09/24/2018 - Minutes 1 City of Port Orchard Land Use Committee Meeting Minutes – September 24, 2018 Committee Members Present: Scott Diener (chair), Fred Chang, Shawn Cucciardi City Officials and Staff: Mayor Rob Putaansuu, Community Development Director Nick Bond, Long Range Planner Keri Sallee Guest: Colleen Miko, WSU Master Gardeners Chair Diener called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. 1. Presentation and Discussion: WSU Master Gardeners. Colleen Miko, Horticulture Coordinator with the WSU Master Gardeners program, gave a presentation about the Master Gardeners’ horticultural and environmental outreach projects in Kitsap County. The Master Gardeners would like to find a suitable site for a community demonstration garden and individual “pea patch” plots in a Port Orchard city park or other location in South Kitsap. Among other requirements, the site must have adequate sunlight, limited slope, adequate nearby parking, onsite water source, and high user visibility. After reviewing the various options in South Kitsap, the Master Gardeners would prefer a location within the McCormick Village Park, which is currently under construction. At this time, an adequate number of parking spaces are not available to accommodate the Master Gardeners’ needs for volunteer and educational events. However, the City is open to further discussion with the Master Gardeners about a potential site, after the Campus Parkway access and additional parking lot are constructed during phase 3 of the McCormick Village Park project. Staff will keep the Master Gardeners informed about the park’s progress and will continue coordination efforts. 2. Discussion: Revisions to Chapters 20.22 and 20.96 POMC. Community Development Director Bond said that staff have become aware of inconsistencies and conflicts between Chapter 20.22 (Permit Process Types), Chapter 20.94 (Binding Site Plans), and Chapter 20.96 (Vacation and Alteration of Final Plats) of the City’s unified development code, Title 20 POMC. These inconsistencies affect the correct permit type classifications for vacation and alteration of subdivisions, short subdivisions and binding site plans. Staff have therefore prepared revisions to Chapters 20.22 and 20.96 POMC to resolve the identified inconsistencies and conflicts between these chapters, and also between these chapters and Chapter 20.94 POMC. The Planning Commission reviewed the draft ordinance and held a public hearing on September 8, 2018, and recommend approval of the ordinance. Bond will take the ordinance to City Council on October 9. Chair Diener noted that in 2017, the state Legislature passed a bill that allows local jurisdictions to exempt final plats from formal Council approval. He asked if the City should also consider this approach. Bond said that a final plat approval typically also includes maintenance and/or performance bonds, which cannot be administratively approved by a department director under the City’s current policies. Even if final plats were delegated to administrative approval, the bonds would still have to go to Council as a separate item. Therefore, Bond would prefer to keep the current practice of having final plats and associated bonds concurrently approved by Council, unless Council also wants to delegate bond approval authority to the Public Works department. Mayor Putaansuu asked for clarification about the professional qualifications and residence requirements for appointees to the City’s Design Review Board. Bond said that appointees are not required to live within the City. He also said that Scott Bonjukian, a former City resident and DCD employee, who is currently an urban designer with MAKERS Ltd in Seattle, has indicated that he will apply for one of the vacant DRB positions. 2 Chair Diener adjourned the meeting at 10:28 a.m. Audio-only recording was successful. Next Meeting/Location: To be determined, in the 720 Prospect conference room.