04/24/2012 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard
Council Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting of April 24, 2012
Mayor Tim Matthes called the meeting to order at TOO p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Childs
and Councilmembers Fred Chang, Jim Colebank, Cindy Lucarelli, Rob Putaansuu and John
Clauson were present and constituted a quorum. Public Works Director Dorsey,
Development Director Weaver, Associate Planner Haro, City Clerk Rinearson, City Attorney
Jacoby and Office Assistant II Dennison were also present.
A. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Matthes led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Nick Whittleton voiced opposition in Council not allowing the public to comment at all
City Council meetings, including Work Study Sessions, as he believes since the Council is
elected by the people, the people should be able to comment as long as the subject is on the
Torn Trepanier presented the Council a brief presentation on his concerns with builders
in the City and the lack of protection for property owners regarding their property lines and
safeguarding of significant trees.
Leslie Reynolds Taylor, President of the South Kitsap Skate Park Association, provided
an update on the Skate Park mentioning the organization is continuing to apply for grants in
hopes of the Skate Park opening this year, as this would create a great environment and
destination for kids.
Hailey Trepanier spoke in favor of the City trees and parks; rollerblading on the back
streets of her house; going to Fred Meyer's and the Teahouse; and having her hair done
Mayor Matthes requested Ms. Hailey Trepanier to be Deputy Mayor of the City of Port
Orchard for the remainder of the evening.
Councilrnernber Colebank MOVED and Councilrnernber Childs seconded the
motion approving the Agenda. Upon vot"e, the motion passed unanimously.
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A. Approval of Claim Warrants Nos. 57462 through 57514 in the amount of $66,099.78;
B. Approval of the March 20, 2012, Work Study Session Meeting Minutes
C. Approval of Public Event Applications:
Sidney Glen Dolphin Dash
Murder Mystery Event
Concerts by the Bay
D. Approval of Contract No. 033-12, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement
with Hydro Tech International for the 2012 Water Reservoir Cleaning Projects(s)
Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Lucarelli seconded the
motion approving the Consent Agenda. Upon vote, the motion passed
A. Re-Power Kitsap (Energy Saving to Residents)
Yvonne Kraus, Program Manager of Conservation Services Group, showed a brief
presentation which included:
• What is RePower?
County-wide energy efficiency and conservation program dedicated to
helping homeowners save money through home energy efficiency
upgrades; increase the comfort, health and safety of single family
homes; and create local jobs in the home energy-efficiency and
weatherization industry.
• RePower began with several grants from the Depattment of Commerce,
Washington, Kitsap County and Conservation Services Group;
• Goals of Repower Kitsap include:
Complete 1,550 home energy upgrades by July 2013;
Complete 685 home energy assessments with Energy Pe1jormance Score
Provide financing options for homeowners to complete energy upgrades
in their home now; and
Boost local workforce by hiring local staff to deliver energy efficiency
services to participants.
• What RePower Does:
In home energy assessments; energy efficiency financing; cash incentives; a
local, skilled workforce; and a technical help desk: 'Ask Rick'.
• Accomplishments to Date:
Completed 265 EPSAssessments;
Referred 383 Home Print Assessments to Puget Sound Energy;
Upgraded more than200 homes;
Issued $183,000 in loans to date;
Launched new incentives in2012; and
Created 28 contractor jobs.
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Ms. Kraus further explained there is an energy efficiency loan program through Kitsap
County, and there is also a drive demand with incentives, and she is asking for support from
community leaders to help people sign up for RePower Kitsap.
B. The State of Economic Development and Tourism-Port Orchard Public
Jerry Childs, Shannon Childs, Cindy Lucarelli and Kim Punt, provided a brief presentation
regarding the State of Economic Development and Sustainable Revitalization in Pmt
Orchard; and Ms. Childs briefly discussed starting a "Main Street' Historic Port Orchard
Revitalization Association for the downtown area.
