08/01/2017 - Mayor's Newsletter August 2017 City of Port Orchard Newsletter Tremont Street Widening Project Update On July 27, 2017, the City held a public open house to communicate project details and provide construction updates. To view the meeting materials please visit the City’s website at www.cityofportorchard.us and click on the ‘Tremont Street Widening Project Information’ link at the top of the page. Phase 1 of the project is currently underway and is expected to last through May 2018. During this phase, there will be no road closures; however, expect intermediate stops and delays due to a shifl of the traffic route. Motorists are advised to slow down and proceed with caution whenever signs of road work are ahead. This work will encompass Tremont Street from the SR16 interchange to Port Orchard Boulevard. Phase 2 of the project is scheduled for May 2018 through December 2018; Phase 3 from December 2018 to February 2019; and Phase 4 in Spring 2019. Please visit our website at www.cityofportorchard.us to find out more information on the project. A u g u s t 2 0 1 7 w w w . c i t y o f p o r t o r c h a r d . u s ( 3 6 0 ) 8 7 6 -4 4 0 7 Design Standards -Nicholas M. Bond, AICP, Development Director In 2016, the City Council noted that certain recent development projects were being proposed and/or built with poor-quality mate- rials, little visual appeal and poor site design, and were not fur- thering the city’s vision for its neighborhoods or the goals for de- velopment in the city’s comprehensive plan. As a result, City Council requested that the Department of Community Develop- ment (DCD) develop design guidelines for development within the city. City staff internally developed guidelines for single-family and duplex residential units and fences, with the goal of enhancing the visual appeal and quality of new residential developments. The design guidelines for these development types were presented to the public and reviewed by the Planning Commission in early 2017, and adopted by City Council in June 2017. As a second phase, City Council budgeted funds to hire a consult- ant to develop design guidelines for the city’s multifamily, com- mercial and mixed-use zones, with the additional goal of sup- porting and implementing the city’s long-term policies for growth in its ten designated Centers of Local Importance. The City recent- ly contracted with MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design of Se- attle to develop building and site design guidelines for new devel- opment and redevelopment in these zones, in conjunction with overall design planning for roads, parking, transit, public spaces and landscaping within the Centers. This coordinated approach will result in innovative citywide design standards that will help to shape Port Orchard’s long-term development as a desirable and attractive location to live, work and visit. At this time, MAKERS is reviewing the City’s existing regulations and the character of the community in advance of their public out- reach effort to begin in the fall of 2017. This outreach will have the aim of capturing the community’s design preferences so that guidelines for the city can be written. It is anticipated that a com- plete drafl of the proposed design guidelines will be ready for presentation to the City Council and the public by February 2018, with adoption in spring 2018. Stay tuned for notifications related to public workshops to be scheduled for this project. w w w . c i t y o f p o r t o r c h a r d . u s ( 3 6 0 ) 8 7 6 -4 4 0 7 Page 2 of 4 City Initiates Bethel/Sedgwick Corridor Plan -Nicholas M. Bond, AICP, Development Director In July 2017, the City kicked off its long-awaited study for the Sedgwick Road (SR 160) and Bethel Road corridor. SCJ Alliance Consulting Services and subcontractor Transportation Solu- tions, Inc, have been hired to work with the City and its stake- holder partners WSDOT and Kitsap County on a proposed transportation network design for this area, to accommodate current and future multimodal travel needs for the city and its urban growth area. The project is intended to be completed by June 2018. In 2000, prior to Port Orchard’s annexations along Sedgwick and Bethel, Kitsap County adopted the Bethel Road Corridor Development Plan, which included design standards intended to guide future land use, transportation and streetscape devel- opment in that area. However, a number of things have changed since this plan was adopted, including the City’s an- nexations and revised zoning designations, increased protec- tion requirements for critical areas, more stringent state and federal standards for ADA access, multimodal travel and stormwater management, and changing land use and develop- ment patterns. The new corridor plan is intended to build up- on the long-range planning that was started with the 2000 Bethel Corridor plan, and to update and expand its vision based on the City’s current needs and anticipated future growth patterns, consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The initial phase of the Sedgwick and Bethel Road