sound, the lowland areas, and other valleys alongside the Cascade foothills. Port Orchard is located within Puget Sound with topography ranging from 0 to about 140 feet above sea level. The hilltops overlooking Sinclair Inlet drop off abruptly at Ross Point, and along Blackjack Creek and other drainage corridors, with slopes ranging from 25 to 50%. As a result, the steeper slopes are subject to landslide hazard. 2 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Soil regions Washington State soils were created by a combination of elements including the nature of the parent material or rock type, climate, and the characteristics of the local terrain. These combined processes created 11 principal soil regions in the state ranging from deposits with high concentrations of organic matter created by glacial and marine actions along Puget Sound to deposits with very low organic matter located in the eastern and portions of the state. Water Sinclair Inlet - was named by US Navy explorer Charles Wilkes for George T. Sinclair, acting master on one of his ship's crews. Sinclair Inlet is an arm of Puget Sound in Kitsap County and the southwestern extension of Port Orchard that touches the shores of Bainbridge Island, Bremerton, and Port Orchard. The Port Washington Narrows connects Sinclair Inlet to Dyes Inlet and Bremerton and Rich Passage connects Sinclair Inlet to Puget Sound. The Sinclair Inlet shoreline is highly urbanized and physically altered, with approximately 89% of the shoreline being armored. There are also state highways, city streets, and county roads along the entire length of the shoreline, with bridges or culverts constraining the streams that run to the Inlet. Much of the roadbed areas, and most development water ward of the roads were built on fill and are protected by various types of shoreline armoring. Native vegetation has been removed from much of the Sinclair Inlet shoreline as well. Sinclair Inlet is a shallow, poorly flushing estuary, and the slow period of discharge and replenishment is a factor influencing its water and habitat quality in the inlet. Fecal coliform contamination, mostly from non -point source pollution, in addition to significant chemical contamination that includes high levels of mercury and PCBs have been documented in Sinclair Inlet. Currently, existing impervious surfaces along portions of Bay Street are not treated for stormwater runoff and flow directly into Sinclair Page 159 of 342 Back to Agenda figure zi -city of Mort orcnara Snoreime junsaiction Inlet. However, improvements are being made with adoption of Low Impact Development Standards (LIDS) and within the City's Stormwater utility and updated NPDES permit programs. Shorelines within Port Orchard include those portions of Sinclair Inlet lying within the city limits and all lands extending landward 200 feet from the ordinary high water mark, together with any associated wetlands, river deltas, and floodways associated with tidal waters. Numerous named and unnamed streams and creeks flow into Sinclair Inlet in Port Orchard and the city's UGA including Anderson, Ross, and Blackjack Creeks. Blackjack Creek is regulated as a "shoreline of the state" due to its average flow level. The estuarine portion of Ross Creek and portions of two lakes (Big Lake and Square Lake) also qualify as shorelines of the state. Blackjack Creek - is the largest stream system in Port Orchard and extends into tributaries spanning an area of approximately 3 miles within the city limits. Blackjack Creek is the only stream within the city that falls within Shoreline Management Act (SMA) jurisdiction based on flow rate, although a portion of both Ross Creek and Blackjack Creek estuaries are under SMA jurisdiction based on tidal influence. Unlike the Sinclair Inlet shoreline, the majority of the Blackjack Creek shoreline is relatively intact. The mouth of the Creek has been highly altered with shoreline armoring, paving, and channelization. However, just upstream, the Blackjack Creek corridor becomes nearly a wilderness area, with natural vegetation, wildlife corridors, and a healthy salmon stream. The topography of the Blackjack Creek ravine has been a major factor in protecting the vegetation and resources of the Creek. It is extremely steep for the majority of the regulated area, and although it had been logged in the past, it has remained relatively untouched for several decades. In recent years, the city has taken steps to protect the Blackjack Creek corridor and encourage restoration, while continuing to allow and improve public enjoyment through trails and overlooks. Ross Creek - is also a salmon stream and is surveyed annually for adult spawners. Further protections for both Blackjack and Ross Creek are appropriate and will be implemented through development regulations. Due to the annexation of McCormick Woods, the City gained parts of two lakes that are big enough to qualify as a shoreline of the state, and must be included in the SMP. Square and Big Lakes are Port Orchard PROS Plan 13 Page 160 of 342 Back to Agenda N Figure 1 Sinclair Inlet Watershed 26 Fresh and Marine Water Trend Stations W E SN14 S Wright Creek SN15 SN25 SN22SN27 sC61 5NO3 Sinclair Inlet SN13 SN12 EN10SN23 APO 1KA01 S64 Gorst Creels WR9 WR01 SN08 SN24 BJ01 AP32 SH05 KAO c� PR01 R502 GRo1 F, Karcher Creek ANN GR04 Annapolis Creek RSOF Anderson Creek Ross Creek Blackjack Creek 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles 4 I Port Orchard PROS Plan BJ03 BJ07 BJ05 s BV01 Beaver Creek BV02 BV03 Sacco Creek Legend Project Marine Water Trend Stations - Project Fresh Water Trend Stations Project Streams Sinclair Inlet Watershed 4 Page 161 of 342 Back to Agenda both less than 30 acres, and both share shoreline jurisdiction with Kitsap County. Neither of them are located entirely in the City. Square Lake - approximately 10 acres of Square Lake are located within Port Orchard. The other 20 acres are entirely within Kitsap County jurisdiction, and are not within the UGA. There is just one property owner in the City within Square Lake jurisdiction, and the property is undeveloped. The area around Square Lake had been historically logged, but mature forests are present, and lack of human activity (there are only 2 houses that touch the lake, the rest is State Park), allow for high vegetation function. Big Lake - also known as Big Pond, lies in a shallow depression west of the McCormick Woods housing development. The lake is very shallow, and is long and narrow, heading from the northeast to the southwest, and lies within city limits for 4 of its 22 acres. The remaining area lies within the South Kitsap UGA and unincorporated Kitsap County. There are 2 property owners within City shoreline jurisdiction, one of which is the McCormick Woods Homeowners Association, which maintains trails near the lake and its associated wetlands. Big Lake is inaccessible by car or public transportation, and public access is limited to bikes and walkers who are homeowners (or guests of homeowners) in the McCormick Woods housing development. Floodplains and flooded areas - include alluvial soils - which are former riverbeds and streambeds, and retention ponds that fill during heavy rainfall, sometimes infrequently, often for extended periods during rainy seasons. Floodwater depths are shallow but can become extensive causing damage to commercial and residential uses that are located within the floodplain including recreational facilities. The mouth of Ross Creek and the south end of Blackjack Creek are subject to seasonal flooding and designated as such on FEMA maps Wildlife habitats Habitat conservation areas are critical to the survival of diverse plant and wildlife communities. Habitats encompass a variety of areas including large parcels of contiguous undeveloped land, special areas like streams or wetlands, and structural elements like rocky shorelines or standing dead trees. The ecological value of an area depends on the quantity, quality, diversity, and seasonality of the food, water, and cover that it provides wildlife species. A particular site's value also depends on proximity to other usable habitats, the presence of rare species, and the rarity of the habitat type. The preservation and restoration of critical habitat areas are keys to protecting biological diversity. Critical habitat can be lost or degraded due to urban and some rural land use activities. Critical habitat threats can be reduced with effective land use policies and regulations. In some instances, valuable habitat can also be restored or enhanced through preservation and conservation efforts. For ease of discussion, wildlife habitats are generally classified as marine, estuarine, freshwater, and terrestrial categories. Many wildlife species rely upon most, even all, of these habitat categories for survival. Port Orchard has 2 categories of wildlife habitat. Marine habitat Marine habitats are saltwater areas that extend outward from the upper limit of wave spray on land. In Port Orchard, marine habitats extend the complete length of Sinclair Inlet shoreline. Marine habitats provide critical plant, fish, and wildlife habitat that can be greatly affected by land and water -based activities. The waters of Puget Sound depend on the health of tide flats and the water column for primary habitat production. Eelgrass, kelp, and phytoplankton provide the primary cornerstone for the grazing food chain, and shelter for both invertebrate and vertebrate animal species. Port Orchard PROS Plan 15 Page 162 of 342 Back to Agenda The deeper waters and narrow channel of Sinclair Inlet between Bremerton and Port Orchard, as well as the shallower waters at Gorst shoreline produce a unique marine environment rich in nutrients hosting a remarkable diversity of fish and other animal life. The open channel and shallow shoreline provide wintering and breeding habitat for a wide variety of marine birds including loons, grebes, cormorants, gulls, ducks, geese, shorebirds and alcids. Despite the altered state of the Sinclair Inlet shoreline, it is home to bald eagle perches, blue herons, and other shoreline birds. In addition, Sinclair Inlet has been designated as a nearshore refugia that includes portions of the shoreline. The refugia provides migration, foraging and rearing habitat for multiple salmonid species and other marine wildlife. The nearshore conditions also provide suitable spawning habitat for surf smelt and Pacific sand lance. Fish and wildlife species - special status/priority fish and wildlife species (or particular relationships between species and habitat) that rely on the marine habitat around the Sinclair Inlet shoreline for at least part of the year or part of their life cycle include the following birds: Brandt's cormorant, regular large concentrations of brant (geese), common loon, common murre, breeding concentrations of cormorants and alcids, breeding areas for great blue heron, regular marine concentrations of harlequin duck, marbled murrelet, non -breeding concentrations of Barrow's goldeneye, common goldeneye, and bufflehead; non -breeding concentrations of loons, grebes, cormorants, and alcids; non - breeding concentrations of plovers, sandpipers, and phalaropes; bald eagle, peregrine falcon, and regular large concentrations of waterfowl, western grebe. Marine habitat fish include Chinook salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, bull trout, steelhead, coastal cutthroat trout, Pacific herring, Pacific sand lance, surf smelt, longfin smelt, and numerous rockfish species. 6 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Marine habitat shellfish include breeding areas and regular concentrations of Dungeness crab, regular concentrations of geoduck, regular concentrations of Manila clam, native littleneck clam, northern abalone, Olympia oyster (restoration efforts in progress), regular concentrations of Pacific oyster, regular concentrations of Pandalid shrimp, and regular concentrations of red urchin. Marine habitat mammals include haulout areas for California sea lion, regular concentrations of Dall's porpoise, haulout areas for harbor seal, Orca whale, and Pacific harbor porpoise. Kelp and eelgrass beds - provide habitat, feeding, and rearing grounds for a large number of marine organisms including crabs, fish, and birds. Kelp is the large brown seaweed typically found in rocky intertidal and subtidal areas. Eelgrass is a vascular plant that grows most commonly in intertidal and shallow subtidal sandy and muddy areas. Kelp beds provide a surface upon which other plants and animals grow. The beds are used as resting areas by birds and mammals including gulls, herons, waterfowl, shorebirds, and seals. Kelp beds also protect environments for intertidal plants and animals by reducing current, wave action, and inshore erosion on sand and gravel beaches. The beds provide a protected beach habitat for marine organisms that would not be present otherwise. Eelgrass is a highly productive plant that provides trophic functions and nutrient infusions for the entire coastal zone. Eelgrass beds provide an important stopover and wintering area along the Pacific flyway for a variety of migratory birds. The eelgrass beds around Vashon Island and in Puget Sound have been found to be 3 times more productive to diving birds, for example, than non -vegetated near- shore areas. Kelp and eelgrass beds have declined in number and overall size in Puget Sound in recent years. The decline may be due to changes in water quality and turbidity resulting from urban development and forest cutting activities, or to natural fluctuations due to storms, Page 163 of 342 Back to Agenda unusually hot weather, or an increase in the population of grazing species. Shellfish - commercial and recreational shellfish inhabit the mud, sands, and rocky substrata of Sinclair Inlet shoreline's passages, bays, harbors, and coves. Intertidal areas support hardshell clams including butter clams, native littleneck, manila clams, cockles, and horse clams. Geoducks typically burrow in subtidal areas up to 2 to 3 feet into the mud or soft sand. Shrimp, crab, and oysters also inhabit the shoreline areas. Dungeness crab frequent eelgrass beds, and red rock crab inhabit rocky terrain with less silt content. Surf smelt, Pacific herring, and Pacific sand lance spawning areas - are found in marine near -shore areas year-round, and spawning may occur year-round. Most Pacific herring stocks spawn from late January through early April. Spawning areas for Pacific sand lance are scattered along near -shore areas around the Everett shoreline, with spawning in intertidal areas occurring annually from November 1 through February 15. Estuarine habitat Estuaries are semi -enclosed bodies of water that are freely connected with the open sea and within which saltwater mixes with freshwater drainage. Estuaries create transitions between marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments that support a rich and diverse variety of wildlife species. By definition, estuaries have a salt concentration from 0.5 parts per trillion up to 30 parts per thousand. Estuaries include subtidal and intertidal zones as well as lagoons, sloughs, and channels that meet this salinity definition. Estuaries are typically shallower with warmer water temperatures than marine habitat zones. In Port Orchard, the estuarine environment extends inland for some distance from Sinclair Inlet where freshwater from the Ross and Blackjack Creeks mixes with saltwater tidal currents. Salinity content may be affected by the amount of freshwater flow that enters the saltwater, the strength of the tides, and the resulting amount of fresh to saltwater mixing. Salinity is not constant within such a mixing and may vary with depth and area of flow. The animals and plants that are established within the area are often better predictors of the estuary's influence than salinity alone. Port Orchard's numerous bottomland creek drainage area streams have largely been channelized or diverted where they merge with Sinclair Inlet negating the potential for estuary habitat. Wildlife species-- estuaries support many of the same species that are present in the marine environment described above in some species, such as oysters, are more abundant in estuaries. Freshwater habitat Freshwater bodies include lakes, rivers, creeks, wetlands, riparian areas, and all other types of water bodies not included in estuaries or marine habitat that have a low ocean salt content. Freshwater habitats support different wildlife than saltwater systems, particularly species that depend on wetland vegetation. However, 87% of all wildlife and fish species are estimated to depend on streams, wetlands, or other freshwater bodies during some part of the species life cycle for drinking water, foraging, nesting, and migratory movements. Riparian areas - are the wooded or vegetated corridors located along rivers, streams, and springs. Riparian corridors possess free flowing water or moist conditions that support high water tables, certain soil characteristics, and vegetation that are transitional between freshwater and terrestrial habitat zones. The transitional edges are usually defined by a change in plant composition, relative plant abundance, and the end of high soil moisture content. Riparian corridors transport water, soil, plant seeds, and nutrients to downstream areas - and thereby serve as important migration routes for many wildlife species. Riparian areas, though small in overall size, are one of the most important sources of wildlife bio- diversity in the landscape. Freshwater wetland habitats are water bodies less than 20 acres in size or less than 6 feet in depth and include marshes, swamps, bogs, seeps, wet meadows, shallow ponds, and lakes. Port Orchard PROS Plan 17 Page 164 of 342 Back to Agenda Like riparian areas, wetlands support species in great diversities, densities, and productivity. The wooded areas that are located adjacent to wetlands provide nesting areas, forage, and other cover that is critical to wetland -dependent species like most waterfowl or small mammals like beaver. Wetlands - there are 2 principal wetland types within Port Orchard ■ Scrub/shrub wetlands - with seasonal flooding, characterized by hardback, willow, red alder or redosier dogwood, and ■ Shallow marsh - deep marsh, and open water wetlands. Riparian and wetland vegetation provides significant food and cover for wildlife habitat. Generally, riparian zones and wetlands provide substantially more important wildlife habitat than forested areas. Riparian zones are also passageways for wildlife migrating between or around developed areas. Riparian vegetation also helps maintain optimum fish spawning conditions by providing shade, bank stabilization, a breeding ground for insects, and a source of organic material for the stream. Riparian zones are located along the undeveloped shoreline of the numerous creeks in Port Orchard, the numerous tributary streams within their drainage corridors, and the numerous ponds and wetlands. These areas are covered with riparian vegetation and should be considered important wildlife corridors. Wildlife species - freshwater zones support terrestrial and aquatic insects and resident and migratory fish species. Anadromous fish species include coho, chinook, and chum salmon, and steelhead. Naturally occurring or established species include largemouth bass, brown bullheads, bluegill, and black crappie. Freshwater zones also support a variety of birds and mammals including salamanders, frogs, osprey, ducks, river otter, and beaver. 8 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Riparian and wetland vegetation provides significant food and cover for wildlife habitat. Generally, riparian zones and wetlands provide substantially more important wildlife habitat than forested areas. Riparian zones are also passageways for wildlife migrating between or around developed areas. Riparian vegetation also helps maintain optimum fish spawning conditions by providing shade, bank stabilization, a breeding ground for insects, and a source of organic material for the stream. Urban and agricultural developments have substantially reduced wildlife habitat through the years. However, valuable habitat qualities may still remain in the undeveloped, large native vegetation tracts and around the remaining wetlands and riparian (streamside) forests of Anderson, Ross, Blackjack, and Annapolis Creeks, the numerous tributary streams within their drainage corridors, and the numerous ponds and wetlands. Wetlands and riparian zones may support muskrat, mink, otter, beaver, raccoon, and weasel. Water bodies, wetlands, and adjacent fields also provide suitable nesting and feeding habitat for mallard ducks, American widgeons, green -wing teal, common coot, common merganser, blue -wing teals and great blue heron, and lesser and greater Canadian goose. Portions of Anderson, Ross, Blackjack, and Annapolis Creeks drainage areas may also provide habitat for the bald eagle and osprey. The northern bald eagle is listed as a potentially threatened or endangered species on Washington State's endangered and threatened lists. No other endangered or threatened species are known to occur in the Port Orchard area. Fisheries - the lower reaches of some Port Orchard creeks that have not been affected by culverts and farmland drainage channels may provide freshwater habitat for species of anadromous fish, including steelhead, walleye, and salmon species, that live in saltwater but return to spawn in freshwater. Page 165 of 342 Back to Agenda These fish species have evolved over time to fit the specific characteristics of their stream of origin - and are uniquely imprinted compared with other members of the same species Blackjack Creek is one of the major fish producing streams in East Kitsap, and supports Chinook, coho, steelhead, cutthroat and summer chum (chinook and steelhead are Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed species). The summer chum run is the only native (non - hatchery) summer chum run known in the mid -Puget Sound area. Blackjack Creek contains important habitat for several salmonid species. Fish use in the creek includes large numbers of early chum salmon, including an early -returning stock that the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) considers to be rare. In addition, the creek supports significant numbers of late returning chum, coho salmon, and steelhead, searun cutthroat trout, and resident cutthroat. There has also been documented use of Blackjack Creek by fall Chinook salmon. Anadromous fish require cool, uncontaminated water with healthy streambeds and insect populations. Vegetated riparian areas maintain stream habitats by stabilizing water temperature, producing an insect supply, controlling erosion, and providing woody debris. Anadromous game fish that have been identified in the Possession Sound shoreline include rainbow trout, cutthroat, dolly varden, eastern brook trout, whitefish, largemouth bass, perch, crappie, and catfish. These species spawn and rear in medium sized gravel beds that are provided medium velocity water flow along creek channels, swamps, marshes, perennial and seasonal streams. Factors that have caused the diminishment of the wild runs include ■ Forest clear -cutting and land developments - that create sediment loads increasing water turbidity and silting in gravel spawning beds; ■ Clear -cutting tree stands in riparian areas - that remove natural shading increasing water temperatures; and ■ Water diversions - including dams and dikes, that restrict access from the upper reaches and spawning areas of stream and river runs. The Washington Department of Fisheries & Wildlife (WDFW) and various Tribal Governments supplement the natural stocks in order to maintain river runs for most of these species. Terrestrial habitat Terrestrial areas are the upland lands located above freshwater, estuarine, and marine water zones. The zones may extend from the level lowlands that border marsh or creek banks to the tops of the bluffs, hills, or foothills located around the Cascade Mountain range. Plants - natural plant communities are described in terms of broad patterns called vegetation zones. Washington plant communities are divided into 3 major vegetation groupings including: Forests, Grasslands and shrub/grass communities, Timberline and alpine areas. The plateaus overlooking Sinclair Inlet and Anderson, Ross, Blackjack, and Annapolis Creeks include some forested vegetation zones. The zones are defined by the different climates created by different elevations and the distinctive vegetation type that becomes dominant in a climax forest after the forest has progressed through successive stages of natural development. The dominant species defined by the zone usually reproduces to maintain dominance until some disturbance, such as fire, alters the zone's environment. Deciduous tree species such as red alder (Alnus rubra) or big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) or golden chinkapin are generally dominant on the lands that have been cleared for urban and agriculture uses. Black cottonwood and Oregon ash, along with red alder and big -leaf maple, tend to grow along major water corridors. Portions of Port Orchard - particularly the wooded hillsides and ravines include several second growth lowland forested cover types Port Orchard PROS Plan 19 Page 166 of 342 Back to Agenda including coniferous, deciduous, and mixed coniferous/deciduous forests. This forest type has marginal value as commercial timber or as unique vegetation. The majority of commercially important timber resources have been harvested, usually along with associated residential land development. Grasses, agricultural crops, and riparian vegetation cover the lowland areas of the creek drainage corridors - the latter prevalent along creek floodplains and at the edge of wetlands or open bodies of water. Deciduous hardwood trees including red alder, cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia), willow (Salix sp.), and associated understory species are dominant within the wetland areas. Species - terrestrial zones support a variety of insects, amphibians, reptiles, lowland and upland birds, large, and small mammals. Some species, such as eagles, osprey, and murrelets, forage in other habitats but nest in upland locations in wooded areas in or near riparian zones. Other species may forage in all of the zones, particularly during the winter months, but retreat for night and seasonal cover into the upland wooded areas. Examples include a variety of game species such as pigeon, grouse, rabbit, and deer within the lowlands, and even bear and cougar in the Cascade foothills that occasionally migrate into the urban areas. Mature forested areas provide thermal cover during winter months allowing larger game mammals to forage up to 3,000 feet in elevation during normal winter season or 2,000 feet during especially harsh winters. Animals - urban and agricultural developments within Port Orchard area have substantially reduced wildlife habitat through the years. However, valuable habitat qualities still remain in undeveloped, large native vegetation tracts along the hillsides, and around the 10 I Port Orchard PROS Plan remaining wetlands and riparian (streamside) forests along Anderson, Ross, Blackjack, and Annapolis Creek corridors and the Sinclair Inlet shoreline and estuaries. Wooded areas support a wide variety of large and small mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. The most common mammals within the wooded areas include chipmunks, rabbits, marmots, skunks, and raccoons. A small number of larger mammals including black -tailed deer, coyote, and cougar likely occur at the edge of the upper reaches of the Cascade foothills where large contiguous forested areas remain though they can also migrate into the urban areas on occasion. Crows, jays, nuthatches, woodpeckers, sparrows, winter wrens, ruffled grouse, blue grouse, quail, band -tailed pigeon, turtle dove, pheasant, partridge, Merriam's turkey, owls, hawks, Osprey, and eagles can find suitable habitat for feeding and nesting in the upland forested areas, creek and stream corridors. Many of these species can tolerate adjacent urban development so long as some habitat and connecting migration corridors remain undisturbed. Portions of Anderson, Ross, Blackjack, and Annapolis Creek drainage corridors, the bottomlands, and other low-lying areas are now devoted to pastures and meadows with some woody vegetation, grasses, and wildflowers. These materials provide food for migratory waterfowl and deer, habitat for rodents and other small animals, and prey for predators like garter snakes, barn owls, red-tailed hawk, and fox. Large and rural contiguous parcels of land provide habitat for wildlife that compete successfully with other species in deeper cover, like birds and larger mammals like deer, bobcat, and possibly even bear at the upper most edges of the Cascade foothills. Important terrestrial habitat elements for these species include tall trees along the shoreline, mature forests with snags and fallen trees, and undisturbed mature forest near or surrounding wetlands. Page 167 of 342 Back to Agenda These habitat elements are primarily important to bird species that nest and perch in the trees, and to small mammals like beaver and river otter that rely upon an interface between the undisturbed terrestrial and aquatic areas. Other important habitats - migratory songbirds rely on the habitat provided by large wooded areas. These species do not adapt well where clear -cutting practices or urban land developments have fragmented the forest habitat. Smaller wooded tracts are suitable for many plant and animal communities and may provide temporary cover for some species for foraging or migratory movement. Large parks and open spaces can serve as wildlife refuges in urban areas - including Veterans Memorial, South Kitsap, Bill Bloomquist Rotary, Long Lake County, Howe Farm County, Square Lake State Parks, and the open spaces around McCormick Woods. However, the number and diversity of species declines in direct relation to the size of the habitat and where the habitat has been isolated from other natural areas. The size and extent of the terrestrial habitat can be improved where natural migration corridors connect small tracts and large reserves. Natural migratory corridors enable species to colonize new areas, forage for food, find mates, and exchange genes with neighboring populations. Ideally, according to studies, successful wildlife migratory corridors should be at least 100 feet wide along streams with additional buffers about severe slopes and extensive wetland areas. Unique and threatened species Unique species The Washington Department of Natural Resources lists a number of sensitive species in danger of becoming extinct within the freshwater and terrestrial habitats including: Freshwater habitat ■ Bog clubmoss - that grows in wetlands adjacent to low elevation lakes, • Chain -fern - that grows along stream banks and moist seep areas, mostly near saltwater. ■ Bristly sedge - that grows in marshes and wet meadows, • Water lobelia (lobellia dortmania) - that grows in emergent freshwater wetlands, • White meconella (meconella oregana) - that grows on open ground where wet in the spring, and • Woolgrass (scirpus cyperinus) - that grows in wet low ground. There are 4 threatened or endangered plants that could occur including: ■ Flowered sedge - found in and near sphagnum bogs, ■ Choriso bog orchid - found in wet meadows and bogs, ■ Frinshed pinesap - found in deep shady woods at moderate to low elevations especially in old forest, and ■ Golden Indian paintbrush - found in moist lowland meadows and prairies. Freshwater and terrestrial habitat ■ Western yellow oxalis - that grows in moist coastal woods and dry open slopes. Terrestrial habitat • Fringed pinesap - that grows in duff and humus of shaded, low - elevation coniferous forest, ■ Gnome plant - that grows in deep humus in coniferous forest, ■ Chick lupine (lupinus micipcarpus) - that grows in dry to moist soils, and • Great pole monium (pole monium corneum) - that grows in thickets, woodlands, and forest openings. Priority habitat The Washington Department of Fisheries & Wildlife has listed the following species as being species of concern, threatened, or endangered: Marine, estuarine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitat ■ Bald eagle - a threatened species that depend on coniferous, uneven -aged forests near rivers, lakes, marine, and estuarine zones for nesting and foraging food, Port Orchard PROS Plan 111 Page 168 of 342 Back to Agenda • Osprey - a species of concern that depend on tall trees or dead snags near large bodies of water, ■ River otter - a threatened species that depend on wooded streams and estuaries for food, forage, and cover, and ■ Harlequin duck - that depend on trees and shrub streams, banks, boulder and gravel shorelines, and kelp beds. Estuarine, and freshwater and terrestrial habitat • Cavity nestingducks ucks - (Barrow's goldeneye, bufflehead, wood duck, hood mergansen) that depend on tree cavities adjacent to sloughs, lakes, beaver ponds, and other open water wetlands. Freshwater and terrestrial habitat ■ Blue goose - that depend on open foothills created by fire or small clearcuts with streams, springs, and other water features, • Band -tailed pigeon - that depend on coastal forests with diverse tree ages, and farmland, mineral springs, and streams with gravel deposits, ■ Sea -run and coastal cutthroat, and chinook salmon - that depend on wetlands and riparian corridors for spawning and rearing, ■ Steelhead - that depend on wetlands and riparian corridors for spawning and rearing, ■ Greenbacked heron - that depend on wooded ponds, and ■ Beaver - that depend on wetlands and streams for food, forage, and cover. Terrestrial habitat ■ Purple martin - a species of concern that depend on tree cavities in low lying forests, ■ Pileated woodpecker - that depend on mature second growth coniferous forests with snags and fallen trees, ■ Columbian black -tailed deer - that depend on deep forest for cover, Wildlife habitat concerns Freshwater habitat Some freshwater courses, particularly the Port Orchard creels drainage tributary streams and Puyalluup River bottomlands, have 12 I Port Orchard PROS Plan been altered by landfill or piped diversions, dikes, and channeling. Past development actions adjacent to urban areas, particularly the shorelines and waterfronts have filled valuable wetland habitat areas. The greatest risks to freshwater zones are contaminants that may enter the stormwater runoff from agriculture, septic failures, and other urban land uses. Water quality risks are also dramatically increased where land development or timber clear -cutting increases erosion and silt and/or clear vegetation within the riparian buffer along the freshwater corridor. Development activities most adversely affect the quality of freshwater habitat by removing vegetation, increasing silt, organic debris, and other stormwater contaminants that enter the natural drainage system. Generally, studies have determined that the hydrological balance of a stream begins to decline when 12% of the watershed becomes impervious. Terrestrial habitat Lands cleared for agriculture and urban land development have permanently lost considerable terrestrial habitat. Commercial forest management practices have replanted timber clear cuts with single species reducing wildlife diversity and isolating habitat and migration corridors, particularly along riparian areas. Fire -fighting practices, particularly of wildfires that would otherwise occur from natural forces, have reduced the amount and varying availability of meadowlands and other open areas necessary for foraging activities. The greatest risk to the terrestrial habitat, however, is the continued pace of commercial logging and urban land conversions - particularly land development patterns that block or demolish migration corridors, log timbered areas, remove riparian cover, erode productive topsoil, and introduce urban activities - potentially including intense recreational uses - into wildlife areas. Careless logging practices have often led to serious soil erosion and the degradation of slopes. Page 169 of 342 Back to Agenda As the most important habitats are isolated, the wildlife species declines in diversity and number. Urban tolerant species, like raccoons and crows, invade the remaining habitat from the urban edges, supplanting and driving out remaining native species. Land use implications Marine, estuary, freshwater and terrestrial habitats contribute to the overall biological diversity of the region and provide a number of additional environmental functions and values of interest to Port Orchard residents. Many species depend on the constant interaction of all habitat systems for food, cover, nesting, and other survival requirements. Some plant, fish, and wildlife habitat have irretrievably been lost as the Port Orchard area developed and as the pace of development continues. These impacts can be minimized, however, by sensitive land use patterns, innovative design concepts, and performance oriented development standards that: • Replant - native vegetation along the Port Orchard creek shorelines and along tributary stream drainage corridors, • Remove - artificial shoreline constructions and freshwater impoundment or diversions, • Control - stormwater runoff content and quality that enters the natural drainage system and within the watershed in natural impoundment on -site where pollutants can be separated from natural drainage, • Cultivate - berry or fruit plants that support and retain native species, and ■ Cluster - roadways and other improvements to preserve natural shorelines and contiguous open spaces as common lands. Portions of the most critical remaining habitat, like mature shoreline trees, snags, and downed logs, if retained, can sometimes allow wildlife species to coexist in urban areas. The most effective preservation strategies, however, separate the most intense urban activities from the most sensitive habitats by 14 I Port Orchard PROS Plan creating woodland conservancies, open space corridors, and other protected areas. Where appropriate, the park, recreation, and open space plan should preserve and enhance the most critical and unique habitat areas by purchasing development rights or title for resource conservancy parks along Anderson, Ross, Blackjack, and Annapolis Creeks, Square and Big Lakes. Historical development Prehistoric setting The arrival of Indian groups in the Pacific Northwest cannot be dated with great precision. However, archaeological investigations at the Manis mastodon site near Sequim on the Olympic Peninsula indicate man was in the area as early as 12,000 years ago. Sea level rises approximately 5,000 years ago, however, may have inundated even older sites. Known sites have been grouped into the following rather broad time periods and cultural sequences: ■ Paleoindian - approximately 11,000+ BP consisting of highly mobile, small groups that subsisted on marine, shoreline, and terrestrial resources with stone, bone, antler, and perishable technological materials illustrated by Clovis points. • Archaic - 10,500-4,400 BC consisting of highly mobile small groups subsisting on marine, shoreline, and terrestrial resources with stone, bone, antler, and perishable technological materials illustrated by Olcott points. ■ Early Pacific - 4,400-1,800 BC consisting of increased sedentism in seasonal villages subsisting on shoreline resources, expanded marine resources harvesting camas and shellfish with an increase in ground stone, bone, antler, and perishable technological materials illustrated by Cascade points. • Middle Pacific - 1,800 BC - 500 AD consisting of winter villages of plank houses and seasonal camps subsisting on marine and riverine resources with food storage technologies with a decrease in stone tools, diversification of tools of bone, antler, perishable technological materials and canoes. Page 171 of 342 Back to Agenda ■ Late Pacific - 500 - 1775 AD consisting of large permanent villages and special use camps subsisting on specialized marine, riverine, and terrestrial resources with extensive food storage with very little stone tools. There are more than 5,000 Native American sites on record in the state, only a few of which have been professionally evaluated. Generally, sites are located at river conjunctions within valleys and along the shoreline. Native American history A large number of different Indian tribes and bands inhabited the Pacific Northwest region with varied life-styles and different languages, dress, ceremonies, and adornments. Tribal characteristics are generally distinguished between the coastal tribes of western Washington and those of the interior. In general, the coastal tribes depended on the rivers and tidal waters for staple foods whereas the interior tribes relied more heavily upon plants and berries, as well as game and other animals. Native peoples are believed to have lived in the Puget Sound region some 6,000 years ago, their way of life essentially unchanged for hundreds of generations. The Puget Sound native peoples, including the Duwamish, Nisqually, Suquamish, and other tribes, were of the Coast Salish language group, part of the highly developed Northwest Coast Indians, one of the most sophisticated nonagricultural societies in the world. In contrast to nearly every other native group in North America, these people enjoyed freedom from want with: ■ An abundance and variety of food, including salmon, other fish and shellfish; • Limitless quantities of building materials (principally cedar, which they were highly adept at fashioning into canoes, longhouses and hundreds of other items); • Easily caught fur -bearing animals (providing skins for winter clothing); ■ A mild climate; ■ Ample leisure time; ■ Remarkable and enduring artwork; and ■ Development of a status -based culture that included the distribution of surplus wealth (the "potlatch" ceremony) and the owning of slaves. Probably the single most important source of sustenance —physical, spiritual and artistic —for the Indians of Puget Sound was the salmon. Each year these fish returned to Puget Sound rivers and streams by the millions to spawn and die at the source of their birth. The Indians took advantage of the spawning runs of several different species of salmon, devising ingenious methods of catching and drying these fish. The Suquamish - or D'Suq'Wub (People of the Clear Saltwater) are a federally recognized Coast Salishan Native American Tribe that lived from Gig Harbor north between Hood Canal and Admiralty Inlet and as far south as Case and Carr Inlets, and on Black, Bainbridge, and Whidbey Islands. Today there are about 950 enrolled members of which about 200 live on or adjacent to the Port Madison Reservation that was established under the Point Elliott Treaty of 1855 for the Suquamish, Duwamish, and Skekomish (Muckelshoot) Indians. The Suquamish name is derived from the ancient Native village that lay along the shores of Agate Passage, near the town of Suquamish, on the eastern Kitsap Peninsula. Suquamish life revolved around the seasonal harvests of fish, shellfish, roots, and berries, The Suquamish traded with neighboring tribes for whale oil, razor clams, salmon, basketry, and beadwork. During the winter they repaired utensils, tools, and weapons and carried on carving, weaving, and basket making in longhouses. Port Orchard PROS Plan 115 Page 172 of 342 Back to Agenda The Suquamish remained mostly at peace with non -Indians but not always with other tribes. Chief Sealth, or Seattle (after who the city was named), reportedly was born on Blake Island around 1786. The Suquamish were among the various peoples who traded at the Hudson's Bay Company's Fort Nisqually, which was established in 1833 at the southern end of Puget Sound. They were also among those who met the Roman Catholic missionaries in the early 1840s. The Suquamish, as with other Native American tribes, have long assimilated other ethnicities through intermarriage and adoption. They have brought up ethnically mixed children to identify with the tribe, both culturally and ethnically. Early explorations In 1792 British naval Captain George Vancouver, on a mission to settle British fur -trading claims against Spain, surveyed the northwest coast of North America and determined the existence of the fabled "Northwest Passage," sailing into Puget Sound on his ship Discovery. Vancouver charted the entire area, providing more than 200 geographical names, including Vashon (Island), Mount Rainier, and Puget Sound (named after Lieutenant Peter Puget, the officer in charge of one of the survey boats). Puget and Joseph Whidbey, the expedition's master sea surveyor, would take a week tour of southern Puget Sound, charting the waters and landmarks together in the Discovery's launch and cutter. Vancouver followed them in Discovery's yawl and the cutter of her sister ship, the Chatham. He proceeded south through the Sound's main channel along the eastern shore of Vashon Island where he saw dense clouds of smoke blanketing the thick forests crowding the water's edge. (Puget Sound Indians routinely set fire to the woods to make foot travel easier, drive out deer and other game, and create open spaces where berries and other sun -loving plants could thrive.) 