11/07/2018 - Minutes 1 City of Port Orchard Economic Development and Tourism Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 7, 2018 Committee Members Present: Council Members Bek Ashby (Chair), Scott Diener, Jay Rosapepe City Officials and Staff: Mayor Rob Putaansuu, Community Development Director Nick Bond, City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, Long Range Planner Keri Sallee Guests: Jack Edwards, Days Inn The meeting was called to order by Chair Ashby at 9:02 a.m. 1. Discussion: Update to “Visit Port Orchard” Video. The committee discussed three consultant proposals which were submitted for development of one or more updated promotional videos for Port Orchard, and reviewed examples of their work. The video is anticipated to be filmed in the spring, with delivery in early summer. It was agreed that the lowest-cost proposal should be recommended for approval, unless the full City Council preferred otherwise. Mayor Putaansuu will present the proposals to Council at an upcoming meeting once a draft contract has been prepared. 2. Discussion: Plastic Bag Reduction. The committee discussed Kitsap County’s most recent draft ordinance for plastic bag reduction, and agreed that a corresponding draft ordinance for the City would be presented to the Council at the January 2019 work-study meeting. Ashby and Councilmember Diener shared a summary of recent conversations they had with other local jurisdictions in Washington that have enacted plastic bag reduction ordinances, and discussed the information that was received regarding the pros and cons of these efforts. Councilmember Diener will reach out to the County to determine their time frame is on enacting the ordinance and when they plan to start their local outreach efforts. 3. Update: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC). Councilmember Rosapepe provided a summary of the LTAC’s recommendations for 2019 funding allocations, based on a total funding amount of $100,000. The LTAC recommendation will go to Council for approval at the November 13, 2018 meeting. Ashby said that she would like to know what Visit Kitsap deliverables could be reduced if they don’t get the full amount of LTAC funding that they requested. City Clerk Rinearson will reach out to Visit Kitsap for a response. Chair Ashby adjourned the meeting at 10:10 am. Next Meeting: December 10, 2018, at 9:30 am in the Council Chambers.