Transportation Impact Fee Rate StudyTransportation .� p INNOVATIVE I PRACTICAL Solutions I EQUITABLE Exhibit A Ordinance No. 007-21 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE RATE STUDY NOTE: Fees in this document on pages 14 - 16 are outdated. Fees are updated every year on March 1st. Refer to the current Fee Schedule. 2020 UPDATE FINAL REPORT December 2020 Prepared for: City of Port Orchard Prepared by: Transportation Solutions, Inc. 16932 Woodinville -Redmond Rd NE Suite A206 Woodinville, WA 98072 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update Table of Contents 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1 Definitionof Impact Fees.................................................................................................................................... 1 Statutory Basis for Impact Fees.......................................................................................................................... 1 2. Impact Fee Analysis............................................................................................................................ 2 Methodology...................................................................................................................................................... 2 Current Impact Fee Methodology...................................................................................................................... 2 Projects Eligible for Impact Fees......................................................................................................................... 2 EligibleProject Costs........................................................................................................................................... 3 ImpactFee Calculation....................................................................................................................................... 3 Sample Transportation Impact Fees................................................................................................................... 6 3. Additional Issues for Consideration..................................................................................................... 6 Anticipated Annual Revenues from Impact Fees................................................................................................ 6 AnticipatedGrant Revenue................................................................................................................................ 6 Anticipated Need for Other Public Funds........................................................................................................... 7 4. Transportation Impact Fee Rate Comparison....................................................................................... 7 5. Credits and Adjustments..................................................................................................................... 7 ImpactFee Credits.............................................................................................................................................. 7 IndependentFee Calculation.............................................................................................................................. 8 Construction Cost Index Adjustment.................................................................................................................. 8 6. Conclusions........................................................................................................................................ 8 Appendices Appendix A. Transportation Impact Fee Project List Appendix B. Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule Appendix C. Comparison of 2019-2020 TIF Rates in Western Washington 1 :-& ..i T..L.1.... Table 1. Impact Fee -Eligible Transportation Improvement Projects...................................................................... 5 Table 2. Transportation Impact Fee Comparison for Typical Land Uses................................................................. 6 Transportation Solutions, Inc. i December 2020 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update 1. Introduction This document summarizes the development of an updated transportation impact fee rate for the City of Port Orchard. It describes the existing impact fee rate, the basis for the fee, the rate methodology, the impact fee project list, and the recommended fee rate. Definition of Impact Fees Impact fees are a comprehensive grouping of charges based on new development within a local municipality. These fees are assessed to pay for capital facility improvement projects necessitated by new development growth (including but not limited to parks, schools, and streets/roads). Transportation impact fees are collected to fund improvements that add capacity to the transportation system, accommodating the