16 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Port Orchard Bay was "discovered" and named during Vancouver's exploration of the Puget Sound in April and May 1792. While investigating Kitsap County, Vancouver had judged an entrance to the vast Port Orchard Bay to be a small cove with an island. After returning from a brief shore leave, Harry Masterman Orchard, a ship's clerk on the Discovery and a surveyor, notified Vancouver that the area was actually an entrance to a large natural harbor. Vancouver corrected the error and named the harbor Port Orchard Bay. By 1833 the Hudson's Bay Company had established posts on the Fraser River and at Fort Nisqually, making Puget Sound an important canoe route between the two. At the time, the Oregon Country was jointly ruled by the US and Great Britain. In 1841 Lieutenant Charles Wilkes was placed in command of US Pacific and Arctic explorations and proceeded to survey Northwest Coast rivers and harbors, naming many geographical features, including Elliott Bay, Williams, Blake Island, Point Roberts (now Alki Point), Maury Island, Quartermaster Harbor and Point Pully, named for Robert Pully, a quartermaster in one of Wilkes' crews. Early settlement Port Orchard was platted as Sidney in 1886 by Frederick Stevens, who wanted to name the future town after his father, Sidney Merrill Stevens. Sidney quickly became known for its lumber industry, pottery works, small businesses, and agricultural opportunities. In 1890 it became the first town to incorporate in Kitsap County. Sidney residents took an active role in bringing the Puget Sound Naval Station (later Puget Sound Naval Shipyard) to Kitsap County. The Navy employed many residents of Port Orchard and greater Kitsap County from the turn of the century onwards, and became the most important employer in the county. In 1893, after building a courthouse and donating it to the county, Sidney was chosen as county seat. From 1892 to 1903, Sidney entered into stiff competition with Charleston over which city could be named Port Orchard (Sidney won). After 1903, Port Orchard continued to grow due to the expansion of the naval yard during Page 173 of 342 Back to Agenda the Great Depression, World War II, the Korean War, and the 1960s, and due to Port Orchard's reputation as a quiet waterfront community located in a beautiful environment and close to Seattle. In the 1850s, Captain William Renton (1818-1891) and other lumber and shipping merchants began developing Western Washington's lumber industry in response to demand for lumber in San Francisco Kitsap County proved an excellent site for timber due to its spruce, cedar, hemlock, and Douglas fir forests that grew right up to the extensive coastline. In 1854 Renton, who had built a sawmill at Seattle's Alki Point the year before, moved it across Puget Sound to a more protected location on Port Orchard Bay, where it became the area's first mill. Although generally referred to as the Port Orchard mill, Renton's operation was located across Sinclair Inlet from where the city of Port Orchard would be developed, in what later became the Enetai area of East Bremerton. Renton sold the "Port Orchard" mill in 1862, but the area remained an attractive spot for lumber merchants and loggers. Despite a healthy lumber industry, Sinclair Inlet, the site of Sidney (Port Orchard), did not have a permanent resident until 1885, when Henry Cline and family members moved from Long Lake (to where they had moved from Kansas in 1883) to Mitchell Point on the Sinclair Inlet. The family included Cline, his sister Sadie, her husband Adrian H. Sroufe, and their infant son. (Settler Robert Campbell had taken up a homestead in Sidney in 1873, but his residence is not counted among the first permanent residences of the town.) In 1886, Frederick Stevens, a relative of the Cline family, platted Sidney after his father, Sidney Merrill Stevens, purchased 88.5 acres for the creation of a town. That year the Clines moved to the Sidney town site. Henry Cline opened the town's first store to serve the growing community. In 1887 he joined Sroufe in a fishing venture and constructed a smokehouse. In 1888, Cline secured a post office for Sidney and served as its first postmaster. In August 1886, Thomas Cline, a relative of Henry's who had followed the family to Sidney, founded Kitsap County's first newspaper, The Kitsap County Pioneer. Shortly after starting the paper, he sold it to his typesetter and "man of the shop," Adrian Sroufe. In 1889, Thomas Cline built the town's first wharf, which further increased the growth of the town's population. The wharf gave boats a place to dock, making the transportation of goods and people into Sidney much easier. In earlier years, settlers had to use rowboats and force their livestock to swim for shore. The wharf coincided with the rise of the "Mosquito Fleet." These private steam vessels serving Puget Sound were so numerous that they were said to resemble a swarm of mosquitoes. Mosquito Fleet vessels that traveled among Kitsap County towns and to and from Seattle and Tacoma became the chief form of transportation for Sidney residents. By the 1920s diesel-electric ferries from San Francisco replaced the much smaller steamship ferries. Not long after the opening of Henry Cline's store, C. W. Corbett opened the Corbett Drugstore. From 1887 to 1889, Sidney was known for its Port Orchard Brick and Tile Company, as well as a few small lumber and shingle mills. And in early 1890, John Melcher, a pottery craftsman, opened a large pottery works, which made sewer pipes, terra cotta ware, and provided Seattle with brick for its first paved street. It remained a prominent business in Sidney until it and Sidney's entire business district burned down in 1895. On September 15, 1890, Sidney was incorporated as a fourth-class city. The mayor and council sought to address the issue of Sidney's lack of streets. Since so many people traveled by boat, the roads in and around the town were never adequately developed. For example, Bay Street, the town's main thoroughfare, was "inundated by saltwater" each high tide. The officials also wanted to connect each of Sidney's three parts, since Pottery Creek and Black Jack Creek naturally divided the town. In order to fund Sidney's first public works projects, Sidney Port Orchard PROS Plan 117 Page 174 of 342 Back to Agenda officials instituted an annual license fee for the town's saloons, as well as a poll tax on each adult male resident. The first project funded by the newly incorporated town was a grading project on Sidney Hill. The dirt collected from the hill then was then filled in an area 16 feet wide and a few blocks long to level and improve road conditions downtown. Projects taken on by later mayors and councils included more grading, the filling of a salt marsh, the construction of the Black Jack Bridge, and the Toonerville Trolley Railroad. In 1895 a fire burned down most of the business district. Among the businesses destroyed were the pottery works and a shingle mill. But by 1901 Port Orchard was again booming. The Kitsap County Business Review promised prosperity for those who came to Port Orchard because of its proximity to fine pine, fir, and hemlock for lumber; ample land ideal for dairy, chicken, or Angora goat farms or for orchards; deep sea fishing; and the opportunities with the shipyard. By 1901, Port Orchard was home to a large hotel, two steamboat companies, two churches, a public school, fraternal lodges, two daily mail services, and by five steamboats heading to Seattle every day. The growth and prosperity of Port Orchard had long been tied to the activity in the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, and the shipyard's involvement in World War II was no exception. The shipyard led the effort to repair ships fighting on the Pacific front and even repaired five of the six ships damaged in the attack on Pearl Harbor. During this period, the government constructed two large housing projects on the outskirts of Port Orchard to house shipyard workers and their families. The new housing resulted in such a population boom that the government also had to construct new schools for the shipyard workers' children. The Puget Sound Naval Shipyard remained a large employer of Port Orchard residents, as it became responsible for deactivation and storage following World War II, converting aircraft carriers to be 18 I Port Orchard PROS Plan compatible with newer, more advanced airplanes, activating ships in the Korean War, and building missile frigates in the 1960s. Many residents still work for the shipyard or Naval Base Kitsap, but they also commute to Seattle and Tacoma. In recent years, Port Orchard has attracted many new residents as a result of its appeal as a pleasant waterfront community that is close to Seattle. Today, Port Orchard also draws a large crowd of tourists that come for Port Orchard's beaches, public marina, golf courses, trails, and for the town itself. Every year, Port Orchard hosts several festivals and events, including the Seagull Calling Festival each May, the Murder Mystery Weekend each September, and an Art Walk held on the third Friday evening of each month, May through October. Source: Historylink.org - Port Orchard — Thumbnail History by Catherine Hinchliff Essay 9550 Socioeconomic characteristics The US Bureau of the Census conducts the decadal census consisting of a detailed and comprehensive assessment of employment, housing, income, and other statistics every 10 years that is used to determine electoral districts, income sharing, and other federal measures. The decadal census is based on census tracts that are statistical boundaries for the collection of information that are organized and grouped into jurisdictional areas consisting of census designated places (CDP) as well as cities, counties, and states. The US Bureau of the Census initiated the American Community Survey (ACS) to provide more current information on an annual basis. The ACS is based on annual random statistical sampling of civil divisions that are collated over a multiple years span to provide an accurate projection of socioeconomic conditions and trends. The following statistics and charts are drawn from a comparison of socioeconomic characteristics for the United States, Washington Page 175 of 342 Back to Agenda State, Puget Sound (King, Kitsap, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties), Kitsap County, and Port Orchard from the 2009-2013 ACS survey. Household size - in Port Orchard (2.64) is significantly higher than Kitsap County (2.55), Puget Sound (2.59), and Washington State (2.57) but equal to the US (2.64). Percent of households in families - in Port Orchard (69%) is higher than Kitsap County (67%), Puget Sound (63%), Washington State (64%), and the US (66%). Median age - in Port Orchard (35.7 years) is slightly lower than Kitsap County (39.2), Puget Sound (37.2), Washington State (37.6), and the US (37.7). Percent of the population 6S+ - in Port Orchard (14%) is lower than Kitsap County (16%) but higher than Puget Sound (12%) and equal to Washington State (14%), and the US (14%). Percent employed in civilian labor force - in Port Orchard (SO%) is lower than Kitsap County (52%), Puget Sound (62%), Washington State (59%), and the US (58%). Percent employed in base industries (forestry, fisheries, agriculture, and manufacturing) - in Port Orchard (21%) is significantly higher than Kitsap County (17%), Puget Sound (18%), Washington State (19%), and the US (19%). Percent employed in services (retail and wholesale trade, transportation, communications, education, entertainment, and government) - in Port Orchard (79%) is lower than Kitsap County (83%), Puget Sound (82%), Washington State (81%), and the US (81%). Median house value - in Port Orchard ($292,200) is higher than Kitsap County ($262,400), Washington State ($269,300), and the US ($184,700) but significantly lower than Puget Sound ($342,891). Median rent - in Port Orchard ($1,115) is similar to Kitsap County ($1,081), Puget Sound ($1,210), Washington State ($1,056) but higher than the US ($949). Percent of all housing in detached single-family units - in Port Orchard (63%) is significantly lower than Kitsap County (68%) but higher than Puget Sound (60%), Washington State (63%), and the US (62%). Mean travel time to work in minutes - in Port Orchard (23.4 minutes) is significantly lower than Kitsap County (30.3), Puget Sound (29.6), Washington State (26.5), and the US (26.1). Resided in same house 1 year ago - in Port Orchard (77%) is significantly lower than Kitsap County (8 M), Puget Sound (82%), Washington State (82%), and the US (85%). Percent of all occupied housing units owner occupied - in Port Orchard (60%) is significantly lower than Kitsap County (67%), similar to Puget Sound (60%), but lower than Washington State (62%), and the US (64%). Percent of all occupied housing units renter occupied - in Port Orchard (40%) is significantly higher than Kitsap County (33%) but comparable to Puget Sound (40%), Washington State (38%), and the US (36%). Median family income - in Port Orchard ($82,363) is significantly higher than Kitsap County ($77,893), Washington State ($76,507), and the US ($67,871) but lower than Puget Sound ($90,479). Median per capita income - in Port Orchard ($29,168) is lower than Kitsap County ($32,801), Washington State ($32,999), and the US ($29,829) but significantly lower than Puget Sound ($38,095). Percent in multifamily units of 20+ units - in Port Orchard (5%) is comparable to Kitsap County (5%) but lower than Puget Sound (14%), Washington State (10%), and the US (9%). Percent with no vehicles available - in Port Orchard (7%) is significantly higher than Kitsap County (3%) but comparable to Puget Sound (5%), Washington State (4%), and the US (5%). Port Orchard PROS Plan 119 Page 176 of 342 Back to Agenda Hispanic or Latino of any race - in Port Orchard (12%) is higher than Kitsap County (7%), Puget Sound (9%), comparable to Washington State (12%), and lower than the US (17%). Language other than English - in Port Orchard (11%) is significantly higher than Kitsap County (7%) but lower than Puget Sound (21%), Washington State (19%), and the US (21%). Percent of population in poverty- in Port Orchard (14.7%) is higher than Kitsap County (10.4%), Washington State (12.7%), Puget Sound (10.8%), but lower than the US (15.I%). Total families in poverty- in Port Orchard (10.5%) is significantly higher than Kitsap County (7.1%), Washington State (8.4%), Puget Sound (7.1%), but comparable to the US (1.0%).. Summary Port Orchard has accumulated younger, mobile households, families, in base industry employments, with lower house values, lower rentals, in single-family housing units, with modest family and per capita incomes, with vehicles, shorter travel to work times, with low ratios of Hispanic and speaking language other than English, with higher percentages in poverty income levels than Kitsap County, Puget Sound, Washington State, and the United States. Port Orchard's future socioeconomic characteristics will depend on the unique attractions the city retains and/or develops in the future particularly in its park and recreation programs and facilities. Socioeconomic projections The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) projected the future composition of population, employment, income, and housing within the region based on regional and national trends. Population and households - will continue to increase in the Puget Sound region due to continued in -migration as well as some natural increase. The average household size, however, will continue to 20 I Port Orchard PROS Plan decline as a larger proportion of all households age past childbearing ages and mortality rates decline. Percent of the population under age 4 - has fluctuated due to the "ripple" affects of the baby boom generation aging through childbearing years and concentrating births in a similar fashion. The percent of young children is expected to stabilize between 6-7% in the future, down from a high of 8% in the recent past. Percent of the population over age 65 - will increase due to the aging of the baby boom generation and declining mortality rates or longer life expectancies. Ratio of population to employees - will gradually decline as a larger proportion of the population ages beyond working ages and a lesser proportion of working adults emerge in the workplace. Percent of all housing multifamily - has and will continue to increase as empty nester and older households, as well as nonfamily households increase as a proportion of the population and the Puget Sound region continues to urbanize developing more townhouses, condominiums, mixed -use mid to high rise structures. Conclusion Based on the year 2014-2018 American Community Survey (ACS) characteristics, Port Orchard park, recreation, and open space demands are expected to reflect slightly younger age populations with moderate income, in older modest valued housing than would be typical of the park, recreation, and open space demands of the surrounding county, region, state, and nation. The increase in population projected to occur in the next 20 years may continue to attract the atypical age and household population groups that have been typical of the city to date. In most respects, the expected additional in -migrant population will be attracted by and in turn impact the park, recreation, and open space facilities Port Orchard proposes to provide current residents accordingly. Page 177 of 342 Back to Agenda Average household size 2.66 264 264 2.64 2_62 r 2.60 2.59 Ei 2.58 2.57 m 2.56 a 2.55 2.54 2.52 2.50 us WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: America¢ Community Survey {ACS) 2014-2018 40.0 39.0 38.0 37.0 W Fn R N 36.0 35.0 34.0 33.0 Median age us WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Percent households in families 70% 69% 68% 67% y 67% 66% A d 66% N 4 65% 64% W 64% y 63% 63% m a 62% 61% 60% US WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Port Orchard PROS Plan 121 Page 178 of 342 Back to Agenda 70% 60% 50% d v a~ 0 40% 0 30% v u 20% a 10% 0% Percent civilian employed in labor force US WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 22 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Percent employed in base industries 25% 20%--M=� MMM rIr9I I O 15% a d 0 10% v u a~ a 5% 0% US WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Page 179 of 342 Back to Agenda Percent in detached single family units 70% 68% 68% y 66% Y N .y 64% 63% 62% W k 60% a V in a 58% 56% 54% US WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Resided in same house 1 year ago 86% 85% 84% 82% 82% 82% 81% O O 80% 0 O CL p 78% d 77% u y 76% a 74% 72% US WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Port Orchard PROS Plan 123 Page 180 of 342 Back to Agenda 68% 66% pq 64% 0 W 62% O q N u y 60% a 58% 56% Percent owner occupied US WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 24 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 45% 40% 35% bo 30% �N G 25% 0 W C 20% Ki W su 15% d a 10% 5% 0% Percent renter occupied housing units US WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Page 181 of 342 Back to Agenda Percent in multifamily of 20+ units 16% 14% 12% N 10% 10% bl) .y 9% 0 x 8% w O w u 6% 5% 5% p0 4% 2% 0% u5 WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Hispanic or Latino of any race 20% 18% 16% 14% 0 12% 12% 12% 7 O 0. 10% 996 w O 8% u V d 6% a 4% 2% 0% us WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 7% 6% 5% 1% 0% No vehicles available to household WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Language other than English 25% 21% 21% 20% C 15% 0 O ¢ w 11% O 10% V V a 5% 0% u5 WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Port Orchard PROS Plan 125 Page 182 of 342 Back to Agenda Percent of population in poverty 16.0% 15.1% 14.7% 14.0% 12.7% 12.0% 10.8% 10.4% 10.0% 0. C 8.0% W 0 6.0% sue. v a 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% US WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 26 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Total families in poverty 12.0% 11.0% 10.5% 10.0% 8.4% 8.0% ayi 7.1% 7.1% w 6.0% 0 C v w 4.0% a 2.0% 0.0% US WA Puget Sound Kitsap Pt Orchard Source: American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 Page 183 of 342 Back to Agenda Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, Washington State, Homeowner Associations (HOA), South Kitsap School District, and other public and private agencies have assembled a significant amount of land within and directly adjacent to the city. These lands provide a variety of park, recreation, and open space activities including wildlife conservancies, waterfronts, picnic facilities, multipurpose trail corridors, athletic fields and playgrounds, community centers, and related park supporting administrative and maintenance facilities. Port Orchard Open space Acres 1 Bethel South Property 5.31 This property is located at 4940 Bethel Road. ■ Not open to the public, no facilities 2 Bravo Terrace Open Space 2.76 This resource conservancy is located on the east side of SR-16 near Sedgwick Road. ■ Wooded wetland area 3 Central/Clayton Park 1.34 This neighborhood park is located on 915 Dwight Street. ■ Picnic tables ■ Picnic shelter ■ Playground • Basketball court ■ Multi -purpose grass play area 4 Community Event Center 0.5 7 This special use facility is located at 619 Bay Street in the downtown adjoining DNR tidelands to the north along the shoreline. ■ Property currently occupied by Kitsap Bank building and parking lot 5 DeKalb Pier 4.10 This waterfront facility is located on DNR tidelands off Bay Street in the downtown. ■ 169 feet of lighted pier • 359 feet of floats ■ Picnic tables 6 Downtown Parks TBD This waterfront park complex includes city and DNR tideland property from Port Street east to Harrison Avenue. ■ Bay Street Pedestrian Path from Port of Bremerton Boat Ramp east to Waterfront Park ■ Landscaped area along path from Fredrick Avenue east to Sidney Avenue ■ Public parking lots located between Orchard and Sidney Avenue • Kitsap Regional Library located on northeast corner of Sidney Avenue 7 Etta Turner Park 0.16 This special use viewpoint of Sinclair Inlet is located on Black Jack Creek north of Bay Street. ■ Gazebo ■ Benches ■ Trail connection 8 Givens Field/Active Club 6.62 This community center is located at 1025 Tacoma Avenue. ■ Picnic area ■ Playground ■ Lighted horseshoe pits ■ Lighted tennis courts ■ 2 baseball diamonds (leased, not available for public use) ■ Restroom 9 Lundberg Park 4.81 This undeveloped site is located at 2676 Harold Drive SE in the southeast portion of the city. ■ Not open to the public, no facilities Port Orchard PROS Plan I 1 Page 184 of 342 Back to Agenda Port Orchard parks and open spaces —City Limits — Urban Growth Area 2 I Port Orchard PROS Plan � k •� y. sue.'. e.-„ �. 1:� ( q �. 10 - ;yam 1 Bethel South Property 2 Bravo Terrace Open Space 3 Central/Clayton Park 4 DeKalb Pier 5 Etta Turner Park 6 Givens Field/Active Club 7 Lundberg Park 8 McCormick Village Park 9 Mitchell Park 10 Old Clifton Wetlands 11 Paul Powers Jr Park 12 Rockwell Park 13 Seattle Avenue Open Space 14 Van Zee Park 15 Windfall Place Tot Lot 16 Bay Street Pedestrian Path Page 185 of 342 Back to Agenda 10 McCormick Village Park This resource park is located at 3201 SW Old Clifton Road. ■ Trails ■ Splash pad ■ 2 playgrounds ■ Off -lease dog park • Restroom 11 Mitchell Park 40.43 Lighted tennis courts • Lighted sports field ■ 2 baseball fields • Restroom 17 Windfall Place Tot Lot 0.09 This neighborhood park is located on Mitchell Avenue at Morton Street. ■ Bench 12 Old Clifton Wetlands 8.80 This resource conservancy is located in SR-16 interchange right-of- way at 1190 SW Old Clifton Road. • Wooded area along a drainage corridor - not open to public 13 Paul Powers Junior Park 3.75 This neighborhood park is located at 2035 Sidney Avenue. ■ Playground ■ Basketball court • Multipurpose grass field 14 Rockwell Park 0.29* This waterfront viewpoint is located on 1011 Bay Street. • Trail connection ■ Beach access • Handcarry boat launch ■ Picnic area * Does not include tidelands 15 Seattle Ave Open Space This resource conservancy is located on Seattle Avenue and Division Street. ■ Wooded, steep hillside along Blackjack Creek corridor 16 Van Zee Park This community park is located on 300 Tremont Street. ■ Trails ■ Picnic tables ■ Picnic shelter ■ Playground • Horseshoe pits ■ Frisbee golf This neighborhood park is located at 260 Sage Street. ■ Playground 18 Bay Street Pedestrian Path This trail is located along Sinclair Inlet from Waterfront Park tc Black Jack Creek on Bay Street right-of-way. ■ Paved multipurpose trail Total acres Port of Bremerton 0.15 na 89.70 The Port of Bremerton owns the following properties for public parks, recreation, and open space use. Port of Bremerton 1 Port Orchard Boat ramp 0.82* This waterfront facility is located at 533 Bay Street. ■ Municipal boat ramp ■ Restroom Includes city's Kitsap Street right-of-way. 2 Port Orchard Marina NA This public marina is located on 707 Sidney Parkway on DNR tidelands. 2.27 32 slips including 5 covered, 6 open, and 21 side -tie • Full -service fuel dock, and dockside pump out ■ Water, showers, bathrooms, laundry facilities on -site ■ Electricity, cable tv, wi-fi 8.25 Activity float with covered space and BBQs ■ Live -abroad tenants 3 Waterfront Park 1.39 This waterfront viewpoint is located 933 Bay Street. ■ Sidewalks ■ Bench ■ Picnic table ■ Viewing platform Port Orchard PROS Plan 13 Page 186 of 342 Back to Agenda 4 •1 •� Port Orchard Boat Ramp 2 Waterfront Park P 3 Westbay Easements 4 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park K: i ' 5 Givens Community/Senior Ctr 6 Howe Farm County Park 7 Kitsap County Park 8 Long Lake County Park 9 South Kitsap Regional Park i:.•. .' 10 South Kitsap West Little League IN {° `° 11 Veterans Memorial Park 12 Square Lake State Park 13 Long Lake Boat Launch q, L �. � - � — � � � '��fie �•r ' +Y4 �ti�i .- Port of Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington State Parks & Recreation City Limits Urban Growth Area IPort Orchard PROS Plan Page 187 of 342 Back to Agenda 4 Westbay Easements na This waterfront viewpoint is located along the shoreline east from Etta Turner Park behind Westbay Center. • Beach access ■ Trail connection Total acres 2.21 Kitsap County Kitsap County owns the following properties for public parks, recreation, and open space use. Total 1 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 12.00 A partnership park property located at 3001-3099 Madrona Drive SE. • Trails ■ Multi -use athletic fields 2 Givens Community & Senior Center 3.17 This community/senior center facility is located in a former elementary school on 1026 Sidney Avenue. ■ Open -daily Senior Center, a branch of Connection Credit Union, Kitsap County Division of Aging & Long Term Care, Discovery Montessori School, Head Start/ECEAP, and Holly Ridge Center ■ Multipurpose gymnasium with separate kitchenette of 150 person capacity ■ Community meeting of 150 person capacity 3 Howe Farm County Park 78.39 A legacy park located east of Port Orchard at 1901 Long Lake Road. ■ Preserved farmland ■ Off -leash dog area 3 Kitsap County Park 1,295.01 This open space property is located southeast of Port Orchard SW Lake Flora Road directly adjoining Square Lake State Park and McCormick Woods HOA Deer Park. ■ Undeveloped property with no public access • Extensive stream riparian habitat along Coulter Creek ■ Rural airport land strip and hanger accessed from Sunnyslope Road SW 4 Long Lake County Park 20.57 A waterfront park located southeast of Port Orchard at 5100 Long Lake Road. ■ Water access ■ Fishing access • Swimming beach ■ Boat launch ■ Walking trails ■ Picnic areas ■ Playground • Volleyball courts ■ Baseball field ■ Meeting room ■ Restroom 5 South Kitsap Regional Park 192.52 A community recreation park located at 2729 Jackson Avenue. ■ Walking trails ■ Picnic area ■ Playground ■ Skatepark • Baseball field ■ Outdoor small scale railroad (run by Kitsap Live Steamers) ■ Batting cages (run by Casey's Batting Range) 6 South Kitsap Western Little League 2.06 A partnership of the nonprofit League on County property located south of Port Orchard at 701 Sroufe St next to Givens Field. ■ 2 youth baseball fields 7 Veterans Memorial Park 48.44 A legacy park located east of Port Orchard at 985 Retsil Road East. ■ Picnic area ■ Baseball fields Total acres 1,352.16 Washington State Washington State agencies own the following properties for public parks, recreation, and open space use. Port Orchard PROS Plan 15 Page 188 of 342 Back to Agenda Homeowner Association (HOA) Parks & Open Space City Limits Urban Growth Area 6 I Port Orchard PROS Plan C A r i y i Nail �1 r, T. •.t �7 t < :awl •_ r. el 1 Aiden Place 2 Andasio Village 3 Blackjack Terrace 4 Blueberry Ridge 5 Chanting Circle 6 Deer Park 7 Dunmore 8 Eagle Crest 9 Eldon Trails 10 Falcon Ridge 11 Freestone at Bayside Pocket Park 12 Geiger Plat 13 Golden Pond 14 Heron Ridge 15 Highlands at Karcher Creek 16 Horstman Heights 17 Indigo Point 18 Mary McCormick Memorial Park 19 McCormick North 20 McCormick Meadows 21 McCormick Meadows 22 McCormick Woods 23 McCormick Woods Parcel A 24 McCormick Woods West 25 Muirfield 26 Pottery Heights 27 Rockport 28 Rutherford 29 Sherman Ridge 30 Stetson Heights 31 Strathmore 32 The Ridge 33 The Ridge Pocket Parks 34 The Ridge Small Playgrounds 35 Tobermory Pocket Park 36 Windfall Page 189 of 342 Back to Agenda Washington State 1 Square Lake State Park 203.39 This state park is located at 7800 Square Lake Road southwest of the city. ■ Square Lake covers 7.9 surface acres with mostly shallow depths with lots of pads and ringed with reeds • The lake has one private home on the shoreline with the rest still in a natural state ■ Fish species include largemouth bass, bluegill, bullhead catfish, and reportedly yellow perch • 3 beaver huts are located on the lake ■ Picnic tables and barbecues but no overnight camping ■ Rough boat launch area best suited for hand carried craft though small trailered boats can be launched by a 4 wheel drive tow vehicle ■ Pit toilet ■ Public access provides very limited parking space • Campground host lives on property • Park removed from state park website because of too little use. 2 Long Lake Boat Launch 1.06 This Fish & Wildlife site is located at 4351 SE Brook Street at the southwest end of Long Lake. ■ The WDFW access along the western shore has a boat ramp and boat dock ■ Fishing is allowed on the lake by canoe, kayak or small boats with no motors at the WDFW boat launch ■ Fishing is allowed on the lake only between April 1st and September 30th Total acres 204.45 Homeowner Association (HOAs) Homeowner Associations (HOA) own the following properties for public parks, recreation, and open space use. Homeowner Associations (HOAs) 1 Aiden Place HOA Open Space 6.76 This open space is located between Aiden Place subdivision and Veteran's Memorial Park. • Wooded, steep hillside on both sides of stream draining into Sinclair Inlet. 2 Andasio Village Pocket Park, Open Space, 1.47 Buffer This pocket park and open space is located in the center of the Andasio Village cottage development on SE Blueberry Road. ■ Grassy play area ■ Playground 3 Blackjack Terrace HOA Open Space 14.30 This open space is located adjacent to the Blackjack Terrace cottage development on Caleb Place and Fingerson Lower Access Road. ■ Wooded, steep hillside on both sides of Blackjack Creek ■ Interior wooded buffers between cottages 4 Blueberry Ridge 1.01 This open space and (1.01 acre) pocket park is located in the Blueberry Ridge subdivision north of SE Blueberry Road and west of Ramsey Road SE. ■ Wooded buffer areas • Sizable wetland on the north ■ Playground 5 Chanting Circle Pocket Parks 1.20 These pocket parks and open spaces are located adjacent to the Chanting Circle cottage development on Chanting Circle. ■ 2 wooded, steep hillsides along drainage corridors on both sides of development ■ Paths • 2 playgrounds ■ 0.5 court basketball 6 Deer Park 32.45 This park and open space is located on the south end of McCormick Woods Drive. ■ Extensive wooded area ■ 0.5 court basketball ■ Grass multipurpose softball/soccer field 7 Dunmore Open Space 5.30 This open space is located adjacent to the Dunmore subdivision on Donnegal Circle. Port Orchard PROS Plan 17 Page 190 of 342 Back to Agenda ■ Wooded perimeter and interior area 8 Eaglecrest Rth W E Real Estate This open space is located adjacent to the Eaglecrest Place subdivision on Eaglecrest Place. ■ Wooded, steep hillside buffers with drainage corridors to Sinclair Inlet 9 Eldon Trails Open Space This open space is located adjacent to the Eldon Trails cottage development on Virdian Avenue. ■ Wooded perimeter and interior buffers 10 Falcon Ridge HOA Open Space This open space is located adjacent to the Falcon Ridge cottage development on Maltese Court. ■ Wooded buffer 11 Freestone at Bayside Pocket Park 7.65 19.92 This pocket park is located in the Freestone at Bayside small lot development on Puget Sound Boulevard adjacent to McCormick Woods. ■ Grass play area ■ 3 picnic tables ■ Playground 12 Geiger Plat 0.38 0.36 ■ Playground 16 Horstman Heights Pocket Park 3.31 This open space is located within the cottage development on Freedom and Courage Courts. ■ Wooded buffers ■ Landscaped interior areas ■ Playground ■ Community building 17 Indigo Point HOA Open Space 2.20 This open space is located adjacent to the Indigo Point subdivision on Indigo Point Place. ■ Wooded, steep hillside along Blackjack Creek 18 Mary McCormick Memorial Park 1.77 This HOA special use park is located on McCormick Woods Drive. ■ Playground ■ 2 pickle ball courts ■ Basketball court ■ Tennis court 19 McCormick North 0.37 These extensive open spaces and a 0.37-acre pocket park are located north of Old Clifton Road and west of McCormick Village 0.40 Park. This open space and (0.40 acre) pocket park is located in the Geiger subdivision south of SE Blueberry Road and west of Geiger Road SE. ■ Wooded buffer area and pond ■ Playground 13 Golden Pond HOA Open Space 2.90 This open space is located adjacent to the Golden Pond subdivision on Golden Pond Street. ■ Wooded buffer to hillside and pond 14 Heron Ridge HOA Open Space 2.73 This open space is located adjacent to the Heron Ridge subdivision on Heron Ridge Avenue. ■ Wooded buffer to drainage corridor 15 Highlands at Karcher Creek HOA Open 2.70 Space ■ Wooded perimeter and interior buffers • Playground 20 McCormick Meadows 21.42 This pocket park and open space is located within the Chanting Circle cottage development on Chatterton Avenue. ■ Paths ■ Grass area ■ Playground 21 McCormick Meadows Open Space 20.85 This open space is located adjacent to the Chanting Circle cottage development on Chatterton Avenue. ■ Wooded buffer area ■ Storm retention ponds 22 McCormick Woods Open Spaces 215.71 This open space is located adjacent to the Highlands subdivision on This extensive network of open space is located surrounding and Huntington Street. buffering the McCormick Woods Golf Course and residential • Buffer perimeter planting with storm drainage pond development. 8 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 191 of 342 Back to Agenda ■ Wooded perimeter and interior buffers 23 McCormick Woods Parcel A 7.41 These 7.13-acre open spaces and a 0.28-acre pocket park are located south of Old Clifton Road and west of St Andrews Drive. ■ Wooded perimeter and interior buffers ■ Playground 24 McCormick Woods West 329.70 These extensive open spaces (326.3 acres and 2 pocket parks of 1.6 and 1.8 or 3.4 total acres) are located south of Old Clifton Road and west of McCormick Woods Drive in heavily woodland stands with numerous wetlands. ■ Wooded buffers and wetlands ■ Paths ■ 2 playgrounds 25 Muirfiled Open Space 3.15 This open space is located adjacent to the Muirfiled subdivision on Saint Andrews Drive next to the golf course clubhouse. ■ Wooded perimeter buffers with golf course fairways 26 Pottery Heights HOA 2.67 This open space is located adjacent to the Pottery Heights subdivision on Advantage Avenue. • Wooded buffer to wetlands 27 Rockport HOA Open Space 4.20 This open space is located adjacent to the Rockport subdivision on Sprague Street. ■ Wooded, steep hillside along stream draining into Sinclair Inlet 28 Rutherford Open Space 9.74 This open space is located adjacent to the Rutherford subdivision on Rutherford Circle. ■ Wooded perimeter buffer ■ Interior wooded area 29 Sherman Ridge HOA Open Space 1.25 This open space is located adjacent to the Sherman Ridge cottage development on Melcher Street. ■ Grass open area with woodlands 30 Stetson Heights 14.11 This 10.65-acre passive recreation or open space and 1.73-acre pocket park are located north of McCormick Woods Drive and west of Glenwood Road. ■ Wetland buffer areas ■ Paths • Playground 31 Strathmore Open Space 6 This open space is located adjacent to the Strathmore subdivision and cottage development on Strathmore Circle. ■ Wooded perimeter buffers 32 The Ridge Open Space 18 This open space is located adjacent to the Ridge subdivision on Murrelet Avenue. ■ Wooded perimeter buffer around subdivision ■ Wooded, steep hillside along drainage stream corridor 33 The Ridge Pocket Parks 1. These HOA pocket parks are located on Swift Avenue SW and SW Lazuli Street and Siskin Circle. ■ Paths ■ Grass areas ■ 2 playgrounds 34 The Ridge Small Playgrounds 0. This HOA pocket park is located on 4548 Chanting Circle SW. ■ Paths 34 66 37 50 ■ Grass area • Playground 35 Tobermory Pocket Park 0.67 This open space is located adjacent to the Tobermory subdivision on Tobermory Circle. ■ Paths ■ Landscaped areas with bench seating 36 Windfall Place HOA Open Space 6.44 This open space is located adjacent to the Windfall Place subdivision on Sage Court. ■ Wooded, steep hillside along drainage corridor Total acres 771.37 South Kitsap School District The South Kitsap School District owns the following school properties with recreational facilities. Port Orchard PROS Plan 19 Page 192 of 342 Back to Agenda F ' i 6 S South Kitsap School District — City Limits ° Urban Growth Area 10 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 1 Fast Port Orchard ES 2 Hidden Creek ES 3 Mullenix Ridge ES 4 Orchard Heights ES S Sidney Glen ES 6 Sunnyslope ES 7 Cedar Heights MS 8 Marcus Whitman MS 9 South Kitsap HS 10 Discovery HS 11 Explorer/Hope Academies 12 Cedar Heights Forest 13 South Kitsap Memorial Pool 14 Future schools Page 193 of 342 Back to Agenda South Kitsap School District 1 East Port Orchard Elementary 15.88 This elementary school is located on 2649 Hoover Avenue SE in the south portion of the city adjoining the school district administration offices and bus barns. ■ Playground • 2 covered play sheds ■ 1 grass soccer field • 2 grass baseball fields ■ Multipurpose gymnasium 2 Hidden Creek Elementary 15.24 This elementary school is located on 5455 Converse Road SE south of the city. • Playground • 2 covered play sheds • 3 grass soccer fields • 1 200+ foot grass baseball field ■ Multipurpose gymnasium 3 Mullenix Ridge Elementary School 13.85 This elementary school is located on 3900 Mullenix Ridge southeast of the city. • Playground ■ 2 half -court basketball courts • 1 grass soccer field • 2 overlay baseball fields ■ Multipurpose gymnasium 4 Orchard Heights Elementary 11.59 This elementary school is located on 2288 Fircrest Drive SE. ■ Playground • Covered play shed ■ 1 grass soccer field • 1 grass 200+ foot baseball field ■ Multipurpose gymnasium 5 Sidney Glen Elementary School 9.00 This elementary school is located on 500 SW Birch Road. ■ Playground • 1 grass soccer field ■ 1 grass 200+ foot baseball field ■ Multipurpose gymnasium 6 Sunnyslope Elementary School 15.00 This elementary school is located at 4183 Sunnyslope Road SW southwest of the city. • Playground ■ 1 basketball court • 1 grass soccer field • 3 grass 200+ foot baseball field • Multipurpose gymnasium 7 Cedar Heights Middle School 29.75 This middle school is located on 2220 Pottery Avenue. • 200+ foot grass baseball field • 250+ foot grass baseball field ■ Cinder surface field track • Gymnasium ■ Green houses 8 Marcus Whitman Middle School 35.90 This middle school is located on 1887 Madrona Drive SE. ■ 1 grass 200+ foot baseball field • 1 grass 250+ foot baseball field ■ 1 grass soccer field ■ 1 grass surface field track • Gymnasium 9 South Kitsap High School 45.12 This high school is located on 425 Mitchell Avenue. • 8 tennis courts • 1 grass football field with bleachers, concessions • 1 rubber surface field track • Gymnasium 10 Discovery High School 5.07 This high school is located on 2150 Fircrest Drive SE. ■ Grass area with baseball backstop 11 Explorer Academy & Hope Academy 9.73 This learning center is located on 1723 Wolves Drive. ■ 300 foot grass baseball field • 250+ foot grass baseball field 12 Cedar Heights Forest na This wooded area is located on Pottery Avenue within the Cedar Middle School campus. ■ Wooded area Port Orchard PROS Plan 111 Page 194 of 342 Back to Agenda • ,wry � ' Other public and nonprofit facilities - City Limits Urban Growth Area 12 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 0 1 Port Orchard City Hall 2 Port Orchard Library 3 Boys & Girls Club of SPS 4 Sidney Museum 5 Log Cabin Museum 6 Veteran's Living History Museum k 7 South Kitsap Peewee Assn ` 8 American Legion Post #30 9 Masonic Center 10 Eagles Page 195 of 342 Back to Agenda 13 South Kitsap Memorial Pool na This school district owned aquatic facility is located on 425 Mitchell Avenue on South Kitsap High School campus. • Olympic sized pool with shallow and deep water depths • Hosts swimming instruction, lap swims, and school swim team events 14 Future schools 57.29 This proposed school site will be located off Old Clifton Road in the southwest portion of the city and likely include: ■ 8 tennis courts ■ 1 grass football field with bleachers, concessions • 1 rubber surface field track ■ Gymnasium Total acres 263.42 Outdoor recreational use = 40% 105.37 Other public and nonprofit Other public and nonprofit organizations own the following properties for public parks, recreation, and open space use. Other public and nonprofit 1 Port Orchard City Hall 0.32 This public facility is located at 216 Prospect Street in the downtown. ■ 8,586 square foot facility including public access meeting and conference rooms 2 Port Orchard Library 0.66 This public facility is located at 87 Sidney Avenue in the downtown. ■ 28,370 square foot facility including public access meeting and conference rooms 3 Boys & Girls Club of South Puget Sound na This nonprofit organization is housed with the Discovery High School facility on 2150 Fircrest Drive SE. ■ The 1,848 square foot Boys & Girls Club offers after school programming and all day summer camp for children ages 6-13 • A Junior Staff volunteer program in the summer for 8-12th graders 4 Sidney Museum 0.10 This nonprofit museum is located at 202 Sidney Avenue in downtown Port Orchard operated by the Sidney Museum & Arts Association (SMAA). ■ The 3,642 square foot Sidney Museum is located on the second floor of the Sidney Gallery building. • Built in 1908, it was the first Masonic Temple building in Port Orchard • The Sidney Museum exhibits includes a general store, school, doctor's office, and hardware store 5 Log Cabin Museum 0.10 This nonprofit museum is located at 416 Sidney Avenue in Port Orchard operated by the Sidney Museum & Arts Association (SMAA). • The cabin is located on its original site, one of the original two of Sidney town plots that measure 60 feet in width fronting on Sidney by 150 feet deep extending to the west • The two story, one bedroom cabin was constructed from "log boom" logs pulled up Sidney hill from Port Orchard bay by oxen and draft horses ■ The museum exhibits home life in South Kitsap during the past 100 years as well as items that tell the ongoing story of the Orchards 6 Veteran's Living History Museum 0.10 This nonprofit museum is located on 825 Bay Street in downtown Port Orchard operated by the Sidney Museum & Arts Association (SMAA). • A 3,642 square foot museum of military memorabilia and military history collection from the civil war to Afghanistan 7 South Kitsap Peewee Association 6.62 This nonprofit organization is located on 1025 Tacoma Avenue. ■ South Kitsap PeeWees Association was established in 1967 as a nonprofit youth organization offering 3 sports programs - football, cheer, and basketball to the boys and girls in the South Kitsap community. ■ South Kitsap PeeWee Association is a USA Football Heads Up Certified Club Port Orchard PROS Plan 113 Page 196 of 342 Back to Agenda r Private facilities City Limits Urban Growth Area 14 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 'A,1 1 Peninsula Indoor BMX 2 Westcoast Fitness 3 Crossfit NWNW 4 Olympic Fitness Club 5 Clover Valley Riding Center 6 Riding Place 7 Kitsap Saddle Club �7 Page 197 of 342 Back to Agenda 8 Port Orchard American Legion Post #30 0.53 This nonprofit organization building is located on 615 Kendall Street. ■ 4,944 square foot event venue with rental meeting room and kitchen 9 Port Orchard Masonic Center 0.87 This nonprofit organization building is located on 1025 Sidney Avenue. ■ 11,124 square foot event venue with meeting/banquet room and fully equipped kitchen 10 Port Orchard Eagles 5.09 This nonprofit organization building is located on 4001 Jackson Avenue SE. ■ 5,400 square foot event venue with meeting/banquet room and fully equipped kitchen Total acres 14.47 Other private Private organizations own the following properties for public parks, recreation, and open space use. Other private 1 Peninsula Indoor BMX 3.30 This 24,201 square foot private indoor BMX facility is located at 5867 Dogwood Road SE. ■ Indoor dirt BMX/pump track ■ Rental facilities Equipment store 2 Westcoast Fitness 1.76 This 10,494 square foot private fitness facility is located at 4740 Ramsey Rd SE. ■ 24 hour group classes, personal training, tanning, pro shop, and childcare 3 Crossfit NXNW 0.14 This 4,854 square foot private fitness facility is located at 626 Bay Street in the downtown. ■ Cross fit, cardio, yoga, prenatal, postpartum classes for kids and adults 4 Olympic Fitness Club 2.75 This 20,040 square foot private fitness facility is located at 4459 SE Mile Hill Drive. ■ Traditional health club offering group fitness classes, massage therapy and round-the-clock access • Gymnasium 5 Clover Valley Riding Center 5.00 This 19,176 square foot private equestrian facility is located at 5919 Phillips Road SE' ■ Training, boarding, and therapy for horses • Theraplate, a two-piece mobile platform that helps regulate the horse's circulation ■ Indoor riding barn ■ Riding lessons beginning to advanced 7 days a week ■ Lease horses 6 Riding Place 19.31 This 23,072 square foot private equestrian facility is located at 4798 East Stable Lane. • Boarding monthly with temporary board on availability ■ Training, lessons, and clinics • 60 foot round pen 7 Kitsap Saddle Club 8.71 This private equestrian facility is located at 1470 Saddle Club Road SE. • Outdoor riding arena with spectator seating and announcer booth Total acres 40.97 Golf courses Non-profit and private organizations own the following golf course properties. Golf courses 1 Village Greens Golf Course 44.89 A special use park located at 2298 Fircrest Drive owned by Kitsap County and leased to LAC Golf Company LLC for operation and maintenance. Port Orchard PROS Plan 115 Page 198 of 342 Back to Agenda ■ 18-hole, 3,255 yard golf course, par 58 • Pro -shop ■ Covered driving range • Practice putting green ■ Practice chipping green ■ Pull cart rentals ■ 1,873 square foot club rental 2 McCormick Woods Golf Club 168.64 This public golf course is located on 5155 McCormick Woods Drive SW. ■ 18 hole, 7,040 yard, par 72 course • Layout features natural lakes hidden among fir and cedar trees ■ 5 sets of tees for players of all skill levels • Practice facility with a driving range, two putting greens, and an area devoted to chipping, pitching, and bunker play ■ Multiple indoor and outdoor event spaces can accommodate up to 300 guests ■ 14,485 square feet of clubhouse and restaurant 3 Gold Mountain Golf Club 605.95 This City of Bremerton public facility is located on 7263 W Belfair Valley Road. • 2 each 18 hole golf courses - the Olympic and Cascade courses 7,179 yards, par 72 • 29,650 square feet of restaurant, driving range, shop, rental meeting, dining rooms ■ FootGolf - a combination of soccer and golf uses soccer balls on a traditional golf course with 21-inch diameter cups under rules largely corresponding to the rules of golf 4 Trophy Lake Golf & Casting 160.56 This private facility is located on 3900 SW Lake Flora Road. ■ 18-hole 7,206 yards with 80 deep -faced, white -sand bunkers, ■ Trophy Lake - 2 of the on -course ponds are stocked with rainbow trout for fly-fishing • 7,182 square foot lodge -style clubhouse with rental meeting rooms and cafe dining Total acres 16 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 980.04 Marinas Public and private organizations own the following marinas. Marinas Port Orchard Marina na This Port of Bremerton marina is located at 707 Sidney Parkway on tidelands. ■ 32 slips including 5 covered, 6 open, and 21 side tie ■ Full -service fuel dock ■ Ample free parking ■ Free dockside pump out ■ Free water ■ Free showers, bathrooms, and laundry facilities onsite ■ Free dock carts ■ Metered electricity - 30 amp 120 volt and 50 amp 240 volt ■ Cable TV access (through Wave Cable) • Free Wi-Fi ■ Activity float with covered space and BBQ's for group activities • Live -aboard tenants with tenant incentives and short-term guests 2 Port Orchard Yacht Club 0.95 This private facility is located at 201 SW Bay Street on 0.95 acres of upland and additional tidelands. ■ 13 covered, open, side tie slips, and transient docks ■ 1,500 square foot pier ■ 30 amp power, water, garbage, pump out, restrooms, showers, ice, and telephone ■ 2 full service marine repair facilities with haul -out, a marine store, and fuel nearby ■ 4,280 square feet of rental meeting rooms and dining 3 Sinclair Inlet Marina 0.02 This private marina is located at 501 Bay Street on 0.02 acres of upland extending out into tidelands. ■ Covered slips, open slips, and side ties ■ Diesel ■ Gated security ■ Picnic/grill area ■ 2,025 square foot service/maintenance, ship store, laundry, Page 199 of 342 Back to Agenda showers, restrooms 4 Port Orchard Railway Marina 0.17 This private marina is located at 405 Bay Street on 0.17 acres of upland extending out into tidelands. ■ 2 covered slip areas, 47 open slips, 23 side ties 30 amp, dual 30 amp, and 50 amp service • 4,612 square feet of warehouse Total upland acres 1.14 Inventory implications ■ Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Port of Bremerton, Washington State, Homeowner Associations (HOU South Kitsap School District, and other public and private agencies have amassed an impressive amount of acreage - that includes every conceivable kind of parkland within or directly adjacent to Port Orchard city limits including nature conservancy's, wildlife corridors and habitats, trail systems, athletic sites, and indoor facilities. ■ Almost every kind of park, recreation, and open space activity - is presently provided by these public and private agencies combined within or directly adjacent to Port Orchard city limits including picnicking, hiking and multipurpose trails, youth and adult recreational courts and fields, indoor swimming pool, community centers, and meeting rooms. ■ A significant portion of the inventory are regional facilities - that are used by populations who reside inside and outside of Port Orchard even though the maintenance and operation of these sites has and is being financed by local agencies. ■ However, not all of these facilities are available for public use or jointly scheduled - between the city, county, port, state, HOAs, school districts with city, school, and league requirements. An inter -local agreement needs to be resolved between all parties to make effective use of the joint inventory under an equitable allocation with all potential users. The agreement could possibly share use, operation, maintenance, and development funds. Port Orchard PROS Plan 117 Page 200 of 342 Back to Agenda A valuable park, recreation, and open space system includes lands that may not be suitable for built uses and developed recreational facilities. These sites can typically provide unique preserves, habitats, cultural, and historical associations. A strategic approach may also include lands that are owned for other purposes, but that under some conditions may be used for park, recreation, and open space activities. Federal, state, county, utility, school, land trusts, private homeowner associations, and private commercial operators, for example, own or control a variety of strategically important sites with many kinds of physical and socially valuable parks, recreation, and open space characteristics. The following inventory defines other possible public and privately owned properties that could provide park, recreation, and open space opportunities. Environmental resources In 1990, the Washington State legislature adopted the Growth Management Act (GMA - Chapter 36.70A of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW)). The GMA defined critical environmental areas and resource lands to be lands or soils with characteristics that are not suitable for urban development, and in some instances, to any alteration without potential risk to the environment, ecology, public safety or other issues. GMA, and subsequent minimum guidelines published by the Washington State Department of Community, Trade, & Economic Development (WACTED), defined critical areas to include: • Wetlands, ■ Critical recharge zones for aquifers used for potable water, • Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, • Frequently flooded areas, and ■ Geologically hazardous areas. In addition, GMA/WACTED guidelines identified resource lands that were to be provided special consideration including productive and/or unique: • Agricultural lands, • Forests, and • Mineral lands. Critical area ordinances GMA required local jurisdictions that were affected by rapid population growth (including Port Orchard) to identify and adopt regulations to protect such areas. In accordance with the act's requirements, Kitsap County and subsequently the Port Orchard Community Development Department completed comprehensive inventories and analyses of critical areas in Port Orchard's urban growth area. Subsequent city critical area ordinances and comprehensive plans define and locate lands and soils that are subject to the environmental hazards. Implementing critical area and zoning ordinances further define the land use and design or development performance standards that are appropriate to each type of risk condition thereby protecting sensitive environments. Generally, environmental protection measures conserve sensitive environmental areas in conditions that are appropriate to the land or soil's character. For example, the protecting measures retain, enhance, and sometimes expand wetland functions and flood plains. Likewise, environmental protection measures conserve steep slopes in a wooded natural state, particularly slopes with hazardous seismic combinations of erodible soil, underlying bedrock, and subsurface drainage features. Open space potentials Environmentally sensitive lands or critical areas are not capable or suitable of being developed for urban and even some rural uses. These properties remain in private ownership, however, even Port Orchard PROS Plan I 1 Page 201 of 342 Back to Agenda 2 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 0 Litt- of Port Orchard Ervirtinmentai Map Legend � �+.