094-09 - Resolution - Interlocal Agreement with Admin Office of the Courts for Interpreter FundingIntroduced by: Court Administrator Requested by: Court Administrator Drafted by: Court Administrator Introduced: October 13, 2009 Adopted: October 13,2009 RESOLUTION NO. 094-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT NO. IAA10233 WITH THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS FOR INTERPRETER FUNDING. WHEREAS, The City has a duty to provide interpreter services to criminal defendants appearing in the Port Orchard Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, the costs for interpreter services are born by the City; and WHEREAS, in 2007, the State passed legislation authorizing the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to allocate partial funding for interpreter services throughout the State; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the City's interest to enter into an agreement with AOC to receive funding for interpreter services; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: The City Council hereby approves the Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference incorporated herein. THAT: The Mayor is authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, the Interagency Agreement No. IAA10233 with AOC for interpreter funding. PASS ED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk in authentication of such passage this 13th da f Octo er 20 9 . .--> INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT IAA102.l3 between STATE OF WASHINGTON ADi\IINISTllATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS 1206 Quince Street SE PO Box 41170 Olympia, Washington 98504-li?O and Port Orch<lrd 1\lunicipal Coun TillS.\( ;RFL.\11·::\T is cnlncd into hy and hct\\'CL'!l the _\dminl~tr:HiYe ()(lice(){ 1he {:nun~ (''.\( )(:"j and PtJrl ()rch~trd .\!unicipal <:oun ("(_.!J!l\Ltl"tlll''i· I. DEFINITIONS h >r purpo~cs of lhi:-ront r:JCt, till" fo!lowin~ dLtlnition:-: sh:tll :tpply: :L '•( :ntifiL·d lmcrprctt:r" nwans an interpreter \\·ho is ccnificd hy the :ldministr:lli\-L' ()lt!cl· of the courts, as dell ned in HC\\' 2.·L1.1 f21J H:\. The nanll's and cotli:!L'l information ut" certified intcrprcll.:r:-. ~trc f11U!ld, and incorporated herein hy rcftTL'!lCc, :n www.u >urts. \\';-Lg_c lY /i 1 Ht.:rprctcrs. h. "l~cgistcn:d Interpreter" nH:ans ~111 intcrprctcr \\·ho has t"ulllllcd thL· rct.]Uircm~,·nb Lobe n.:gisLt.:rcd by the..-\( )C Coun lmL·rpn ... ·tcr Program. This includes p:l%ing ,1 written exam and <lll oral pruticicncy ('X;Hn. The !Ume:-.tnd conLtct int"nrm:ui(JJ1 of rcgistcrnl imnprclcrs are found, ;tnd inrnrpoLlll:d hndn by reference, :lt www. cou ns. \\"<l.g( )\" / i nt c rp rcu.:rs. r. "(~u:difit:d lnt~.:rpn.:ter" 11lL"<H1S ;t spokL·n bngu:l_I.!L' intcrprctu-:1~ dc!incd in RC\\' 2.