004-19 - Ordinance - Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local No. 589 Rep. Police Support Staff EmployeesoRDtNANCE NO. 004-19 AN ORD NANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, RAT FY NG A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589 REPRESENTING THE POLICE SUPPORT STAFF EMPLOYEES; PROV D NG FOR SEVERABIL TY AND PUBL CATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City's Police Support Staff Employees are represented by Teamsters Local No. 589 (the "Teamsters"); and WHEREAS, the current Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Teamsters expired on December 3t,2OL8; and WHEREAS, the City's negotiating team has reached a tentative Agreement with the Teamsters for a new three (3) year contract and the City's negotiating team has recommended that the Council ratify the tentative Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Police Support Staff Employees have ratified the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement and finds it is in the best interests of the City and its employees to ratify the Agreement; now, therefore, THE C TY COUNCIL OF THE C TY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDA N AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council herby ratifies the tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement reached between the negotiating teams for the Teamsters representing the Police Support Staff Employees and the City as attached hereto as Exhibit A, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the same. SECT ON 2. Severabilitv. lf an y section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be unconstitutional or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. sEcTroN 3.Publi ron.This Ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. SECTI ON4. E ffective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect five days after publication, as provided by law. Ordinance No. 004-19 Page 2 of 2 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 22nd day of January 2OL9. I ePo Ra Robert Putaansuu, Mayor ATTEST:SPONSOR: Brand y Rinearson, MMC, City C lerk hn CIauson, Councilmember APPROVED AS TO FORM: n Cates, City Attorney PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: Jcnua',l -hnucvj J5 3g 20L9 20L9 a EALS a AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON AND TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589 (Representing the Police Support Staffl JANUARY 1 ,2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 3I ,2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS to the AC MENT By and Between CITY OF PORT ORCHARD and TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589 (Representing the Police Support Staff) January 1,2019 through Decernber 31,2021 ARTICLE I ARTTCLE 2 ARTICLE 3 ARTICLE 4 ARTICLE 5 ARTICLE 6 ARTICLE 7 ARTICLE E ARTICLE 9 ARTICLE IO ARTTCLE I I ARTICLE 12 ARTICLE I.1 ARTICLE 14 ARTICLE 5 ARTICLE 16 ARTICLE 17 ARTICLE 18 ARTICLE 19 ARTICLE 20 ARTICLE 2I ARTICLE 22 ARTICLE 23 ARTTCLE 24 ARTICLE 25 ARTICLE 26 ARTTCLE 27 ARTICLE 2E APPENDIX "A'' APPENDIX "B" EXCLUSIVE B ARG AINI NG REPRESENTAT V8........... NOND SCRIMINAT ON UNIOT.i SECURTTY RIGHTS OF MANAGEMENT UNION AND EMPLOYEE'S RIGHTS ........... DISCH ARGE & SUSPENSION ......... GRIEVANCE & ARBITRATTON HOURS OF WORK AND WORK NG CONDITIONS WAGES. LONGEVITY PAY DEFINITIONS .,....,. HOLID4YS.............. VACATIONS S CK LEAVE 3 3 3 3 5 6 6 7 7 8t I 9 IOil lt t? I3tl t3 l3 l3 t4 l4 t5 t5 l5 t5 t6 t8 BEREAVEMET{T LEAVES OF ABSENCE.... HEALTH AND \ryEI.FARE NO REDUSNON IN 8ENERTS............ UNIFORM AI,I,OWANCE SAVII\iGS CLAUSE, NO STRIKE CI.AUSE NECOTIATION T{OTIFIC^TION INTERVIE\ry GUI DE t,I NES SHOP STEWARDS bIISCELLANEOUS TEMPORARY EMPLOYIYIENT, -.. TRA MNG AND EDUCATION,.......,. POUCIES LEGALITY ACREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January l, 2019 - Decembet 1l,2O2l PAGE 2 OF I City nton AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN CITY OF PORT ORCHARD AND TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589 (Representing the Police Support Staff) January 1,2019 through December 31,2021 PREAMBLE THIS AGREEMENT, datcd for refcrencc purposcs only thc lst day of January,2016, is cntcred into by the CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, hcrcinaftcr the "Employcr", and TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589, hcreinafter thc "Union". ARTICLE I EXCLUSIVE B ARGAINING REPRESET.ITATIVE l.l The Employer rccognizes Teamsters Local No.589 as the exclusive bargaining reprcsentativc lor all cmploycc classilications as found in Appcndix "A". This Agrecmcnt docs not covcr tcmporary employccs, supervisors, dcpartmcnt heads and any other City job classifications not listcd in Appcdix "A". ARTICLE 2................ . ... NONDISCRIMINATION 2.1 Thc Employcr and thc Union rgrce that employment shall bc consistent with applicablc state and fcdcral laws regarding discrimination. ARTTCLE 3 ..............,....... UNION SECURITY 3.1 Notification of New Hircs. The Employer agrces to notify the Union within fivc (5) working days when new employecs arc hircd. 3-2 Ducs Dcduction Procedure The Employer shall deduct and transmit monthly thosc rcgular Union membcrship initiation fees, dues, and assessmcnts frorn the pay of each employee who so aulhorizes the Employer in writing. In addition, thc Employer shall provide thc Union a list of employees and thcir rcspective Union-related deductions. The Union agrees to indemnify, defcnd and hold the Employer harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders and judgrnents brought against the Employcr as a result of any payroll deduction made on the Union's behalf until such time as the authorizing employec revokcs their authorization. The authorizing cmployee's ducs dcduction authorization shall rcmain in full forcc and effect until the month following a writtcn notice revoking the samc is executed by the employcc and dclivered to the Employer with a copy to the Union. The Union may givc thc Employer thirty (30) days writtcn noticc to discontinuc dues check-off. AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January l, 2019 - December 31, 2021 PAGE 3 OF I City nt ARTICLE 4 RIGHTS OF MANAGEMENT 4.1 .Subjcct only to thc tcrms ond conditions of the Agreemcnt all of managemenl's inhcrent rights, powcrs, authority and functions, whethcr hcrctofore or hercaftcr cxcrciscd and regardless of thc frcquency of their exercise, shall remain vcstcd exclusively in fte Employcr. Managemcnt's rights shall includc, but not be limitcd to, the following: ( I ) The determination of Policc