travel demand created by new development. The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Section 82.02.050 identifies the intent of impact fees as the following: • To ensure that adequate facilities are available to serve new growth and development; • To promote orderly growth and development by establishing standards by which counties, cities, and towns may require, by ordinance, that new growth and development pay a proportionate share of the cost of new facilities needed to serve new growth and development; and • To ensure that impact fees are imposed through established procedures and criteria so that specific developments do not pay arbitrary fees or duplicative fees for the same impact. Statutory Basis for Impact Fees Transportation impact fees are a financing mechanism authorized by the Growth Management Act (GMA) of Washington State (see RCW 36.70A.070 and 82.02.050). State law imposes strict limitations on impact fees. These limitations are intended to assure property owners that the fees collected are reasonably related to their actual impacts and will not be used for unrelated purposes. If impact fees are imposed, the funds collected from developments can be expended only on transportation system improvements which are: (a) identified in the comprehensive plan as needed for growth, and (b) reasonably related to the impacts of the new development from which fees are collected. Specifically, condition (a) requires that impact fees are not used on improvements needed to remedy existing deficiencies. Those needs must be entirely funded from public sector resources. Condition (b) is satisfied if the local government defines a reasonable service area, identifies the public facilities within the service area that require improvement during the designated planning period, and prepares a fee schedule taking into account the type and size of the development as well as the type of public facility being funded. To achieve the goal of simplicity, impact fee calculations are applied on an average basis for the entire transportation system, rather than project -by -project. This is a key difference between impact fees and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) mitigation, whereby pro-rata shares of specific project improvements are collected. Pre -calculated impact fees are easier to administer than traditional SEPA development mitigation, at the point of development review. However, more complex administrative procedures are necessary to track Transportation Solutions, Inc. 1 December 2020 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update the funds collected from each development. This is necessary to assure that the funds are expended only on eligible transportation system improvements and to assure that impact fee revenues are used within six years. Fees not expended within six years must be refunded with interest to the current owner of the property. The methodology and results described below are consistent with the requirements of the GMA. The procedures and recommendations described herein can be formally enacted by an impact fee ordinance incorporating this memo by reference. 2. Impact Fee Analysis Methodology The conceptual basis for the transportation impact fee is that growth (i.e. new development) should pay a proportionate share of the cost to provide future transportation capacity. This proportionate share is calculated based on the estimated cost of growth -related transportation improvement projects identified in the Comprehensive Plan and on an estimate of growth's share of capacity utilization for each project. The impact fee analysis is limited to projects that provide capacity improvements needed for growth. Projects related to maintenance, such as pavement overlays and physical obsolescence, as well as improvements necessary to mitigate existing capacity deficiencies, are not eligible for impact fee funding. However, agencies have been encouraged by the Department of Commerce to consider multimodal transportation improvements and, to that end, shoulder widening, sidewalks, bike lanes and parallel trails are reasonable to include as both motorized and nonmotorized capacity enhancements. Current Impact Fee Methodology The Port Orchard transportation impact fee program was developed and adopted in 2015 as ordinance number 023-15 and later reorganized under ordinance number 019-17. The impact fee methodology is based on proportionate growth share of impact fee eligible project costs. As of December 2020, the transportation impact fee rate is $2,552 per new PM peak hour trip. A separate impact fee rate of $560 per new PM peak hour trip is applied to growth in the McCormick Woods PUD. This rate represents the difference between the citywide rate and a GEM1 fee rate of $1,992 per trip which was required per the McCormick Woods Development