Don Ryan, President of the Port Orchard Bay Street Association, provided an update on the
Port Orchard Public Market slated to be located on Bay Street in the old Slip 45 building;
stating his goal is to bring in a Pike Street style, open aired market, with about 20 vendors.
The Market will include oysters and shellfish vendors; a beer tasting room highlighting 12
taps of local companies; chocolates; ice creams; candies; smoked cheeses; pasta; a coffee
roasting company; southern style barbeque; fresh produce; and possibly a space for local
musicians to play.
Mayor Matthes awarded Associate Planner Jennifer Haro with the City of Port Orchard
Employee of the Quarter, stating she single handily managed the Shoreline Master Program
Update and went above and beyond representing the City.
A. Park Impact Fees
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting the City Council approved
the update to the City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Parks Plan on February 14, 2012, via
City Council Resolution No. 004-12, as part of the City of Port Orchard's Comprehensive
Plan. The Port Orchard Comprehensive Parks Plan contains the data and formula for
serving and providing capital facilities to serve the citizens of Port Orchard by calculating
the financial impact of each new residential unit upon the City of Pmt Orchard parks.
By instituting a park impact fee for each new residential building permit in the City of Port
Orchard, it may be determined that it is sound public policy to adopt a park impact fee in
order to help mitigate the financial impact to the City Parks program that is caused by new
residential development; allowing new development to pay for the resulting impacts of
growth, and would provide a consistent process for park Capital Facilities financial planning
throughout the City of Port Orchard.
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Mayor Matthes opened the Public Hearing, and there being no testimony, closed the Public
Hearing at 8:13p.m.
B. Shoreline Master Plan Update
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting the Public Hearing is for
consideration of Resolution No. 009-12, approval of the 2012 Shoreline Master Program
The State of Washington has mandated that the City update the Shoreline Master Program,
first written in 1973 and last updated in 1994. The City's Planning Department has been
working more than two years, since 2009 to update its Shoreline Master Program (SMP) in
accordance with State law. WAC 173-26 requires all jurisdictions with Shorelines of the
State (saltwater shoreline, streams with over 20 cubic feet per second (cfs) average flow, or
lakes over 20 acres) update their shoreline master programs to meet requirements of the
State, yet be tailored to meet the needs of the local jurisdiction.
The SMP Update was developed from significant citizen input, including recommendations
from a Shoreline Advisory Committee, shoreline businesses, property owners, and from the
Port Orchard Planning Commission, over the course of two and a half years. The proposed
SMP Update has endeavored to be consistent with State goals and requirements, to follow
the direction from the Depattment of Ecology, as well as adhering to local zoning regulations
and the Comprehensive Plan. Twenty-two public meetings of the Planning Commission and
the Shoreline Advisory Committee have been held since 2010. On January 25, 2012, the Port
Orchard Planning Commission held a Public Hearing, which was continued to March 19,
2012, and considered testimony on the Draft Shoreline Master Program Update prior to
approving Planning Commission Resolution No. 001-12, recommending City Council
Mayor Matthes opened the Public Hearing, and there being no testimony, closed the Public
Hearing at 8:21p.m.
A. Adoption of Ordinance No. ooS-12, Adopting Park Impact Fees
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting the City Council approved
the update to the City of Port Orchard Comprehensive Parks Plan on February 14, 2012, via
City Council Resolution No. 004-12, as part of the City of Port Orchard's Comprehensive
Plan. The Port Orchard Comprehensive Parks Plan contains the data and formula for
serving and providing capital facilities to serve the citizens of Port Orchard by calculating the
financial impact of each new residential unit upon the City of Port Orchard parks.
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By instituting a park impact fee for each new residential building permit in the City of Port
Orchard, it may be determined that it is sound public policy to adopt a park impact fee in
order to help mitigate the financial impact to the City Parks program that is caused by new
residential development; allowing new development to pay for the resulting impacts of
growth, and would provide a consistent process for park Capital Facilities financial planning
throughout the City of Port Orchard.
