02/15/2011 - Work Study - Minutes-Joint meeting with Port of BremertonCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Joint Work Study Session with Port of Bremerton of February 15, 2011 1. s:oo p.m. Call to Order Mayor Coppola called the meeting to order at s:oo p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem John Clauson and Councilmembers Jerry Childs, Rob Putaansuu, Jim Colebank, and Fred Olin was present. Public Works Director Mark Dorsey, Development Director James Weaver, City Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Brandy Rinearson were also present. Absent: Councilmembers Chang and Powers. Port Commissioners Bill Mahan, Larry Stokes, and Roger Zabinski were present. Port of Bremerton staff present: Steve Slaton, Tim Thomson, Ginger Waye, Chris Case, and Becky Swanson. 2. Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway The City Council and the Port of Bremerton met at the Waterfront Park to review the proposed plan presented by Councilmember Childs. Port Commissioner Mahan indicated the proposed trail would tie into the boardwalk; continue along through the park, winding behind the gazebo and tie into the pathway on Bay Street and ending just befo re the Hotel. One of the Ports' owned houses would be removed and in its place would be a public view point. There was consensus that the parking spaces swap would proceed with the 10 spots that are along the boardwalk being designated as 2 or 4 hour parking for park users. In addition, bicyclers would have too dismount from the boardwalk along the trail. Mr. Mahan was excited to implement this plan, as it will expand the park to the east and will allow more people to have access to the waterfront. The meeting was reconvened in the Council Chambers located at 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard at s:30p.m. Mr. Mahan suggested the two jurisdictions work on creating an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) that outlines the Port and the City's plans for a waterfront master plan; and recommended that the two e ntities staff work together on the ILA and bring it back for review at another joint work study session, prior to approval by both entities. Public Works Director indicated the n ext phase in the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway project is to obtain funding for right-of-way acquisitions. Councilmember Powers and City Attorney Jacoby arrived at the meeting at s:ss p.m. Commissioner Mahan would have his staff provide the City with a revised parking lot swap agreement. Council Dire ction: Council directed Development Director Weaver to represent the City in regards to drafting the ILA with the Port's staff; and for Public Works Director Dorsey to move forward with Norm Olson and Associates to amend the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway, Alternative No. 4, and to provide an estimate of the cost to amend the design as well as the cost of construction for this project.