006-21 - Ordinance - Development Agreement with McCormick Communites, LLCoRDtNANCE NO.006-21 AN ORDTNANCE OF THE CtTy OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHTNGTON, AUTHORTZTNG THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH MCCORMICK COMMUNITIES, LLC; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND CORRECTIONS; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.708.170. the City Council has the authority to review and enter into development agreements that govern the development and use of real property within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted standards and procedures governing the City's use of development agreements, codified at Chapter 20.26 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC); and WHEREAS, the City and McCormick Communities, LLC have prepared a Development Agreement to address the design, construction, and funding of certain transportation improvements within and near the McCormick Woods development in the vicinity of Old Clifton Road and Campus Parkway, as provided in "Exhibit A" of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, McCormick Land Company is also a party to this Agreement as the Agreement will replace a 2005 Transportation Development Agreement under which McCormick Land Company is continuing to receive reimbursement for completion of transportation improvements; and WHEREAS, this Development Agreement was consolidated under POMC 2O.22.O2O(2) with the following project permits: Land Disturbing Activity Permit (PW20-031) and Stormwater Drainage Permit (PW20-032); and WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 36.708.200, when a development agreement is related to a project permit application, the provisions of chapter 36.70C RCW shall apply to any appeal on the development agreemenU and WHEREAS, on December 9,2020, the City's SEPA official issued a determination of non- significance for the proposed development agreement and consolidated permits under the Optional DNS process, and there have been no appeals; and WHEREAS, the Notice of Decision for these project permits was issued on December 24, 2020 and there have been no appeals; and WHEREAS, on January 19,2021., the City Council held a study session on the proposed development agreement; and Ordinance No.006-21 Page 2 of 23 WHEREAS, on February9,202l, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed development agreement, and comments were not received; and rr careful consideration of the development agreement, t is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Management Act, Chapter 36.704 RCW, and that the rests of the residents of the City; now, therefore, WHEREAS, the City Council, afte finds that the development agreemen development regulations, the Growth amendments herein are in the best inte THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY FOLLOWS: OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS rpts all of the "Whereas" sections of this ordinance and ent Agreement as findings in support of this ordinance. SECTION 1. The City Council ad all "Whereas" sections of the Developm SECTION 2. The City Council approves of and authorizes the Mayor to execute a development agreement with McCormick Communities, LLC and McCormick Land Company, as provided in "Exhibit A" of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Severability. lf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. SECTION 4. Corrections. Upon the approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and/or code publisher is authorized to make any necessary technical corrections to this Ordinance, including but not limited to the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, Ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any reference thereto. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be published in the official newspaper of the city and shalltake fullforce and effect five (5) days after posting and publication as required by law. A summary of this Ordinance may be published in lieu of publishing the entire Ordinance, as authorized by state law. SECTION 5. Appeals. Since the Development Agreement is related to a project permit application, the provisions of chapter 36.70C RCW shall apply to the appeal of the decision of the development agreement. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk in authentication of such passage this 9th day of February 202L. Ordinance No.006-21 Page 3 of 23 ATTEST: Rinearson, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Charlotte A. Archer, City Attorney PU BLISH ED: February t2, 202L EFFECTIVE DATE: February L7,2021 Robert Putaa u, Mayor SPONSOR: k Ashby,ncilmem r oPR :io S Ordinance No. 006-2L Page 4 of 23 EXHIBIT A: MCCORMICK COMMUNITIES, LLC, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD AITID MCCORMICK FORTIIE DEVELOPMENT AND FUNDING OF CERTAIN TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS THI$ DEVF:LOPMENT ACREEMENT is macte and entered into this ? d"y.tr*bruury' 2021, by and between the city of Port orclrar<|, a non-clrartero optiortal code washinglon ^*i*ipif corporation, hereinafter the 'oCity," and McCormick Communities, LLC, a limited linhility cqllrpany o'g*i"ud utr<lcr the laws of the State of Washirrgton, together with l\4cCormicli firurtop'ii.,rt Corprrration, a Washington Corporatiort, hercitraftef collectively the "Developer" or "McCormick" (together the "Parties")' tn addition, McCormick Land Company, a Washington corpolgtio.l' hereafter "MLC"' is aParty for purposes of Seotions 7, 15, and iuch other sections as specifically refer to MLC' The Parties hereby agree as follows: RECITALS wl-lllRuAS, the washinglon state Legislattue has authorized the execution of a developtttcttt ugr.rn',*iribclwcctt i lc',cal gou*rn,i'nt and a persol having ownership or control oi r."i'pr. p.,1ri r*ithirr its,i uriscl ict i.rr t ltc W 3 (r,708. 1 70(1 )); and WHEREAS, a development agreement must set forth the developmgnt.slanqards and ot[er provisions that shall apfly to, gwern, and vest the development, use and rnitigation of tlte cleveloprncnt of the "ut 'p'op*'t1i for the duration specified in the agreement (RCIW 36.708.170(1)); and WHEREAS, a development agreement must be oonsistent with the applicable development regulations uaopdo by a lo-cal government planning under chapter 36'70A RCW (RCW 36.708, I 70(l)); and wHllREAs, Port Orchard acloptecl chapter ?0'16 of the Port orchard Municipal codc (*POMC,) which estabiishes the standarcls antl proceclutes for Devclopment Ag|eenrettts in Port Orchard: and WHEREAS, Chapter 20.25 PoMc is consistent with State law; and WHEREAS, the Developer haS applied for a Development Agreement^under chapter 20.26 pOMC and ,uri- ngi.