043-11 - Resolution - Repealing Resolution 044-10 and Allowing Planning Assistant to Remain FT through 2012Introduced by: Requested by: Drafted by: I ntroduced: Adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 043-11 HR Coordinator Ci ty Treasurer HR Coordinator December 13, 20 11 De cem b er 13, 2011 A RESOLUfiON OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON REPEALING RESOLUfiON NO. 044-10, AND AUfHORIZING THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT'S ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT REMAIN FULL-TIME THROUGH THE 2012 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, it is n ecessary for the city to periodically revi ew the du ties and r es pons ibilities of all employment positions, and WHEREAS, the Planning Department's Admi nis trative As sist ant pos ition continued full-tim e o nl y through the 2011 fis ca l yea r and WHEREAS, co ntinuing the Planning Depa1tme nt's Administrative Assistant posi tio n as full-time through the 2012 fis cal yea r will s ig nificantly continue to b en efit and m ax imize the efficiency w ithin the Pla nning Department; n ow the r efo r e, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: Resolution No . 044-10 of t h e City of Port Orchard is hereby repeal ed in its entirety. THAT: The Planning Department's Administrative Assistant position v.rill rema in full- time, including salary a nd b enefits through the 2012 fiscal year. PASS ED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard, SIGNED by ijp by the City Cl erk in authentication of s uch passage this 13th day of ece1 .B~