In response to Councilmember Powers, Development Director Weaver agreed that once the
Park Impact Fee is paid, there is no indexing until the next year's calculations.
Councilmember Putaansuu MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the
motion to adopt Ordinance No. ooS-12, Adopting Park Impact Fees. Upon
vote, the motion passed unanimously.
B. Adoption of Resolution No. 009-12, Adopting the Shoreline Master
Program Plan Update
Councilmem ber' s and staff briefly discussed a letter received by the Department of Ecology
requiring changes to the City's 2012 Draft Shoreline Master Program.
Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Powers seconded the
motion to remand Resolution No. 009-12, Adopting the Shoreline Master
Program Plan Update back to the Planning Commission to consider the April
213, 2012, letter received by the Department of Ecology. Upon vote, the motion
passed unanimously.
C. Approval of the April1o, 2012, Council Meeting Minutes
Councilmember Chang MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the
motion to approve the April1o, 2012, Council meeting minutes. Upon vote, the
motion passed unanimously.
D. Approval of Mayoral Appointments to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
City Clerk Rinearson presented the staff report noting that pursuant to Port Orchard
Municipal Code 2.22 and State law, the City Council shall review the membership of the
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) annually and make appropriate changes by
recommendation of the Mayor. The Mayor is recommending a representative from each of
the following organizations/businesses to serve on the LTAC, upon their acceptance:
A business required to collect the tax:
• Comfort Inn;
• Vista Motel;
• Cedar Cove Inn; and
• Mrs. Howe's Bed and Breakfast.
An organization involved in activities:
• Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce;
• Port Orchard Bay Street Association;
• Sidney Museum and Arts; and
• Kitsap Peninsula Visitors Convention Bureau.
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Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the
motion to approve the Mayoral Appointments to the Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
E. Adoption of Resolution No. 010-12, Supporting the Grant Funding Requests
for the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA) Regarding the Bay
Street Pedestrian Pathway Project
Development Director Weaver presented the staff repmt noting, that in requesting Federal
and State grant funding for the Bay Street Pedestrian Path through the Aquatic Lands
Enhancement Account (ALEA), the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office
requires the City Council to adopt a resolution which will be submitted with the application.
The Grant application request is for $648,ooo, with a City match of so percent.
Mayor Matthes asked for any public comments relating to this matter; and received no
comments from the public.
Councilmember Chang MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded the
motion to adopt Resolution No. 010-12, Supporting the Grant Funding
Requests for the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA) Regarding the
Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Project. Upon vote, the motion passed
F. Adoption of Resolution No. 011-12, Supporting the Grant Funding Requests
for the Land and Water Conversation Fund (LWCF) and Boating Facilities
Program (PFP) Regarding the DeKalb Dock Restoration and Improvement
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting in requesting Federal and
State grant funding for the development of DeKalb Dock Restoration and Improvement
through the Boating Facilities Program (BFP) and Land and Water Conservation Fund
(LCWF) the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office requires the City Council
adopt a resolution, which will be submitted with the application. The Grant application
request is for $700,000, with a City match of 25 percent.
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Mayor Matthes asked for any public comments relating to this matter; and received no
comments from the public.
Councilmember Childs MOVED and Councilmember Colebank seconded the
motion to adopt Resolution No. 011-12, Supporting the Grant Funding
Requests for the Land and Water Conversation Fund (LWCF) and Boating
Facilities Program (PFP) Regarding the DeKalb Dock Restoration and
Improvement . Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
G. Adoption of Resolution No. 012-12, Supporting the Grant Funding Requests
for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Regarding the
Redevelopment of Paul Powers Park
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting in requesting Federal and
State grant funding for the redevelopment of Paul Powers Park through the Land and
Water Conservation Fund (LCWF) the Washington State Recreation and Conservation
Office requires the City Council to adopt a resolution, which will be submitted with the
application. The Grant application request is for $soo,ooo, with a City match of $250,000.