Dcparlmcnt policy, including thc right o mansgc thc affoirs of the Police Dcpannrent in atl respccts; (2) The right to assign working hours, including overtirrc; (3)Thc right to establish, modify or changc work schcdules, managing of facilitics and cquipment, including the amount of frcilities and equipmcnt; (4) (5) Thc right to direct thc employces of thc Police Depanrrrcnt, including the right to hirc, cvaluate qualifications, evaluatc skill and ability, promolc, dcmole, suspcnd, layoff and discipline or discharge for jrst cause; The right to organizc and reorganizc thc Policc Dcpaflmcnt in any manner it chooses, including thc size of thc Police Dcpanmcnt and thc determination of job classifrcations and rank based upon duties assigncd, cxccpl whcrc such changcs impact conditions of cmploymcnt, whcrein thc Employcr will notify thc Union o[ its intent ond offer ftc opportunity to bargain prior to the implcmentation by thc Employcr; The dctermination of thc safcty, health and propcrty protcction measurcs for the Policc Dcpartmcnt in accordance with applicable slatulcs and regulations; The sclection, promotion or transfcr of cmployees lo supcrvisory or othcr managcrial or lcchnical positions; The transfer of work from one position to another within thc Policc Dcpartrnent; The introduction of new, improvcd or different methods and tcchniques of operation of thc Policc Departmcnt or changes in existing methods and techniqucs; Thc placing of scrvicc, mnintenarrce or othel work with outside contractors or agencics of thc Employer; The delcrmination of the number of clissifications and thc numbcr of employecs within cach classification; and ( l6) The determination of thc amount of supcrvision necessary. (6) (8) The atlocation and assignment of work to cmployecs within tlrc Policc Dcparlment; (9) Thc dctcrmination of policy affecting se lcction or training of cmployces; (10)The schcduling of opcralions and determination of the number and duration of hours of assigned duty per week, cxccpt that the Employcr will notily the Union of its intcnt and offer the opportunity to bargain prior to implementation by thc Employcr; (ll)The establishmcnt, modilication and enforccrnent of reasonablc Policc Department rules, regulations and orders; (7) (t2) ( lrl ( l4) ( ls) ACREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January 1,2019 - DcccmberSl,2O2l City 4.2 Thc failure of the Employer lo exercise a managcmcnt right, or is cxercise of that right in a particular way, shall not crcotc a vcsted right in thc Employcc lo B conlinualion o[ a past practace with rcgards thcreto. PROBATION - Employecs shall scrvc a probationary period of (12) twclve months and shall have no seniority rights during that priod. Afier twelve (12) months an cmploycc's scniority date shall become the datc on which thc cmployce staflcd thc probation pcriod. The Union may not question thc dismissal of any probationary employce nor shall the dismissal be the subjcct of a grievance. 4.1 PROMOTION-PROBATION - Thc probationary period for an employcc who has been promoted to a new classil-rcation shall bc twelve ( l2) months. If an employec's pcrformancc in thc new classil'rcation is found ro bc unacccptablc, thc employce shall have the right to rcturn to thc position from which thc cmployee was promoted. In the evcnt an employce is found to bc unacceplable in the new classificotion during thc probationary pcriod, the employec and thc Union may not question the Employcr's decision to return lhe cmploycc lo a previously hcld position, nor shall thc Employcr's action be the subject of a gricvancc. ARTICLE 5 ...................... UNION AND EMPLOYEE'S RIGHTS 5.1 Duly authorizcd Union Reprcscntativcs shalt bc prmitted access to thc propcrties of thc Employer at reasonablc times for thc purposc of obscrving working conditions and transacting Union business; providcd, howevcr, that thc Union Reprcscntative lirsl secures approval lrom a designatcd employer rcprcsentativc and that no intcrfcrcncc with thc work of cmployccs or thc propcr opcration of thc Employcr shall rcsutt. 5.2 Thc Employer aBrccs to proviclc bullctin board spsce for posting of official Union noliccs which shall bc signed by a rcsponsible agcnl of thc Union. Thc Union shall be permittcd to cstablish a job stcward. Thc dutics of thc job stcward shall bc to givc the Union noticc of ncw cmployccs hircd and to rcccivc complaints which will bc communicatcd to thc busincss agcnt of the Union, who in turn may takc the mattcr up with thc Employer. Thc job stuward may also sign up ncw employccs. Union activitics (cxccpt labor ncgotiations) shall not be canied on during working hours. Labor ncgotiations shall (rccur at mutually convenicnt times. The participating cmployce shall bc in a paid status during normal working hours, unlcss thc Employer, in its solc discrction, dccidcs othcrwise. Any cmploycc rcceiving highcr woges or cnjoying more favorablc conditions than provided for in this Agrccmcnt shall nol suffcr by reason of its signing or adoption. 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 The Employer shall deduct regular Union initiation fees and dues whcn prcsented trn authorization card signed by thc employee. Thc Union wilt supply to thc Employcr, signcd payroll deduction authorization cards lor the payroll deduction of Union initiation fccs and dues for thc Employer's records. Monies so dcducted shall be mailcd lo thc officc of thc Union on or bcfore the tenth (l0th) o[each month, accompanicd with a list of the employees and amount dcducted. Deduction of ducs shall bc optional with rhc employee. The Union and each cmployee authorizing thc assignmcnt of wagcs for paymcnt of Union dues hcreby undertake to indemnify and hold the Employer harmlcss from all claims, dcmands, suils or othe r forms of liability that may arise against lhe Employer for or on account of any dcduction madc from the wages of such employee. ACREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January t, 2019 - Dcccmbcr 3l ,2OZl City 5.8 No cmptoyec shall bc unlawfully discriminatcd against for upholding Union contracl provisions and any person who works under thc instructions of thc Union or who servcs on a committce shall not lose their job or hc discriminated against for that rcason. ARTICLE 6..... DISCHARGE & SUSPENSION 6.1 Whcncver thc Employer bclievcs thc cmployee has committcd acts that arc in violation of departmcnt policy, thc crnploycc shall be disciplincd with just causc in accordancc with department policy governing disciplinary action in lieu of civil scrvicc rules, if applicablc. 