06/13/2022 - MinutesCity of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 Festival of Chimes and Lights Committee Minutes Monday, June 13, 2022; 3:30pm Members present via remote access: Chair Lucarelli and City staff Floyd. Guests present via remote access: Sharron King, Fathoms O' Fun Festival Inc.; Stephanie Albright, citizen; and Sandy Jennings, Soroptimist. Continued: 2022 Chimes & Lights Live Event Discussion was held regarding utility billing inserts, pet parade, volunteers and hospitality, sponsor decorations for the gazebo, rock painting, library events, choirs, bagpipers, and firetruck for Santa. Facebook Page and Webpage Staff Floyd explained the new Facebook page for the Port Orchard Festival of Chimes and Lights is now live and she has been working on uploading photos. She has also been working on updating the Chimes and Lights webpage on the City's website. Tree Decorating Contest Fee and Resolution Staff Floyd gave a brief update on tree sponsors and said a resolution is going before the City Council, which once adopted, would allow the tree sponsorship to be raised to $55. Once adopted, she will post the tree decorating application and the City can start accepting payments. There being no further business, Chair Lucarelli adjourned the meeting at 3:47 p.m. Audio/Visual recording was successful. Future Meeting: TBD, 2022, 3:30pm via Zoom c: Council/Mayor/Department Directors/City Attorney/Chimes and Lights Committee