Agreement adopted in 2005. Projects Eligible for Impact Fees Not all planned transportation projects and programs are eligible for impact fees. Planned improvement project are divided below into the following categories in order to establish a list of qualifying projects that will form the basis for the Port Orchard impact fee rate: • Project Improvements • Planned Transportation Projects needed within 20 years • Maintenance Projects Protect Improvements Project improvements are transportation improvements necessary for a specific development that do not provide significant system benefits. These are typically low -volume local streets that serve driveways and parking areas. They may provide connections to other developments, but not for the purpose of Transportation Solutions, Inc. 2 December 2020 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update significant system capacity. Other project improvements include safety improvements and new access connections to existing arterials that serve only one development. Project improvements are typically required by other development regulations or as SEPA mitigation for specific development impacts not anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan. Project improvements are not eligible for impact fees. For the purpose of this rate analysis, roadway extensions that connected existing developments, but were not significant arterials, were considered project improvements that could be required under other City codes and regulations but would not be included in the impact fee calculation. Planned Transportation Proiects The Port Orchard 2021-2040 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) identifies transportation projects which are needed to serve traffic growth for the next twenty years. Projects with capacity benefits are eligible for impact fee funding. Capacity -related improvements may include adding turn lanes, lane widening or separating non -motorized modes, adding signals or roundabouts for intersection capacity, or other improvements. The methodology for roadway capacity calculation is described in the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The proportional share of these projects reasonably related to growth are eligible for impact fees. Maintenance Proiects Maintenance programs, general studies, and non -capital activities are generally not eligible for impact fees. A component of ongoing pavement preservation could be eligible for impact fees if it is demonstrated that growth increases the magnitude of pavement reconstruction requirements. For instance, if existing conditions require a two-inch asphalt overlay, but added traffic from growth requires a three-inch asphalt overlay to achieve the same pavement life, the cost of the additional inch of asphalt could be attributed to growth. If the overlay or reconstruction provides increased lane width, intersection improvements, or shoulder widening the cost of the expansion could be considered eligible. Eligible Project Costs Impact fee eligible projects and their estimated costs are identified in Table 1. These costs include various elements which are necessary for the construction of transportation improvements, including design, permitting, right-of-way, construction, and construction management. Ongoing or future maintenance is not an eligible impact fee cost. TIP projects which are not capacity -related, or which are considered maintenance projects/programs are not included in the TIF project list. Impact Fee Calculation The impact fee was calculated based on the increase in PM peak hour vehicle trips resulting from growth, the cost of improvements related to growth, and the City's transportation financing strategy, as defined in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. The calculation methodology is described below. Local Funding Responsibility Roadway projects are generally eligible for state and federal grant funds. These funds are not predictable and vary in amount by grantor. Additionally, cost -sharing agreements with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and Kitsap County are anticipated to reduce some of the City's project cost responsibility. This analysis assumes the City will be responsible for 50 percent of total impact fee -eligible project costs over the 20-year planning horizon, with the other 50 percent anticipated to be funded by grant and intergovernmental revenue roadway projects. Transportation Solutions, Inc. 3 December 2020 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update Exceptions were applied to the following projects which are anticipated to be fully funded by the City of Port Orchard or by local development, with no grants or intergovernmental revenue: • Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Phase 1 Design (TIP #1.3) • Old Clifton Rd Design — 