6.2 The Union shall havc the right to invcstigate any notices involving thc disciplinary action of any cmployee, and thc option of procc.eding with thc grievance procedurc as recognizcd undcr Articlc 7 of this Agrccrncnl. ARTICLE 7 ...................... GRIEVANCE AND ARB ITRATION 7.1 A "grievance" mcans a claim or dispute by an employec(s) or Union Rcprescntative with rcspcct to the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agrecmcnt. 7.2 An cmployce(s) who belicves thcy have a gricvancc may prcscnt such a grievancc within fiftecn (15) calcndar days of its allcged occurrcncc lo thc cmployce's immcdiatc supcrvisor. lf the alleged gricvablc occurcnce occurs whilc the cmploycc is not at work (on sick lcavc, vacation, holiday, cxcuscd lcavc of absencc) thcn thc fiftccn (15) calcndar day pcriod shall not commencc to run until thc firsl working day that thc employec rcturns back to work. Thc Union Rcprcscntativc shall havc thirty (30) calcndar days to prcsenl o grievance aflter its allcgcd ocsurcncc. Thc supcrvisor shall attcmpt to resolve thc gricvance within liftecn (15) calcndar days aftcr thc grievancc is prescnted to him. Howcvcr, if the immcdiate supcrvisor has no authority to adjust thc issuc, thc gricvancc shall bc introduccd at the ncxt lcvcl in thc chain of command, 7.1 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.6.t If the cmploycc(s) or thc Union Reprcscntalivc is/arc not satislicd with thc solution by the Supcrvisor, the gricvancc, in writing, may be prcscntcd within fiftcen (15) calcndar days of reccipt from lhe immcdiate supcrvisor to thc policc chicf who shall altcmpt to resolvc it within thirty (30) calcndar days aftcr it has bccn prcsentcd to him or hcr. It is rcquircd that the writtcn statemcnt include the scction of thc Agrecment allcgcdly violated, thc facts, and thc rcmcdy sought. If the cmploycc(s) or their designated Union Reprcsentativc is not satisficd with lhc solution by the police chiel, thc grievancc, in writing togcthcr with all other penincnt material may bc prcscnted to thc Mayor by the Union Rcprescnlative, within fiftcen ( l5) calcndar days of rcceipt from ftc policc chicf. Ncither thc arbiter nor any other person or persons involvcd in the gricvance proccdure shall havc the powcr to negotiatc ncw agreements or lo chongc any of thc prcsent provisions of this Agreemcnt. Thc Union, on bchalf of an employcc(s), may, aftcr any gricvance involving the interprctation or application of this agreement which is not resolved by thc Mayor within thirty (30) calcndar days after it is prcscnted to hirn or hcr, file a rcqucst for arbitration through the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC). The rules and regulations of PERC shall apply to the arbitration. The decision of the arbitrator shall be binding on both parties. Elcction of Remedics - No complaint/gricvance may be filed undcr the grievance procedure in this Article 7 and under the Port Orchard Civil Service Commission appeal procedures. Thc Union, on bchalf of the cmployee(s), must clcct a remedy (i.c., either pursuing arbitration under this Article 7 or pursuing an appeal beforc the Pon Orchard Civil Scrvicc Cornmission) no latcr than lifteen (15) calendar days after the completion of thc step in paragraph 7.4 of this Agrecment. Step 7.4 shall bc decmed 'tomplete" thirty (-30) AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January l,2019 - Dcccmber 3l,2OZl City calendar days aftcr submission of thc gricvance to thc Mayor. Submission of a mattcr to thc Port Orchard Civil Scrvicc Commission also constitutes an election of rcmcdies ond waives thc right lo pursue thc matter to orbitration through PERC. ARTICLE 8...................,,. HOURS OF WORK AND WORKING CONDITIONS 8.1 WORKWEEK - The regular work week shall be forty (40) hours of work consisting of live (5) consccutive cight-hour days followed by two (2) consecutive days off or tour (4) consccutive ten-hour days followcd by thrce (3) consccutive days off during a sevcn-day period, exccpt for shift changes. Thc sclection or subscqucnt change in the work week shall bc at thc discrction of the police chief. Shift adjuslmqnts shall be by seniority. It shall not bc a violation of this agrccmcnt if the employee and chief of policc mutually agree on a flcxiblc work schcdule. 8.2 OVERTIME - Compcnsablc hours are defined as holiday pay, or pay for hours worked. Serviccs pcrlormcd in cxccss of forty (40) compcnsable hours per week will be compcnsatcd at onc and one-hall (llr) times the regular hourly rate. lf a l0-hour workday is in effect alt time ovcr lsn (10) compensablc hours will bc compcnsatcd for at onc and onc-half timcs thc straight time hourly ratc. If a flcxiblc work schcdule is adopted pursuant lo section 8.1, then overtime shall be paid for ull compcnsable hours over forty (40) hours pcr weck or oubide thc agrecd schedule. 8.3 COMPENSATORY TIME - l[ thc employcc prcfcrs, ovcrtime may bc creditcd to compensalory leavc time at the ratc of onc and one-half (l/r) hours for each hour of ovcrtime. Schcduling of time lo use the compcnsatory time shall bc subjcct to approval of thc employecs' supervisor. If compensalory timc is not taken within sixty (60) calcndar days of thc date carncd it shall be convcrtcd to cash and paid in accordance with rhc abovc rate. Compcnsatory time will not bc scheduled if it rcsults in requiring back-filling psitions to mect minimum stafhng nccds or payment of ovcrtimc. 8,4 Adjustmcnts in lhe rcgular working hours of thc cmployecs for thc conveniencc of thc Employcr shall not be construed to bc in conflicl with this Agrccmcnt. 8.5 OUT OF CLASS PAY - Thcre is no out of class pay unlcss employce is assigned to ftc position for morc than thirty (30) calcndar days. lst - 3Oh calendar days: no additional pay 3lst calcndar day or more: 87o prcmium pay added lo culTcnl hourly ratc 8.6 CALL BACK - Should an cmployee bc called for duty other than the rcgular shift, such cmploycc shall receive a minimum of thrce (3) hours of overtime pay. Call back shall not opply when thc employec is callcd bock to work within two (2) hours of the starl of their regular shift. 