02/17/2016 - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Land Use Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday February 17, 2016 Committee Members present: Council members Shawn Cucciardi, John Clauson, Scott Diener City Staff Present: Development Director Nick Bond, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, Police Chief Geoffrey Marti, Associate Planner Elle Davis Guests: Mayor Rob Putaansuu, Nick Whittleton and Elissa Whittleton The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. Scott Diener was elected chair. The recurring meeting date and time was set to the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30AM. 1. Discussion: Downtown Parking Meters. The committee held a discussion about the downtown waterfront parking lot meters including monthly passes and hiring a private company to manage the parking lots. Director of Public Works Mark Dorsey will follow up with a parking company that operates in the area. 2. Discussion: Street Vacation 1350 Bay Street. The committee held a discussion on the proposed vacation as an update only. 3. Discussion: Street Vacation West Avenue/Division Street. The committee held a discussion on the proposed vacation as an update only. 4. Discussion: Draft Parks Element for Comp Plan Update. Changes to the draft Parks Element were discussed. The committee recommended striking Policy #43 and adding a new section addressing the long term vision in its place. 5. Discussion: Paul Powers Park. The committee discussed removing Paul Powers Park from the Parks Plan. The committee recommended removing Paul Powers Park from the Parks Plan. 6. Discussion: McCormick Park Contract Scope of Services. The committee discussed the status of the McCormick Park contract scope of services for the phase 2 park project. The committee recommended taking the contract and scope to the full council when ready. 7. Discussion: Draft Title 24.10 Conditional Use Permits, 24.20 Rezones, 24.30 Variances, 24.40 Nonconforming Uses. The committee discussed the process for reviewing the proposed code changes. The committee recommended that staff provide draft codes to stakeholders, set a meeting with stakeholders, then present the draft codes to the Planning Commission. With that discussion, Council member Diener closed the meeting. Meeting Adjourned: 8:40 a.m. Next Meeting/Location: March 16, 2016, 7:30 a.m. Council Chambers