041-19 - Ordinance - Change in FTE, Adopt Job Description and Salary Scale and MOU with Teamsters Local 589 for PoliceoRDTNANCE NO. 041-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASH NGTON, TO APPROVE A CHANGE N FTE COUNT FOR THE POt CE RECORDS EV DENCE sPEc ALIST FROM 3.25 To 2.7; ADOPT A JoB DESCRIPT oN AND SATARY SCALE FOR A NEW 0.55 FTE COURT SECURITY OFF CER; AND APPROVE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTAND NG W TH TEAMSTERS LOCAL #589 TO MOVE A CURRENT EMPLOYEE FROM PART.TIME TO FULL. T ME PoL cE REcoRDs Ev DENCE SPECIAUST; pRov D|NG FoR SEVERAB LITY AND PUBL CAT ON; AND SETT NG AN EFFECT VE DATE. WHEREAS, the current workload and a recent shift of responsibilities in the police department requires additional employee hours in the Administrative Services Division; and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police and the Court Administrator recently conducted a security audit of the courtroom and determined that one officer is not sufficient to accomplish these tasks and keep the public, the court, and the judge safe; and WHEREAS, the City's 2OL9-2O20 Biennial budget supports the conversion of a current part-time Police Records Evidence Specialist job classification to a full time position; and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police has reviewed the organizationat structure, skitl sets, and capabilities of his current staff and requests a realtocation of hours in the department, as well as the creation of a new court security officer position; and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police has identified a current part-time (30 hour per week) police Records Evidence Specialist employee who is interested and wilting to convert to a full-time (40 hour per week) Police Records Evidence specialist position; and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police identified a current 20 hour per week Police Records Evidence Specialist employee who is interested and willing to convert to a 28 hours per week Police Records Evidence Specialist position; and WHEREAS, Teamsters Local #589 has agreed with the City's ptan to convert the current part-time (30-hour) employee in the Police Records Evidence Specialist position to a full-time (40 hour) Police Records Evidence Speciatist position without utitizing the testing process provided for in the City's civil service rutes; and WHEREAS, there is no change to the established rate of pay for the Police Records Evidence Specialist positions; and Ordinance No. 041-19 Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, a pay rate and job description for a Court Security Officer has been proposed; and WHEREAS, the changes referenced above will mean the Police Records Evidence Specialist FTE count is reduced from 3.25 FTE to 2.7O FTE; and WHEREAS, the changes referenced above will mean the Court Security Officer FTE count is established at a 0.55 FTE; and WHEREAS, the changes referenced above can be absorbed within the Police Department's 20L9-2O20 biennial budget authority for the reallocation and new position; now, therefore, THE C TY COUNC L OF THE C TY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASH NGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: The City Council hereby authorizes the conversion of a current part-time (30 hour per week) Police Records Evidence Specialist position to a full-time (a0 hour per week) Police Records Evidence Specialist position, and approves the execution of the Memorandum of Understanding with Teamsters Local #589 related thereto, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECT ON 2. The City Council hereby authorizes the Police Department to convert a 20 hour per week Police Records Evidence Specialist position to a 28 hour per week Police Records Evidence Specialist position. SECTION 3. The Ci ty Council hereby creates a 0.55 FTE position titled Court Security Officer, approves the job description therefor, which is attached hereto as Exhibit B, and approves the salary range set forth in Exhibit C. SECT ON 4. The C ity Council hereby removes the prior L.0 FTE Records Evidence Specialist authorized during the 2OL9-2O20 Budget process with the changes reftected above sEcTtoN 5.Severabilitv. lf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be unconstitutional or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shal! not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. N 5. Publication.This ordinance shall be published by an approved summary consisting of the title. SECT ON 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in futl force and effect SE five days after publication, as provided by law. Ordinance No. O4L-L9 Page 3 of 3 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, APPROVED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 8th day of October 2OL9. ATTEST:SPONSOR: rand rson, MMC, City Clerk ohn C!auson,Cou ncilmem ber APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cates, City Attorney PU BLISH ED: EFFECTIVE DATE: October L8,2OL9 October 23,20L9 