60% (TIP #1.5A) • Old Clifton Rd & Campus Parkway roundabout (TIP #1.5C) • Old Clifton Rd & McCormick Woods Dr roundabout (TIP #2.08) • Glenwood Connector Roadway (per development agreement) • Feigley Rd improvements (per development agreement) Proportionate Share of Project Cost Growth's proportionate share of each improvement project was calculated as the proportion of added capacity which will be used by new development trips, per the Port Orchard travel demand model. The Port Orchard travel demand model was most recently updated and recalibrated in 2019. It incorporates trip generation data published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, tor" Edition and calibrated to fit 2019 weekday PM peak hour traffic counts. The travel demand model trip distribution and traffic assignment procedures were calibrated based on regional and national guidance, including the Kitsap County travel demand model and Federal Highway Administration travel demand model calibration guidance, in addition to local engineering expertise and traffic counts. To generate 2040 PM peak hour travel demand forecasts, the calibrated 2019 PM travel demand model was modified to include housing and employment growth forecasts identified in the Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan. A total of 7,352 new weekday PM peak hour trips are anticipated citywide between 2019 and 2040. These new trips were assigned to the transportation network, resulting in traffic growth forecasts for each intersection and roadway segment on the TIF project list. The proportionate growth share of TIF project costs was calculated by dividing the 2019-2040 PM peak hour trip growth by the capacity contribution, in vehicles per hour, of each improvement project: Proportionate Share ofproject Costj= PM peak hr trip growth Added PM peak hr capacity The resulting proportionate share for each TIF project is identified in Table 1. Total project costs and growth share are summarized below: Total TIF Project Cost $145,863,474 Anticipated Grant & Intergovernmental Revenue $78,597,474 Anticipated City & Developer (Non -Grant) Responsibility $67,266,000 Growth/Development Share of Project Cost $36,343,224 Transportation Solutions, Inc. 4 December 2020 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update Table 1. Impact Fee -Eligible Transportation Improvement Projects TIP IDl Project Name Cost Estimate ($) Local Share' ($) GrowthGrowth Share Share' ($) N DA Glenwood Connector Roadway 2,000,000 2,000,000 100% 2,000,000 1.1 Tremont St Widening CN Phase 23,600,000 7,570,000 24% 1,851,656 1.3 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 1 Design 1,211,000 1,211,000 24% 293,489 1.4 Old Clifton Rd/Anderson Hill Rd Roundabout 2,420,000 968,000 81% 786,112 1.5A Old Clifton Rd Design - 60% 562,000 562,000 100% 562,000 1.5C Old Clifton Rd/Campus Pkwy Roundabout 1,600,000 1,600,000 100% 1,600,000 1.7 Vallair Ct Connector 2,498,000 1,249,000 8% 96,697 2.01 Sidney Ave (N) Widening 13,113,000 6,557,000 48% 3,144,444 2.02 Sedgwick Rd West Design/ROW 1,444,000 722,000 100% 722,000 2.03 Sedgwick Rd West Constr. 4,331,000 2,166,000 100% 2,165,500 2.04A Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 1 ROW/Constr. 14,360,000 7,180,000 24% 1,740,094 2.04B Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 2 17,498,000 5,249,000 28% 1,464,306 2.04C Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 3 6,111,000 1,833,000 5% 97,776 2.04D Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 4 9,179,000 4,590,000 45% 2,067,975 2.04E Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 5 11,059,000 5,530,000 100% 5,529,500 2.05 Sidney Rd (S) Widening 7,820,000 3,910,000 66% 2,593,367 2.06 Pottery Ave (N) Widening 1,998,000 999,000 28% 277,500 2.07 Old Clifton Rd Shoulder & Ped. Impr. 3,372,000 1,686,000 100% 1,686,000 2.08 Old Clifton Rd/McCormick Woods Dr Roundabout 1,600,000 1,600,000 100% 1,600,000 2.09 Melcher St Widening 749,000 375,000 7% 25,279 2.1 Fireweed Rd Widening 468,000 234,000 5% 11,700 2.12 Sherman Ave Widening 656,000 328,000 5% 16,400 2.13 Tremont St Widening Ph. 2 - PO Blvd 10,684,000 5,342,000 100% 5,342,000 2.14 Pottery Ave (S) Widening 5,245,000 2,623,000 16% 415,119 2.16 Blueberry Rd Widening 749,000 375,000 22% 80,518 2.17 Geiger Rd Widening 468,000 234,000 5% 11,700 2.18 Salmonberry Rd Widening 281,000 141,000 21% 28,803 2.19 Piperberry Way Extension 468,000 234,000 11% 25,665 2.21 Old Clifton Rd/Feigley Rd Roundabout 243,000 122,000 26% 31,150 DA Feigley Rd Improvements 76,474 76,000 100% 76,474 Total 145,863,474 67,266,000 54% 36,343,224 'Project ID number in Port Orchard 2021-2040 Transportation Improvement Program. DA = development agreement project 2Portion of project cost which is anticipated to be funded by City of Port Orchard and developer funds (i.e. not funded by grants or intergovernmental