+.MrcrlM. Rao�wzw F€YL bpn/ � �1 ]'+om Nury +Zl1 01 Cvvw- M+44P11Lm,V4ra Lie Ejor u.. A.o r* r Page 202 of 342 Back to Agenda Other public and nonprofit facilities City Limits Urban Growth Area 1 Port Orchard City Hall 2 Port Orchard Library 3 Boys & Girls Club of SPS 4 Sidney Museum 5 Log Cabin Museum 6 Veteran's Living History Museum 7 South Kitsap Peewee Assn 8 American Legion Post #30 9 Masonic Center 10 Eagles Port Orchard PROS Plan 13 Page 203 of 342 Back to Agenda though the critical environmental features are appropriately conserved. Most of these sites are privately owned - usually as productive properties providing buffer, aesthetic, passive or other benefits to the developed parcels. Private property owners may develop the suitable lands that adjoin sensitive environmental features for urban or other intensive land uses. As a consequence, although these privately owned properties conserve permanent natural areas as open space features, the lands are frequently not accessible for public use. Critical areas constitute private but significant open spaces, wildlife habitats, conservation preserves, and scenic overlooks. These lands can enhance and should be incorporated as integral, but passive components of the land use pattern and public park system as greenways, greenbelts, and urban separators. Under some conditions, these private sites may be accessed with trails, exhibits, picnic facilities, water trails, and other suitable and more active park pursuits where the use benefits the property owner and/or where public access agreements can be negotiated. Other public facilities Various public agencies own a considerable amount of facilities in the city. These facilities may be available for public use if a park and recreation activity does not interfere with the agency's primary use of the facility. Other public facilities 1 Port Orchard City Hall 0.32 This public facility is located at 216 Prospect Street in the downtown. ■ 8,586 square foot facility including public access meeting and conference rooms 2 Port Orchard Library 0.66 This public facility is located at 87 Sidney Avenue in the downtown. ■ 28,370 square foot facility including public access meeting and 4 I Port Orchard PROS Plan conference rooms Total acres 0.98 Other public/nonprofit facilities Various public/nonprofit agencies own a considerable amount of facilities in the city. Other public and nonprofit 1 Boys & Girls Club of South Puget Sound na This nonprofit organization is housed with the Discovery High School facility on 2150 Fircrest Drive SE. ■ The 1,848 square foot Boys & Girls Club offers after school programming and all day summer camp for children ages 6-13 • A Junior Staff volunteer program in the summer for 8-12th graders 2 Sidney Museum 0.10 This nonprofit museum is located at 202 Sidney Avenue in downtown Port Orchard operated by the Sidney Museum & Arts Association (SMAA). ■ The 3,642 square foot Sidney Museum is located on the second floor of the Sidney Gallery building. ■ Built in 1908, it was the first Masonic Temple building in Port Orchard • The Sidney Museum exhibits includes a general store, school, doctor's office, and hardware store 3 Log Cabin Museum 0.10 This nonprofit museum is located at 416 Sidney Avenue in Port Orchard operated by the Sidney Museum & Arts Association (SMAA). • The cabin is located on its original site, one of the original two of Sidney town plots that measure 60 feet in width fronting on Sidney by 150 feet deep extending to the west ■ The two story, one bedroom cabin was constructed from "log boom" logs pulled up Sidney hill from Port Orchard bay by oxen and draft horses ■ The museum exhibits home life in South Kitsap during the past 100 years as well as items that tell the ongoing story of the Orchards Page 204 of 342 Back to Agenda 4 Veteran's Living History Museum 0.10 This nonprofit museum is located on 825 Bay Street in downtown Port Orchard operated by the Sidney Museum & Arts Association (SMAA). ■ A 3,642 square foot museum of military memorabilia and military history collection from the civil war to Afghanistan 5 South Kitsap Peewee Association 6.62 This nonprofit organization is located on 1025 Tacoma Avenue. ■ South Kitsap PeeWees Association was established in 1967 as a nonprofit youth organization offering 3 sports programs - football, cheer, and basketball to the boys and girls in the South Kitsap community. South Kitsap PeeWee Association is a USA Football Heads Up Certified Club 6 Port Orchard American Legion Post #30 0.53 This nonprofit organization building is located on 615 Kendall Street. ■ 4,944 square foot event venue with rental meeting room and kitchen Port Orchard Masonic Center 0.87 This nonprofit organization building is located on 1025 Sidney Avenue. ■ 11,124 square foot event venue with meeting/banquet room and fully equipped kitchen 8 Port Orchard Eagles 5.09 This nonprofit organization building is located on 4001 Jackson Avenue SE. ■ 5,400 square foot event venue with meeting/banquet room and fully equipped kitchen Total acres 13.49 Private facilities Various private entities own a considerable amount of facilities in the city. Some of these facilities are available for public use for a membership, use fee, or special arrangement. All of these facilities should be identified in the event they should cease operations and/or become available on the market for possible public or joint venture use. Other private 1 Peninsula Indoor BMX 3.30 This 24,201 square foot private indoor BMX facility is located at 5867 Dogwood Road SE. ■ Indoor dirt BMX/pump track ■ Rental facilities ■ Equipment store 2 Westcoast Fitness 1.76 This 10,494 square foot private fitness facility is located at 4740 Ramsey Rd SE. ■ 24 hour group classes, personal training, tanning, pro shop, and childcare 3 Crossfit NXNW 0.14 This 4,854 square foot private fitness facility is located at 626 Bay Street in the downtown. • Cross fit, cardio, yoga, prenatal, postpartum classes for kids and adults 4 Olympic Fitness Club 2.75 This 20,040 square foot private fitness facility is located at 4459 SE Mile Hill Drive. ■ Traditional health club offering group fitness classes, massage therapy and round-the-clock access ■ Gymnasium 5 Clover Valley Riding Center 5.00 This 19,176 square foot private equestrian facility is located at 5919 Phillips Road SE' ■ Training, boarding, and therapy for horses • Theraplate, a two-piece mobile platform that helps regulate the horse's circulation ■ Indoor riding barn • Riding lessons beginning to advanced 7 days a week ■ Lease horses 6 Riding Place 19.31 This 23,072 square foot private equestrian facility is located at 4798 East Stable Lane. ■ Boarding monthly with temporary board on availability ■ Training, lessons, and clinics ■ 60 foot round pen Port Orchard PROS Plan 15 Page 205 of 342 Back to Agenda 6 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 1101 1 Peninsula Indoor BMX 2 Westcoast Fitness 3 Crossfit NWNW 4 Olympic Fitness Club 5 Clover Valley Riding Center 6 Riding Place 7 Kitsap Saddle Club Page 206 of 342 Back to Agenda Kitsap Saddle Club 8.71 This private equestrian facility is located at 1470 Saddle Club Road SE. ■ Outdoor riding arena with spectator seating and announcer booth Total acres 40.97 Golf courses Non-profit and private organizations own the following golf course properties. Golf courses 1 Village Greens Golf Course 7,179 yards, par 72 • 29,650 square feet of restaurant, driving range, shop, rental meeting, dining rooms • FootGolf - a combination of soccer and golf uses soccer balls on a traditional golf course with 21-inch diameter cups under rules largely corresponding to the rules of golf 4 Trophy Lake Golf & Casting 160.56 This private facility is located on 3900 SW Lake Flora Road. ■ 18-hole 7,206 yards with 80 deep -faced, white -sand bunkers, ■ Trophy Lake - 2 of the on -course ponds are stocked with rainbow trout for fly-fishing • 7,182 square foot lodge -style clubhouse with rental meeting rooms and cafe dining 44.89 Total acres A special use park located at 2298 Fircrest Drive owned by Kitsap County and leased to LAC Golf Company LLC for operation and maintenance. ■ 18-hole, 3,255 yard golf course, par 58 ■ Pro -shop ■ Covered driving range • Practice putting green ■ Practice chipping green • Pull cart rentals ■ 1,873 square foot club rental 2 McCormick Woods Golf Club 168.64 This public golf course is located on 5155 McCormick Woods Drive SW. ■ 18 hole, 7,040 yard, par 72 course ■ Layout features natural lakes hidden among fir and cedar trees ■ 5 sets of tees for players of all skill levels • Practice facility with a driving range, two putting greens, and an area devoted to chipping, pitching, and bunker play • Multiple indoor and outdoor event spaces can accommodate up to 300 guests ■ 14,485 square feet of clubhouse and restaurant 3 Gold Mountain Golf Club 605.95 This City of Bremerton public facility is located on 7263 W Belfair Valley Road. ■ 2 each 18 hole golf courses - the Olympic and Cascade courses Marinas Public and private organizations own the following marinas. Marinas Port Orchard Marina 980.04 na This Port of Bremerton marina is located at 707 Sidney Parkway on tidelands. ■ 32 slips including 5 covered, 6 open, and 21 side tie ■ Full -service fuel dock • Ample free parking ■ Free dockside pump out ■ Free water ■ Free showers, bathrooms, and laundry facilities onsite ■ Free dock carts • Metered electricity - 30 amp 120 volt and 50 amp 240 volt ■ Cable TV access (through Wave Cable) • Free Wi-Fi ■ Activity float with covered space and BBQs for group activities ■ Live -aboard tenants with tenant incentives and short-term guests 2 Port Orchard Yacht Club 0.95 This private facility is located at 201 SW Bay Street on 0.95 acres of upland and additional tidelands. Port Orchard PROS Plan 17 Page 207 of 342 Back to Agenda • 13 covered, open, side tie slips, and transient docks ■ 1,500 square foot pier ■ 30 amp power, water, garbage, pump out, restrooms, showers, ice, and telephone ■ 2 full service marine repair facilities with haul -out, a marine store, and fuel nearby ■ 4,280 square feet of rental meeting rooms and dining 3 Sinclair Inlet Marina 0.02 This private marina is located at 501 Bay Street on 0.02 acres of upland extending out into tidelands. • Covered slips, open slips, and side ties ■ Diesel ■ Gated security ■ Picnic/grill area ■ 2,025 square foot service/maintenance, ship store, laundry, showers, restrooms 4 Port Orchard Railway Marina 0.17 This private marina is located at 405 Bay Street on 0.17 acres of upland extending out into tidelands. ■ 2 covered slip areas, 47 open slips, 23 side ties 30 amp, dual 30 amp, and 50 amp service ■ 4,612 square feet of warehouse Total upland acres 1.14 Conclusions • Strategically important sites - are owned or controlled by nonprofit and private facility operators with most kinds of physical and socially valuable parks, recreational, and open space characteristics. • A valuable park, recreation, and open space system includes lands that may not be suitable for built uses - and developed recreational facilities, but which can provide unique preserves, habitats, cultural, and historical associations. These combined social and physical attributes provide a balanced dimension to the park and recreation experience. 8 I Port Orchard PROS Plan • A quality park and recreation system does not have to be implemented strictly by public monies or purchase - but by the creative interplay of public and private market resources using a variety of techniques including leases, easements, tax incentives, design and development innovations, and enlightened private property interests. Future parks, recreation, and open space acquisition strategies may use traditional purchase options as well as cost effective alternative. Page 208 of 342 Back to Agenda Park, recreation, and open space land and facility demands can be estimated using population ratios, participation models, level -of - service (LOS) measurements, and/or questionnaire survey methodologies. Ratios The demand for park, recreation, and open space land can be estimated using a ratio of a required facility to a standard unit of population, such as 3.1 acres of athletic fields and playgrounds per 1,000 residents. The ratio method is relatively simple to compute and can be compared with national or local park, recreation, and open space measurements. However, the method cannot account for unique age, social or interest characteristics that may affect the park, recreation, and open space activity patterns within a specific community. Nor can the method compensate for unique climatic or environmental features that may cause seasonal or geographical variations in park, recreation, and open space use patterns. The ratio method is frequently used to estimate land requirements. However, a number of factors may significantly influence the amount of land a community may wish to set -aside for park, recreation, and open space purposes. Such factors may include the presence of sensitive environments, scenic viewpoints, historical or cultural assets, trailheads, and other features that may increase land set -asides along a non -motorized transportation or trail corridor. The National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) compiles data on the amount of land and facilities that have developed over time by major parks, recreation, and open space departments across the country. Depending on the agency arrangements within the participating cities, the ratios may or may not include the lands and facilities that are provided by all public sponsors including city, school, county, state, federal agencies, and private operators within each measuring jurisdiction. Note - the NRPA began publishing a comprehensive list of ratios in 1985 that have subsequently been updated and qualified to account for local methodologies in the years since. NRPA's most recent data has been published in the 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review. The 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review was collected from 1,075 unique park and recreation agencies across the US based on reports between 2016 and 2018 and is published with medians along with data responses at the lower -quartile (lowest 25%) and upper -quartile (highest 25%). The NRPA Park Metrics (formerly PRORAGIS) report compiles the survey data for type, size, geography, and other agency characteristics. The benchmarks used here are based on the NRPA Park Metrics results for agencies serving populations of 15,000-25,000 and the median responses to the 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review when Park Metrics data is not available. Note - the ratios are based on parks properties and facilities owned by cities and not on a composite ratio that may include other public, nonprofit, and private or school district facilities available for public use. Participation models Park, recreation, and open space facility requirements can also be determined using variations of participation models - refined, statistical variations of a questionnaire or survey method of determining recreational behavior. Participation models are usually compiled using activity diaries, where a person or household records their participation in specific recreational activities over a measurable period of time. The diary results are compiled to create a statistical profile that can be used to project the park, recreation, and open space behavior of comparable persons, households or populations. Port Orchard PROS Plan I 1 Page 209 of 342 Back to Agenda Participation models are most accurate when the participation measurements are determined for a population and area that is local and similar enough to the population that is to be projected by the model. The most accurate participation models are usually controlled for climatic region and age, and periodically updated to measure changes in recreational behavior in activities or areas over time. Properly done, participation models can be very accurate predictors of an area's facility requirements in terms that are specific and measurable. However, though accurate, participation models can be somewhat abstract, and if not combined with other methods of gathering public opinion, can fail to determine qualitative issues of an area's demands in addition to a facility's quantitative requirements. For example, an area might provide the exact facility quantities that are required to meet the resident population's park, recreation, and open space demands, such as a mile of walking trail. However, the facility might not be provided with the proper destination, in a quality or safe corridor, or other important, but less measurable aspect that makes the facility quantity effective and the activity a pleasurable experience. The walking trail, for example, might be located in an area of uninteresting scenery and/or in an inaccessible location. This planning effort utilizes the results of the Washington State Recreation & Conservation Office (RCO) surveys for 6 age groups (male and female) for the northeast region of the state (east of the Cascade Mountains) that were accomplished in 2001, 2006, and 2012. The estimates were developed for each activity demand for the peak season periods that would most impact facility capacities and thereby the level of service to local residents. The estimated demands were converted into facility units based on assumed high capacity and turnover rates common to most urban areas of the state. The projected facility unit requirements were then converted into a simple facility unit per 1,000 residents ratio to allow 2 I Port Orchard PROS Plan comparison with similar ratios developed by the NRPA and found to be the existing facility level -of -service (ELOS) for each activity. Note - participation models can account for facility capacity ratios that may be expressed through management policies or local population preferences concerning volume of use or the degree of crowding that is satisfactory. However, the model cannot account for all Proposed variations in crowding or volume of use that may vary over the length of a trail, season, or by a different user population at the same time. Nor can the model account for communities that may be impacted by tourist or regional users from outside the modeling area. Existing and Proposed level -of -service (ELOS/PLOS) Facility requirements may also be determined by expressing the supply of existing park, recreation, and open space land and facilities as a ratio to the resident existing population (as a unit ratio per 1,000 persons). The existing level -of -service (ELOS) condition or ratio can define an existing standard for each type of park, recreation, and open space provided within the existing inventory. ELOS ratios can be calculated for specialized types of activities for which there are no comparable national or state definitions. Ultimately, department staff with public assistance through telephone or mailed or internet questionnaires can develop Proposed level -of -service (PLOS) ratios for a specific type of facility by determining the quantity that is considered to be surplus or deficient in quantity or condition within the existing inventory. For example, the existing supply of beach trails in a jurisdiction of 10,000 persons may be 20 miles, or an existing level -of -service (ELOS) standard of 2.00 miles per 1,000 persons or population. The public may determine, however, that under present conditions the existing trails are overcrowded and located in areas that are of little interest for beach walking purposes. Ideally, the public would like to add 10 more miles to the existing inventory in order to reduce crowding and provide access to more Page 210 of 342 Back to Agenda interesting sites. The proposal would increase the overall supply to 30 miles and the Proposed level -of -service (PLOS) standard to 3.00 miles per 1,000 persons. Note - this plan compares all 3 methodologies. However, the plan considers the ELOS/PLOS comparison approach to be the most accurate method of resolving final level -of -service requirements since it can account for impacts of: • Out -of -area tourist and regional users, ■ Combined public and private facility inventories, ■ Unique environmental or market area dynamics, and ■ Other variables not proposed to quantify in a participation model or ratio. Land requirements Total park lands The RCO does not have a benchmark for park, recreation, and open space land. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review agencies serving populations of 15,000-25,000 provided a median of 12.6 acres per 1,000 persons in the population that gradually declined as the population increased up to 250,000. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Acres 89.7 2,419.9 2,644.5 /1,000 12.6 Na 5.93 160.07 106.8 Proposed identifies 2040 requirements including additional land or facilities that are recommended to be added and the level -of -service per 1,000 persons that will result from the addition and the projected population increase over the next 20-year planning period. The level -of - service ratio will decline due to additional population increase (9,651 persons in the city by 2040) if no additional land or facilities are recommended. Ratio is expressed per 1,000 residents within Port Orchard (year 2020 city population of 15,117) under Port Orchard and for all public and private facilities under "All total" and "Recommended additional" standard. By comparison, Port Orchard owns 89.7 acres of parkland or a ratio of 5.93 city park acres per every 1,000 residents and the city, county, port, school district, state, and HOAs own 2,419.9 acres or 160.07 acres per 1,000 city residents. However, even though significant, the present allocation is not equally distributed among residential neighborhoods with the UGA. Select acquisitions of additional parkland to be described in following pages, may provide another 224.6 city park acres equal to a ratio of 106.8 of all park acres per 1,000 city residents by the year 2040. The resulting standard should be sufficient to provide equal park distribution for local needs and to conserve important regional attributes in the city for the reasons listed in the following descriptions considering the amount of land provided in or near the city by other public agencies. Resource conservancies Open space preservation or resource conservancies are designed to protect and manage a natural and/or cultural feature, environment or facility - such as a wetland or unique habitat, a natural landmark or a unique cultural setting. By definition, resource conservancies are defined by areas of natural quality for nature -oriented outdoor recreation, such as viewing and studying nature, wildlife habitat, and conservation. Open space preservations or resource conservancies should be located to encompass diverse or unique natural resources, such as lakes, streams, marshes, flora, fauna, and topography. Recreational use may be a secondary, non -intrusive part of the property - such as an interpretative trail, viewpoint, exhibit signage, picnic area or other feature. In practice, there aren't minimum or maximum benchmarks concerning conservancies - a site should provide whatever is necessary to protect the resource. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Acres 76.5 1,398.5 1,563.6 /1,000 Na Na 5.06 92.51 63.1 Port Orchard PROS Plan 13 Page 211 of 342 Back to Agenda Port Orchard presently provides 76.5 acres of open space and In practice, there aren't minimum or maximum benchmarks resource conservancies or a ratio of 5.06 acres per 1,000 residents concerning conservancies - a site should provide whatever is and the city, county, state, port, and HOAs provide 1,398.5 acres or necessary to protect the resource. a ratio of 92.51 acres per 1,0000 city residents. The ratio includes portions of the city's Bethel South Property, Bravo Terrace Open Space, Lundberg Park, McCormick Village Park, Mitchell Park, Old Clifton Wetlands, Paul Powers Junior Park, Seattle Avenue Property, and Van Zee Parks as well as Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park, Howe Farm County Park, Kitsap County Park, Long Lake County Park, South Kitsap Regional Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Square Lake State Park, numerous HOA open spaces, and South Kitsap School District's Cedar Heights Forest. While the present supply (existing level -of -service (ELOS) standard) does not need to be increased through purchase, the city's critical areas ordinance should continue to protect these important resource conservancies and if necessary, acquire development rights if portions of these private landholdings are in jeopardy of development or in order to provide public access for Proposed wildlife habitat and trail corridors. Sites that merit consideration for acquisition if necessary to conserve riparian habitat, wetlands, ponds, streams, and wooded hillsides include 165.1 acres along Blackjack and Ross Creeks, Ross Point Hillsides, Stormwater Park, Johnson Creek daylighting, and Etta Turner Park expansion that will increase the conservancy lands to 1,563.6 acres of all agencies or a ratio 63.1 acres per 1,000 city residents by 2040. Resource activities Resource activities are defined by areas of natural or ornamental quality for outdoor recreation such as picnicking, boating, fishing, swimming, camping, and local parks trail uses. The site may also include play areas, such as playgrounds and open grassy play fields as long as these areas support the primary outdoor recreational features. The site should be contiguous to or encompassing natural resources including resource conservancies. 4 I Port Orchard PROS Plan NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Acres 15.6 551.1 567.1 /1,000 Na Na 1.03 36.46 22.9 Port Orchard presently provides 15.6 acres of resource active parks or a ratio of 1.03 parks per 1,000 residents and the county, state, port, and HOAs provide 551.1 acres or 35.46 acres per 1,000 city residents. The ratio includes portions of the city's Bethel South Property, Lundberg Park, McCormick Village Park, Paul Powers Junior Park, and Van Zee Parks as well as Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park Howe Farm County Park, Long Lake County Park, South Kitsap Regional Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Square Lake State Park, and HOA Deer Park. However, 16.0 acres should be acquired to conserve resource access at Ruby Creek Regional Park and Mitchell Point that will increase the ratio of resource parks to 22.9 acres per 1,000 city residents by 2040. Linear trails Linear trails are built or natural corridors, such as abandoned or surplus railroad lines, undeveloped road -rights -of -way, and active utility rights -of -way or natural areas defined by drainage features, topographical changes, wooded areas or vegetation patterns that can link schools, libraries, or commercial areas with parks. Generally, linear trails may be developed for multiple modes of recreational travel such as hiking, biking or horseback riding. The trail system may parallel established vehicular or other transportation systems, but apart from and usually within a separate right-of-way. Linear trail corridors may also include active play areas or trailhead development located in other types of parkland. Page 212 of 342 Back to Agenda Trail systems should be anchored by public facilities, like a school or park that may serve as a destination or trailhead and extend into the surrounding residential areas using natural features or established roads, sidewalks, or other safe travel corridors. Ideally, a minimum trail system should be at least 3-5 miles long and provide the ability to loop back to the point of origin. The trail should be sufficiently wide enough to provide for the type of trail user(s) that it is accommodating, preserve the features through which the trail is traveling, and buffer adjacent land use activities. In practice, there aren't benchmarks concerning linear trails. An agency should provide as many miles as Proposed considering the trail opportunities a city's geography provides. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Acres 1.5 1.5 12.5 /1,000 Na Na 0.10 0.10 0.50 Port Orchard presently provides 1.5 dedicated acres of linear trail corridor or a ratio of 0.10 acres per 1,000 residents consisting of the Bay Street Pedestrian Path and McCormick Woods Trail and an extensive system of trails in resource parks that are not counted as separate acreages. No other agencies provide dedicated acreage for off -road multipurpose trails. Additional multipurpose trails will be added within the existing rights -of -way of Bay Street, Old Clifton Road, SW Berry Lake Road, Glenwood Road, Sedgwick Road, Sidney Road, SR-16, and Bay Street to Kitsap Regional Park. Port Orchard has considerable and sufficient trail acreage resources were these trail segments as well as the park trails integrated to the resource parks. Nonetheless, the city should acquire 11.0 acres to continue to expand and connect the Bay Street Pedestrian Path and East Gateway systems with all remaining parks and schools within the city to achieve a city trail ratio of 0.50 acres per 1,000 city residents by 2040. Playgrounds and athletic fields Athletic fields and playgrounds are designed for intense recreational activities like field and court games, playground apparatus areas, picnicking, wading pools, and the like. A suitable athletic field and playground site should be capable of sustaining intense recreational development. The site should be easily accessible to the using population and ideally should be linked to the surrounding area by walking and biking trails and paths. Typically, athletic fields and playgrounds may be included within or jointly developed in association with an elementary, middle or high school facility. The desired service area for an athletic field or playground complex depends on the competitive quality to which the facility is developed and the resident using population that the site is intended to serve. Regionally oriented athletic sites may include 4 or more competitive, high quality soccer, baseball or softball fields serving organized leagues drawn from surrounding communities or areas - which may include the approximate service area for a high school. Local (community or neighborhood) oriented athletic fields and playgrounds may consist primarily of a playground and a grassy play area, possibly including 1 or more practice or non -regulation athletic fields. Local athletic fields and playgrounds serve residents of an immediately surrounding residential area from a quarter to half -mile radius - the service area for an elementary school. In practice, there aren't minimum or maximum benchmarks concerning athletic fields and playgrounds. An agency should provide sufficient playgrounds within a 0.5-mile walking distance of most residents and athletic fields to accommodate most league activities of local, younger age residents. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Acres 65.4 278.8 290.8 /1,000 Na Na 4.33 18.44 11.74 Port Orchard presently provides 65.4 acres or a ratio of 4.33 acres per 1,000 residents of playgrounds and athletic fields. All agencies Port Orchard PROS Plan 15 Page 213 of 342 Back to Agenda combined including the city, county, school district, and HOAs provide 278.8 acres or 18.44 acres per 1,000 city residents. Athletic fields are generally distributed and available within the city at the city's Paul Powers Junior Park and Van Zee Park as well as Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park, South Kitsap Regional Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Deer Park, and junior/middle and high schools when scheduled with the school district. However, the existing picnic, playground, sports court, and field sites are not evenly distributed within a 5 or 10-minute walk of all residential neighborhoods. Consequently, 12.0 acres equal to 3 additional neighborhood parks should be acquired and developed to improve the availability and capacity of neighborhood parks within the city and UGA to realize a city playground and athletic field ratio of 11.74 acres per 1,000 city residents by 2040. Recreation centers/pools Recreation centers and pools are indoor and outdoor facilities providing swimming pools, physical conditioning, gymnasiums, arts and crafts, classrooms, meeting rooms, kitchen facilities, and other spaces to support public recreation programs for school -age children (but not students), teens, senior, and other resident populations on a full-time basis. For the purposes of this PROS Plan, recreation centers and pools are defined to include all city, county, school -owned, non-profit, and private facilities that are available for public use. The desired service area for a recreation center/pool depends on the extent of the recreational program services to be offered in the facility and the building's potential size and site relationships. Community oriented recreation centers may include a variety of competitive swimming pools, gymnasiums, or courts along with/or in place of a series of public classroom and meeting facilities, a teen and/or senior center and/or a daycare facility providing indoor building space. And/or a community -oriented recreation center may be jointly sited with an athletic park or playground, or in association with a library, civic center or other public meeting facility. Community oriented 6 I Port Orchard PROS Plan recreation centers may be jointly shared with school districts or a part of other city or county building complexes that serve a city or larger surrounding community area. Local recreation centers may consist primarily of a single facility use - like a classroom or gymnasium complex and/or that may be sited as a lone building oriented to a single user group - like a teen or senior center. Local recreation centers serve residents of an immediately surrounding residential area from a quarter to half - mile radius - which is the approximate service area for an elementary school. In practice, there aren't minimum or maximum benchmarks concerning recreation and community center acreages. An agency should provide sufficient land considering the availability of other public, nonprofit, and private facilities within the local area. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Acres 0.0 4.2 4.7 /1,000 Na Na 0.00 0.27 0.19 Port Orchard does not presently provide any indoor recreation facilities though the county assets include Givens Community - Senior Center or 4.2 acres or 0.27 acres per 1,000 city residents. The existing level -of -service would likely exceed recreation center objectives were the inventory to include indoor space provided by South Kitsap School District and some nonprofit and private facilities. However, school facilities are not available for use during school hours to meet the needs of seniors, parents, or pre-school children and the private clubs do not provide facilities for low- income participants. The city proposes to jointly develop 0.5 acres for a Community Events Center with the Kitsap Public Facility District (KPFD) that will include a new library, extensive meeting and classroom facilities, a small physical conditioning room, and administrative space in the downtown that will provide a ratio of 0.19 acres by 2040. Page 214 of 342 Back to Agenda Special use facilities Special use facilities are single -purpose recreational activities like arboreta, display gardens, nature centers, golf courses, marinas, zoos, conservatories, arenas, outdoor theaters, and gun and archery ranges. Special use facilities may include areas that preserve, maintain, and interpret buildings, sites, and other objects of historical or cultural significance, like museums, historical landmarks, and structures. Special use areas may also include public plazas or squares or commons in or near commercial centers or public buildings. There aren't benchmarks concerning the development of special use facilities - demand being defined by opportunity more than a ratio. Nor are there minimum or maximum facility or site sizes - size being a function of the facility rather than a separately established design standard. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Acres 0 651.1 651.1 /1,000 Na Na 0.00 43.07 26.29 Port Orchard does not provide special use facilities though the county, port, school district, nonprofit, and for -profit agencies provide 651.1 acres or 43.07 acres per 1,000 city residents consisting of Cedar Heights Middle School greenhouses, Sidney Museum, Log Cabin Museum, Veteran's Living History Museum, Village Greens Golf Course, McCormick Woods Golf Club, Gold Mountain Golf Club, Trophy Lake Golf & Casting, Port Orchard Marina, Port Orchard Yacht Club, Sinclair Inlet Marina, and Port Orchard Railway Marina. Port Orchard does not plan on providing any special use facilities given the extent of special use facilities provided by other sponsors. Support facilities Support facilities include administrative office space, indoor meeting rooms, shop and equipment maintenance yards, plant nurseries, and other buildings and sites necessary to service the park system that are located outside of park properties. There aren't benchmarks concerning the development of support use facilities - demand being defined by functional operating requirements more than a ratio. Nor are there minimum or maximum facility or site sizes - size being a function of the type of facility space required and whether the facility space is shared with other jurisdiction support functions rather than a separately established design standard. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Acres 5.6 5.6 5.6 /1,000 Na Na 0.37 0.37 0.23 Port Orchard provides 5.6 acres or 0.37 acres per 1,000 residents of supporting facilities including the Public Works Maintenance Yard located on Vivian Court and South Shed Facility located on Sidney Avenue - administrative office space is provided in Port Orchard City Hall. The current acreage is sufficient to meet current and projected needs. Facility requirements Number of narks The RCO does not have a benchmark for the number of parks that should be provided per 1,000 residents. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2020 NRPA Agency Performance Review agencies serving populations under 20,000 provided a 1 park per 1,300 residents or 0.77 parks per 1,000 persons. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Parks 18 45 48 /1,000 0.77 Na 1.19 2.98 1.94 Port Orchard currently provides 18 parks including resource conservation sites, resource, linear trails, athletic fields and playgrounds, recreation and community centers, special uses, and Port Orchard PROS Plan 17 Page 215 of 342 Back to Agenda maintenance facilities or a ratio of 1.19 parks per 1,000 city residents. The city, county, port, state, and HOAs provide a total of 45 parks or 2.98 parks per 1,000 city residents The plan proposes to add 3 more park sites that will provide geographic distribution of local parks within a 5 and 10-minute walking distance of all residential neighborhoods within the city and UGA that will realize a ratio of 1.94 parks per 1,000 city residents by 2040. Community gardens There is no behavioral data with which the participation model can project community garden or pea patch requirements - meaning specific areas set aside for the planting of ornamental and vegetable plots. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2020 Agency Performance Review agencies serving populations under 20,000 provided a community garden per 7,914 residents or 0.13 garden sites per 1,000 persons in the population. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Sites 0 1 2 /1,000 0.13 Na 0.00 0.07 0.08 Port Orchard does not currently provide community garden plots though the Kitsap School District provides a school garden at Cedar Heights Middle School or a ratio of 0.07 per 1,000 city residents. The plan proposes to provide 1 city sponsored community garden plots at a proposed neighborhood park site near Bethell/Salmonberry Road or a ratio of 0.08 gardens per 1,000 city residents by 2040. Waterfront access There is no behavioral data with which the participation model can project waterfront access requirements - meaning shoreline access for fishing and swimming purposes. The NRPA does not have a benchmark for waterfront access. 8 I Port Orchard PROS Plan NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Sites 3 9 16 /1,000 Na Na 0.20 0.60 0.65 Port Orchard provides waterfront access at 3 sites or 0.120 sites per 1,000 residents including DeKalb Pier, Etta Turner Park, and Rockwell Park. The city, port, county, and state provide 9 sites on Sinclair Inlet, Long Lake, and Square Lake or 0.60 sites per 1,000 city residents. The city will add 7 additional sites on Sinclair Inlet to increase access to Sinclair Inlet along the Bay Street Pedestrian Path and proposed Mosquito Fleet Trail or a ratio of 0.65 waterfront access sites per 1,000 city residents in 2040. Kayaking, canoeing, and sailing There are no participation model standards for kayak or canoe hand -carry launch sites or facilities. The NRPA does not have a benchmark for kayaking or hand -carry craft launching facilities. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Sites 2 8 12 /1,000 Na Na 0.13 0.53 0.48 Port Orchard provides non -motorized or hand -carry craft (kayak, canoe, or sailboat) access sites at DeKalb Pier and Rockwell Park or 0.13 sites per 1,000 city residents. The city, port, state, and other public agencies provide a total of 8 sites or 0.53 sites per 1,000 city residents. Additional designated hand -carry launch sites will be provided at Ross Point and Bay Street/SR-16 or a total of 4 sites or a ratio of 0.48 sites per 1,000 city residents by 2040. Boatin-u There are no participation model standards for boat launch ramps, floating platforms or docks, and boat moorage slips. The NRPA does not have a benchmark for boating facilities. Page 216 of 342 Back to Agenda NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Sites 0 1 1 /1,000 Na Na 0.00 0.07 0.04 Port Orchard does not provide boat launch sites though the Port provides the Port Orchard Boat Ramp partly on city street right-of- way for a total of 1 site or 0.07 sites per 1,000 city residents. This should be sufficient given the port's boat ramp and the 4 adjacent marinas on Sinclair Inlet. Picnic tables and shelters Participation model projections indicate public agencies should be providing a ratio of 1.77 picnic tables and benches of all types (open and under shelters) per every 1,000 residents then gradually decline to 1.67 as the population ages. The NRPA does not have a benchmark for picnic facilities. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Tables 13 22 36 /1,000 Na 1.77 0.86 1.46 1.45 Shelter 3 3 9 /1,000 Na Na 0.20 0.20 0.36 Port Orchard presently provides 13 picnic tables and 3 picnic shelters or a ratio of 0.86 picnic tables and 0.20 picnic shelters per 1,000 city residents. The city, county, state, and HOAs provide 22 picnic tables and 3 picnic shelters or a ratio of 1.46 tables and 0.20 shelters per 1,000 city residents. In general, Port Orchard parks do not provide a sufficient number of tables and shelters within a 5 to 10-minute walking distance to meet the requirements for local residents in a distributed pattern across the city and UGA. Consequently, another 14 picnic tables and 6 picnic shelters will be provided at Givens Field, McCormick Village Park, Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park, South Kitsap Regional Park, Veterans Memorial Park, as well as 3 proposed neighborhood park sites to meet future population growth, distribute facilities across the city, meet group facility user needs, and resident interests. Multipurpose bike and hike trails Participation model projections indicate public agencies should be providing a ratio of 0.15 miles of walking or hiking trails and 0.30 miles of bicycling trails within a separated multipurpose trail corridor per every 1,000 city residents. The ratio will decline to 0.14 walking and 0.29 biking trails per 1,000 residents as the population ages. The NRPA does not have a benchmark for trails per 1,000 residents. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Off 2.60 3.64 7.53 /1,000 Na 0.29 0.17 0.24 0.30 On 0.00 2.60 7.58 /1,000 Na 0.29 0.00 0.17 0.30 Port Orchard presently provides 2.60 miles of off road trail or a ratio of 0.17 miles per 1,000 residents consisting of the Bay Street Pedestrian Path. All agencies combined provide 3.64 total miles or a ratio of 0.24 miles per 1,000 residents including McCormick Woods Trail. An additional 3.89 miles of off -road trail or a ratio of 0.30 miles per 1,000 residents by 2040 will be added when the Bay Street Pedestrian Path is extended and a multipurpose trail is connected with Veterans Memorial and South Kitsap Regional Park. Port Orchard does not provide on -road trails of sidewalks or paths. All agencies combined provide 2.60 miles or a ratio of 0.17 miles per 1,000 residents including McCormick Woods Road. An additional 4.78 miles or a ratio of 0.30 miles per 1,000 residents by 2040 will be added with on -road sidewalk and path constructions on Old Clifton Road, Blueberry Lake Road, Glenwood Road, Sedgwick Road, Sidney Road, and Port Orchard Boulevard. Port Orchard PROS Plan 19 Page 217 of 342 Back to Agenda Park trails There are no participation standards for park or day hiking trails. The participation model projections indicate public agencies should be providing a ratio of 0.15 miles of park walking or day -hiking trails per every 1,000 residents declining to 0.14 miles as the population ages. The NRPA does not have a benchmark for park trails per 1,000 residents. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Miles 0.48 5.20 8.28 /1,000 Na 0.14 0.03 0.34 0.33 Port Orchard presently provides 0.48 miles or a ratio of 0.03 miles of park trails per 1,000 residents in McCormick Village and Van Zee Parks. All agencies combined provide 5.20 miles of park trails or a ratio of 0.34 miles per 1,000 residents in Bill Bloomquiest Rotary, Howe Farm County, South Kitsap Regional, Veterans Memorial, Square Lake State, Deer Parks, and Stetson Heights. An additional 3.08 miles or a ratio of 0.33 miles of park trails per 1,000 residents will be added at Ruby Creek Regional Park, McCormick Village Park, and Stormwater Park. Off -leash dog parks There are no RCO participation model standards for off -leash dog parks or trails. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review all agencies provided 0.0226 dog parks per 1,000 persons in the population. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Sites 1 2 3 /1,000 0.02 Na 0.07 0.13 0.12 Port Orchard provides a designated off -leash dog park in McCormick Village Park or a ratio of 0.07 per 1,000 residents. All agencies combined provide another designated off -leash dog trails in Howe Farm County Park or 0.13 dog parks per 1,000 residents. 10 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Off -leash dog parks are unique facilities reserved exclusively for pet exercise, training, and social interaction. Generally, such facilities cannot be shared with other park activities. Off -leash dog trails may be shared with limited other trail activities if the volumes are relatively low and the animals are well trained. An additional dog park or off -leash area could be located in Central/Clayton Park or a ration of 0.12 dog parks per 1,000 city residents by 2040. Separately, Port Orchard may consider designating some portions of park trails for shared off -leash dog use where shared use will not detract from other users or create hazards between dogs. Playgrounds The participation model projections indicate public agencies should be providing a ratio of 0.60 playgrounds and tot lots of all types per every 1,000 residents then gradually decline to 0.53 playgrounds as the population ages. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review agencies serving populations of 20,000-49,999 provided 0.56 playgrounds and tot lots per 1,000 persons. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Miles 8 32 41 /1,000 0.56 0.53 0.53 2.12 1.66 Port Orchard presently provides 8 playgrounds or a ratio of 0.53 playgrounds per 1,000 residents at 8 city parks at Central/Clayton Park, Givens Field/Active Club, McCormick Village, Paul Powers Junior Park, Rockwell, Van Zee Parks, and Windfall Place Tot Lot. All public and private agencies combined including elementary schools, provide 32 covered and uncovered playgrounds or a ratio of 2.12 playgrounds per 1,000 residents. All public and private agency facilities combined provide a significant inventory to provide for playground activities assuming Page 218 of 342 Back to Agenda the school facilities are available for public use and located in safe and secure areas for after school activities. However, the present supply is not evenly distributed throughout the city or UGA to provide equal access to all city neighborhood areas particularly within southwest and southeast Port Orchard. Additional playgrounds and play areas should be provided in 9 parks including McCormick Village Park, Bill Bloomquist, Veterans Memorial Park, and 6 new neighborhood parks or a ratio of 1.66 playgrounds per 1,000 city residents or 2040. Skateboard courts and pump tracks There are no RCO participation model standards for skateboard courts or skate dots or climbing walls - or similar roller -blade or in - line skating activities. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review all agencies provided 0.02 skateparks per 1,000 persons. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Skate 0 2 7 /1,000 0.02 Na 0.00 0.13 0.28 Pump tk 0 0 1 /1,000 0.02 Na 0.00 0.00 0.04 Port Orchard does not currently provide a skateboard park or skate facility. Kitsap County provides a skatecourt at South Kitsap Regional Park and Peninsula Indoor BMX, a private vendor, provides a 24,201 square foot indoor skate and BMX facility including practice ramps, rails, and other equipment in the immediate area or a ratio of 0.13. The demand for these facilities will increase to meet the needs of younger age residents for beginner, experienced, and some competitive or advanced activities at locations distributed across the city and adjacent to developed areas where skateboarders are now using unauthorized public and private properties for this activity. At least 5 skateboard fixtures or ramps or "skate dots" should be installed across the city in Givens Field, Van Zee Park, Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park, and Veterans Memorial Park or a ratio of 0.28 skateboard options per 1,000 city residents by 2040. In addition, a "Pump Track" or a circuit of rollers, banked turns, and features designed to be ridden completely by riders "pumping" — generating momentum by up and down body movements, instead of pedaling or pushing should be developed at Ruby Creek Regional Park or a ratio of 0.04 tracks per 1,000 city residents by 2040 to meet the growing interests of this emerging youth activity. Outdoor basketball/sports courts Participation model projections indicate public agencies should be providing a ratio of 0.10 basketball/sports courts of all types per every 1,000 residents and then gradually decline to a ratio of 0.09 as the population ages. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review agencies serving populations of 20,000-49,999 provided 0.10 basketball and 0.04 multiuse or sports courts per 1,000 persons. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Courts 2 7 13 /1,000 0.14 0.09 0.13 0.46 0.52 Port Orchard presently provides 2 outdoor uncovered courts or a ratio of 0.13 courts in Central/Clayton and Paul Powers Junior Parks per 1,000 residents. All public and private agencies combined provide 7 uncovered courts or a ratio of 0.46 courts per 1,000 residents in Long Lake, Chanting Circle, Deer, and Mary McCormick Memorial Parks and Mullenix Ridge and Sunnyslope Elementary schools assuming the school facilities are available for public use and located in safe and secure areas for after school activities. However, these facilities are not evenly distributed across the city and currently improved only for basketball. Consequently, the existing courts should be reconfigured into sports courts to accommodate basketball, pickleball, and volleyball and 6 more Port Orchard PROS Plan 111 Page 219 of 342 Back to Agenda sports courts should be added at Givens Field/Civic Club, Stormwater Park, Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park, South Kitsap Regional Park, Veterans Memorial Park, and 1 new neighborhood park for a ratio of 0.52 courts per 1,000 city residents by 2040. Tennis/vickleball courts - in/outdoor Participation model projections indicate public agencies should be providing a ratio of 0.24 tennis/pickleball courts per every 1,000 residents then gradually decline to 0.22 as the population ages. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review agencies serving populations of 20,000-49,999 provided 0.23 outdoor tennis courts per 1,000 persons. However, neither standard effectively accounts for the growing use and popularity of pickleball, particularly for older age groups. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Courts 4 13 19 /1,000 0.23 0.22 0.26 0.86 0.77 Port Orchard presently provides 4 lighted outdoor tennis courts or a ratio of 0.26 outdoor tennis courts per 1,000 residents at Givens Field/Active Club and Van Zee Parks. All public and private agencies combined provide 13 courts or a ratio of 0.86 outdoor tennis courts per 1,000 residents including Mary McCormick Memorial Park and South Kitsap High School. Pickleball court overlays will be added to all existing tennis courts, particularly at public parks, to reflect the growing interest in this activity. An additional 6 more lighted tennis/pickleball courts or a ratio of 0.77 courts per 1,000 residents should be added at the future middle/high schools site in McCormick Woods and a new community park at Bethell/Salomonberry Road to provide access. Soccer/lacrosse fields Participation model projections indicate public agencies should be providing a ratio of 0.32 competition or regulation soccer/lacrosse fields per every 1,000 residents then gradually decline to 0.29 as 12 I Port Orchard PROS Plan the population ages. The projections do not estimate youth or practice field requirements. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review all agencies provided 0.39 rectangular competition fields for soccer and lacrosse and 0.08 multipurpose synthetic and overlay fields per 1,000 persons or 0.47 fields in total. NRPA standards do not estimate youth or practice field requirements. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Youth 2 10 11 /1,000 Na Na 0.13 0.66 0.44 Adult 1 17 22 /1,000 0.47 0.47 0.07 1.12 0.89 Port Orchard presently provides 2 practice or youth fields or a ratio of 0.13 fields per 1,000 residents including an informal grass clinic play area for young children at Central/Clayton Park, and standard regulation field at Van Zee Park or 0.07 regulation fields per 1,000 city residents. All agencies combined provide 10 youth or practice and 17 regulation fields or a ratio of 0.66 youth or practice and 1.12 regulations fields per 1,000 residents at Bill Bloomquist Rotary, South Kitsap Regional, Veterans Memorial, and Deer Parks and East Port Orchard, Hidden Creek Mullenix Ridge, Orchard Heights, Sidney Glen, and Sunnyslope Elementary, Marcus Whitman Middle Schools, and Explorer & Hope Academies. A number of the existing park and school fields should be improved with drainage, irrigation, and possibly lighting on some fields to provide adequate and safe practice and competition events. An additional 1 youth or practice and 5 adult fields should be added at Van Zee Park, a new neighborhood park at Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road, and the future middle/high school property in McCormick Woods,to meet local youth and practice needs and regional competition games. Page 220 of 342 Back to Agenda An existing field at Givens Field/Civic Club should be improved with artificial turf to increase game capacity. Baseball/softball fields Participation model projections indicate public agencies should be providing a ratio of 0.53 regulation (250+ feet) baseball and softball fields of all per every 1,000 residents then gradually decline to 0.49 as the population ages. Participation models do not estimate T-Ball or youth field requirements. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review agencies serving populations of 20,000-49,999 provided 0.30 regulation baseball/softball youth and 0.08 adult fields per 1,000 persons. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Youth 1 8 10 /1,000 0.30 Na 0.67 0.53 0.40 Adults 2 17 35 /1,000 0.08 0.49 0.13 1.12 1.41 Port Orchard presently provides 2 T-Ball, 1 youth, and 2 adult fields or a ratio of 0.67 youth and 0.13 regulation fields per 1,000 residents at Central/Clayton Park, Givens Field/Active Club, and Van Zee Park. All agencies combined provide 2 T-Ball, 8 youth, and 17 adult fields or a ratio of 0.53 youth and 1.12 regulation fields per 1,000 residents including Bill Bloomquist Rotary, Long Lake County, South Kitsap Regional, Veterans Memorial, and Deer Parks and East Port Orchard, Hidden Creek, Mullenix Ridge, Orchard Heights, Sidney Glen, and Sunnyslope Elementary and Marcus Whitman, and Explorer & Hope Academies. The supply includes a large number of un-improved park and school fields that are capable of providing safe or functional practice use let along regulation game fields for youth or adult play. These fields should be improved with drainage, irrigation, grass or turf surfaces, and possibly lighting on some fields to provide adequate and safe practice and competition events. An additional 2 youth (200-foot) field capacity could be developed at Hidden Creek and Sunnyslope Elementary Schools, 5 additional 250+-foot fields could be developed at a neighborhood park at Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road, the future middle/high school site, and East Port Orchard Elementary School, 10 additional 250+-foot fields could be improved at Van Zee Park, East Port Orchard, Hidden Creek, Mullenix Ridge, Orchard Heights Elementary Schools, Marcus White Middle School, and the future middle/high school site, and 3 new 300-foot fields could be developed at the new Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road and future middle/high school site to increase practice and game capacity for all age groups and field distribution. Swimming pool Participation model projections indicate public agencies should be providing a ratio of 541 square feet of swimming pool area or 0.04 of 13,454 square feet of an Olympic sized swimming pool per every 1,000 residents declining to 503 square feet as the population ages. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review all agencies provided 0.03 outdoor swimming pools per 1,000 persons. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Pools 0 1 2 /1,000 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.07 0.08 Port Orchard School District provides an indoor Olympic sized 50- meter pool at South Kitsap High School property or a ratio of 0.07 pools per 1,000 residents. The Port Orchard School District could consider developing a leisure pool facility at the future school site in McCormick Woods to expand and diversify swimming options. Recreation centers There are no comparable participation model data with which to project demand for indoor recreation center facilities. Port Orchard PROS Plan 113 Page 221 of 342 Back to Agenda According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review all agencies provided 0.03 recreation centers per 1,000 persons. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Fitness 0 35,388 35,988 /1,000 0.03 Na 0 2,341 1,453 Gyms 0 75,300 97,800 /1,000 0.03 Na 0 4,981 3,949 Port Orchard does not currently provide fitness facilities though private agents provide 35,388 square feet or 2,341 square feet per 1,000 residents at Westcoast Fitness, Crossfit NWNW, and Olympic Fitness Club. Port Orchard will provide 600 square feet of fitness facility in the KPFD Community Events Center or a ratio of 1,453 square feet per 1,000 residents by 2040. Port Orchard does not provide gymnasium facilities through other public agencies provide 36,000 square feet of youth and 39,300 square feet of NCAA or 75,300 total square feet or 4,981 square feet per 1,000 residents in Givens Community & Senior Center, East Port Orchard, Hidden Creek, Mullenix, Orchard Heights, Sidney Glen, and Sunnyslope Elementary and Cedar Heights, Marcus Whitman Middle, and South Kitsap High Schools. Additional gymnasium facilities will be developed at the future middle/high school site including a possible 8,400 square foot multipurpose and 14,100 square foot NCAA regulation gym or 22,500 total square feet or a ratio of 3,949 square feet per 1,000 residents by 2040. Most of the gymnasium inventory is in public schools that are not available for use by the public during daytime and some evening hours. Existing facilities may not be sufficient to provide public access to recreational facilities by retired persons, at-home mothers, or workers during school hours. 14 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Meeting rooms There are no comparable participation model data or NRPA standards with which to project demand for publicly accessible meeting facilities. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Meeting 2,000 22,100 28,100 /1,000 Na Na 132 1,462 1,135 Port Orchard provides 2,000 square feet or 132 square feet of meeting room facilities per 1,000 residents at City Hall and Library. All public and private agencies combined provide 2 2, 100 square feet or 1,462 square feet per 1,000 residents at the Givens Community & Senior Center, Long Lake County Park, Horstman Heights Pocket Park, Boys & Girls Club of South Puget Sound, Port Orchard American Legion, Port Orchard Masonic, Center, and Port Orchard Eagles. Some of the meeting room inventory is in private facilities that may not be available for public use without a membership or rental fee and may not be available for public use during normal day or evening hours. An additional 6,000 square feet of meeting facilities including a theater or event space, large meeting room, medium sized meeting room, conference room, and restaurant banquet space will be provided in the KPFD Community Event Center for a ratio of 1,135 square feet per 1,000 residents by 2040. Community centers There are no comparable RCO participation model data with which to project demand for public indoor community center facilities. According to National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) 2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review all agencies provided 0.03 community centers per 1,000 persons or 1,612 square feet where an average community center is 5 3,72 5 square feet. Page 222 of 342 NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Center 0 24,000 34,600 /1,000 1,612 Na 0 1,588 1,397 Port Orchard does not currently provide multipurpose community center space including classrooms, workshops, or studios. Kitsap County provides 24,000 square feet or 1,588 square feet per 1,000 residents for Aging & Long -Term Care, Montessori school, Head Start, and other community organizations and activities. South Kitsap School District provides classrooms, workshops, and art and music studios in elementary, junior/middle, and high schools that are available for public use after school hours but not during daytime hours for public use for preschool, seniors, or other at-home family members The KPFD Community Event Center will provide 10,600 square feet of community space including a public library or 1,397 square feet per 1,000 residents by 2040. Museums There are no RCO participation model standards with which to project museum requirements nor does the NRPA have a benchmark. Back to Agenda Holes /1,000 Na Na 0 90 90 0.00 5.95 3.63 Port Orchard does not provide golf facilities though other public and nonprofits provide 90 holes per 1,000 residents at the Village Greens, McCormick Woods, Gold Mountain, and Trophy Lake clubs and courses. Any additional golf facilities will depend on these and similar organizations. Marinas There are no RCO participation model standards with which to project museum requirements nor does the NRPA have a benchmark. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Slips 0 281 281 /1,000 Na Na 0 19 11 Port Orchard does not provide marina facilities though other public and private agencies provide 281 side ties, open, and covered slips or 19 slips per 1,000 residents at the Port's Port Orchard Marina, and private Port Orchard Yacht Club, Sinclair, and Port Orchard Railway Marinas. Any additional marina facilities will depend on these and similar organizations. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Equestrian facilities Museum 0 7,684 7,684 There are no RCO participation model standards with which to /1,000 Na Na 0 508 310 project museum requirements nor does the NRPA have a benchmark. Port Orchard does not provide museum space though nonprofits provide 7,684 square feet per 1,000 residents in the Sidney, Log NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Cabin, and Veteran's Living History Museums. Any additional Holes 0 3 3 museum space will depend on these and similar organizations. /1,000 Na Na 0.00 0.20 0.12 Golf There are no participation model standards with which to project museum requirements nor does the NRPA have a benchmark. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Port Orchard does not provide equestrian facilities though other nonprofit and private agents provide 3 stables, outdoor arenas, and indoor riding barns or 0.20 facilities per 1,000 residents at the Clover Valley Riding Center, Riding Place, and Kitsap Saddle Club. Port Orchard PROS Plan 115 Page 223 of 342 Back to Agenda Any additional equestrian facilities will depend on these and similar organizations. Sunnort facilities There are no RCO participation model standards with which to project supporting administrative office, equipment and shop maintenance yards, and plant nursery requirements. The NRPA does not have a benchmark for park supporting facilities. NRPA RCO PO existing All total All proposed Acres 5.59 5.59 5.59 /1,000 Na Na 0.37 0.37 0.23 Sq ft 13,000 13,000 13,000 /1,000 Na Na 860 860 525 Port Orchard provides 1.82 acres yard at the Public Works Maintenance Yard at Vivian Court and 3.77 acres at the South Shed Facility at Sidney Avenue or 5,59 acres in total or 0.37 acres per 1,000 residents. Port Orchard provides 1,000 square feet of office and 12,000 square feet of park maintenance yard facilities or a ratio of 860 square feet per 1,000 residents at City Hall and the Maintenance Yard. The facilities are sufficient to meet present needs for existing park facilities but could require additional space at these sites or satellite facilities in existing or future parks. Future growth implications The Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM) and the Port Orchard Community Development Department expect the population of the city within the urban growth area will increase from 15,117 persons in 2020 to an estimated 24,768 persons by the year 2040 - or by 9,651 or 64% more persons. This forecasted population increase will create significant requirements for all types of parks, recreation, and open space 16 I Port Orchard PROS Plan lands and facilities in the city especially within the downtown area scheduled for higher density development. The population forecasts do not include expected increases in regional tourists and users who also frequent city parks, recreational facilities, trails, and open spaces. Port Orchard/Port Orchard ELOS value 2020 Supply Value Land acres 96.2 $ 15,332,000 Facility units 24,531 $ 35,302,472 Total $ 50,634,472 Value/capita Value/household* Household of 2.43 persons per unit 3,349 8,139 Port Orchard/Port Orchard ELOS (existing level -of -service requirement 2020-2040 2020 2040 2040 Supply Deficit Cost Land acres 96.2 61.4 $ 9,788,260 Facility units 24,531 15,661 $ 22,537,815 Total cost $ 32,326,076 Under the existing level -of -service (ELOS) for Port Orchard owned park land and facilities in the city, the forecasted population increase will create a city-wide need for an additional 61.4 acres of land and 15,661 facility units (square feet, courts, fields, etc.) by the year 2040. The continuation of the city's existing level -of -service (ELOS) could require an expenditure of $32,326,076 by the year 2040 simply to remain current with present standards - not accounting for any maintenance, operation or repair costs. The approximate cost of sustaining the city's existing level -of - service (ELOS) standard would be equal to about $3,349 per every new person added to the city's population or about $8,139 for every new housing unit. This assumes Port Orchard would continue to Page 224 of 342 Back to Agenda maintain the same ratio of parklands and facilities for the future population that the city has in the past. Composite PLOS (Proposed level -of -service) requirement 2020- 2040 2020 2040 2040 Supply Addns Cost Land acres 2,197.8 224.6 $ 18,886,350 Facility units 154,568 29,219 $ 127,901,071 Total cost $ 146,787,421 Port Orchard cost $ 68,874,553 Port Orchard % 47% Under the composite agencies Proposed level -of -service (PLOS) for all public and privately -owned park land and facilities in the city, the forecasted population increase will create a city-wide proposal for an additional 224.6 acres of land and 29,219 facility units (square feet, courts, fields, etc.) by the year 2040. This assumes these agencies would supplement the existing inventory as described within this chapter rather than simply extending the same ratios into the future. The realization of the composite agencies Proposed level -of -service (PLOS) for all agencies could require a total of $146,787,421 by the year 2040 - not accounting for any maintenance, operation or repair costs. Based on the project proposals described in the plan chapters, Port Orchard's parks, recreation, and open space share of the cost would be $68,874,553 or 47%. Built encroachments However, if these proposals are not realized soon the present trend of increasing developments may: • Encroach upon - or preclude the preservation and public accessibility of the more sensitive and appealing environmental sites, particularly those proposed for cross city trail corridors and additional sensitive land preservations along riparian corridors and shorelines, and • Develop - or otherwise preclude the purchase and development of suitable lands for playgrounds, picnic shelters, waterfront access, and other neighborhood facilities. Forcing city residents to: • Use crowded - picnic areas, playgrounds, community centers, and hike and bike on crowded trails, • Commute to play - at overcrowded existing facilities in the city and/or organized recreational programs may have to be reduced, and • Commute to use - available facilities in other areas of the city, particularly out of Port Orchard and/or to other jurisdictions parks and/or programs may have to be curtailed to prevent severe overcrowding conditions in the facilities that do provide such services. Such actions would be to the detriment of city residents who have paid the costs of developing and operating these facilities. Financial implications These levels of facility investment may not be solely financed with the resources available to Port Orchard if the city pursues an independent delivery approach or uses traditional methods of funding. Port Orchard will not be financially able to develop, manage, and maintain a comprehensive, independent park, recreation, and open space system using only traditional financing methods in light of the needs projected. These needs require a citywide financing approach by Port Orchard and where appropriate in partnership with Port Orchard School District, Port of Bremerton, and Kitsap County, as well as proposed nonprofit or for -profit partners. A citywide approach may use a combination of shared user fees, excise taxes, joint grant applications, impact fees, and voter approved property tax levies to maintain and improve facilities in the face of continued city population increases. Port Orchard PROS Plan 117 Page 225 of 342 18 Back to Agenda4 8 March 2022 • • • Population in development 1 Population in city 2020 15,117 Population in city 2040 24,768 2022 ELOS Year 2040 Facility Project/ Year 2040 fclty standard facility cost per capita funding units total /1000 rqmnt deficit /unit fee deficit land resource conservancy acres 8.1 0.54 13.3 5.2 $50,000 $26.79 $258,560 land resource activities acres 15.6 1.03 25.6 10.0 $125,000 $128.99 $1,244,920 land linear trails acres 1.5 0.10 2.5 1.0 $150,000 $14.88 $143,64S land athletic fields/playgrounds acres 65.4 4.33 107.2 41.8 $180,000 $778.73 $7,515,484 land recreation centers/pools acres 0.00 0.0 0.0 $455,000 $0.00 $0 land special use facilities acres 0.00 0.0 0.0 $225,000 $0.00 $0 land support facilities/yards/bu. acres 5.6 0.37 9.2 3.6 $175,000 $64.83 $625,652 Subtotal for land impact 96.2 6.36 157.6 61.4 $1,014.22 $9,788,260 Facilities community garde nature each 0.00 0 0 $50,000 $0.00 $0 swimming beach sand park space 0.00 0 0 $22,090 $0.00 $0 fishing bank or dock park space 0.00 0 0 $20,624 $0.00 $0 handcarry launch concrete ramp park spa 4 0.26 7 3 $26,367 $6.98 $67,333 boat launch paved 25 boat capacity ramp 1 0.07 2 1 $460,335 $30.45 $293,887 floating pier pier squaref( 169 11.18 277 108 $500 $5.59 $53,947 camping tent w/services,restroom campsite 0.00 0 0 $145,172 $0.00 $0 camping group-ll w/services, restroom campsite 0.00 0 0 $18,724 $0.00 $0 camping RV w/services, shower campsite 0.00 0 0 $170,120 $0.00 $0 picnic benches bench 6 0.40 10 4 $15,000 $5.95 $57,458 tables w/o shelter table 13 0.86 21 8 $40,965 $35.23 $339,988 shelters -group use shelter 3 0.20 5 2 $129,373 $25.67 $247,783 multipurpose traasphalt w/services 10' mile 3.64 0.24 6.0 2.3 $1,197,312 $288.30 $2,782,373 gravel w/services 10' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $469,646 $0.00 $0 asphalt w/services 8' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $979,012 $0.00 $0 gravel w/services trail 8' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $396,880 $0.00 $0 bridge sq it 2,400 158.76 ###### ###### $500 $79.38 $766,104 park trail concrete/asphalt trail 6' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $761,719 $0.00 $0 crushed rock 6' mile 0.48 0.03 0.8 0.3 $373,631 $11.86 $114,496 concrete/asphalt trail 5' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $640,442 $0.00 $0 crushed rock S' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $227,091 $0.00 $0 crushed rock 4' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $190,708 $0.00 $0 dirt 2' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $98,983 $0.00 $0 shoreline mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $40,369 $0.00 $0 boardwalk sq it 0.00 0.0 0.0 $500 $0.00 $0 bike on -road on -road w/shoulder 6' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $1,425,996 $0.00 $0 on -road w/shoulder 4' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $989,397 $0.00 $0 on -road in -lane designated mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $67,687 $0.00 $0 on -road signage only mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $3,006 $0.00 $0 bike off -road BMX course/pump track each 0.00 0.0 0.0 $500,000 $0.00 $0 bike park trail asphaltw/services 10' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $1,201,640 $0.00 $0 crushed rock w/sys 10' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $473,974 $0.00 $0 off -road dirt w/services 2' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $107,707 $0.00 $0 dirt w/services 1.5' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $84,026 $0.00 $0 dirt w/services l' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $67,956 $0.00 $0 horse trail dirt w/services 2' mile 0.00 0.0 0.0 $71,381 $0.00 $0 water trailhead launch, campsite w/service: site 0.00 0.0 0.0 $40,128 $0.00 $0 trailhead w/restrooms site 0.00 0.0 0.0 $743,911 $0.00 $0 trailhead w/sanican site 0.00 0.0 0.0 $287,054 $0.00 $0 dog park off -leash parks acre 1 0.07 2 1 $150,000 $9.92 $95,763 playground covered each 0.00 0 0 $546,902 $0.00 $0 uncovered each 8 0.53 13 5 $471,902 $249.73 $2,410,17S play area improved acre 0.00 0.0 0.0 $1,044,488 $0.00 $0 spray park concrete each 0.00 0.0 0.0 $639,354 $0.00 $0 paracourse station each 0.00 0.0 0.0 $21,581 $0.00 $0 skateboard skateboard court - concrete court 0.00 0 0 $750,000 $0.00 $0 skateboard court - ramps court 0.00 0 0 $250,000 $0.00 $0 skate dot each 0.00 0 0 $25,000 $0.00 $0 basketball/sport outdoor covered court 0.00 0.0 0.0 $358,540 $0.00 $0 outdoor lighted court 0.00 0 0 $358,540 $0.00 $0 outdoor uncovered court 2.0 0.13 3.3 1.3 $285,427 $37.76 $364,445 volleyball outdoor uncovered sand court 0.00 0.0 0.0 $140,334 $0.00 $0 tennis indoor court 0.00 0 0 $928,087 $0.00 $0 outdoor lighted court 4 0.26 7 3 $858,765 $227.23 $2,193,012 outdoor unlighted court 0.00 0 0 $305,335 $0.00 $0 field track rubber surface miles 0.00 0.00 0.00 $354,902 $0.00 $0 cinder surface miles 0.00 0.00 0.00 $252,555 $0.00 $0 football /rugby turf lighted field 0.00 0 0 $1,761,634 $0.00 $0 grass lighted field 0.00 0 0 $1,611,634 $0.00 $0 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 226 of 342 Back to Agenda 2022 ELOS Year 2040 Facility Project/ Year 2040 fclty standard facility cost per capita funding units total /1000 rqmnt deficit /unit fee deficit grass unlighted field 0.00 0 0 $1,521,695 $0.00 $0 practice field field 0.00 0 0 $250,000 $0.00 $0 soccer indoor field 0.00 0 0 $0.00 $0 330x390 turf lighted field 0.00 0 0 $7,575,916 $0.00 $0 330x390 grass lighted field 1 0.07 2 1 $4,245,850 $280.87 $2,710,637 330x390 grass unlighted field 1 0.07 2 1 $905,506 $59.90 $578,093 240x330 grass field 0.00 0 0 $2,329,086 $0.00 $0 240x330 dirt field 0.00 0 0 $763,670 $0.00 $0 youth multipurpose field 1 0.07 2 1 $513,425 $33.96 $327,781 baseball 300+ turf lighted concessio field 0.00 0 0 $3,749,362 $0.00 $0 300+ grass lighted concessi field 1 0.07 2 1 $2,427,456 $160.58 $1,549,737 300+dirt unlighted field 0.00 0 0 $601,928 $0.00 $0 softball 200-300 grass lighted conci field 0.00 0 0 $1,425,240 $0.00 $0 200-300 dirt w/o lights field 0.00 0 0 $444,878 $0.00 $0 baseball 250+ grass lighted concessi field 0.00 0 0 $2,720,621 $0.00 $0 250+grass unlighted field 0.00 0 0 $1,518,097 $0.00 $0 250+ dirt unlighted field 1 0.07 2 1 $444,878 $29.43 $284,019 baseball 200+ grass lighted concessi field 1 0.07 2 1 $1,380,021 $91.29 $881,033 200+grass unlighted field 0.00 0 0 $1,288,540 $0.00 $0 200+ dirt unlighted field 0.00 0 0 $482,746 $0.00 $0 180 dirt T-ball field 2 0.13 3 1 $100,000 $13.23 $127,684 batting cage each 0.00 0 0 $25,000 $0.00 $0 swim pool indoor sq ft 0.00 0 0 $2,077 $0.00 $0 outdoor sq ft 0.00 0 0 $1,555 $0.00 $0 rctn cntr indoor gymnasium sq ft 0.00 0 0 $801 $0.00 $0 physical conditioning sq ft 600 39.69 983 383 $801 $31.79 $306,825 racquetball (1600 each/sf f ea/sq ft 0.00 0 0 $1,281,600 $0.00 $0 handball (1200 sf) ea/sq ft 0.00 0 0 $961,200 $0.00 $0 comty cntr arts/crafts/classrooms sq ft 0.00 0 0 $806 $0.00 $0 meeting facilities sq ft 7,300 482.90 11,960 4,660 $806 $389.22 $3,756,337 large meeting sq ft 0.00 0 0 $806 $0.00 $0 theater/auditorium sq ft 0.00 0 0 $806 $0.00 $0 kitchen facilities sq ft 0.00 0 0 $806 $0.00 $0 dining facilities sq ft 0.00 0 0 $806 $0.00 $0 child cntr daycare/childcare sq ft 0.00 0 0 $806 $0.00 $0 pre/after-school sq ft 0.00 0 0 $806 $0.00 $0 special teen center sq ft 0.00 0 0 $806 $0.00 $0 senior center sq ft 0.00 0 0 $806 $0.00 $0 operations admin facilities sq ft 2,000 132.30 3,277 1,277 $250 $33.08 $319,210 maintenance fclties sq ft 12,000 793.81 19,661 7,661 $200 $158.76 $1,532,209 shop yard sq ft 0.00 0 0 $200 $0.00 $0 caretaker ea/sq ft 0.00 0 0 $250 $0.00 $0.00 concession stands sq ft 0.00 0 0 $442 $0.00 $0.00 restrooms concessions building sq ft 0.00 0 0 $442 $0.00 $0 permanent fixture 8 0.53 13 5 $73,910 $39.11 $377,485 temporary/sanican each 0.00 0 0 $2,000 $0.00 $0 Subtotal for facility impact 24,531 1,622.75 40,192 15,661 $2,335.28 $22,537,815 Total impact for land and facilities - per capita $3,349.51 $32,326,076 Total impact for land and facilities - persons/household of 2.43 $8,139.30 Total value of existing park lands $15,332,000 Total value of existing park facilities $35,302,472 Total value of existing park lands and facilities $50,634,472 Note - facility costs include site preparation, utilities, parking, amenities, and other improvements pro rated. Port Orchard PROS Plan 119 Page 227 of 342 Back to Agenda 20 8 March 2022 Proposed composite level -of- service (PLOS) additions - 2022-2044 PLOS Acquire Indirect Direct Total City City facility site design const dvpmnt fundin funding Acquire park site Project units addtn cost cost cost cost share required a land resource conservancies Blackjack Creek Corridor acres 5.0 $50,000 $250,000 0% $0 resource conservancies Ross Creek Corridor acres 5.0 $50,000 $250,000 0% $0 resource conservancies Ross Point hillsides acres 120.0 $50,000 $6,000,000 0% $0 resource conservancies Stormwater Park acres 32.6 $35,000 $1,141,350 100% $1,141,350 resource conservancies Daylight Johnson Creek acres 1.0 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 100% $1,200,000 resource conservancies Etta Turner Park Expansion acres 1.5 $500,000 $750,000 100% $750,000 b land resource activities Ruby Creek Regional Park acres 15.0 $50,000 $750,000 100% $750,000 resource activities Mitchell Point acres 1.0 $125,000 $125,000 100% $125,000 c land linear trails - 40 ft wide Bay Street Pedestrian Path Ph 1 (see acres 10.0 $222,000 $2,220,000 50% $1,110,000 linear trails - 40 it wide Old Clifton Road acres in ROW $150,000 $0 0% $0 linear trails - 40 ft wide Glenwood Road acres in ROW $150,000 $0 0% $0 linear trails - 40 ft wide Sedgwick Road acres in ROW $150,000 $0 0% $0 linear trails - 40 ft wide Sidney Road acres in ROW $150,000 $0 0% $0 linear trails - 40 ft wide Bay Street to Kitsap Rgnl Park acres in ROW $150,000 $0 0% $0 waterfront/trail access East Gateway acres 1.0 $150,000 $150,000 100% $150,000 d land playgrounds/athletic fields @ Aiken Road acres 2.0 $300,000 $600,000 100% $600,000 playgrounds/athletic fields @ Bethell/Salmonberry Road acres 2.0 $300,000 $600,000 100% $600,000 playgrounds/athletic fields @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road acres 8.0 $200,000 $1,600,000 100% $1,600,000 e land rctn centers/pools New High School site acres $455,000 $0 0% $0 rem centers/pools KPFD Community Center Site acres 0.5 $2,500,000 $1,250,000 100% $1,250,000 e land miscellaneous acquisitions sites to be determined acres 20.0 $100,000 $2,000,000 100% $2,000,000 Subtotal for land impact 224.6 $18,886,350 $11,276,350 Develop facilities Project 1 daylight stream daylight stream Johnson Creek Daylighting each 1 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 100% $1,000,000 daylight stream Kitsap Street (unnamed stream) Daeach 1 $750,000 $750,000 100% $750,000 2 downtown waterfront plazas streetscape Port Street Plaza each 1 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 100% $1,500,000 streetscape KPFDPlaza/Frederick-SidneyAvent each 1 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 100% $1,200,000 streetscape Orchard Avenue Plaza each 1 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 100% $1,500,000 streetscape Sidney Avenue each 1 $250,000 $250,000 100% $250,000 streetscape Harrison Avenue each 1 $250,000 $250,000 100% $250,000 streetscape Waterfront Park Expansion each 1 $250,000 $250,000 100% $250,000 streetscape Mitchell Extension/Westbay each 1 $250,000 $2S0,000 0% $0 streetscape East Gateway each 1 $350,000 $350,000 100% $350,000 streetscape Orchard Avenue/Prospect Street hi each 1 $500,000 $500,000 100% $500,000 amphitheater McCormick Village Park each 1 $250,000 $250,000 100% $250,000 splash pad McCormick Village Park each 1 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 100% $1,000,000 3 community garden community garden @ Bethell/Salmonberry Road acres 1.0 $7,500 $7,500 100% $7,S00 4 boating hand -carry -salt SR-166/Bay Street ea/pkng 4 $26,367 $105,468 100% $105,468 hand -carry -salt Ross Point ea/pkng 4 $26,367 $105,468 100% $105,468 hand -carry -salt Ross Creek ea/pkng 2 $26,367 $52,734 100% $52,734 hand -carry -salt Mitchell Point ea/pkng 2 $26,367 $52,734 100% $52,734 hand -carry -salt Annapolis Foot Ferry ea/pkng 2 $26,367 $52,734 0% $0 hand -carry -salt Beach Drive 1-Bancroft Road ea/pkng 2 $26,367 $52,734 0% $0 hand -carry -salt Beach Drive 2-Bancroft Road ea/pkng 2 $26,367 $52,734 0% $0 5 picnic tables w/o shelter Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park table 4 $40,965 $163,860 0% $0 tables w/o shelter McCormick Village Park table 4 $40,965 $163,860 100% $163,860 tables w/o shelter @ Aiken Road table 2 $40,965 $81,930 100% $81,930 tables w/o shelter @ Bethell/Salmonberry Road table 2 $40,965 $81,930 100% $81,930 tables w/o shelter @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road table 2 $40,965 $81,930 100% $81,930 6 picnic shelters -group use Givens Field/Active Club shelter 1 $129,373 $129,373 100% $129,373 shelters -group use McCormick Village Park shelter 1 $129,373 $129,373 100% $129,373 shelters -group use South Kitsap Regional Park shelter 1 $129,373 $129,373 0% $0 shelters -group use Veterans Memorial Park shelter 1 $129,373 $129,373 0% $0 shelters -group use Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park shelter 1 $129,373 $129,373 0% $0 shelters -group use @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road shelter 1 $129,373 $129,373 100% $129,373 7 multipurpose path asphalt 10' Bay Street Pedestrian Path Segment each 1.00 $3,295,892 $3,29S,892 50% $1,647,946 asphalt 10' Bay Street Ped Path West each 1.00 $1,000,000 $3,566,494 $4,566,494 50% $2,283,247 asphalt 10' Old Clifton Road mile 1.70 $1,197,312 $2,035,430 100% $2,035,430 asphalt 10' Blueberry Lake Road mile 0.57 $1,197,312 $682,468 0% $0 asphalt 10' Glenwood Road mile 1.28 $1,197,312 $1,532,559 0% $0 asphalt 10' Sedgwick Road mile 0.19 $1,197,312 $227,489 0% $0 asphalt 10' Sidney Road mile 0.38 $1,197,312 $454,979 0% $0 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 228 of 342 Back to Agenda asphalt 10' Port Orchard Blvd. mile 0.66 $1,197,312 $790,226 100% $790,226 asphalt 10' Bay Street to Kitsap Rgnl Park mile 1.89 $1,197,312 $2,262,920 20% $452,584 8 park trail wood chip or crushed rock 6' Ruby Creek Regional Park mile 2.00 $373,631 $747,262 100% $747,262 wood chip or crushed rock 6' McCormick Village Park mile 0.33 $373,631 $123,298 100% $123,298 wood chip or crushed rock 6' Stormwater Park mile 0.75 $373,631 $280,223 100% $280,223 10 dog trail/park fenced area Central/Clayton Park acre 0.25 $200,000 $50,000 100% $50,000 11 playground uncovered - existing park Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park plygrnd 1 $100,000 $100,000 0% $0 uncovered - existing park Veterans Memorial Park plygrnd 1 $100,000 $100,000 0% $0 uncovered -existing park McCormick Village Park plygrnd 1 $100,000 $100,000 100% $100,000 uncovered - new park @ Aiken Road plygrnd 1 $471,902 $471,902 100% $471,902 uncovered - new park @ Bethell/Salmonberry Road plygrnd 1 $471,902 $471,902 100% $471,902 uncovered - new park @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road plygrnd 1 $471,902 $471,902 100% $471,902 uncovered - new park young agi Stormwater Park plygrnd 1 $471,902 $471,902 100% $471,902 uncovered - new park older age Stormwater Park plygrnd 1 $471,902 $471,902 100% $471,902 uncovered - new park Ruby Creek Park plygrnd 1 $471,902 $471,902 100% $471,902 12 skateboard pump track Ruby Creek Park track 1 $250,000 $2S0,000 100% $250,000 skate dot @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road dots 1 $25,000 $25,000 100% $25,000 skate dot Givens Field/Active Club dots 1 $25,000 $25,000 100% $25,000 skate dot Van Zee Park dots 1 $25,000 $25,000 100% $25,000 skate dot Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park dots 1 $25,000 $25,000 0% $0 skate dot Veterans Memorial Park dots 1 $25,000 $25,000 0% $0 13 sport court uncovered not lighted Givens Field/Active Club resurface court 1 $179,214 $179,214 100% $179,214 uncovered not lighted Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park court 1 $358,427 $358,427 0% $0 uncovered not lighted South Kitsap Regional Park court 1 $358,427 $358,427 0% $0 uncovered not lighted Veterans Memorial Park court 1 $358,427 $358,427 0% $0 uncovered not lighted @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road court 1 $358,427 $358,427 100% $358,427 uncovered not lighted Stormwater Park court 1 $358,427 $358,427 100% $358,427 14 tennis tennis -outdoor lighted Future HS/MS school site court 4 $858,765 $3,435,060 0% $0 tennis -outdoor lighted @ Bethell/Sahnonberry Road court 2 $858,765 $1,717,530 100% $1,717,S30 15 soccer turf lighted Givens Field/Active Club field 1 $7,575,916 $7,575,916 100% $7,575,916 grass lighted @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road field 2 $4,245,850 $8,491,700 100% $8,491,700 grass lighted Future HS/MS school site field 3 $4,245,850 $12,737,550 0% $0 youth Van Zee Park field 1 $513,425 $513,425 100% $513,425 16 baseball -new 300+grass lighted Future HS/MS school site field 1 $2,427,456 $2,427,456 0% $0 300+ grass lighted @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road field 2 $2,427,456 $4,8S4,912 100% $4,854,912 baseball - new 250+grass lighted Future HS/MS school site field 1 $2,720,621 $2,720,621 0% $0 250+ grass lighted @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Road field 2 $2,720,621 $5,441,242 1009/ $5,441,242 250+grass unlighted East Port Orchard ES field 2 $1,518,097 $3,036,194 0% $0 baseball-infill 250+grass unlighted Van Zee Park field 1 $1,518,097 $1,518,097 50% $759,049 250+grass unlighted East Port Orchard ES field 2 $1,518,097 $3,036,194 0% $0 250+ grass unlighted Hidden Creek ES field 1 $1,518,097 $1,518,097 0% $0 250+grass unlighted Mullenix Ridge ES field 1 $1,518,097 $1,518,097 0% $0 250+ grass unlighted Orchard Heights ES field 2 $1,518,097 $3,036,194 0% $0 250+grass unlighted Marcus Whitman MS field 1 $1,518,097 $1,518,097 0% $0 250+grass unlighted Future HS/MS school site field 2 $1,518,097 $3,036,194 0% $0 baseball -insert 200+ grass unlighted Hidden Creek ES field 1 $1,288,540 $1,288,540 0% $0 200+grass unlighted Sunnyslope ES field 1 $1,288,540 $1,288,540 0% $0 17 rctn cntr indoor gymnasium Future HS/MS school site sq ft 22,500 $801 $18,022,500 0% $0 physical conditioning KPFD Community Events Ctr sq ft 600 $801 $480,600 100% $480,600 18 cmty cntr class/meeting rooms KPFD Community Events Ctr sq ft 6,000 $806 $4,836,000 100% $4,836,000 19 restrooms permanent restroom McCormick Village Park each 1 $443,460 $443,460 100% $443,460 Subtotal for facility impact 29,219 $127,901,071 $57,598,203 Total impact for land and facilities $146,787,421 $68,874,553 Port Orchard PROS Plan 121 Page 229 of 342 Back to Agenda 22 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 8 March 2022 2022-2042 PROS Plan UP Total City dvpmnt funding Project cost share Cv = Conservation Cv1 Blackjack Creek Corridor Conservation $250,000 $0 Cv2 Daylight Johnson Creek $2,200,000 $2,200,000 Cv3 Ross Point Hillside Conservation $6,250,000 $0 Cv4 Kitsap Street Daylighting $750,000 $750,000 Subtotal $9,450,000 $2,950,000 Wa = Waterfront Access for handcarry launch Wal Annapolis Foot Ferry Waterfront Access $52,734 $0 Wag Beach Drive 1-Bancroft Road Waterfront Access $52,734 $0 Wa3 Beach Drive 2-Bancroft Road Waterfront Access $52,734 $0 Wa4 Mitchell Extension/Westbay Waterfront Access $250,000 $0 Was Mitchell Point Waterfront Access $177,734 $177,734 Wa6 Ross Creek Access $52,734 $52,734 Wa7 Ross Point Access $105,468 $105,468 Wa8 SR-16/Bay Street Waterfront Access $105,468 $105,468 Subtotal $849,606 $441,404 Tr = Trails Trl Bay Street Ped Path West $4,566,494 $2,283,247 Tr2 Bay Street Pedestrian Path Ph 1 (see TIP 1.1) $2,220,000 $1,110,000 Tr3 Bay Street Pedestrian Path Segments 6-11 $3,295,892 $1,647,946 Tr4 Bay Street to Kitsap Rgnl Park Trail $2,262,920 $452,584 Try Blueberry Lake Road Trail $682,468 $0 Tr6 Glenwood Road Trail $1,532.559 $0 Tr7 Harrison Avenue Trail $250,000 $250,000 Tr8 Old Clifton Road Trail $2,035,430 $2,035,430 Tr9 Orchard Avenue Boulevard $790,226 $790,226 Tr10 Sedgwick Road Trail $227,489 $0 Trll Sidney Road Trail $454,979 $0 Subtotal $18,318,457 $8,569,433 Pz = Plazas/Viewpoints Pzl KPFD Community Center Plaza $1,200,000 $1,200,000 Pz2 Central/Clayton Park $50,000 $50,000 Pz3 East Gateway Plaza $500,000 $500,000 Pz4 Orchard Avenue Plaza $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Pz5 Orchard Avenue/Prospect Street Hillclimb $500,000 $500,000 Pz6 Port Street Plaza $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Pz7 Sidney Avenue $250,000 $250,000 Subtotal $5,500,000 $5,500,000 Pk = Parks new Pkl @ Aiken Road Park $1,153,832 $1,153,832 Pk2 @ Blueberry/Ramsey/Geiger Rd Park $21,454,486 $21,454,486 Pk3 @ Bethell/Salmonberry Road Park $2,878,862 $2,878,862 Pk4 Ruby Creek Regional Park $2,219,164 $2,219,164 Pk5 Stormwater Park $2,723,804 $2,723,804 Pk6 KPFD Community Events Center $6,566,600 $6,566,600 Subtotal $36,996,748 $36,996,748 Pk = Parks infill Pk7 Etta Turner Park Expansion $750,000 $750,000 Pk8 Givens Field/Active Club $7,909,503 $7,909,503 Pk9 McCormick Village Park $2,209,991 $2,209,991 Pk10 Van Zee Park $2,056,522 $1,297,474 Pkl2 Waterfront Park Expansion $250,000 $250,000 Subtotal $13,176,016 $12,416,968 Pk = Parks infill County Pk13 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park $776,660 $0 Pkl4 South Kitsap Regional Park $487,800 $0 PUS Veterans Memorial Park $612,800 $0 Subtotal $1,877,260 $0 Sd = School improvements Sell East Port Orchard ES $6,072.388 $0 Sd2 Hidden Creek Es $2,806,637 $0 Sd3 Mullenix Ridge ES $1,518,097 $0 Sd4 Orchard Heights ES $3,036,194 $0 Sd5 Sunnyslope ES $1,288,540 $0 Sd6 Marcus Whitman MS $1,518,097 $0 Sd7 Future HSMS school site $42,379,381 $0 Subtotal $58,619,334 $0 Contingency - to be determined $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Total $146,787,422 $68,874,553 Page 230 of 342 Back to Agenda An analysis was accomplished of recent financial trends in Port Orchard and the impact federal and state program mandates, revenue sharing, and the city's urbanization have on the discretionary monies available for park, recreation, and open space The analysis also reviewed trends in Port Orchard revenues and the affect alternative revenue sources may have on financial prospects. Revenue and expenditure trends - general government Port Orchard's annual general governmental expenditures are derived from the combination of general, special revenue, debt service, and enterprise funds. General fund The General Fund is derived from property and sales taxes, licenses and permits, intergovernmental revenues including state and federal grants, service charges and fees, fines and forfeitures, and other miscellaneous revenues. General funds are used to finance most government operations including staff, equipment, capital facility, and other requirements. ■ Property tax - under Washington State's constitution cities may levy a property tax rate not to exceed $3.60 per $1000 of the assessed value of all taxable property within incorporation limits. The total of all property taxes for all taxing authorities, however, cannot exceed 1.0% of assessed valuation, or $10.00 per $1,000 of value. If the taxes of all districts exceed the 1.0% or $10.00 amount, each is proportionately reduced until the total is at or below the 1.0% limit. In 2001, Washington State law was amended by Proposition 747, a statutory provision limiting the growth of regular property taxes to 1.0% per year, after adjustments for new construction. Any proposed increases over this amount are subject to a referendum vote. The statute was intended to control local governmental spending by controlling the annual rate of growth of property taxes. In practice, however, the statute can reduce the effective property tax yield to an annual level far below a city's levy authorization, particularly when property values are increasing rapidly. Property tax rates Levied property Year Assessed value Levy rate taxes 2015 $1,347,919,629 1.7252 $2,325,381 2016 $1,405,166,175 1.7493 $2,458,008 2017 $1,532,610,083 1.7610 $2,699,058 2018*** $1,631,598,525 1.6683* $2,722,026 2019*** $1,833,047,023 1.5411** $2,851,983* Source: 2019-2020 Revenue, 2019 Revenues Sources Hearing * 2018 levy rate reduced due to Library District levy lid lift ** 2019 depending on outcome of final state utilities *** Proposed rates In 2019, for example, Port Orchard's effective regular property tax rate had declined to $1.5411 per $1,000 of assessed value as a result of the 1% lid limit on annual revenue or about 43% of what the city is authorized to assess. ■ Sales tax - is the city's largest single revenue source and may be used for any legitimate city purpose. However, the city has no direct control over the taxing policy of this source of revenue. The sales tax is collected and distributed by the state and may fluctuate with general economic and local business conditions. Sales tax collection Year Actual Estimated 2015 $ 4,138,566 2016 4,536,118 Port Orchard PROS Plan I 1 Page 231 of 342 Back to Agenda 2017 4,795,199 2018 $ 4,651,000 2019 5,060,000 Source: 2019-2020 Revenue, 2019 Revenues Sources Hearing • Utility and other taxes - are collected from the charges assessed on all city utilities including electric, telephone, garbage, TC cable, natural gas, gambling, vehicle fees, admissions, leasehold excise, and other taxes. The utility taxes are collected by the city and may fluctuate depending on what infrastructure upgrades each utility is paying to update utility systems and operations. Utility and other tax collection Other taxes 2020 Electric $ 1,400,000 Telephone 550,000 Utilities tax 993,000 Garbage 320,000 TV cable 180,000 Natural gas 400,000 Gambling 170,300 Vehicle tax 380,000 Admissions 110,000 Leasehold excise 90,000 Total $ 4,593:300 Source: 2019-2020 Revenue, 2019 Revenues Sources Hearing • Licenses and permits - includes revenues generated from business and occupational licenses and taxes, operating and building permits. Generally, these fees are used to pay for the inspections, processing, and other charges necessary to perform supporting services. • Intergovernmental revenue - includes state and federal grants or pass -through revenues, usually earmarked for specific programs, as well as funds from Port Orchard to finance improvements the city wishes to accomplish. Intergovernmental revenue can be significant, depending on the 2 I Port Orchard PROS Plan program, Port Orchard competitiveness, and the extent to which the program is adequately funded at the state and federal levels. To date, however, Port Orchard has not received any significant federal or state grant for recreation, park, or open space acquisition or development. Given present economic conditions, Port Orchard should not depend on grants as a viable or major source of financing for facility acquisition and development over the short term. • Charges for services - includes revenue generated to pay for garbage, landfill, utility, and other operating services provided by the city or a city concession or licensee including the following recreation and swimming pool programs. ■ Fines and forfeits - includes monies generated from business fines, code violations, traffic fines, property forfeitures, and other penalties. General Government Revenue Sources 2019-2020 Budget Source 2019-2020 Percent Sales tax $ 10,145,000 42.4% Property tax 5,741,000 24.0% Other taxes 4,593,000 19.2% Subtotal tax revenue $ 20,479,300 85.6% Licenses and permits 810,700 3.4% Intergovernmental revenue 1,019,800 4.3% Charges for services 883,500 3.7% Fines and forfeits 356,000 1.5% Miscellaneous revenues 362,300 1.5% Subtotal other revenue $ 3,432,300 14.4% Total revenue $ 23,911,600 100.0% Source: 2019-2020 Revenue, 2019 Revenues Sources Hearing Special revenues Special revenues are derived from state and local option taxes dedicated to specific expenditure purposes, such as the motor vehicle tax, motor excise tax, real estate excise tax, motel and hotel Page 232 of 342 Back to Agenda tax, public art, criminal justice, paths and trails, convention center, and the like. Some special revenues may be used to finance limited capital facilities, such as roads or parks, where the local option allows - such as the local real estate excise tax (REET) and/or under special circumstances Motel/Hotel or Tourism Taxes or Stormwater Utility Taxes where a project or program can be expensed as a direct extension or beneficiary of these accounts. Debt service funds Debt service funds are derived from a dedicated portion of the property tax or general fund proceeds to repay the sale of general obligation (voted) and Councilmanic (non -voted) bonds. Both types of bonds may be used to finance park facility improvements - but not maintenance or operational costs. • Councilmanic (limited or non -voted) bonds - may be issued without voter approval by the Council for any facility development purpose. The total amount of all outstanding non -voted general obligation debt may not exceed 1.5% of the assessed valuation of all city property. Limited general obligation bonds must be paid from general governmental revenues. Therefore, debt service on these bonds may reduce the amount of revenue available for current operating expenditures and the financial flexibility the Council may need to fund annual budget priorities. For this reason, Councilmanic bonds are usually only used for the most pressing capital improvement issues. Total debt capacity Port Orchard debt capacity - 31 December 2019 2019 assessed valuation = $1,833,047,023 Debt type Limit* Councilmanic bond 1.5% $ GO bond Utility bond PROS bond 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% Amount 27,495,705 4598269176 459826176 459826:176 Total allowable 8.S% $ 155,808,997 GO bond debt Total available Percent of the total estimated assessed valuation. Includes installment contracts and debt service funds. General Obligation (GO), Utility, and Park/Open Space Bonds require 60% voter validation where voter turnout equals at least 40% of the total votes cast in the last general election. • Unlimited general obligation (GO) bonds - must be approved by at least 60% of resident voters during an election that has a turnout of at least 40% of those who voted in the last state general election. The bond may be repaid from a special levy, which is not governed by the 1.0% statutory limitation on the property tax growth rate. Total indebtedness as a percent of the assessed valuation that may be incurred by limited and unlimited general obligation bonds together, however, may not exceed: 2.5% - provided that indebtedness in excess of 1.5% is for general purposes, 5.0% - provided that indebtedness in excess of 2.5% is for utilities, and 7.5% - provided that indebtedness in excess of 5.0% is for parks and open space development. Monies authorized by limited and unlimited types of bonds must be spent within 3 years of authorization to avoid arbitrage requirements unless invested at less than bond yield. In addition, bonds may be used to construct but not maintain or operate facilities. Facility maintenance and operation costs must be paid from general governmental revenue or by voter authorization of special annual or biannual operating levies or by user fees or charges. Enterprise funds Enterprise funds are derived from the user fees and charges levied for utility operations including water and sewer, storm drainage, regional water, solid waste, and cemetery. The enterprise revenues are used to pay operating costs, retire capital facility debt, and plan future replacement and expansion projects. Enterprise funds may Port Orchard PROS Plan 13 Page 233 of 342 Back to Agenda be created for a park or recreation activity that has a revenue source sufficient to finance all costs. Capital improvements funding implications Generally, the city has not appropriated very much of the annual budget for capital improvements. The city has building and infrastructure construction requirements, but given the declining buying power of annual city budgets, not had the capital resources available to initiate major construction projects from the general funds or non -dedicated funds accounts. The 1% statutory limit on local property tax yields combined with the sporadic and undependable nature of federal and state grants and revenue sharing prevents or discourages the city from making long-term capital investments in infrastructure necessary to support the city's development. The 1% statutory limit on the general fund levy in particular, severely curtails the city's ability to operate and maintain park, recreation, and open space facilities and services even if the city only utilized unlimited general obligation bonds as a means of providing capital financing. Revenue prospects - general government Port Orchard could use the following options to deal with future capital needs: User fees and charges Port Orchard may elect to use an increasing array of special user fees, charges, and special assessments to pay facility operating and maintenance capital requirements. The user fee approach may be difficult to impose on facilities that don't have readily identifiable or chargeable users - like some passive park or trail systems. The approach may be very responsive, however, for facilities and services that have an identifiable user group receiving a direct proportional benefit for the charge - like aquatic facilities. 