8.7 If at any timc, the Mayor or his/hcr designee, closcS City Hall duc to inclcmcnt weathcr or a slalc of emcrgcncy, cmployces will not bc required to comc to City Hall. Thc City will pay employccs lor the cquivalent rime of their regular working hours for that day and they will not bc rcquired to use leavc. Employees who are alreatly at City Hall and are rcquired to stay by the Employer shall bc credited the equivalent time of the closure into their vacation leave banks. Thc foregoing shall not apply to situations in which City Hall is closcd to lhe public but remains open for cmployecs lo work. ARTTCLE 9.................,.... WAGES, LONGEVITY PAY 9.1 All employees covered by this Agreement shall bc classified and compensatcd in accordance with Appendix "A" a[ached hereto and considered part of this Agreement. Appcndix "A" reflects lhe pcilinent itcms from thc City salary ordinance, AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January l, 2019 - Dccembetil,202l 9.2 Aftcr completion of two (2) ycars full-timc employmcnt, an cmployec shall bc eligible for longcvity pay. Such longcvity pay shall bc thc employee's base pay plus onc-quartcr of onc percent (.25Vo) for each additional ycar of employment. Each longevity pay increase shall commence in thc pay priod that thc employcc's annivcrsary date of cmploymcnt occurs, and cach longevity increasc shall be calculatcd on the base pay for thc position held by the cmploycc. Employccs hired after Fcbruary lZ, zffil shall not be entitlcd to longcvity pay. ARTTCLE r0.................... DEFINITIONS l0.l DEFINITIONS - In construing the provisions of this agrccmcnt, thc following definitions shall apply: 10.2 A "full.time employec" is any person cmploycd by the Employcr who dcvotes his full timc to thc job during working hours on a ycarly basis. 10.3 A "parl-timr: cmployec" is any pcrson employcd by the Employer for lcss than forty (40) hours per week but not lcss than twenty (20) hours pcr wcck, 10.4 A "temporary cmployec" is any pcrson cmployed by thc Employcr for not to excced six (6) months duration. Thc Employec will bc considercd 'full timc" or "part-lime" whcn his or her continuous scrvicc excecds six (6) months. ARTICLE I I HOLIDAYS ll.l All cmployccs shall bc cntitlcd to observc thc following holidays with pay: thc first day o[ January, commonly called Ncw Years Day; the third Monday of January, bcing cclcbratcd as thc birthday of Martin Lurhcr King, Jr.; thc third Monday of Fcbruary, being celebratcd ils the annivcrsary of thc birth of Georgc Washingtonl the last Monday of May, commonly known as Mcmorial Day; thc lourth day of July, bcing the annivcrsary of thc Dcclaration of lndcpcndencc; the lirst Monday in Scptember, known as Labor Day, thc clcvcnth day o[ November, known as Vctcran's Day; thc fouflh Thurstlay of Novcmher, known as Thanksgiving Day; thc clay oftcr Thanksgiving; the twcnty-lifth day of Dccembcr, commonly called Chrisrmas Day All employces shall receivc two (2) pcrsonal holidays cach ycar lo bc sclcctcd by the cmptoycc; providcd: The employce has been or is schedulcd to bc conlinuously employed by thc Employer for morc than four (4) months. and thc cmployec has givcn not lcss than fourtccn ( l4) calendar days writtcn notice to the supervisor; providcd, howcvcr, thc employee and the supcrvisor may agree upon an carlicr date, and thc numbcr of cmployecs selecting a particular day olf docs not prcvcnl an agcncy from providing continued public servicc. ll.2 Thc pcrsonal holidays must bc taken during the calendar year or entitlcmcnt lo thal day will lapsc, cxccPt when thc employee has requcsted a personal holiday and the request has becn denied. I 1.3 Anyrhing in rhis articlc notwithstanding, any cmployec whose regular work wcck includcs a holiday on Salurday or Sunday wit! rcccive some other day off in lieu thcreof at the discretion of the departmcnl hcad. I 1.4 Whene vcr a legal holiday falls on a Saturday, thc Mayor will designatc by executive order thc preceding Friday as a legal holiday. Whenever a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, thc Mayor will designate by executive order the following Monday as a legal holiday. Alternatively, in either circumstance, the Mayor may designate by executive order another day as the subject lcgal holiday or he may designatc two (2) days with a portion of the employces observing one ( I ) day and thc rcmainder the other day, to permit continued opcration of vital functions. AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January 1,2019 - Decembcr 31,2021 City t2.2 t2.1 12.4 ARTICLE t2.................... VACATIONS I2.I VACATION ACCURAL After six (6) complctcd months of employmcnt, employecs shall bc cntitlcd to use thcir accrued vacation lcavc. All full-time employecs will accruc vacation lcave on a proratcd monthly basis as follows: Year l: l0 days (80 hours) o ycar Year 2: I I days (88 hours) a year Ycar 3: l2 days (96 hours) o yeal ln addition cach ycar on the cmployee's anniversary date, after threc (3) full years of cmploymenl, onc (l) bonus day (8 hours) o[ vacalion for each year will bc crcditcd to his/hcr vacation accouttt (i.c., the employcc shall rcccivc I bonus day after 3 full years of employment with Employer), The total vacation/bonus day accrunl shall not cxcccd thirty (30) days, or 24O hours. ACCUMULATION OF VACATION LEAVE - Part-time cmployees shall havc thcir vacation leavc prorated on thc basis of two thousand and cighty (2,080) hours pcr ycar (full-timc cmployment). Vacation leave shall be accrucd and rccordcd on a monthly and or calcndar ycar basis in the samc manncr as providcd in lhe vacation accrual section. Thc policc chicf has the discretion to allow on employcc advancc vocation lcavc thal has not yet been accrucd at any timc during thc ycar. Each cmployce must usc at least onc wcck (tive (5) consecutivc days) lcavc cach ycar for vacation purposc. Thc balancc of vacation lcavc to their crcdit may bc grantcd onc ot u timc. t2,5 An cmploycc, as dclincd herein, shall rcccivc leavc pay for any portion of vacation earned, but not takcn, upon leaving thc cmploy of thc Employcr (including for thc rcasons of voluntary crminalion and dcath of the cmployee); providcd, howcver, that in casc of voluntary tcrminotion, thc employec shall havc givcn ut Icasr lcn ( t0) calendar days' notice of such tcrmination beforc bcing cntitled 1o rcccivc such pay. Upon datc of tcrmination thc cmployce shal! rcccivc compcnsation for all bonus vacation lcavc proraled from the lost onnivcrsary date. Holidays observcd during an employce's vacation pcriod shall not bc counted as vacation lcavc takcn. Thc lcavc pay of all cmployces who are cmployed on a daily wagc scalc shall bc paid on the same schedulc lor the vacation pcriod as the cmploycc would have becn paid for a regular weck of work without overtime. An cmployec may carry over a maximum of rhirty (30) days of vacation cffcctive January I of each ycar. All orhcr accrucd vacarion not used by thc cnd of each year will be forfeited, exccpt when accrucd vacation is nor used due to thc convenience of thc Employer, thc employce will be paid in cash at the end of thc year. Howcver, upon termination, vacation pay shall not cxceed two hundred and forty (240) hours. If an cmployee has accrued annual leave in cxccss of two hundrcd and forty (240) hours, thc employec may bc continued on thc payroll for the timc equivalent to thc amount of tirne in excess o[ two hundred and forly (24O) hours o[ accrucd vacation leavc. 