10/18/2011 - Work Study - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Work Study Session of October 18, 2011 1. 7:00p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem John Clauson and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Carolyn Powers, Rob Putaansuu, Jerry Childs and Fred Olin and was present. Police Chief Alan Townsend, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, City Treasurer Allan Martin, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Brandy Rinearson, and City Attorney Greg Jacoby were also present. Absent: Councilmember Colebank 2. Presentation: Kitsap County Humane Society (KHS) Jake Shapley, Operations Director for KHS presented the follm,ving: • KHS has provided Animal Control Services for over so years; • Core services include routine and emergency response to animal-related emergencies; ordinance/criminal violations; ambulance services for stray and injured animals; removal of pets and livestock for public roadways; and humane shelter services; • Determined the actual cost for animal services by jurisdictions; • Dedicated to provide a self-supportive service to the Community; • Traditional Licensing Model portrays it a government problem and a government solution; • Proposed Licensing Model puts the burden on the Pet Community; which is comprised of pet owners, pet-related businesses, and KHS; • A few national pet store chains have agreed to pilot a program offering discounts to pet owners who have their pets licensed throughout Kitsap County; • Nationally pet licensing compliance is 15-30 percent; • Proposed a yearly licensing to help update contact information and savings would be offset by the retailers offering discounts; • Propose to amend contract to give KHS licensing program and associated revenue; • Propose to amend ordinance to give Animal Control Authority license fee setting ability; and • The model would have jurisdictions phase out of paying for animal control services with tax dollars over 3-5 years; and • Proposals have been submitted to Kitsap County and the City of Bremerton. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 3· Discussion: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendations Councilmember Chang began the discussion stating the Committee met and provided the Council with their recommendations; and he inquired what concerns and/ or recommendations the Council may have. October 18, 2011, Work Study Session Minutes Page 2 of 3 Councilmember Childs provided the Council a more detailed description of the Chimes and Lights budget; stating the majority of the funds could be covered by the Lodging Tax Funds, rather than taking it out of the General Fund. In addition, he asked the Council to direct staff to draft a resolution regarding the Police overtime salary of approximate $1,600 to come out of the 2011 surplus funds of the Lodging Tax account, which would allow the Police to cover the Festival of Chimes and Light and the Jingle Bell Run events in 2011. Patty Graf-Hoke with the Kitsap Visitors Convention Bureau (VCB) thanked the Committee for their hard work and recommendations; and expressed that the VCB is committed to support the City and all the various organizations and their events. In addition, stating the money received from the City is providing marketing support for the entire City, as well as all of the annual local events in the community. John Ready with the Port Orchard Bay Street Association and Al Mahaney with Fathoms of Fun spoke in opposition of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's recommendation; stating it was not a true reflection of the organizations efforts to bring tourism into the City. Gil Michael spoke in opposition of the Committee's recommendation; stating the dollars allocated should take into consideration a per-capita basis when distributing funds and support local organizations. Amy Igloi, Lodging Tax Committee member, spoke in favor of the Committee's recommendation; stating the Committee as a whole felt the dollars reflect the recipient's ability to "put heads in beds" from a so mile radius and were at a time that the hoteliers weren't already full. After a brief discussion, Council came to a consensus to continue the discussion of 2012 allocations to the November 15, 2011, Council Work Study Session as part of the budget discussion. Council Direction: Council directed staff to bring forward to the October 25, 2011, meeting two resolutions authorizing additional Hotel/Motel Tax Funding from 2011 carryover to support off-duty police officer costs during the Jingle Bell Run and the Chimes and Lights event; and add to the November 15, 2011, Work Study Session agenda a discussion item for 2012 Lodging Tax allocation. 4· Update: Public Works Projects Public Works Director Dorsey reviewed his Department's priority projects, noting the ones that were current, completed, and/ or future projects that would be carried forward into 2012. Council Direction: No direction was given to staff. 5· Discussion: 2012 Budget and Revenue October 18, 2011, Work Study Session Minutes Page 3 of 3 City Treasurer Martin provided an update regarding the Budget process, stating the Preliminary Budget and Budget Worksheets have been given to the Mayor and Council; October 25, 2011, Council meeting will hold a Public Hearing regarding the City's Revenue Sources; Council will meet with the Department Directors on November 4, 2011; moved discussion regarding the 2012 Property Tax Levy from the November 8, 2011, to the November 22, 2011, Council meeting; November 15, 2011, Work Study Session would be a discussion on the 2012 Budget; and December 13, 2011, adopting the final budget. Council Direction: Council directed the City Clerk to place the Property Tax Levy onto the November 8, 2011, Council agenda and move the Parking Ordinance to the November 22, 2011, agenda. 6. Next Work Study Session-Tuesday, November 15, 2011 At 8:54p.m. the meeting was adjourned.