revenue) 3Portion of added capacity which is used by growth (i.e. new development). Developer -funded projects are assigned 100% growth share. Transportation Solutions, Inc. 5 December 2020 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update Impact Fee Rate The citywide transportation impact fee rate was calculated by dividing the sum of the growth share of TIF project cost by the total citywide PM peak hour trip growth forecast, as shown: Development share of project costs _ $36,343,224 Citywide PM trip growth 7,352 new trips $4,943 / PM peak hour trip Sample Transportation Impact Fees Table 2 summarizes the fee rates which would be paid by several typical developments If the above calculated rate were adopted in an impact fee ordinance. A comprehensive transportation impact fee rate schedule is included in Appendix B. Table 2. Transportation Impact Fee Comparison for Typical Land Uses Land Use Type ITE 1 LUC Trip Rate Per Unit 2015 TIF Rate ($/unit) 2020 TIF Rate ($/unit) Single -Family Home 210 0.99 DU 2,552 4,894 Low -Rise Multifamily 220 0.56 DU 1,582 2,768 Senior Attached Housing 252 0.26 DU 638 1,285 General Office 710 1.15 1,000 ftz 3,803 5,684 Shopping Center 820 2.51* 1,000 ftz 6,406 12,110 Light Industrial 110 0.63 1,000 ft2 2,476 3,114 'Land Use Code and trip rates per Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual101" Edition *Includes 34% reduction for pass -by trips, per Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Handbook 3. Additional Issues for Consideration Anticipated Annual Revenues from Impact Fees The anticipated annual revenue from the proposed transportation impact fee, based on the travel demand growth forecast of 7,352 new trips by 2040, is shown below: 350 trips $4,943 * = $1,730,050 / year year PM trip The transportation impact fee is anticipated to generate an average of $1,730,050 per year. This represents a 20-year average and may be more or less in any given year. Anticipated Grant Revenue Transportation improvement projects are generally eligible for state and federal grant funds. These funds are not predictable and vary in amount by grantor. The financing plan in the Transportation Element identifies a 50 percent grant and intergovernmental funding goal for roadway projects. This assumption is applied in the impact fee rate calculation. Transportation Solutions, Inc. 6 December 2020 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update Anticipated Need for Other Public Funds The anticipated impact fee revenue does not fully fund the non -grant share of TIF project costs. The anticipated need for other public funds is summarized below: Total TIF Project Cost $145,863,474 Anticipated Grant & Intergovernmental Revenue $78,597,474 Growth/Development Share of Project Cost $36,343,224 Remaining Unfunded Commitment (2019-2040) $30,922,776 The City will need to identify other revenue sources to fund the remaining unfunded revenue commitment of $30,922,776 associated with the TIF projects. This represents an annual funding commitment of $1,546,139. 4. Transportation Impact Fee Rate Comparison The City of Bellingham Public Works Department has compiled a list of transportation impact fee rates for 79 public agencies in western Washington. The full comparison chart is included in Appendix B. Provided below are current transportation impact fee rates for several agencies which are located near Port Orchard. The updated impact fee rate of $4,943 per PM trip would be just above the western Washington average rate, but far from the highest in western Washington. Western WA Maximum Transportation Impact Fee: City of Poulsbo Transportation Impact Fee: City of Gig Harbor Transportation Impact Fee: Proposed Port Orchard Transportation Impact Fee: Western WA Average Transportation Impact Fee: City of Bainbridge Island Transportation Impact Fee: Kitsap County Transportation Impact Fee: Western WA Minimum Transportation Impact Fee: 5. Credits and Adjustments Impact Fee Credits $14,064 (City of Sammamish) $5,397 $5,020 $4,943 $4,363 $1,687 $700 $589 (City of Oak Harbor) An applicant may request a credit for impact fees in the amount of the total value of system improvements, including dedications of land, improvements, and/or construction provided by the applicant. Credits should be considered on a case -by -case basis and shall not exceed the impact fee payable. Claims for credit should be made before the payment of the impact fee. Credits for the construction should be provided only if the land, improvements, and/or the facility constructed are listed as planned transportation projects in the Rate Analysis and Impact Fee Ordinance. Credits are not generally given for code -based frontage improvements or right -or -way dedications, or direct access improvements to and/or within the subject development (project improvements) unless