Memorandum of Understanding Amended to the AGREEMENT by and between CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON and TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589 (Representing the Police Support Staff) dated January l, 201 9 through December 3 l, 2021 THIS AMENDMENT is supplemental to the AGREEMENT by and between the CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON (the "City") and the TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 589 (the "Teamsters") (representing the Police Support Staff), dated January l, 2019 through December 31 ,2021. WHEREAS, Police Evidence Records Specialists are represented by the Teamsters Local No. 589; and WHEREAS, full-time positions of Police Evidence Records Specialists fall under the Civil Service Rules required by Chapter 41.12 RCW; and WHEREAS, the Washington Court of Appeals has determined, in City of Spokane and the Spokane Police Guild v. Spokane Civil Service, gS Wn. App. 574,989 P.2d 1245 (1999), that provisions of collective bargaining agreements prevail over civil service rules; and WHEREAS, the City desires to add additional hours to a part-time position, currently a 30 hour per week position, making it full-tim e at 40 hours per week; and WHEREAS, the City and the Teamsters agree that it is in the best interests of both parties to allow the conversion of this part-time position to full-time without requiring civil service testing; NOW THEREFORE, the City and the Teamsters have entered into this Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") to memorialize the following agreement: The parties agree that the employee currently holding the 30 hour per week position of police Evidence Records Specialist will be moved to a 40 hour per week (full-time) position effective with the execution of this MOU. The parties further agree that all other terms and conditions set forth in the current CBA will remain in full force and effect through December 3 1 , 2021 . The parties further agree that the purpose of this MOU is to deal with a unique set of circumstances that pertain only to this employee. The City and the Teamsters agree that there are no other members in the bargaining unit in a similar circumstance and that this MOU does not constitute a precedent for any future situation that may arise. MS LOCAL NO. 589 ltCITY OF' PORT ORCHARD \lltll ORlt' T a bo rl.P O H 4 Robert Driskell, Business Robert Pu SE,At /o DateDate ZL Representative Page I of I b Mayor [,yA a e IY FP R H Job Til e Court Security Officer FLSA Non-exempt Deportment Police Deportment Civil Service Yes, if full-time Reporls To Police Sergeont Union Non-union Revisions October 2019 Work hours Port or Full Time Jos DrscRrPTroN Purpose This is o responsible speciol commission civilion low enforcement clossificotion thot requires o voriety of low enforcement duties, initiotive, independent judgment, ond enthusiosm. The Court Security Officer must positively interoct with community members ond professionols from other government ogencies. Genero Funclion The employee's duties include court fronsport ond security. The position reports directly to the Police Sergeont ond interocts with other deportments. This is o non-supervisory position. Essenlio Job Functions This job description reflects generol detoils os necessory to describe the principol functions of the job, the level of knowledge ond skill typicolly required, ond the scope of responsibility, but should not be considered on oll-inclusive listing of work requirements. lndividuols moy perform other duties os ossigned, including working in other functionol oreos to cover obsences or relief, to equolize peok work periods, or to otherwise bolonce the worklood.o Serves os on ormed officer within the court providing security to the court, the judge, other employees, ond the public. Escort ond remoin with restroined prisoners in the courtroom. Toke individuols into custody when ordered by the municipol court judge. Ensure the completion ond delivery of reloted prisoner poperwork.. Tronsfer ond tronsport municipol court prisoners between the municipol court ond correctiono! focilities occording to estoblished procedures. . Complete required reports, offidovits, logs ond forms on o doily bosis. JOB DESCRIPIION: Court Security Officer October 2019 Poge I of3 While requirements moy be representotive of minimum levels of knowledge, skill, ond obility, to perform this job successfully the incumbent will possess the obilities or optitudes to perform eoch duty proficiently. . Work independently ond moke oppropriole decisions regording the methods ond priorities of enforcement.. Sofely operote police vehicles. o Communicote effectively with city stoff ond the generol public, including hostile persons ond people in stressful situotions. Verbolly present ideos ond informotion in o cleor ond concise monner.. Work under limited supervision ond use independent judgment. Foster cooperotive work relotionships with those individuols contocted in the performonce of required duties.. Prepore legible