4 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Special le-uislation Local government representatives can seek state enabling legislation authorizing new or special revenue sources. Senate Bill 5972 (RCW 82.46) is an example of one possible legislative solution. The 1982 bill gave city governments the option of adding an additional 0.0025% increment to the real estate excise tax (REET) for the sole purpose of financing local capital improvement projects including parks, utilities and other infrastructure except governmental buildings. Like bonds, Senate Bill 5972 funds may not be used to finance operation and maintenance requirements. Unlimited general obligation bonds Port Orchard may come to depend on voter referendums as a means of financing a larger portion of the capital improvement program, since unlimited obligation bonds are not paid from the property tax subject to the 1.0% limitation. Voter approved capital improvements may be more representative of actual resident priorities than some other methods of validating capital expenditures, and will at the least, ensure referendum submittals provide widespread benefits. However, bond revenue cannot be spent for maintenance and operational issues - and bond referendums must be approved by a margin over 60% of the registered voters who participated in the last election. General levy rate referendums Proposition 747, the statutory provision limiting the growth of regular property taxes to 1.0% per year, can be waived by referendum approval of a simple (50%) majority of Port Orchard's registered voters. Voters can be asked to approve a resetting of the property tax levy rate that would adjust the amount of revenue the city can generate. The new total revenue that can be generated by a resetting of the rate would be subject to the same 1.0% limitation, however, and the total amount of revenue and the resulting property tax rate would start to decline again in accordance with the Proposition. Page 234 of 342 Back to Agenda However, the adjusted rate and revenue could finance specific capital improvement projects - or programs that involve construction, maintenance, and operations aspects that a majority of the voters are willing to pay for under the adjusted rate. The resetting of the rate can be permanent, subject to the provisions of Proposition 747. Or temporary, where the rate is adjusted until a specific amount of revenue has been generated to finance a project or program - whereupon the rate reverts to the original or a specified amount defined in the referendum. Expenditures - PROS functions Parks, recreation, and open space property development services are provided by the Community Development Department while the Public Works Department provides all maintenance requirements. Combined PROS expenditures 2019- 2021- %2021- Property Development 2020 2022 2022 Salaries/benefits $ 6,200 $ 6,770 0.4% Supplies/services 117,000 103,000 5.6% Services Community Center 0 300,000 16.4% Public Works Parks Salaries/benefits 646,800 824,323 45.1% Supplies/services 331,724 595,240 32.5% Total $1,101,724 $1,829,333 100.0% Source: 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 Operating Budgets The amounts budgeted for the combined PROS Community Development Property Development and Public Works Parks divisions increased from $1,101,724 in the 2019-2020 budget to $1,829,333 in the 2021-2022 budget or by 166%. Increased monies were provided to provide services for the proposed Community Center, increase maintenance staff, and maintenance equipment. PROS allocations The percent PROS represented of all combined city expenditures gradually increased 4.6% in the 2019-2020 Biennial budget to 7.5% in the 2021-2022 Biennial Budget. Budget Total expenditures PROS Percent 2019-2020 $ 24,143,815 $ 1,101,724 4.6% 2021-2022 $ 24,326,700 $ 1,829,333 7.5% Source: 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 Operating Budgets Ideally, Port Orchard should recover as much of its PROS planning and operational costs as possible to avoid using General Fund property taxes or other city discretionary monies or Port Orchard will not have sufficient funds left with which to fund critical annual and cyclical maintenance, repair, and replacement of existing facilities, and acquisition and development of new parks lands and facilities required to offset population growth and raise level of service standards. Revenues - PROS functions Parks, recreation, and open space revenues may be provided by a combination of allocations from the General Fund and well as special revenue sources including the Path & Trails, Real Estate Excise Tax (REET), Parks Impact Fees, and grants. Possible PROS revenue sources 2019- 2021- 2020 2022 Paths & Trails $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) 1 700,000 700,000 Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) 2 700,000 700,000 Parks Impact Fee 80,000 80,000 RCO Grants 0 0 Total $1,482,000 $1,482,000 Source: 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 Operating Budgets Note: REET 1 may be used for PROS but is primarily defined to support roads and other infrastructure, while REET 2 is defined to be primarily PROS functions Depending on capital project specifics and cash flows, the city did not expense all of the potential funds available from possible dedicated fund accounts on PROS planning and maintenance in the Port Orchard PROS Plan 15 Page 235 of 342 Back to Agenda 2019-2020 Biennial Budget ($380,276 less), but expensed more than the dedicated accounts in the 2021-2022 Biennial Budget ($347,333). Funding implications Port Orchard has acquired a quality park, recreation, and open space inventory using land donations, grants, project development mitigation, impact fees, and a healthy allocation of property and sales tax derived general funds. However, these sources will not continue to yield enough money with which to initiate major facility development and/or with which to accomplish major cyclical maintenance requirements. In addition, in light of the 1.0% statutory limit on local property tax yield's affect on discretionary funding in general, the city can no longer depend entirely on traditional revenue sources as a means of funding capital improvement projects. Port Orchard must devise new financial strategies for the development and maintenance of facilities if it is to meet the park, recreation, and open space interests of city residents. Revenue prospects - PROS public sources The following options could be used to deal with future Port Orchard PROS capital needs: Washington State grants Washington State, through the Resource Conservation Office (RCO - formerly the Interagency for Outdoor Recreation (IAC)) funds and administers a number of programs for parks and recreation, and non -motorized transportation and trails purposes using special state revenue programs. ■ Endangered Species Act (ESA) - a Department of Ecology administered water quality program provides grants for up to 75% of the cost of water quality/fish enhancement studies. Referendum 39 monies can be applied to park and open space developments 6 I Port Orchard PROS Plan that propose to restore, construct or otherwise enhance fish producing streams, ponds or other water bodies. ■ Washington Wildlife Recreation Program (WWRP) - provides funds for the acquisition and development of conservation and recreation lands. The Habitat Conservation Account of the WWRP program provides funds to acquire critical habitat, natural areas, and urban wildlife categories. The Outdoor Recreation Account of the WWRP program provides funds for local parks, state parks, trails, and water access categories. ■ Capital Proiects Fund for Washington Heritage - initiated on a trial basis in 1999, and since renewed, provides funds for the restoration and renovation projects for historical sites and buildings by local governments and nonprofit agencies. The Heritage Resource Center (HRC) administers the program. ■ Boating Facilities Program - approved in 1964 under the state Marine Recreation Land Act, the program earmarks motor vehicle fuel taxes paid by watercraft for boating -related lands and facilities. Program funds may be used for fresh or saltwater launch ramps, transient moorage, and upland support facilities. ■ Aquatic Lands Enhancement Act (ALEA) - initiated on a trial basis in 1985, and since renewed and expanded, uses revenues obtained by the Washington Department of Natural Resources from the lease of state owned tidal lands. The ALEA program is administered by the RCO for the development of shoreline related trail improvements and may be applied for up to 50% of the proposal. ■ Washington State Public Works Commission - initiated a program that may be used for watercraft sanitary pump -out facilities. ■ Youth Athletic Facilities (YAF) - provides grants to cities, counties, and qualified nonprofit organizations for the improvement and maintenance of existing, and the development of new athletic facilities. The Community Outdoor Athletic Fields Advisory Council (COAFAC) of the RCO administers the program. Page 236 of 342 Back to Agenda • Non -Highway & Off -Road Vehicle Activities Program (NOVA) - provides funding to develop and manage recreation opportunities for users of off -road vehicles and non -highway roads. An allocation (1%) from the state Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (MVFT) and off -road vehicle (ORV) permit fees fund the program. NOVA funds may be used for the planning, acquisition, development, maintenance, and operation of off -road vehicle and non -highway road recreation opportunities. ■ Firearms and Archery Range Recreation Program (FARR) - provides funds to acquire, develop, and renovate public and private nonprofit firearm and archery training, practice, and recreation facilities. The program is funded from a portion of the fees charged for concealed weapons permits. Federal grants Federal monies are available for the construction of outdoor park facilities from the National Park Service (NPS) Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The Washington State Resource Conservation Office (RCO) administers the grants. • NPS (National Park Service) grants - usually do not exceed $150,000 per project and must be matched on an equal basis by the local jurisdiction. The RCO assigns each project application a priority on a competitive statewide basis according to each jurisdiction's need, population benefit, natural resource enhancements and a number of other factors. In the past few years, project awards have been extremely competitive as the federal government significantly reduced the amount of federal monies available the NPS program. The state increased contributions to the program over the last few years using a variety of special funds, but the overall program could be severely affected by pending federal deficit cutting legislation. Applicants must submit a detailed comprehensive park, recreation, and open space plan to be eligible for NPS funding. The jurisdiction's plan must demonstrate facility need, and prove that the jurisdiction's project proposal will adequately satisfy local parks, recreation, and open space needs and interests. Due to diminished funding, however, RCO grants have not been a significant source of project monies for city or other local jurisdictions in recent years. ■ TEA21 (Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century - can be used to finance on and off -road non -motorized trail enhancements along major and minor arterial collectors roads or sometimes, within separate trail corridors. The program was adopted in 1993 and is administered by the Regional Transportation Organization on behalf of the US Department of Transportation. Applicants must demonstrate the proposed trail improvements will increase access to non -motorized recreational and commuter transportation alternatives. ■ National Recreational Trails Program (NRTP) - is the successor to the National Recreational Trails Act (NRFTA). Funds may be used to rehabilitate and maintain recreational trails that provide a backcountry experience. In some cases, the funds may be used to create new "linking" trails, trail relocations, and educational programs. ■ Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (BIG) - supports development and renovation of areas for non -trailer -able recreational boats over 26 feet, and related support elements on US navigable waters. Funds may be used to produce and distribute information and educational materials. The federal program compliments the state -funded Boating Facilities Program (BFP) administered for smaller vessels. Environmental impact mitigation - subdivision regulations Port Orchard subdivision policies can require developers of subdivisions on the city to provide suitably designed and located open spaces, woodland preserves, trail systems, tot lots, playgrounds, and other park or recreational facilities. Such facilities Port Orchard PROS Plan 17 Page 237 of 342 Back to Agenda may include major components of the park or recreational system that may be affected by the project's location or development. Port Orchard may also consider requiring developers provide acceptable long-term methods of managing and financing maintenance requirements. Attractive management systems could include: • Ownership by a private organization - like a tennis, swimming or golf club, who assumes responsibility for all maintenance responsibilities and costs, • Ownership by a homeowners or common property owners association - who may contract maintenance responsibilities and assess property owner's annual costs, or • Dedication of property - to Port Orchard or the Port Orchard School District who assumes maintenance responsibilities using local city or school funds. Port Orchard should not accept title and maintenance responsibility unless the land or facility will be a legitimate park or recreation or open space element that may be supported using public financing. Port Orchard may be contracted by any of the other agencies to provide or oversee a maintenance contract on the owner's behalf provided all Port Orchard costs are reimbursed by an approved method of local financing. Growth impact fees Port Orchard adopted a park growth impact fee in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA). A park impact fee applies to all proposed residential, commercial, and industrial developments in the city as a means of maintaining existing park, recreation, and open space levels -of -service (ELOS). The ordinance estimates the impact each development project has on park, recreation, and open space facilities within the project's local service zone and makes provisions for setting aside the resources, including lands or monies, necessary to offset the project's local or neighborhood and community or regional facility impacts. 8 I Port Orchard PROS Plan The dollar value of the project's park, recreation, and open space impact can be offset by the project developer of an amount equal to the combined facility acquisition and development costs that Port Orchard would incur to maintain the same existing level -of -service (ELOS). A developer may be allowed to choose any combination of land or cash mitigation measures including credit for any park or recreation facilities to be included within the project development. The Port Orchard ordinance considers the following when determining the types of mitigation measures or development credits to be made available to the developer: • Will the facility - be available to the public, • Have a designated owner - responsible for continuing operation and maintenance (the owner may be a common property owner's association, school district or other agency), and • Correspond to and not exceed or vary from - the types of park, recreation, and open space facilities that are being impacted (a developer could provide but should not able to take full credit value for facilities for which there is no shortage, impact or local interest). Land contributions can be accepted in lieu of monies if the lands will be suitable sites for future facilities. Land and monies accumulated under the proposed ordinance must be invested within a reasonable time of impact assessment or be returned to the contributing developer. Port Orchard conducts periodic program reviews with residents, user groups, school district, and other agencies to decide the most efficient and representative way of delivering the facilities mitigated by the ordinance. Alternative delivery methods include: • Acquisition of suitable sites - in conjunction with other public or school facilities including title transfer if other public or school agencies enter into special agreements assuming development, operation, and maintenance responsibilities and costs, Page 238 of 342 Back to Agenda • Development of facilities - on other public or school sites if other public or school agencies enter into agreements assuming future operation and maintenance responsibilities and costs, or • Any other alternative - including development, operation or maintenance proposals by user groups or private concessionaires or developers that provide a viable facility in accordance with the park, recreation, and open space strategies outlined. Facility user fees and charges Port Orchard could charge an array of special user fees, charges, and special assessments to pay facility operating and maintenance capital requirements. Proposals to recover recreation program costs could be augmented with additional or higher user fees on picnic shelters, athletic courts and fields, meeting rooms, and other facilities. Port Orchard could also increase the number of activities subject to user fees and charges and use the proceeds to purchase land, develop, operate, and maintain facilities where all costs are reimbursed by the revenue obtained. Essentially, Port Orchard would become a facility developer/operator providing whatever facilities or services the market will support from user revenue. User fees have and could be used to provide facilities for park and recreation activities whose profit margins are too low to sustain commercial operations or whose benefiting user group may extend beyond city boundaries. Possible user fee financed facilities could continue to include recreational vehicle parks and tent campgrounds, and any other facility where demand is sizable enough to warrant a user fee financing approach. In essence, the market determines which facility's revenues equal costs, and thereby, which programs Port Orchard would provide on a direct costs/benefit basis. While important, this source of finance will likely never pay full costs for all programs, or any operation, maintenance, or development costs. Some programs designed for youth and family activities, may never generate fees large enough to finance full costs and will require Port Orchard to determine to what extent the public benefits merit the subsidized fee revenues. The user fee approach may also be difficult to impose on facilities that don't have readily identifiable or chargeable users - like some passive park or trail systems. The approach may be very responsive, however, for facilities and services that have an identifiable user group receiving a direct proportional benefit for the charge. Special legislation - Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) Local government representatives can seek state enabling legislation authorizing new or special revenue sources. Senate Bill 5972 (RCW 82.46) is an example of one possible legislative solution. RCW 82.46 authorizes local governments to enact up to 0.25% of the annual sales for real estate for capital facilities. The Growth Management Act authorizes another or 2nd 0.25% for capital facilities. Revenues must be used solely for financing new capital facilities, or maintenance and operations at existing facilities, as specified in the capital facilities plan. An additional option 3rd REET is available under RCW 82.46.070 for the acquisition and maintenance of conservation areas if approved by a majority of the voters of a county. The first and second REET may be used for the following capital facilities: ■ The planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, bridges, domestic water systems, and storm and sanitary sewer systems, or ■ The planning, construction, repair, rehabilitation, or improvement of parks and recreational facilities. In addition, the second REET may be used for the following: ■ The acquisition of parks and recreational facilities, or ■ The planning, acquisition, construction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of law enforcement facilities, Port Orchard PROS Plan 19 Page 239 of 342 Back to Agenda and the protection of facilities, trails, libraries, administrative and judicial facilities, and river and/or floodway/flood control projects and housing projects subject to certain limitations. Like bonds, REET funds may not be used to finance operation and maintenance requirements. Unlimited general obligation (GO) bonds Port Orchard may use voter referendums as a means of financing a larger portion of the capital improvement program, since unlimited obligation bonds are not paid from the property tax subject to the 1.0% limitation. Voter approved capital improvements may be more representative of actual resident priorities than some other methods of validating capital expenditures, and will at the least, ensure referendum submittals provide widespread benefits. However, bond revenue cannot be spent for maintenance and operational issues - and bond referendums must be approved by a margin over 60% of at least a turnout of 40% of the registered voters who participated in the last election. General levy lid lift referendums Proposition 747, the statutory provision limiting the growth of regular property taxes to 1.0% per year, can be waived by referendum approval of a simple (50%) majority of Port Orchard's registered voters. Voters can be asked to approve a resetting of the property tax levy rate or of approving a special purpose limited duration (typically 6-9 years) dedicated property tax levy that would adjust the amount of revenue Port Orchard can generate. The new total revenue that can be generated by a resetting of the rate or of approving a special dedicated and limited duration levy would be subject to the same 1.0% limitation, however, and the total amount of revenue and the resulting property tax rate would start to decline again in accordance with the Proposition. However, the adjusted rate and revenue could finance specific capital improvement projects - or programs that involve 10 I Port Orchard PROS Plan construction, maintenance, and operations aspects that a majority of the voters are willing to pay for under the adjusted rate or a specially approved levy. The resetting of the rate can be permanent, subject to the provisions of Proposition 747, or temporary, where the rate is adjusted until a specific amount of revenue has been generated to finance a project or program - whereupon the rate reverts to the original or a specified amount defined in the referendum. Metropolitan park district (MPD) (SB 2557) In 2002, the state legislature authorized the establishment of metropolitan park districts (MPD) as special units of government that may be wholly independent of any involvement with a city, county, or any other local public agency or jurisdiction. Metropolitan park districts may provide recreational facilities that are specific to the district's boundaries in return for the district residents' agreement to pay the special development, operation, and maintenance costs utilizing special financing devices. Metropolitan park districts must be initiated by local government resolution or citizen petition following hearings on feasibility and costs studies of the proposed district's facility development or operation costs. The proposal must ultimately be submitted for voter approval (50%) including all provisions relating to any special financing agreements. The voters must initially approve the formation of the district, and may designate existing elected officials, or a body appointed by existing elected officials or elect district commissioners or officers solely responsible for park and recreation policy. Voters must also approve the establishment of a continuous levy as a junior taxing district - compared with 3 year levies under a recreation service district to provide maintenance, repair, operating costs, and facility acquisition and development projects. Metropolitan park districts can be flexible and used to provide local Page 240 of 342 Back to Agenda or citywide recreational facilities in the same variety of custom service choices with the exception that the financing levy may be as a junior taxing district with a continuous levy. The Tacoma Metropolitan Park District was established in 1909 and is the largest and oldest recreation park district in the State of Washington. Seattle was the most recent and authorized the City Council to perform as the Metropolitan Park District Commissioners. Revenue prospects - PROS private Special use agreements Special property agreements can often be used instead of property purchases to secure public use rights for land or property at no cost or a nominal fee, particularly where the possible public use is of benefit to the private landowner. Some forms of special use agreements can provide favorable tax benefits if the use agreement can be shown to have an assigned value. Port Orchard could expand the use agreement concept to include complete development, operation or maintenance responsibilities. Package lease agreements will usually provide more effectively maintained facilities than possible where Port Orchard must staff specialized, small work crews. Sometimes package lease agreements covering use and maintenance aspects may be the only way of resolving an equitable agreement with the private ownership. This may include trails on utility corridors where the ownership may prefer to control development and maintenance activities, and Port Orchard may prefer to avoid any implied responsibility or liability for the utility worthiness that Port Orchard's maintenance of a trail system could imply. Public/private service contracts Private market skills and capital may be employed in a variety of ways including the use of public/private services contracts where a private party can be contracted to operate and maintain a facility for a fixed fee cost. Service contracts can be very efficient where the activities are small, scattered in location, seasonal, expert or experimental. Service contracts are also relatively easy to initiate or terminate if area demand fails to provide sufficient use or revenue to justify continued operation. Service contracts may be very flexible and can include agreements with the county, school district or local user groups who can or would be interested in sustaining the activity on a subsidized or sweat -equity basis in exchange for the facility. Public/private concessions Port Orchard could lease a portion of a site or facility to a private party in exchange for a fixed fee or a percentage of gross receipts. The private operator assumes operation and maintenance responsibilities and costs in exchange for a profit. For certain types of facilities, such as enterprise fund account facilities like a golf course, campground, marina, indoor tennis courts, or community center Port Orchard's portion of the profits may be used to pay facility development and/or operation and maintenance costs at the same or for similar facility developments. Port Orchard may save considerable monies on concessions where the activities are specialized, seasonal, experimental or unproven. Concessions can be easily initiated, provide direct user benefit/cost reimbursements and relieve Port Orchard of a capital risk should market or user interest fail to materialize to a least break-even levels. Concessionaires could operate a wide variety of park and recreational facilities including boating and bicycle rentals, special group and recreational vehicle campgrounds, athletic field and court facilities, and swimming pools and beaches, among others. Public/private joint development ventures Port Orchard can enter into an agreement with a private or public developer to jointly own or lease land for an extended period of time. The purpose of the venture would be to allow the development, operation, and maintenance of a major recreational facility or activity in exchange for a fixed lease cost or a percentage of gross receipts. Port Orchard PROS Plan 111 Page 241 of 342 Back to Agenda The developer assumes development, operation, and maintenance responsibilities, costs, and all market risks in exchange for a market opportunity providing a profitable return not otherwise available. Port Orchard realizes the development of a facility not realized otherwise in exchange for a low minimum capital return and no or very little capital risk. Joint development agreements represent an ultimate benefit/cost resolution that may also provide public revenue that Port Orchard could use for other development opportunities. Examples include the possible joint development on Port Orchard lands of recreational vehicle campgrounds, seminar retreats, special resorts, swimming pools and water parks, golf courses, and gun and archery ranges, among others. Self-help land leases There are instances where an activity is so specialized in appeal or of a service area so broad in scope that it cannot be equitably financed using general public funds. Specialized user groups should be provided options for developing or maintaining facilities in ways that account for equitable public cost reimbursements. Examples include the use of land leases where Port Orchard may lease land at low or no cost where a user group or club assumes responsibility for the development, operation, and maintenance of the facility. The club could provide volunteer help or use club finances to develop, operate and maintain the facility as a means of meeting user benefit/cost objectives. Land lease agreements could accommodate organized athletics like soccer, baseball, football, softball and rugby; or very specialized facilities like shooting ranges, archery fields, OHV trails, and ultra - light aircraft parks, among others. Self-help contract agreements Port Orchard can purchase land, develop, operate, and maintain a specialized facility under a negotiated contract agreement where a special interest group agrees to defray all costs in addition to or in lieu of a user fee as a means of meeting user benefit/cost objectives. The agreements can be quite flexible and could contract 12 I Port Orchard PROS Plan the city, school district, the user group, another public agency or a private operator to be developer/operator. Contract agreements could accommodate a range of more expensive special purpose facility developments including high quality athletic competition facilities for league organizations; and specialized facility developments like shooting ranges and OHV trail systems, or historical or children's museums, or railroad train excursions when and where the user organization can provide financial commitments. PROS funding strategies Using the strategies described above, PROS funding sources should generally be matched to specific needs to avoid duplication and take advantage of each fund's specific possibilities. For example: Program services Fees and charges should be used to finance program services to the maximum extent possible and practical to provide cost/benefit equities and efficiencies. Property tax levy funds should be used to cover shortages where fees cannot be readily collected, as in most special events, or where fees may not be easily raised to cover all operating costs for programs Port Orchard deems to have special social benefits to the public. Facility operation, maintenance, and minor construction Property tax levy funds should be used to pay operation and maintenance costs for facilities and activities that cannot be financed with fees and charges or financed with other funding methods. Property tax levy funds are flexible and can be adjusted to meet annual programming variations or priorities. Where appropriate, maintenance and operation funds for facilities that are impacted by urban growth should be reimbursed or provided by Port Orchard and the Port Orchard School District subject to the pending resolution of an inter -local agreement on planning and services. Page 242 of 342 Back to Agenda The funds collected from the excise tax on real estate sales (REET) should be used to finance minor construction improvements to existing properties. The money should also be used to help purchase sites when opportunities arise that cannot await other, less flexible funding methods. Like property tax levy funds, the monies collected from REET are flexible and can be adjusted to meet annual programming needs or sudden changes in priorities or opportunities. Recreational facility development Recreational facilities, athletic fields in particular, are important to Port Orchard's programs but satisfy relatively small proportions of the population compared with parks and trails. Bonds, levies, and other fixed forms of financing should be used to pay for the development of parks, trails, and other facilities that residents assign high priorities. Recreational facilities with low to moderate priorities should be financed with property tax levy funds, REET, and other more flexible sources of financing. Port Orchard should investigate the possibility of implementing a wide range of joint recreational facility developments with the Port Orchard School District. Such ventures could finance acquisition and development costs using open space and school facility development bonds, or conservation futures and REET - and Port Orchard could finance operating and maintenance using service charges and property tax levy funds. joint venture agreements could better match costs/benefits with users, avoid duplication, save cost, increase service, and allow each agency to make the best use of funds. Parks, natural areas and trail development Parks and trails benefit the largest percentage of the population and will probably be easier to obtain voted bond or property tax levy issues for than other more specialized uses. General obligation bond or special property tax levy packages could finance the high priority conservancies and trail acquisition and development proposals contained within the development plan chapter of this document. When necessary and appropriate, Councilmanic bonds could be used to purchase sites when opportunities require fast action, or to match possible Washington State RCO state or federal grants for park and trail developments. Special developments Some proposed projects represent unique facilities that may not be easily financed with conventional funding methods. Port Orchard should explore the opportunities that may be available for the development and funding of joint public/private facilities with private property owners or developers. joint ventures could save costs, reduce program requirements and provide city residents services and facilities not available otherwise. Growth impact fee mitigation Continued residential developments within Port Orchard's service area will severely stress existing Port Orchard facilities and services. Consequently, Port Orchard should institute growth impact fee mitigation measures in accordance with the Washington Growth Management Act to preserve unique sites and require land developers to help finance facility developments offsetting project impacts. Financial strategies 2022-2028 A Port Orchard financial strategy for the next 6-year period (2021- 2027) must generate sufficient revenue to provide recreational program services, maintain and renovate facilities, and implement priority projects chosen from the 20-year (CFP) capital facility program. Three alternative financial strategies illustrate the choices available Port Orchard under an integrated funding strategy. The strategies combine possible scenarios concerning general funds from property taxes, recreation program cost recovery, parks growth impact fees, REET, and approval of a bond or property tax levy lid lift. Port Orchard PROS Plan 113 Page 243 of 342 Back to Agenda The forecasts are conservative, based on the average trends indicated in capital facility program fund expenditures by Port Orchard during the 2021-2022 budgeted year but are adjusted to account for expected inflationary increases in the tax and revenue base valuations over the 6-year period. All alternatives would finance $25,460,340 in combined park administration, recreation programs, maintenance, deferred repairs and replacements, and proposed level -of -service (PLOS) facility improvements over the 6-year period with: Proposed 6-yr expenditures Administration $ 0 Recreation programs 2,040,574 Property development 746,656 Maintenance 9,655,744 Repair & replacement (R&R) 6,162,197 PLOS additions/enhancements 20,662,366 Total $ 39,267,527 Alternative 1 proposed 6-year revenues General Fund sources $ 16,913,276 Recreation cost recovery (25%) 510,143 Growth Impact Fee (25%) 1,879,686 REET 1&2 (50%) 1,619,311 Property tax levy 18,345,111 Total $ 39,267,527 Annual cost for tax levy Per median $292,200 value $ 60.61 • Alternative 1 would generate revenues as follows: ■ General Funds property tax - assuming that the annual revenue per year as a result of proposition 747 or the 1% tax limitation would remain relatively constant, ■ Recreation program cost recovery - would recover an average 25% over all Community Center and other programs costs, ■ Port Orchard park impact fee - would be increased to capture 25% of $3,349 cost per person of maintaining Port Orchard's existing level -of -service (ELOS) standards through additional 14 I Port Orchard PROS Plan population increases equal to $8,138 per dwelling unit where the typical unit averages 2.43 residents (the city currently collects $324/person), ■ Port Orchard Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) - which captures REET 1 and 2 of $0.00125 per $1.00 of sales value for each REET would continue to be utilized 50% for park and recreation purposes, • Supplemental special purpose (limited duration) or property tax levy lid lift - would be sought to finance remaining costs necessary to realize combined administration, recreation programs, swimming pool operations, park maintenance, deferred repair and replacement costs, and new land acquisitions and facility developments necessary to realize Port Orchard's portion of the combined proposed level -of -service (PLOS) standard equal to an annual property tax levy assessment of $60.62 per year for 6 years for a median house value of $292,200. Alternative 2 proposed 6-year revenues General Fund sources $ 16,913,276 Recreation cost recovery (50%) 1,020,287 Growth Impact Fee (50%) 4,303,524 REET 1&2 allocation (55%) 2,257,376 Property tax levy 14,773,064 Total $ 39,276,527 Annual cost for tax levy Per median $292,200 value $ 48.81 Alternative 2 would increase recreation cost recovery to 50%, increase the growth impact fee to 50%, allocate 55% of REET 1&2 over the 6-year period to reduce the balance remaining to $14,773,064 requiring an annual levy of $48.81 per median house value of $292,200. Alternative 3 proposed 6-year revenues General Fund sources $ 16,913,276 Recreation cost recovery (75%) 1,530,430 Growth Impact Fee (75%) 6,727,363 REET 1&2 allocation (60%) 2,895,441 Property tax levy 11,201,017 Page 244 of 342 Back to Agenda Annual cost for tax levy Per median $292,200 value 37.01 Alternative 3 would increase recreation cost recovery to 75%, increase the growth impact fee to 75%, allocate 60% of REET 1&2 over the 6-year period to reduce the balance remaining to $11,201,017 requiring an annual levy of $37.01 per median house value of $292,200. Financial strategies 2022-2042 A Port Orchard financial strategy for the next 20-year period (2020- 2040) must generate sufficient revenue to provide administration, recreation programs, park maintenance, renovate facilities, and implement priority projects chosen from the 20-year (CFP) capital facility program. The same 3 alternative financial strategies defined under the 6-year or 2022-2028 strategy illustrate the choices available Port Orchard under an integrated funding strategy. The 20-year strategies combine the same possible scenarios concerning recreation program cost recovery, growth impact fees, REET, and approval of a property tax levy lid lift. Total expenditures for the 20-year or 2021-2041 time periods would be $149,903,852 of the proposed level -of -service (PLOS). Revenue totals under the 3 alternatives would also be $149,903,852 assuming: All alternatives would finance $149,903,852 in combined park administration, recreation programs, park maintenance, park deferred repairs and replacements, and Port Orchard's share of proposed composite level -of -service (PLOS) facility improvements over the 20-year period with: Proposed 20-yr expenditures Administration $ 0 Recreation programs 9,919,786 Property development 3,629,650 Maintenance 46,939,205 Repair & replacement (R&R) 20,540,658 PLOS additions/enhancements 68,874,553 Total $ 149,903,852 Alternative 1 proposed 20-year revenues General Fund sources $ 67,790,964 Recreation cost recovery (25%) 2,479,947 Park impact fee (25%) 5,435,023 REET 1&2 allocation (50%) 14,556,501 Property tax levy 59,641,417 Total $ 149,903,852 Annual cost for tax levy Per median $292,200 value $ 14.59 Alternative 1 would generate revenues as follows: • General Funds property tax - assuming that the annual revenue per year as a result of proposition 747 or the 1% tax limitation would remain relatively constant, • Recreation program cost recovery - would capture an average 25% of all Community Center and other programs costs, • Port Orchard park impact fee - would be increased to capture 25% of $3,349 cost per person of maintaining Port Orchard's existing level -of -service (ELOS) standards through additional population increases equal to $8,138 per dwelling unit where the typical unit averages 2.43 residents (the city currently collects $ 324/person), ■ Port Orchard Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) - which captures REET 1 and 2 of $0.00125 per $1.00 of sales value for each REET would continue to be utilized 50% for park and recreation purposes, • Supplemental special purpose (limited duration) or property tax levy lid lift - would be sought to finance remaining costs necessary to realize combined administration, recreation programs, swimming pool operations, park maintenance, deferred repair and replacement costs, and new land acquisitions and facility developments necessary to realize Port Orchard's portion of the combined proposed level -of -service (PLOS) standard equal to an annual property tax levy assessment of $14.59 per year for 20 years for a median house value of $292,200. Port Orchard PROS Plan 115 Page 245 of 342 Back to Agenda Alternative 2 proposed 20-year revenues General Fund sources Recreation cost recovery (50%) Annual cost for tax levy $ 67,790,964 Per median $292,200 value 4,959,893 Park impact fee (50%) 13,515,323 REET 1&2 allocation (55%) 18,326,767 Property tax levy 45,310,904 Total $ 149,903,852 Annual cost for tax levy Per median $292,200 value $ 11.09 Alternative 2 would increase recreation cost recovery to 50%, increase the growth impact fee to 50%, allocate 55% of REET 1&2 over the 20-year period to reduce the balance remaining to $45,310,904 requiring an annual levy of $11.09 per median house value of $292,200. Alternative 3 proposed 20-year revenues General Fund sources $ 67,790,964 Recreation cost recovery (75%) 7,439,840 Park impact fee (75%) 21,595,623 REET 1&2 allocation (60%) 22,097,034 Property tax levy 30,980,391 Total $ 149,903,852 16 I Port Orchard PROS Plan 7.58 Alternative 3 would increase recreation cost recovery to 75%, increase the growth impact fee to 75%, allocate 60% of REET 1&2 over the 20-year period to reduce the balance remaining to $30,980,391 requiring an annual levy of $7.58 per median house value of $292,200. Implications Alternatives 1-3 are all feasible for a 6 and 20-year Port Orchard financial strate,-zy to realize the combined administration, programs, maintenance, repair and replacement (R&R), and proposed level of service (PLOS) proiects outlined in this plan. A choice between the alternatives depends on how City Council would prefer to balance allocations between the General Fund, recreation cost recovery, park impact fees, REET 1&2, and a property tax levy lid lift or levy. Page 246 of 342 Back to Agenda 8 March 2022 years Proposed expenditures - 2021-2022 Budget Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Administration $0 /year 5.0% $0 $0 $0 Recreation programs ($300,000) /year S.0% ($2,040,574) ($2,040,S74) ($2,040,574) Property Development ($109,770) /year S.0% ($746,646) ($746,646) ($746,646) Maintenance ($1,419,563) /year 5.0% ($9,655,744) ($9,655,744) ($9,655,744) Repair & Replacement (% current facil $20,540,658 value S.0% ($6,162,197) ($6,162,197) ($6,162,197) PLOS land and facility additions ($20,662,366) ($20,662,366) ($20,662,366) TOTAL EXPENDITURES ($39,267,S27) ($39,267,527) ($39,267,S27) Proposed revenues - 2021-2022 Budget 2.5% Capital facility progi Total taxes PROS Plan % Inflate General Fund taxes $24,326,700 $1,829,333 8% 1.0% $11,2S4,084 $11,254,084 $11,254,084 Paths &Trails $2,000 $2,000 100% S.0% $13,604 $13,604 $13,604 REET $1,400,000 $700,000 50% S.0% $4,761,339 $4,761,339 $4,761,339 Park Impact Fees $80,000 $80,000 100% 5.0% $544,153 $544,153 $544,153 Grants - LIFT, RCO, D $50,000 $50,000 100% 5.0% $340,096 $340,096 $340,096 CFP totals $25,858,700 $2,661,333 $12,138,333 $16,913,276 $16,913,276 $16,913,276 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES $12,138,333 ($22,354,251) ($22,354,251) ($22,354,251) 6-vear stratelav options - combine annual revenues Option 1 - Recreation cost reco-* Expenditures Rate Revenue Recreation cost/operations $300,000 0% $0 Deficit $300,000 100% Recreation program/opns cost recovery rate 100% 25% 50% 75% Additional amount recovered first annual $300,000 $75,000 $150,000 $225,000 Recreation program/opns cost recovered 5.0% $2,040,574 $510,143 $1,020,287 $1,530,430 Option 2 - Growth impact fee (G] person rer/du per sf du Population in city limits 15,117 18,012 2,89S 2,895 2,895 ELOS local/regional value/person $3,349 2.43 $8,138 $3,349 $3,349 $3,349 Percent of value assessed for fee 100% 25% 50% 75% Fee assessed per person $837 $1,675 $2,512 Growth Impact fee revenue - less current fee $324/person $9,695,355 $1,879,686 $4,303,S24 $6,727,363 Option 3 - Real Estate Excise Tax (REST) 2 Annual average real estate sales year $1,120,000,000 5.0% $1,500,907,118 $1,500,907,118 $1,500,907,118 $1,500,907,118 Assessed rate per $1.00 sales $0.00125 $0.00125 $0.00125 $0.00125 Annual allocation for PRO Plan projects 100% 50% 55% 60% Annual allocation for PRO Plan projects $1,876,134 $938,067 $1,031,874 $1,125,680 REET revenue with annual growth less current allocati 5.0% $12,761,299 $1,619,311 $2,257,376 $2,895,441 Option 4 - Property Tax Levy (PTLevy) Assessed valuation 2019 $1,833,047,023 5.0% $2,4S6,458,325 $2,456,458,32S $2,4S6,458,325 $2,456,458,32S Assessed average annual rate per $1.00 (3) $0.00000 $0.00124 $0.00100 $0.00076 PTLevy totals $0 $18,345,111 $14,773,064 $11,201,017 TOTALCFP+GIF+REET+PTLevy $36,635,561 $39,267,527 $39,267,527 $39,267,527 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES $0 $0 $0 Annual levy payment per $100,000 $0.00 $20.74 $16.71 $12.67 Median house value ACS 2015-2019 $292,200 $0.00 $60.62 $48.81 $37.01 (1) GMA does not allow growth requirements to be financed 100% with growth impact fees. (2) GO bond capitalized with financing at 6.00% interest for 6 years (3) Property tax levy proceeds accumulated over 6 year period with no interest. * General Fund property tax amount shown includes all sources of funds from General Fund in addition to property tax Port Orchard PROS Plan 117 Page 247 of 342 Back to Agenda 8 March 2022 years strategiesFinancial 04 Proposed expenditures - 2019 budget Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Administration $0 /year 5.0% $0 $0 $0 Recreation programs ($300,000) /year 5.0% ($9,919,786) ($9,919,786) ($9,919,786) Planning and projects ($109,770) 5.0% ($3,629,650) ($3,629,6S0) ($3,629,650) Maintenance ($1,419,563) /year 5.0% ($46,939,205) ($46,939,205) ($46,939,205) Repair & Replacement (%current facil $20,540,658 5.0% ($20,540,658) ($20,540,658) ($20,540,658) PLOS land and facility additions ($68,874,553) ($68,874,553) ($68,874,553) TOTAL EXPENDITURES ($149,903,8S2) ($149,903,852) ($149,903,8S2) Proposed revenues - 2021-2022 Budget 2.5% Capital facility progi Total taxes PROS Plan % Inflate General Fund taxes $24,326,700 $1,829,333 8% 1.0% $40,280,091 $40,280,091 $40,280,091 Paths &Trails $2,000 $2,000 100% 5.0% $66,132 $66,132 $66,132 REET $1,400,000 $700,000 50% 5.0% $23,146,168 $23,146,168 $23,146,168 Park Impact Fees $80,000 $80,000 100% 5.0% $2,645,276 $2,645,276 $2,64S,276 Grants -LIFT, RCO, D $50,000 $50,000 100% 5.0% $1,653,298 $1,653,298 $1,653,298 CFP totals $2S,858,700 $2,661,333 $44,578,665 $67,790,964 $67,790,964 $67,790,964 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES $44,578,665 ($82,112,888) ($82,112,888) ($82,112,888) 20-year strategy options - combine annual revenues Option 1 - Recreation cost reco-* Expenditures Rate Revenue Recreation program cost/operations $300,000 0% $0 Deficit $300,000 100% Recreation program/opns cost recovery rate 100% 2S% 50% 7S% Amount recovered first annual $300,000 $75,000 $150,000 $225,000 Recreation program/opns cost recovered 5.0% $9,919,786 $2,479,947 $4,959,893 $7,439,840 Option 2 - Growth impact fee (G] person per/du per sf du Population in city limits/urban gro% 15,117 24,768 9,651 9,651 9,651 ELOS local/regional value/person $3,349 2.43 $8,138 $3,349 $3,349 $3,349 Percent of value assessed for fee 100% 2S% 50% 75% Fee assessed per person $837 $1,675 $2,512 Growth Impact fee revenue - less current fee $324/person $32,321,199 $5,43S,023 $13,515,323 $21,S9S,623 Option 3 - Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) 2 Annual average real estate sales year $1,120,000,000 S.0% $1,824,361,982 $1,824,361,982 $1,824,361,982 $1,824,361,982 Assessed rate per $1.00 sales $0.00125 $0.00125 $0.00125 $0.00125 Annual allocation for PRO Plan projects 100% 50% 55% 60% Annual allocation for PRO Plan projects $2,280,452 $1,140,226 $1,254,249 $1,368,271 REET revenue with annual growth less current allocati 5.0% $75,405,337 $14,556,501 $18,326,767 $22,097,034 Option 4 - Property Tax Levy (PTLevy) Assessed valuation 2019 $1,833,047,023 S.0% $2,98S,840,446 $2,985,840,446 $2,98S,840,446 $2,985,840,446 Assessed average annual rate per $1.00 (3) $0.00000 $0.00100 $0.00076 $0.00052 PTLevy totals $0 $59,641,417 $45,310,904 $30,980,391 TOTAL CFP+GIF+REET+PTLevy $162,224,987 $149,903,8S2 $149,903,8S2 $149,903,8S2 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES $0 $0 $0 Average annual levy payment per $100,000 $0.00 $4.99 $3.79 $2.59 Median house value ACS 2015-2019 $292,200 $0.00 $14.59 $11.09 $7.58 (1) GMA does not allow growth requirements to be financed 100% with growth impact fees. (2) GO bond capitalized with financing at 6% interest for 20 years (3) Property tax levy proceeds accumulated over 20 year period with no interest. * General Fund property tax amount shown includes all sources of funds from General Fund in addition to property tax 18 I Port Orchard PROS Plan Page 248 of 342 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey Q1 How often do you utilize the following Port Orchard parks or improved open spaces (see above map)? Answered:187 Skipped:1 Central/Clayto Par DeKal Pedestrian Pi( Etta TUrnE Par Givens Field/Active... McCormick Village Park Mitchell Park Paul Powers Ji Park Port Orcharc Boat Ramf Rockwell Park Sage Park Seattle Avenu Waterway. Van Zee Park Waterfront Par Ea B Pedest 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Never 0 Yearly 0 Monthly 0 Weekly 0 Daily Page 249 of 342 1/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey NEVER YEARLY MONTHLY WEEKLY DAILY TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Central/Clayton Park 66% 23% 7% 2% 1% 111 39 11 4 2 167 1.49 DeKalb Pedestrian Pier 43% 26% 19% 9% 2% 73 45 33 16 4 171 2.02 Etta Turner Park 48% 24% 15% 11% 2% 83 41 25 19 4 172 1.95 Givens Field/Active Club 57% 28% 9% 4% 2% 98 49 15 7 3 172 1.65 McCormick Village Park 42% 21% 22% 11% 3% 74 38 40 20 6 178 2.13 Mitchell Park 74% 16% 8% 2% 0% 126 27 13 4 0 170 1.38 Paul Powers Jr Park 82% 12% 4% 2% 0% 138 21 7 3 0 169 1.26 Port Orchard Boat Ramp 48% 21% 19% 10% 2% 84 36 34 17 4 175 1.98 Rockwell Park 54% 16% 13% 13% 4% 94 27 23 22 7 173 1.97 Sage Park 84% 10% 4% 1% 1% 139 17 7 1 1 165 1.23 Seattle Avenue Waterway Property 73% 11% 9% 6% 1% 121 19 15 10 1 166 1.50 Van Zee Park 52% 26% 16% 6% 1% 89 44 27 10 1 171 1.77 Waterfront Park 13% 19% 35% 23% 10% 23 34 64 42 19 182 3.00 Westbay Easements 66% 14% 7% 9% 4% 112 23 12 16 6 169 1.70 Bay Street Pedestrian Path 14% 20% 26% 30% 9% 26 37 47 54 17 181 2.99 Page 250 of 342 2/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey Q2 How often do you utilize the following Kitsap County and Washington State parks or open spaces? Answered:187 Skipped:1 Banner Fores Heritage Parl Barker Creek Corridor Bill Bloomquist.. Coulter Heritage Gi\ Commu Howe County Long Lake County Park Sinclair Inlet Wildlife.. South Kitsal Western Litt., South Kitsap Regional Park Veterans Memorial Park Village Gr, Golf Co Waterman WetL Wicks L; R Square I State Long Lake State Park 22% = 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0 Never 0 Yearly 0 Monthly 0 Weekly N Daily Page 251 of 342 3/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey NEVER YEARLY MONTHLY WEEKLY DAILY TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Banner Forest Heritage Park 39% 31% 22% 6% 2% 69 54 38 10 4 175 2.01 Barker Creek Corridor 87% 9% 4% 1% 0% 144 15 6 1 0 166 1.18 Bill Bloomquist Rotary Park 77% 16% 5% 1% 1% 129 26 9 2 1 167 1.32 Coulter Creek Heritage Park 75% 13% 7% 4% 1% 126 22 12 6 2 168 1.43 Givens Community & Senior Center 58% 28% 8% 4% 1% 100 48 14 7 2 171 1.61 Howe Farm County Park 56% 21% 14% 6% 3% 96 36 24 11 5 172 1.80 Long Lake County Park 40% 41% 15% 4% 0% 70 72 27 7 0 176 1.84 Sinclair Inlet Wildlife Restoration 69% 21% 8% 1% 1% Area 116 35 13 2 1 167 1.43 South Kitsap Western Little League 72% 20% 5% 1% 2% 122 34 9 2 3 170 1.41 South Kitsap Regional Park 27% 22% 27% 17% 7% 48 40 48 31 13 180 2.56 Veterans Memorial Park 59% 22% 9% 6% 4% 101 38 15 11 7 172 1.75 Village Greens Golf Course 72% 18% 7% 3% 0% 123 31 12 6 0 172 1.42 Waterman Point Wetland Tidelands 71% 16% 10% 4% 0% 120 27 17 6 0 170 1.46 Wicks Lake Park 84% 12% 4% 1% 1% 142 20 6 1 1 170 1.23 Square Lake State Park 73% 18% 7% 1% 1% 124 31 12 2 1 170 1.38 Long Lake State Park 48% 37% 13% 2% 1% 83 65 22 3 1 174 1.70 Page 252 of 342 4/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey Q3 What priority would you give to having the following types of ADA accessible outdoor facilities increased or added to Port Orchard? Answered:184 Skipped:4 Shoreline an beach acces °° 8°° Trails an o° °° open space Picnic MA facilities a... Playground and play area Spray an splash park Skate par Basketball tennis, and.. Soccer baseball, an.. °° -42 Community gardens Dog parks 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Lowest 0 Low 0 Average M High 0 Highest Page 253 of 342 5/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey LOWEST LOW AVERAGE HIGH HIGHEST TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Shoreline and beach access 7% 8% 27% 36% 22% 13 14 50 65 40 182 3.58 Trails and open spaces 5% 5% 31% 34% 25% 10 9 56 62 45 182 3.68 Picnic facilities and shelters 3% 5% 31% 40% 21% 6 9 57 72 38 182 3.70 Playgrounds and play areas 3% 5% 30% 37% 26% 6 9 54 67 47 183 3.77 Spray and splash parks 10% 13% 33% 28% 16% 18 24 60 51 30 183 3.28 Skate parks 20% 25% 33% 16% 5% 37 46 60 29 10 182 2.61 Basketball, tennis, and volleyball courts 11% 17% 42% 21% 9% 20 31 76 38 17 182 3.01 Soccer, baseball, and softball fields 9% 13% 43% 26% 9% 17 24 78 48 16 183 3.12 Community gardens 8% 12% 28% 33% 19% 14 22 51 61 35 183 3.44 Dog parks 12% 14% 31% 27% 16% 22 25 57 50 29 183 3.21 # COMMENTS DATE 1 Safe area's to take a walk, and to get people out of the house 8/13/2020 8:14 AM 2 1 support ADA access everywhere. Some of these areas seem fairly accessible already, or 8/10/2020 2:07 PM have recently had upgrades. In the parks I've visited, there does still seem to be an ADA challenge getting to picnic areas. 3 This needs to include PICKLEBALL COURTS 8/9/2020 8:31 PM 4 There are very few decent walking and biking trails here. It would promote good health and 8/4/2020 7:22 PM safety to have more protected walking and biking paths. 5 We have some very sad looking dog parks. 