the improvement is part of a project listed in the Rate Analysis and Impact Fee Ordinance. Transportation Solutions, Inc. 7 December 2020 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update Independent Fee Calculation An applicant may submit an independent fee calculation for a proposed development activity. The documentation submitted should be prepared by a traffic engineer licensed in Washington State and should be limited to adjustments in the trip generation rates used in the fee calculation. Construction Cost Index Adjustment Transportation impact fees should be adjusted yearly to account for inflation. Annual adjustments will be based on the All -Urban Consumers Index (CPI-U) for the Seattle -Tacoma -Bellevue area for the previous 12-month period from December to December as specified by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor. The CPI adjustment would take effect on March 1. 6. Conclusions The recommended transportation impact fee rate is $4,943 per new PM peak hour trip. Transportation Solutions, Inc. 8 December 2020 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update Appendix A. Transportation Impact Fee Project List Transportation Solutions, Inc. December 2020 City of Port Orchard Transportation Impact Fee Project List - 2020 Update DA Glenwood Connector Roadway 2,000,000 2,000,000 100% 2,000,000 1.1 Tremont St Widening CN Phase 23,600,000 7,570,000 24% 1,851,656 1.3 Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 1 Design 1,211,000 1,211,000 24% 293,489 1.4 Old Clifton Rd/Anderson Hill Rd Roundabout 2,420,000 968,000 81% 786,112 1.5A Old Clifton Rd Design - 60% 562,000 562,000 100% 562,000 1.5C Old Clifton Rd/Campus Pkwy Roundabout 1,600,000 1,600,000 100% 1,600,000 1.7 Vallair Ct Connector 2,498,000 1,249,000 8% 96,697 2.01 Sidney Ave (N) Widening 13,113,000 6,557,000 48% 3,144,444 2.02 Sedgwick Rd West Design/ROW 1,444,000 722,000 100% 722,000 2.03 Sedgwick Rd West Constr. 4,331,000 2,166,000 100% 2,165,500 2.04A Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 1 ROW/Constr. 14,360,000 7,180,000 24% 1,740,094 2.04B Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 2 17,498,000 5,249,000 28% 1,464,306 2.04C Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 3 6,111,000 1,833,000 5% 97,776 2.04D Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 4 9,179,000 4,590,000 45% 2,067,975 2.04E Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Ph. 5 11,059,000 5,530,000 100% 5,529,500 2.05 Sidney Rd (S) Widening 7,820,000 3,910,000 66% 2,593,367 2.06 Pottery Ave (N) Widening 1,998,000 999,000 28% 277,500 2.07 Old Clifton Rd Shoulder & Ped. Impr. 3,372,000 1,686,000 100% 1,686,000 2.08 Old Clifton Rd/McCormick Woods Dr Roundabout 1,600,000 1,600,000 100% 1,600,000 2.09 Melcher St Widening 749,000 375,000 7% 25,279 2.1 Fireweed Rd Widening 468,000 234,000 5% 11,700 2.12 Sherman Ave Widening 656,000 328,000 5% 16,400 2.13 Tremont St Widening Ph. 2 - PO Blvd 10,684,000 5,342,000 100% 5,342,000 2.14 Pottery Ave (S) Widening 5,245,000 2,623,000 16% 415,119 2.16 Blueberry Rd Widening 749,000 375,000 22% 80,518 2.17 Geiger Rd Widening 468,000 234,000 5% 11,700 2.18 Salmonberry Rd Widening 281,000 141,000 21% 28,803 2.19 Piperberry Way Extension 468,000 234,000 11 % 25,665 2.21 Old Clifton Rd/Feigley Rd Roundabout 243,000 122,000 26% 31,150 DA Feigley Rd Improvements 76,474 76,000 100% 76,474 Total Total Project Cost Local Share (Development + City) (%) Growth/Development Share ($) 2019-2040 PM Peak Hour Trip Growth (vph) 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate ($/trip) Remaining Unfunded Commitment ($) Annual Funding Commitment ($/yr) 145,863,474 $145,863,474 46% $36,343,224 7,352 $4,943 $30,922,776 $1,546,139 67,266,000 54% 36,343,224 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update Appendix B. Transportation Impact Fee Rate Schedule Transportation Solutions, Inc. December 2020 City of Port Orchard Traffic Impact Fee Rate Schedule — Residential (2020 Update) Code' ITE Land Use Category ITE Trip Rate Rate per it3 Impact Fee per Unit 210 Single -Family Detached Housing 0.99 DU $4,894 $2,768 220 221 230 Low -Rise Multifamily Housing (1-2 floors) Mid -Rise Multifamily Housing (3-10 floors) Mid -Rise Residential w/ 1st Floor Commercial 0.56 DU 0.44 DU $2,175 0.36 DU $1,779 240 Mobile Home Park 0.46 DU $2,274 251 252 Senior Housing Detached 0.30 DU $1,483 Senior Housing Attached 0.26 DU $1,285 253 Congregate Care Facility 0.18 0.26 DU $890 $1,285 254 Assisted Living bed 260 270 Recreational Home Residential PUD 0.28 DU $1,384 0.69 DU $3,411 - Accessory Dwelling Unit (<— 450 so Accessory Dwelling Unit (> 450 so 0.56 DU $2,768 - 0.28 DU $1,384 Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) 2 Trip generation rate per development unit for PM peak hour of the adjacent street traffic (4-6 PM) 3 DU = Dwelling