11/07/2017 - Minutes City of Port Orchard Land Use Committee Meeting Minutes – November 7, 2017 Committee Members Present: Scott Diener, Shawn Cucciardi, Bek Ashby (for John Clausen) City Officials and Staff: Community Development Director Nick Bond, Long-Range Planner Keri Sallee Chair Diener called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. 1. Discussion: Mixed Use Pilot Program Ordinance. Development Director Bond provided an overview of the proposed mixed-use pilot program (MUPP) ordinance. The MUPP is intended to promote transit-oriented, mixed-use development near downtown Port Orchard and the City’s passenger ferry terminal, while ensuring high-quality building and site designs that enhance the downtown business environment and complement existing downtown development. The MUPP is also intended to develop examples of successful, well- regarded examples of mixed-use buildings to inform a later Council decision about whether to finalize and/or refine development regulations and design standards for future mixed-use projects in the city. The MUPP is proposed to become effective in April 2018, once the City’s new architectural and site design standards have been adopted and are effective (approximately March 2018). Properties were selected for the MUPP based on criteria such as downtown location, proximity to transit, existing site development and potential for redevelopment, and topography and critical areas. The division of the MUPP into four height zones allows for a balance of site development with view protection for nearby properties. A developer’s agreement approved by Council will be required for each project developed under the MUPP. Bond said that if there is a delay in approving the architectural and site design standards, implementation of the MUPP should be delayed until those standards are effective. Diener said it might be helpful to raise the per-project residential unit cap from 200 to 250, with a total residential unit cap of 300, and Bond said that he would ask the Planning Commission to consider that suggestion during their review of the MUPP. The committee agreed that the MUPP should be put on the Council’s November 14 agenda. 2. Discussion: 640 Bay Street Property. The vacant site at 640 Bay Street is proposed to be surplused after removal from the Comprehensive Plan’s Capital Facilities inventory, so that the City can sell the site for redevelopment by a private party. The City will publish a Request for Development Proposals (RFP) in November 2018 to solicit potential buyers and developers under a competitive process. Redevelopment proposals will be required to participate in and comply with the MUPP. Bond said that the City would likely select a winning proposal in January 2018, with development application submittals required by April 30, 2018 and/or when the new architectural and site design standards become effective, whichever is later. Diener said that Council may want to consider including a reversion clause or other enforceable measure in any contract, to ensure that a buyer will proceed with development plans in a reasonable timeframe, instead of buying and holding the property indefinitely. The committee agreed that the draft RFP should be put on the Council’s November 14 agenda. 3. Discussion: Feather/Banner/A-Board Signs. Bond presented the committee with a number of changes to the draft feather/banner/A-board sign ordinance, based on Council’s direction to staff at the September work-study meeting. The committee agreed that Council’s objectives had been met. The ordinance as revised will be put on the Council’s November 28 agenda. Diener adjourned the meeting at 8:25 a.m. Audio-only recording was successful. Next Meeting/Location: December 20, 2017, at 7:30 am in the 720 Prospect conference room.