12.6 12.7 12.8 ARTICLE 13 SICK LEAVE l3.l All futl-rime and parr-time employees shall he entitled to sick leave pay when they are incapacitated from performance of thcir duties by reason o[ sickness or injury or whcn, through cxposurc to contagious cliscascs, rhe prcscncc of the employce would jeopardize thc hcalth of others. Such sick lcave for full time AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January I , 2019 - December 3l ,2021 13.2 t 3.3 13.4 r 3.5 r3.6 t 3.7 13.8 cmployees shall accruc at lhc ratc of onc (l) day (8 hours) for cach calendar month of employmcnt and if not used shall accumulate to a maximum of one hundred twcnty (120) working days (950 hours). Part-tirnc cmployees shall havc their sick lcavc proratcd on the basis o[ lwo thousand and eighty (2,080) hours pcr year (full-time cmployment). Sick leave shall bc accumutated and recordcd on a monthly basis as provided in this scction. Sickncss shall bc rcported by thc cmploycc at the bcginning of any pcriod of illncss to thc policc supervisor as per department policy and, within thrce (3) days altcr returning to work, the employcc shall givc a written statemcnt certifying thc nccd for thc abscncc and submit a formal rcqucsl lor approval of lcave so takcn, which regucst, when approvcd by the Dcpartment Head, shall be forwardcd to thc Human Resourccs Coordinator for liling in the employcc's pcrsonncl file. A doctor's ccrtiticote shall bc rcquircd when thc sick lcave extcnds ovcr a pcriod of three (3) consecutive days. Advancc sick leavc may bc granted to employces who havc lwo (2) or more ycars of continuous service with thc Employcr after they havc cxhausted all of thcir accrucd vacation, compcnsalory, and sick leave. Advance sick lcavc may bc grantcd in cascs of scrious disabilitics or ailments o[ the cmploycc. Sick leave credit advanccd shall be limited to not more than twclvc (12) and not less than ltve (5) consccutive workdays. lt shall bc furthcr limitcd lo cascs in which it is bclieved that thc cmployce will rcturn to full duty for a pcriod of tinrc sufficicnt to liquidatc thc advance. Rcqucsts for advance sick leavc shall be submittcd by thc employcc to the policc chicf. Thc policc chicf shall makc a rccommcndation on thc proposcd rcqucsl and forward it to thc City Council for approval or disapprovul. It will tre signcd by the Mayor and forwardcd to thc Human Rcsources Coordinator for filing in thc cmployee's lilc, and the cmptoyec will bc nolilied of the Council's decision by the police chief. Sick lcavc carned aftcr rcturn to duty must first bc applicd to liquidatc the sick leavc advanced prior to being uscd as regular sick lcave. Any employcc found to havc obuscd the sick lcavc privilege by falsilication or misrcprcscntation may thereupon bc subjcct to dismissal upon rccommcndation of thc policc chicf and at thc discrction of thc City Council. At thc option of thc cmployce, sickness in exccss of thc maximum numbcr of days accrucd rnay bc charged to unuscd vacation. In lieu of sick lcave buyout thc Employer shall providc term life insurancc on thc cmploycc's life, the beneficiary to bc chosen by the cmployee. The policy shall remain in full force and effcct so long as the cmploycc is cmployed by rhc Employer. The face amount of thc policy shall be Fifty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($50,000.00). Only cmployees working thirty (30) or morc hours per week shall rcccive this benefir. ln addition, to bc eligiblc for this bcnclit, the cmployee musl mect all other cligibility requirements of thc subjcct policy. Employcr cloes not accept/process reimbursemcnt checks from the Department of Labor and Industries for timc toss payments to cmployces. lnstcad, in cases of injury or illness which is covcrcd by lndustrial lnsurancc, thc amount of insurance payments will bc deducted from thc next pay, if any, of thc employce ufter the Department of Labor and lndustries' award lelter. Emptoyecs may use accrued lcave lo supplement their Department of Labor and lndustries' time loss payment (up to the lcvel of their regular pay) if thcy submit a written request to the Police Chiet and said rcquesl is approved. Washingron Srote Family and Medical Leave Program - Employces are eligible for paid family and merlical leave consistent wirh RCW 50A.O4.115, effective January l,2O2O. Thc prcmium costs for the r3.9 13.10 l3.l I 11.12 AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January l , 2019 - Deccmbcr 3 1, 202 1 City available lcave will bc collcctcd by the City effcctive January l, 2019 from cmployccs as follow: 45% ot the medical leave portion and lO0Vo of thc family leavc portion. ARTICLE I 4.................... BEREAVEMENT l4.l Ernployecs shall bc allowcd up to thrcc days (3) of paid bcrcavement lcavc for death in thc immcdiatc family upon approval and authorization of the Dcpartmcnt Hcad. For travcl out of Slate an cmployee shall reccivc, subject to lhe approval of the Dcpartmcnt Hsad, an additional two days (2) of paid bercavcmcnt leave Part tirne Employccs will receive bcreavcmcnt lcovc for thc amount of hours of thcir normal shift. 14.2 For purposes of paragraph t4.l above, "immedialc family" mcnns thc employee's spouse or registered domestic pailner, thcir childrcn and/or step-children, and both the cmployee's and thc spousc's/domcstic partner's sistcr, brothcr, grandmothcr, grandfathcr, mother, fathcr, mothcr-in-law, fathcr-in-law, as well as any "step or foster" relation and any other familial inhabitant of thc employcc's household. II an cmploycc would like to attcnd thc funeral of an individual not listed in this scclion, upon approval and authorization of the Dcpanmcnt Hcad, thc cmployec may do so cither by using accrucd vacation lcave, or if the cmployec has no vacation leave available, lcavc without pay. Thc timclincs sct fonh in section 14.1, abovc, wilt apply to such lcave. The provisions of Scction 15.3 requiring cxhaustion of sick leavc before lcavc without pay will be aulhorized will not apply to Article 14. ARTTCLE I 5 ....,............... LEAVES OF ABSENCE l5.l CNIL LEAVE - Any ncccssary lcavc may be allowed by thc dircctor of thc dcpartment to pcrmit ony cmployce to scrve as a mcmbcr of a jury or to cxcrcise his othcr civil duties. Each employec who is granted such lcavc and who, for the pcrformonce of the civil duties involvcd, reccivcd any compcnsation shall be paid by the Employer for thc time thcy arc absenl only in thc amount in excess of their rcgular salary over thc compensation rcceivcd, cxclusivc of lravcl or any other rcimbursablc allowanccs. II an cmployee is summoncd lor jury duty and thc dcpartment dircctor detcrmines it would adverscly impact Employcr opcrations if the cmploycc was on jury duty, thcn thc cmployec shall coopcralc with lhc Employer in artempting to be cxcusrd from jury duty. If the attcmpt lo bc cxcuscd from jury duty is unsuccessful, thcn thc employec will work with thc Employcr lo changc thc jury duty dates to a time that does not significantly impact Employer opcrotions. 