Unit ORCHARD_ Transportation ion Solutions •� p INNOVATIVE I PRACTICAL I EQUITABLE Citv of Port Orchard Traffic Impact Fee Rate Schedule - Non -Residential LUC 1-799 (2020 Update) ITE Code' PORT AND i ITE Land Use Category TERMINAL Base Trip RatT %Primary Trips Net Trip Rate Rate per Unit 3 Impact Fee per Unit 30 Intermodal Truck Terminal Park and Ride with Bus Service 1.87 1.870 1 $9 243 2125 90 INDUSTRIAL110 1 0.43 * 0.430 s ace General Light Industrial Industrial Park Manufacturing Warehousing Mini Warehouse Utilities ISoecialitv Trade Contractor 0.63 0.630 KSF $3114 130 0.40 0.400 KSF $1 977 140 0.67 0.670 KSF $3 312 150 0.19 * 0.190 KSF $939 151 0.17 0.170 KSF $840 170 180 LODGING 2.27 1.97 2.270 KSF KSF $11,221 9 738 1.970 310 Hotel 0.60 0.600 room $2,966 311 All Suites Hotel 0.36 * 0.360 1 room $1 779 312 Business Hotel 0.32 0.320 1 room $1 582 320 RECREATIONAL Motel 0.38 * 0.380 room , 411 Public Park 0.11 0.110 acre $544 416 Campground/RV Park 0.27 * 0.270 site $1 335 430 Golf Course 0.28 * 0.280 acre $1 384 432 Golf Driving Range 1.25 * 1.250 tee $6179 433 Batting Cages 2.22 * 2.220 cage $10 973 434 Rock Climbing Gym 1.64 1.640 KSF $8107 435 Multi -Purpose Recreational Facility 3.58 3.580 1 KSF $17 696 437 Bowlinq Allev 1.16 * 1.160 KSF $5 734 444 Movie Theater 14.60 * 14.600 screen $72168 445 Multiplex Movie Theater 13.73 * 13.730 screen $67 867 488 Soccer Complex 16.43 * 16.430 field $81 213 490 Tennis Courts 4.21 4.210 court $20 810 491 Racquet/Tennis Club 3.82 1 1 3.820 court $18 882 492 1 Health Fitness Club 3.45 * 3.450 1 KSF $17 053 493 lAthletic Club 6.29 6.290 1 KSF $31 091 495 INSTITUTIONAL 1 Recreational Community Center 2.31 2.310 1 KSF 11 418 520 1. Public Elementary School 1.37 1.370 1 KSF 1 $6 772 522 Public Middle/Junior High School 1.19 * 1.190 KSFE$4,795 882 530 Public High School 0.97 0.970 KSF 537 Charter Elementa School 0.14 0.140 student692538 School District Office 2.04 2.040 KSF 084540 Junior/Communi Colle a 1.86 1.860 KSF194 560 Church 0.49 0.490 KSF $2 422 565 Day Care Center 11.12 44% 4.893 KSF $24185 566 Cemetery 0.46 * 0.460 acre $2 274 571 Prison 0.05 * 0.050 bed $247 575 Fire & Rescue Station 0.48 * 0.480 KSF $2 373 590 MEDICAL Library 8.16 * 8.160 KSF 40 335 610 Hospital 1 0.97 1 1 0.970 1 KSF 1 $4 795 620 Nursing Home 0.59 * 0.590 KSF $2 916 630 Clinic 3.28 * 3.280 KSF $16 213 640 Animal Hospital/ Veterinary Clinic 1 3.53 1* 3.530 KSF $17 449 650 OFFICE Freestandina Emer enc Room I1.52 1.520 KSF 7 513 710 lGeneral Office 1.15 * 1.150 KSFJ$12,110 712 Sin le -Tenant Office <5 000 s 2.45 * 2.450 KSF715 Sin le Tenant Office >5 000 s 1.71 1.710 KSF720 Medical/Dental Office 3.46 3.460 KSF730 Govemment Office Buildin 1.71 1.710 KSF732 US Post Office 11.21 11.210 KSF 733 Government Office Complex 1 2.82 1 1 2.820 1 KSF $13 939 750 lOffice Park 1.07 * 1.070 KSF $5 289 760 1 Research and Development Center 1 0.49 * 0.490 0.420 KSF KSF $2 422 $2 076 770 1 Business Park 1 0.42 * ' Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) 2 Trip generation rate per development unit, for PM Peak Hour of the adjacent street traffic (4-6 pm). 3 DU = Dwelling Unit; KSF = 1,000 square feet; VSP = Vehicle servicing position * Pass -by and diverted trip rate data not available. Primary trip rates may be applied based on local data, development context, and engineering judgment Citv of Port Orchard Traffic Impact Fee Rate Schedule - Non -Residential LUC 800-999 (2020 Update) ITE Code' ITE Land Use Category Base Trip Rate % Primary Trips3 Net Trip Rate Rate per Unit° Impact Fee per Unit RETAIL 810 811 Tractor Supply Store Construction Equipment Rental Store Building Materials and Lumber Store 1.40 0.99 66% 0.924 0.733 1.524 3.074 KSF $4 567 $3 621 $7,535 74% KSF 812 2.06 4.33 74% 71 % KSF 813 Free -Standing Discount Superstore w/ Grocery) KSF $15196 814 Variety Store 6.84 66% 4.514 KSF $22 315 815 1 Free Standing Discount Store w/o Grocery) 4.83 83% 4.009 KSF $19 816 816 Hardware/Paint Store 2.68 74% 1.983 KSF $9 803 817 Nurse Garden Center 6.94 74% 5.136 KSF $25 385 818 Nurse Wholesale 5.18 74% 3.833 KSF $18 948 820 Shopping Center 3.81 66% 2.515 KSF $12 430 823 Factory Outlet Center 2.29 66% 1.511 KSF $7 471 840 Automobile Sales New 2.43 100% 2.430 KSF $12 011 841 Automobile Sales Used 3.75 100% 3.750 KSF $18 536 842 Recreational Vehicle Sales 0.77 100% 0.770 KSF $3 806 843 Automobile Parts Sales 4.91 44% 2.160 KSF $10 679 848 Tire Store 3.98 72% 2.866 KSF $14165 849 Tire Superstore 2.11 72% 1.519 KSF $7 509 850 Supermarket 9.24 64% 5.914 KSF $29 231 851 Convenience Market 49.11 49% 24.064 KSF $118 948 853 Convenience Market w/Gas Pumps 49.23 17% 8.369 VFP $41 368 854 Discount Supermarket 8.38 1 51% 4.274 KSF $21125 857 Discount Club 4.18 63% 2.633 KSF $13 017 861 Sporting Goods Superstore 2.02 66% 1.333 KSF $6 590 862 Home Improvement Superstore 2.33 58% 