ond occurote written reports.o Exercises discretion in reguloting doily oclivities ond in using limited enforcement powers. . Understond ond comply with oll police deportment policies ond procedures os well os locol, stote, ond federol low.. Knowledge on operotion of office equipment including computers ond vorious softwore opplicotions.o Quolify with Deportment fireorm ond ottend reloted troining.. Operote o motor vehicle ond provide effective ond proper prisoner security ond movement.. lnterpret federol, stote, county, ond city Iows ond regulotions.. Recognize public ond personol sofety ond heolth hozords.. Work vorious hours os required.. Certified in first oid, CPR, ond the Automoted Externo! Defibrillotor, or become so ofter employment. The Court Security Officer will hove extensive contoct with citizens of the community, vorious city deportments ond their personnel, low enforcement, ond court personnel. The employee will comply with oll police deportment policies, procedures, ond directives including the Police Code of Ethics. The Court Security Officer moy either work indoors or outdoors os required. Outdoor work environment requires the operolion of o motor vehicle ond wolking, bending, stooping, reoching, ond of times running moy be required. Some locol ond in-stote trovel moy be required. The employee moy be exposed to extremes in temperoture, noxious fumes, ond Ioud noises. Courtroom work moy involve prolonged periods of stonding, toking suspects into custody, physicol oltercotions, ond deoling with upset or potentiolly violent people. This employee is required to weor o Court Security Officer uniform. JOB DESCRIPIION: Court Security Officer October 2019 Poge 2 of 3 . Able to wolk, bend, stoop, reoch, ond run.. Able to porticipote in defensive toctics ond defend persons ond property when necessory. Able to work outdoors in inclement weother ond vorious temperotures.o Able to stond for prolonged periods of time. Minimum uirements. High School diplomo or GED.. Must be 2l yeors of oge of the time of opplicotion.. Be o United Stotes citizen or legol permonent resident.. Write ond speok English fluently.. Volid Woshington driver's license or obility to obtoin one prior to employment.. Must hove or ocquire within one yeor of hiring ony mondotory troining required by the City ond/or Stote.. An exemplory driving record.o Must be bondoble.. Successfully poss o thorough bockground investigotion including polygroph, psychologicol, pre-employment drug test ond medicol exominotion. . College-level coursework in Criminol Justice, Sociology, or reloted field.. Two yeors of progressively responsible customer service experience.. Groduote of certified full time or reserve ocodemy. Experience in low enforcement or ony equivolent combinotion of educotion, troining, ond experience thot provides the knowledge, skills, ond obilities to perform the work. The City moy consider ony combinotion of experience ond troining thot provides the desired skills, knowledge ond obilities. Requirements outlined in this job description moy be subject to modificotion to reosonobly occommodote individuols with disobilities who ore otherwise quolified for employment in this position. However, the City moy be unoble to hire on individuol with o disobility if the disobility poses o significont threot of substontiol horm to the heolth ond sofety of the individuol o his/her coworkers, ond the threot connot be eliminoted with reosonoble occommodotion. This job description does not constitute on employment ogreement between the Employer ond employee ond is subject to chonge os the needs of the Employer ond requirements of the job chonge. JOB DESCRIPIION: Court Security Officer October 20l9 Poge 3 of 3 Exhibit C Court Secu Officer Hourly Pay Rate After 5 Yrs 23.19 22.63After 4 yrs After 3 yrs 22.08 After 2 yrs 21.54 After I yr 21.01 20.s0After 6 mos First 6 mos 20.00 NOTICE OF CITY OF PORT ORCHARD ORDINANCE The following is a summary of an Ordinance approved by the Port Orchard City Council at their regular Council meeting held October 8, 2019. ORDINANCE NO. 041-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, TO APPROVE A CHANGE IN FTE COUNT FOR THE POLICE RECORDS EVIDENCE SPECIALIST FROM 3.25 TO 2.7; ADOPT A JOB DESCRIPTION AND SALARY SCALE FOR A NEW 0.55 FTE COURT SECURITY OFFICER; AND APPROVE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH TEAMSTERS LOCAL #589 TO MOVE A CURRENT EMPLOYEE FROM PART- TIME TO FULL-TIME POLICE RECORDS EVIDENCE SPECIALIST; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PUBLICATION; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Copies of Ordinance No. 041-19 are available for review at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Port Orchard. Upon written request, a statement of the full text of the Ordinance will be mailed to any interested person without charge. Thirty days after publication, copies of Ordinance No. 041-19 will be provided at a nominal charge. City of Port Orchard Brandy Rinearson City Clerk Published: Friday, October 18, 2019