*fnt has bein processed consistently with the POMC and State law; and wl-lLiltlrAS. this Devcloprmcttl Agreetllt'nl hy untl belrv$ett thc ci$ ol'Porl orchard and the l-)cvcloper thcr.eirrufler tlrc ..i)cveloprilent Ag,rc,cnrent"). r'clates P[irrtailly to tlte tlcvclopnrcnt ;It;;i;ri, iiw,rr,l r',1, ii.t..l,',r;, *'irlii,', nrrcl ricar tulocirtrntick 1tr/slrtls itr lltc 'icirtitv ol'old Clititrrr R.rtl arrrl C'n,iip,o f'ntkiv';- nnrl thal is tttoro particularly described on Exhibits A'l' A'2' Development Agreement for Funding Transportation lmprovements Page I of19 FG:54082696.4 B-1, and B-2 (hereinafter the "McCormick Property"); and WHEREAS, in 2005 the City's predecessor in interest entered into a Development Agreement with Developer;, p."d""ussor in interest for the development of certain transportation improvements; and properly and in accordance with RCW bound by the 2005 TransPortation WHEREAS, since that tirne, the City annexed the 36,708,190 assumed jurisdiction and agreed to be Development Agreement; and Page 2 of l9 FG:54082696.4 WFllillLiAS. as part ol'rhart 3005 Agrei;rrrent, the prr:tleeessor to the Developer (GEM I' Ll,C) cotrttltrcr*cl sonte projccts ltttr;l puytnents for those ltroiects are still on-goirrg and will corrlilrrrc until CiEM l. t.l,C'; succcssor is lirtly reimbursed; and WHEREAS, since annexing this property, the City's ffansportation plans have been updated; and WHEREAS, the City is in the process of adopting updated transportation impact fees; and WHEREAS,duringthisprocess,anin.depthlookattheprojectsneededtomeetthe projected development by beveloper and others in the City was performed; and Wl-lEltItAS. the uptlatccl transportation irtlpact fees are based, in parl' on the 2005 Developnrenr Agrc'ement with the Devciopcr's predc'cessor as well as on the updated project list; and WHEREAS, the Developer did not acquire from GEM lr-LLC ("GEM l'), and GEM I still rotains, the right-io reimbursement that accrued under the 2005 Tronsportation Agreement when GEM I constructed the Glenwood connector Roadway and nrinor improvements ttt F;Gi.y poud, the onlylro.;.rit iA*tified in that 2005 Bgreem€nlthat have been constructed; alrd WHEREAS, the city has been paying such reimburse-mgnt to GEM 1 and its successor since 2008, and nothing in tiris Agreemini chinges or is intended to change the City's obligation to continue paying such reimbursement to GEM 1; and WHEREAS, GEM I assigned its right to reimbursem€nt to the Mocormick Land Company in 2016, after which ti-me, the Ciiy paid reimbursement to the McCormick Land CompanY ("MLC");and WHEREAS,MLCcontinuestoownpropertyinPortorohard;and WHEREAS, MLC has signed this Agreernent to confirm that this Agraement will fully replace *n,i orp.tt*ae the 2005 f tansportatiEn Development Agreement ("2005 Transportation DA"); and Development Agreement for Funding Transportation Improvements wHERE,ns,theDevelopernowseekstoupdotethe*2005TransportationDAin .onyunoiioJ*i,rt "tt"i"Le . p.rrnit to build the Campus Parkway Roundaboutl and wl{EREAs, the purpose of this Agreement is to cany forwarcl and better define tlte 'onc*fr.cn'y..rut,,ationitiui ias part of dre.dOOS TransportationDA, to carry fbrward tho impact fee r.ci'rbursenrent for MLC, and to est*utiJ nn impact fee credit system for Developer to recover its costs oruuilaing the Mccormick Projeots dsscribed below; and Wl.ll-:Rl]AS, apflIt ft,ttnt c()lrc[lrrcllc}' Td impact fee cr.edits/reimbursement, this Agleerncrrt rlgcs not aclilrcss clr-'r'ctrrptttcnl stnnilards, vesting, or any other regulation that impaCts trtir" thc McCtrrttrick Pro;:erty rvill tre dcvLrl(lpcdi and WHEREAS'thePartiesagrectltarthe]0051i'arrslrot.taliottDA,ttssettiutlrinthctraf.ljc srrd),*'nchccr ro rrrat iixritri.n,.,uii.r.rarir). nA. anrici;tnrcJ rrrc.g-*ncluriurr of -1.9J5 PM pcak htrt* trips. [1nscd o' rlre .r*r-r"rr,r*rii'n*tiuit1,*i,r.*:rlos.'s.rttte tl'iltesc "trip$" havc br''en alrsoltcd' '1,6c 'rrrics lrclievc ir is aclva.ragerttts to $cli'ol1h the remaining capacity that may be *tllized in lirtur,e clevcloplllcrlt f,fro**, n'',Jii*,u. ctrltfirnrccl tlre concuncncy nirntbers as of the dnte of this Agrcement; and WHERr,AS,inconsiderationoftlrebenefitsconferredbythisnewDevelopment Aprccmcrrr. whictr reflcoiil;;;;;;i pi*'t"'"ruoih the city and tlre Developer n'd include confirmalion of concurrencyt a new 'rn1,"'-ii;;t, un6 a set.impnct fee credit calculation' the nnrrics cleem it in their best intctests ancl rlre bcsiiiltcrcsts of the community to repealand roplnc'e li,:'ioot i;;ililffi" DA rvith this upttiltcd ngrcettrent; and WHERI]AS,therearctwoprojectsiderrtifiedonbotlrExhibitAtothe2005.fransp'rtirtion t)A nn,i'uiro on tr'" city's nJw r"ip. ,r.t .r**crirrcrl irr thc new'1'lP" thcse p'o.iects are ID li l.5c,..otil clifton Rd - camp*l;kr-y'lnr*rr*r,rio,', rurd ll) lil,()8 tlld c'lifton ltd & McCormick woods n,.'r*rr"*ion [mir", Thar. ttun proiects atr collcctivcly rcl'brrcd to ltcrcilt as "the McCormick Projects"; and WHEREAS, the McCormick Projects are eligible for oredits under RCW 32'02'060(4); and WHEREAS,thefollowingeventshaveoccurredintheprocessingoftheDeveloper's applioation: a),IheL)cvclollcrapptiecllirrrltisDevr:ltrpntcntAgrcemr:nttrnDecettt|.1cr4,3020:and b) The l)c'cl'plrrerrt Agt,ccrr*,,'i, '.iuui to and-lras bqcn oonsoliclated undcr P6MC 20,22.020(2) witlr the lbllrrwirrg prqiect pcnttits: Land Disttrrbirrg Activity Permit PW20-03i Stonnwater Drainage Pcrmit PW20'032 c) The Developer is ready and willing to oommence. construotion on the project known as old clifton Rd - campus parkway rnpr'r.Jtioi (a roundabout project) and has applied for a Development Agreement for Funding Transpodation Improvements Page 3 of 19 FG:54082696.4 Land Disturbing Activity permit and Stormwater Drainage Permit to perform this project; d)TheoldCliftonRcl_CampusPaEkwaylntersectionisincludedintheCity's transpo'rati.n plan ,'prt'*rti"ft the updnretl intpcct.l'ccs are based and therefore the Developer *uy it "it,lUuts"A frtrnr the impact fees lirr tlrnt project; e) The city council held a public hearing on February 9, 2O2l regarding this Development Agreement; f) After a public hcaring; by ordinance No.-, the city council authorized the Mayor to sign tfiis nevelopment Agreernent with the Drlveloper; AGREEMENT Section l. The McCormick projects, The two transportation projects describad above as ,,the McCormick pr.j*tt'-*iif serve tfie McCormick Property at weil os provide connectivity and capacity for the iit'. fnt Ct*'."t purt.wu' [oundabout |POO Per:mit #PW20'0031 and SDp permit pW20,03i'as well, u, th* rutu;" o*v"topment of the McCormick Woods Drive Roundabout, which wilt be permitted ", u iui". date,'are both subject to impact fee $edit in accordance with this Agreement' flectiorr2.TheMcCormickProperty...I|"Y"CormickPropertycomprises McCorrnick North, tvtoCormick lVestn and lufc'Cot*i.t Wootls, whlch are legally described by parcet number in Exhi-b;eli-*r,r dopicted on n-i, attached hereto and inoorporated herein by this reference. The Mccormisk projects *itt r.