15.2 MILITARY LEAVE - Lcave not to cxcccd twenty-one (21) calendar days during cach ycar bcginning October l3t and ending thc following Scptembcr 30ti ovcr and abovc annual vucation shall be allowed any cmployee who is a mcmbcr of any duly establishcd National Guard or Rsserve Corps unit. During the pcriod of military leave thc employee shall continuc to rcceivc his or her normal salary, in addition to whatever is rcccivcd by the employec from thc military. 15.3 LEAVE WITHOLIT PAY - Leave without pay may bc granted at thc discrction of thc Departmcnt Hcad, subjcct to lhe approval of the appointing authority. Such leavc will bc granlcd only aftcr all sick leave, if appticable, vacation and compcnsalory time has been cxhausted and under no circumstanccs in cxcess of ninety (90) calendar days. Leave without pay shall not bc grantcd for the purposc of thc employec acccpting othcr tcmporary employment or to gain personal advantagc or prolit. During an authorized leave without pay, thc cmployee shall not reccive any benelis nor shall they continue to accruc seniority. Nothing hcrein is inrcndcd to supcrsede thc employcc's rights under applicablc State or Fedcral Lcave Law. 15.4 UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE - Unauthorized abscnce from duty for three (3) consecutivc working days shall constitute grounds lor dismissal upon rccommcndation of thc Dcpartmcnt Head at the discretion of the appointing authorily. AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January I , 2019 - December 3l, 202 I AGEIIOF19 City Union ARTICLE 16 HEALTH AND WELFARE l6.l MEDICAL COVERAGE - Subjcct to thc remaining lerms of this Articlc 16, the Employer will provide heatth insurance coverage through thc Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Hcalth First 250 or Kaiser Permanenlc $20 Copay/$2ffi Dcductible. t6.2 DENTAL COVERAGE - Thc Employcr shall providc Tcamstcrs Plan A Dcntal through the Washington Teamstcrs, for thc employcc, spouse and depcndcnts. r6.3 VTSION COVERAGE - Thc Employcr shall provide Vision Plan, Extcnded Bcnefits through thc Washington Tcamstcrs for the cmployec, spousc and depcndcnts. r6.3.1 All employees that havc Dcntal Plan "A" and Vision Plan "EXT" through Washington Tcamsters Wclfarc Trust must mect rhe eligibility threshold and bc compensated lor at lcast forty (40) hours per month to qualify for thc abovc bcnelits as per thc Trusts opcrating guidclines. If the employce docs not mcct thc eligibility rcquircment, thcn lhey orc nol cntitlccl to lhc bencfits or altcrnalive compcnsalion for thc same. r6.4 MEDICAL BENEFITS FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - Subject to thc remaining lerms of this Articlc 16, for part-limc cmployecs hircd after Deccmbcr 9, 1996 the Employcr will pay 50% of thc mcdical insurancc premium as spccificd above for thc employec only if thc cmployce elccts to pay 507o of thc premium by payroll deduction. Thc cmploycc may elect to purchase medical insurance coverage for their spousc ond/or depcndents at their own cxpensc by payroll deduction. !6.5 t6.6 r6.6. r r6.7 Thc Employer sholl have the right to changc thc health and welfarc insurancc company and/or plan so long as thc medical premium impacts to the cmploycc are cosl ncutrul and the bcnefits in the new plan are subsranrially thc same as thc bcnelits in thc plan in effect at thc timc thc plan changc is to bc implemcnted. Thc tcrm "cosl neutral" is to be uscd in the conlexl of employcc monthly mcdical prcmiums. Employec mcdical prcmium amounts lrc listed in Appcndix B of this Agrcemcnt, which arc cxpressed as fixcd dollar smounts for 2019 and a pcrccntagc to bc applied in 2O2O and 2021. "Cos[ neulral" me:rns that the cmploycc mcdical prcmiurns will not bc increascd abovc thc fixcd amounts that would havc bcen calculatcd undcr the prcvious plan's allocation in thc cvcnt thc City clccts to changc hcalth and wclfarc insurancc plans or companies Futl-timc cmployccs shall bc rcsponsible for paying a portion of thc total monthly prcmium for thc subject medical plan by payroll dcduction. Sce Appcndix B Thc partics acknowlcdgc the Employr:r's current hcalth and welfare plans. Providcd, howevcr, if the total cost of monrhly premiums lor said plans incrcasc by morc than twcnty-fivc pcrccnt (25Vo), thc parties shall meel and confcr. The Employcr and thc Union each reserve the right to reopen ncgoliatiors relating to hcalth carc o bargain over thc impact of any changes to Articlc 16 of this Agrcemenl, whcther such changes are necessitated by thc requirements of the Affordablc Care Act, or any changes therelo, or otherwisc. If an cligible tull time employee elccts to waivc the Employcr mcdical coverage as provided in this Articlc t6 and the relatcd insurance companics involved allow for such practace, thc employee shall be compensBred five hundred dollars ($500) as a contribution to be dctermincd as either a cash payment or a contribution to a HRA /EBA account per month through thc payroll process os a cost savings inccntivc. This cost s"rvings incentive is only payabte for those full months wherc the employec elects to waivc coverage.. Employees who participate may nol be eligiblc lo return to medical coverage unlil oPcn cnrollment pcriods as outlined by the insurance carrier. Enrollment and eligibility for the Medical Inccntive Program is subject to thc totat program max limit set at I 2 parricipants city widc for thc AWC sponsored health plans for 201 9-2021. AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January I , 2019 - Ehcember 3l ,2OZl City Employccs currently in thc program will continuc to remain unlcss thcy opt out. In thc cvcnt, in an open enrollmcnt period, thc numbcr of potcntial cnrollecs cxcecds the availablc capacity, thcrc will bc a lottery for thc availablc spots. Participans will not be unenrolled from thcir mcdical plan for the Mcdical Cost Savings until the City has vcrificd that thc cmploycc is eligiblc lo parlicipalc in the Medical Incentive Cost Saving.s program. ARTICLE I7............. NO REDUCTION IN BENEFITS No ordinance granling any cmployce a bcncfit shall be changed during thc tcrm of thc Agrccmcnt which woutd rcducc thc bcnefits lo lhc cmployees for thc duration of this Agreemcnt. t7.l ARTICLE I 8,................... UNIFORM ALLOWANCE l8.l Uniform Allowance for Policc Support Stoff: 18.2 The Employcr will rcplace nll items of uniform as dcemed necessary by thc policc chicf. Shocs arc not included. Employecs must submit to thc Employcr's decisions. 