006-05 - Resolution - Affirming Seeking Future Services from a Company Other than RH2RESOlUTION NO. 006-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, AFFIRMING THAT UPON FULL PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 16 BETWEEN THE CITY AND RH2 ENGINEERING, THE CITY WILL SEEK FUTURE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FROM A COMPANY OTHER THAN RH2 WHEREAS, on or about August 30, 2004, the City and RH2 Engineering entered into Contract Amendment No. 16 for construction management services relating to the expansion of the City of Port Orchard -Karcher Creek Sewer District Joint Waste Water Treatment Facility (JWWTF), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, pursuant to its terms, Contract Amendment No. 16 is fully performed upon RH2 having provided construction management services in the amount of $399,873; and WHEREAS, upon full performance of Contract Amendment No. 16, the City intends to seek future construction management services from an alternative provider(s) of such services; now, therefore; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: Contract Amendment No. 16, as entered into between the City and RH2 Engineering, Inc. on or about August 30, 2004, shall be fully performed upon the City's receipt of construction management services from RH2 in the amount of $399,983. AND FURTHER THAT: Upon full performance of Contract Amendment No. 16, the City will seek future construction management services relating to the expansion of the Joint Waste Water Treatment Facility from a qualified company other than RH2. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 14th day of February 2005. KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR ATTEST: l (' Ul'UGINAL __ L .. PAGE NO 1 __ ~0F_2. __ PAGES Contract Amendment No. 16 Phase II-Facility Expansion Services During Construction-Stage One City of Port Orchard-Karcher Creek Sewer District JWWTF In accordance with our Professional Services Agreement for the City of Pott Orchatd-Karchet Creek Sewer DistJ:ict Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility Engineering Report, this is an authorization to revise the project budget as described in Exhibit A Tlus work will be invoiced using the tern1s and conditions listed in the Agreement. Add the following items to the Scope of Work: The work for this J\mendment is to provide services during construction of a portion of the Phase II contract, including inspection of the concrete work, reinforcement, installation of piping, electrical and equipment. A description of this work is shown in Exhibit A, Scope of Work. The hngit1eeti11g Fee Authorization for the Co11Uact Ame11dment Number Sixtee11 is $399,983, as sbow11 in l!.xhibit B. Please sign this authorization in the space provided below and mail or fax to: RH2 Engineering, 12100 NE 195th Street, Suite 100, Bothell, Washington, 98011. Fax 425-398-2774. Contract Amendment RJ-12 Engineering, lnc. Richard H. .Harbert, P.E., President Signature _,~ // r7J;"f!' /'L}-1: L!'____Q_C {/·---'-------- Date I 1 City of Port Orchard Kim Abel, Mayor .)./ . (;? -;'\.A'/ft'l.rv Signature Date 7hA:o' I J:\datn\por\IOJ-072\Contracts\Contrnct Amendment No. 16 · Acldit'l Service PhBsc I.dM Jl-1lGl'NAL __ t __ PAGE No_d.::._OFJ'.. .. PAGES Exhibit A Contract Amendment No. 16 City of Port Orcbard/Karcher Creek Sewer District Joint Waste Water Treatment Facility Expansion Phase II-Facility Expansion Services During Construction-Stage One SCOPE OF WORK Introduction This Scope of Work presents RH2 Engineering's approach to providing services during consttuction for the second phase of the JWWTF ptoject. At the request of the City, the Scope of Work for construction phase services has been separated into two stages wherein the second stage may be authorized by the City through a sepatate contract amendment. The first stage of the JWWTF Phase II services duting construction will include pre-construction activities; base-bid and alternate design review; and technical assistance including submittal review and requests for information (RFI) review and response. Other services, including construction observations, consttuction management, and construction meetings will be provided up to the authorized conttact amount. This Scope of Work outlines RH2 Engineeting's approach to the Hrst stage of the construction phase. The second stage