*. the McCormick Froperty and the credits authorized by this Developmernt egreemerii'*'" onfy applicable to lots for which building pemirs are appliect foi un.r'ifr. riare if this ;g;r;r;;; wiihin ttre,Uoundaries of the McCormick properry as defined ;;;ibil A-l anO as .nofin on the Map attached hereto as Exhibit A-2' $ec$jon 3. Definitions. As used in this l)evelopment Agreement' the following terms' phrases ancl words ,fruil 6rn, the meaning, und b* interpieted as set forth in this Section' a) "2005 Transportation Development Agreement" or''2005 Transportation DA" means the 2005 Development Agreement or. qanspo?ation yli:h was executed between Kitsap counry and Gern r, iicu"nJ iut d April zi,'[ios und which was assumed by the city of Port Orchaid upon annexation on May 27,2009' b) ,,Adopting Or{ry39{l ITi-^ the Ordinance which approves this Development Agreement, u. ,rqu,rJd;in'w 36'708'200 and Chapter 20'26 POMC'' c) ..Cotttmence consttuction,, as to the McCormiok Projects means that the required permit(s)haveissuednndtherEare..bootsonthegrottnd''attheconstruotionsite. d) ..Complction,, as to the McCormick Projects- means passing final inspection associated with the LDAP/SDP p"rrnits"JnJ"piouiaine the required 2-year warrsnty and Development Agreement for Funding Transportation Improvements Page 4 of l9 FG:54082696.4 maintenance bond for the improvement(s)' .'C'pl-ti" n.rq1tls the pcrcenrtgc rutc charrge for the All Lh'bHrr C'crnsumers lndex (CP|-U) (lgg2-l9g-t=lt)01, nor seo$;natly ailjutted, fior1be Seattle-Tacontn-lJcllcvue nrea for that l2 monttr pe rirrcl fi.ont .lunuur.y | " to l)cicrrrtr.'r 3l't lndexed as the Annual Average, as is specified i;y ilt; ilu,**,, of Lnbor Statistics, Uniteel States Department of Labor. Increases based on CPI'U shull takc cfl'cct on tvlnrch 1$t of the follorvirlg ycar' e) o.Council,, or .,City Council" means the duly elected legislative body governing the City of Port Orchard. f) ,,Difector" means the City's Community Development Director. g) "Effective Date" means the effective date of the Adopting Ordinance' h) ,,Maximnnr credit,' or "maximum reimtrursementn'rneans the maximum amount that is eligitrlc l'rrl pyo.iects sub.iecr t6 this Agt'centcttt, or fot past projects done by cEM I/MLC' for which reirrrhrrfserlc'x nr iinl*.t iee cri,liro rvill be provided by the City to the Developcr or MLC. i) ..lvlc(.onnick pro.iect(s)" or "Pr.o.icct(s)" flrcnns tlte tr,vtr traltsporlatiort pt'o.iects clescribecl nlr,vc whiclr ."ru.l botf.r the Mccnrtnick Prtrpcrty rtttd thc gr$atcr c'ttllrrttnity' as specifiecl in section I and as providetl fo' in all tsst'ci'tccl ltrrrtit'siapprnrvals' nncl all inoorporated exhi bits. $cction4,Exhibits.ExhibitstothisAgreementareasfollows: a) Exhibit A-1 - Parcel numbers of the Mccormiok Property that are subject to imPact fee credit. b) Exhibit a-2 - Map depicting the boundariss of the Mccormick Property that are subject to tlre inrpact fee credit in this Agrcement' c)ExhibitB.l_ParcelnumbersoftheMcCormickProperlrywithvested concunency' d) Exhibit B-2 Map depicting the boundaries of the Mccormick Properly with vested concurrency . e) Exhiblt c - Map showing the original b-oundaries for the 2005 Transportation DA which remains ihe reinrbursement area for MLC Section 5. Parties to Development Agreement. The parties to this Agreement are: Development A greement for Funding Transportation Improvements Pagc 5 ofl9 FC:54082696'4 a) The o.city,, is the City of Port orchard, 216 Prospeot Street, Port orchard, wA 98366. b) The ..l)evek)Pdt" or "Pr-operty owttef" or "McCortttick" is a pr"ivrtte enterprisc rvhich owns the McCormick Pro;:erty in fee, un,f *'lio,* pti""ip4 o{'l1cc is l.catcd x 123i2 NFI ll5s Place, Kirkland, WA. c)GEMl,LLCisthepriorownerofthepropertythatwassubjecttothe2005 Tra.spor.t^atio' DA, and MLC is the strccessor to GEM t foi puipotes of reimbursement' MLC is rocated 'r lg69 rur"ciin*-gtvJB, sronte, wa psil2 and is stitt receiving reimbursement from the City for trnnsporrrii;;;;;'d, do,r. trrrcler the 2005 Transportation DA' These payments will .onrinr,1. in acsotdance with Section 15 olthis A;greement' liectiouJo. Projccts are a P-rivate undertaking' It is agreed among the parties that the projects arc private i,.'p,""-tii",t,s for wlrich credits are-required pursuant r. llCW 82'02'060({) and that the city tras nJ interest in the imprw;;;"; until zuch time as sash pr'lriecr is cornpletecl and dedicatPd to the CitY' sectiu"n ?. Term of Agreement This Agreement shall commence upon the effective date of trre Acrtrpting ordinnncc approving trri, ng,"?'ncnt ancr srrail c.ntinuc in lorce rtu a pe'iod .f twe^ry (30) years unflrr .^,*tit*.t or'-ternrinrtiecl as providcd hct'cin' provicled tltut t'c'iurbtrt'sclnelrl to MLC pursra't tn ir"rl.ii, l5 slrall ,uruiu* t'xpiration trntil lirll.reimttut'setnent is received [r'v MLC, Following the expiration of the ,rr,rr-o, !*tenrion tlrereof'. or if sooncr terrninated' this Agreement shalLhave no force and effect' scslion 8. Repeal nnd ttcplacoment of 2005 Tmnsportttion DA' In considelation of the bener.its ro rrrr pei[rJpei-pioui,i..r uv trre iimery corsrruction of the tvle('orrniul< l]rojeuts' tlre confirmation of concurrency, the rgrr.tunio" u *itAi' cnlcrrlation tor transporlati'rtt ittlpacr lbcs wrrich wiil t,. crrr'gcili,., iri. vr.cinnict rtofer.ri,. un.t rhe continuation of 'ci'rburse'rerrt li'onr inrpact fees to Uf-C, itrc Dcvclopcr. if'lt,C.lrrilttre Cify agrce lo tescittd' artd by cxet:rttitt' of this Agree'nent do rescind. rhe l(f(l-i 'l'ra,rrpur,nii,* Ag'e*rr.rir. ancl rcltlace it with this L)cvelopnrent Agreement. $.cctiong.Concurrency,.l,hePartiesagrectltltt-C.ity$treetsnlt.ectcdby<'l.lt'..'lopttlr'Dtof the McCormick Property have t'e capaoity i; ;;t t.e Mciormick Pr,pu'tty in cont'rliuttc'c with the City's ci,,tcurtc'rc1' reqrtitclttcntn *o io'ig- n' srttt' rlcveloptttettt cluus llst ]'sFtllt irr the gereration of r:ror.e ifri,r i.ifOO PM peak i*,n itipt. rvhich is i'c rrtrnrh* 'l' r*nrairting trips iclentified irt section g of thc 3005 i'ransportatiol; DA t'cserved fcrt' thc N'lcColnrick Pttperty identified on Exhibits B-l and B'2. t't i, "n''oi'ting concurrency prnvided in tlre 2005 Transportation DA i* ting oun'icd fo^vari f"t an- duratit]n of this Agree ntent as set foillt below' i'f,.t."utpt'.re available as of Deccnrlrcl l5' 2020' AvailablePM MoCormisk. vil local center 6s9 Devolopment Agreement for Funding Transportation Improvements Page 6 of 19 FG:54082696.4 Map Ilesignation on Ex. C North Lots/Units for Area North (residontial + commercial r Single FamilY Residential McCormiok West a a Total McCorm ick North Multifamil Single Family Residential wd d GC 697 63 WestTotal Woods Woods 122 )FacilitiesConference McCormick Woods 8 890 gs!qvlgls WoodsotalT 8 Nqrylep_lgryd 3r2 I 315 North 415 419 --*S,esl__West West Residential PM Peak calculated bY use tYPe 1,530 1,545 N/A N/A Totrl Page 7 of 19 FG:54082696.4 rdgq l There are 659 PM Peak Trips available within the Village looal center' TG;iii be calculated per unit and commeroial PM Peak trips will be and square footage. The defined areas for the ansignecl concunency numbers tbove afe listed by parcel number on Eslribit B-l and 5l11rrv, (except for the;i;i, ia""y.l.oru,,wliclt are v*curll lots in prior subcrivisions) on Exrrihii di, *i;irh Exrrtbits ire atticnla hereto nrrd incorpu'nrcd herein by this rerl,rcrrc.c as i'set *,ritr-in tiitt. ncsi,tc,.,rinr l**r"p,irerrt sh.il he -rirnircd lry cirhr-r'rhe PNI pctrk rr'u' tr.i1ls nr thc nur.bcr rrr,units. ,urricher,cr]i, nii,'t ,'*r,ri.tivc. c''r'nrercinr rlcvcl.prrrcnt *ltnll be linritcd ernly hy ,fr. iiftl pcal* hotr'trips. .'lir tltc exlent that McC.r'rick in tlte litttrre proposcs rr,rsirlentiRl ()r cr)nl'll'rsirt' j*u*tnp"rcnt'rvit6irr thc McCorntick Pr6pelty that will.getlerate lllore than the number orniJ'pr"r.