-L).(l].! ~ (2), ur sign !.ln~uagc-imcrpt\'tcr :1~ defined in g( :\\. ?.-L~.l I (I (2). d. "(~u:difying t.·n.:nt" mctns <l coun intnpr('\(.'d c\·cm mn.:ting an~· of li1L· (ollo\\·ing critcri:l ;md tlw l··unding ( :onditions found, :n1d incoq)( IL\tcd hL·rvin by n.:t'crc!H.'c •. 11: ---------http:ffin~idc~l-nttrt-s--:-w;r.::....,rrn-/indC"X":"c-fTTT?b~ronl rrrltt:'13!T~JWF';-IJ~L'&fnh:kl ·-·-L 1 HI 1 t l rl Lcrpn:t cr& !ik·= imcrprL·tcr~LTYicc~ l·'utHJ.;: If the l:mguagc imcrpn.:tnl is .ll:mgu.l~.c for \\·hich there :trc rcrti!lnl spt1kcn l:mgu:tgt.' intcrprctt.'rs, the L·\TI1l w:t:-: mtcrprt.·tnl h\ .1 rcntt!cd itHnprctn wh11 w:b paid (i(t~· d· 1lbr:-. pcr hour. I ( 1hc bngu:tgv intcrprL·lnl !'-a l:mgtLt,t..:t: it 1r \\·l~~·J1 rltcrc .trc rt) .. :l:~tnl·d spt d.:cn Llnguav~: HllnprctLT:'. the L"\.ctll wa .... !lllcrpretnl h:· .1 rc_L:btt."t\:d int.L·rprctn \dH1 \\-~1:'. p~lill tift~-dq!L1rs per h< H!L If !he Ltngu;lgl· interpreted i:-.l Lli1_!..!U:l,l':l" rl)!" \\"hich thlTC .ll"l" rcgl:-ll"I"U! :-.p(Jknl L~ngu:I.!.':L' i mcrprctcr:-:, :tnd 1 ht.· n •ll n trutk· d ili_<:L"lll l. ((I Jt"l'' \I 1 -...cru r;.· .l r~ gi.;,tcrnl intcq>!\"lt.T yet 110\h.' \\·:1:-. r;.·:t:--otuhl~. :!\ .tibhlc. :uhl t11l" t.·\ t."lH \\".l:' I!Hvrpr~·tcd h: -.1 tjtLdilil·d ltlkrprvtn. lt the bngtLl)!t' HlltTpreted i:-. :1 bn[.!U;tgc (pr \YhJch !lJtTL' arc no n:rtitlt·d (Jr rq.~i;-;tt.:rcd spoh·n bngua.~L" imt·rprt'lcr"'-. dlt' L'\Tnt ,,-;1~ imerprctnl h:· :1 tju.dit!cd !11\l'I'Jll'L'IL'!", I( the e\'l'llt w;t:-: imnprett·d h~-:1 ~1ualitlnl ~i.en Lmguagc intcrpn_·tL'L 2. P!IHPOSE T!J...: purpo~c of thi~ '\gn.TlllL'llt i:-; to eng:lgl' thl· Sl'!YiCL'S or the Li.!!-.Wl~~TIL:l. YiJ tlw c( Jlll'!, \! J impru\T I h(' CJU<dit y ~1 nd ·.tY:Ii bhi lit_\' {) r court i lltnprctcr sn\·in·~; tl ll' l .imill'd I :ngli~; h Prot!cinH ("I .EP"), dc.1f, and lurd of hc1ring pt:rsons in :JccunLIJKc wi!\1 cluptvrs 2.·L2 .1nd 2.·U 1\C\\·. hn:uHid nn·d i.t·., t!w g:1p hcn\'t·vntltc (~<nJrt\ ;1\-;tiLlhlt: l!tunci:tl rcsourn:s :md the cosh tn tllt'l.'l ih nn·d for ccnitl'-·d, registered ;md qu:di!lcd intcrprr.:tcr:< :md lntc-rprt:tl'r nn·d i.t·., the g:q.l hcl\\'t'>.:lllhc kn_·l l)flhr.: J.l·~P. dc.l( :llld lurd (J( hc:1ring public\ ncnl t·or hngu·.tgt· acces~; tu lhc Court\ c\)un(_>) ~i.l· .. till' k\·c! nt' inlt'rprctcr need) and till· :n·aibhk intnprcit·r pot,] (in p~trticuL!r, Cl'rtit-~o.:d, registered and t]U<difln! interpreter:--in the :~pj)!iunt \ mos\ frc<.JUUHl~· nenkd l:mgtJagt·s). 3. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED Tht· (:ourr :tgrvcs \() ;Jcti\'t'ly particip.ttc in !Ill' nc\\' Yisi1J!l and "'-Irunurc f,)r ~Lllc {unding of illlt:rprcter SC!Ticco;., and \0 lUCk and pro\·idt• intcrprv:n coo;,t and US:tgt· dati !1l'('lkd to dcmon-:tcHo.: thl' imp:Kt tt!'thL· !unding. In p;tnicuLll·, the Ct•urt agr~.·cs ro ~uhmit ckct rqnicdly with each rctjlll'q lor rc-imhur~~.:mt·m, completed lntcrprucr Scn·icc::. Fund in)..~ D:tLI ~:: .. tsr D;tu''; rdlt-nin:s intt.:rprl'lLT ~cn·icco;. :tnd co:'t". Thl· C:oun ,,·jJ! suhmi t IS I· I h ta rc·prc:'cnti n_~ hot h qu :11i !~·in~ :tnd Iltl!l-qu;t\i f~ in.l.! c\ L'll h. h. l·:lcnronic data ~hall he ~ubmiw.:d usin~ thr online :l-t-2plicllit,n :tnd instructions found ;md incnrpor;ucd h;.:rcin hy reference. at: ll.!.J~): i --i n-.idc .ct lUrt ::>. "··W-!O\' i inde:-,:,_<jjll::-J~L~:UJ..LlL!:~!lkr.sll!...!.~d~..c!J!{'& (t J\dt·r::...: Cl HJJ'l lJlJ.l:lP.l \: B-;l5:o~1lk ~=in l.\::l!)X~1~:.r.\~T~.:i~.t,:Sl·'t tll d:: r. Tht· Contractor \\·i!l ensure that thl· intnprL'llT t·unding i::. u:-:nl t'or rcimhur:'l'1lH.'Ill ot' costs p;lid tn nTtitlcd. rq_!,istcrcd and qu;ditin! intnprctcrs (qr t!ualirying c\·cnts, ;tnd pur..;uant to dw hunling (:undition:' ~l~\ l·onh, .md incl)rpor.nnl h...rcin h~-rvfctTIH't', ; \1: d. Th.._· Cuun :I,L:rccs to p:trtncr cll)::;cly \Uth th:..: _\(H. lntt-rpr ... ·tt.·r Prt)gr:1m, tht: lmnprctn <:ummi-.,:-:ion. :md nci)..!hh\)rin:~ CI•Un:-> to idcntil\ .md illlpk·mL'tH intHl\.:l1lons ;·1nd lw:-:1 pr;tnict·s for proYidil1g intcrprt·tcr sen !n·s ·\·.~ .. innoY.Hions in -;clwdulin,l! 11f intcrprctLT~. sharing 1d. transbtt·~ltTStJUtTv:-... tr.unin~ (d. ::;u(( :md iud,ue-..), with a \-il'\\" 1o improYing !IHl'l"prcttT :-1.T\·in·-. ;tnd dw ~nncc int"r;tstrunurL' "liltt.:\\"ltk. ·!. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE T!K pniod ofjx:rf,mn:mc~.·undcr 1hi" .\~rc~.·mu1t :-lull he t"r~Hn\ul:· l, ~?_1)11 1 ) thruugh ,\ugu~t _)], ~!)j(l_ 5. COMPENSATION :L Tlw <:(JlJrt sh:!ll he rcimhur:->n! <I m;t:..:imum (J!-5-2tl(J ftlt' c~J:-.1" incurrul during tht· pt.-riod of )uh 1, 2tJO<J -· _)ulll' .)ttl, 20\!J. :\u rl'ilnhur:--crncm ..;h.d! ht· m·.ak under tbl:- . \~i"Ct:ment for imnprcting ( Jccurring sub:-.njucm lil .June 3tJ, 2! 11 t J_ \~_ 'J'hc (:<,urt sh:1ll rcc~.-i\·L· paym~.·nt for its C(lSb t'(Jr I!Hl-rprL"lLT "'--r\·in·:; as :-e1 f,Jnh in SL:ction :k. c. TIK' Court slull not h~: reimhur~!.:d until p:1pvr ,\-1 <J im·oJcc" :11Hi rorrt'S)1i )]lt\mg L·knronic lSi.-l);H;1 ;m: r~.-rcin·d :1nd appro\·t·d hy _\( )C, pursu.uH \() 1 he (, Jl!o\\·ing schl.'dulc: I) PapL"r ;\-19 im·uiccs and !SF Da1:1 rdlccting interpreted <1~:-.ignment~ DtTurring hct\\TcnJuly l, :~OW) and St.:ptcmhlT ,)0, 2flO!J, muq hL· rccl.'i\·nl hy lhc .