Corridor Study, starting in fall 2017, will include travel demand model- ing and the start of targeted public outreach efforts such as public meetings, surveys, and direct contact with property owners in the corridor area. Going into 2018, SCJ and TSI will also analyze existing stormwater management and road right- of-way infrastructure and future needs, and will prepare its findings in a comprehensive report to City Council. Conceptual design alternatives and associated cost and funding sources will also be developed and analyzed. By June 2018, it is antici- pated that the City will be presented with a preferred alterna- tive and a proposed phasing plan for the overall project, so that the City can begin seeking grant funding for right of way acquisition and construction in the 2019-2020 funding cycle. The Public Works department intends to submit a budget re- quest to the City Council for the engineering design of a phase one of a Bethel and Sedgwick Road project in its 2019-2020 biennial budget. Olympic View Apartments Groundbreaking for the Olympic View Apartments was held on August 2, 2017, located at 3410 and 3420 Orlando Street. These affordable, luxury, apartments will have views of the Olympic Mountains. They will be 1 to 3 bedrooms, and will range from 720 to 1,335 square feet. The apartments are located next to bus routes will also be a short and easy commute to the ferries and local amenities. Website Updates The City’s website will be undergoing some updates for the next several months and we ask for your patience! The most notable will be the parks page which can be ac- cessed through the Public Works Department. We will be adding pictures and information about each park for citizens and visitors to know what amenities each park offers. The City has many beautiful parks with playground equipment, picnic benches and sports fields. In addition to the current parks, we have some exciting changes coming to the McCor- mick Woods Park to include picnic shelters, additional trails, BBQ’s, and an overlook site. If you have any questions on parks, please contact the Public Works Department at (360) 876-4991. w w w . c i t y o f p o r t o r c h a r d . u s ( 3 6 0 ) 8 7 6 -4 4 0 7 Page 3 of 4 The City Welcomes our New Finance Director! The City welcomes Noah Crocker as its newest employee and Finance Director. Noah most recently was with the City of Yelm where he served as their Finance Director. A graduate of the Univer- sity of Washington, with undergraduate and master de- grees in finance comes to Port Orchard with additional ex- perience working in the Office of the State Treasurer and for the Washington State Transportation Commission. He is active in professional finance associations and has spoken and presented at various conferences. Noah replaces retiring City Treasurer Allan Martin whom he worked with at the State. The City has dropped the title of Treasurer in favor of the more descriptive title of Fi- nance Director which better describes the job and its re- sponsibilities. Noah will be responsible for treasury func- tions, including budgeting and accounting, payroll, ac- counts payable and receivable, utility billing, and cash management. The position serves as staff member to the Council Finance Committee. Noah enjoys coaching, playing basketball, cross fit, and walking the beach with his wife, Jenny. The Crocker’s have two young boys. Port Orchard Kitty Hall The City partnered with Kitsap Humane Society (KHS) to turn City Hall into Kitty Hall on Tuesday, August 29. City Hall was taken over by all things kitty, including adoptable cats and kittens looking for homes, along with informational booths, and a raftfe basket. The event resulted in 4 cats being adopted, while some are still considering adopting these lovable and cute cats. KHS took in over 3,500 cats and kittens in 2016 and is on track to take in at least that many kitties again in 2017. The Port Orchard Kitty Hall event is one way that KHS is looking to engage more with community members across Kitsap County on issues related to cats and cat ownership. Other Kitty Hall events took place throughout the month of August at the Poulsbo and Bainbridge Island Halls. To view more pictures of the event and watch a video, please visit the Kitsap Sun website at www.kitsapsun.com. For more information on adoption, donating, or volunteering, please visit the Kitsap Humane Society at kitsap-humane.org . w w w . c i t y o f p o r t o r c h a r d . u s ( 3 6 0 ) 8 7 6 -4 4 0 7 Page 4 of 4 Upcoming Events • Council meetings, second and fourth Tuesday of each month starting at 6:30pm • Work Study Session, third Tuesday of each month starting at 6:30pm • CITY HALL CLOSED SEPTEMBER 4TH • Taste of Port Orchard, September 3rd • Free Economic Development Webinar, September 6th • Port Orchard Farmer’s Market, every Saturday through October 14th • Visit the City’s website for the full events calendar and to sign up to receive City information; request public records; and contact staff/Mayor/Councilmembers. Photo by Larry Steagall, Kitsap Sun Photo by Larry Steagall, Kitsap Sun