of the JWWTF service during construction will conclude the constmction phase of the project and will include constmction obsetvation, construction management, responding to technictl. questions, construction meetings; startup, testing, and project closeout services; and preparation of construction records and operations and maintenance manuals. The scope of work for this stage will be addressed in a futute contract amendment. This scope was prepared assuming that the construction of these improvements will rec1ttire full-time inspection during construction of the facility, piping and equipment. Prior to bidding, an estimate was made regarding the time that will be required for the facility expansion. Once the project has been awarded to a contractor and a schedule and work plan has been submitted by the contractor, adjustments to this estimation may be necessary. If changes are made to the facility expansion due to contractor modifications to the design, it may also be necessaty to modify the plant expansion plans. It is also assumed the selected contractor will use appropriate methods and means for the construction and will not require inspection and construction administration beyond the level assumed in the fee estimate. Due to the need to nllillinize impacts to the existing facility, the restricted site constraints and the sensitivity of Veterans Home, the construction activities will need to be closely monitored. 8/1 l/2004 4:21 PM I of 4J:I.datalporllOI-072\ConlractsiJWWTP Facility Expansion SDC Ill SOW Amend I G.doc . •I ( .;H!GlNJl.L_~ ___ PAGE NO.~!_ __ OF ___ :_ __ PAGES 111e majority of the inspection activity will be carried out through om office in Port Orchard, which is in close proximity to the site. RH2 will retain the professional services of Jacobson I-Ielgoth Consultants GI-:lC) to assist with the submittals and technical aspects of the process as issues are experienced in the field. TASK 1-PHASE II SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION-FIRST STAGE Objective Assist the City with the administration and enforcement of the contract documents and to provide technical assistance through inspections and responses to questions during the flrst stage of the construction phase. It is assumed that the City will be responsible for the contracting tasks between the recommendation for award and the pre-construction conference. Task8 1.1 Pre-Construction Conference Prepare an agenda for the pre-construction conference. Prepare four sets of 24-inch by 36-inch (full-size) color plans and specifications and six sets of 11- inch by 17 -inch 01alf-size) color plans for delivery to the Contractor. Prepare two sets of full-size color plans and specifications for the City and two full and two half-size sets for RH2. Attend the pre-construction conference and introduce the project team members from City; the Contractor; the Consultant; and the existing plant operations. Important portions of the contract will be discussed, and important contract requirements will be discussed to make sure they have been brought to the Contractor's attention. The documents required by the Contractor to be submitted at the conference will be reviewed and commented on. RH2 staff will prepare meeting minutes of the meeting and circulate them to all attendees. It is assumed that the City will schedule and coordinate the location and notices for the pre-construction conference. 1.2 Review of Alternative Equipment from the Base Bid The scope of that task is to review submittals associated wid1 the design as presented in the contract documents. The successful Contractor may subtnit an altetnate supplier for the process equipment. More than likely, this alternate design would be proposed as a credit to the City. If the Contractor proposes on alternate equipment, there would be additional work associated with the review and coo.rclli1ation associated with a comparison to the specified equipment and the impacts to the design. The purpose of this task is to review the Contractor's proposals, evaluate the adequacy of the proposed cost savings to the City and resolve issues that would impact the design of the facility expansion. These tasks would be petformed ahead of the submittal review. Should the Contractor not propose on alternative equipment, this task will not be necessary. 