\OC lltl later liLill :\m'l'mbn 1:1, 2f10t), 2) \>;tp<..-r .-\-19 im·oicc~ :tnd lSI: \):IU rctlcning imerprL'tcd as:-;igntlWlltS occurring between Cktolx-r I, 20(l9 and Dn·~.·mhcr ?>1, ~!l!l9, mu:-:..1 he rcccin·d h~-the.-\{ lC: no bt(.'r than Fchru<lry 1\ '.?.OIH. :)) P:1pcr .\-19 itwoicc:-> .1nd lSI· D:llil rdkcting intnprctnl :tssignnwtlt;;. occurring hl't\\"l'cnJ;lnu:try 1, ]()jtl and ).!Jrch ,10, 2!110. mu::-1 \)l'l\:cci\nl h~-the ,-\UC nu later than ~Ln 1-1, 2111<1. ·l) Paper;\-!() im·uic~.·s and !SF Dat-.1 rl'!ll·cting imnpr< .. 'tl"d .ts;;.ignmc!Hs t~ccmring ------------llt't-\\'"et'll----:\1 )fil-----l~~t--ll}-;-! Ht~l tillMtf' .?.I )--J-~ l;-llltts-t-i·)(_~f-t~tt~\'-t'-t-l-hy----f-1-1-t;-----;-\--(----)(~-l-l( t--1-rt~tf-" ----- than .-\ugu~t 13, 2t"l\ U. d. If thi:-; ;Igrcuncnt is rcrmin.IH:d, tht.: <:nun "h:dl ~ ml: r<..'et·l\·~-p:!~ llll'tlt fur p~.·rt'orm:ulct.· n:tH!t-n:d or Cll~t" incurrnlm .tn·(mLuln· \l.ith !he term::-uf !hi:-. :J.grn·mrnt prior HJ tiw l'fft.'Ctin~ d<Ht· uf tnmin.uion. '-·-ThL-C()urt ~dull, nu llllll"c frnJU1.."!ld~ th:m IniHHldy, ::;uhmit it:--p.~pl·r _\-]() 111\·oicc:-. to: _\( H: hnanci:1\ ~L'l"\"JCl':-. 1'\l llm -III-II 1 llm1[1ia, \\'a,hini-'""' 'JSol<·l 11--1, The \SF D:tla slulllw ::;uhmlltul~.·lt·nr~~nicalh to.\( H: Cnun ~'-'IYiccs .~'> dnn1hnl in p:ll"J_l!Llph Jb. t'. P:t~l11L'IH to rhc Court (or :tppro\Td :tnd cumpk:tt.·d \\·nrk \\·il! he tn:tLk h;, \\';ltT:i!H or ;tccount transf(:r h\-.\( lC within _)(l d.l\·s !d. rcn·ipt ol :t pmpnly-cnlllpktnl papL·r inYnict' :md tht.· cumpktt·d lSI--D:H:I. .e.. The Coun shallm.tmuin -.:ufticicnt b:wkup ducumcnr:ui\)n nf c:-.jwn-:L·:-' untkr thi-.:. :t _1..; rn: ll1l'll 1. h .. \( H:, in it-: soil' disnction and upon !ltd icc. m:n initLUL' rc\·l·nuv -.:lurill~! :tnd n.:a!l~~c:u~...· fm1llin,!.! am! ~ng c1 ~uns. I (it :tppc:tl':-' thL· Coun nu~-nol L':\j1L'Ild thL· nuximum \ern:mL·m :mlt'HHH, _\( )(: IlL\\' rL·ducc the nuximum ,\)-'rL·cn1L'nL :tm1 1Ufl!. .\< )( · nu\· incr1.::l..;.L" the m:r-.:imum -\~rn'tl1l:llt ;unount if :tdditiun:d fund-: ht.T!Jllh-' :n·:tiLtbk throu~h these rt:\-c!HH.: :-.luring pru\·1:-..ion:-.. G. ADDITIONAL INTERPRETER DATA ln :tddition to collecting and suhmiHing tiJ .\C )C thL· rnJuin.·d !SF D:tta in (Jrdvr \0 :-;upp()rt it:' t\.'t.jllL":'-t:-. for rt.·imhurst.'lllL'IH :ls ~ct (!mh in Scnl()n _)h ()f thi..; .-\~~l'L'L'Illl'Jll, the Court :t.t~rn·'-to documult t'"or .\()(:till: ;ttl lOUtH thL· ( :uurt :-pl·nt on intt:rprctcr :-otT\· icc:-frJr \-~~ h-nd;t r ~T;t r-.:. .1J It J -~ 1 h n >ugh :~t H JlJ, and (1 ~r 1 ht: firs! lu! ( ( ~~· ctk·nt Ltr ~-ct r :~1 I]! l (t h r( )ugh .I U!lt: .10, 20 W}. 7. LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE PI.AN(S) :\~a cundi1ion of tTC\:h·ing funding under rhis :\grecmcnt, the Court agn.TS tn imp!('tncnt :md maintain :111 :\( >C-:tpprmTd I ,;tngu:tge. \ssisLU1CL' PLm. 8. THEATl\lENT OF ASSETS AND PROPERTY '!'hl' _\( H: sh:1lliK tiH: fJ\\'l1t:r (,(an\· Jll(l all fixed :t:;sct" (\I' j1Cl':'I>!Ul pn)pt·rty if>itltly l>r cu~ •pt:r.H jy ek, :Kqui rnl, hl·ld. u~nl, t >r di.;po~L"d 1 d. pur-.:u:nll to 1 his . \:rL"l'llll'nt. BIGHTS IN D·~~-----------____ _ I. 'nk~s othcrwisc pn>Yidnl, d.lt:t \\·hich uri,l!,in:ttcs t'rom this .\~n·cnwm slull he '"works t'ur hire" as dd!ntd h:· tht' t·.s. Coj)yright .\c1 o( jt)~(J .md sh:lll lR· o\\-l11:d hy the.-\()(: D.lt.l :-'lull include. hut not he limitnlto, rq)o!'h. d,,l'UlllL·nb, !);H11phkt:-:, .Hh-cni~l'tlll'lll". b,Hlb. m:l.l~~~~inl~~. :'UlYC"y;;:, studic:-<. ClllllJHllcr pn1gram-:. film::., tapL"'. :tnd \-J\kt > ;tnd / ( 1r "(llmd rL·pn Hluc lion:-'. ( )wnn:-hip includl's the ri.~ht u 1 l'( ~p~ ri_L'_In, p;llt·nL rL·;.!_i~tt.·r. :md tlw .thili 1: ttJ tr:tn:-<t.cr t!K:'L' right:-<. ln the c\'vll! tlut :u1y ~11-thc tkli\·cr:lhk-.: under thi:-' .\~!rtT!lh'l11 itlcludt· !lLlll:ri·,d llCJt indudcd withm tl1~· dl'!-mni"n of"\1:orks for h1rc.'' 1hc (:!lllrt lwrd1\ ;t~:'Jgn~ >uch right;;:\\) the.\( H: ;1-.:. Cllll:'idcr.ttl!Jil f1!t' thi:' .\t.:rn·mull. l):u:t \\·hich is dcliH·ru.l undn thi~ .\).!.rn·mclll, hu1 \\·hich d(lv~ !llllllri~_;in:ttt· lliLTcfrum, :-hall hl· tLlll:-'fcnnlto the.\( H: \\-ith a ll!l!lC:\clu-:in·, nly:tlty-frn·. !!TL'\'ocahh: lirt.·nsc I(J publish, tunsLne, rq)nHIUCL', dcli\·cr, per(, >~Til, di:-<J)O:'L' of. :111d \() ;nllhtJri~t' ( llhl'r:-. to d1 1 -.:.1 ); Prm·itkd, th:ll .-.:uch !icl·n~c -.:.lui! lw \united 10 tilt' c:\lL'il! \\'hirh tlw Ct!tlrt h.l" :\right to grant :-;ucil :1 lin_·nSL'. The C1Hlrl :-hall .h_kise t!JL' _-\( lC:, :Jt 1 hl' tlllh: o( dcliYcry ut" tLtta furnished under this :\grLTmL·nt, of all kno\\"11 or potcnti;ll in\·a~i()n~ of pri\·;lry collt:tint·d therein :tnd of :m~-ponion of ~uch docunll'llt which \\·a~ nnt pn )duccd in t!K j'L'Jfurm:tnce of 1 hi~ :\gn:t·mcnt. The .-\( )(: shall l'L'Ccin: prumpt writtt·n notice of t':lCh notict· or cbim of copyright infringcmem n:ccin·d hy dJt' Coun with rt·~])LT! to any d:lt:t dcli\"l'rt·d u11dn this .\grccmL!ll. The .·\OC ~hall ha\T t!w right to modir,-or rc!llo\'t· anr rcs!l'lcti\T markings placed up1·)n the d:tta hy the (:,nlrt. 10. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY Thc L'mpJoy, .. :cs or agent:-; ot c:tch p.1n~ ,,-]w :tn: eng:t.~l'll in the p,:rform:tnce l)f this .