-hour rips showrr in the trbove table. the ciry will tnako a nerv concurrenoy cleterrninatioil regarding the capacity of its street system at that time' sccti$n uJ, Proiect schcdrrle. The Developer will commence construction of the two trrtcConrlill-8o1.*rs on the f b I I ow i n g sched u le a) Wtlrlt crn t]te rotrrttlit[r0ut at the 1,'1.,5gg1iol1 of Old ('lillon l{ond nntl (.ntttptts Parktvny (prniect tt) ii,!C ott the c'ity's i'iPi-lPcnrits llPw20'0ll nnd PW10'031t slrall colr.ill.tcnce rro latcr.thorr .lunc 3$,2d}t. a;tl l)cveloper u'ill cottlplelr'- ctrnstt'ttttion in a timely and worlimunlike manner. su; rvorli shull lw cotnplcrcd no lnter tltart selttenlber 30,2022. b) Developer will submit a cortrplete set of plans litr n roun<latrotrt at the ittterscctiorr of old ctifton Road and Mccornrick woojr pri". ip*.i-ct ID /i?.08) no later tltan Jttne 1,2023 Dovelopment Agreement for Funding Ttanspo(ation lmprovements and willcommence construction of said roundabout no later than June |,2024, provided that ttre City fras't=ef"*,ft*" aoquirecl the adclitionat lanc{, not owned by Developer' tlut is neededforthisr.ourrdaboutlandDeveloperwillcompleteconstructioninntimelyand workmanlike manner. Such work shall bc coruplcrccl rio latcr thrlrl septt'ltlbcr .'i0. l0l5 so long as th" ciry i;;; *qrir"a the land nec.r*u,:1, tirr tlrc rtrttltclalrrrttt lrclirrc 'lurtu | ' 101'l ' lf the City r,ur'*t *q,lir*,] trir land neccsst,rj li,, tlte t'ortnclalr'ttt bcl'rrrc Jttrtc l' ]01{' 6ut does so more tlian 24 months befo|c cxpirirti,tn 'l'.tltis Agreetttcttt' l)c'el''c' sltull consftuct the roundabout with 24 months of such acquisition' sicction--ll* Pr.trject standnrds. Develtrpc'r rvill firtallcc., clcsign' nltd constrttct thcsc' Mc('orllick lrrelir-cts to c'onrply with City stilrrtlurds' incluclinlg obtaining all necessary pertrtits' l-lrc City rvill np'r''i.c tlrr"'lnns trettrrc c'ltstructiott bcgins: ancl the City rvill acccpt rcspprrsilrility' lirr rhc .,i.,*,iil,i ,'f'.tltc.l'ro.ir:c(s onge oonstruction is completed and a two-year wdrrilnty nrrrrrnairrte*,rrrl.itrn,,,r is irr pracc. A p"iccl wi1 rrc trc.'*ed completed when all of the l;llcru,ing occ*,s: f . :i:t.,* Cit.v tlce'is it strbstrrriii'lly cortrplctel 2' All punch list items are fitri:;herl; 3. 'l.lrc citl, rclerr>r,s rire pcrfrrrnranee bond; +. "rne Developer has put.a J'vel warranty and *rflintcnarrce boncl in place; 5, The Developer.hascornpleted ali property rle.'licatiQrts;and 6' The Dcverol:er has pr*lir*.r irrc city with a bitt of satc for rhe inr;rrrrvernenr.s c()rrilining thc certified construcrion costs (stnntped by liccnscd engineer)to the ('ity tirr drlr't'ttrinntitrn of ths maximum crr:rlits available undci this-Agrcr..rrrerrt, i'he City witl uottfirttt ccrtttplctettess of the ;;;d;t issuing a Finat Notice of compteteness to the Developer. sqctiorr 12. Projcct costs. The maximum amount of ttre credit (or reimbursement) for prtrjccr costs lrclftrrmed utr,,lcr this Agrccnrcni stratl be limited to no greater than the cngineer's esri'rure contairred i";;ciir,;'iiun*[orruri.rn impact lee culculnrir'xr. Plus iitt.'.utttttrl.inl'lillor Pcr the cpl-LJ. or, tbe 0",,*i"out., incur'ed rry tr.,u n.i'*r*Pcr. rrhicrru.vcr is rcss, 'r'rrc credirs p'trvidcil undcr section l4 bet0wja,.e linrir.clto thls,nu*inr,,,,,'.,'ct{it/reilrrLrut'riLllnent fflllOlllll attd rtttce tltc prrr.iect oost nrnxiut,,'tiftl-ftuo. ft..tt acltir"'vecl through crcclils or direct reimbursetnent to Developer, the crccrits rviil no lorrgc' be avuirubre and-fuil inrpact fees wiil be due fo' firrther development. Ser:tionls.Appllcabtclmpact[.ee-q.Therepealandreplacementofthe2005.l'rausportatirrn DA re*,,lts in all properr,r-o*nrrc both within and without the McCormick pr.opc'ty hcirrg subicc'i tr,'ttr* C'iry's esiattlished citi''rvitle irtrpac.t lcr'rs as tlt"tg lltr\t exist *r lrtaS bc rn.dirjccl in rhc lirurre try the crity tj.runcii. rr.,ir Agrcenrcnr.{irrther c.rrfirnrs llrnr inrpact ll'es' pernrir fi:es, ca;ritul ti.iiinit.tiurg*.*. una oif.,.t tii,iiitT' fccs whiclt urc ucloptccl 6y llrc ('ity as 'l' the lil.ltctive Dar,: ol'tlris Agrcenrr\lt may b" in.,r*r*cd by the City li'om time to time, and madc npplicablc tu pclr.its antl i1:pr'c,v,lls ti,li riic VlcCornrick Propcitl'' as long as such f'ees rt'd clrorges apply ro sirlilal trpplir.:ations un,r pr,l",t* elsewhcre in tfie City' All irnpact fees shall be paicl as set lirrth i,.1 tri*-orrrj,"ied ;rcr.mir ,,,"np"provat, or as- adclresscd in chapter 20.182 of the Port orchard Mu.icipal (..;*': **..1u as nrnaitic.cl l.rr rlris Agrectttr.'nt. Nothi'g irr tlris Agrcctltettt rcstricrs or prcrrritrits rr.l. c'irv fi.onr r:risi'g i* r'."i, inr:rucriirg r*'slxrrl*tiorr irupacr ,b*r: i^,].L.lti-t. ;1ev$[*p*r ilgt.ecs tc, pn1. tlrc'iulpact l'ecs.ai t]re ratcs tlrrrt nle itr e l'lect at tltc titnc tvltcn pitYtttcttt ts J,* ntiuu* nrry cretlit,s ipplicrrtrlc itccotrlittg tu this Agreement' $octi0lr l{. lnrpact f,'ee credits. The city hereLr.v grsnts the Developer a fl'utlit against trarrs'o*urion inrpnrill., zu io ""r,. to finun"", desigir. a'nd construct the Mccormick P'ojects' Development Agreement for Funding Transportation Improvements Page 8 of 19 FG:54082696'4 The credit is available to parcels located in the areas identified and shown on Exhibits A-l and A-2.Thecredits will be catculated and applied as follows: a) Each paroel or lot that is developed withy the McCormick Property credit area tlixhibits A-l find A-l) will pny'thc ('ity's arllrptcrl itnltact lbes trntil Dcvcloper' 'r.'vid,",s,1rcirrii.'nttrti*rrr t.', tlr* t:ir.v thar'Dcvclopct'has cxpcncled u tttittitttttttt ol $S().qt)l) t'wards thc clesign or corrirnrr:tir)n ol'otlc ol'tlrc lVlc('ormicli Pro.iccls' n t the time of this Agreemeit, the parties believe that Developer has alreadY met this threshold,therefo-re,onceDeveloperptovidesthedocumentation,theCitywill