8/4/2020 11:21 AM 6 Focusing on natural (or close to natural) recreational amenities is more beneficial for the city 8/3/2020 10:17 PM on the long run, both in aesthetics and for public health. 7 Some areas are not feasible for ADA access 8/3/2020 4:00 PM 8 1 think having more places that are wheel chair accessible would be a great addition to this 8/3/2020 1:13 PM community. Maybe some picnic tables that are designed for handicap people in wheel chairs like a table with out seats so they can fit their wheel chair underneath! 9 Trails should have a paved path for wheelchair access. 8/1/2020 6:42 PM 10 We are elderly. When we were younger, priorities would be different. 8/1/2020 12:45 PM 11 Our waterfront walk is an invaluable resource. How many towns can boast the length of ours? 7/30/2020 7:48 PM Can we make it longer? 12 We need more artificial athletic turf fields 7/29/2020 8:34 PM 13 As a person with M.S. I appreciate the accessibility and ease of use of the parks. 7/29/2020 6:48 AM 14 1 would really like to see an inclusive park similar to Thunder Junction All Abilities Park 7/28/2020 7:06 PM (Tonaquint Park) in St. George UT 15 There should be Pickleball courts added. 7/28/2020 6:15 PM Page 254 of 342 6/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 We need Pickleball courts as well Bicycling is very popular in the local area. From BMX Racing at Peninsula Indoor BMX to riding at the skate park to taking advantage of the many mountain bike trails in the area. With the removal (mostly) of the trails and jump lines at the west end of SK Regional Park, I know that a paved Velo Solutions Pump Track would be a very welcome and popular addition to the area. You should go online and checkout the one in Leavenworth or Redmond Oregon. ADA accommodations in family use areas should have precedence to increase opportunity for the whole community. lots of parking as well The reason why these are lowest to average is because I don't think the City does a very good job of taking care of the facilities they currently have. To add more upgrades would just become more of a burden. There are already a lot of places to play soccer because they use the fields in the SKSD, and I don't see a lot pf use at the tennis courts. Port Orchard could really benefit from a boat house, I know the Library wants to check out kayaks, others could use a boat house as well. Whatever is allowable by law nothing more nothing less Need places for teens to hang out. Access to areas around the Givens Area for Handicap Persons is not there. Finish the Pedestrian/Bike Path as a top prioriety. A lot of people can exercise and get into the outdoors that way. ADA access is not feasible in all situations. 7/28/2020 6:04 PM 7/27/2020 8:42 PM 7/27/2020 7:16 PM 7/27/2020 3:18 PM 7/17/2020 9:13 PM 7/13/2020 5:02 PM 7/4/2020 7:06 PM 7/3/2020 6:47 AM 7/2/2020 6:28 AM 7/2/2020 6:13 AM 7/1/2020 7:33 PM 6/26/2020 9:58 AM Page 255 of 342 7/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey Q4 What priority would you give to have the following types of ADA accessible indoor facilities increased or added to Port Orchard? Childcare Youth activit o 0 cent, 5 0 6 0 Indoor playground� Indoor o o 8 0 0 gymnasium... Fitness facility... Climbing wall or structure Indoor walking / running track Lap swimming pool Leisure swimming pool Spray / splasl feature Small-mediun meeting room.. Large event rooms and... Classrooms (yoga, pilat... Computer / I o 0 o a / media... Commercial kitchen... Theatre < performing Juice, tea, and coffee... Public lib with readi Answered:185 Skipped:3 Page 256 of 342 8/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda Ylonkey space (c Nonprofi space (Lease. Rental/Leas space (busin. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Lowest 0 Low 0 Average 0 High 0 Highest Page 257 of 342 9/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey LOWEST LOW AVERAGE HIGH HIGHEST TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Childcare 14% 7% 31% 28% 20% 26 12 55 51 36 180 3.33 Youth activity center 5% 6% 24% 38% 27% 9 11 43 69 48 180 3.76 Indoor playground 9% 11% 35% 27% 17% 17 20 64 49 31 181 3.31 Indoor gymnasium (basketball, volleyball, etc.) 8% 7% 37% 33% 15% 14 13 66 60 27 180 3.41 Fitness facility (weights, aerobic, other) 5% 10% 35% 31% 19% 10 18 63 56 35 182 3.48 Climbing wall or structure 18% 18% 38% 14% 12% 32 33 69 26 22 182 2.85 Indoor walking / running track 8% 12% 30% 29% 23% 14 21 54 52 41 182 3.47 Lap swimming pool 9% 13% 27% 25% 27% 16 23 49 45 49 182 3.48 Leisure swimming pool 8% 11% 29% 24% 29% 14 20 53 43 52 182 3.54 Spray / splash feature 15% 16% 30% 23% 15% 28 30 55 42 28 183 3.07 Small -medium meeting rooms and rental space 13% 13% 40% 21% 13% 24 23 74 39 23 183 3.08 Large event rooms and rental space 11% 17% 37% 21% 14% 21 31 68 38 25 183 3.08 Classrooms (yoga, pilates, tai chi, exercise, 7% 14% 40% 25% 14% karate, other) 12 25 73 46 26 182 3.27 Computer / IT / media classroom 9% 14% 40% 21% 15% 16 26 74 39 28 183 3.20 Commercial kitchen (cooking classes and event 11% 17% 38% 24% 10% rental) 20 31 69 44 19 183 3.06 Theatre and performing arts space (<250 capacity) 9% 15% 31% 31% 15% 16 28 56 56 27 183 3.27 Juice, tea, and coffee latte bar 24% 20% 35% 13% 9% 43 36 64 23 16 182 2.63 Public library with reading rooms and classrooms 6% 8% 23% 32% 31% 11 14 43 59 57 184 3.74 Nonprofit space (city sponsored option) 14% 17% 40% 18% 11% 25 31 72 32 20 180 2.95 Nonprofit space (leased option) 17% 19% 41% 15% 8% 30 34 73 27 15 179 2.79 Rental/lease space (business revenue generating) 18% 16% 37% 23% 6% 31 29 66 40 11 177 2.84 # COMMENTS DATE 1 We need more small spaces available to rent for vendors of service, crafts etc. 8/21/2020 1:51 PM 2 Any thing that is safe for individuals/families to enjoy themselves that is a not for profit space 8/13/2020 8:14 AM Page 258 of 342 10/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 This needs to include INDOOR PICKLEBALL COURTS and/or multiuse courts (basketbal I/pickleball) Some areas are not feasible for ADA access All are important for inclusion of people who need ADA access, but I think if there are only a few to choose, that you should pick the areas that serve the most people in the community the most often. A theatre is going to serve more people more frequently compared to a space that is for rent that is not currently serving anyone. Again, if we were younger, these priorites would be different. There is an abundance of rental space available for almost any type of business in the private sector. I think an awesome indoor swimming facility, that isn't membership based, would KILL IT here. I would love to see a YMCA style swimming pool and exercise facility. Most of these functions can be offered from the current community businesses. New Community Center with YMCA -features and Senior Cetner located within- a mustOt A public building / fitness center / arts center would be amazing. An indoor facility with outdoor features (i.e. bball courts outside, walking/running path going by, boathouse underneath, beach for the little guys) Whatever is allowable by law. Nothing more nothing less Indoor areas to be used for recreation is not available unless rented from schools or the Givens Center. Adamantly opposed to using park funds to provide a place for private business 8/9/2020 8:31 PM 8/3/2020 4:00 PM 8/1/2020 6:42 PM 8/1/2020 12:45 PM 7/30/2020 7:48 PM 7/30/2020 5:53 PM 7/29/2020 6:48 AM 7/17/2020 9:13 PM 7/16/2020 1:25 PM 7/4/2020 7:06 PM 7/3/2020 6:47 AM 7/2/2020 6:13 AM 6/29/2020 7:33 PM Page 259 of 342 11/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey Q5 What level of satisfaction do you have with the existing park and trail levels of service (LOS). Answered:180 Skipped:8 Trail and ope ° ° °9 ° space.. Par o ° maintenanc °4 0 Restroom maintenanc Picni shelters. PlaygroL maintem Ath courts a Graffiti response Vandalism response Safety and security... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Lowest 0 Low 0 Average M High M Highest Page 260 of 342 12/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey LOWEST LOW AVERAGE HIGH HIGHEST TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Trail and open space maintenance 2% 9% 42% 40% 8% 3 16 74 70 14 177 3.43 Park maintenance 2% 8% 42% 39% 9% 3 14 75 69 16 177 3.46 Restrooms maintenance 6% 14% 56% 21% 3% 11 24 98 37 5 175 3.01 Picnic shelters maintenance 2% 10% 59% 24% 5% 4 18 103 42 8 175 3.18 Playgrounds maintenance 2% 10% 53% 31% 3% 4 18 92 55 6 175 3.23 Athletic courts and fields maintenance 3% 14% 57% 21% 5% 6 25 99 36 8 174 3.09 Graffiti response 3% 10% 52% 27% 8% 5 17 89 47 13 171 3.27 Vandalism response 3% 10% 53% 26% 8% 5 17 90 45 13 170 3.26 Safety and security measures 2% 15% 53% 25% 6% 3 25 90 42 10 170 3.18 Page 261 of 342 13/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda Jlonkey Q6 What recreational groups or programs have you participated in? Answered:167 Skipped:2' Kitsap Count 6 Parks &.. Clu $ organization.. Specialized centers... Privat 5 6 instruction .. Library 9 9 programs Sport group 68 or league Schoo programs or.. Church group 9 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 In Port Orchard 0 Outside Port Orchard IN PORT OUTSIDE PORT TOTAL ORCHARD ORCHARD RESPONDENTS Kitsap County Parks & Recreation 70% 62% 73 64 Club organization (YMCA, Boys & Girls, Scouts, 33% 76% other) 33 76 Specialized centers (aquatic, fitness, other) 42% 73% 43 74 Private instruction or classes 51% 65% 52 66 Library programs 85% 35% 96 39 Sport groups or leagues 62% 63% 63 64 School programs or sports 72% 47% 72 47 Church groups 70% 49% 59 41 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE Page 262 of 342 14/64 104 100 102 101 113 101 100 84 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Just walking 8/13/2020 8:14 AM PICKLEBALL 8/9/2020 8:31 PM Pickleball Group at McCormick Woods 8/6/2020 9:56 AM Why do I have to go to Bremerton or Gig Harbor to participate in activities? Need pickleball 8/4/2020 7:57 PM courts in Port Orchard. I just moved to Port Orchard earlier this year as Covid-19 came and shut most of these 8/4/2020 7:22 PM options down. having lived in other Kistap areas prior, some of my community involvement is still attached to 8/4/2020 10:19 AM those original areas. In Bremerton, lots of Pickleball play. Check with the Bremerton Parks n Rec and ask about 8/3/2020 11:52 AM Manette Park (open in 2018) and the Pickleball activity on the court. Today (8/3/2020) we had 29 in attendance. Sixteen can be playing at one time on the four courts. Social Distancing with Mask wearing when not playing. I know 6 players were from Port Orchard. We travel to Gig Harbor weekly for more family friends options for library, parks, beaches, and 8/2/2020 6:17 PM other amenities. No kids at this household 8/2/2020 10:56 AM Kitsap dog parks 8/1/2020 11:05 AM I play Ingress. Many Niantic destinations are in local parks. 8/1/2020 11:04 AM Pickleball at Sheridan Community Center or Lyon's Park 7/30/2020 4:26 PM Outside hiking and trail maintenance groups 7/30/2020 3:45 PM BMX Racing at a local indoor private facility 7/27/2020 8:42 PM very important to me that city has lots of non profit areas to rent 7/27/2020 3:18 PM The Waterfront parks are not safe. Beggars, Drug addicted, Jail release, downtrodden 6/29/2020 7:33 PM dominate the landscape Page 263 of 342 15/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q7 If you have not participated in a group or recreation program in Port Orchard, what are the reasons? Answered:137 Skipped:51 Unaware of goo 8°0 40% programs challenges t. Not intereste in program Schedule conflicts Cost o participatini Transportatio to oroq�rar 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Not at all 0 Minor 0 Major NOT AT ALL MINOR MAJOR TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Unaware of programs 23% 38% 40% 29 48 51 128 Family challenges to attending 56% 33% 11% 64 38 13 115 Not interested in programs 42% 42% 16% 49 49 18 116 Schedule conflicts 35% 39% 26% 43 47 32 122 Cost of participating 45% 33% 21% 53 39 25 117 Transportation to program 70% 23% 6% 81 27 7 115 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the world, and is extremely popular with seniors. Most 8/9/2020 8:31 PM Port Orchard sports programs are mostly for children and younger adults. 2 New to the area and found other areas of Kitsap County more welcoming to outsiders. 8/6/2020 11:44 AM 3 Just moved here from living all our lives in So. California 8/6/2020 9:26 AM Page 264 of 342 16/64 1.17 0.56 0.73 0.91 0.76 0.36 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Must pay to go to Bremerton or Gig Harbor to play pickleball, swim, take water aerobics etc. WHY not in Port Orchard? I offer hypothetical answers based on my experiences with other cities since I moved here a few months ago. new to area and covid-19 restrictions Have serious sensitivity to scents so rarely can be in a group setting and not cough or have asthma NA I enjoy the full range of activities offered by the YMCA in Silverdale I'm disabled, and I don't leave home much. YMCA for Port Orchard N/A Don't need anything from the City 8/4/2020 7:57 PM 8/4/2020 7:22 PM 8/2/2020 10:55 AM 7/31/2020 2:58 PM 7/29/2020 7:15 PM 7/28/2020 12:57 PM 7/28/2020 2:22 AM 7/27/2020 3:18 PM 7/27/2020 3:11 PM 7/27/2020 11:37 AM Page 265 of 342 17/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q8 If you have participated in a recreation program with any group in Port Orchard, how satisfied were you? ANSWER CHOICES Unhappy Neutral Happy Very happy TOTAL Answered:125 Skipped:63 ° ° 04-1. MZ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Unhappy 0 Neutral 0 Happy 0 Very happy RESPONSES 2% 30% 54% 14% 3 37 68 17 125 Page 266 of 342 18/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey Q9 If you were unhappy with the program, what were the reasons? Answered:35 Skipped:153 ANSWER CHOICES Instructor knowledge Instructional materials Class content Customer service Too many enrolled Inconvenient hours Inadequate facilities Inadequate equipment Other (please specify) TOTAL 3% 9°o 6°o 0°° 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0 Instructor knowledge N Instructional materials Class content Customer service N Too many enrolled 0 Inconvenient hours 0 Inadequate facilities 0 Inadequate equipment 0 Other (please specify) RESPONSES 0% 0% 3% 9% 6% 20% 23% 6% 34% # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Why not ask - What programs would you like to see in Port Orch. I spend all my time & money 8/4/2020 7:57 PM in other communities. 2 Mostly I'm unhappy about my body not being able to respond. 8/2/2020 10:56 AM 3 public pool that is clean and modern 7/31/2020 12:11 PM 4 The classes were canceled 7/31/2020 10:26 AM 5 N/A 7/31/2020 9:37 AM 6 1 can't un-click this question so other it is 7/29/2020 4:30 PM 7 N/A 7/27/2020 3:11 PM 8 N/A 7/27/2020 2:44 PM 9 Volunteer base and support from the city 7/17/2020 9:13 PM 10 small boat boathouse is desireable.... include high school rowing program? 7/6/2020 9:23 AM 0 0 1 3 2 7 8 2 12 35 Page 267 of 342 19/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey 11 Poor instruction/instructors without support and guidance from main program and subs 7/3/2020 6:47 AM 12 Volunteer base and support from the city 7/2/2020 6:13 AM Page 268 of 342 20/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q10 What priority would you give to have the following recreation programs provided by some organization in Port Orchard by age group? Answered:182 Skipped:6 Youth programs (0-11) Teen-youn; adult progra., Young adult programs... Adult program! Senior programs... Elder program °0 8°0 (71+ Programs for o06°° 17% 00 9°0 those with... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Lowest 0 Low Average High Highest LOWEST LOW AVERAGE HIGH HIGHEST TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Youth programs (0-11) 6% 3% 22% 44% 25% 10 6 38 76 44 174 3.79 Teen -young adult programs (11-21) 3% 2% 14% 38% 42% 5 4 25 67 74 175 4.15 Young adult programs (21-30) 5% 14% 42% 27% 12% 9 24 72 46 20 171 3.26 Adult programs (30-55) 5% 13% 40% 30% 12% 9 22 68 51 21 171 3.31 Senior programs (55-70) 3% 3% 30% 40% 24% 6 6 53 71 42 178 3.77 Elder programs (71+) 4% 8% 29% 38% 22% 7 13 49 64 37 170 3.65 Programs for those with disabilities 3% 6% 17% 44% 29% 6 10 30 76 50 172 3.90 Page 269 of 342 21/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q11 What priority would you give to have some organization in Port Orchard to provide the following types of recreation programs? Answered:183 Skipped:5 Extracurricul (non -school). Sports leagu o° o° rJoo o° o0 or competiti.. Aquatic classes /.. Fitness (aerobics,... Outdoo °° 0°0 recreation.. Travel (local trips to... Environmenta °° °° 26% (park and tr.. Landscape an 28% 6°0 gardening.. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Lowest 0 Low Average High Highest LOWEST LOW AVERAGE HIGH HIGHEST TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Extracurricular (non -school) sports play 5% 8% 28% 36% 23% 9 14 50 64 40 177 3.63 Sports league or competition play 5% 12% 35% 31% 17% 9 21 62 55 30 177 3.43 Aquatics classes / programs 4% 9% 27% 34% 25% 8 16 49 62 46 181 3.67 Fitness (aerobics, cross -fit, weight lifting, personal 5% 6% 32% 37% 20% training, etc.) 9 11 57 66 36 179 3.61 Outdoor recreation (skiing, hiking, camping, rafting, 4% 10% 22% 37% 26% golf, etc.) 7 18 40 67 47 179 3.72 Travel (local trips to museums, exhibitions, parks, 10% 12% 33% 31% 13% etc.) 18 22 59 55 23 177 3.24 Environmental (park and trail maintenance, habitat 3% 7% 26% 35% 30% restoration, etc.) 5 12 46 63 53 179 3.82 Landscape and gardening classes or botanical 4% 15% 36% 28% 16% arrangement 8 26 65 51 29 179 3.37 Page 270 of 342 22/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey Q12 What priority would you give to have some organization in Port Orchard to provide the following types of indoor programs? Answered:182 Skipped:6 Presc child After-sch Athletic (basketball,.. °° 6°° Fitness (yoga, pilate,... Health wellness, an.. Dance, music,® or drama Art or r Edu 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Lowest 0 Low 0 Average M High 0 Highest Page 271 of 342 23/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey LOWEST LOW AVERAGE HIGH HIGHEST TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Preschool childcare 11% 10% 26% 29% 24% 20 18 45 51 42 176 3.44 After -school programs 7% 3% 22% 40% 28% 13 5 39 71 50 178 3.79 Athletics (basketball, handball, volleyball, 5% 6% 36% 31% 22% etc.) 9 11 64 55 39 178 3.58 Fitness (yoga, pilate, aerobics, etc.) 4% 11% 37% 31% 17% 8 19 66 56 31 180 3.46 Health, wellness, and nutrition 3% 8% 34% 33% 21% 5 15 62 60 38 180 3.62 Dance, music, or drama 6% 9% 37% 28% 20% 10 16 66 50 35 177 3.47 Art or textile 7% 9% 38% 28% 18% 12 16 68 49 32 177 3.41 Media 10% 16% 44% 21% 10% 17 27 75 36 17 172 3.05 Education 5% 7% 29% 31% 28% 8 13 51 54 49 175 3.70 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 People programs should be a priority 8/13/2020 8:14 AM 2 This needs to include PICKLEBALL 8/9/2020 8:31 PM 3 Pickleball Games 8/6/2020 9:56 AM 4 We need pickleball courts both indoors and outdoors. PICKLEBALL Courts! PICKLEBALL 8/4/2020 7:57 PM Courts! 5 Pickleball courts 8/3/2020 11:52 AM 6 Some programs are already provided in the community such as yoga, community choir, 8/1/2020 6:42 PM community theater. Would love to see adult dance classes, art classes, and more programs on nutrition and exercise. 7 teens in this area need more winter activities 7/28/2020 12:57 PM 8 YMCA for Port Orchard 7/27/2020 3:18 PM 9 Indoor activities are currently limited because of facilities. Most of the current programs are 7/17/2020 9:13 PM businesses based on making money. 10 Medical needs van for people who cant get to a clinic 7/2/2020 6:28 AM 11 These should be nonprofit organizations, not funded by the city unless self sufficient. 7/2/2020 6:13 AM Page 272 of 342 24/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey Q13 What priority would you give to attend the following types of events in Port Orchard? 4th of Jul Bay Street Boo $o° o° Bash Corn Hole Classic Kits... Cruisin Sunday DECA Fun Run Farmers' Market Port... Fathoms O'Fur Festival Fal.. Festival by the Bay Festival of Chimes and... Forms Informational Reservation.. Jingle Bell R KCSO Open House Answered:183 Skipped:5 1w, A ITtF)A M?A ! Ib 1 b Kitsap Mustangs on ... Laying o Wreaths at.. MCW Turkey Trot National Night Oui Night Market Page 273 of 342 25/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda Monkey Scouts BSA Club Day Camp Seagull Calling... Seagull Spla Pirates and.. Seattle Children's F... ° Shift into 600 Summer Summer 00 00 Festival... Taste of Par= o° Orchar The Cruz MQ Tool Kit 6°0 Vintag Artisan Marke Yukon Summer °0 8°0 6°0 Marathon Yukon Winter Marathon 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Lowest 0 Low 0 Average 0 High 0 Highest Page 274 of 342 26/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey LOWEST LOW AVERAGE HIGH HIGHEST TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE 4th of July 10% 11% 21% 37% 21% 18 19 37 65 37 176 Bay Street Boo Bash 13% 17% 40% 23% 7% 21 29 67 39 12 168 Corn Hole Classic Kitsap County 22% 24% 39% 11% 4% 37 40 66 19 6 168 Cruisin Sunday 13% 16% 34% 28% 8% 22 28 59 49 14 172 DECA Fun Run 20% 25% 35% 15% 5% 33 41 58 25 8 165 Farmers' Market Port Orchard 1% 2% 15% 44% 38% 1 4 27 79 69 180 Fathoms O'Fun Festival Fall Follies 8% 8% 40% 29% 14% 14 14 69 50 24 171 Festival by the Bay 8% 5% 36% 38% 13% 13 8 62 65 22 170 Festival of Chimes and Lights 7% 7% 23% 37% 26% 12 13 40 65 45 175 Forms 32% 27% 37% 4% 1% 45 38 52 5 1 141 Informational Reservation Forms 31% 27% 37% 4% 1% 44 38 52 6 1 141 Jingle Bell Run 14% 11% 36% 27% 12% 23 19 61 45 21 169 KCSO Open House 21% 28% 39% 10% 2% 31 42 58 15 3 149 Kitsap Mustangs on the Waterfront 14% 20% 33% 24% 8% 24 34 56 41 13 168 Laying of Wreaths at Retsil 10% 10% 38% 27% 14% 16 17 62 44 23 162 MCW Turkey Trot 14% 23% 42% 16% 6% 22 36 67 25 10 160 National Night Out 13% 15% 36% 27% 10% 21 24 59 44 17 165 Night Market 7% 9% 33% 34% 17% 12 15 54 57 28 166 Scouts BSA Club Day Camp 19% 23% 41% 10% 6% 30 36 64 15 10 155 Seagull Calling Festival 25% 17% 37% 15% 7% 41 27 60 24 11 163 Seagull Splat Pirates and Crew Regata 20% 18% 35% 19% 7% 32 29 56 31 11 159 Seattle Children's For the Love of 11% 13% 41% 26% 8% Children 17 20 63 40 12 152 Shift into Summer 16% 18% 49% 16% 2% 24 26 72 23 3 148 Page 275 of 342 27/64 3.48 2.95 2.51 3.03 2.60 4.17 3.33 3.44 3.67 2.14 2.16 3.13 2.44 2.91 3.25 2.78 3.07 3.45 2.61 2.61 2.75 3.07 2.70 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey Summer Festival Weekend and Parade 7% 7% 44% 29% 14% 11 11 71 47 23 163 3.37 Taste of Port Orchard 3% 7% 30% 39% 21% 6 12 52 67 36 173 3.66 The Cruz 10% 12% 35% 30% 12% 17 19 58 50 20 164 3.23 Tool Kit 26% 22% 43% 4% 4% 38 32 63 6 6 145 2.38 Vintage Artisan Market 16% 15% 42% 20% 8% 25 24 67 32 13 161 2.90 Yukon Summer Marathon 23% 21% 32% 18% 6% 37 33 50 28 10 158 2.63 Yukon Winter Marathon 24% 21% 33% 17% 5% 37 33 51 26 8 155 2.58 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 PLEASE! Let's do NO personal fireworks allowed and have old fashion family picnic and 8/21/2020 1:51 PM firework display put on by the city 2 I'm unaware of some of these but will check them out. 8/6/2020 10:26 AM 3 Pickleball 8/6/2020 9:56 AM 4 Cannot answer 8/6/2020 9:26 AM 5 If I had knowledge of these events in Port Orchard, I would attend. How would the public learn 8/4/2020 7:57 PM about such events? 6 The Halloween festivities are a lifesaver! A safe community to take my kids too thats close by 8/3/2020 1:13 PM and where I can be with them & we all have fun. 7 Once you build more multi -use courts that are lined for Pickleball, then tournaments could be 8/3/2020 11:52 AM scheduled! Check out the 2019 Founders Day Pickleball Tournament on Bainbridge. 8 There should be an "I don't know" choice. I don't know about most of these events. 7/30/2020 10:09 AM 9 YMCA 7/27/2020 3:18 PM 10 Lots of these I have not heard of, so they scored low, but if I knew more about them they 7/27/2020 3:11 PM might have scored higher. Page 276 of 342 28/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q14 If you have not attended any special events in Port Orchard, what are the reasons? Answered:138 Skipped:50 Unaware of events challenges t. Not intereste in event Schedule conflicts Cost of attendins Transportatio ON0 0 0 8 a O o 5 0 to even 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Not at all N Minor Major NOT AT ALL MINOR MAJOR TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Unaware of events 26% 28% 46% 34 37 61 132 Family challenges to attending 57% 36% 8% 68 43 9 120 Not interested in events 29% 48% 23% 36 60 28 124 Schedule conflicts 42% 41% 18% 52 51 22 125 Cost of attending 58% 36% 6% 69 42 7 118 Transportation to event 84% 10% 5% 98 12 6 116 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Advertise the events ahead of time using the different media avail. 8/13/2020 8:14 AM 2 parking!!! 8/10/2020 12:49 PM 3 We usually hear about the events too late or the day of. 8/3/2020 1:13 PM 4 new to area covid restrictions 8/2/2020 10:55 AM 1.20 0.51 0.94 0.76 0.47 0.21 Page 277 of 342 29/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda eonkey 5 1 haven't attended most of these because I have never heard of them. 8/1/2020 6:42 PM 6 NA 7/29/2020 7:15 PM 7 Parking 7/5/2020 12:04 PM 8 Poor city planning on event space, guidances for parking, traffic and pedestrian issues are 7/3/2020 6:47 AM poorly executed Page 278 of 342 30/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q15 If it were possible, what priority would you give to have some organization in Port Orchard to provide the following types of volunteer opportunities? Answered:181 Skipped:7 Volunteer program -... Volunteer program - parks Volunteer 0program -... Volunteer program -... 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Lowest 0 Low 0 Average L High 41 Highest LOWEST LOW AVERAGE HIGH HIGHEST TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Volunteer program - trails 7% 3% 30% 40% 20% 12 5 53 70 36 176 3.64 Volunteer program - parks 6% 3% 30% 42% 18% 11 6 53 74 32 176 3.63 Volunteer program - recreation (youth, adult, and 4% 6% 31% 38% 22% senior programs) 7 10 55 67 39 178 3.68 Volunteer program - cultural services (special 10% 10% 37% 31% 12% event) 18 17 65 54 21 175 3.25 # COMMENTS DATE 1 Just make sure that the parks are clean and safe of needles and trash, picking up the trash 8/13/2020 8:14 AM Port Orchard is a big abuser of this, trash cans overflowing, and other 2 If there are these types of volunteer opportunities already in existence, I am not aware of 8/10/2020 2:07 PM them. 3 1 think volunteer programs should be encouraged and made known. 8/6/2020 10:26 AM 4 Sorry, at 86 I'm not too perky any more 8/2/2020 10:56 AM 5 1 would volunteer for any of the above 7/28/2020 5:24 PM 6 homework help for elementary through high school 7/28/2020 12:57 PM Page 279 of 342 31/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey hes provide opportunities besides food bank 7/27/2020 3:18 PM 8 Needs medical volunteers for the homeless 7/2/2020 6:28 AM Page 280 of 342 32 / 64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey Q16 How did you find out about this survey? Answered:182 Skipped:6 Email Word of mouth Cit City 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% No 0 Yes NO YES TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Postcard 27% 73% 41 112 153 0.00 Email 79% 21% 97 26 123 0.00 Word of mouth 89% 11% 103 13 116 0.00 City website 83% 17% 96 20 116 0.00 City Facebook 75% 25% 87 29 116 0.00 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 The one tennis court net in Van Zee Park has been missing for well over a year. Please 8/10/2020 12:59 PM replace it!! Evidence of homeless people living in South Kitsap Park was disturbing. 2 Pickleball group sent the link to all on the Pickleball list 8/3/2020 11:52 AM 3 1 was tagged in the post 7/28/2020 7:27 PM 4 POBSA 7/17/2020 1:22 PM 5 POBSA 7/17/2020 12:48 PM Page 281 of 342 33/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q17 Which of the following methods is the best way to communicate with you? Answered:179 Skipped:9 Email 12% City website City Mailer newslet Email City website City Facebook Mailer or newsletter 40% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% No 0 Somewhat Definitely NO SOMEWHAT DEFINITELY 12% 19% 69% 21 32 117 47% 38% 14% 65 53 20 51% 26% 24% 71 36 33 26% 34% 40% 38 49 58 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) 1 City signage TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE 170 1.56 138 0.67 140 0.73 145 1.14 DATE 7/29/2020 4:30 PM Page 282 of 342 34/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q18 Where do you live - inside or outside of city limits (see reference map at the beginning of the survey)? Answered: 185 Skipped: 3 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Outside city limits (outside red boundary line) Inside city limits (inside red boundary line) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Outside city limits (outside red boundary line) 38% 71 Inside city limits (inside red boundary line) 62% 114 TOTAL 185 Page 283 of 342 35/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q19 How many years have you lived in Port Orchard? Answered:183 Skipped:5 9°0 00 46% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0-2 0 2-5 6-10 11-15 16+ ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 0-2 13% 23 2-5 18% 33 6-10 9% 17 11-15 14% 25 16+ 46% 85 TOTAL 183 Page 284 of 342 36/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda Monkey Q20 How many people are in your household? Answered:185 Skipped:3 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 01 02 M3 04 05 06 M7+ ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 1 13% 24 2 36% 66 3 23% 43 4 14% 26 5 9% 16 6 4% 8 7+ 1% 2 TOTAL 185 Page 285 of 342 37/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda Jlonkey Q21 How many members in your household are in the following age groups? Answered:183 Skipped:5 0-5 6-10 11-14 15-18 19-25 26-40 41-55 500 oa 8oa 56-65 65+ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 00 M1 M2 03 ' 4 05+ Page 286 of 342 38/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda 4onkey 0 1 2 3 4 5+ TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE 0-5 76% 18% 7% 0% 0% 0% 69 16 6 0 0 0 91 0.31 6-10 71% 18% 8% 3% 0% 0% 63 16 7 3 0 0 89 0.44 11-14 65% 27% 7% 1% 0% 0% 58 24 6 1 0 0 89 0.44 15-18 66% 27% 6% 1% 0% 0% 61 25 6 1 0 0 93 0.43 19-25 69% 22% 9% 0% 0% 0% 66 21 9 0 0 0 96 0.41 26-40 34% 26% 41% 0% 0% 0% 33 25 40 0 0 0 98 1.07 41-55 45% 17% 38% 0% 0% 0% 49 19 42 0 0 0 110 0.94 56-65 58% 29% 13% 0% 0% 0% 60 30 13 0 0 0 103 0.54 65+ 51% 24% 25% 0% 0% 0% 56 26 27 0 0 0 109 0.73 Page 287 of 342 39/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey Q22 What language do the members in your household speak at home? Answered:185 Skipped:3 ANSWER CHOICES English Spanish Vietnamese Chinese Japanese Korean Other Pacific Island Other (please specify) TOTAL 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0 English Spanish Vietnamese i Chinese 0 Japanese Korean Other Pacific Island Other (please specify) RESPONSES 99% 184 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 1% 1 185 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) 1 English, Spanish, German, ebonics DATE 7/27/2020 6:39 PM Page 288 of 342 40 / 64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey ANSWER CHOICES Female Male Other Prefer not to answer TOTAL Q23 What is your gender? Answered:184 Skipped:4 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Female 0 Male 0 Other 0 Prefer not to answer 80% 90% 100% RESPONSES 63% 33% 0% 4% 116 61 0 7 184 Page 289 of 342 41/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda /lonkey ANSWER CHOICES Own Rent TOTAL Q24 What is your current housing situation? Answered:181 Skipped:7 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Own M Rent RESPONSES 88% 12% 160 21 181 Page 290 of 342 42 / 64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey Q25 Do you have any suggestions or recommendations concerning the development of parks, recreation, and open space in Port Orchard? Answered:82 Skipped:106 # RESPONSES DATE 1 1 would like to see the downtown waterfront continue to be re-claimed for public parks/use. 8/22/2020 7:35 PM Less dumpsters and car lots, more like a waterfront park. It is in process, but that's my priority. That and Banner Forrest are close to my heart! 2 Pullup bars and fitness stations would be nice 8/16/2020 1:11 PM 3 Do not use the open space for the homeless. Have more of a say and do not let Bremerton 8/13/2020 8:14 AM take over the city of Port Orchard. Fix the wooden walk way with the nails coming up before someone get hurt. 4 a facility to host sporting events/tournaments would bring money into the town- visiting our 8/11/2020 10:43 PM restaurants etc. 5 We need parking garages in downtown Port orchard!! 8/10/2020 12:49 PM 6 There is a huge need especially in the winter for an indoor space for PICKLEBALL players. It 8/9/2020 8:31 PM can be a multiuse space which is shared with basketball. All is needed is a hard floor, a portable net and lines painted. There are currently no PUBLIC outdoor pickleball courts in Port Orchard or S. Kitsap. Tennis courts can easily be multiuse spaces for pickleball. Contact the YMCA for more information on indoor multi -court use, and Gig Harbor parks for their outdoor multi -court use. 7 Love the changes that have been made and the plans you have put out there for the future. 8/6/2020 9:43 PM Would love to see a YMCA in South Kitsap! 8 My purpose in taking this survey, was to make a point about lack of parking to support already 8/6/2020 2:11 PM established facilities. I do not think Port Orchard should end up like Poulsbo. Parking is filled to the max. Currently there is not sufficient parking to support the boat ramp. There is "illegal" parking at the old Lighthouse Restaurant. Of course, that is going away. And the proposal for that property, indicates there will be one sport to support the Coffee Shop on the main floor of the condos. In closing, you can have all these wonderful activities, but if people have no parking, the activities will not be used. 9 Keep waterfront very accessible to community. I came from the Seattle Green Lake area and 8/6/2020 10:26 AM having a lake with a path around it is of great value. I was unaware of Square Lake until this survey. It looks like a diamond in the rough for future generations. I feel Port Orchard has great future potential! 10 Please develop more indoor and outdoor pickleball courts! This is a sport that is played by all 8/6/2020 9:56 AM age groups and there are barely any courts available. 11 1 enjoy the walking/hiking trails but would like to see more bike trails/lanes 8/5/2020 4:03 PM 12 Port Orch. need pickleball courts for indoor & outdoor use. Also public swimming pool.) spend 8/4/2020 7:57 PM most of my time & money at facilities in Bremerton & Gig Harbor. I pay to play pickleball at Recreation Center on Lebo Dr, 3-4 days per week, $3 per day & monthly fee at YMCA. That money should be spent in my neighborhood. 13 1 would love to see more safe walking and biking paths. I recently tried to walk around town 8/4/2020 7:22 PM with my neice in a stroller and I became quite educated about the lack of sidewalks on large sections of Bethel and Mitchell and elsewhere. I really like the walking path along the waterfront. In towns like Pullman and Richland (where I've previously lived) there were more walking options to travel around town and it was much easier to walk and bike safely with children. 14 Add outdoor and indoor pickleball courts 8/4/2020 5:51 PM Page 291 of 342 43/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to AgendaJonkey 15 yes I do. Are there specific meetings one might attend for park info and where we go in the 8/4/2020 11:21 AM future. Is that at City council meetings or...... I go to dog parks. Our parks a sad. 16 Not at this time. 8/4/2020 10:59 AM 17 Make the parks equitable regardless of the area of the park (Le. the Givens playground as 8/4/2020 10:54 AM compared to the McCormick Woods splash pad/playground). Let's go PO! 18 Can we add more sidewalks??? This is the only place I've lived without them in our 8/4/2020 10:28 AM neighborhood! (Even in rural Oklahoma, Hawaii, Kuwait & Bahrain) 19 1 love living in PO. The downtown area needs to continue to spruce up though! There are too 8/4/2020 10:19 AM many junk shops and not enough night-life/dining/enjoyment areas around Bay Street. The empty buildings need to go and we need to welcome in family friendly entertainment. Also we have so many young professionals moving here for the SY... they love to spend money on nice restaurants, breweries, and bars. Keep improving! 20 We need a YMCA! We need a good spray park. 8/4/2020 5:00 AM 21 Emphasizing on programs that develop the youth, foster the elderly, and revitalize our natural 8/3/2020 10:17 PM recreation is the primary recommendation I can provide. It'll allow the youth to be more attuned with the natural environment (keeping them active and ensuring that the future prosperity of our natural resources is provided through the interest of the youth) and heavily stimulate their personal development, to include their mental and physical health. Meanwhile, providing to the elderly will provide an improved quality of life to the long-term residents of our municipality; a final quality of life that is well deserved especially to those without family nearby. 22 1 wasn't even aware some of the city parks on the map existed, so perhaps better advertising 8/3/2020 7:47 PM of the parks. 23 Keep the homeless people from sleeping in the parks and dirtying them up with their trash so 8/3/2020 5:56 PM that it's safe for families with children to enjoy the parks. I avoid taking my grandchildren to certain areas because the trash is getting bad and it feels unsafe with people hanging around and sleeping in their cars and sometimes in tents or even just in a sleeping bag on the ground. 24 1 think that creating and maintaining parks should be the top priority followed by acquiring and 8/3/2020 4:00 PM maintaining open space. 25 Getting the word out for community events! A club for local Port Orchardians hikers/trail 8/3/2020 1:13 PM lovers/enviornmentalists to not only hang out together monthly, but also work together to keep our trails safe & clean. 26 Highly consider more multi -use courts lined for a variety of activities, a big one being 8/3/2020 11:52 AM pickleball. P'ball nets could be brought in and placed on the courts. 27 We LOVE the new park on Old Clifton! It's nice for families! We wish the library were in a more 8/2/2020 6:17 PM accessible location and that it felt more friendly for families (my friend's child was assaulted there by a mentally ill patron, so we use the library in Gig Harbor). We'd also love to see a YMCA here! 28 1. On the Bay Street waterfront park, you never installed the bench on the slab (near the Ford 8/2/2020 6:04 PM car wash). 2. I've noticed a lot more homeless people. But no facilities available to them. Suggestion: outdoor kennel, chain link fenced with an GFI electrical outlet for a heated blanket. 29 Joint operations with churches and non -profits should be encouraged. 8/2/2020 3:39 PM 30 Appreciate the way the workers keep the grass cut at Veteran's Memorial Park 8/2/2020 10:56 AM 31 1 would like to see more wide, paved paths for walking/non-motorized vehicles. 8/1/2020 6:42 PM 32 Idea- Create a "Quest book" (Valley Quest Program-www.valleyquest.org) for the various parks 8/1/2020 11:05 AM and open spaces and other free areas (cemetery). The book is a map of local areas with information about each area. The quests are clues to explore the area with sometimes information about the area. Follow the clues to find the hidden stamp, stamp the book and send in the complete stamp page to receive a patch. I purchased a quest book on vacation in Oregon and had a great time exploring new areas that I would have otherwise not known about. The quest book could introduce citizens and visitors to our area, increasing usage and potential tourism. 33 More accessible beach areas & waterfront trails. 8/1/2020 10:51 AM Page 292 of 342 44 / 64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey 34 Keep working on extending the waterfront walking path 7/31/2020 6:31 PM 35 1 use the dog parks and I don't think they were included in the survey? I go to Howe dog park 3 7/31/2020 2:58 PM times per week and Bandix once every 2 weeks. I live by the pocket park at the north end of Veteran's memorial park and would like to see the Basketball half court have a net for the nieghborhood kids.and a playground like it used to have. Lots of poor kids in the neighborhood and they play in that small, fenced park 36 have sidewalks on Sidney road all the way to Albertsons to Tremont 7/31/2020 12:11 PM 37 We would love to see a community pool with slides and a little kids area. More splash pads. 7/31/2020 9:37 AM More security features at parks (cameras) 38 1 would concentrate on the waterfront; get as much of it as possible for public land, for parks, 7/30/2020 7:48 PM water parks, why not a salt water pool? Little beaches. And of course long rambling walks etc. 39 Parks: Mccormick woods park is awesome, etta/spinny park on waterfront is awesome. Howe 7/30/2020 5:53 PM Farm is A-MAZE-ING. More dog space would be awesome. I'd really like to see another splash pad/park also. A public pool/swim facility (indoor for year round or outdoor for summer) would be SWEET. Re Downtown... Our downtown is so cute, but.... Do we really need 16 antique stores? We have no tourism draws. Couple good restaurants but I'd love to see some more draws to the local economy and some more things that I can do with kids (half the antique stores are owned by crotchety elderly people that are not kid friendly and/or friendly to anyone else either). 40 Please focus resources on beautification along waterfront bike/walking path. My wife and I love 7/30/2020 5:43 PM to walk and bike that path, and dream of a future when fun shops and businesses are open right along the path. Downtown Port Orchard has improved so much in recent memory! Thank you! 41 Don't take people's property to create something 7/30/2020 5:05 PM 42 Install Pickleball courts at any of the tennis courts in Port Orchard 7/30/2020 4:26 PM 43 Great work on McCormick Village Park! walking trails and facilities terrific. Kudos for dog park. 7/30/2020 3:45 PM Please develop more open space parks of this type that can be used year round and accessible to all. Please expand (purchase or through grants) open green spaces to preserve and maintain or unique rural character. Perfect example is newly acquired Coulter Creek County Park.... perhaps also acquisition of open space near airport for additional green space. Work to improve waterfront access along beach drive extending eastward and west if possible towards Gorst. Encourage removal of derelict properties along Bay Street to extend walking and bike trail to Lighthouse Point. This is a real asset for the city and can bring more folks downtown. 44 1 love the parks and trails we have now. They're very friendly and I feel I can be myself in 7/30/2020 12:29 PM them. They have a relaxed atmosphere, and I'm proud of that. I wouldn't change them for the world. 45 Baseball fields turfed, a complex like seihmel. 7/29/2020 8:34 PM 46 NA 7/29/2020 7:15 PM 47 i think of my grandkids when i fill out this survey because i spend a lot of time with thm 7/29/2020 7:45 AM 48 1 was happy to see that plastic dog pickup bags were added to the Givens field. It would be 7/29/2020 6:48 AM nice to see some kind on enforcement for people who don't clean up after their pets. Not sure how that could be done but hate to see the filth left by the people who don't. Stopped going to Central/Clayton park because of all the dog feces not picked up. 49 Playgrounds at van zee and trail maintenance throughout, swimming pool and community 7/28/2020 8:30 PM center would be great. 50 I'd like to see disc golf at South Kitsap Regional Park or Harper Park 7/28/2020 7:27 PM 51 yes a park should be created at the 1st corner of Beach Drive 7/28/2020 7:26 PM 52 Add some Pickleball courts 7/28/2020 6:15 PM 53 More pickleball courts! Preferably in South Kitsap Regional Park. 7/28/2020 6:04 PM Page 293 of 342 45 / 64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey 54 "Keep on truckin'!" 7/28/2020 3:34 PM 55 1 am concerned that the wonderful water view we have driving through Port Orchard is going to 7/28/2020 12:57 PM be lost as high rise building are coming soon. We need to preserve the waterfront view for all of South Kitsap and visitors who drive down Bay Street and Beach drive. More pocket parks, like the one by the motel should be planned. 56 Covid 19 safeguards have impacts that make some of the answers skew negative. 7/28/2020 12:20 PM 57 As previously noted, my family and I are avid bicyclists. We own the Indoor BMX race track 7/27/2020 8:42 PM just outside city limits and have seen first hand how involvement with BMX and bicycles, for kids teens and adults that just arent interested in typical team sports, can improve overall fitness, quality of life and confidence. Highly recommend researching putting a Velo Solutions Pump Track in town. Could easily fit at SK Regional Park, but I feel Givens, Rotary or Van Zee would be just as good. Once completed, it is not a very big footprint, and they are customizable for size. 58 South Kitsap Regional Park is a treasure! We are impressed with skate board facility 7/27/2020 7:16 PM particularly with its users - they are very kind and patient with the younger children. Our parks must provide a broad choice of activities for our young adults. But activities won't work without good communications of upcoming events. 59 More walkable paths. Bay Street and Beach Drive. Paths -bike to Bremerton 7/27/2020 6:39 PM 60 The the homeless out of South Kitsap Community Park. 7/27/2020 5:10 PM 61 Port Orchard. Why cant you use some of these spaces for YMCA spaces 7/27/2020 3:18 PM 62 1 love the new boardwalk. I think more trails would be nice and I would love to see that 7/27/2020 3:11 PM boardwalk expand. 63 Better advertising 7/27/2020 2:48 PM 64 A lap swimming pool would be great 7/27/2020 2:44 PM 65 sell the parks that aren't used 7/27/2020 11:37 AM 66 Port Orchard desperately needs a waterfront trail for biking that is many miles long. They need 7/20/2020 7:22 AM a public leaisure pool that is warm enough for kids. The high school pool is freezing because it's meant for laps. Biking trails are desperately needed. The streets are not safe without shoulders or sidewalks. 67 Yes. I know this has been brought up before but unless we get the transient situation under 7/17/2020 9:13 PM control, show more police presence, and take care of the current facilities we have, then I won't vote for additional facilities. 68 I'm a believer that the progress our community has demonstrated is a model for other cities of 7/17/2020 12:26 PM our size to follow. Proud to be from Port Orchard! 69 A new community center (outside Givens) with YMCA features and revitalized senior center. 7/16/2020 1:25 PM 70 1 hope to see some restoration on black jack creek in the future. Removing concrete from 7/16/2020 9:25 AM riparian area near the foot bridge. 71 Make things, if charging, affordable and doable for all, and don't let groups hoard spaces so 7/13/2020 5:02 PM others don't get a chance. 72 small boat boathouse/dock for kayaks and possibly high school rowing team. A community 7/6/2020 9:23 AM rowing program would love to start in Port Orchard but lacks a location 73 More oversight in construction and maintenance of city parks. Does anyone check to see if the 7/5/2020 12:04 PM restrooms have been cleaned? Did anyone inspect construction at McCormick Park? Why is the water at the splash pad not filtered and recirculated rather than just going down the drain into the sewer system? 74 A community presence for recreational boating and rowing that would aid the current crew 7/4/2020 11:32 AM program at South Kitsap High School 75 Stop spreading your'city limits' and leave rural port orchard alone. How many houses and 7/3/2020 6:47 AM 'planned housing developments can you build knowing you're destroying this area for temp Page 294 of 342 46/64 Port Orchard Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Survey Back to Agenda donkey cash flow. Stop already. It's disgusting and you should be ashamed at the way the city council is behaving. Greed. Nothing but greed. 76 Homeless help getting off drugs, psychological assistance. Make our parks clean and safe 7/2/2020 6:28 AM again. 77 Yes. The City needs to take better care of the overall cutting of grass and treatment of weeds 7/2/2020 6:13 AM in the park areas to include the Givens Picnic Area, and the Active center itself. That building is a sore eye for the Community. People will take care of parks if it looks like the City Cares. Also, police presence would be a good deterrent to the grafetti and vandalism occurring. If the Police could just walk through the parks once in awhile late at night around 5:00 or 6:00 that would really help. Safety is a big issue, because if people do not feel safe they will not use the parks, no matter how much money is spent. 78 We need a bike pump track in Port orchard!! 7/1/2020 10:24 PM 79 We love to get our kids outside. Port orchard is missing a long path that is stroller friendly. We 7/1/2020 9:59 PM spend a lot of time at the McCormick Village Park. It is so lovely. The trails are great and my kids love playing there. The bathrooms are always clean. Thank you! 80 Finish the Waterfront Bike Path/Pedestrian Pathway ASAP!! Quit messing around with it. 7/1/2020 7:33 PM 81 if you are going to ask the taxpayer to fund a Community Event Center, then please ensure the 6/29/2020 7:33 PM facility is not built with the Bank in mind or the rotary in mind or entrepreneurs from West Sound group in mind. Also, it needs to not turn into a soup kitchen and haven for the downtrodden nor eventually taken over by city government. There must be true grassroots outreach far beyond a survey, that I literally stumbled upon ... and I watch almost all city council meetings... 