\grcctncnt slu!l continue 1\) he employees ur :t~t·tHS of th:lt p:trt~ ;~nd :--h:dlnot he cun~idcrcd for any purpost: to he emplo~'L't'S or ~tgcn!" of 1hc t)tlwr p~trty. 11. AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS Thi~ :\grecment 1TU_\· hL" ;unet1lkd hy muw~d agrtTilJL·nt ot' tht· panic~ .. Such ~tml·ndmem~ shalliwl he binding unkss they arc in \\"l'iting :tnd ;-;.ignnl hy pn;-;.on1wl :1udwriznl \(,hind cJcb of thl~ parties. 12. RECORDS, DOCUM.ENTS, AND REPORTS The Court shall m·,tint;tin hook:-, rtcords, documcms ~md ()\her L'Yickncc (Jf ~lCcounting pron:durLs :-~nd practices \\'hich sufticiendy and propnly rdltTt ;til direct ~tnd indirect co::-ts of :m~· !l<Hure expended in the performance o( this :\gn:cmL!ll. These records shall hL subjtct at all rcasDnab!c times to inspt:ction, rn·ic\\', ur :tudit b~· pnsonnL"I duly authorized b~· the .-\OC, tlw Oltln: of the State .-\uditor, :md fcdcr;tl offici:t!s so ~\uthorired hy la\\·, rulL', regulation, (Jr :\grccmcnt. The CtJUrL \\·ill n:t:1i11 :1\1 bouks, n:curds, documl.'nts, <ltld other material rdc\·;uH to this :\gru:mcm for six yc;trs after :-;t·nkmcm, :lnd mak~: them :1\·aibhk for inspcnion hy-pcr:'ons .nnhorirt:d under thi:; proYisiotL ThL· Cuurt sh:dl pro\·ide right of :Kress to ih f:1cilitics ttJ tht· .\( )C:. or :m:· of it:> officers .. ()!' UJ :my other authorized agclll or ot'!lcia! ()f the st:ltt' t 1t' \\'a:;hm~HHl of tht· fnkLll gon:rnmcnt at all rcls,mablc times. in t>rder \1> tTH>nittlr ;tnd c\·,du:ttc ]WrftJrm:mce, com1'liance, and/ or tjualit~· :l::;.sur.uKc untlt-r this .\grccmcm. 14. DISPUTES Disputt·s ;trising under thi~ :\grct'llll'nt slull ht· rco..;oh-nl h~· :1 [l<lllL'lcnnsisting of tHll' rcprcscnt:llin·l·nlm the .\()C, cmc rcpre:-.cnlatin.· fromtht· (:,)lH"l, ;~nc\ a mutu:dly :t~rccd upCJn third p·,ut:·· The di~putc p:mc! s!ul! thl'rt:~tt'tcr tk-cidc the di:;[)U\c \\-i!h the nujtH·it~ prt·\-~liling. ~either p:ln~· sh:1ll h:l\'t' l'l:Cottrsv to the etJUrts unless tlwn· is :l ·dltl\\-ing oi' lliHlCompliancc r;r \\';ti\·cr t,f this sen ion. ~ 7-; . -[ ~. . IS. TER~IINATION 1:.ither p;my may 1crmin:ltc thi~ \gn.:cnwnt up,~n thm~ •:.1u~ d.n·:-\'.Tinen notict· tu the other JUrLy. If thi:o; :\L~,rtTillclll i.-> -:1! !t'nnin:ucd, the jHrtit·:< :du!llK li.1hlt· nnh· fnr p•:rr()nn;mcc ruHkred ur co~t:-. incurn:d in :~cntrtLmcc \\·ith the tcnn:-of dH:-.\~~_rn:tlH:nt prit ,r to tht· t·ftt·ctin· tl.llt' qf tcrmitl:ltioJI. !!,. GOVERNANCE Thi~ .\grt-cmt·nt is cntcn.:d into pur:'u:111t \t) .md untkr tlK :luth<•rily _L'.Ll!Hnl hy tht· Ltw:-. o( lhl· '1.\l~o_' Df \\':l:-;hington :mel any .q)p\icahh: ft·dvLd l:tw-... Tlw pr\ ,\·isi1 ,ns u( tht:-\~rt't·mcm :-.h·.dl be conqrut:'d to cunf!Jr!ll to tho:;c b,\-:'. In the L'\'t'llt of ·.111 inronsistctll"y in tlw ltTlll" l,f tl11s .