begin applying the credit doscribed in this Agreement' b) once MoCormick prwides documentation to the city of such . $50'000 expenditure, the city will grant a credit in the amount of $1,000 per new home (or per pcak pm trip for cornmercial/multifomily development) against its standard ,run*1r*iuiir., i,1ipor, l'uc for clch rpplicltiori to tlcvckrp ir lot or Parccl,withirr tltc u"cor.nrict, prolierty credit trrea (irslriltirs A-l rrncl A-lt until stlclt tittt* ns lhc clcclits grantecl fry t'f',* City cqual the utttortnt of cfedit clue to Devcloper ttnder Section l2 above. This ...dit u*ount shall be adjusted as follows: i.The$l,000creditshatlbeadjustedannuallypertheCPI.U,such adjustment to occur on March l't of each year; ii. If the amorrtlt erutstanding for reirnbursement of project co.sts is less than tle credit, then the lesserimount shall be provided as a uediq iii. ll'r5c 1,ity 'cirnlrurscr 1t1s l:lcvelnpcr tlirccrly u'ith Sl"rPA. rtitigiltiorr lirnd* rcceivctl Fr..rn an.tlrt,l- d*u"t,,p.i, thclr tlrat ultl()unl shnll 5e declttctccl dollar lirr d(lllar firrrrr the a,,r.,t,,,r ol'pt'rrject cosls rtrltsll'tndirrg rnd thc credits available will be reduced accordingly' c) [ i'.n conrplction ol'each pro.lct',r, l)c-velupc'r'-clrull strbrrrit ccrtiliccl pftticcl co^rts ttt r6e Ciiy iii.' ,.ni*t uncl a."tptnic. l",.v tlic C'ir.v F'ttgincer" (lrtc.e tltcsc ,costs atrd clsccut$(l lSill of Snle arc rcVicuocr.l' arrd ilcr.r,'ptcri ttl' tlr"' ('ity l"rrgineer" the maximum crodit due to Developer will be established and will equal the amount of the project costs as so ceftifi;d in aocordance with this subsection and Section 12. Th'"'Aity *iit g*nt t5e oreaits described in Subsection b) above against the transportation impacts rees tttat would otherwise be due for development of lots ana parcels within the McConrrictt llnrpeltl' credit area ns identified and shown on Exhibits A-l and A-2. Such orcclits'sh0il be provicled until such time as tlre Developerreceivesfullcreditandlarleimbursementforitsprojectcostsorthis Agreement terminates, whichever oocurs first' The city agrses that these credits are consistent with Rcw 82.02.060(4); thot they are appropriute in light of tle unusr,rl .irc,nr*iarr.* ,tc*.rittctl in ttrLr Recitals altrtvc: t6nt tltcy nre consisr*rr wirh the ln,"n, of l'OMC' :fr.f ti,rlgo: $nd thill tlru City ('otrntril. lras lcgislnlivr"lv apprrved this ngr\rc,rr",it .,t.t exempted i[.t* tt"ttits lor clt'r'c1i1t''tt*ttr o1' tlrc Mc['ot'trtick ili,j".,* from theipccific provisions of POMC 20'182'080' Development Agreement for Funding Transportation lmprovements Page 9 of l9 FG:54082696.4 ijgcf ion,lF. UcCornrick Lnnd Conrpanv ltginrbr$:scgr-Sfrl' This Agreerncnt Icrl'tjt'nrs the Cit)orriiirrcti.''rtrltlteCjlenwoodCottttectorlttladrvrryand ruinor irlpiuvdtrrents to Feiglr..y lloucl. The rnrrimutrt rcinttrut'sertnent amounts outstanding for tii.r*-rr,.*.ts as ol August \,iozo is $1,542,239.64. t{cgarrllcss ol'any fee credits plovidc'tl for in this Agreement, tlre dity's r.eimbursemerrt fur such project shall oontinue at the rate of $720.80 for eash;lnit of housing oonstrqcted or for each PM Peak trip, or fiaction theroof' for which an i*p-"i f-r is assessed i-n the MLC reimburscrrrcnt area as dcpicted on Exhibit c until such tinre asMLCisfullyreimbursedorthisAgrr.rcmentexpires.whichever.oQcursfirst.This reimbursc.nrenr an.rounr shall be increased annually try ('Pt-t.l (Sicnttlt'/Tacoma/Bellevue) lbL the most recent tyclve-nronth period (January l't to Dccctrllrcr Jl''rl prior to the. date of tlte u.tlurtn.,.nt. such adjustrncnt shall raiic et't'cir ou lvlnrclr l'r trf eaclt ycar'. colrlntencing ort i\4arclr l.'l0ll, Disbursemsnts.slrall be madc annuully itt Jartuary olcaclt ycar basetl ott tlte collcctions iio* J*nuury l', to Decsmber 3lu in the prior ycar. howcver in 1021. suclt Faytltent shall only lte f.rom collections from August I to Decembe, il, 2020 as payment fi'om collections thrnugh July 31. 1020 has llrelcly .,rcirrretl. i\'ll,C agrces to lhc tcpeal of the 1005 lnrnsl)odilti(tn I)A rutd lcccpts tlrr". crrrrtirrucil gcinrtrtrrscrncul utttler lhis ttctl r\gt'cetnettt artcl ugrcr's ttr lre lrtrttttd b.v thir ,...iu'ng,.**,,.rcut irs shorvn by its sigrurrure t(r rhis Agrc'crrtcrtt. lltis Sectitttt l5 slrall sttrvive "*pirario,., ol'rhis Agr.ecnrernt nrrrl shill rcrnain in eft'ect until such time as MLC has bcen firlly rcinburse4 untler the terms of this Agreemcnt for construction of the Glenwood Connector Roadway and minor improvements to Feigley Road' Secti'lr 10, Dc4icutiorr of public Lantls.'l'lre l)u'vclrrPcr slrirll clcrlicatc thc llnd tltat il outrs that is rrceclcrl to c()nstruct the McCcrrnrick l'ro.iccts Frirrr lo fintrl crttrrpletiott ol'each l)ro-iect, Nai,t.,a, l)rtlicct shall be dcernccl conrpletecl until such clcclicati<trt-s ltavr: out:ttt'rc(|. ln ailclition. co'sistent with Section 9 of the 2005 'iranspofiation DA, to the extent llrat projects. on th.e City's T.lp including Old Clifton Widening ot1d the ljeigley ltonr.l Routtclabout requirc ilrlclitional J.ai.aiion, oirightof-way fium within the Mcoornrigk pllrpcrt!, Mcc'ormick will decliutrtu that Fortio' of the arl-rtiri,,rrllrfuht-ol'-way.- liuch dciticatiorrs shall occrur withill a mtrtttnlly agreeable ii'reti.rrme prior rq thc 6id solicirarion for the pleriect requitirtg aclditiorral right-of-rvav, Seetiqn 17' Default. a) Subject to extensions of tirnc by mutual consent in writing, failure or delay by either parly to perform any term orprovision ol'this Agreementshall constittrte a delitult. In tltc evcttt oi:oitrg*a default or brench of uny terms or sorrclitions of this Agreettlcttt, the Pulty alleging strclt dethult or breach shall give the other Party not less than rhi*y.(30) days'notioe iil writing, speeily.i'g lhc. rl{r1re ul'itc ullcged tlcthult irrrtl rhc nrnnn$r'in which said dcf'trtrlt may be cured, iii,li,rg tiiis ttrirry 1.101 drv perrt,d. tlrc parrl clralgecl slrall not bo oonsidercd in default for ;r,,rp.ri*,i ol'tcLtniltttti'tt *t' irtstitttliott rrl'lc'gal llroceeclittgs' b) After notice and expiration of thc thiny (30) clay period. if such de lirult has no( beett curecl or is not bcing diligontly fured in the rnarrnei set fi:rth in tlrc lrotice, the other Parry to tlris ng,..*n.,*,rt play. .rt It, .,pTi,r,',.'i,rstitutii legnl proceedings pursrurnt to this Agrcettlcttt' llr adrlition' the (.it,v nrny dccide to lile $n lctiott t,.r eniirfc,: the bity's L'r.rtlcs. and to crbtlirt pcrrnltics atrd .*,i 0.., proviil,:cl in thc l,ort Orchurtl Murricipal Code for violations of this Devslopment Development Agreement for Funding Transportation Improvements Page l0 ofl9 FG:54082696.4 Agreement and the Code ' $icctiqlr 18. 