18.3 The cntire cost of uniform itcms, exccpt shocs, is to bc rcimburscd to a ncwly hired policc support staff mcmbcr upon appointmcnt. 18.4 All clothing and equipment so furnished shall remain the Employcr's propcrty. 18.5 Managcment rctains thc right to dctermine what, if any unilorms arc worn. ARTICLE I9.... SAVINGS CLAUSE l9.l Should any provisions of this Agrecment be found to bc in violation of any fcdcral or slalc law, ordcclarcd invalicl by a court action, all othcr provisions of this Agrcemcnt shall remain in full forcc and cffcct for the duration of this Agrecmcnt. Thc Employer and thc Union agree that any invalid provision of this Agrcemcnt shall bc modilrcd through collcctive bargaining prior lo the expiration of this Agrccmcnt. All languagc in this Agrcement will rcmain thc same from ycar lo year unlcss eithcr party lo thr: Agrccment ncgotiates a changc in thc curcnl language. ARTICLE 20 NO STRIKE CLAUSE 20.1 Per RCW 41.56.120, public cmployces arc not pcrmitted thc right to strike or rclusc to pcrform hiVher ussigncd dutics, and Local #589 shall so counsel its mcmbers. 20.2 Any cmployee violating this articlc shall be subject to immedialc discharge or other disciplinary action as dctcrmincd appropriatc. ARTICLE 2I NEGOTIATION NOTIFICATION 2l.l This Agreement shall bccome cflective when signed by both the Union and the Employcr and remain in full force and effect from January t, 2019 through Deccmber 1l,2OZl. Should either party to this Agrccment wish to commence collectivc bargaining discussion over any changes they wish to introduce into a subscquent agreement, it is agreed that notice of such parly's dcsire to open collcctivc bargaining discussion shall be mailed to thc othcr party not morc lhan one hundred and cighty ( 180) days or less than AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January l, 2019 - Dccember 3l, 2021 City PAGE I3 OF I9 onc hundrcd and tifty (t50) days prior to the termination date of thc Agrccment, and all cfforts will be made to complcte ncgoliations no later than thirty (30) days prior to thc tcrmination datc. Both partie-s, alter such notice has bccn givcn, shall forthwith seek cstablishment of a mceting for thc purpose of discussion and ncgotiation of desired changcs. 2t.2 In the cvcnt lhat neithsr party providcs such noticc within the time pcriod staled hcrcin, the provisions of this contract shall rcmain in elfcct after Deccmbcr 3 l,2O2l for a pcriod of onc ( I ) year. ARTICLE 22 POLICIES lntcntionally lcft blank. ARTICLE 21,..... LECALITY lntentionally lcft blank ARTICLE 24,.,.,.,,.,.,........ INTERVIEW CUI DELINES 24,1 To ensurc intcrnal investigations arc conductcd in a manncr cooducivc lo good order and discipline, and also obscrve and protcct thc individual right.s of cach mcmbcr of thc Dcpartmcnt, thc lollowing rulcs are hcrcby cstablishcd: 24.2 Thc intervicw of any policc departnrcnt mcmbcr shall bc conductcd al 0 reasonable hour, prefcrably when the mcmbcr is on duty and/or cluring daylighr hours, unless the urgcncy of thc invcstigation dictatcs otherwise. If such intcrview occurs during off-duty timc o[ the mcmber bcing inlcrvicwcd, thc mcmber shall bc compcnsalcd for thcir off-duty timc in accordancc with call back scction. 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 Thc inrcrvicw shall takc place at a location dcsignatcd by thc invcstigution ofliccr, prcfcrabty at thc Policc Department, A mcmber of thc Policc Dcpartment shall bc adviscd in writing in thc cvent that pcrson bccomcs tr suspect in an adminisrrative invcstigation. Thc membcr bcing intervicwed shall be informed of the naturc of thc investigation, and namc of all complaining partics bcfore the intcrvicw commcnccs. Thc member bcing inrervicwed shall be aflordcd an opportunity and the necessary facilities lo conlacl an attorncy prior to commenccment of the intervicw. Thc member's altorncy and/or rcprcsentativc of thc Union may be prcscnt during thc intervicw. Nothing herein shall in any way restrict the rights of the attorney and/or rcprcscnlativc with thc employcc during the process oI thc intervicw. The interview shalt be conducted in thc most expedient manncr consislcnt with the .scoPe and gravity of the subjcct mattcr o[ the intcrview. Thc member shall be permitted rcasonable pcriods to attend to personal ncccssitics. The membcr shall not bc subjcctcd to offensivc language or intimidotion during thc process of the intcrvicw. No promiscs or rewards shall be madc to lhc said employec as an induccmenl to answcring questions. When the mcmber is being inlerviewcd in a non-criminal matter for violation of dcpartmental rulcs, rcgulations, or orders, that member shall answer truthfully all questions concerning thc invcstigotion posed tohim/her by the interviewing officer. When the member refuscs lo answer such questions, they will hc informccl thot their rcfusat to answer can bccome the subjcct for disciplinary action in accordance with department policy govcrni ng discipli nary aclion. AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 Januory l, 2019 - Dccember 3l ,2021 City PAGE 14 OF I 24.8 24.9 24.t0 24.n A membcr covcrcd by this Agrccment shall not bc rcquircd to take a lie dctector lcsl. or voice strcss analysis os parl of the intcrvicw process. Nothing containcd in any of thc abovc guidclincs shall rcstrict ond/or limit the aulhority of thc policc chicl in thc pcrformancc of his/hcr dutics and responsibilities. No tape rccording will bc madc of the intcrview without prior adviscment. Thcrc will be no off-thc-rccord qucstions during a rccordcd interview unless both partics agrce. If a tape recording is madc of the intervicw, the membcr shall bc providcd a copy, if rcqucsted, without cosl. Whcn the mcmbcr be ing intcrviewed is under arrcst, or is likely to bc placcd under arresl as a rcsult of the intcrvicw, rhat pcrson shall be informed of their Constitutional Rights (Miranda) prior to commcnccmcnt of thc intcrvicw. Thc