05/17/2011 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of May 17, 2011 1. 7:00p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem John Clauson and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Carolyn Powers, Jerry Childs, Rob Putaansuu, Jim Colebank, and Fred Olin was present. City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Brandy Rinearson, City Attorney Greg Jacoby, Police Chief Alan Townsend, Treasurer Allan Martin, and Public Works Director Mark Dorsey were also present. 2. Discussion: Library Roof Public Works Director Dorsey provided a drawing of the proposed design of the Port Orchard Library's new roof; noting that $120,000, was allocated in the 2011 budget. He stated that the west side of the roof is structurally sound and the east side of the roof is in very good condition and should be a straight forward project; of which the City is ready to go out for bid. However, one of the elements of doing this project is redoing the Masthead over the existing power, which is the process to convert over head power lines into undergrounding. In a meeting with Puget Sound Energy (PSE) regarding the Schedule 74 Undergrounding, the City is now in a workable position and it would be in the best interest of the City to move forward with Phase I of the project, which would include six businesses. Should the City move forward with the undergrounding it will create a timing issue for installing the Masthead and the library roof. Depending upon PSE's work schedule, the City could have the Masthead done in June/July with the Library roof installed in August/September. Council Direction: Council directed Public Works Director Dorsey to provide a current list of companies that are on the Small Works Roster to the Public Properties Committee who would determine moving forward in receiving bids or select from the Small Works Roster. Councilmember Putaansuu arrived at the meeting at 7:19p.m. 3· Discussion: Code City, Mayor/Council Form of Government City Attorney Jacoby stated this was another opportunity for public to comment on whether the City should change from a Second Class City to a Code City. It is also scheduled for a public hearing at the May 24, 2011, Council meeting. Rich Peterson, Port Orchard Independent, express his support in the City changing to a Code City. In response to Councilmember Chang, City Attorney Jacoby stated there is no change in the way a Work Study Session is noticed. However, Second Class Cities are limited to what actions they can take at a Work Study Session. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. May 17, 2011, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 5 4· Presentation: Water Rates Public Works Director Dorsey and Councilmember Putaansuu provided a presentation on the proposed water rate increase, noting the following: • Operating shortfall is $2.97 per month; • Funding the Capital Improvement Program is $8.77 per month; • Rate is based on paying it over 20 years; • Total ERU is $11.74 per month or $23.48 bi-monthly; • Current bi-monthly base rate is $22.50; and • New Proposed bi-monthly base rate is $45.98. Councilmember Putaansuu voiced his support of a bare minimum increase of $3.00, but would prefer increasing $6 to the base rate now and another $6 to the base rate in three years, as the City will need to start working on its aging infrastructure and to bring its two wells online. Councilmembers voiced their support, noting: • Failure of the existing system could turn into a catastrophic problem; • Smaller, incremental increases should be looked at due to current economy; • Support for the minimum amount of $4 now and then an increase every two years; and • Support for an increase spread out over a six year period. Gil Michael read a letter from Gerry Harmon who voiced opposition to an increase in water rates, and suggested the City charge on actual usage not on a base rate. Council Direction: Council directed the Public Works Director to provide an updated presentation with the $6 base rate increase now and another $6 increase to the base rate in 3 years; and to provide the citizens with an opportunity for public testimony on this matter. 5· Discussion: Lobbyist Contract Mayor Coppola informed the Council that the Lobbyist contract will expire at the end of June and is looking for Council direction as to whether or not to continue the contract for another year. In response to Councilmember Childs, Mayor Coppola stated the lobbyist was helpful in ensuring the $950,000 made it into the Capitol Improvement budget funding, and everyone was waiting for the State to approve its biennium budget to determine if the City received a portion of that funding. Further, he explained the Lobbyist was instrumental in helping to change the planning commission terms; continues to actively work on the harbor line adjustment as well as the adjustment to the Public Facilities District in the hopes of getting funding for Port Orchard specific projects. Council Direction: Council directed Mayor Coppola to meet with the lobbyist and obtain a proposal for contracting into the next year; and rather than having the lobbyist provide a presentation, the Council would prefer a brief written report of what they accomplished for the 2010 legislative session. May 17,2011, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 5 6. Update: Public Works 2011 Project Public Works Director Dorsey presented a document outlining the Public Works Department projects scheduled for 2011; noting the following: • Total budgeting dollars relating to Public Work projects for 2011 is $3,988,900; • $215,000, is budgeted for transportation projects; • $976,ooo, is budgeted for REET related projects; • $112,000, is budgeted for City Improvement projects; • $2,459,000, is