'l'crurination. This Agrer,'lncnt shall terminate rpotl the expirntion of the term identiliecl in Sectio' zl i"r,i"tr expirati"orr rlttc is Fuhluntl' -_, 2tt{ I' Upon tcrtllittalitln, ol' tlris Agrcenrcut. thc City shnll r.ecorcl'a rrorice of such terrnirilrtiun in rr lirrm satistttctolY to thc Cily Atror.nev that tlrc Agrcenrcnt hns -Lreen iefnrinated. In sddition, this Agtecment shnll auronraticnlly tcrminute"and tre of no l'trrther lirrce and effect as to any single-family residence' any other. residential dwelling unit or any notr- r'esidcntial building and the lot or parcel upon which such resiclcnce or building is located. when it has been appfoved by the city for occupancy and impact fees have been paid' Section 19. Extension nnrl Motlification. Any request.for extension or modification' if allorvcd unclcr lhe City;s code, shall be subject to'the provisions oontaincd in Chapter 20'26 POMC._ scrifion 2u. liltect upon 'fcrntirtation on Developor and MLC' Termirration of this Agrcernent as lo rhc ii*u.Tup*, "i'*, ,u Vtl..t'sfiall not affect any of the Developer'$ of MLC'$ rcslle*tivc u6rigati,rrsi".*..lpry ,,,itrr trrc cit, i:,ri.r.tp,.rhensi'e 1'ran nrrcr trrc tcrr.s $ncl cr.rrrditirrns or .u.ry aplllicntrlu zcriling codc(sl ,-rr strlxlivti|l,,', ,t',.p or tttltct lnrttl ttsc etttitlctnettl's tltlttoved witlr rr.s'ccr trt thc lVlcCirr'icL Pt.r'crly or the fulLC pr.perty.,cll'0lly .ihcr cottditi.rts spccilied in tlc Agrccnrc'l t() cg'tinuc i1licr rlic lcrnrittation of this Agreeme't or obligations to pay ilsscssrr.l*.rs. ricns. rces.r tlrxcs. Fuilhc''r.rc. ir'rrrr,- Agrccln*rrr expircs rvitlrotrl the pnlicct c.sts being fully recovcl,ed 61,, irtrpact t'cc crcclit.orl,tiitigt,i,;t lirncls' tltc De'cl.per tt'ill tt' l'nger 6c r.ligible to rcce iv* *u.fi .i'Jrf i,r, l'r',rvirlccliit;;;;;'. tltar Secliott l5 *l' this Agrcenrent r'ill $un ive tenrrirrRtiott if MLC ltns ttot yet beerr ftitly reimbursed and this Agreernent will only cxpire ns to MIJC after both termination and full reimbursement havc occurrcd' sccfioq 2!. Iiffccts ttpon Termlnntion on cil1" uporr any terninatiott of this Agt'crjtttcttt as to t6e McCornrich ilil;: "it"v p"ttion il.,.'r*t't: or as t; MLC prupcrty' tlrc.cntitlctnents' oonditions of cteveloprnent, limitations on fees ancl all other terms and conditions of this Agrccrrrent shull n.'i;;;;;;: hc 'critcrl^h*e[ry wir6 respect to the propcrrty at'lectctl by sucS te*rrirrari'n fgrmviclcci tiiar vesti'g'f streli cnritlsments, conditious't'l'ces trtn)'then be esrnhlislr*,1 ti:r suclr ;;,',,';;;ry j,,ro'i,,t to rr',* ttt"n txisting ptanning and zoning laws)' The City will be under no obliiatifn to provide any additional *edits-or reim6ursement to Developer evcn if the project costs ha-ve not been fully .""ou"r"d at the time of expiration or termination' scption,2?. Assignnrcnt 'llttl.Assuntplion.. .Thc Dev.oloper shall have the riglrt to sell' irssign 11r trilnsfer rhis Agrccrnctrt with ,rr,,'ilrtit. iitle, and i,tereits therein to any pe'$on' firm or c'rprrfati.n at s'v rir.c iii,i.ing tr,* rcrnr.r'trii, Agrc.trrerrt with u sare or'rhc uncre'ryirlg pror)erty' Dcvcl,per shatt 'rouiJc iii.' rii'l ,virtr writrci' ,uul*" ol'ntty irllcrrt to sell' nssign' .r tnrttslbr ntl ot' ir 'ortio, oIrtre lr4ccl]i,ui"rr,op.ily. at.l;;r "iit rl,r1* iti'd'altc* ul'sttclt ilction' A transl.cr 6y l)cvel'pe'uvill tt'l itn;rttct t;c rig6ts ot'Ml'C trrrdertlii's Agrcenlcnt' Tltis requitetttcttl lilrnolicc' horvevcr. (rr)cs nor "ffii.,, li.,. int. rry n*;.i;;;;'',,ri in.rii'icruar resicrc'ri,l t.rs irr)provcd [r1' thc City for develoPment of houses' Dovelopment Agreement for Funding Transportation Improvements Pagellof19 FG:54082696.4 ticc$ion 2J. ltintling on Successol's; Covennnts Running with the Land' The conditions and cr)vdru*rts sel li)flh in this Agreement and incorporatccl herein by tlrc Exhibits shall run with the land and the benefrts una uita.n, shall bind and inure to the bcnelit of the Parties' The [)c'el'pel. a'cl every pur.clraser, assignee r.rt'tt'ltttsferee of an interest in the McCormiok Property, or 1lly portiott rtr*rrul, slrall he c,ttligar*cl nrtrl bound by the terms and oonditions of this ng,;*nr*nt. rurcl slrall trc rlrc berrcliciur! tltercol'arrd a Party thereto, but only with respect !o the lvlcC'.rnrick Pro1rcr't1-. ur such prrrtiori tltcrcttl. sold, assigtted or kansforred to it' Any suclt furrt ur.r, assignee or transferee shall observe and fully perlirrnt all of the duties and obligrttir;rrts iiu n""*i"peicontained in this Agreemenr, as such cluties ancl 'bligations pertain to the portiort of the M,rcormick Pr.operty sold, assigned or transferred to it. se-qtion 24. Amendment to Agreement; Effecf of Agreemont on Future Aelions' No waivcr. alteration. or nroclilicltion to rury ol'ihc prnvisierus rrl'llris Ag|c'ctnelrt sltnll bc Lrinclirrg uulc.rs irr ruriti'g. nig,r.i,Ltr! llrc clulv autlrolizcrl rcl:r'csentntivc's rtl'tlte Pnrtics. trc fi'ltsistettt witlt i:ii*p,*r :n.:o trnnic'. ",r,i. ruhn,c cnnsiclclctl sutrsmntivc n.r detcrtuittrrtl try thi" l)ilcr;ttrr' lQllow ,lr. ,n,u* proccdttres sct lol'tlr in Cholltcr 30.16 POMC' However, nothing in this Agreement *truf i pr"u"nt the Cify Council frorn making any amendment to its Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Co(c. Official Zoning Mup ot c|lvcloprrient rcgulilliilns. or to- impacts- I-bcs. that al'lcr:t the Mccormick property ln the same manncr as orher l)rrlpclties, after the El'fcctive Datc ol'this Agreement. Section 2i. Releases. 4 Ceu*r.al. Developer,may licc itscll'['onr tilrtltcr obligations rc'lating to the sold' assigned, or transten,cA pr.ip.i:1f. pluviclett thnt tlru lrrrycr. nssigllee or tt'itttsferee expressly ur*uL"* ift" obligations unOei tttis Agreemont as pL.vidr:d hercirt' b) previously collected inrpact l'ecs, Devclopcl'cxpt'cssly t'r'uivcs uttd ltrlcvet'relcfiscs C'iryli.orrranyatttlnllclnirtrsittttttl,ltar,cwitltt.egat'tlstotltenl,I.l(}tlllli)ftl$age.o|.arty trilu$pnrtuti6u intpacl i'c,:s rvlriclr thc C:ity collsctcrl ltrrirt ptrt;tet't1 tlral rvas stttt'icct tp the l0tl5 T.rnrrsporttlrion l)A pri()r lo tlrc cl'lcclive clatr- ol'this Agreernr"-trt l)evelolrcr further agrees that (.ity can ulilizc tt.,**" grr.t,iniirly *otl".t*cllirncls on any-prcrject it deems appropriate and is not lirnited to thu grro.icc:ts'r,utliilr,rl'in (hc l{)tls 1-ransportatiotl PA,These pf0.iccts incltrclc' but are not limired, to the oid clifton Road/Anderson Hill Road Roundabout (Project 2.07t. the old ctifton Roacl non-motorized shoulder and pcctesffian improvements (Projeot l'5A), Old clifton WiO."i"g Design (Project I '5A), and Bethel Avenue (Projeot l '3)' o) Obligations to Kit-sap County Extinguished. This Agrcettrctrt beirrg a ctrllrplute replaoement to the ](f().i irun.lrnr,n,i,,n DA, ncitltcr Party has any obligatitlts to Kitsap Corrnty' ,lcctiou26.Ntlliccs,Ntrtices.clemgncls.ctrlrcspttltrlcllgg.