8/l 112004 4:21 PM 2 of 4J:Id.atalporll01 ·072\Contmets\JWWTF Facilily Expansion SDC Ill SOW Amend l6.doc 1.3 Construction Administration RH2 will review and respond to relruests for information (RFI's), submittals, and change orders submitted by the Contractm. RH2 will review pay requests ftom the Contractor, including ascertaining quantities and percent completion of the work as stated by the Contractor, and will prepare progress reports including contract time remaining statements. RH2 will provide consultation with the City on construction costs, scheduling and constructability issues. 1.4 On-site Inspection and Construction Coordination RH2 will respond to Contractor questions related to the construction activity and will provide on-site observation during certain elements of tl1e construction phases. A representative from IU-12 will observe the construction activities including site and utility work, construction of the structures, and installation of the mechanical and electrical equipment. A representative from llli2 will monitor the dewatering system, the TESC measures and the adequacy of the site security measures (fencing) and other site activities. Special inspections such as concrete, weld and soil compaction testing ate not included in this proposaL It is anticipated that the City will contract separately for these services. Daily observation reports of each on-site inspection will be prepared that records observations, progress and discussions that took place. The construction phase service includes obse1-ving const.ruction on a daily basis eluting the first stage of the construction phase. The amount of On-site Inspection and Construction Coordination shaH be limited to an amount not to exceed the conttact authorization. At the point when approximately 75°/tr of the authorized amendment has been expended, RH2 will provide a report summarizing the project status and meet with the City to discuss the construction phase services for stage two of ilie project. 1.5 Construction Management RH2 will coordinate with the Contractor, Veterans' Home representatives, the City and the treatment plant staff to answer cruestions and resolve concerns during the construction activities. 1.6 Construction Meetings RH2 will attend and conduct weekly coordination meetings with the Contractor, City Engineer, and Plant Staff to discuss the schedule, progress to- date, current construction issues and next steps. Deliverables • Full-size and half-size plan sets for the Contractor and City for consttuction. • Pre-construction agenda. 8/l l/2004 4:21PM 3 of 4J:'datalpor\lOI-072\Contracts\fWWTP Facility Expansion SDC #I SOW Amend 16.doc • Pre-construction meeting minutes. • Construction observation including reports. • Approved pay estimates. • Reviewed submittals. • Requests for information. 8111/2004 4:21 PM 4 of 4J:\datalpor\l01-0721Contr~cts'JWWTF Facility Expansion SDC #l SOW Amend 16.doc Description -- City of Port Orchard ;phase II-Expansion of Joint W_a_s~_'Vate!"Treatment Facility Services During Construction-Stage On~ Fee Estimate ___ _;:_Construction' Process , Project Process i i Total Total Total Total ·~--Ma~ager l ~finag~r , Enit~cc~~rEnu;ineer T Geologist Engineer Tnspectori Ad~j;_~·l H01.1rs -----Labof ·-· Expens;-~----~-Cost ----~ -- LO Services During Construction for Pbase H __ __ _ 1 . 1.11'rcco;,-;~fonfe;;:-nce _· __ --------__ -.----8-----8 -·;----24 ___ ,_ ___ 24 6 70-$7,706 · $6,766 i -$14,472- 1 !.2 ReviewBase-Bid and Aitcmarc Design R;:-:.::;;:-,~-------------4-------16·----------S -~---------1 ---16 , 4 -4,8-; --$S,464-~-------ss'19: $10,983 ~;:;-,-;,lion 1\dminislrnlion (Submittals. Consr Qucs & Rfls) 156 156 -624 ___ 20 120 312 100 .T --100--. -15ifa ;-$188,2~-$735~--$198,995 -----.. ----------------------------------~------------------------------·----------------------.------r-------- 1.4 Construction Ohscn·otion 1 _ _ _ __ , 138 24 20 ! 138 _ 828 : _ 100 • 1248 I $115,338 $931 $135,269 l.5Constn;ciio;;~mZn\ _______________ -----------------·-g:z·------4-6 --46 r -;~ -50 ____ 234 1 $27,880 $229 1 ·-szs;1o9 1~!:~~~:~~~~~;~~~-~~,~~-;=~==~~-:~t:~~-= -~-t--; ''-l~-~4~ -~~lA~·· •. ~~'i I I . 1 I 0 ' $0 . $0 : $0 Subtotal! 283 249 0 863 44 140 450 991 272 3,292 $356,712 $9,271 i $399,983 _Grand Total! 249 0 863 44 140 450 991 272 3292 $356,712 --$9_,2_71 I -.$3-99,983 8/' 112004 J·03 PM c:· J:. f! ~ L ' ' -o > G) m z 0 ! jV·,, 'o i-n !f\' !'•J • ' v > GJ m