\grcL'lllt'lll, t)l' hct\\'L'I.'!1 its terms :md :mr :1pp!icahk-st:llutc or ruk. the incon:;;i~tt:ncy shall he rcsokn! h~-!--!i\·ing prcn.:dcncc in the fo!lm\·ing order: .-\pjlliclhlc S!:ltc ,1nd fr·lk:r:d "':llutc.., ~ud rule~; Thi:-; .. \grt·cmcnt: :md .\ny othl"r prm+.;iotb of !lw <lgn_Ttlll'll!, includin,\!.. m;Ucri:ll:-; i11r1Jrp1 )L\lt·d hy rl.·fnL'!H"L'. 17. ASSIGNMENT The \\'ork io he proYidL·d unt!l'r thi~ :\gn..TtlH.'Il\, :md any claim ari~ing ht.TL'lllllil'l", i:-; not :ts:-.ignahlL' or ddegab!e h~ cithn party in whok· or in p:tn. \\·ithout the t.'xprcs" prior \\TI\ll"ll Ct>ll5("1H of th(' orhcr p:tny. \\·hich con~ull sh:tll not he unn.::t:;;on:thly withlll:ld. IX. WAIVER :\ faih.n·L·Iw eid1cr party to cxncise its right:-. under this .\L!,t\.:t"llh.·nl :.lull not pn:clulk th·.n p:trt~· from substL]Ul'nlt·xercisL· of such rights :~nd slu!! not coll~titutL' :1 waJ\"LT 1 ~r :my other right~ under this _\gn_·cmcnt unk~s SLlh:d tn he such in a writill~! si~.ncd h: ;1!1 :luthorizn.l reprL-:--l'llLtti\·L· of thl' p;trty ;md aLt;lchnl {q the ori>:inal .\gn.:cnKtH. 19. SE\'EHABILITY I( any pr,JYision of thi-; -\~...:rn_'\lh'1ll, iJr .1m· pn,,·j-;j,,n ,d· ~~ny dtJCt111Wtll inc(Jrp{JLttnl h\ rL·f~-.·rL·ncc shall he held im·:did. ~uch im-.didity ·:.lull nor :ll"f~..·cttht· uthcr pn1Yisil)ns ,)(this .\gt\~cmcnl \\'hich C;\11 h~.· gin:n L·f(cet \\·ith()ut the itw:did pnl\·isitlll .tnd 10 thi.;. L·nd !111.· prtJ\·i:-iun~ t ,f thi-. -\~.!rccmcm ~tl'c dccl:trn! It, LH.: SL'\·cr.tblc. 20. ENTIHE AGHEE~IENT Thi:, .\grc~.·mcm cunctins .dl thl·tnm~ :tnd C•lnditions ;t_;_:rt..·cd ll))O!l h\' 1hc paniL·s. :-\tl en her llll1.kT"Lll1ding:-::. 'lLtl or .-ll h-.:1wisc. rcg.ndiny, l he ~ uhi:.:ct m;tt tl·r 1 ,( ! his . \~; r~.·cmcnt shaH !w considered tu exist or 111 hmd :m•.-nt" th.._-p:tnt~.·s ltJ thh ;t.~I"L'l'llW!l! unkss ollwr\\'i"c sutcd in this .\t..;rL·~..:niL·nt. 'J'hL· prugum man:1gcr> nott:d h,:ll )\\" ~l1:tll be n::-~pon:'ihk (. 1r :md sh:dl h'"· 1hc r1 1!1\;lC! pt-r~~~n ~"• ,r all c1 n nmunict1 ions :md billings r'"·gardin~~ tlw pnt"1 1\"!11,\!lct· 1 > ( th!~ :\.'...':rn:l l1('llt; AOC Program J\tlanagcr: !(;\t rin J 1 dm..;r 111 1'1 J II<>' '111711 ( llympi.1, \'\'_\ 9K.=1U-f-ll-11 (:)()(I) --ll-l---10()2 _ _ .1_-:;_~-~--~J~LQJg!:~l _ _:;gp,_~l~--~~-~ ~ \!.-!:,l~;-\\' ~-~: t~~ ]_Y _ --r·c:-~;~,rt Progran1 :'\-1 ~~;~~;·g-~~-~;---- , Dchonh l lunr _\dmini~tr:l!lli" 21 (J Pn 1Spn·1 St P()n ( )rch.m.L \\ .\ WL1(J(J-:1.-l2(J _)(JO-X-{)-1-!l 1 d l1 1 t ~ 11 ((! ~~~iJ?~~~~~-~~-l_ty_h:l rd. \~~--l._u ~ u >'.Tin< :n >I( City Clerk