|qthl.Ciry,full.t...uttrllcrrDevelcrpcr (as rpprlicablct shali br. sullie ierrtly givclr il' clispntchcd.lrl' .prc'pnicl l'irst-class tttail to lhe sdclrcsses of rlre plr,tiers ns clesigrrated ilr "wriuen No(icc." sr-'cliiltt 3tl lrelor*" Noticc to tlre city shnll bc to ths otlcnlipp ol'botlithc Llity ('lerk ancl tlre Ciry Atlortrey. Noticcs to successors-in- interesr ol'rhe Dcvel.rp.. rf',of f be reqrriicd to be givurt bv ilrc.City only ftrr tltose $ucc.cssors-in- irrtercst who have given the Ciry wi.itterr noticc-nl'thcir ncldress l'or suslt notice' 'l'he parties Development Agreement for Funding Transpoftation Improvements Page l2 of l9 FG:54082696.4 hereto may, from time to time, advise the other of new addresses for such notices' demands or correspondence. Page 13 of 19 FG:54082696,4 licqtiorl 2?. Rsimbursenlent for Agrccmcnt Expcnses of ilre ci$" I)cvelopcr agrees to rcinrlrursc the ('ity roi*ctilat expenses incuflrrcl over arrrJ abovc l-ees paid.by Dcvelo.per as an u'plic.nr i'r:urred try'iiiil ,iitl:.,11 *f.lirrg to this Agrcenrcrli. incltl(litrg recorclirtg fccs' gtublislring pccs {rrcl reasrlnulrlc stirl'l' flrttl iorrsUltant cOsts not otherwise included within irSrplicnri" lbcs, "l-his ng,:*n',*n,slall nril.take cffect until the fbes provided fbr in this section' irs r,.,ell ils otr), procussiltg llcs rlrvctJ to tlrc (lify lirr tlre. trartsportntion pro.icct li'llt'rrvtt as the Ctrrrr;ttrs Parku'ay R,otrrrinbotrt arc prritl to thc'L'ily' tlnoll I'rtlylllent ol' nll cxp.rtrscs' the l)cvclrrpcr ,uu.n ,.*,1,,.r, rvrillcn uclitt,.trvluclg,,r't,,r*ut ut'utt f'."i. Srrch pa;'nrcnt ol'rrll I'ees shnll be pnitl' nt tltc lotcst, *'iti'i" ir'i'ry t'it't ttuy* itti' ttt* City's presentation of n written ststemont of charges to the DeveloPer. secti$n 28. Applicable Larr, Resolution of Disprttes, nnd Attorneys' Fee$' lf any dispute arises br't\\recn the City tn,f Devcloper under any of the pro'isions of t6is Agrcetttcnt' .iuriscliction .f arry r'-i,,f"i,.rg lltlgariurr ,rf,r,ti-it. nt.tl'in Kitsnp County Superi'r Cottrt' liitsnp ('.u't1,. W:r.rhi'gr.rtr ,,,ltlr"it.S.-l)istrict f:,.,,,ilifi'" Wtst"tn WasSington' This Agreement shall trc gpvcrnccl |r\, itttr.l constrttecl itl:tcctrrclnttcc witlt the laws of the State of Washington' The non- prcvailirrg l)art.v in oiiy r.fin', l*ought t. ettlirtce this Agreement shall pay the other Parties' **p*nsarltntl rcnsortnble llllorlley's he 5' Scction ?.9. No Third-Pnrtl Bcncficiarics, Except as otherwise provitJed herein' this Agrcerncrrr slrall not ";;"4" an1. rights cnlcuccable by any party who ii not a Party to this Agreement' seclol Jt, cdy,s righl to ht'cuclt,. The patties agree that.the l'ity may' withotrt incurring any liertrilitv. cngage in u.li,r,', tha*vtrtrlcl oti"J*it. U" i brea"h if thc City ntakes a deterrttirration on ths recorcl that the action is nccessary to nvoid a serious threat to public health and safety' or if the action is required by federal or state law' siaction Jl. Developeros conrpliance. The citv's duties undcl'the ilBrcenlcnt are expressly conditioned upon tho beveloper's o, nrnp"rty Own*t's.substantinl cotttpliancc with each and evcr),rc11. corrrliti,rir. 1lt',*irio,t ln.tinr,"t,vcrtttttt itt this Agreemctrt' incluclitlg all npplicablc 'c.rerar. srirrc, ilrd r'cnr hrvs rurd rcgurnri'nu iin.r ,rr" t)cverrficr's/r'roperry.ow'cr's obligations as itlentiljr..d i,, uny ,p1.r,rv,tl.tr proic-ct pcltttit thr tlre propcl'ty idcntificd in tlris Agt'ccment' $ectlon 31. Limitation on city's Liability for Breach' Any breach of this Agreement by thr: {'it1, shlll givc' riglrr only ur da119es.'iutt*'' ttut* corrttact law and shall not give rise to any linbiliry- urrtlc.r ('lraptcr 6t,J0 l{:C\Y. ,rt* lifift ttd Fourteenth Amendments to the U'S' Ctrnstiitrticrn. ttr simi lat stutc crrttst ittll i(tnn l provistotts' ti.gction 33. I'lrirul Ptrll' l,cgttl chullclrgt ln thc cvL'r)t any lcgal acticrn or spccial pr.cccclirrg is cr'nrrrcncecl 'y irny p*r*,rn.n,:.iiriti of 'erthnrr il. Patty to clrallu*trgc tltis Agt'cutttu'ttt or iluy provisiorl f l*r.in. tt',. C'iil"n1oy .t*.r-t,' i.,'A*' the tlcf'crrsc of stlclt lnu'sttil or ilrclivitltral clainrs irt llts larvsuir tcr [)cvclo]rgt ' ltt "'"tl tlttnt'Developer shall hold the City harmless from Development Agrtement for Funding Transportation Improvements and defend the City from all costs and expenses incurred in the defense of such lawsuit or individual olaims in the lawsuit, including but not limited to, attomeys' fees and expenses of litGation. The Develgpcr shall not settle any lawsuit without the consent of the City. The City sha'il act in good l'aith ancl shall not unreasonably withhold consent to settle' Secriqn J{.. Spccilit: Perlirrrnnncc, "l'hc parties specilically agt'etl that dantag,cs {ll'e rlol all uarilr y, iirr trrcach trl'this Agruertcrrt. uncltlrat the parlies at'e cntitled to c(trllFcl spccilic prrto*nr,1.* ol'all nraterial terrrrs ot'tiris f)evel(lpment Agrccntettt bf iltty Party irt tleltrtrlt lrcrcol. fcction JS. Rccgrtling. This Agrcenr!'nr shall lrc rccorded uguinst lht'Plu1:tcr'()'with the real pnrgil[ffiAs ot'rhc ttiisop t'iouity Auditor, Duting the tcrttt ttl'tltc r\greetncnt, it is binding upon tti.- o\ypers r.lItlrc tru'opctt,\,rlnd nny suec]essors in intct'cst to sttclt pfopel't-Y. Spction 36. $evcrability. 11' any phrase, provision or section of tlris Agreement is a.tiuffii r[ a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenlotceablc. or if any provision of t'his Agreement is rendered invalid or unenforceable according to the terms of any *tutut* of the Stati of Washingtr:n which hecarne etfectivs after the cflfective tlatc of the ordinanoe adopting this Development Agr.eernetrt. ancl cithcr l'urty in good laitlr detclmines that such pr.ovision or provisions are rnatsriai to its enteling into this Agreement, that Party may elect to terminate this Agrcetlrent as to nll of its obligntions rernairring unperformed' Section lT. Non-Waivcr of Brench. The faiture of a Party to insist upon strict performance of ifi:ffir coverrants and agrcements containcd herein, or to exercise any option herein confe'red in one or more instanies shalt not bc construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of said covenants, agreements, or optionsn and the same shall be and remain in f'ull force and effect' $ection 3t. Written Notice. All written communications regarding enforcement or alleged brra greement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed below, unless notified to the co'tru,,.v. flnl.r, othenvisc' s;.rccilied, auv r-r'ittcr'r rloticc hdlr"tlrrder slrall becotne elTective upon tt.,. riar.j6f bot6 enailing arrci nrniling b1: Lcgi.stcrcd or.ucrtiljctl mail, ond shall be decmed suffrciently givcn if sent to f he rclclressce at thc ucltltcss stalerl bclorv: McCORMICK:CITY: Eric Campbell 12332 NE I l5rh Place Kirkland, WA 98033 e ri cii.i'llri,p gr l' Upll c.co rn Nick Tosti 805 Kirkland Avenue, Suite 200 Kirkland, WA 98033 rdsltelli:s r1g$diL, c o! rt Development Agreement for Funding Transportation Improvements Page 14 of I 9 FG:54082696.4 Mayor City of Port Orchard 216 Prospect Street Port Orchard WA 98366 t'lt!!1d!!