026-19 - Ordinance - Revising Ord 010-19 and Clarifying Benefits for Non-Union EmployeesoRDtNANCE NO.025-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, REVISING ORDINANCE NO. O1O-19 AND CTARIFYING BENEFITS OFFERED FOR NON-UNION EMPLOYEES; PROV|DING FOR SEVERABIUTY AND PUBIICATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTTVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Port Orchard has established certain employment benefits for non-union employees; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the importance of a healthy workforce and encourages all employees to participate in the City's wellness efforts; and WHEREAS, the Well City incentive benefit, adopted as Appendix "A" of Ordinance No.010-19 excluded part-time employees; and WHEREAS, Section 2 and the title of Appendix "A" of Ordinance No.010-19 inadvertently excluded FLSA Exempt employees under classifications other than "Executive"; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that Appendix "A" of Ordinance No. 010-19 would benefit from some clarification; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I' Section 2 ofOrdinance No. 010-19 shall be revised for clarification of intent to read: Effective March 17, 2019 the rates of pay for all non-union employees shall be increased by one and five hundredths percent (1.05%). SECTION 2. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-19 is repealed and all benefits listed in Appendix A, attached, will be effective for all non-union employees upon the effective date ofthis ordinance as provided for in Section 6. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall not change or limit other benefits not listed that covered employees currently have through their employment with the City. sEcTtoN 4.Severabilitv. lf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be unconstitutional or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Ordinance No. 026-19 Page 2 of 5 SECTION 5.Publication. This Ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. SECTION 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect five days after publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 23 day of July 2019. =.\w.--a/-'-., \'p"r, ATTEST: SEAL Robert Putaansu u, Mayor SPONSOR: r n ea rson, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM nCl a uson, Councilmember tL< Sharon Cates, City Attorney PUBLISHED: August 2, 2019 EFFECTIVE DATE: August 7, 2019 F\, \SY Ordinance No. 026-19 Page 3 of 5 APPENDIX ''A'' NON-LINION EMPLOYEES Medicol Benejits: MEDICAL BENEFITS FoR PART-TIME EMPLoyEES -parr-tinre employees. as dellned in personncl policies. the Employer will pa1- 50% olthc medical insurance premium fbr the enrployee only ifthe employee elects to pay 50% ofthe premium by payroll deduction. The employee tnal'elect to purchase medical insurance co\/erage tbr their spouse and/or dependents at their own expense by payroll deduction. If arr eligible lirll-time employee. as deflned in personnel policies. elects to waive the Employer n.rcdical coverage as provided for in the city's personnel policies. the employee shall be conlpensated Five hundred dollars ($500) as a contribution to be determined as either a cash payment or a contribution to a HRA/VIIBA accounl per monrh (as determined by the applicable aft'ected group) lhrough the payroll process as a cost savings incentivi. This cost savings incentive is only payable lbr those full months where the.rnploy.. elects to waive coverage. trmployees who participate may not be eligible to retum to medical coverage until open enrollment periods as outlined by tlre insurance carricr. An cligible employee. for purposes of this paragraph, means a full-tine employee. Enrollment and eligibility fbr the Medical Incentive program is subject to the total program max limit set at I 2 parricipants city wide lbr the AWC sponsored health plans for 2bl9-. Each year thereafter the City will determine the total program rnax limir and adjust appropriately. Employees curently in the prograrr will continue to remain unless lhey opt out. In the event. in an open enrollment period. the number ofpotential enrollees exceeds the available capacity, there will be a lottery lor the available spots. Participants will not be unenrolled from their medical plan for the Medical cost Savings until the city has verified that the employee is eligible to participate in the Medical lncentive Cost Savings program. Ordinance No. 026-19 Page 4 of 5 HRA VEBA: For those full+ime. as defined in personnel policies, eligibte employees who are offered and enroll in the AWC llealth F'irst 250 or Kaiser Permanente plans: The employer shall establish and enroll employees in an HRA/VEBA account starting with their first covered month. 