11/16/2015 - AgendaCity of Port Orchard Festival of Chimes and Lights Committee Agenda Monday, November 16, 2015 @ 3:30 PM at City Hall Chair: Cindy Lucarelli, clucarelli@cityofportorchard.us, (608) 347-7508 AGENDA CHIMES AND LIGHTS MEETING: Theme-A Dickens of A Christmas Tree Lighter - Sound System-Gordon Sound Systems-Approved Public Event Application-Approved Advertising-Confirmed Organizations/contributions for 2015 C&L Festival: Arthritis Foundation-Jingle Bell Run POBSA - Fathoms O' Fun - Fire pits & Santa Photos Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce - Pooch N' Purr Parade Port Orchard Library - Kids Activities The Sidney Museum - Kitsap Bank- Popcorn and Cider Port Orchard Independent- The Dance Gallery - Port of Bremerton Port Orchard Marina- Decorated Boats Sinclair Inlet Yacht Club - Decorated Boat “Christmas Lane” Contest Olympic Peninsula Antique Tractor Club - Hay Rides Saints Car Club – Church Groups: Knights of Pythias-Hot Coco, Tea, and Coffee Heritage Foursqure-Chili Calvary Church- Hot Coco, Tea, and Coffee School & Church Music Groups: SKHS Marching Band EPO Elementary School Kitsap Community Choral Dragonfly Movie Theater – Public Works: Pick out Christmas tree, decorate tree, and take down decorations-Confirmed Put up City garland, wreaths, and lights-Confirmed Festival of Chimes and Lights Agenda Page 2 of 2 City Hall: Budget review and update-On target Deadline for Distribution of brochure: South Kitsap School District –Peachjar –Not participating Kitsap Bank- City utility bills-Submitted Event Application deadline- Submitted and Approved LTAC Application deadline - waiting for approval through budget Miscellaneous: Purchasing Tree-Scheduled Hauling of Tree/Setting Tree in Place-Scheduled Advertising-Scheduled Brochure printing - To printers, should be done soon Next Meeting: January 2016-TBD