01/11/2011 - Special - Minutes-Special MeetingCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Special Council Meeting of January 11, 2011 1. 6:oop.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at 6:oo p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Rob Putaansuu and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Carolyn Powers, Jerry Childs, John Clauson, Jim Colebank, and Fred Olin was present. City Treasurer Allan Martin, Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, Development Director James Weaver, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Brandy Rinearson, and City Attorney Greg Jacoby were also present. 2. Discussion: Lease Agreement for the Repair and Use of the Water Street Boat Launch with the Port of Bremerton Public Works Director Dorsey provided an update indicating that at the December Work Study Session, Council directed staff to work with the Port of Bremerton's staff to draft a lease agreement between the two entities of transferring ownership of the Water Street boat launch. Mr. Dorsey indicated that should the Port of Bremerton choose to charge a fee for the use of the boat launch, the City and the Port of Bremerton would be required to work together to determine the fee, as outlined in the draft lease agreement. There had been discussion that a joint operating committee between the Port and the City be created for the operations of the Boat Launch. After review and discussion there appeared to be no reason that staff should be involved in the operations of the dock upon their submittal and completion of the proper permits for the boat launch improvements. City Attorney Jacoby indicated that State Statutes relating to Second Class cities are restricted to leasing street ends that abuts waterfront for no more than 15 years; and suggested the lease be for 15 years with an option to extend for another 15 years for a total of a 30-year lease agreement. In addition, the same Statute required the base rent to be adjusted in intervals of 5 years upon agreement of both parties; and recommends starting at $1.00 then increasing it incrementally at five year intervals. City Councilmembers discussed the Water Street Boat Launch lease and noted the following: • Thanked both Port and City staff for doing a wonderful job drafting a lease that was acceptable to both entities; • It is a "win-win" for both entities; • It will help benefit the county economic development through Safe Boats; • Requested support from the Port of Bremerton in regards to the City's pedestrian pathway project and discussed a revised map showing a new proposed option to the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway project; and indicated they would like to work wiili the Port to move forward with this project, noting the waterfront was an important asset; • Need to stay focused on the amount of jobs that will stay, by supporting the lease; and • Need to do what it takes to keep the jobs we have and to possibly creating more jobs. Bill Mayhem, Port of Bremerton Commissioner, voiced his support of the lease agreement between both entities regarding the Water Street Boat Launch and stated the following: • Thanked the Council for the opportunity to share what was discussed at the Port of Bremerton's Study Session held earlier in the day; • All three Port Commissioner's were in favor of the lease, as presented; • Due to their rules, the Port will advertise the meeting at which the lease will be voted on and that meeting would be in two weeks; • He was drafting a letter to the Mayor outlining the Port's willingness to work with the City in negotiating a Waterfront Comprehensive Plan that will benefit both entities; and January 11, 2011, Special Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 of2 • The purpose of the Lease is to keep Safe Boats here, as it is one of their requests. Commissioners Larry Stokes and Roger Zabinski spoke in favor of the lease and voiced their commitment to strengthening the relationship between the two entities. Sharon King, President of the Soroptimist of Port Orchard, spoke in favor of the Port and the City working together to find an equitable way to keep the Waterfront Park, while helping the City accomplish the Pedestrian Pathway, noting both are vital to the community. City Attorney Jacoby announced that citizens will have the opportunity to speak during the regular meeting under the Public Hearing. cial Council meeting was adjourned.