07/19/2011 - Work Study - Minutes1. Call to Order City of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of July 19, 2011 Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 5:20p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem John Clauson and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jerry Childs, Rob Putaansuu, Jim Colebank, Carolyn Powers and Fred Olin was present. Deputy City Clerk Brandy Rinearson, Administrative Assistant Jenine Dennison, City Attorney Jennifer Forbes, and Treasurer Allan Martin, were also present. Discussion: 2012 Budget Priorities Mayor Coppola provided an update on the Bethel Annexation, noting that most businesses who signed petitions last year did not realize they would need to sign again. He strongly urged that the Council not anticipate Bethel revenue as part of their 2012 budget priority planning discussion as it was still unknown if the annexation would happen this year. The Council determined the following to be their 2012 Budget priorities: • Allocate park funding; • Create a City reserve policy; • Retain admissions tax to provide for parks and youth; • Update City website; • Update video and audio for City Council meetings; • Promote changes and development for the City in a positive way; • Create out-of-state interest in Port Orchard; • Create a new City logo; • Council to attend professional development trainings; • Pursue grants and partnerships for City projects; • Create a utility policy; • Maintain streets and sidewalks; • Hire a public works employee; and • Make the City more Veteran and wheelchair accessible. At 6:47p.m. Mayor Coppola reconvened the meeting after a fomteen-minute recess. Treasurer Martin reported that the City is the recipient of $700,000 from the legislature, which had been included in their bi-annum budget for the next twenty-four months; and any work performed on the Dekalb Pier would be reimbursable back to the City during that time. Mayor Coppola advised he had met with a group that was interested in building at the DeKalb Pier location who was also interested in looking at a public/private pattnership, which would allow the City to use the group's engineering and design, with some modifications. July 19, 2011, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 2 Mayo r Copp ola mentioned that Treasurer Martin had done a yea r to date of expenses vers us budget comparison for each de partment regarding the 2011 budget, and noted the following percentages of funds remain available in 2011; • Mayor, Council and Administration has 53.25% of their budget l eft; • Finance De partment has 54.56% of their budget left; • Court has 53.09% of their budget left; • Law Enforcement has 46.3% left of their budge t left; • Planning and Development has 50.95% of their budget left; and • Enginee ring has 67.28% of their budget left. Treas urer Martin briefly discussed in 2012 there wi ll be a COLA incr ease to a majority of the City's employees, as well as retirement buyo uts, n oting approximat ely 75% of the budget is comprised of personnel costs. 2. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, August 16, 2011 At 7:14 ~)n:)lre meeting was adjourned. ~if;~ Brandy Rine arson, Deputy City Clerk