mcmbcr may rcquest a postponemenl of thc initial inlcrvicw lo contact an altorncy. The intcrview may not bc postponcd more than twcnty-four (24) hours with allowances being madc for weckends and holidays. ARTICLE 25 .................... SHOP STEWARDS Intentionally lc ft blank. ARTTCLE 26.................... MISCELLANEOUS Intentionally lcft blank. ARTICLE 27 ..,..,,,,,.,......,. TEMPORARY EM PLOY MENT Intsntionally lcft blank. ARTICLE 28 .................... TRAINING AND EDUCATION 28. I Policc Support Staff shall bc cligiblc to rcceivc thc cducational inccntive pay of % of basc Pay per hour. Thc staff mcmbcr must: ( l) Have an associatc degrec from an accrcditcd collcgc or university in an eligiblc course of study; or To rcceivc thc educational incentive pay of 2% o[ base pay per hour, thc Policc Support Staff membcr must: (2) Have a bachelor's degrec lrom an accrcdited collcge or univcrsity in an etigiblc course of study. Thc mcmbcr must providc an official transcript and diploma. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY OF PORT ORCHARD ser rheir hands on rhis tllrrary ot 20fltltlllll,,ttt, RPOR 4 LOCAL SEAL ROBERT PMAANSUU, MAYOR ACREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT ll CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January 1.2019 - DcccmbcrS ,2O21 FU City a g' BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVEa B ATTEST: City Clcrk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Catcs, City AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/IEAMSTERS #589 January l, 2019 - DccemberSl,2O2l APPENDIX "A" TO THE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN CITY OF PORT ORCHARD AND TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589 (Representing the Police Support Staffl January l,2Ol9 through December 3I,2021 Rates of pay shall be as follows: For Fiscal Year 2Ol9 the new rates shall go into effect January 23,2019. For Fiscal Year 2O2O and 2021 the new rates shall go into effect January I of the pay rate year. The 2020 and 2O2l rates listed below reflect a 257o increase over the previous year's wage rates. ce nager S 7 6 ps ans 5 years 4 vears 201 9 35 8E 34 8! n20 36 78 35 70 2@1 37 70 36 50 a 3 vears 33 81 34 66 35 e3 4 2 years 32 83 33 65 34.49 3 1 yearc 31 8E 32 68 33 50 ?ft nonths 30 94 31 71 32 50 I .Starting PaV 30 04 30 79 31 56 Pol cc ord+Enidcnca S a t Scps Ibars 2019 2020 2@1 7 5 vears 2E 81 27 48 28 17 6 4 veans 26 0Z ?667 ?7 U b 3 vears 2b2t 2b 90 ZE bo 4 2 vears 24 5?2514 ?5 n 3 1 years 2382 24 42 25 03 2 6 nonths 23 1?2371 24 30 1 Starting Pay 22 4E 2302 n 60 ACREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January 1,2019 - DcccmberSl,2O2l City APPENDIX ''B'' TO THE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN CITY OF PORT ORCHARD AND TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589 (Representing the Police Support Staff Employees) Medica Benefits for Ful Tirne Employees: Employee Premiums for AWC Health First 250 and Kaiser Permrnente Full-timc cmployees shall bc rcsponsible for paying a portion of thc total monthly premium for thc subjcct mcdical plan by payroll dcduction. The employees'share of thc monthly prcmium shall bc based on a numeric percentage of thc total cost of thc monthly premium for thc subjcct plan (including the cost to insure dcpendcnts, if opplicablc). Thc monthly dollar amount cmployees are rcquired to pay for cach of thc subject medical plans will be calculatcd using thc employcc prcmium perccnlage (as rcprcscntcd by thc table) multiplicd by the mcdical prcmium per year: 2010 Employco Pnmlum ItHonth 2019 Enploycr Pnmlum % 2020 Employca Pomlum cr6 2021 Employce Frcmlum 96 Employee only $s9.40 8q6 9%1oq6 Employee cnd Spouse $119.41 8%9%1096 Employee and Spurse and 1 Depandent $146 9s 896 995 1096 Employee end Spouse end 2 Dependent +0173 s7 8%995 10% Employee and 1 Dependent $88 99 8%9%10% Employee and 2 [bpendents $113 41 896 996 10% Employee and 3 Oependents s113 41 8q6 99r 1096 Kalrcr Pcrmancntr $20 copry6200 dcductbla 201e Employcc Pnmlun $lHontt 2019 Employcc Prumlum % 2020 Emplrycc Pnmlum % 2021 Employrr Prrmlum % Employee only $48 62 816 9q6 10q6 Employea and Spouse $96 44 896 9%100t Employee and Spouse and I Dependent $120 84 896 9%1oq6 Employae end Spouse and 2 Dependent +$145 23 896 9%10q6 Ernployee and 1 Dapendent $73 02 8%9%10% Employee end 2 Dependents $97 42 8%9%10% Employee and 3 Dependents $s7 42 8%9%t0% AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARD/TEAMSTERS #589 January I , 2019 - Dccembcr 3 l, 202 I City AWC llcrlth Flril 250 Well City Incentivc Program: For those full-time cligible cmployees who arc offercd and enroll in the AWC Health First 250 or Kaiser Pcrmanenle plans: Thc Ciry participates in thc AWC Wclt City Wcllncss Program. Each year AWC awards a discount off mcdical prcmiums for cities that participatc and reccivc the Wcllncss Award. Thc City cncourages employecs to participate in wcllness activity throughout the ycar to promotc health and wcllncss. Thosc cmployecs who are cnrolled in the AWC Health First 250 or Kaiser Pcrrnanente plans during January I st of thc awarded year will bc cligiblc for a wellness inccntive bonus to bc deposited to their established HRANEBA accounts. I[ an employcc doesn't have an HRAA/EBA account already establishcd, thc employer sha!l cstablish and cnroll said cmploycc in an HRAf/EBA of thc City's choosing. Thc cmployec shall be rcsponsible for all fces charged by HRAI/EBA for his/hcr respectivc account. Thc cmployer shall deposit $100 for eoch cligible employee as dcscribcd above on an annual basis. AGREEMENT (POLICE SUPPORT STAFF) CITY OF PORT ORCHARDMAMSTERS #589 January l, 2019 - Dccember 3 I , 202 I PAGE 19 OF 19 NOTICE OF CITY OF PORT ORCHARD ORDINANCE The following is a summary of an Ordinance approved by the Port Orchard City Council at their regular Council meeting held January 22, 2019. ORDINANCE NO. 004-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, RATIFYING A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589 REPRESENTING THE POLICE SUPPORT STAFF EMPLOYEES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PUBLICATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of Ordinance No. 004-19 are available for review at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Port Orchard. Upon written request, a statement of the full text of the Ordinance will be mailed to any interested person without charge. Thirty days after publication, copies of Ordinance No. 004-19 will be provided at a nominal charge. City of Port Orchard Brandy Rinearson City Clerk Published: Friday, January 22, 2019