'l'he employee shall be responsible for all fees charged by t IRA/vEBA for his/her respective account. The employer shall deposit for those employees that meet the criteria above. on a monthly basis. amounts as established below: Kaiser Permanente $20 Co-ptl/S200 Deductible 201 9 2020 2021 Employee Only Emp/Spouse Employee Spouse / I Dependent Employee Spouse / 2 Dependent + Enrployee and I Dependent Employee and 2 Dependents Erl lo and 3 D endcnts $20 $3s $3s $40 $10 $10 0 $25 $45 $s0 $60 $20 $20 $10 $30 $60 $6s $80 $30 $30 $20 Wcll City Inccntivc Program: For those eligible employees who are offered and enroll in the AWC Heatth First 250 or Kaiser Permanente plans: The city participates in the AWC well city wellness progranr. Each year AWC awards a discounl off medical premiums for cities that pa(icipate and receive the wellness Award. The City encourages employees to participate in wellness activity thr.oughout the year to promote health and wellness. Those employees who are enrolled in the AWC Health First 25b or Kaiser Permanente plans during January lst ofthe awarded year will be eligible for a wellness incentive bonus to be deposited to their established HRA/vEBA accounrs. If an employee doesn,t have an HRA/VEBA aocount already established. the employer shall establish and enroll said employee in an HRA/VEBA of the City's choosing. The employee shall be responsible lor all fees charged by HRA/VEBA for his/her respectivc account. The employer shall deposit $ I 00 for each eligible employee as described above on an annual basis. VEBA Contributions (r nronth Health First 250 201<)2020 2021 Employee Only Emp/Spouse Enrployee Spouse / IDependent Employee Spouse / 2 Dependent + Employee and I Dependent Enrployee and 2 Dependents Enr ndcntsloand 3 [) $rs $2s $3s $40 0 0 0 $2s $40 $ss $60 $10 $ls $ls $3s $5s $7s $80 $20 $i0 $30 I Employee Premiums for AWC Heolth Firsl 250 and Koiser Pernranente full-limc cmployecs as dcfined in thc Cily s pcrsonnel policies shall hc rcsponsiblc lbr paying a portion ol thc total m(,nllrl) prcmium lbrthesuhiccl mcdical planb) palroll dcduclion. I hc crn plol ccs' sharc ()l'thc month l) prcmium shall hc bascci on a numcric pcrccntage oflhc total cost ol thc monthll prcmium li)r Ihc subiccl plan (including thc cosl 1o insurc dcpendcnts. il'applioahlc). lhc rnonthly dollar amount cmployccs arc rcquircd l() pa) li)r cach ol'the suhiect mcdical planswilt be calculatccl using lhc cmpltr;"ee prcmium perccntagc (as reprcscnlcd by thc lahlc) multinlied bl the rlcdical premium pcr ycal: 'I-hc ( ity rcscrvcs llrc right to incrcase the cnrploycc's sharc ol'thc cost lor hcallh insuroncc as dctcnnincd approtlriatc in its discrcti()n. Employees working less than 30 hours a week will share in the cost oftheir insurance in accordance with the Citv's personnel policies. 20t 9 |.mplo\ cc Prcmium S/llonth zlltl) l-oplolce l'rcmium 70 2020 [,mpb) cc Prcmium 70 .\\l ( ll(hkh lrilltr 2a0 202t Emplo!cc Prcmium 7o lioo 559..16 slll.lr $ l l]..1t 13," 8ili, lJ" "990 nl -tInrl)l(,)cc and I l)cpcndc lo alrl linr lor cc onlr s po( l:rrr tlor l,t(l Spo[sc and 2 l)cpcndcnt - $ 9.ll x Hli.95 llnh It9h li plo)ee and.i l)epcndcrts $r73.37 $8&et 990 99n: l)cfcndcnls t00/o to,/" I)q'o 1 0",, l(It, Kaiscr l'i}rfl ancnlc S20 coDar-/S2(l(l dcductihlc 20t9 l',mph)cc l'rcmium S/llonth 2019 i-mplotce l'remium 7o 2020 limplorce I'rcmium'7" 2n2t llmpkrlec Premium 70 I -+-- $,1r1.62 It9lr $97.{l ll9?,l0e; lio; It't/o 99i, lto,n 8.. lo\cc aDd Spousc and 2l)cFcndcnt - l:nl l-.nlflo\cc and S I I l)cf,cndcnl k^ cc arrJ I l)cpcnr.lrnt and .1 I)e u\ l:tl ot ce onlr, Spou:,ct.lln (l Io(ln l:nll)lo\cc and 2 [)cpc't(lcnts 1(l,,, $2!iJ $ r20.84 \ r 15. t.l !7 r '01 \97 1l 109/o l0o/o l0ozi, tUt/; NOTICE OF CIW OF PORT ORCHARD ORDINANCE The following is a summary of an Ordinance approved by the Port Orchard City Council at their regular Council meeting held July 23, 2019. oRDTNANCE NO.026-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIW OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, REVISING ORDINANCE NO. O10-19 AND CIARIFYING BENEFITS OFFERED FOR NON-UNION EMPTOYEES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PUBLICATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of Ordinance No. 026-19 are available for review at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Port Orchard. Upon written request, a statement of the full text of the Ordinance will be mailed to any interested person without charge. Thirty days after publication, copies of Ordinance No. 026-19 will be provided at a nominal charge. City oI Port Orchard Brandy Rinearson City Clerk Published: Friday, August 2,2019