82 Reduce the number of future housings developments to maintain the tranquility of the area. 6/26/2020 9:58 AM Page 295 of 342 47/64 Back to Agenda Playground - 10 child capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear playground, parking, access road acre $4,000.00 0.5 $2,000 b earthwork for playground, parking, acces cu yd $15.00 746 $11,190 c site preparation, 12" depth Fibar@100'di, sq ft $10.00 15,700 $157,000 d medium play structure each $75,000.00 1 $48,000 e parent bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 3 $7,200 f trash receptacle w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 g drinking fountain, precast concrete each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 h bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 i parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 3,000 $27,000 j wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 10 $2,250 k access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 1,200 $9,600 1 water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 100 $9,000 m water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per playground $298,440 Estimate contingency 10% 10% $29,844 Total construction cost per playground $328,284 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $29,546 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $39,394 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $31,778 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $42,900 Total development cost per playground $471,902 Spray park - 10 child capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear site, parking, access road acre $4,000.00 0.5 $2,000 b earthwork for spray park, parking, access cu yd $15.00 746 $11,190 c site preparation, concrete platform sq ft $12.00 15,700 $188,400 d spray fixtures each $10,000.00 8 $80,000 e timing control mechanisms each $14,000.00 1 $14,000 f parent bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 3 $7,200 g trash receptacle w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 h drinking fountain, precast concrete each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 i bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 j parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 3,000 $27,000 k wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 10 $2,250 1 access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 1,200 $9,600 m water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 250 $22,500 n water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 o drainage, 8"Hine each $60.00 250 $15,000 Subtotal construction cost per playground $404,340 Estimate contingency 10% 10% $40,434 Total construction cost per playground $444,774 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $40,030 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $53,373 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $43,054 d contingency(const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $58,123 Total development cost per playground $639,354 G.1-1 Page 296 of 342 Back to Agenda Grassy playfield - 1 acre unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 1 $4,000 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 1,613 $24,200 c restroom facility, sani-can w/concrete pl each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 d trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 e playfield, grass seed w/subdrain sq ft $8.50 43,560 $370,260 f irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 43,560 $87,120 g drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 h bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 i parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 6,000 $54,000 j wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 k access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 1 water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 m water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $660,555 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $66,056 Total construction cost per field $726,611 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $65,395 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $87,193 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $70,336 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $94,953 Total development cost per field $1,044,488 Outdoor handball courts - 3 wall 20'x40' unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a earthwork for court and support are cu yd $15.00 50 $750 b 3 "asphalt/4"aggreg/6 "gravel sq ft $12.00 1,000 $12,000 c concrete side walls lr ft $400.00 80 $32,000 d trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 e drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 f bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 g parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 600 $5,400 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 2 $450 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 600 $4,800 j water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 100 $9,000 k water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per court $87,200 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $8,720 Total construction cost per field $95,920 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $8,633 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $11,510 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $9,285 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $12,535 Total development cost per court $137,883 G. 1-2 Page 297 of 342 Back to Agenda Outdoor basketball - 70'x114' unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a earthwork for court, parking, access roac cu yd $15.00 460 $6,900 b 3 "as phalt/4 "aggreg/6 "gravel sq ft $12.00 7,980 $95,760 c standards w/hoop and net, 6"steel poles each $3,600.00 2 $7,200 d trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 e drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 f bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 g parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 3,000 $27,000 h wheel stops, 10"W'Wprecast concrete each $225.00 10 $2,250 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 1,200 $9,600 j water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 100 $9,000 k water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per court $180,510 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $18,051 Total construction cost per field $198,561 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $17,870 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $23,827 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $19,221 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $25,948 Total development cost per court $285,427 Outdoor volleyball - 42'x72' unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a earthwork for court, parking, access roac cu yd $15.00 276 $4,140 b playing surface, 6"sand/compacted subg: cu yd $60.00 56 $3,360 c boundary lines, imbedded 4N4"cedar lr ft $10.00 180 $1,800 d net and anchors, 6N6" treated wood pos each $1,600.00 1 $1,600 e line judges stand, galvanized pipe w/2"xz each $1,800.00 2 $3,600 f players bench, w/conc support each $1,800.00 2 $3,600 g trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 g drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 i bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 j parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 3,000 $27,000 k wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 10 $2,250 1 access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 1,200 $9,600 m water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 100 $9,000 n water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per court $88,750 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $8,875 Total construction cost per field $97,625 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $8,786 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $11,715 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $9,450 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $12,758 Total development cost per court $140,334 G. 1-3 Page 298 of 342 Back to Agenda Outdoor tennis - 60'x120' with lights unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a earthwork for court, parking, access roac cu yd $15.00 320 $4,800 b colorcoat/1"asphalt/2"asphalt/4"crushec sq ft $16.00 7,200 $115,200 c perimeter fencing, 12'galvanized w/1.75' lr ft $50.00 360 $18,000 d lighting system, 4 poles w/2 km projectc system $350,000.00 1 $350,000 e net and anchors, 3.5"galvanized pipe po: each $2,000.00 1 $2,000 f trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 g drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 h bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 i parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 1,200 $10,800 j wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 4 $900 k access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 1,200 $9,600 1 water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 100 $9,000 m water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per court $543,100 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $54,310 Total construction cost per field $597,410 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $53,767 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $71,689 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $57,829 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $78,070 Total development cost per court $858,765 Outdoor tennis - 60'x120' without lights unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a earthwork for court, parking, access roac cu yd $15.00 320 $4,800 b colorcoat/1"asphalt/2"asphalt/4"crushec sq ft $16.00 7,200 $115,200 c perimeter fencing, 12'galvanized w/1.75' lr ft $50.00 360 $18,000 d net and anchors, 3.5"galvanized pipe poi each $2,000.00 1 $2,000 e trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 f drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 g bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 h parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 1,200 $10,800 i wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 4 $900 j access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 1,200 $9,600 k water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 100 $9,000 1 water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per court $193,100 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $19,310 Total construction cost per field $212,410 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $19,117 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $25,489 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $20,561 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $27,758 Total development cost per court $305,335 G. 1-4 Page 299 of 342 Back to Agenda Football field - 150'x300' unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 2 $8,000 b earthwork, 1'depth cu yd $15.00 1,667 $25,000 c playing surface, grass turf/12" sand w/st sq ft $12.00 45,000 $540,000 d irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 45,000 $90,000 e spectator stands, movable metal (40 sea each $10,000.00 4 $40,000 f restroom facility, sani-can on concrete p each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 g trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 h drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 i bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 j parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 k wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 50 $11,250 1 access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 m water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 n water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $962,350 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $96,235 Total construction cost per field $1,058,585 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $95,273 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $127,030 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $102,471 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $138,336 Total development cost per field $1,521,695 Soccer field - 240'x330' with grass turf unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 2.1 $8,400 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 5,094 $ 76,410 c playing surface, grass turf/12"sand w/su sq ft $12.00 79,200 $950,400 d irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 79,200 $158,400 e spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 f trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 g drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 h restroom facility, sani-can w/conc platfo each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 i bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 j parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 k wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 50 $11,250 1 access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 m water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 n water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $1,472,960 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $147,296 Total construction cost per field $1,620,256 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $145,823 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $194,431 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $156,841 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $211,735 Total development cost per field $2,329,086 G. 1-5 Page 300 of 342 Back to Agenda Soccer field - 240'x330' with dirt surface unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 2.1 $8,400 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 5,094 $ 76,410 c playing surface, cinder w/subdrain sq ft $1.50 79,200 $118,800 d spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 e trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 f drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 g restroom facility, sani-can w/conc platfo each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 h bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 i parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 j wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 50 $11,250 k access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 1 water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 m water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $482,960 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $48,296 Total construction cost per field $531,256 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $47,813 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $63,751 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $51,426 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $69,425 Total development cost per field $763,670 Soccer field - regulation 300'x390' with turf lights unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 3.1 $12,400 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 5,094 $ 76,410 c playing surface, synethetic turf/12"sand sq ft $30.00 117,000 $3,510,000 d irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 117,000 $234,000 e lighting system, 8 poles w/luminaires system $650,000.00 1 $650,000 f goal posts, galvanized pipe each $4,500.00 2 $9,000 g spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 4 $40,000 h trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 i drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 j restroom facility, sani-can w/conc platfo each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 k bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 1 parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 m wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 50 $11,250 n access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 o water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 p water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $4,791,160 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $479,116 Total construction cost per field $5,270,276 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $474,325 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $632,433 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $ 510,163 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $688,720 Total development cost per field $7,575,916 G. 1-6 Page 301 of 342 Back to Agenda Soccer field - regulation 300'x390' with grass lights unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 3.1 $12,400 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 5,094 $76,410 c playing surface, grass turf/12"sand w/su sq ft $12.00 117,000 $1,404,000 d irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 117,000 $234,000 e lighting system, 8 poles w/luminaires system $650,000.00 1 $650,000 f goal posts, galvanized pipe each $4,500.00 2 $9,000 g spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 4 $40,000 h trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 i drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 j restroom facility, sani-can w/conc platfo each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 k bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 1 parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 m wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 50 $11,250 n access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 o water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 p water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $2,685,160 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $268,516 Total construction cost per field $2,953,676 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $265,831 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $354,441 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $285,916 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $385,986 Total development cost per field $4,245,850 Soccer field - regulation 300'x390' with dirt surface unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 3.1 $12,400 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 5,094 $ 76,410 c playing surface, cinder w/subdrain sq ft $1.50 117,000 $175,500 d goal posts, galvanized pipe each $4,500.00 2 $9,000 e spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 4 $40,000 f trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 g drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 h restroom facility, sani-can w/conc platfo each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 i bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 j parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 k wheel stops, 10"W'Wprecast concrete each $225.00 50 $11,250 1 access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 m water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 n water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Total construction cost per field $572,660 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $57,266 Total construction cost per field $629,926 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $56,693 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $75,591 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $60,977 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $82,319 Total development cost per field $905,506 G.1-7 Page 302 of 342 Back to Agenda Baseball field - 200' with grass turf unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 1.2 $4,800 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 2,586 $38,790 c infield mix w/subdrain cu yd $55.00 133 $7,333 d outfield, grass turf/12" sand w/subdrain sq ft $12.00 36,400 $436,800 e irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 36,400 $72,800 f backstop, 3"pipe posts w/supports, 2"ch each $12,500.00 1 $12,500 g players bench, w/conc support each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 h spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 i trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 j drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 k restroom facility, sani-can w/conc platfo sq ft $2,250.00 2 $4,500 1 bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 m parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 10,500 $94,500 n wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 o access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 p water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 q water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $814,898 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $81,490 Total construction cost per field $896,388 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $80,675 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $107,567 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $86,770 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $117,140 Total development cost per field $1,288,540 Baseball field - 200' with dirt surface unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 1.2 $4,800 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 2,586 $38,790 c infield mix w/subdrain cu yd $55.00 133 $7,333 d backstop, 3"pipe posts w/supports, 2"ch each $12,500.00 1 $12,500 e players bench, w/conc support each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 f spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 g trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 h drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 i restroom facility, sani-can w/conc platfo sq ft $2,250.00 2 $4,500 j bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 k parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 10,500 $94,500 1 wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 m access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 n water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 o water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $305,298 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $30,530 Total construction cost per field $335,828 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $30,225 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $40,299 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $32,508 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $43,886 Total development cost per field $482,746 G. 1-8 Page 303 of 342 Back to Agenda Baseball field - 250' with grass/lights/concession unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 3.1 $12,400 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 3,700 $55,500 c infield mix w/subdrain cu yd $55.00 300 $16,500 d outfield, grass turf/12" sand w/subdrain sq ft $12.00 44,700 $536,400 e irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 44,700 $89,400 f lighting system, 8 poles w/luminaires system $650,000.00 1 $650,000 g backstop, 3"pipe posts w/supports, 2"ch each $12,500.00 1 $12,500 h players bench, w/conc support each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 i spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 j trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 k drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 1 concession facility, warming and refriger sq ft $442.00 250 $110,500 m bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 n parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 10,500 $94,500 o wheel stops, 1ON6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 p access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 q water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 r water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $1,720,575 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $172,058 Total construction cost per field $1,892,633 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $170,337 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $227,116 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $183,207 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $247,329 Total development cost per field $2,720,621 Baseball field - 250' w/o lights or concession unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 3.1 $12,400 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 3,700 $55,500 c infield mix w/subdrain cu yd $55.00 300 $16,500 d outfield, grass turf/12" sand w/subdrain sq ft $12.00 44,700 $536,400 e irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 44,700 $89,400 f backstop, 3"pipe posts w/supports, 2"ch each $12,500.00 1 $12,500 g players bench, w/conc support each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 h spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea' each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 i trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 j drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 k bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 1 parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 10,500 $94,500 m wheel stops, 1ON6'W'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 n access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 o water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 p water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $960,075 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $96,008 Total construction cost per field $1,056,083 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $95,047 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $126,730 G. 1-9 Page 304 of 342 Back to Agenda c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $102,229 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $138,009 Total development cost per field $1,518,097 Baseball field - 300' w/turf/lights/concession unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 3.5 $14,000 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 4,000 $60,000 c infield mix w/subdrain cu yd $55.00 296 $16,296 d outfield, synethetic turf/12" sand w/sub sq ft $30.00 38,000 $1,140,000 e irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 45,000 $90,000 f lighting system, 8 poles w/luminaires system $650,000.00 1 $650,000 g backstop, 3"pipe posts w/supports, 2"ch each $12,500.00 1 $12,500 h players bench, w/conc support each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 i spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 j trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 k drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 1 concession facility, warming and refriger sq ft $442.00 250 $110,500 m bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 n parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 o wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 p access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 q water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 r water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $2,371,171 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $237,117 Total construction cost per field $2,608,288 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $234,746 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $312,995 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $252,482 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $340,851 Total development cost per field $3,749,362 Baseball field - 300' w/grass/lights/concession unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 3.5 $14,000 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 4,000 $60,000 c infield mix w/subdrain cu yd $55.00 296 $16,296 d outfield, grass turf/12" sand w/subdrain sq ft $8.00 38,000 $304,000 e irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 45,000 $90,000 f lighting system, 8 poles w/luminaires system $650,000.00 1 $650,000 g backstop, 3"pipe posts w/supports, 2"ch each $12,500.00 1 $12,500 h players bench, w/conc support each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 i spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 j trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 k drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 1 concession facility, warming and refriger sq ft $442.00 250 $110,500 m bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 n parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 o wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 p access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 q water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 r water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 G.1-10 Page 305 of 342 Back to Agenda Subtotal construction cost per field $1,535,171 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $153,517 Total construction cost per field $1,688,688 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $151,982 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $202,643 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $163,465 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $220,678 Total development cost per field $2,427,456 Baseball field - 300' w/dirt w/o lights/concession unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 3.5 $14,000 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 4,000 $60,000 c infield mix w/subdrain cu yd $55.00 296 $16,296 d backstop, 3"pipe posts w/supports, 2"ch each $12,500.00 1 $12,500 e players bench, w/conc support each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 f spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 g trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 h drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 i bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 j parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 k wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 1 access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 m water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 n water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $380,671 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $38,067 Total construction cost per field $418,738 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $37,686 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $50,249 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $40,534 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $54,721 Total development cost per field $601,928 Softball field - 200-300' w/grass/lights/concession unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 0.8 $3,200 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 1,335 $20,025 c infield mix w/subdrain cu yd $55.00 150 $8,250 d outfield, grass turf/12" sand w/subdrain sq ft $8.00 15,950 $127,600 e irrigation system -quick coupler sq ft $2.00 15,950 $31,900 f lighting system, 5 poles w/luminaires system $350,000.00 1 $350,000 g backstop, 3"pipe posts w/supports, 2"ch each $12,500.00 1 $12,500 h players bench, w/conc support each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 i spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 j trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 k drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 1 concession facility, warming and refriger sq ft $442.00 250 $110,500 m bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 n parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 10,500 $94,500 o wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 p access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 q water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 Page 306 of 342 Back to Agenda r water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $901,350 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $90,135 Total construction cost per field $991,485 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $89,234 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $118,978 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $95,976 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $129,567 Total development cost per field $1,425,240 Softball field - 200-300' w/dirt w/o lights/concession unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear field, structures, parking, access ro acre $4,000.00 0.8 $3,200 b earthwork for field, structures, parking, i cu yd $15.00 1,335 $20,025 c infield mix w/subdrain cu yd $55.00 150 $8,250 d backstop, 3"pipe posts w/supports, 2"ch each $12,500.00 1 $12,500 e players bench, w/conc support each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 f spectator stands, movable metal (50 sea each $10,000.00 2 $20,000 g trash receptacles w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 h drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 i bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 j parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 10,500 $94,500 k wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 35 $7,875 1 access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 m water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 n water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per field $281,350 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $28,135 Total construction cost per field $309,485 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $27,854 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $37,138 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $29,958 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $40,443 Total development cost per field $444,878 Parcourse/ fitness facility - 5 stations/0.25 mile unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/earthwork parcourse corridor sq ft $1.75 8,070 $14,123 b crushed rock, 6"depth, 4'wide, 3/8" minu sq ft $4.00 5,380 $21,520 c station equipment and sign each $4,600.00 5 $23,000 d bench, 8"x8"x10'wood beams w/conc sur each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 Subtotal construction cost per facility $68,243 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $6,824 Total construction cost per facility $75,067 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $6,756 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $9,008 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $7,266 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $9,810 Total development cost per facility (5 stations) $107,907 G.1-12 Page 307 of 342 Back to Agenda Jogging track - 0.25 mile w/starting spur unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear track, parking, access road acre $4,000.00 0.9 $3,600 b earthwork for track, parking, access road cu yd $15.00 1,532 $22,980 c 12'track, 1"rubber/4"cinder/4"crushed ro sq ft $6.50 18,464 $120,017 d bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 e trash receptacles each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 f drinking fountain, precast concrete each $6,000.00 1 $69000 g bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 h parking, 2 "asphalt/4 "crushed rock, 10 sp sq ft $9.00 3,000 $279000 i wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 10 $2,250 j access road, 2 "asphalt/4 "crushed rock, 2 sq ft $8.00 1,200 $9,600 k water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 100 $9,000 1 water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $129000 Subtotal construction cost per track $224,447 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $22,445 Total construction cost per track $246,892 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $22,220 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $299627 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $239899 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $329264 Total development cost per track $354,902 Picnic site - 2 5 table capacity w/o shelter unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear picnic sites, parking, access road acre $4,000.00 2.3 $99200 b earthwork for sites, parking, access road cu yd $15.00 3,748 $569220 c picnic tables w/conc support each $3,200.00 25 $809000 d barbecue stand, metal with iron grill each $1,400.00 12 $169800 e group barbecue iron grill each $2,200.00 2 $49400 f trash receptacle, coated metal each $2,400.00 12 $289800 g drinking fountain each $6,000.00 2 $129000 h parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4" crushed r( sq ft $9.00 15,000 $1359000 i wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 50 $119250 j access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushE sq ft $8.00 24,000 $1929000 k water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 1,000 $909000 1 water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $129000 Subtotal construction cost for 25 tables $647,670 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $649767 Total construction cost for 25 tables $712,437 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $649119 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $859492 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $689964 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $939101 Total development cost for 25 tables $1,024,114 Prorated per table $40,965 G.1-13 Page 308 of 342 Back to Agenda Picnic site - shelter unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a picnic shelter sq ft $150.00 600 $90,000 Total construction cost for 25 tables $90,000 b construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $8,100 c design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $10,800 d financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $8,712 e contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $11,761 Total development cost for 1 shelter $129,373 Swimming beach - 100 swimmer capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear site for improvements acre $4,000.00 0.3 $1,200 b earthwork for site improvements cu yd $15.00 511 $7,665 c beach sand, 12"depth of area 200'x50' cu yd $38.00 400 $15,200 d safety markers, pilings w/nylon ropes an each $1,600.00 4 $6,400 e diving/swimming platform, 2"x6"wood o, sq ft $80.00 80 $6,400 f lifeguard stand each $3,000.00 1 $3,000 g exterior shower facilities each $6,500.00 1 $6,500 h drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 i restroom/changing facility, 6 stalls w/4 sq ft $450.00 600 $270,000 j parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4" crushed r( sq ft $9.00 12,000 $108,000 k wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 1 access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushE sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 m water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 400 $36,000 n sewer line, 8"service line lr ft $48.00 400 $19,200 o fire hydrants each $6,500.00 1 $6,500 p water meter, 2" size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 q trash receptacles each $2,400.00 4 $9,600 Subtotal construction cost per site $558,815 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $55,882 Total construction cost per site $614,697 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $55,323 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $73,764 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $59,503 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $80,329 Total development cost per site $883,614 Prorated per parking space (2.5 swimmers/car=40 spaces) $22,090 Fishing from a bank or dock - 2 5 car capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear site improvements acre $4,000.00 0.3 $1,000 b earthwork for site improvements cu yd $15.00 550 $8,250 c pier supported dock, 12'x100' sq ft $120.00 1,200 $144,000 d fishing platform, 12'x20' sq ft $90.00 240 $21,600 e parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 7,500 $67,500 f wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 25 $5,625 g access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushE sq ft $9.00 4,800 $43,200 h picnic tables, w/concrete platform each $3,200.00 8 $25,600 i restroom facility, sanican w/concrete ply each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 j trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 Subtotal construction cost per site $326,075 G.1-14 Page 309 of 342 Back to Agenda Estimating contingency 10% 10% $32,608 Total construction cost per site $358,683 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $32,281 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $43,042 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $34,720 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $46,873 Total development cost per facility $515,599 Prorated per parking space $20,624 Boat launch - 2 5 boat capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear site improvements acre $4,000.00 0.4 $1,400 b earthwork for site improvements cu yd $15.00 2,400 $36,000 c boat access ramp, precast concrete ramx each $36,000.00 1 $369000 d mooring platform, sq ft $90.00 400 $369000 e bank stablization/landscape plantings each $18,000.00 1 $18,000 f marker buoys and signage each $600.00 4 $2,400 g car/trailer parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4' sq ft $9.00 12,500 $112,500 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 25 $59625 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $389400 j trash receptacles each $2,400.00 2 $49800 Subtotal construction cost per site $291,125 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $299113 Total construction cost per site $320,238 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $289821 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $389429 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $309999 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $419849 Total development cost per ramp $460,335 Prorated per boat trailer parking stall $18,413 Handboat launch - 10 car capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear site improvements acre $4,000.00 0.3 $19000 b earthwork for site improvements/launch cu yd $15.00 2,400 $369000 c concrete launching ramp each $36,000.00 1 $369000 d launching platform 10'x20' sq ft $90.00 200 $189000 e landscape/bank stabilization plantings each $18,000.00 1 $189000 f parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 3,000 $279000 g wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 10 $29250 h access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 2,400 $199200 i restroom facility, sanican w/concrete ply each $2,250.00 2 $49500 j trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $49800 Subtotal construction cost per site $166,750 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $169675 Total construction cost per site $183,425 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $169508 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $229011 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $179756 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $239970 Total development cost per facility $263,670 Prorated per parking space $26,367 G.1-15 Page 310 of 342 Back to Agenda Tent camping - 2 5 campsite capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear camping area, parking, access road acre $4,000.00 5.6 $22,400 b earthwork in camping area, parking, acce cu yd $15.00 9,157 $13 7, 3 5 5 c campsite parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"c sq ft $9.00 20,000 $180,000 d picnic tables w/conc support each $3,200.00 25 $80,000 e metal fire ring with iron grill each $800.00 25 $20,000 f camp shelter cedar pole w/shake roof sq ft $60.00 150 $9,000 g trash receptacle each $2,400.00 25 $60,000 h restroom/showering fclty, 6 stalls/4 sin] sq ft $450.00 850 $382,500 i camp directory signs each $600.00 20 $12,000 j access road, 6"crushed rock, 24'x5,380' sq ft $6.50 129,120 $839,280 k water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 5,380 $484,200 1 sewage disposal, campgrnd septic tank each $50,000.00 1 $50,000 m fire hydrant each $6,500.00 1 $6,500 n water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost for 25 campsites $2,295,235 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $229,524 Total construction cost per site $2,524,759 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $227,228 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $302,971 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $244,397 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $329,935 Total development cost for 25 campsites $3,629,290 Prorated per campsite $145,172 Group daycamping facility - 100 person capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear camping site, parking, access road acre $4,000.00 3.1 $12,400 b earthwork for sites, parking, access road cu yd $15.00 5,134 $77,010 c group campfire/amphitheater, stage/ben( each $70,000.00 1 $70,000 d camp directory signs, 4"x4"cedar pole fra each $800.00 20 $16,000 e group cooking, 4'x12' each $4,500.00 2 $9,000 f eating shelter (30'x30'), cedar pole w/sha sq ft $150.00 900 $135,000 g picnic tables w/conc support each $3,200.00 25 $80,000 h trash bin, metal dumpster w/wood fence each $4,000.00 3 $12,000 i restroom facility, 6 stalls w/4 sinks sq ft $450.00 600 $270,000 j drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 k parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 15,000 $135,000 1 wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 50 $11,250 m access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushE sq ft $8.00 24,000 $192,000 n water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 1,000 $90,000 o sewage disposal, septic tankw/drainfielc system $50,000.00 1 $50,000 p fire hydrant each $6,500.00 1 $6,500 q water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost per group camp $1,184,160 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $118,416 Total construction cost per group camp $1,302,576 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $117,232 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $156,309 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $126,089 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $170,221 Total development cost per group camp $1,872,427 G.1-16 Page 311 of 342 Back to Agenda Prorated per person $18,724 Recreational vehicle camping - 2 5 campsite capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear campsite, parking, access road acre $4,000.00 10.1 $40,400 b earthwork for campsite, parking, access i cu yd $15.00 16,460 $246,900 c campsite parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"c sq ft $9.00 30,000 $270,000 d picnic tables w/conc support each $3,200.00 25 $80,000 e metal fire ring with iron grill each $800.00 25 $20,000 f drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 g trash receptacle each $2,400.00 25 $60,000 h sanitary dump facility, 2 stalls each $50,000.00 1 $50,000 i camp directory signs, 4"x4"cedar pole fra each $800.00 20 $16,000 j access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 193,680 $1,549,440 k water service, 3"service line lr ft $42.00 8,070 $338,940 1 water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Subtotal construction cost for 25 campsites $2,689,680 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $268,968 Total construction cost per group camp $2,958,648 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $266,278 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $355,038 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $286,397 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $386,636 Total development cost for 25 campsites $4,252,997 Prorated per campsite $170,120 Outdoor swim pool - 75'x42'=3,150 sf/294 person capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear pool area, deck, parking, access roa acre $4,000.00 1.1 $4,400 b earthwork, 1'depth except pool @5'depth cu yd $15.00 2,370 $35,550 c diving area, 1 meter board sq ft $450.00 628 $282,600 capacity = 3 in pool + 9 in line/board/10'radius = 12 divers/board d swimming area, 50'x42' less diving area r sq ft $450.00 1,472 $662,400 capacity = 27 sq ft/swimmer with 75% of swimmers in pool = 54 in pool + 18 on deck = 72 swimmers e nonswimming area, 25'x42' sq ft $250.00 1,050 $262,500 c diving area, 1 meter board sq ft $450.00 628 $282,600 capacity = 3 in pool + 9 in line/board/10'radius = f pool deck, 10'on sides, 20'on ends, tile/( sq ft $8.00 1,590 $12,720 g lifeguard stand, galvanized pipe w/2N41 each $3,000.00 2 $6,000 h drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 i locker/shower facility, 20 showers w/50 sq ft $450.00 1,000 $450,000 j restroom facility, 10 stalls w/6 sinks sq ft $450.00 1,000 $450,000 k concession facility, grill and refrigeration sq ft $442.00 250 $110,500 1 bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 3 $7,200 m parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 38,400 $345,600 2.5 swimmers/car = 118 cars + 10 employees = 1 n wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 128 $28,800 o access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 6,000 $48,000 p water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 400 $36,000 q sewer service, 8"side sewer lr ft $48.00 400 $19,200 r fire hydrant each $6,500.00 1 $6,500 G.1-17 Page 312 of 342 Back to Agenda s water meter, 8"size each $25,000.00 1 $25,000 t chainlink perimeter fence, 6' lr ft $38.00 317 $12,046 u seed grass over 4"topsoil sq ft $2.50 1,564 $3,910 Subtotal construction cost for 294 swimmers $3,097,526 Estimating contingency 10% 10% $309,753 Total construction cost per group camp $3,407,279 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $306,655 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $408,873 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $329,825 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $445,263 Total development cost for 294 swimmers/3,150 sq ft pool) $4,897,895 Prorated per square foot of total pool $1,555 Indoor swim pool - 75'x42'=3,150 sf/294 person capacity unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear pool area, deck, parking, access roa acre $4,000.00 1.1 $4,400 b earthwork, 1'depth except pool 05'depth cu yd $15.00 2,370 $35,550 c diving area, 1 meter board sq ft $662.00 628 $415,736 capacity = 3 in pool + 9 in line/board/10'radius = 12 divers/board d swimming area, 50'x42' less diving area r sq ft $662.00 1,472 $974,464 capacity = 27 sq ft/swimmer with 75% of swimmers in pool = 54 in pool + 18 on deck = 72 swimmers e nonswimming area, 25'x42' sq ft $350.00 1,050 $367,500 capacity = 10 sq ft/person with 50% in pool = 105 in pool + 105 on land = 210 persons f pool deck, 10'on sides, 20'on ends, tile/( sq ft $8.00 1,590 $12,720 g enclosed structure for pools et.al. sq ft $250.00 4,740 $1,185,000 h lifeguard stand each $3,000.00 2 $6,000 i drinking fountain each $6,000.00 1 $6,000 j locker/shower facility, 20 showers w/50 sq ft $450.00 1,000 $450,000 k restroom facility, 10 stalls w/6 sinks sq ft $450.00 1,000 $450,000 1 concession facility, grill and refrigeration sq ft $450.00 250 $112,500 m bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 3 $7,200 n parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 38,400 $345,600 2.5 swimmers/car = 118 cars + 10 employees = 1 o wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 128 $28,800 p access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 6,000 $48,000 q water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 400 $36,000 r sewer service, 8"side sewer lr ft $48.00 400 $19,200 s fire hydrant each $6,500.00 1 $6,500 t water meter, 8"size each $25,000.00 1 $25,000 u chainlink perimeter fence, 6' lr ft $38.00 317 $12,046 v seed grass over 4"topsoil sq ft $2.50 1,564 $3,910 Total construction cost for 294 swimmers $4,552,126 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $409,691 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $546,255 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $440,646 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $594,872 Total development cost for 294 swimmers/3,150 sq ft pool) $6,543,590 Prorated per square foot of total pool $2,077 Community center - 250 person capacity G.1-18 Page 313 of 342 Back to Agenda unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear building site, parking, access road acre $4,000.00 3 $12,000 b earthwork for structure, parking, access cu yd $15.00 1,613 $24,200 c gymnasium, 2 full basketball courts sq ft $552.00 11,280 $6,226,560 d racquetball courts sq ft $552.00 3,680 $2,031,360 e kitchen facility sq ft $450.00 360 $162,000 f game/classroom sq ft $475.00 960 $456,000 g exercise/aerobics room, 50 persons sq ft $552.00 5,000 $2,760,000 h physical conditioning/hydro/wellness fa sq ft $552.00 2,745 $1,515,240 i office and reception area sq ft $400.00 1,000 $400,000 j multipurpose, restroom, locker room, sr sq ft $442.00 3,400 $1,502,800 k bike rack each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 1 parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 52,500 $472,500 m wheel stops, 10"W'Wprecast concrete each $225.00 75 $16,875 n access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 6,000 $48,000 o water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 400 $36,000 p sewage disposal, 8"service line lr ft $48.00 400 $19,200 q fire hydrant each $6,500.00 1 $6,500 r water meter, 8"size each $25,000.00 1 $25,000 s parking lot lighting, 10 poles system $220,000.00 1 $220,000 t art sculpture each $8,000.00 1 $8,000 Total construction cost per center $15,944,635 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $1,435,017 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $1,913,356 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $1,543,441 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $2,083,645 Total development cost per center $22,920,094 Prorated per square foot $806.34 Restroom/support facilities unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a restroom facility, 4 stalls w/2 sinks sq ft $442.00 500 $221,000 b sewer service, 8"side sewer lr ft $48.00 500 $24,000 c water service, 8"service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 d fire hydrant each $6,500.00 1 $6,500 e water meter, 2"size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 Total construction cost per facility/6 fixtures $308,500 a construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $27,765 b design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $37,020 c financing costs (const, tax, design) 8.0% $29,863 d contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 10.0% $40,315 Total development cost per 4 stall facility $443,463 Prorated cost per fixture $73,910 Source: the Beckwith Consulting Group, JKLA Landscape Architects, ARC Architects Feb 2022 G.1-19 Page 314 of 342 Back to Agenda Multipurpose trail - 8 foot crushed rock (5 unit a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft b crushed rock, rolled to 4", 3/8" minus - E sq ft c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each d trail bench, w/conc support each e trash receptacles w/concrete support each f restroom facilities, sanican w/concrete X each g parking, 2" asphalt concrete/4"crushed r( sq ft h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each miles w/sys) unit cost qnty qnty cost $1.50 322,800 $484,200 $3.00 215,200 $645,600 $1,200.00 20 $24,000 $2,400.00 5 $12,000 $2,400.00 10 $24,000 $2,250.00 2 $4,500 $9.00 9,000 $81,000 $225.00 30 $6,750 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushE sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 5 miles $1,320,450 j construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $118,841 k design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $158,454 1 financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $127,820 m contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $258,835 Total development cost per 5 miles $1,984,399 Prorated per mile $396,880 Multipurpose trail - 8 foot asphalt (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 322,800 $484,200 b 2"asphalt over 4"crushed rock - 8' wide sq ft $12.00 215,200 $2,582,400 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 20 $24,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 5 $12,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 f restroom facilities, sanican w/concrete x each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 g parking, 2" asphalt concrete/4"crushed rc sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushE sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 5 miles $3,257,250 j construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $293,153 k design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $390,870 1 financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $315,302 m contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 15.0% $638,486 Total development cost per 5 miles $4,895,060 Prorated per mile $979,012 Multipurpose trail - 10 foot crushed rock (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 376,600 $564,900 b crushed rock, rolled to 4", 3/8" minus - 1 sq ft $3.00 269,000 $807,000 c trail directory sign each $1,200.00 20 $24,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 5 $12,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 f restroom facilities, sanican w/concrete x each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 g parking, 2" asphalt concrete/4"crushed r( sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushE sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 5 miles $1,562,550 j construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $140,630 c.21 Page 315 of 342 Back to Agenda k design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $187,506 1 financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $151,255 m contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $306,291 Total development cost per 5 miles $2,348,231 Prorated per mile $469,646 Multipurpose trail - 10 foot asphalt (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 376,600 $564,900 b 2"asphalt over 4"crushed rock - 10' wide sq ft $12.00 269,000 $3,228,000 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 20 $24,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 5 $12,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 f restroom facilities, sanican w/concrete x each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 g parking, 2" asphalt concrete/4"crushed rc sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 5 miles $3,983,550 j construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $358,520 k design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $478,026 1 financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $385,608 m contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $780,855 Total development cost per 5 miles $5,986,559 Prorated per mile $1,197,312 Park walk trail class 1 - crushed rock (1 mile w/o sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork trail corridor - 10' sq ft $1.50 53,800 $80,700 b crushed rock, 6"depth, 3/8" minus - 6' wi sq ft $4.00 32,280 $129,120 c interpretative signs each $2,000.00 5 $10,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 Total construction cost per mile $248,620 f construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $22,376 g design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $29,834 h financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $24,066 i contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $48,734 Total development cost per mile $373,631 Park walk trail class 1 - asphalt (1 mile w/o sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork trail corridor sq ft $1.50 53,800 $80,700 b 2"asphalt over 4"crushed rock - 6' wide sq ft $12.00 32,280 $387,360 c interpretative signs, 4N4"cedar framed each $2,000.00 5 $10,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 Total construction cost per mile $506,860 f construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $45,617 g design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $60,823 h financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $49,064 i contingency (const, tax, design, financin, 15.0% $99,355 Total development cost per mile $761,719 G.22 Page 316 of 342 Back to Agenda Park walk trail class 2 - crushed rock (1 mile w/o sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork trail corridor - 8' sq ft $1.50 43,040 $64,560 b crushed rock, 6"depth, 3/8" minus - 5' wi sq ft $4.00 26,900 $107,600 c interpretative signs, 4"x4"cedar framed each $2,000.00 5 $10,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 Total construction cost per mile $210,960 f construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $18,986 g design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $25,315 h financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $20,421 i contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $41,352 Total development cost per mile $317,035 Park walk trail class 2 - asphalt (1 mile w/o sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork trail corridor - 8' N sq ft $1.50 43,040 $64,560 b 2"asphalt over 4"crushed rock - 5' wide sq ft $12.00 26,900 $322,800 c interpretative signs, 4"x4"cedar framed each $2,000.00 5 $10,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 Total construction cost per mile $426,160 f construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $38,354 g design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $51,139 h financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $41,252 i contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $83,536 Total development cost per mile $640,442 Day hike trail class 3 - crushed rock (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 161,400 $242,100 b crushed rock, rolled to 4", 3/8" minus - 4 sq ft $3.00 107,600 $322,800 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 20 $24,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 5 $12,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 f restroom facilities, sanican w/concrete X each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 g parking, 2" asphalt concrete/4"crushed rc sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushe sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 5 miles $755,550 j construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $68,000 k design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $90,666 1 financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $73,137 m contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $148,103 Total development cost per 5 miles $1,135,456 Prorated per mile $227,091 G.23 Page 317 of 342 Back to Agenda Day hike trail class 3 - asphalt (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido acre $1.50 161,400 $242,100 b 2" asphalt over 4" crushed rock - 4' wide sq ft $12.00 107,600 $1,291,200 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 20 $24,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 5 $12,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 f restroom facilities, sanican w/concrete X each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 g parking, 2" asphalt concrete/4"crushed rc sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 5 miles $1,723,950 j construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $155,156 k design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $206,874 1 financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $166,878 m contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $337,929 Total development cost per 5 miles $2,590,787 Prorated per mile $ 518,15 7 Day hike trail class 4 - crushed rock (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 134,500 $201,750 b crushed rock, rolled to 4", 3/8" minus - 3 sq ft $3.00 80,700 $242,100 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 20 $24,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 5 $12,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 f restroom facilities, sanican w/concrete X each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 g parking, 2" asphalt concrete/4"crushed rc sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 5 miles $634,500 j construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $57,105 k design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $76,140 1 financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $61,420 m contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $124,375 Total development cost per 5 miles $953,539 Prorated per mile $190, 708 Day hike trail class 5 - compacted dirt (10 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 215,200 $322,800 b finish grade compacted dirt trail - 2' widf sq ft $0.75 107,600 $80,700 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 40 $48,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 20 $48,000 f restroom facilities, sanican w/concrete 1 each $2,250.00 4 $9,000 g parking, 2" asphalt concrete/4"crushed rc sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 10 miles $658,650 j construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $59,279 k design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $79,038 G.24 Page 318 of 342 Back to Agenda 1 financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $63,757 m contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $129,109 Total development cost per 10 miles $989,832 Prorated per mile $98,983 Shoreline hike trail - access only (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork for site improvem sq ft $1.50 10,890 $16,335 b landscape/bank stabilization plantings a sq ft $10.00 2,723 $27,225 c picnic tables w/conc support each $3,200.00 3 $9,600 d metal fire ring with iron grill each $800.00 3 $2,400 e trail shelter (10'x6'), cedar pole w/shake : sq ft $150.00 60 $9,000 f trail directory signs, 4"x4"cedar pole fran each $1,200.00 10 $12,000 g parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 3,000 $27,000 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 10 $2,250 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 2,400 $19,200 j restroom facility, sanican w/concrete plz each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 k trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 Total construction cost per 5 miles $134,310 1 construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $12,088 m design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $16,117 n financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $13,001 o contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $26,327 Total development cost per 5 miles $201,844 Prorated per mile/access site $40,369 Off -road mtn bike trail class 1 - dirt (10 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 322,800 $484,200 b finish grade bike trail - 2' wide sq ft $0.75 107,600 $80,700 c trail directory, 4N4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 10 $12,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 e bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 f trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 5 $12,000 g restroom facilities, sani-can w/concrete : each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 h parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 6,000 $54,000 i wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 20 $4,500 j access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 10 miles $ 716, 700 k construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $64,503 1 design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $86,004 m financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $69,377 n contingency (const, tax, design, financin: 15.0% $140,488 Total development cost per 10 miles $1,077,071 Prorated per mile $107,707 G.25 Page 319 of 342 Back to Agenda Off -road mtn bike trail class 2 - dirt (20 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 538,000 $807,000 b finish grade bike trail - 1.5' wide sq ft $0.75 161,400 $121,050 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 20 $24,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 15 $36,000 e bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 f trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 g restroom facilities, sani-can w/concrete : each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 h parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 6,000 $54,000 i wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 20 $4,500 j access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 20 miles $1,118,250 k construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $100,643 1 design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $134,190 m financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $108,247 n contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $219,199 Total development cost per 20 miles $1,680,528 Prorated per mile $84,026 Off -road mtn bike trail class 3 - dirt (25 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 538,000 $807,000 b finish grade bike trail - 1' wide sq ft $0.75 134,500 $100,875 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 25 $30,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 20 $48,000 e bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 3 $7,200 f trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 15 $36,000 g restroom facilities, sani-can w/concrete : each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 h parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 6,000 $54,000 i wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 20 $4,500 j access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 25 miles $1,130,475 k construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $101,743 1 design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $135,657 m financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $109,430 n contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $221,596 Total development cost per 25 miles $1,698,900 Prorated per mile $67,956 Off -road bike trail AASHTO 1 - crushed rock (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 376,600 b crushed rock, rolled to 4", 3/8" minus - 1 sq ft $3.00 269,000 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each d trail bench, w/conc support each e bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each f trash receptacles w/concrete support each g restroom facilities, sani-can w/concrete : each h parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft i wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each j access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $1,200.00 $2,400.00 $2,400.00 $2,400.00 $2,250.00 $ 9.00 $225.00 $ 8.00 20 10 1 10 2 9,000 30 4,800 qnty cost $564,900 $807,000 $24,000 $24,000 $ 2,400 $24,000 $4,500 $81,000 $6,750 $38,400 Page 320 of 342 G.26 Back to Agenda Total construction cost per 5 miles $1,576,950 k construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $141,926 1 design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $189,234 m financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $152,649 n contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $309,114 Total development cost per 5 miles $2,369,872 Prorated per mile $473,974 Off -road bike trail AASHTO 1- asphalt (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 376,600 $564,900 b class 2 asphalt 4"crushed rock - 10'wide sq ft $12.00 269,000 $3,228,000 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 20 $24,000 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 e bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 f trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 10 $24,000 g restroom facilities, sani-can w/concrete : each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 h parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 i wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 j access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 5 miles $3,997,950 k construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $359,816 1 design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $479,754 m financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $387,002 n contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $783,678 Total development cost per 5 miles $6,008,199 Prorated per mile $1,201,640 On -road bike tour AASHTO 2 - 2 lanes (10 miles w/o sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along road should sq ft $1.50 860,800 $19291,200 b asphalt, 2"class 1/4"crushed rock - 6' wic sq ft $12.00 645,600 $79747,200 c pavement markings, paint stripes and sy lr ft $4.00 107,600 $430,400 d route directory, steel post w/reflective s: each $250.00 80 $20,000 Total construction cost per 10 miles $9,488,800 e construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $853,992 f design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $19138,656 g financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $918,516 h contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $19859,995 Total development cost per 10 miles $14,259,958 Prorated per mile $1,425,996 G.v Page 321 of 342 Back to Agenda On -road bike tour AASHTO 3 - 2 shlders (10 miles w/o sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along road should sq ft $1.50 645,600 $968,400 b asphalt, 2"class 1/4"crushed rock - 4' wic sq ft $12.00 430,400 $5,164,800 c pavement markings, paint stripes and sy lr ft $4.00 107,600 $430,400 d route directory, steel post w/reflective s: each $250.00 80 $20,000 Total construction cost per 10 miles $6,583,600 e construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $592,524 f design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $790,032 g financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $637,292 h contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $1,290,517 Total development cost per 10 miles $9,893,966 Prorated per mile $989,397 On -road bike tour AASHTO 4 - in lane (10 miles w/o sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a pavement markings, paint symbols and c lr ft $4.00 107,600 $430,400 b route directory, steel post w/reflective s: each $250.00 80 $20,000 Total construction cost per 10 miles $450,400 c construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $40,536 d design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $54,048 e financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $43,599 f contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $88,287 Total development cost per 10 miles $676,870 Prorated per mile $67,687 On -road bike tour - backcountry (10 miles w/o sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a route directory, steel post w/reflective s: each $250.00 80 $20,000 Total construction cost per 10 miles $20,000 b construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $1,800 c design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $2,400 d financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $1,936 e contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $3,920 Total development cost per 10 miles $30,056 Prorated per mile $3,006 G.28 Page 322 of 342 Back to Agenda Horse trail - seperate trail (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork along trail corrido sq ft $1.50 32,280 $48,420 b finish grade horse trail, compacted - 2' w sq ft $0.75 10,760 $8,070 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 20 $24,000 d hitching posts, galvanized pipe w/cedar : each $1,000.00 10 $10,000 e trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 4 $9,600 f restroom facilities, sanican w/concrete X each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 g trailer parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"cruE sq ft $9.00 10,000 $90,000 h wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 20 $4,500 i access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per 5 miles $237,490 j construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $21,374 k design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $28,499 1 financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $22,989 m contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $46,553 Total development cost per 5 miles $356,905 Prorated per mile $71,381 Water trailhead - launch and campsite (5 miles w/sys) unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork for site improvem sq ft $1.50 10,890 $16,335 b landscape/bank stabilization plantings a sq ft $10.00 2,723 $27,225 c picnic tables w/conc support each $3,200.00 3 $9,600 d metal fire ring with iron grill each $800.00 2 $1,600 e camp shelter cedar pole w/shake roof sq ft $150.00 60 $9,000 f camp directory signs, 4"x4"cedar pole fra each $1,200.00 10 $12,000 g restroom facility, sanican w/concrete plz each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 h trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 i parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 3,000 $27,000 j wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 10 $2,250 k access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 2,400 $19,200 Total construction cost per 5 miles $133,510 1 construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $12,016 m design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $16,021 n financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $12,924 o contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $26,171 Total development cost per 5 miles $200,641 Prorated per mile/access site $40,128 Trailhead - w/sanican sys unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork for site improvem sq ft $1.50 10,890 $16,335 b landscape/bank stabilization plantings a sq ft $10.00 2,723 $27,225 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 2 $2,400 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 3 $7,200 e bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 f trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 g restroom facilities, sani-can w/concrete : each $2,250.00 2 $4,500 h parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 i wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 j access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crush( sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 G.29 Page 323 of 342 Back to Agenda Total construction cost per site $191,010 k construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $17,191 1 design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $22,921 m financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $18,490 n contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $37,442 Total development cost per site $287,054 Trailhead - w/permanent restroom facilities unit unit cost qnty qnty cost a clear/grade/earthwork for site improvem sq ft $1.50 10,890 $16,335 b landscape/bank stabilization plantings a sq ft $10.00 2,723 $27,225 c trail directory, 4"x4"cedar pole framed each $1,200.00 2 $2,400 d trail bench, w/conc support each $2,400.00 3 $7,200 e bike rack, prefab galvanized pipe each $2,400.00 1 $2,400 f trash receptacles w/concrete support each $2,400.00 2 $4,800 g restroom facility, 4 stalls w/2 sinks sq ft $442.00 500 $221,000 h sewer service, 8" side sewer lr ft $48.00 500 $24,000 i water service, 8" service line lr ft $90.00 500 $45,000 j fire hydrant each $6,500.00 1 $6,500 k water meter, 2" size each $12,000.00 1 $12,000 1 parking, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushed ro sq ft $9.00 9,000 $81,000 m wheel stops, 10"x6"x8'precast concrete each $225.00 30 $6,750 n access road, 2"asphalt concrete/4"crushE sq ft $8.00 4,800 $38,400 Total construction cost per site $495,010 o construction sales tax (const) 9.0% $44,551 p design/engineering fees (const) 12.0% $59,401 q financing costs (const,tax, design) 8.0% $47,917 r contingency (const, tax, design, financin; 15.0% $97,032 Total development cost per site $743,911 Source: Beckwith Consulting Group & JKLA Landscape Architects February 2022 G.210 Page 324 of 342 Back to Agenda Appendix H IN99M.M111 iii7irm Park Impact Fee Schedule iiiii Impact ELOS/ Persons/ Percent fee/ Housing product person unit charged unit Single-family $3,349 2.84 70% $6,658 Accessory Dwelling Unit $3,349 1.00 70% $2,344 Duplex $3,349 2.05 70% $4,806 Tri and Quadplex $3,349 2.01 70% $4,712 Multiplex - 5 or more units $3,349 2.00 70% $4,689 Manufactured homes $3,349 2.37 70% $5,556 Sources: ELOS Value - Port Orchard Park, Recreation, & Open Space (PROS) Plan, 2021 Persons/type housing unit - OFM 2021, ADU Based on City Estimate Page 325 of 342 Back t0 Agenda ; Orchard Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program For 2023-2028 TIER 1 (Reasonably Constrained) Proj# Road Name Total Federal State (TIF Begin Termini Project Total Est. Spent Prior Future Phase Funding Fund Fund Proj#) Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Cost to 2022 2022 Expenditures 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Start Year Status Phase Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds Capital Projects 1.1 Bay Street Ped. Pathway ROW Phase PO Shoreline: Sidney Add 14-ft Multi -Modal (bikes & pedestrians) waterfront Ave. Foot Ferry to 1.2 2,280,000 1,140,000 1,140,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013 S ROW STP(U) 1,923,590 0 300,212 pathway & cantilevered retaining wall following historic Annapolis Foot Ferry 3,000,000 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018 P ROW 0 581,000 Mosquito Fleet trail and pedestrian bridge across Black N/A Jack Creek. 1.2 Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Construction (S#1, S#6-11) The CN phase for the 14-ft Multi -Modal (bike & ped) 1.2 650,000 650,000 0 0 0 0 0 waterfront pathway/cantilevered retailing wall following 3,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 1500000 1,500,000 0 0 0 0 2018 S CN 0 0 0 2021 S CN the historic Mosquito Fleet trail. Includes the demolition/removal of (5) overwater structures. N/A 1.3 Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway West Port Orchard Blvd Situational study and Bay St: Ft Ferry 1.5 566,474 0 566,474 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2022 P PL 490,000 0 76,474 to Tremont N/A 1.4 Old Clifton/ Anderson Hill Intersection Improvements Old Clifton Rd / Intersection Improvements (roundabout) as identified in Anderson Hill Rd. 0 258,000 200,000 0 58,000 0 58,000 0 0 2016 S PE 0 258,000 the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan and partially Intersection 1,680,000 0 0 1,680,000 0 0 840,000 840,000 0 2021 P CN Grant? 1,213,000 525,000 TIF 1.4 funded by Bayside Mit Funds. 1.5 Old Clifton Rd Non -Motorized Improvements Old Clifton Road: Rodway Improvements identified in the McCormick Campus PKWY to 0.75 450,000 0 150,000 450,000 0 0 450,000 0 ' 0 2022 P PE 0 450,000 Urban Village Trans Plan. Design and Construction. Anderson Hill Rd. 2,000,000 2700000 2026 P CN STP(U), TIB/CS TIF 1.5, 2.07 Seperated pathway and shoulder facilities. Coordinate RCO 1.7 Bethel/Sedgwick Phase 5a - Bethel/Lincoln RAB Bethel/Lincoln/Lunbe Safety and capacity improvements to intersection and rg/ Mitchell 0 3,674,000 326,000 474,000 2021 S PE 800,000 reconfiguration of approaches. 0 0 3,200,000 3200000 2022 S CN HSP 1,500,000 TIB UAP 1,100,000 700,000 TIF 2.04e 1.8 Bethel/ Sedgwick Cooridor Phase 1a - Blueberry RAB Bethel Road: blueberry Intersection Phase 1a. Bethel/ Blueberry RAB 60% PE in 2022 and start ROW for Phase la/b. 0 2,094,000 0 250,000 170,000 100,000 0 70,000 2022 S PE 0 344,374 74,626 0 268,000 2023 S ROW 220,238 47,732 1,924,000 1924000 2025 P CN TIB/ 1,568,178 307,051 IF 2.04a UAP/CS et e Sedgwick orri or Phase lb - Salmonberry RAB Bethel Road: Salmonberry intersection Phase 1b. Bethel/ Salmonberry RAB Round and roadwaysegment design from Blueberry to g ry 0 5.056.450 0 0 800,000 100,000 450000 50,000 200,000 2023 P PE 0 328.058 57.893 1,328,450 1,328,450 0 2023 ROW 1,129,183 199,238 2,928,000 2928000 2028 P CN TIB/UAP/ 2,489,055 439,245 E Salmonberry. 60% PE in 2022. IF 2.04a I I I I I I CS 1.10 Vallair Ct Connector Bethel Road / Road extension and intersection improvements Walmart Drive 0.25 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 2027 P PE & ROW 0 0 1,000,000 previously included in the Bethel Road Corridor ROW & Intersection 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 2028 P CN 0 TIB 0 1,000,000 TIF 1.7 Construction project. 1.11 Sidney Road SW Design - 60% Sedgwick Rd. to Berry Sidney Avenue is currently two lanes wide, it needs to be Lake Rd. 0.95 500,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 2027 P PL 0 0 500,000 widened to three lanes (additional TWTL) including bike TIB lanes, sidewalks, traffic calming, and stormwater system TIF 2.05 improvements. (COMPLETE STREET). 4/27/2022 Pa"?Pqf3342 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back t0 Agenda ; Orchard Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program For 2023-2028 TIER 1 (Reasonably Constrained) Proj# Road Name Total (TIF Begin Termini Project Total Est. Spent Prior Future Proj#) Prniert Title/Prniert nesrrintinn End Termini I meth Cnst to 2077 2022 Fxnenditures 7073 7n74 2075 7n76 2027 Federal State Phase Funding Fund Fund 707R Start Year Statist PhatP Cnde Federal Fnnds Cnde States Fundc I nral Fund,; 1.12 Sedgwick Road West Study - 30% Design SR16 to Sidney Rd. Establish alignments and cross sections. Develop mitigation alternatives and identify right-of-way needs 300,000 0 0 300,000 300,000 2023 P Study for roadway and identify potential sites to accommodate stormwater run off and mitigation for filling wetlands. TIF 2.02,2.03 Include stormwater element for upgrading existing 1.13 Lippert Sidewalk Retrofit and Pavement Repair Sidney Rd. S. to ADA ramp and driveway retrofits, sidewalk reparis, Pottery 0.95 35,000 0 35,000 0 2021 S PE 35,000 pavement repairs, stormwater retrofit. In house des 778,000 0 2022 S CN CDBP 244,000 544,000 N/A with consulted survey & basemap 788,000 1.14 Sidney Road Sidewalk Sidney Glen Elementary Sidewalk Address gap in sidewalk along school frontage 0.95 500,000 0 0 0 35,000 2023 P PE 35,000 250,000 2024 P CN SRTS 250,000 250,000 TIF 2.05 1.15 Pottery Avenue Non Motorized Improvements SR16 to Lippert Dr. Address sidewalk gap from Sunset to Clay near Tremont. Road diet and road widening to provide bikeable shoulders and sidewalk improvements. Safety 0.95 840,000 0 35,000 0 2022 P PE 35,000 150,000 2022 P 150,000 655,000 655,000 2023 S CN TIB CS 644,000 0 enhancement at Pottery Lippert Intersection and School TIF 2.14 Crossing. 1.16 SR166/ Bay Street Reconstruction SR166 from Geiger to Frederick Raise street to address sea level rise and improve to current standard in accordance with redevelopment 3,891,000 200,000 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 2022 P PE CDs 865,000 135,000 2,649,000 2,649,000 2026 P CN KRCC 2,291,000 358,000 plans. Amount shown does not include water and sewer utility improvments. N/A City wide corridors, 1.17 Street Lighting Improvements highest priority locatoins Cooridors include: Tremont, Pottery, Sidney Rd SE 1 100,000 0 0 100,000 10,000 2023 P PE HSIP 100,000 0 1,000,000 2024 P CN HSIP 1,000,000 0 N/A Total Capital F 25508924.00 2316000.00 5580474.00 20338450.00 6496450.00 1800000.00 520000.00 5972000.00 1890000.00 4628000.00 3913590.00 8392086.00 7316471.00 Maintenance Projects Total 2,022 Future Exp 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 1.51 Annual Pavement Maintenance Includes patching, crack -sealing, striping, and other 566,000 53,000 56,500 456,500 56,500 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 On going S CN 456,500 activities 1.52 * Annual Sidewalk & ADA Upgrade Program Repair and replace concrete sidewalks and curb ramps 976,000 38,000 38,000 900,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 0 On going S CN 900,000 as identified in the program 1.53 ** Annual Pavement Management System Paving Projects Pavement replacement projects as identified in the 2,585,000 300,000 535,000 1,750,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 0 On going S CN 1,750,000 pavement management system program 1.55 Overlay Pavement preparation and overlay. Tremont: PO Blvd. Tremont Str./ Lund 1.2 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 2025 P PE,CN KRCC 865,000 135,000 to Bridge, Old Clifton: SR16 to City Limits, Old Clifton Ave./ Old Clifton Rd. Anderson Hill to McCormick Woods Dr. Total Maintenance Projects 5,127,000 391,000 629,500 4,106,500 586,500 630,000 1,630,000 630,000 630,000 0 865,000 0 3,241,500 * Per 2016 ADA transition plan: $180,000 annually over 20 years to comply on arterial streets. ** Per 2016 Pavement Management Analysis Report: $1.45 million annually to maintain network condition (PCI of 70), $500k to keep network PCI above 65 after 5 years. 4/27/2022 paw gJ2J(qf3342 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda : Orchard Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program For 2023-2028 TIER 1 (Reasonably Constrained) Proj# Road Name Total (TIF Begin Termini Project Total Est. Spent Prior Future Proj#) Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Cost to 2022 2022 Expenditures 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Federal State Phase Funding Fund Fund 2028 Start Year Status Phase Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds 4/27/2022 Par,,V§&f3342 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Priority Begin Termini Project Phase Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Total Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds Capital Projects 2.01 Sidney Avenue (North of SR 16) Tremont Street to 1 3,750,000 3,750,000 0 2029 P PE/RW STP(U) 0 0 3,750,000 The design, permitting, right-of-way acquisition and Fireweed 6,750,000 6,750,000 0 2031 P CN STP(U) 0 0 6,750,000 construction for this project with bike lanes, storm drainage and sidewalks. (COMPLETE STREET) TIF 2.01 2.02A Sedgwick Road West - Design, Permitting & ROW SR 16 Interchange to 0.4 462,428 462,428 0 2029 P PE STP(U) 400,000 0 62,428 The design, permitting and right-of-way acquisition Sidney Avenue 693,642 693,642 0 2030 P RW STP(U) 600,000 0 93,642 phase for this widening project with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) TIF 2.02 2.0213 Sedgwick Road West - Construction SR 16 Interchange to 0.4 3,468,208 3,468,208 0 2031 P CN STP(U) 3,000,000 0 468,208 The construction phase for this widening project Sidney Avenue with 3 lanes (continuous TWTL), bike lanes, sidewalks and box culvert across Blackjack Creek.) TIF 2.02 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 1- ROW and Bethel Road: Salmonberry 2.04A.1 Construction to Blueberry. ROW acquisition and construction of the first phase 0.75 2,056,000 2,056,000 0 2029 P RW 0 0 2,056,000 of the street improvements per the Bethel/Sedgwick 9,124,000 9,124,000 0 2031 P CN 9,124,000 0 0 Corridor Plan (2018). Includes improvements to Ramsey Road for detour per 2.04A.2 below. TIF 2.04A 2.04A.2 Ramsey Road Widening Sedgwick Road to Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Salmonberry Road 0.5 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 2029 P ALL 0 0 0 sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. TIF 2.04A Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 2 - Design, Sedgwick Road: SR-16 2.0413 ROW and Construction interchange to Bethel 1,110,000 1,110,000 0 2030 P PE 0 0 1,110,000 Design, ROW acquisition and construction of the 0.7 2,802,000 2,802,000 0 2031 P RW 0 0 2,802,000 second phase of the street improvements per the 12,757,000 12,757,000 0 2032 P CN 12,725,000 0 0 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). TIF 2.0413 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 3 - Design, Bethel Road: Blueberry to 2.04C ROW and Construction Sedgwick 422,000 422,000 0 2032 P PE 0 0 422,000 Design, ROW acquisition and construction of the 0.25 541,000 541,000 0 2033 P RW 0 0 541,000 third phase of the street improvements per the 4,859,000 4,859,000 0 2034 P CN 4,859,000 0 0 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). TIF 2.04C Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 4 - Design, Bethel Road: Lund to 2.04D ROW and Construction Salmonberry 616,000 0 616,000 2034 P PE 0 0 616,000 Design, ROW acquisition and construction of the 0.5 1,041,000 0 1,041,000 2035 P RW 0 0 1,041,000 4/27/2022 Ppgg4:190 f 162 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Priority Begin Termini Project Phase Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Total Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds fourth phase of the street improvements per the 7,087,000 0 7,087,000 2036 P CN 7,087,000 0 0 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). TIF 2.04D Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 5 - Design, Bethel Road: Mile Hill 2.04E ROW and Construction Drive to Lund 720,000 0 720,000 2036 P PE 0 0 720,000 4/27/2022 Ppgg4yo f 162 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Priority Begin Termini Project Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Total Est. Cost Design, ROW acquisition and construction of the fifth 1.1 1,532,000 phase of the street improvements per the 8,283,000 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan (2018). TIF 2.04E Phase Funding Federal State Fund 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds 0 1,532,000 2037 P RW 0 0 1,532,000 0 8,283,000 2038 P CN 8,283,000 0 0 4/27/2022 Ppgg4_�lo#f 162 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Priority Begin Termini Project Phase Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Total Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds 2.05 Sidney Road SW Widening Sidney Road SW: SR Sidney Avenue is currently two lanes wide, it needs 16 Overpass to 0.95 500,000 500,000 0 2028 P PE 0 0 500,000 to be widened to three lanes (additional TWTL) Sedgwick Road 5,761,850 5,761,850 0 2029 P CN STP(U) 3,600,000 TIB 1,600,000 561,850 including bike lanes, sidewalks, traffic calming, and stormwater system improvements. (COMPLETE TIF 2.05 STREET). 2.06 Pottery Avenue Widening Pottery Avenue: Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Tremont Place to 0.22 1,600,000 1,600,000 0 2029 P ALL 0 0 1,600,000 sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. Melcher Street 1r19PAUT 2.07 TIF 2.07 Old Clifton Rd Shoulder & Pedestrian Improvements Old Clifton Road: Design and construction of shoulder widening, street Anderson Hill to lighting, watermain extension and grade-seperated Westerly City Limits Pedestrian Path as identified in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. 1.35 2,700,000 2,700,000 0 2028 P CN 0 0 2,000,000 2.08 O. Clifton Rd & McC. Woods Dr. Intersection Old Clifton Rd/ Design and construction of intersecion (roundabout) McCormick Woods Dr. 0 250,000 0 250,000 2032 P PE 0 0 250,000 improvements including street lighting, as identified Intersection 750,000 0 750,000 2033 P CN 0 0 750,000 in the McCormick Urban Village Trans Plan. TIF 2.08 2.09 Melcher Street Widening Melcher Street West is currently a narrow two-lane Melcher Street: 0.4 600,000 0 600,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 750,000 road. The reconstruction would widen the road to Pottery Avenue to allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and Sherman Avenue a stormwater system. TIF 2.09 2.10 Fireweed Road Widening Fireweed is currently a narrow two lane road. The Fireweed Road: 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2035 P ALL 0 0 750,000 reconstruction would widen the road to allow for Sidney Avenue to safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and a South Flower Avenue TIF 2.10 stormwater system. 2.11 Sherman Avenue Widening Sherman Avenue: Sherman Avenue is currently a narrow two-lane Fireweed Road to 0.35 525,000 0 525,000 2032 P ALL 0 0 750,000 road. The reconstruction would widen the road to Terminus at SR 16 allow two safe travel lanes, bike lanes, sidewalks and TIF 2.12 a stormwater system. 2.12 Tremont St Widening - Port Orchard Blvd (Ph. 2) Port Orchard Blvd. Construct roundabouts at Tremont Street/PO Blvd. Tremont Street to 1.1 809,250 0 809,250 2033 P PE STP(U) 700,000 0 109,250 and Bay Street (SR166)/PO Blvd. and curb, gutter, Bay Street (SR166) bike lanes, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage 520,231 0 520,231 2035 P RW STP(U) 450,000 0 70,231 and Schedule 74 Undergrounding. 7,225,434 0 7,225,434 2037 P CN STP(U) 6,250,000 0 975,434 TIF 2.13 2.13 Pottery Avenue Widen6 Pottery Avenue Pottery is currently a two-lane road, it needs to be Tremont Street 0.95 500,000 500,000 2030 P rt STP(U) 432,500 67,500 widened to a four -lane road, with sidewalks, traffic SR 16 Overpass calming and upgrades to the stormwater system. 750,000 750,000 2031 P RW STP(U) 648,750 _ 101,250 4/27/2022 Ppgg@420f102 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Priority Begin Termini Project Phase Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Total Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds IF 2.1 2,950,000 2,950,000 2033 _ CN STPM 292,250 0 657,750 4/27/2022 Ppgg4:53o f 162 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Priority Begin Termini Project Phase Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Total Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds 2.14 Old Clifton Berry Lake Road Intersection 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Intersection Improvement by Kitsap County 2.15 Blueb@Fry Ro ing Geiger Road to Bethel Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Road 2036 Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Blueberry Road 0.25 375,000 0 375,000 2034 P ALL 0 0 0 sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. TIF 2.17 2.17 Salmonberry Road Widening Ramsey Road to Bethel Widen road to two travel lanes with bike lanes, Road 0.15 225,000 0 225,000 2028 P ALL 0 0 0 sidewalks and stormwater system improvements. TIF 2.18 2.18 Piperberry Way Extention Geiger Road to Ramsey Provide an extetion of Piperberry from Ramsey to Road 0.25 575,000 0 575,000 2034 P ALL 0 0 0 Geiger and a new street connection to the proposed round about on Sedgwick. TIF 2.19 2.19 Old Clifton & Feilgly Intersection Feigly intersection Complete streets improvemets indentified in the 0 2,800,000 0 2,800,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 McCormicks Urban Village Transportation Plan. Continuation of 1.5A TIF 2.21 2.20 Bay Street Pathway - West Tremont to Footferry Continuation of project following study in 1.8 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 0 2030 P ALL 0 0 0 2.21 Walmart to Salmonberry Connector Salmonberry Complete roadway connnection 0 800,000 0 800,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 TIF 2.04A 2.22 Downtown Bay Street Study Port Orchard Blvd to Mile Study main street in downtown port orchard for Hill Dr intersection with 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000 2033 P ALL 0 0 0 complete streets with bikelanes and streetscape for Bay Street. pedestrians and storefronts. Study to address traffic cirulcation and raising streets for seal level rise and assocated stormwater and other utility 2.23 Bay Street Improvements Port Orchard Blvd to Mile 4/27/2022 Ppgg4t4off 162 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Priority Begin Termini Project Phase Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Total Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds Complete Street and utlitiy improvements. Refer to Hill Dr intersection with 0 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 Study. Bay Street. 2.24 Bay St. & Port Orchard Blvd Intersection Bay Street at Port Orchard 4/27/2022 Ppgg450f162 2022-2041TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Road Name Priority Begin Termini Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Single Lane Round About to address safety and Bulivard capacity. Bay Street Pathway crossing. Assumed creek is not impacted by project/ no major mitigation. For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Total Project Phase Funding Federal State Fund Length Total Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds 0 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 2.25 Bay St. & Kitsap Street Intersection Improvement Bay Street at Kitsap Street Re -align Kitsap intersection to addres safety and 0 2,000,000 0 2,000,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 capacity. Cline to end at Kitsap. Relocate flag pole. Signalized Intersection? 2.26 Bay St. & Mitchell and Wetzil Bay Street at Mitchell Reconfigure intersections to address safety and Avenue and Guy Wetzil 0 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 capacity. Rd. 2.27 Sidney Avenue Improvements Prospect St. to the Sidewalk and streetscape improvements. Waterfront 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 Developer Imrpovements? 2.28 Harrison Avenue Improvements Bay Street to the Sidewalk and streetscape improvements. Signal Waterfront 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 replacement? Developer Project? 2.28 Fredrickson Ave Impr. Cline St. to Sidney Ave. Convert to two way street with angled parking. 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 Provide sidewalk and streetscape impr. 2.29 New Waterfront Street Cline Street to Harrson Sidewalk and streetscape improvements. "Shared Avenue 0 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 2040 P ALL 0 0 0 Street" concept. Developer Improvement? 2.30 Tremont St Widening - Port Orchard Blvd (Ph. 3) Port Orchard Blvd. to Center median, bike lane, sidewalk, and streetscape Sidney Ave. 0 5,000,000 0 5,000,000 2041 P ALL STP(U) 0 rIB, Ped Bikc 0 0 improvements on Tremont and Sidney. Round about at the Tremont/ Sidney intersection for non - motorized safety. Accomodation for fire station. 4/27/2022 Ppgg4�836lf102 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Priority Number Project Title/Project Description Road Name Total Begin Termini Project End Termini Length Total Est. Cost Phase Funding Federal State Fund 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds Total Tier 2 Capital Projects 98,166,043 63,557,128 34,608,915 60,451,500 1,600,000 31,857,543 4/27/2022 Ppgg4:�70#f 162 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda chard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) For 2029-2042 TIER 2 (Unconstrained) Road Name Total Priority Begin Termini Project Phase Funding Federal State Fund Number Project Title/Project Description End Termini Length Total Est. Cost 2029-2034 2035-2042 Start Year Status Phase Fund Code Federal Funds Code State Funds Local Funds Maintenance Project 2.51 Cline Avenue Repairs Replace sidewalk and parking strip. Cline Avenue: 0.13 200,000 0 0 P ALL 200,000 Kitsap Street to Dwight Street Total Tier 2 Maintenance Projects 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 4/27/2022 IPW3A of 2022-2041 TIP.4_20_2022.draft.xlsx Back to Agenda Appendix B: Plans Adopted by Reference PLAN OR DOCUMENT South Kitsap School District 2014-2019 Capital Facilities Plan West Sound Utility District / Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility 2009 Capital Facilities Plan West Sound Utility District 2007 Sewer Plan West Sound Utility District 2013 Water Plan Kitsap County 2003 South Kitsap UGA/ULID#6 Sub -Area Plan & EIS Kitsap County 2012 Port Orchard/South Kitsap Sub -Area Plan 2016 Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan 10-Year Update Blackjack Creek Watershed Assessment and Protection & Restoration Plan (2017) City of Port Orchard 1994 Ross Creek Comprehensive Management Plan City of Port Orchard 2005 Economic Development Plan City of Port Orchard 2010 McCormick Village Park Plan City of Port Orchard 2012 Shoreline Master Program City of Port Orchard 2013 Public Art Program City of Port Orchard 2014 — 2021 Capital Facilities Plan City of Port Orchard 2020 Water System Plan City of Port Orchard 2020 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan Update City of Port Orchard 2016 Transportation Plan Update City of Port Orchard 2016 Comprehensive Parks Plan City of Port Orchard 2016 Transportation Impact Fee Project List City of Port Orchard 2022 Parks, Recreation, & Open Space (PROS) Plan City of Port Orchard 20223-2027?J20296-20421— 6 Year/20 Year Transportation Improvement Plan City of Port Orchard Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan and Appendices A-F City of Port Orchard 2020 City Hall Space Analysis Appendix B-1 Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan Adopted: June 2016 Revised: 20222021 july'�0 Page 339 of 342 Back to Agenda Issue Title City of Port Orchard Work Study Session Executive Summary Port Orchard Municipal Code 20.162.044 Definitions Generally — "Wetland, Isolated" Meeting Date: May 17, 2022 Time Required: 30 Minutes Attendees: Nicholas Bond, AICP Action Requested at this Meeting: Presentation of proposed amendment to Port Orchard Municipal Code 20.162.044 Definitions Generally - "Wetland Isolated". Issue: The definition of "Wetlands, Isolated" in Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 20.162.044 requires a determination from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) that a wetland is isolated. The current adopted definition is as follows: "Wetlands, isolated" means a wetland that is hydrologically isolated from other aquatic resources, as determined by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Isolated wetlands may perform important functions and are protected by state law (Chapter 90.48 RCW) whether or not they are protected by federal law. Background: In 2016, the City Council adopted its updated Critical Areas Ordinance, which contains the standards and permitting requirements for development activity on lands with and adjacent to critical areas within the city. City staff propose to amend POMC Section 20.162.044 (Definitions — Generally.), to provide clarity on requirements related to providing determinations of isolated wetlands. Currently, the definition in POMC 20.162.044 requires a determination from the USACE that a wetland is isolated. This definition was based on critical areas code update guidance from the Washington Department of Ecology (DOE), but since City adoption of POMC 20.162, DOE has recognized that this definition is unworkable and is being updated for the 2024 critical areas code update guidance. City staff has communicated with Rick Mraz at the Department of Ecology who confined that DOE would have no objection to this revision. DOE recognizes that the USACE does not necessarily need to make the determination that a wetland is isolated, but that certain development activities impacting an isolated wetland may still require USACE approval. The proposed change to the definition, creates a pathway for determining if a wetland is isolated without awaiting a USACE determination, a process that can take 1-2 years. Page 340 of 342 Back to Agenda Executive Summary 2 Page 2 of 2 The current language in the code, and the proposed language in the ordinance, were presented for the Planning Commission's review at the May 5 Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the June 7, 2022 Planning Commission meeting to solicit public input. Alternatives: Do not adopt the proposed definition or provide guidance to staff regarding the proposed definition and any additional considerations that should be made in developing a revised definition. Recommendations: Review and discuss the proposed amendment. Consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission once it has been made. Attachments: POMC 20.162.044 Definitions Generally - "Wetland Isolated" Page 341 of 342 Back to Agenda 20.162.044 Definitions - Generally. "Wetlands, isolated" means a wetland that is isolated based on its geographic isolation, ecological isolation, or hydrologic isolation. Isolated wetlands are defined by a very specific type of hydrologic isolation —they do not have a surface outlet by which water leaves the wetland, even seasonally, to another water body. Isolated wetlands can also be sloped wetlands where surface water, if present, re- enters the shallow groundwater zone at the base of the wetland and is not linked via surface flows to a downstream water body. Any protect involving filling or altering a wetland that meets this definition of isolated wetland is subject to regulation by the State Department of Ecology under the Water Pollution Control Act (90.48 RCW), in addition to the provisions in this chapter. An isolated wetland may also be regulated by the US Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Water Act. Dredge or fill of a federally regulated wetland is regulated by the US Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Water Act and altering a federally -regulated wetland may require federal review. hydrological y isolated F.orn „the aquatic resources, as determined by thp- '-Inited States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Iselated wetlands may perform important functions and are protected by state law (Chapter 90.48 RCW4 Page 342 of 342