087-22 - Port Orchard Police Guild-Sergeants - Contract Amendment MOU #2MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING
It is understood and agreed that the City of Port Orchard (City) and Port Orchard Police Guild
representing the Sergeant Employees (Guild) enter into the following Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) related to the voluntary demotion of an employee from a non -represented
position into a position represented by the bargaining unit.
WHEREAS, the City's current Deputy Chief has expressed an interest in voluntarily
demoting out of the position; and
WHEREAS, the City has reviewed the staffing needs of the department and has created an
additional Sergeant position within the department; and
WHEREAS, employees in the position of Sergeant are covered under the Guild contract;
WHEREAS, the Guild contract addresses the handling of pay and paid leaves upon
employment from the City; and
WHEREAS, the Guild contract is silent on the handling of pay and paid leaves in the event
of a transfer of a higher ranking employee voluntarily demoting into a position that is part of the
bargaining unit; and
WHEREAS, both parties wish to address these topics for this employee only;
NOW THEREFORE, the City and the Guild have entered into this non-precedential
Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") to handle the pay and leave banks of Donna Main upon
voluntary demotion to the position of Sergeant on August 28, 2022, as follows:
1. Starting Pay. Ms. Main will be placed on the pay scale provided for in the collective
bargaining agreement ("CBA") based on Ms. Main's years of experience as a Sergeant
with the City of Port Orchard, which is, in the 2022-2024 CBA, $53.95 per hour, plus
any longevity pay, based on Ms. Main's original hire date with the City, plus the
applicable percentage for Ms. Main's bachelor's degree for as provided for in the CBA.
2. Sick Leave. All accrued but unused sick leave as of August 27, 2022, will be placed
into Ms. Main's sick leave bank as of her first day as a Sergeant.
a. Upon Ms. Main's separation of employment from the City of Port Orchard,
and/or promotion or demotion out of this bargaining unit, Ms. Main will be
eligible for the cashout of accrued but unused sick leave as cash or any type of
payment (i.e. HRA VEBA) that may be part of the CBA between the parties
applicable at the time minus $21,580.00 which is the dollar value of the cash
out she received upon her promotion from Sergeant to Deputy Chief.
Voluntary Demotion of Donna Main
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3. Holiday Leave. Ms. Main will accrue holiday leave in accordance with the CBA.
a. Ms. Main's "personal holiday" leave that has been accrued but remains unused
as a non -represented employee, will be rolled over into her "police holiday"
leave bank.
4. Vacation Leave. All accrued but unused vacation leave as of August 27, 2022, will be
placed into Ms. Main's vacation leave bank as of her first day as a Sergeant.
5. Seniori . Ms. Main's seniority will revert back to her status as of her last day of
employment as a Sergeant, January 2, 2021, and continue in accordance with past
practice with her return to the Sergeant position on August 28, 2022.
6. Anniversary date. For purposes of application of the wages and benefits of the CBA,
Ms. Main's Anniversary Date will be her original hire date of September 28, 2009.
7. Health Insurance. Ms. Main will be offered health insurance in accordance with the
terms of the CBA, which will necessitate a change in medical insurance providers
effective September 1, 2022.
8. Waiver. Nothing in this MOU shall be construed in a manner that implies or effectuates
a waiver of rights by the Guild to bargain future contract language to resolve ambiguity
or silence in the applicable collective bargaining agreement relative to the seniority and
voluntary demotion rights of current or future members.
All other terms of the CBA, amendments and MOUs, remain the same for the duration of the CBA.
An y Brandon, President
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Robert Putaansuu, Mayor
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