1.351 KSF $6 680 863 Electronics Superstore 4.26 60% 2.556 KSF $12 634 866 Pet Supply Superstore 3.55 66% 2.343 KSF $11 581 867 Office Supply Superstore 2.77 66% 1.828 KSF $9 037 875 Department Store 1.95 1 66% 1.287 KSF $6 362 876 Apparel Store 4.12 66% 2.719 KSF $13 441 879 Arts and Crafts Store 6.21 66% 4.099 KSF $20 259 880 Pharmacy/Drug Store w/o Drive-Thru 8.51 47% 4.000 KSF $19 771 881 Pharmacy/Drug Store w/ Drive-Thru 10.29 38% 3.910 KSF $19 328 882 Mari'uana DispenseDispensery 21.83 10000 1 21.830 KSF $107 906 890 Furniture Store 0.52 47% 1 0.244 KSF $1,208 899 SERVICES Li uor Store 16.37 64% 1 10.477 KSF 51 787 911 Walk-in Bank 12.13 65% 7.885 KSFJ$65,705 912 Drive-in Bank 20.45 65% 13.293 KSF918 Hair Salon 1.45 65% 0.943 KSF920 Co Print and Ex ress Shi Store 7.42 66% 4.897 KSF925 Drinkin Place 11.36 100% 11.360 KSF930 Fast Casual Restaurant 14.13 57% 8.054 KSF 931 lQuality Restaurant 7.80 56% 4.368 KSF $21591 932 High Turnover Sit -Down Restaurant 9.77 57% 5.569 KSF $27,527 933 Fast Food w/o Drive-Thru 28.34 57% 16.154 KSF $79 848 934 Fast Food w/ Drive-Thru 32.67 50% 16.335 KSF $80 744 935 Fast Food Restaurant w/ Drive-Thru w/o Indoor Seating 42.65 50% 21.325 KSF $105 409 936 Coffee/Donut Shop w/o Drive-Thru 36.31 57% 20.697 KSF $102 304 937 Coffee/Donut Shop wl Drive-Thru 43.38 50% 21.690 KSF $107 214 938 Coffee/Donut Shop wl Drive-Thru w/o Indoor Seating (Espresso Stand 83.33 11 % 9.166 KSF $45 309 939 Bread/Donut/Bagel Shop w/o Drive-Thru 28.00 57% 15.960 KSF $78 890 940 Bread/Donut/Bagel Shop w/ Drive-Thru 19.02 50% 9.510 KSF $47 008 941 Quick Lubrication Vehicle Stop 4.85 72% 3.492 VSP $17 261 942 Automobile Care Center 3.11 72% 2.239 KSF $11 068 943 Automobile Parts and Service Center 2.26 72% 1.627 KSF $8 043 944 Gasoline/Service Station 14.03 58% 8.137 VFP $40 223 945 Gas Station w/Convenience Market 13.99 12% 1 1.679 VFP $8 298 947 Self -Serve Car Wash 5.54 58% 3.213 stall $15 883 948 Automated Car Wash 77.50 58% 44.950 stall $222188 950 960 Truck Stop Super Convenience Market/ Gas Station 22.73 22.96 58% 35% 13.183 KSF VFP 1 KSF $65,166 $39 722 8.036 7.310 970 lWinery 1 7.31 100% I$36133 ' Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition) 2 Trip generation rate per development unit, for PM Peak Hour of the adjacent street traffic (4-6 pm). 3 Average primary trip rates, per Trip Generation Handbook (3rd Edition), 2017. Additional primary rates based on similar land use and engineering judgment. Pass -by rates should be used with caution and refined using local data whenever possible. ° DU = Dwelling Unit; KSF =1,000 square feet; VSP = Vehicle servicing position 3 City of Port Orchard 2020 Transportation Impact Fee Rate Update Appendix C. Comparison of 2019-2020 TIF Rates in Western Washington Transportation Solutions, Inc. December 2020 Comparison of 2019-2020 TIF Base Rates in 74 Cities and 5 Counties in Western Washington With Bellingham and Whatcom County Cities Highlighted for Emphasis [Based on information available. Average includes both Cities and Counties. See TIF rate table on next page for additional details.] Data compiled Nov. 2019 by Chris Comeau, AICP-CTP, Transportation Planner, Bellingham Public Works ccomeau@cob.or¢ or (360) 778-7946 *Western WA State Average TIF Sammamish North Bend Kenmore Issaquah Duvall Lynnwood 1 $7,944 Renton $7,820 La Center $7,561 Bothell $7,406 Shoreline $7,397 Redmond $7,357 Shoreline $7,224 Carnation $7,141 Newcastle $6,475 Fife $6,413 Marysville $6,300 Edmonds $6,249 Buckley $6,074 Camas $5,974 Des Moines 1 $5,573 Poulsbo 1 $5,397 Bellevue $5,293 Mount Vernon 1 $5,100 Gig Harbor $5,020 Port Orchard (Proposed) $4,943 Auburn $4,895 Kent $4,518 Puyallup $4,500 Pierce County $4,479 Covington $4,461 Edgewood $4,413 W WA Average TIF* $4,363 Sultan $4,350 Mercer Island $4,287 Woodinville $4,211 Milton $4,190 Federal Way $3,999 Bonney Lake $3,995 Maple Valley $3,986 Mount Lake Terrace $3,985 Mill Creek $3,900 Kirkland $3,815 Shelton $3,736 Tumwater $3,705 Ridgefield $3,683 Monroe $3,524 Stanwood $3,523 SeaTac $3,508 Washougal $3,398 Arlington $3,355 Clark County $3,333 Lake StevensW'$'�,959 $3,257 Enumclaw$3,239 Olympia$3,213 University Place$3,199 Ferndale$3,163 Battleground,024 Thurston County Sedro-Woolley(Proposed) $2,809 AnacortesEf$$2:'�,453 $2,731 Burlington$2,665 Sumner2,632 Port Orchard (Existing)2,552 Granite Falls,500 Sequim,491 Snohomish County Everett $2,400 Vancouver $2,153 Orting $2,149 Lynden $2,111 Bellingham $2,025 Lacey MENEEMEMENEEMi $2,013 Mukilteo � $1,875 Bainbridge Island $1,687 Snohomish $1,603 Blaine $1,558 Yelm $1,497 Tukwila $1,244 Burien $948 Kitsap County $700 Oak Harbor $589 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $14,064 $11,630 $9,600 $8,882 $8,756 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000 Cost Per P.M. Peak Hour (4:00- 6:00pm) Vehicle or Person Trip