Mayor Matthes asked for any public comments relating to this matter; and received no
comments from the public.
Councilmember Colebank MOVED and Councilmember Chang seconded the
motion to adopt Resolution No. 012-12, Supporting the Grant Funding
Requests for the Land and Water Conversation Fund (LWCF) Regarding the
Redevelopment of Paul Powers Park. Upon vote, the motion passed
H. Adoption of Resolution No. 013-12, Supporting the Grant Funding Requests
for the Land and Water Conservation (LWCF) Regarding the Development
of McCormick Village Park Phase I
Development Director Weaver presented the staff report, noting in requesting Federal and
State grant funding for the development of McCormick Village Park Phase I through the
Land and Water Conservation Fund (LCWF) the Washington State Recreation and
Conservation Office requires the City Council to adopt a resolution, which will be
submitted with the application. The Grant application request is for $695,000, with a City
match of 50 percent.
Mayor Matthes asked for any public comments relating to this matter; and received no
comments from the public.
Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Lucarelli seconded the
motion to adopt Resolution No. 013-12, Supporting the Grant Funding
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Requests for the Land and Water Conversation Fund (LWCF) Regarding the
Development of McCormick Village Park Phase I. Upon vote, the motion
passed unanimously.
Councilmember Clauson reported the next Finance Committee meeting will be held on
Thursday, April 26, 2012, at 7:30a.m. at Moondogs II.
Councilmember Putaansuu reported the next Utilities Committee meeting will be held on
Friday, May 11, 2012, T30 a.m. at the Family Pancake House; and the Sewer Advisory
Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 6:30p.m. at City Hall.
Councilmember Powers reported the next Public Property Committee meeting will be held
on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 8:ooa.m. at Moondogs II.
Councilmember Colebank reported he attended the Puget Sound Regional Coordination
Council Transportation Policy Board held a presentation on the Highway 520 bridge tolling
and was provided an updated on the status of the Transportation 2012 Prioritization Plan;
attended the Kitsap Aerospace and Defense Alliance meeting regarding an introduction to
their strategic plan and goals; and he attended the Peninsula Regional Transportation
Planning Organization where they were updated on their current projects.
Mayor Matthes reported he attended the signing of the Governors appropriation from the
Capital Budget; and thanked Senator Kilmer, Representative Larry Seaquist, Representative
Jan Angel and the City's lobbyist Briahna Taylor, for working to keep Port Orchard in the
forefront in Olympia during this legislative session.
Public Works Director Dorsey reported he met with the State regarding emergency
transportation plans and how it would affect the City; the Library roof and Well No. 9
Request for Proposals will be going out to bid; and Sedgwick Road is closed due to paving
and the City will be meeting with business owners from South Kitsap Boulevard on Friday,
April 27, 2012, to discuss the traffic plan and impacts on their business from that road
Councilmember Clauson MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded
the motion to authorize spending up to $50,000 for the 2012 paving and
delegates to the Finance Committee the authority to determine the exact
amount. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
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City Attorney Jacoby reported on the liquor excise tax stating the Association of
Washington Cities (AWC) sent out material indicating that they have submitted a letter to
the Governor asking that she veto the section which would take away $10 million dollars
from the liquor excise tax. The Governor is expected to sign this Bill on May 2, 2012; and
Mr. Jacoby will update the Council at the next Work Study Session.
City Clerk Rinearson announced the City received from the Association of Washington
Cities (AWC) a 2 percent discount on the medical premium for 2013.
In response to Tom Trepanier, the Council directed the Planning/Building department to
create a report outlining Mr. Trepanier's concerns and repmt back to the Council and Mr.
No Executive Session was held
Councilmember Powers MOVED and Councilmember Putaansuu seconded the
motion to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the motion passed unanimously.
At 10:01 p.m. Mayor Matthes adjourned the meeting.
~.!~~ Timothy . Matthes, Mayor