budgeted for Water-Sewer projects; • $163,900, is budgeted for Storm Drainage projects; • Provided a break-down of projects the Public Works shop are handling versus what the City is contracting out; • Partners with other local companies to achieve the most efficient way to accomplish a project; • The City hasn't embarked on this of an aggressive task list since the building of City Hall in 1990; • Is a year round endeavor for contract management, as it entails getting contracts in place, obtaining proposals, having Council approval and review/ oversight of the billing; • Provided a brief list of the Public Works daily assignments; • Provided an overview of the Public Works staff organizational chart; • Went over all the projects the Public Works Department is working on and what they hoped to start and/ or accomplish before the end of the year; • City is half the staff as other jurisdictions in relation to area and population; and • Public Works Department has to grow in order to main or exceed the current level of service providing to our citizens, including space and employees. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 7. Update: Setting Meeting Date for Council Retreat City Clerk Kirkpatrick asked the Council which date they would like to have a Council Retreat to discuss items that should be incorporated into the 2012 Budget. Council Direction: Council directed the City Clerk to set Tuesday, July 19, 2011, Work Study Session agenda for a retreat only; and to start the meeting at 5:00p.m. 8. Discussion: Lodging Tax Allocations Councilmember Chang provided a brief overview of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's recommendation of the 2011 carry over funds. Councilmember Childs provided a fact sheet and his proposed flow chart of how the lodging tax process should go. He also expressed his concerns with how the lodging tax money is dispersed and urged the Council to improve the process and to fund the City's needs first. He indicated funds could be used to partially fund improve the City's website or possibly fund Sunday foot ferry service; and recommended the Council consider increasing the Festival of Chimes and Lights by $6,450, for a total recipient amount of $1o,ooo. May 17, 2011, Work Study Session Minutes Page 4 of S City Clerk Kirkpatrick provided an update on the estimated cost of funding Sunday foot ferry services; Kitsap Harbor Tours would charge the City $146.2s per hour and collect $2 each way for patrons to ride the ferry; and based upon the total fees collected it would be deducted from the total invoice. She also reported the Port of Bremerton's concerns and would continue to work with the other two entities to incorporate 11 hours of ferry service on Sundays. Council Direction: Council directed City Attorney to research if Council can set a policy to specifically hold lodging tax funds for a particular City project and then disperse the remainder, if any, of the funds to applicants who requested the funds; and for the City Clerk to bring forward the approval of the Lodging Tax Committee's recommendation to the May 24, 2011, Council meeting. 9· Update: Telephone Cost At the request of the Mayor, City Clerk Kirkpatrick provided an update on the City's voicemail system, indicating that the Clerk's office is working on ordering either a new part or possibly obtaining a compatible system from Kitsap Transit. City Clerk Kirkpatrick provided a brief explanation of potential cost savings should the City enter into a contract with Qwest in the following categories: Long Distance: Currently the City is paying .0630 cents per minute for intrastate (within Washington) long distance phone calls and .0603 for interstate (outside of Washington) and with Paetec the City is paying .07os cents per minute for intrastate (within Washington) and .0704 per minute for interstate (out of Washington). Should the City enter into a 3-year contract with Qwest for long distance service the new rate would be .OSlO per minute for intrastate (within Washington) and .038s per minute for interstate (outside of Washington). PRI-Direct In-Dial Phone Line: Currently the City is in a 1-year contract with Qwest for its PRJ lines (this provide extensions and direct phone numbers to our employees) until October 31, 2011, for a monthly service amount of $77S· Should the City enter into a 3-year contract with Qwest, they will reduce the monthly service amount by $27S for a new monthly rate of $soo; and Qwest will waive the cancelation fee of $s,812.50 ($3,87s for the remainder of s months at $77S/month and the so% penalty fee of $1,937·50). Line Volume Discount Plan: Currently the City has 8 phone/fax service lines with Paetec at a monthly rate of $33.1s per line and 13lines with Qwest at a monthly rate of $29 per line. Should the City enter into a 3-year contract with Qwest they will take over the Paetec phone lines and reduce the monthly rate to $23.99 per line. This includes the original13 lines with Qwest, plus the 8 lines from Paetec. Council Direction: Council directed the City Clerk to bring forward the contracts to the May 24, 2011, Council meeting. May 17, 2011, Work Study Session Minutes Page 5 of 5 10. Discussion: VanZee Parking Lot Improvement Public Works Director Dorsey reminded the Council that should they commit to having the Skateboard Park at VanZee Park, the City would be obligated to expend approximately $250,000, towards parking lot improvements; and sought direction as to whether or not to proceed with this project. Council Direction: After a brief discussion, the Council directed this project be put on hold until the Skateboard Park Association contacts the City again. 11. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, June 21, 2011 At 9 :40p.m. the meeti g was adjourned.