-llmtr(li-tvr[il]j"l!uubo rdlu Copies shall also be transmitted to the City Clerk and City Attomey at the above address, GEM 1, LLC IMcCORMICK LAND COMPAI{Y Doug Skrobut 1869 McGilvra Blvd E Seattle, WA 98112 Jskrr)l)utt(r'uttttti l.ctlttt IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on this February,202l. MCCORA/ilCK COMMUNITIES' LLC CITY O['PORT ORCHARD scptiog-J?. Time is of the sssence. All time limits set fo*lr herein are of the essence' The Palties lgt'("e to prrfort atl obligations under this Agreemenl with due diligence' Scctirrn{l'linlircAgrccntcnt.Tlrclvrittenl'rovisionsnncltcttrrsoftlrisAgleetnetrt. r,rgcrheii,iiiiffinxhibits utiached hereto. slrall srrpi'r:seclc all ltrior verbal st{rtclllerrls ol tttty olljecr.'r trtler.rtprescrrtittive .l'tlte parties, arrd sticl stiltclnenrs shall not lrc efl'cclive or 5e construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner whatsoever' this ngr".,n"nt. fhe eitire agreement Setween the parties with respect to the subject matter Seieurrder is contained in this Agreement and exhibits thereto. llt auy or tly: Its:n GEM 1, LLC/McCORMICK LAND COMPAIIY X'ORM: By Its: By Its: J ,!),*,'rQu Patriok Schneider Attorney for McCormick Development Agreement for Funding Transportation lmprovements Pagc l5 of19 FG;54082696.4 rril'ct' ttorney for Port Orchard ;:-t ) ___ t-, (/- __ APPROVED AS TO TORM:ATTESTI Port Ornhard CitY Clerk Duana Kolouskova Afiomey for GEM 1, LLC/MLC Dovolopmont Agreement for Funding Trrnsporhtion Imprcvemonte Pago 16 ofl9 FO:5'1082696.4 NOTARY BLOCK FOR PORT ORCIIARI) STATE OF WASHINCTON COUNTY OF KITSAP ss. ) ) ) I certis that I know or have satisfactory evidence thlr}lr, llab- Pr-Ltqgllu.tt is the porson who appenred-trcforc rrre. rnd said percon ackuorvledgocl thnt he signcd tltis itrstrttmellli (-rll oath stated tlrtrt lrc wns u,rrh,rrircd to exccute the instruntcrti and ac-knun'ledgud it as thc-l\4r.v-of o[ Ittit'l lt;;hil j6 be the Iiee and voluntary act ofsuch Farty for the uses and purposs$ mentioned in the instrument. Dated: ...'.)'S!l':i " ! J"!,,..J liqt:?"##.J'2i "\' sor46ic fl", ta :-l'r= 7!r).i\ "uBLrc ^v i _= ahr**.N or type name) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the at: My Commission exPires: Dovelopment Agreement for Funding Transportation Improvements Page l7 ofl9 FG:54082596'4 NOTARY BLOCK FOR McCORMICK COMMUNITIES srATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss, COUNTY OF (t'r/) 0 I certif,that I know or have satisfactory svidence that " is the person who appeorccl belore me, and said person ackrrowlcdged that t!:g/she) signed is instruttrent, on that (!rg/she)was authorized to executc tltc instrumettt nnd ackttowledged it as tlteoatb statcd fu{uu of NlcCqlru.isk.('ornrlrtrnitics. LL('to be the free and voluntary act of such ParrY for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: :At -;4 - 20il il b /t/.o (print or tYPe name) NOTARY PUBLIC in and forthe state of w IL, ashi ,J ngtolr, residing at:- My Commission exPires:7 Development Agreernent for Funding Transportation Improvemonts Page l8 of19 FG:54082696.4 A t( Statc of Washington ANDREWD. MARSIIALT MYCOMMISSION E)OIRES 0346202r otrry PubUc NOTARY BLOCK FOR GEM I / McCORMICK LAND COMPANY STATE OF WASHINGTON COI.]NTY OF \L,,4 0 I certiff that I know or have satisfactory evidence that i\4r. Dotrts Skorbtt! is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that (heishe) signed this instrument, on oath siated that (he/she) was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the -[N"A"f of -Q.l=N--l--Llf(]M.c(gu!ic,k Latrd-elUpAlly to be the free and voluntary act of such Party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated:tr"U I'r 20!:l- A^J*, b {lA"^ (print or type name) NOTARY PUBLIC in and forthe ) ) ) ss. ll State of Wasl{ngton, V*{.1-) residing at:- My Commission expires @t,' Development Agreement for Funding Transportation Improvements Page 19 of l9 FGt54082696,4 Stgte of Weshlngton ANDREWD. MARSIIATL MYCOMMISSIONE)CIRES 03{G2021 Exhibit A-1 McCormick ProPertY List of Parcels Subiect to lmpact Fee Credit McCormick North 052301'4-023-2008 052301-4-027-2004 a5?30L-4-024-2007 052301-4-025-2006 052301-4-026-2005 0s2301-4{13-2000 042301-3-011-2005 McCormlck\ilect 082301-2-002-2004 082301-2-003-2003 082301-1-013-2003 082301-2-00+2t 01 082301-1-010-2005 082301-1-014-2002 172301-2-002-2003 17230L-2-004-2001' t7230t-2-oo3-2002 172301-2-006-2009 172301-2-005-2000 L7230L-2-W7-2008 172301-3-00+2009 McCormlckWoods 042301-3-010-2006 6031-000-131-0002 55s2-000-045{008 092301-1-005-2002 092301-4-004-2007 092301-1-009-2008 092301-4-005-2005 092301-4-003-2008 092301-4402-2009 162301-1-021-2003 162301-1-020-2004 162301-1-019-2007 \"/1f1. Exhibit A-2 McCormick ProPertY Maps of Parcels/Areas subject to lmpact Fee credit 't I i FI J'': i ri j f- I ..t il ,.1 { -l I -l p-' l- _i_ ..T n t_ I r -1 .L ii -L_ t; I _i* IJ ii '--lj-r -l. _L; l- I llUest t- - --l- - --l I t-.. ;- . i-- _r- i b ll.r.l- -L*i,-;-i:l - *-l _.1 -i_. '+- ** -- -..T_- ) Lpggnd McCormick Notth i North McCormick West f rrr.Ir.r..r.r.!r"'t'i west i t,,....-..,..---....,-ri.,r.'t....il t.,....,........'''....,,!,i..'...,r*.r.4 McCormick Woods it......... -,wd- Exhibit B-1 List of Parcels wlth Vested Concurrency McGormlck North 052301-4-023-2008 0s2301-4-027-2004 052301-4-024-2007 052301-4-025-2005 052301-4-026-200s 05230J.-4-013-2000 042301-3-011-200s McCormlck West 082301-2-00?-2004 082301-2-003-2003 082301-1-013-2003 082301-2-004-2107 082301-1-010-2006 08230L-1-014-ZOO2 L723AL-2-OO2-2003 t7230L-2-OO4-2001 t7230L-2-oo3-2002 172301-2-005-2009 172301-2-005-2000 172301-2-007-2008 172301-3-004-2009 McCormlckWoods 042301-3-010-2006 5031-000-131-0002 5552-000-045-0008 092301-1-005-2002 092301-4-004-2007 092301-1-009-2008 092301.-4-00s-2005 092301-4-003-2008 092301-4-002-2009 162301-1-021-2003 152301-1-020-2004 162301-1-019-2007 Legacy Lots s190-000-018-0009 5031-000-032-0002 6031-000-025-0001 6031-000-063-0004 s161-000-021-0009 514s-000-023-0008 5139-000-013-0008 6031-000-074-0001 Exhibit B-2 Map of Parcels/Areas with Vested Concurrency r- j'rlI i I It*.L l- --i Jti.,,,, [' iij T- I Lesend NorthMcOormick North McCormick West West McCormick Woods Golf Facilities '!.'.l.l.l.l.r.'.r'.r''.""..'.-".".t:ecii...,..,.......,.,-.., see Exhibit 81 for legacy lots vested to concurrency with this agreement ,- Exhibit C Boundary of 2005 Traffic Agreement - li-r -J_I I IIt tia' 'rl-.-1, I I i'l i l : 1l i I jr I I r. a llttr t I *t- t* I L J l ... I-"t.- j I --'i, i --l I I *i -r- -l =i ii' -t iJ l rtt l I !-- --l--i . IIa -l L I i.o'.- I \/+i-]-- "tt a a I FII rlrlrl a --_. I 1 ;./' I_l .tt-!a IJ.JtaTa!.Zi-rr'r '-i-t-.-r'ir t._ --r-** t'.-ir ;i I ,t-rll:l -f-I ' I l;r-f l-- f -r-